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V~LUME 18, No. 37

Lawson Yow and Julia Poorman Announced as ,:,t. lVlargaret's School Wins Davismen Turn Defeat Into Victory, Down-
Philadelphia Track Crown
Spectator Winners of Nellie M. Wetherill Award at School ing Paoli 9-5 for Seventh Straight Win
The young athletes of St. Marga-
We wonder who can provide, free- ret's Sehool, Narberth, won the Phila- Straw Vote on Merger ,II Thrills a.Plenty Provided Fans
Presentation Made by Mrs. W. Summer .School Opens
gratis-without-charge, a very great 11 delphia dbtdct track and field title of Now Stands 290 to 66 I as N arb ert h 0 verh au Is
many song sheets, for distribution G. Briner, New President an Borough on July
parochial schools last Saturday at Sl. Twenty-five more votes were added I Defending Champs
among the thousands who will no of P. T. A. The summer session of the N ar-
doubt congregate, as in previous Joseph's College Stadium in a meet
berth School will open on' July 11 during the past week to the total of SCORED SIX RUNS IN 6TH
years, on the Borough Playground, as, OTHER AWARDS MADE and continue for five weeks till Au- sponsored by the Knights of Colum- those opposed to the merger of the
once again, we observe the anniver- gust 6, it was announced this week by bus. Borough with Lower Merion Town- By JOHN MULLIGAN
sary of the Nation's birth and draw Lawson Yow and Julia Poorman Principal W. James Drennen. It will The victory of St. Margaret's was ship, while but six were received indi- People attend baseball games for
on precious memories of the past for were announced as winners of the be conducted six days a week by stu- llcored without a single first place, but cating approval of the step.
various reasons. Some like to wit-
the hope, courage, and inspiration Neilie M. Wetherill award at the dents of the School of Education at The vote in the poll being taken by
which America needs as she copes consistent placing in the various ness a pitchers' battle, others are ex-
Narberth Public School last Friday. the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. "Our Town" now stands at.290 oppos-
with the depressing things which ev- The award, created by Miss Weth- Drennen requests that parents who events turned the tricl;;. The Nar. ed and 66 for the merger. The pel'· cited by being on hand when one club,
erywhere abound. erill, for many years a teacher in the wish their children to attend and have berth School topped its nearest com- centage of those opposed to the pro- or maybe both, are in a hitting mood
Narberth Schools, .is made on the not sent in cards to that effect com- petitor by one and one-half points, posal is now 81% of those voting, or and baseballs are slipped to all cor-
<e> ~ ~
basis of outstanding citizenship and municate with him at the school of- winning the meet with a score of H.
The affair will have particular sig- a majrity of over 4 to 1. ners of the park. However, no mat-
nificance this year because of the service, together with high scholar- fice. The session is conducted for the
ship and moral conduct. . Dr. Steckbeck Re-Elected as Those wh~ ha~e not yet vot~d m~y ter which way you figure it out, every-
Washington Bi-Centennial, and the benefit of those pupils who have fail- do so by fillIng 111 the coupon 111 thIS
more attention we pay to that great The presentation was made by Mrs. ;!d in any subjects or those who wish I
School Board Treasur~r issue and depositing it at Davis' or
body likes the uncxpected. This not
only is true in baseball but in life it-
man the more we shall realize the tre- W. G. Briner, newly-elected president to strengthen themselves in any par- --- I the Post Office or mailing it to "Our
mendous debt which all generations of of the Parent-Teacher Association. ticular subject. Dr. Walter Steckbeek was re-elect- Town." self. And the point of all this is that
Americans owe to him, and that's not The Dr. Benjamin Rush Chapter, I'd treasurer of the Narberth School Narberth gave the fans more thrills
D. A. R, award for excellence in Board at its June meeting last Friday
a platitude, either.
I~ighth Grade American HistorYl was
Honors Announced night. Other officers of the Board Two Tight Tilts S~turday in defeating Paoli 9-5 for
<e> <e> <e> vIctory No.7 than the donating pub-
hold over, their terms not expiring
We also heard that the coming won by Archie Sparks. It was pre-
sented by Mrs. Frederick T. Van Au-
at Narberth School at this time.
Lost by N arberth i iiI' had enjoyed in many a moon.
Fourth marks the 100th anniversary I The final score itself fails to tell
of the first public singing of "Ameri- ken, a former member of the School The appointment of 1. B. Knoll as
Board. School Honors for Year and for Eighth Grade science, metal work and Homer Decides One U. Darby: the real story. Gene Davis' gang of
ca," and if that is true it affords an-
The American Legion award, which Sixth Period Given Out mechanical drawing teacher was ap- Game, Base Hit Needed apple maulers showed John Public
other reason why our holiday this
was presented on Memorial Day, was by Principal proved by the Board. A graduate of for Other just why they are one of the most
year should be regarded as of primary feared aggregations in the Main Line
importance. won by Dan Hess and Helen Chubb. Millersville State Teachers' College,
Honors for the sixth period of the Mr. Knoll has been doing work to- By JOHN MULLIGAN League by putting on a sixth inning
o <e> ~
The School Merit awards, the high-
Narberth dropped two tough ball rally in the face of certain defeat
Mindful' of the fact that not every- est school honor which is given to the school year and for the entire year ward his degree at Carnegie Tech
games during the week, both to Upper that sent the fans into a frenzy of
body is able to stand around for the boys and girls who in the mind of the were announced this week at the Nar- and Penn State.
berth Public School by Principal W. Darby, 9-8 and 5-3. e~citement.
ceremonies, chairs in selected places principal and faculty best display the
spirit of citizenship and service, to- .J ames Drennen. Since Monday's game was a Del- Paoli's representatives came to the
wiJI be reserved for those who ought
gether with superior scholarship, were Those winning school honors, based
Rotarians Frolic • • Mont loop engagement, it caused Nar- Playground with no great record to
to have them, and a request of that
nature to Mr. McCrery, when you presented to the following pupils by Oil yearly averagl's, for 1931-32, arc in Annual Picnic II berth's stock to drop in said whirl. boast of, even though they are defend-
send your little check to him, is sure Principal ,V. James Drennen: as follows: while the WedneSday night battle ing champions of the circuit. On the
Sixth Grade - Donald Dcaves, FIRST HONORS . means that Narberth, temporarily at other hand the Davismen had an un-
to receive the careful attention of the I3 aseb a II , H orses h oes an d T enms I east, IS . out of first place . 111 the, Mam 1'1u emls • h cd record and sought to keep
gentlemen of the Legion who will be Charles Timm, Dora Enz, Billy Fur- Eighth Grade - Nelson Bucher,
ber, Marie Tapp, Kathryn Bai1c~', Archie Sparks, Lawson Yow, Helen Feature Afternoon of Line L"ague, and that Bryn Mawr it so. Imagine the disappointment of
the hosts of the evening. Exercise 1l0W reigns supreme. the town diamond devotees when the
1\1~'rtle Hagel', Julia Rossetti, Lucy Brock, Helen Chubb, Eunice Griswold,
<e> <e> 's> Censore. .J e~l11 Harkness, Julia Poorman. The Davismen trailed Eddie Hare's Umbach organization went right to
And speaking of checks, it is hoped Seventh Grade-Harrison Berry, Some twenty members of the Bala- club hopelessly in the Del-Mont game, work and ran up a 5-1 lead bv the
there wiJI be quite a handsome re- Seventh Grade-Harrison Bcrl'~',
then started a rally in their last tum third inning, all the while haviu'"g lit-
sponse to the requests which went out Jack Schwabanland, John Krout, Vir- David h.l'eher, John Krout, Sam 1\1e- Cynwyd.Narberth Rotary Club woke
Cartlwy, Sam Pruitt. up Wednesday morning with sore at bat that had the crowd in a frenzy, till trouble with Pitcher Bud Walker,
this week to all of the elect, as the ginia Bossert, Sam McCartney, Jane
ChiIlas, Julia Hess, Betty McConnell, Sixth Grade-William Furber, Roll'. ~1Uscles and a pronou.nced tired feel. and acknowledged defeat only when new southpaw twirler of the Borough
project certainly warrants the help of er Graham, Charles Timm, Dora Enz, mg. The annual outmg of the club they couldn't muster a base hit when forces.
those who can possibly. afford it, an Dick Boileau, Betty Lou Nold.
Marie Tap]>. ! was held on Tuesday. one would have broken up the ball Narberth tabbed one run in the in i-
altogether !'plendid evening, apd whO Eig'hth Grade-Eleanor Briner game, since two runners were 011 base tial inning and after that sat back
Nelson Bucher, Allan Worn·ll, lleb; Fifth Grade-Donald Claghorn,' 'As guests of Barclay L. Jones,
wants to look in on a show provided and three already had crossed the and seemed willing enough to ac-
Brock, Wayne Deaves, Jean Harkness, Ernest Bailey, Virginia DeHart, Bet. headmasLel' of the Friends' Central
by another fellow when the cost is plate. Imowledge defeat, since a youngster
calculated to be defrayed by every Joseph Perry, Donald Vogts, Anita ty Grace, Dick Graham, Myra Markle, School, the service club men made
Billy Morhard, Alan Munro, Charles strcnuou:; usc of thll ba3eball field, The other contest was a heart- named Al Willard was puzzling them
fellow and his wife, and also those McFarland, Eunice Griswold, Mary
breaker, all right. For five of the no end with a slow hook He had
who' ain't got neither? Nulty, Eunice Caldwell, Lois Enz, Palmer, Dow Pruitt, B.:tty Raser, Ja- horse-shoe pitching arena aud tennis whiffed three consecutive men in the
Bett~· Murray.
net Stringfield, Ruth Wohlert, Sue courts. The affair, which began at seven sessions it was anybody's ball
<e> <e> <e> game, with the home team holding a third after Howdy Powell had drawn
That does not mean, however, that Certificates of perfect attendanc...· Wilson, BiIly Wentz, Shirley Vincent. three o'clock, was the prelude to a
Fourth Grade _ Meredith Munns, supper at the Overbrook Golf Club, in measly 3-2 lead as Upper Darby pre- a pass and Walter MacGregor had
the citizen who cannot possibly make wcre awarded to pupils who were
pared for their sixth turn at bat. pushed him around to third with a
the grade, on account of the pressure neither tardy nor absent during the Bill Carroll, Jane King, Mary Louise which the wives of the members single. Barney Slaughter, Bob Gil-
