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After completing the Strengths Finder 2.

0 assessment, I learned that my personal, top 5

strengths are (in this order) as follows:
Being ​Analytical ​is defined by Gallup as someone who ​searches for reasons and causes.
They have the ability to think about all of the factors that might affect a situation. I exhibit an
analytical personality everyday at school by questioning things that at first do not make much
sense to me in an attempt to derive a true answer or cause to a problem. I see being analytical as
a passion to solve problems and a need to understand. I showed this through my second
internship experience when I would work relentlessly to solve problems I was having with the
Computer Aided Design program I was learning how to use. It was tiresome and slow because it
was like learning a new language but my desire to understand and overcome outweighed my
My second strength, ​Strategic​, fits hand in hand with my first strength, analytical. I have
the desire to understand and search for reason, but I must do so ​strategically​ as to make efficient
use of my time, which, ironically, is strategic within itself. Strategic people are said to​ ​create
alternative ways to proceed. Faced with any given scenario, they can quickly spot the relevant
patterns and issues. I see this strength within myself most prevalently through my love of
strategy games, puzzles, design problems, and math. I use strategy in almost everything I do and
at this point, strategy is compulsory for me. I most recently made use of this skill by efficiently
routing HVAC through a large building at an internship with a mechanical engineering firm.
This routing requires strategic physical placement but also cost effective placement as well.
Moving away from strategic themed strengths, ​restorative​ is a strength defined by
execution of problem solving. Not only am I good at using strategy and analytical skills to come
up with solutions, but I’m effective at recognizing and acting on problems. I can see this skill
show inside me because I’m quick and attentive. I’m also deliberate and logic-oriented which
helps me in the real world to disregard emotion and execute solutions with precision and
accuracy unclouded by what others might think of me. Most recently, in a tutoring session, I was
having trouble teaching a classmate how to solve a math problem. I proceeded to tear apart the
problem, solve it backwards, and then put the pieces back together in my head before effectively
communicating the solution to my friend.
My fourth strength is ​learner, ​which should make sense considering I have a desire to
uncover causes and reasons with my first, ​analytical​ strength. The truth is I’m always looking to
learn something new, and it's the reason I’m taking the Young Professional’s Academy course.
Conversely, one of my passions is then teaching those things I love to learn to anyone who will
listen and can be seen through my countless teaching jobs and tutoring sessions.
Lastly, my fifth strength is ​competitive​, and it can be easily seen that I like to “measure
my progress against the performance of others”. My first four strengths combine to make a
person who wants to learn, solve, and improve, so why not do it faster than the person next to
me? My competitive nature can be most easily seen in the work environment when faced with a
challenge against another person. Competition is one of my greatest motivators which is why
it’s a strength and not a weakness. However, I find it even more satisfying to compete and beat
my former self, whether it be creating a faster method or improving a process so I get the job
done quicker!

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