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II Test History of Translation Group EF181TR Name, surname Leașcenco Ion

I. Identify the difference between sworn/ authorized/ certified translators. Name some
of the institutions that offer the “authorization” for translation. (6p)
A sworn translator is person who has been appointed and authorized by a court (in some
countries the Ministry of Justice or Foreign Affairs appoints these translators, different from
country to country) and is therefore able to issue sworn TRs.
An authorised translator is an expert who has the right to carry out authorised translations of
public documents. An authorised translation maintains the legal force of the original document
and is used as a tool for example in legal proceedings etc.
A certified translator -a translator who has passed the requisite certification exam administered
by a professional TR organization (such as the American Translator Association).
Ministry of Justice (Czech Republic,Estonia, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania),
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Malta, Spain) or specialised government agency (Denmark,
II. Name 4 drawbacks of the online activity of the translators. Add 4 recommendations
for translation online.
 First of all, technical problems can occur during online translation, the translator
will not be able to hear the idea or some words.
 the interaction or visual contact between the client and the translator is missing
 Another disadvantage may be that the translator is not focused enough or may
even be interrupted by family members.
 Another reason is the lack of high-performance technical equipment, microphone,
laptop, stable internet connection, headphones and many other aspects.
 Buying all the high-performance technical elements necessary for a successful
 The translator must be isolated in its own room, to avoid uncomfortable noises.
 It would be good for the translator and the client to turn on the cameras to make a so-
called eye contact and it would be good for the translator to understand the client's ideas.
 It would be good for a translator to have his own office or a consultant who will help him
in case of something.

III. Name 4 International Translation Bodies. Do you agree that women are discriminated
in translation or not? (Exemplify it).
 the 2 Directorates General for Translation of the European Commission
 the European Parliament
 The TR Centre for the Bodies of the EU based in Luxembourg, which serve the EU
 The World Association of Sign Language Interpreters
In general, I believe that no discrimination should be present in the 21st century, especially in the
field of translation. In my opinion, before, women, especially authors, used other names and
especially women were forbidden to translate different works at different times, especially
ideological or religious texts. Even today, women translators often gain notoriety for their
translations of children's and young people's literature. In the past, women in translation were in
the shadows, but nowadays everything changes, women are not discriminated against, but on the
contrary they represent a majority of all translators, about 70% and I think this shows their
ability and intelligence during the translation process.
IV. Analyse the activity of translators within the EP and EC (languages, activities,
organisations) (10p)
Commission translators and translators of the European Parliament are required to translate
political, legal administrative and web texts — usually into their main language. These are
frequently complex and encompass all the European Union's areas of activity (economic,
financial, scientific, technical, etc.). The main procedural languages are (English, German,
French). Also, the translators of the EC interact practically with the European organizations
(European Parliament, European Council).

V. Translate the following paragraph on Translation of Human Rights (10p)

During the last 3 years we have translated approximately 5 million words in the human rights
field and we provided interpretation services at several high level European and international
events. Due to our considerable experience in this field, we have developed an extensive
database of appropriate terminology and glossaries in many languages. We cooperate with
several international organisations, such as the Open Society Justice Initiative, the International
Organisation for Migration, the C&A Foundation, several agencies of the United Nations, and
many more. Our translators are experts in human rights and development issues. Most of them
have worked in these fields, or studied law and human rights. This way we ensure that our
translations are of the highest quality. All our translations are proofread by a second translator.
As a final step, each translation is checked by the Quality Controller. We have human rights
translator teams in all EU languages and in many non-EU languages, such as Latin American
Spanish, Arabic, Hebrew, Russian, Hindi, Turkish, Urdu, Georgian, Farsi and many more.

În ultimii 3 ani am tradus aproximativ 5 milioane de cuvinte în domeniul drepturilor omului și

am furnizat servicii de interpretare la mai multe evenimente europene și internaționale de nivel
înalt. Datorită experienței noastre considerabile în acest domeniu, am dezvoltat o bază de date
extinsă de terminologie și glosare adecvate în multe limbi. Cooperăm cu mai multe organizații
internaționale, precum Open Society Justice Initiative, Organizația Internațională pentru
Migrație, Fundația C&A, mai multe agenții ale Națiunilor Unite și multe altele. Traducătorii
noștri sunt experți în domeniul drepturilor omului și a problemelor de dezvoltare. Majoritatea au
lucrat în aceste domenii sau au studiat dreptul și drepturile omului. Astfel ne asigurăm că
traducerile noastre sunt de cea mai înaltă calitate.

Toate traducerile noastre sunt corectate de un al doilea traducător. Ca ultim pas, fiecare traducere
este verificată de către Controlorul de calitate. Avem echipe de traducători pentru drepturile
omului în toate limbile UE și în multe limbi non-UE, cum ar fi spaniolă latino-americană, arabă,
ebraică, rusă, hindi, turcă, urdu, georgiană, farsi și multe altele. 

VI. Give the summary translation of the video from the following link:

John Evans lucreaza ca traducător pentru Comisia Europeana și știe foarte bine limbile engleza,
franceza și spaniola. Pentru dânsul posedarea unei limbi reprezinta un efort si cunoasterea unei
culturi noi. El crede că un adevarat traducator trebuie sa aiba cunostintele lingvistice bune pentru
a realiza o traducere impecabila, in plus, el este un traducator ce a comunicat cu multi oameni, ce
a calatorit mult si prin acesta el isi dezvolta cunostintele generale. In trecut, el lucra la Serviciul
Public Britanic, insa el dorea ceva mai mult si cu perspectiva. A lucrat cativa ani in Elvetia, apoi
in Luxemburg 6 luni si o luna in Spania. Toate acestea experiente, pentru John nu reprezentau o
mutare cu scopul de a gasi un loc de munca, ci de a descoperi oameni si gandiri noi. Dacă posezi
limba spaniolă, îți deschide ușile nu doar Spaniei, ci și Americii Latine sau în multe alte locuri.
El fost nevoit sa se dezvolte prin invatarea a mai multor limbi si la moment invata
poloneza,lituaniană si are dorinta de a invata si limbi exotice ca coreeana sau japoneza.

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