which is on him, should not come term. Those who already held cer- Paul, Dorothy BOl:ricke. Anita Good- joined. George Gallagher, sensational fillan and Cliff Mooney, three of the
tificates were awarded seals. rich, Christine Hackman, Louise John. A lively game of "movin's up" was shortstopper of the Haremen, walked Borough's hardest hitters, approach-
around. In such a case, the will should ston, Paul Blakeman, Albert Ceder- the principal attraction in the after- up to the plate and promptly poled a cd the plate and walked back to the
be regarded as par with the way, and Those receiving awards were:
"welcome one and all" shall be the Sixth Grade-Certificate;;, Robert strom, Dorothy Furber, Dorothy Sny- noon. Several members who had not long home run with two men on base, bench again after doing no damage
slogan, but pay if you can, surely, and Tyson, Donald Draves, Iris Goodrich, riel', Jean Tripician. II touched a bat, ball or glove in many
sending the State Roaders out to a to anything but their batting average.
Kathryn Bailey; seals, Peggy SbUll, SECOND HONORS ~'ears chalkE:d up home runs and stol-
so you will, no doubt. two-run margin, which was too much Then the sixth inning fireworks!
Eighth Grade-Wayne Deaves, Dan Iln bases with an energy which belied
~ ~ <e>
David Duncan, Billy Burrowes. for the homesters~ even though they Mooney popPl'd to the keystone, but
Those lads who are still getting the Seventh Gradc-C~rtificates, Betty Hess, John Klum, Dwight Mackell, their rustines<;. A few, whose slen- lo~ded the. bags I~ their final turn Doc "Mule" Walker slapp~d a single
breaks should come across with a fiv- Lou Nohl, Jane Nash, Julia Hes·, Sam George Miller, Carroll Palmer, Joe del' figures had given way to the ad- WIth the wlllow. ~Itcher Joe Maguire and Harry King, getting the spirit
er, as there will be many gaps to Pruitt, Francis Bos"one, Dl'a~'tOI1 Perry, Donald Vogts, Allan Worrell, vancing ~'ears, contented themselve!' was called on to pItch plenty well be-. of the moment socked a hard double
bridge and five from one will offset Bennllr; seals, Sam McCartney, Ed- Eleanor Briner, Lois Enz, Anita Mc- with maintaining a conservative posi- fore the last man was retired, and: Then another' one-bagger by B d
five from none, whilst ten will be mund Bossone, Mary Alice Krauskoll. Farland, Louise Mcgee, Betty Mur- tion in the outfield. thus Narberth .slipped slowly and re- Walker admitted two runs and t~e
twice that much, as you can see. Eighth Grade-Certificates, Helen ray, Joe King. Following showers and the assump-
luctantly back mto second place. fans began to stir excitedly. Diminu-
Chubb, Anita McFarland, Peggy Mc- ::leven!th Grade-Richard Boileau, tion of more formal garb, the group
<e> <e> <e> . The score by innings Monday tive Harry Francis banged out an-
Cafferty, George Esslinger, Dan Hess; E:dmund Bossone, Robert Caroll, Nor- joined the feminine members of the mght: other safety as Pitcher Willard looked
Realtors and bachelors are asked to
!'coals, Roll Phillips, Wayne Deaves, \lIan Egolf, DeHaven Grace, Ronald family and proceeded to enjoy the Upper Darby ' 0 1 1 3 2 2 0-9 anxiously toward the Narberth bench,
please give their shirts on account of
Paul Tapp, Peter Fennimore, Jack Paige, Emil Roesler, John Schwaben- annual ladies' night of the club. Some Narberth 0 0 0 0 0 5 3-S and when Francis became trapped be-
the new tax bill not affecting them land, James Spinelli, Michael Spinel- snappy piano music, the presentation
Weir. Wednesday's game: tween first and second, Bud Walker
at all. Ii, Charles Viguers, Virginia Bossert, of several gifts, and a mock trial
o <e> <t> Jane Chillas, Julia Hess, Mary A. constituted the entertainment. Narberth 0 0 0 2 0 1 0-3 1 edged up the baseline, then made a
D. A. R. Bridge Today
Harry Simpson is arranging for
The Dr. Benjamin Rush Chapter of Krauskop, Nancy MacKenzie Betty Mrs. Ralph S. Dunne, wife of the Upper Darby , 0 0 1 0 1 3 x-5 bee-line for the plate and made it.
the fireworks and his first report is McConnell, Betty L. Nold.' . retiring president of the club, was The crowd went wild with glee. How-
N. S. D. A. R will hold a benefit gar- dy Powell drove in Francis later with
to the effect that this year's display Sixth Grade - Billy Aiken, Wills presentrd with a pocketbook; Mrs.
den and bridge party at the hom~ of Dr. Boericke Elected Head
a bingle and two more final runs
will just be about the finest ever, a
Mrs. John C. Nash, 80 Wynnedale Burrowes, Sam Clevenger. Burton James D. Moore, who has composed of Institute of Homeopathy dented the plate on a hard poke off
startling array of gorgeous mastllr- Davis, Donald Deaves, William Don- the presentation verses during the
avenue, Narberth, this Friday after Barney Slaughter's bat.
pieces, the likes of which you never
noon at 2 P. M. The charge is 50 aldson, Clarence Griffis, Dick Hopkins, past year, was in turn given a pres- Dr. Garth W. Boericl\C, of 525 Kcn-
saw before, bewildering beauty which Law Lindsay, James Meredith, George ':nt-a pair of silk stockings, accom- (ContlnuE'd on Page Four)
cents and reservations may be made ilworth road, Merion, has been elect-
simply staggers imagination, and the . i
with Mrs. Nash. A cordial invitation Morhard, Robert Rowley, Bob Wilmot, ])anied by a verse from the pen of J. ed president of the American Insti-
life and deeds of General Washing-
is extended to the members of the Gordon Wilson, Elinor Abel, Kathryn Bedford Wooley. Alexander J. Esrey, tute of Homeopathy. His electioll Main Line Scout Tl'OOpS
ton will afford the motif of many of who joined the hole-in-one club a cou- took place at the Institute's conven·
(·ommunity. (ContInued on Page Six) Place in District Camporee
them. ple of weeks ago, was presented with tion held in Washington, D. C., last
<e> <e> <e> a loving cup, consisting of painted \\'e~k.
Winners in the Boy Scout Campo-
Music and singing will be on a more inscriptions on a tin pitcher.
lavish scale than ever and it will be Founding of Lower Merion Academy 120 Dr. Boericke is profl'ssor and head ree, held by troops of the Main Line,
A mock murder trial completed the of the department of materia medica
Eastern and Norristown sections of
evening. Dr. Romaine C. Hoffman. and therapeutics at Hahnemann Medi-
quite some hosannah when 10,000 lus-
ty throats bestir the night winds with
Years Ago to be Comnlemorated on Fourth chosen as the murderer, was under cnl College, Philadelphia.
the Delaware and Montgomery Coun-
ties District on the Mattison Estate
their strident salutations. some difficulties. He picked as his He was graduated from the medical Ambler, were announced recently. '
Old Structure in Cynwyd Founded With Trust Fund of 800 victim J. L. McCrery, who obstinate-
~chool of the University of Michigan Wynnewood Troop, No.1, was the
Something should be said about Pounds; Teachers Collected Pay From Students ly refuscd to die when strangled in in ] ms and for a time was l~n in-
only Main Line winner of the Stan-
money matters, as it would not appear Boarding With Parents ' the dark. R. L. Watrous, who was structor in materia medica ther:'.
dard A certificates and camping me-
that part has been mentioned, and so next attaded, gave up the ghost with Later he was professor of materia dallions. Standard B certificates were
all and sundry are most respectfully Plans fOI' a July Fourth ccleb1'll- try's public school system. His deep- appropriate screams. W. Russell 111:'dica and therapeutics in the Uni-
won by Bala-Cynwyd Troops Nos. 1
informed that a dollar or two should tion have been made by repl'esenta- seated concern for the welfare of Green had little difficulty in convict- versity of California medical school and 2; Merion, No.1; Haverford, No.
be contributed by every man and tives of BCt/a-CYI1.wyd's com11l1tnity young people and his anxiety that ing the murderer. and since 1927 has been head of that 1, and Narberth, No. 1. Bala, No.1,
woman who can possibly manage it, orgcc.nizatiolls, to be held at the Cyn- their education should include more department at Hahnemann. won a Standard C rating in this con-
and those who do give a dollar or wyd School, Levering Mill 1'oad and than the three R's, led to the setting Playground Season Opens Dr. Boericke is the author of a test, held between over two hundred
two (aye, we'lI not be sore, if you Bryn Mawr a·venue. Included in the aside of eight acres of his farm and July 5; Assistants Named number of bouchures on medical sub- scouts, representing twenty-two
send more) will receive their ac- program will be a· brief pageant CO1/!- an 800-pound trust fund. when he jects and of a text book on materia troops.
knowledgements and applause in the memora·ting the founding, 120 yeal'/l died in 1807. When the trust became The season at the Narberth PlaY- l11edica used at Hahnemann and other
columns of "OUR TOWN" next week, ago, of the Lowel' Merion Academy, valuable, trustees carried out his in- ground will open officially on July' 5 medical schools.
not that you need that sort of thing Meet at Mrs. Breerwood's
which still stands. For the following structions, and in 1812 erected the and continue until the last day of A11- The Literature Group of the Wom-
at all, but chiefly because we cannot informa·tion about this old Main Line Lower Merion Academy. gust, Dr. LeRo~T A. King, president Lightning Strikes Chimney en's Community Club of Narberth
indefinitely work in the dark and con- landml'/rk, the write I' is indebted to At that time the farthest output of of the Recreation Board, announced The chimney and roof of the home held a meeting on Tuesday afternoon
tinue to get things done. Dora Harvey Develin and Luther C. the West was Fort Dearborn, Illinois. this week. of E. C. Griswold, 1 Chestnut ave- at the home of Mrs. Charles Breer-
<e> <e> <e> PU1·sons. Public schools were not to be founded The activities will again be in nue, Narberth, was struck by light- wood, on Elmwood avenue. The next
Modesty is not always served by be- By THOMAS A. ELWOOD in the United States until 1867. charge of Allan B. Weatherill, phYFi. ning during the storm last Friday meeting of the group will be held on
ing inconspicuous, if you know what.
The Academy was a genuine one cal director of the Narberth Public afternoon. The bolt shattered th~ July 6 at the }'IOme of Mrs. Walter J.
we mean. The girl who wears stock- Jacob Jones, a Friend, born 1713, with a classical course. It was a School, assisted by Charles McGowen chimney and damaged plaster in one Odiorne, 321 Merion avenue, at 1.30
(Continued on Page Three) anticipated by many years this coun- (ContlnueQ on Page Three) and Miss Florence Miesen. room, but did not cause a fire. P. M.
OVR TO\V/N 24, 1932

Speaking of summer, excursions two periods of the month by 5000 new

The Literary Inquest Shreds &' Patches BUSINESS BITS II
are being advertised here this week cars and trucks. "This is all the
by the Pennsylvania Railroad and more encouraging," Mr. Kirsch sa:d,
A Co-operative Community 1-{ewspaper. "because every new car represents the
founded in 1914 by the Narberth Civic Conducted by Prominent Speaker Several good shows at the Narberth Greyhound bus lines.. " . And the F. equivalent of 71 days of work for peo-
Association. and published every Friday
'10.1 b rth P
at "ar e • a.
I Richard Powell
All the nice old reviewers are going
candidate for the Presidency of
Theatre this week; during warm A. Bartlett Tree Expert Co. adver-
,~eather matinees are being. given tises its spraying service to stop the
ple scattered throughout the United
- - -
Philip .A t lee L!\'l..gston, Puhlisher ,to don their Santa Claus beards and the United States came and spoke an d'l h
~I y; t e ma?agement is getting some I Japanese beetles' ruinous invasion.
States, People able to afford new
cars are now, we hope, coming intl>
Robel't :'lulIl'e Call'''I'on, Editor' praLe Kathleen Coyle's "The French the Main Line last week Tuesday eve, hlce new chair covers. I Christian Kirsch, of the Kirsch
Anne l\Io .. ""n Huh"dS. SMla 1 I~dltor I Husband" (New York: E. P. Dutton. ning. He was greeted by an audience John Drizin's store, we are inform-I Chevrolet C:;., Bala avenue, headquar- the market in the realization that one
of the biggest single contributions
Thoma>, .\, 1~lwouJ, Advertising Manager II $2,5.0), for if the public taste that which taxed the seating capacity of ed, closed because shoe manufactur- ters for Bala-Cynwyd and Narberth they can make to national business
--- N rb rth ll1ad~ Anne Green's "The Selbys" a the hall. He is a leading publicI'st ers shut off his credit, at a very in-I Chevrolet sales and service, gives an recovery is to buy their new cars
Telephone- Haverford Ave.,
oerth 2545; .. 110 a""swer,
e b .s t s.. II er th ree ycars ag() remaIns,. d convenient time. At the recent sale', encouraging opinion about business
' b .joK WI'11 b e a succe~s. Review- an writer, a man of sound education, of stock and fixtures, several odds and conditions. He says that thl'oughout now."-(By T. A. E.)
Ardmore 3100
't h J3
ers are notoriously humble before suc- strong intellect and long experience in ends were bid in by other storekeepers the ccuntry 85 per cent. more Chevro-
Subscription price___ ,2 per year In advance cess. If we dIssent . from the lauda- por'ItJca I campaIgnmg.
.. Yet the Phila- here. lets were sold at retail in April than
Ellte,'," as se 'JlIlI-c!n,," lI1atter Octo- tory chorus, it is because we would delphia newspapers practically ig- I
Howard F. Cotter and his son, Jack, in .March, that April sales w.ere 6000
ber 13, 1:'1 I, at the Post Olf.,'e at Nar- hate to see Mrs. Coyle rest content nor.:d him. The reason fOI' that I'S of left Wednesday night for a month Ul1lts greater than production, and
b e rt.l.. J 'a .. u,"1er the Act of !\Iarch 3. 'I with her present work.
1S 79
course due to the fact that he is abroad. They plan to visit France 'I that sa!es in the l~st ten-day period I
Briefly, the plot concerns the mis- and Germany, seeing some of the of AprIl exceeded either of the other
· th a t arIse
. bet ween an Norman Thomas, the socialist. He places missed by Mr. Cotter last sum-I 'I
Friday, June 24, 1932 I
und e r s t an d I~gS
American gIrl a~d h~r French hus- spoke at Roberts Hall, Haverford col- mer when he attended the Rotary,
band throug~ t~elr dIvergent nation-liege, and what he had to say was convention in Vienna. During his' M0 RE

The Starling : al characterIstics. Mrs. Coyle fol-, rather strong medicine for any com- father's absence, Howard, Jr., is hand· I During Summer
T . , .
\\ hen the shootmg: of s'arllllg"s Ish
I lows the modern FI'anco-American I .
c 00 I (of w h'IC h E rnes t H I
emmgway placent mmded person t() hear. Yet, . mg
r th e sore
' ff' .
s a" ails. GOOD months, be particular in buying
was recommended sc\"eral wccks I leads the left WiIlg and .Tulian Green as things are now, the socialists are ~rroll. rothers pleat markct. IS I
your meats from d 'alers who have
ago hy Isaac R. Pem:ypa('krl', of I the right) in blending American hu- comparatively a conservative party. i tmovthmg diagonall Y across the, street
" , • . _ . I 0 e store next d 001' to DaVIS'. The
S HOW5 I erly.
facilities to safeguard them prop·
Good refrig?ration is needed
Ardmore, no end of discussion was mor .wlth the .Gaillc mdlr:ctlon of pre- They do not advocate revolutionary INarberth Hardware, whose stock is I for perishable foods in hot weath.
stirrcd Up. The dcfe" deI'S of the sentmg emotIOns. It nught be well direct action. Their program, lilw I' being giVEn a final sale this week is AT TH E , er, and especially Ir.eats. Our fa·
. . .,
bIrd pOll1ted lI11mcdlateh- to Its t

. to warn some rcaders not to delve
d 1 f h'dd
eep y or 1 en meamngs; t e l d
" .
h that of the founders of thIS Republic, Iexp~cted to close defimtely thIS sat-,
E G Y PT IA N I ence,
cilities, based on 54 years' experi.
. b'
are the best }ou can ask for,
fill' d d I'
valnc as a controlling cnemy of undercurrents are J'ust below the sur- seriously aims to advance the greatest I ur Th ay. M' eringuymg,
to r our mg or ers and e IV·
the .Japanesc bcetle. If thc con· Iface. good of the greatest number, and it is vertIsmg
I" e. aJesti.c
repalrmg. Electric
of Shop isI ad· i This Frl'day and Saturday nl'ghts, Th' ere·s noth'mg nicer . for a meal
sumption of the g-rubs of this 01 hcr' Whenever an author uses unadorn- one that has been formulated with care I .; g vacuum c can-I Robert Montgomerv in "The Truth in hot-weather than a nice juicy
im orted est wcre thc '11 Jha an]1 ed prose, as does Mrs. Coyle, review- by some of the best minds of the race I ers" etc., behev.m th~t peo}lle who Game," Ivor Nov~lIo's play, whose steak, roast bed or lamb chop-
p p , . , I ' .(I ers exclaim over its beauty. This during the past 50 years or more. It Idon t buy electrIC apphances, at least i screen version is directed by the di· I fro:n Bradley's.
. . I
omcga of the story of thc starhng, seems to easy a w a y to ,acqu I're suc h is not born of the expediencies of the I' .must find d it' worth
. . while to keep them'I rector of "Arsene Lupin": f")"T"ole t1lese Wee,\'end J. Prices: I,
we would agrec hcal'hly WIth the a reputation. Our own yardstick for moment. The present economic de- m goo condItIOn. I I
Rib Roast of Beef

not thc case.

defcnders of the bird, but t his is measuring artistic simplicity is the crepitude adds strength and force to Three shoe repair shops are adver-:
writing of Willa Cather and Thorn- their arguments. What is the aver- tising in "Our Town" thIS week: Louis'
"THE FLESH IS WEAK" (thick end)
: Hambur~ Steak, freshly
.lb., 20c I

We d n t ] t tl
., ton Wilder. Rather does The French age citizen going to do about it, open Evangelos' United Shoe Repair and: TI' S
us awrday's Ma!illce
ground Ib., 22c I'
. 0 0 l.H e Ie wIIHng Husband" possess a feminine light- 'llS ears and his mind, or stick his Hat Cleaning, near the theatre; B. G. " KCll Jlaytlard in I
Beef Kidneys 15c
O~lt 0 f tie I SpeCICS, 1f t Ililt were pos- ness of touch which is an admirable Head in the sand in the expectancy Constantine's Goodwear Shoe Repair: Rump Steak , .Ib., 35c I
slblc, but some sort of control is Ishow window for its farce. Kathleen that when he pulls it out at some later on Haverford aVUlUe, next door to the·
sadly ucedcd in many IJarts of the Coyle has faults-aJnong ,vhich are uay, the skies will have cleared, the Narberth Coal Office, and William: Coming next Monday and Tunsday I'S
• I . f . II G rz f W t Ph'l d I . •
Nec:", 12c; Breast
String ends of Ham
6c ,
coulltry, The Europcan starlin.. Ia restramt verging on obscurity and sun 0 prosperIty wi be shining and a e, 0 I
I. '.
mo~vn to S~I('nce as SIIO'/lIIS vllf- tails-but she achieves her effects in here and there all ready to gamble a- Shoe Repair, up the hill on Narberth·
00' I' a tendency to include extraneous de- new little banks will be opening again the new proprIetor of the Reliable:
1 a e phla, who i3 i
Re!ula Sugar·Cured
rno ed Hams ' , .16c
{jarls, was Importcd llU1n~' ~"cars' spite of them. gain with the peoples' savings until avenue, Mr. Garze has had 1 years' BACON, sliced 25c
ago in the hopc th'at it would aid I " ~ 'b i>
' .
another depression closes all of them experien<:e in making, as well as re-
I> '1" h d f '
al mg, ~ oes, an
in inscct control. 'fhis same
I Brief Rapture," by Polan Banks. agam disastrously?
tho \1 g h t governed those who I (New York.: Harrison Smith, $2.) R~ligion and, Peace
or people with.
unusual, feet he offers to make shoes:
I All other prices are correspondingly It
., . I We can qUIte understand why this I The audIence who hstC'nLd to Nor- I to ordel, , Wednzsd:lY and Thursday I reasonable
hronght the l<..nghsh. sparrow 10 I novel was a favorite on Hollywood's man Thomas was n~t composed of I In case you didn't know it, the Good-!,
these , shore s,.all, d<a t I IC case 0 f Ireading lists. Its title meets the mo- active socialists, so far as The Vag- \~ea~ Sh oe R epalr
S 1Il
I . is onl~' part of thl': Richard B:trthelmcss in the drama II BRADLEY I !
the lattcr bIrd, the bad fcaturcs: tionpicture ideal of perfection-vapid ~ant could judge. Probabl~' a major-, hvehhoGd of the C~nstantines. For:
of thc illJlI1igrallts have outwcjghed I sex appeal. "Brief Rapture" has as Ity of the p~ople there might have man~" ~'ears
they have operated two
O. I
their advantages. ~ I,little connection with its story as been ~Iassld as liberals, but their un_llal'gC stores in Ocean City 1\Ianor, : 2106·08 Market Street
. . 'Years of Grace" and "Shadows On questIOnably were some conservatives i N~w Jersey, for the sale of bathing And Next Week.End PI
The star!lll.g, 111 geneI'uI appear-I the Rock" had much. True, Banks' Yet, at the conclusion, when Mr. ISUIts, ~lothJng
mce l'csembhuU'
and othL'r supplil'!'. Sf)
~ a common black-I heroine finds that her love affaI'rs Thomas submitted to questioning, the far thIS summer Mr. Constantine i5, Kay Francis in "MAN WANTED"
, -Ollr sel"l';c/! is as near
phone-Deliveries twiceasdaily
lil'd, is smaller, with a short tail prove only to be brief ralltures, but only. people who seemLd by their i r~nni~g his Narberth busincss, while i ':F~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~:~~=~:~~~l
IUd with pluma'~c b r ... h t I "! then she has no difficulty in finding questions to be advancing counter- Iins WIfe and twu sons are handling: II' am
'k " • <'> I,'" " ~,other moments of bliss. arguments were those ()f a conven- the sto.res ~t the shor~; accompanying'i
spec Ird whcn seen at. closc 'Ir'."1 It is a neurotic account of a girl tionally religiou3 po;nt of view, ~e
them IS J .n.) Thomas, also of Nar-' .~......... T H JE eEL LA R
III tIl e Sl1l~llncr tl. lC I 1]1'( I
] S llCS t 111 who searches for a man to fulfill her idealistic and devout Christians. Mr. ber,
th Th elr S2ason is from June 1
solatecl pall'S or \'rl'r loose (~oloJJies physical, mental and spiritual desires. Th~m~s had not been spcaking on to th~ end of ~eptelJlber. Joe Con- i
I ,:; .:
"~"..II~Allmqll~~~ WIN DOW
of a scorc 01' mol'l' hin];.;. and in: In it, the author has accomplished socmhsm as such, but on "Planning stantme has Just graduated from i
I ~ome vel'y uneven work. Partly this for Peace," and it se.:med to the rc- Brown Prep, Philadelphia, and i3 I
.'1'" .' Ii,r
hp \\'htcl' "'ltllt'1' in 01'
. I' 11
ne.'~ ~e is caused by his attempt to weld to- ligionists that he had ignored that pl~nnjng t.o study to become a ph arm- ,
CI Its III oe,~~, IOSC nUlllhcu; ha, e gether the opposite techniques of the part which could be played in any aClst. HIS brother, Gus, has!
leCOllle ]H·Olhg-lOIlS. plotted novel and the character novel. such program by organized religion g~'aduated from St. Joseph's, at City:
'l'hon~h t!Iry al'c pel'sistent and His best results are in the latter, but and by God. Mr. Thomas undoubtld- Line, and is going to study electrical'
\'ahlllhlc c!!emies of the heptl(' tIl(. here also he is inconsistent. Part of Ily tempered his answers with the /mgineering at Villanova. I
but winter will arrive soon enough. With
starling'S ('anc('1 a I!l'l'at deai of his psychology is excellent, while I courtesy that was due to the time and . Mrs. Suzanne Joret Gill's beaut~' foresight, a great many of OUI' customers have
I . '. . . some appears to be drawn from a I the place, but there was scorn and salon at her home on Dudley avenue'
IPn' \"a!tll' III 11l1s. respect b,\" dl'I\,- magazine article by Faith Baldwin, I iron~' in his replies, and force of fa<;t is attracting lots of favorable com-
placed orders for one or more tons of Jeddo-
1Ig".a\\'a~- otl,WI' IlIrcls. Fe\\' holc- in.'~hich she presented her usual ban-I~n his ci:a:ions of the failure of or g aJ1-1 ~~e~t these days. Among the inter- Highland a month delivered during June, July
Iestllll! S]Wl'Jes ha\"c an~' ('hance allhes on the art of interesting a Izcd rehglOn to advance the cause of Icst.lIl g features are a r.eal cur,e, at last" and August while low prices prevail. May we
Ig"ainst the pUg'lIacious starlillg's, \Voman. peace among men. The rcligionists I fOI baldness and falhng haIr, and a:
lIId tl)c I()L'~ f tIl· 11 I. The author is also much more im- made no attempt to defend their permanent wave that is inexpensive"
send you the same?
cse 0 ICI' )rllt'- . . h tl d ' h I
f " I "" 0
' . ,,_ . ,. . pressed by his descriptions of high so- posItion. ea es~ an weig, tess!
1CI,) SP\c!Cs I.CIllO'CS CllelllllS of ciety and his usc of famous names Money Matters JudgllJg from Slg-ns hel'p and at the I
IIsrds of lIlI 101lds. than his readers will be. Mr. Banks' The Vagrant discov~red last week, ~eashore, more pcople are staying:
Hilt thr II1cna('c of thc starl illl! I undoubted talents will shine to better while r.;ading abollt Horace Walpole, home and en,ioying the Mai:J Line's!
Narberth Coal Company
Ralph S. DJ/tltle, On-tlcr
ics in its trcmcndous g"1'o\\'1 h ill a~vantage when he ceases to compro- that Dean Swift, whom The Vagrant summer comforts this year than for
I i
nllllhel's FI'() I II' I 1'1' ] 'nJlse with facile sensationalism has never read, had long ago pl'ovided many pre'IIOUS seasons. As a result, : DISTRIBUTORS JEDDO HIGHLAND ANTHRACITE
1II a Iall<lI o. m'(S
I '.
I. ' I' Hearsay Evidence . a formul '
a WhICh The Vagrant had s')lJlcofth(! more progressIve . business:
Telephone Narberth 2430-2431
IC IIUlll )Cl' III 1 liS COllllll',\' has Said the Macaulay Coml>any to it- long been seeking. It is that a man fnlk here are planning to offer more i
g'1'O\\'1I h(',\"oJl(l thr i.lllag'~H:1I ion of sel~,. "Let'~ beat the movies in capi- shoul.d h~ve mone~' in his head, but thlln the usual commodities and serv-~ i;I'.Ie~~~~~~~~~;E;!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E~1

ni~hts !fi~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;(;71
III,\"onc who has lIot Vlsltpd 1he tahzmg thiS IvaI' Krueger business." not m hIS heart. l\Ioney must be ices to make householders' davs and!'"
,'illter roosts of the hi)'(], ,.\n," So the pUQlic is due to have its in- frequently considered by intelligent more comfortable and' enjoy-
ter~st"captured". in July by the issue perso~s. It must. not be wasted, it able.
Maill Lille residcnt wllo ohs('I'\'(,;]
h -\ ,] .,. ,. ., .' ,. "
t c • 1 ( IUO) C loosl I.lst \I IIltCI \I III
lot IIred to he told.
of The Match Kmg," by Einar Thor- can rIghtly bi! deSired and sought as
valdson, a novel closely parallcling the a means to much that makes life I
career of the Swedish financier. On worth while, but its corrosive powers
Let Us Wash YOllr

"When a Feller Gasoline,

1<'01' monlhs a flock of thc bil·ds.
('j)nscl'yati\'l'h- cstimatc(] at O\'('I~
the other hand, the book really might are devastating and the mercenar~'
be good. lJJind is not admired e\'en in this com- I RUGS N peds a Friend" Oil and
'1'\"0 '1111'10'" t I .1 \Vriters' conferences will be much mercial age. How to con5idcr money awl make them look
. " .\ . "' . . " roos
, Cl 111 tIC . • . • Lubrication
tl el'S of an cstate on hasl Lallcas-
more numerous thiS summer than ever With care, to get It and keep some of
before, perhaps because writers have it, to invest it wisely and safely, and NEW -call
t('r a\'l'll1le. '1'hc \\'cig-ht of this nothing else to do. Middlebury Col- yet not let it dominate one's life, that I -at reasonable cost, as part as you'd
pt'odil!ions l'ompauy ht'oke down lege and Columbia Univel'sity will is a problem which The Vagrant had, of ollr convenient, economi-
thc limhs of thc shade trees. The draw the usual cream of the talent. ?ften considered and in considering cal service. We call and have it.
dl'opping's 11l1l'11('d anti ruilled thc
slll'n ) )rr,\' alit coatecl thc g'1'OIII H]
~um~er colonies. for authors are get- It. ha~ vacillated in pr~1Ctice from
tmg mto full sWIng. The luost popu- Wlthermg closeness to foolish liberal-
lar of these are Carmel in California ity, and there was Dean Swift who

NARBERTH Sunshine Service •

to :I dl'pth of an inch or mol'c. A Woodstock in New York, and Prov~ more than two centuries ag; had i
WOOf]S which was a thing' of heanly incetown in Massachusetts-remem- su,mmed up the whole problem in one i
HAND LAUNDRY Narberth 2229 We cater to
is olll,\' IJaI·tiall~" reCOVCl'l'<l hOIlJ a bel' "Love Among the Cape-Enders?" Isentence. One must look into the I
cOllditioll of ahsolutc (]csolation. (Yes, they are called eonfeI'ences, , ) Dean further and see whether his, 107 Narberth Avenue
I particular
Burt & Company have snatched philospohy worked well in his own i !
: Tire and Battery people who
In citil's thc milliolls 01' starling'S some of the Edgar Wallace novels case. Narberth 2266
roosting" ahout thc lan~cl' 111Iildillg-s from under the noses of Doubleday THE VAGRANT Service appreciate
make a l'om pletc Illess of thl'i I' Slll'- Doran. ,
roundillg's and l'anse the wisc Authors have been called to arms Gasoline and Oil servIce
pell('slrian to walk in thc street.
\Vhat will \I'C face ill :I fl'W short
against the encroachments ()f publish-
ers, who have been insinuatiilg that a
cut of money from any film rights
Now Playing
Spenccr Tracy, Wi!1i<J1n B,yd. I

.,"cal's if lhis invadcl' continucs to would be very, very nice. Since film .4 tltl D,'orak in

"Sk);~ Devils"
nllll1 ipl.,· without check? Fcw rights are generally more lucrative Thc "Cock.Eyed World" at
nll ti "p hi I'ds ea n sta 11<1 thc COIl1- than publication royalties, this prac- the Air. Addcd: Chic Sal~
petition, anl] tl1l' 10s1 hluehil'ds, tice is not popular with the scriveners.·
Next Monday and Tuesday ---- Comcd)'.
Wednesday and Thursday !
martins, woodpcckel's. ctc., will fuod for those who llCl'd it. Half: DOJ/gias Fairba,'lkJ. Jr. ,!
Miriam Hopkins and
IHIVl' a pOOl' snhstitlltl' in this noisy, :)1' lhe stat'lill!!s ill the cOllntJ,\,;
"IT'S TOUGH TO lack Oakie in , Tire and Battery
qlHlrl'l'lsolllc hil'd. l~ould Ill' rl'IHoved, OIll] thcl'c wonld! ,,
Shoot i Ilg' is wasl eful alld dang-cr. he more than l'lloug"h to perforlll i
.- i Sales 'and Service
01lS. hilt w"oh's:llc tl'alJn;"U' h! .. _I·"'~"1'1· '!''') 1 till'\" C:1'1 ('!a:m' Next
",iu!cl' lIJi;(:t SIlf'I~l'CJ, wLh a pos~! ~~I'l' :itr,n'_ ('ontl'oJ IS IIcl><1e(l, and, Week ~ 'TARZAN THE APE MAN"
sili~adwn~~int~e~~ooofjn~~dato~. J~_.E.n.d ~IW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~U.
OUR TOWN Page Three
June 24, 1932
cz--- -
%6 Spectator £oca/ Movies
(Continued trom Page One)
What's at Narberth
Spencer Tracy, William (Stage)
ings on the beach, for instance, would Boyd and Ann Dvorak are the in-
seem to attract attention to herself, creasingly popular stars who make
and the ~odest girl is not supposed to i~~;:I~~:~~'f~~~r::~~c:~~~T~O"~:~~~
do that m 1932, says you. "ian Knights." Playing at Narberth
<b <b <b this week-end, "Sky Devils" is an ex-
But it's the Fourth of July cOllec., citing, funny Howard Hughes produc-

tion we are talking about, that dollar tion about aviators, at war in the air
or two which we need from you, and and in cafes. Matmees, by the way, I
never mind the girls on the beach, I are being given at Narberth every
and if you will please send your stip· day. . ' . , "It' T h
Entertammg satire IS s oug
end to the treasurer, Mr.. J. L. Me· to Be Famous," in which Douglas
Crery, at the Bank. he WIll be very I' Fairbanks, Jr., stars at Narberth next
happy about it, and so will we all of Monday and Tuesday. It's about a
<b <b <b
hero whose happiness is nearly, de-
stroyed by parades and hero worship
It won't be long now - not long until he rebels and the public is at-
enough for you to tarry on the help tracted to another.
SN. NARBERTH 2250 - 2251 - 2252
that you want to accord-and the reo "Dancers in the Dark," next Wed-
altors and bachelors will please re'l nesday and Thursday, features Mir-
member what we said, and so, please, iam Hopkins and Jack Oakie; inter- I
will all you kind, good ladies and gen· esting and well acted. The feature
tIemen.of. Narberth-town, the Mecca I next week-end is "Tarzan, .the Ape The best foods money can buy-and at Cotter's con- Patronize Your Independent Grocer
of the Main Line on IndepemJence IMan," as thrilling and pleasing a film I
Day, a nice tradition established by Ias could be asked for; cast includes I sistently moderate prices. That's what you
your impressive generosity and your I Swimmer Johnny Weissmuller, Mall- I
·,·He Merits and Deserves.Your Patronage
get when you phone us and use our convenient delivery
fine sense of hospitality and civic reo reen O'Sullivan, an intelligent chim- I
gard. Do keep the grand work up. panzee, a tribe of ferocious pygmies, ,
THE SPECTATOR. and lots of elephants. I
Founding of Lower Merion I
Academy to be Commemorated 1 "But the Flesh 1s Weak," at the I
(Continued trom Page One)
Eg~'ptian this Friday and Saturday
nights! is des~ribed ~~~ the Civic Club
boarding school wIth day scholars lof PhIladelphIa as light and spark- I
and the teacher was allowed the us~ !ling comedy of a charming old roue
of the dwelling and grounds in return and his son (Rob~rt Montg?mer~),
STEWING Chickens 25fb. LAMB 29fb. LEGS
for his tuition of the free scholars. r who endeavor to Irve by theIr WItS.
There was no distinction as to sex. I ':. ,Trea~ment (by .r~c~ C~nway, ~ho
For a time "free scholars" were dIrected Arene Lupm) IS farCIcal,
looked down upon so much so that at bordering on the absurd, but enter-I'
· I't was ser
'I' ou syl o pI'p0 se I
d t o taining
.for the sophisticated." Be-
one t Ime
'Id' f th m cause it IS not recommended for young
erec t a separa t e bUI mg or e'l ,.,.
Rather than contend with the strife p~ople un~er 18, Sa~urday s matmee
, 1
between poor and paymg scho aI'S, t e, "Th A'
h WIll substitute for It Ken Maynard
T "
. d I n e rlzona error.
first teacher, Joshua Hoopes, reslgne ,I Al ' Ch I M
to found a succ~ssful Friend's School I ways amu~Ing are ~r e~
. W es t Ch es t er. F'
", rlen d s 0 f th'
stJtutlOn deCIded segregatIOn would H II
defeat the intent of the founder's will,
e In- I ray, George SIdney, etc., In pIctures
I such as "The Cohens and Kellys In
d" h' h '11 I
w IC w~l t C
a~ a ;~­

whose first purpose was to provide wy ,n~x
' Th e d'ffi
I on d ay an ues .a y .• e
I cu Ity was a d . "Ladles Home Journal describes It as

Lean Plate BEEF 3 LBS.

f ree ed ucatlon.
, t e d b y d'
JUS I ' .
OIng away WI'th th e pal'd A spark1Jng drama "done With a note
' 11 t 't' f ,of truth and pathos. Recommended
sc h 0 IaI's an d ma k'Ing a UI Ion ree'l f h f 'I
Next teacher was John Levering, or t e amI y.
antiquarian of note, who in 1851 made "Alias, The Doctor," next Wednes-
an admirable map of· Lower Merion. day ,and Thursda~, teIls of the self-
Another early teacher was Miss Lydia sac1'1fi~e of a m~d.~cal student to .prO-I THE FINEST FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES
Coggins 'who died' in 1912 at the age teet hiS brother, ,forms the.basls of
of 97. 'Respected _as headmaster of a convincing st~;y." ' , ,For adults Fancy Ripe Tomatoes 2 lbs. 29c New Jersey String Beans. . . . .. 2 Ibs.'19c
the Academy for 25 years was Israel and youn~ adults., RIchard Barthel- I
Irwin. ' mess, Marian Marsh, Norman Foster, Crisp Iceberg Lettuce 2 Heads 29c New Jersey Cabbage lb. 5c
Many scholars from the Academy etc.
became well known. Among them: "Man ~anted," ,ne~t Friday and Imperial Valley Cantaloupes , . 2 for 19c Big Juicy Lemons. . . . . . .Doz. 29c
Charles Naylor, Representative in Satu~day, IS a sophl~tlc~ted romance,
Congress from Philadelphia, 1840: starrIng Kay FranCIS WIth a modern
Red Plums 2 Doz. 19c Fancy Sunkist Oranges Doz. 19c
Joseph Fornance, Representative in i and rather unusual angle.
Congress from Montgomery County in I
the early 40's, the Congressman who Varied Program Announced
sent Winfield Scott Hancock to West
Point; Prof. James Rhoads, of the I
I at Hedgerow Next Week
-- ,
PILLSBURY or GOLD MEDAL FLOUR 12 lb. bag 37c, 5 lb. bag 19c
Boys' Central High School, Philadel- The program for next week at the
phia; Rev. James Rush Anderson, D. Hedgerow Theatre in Rose Valley is a I ,C R I S CO IIb. Can 19c Taylor's Fancy Shrimp Can IOc
D.; Dr. Richard Jones Harvey, who well~balanced one that includes varie-
graduated from the University of ties of both comedy and serious! Krumm's Macaroni or Spaghetti, 2 Pkgs. 15c Myrtle Fancy Pink Salmon 2 Cans 19c
Pennsylvania in 1832, one of the cal'l drama. Three English plays, one
ifornia pioneers of 1849, Algernon Russian, and two from the pens of im- Heart Maine Apple Sauce 3 Cans 25c Bean Hole Baked. Beans Can IOc
Roberts, of the Pencoyd Iron Works; portant American writers are to be
II Gold Medal Cake Flour Pkg. 25c Finest Crushed Corn. . . .. 2 Cans 25c
and George B, Roberts, who was presi-I given, with an especially interesting
dent of the Pennsylvania Railroad for week ·end planned. On Monday night I Jack & Jill Gelatin Dessert 2 Pkgs. 15c Astor Coffee 1 lb. Can 27c
for many years before his death. I Shaws laugh-provoking "You Never

The ground on which the ACademy,,' Can Tell", will be presented, to be fol-
stands rises above the picturesque lowed on Tuesday by Chekhov's mov-
Cream Corn Starch Pkg. IOc Tangle Foot Fly Paper 5 for IOc
ravine known as Rock Hollow. It ing drama of old Russia, "The Sea ~----------------------------------------------
was on this road that the Americans I Gull." Wednesday's show is A. A.
passed'to reach Old Lancaster road I Milne's beautiful comedy of the girl
now Montgomery pike to the place who should have lived in the days of
where they camped, near Merion knights and tournaments, "because
Pennsylvania Ginger Ale, Lime Dry, Root Beer, Plus Bottle Deposit 2 Quart Bottles 25c
Meeting House, September 14, 1777. I they would have suited her so well,"
Down Rock Hollow, now Rock Hill "The Romantic Age."
road on the banks of the winding, play in the repertory, built on the
The newest Campbell's Pea Soup, 1932 Pack 3 Cans 25c
stream known as Rock Creek, stands! subject of basic integrity in races-
an old ruined mill. During the Rev· particularly of the American Indian
olutionary period, this was Lloyd I-is "The Cheroke Night," by Lynn
Heinz Pure Jellies Grape, Quince, Crab Apple 2 Glasses 25c
Jones' paper mill. After the Contin- Riggs, and it will be performed on
I ,6 Lge. Boxes 19c
I Reliable Matches Mountain Pride Peas 3 Cans 25c
ental paper money had so depreciated Thursday night.
in value as to become utterly worth.,' Eugene O'Neill's "The Emperor
less, it was caIled in by our young Jones," wit~ Arthur Rich in the cen- I Libby's Tomato Juice. . . . .... 3 Cans 25c Orange Pekoe Tea ~ lb. 13c
go~ernme~t and destroyed at this mill. i t~al ~ole, WIll ~e plaY~d for. the first I
ThiS spot In Lower Merion, then, end-' tIme In a montJi on Friday mght, and Jersey Queen Tomatoes 2 Lge. Cans 25c Clicquot Club Ginger Ale 2 Bots. 27c
ed the conditions that originated the I the week,will close on Saturday night
phrase, "Not worth a Continental." with a performance of "Heartbreak Snider's Sliced Beets 2 Cans 25c Mazola Cooking and Salad Oil .. Pt. Can 23c ,
The Academy looks now much as House," by Shaw, in which Jasper Del Monte Chili Sauce Large Bot. 19c Reputation Cider or White Vinegar, .... IOc
it did a century or so ago: broad Deeter, Jean Sweidel, Cele McLaugh-
piazza with brick floor and flag-stone lin, Carl Reukauff, and Herbert Wal-
steps; posts supported at the base by I ton will be seen in important parts.
iron pivots; tiny, square window Tonight at Hedgerow Milne's "Mr.

panes; desk.s clumsy and heavy; all Pim Passes By" has its first perform-
showing the age of the building, and ance of the year, and tomorrow night

All Gold, Libby's or Del Monte Peaches,2 Large Cans 29c

especially the hollows in the steps, Shaw's "You Never Can Tell" is the
worn by the tramp of many feet. I show.
Salaries paid at this "free school of 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Franklin XXXX or Powdered Sugar - - 2 Pkgs. 15c
Montgomery," according to a Gwy- 1 struct their children a teacher to I
nedd minister and principal, were so Iwhom they would not lend a' horse. ,
high that the Academy was more pop-I Eventually the Academy may be re- '
25c Galvanized Buckets Each 17c Young's Pearl Borax Soap, r

ular than other schools, and ~o more ~Iaeed by a Junior .High School bUild-II 3 Med. Cakes, lOc; 2 Lge. Cakes 19c
competent teachers were obtamed. At mg for the groWIng population of ,I Octagon Laundry Soap 6 Cakes 25c
one time the salary was $160 a year.: Bala-Cynwyd. ~ II Super Suds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lge. Pkg. 15c
The teacher collected thill ptly at the Original trustees of the Lower Mer- Octagon Soap Powder 2 Pkgs. 9c
rate of from a dollar to ten shillings ion Academy were Jonathan Jones, i Super Suds : 3 Med. Pkgs. 23c
per quarter, for each scholar. He Algernon Roberts, Henry Bowman, Octagon Scouring Cleanser. . 2 Cans 9c o XYD 0 L Lge. Pkg. 20c
obtained his board by going from Jonathan Walters and David Roberts.
house to house among parents of his Present trustees: Jonathan Jones, H. Palmolive Soap .. . . . . . . . . 3 Cakes 19c Lux Toilet Soap. . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Cakes 25c
students. It was a remark of the I C. Irwin, George Grow, T. Williams
time that people would trust to in· Roberts and Luther C. Parsons. 11~!!!!iiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!ii!!!ii!!!iii!!!!iii!!!li!!!li!!!!!iiiii!!i!iii!i!ii!i,...!!...!!...!!..!!...!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!ii!!!iii!!!!!!ii!!!!!i!!!!!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!!!!!!!!ii!!!iii!!!li!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!iii!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!J!~
June 24, 193Z

I. I. Four OU~ TOWN

, ,. . Wins Hanors at Jr. High I Go /0 Church .. II

.~- .. __ .. -.-._~-~._._.-~~--~~~~~~~~-~_._~ ...,
Good Wear Jor 'Your THE FIRESIDE William D. Humes, sun of Mr. and
Mrs. F. W. B. Humes, of 306 S. Nar-
Shoes, at low cost: berth avenue, Narberth, won the 1926 ---------------- i ,

Pair of shoes half-soled, and leath-

er or O'Sullivan rubber heels:
Nine members of the Kickashaw
Club left last Saturday for Newport, I
Scholarship Cup at" Lower Merion
Junior High School at the r,ecent pres-
The Presbyterian Church
Rev. John Van lIless, D.D., Minister.
L. I., where they will be the guests of entation of awards with an a\'erage Meetings for June 26: SESSIONS I:
Sl· 35 Miss Mary Sargent and Miss Ruth
Sargent, of Penn Valley, at their sum-
mer home for a week. Among the
of 93:65. He also won the American
Legion Citizenship Medal, presented
by the Bullock-Sander:on Post, of
9.45 A. l\1.-Jjlole School. All de-I
partments tD SeSSllJll. Three Adult
.t$ible Classe".

For 20-some years we Ita\'e satis- gu.sts are Miss Marjorie Jolley, Miss Ardmore, and honorable mention in 11.00 A. l\i.-l\'lodling Worship.
fied t Jousands of customers from l\brion McClure, Miss Damaris Smith, the M,'erion Chapter, D. A. R., History
Communion address on the :>uoject:
Begin 27th JUlie
Overb:ook to Paoli. Try our l\I:ss Ruth Kohlas, Miss Elizabeth award. "In the Upp",r Room." 'l'hlS wlll be -Close lith ~ug"st
service. Special consideration given to
l\'Io,)re, Miss Joan Tilbllr)' and Miss followed lJi Lne celebration of the
Betty Tilbury. Davismen Turn Defeat Into Sacrament ot the LJrd's Supper. teacbers in servlee requiring
Goodwear /- Victory, Downing Paoli 9·5 There will als" be the public reception
added certification .•. or are
candidates for degrees.
Shoe Repair Mrs. Anna Farson, of Essex avenue of new members. conducted both 011 undergraduate
and I!"aduale levels. Send DOW for
i: I'
had as her guest over the week-end (Continued from 1'1ll:1! On~) 6.45' P. M.-Meeting of the Inter- complete bulletin and deacripo
252 Haverford Avenue
I ,her niece, Miss Miriam Lindsey, a Thus the entire picture took on a mediate Chrlstlan 'c'lldeavor Society, tin booklet.
Narberth 4006-W student at Cornell University, prior different hue and the Davismen, fully directed by Miss lvlargaret Dempster. .A.ddreu OjJU:e of Reglarror

#' • • • • • • _ _ _ to Miss Lindsey's sailing for Europe aroused at last, snapped out of the 7.45 P. M.-Evening Worship. The Department (5) or TeleplaoM
/- I
Ileth~r~,y entirely, adding two more sermon Will be the second in the ser-
5,"e..,0" 7600.
Narberth-Merion-Penn Valley I Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Ripper, of runs just for good measure, and kept les on tne three crosses: "The Peni- EMPLE
ICE I ~, ~
Loeol '" I Dudley avenue, have as their guests their record unstained in league com- tent Thief."

,200 Woodbine Ave. "'"rb. 4058
',: Miss Blanche Ril)per and 1\11'. Delmont petition.
i Ripper, of Evan., City, Pa., and Mrs.

l:=;:==-=;::=~~::;::~~~~~i Dorothy Turner, of Pitt-burgh. Miss added three runs to take the lead by
I, 'l'urner sailed on Tuesday for Paris, a
Narberth had been in a tough spot er !ueeting. ::';UbJ"ct: "The Beati-
! F. M. Turner and her daughter, Miss, in the third when the Umbachmen tude for the Persecuted."
four-run margin.
Pl b '
'II 1'.l~xt Wednesday, 8.00 P. M.-Pray-

'ans are emg tormu a e
Incidentally, patriotic service on the morning of
ltd f
or a

To RENT or SELL where she will study music. there was a rumor that Umbach no JUly 3, in conneCClon with the Boy
!. •••••••••• -. ~. ~ _. ~ .. _•• - ' ;. .-_ _ -••••
J. I
longer was manager, and that Charley Scout Movement. le~=~=====,.._=~_~_".._=~_~===~======~=~==~~~~s
'Your house, see Mr. Philip Calaham, of Dudley ave- Madden had returned to pilot the de- ---
THE MAIN LINE I 'nue, has returned to Gettysburg Col- fending champs. This was put at
: lege, to attend summer school. ,'. j rest by Madden himself. "Umbach
I Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
kev. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor .
HOME FINDERS I ;. still is manager. I ant president," Friday, June 24, 8.00 P. M.-Pre-

ASSOCInA'TION I' Mrs. R. H. Durbin and her d a uant.

I tel', Miss Elizaoeth Durbin; of N. Nar and will continue to be so."
he said "and will act as his assist- paratory Service.
g hBarney ' is still in full charge I' Sund ay, J une 26 ,1 932 :
I 9.30 A. M.-Bible Schoo,1.
When You

Phone, Narberth 228' ! berth avenue, are occupying their cot
Sam Potter began the trouble in I 1 ,0
tage at Avalon, N. J., lor tne summer their big inning by receiving a life w .• n the Holy Commumon.
1 0 A M Th M
. . - e ~rnmg ervlce,
Were a
MORTGAGES, INSURANCB lur. JJurbin wilJ join tnem in July.
on ~oc Walker's miscue at the hot
W d d
,e nes ay,.
300 P
M .

~__--------_-----:I /- corn"r. Toddy Sims skied to left, but ChOlr rehearsal.

Mrs. Arthur G. Compton, of Wood- Jack Eachus Ursinus captain sin-I July 2 and 3 - Concerts by the
i bine avt:nue, will leave llext Monday gled and Potter , ' I Tl'essler Orphans' Home Band Watch
Lit~le, Boy. • •
tallied when Harry .
~u be tne guest of llLrs. Durbin for King tossed wildly to' second in an for the time of the concerts to be
the Rourth several days. I attempted assist on ,Tompkins' tap. announced. Your ~hiri.a' pig bank got you a magic lantern,
/- Geo~ge Girard's smoky single, which a scroll saw or a "veloc." It did things for
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Van Meter followed chased across the other two Baptist Church of the ~"angel
Candy Party Favors, and their daughter, Miss Claire Van runs. "'" Robert E. Keighton, Minister. you. Now that you've ~rown up, use us to
Harmless Fireworks" l~reter, vadlle~ of D~~&r~lker
View rohad, Meriokn: .
nave returne trom a t rlC wee s I . ~ ,'l! th
larg~ 9s.u4n5dAaY.'MJu.~eTh2e6:Church
thrilled the
th b r
School. get your vacation money, wedding ring, pay-
Big Bang Cannons, etc. stay in Louisville Ky. el'lIl'1 m e seven y po l,ng a ong 11.00 A. M. _ Morning Worship. ment on the house or life insurance. We are
Flags, Decorations , J. three-bagger to the road m center, Sermon: "The Fine Art of Borrow- the little china bank of lots of thrifty folks
Picnic Outfits Mrs. H. H. Gage, of Lock Haven, ~hi.le Harry King'sddod~btle in thhe first ing." What is borrowed mqrality
. mnmg too k secon IS ance onors. " ? I ' who like to "get things."
Pa., IS the guest of Dr. and Mrs. A. W lk 1 d th h t . h t ' and borrowed rehglon, s It neces-
L e R oy A . K mg, ' f Sh'U Iey roa d , t h'IS f a f'ert' e Pe ttames ers d G'Wlt 'd'a h" rio sa:'l'I y wrong t 0 Iml ' 'ta t e th e c h arac-

, " , , • 0 sa e les. 0 er an Irar s ar-I ,,' , , f h'? A h' .
week. Hel· son, 1\11'. Lt;WlS Gage, d h' h h f th I 'th t~rlstlc" 0 ot ers. re t ose outslde
graduated f rom t he U lllversity ' , 0
f et Ig . onors or I e osers Wl I"tne Ch urc I1 a 1so gUl'It y 0 f b' emg t ra-
224 Haverford Ave.
Pennsylvania this week.
e ox score:
ditionally garbed?
Narberth National Bank!
24-Hour FILM SERVICE "\ s Dr. band NMrys. Kmg mkotoredd Dto R. H. O. A. E. Methodist. Episcopal Church MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
. taats urg, . ., Iast wee -en. r. F . f 2 1 2 0 0 Rev. Samuel MacAdams, Minister.
' d
K mg e Ivere I' d th t d ranC1S, l' ",., Open 8 A. M. daily for your convenience,
e commencemell a - P 11 2b 1 2 5 5 0 Sunday, June 26:
1 dress at the Anderson School. ~w~ , .. , , ,. 1 2 1 2 1 9.45 A. M.-Sunday School. and also Friday evenings from 7 to 9
~ " J. . ac regor, ss ,. 11.00 A. M.-Morning Worship and

M r. an
Canton, d MAth
rs. l' ur A n d erson, 0 f Slaughter,
were the guests of Mr. M
an, f If .,." , " 10
0 0 13
12 3 00 00 Sermon. II~=========:!:==================
' ' k' , f W' d ooney, c " , , , 3 0 0
Jobbing Carpenter an d M r sJ. .L. M mlc, 0 m SOl' D. Walker 3b ,. 2 3 0 3 2 Music at St. John's
avenue, over the J. week-end. I K'mg, c , '.. '"" 1 2 0 1 The music at St. John's Church,
Phone: NARBERTH 4163·W I
Mrs. Paul R. Loos, of Shirley road, B. Walker, p ,',' 1 1 0 2
0 Cynwyd, this Sunday under the direc-
tion of Dr. Herbert J. Tily, organist IlIrlltmil111trr Qtpwrtrf!l
gave a small tea on Wednesday after- Ttl -; 14 27 12 41 and choirmaster, will include a tenor
noon to meet Mrs. Ralph Heath and 0 as. , , , "PAOLI solo by Edynfed Lewis; "How Many Located on Belmont Avenue above City Line:
VACUUMS Mhrs. Rohbert Williatlm Eaile , tboththOft
R. H. O. A. E. Hired Servants," by Sullivan; "Ada- Adjacent to the Bala-Cynwyd Section, accessible
Repaired and oiled-Ali Makes w om ave recen y move d 0 a P b 5 0 gio Pathetique," by Goddard, for harp from all points. The Westminster landscape has
Service on all electrIc appliances ~~ ~2 2 2 4
/- Sims, cf "."" 1 0 2 0 0 and organ; Te Deum in E and an- I all the charm of a picture~que rural countryside.
MAJESTIC ELff~~~IC Miss Virginia Tripp, of Atlanta, Eachus, c .'.". 1 1 6 0 I
0 them, "The Lord Will Deliver the
250 Haverford Ave,-Narb. 2348 Ga" is the guest of Ml'S. Alexander Tompkins, If ,.. 1 0 0 0 0 Righteous," by the choir. This will I
For information-without obligotion-call. write or telephone
Gl ' rard 3b 0 2 2 2 0 be the last Sunday for special music, Post Office Address: ,Station I, Philodelphio
l;::===========:jll C. Shand, Jr., of Merion.
U b'
01 ach, rf .,., 0
' " ..
0 which begins at 10.50 A. M.
I Mr. Fred L. Drew, of Newport, was Wilson, ss ., ., ., 0 0 3 0 0
Your clothing will wear longer
, the guest of his brother and sister-in- Crandle, 1b ",' 0 0 8 1 0 "Babe" Bowes Wins Girls' I ----~=_,."_"'_,,,...,.---~_~_~,~""_,...-_~'.-~-=----==""'''''.~~~~'''''~_~
arId look better, if you'll rely
0" us.-We are here to serve
I law, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Drew, Willard, p '.'" 0 0 0 4 0 I
Tennis Title for District
of Moreno road, Penn Valley. Henry, ss "" .. 0 0 0 0 0
you, now and years hence; and I I Mrs. Wayne A.
Schaeffer, of Avon Totals. ,. , " ,,5 6 27 11 0
Cecile (Babe) Bowes, of 333 Trevor
lane, Cynwyd, won the Philadelphia
because we 'Yalue your good
opi"ion, you can be sure we'll
I road, entertained at a luncheon on Narberth .", 1 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 1-9 and district girls' tennis championship
Monday. Paoli . " " " , 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0-5 by defeating Mary Mattson, of Ger-
do your work right. /- Two-base hit-King. Three-base hit man town, her jinx, in the finals for
Mrs. Walter E. Hurd, of Chestnut ~D. Walker. Umpires-Moran and th~ pas! two years, at the Philadel-I
I ayenue, accompanied by Mrs. Grace Dmsmore.
I Rose and her daughter, Miss Mabelle
phla CrICket Club last Saturday. The
Iscores were 7-5, 0-6, 6-1. Later she'
AdeIi·zzi Bros. 'l!: l~ose, have left by motor for Beverly Eiqhth Grade Pupils I pair~d with ;Miss Matt~on to, annex
T -1ILORS. FURRIERS' I Hills, California, where they will stay 'I Are Guests at Party I the doubles tltle, defcatmg Ehzabcth
CLEANiNG. DYEING II for several months. --- Goodman and Hope Starr, 6-1,7-5.
J. The farewell party held Tuesday Babe, who graduated recently from
102 Forest Ave., Narberth 2602 I Mr. Parker Woolmington, son of evening, June the fourteenth, and the Mater Misericordiae Academy, Mer-
238 Bala Ave., Cynwyd 928 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence T. \Voolming- awarding of prizes for scholarship ion, played some of the best tennis of
ton, of Narbrook Park, and Mr. Billy terminated the Eighth Grade activi- her career in defeating her three-time
Thrift is the WatchworJ
~~~5====S==55=5==~Carroll and Mr. Bobby Carroll, sons ties at the Narberth Scho:ll. Next rival. After faltering in the second
of Mr. and Mrs. Wharton B. Carroll, year they become students at Lower set, which Miss Mattson won without
H. B. WALL of Essex avenue, left last Sunday for Merion.
' Camp Cedar Pines, where they willi The party given by ,the Parent- strong in the third, gaining a 5 love
the loss of a game, Babe came back
Plumbing : Healing Pay fer yours, lIS thousands of thrifty women are
stay for several weeks. I Teachers' Association was a very fes- lead before her opponent captured her
100 Forest Avenue, /- 'I tive occa!lion. The tables in the lunch only game.
doins, out of your savings on food.
Phon,e: Narbi!rth 3652 Mr. and Mrs. Woolmington will room were attractively decorated with ------- Only $10 Down on many models ••• 2 Years to
have as their guests for several days bouquets of roses and candlebrae. Af- Honored by Penn
,< next week, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kline tel' refreshmcmts were served Mrs. Three residents of Merion were hon- Pay • • • Choose from Frigidaire and General
GUS WELSH ~ and their two sons, Bobby Kline and Samuel McCartney, retiring president, ored at the commencement exercises Electric • • • Prices start at $146.50. Slightly
F:1.,et..I..lnn-PIa. A ....... o..., lJ2~ Jimmy Kline, of Washington, D. C. welcomed the class. Impromptu of the University of Pennsylvania on More on Budget Plan.
49 AND~IlS0N AVE•• Ardmore I
~ r.:iecirh' Washer anll Motor
Repairs-Armature WInding
, /- speeches by Mrs. W. G. Briner, new- Wednesday. Mrs. Mary Louise Cur-
MISS Beulah Chalfant, daughter of Ily-elected president, and W. J. Dren- tis Bok, president of the Curtis In- •
J,:"U... "tlnc Wltlaout Cbnrce the' Reverend and Mrs. Harry M'I nen, principal of the school, followed. stitute of Music, received the degree
Co",.. ",·tlnc. \Vlrlnc. Jobblnlf
]~""""""'E::::~~~::::::::::::::::~:::=~'Chalfant, of Chestnut avenue, had as Bett)' Kenncdy read the class proph. I of doctor of humana letters, while
.' • her guest Miss Ruth West, daugh- ecy &nd then with Helen Chubb and the honorary degree of doctor of laws
Save many dollars II year on meat alone. Prac-
SAFECUARD your tel' of Dr. William West, of Harris- Lawson Yow assisting, presented the was conferred upon Dr. Warren Pow- tically no shrinkage. Save 20 % more mineral
homel ID cu.e of burg. gifts, which, judging from the amuse- ers Laird, who is retiring as dean salts and vitamins in vegetables. Save costly
nre or ahleve. a I /- ment and applause, showed them to be of the School of Fine Arts at the Uni- kitchen redecorating. Clean as electric light I
lelephooe In your
home brIng. help Mrs. Charles Stahl and her son, appropriate. I versity after forty years' service. The Yet costs so little to use I
wlJb leut delay. I !\ir. Thomas Hawthorne Stahl, of Es- The class sang a number of its I same honorary degree was conferred
I sex avenue, are spending several songs and then adjourned to the main upon William Purves Gest, chaimlan Only $5 Down for a Full Size, Triple Automatic
months in California. I floor, where the remainder of the eve- of the Board of Directors of the Fi- Graybar.Crawford Range ... 2 Years to Pay •••
I I Mrs. A. E. Wohlert, of Narbrook
/- ning was spent in social activities. delity-Philadelphia Trust Co., and
chairman of the U. of P. Progress
Price reduced to $115. Slightly More on Budget
Plan. Also Quality and Hotpoint Ranges.
A. aD eYe..,.day eOD. I Pnrk, is giving a birthday party on Graduate at Princeton Prep Committee.
veDlence the tele- I Saturday afternoon in honor of her Robert Fulton Clarke, son of Mr. -------
phone I. well wqrth
Ita low COlt.,ID eme,..I
daughter, Miss RU;h Wohlert. and Mrs. James K. Clarke, of Wister
road, Wynnewood, graduated last Fri-
Made' Art Club Officer
Richard T. Dooner, of Penn Val-
genclea 1118 prleeleaa.i Mrs: Ralph S.Dunne and children, day from the Princeton Preparatory, ley, has been elected vice-president of


" 8 a t~n·day sta,Y, in Ocean City.
, ,(Continued on 'Palle FIve)
of Shrley road, have l'eturned from School. While at the school Clarke' the Art Director Club of Philadel-'
participated on both the football and I phia. Mr. Dooner is a photographer
track teams.
j with II. studio at 1724 Chestnut street.
OUR TOWN Page Five
June 24, 1932
Mrs. J. Elwood Pittinger, of "The Announce Winners in Open I Doris Price, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
3 Treatments that THE FIRESIDE IOaks," on Dudley avenue, is spending Duplicate Contract Tourney I Herbert B. Price, of Anthwyn road, Come 10 the
the month of June in St. Paul, Minn., I
· t with a book entitled "America's Story
Th e resu It s 0 f th e open d up1Ica e: ,
are Sensational: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 visiting friends. St, Paul is Mrs. Pit- " . . .
Artzt Milk Ray
• • (Continued from Page Four)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Dilling-
tinger's home town.
Mrs. Edward Connors, of 13 Dudley
contract bridge tournament held by In Postage Stamps, III recognition of
the Women's Division of the Narberth her splendid work as secr.'ltary and
Bridge Club on Tuesday afternoon treasurer of the organization during
Shoe Repairing
treatment for falling hair, un· ham and children, of Cedar lane, have avenue, is leaving this week for Nar-
are as follows: N. & S., Mrs. Wal- the past year. where workmanship arId ma-
healthy scalp and baldness. returned from a stay in Newport ragansett Pier.
tel' J. Sawyer and Mrs. H. I. McCon- terials aTe best. Shoes made
Ask for our price. News, Va. Mr. Dillingham left on
• •
For a limiled peTiod:
Tuesday for a three weeks' trip to Mrs. G~ang~~ Sc~rader~ of lona
Phoenix, Ariz.; Dallas, Texas, and avenue, w~ll VISit friends In Boston,
nell; E.. & W., Mrs. C. A. Stoudt,
and Mrs. F. X. Purcell.
Visit duPont Gardens
The Spade and Trowel Garden Club
10 order by a Teal shoemakeT
of 16 yeaTS' expeTience.
THERMIQU~ Los Angeles. He will return by the I' Mass., durmg the month of July. Last Friday the Women's Division of Narberth made a pilgrimage to the

Ihe most peT.fect

$5 I
Southern route, stopping at New 01'- Mr. and Mrs. George Oberdorfer,
leans, Birmingham and other places of Price avenue, spent last week-end
held a business meeting, when it was Pierre du Pont Gardens at Longwood,
decided to keep the club rooms open Pa., on Tuesday afternoon.
every Monday afternoon for rubber
39 Narberth Ave.-Up the Hill

for only 0f interest. I in Washington, D. C.

Gives flO discomfoTt ;. i bridge throughout the summer. There
fTom heat OT weight
• • , Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mac~ellar, of I Miller Vets Defeat Aces
will be three hostesses on each Mon-
I Th~ J~~tructiv~
day. Those for July are Mrs. E. C.
Vegetable Rinse Beechwood lane, had as. their g.uests . Th e M'll I er V e t erans d ef eat e d th e
leaves the hair with unpar· I last week-end at their cottage m A ces b y th e score 0f 9 t 0 6 on M an-
Stone Harbor, . I
N. J., Mr. and Mrs. d ay on th e N ar b er th S ch 001 F'Ie.
Griswold, Mrs. C. A. Stoudt and Mrs.
.J. H. Baker.
alleled splendid lustre and Duplicate contract will be played on
Charles Richter and Mr. and Mrs. C 't h f th M'll V ts
softness; for all shades and
colors of hair. I
· A d b
G eorge W Iison, of u u on, . ., an
N J d I ase, Pi c er or
1 a 11 owe d th e A ces th ree h't
e I er
I s, b'
Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Mem-
. Japanese Beetle
• I •
nIl'. . and
N J [rs.
. . peers,
' 0
Pa - b t t' ht t h
u one Ig spo, w en e Issue wo h '
emg In
bers are allowed to bring a guest on·
d t
Beauty Salon
216 Dudley Ave. : Narb. 2324
myra, . . . . bases on balls coupled with an error.
. Mr. J. Randolph Ke.lm, '~ho IS a stu- Shea, of the Aces, hit a double, tying
dent at Harvard University, has reo, the score 4-4. The Miller Vets col-
Mondays and Tuesdays. Alternate
Tue;:;days are open to the residents of
the community who are interested.
is back-
OPEN FRIDAV EveNINGS turne? and. is s~ending his summer lected 10 safeties off Claffey. Claffey The next "open" day will be on Tues- I
Mon.. Tues.-Wed. SPECIALS day afternoon July 12. I
vacation with hiS .parents, Mr. and also pitched a pretty good game, but
Mrs. Hervey C. Keirn, of Dudley ave- had poor support. A spectacular I
I . nue I catc h was rna d e b y Mi II er, w h 0 threw Announce Show Date
W. P. MIESEN Mrs. Joseph R. Clausen, of Meeting I the runner out at first. The ninth annual Flower Show,

Carpenter .:. Build er .:. Jobb iog

House, is spending this week in
0 Ct A d
I The line-up: Miller Vets-Cook, sponsor"d by. the Womal.l's Club of
1 LI
832 MONTGOMERY AVE. cean I y. I c; Whitney, 3b; Spencer, ss; Forr- r more, W.I II b C h e Id 11l th e cUI
Phones: Miss Anna May Jenkins, of Mont-, m'm lb' Crowell 2b' Bob Tyson rf'l house on Friday, September 16, from I
Day-Narberth 3973.M I gomery avenue,. has left for Wash- I C.' Spen~er, If; MiII~r, cf; Cas~, p: 1 2 unti~ 9 o'clock. Classes and sche~- i
;...._ _...;;..N;,;oig~h;,;,t~.;;,N_a.;,;r.;;,b.;e.;,;rth;;;.._40;..;.,;44;,,;.. ington, D. C. Aces-Meehan, c; Roser, 3b; O'Con-' ules.wlll be announced by t~e commit-I
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pickett ncr, ss; Shea, 1b; S. O'Conner, 2b; tee Il1 char~ of Mrs. CeCil H. Va?-
~==============~;S~okes, of "Lane'~ End," Narberth, J. O'Conner, rf; Jumbo, If; Baker, ghan, l~ter III the season. There Will
"1!!!!!iii!!!iiii!8!!!iii~~====~!!i!!!i!8i!8!J!iii!!!!iii!i!!ii, Will
ii I . have as their guest over the c.f., Claffey, p. I be special c1ass~s for .flowers, as
. well
I week-end Lord Carew of Ashley Gar- as vegetables, for which there are a I
Automobile I dens, Lond~n,' :t;ngla~d, aide-de-camp I number of·prizes. This show is open I
I to the Governor of Bermuda. Main Liners Graduate to any of the Main Line residents. i
Repairing II Mr. and ,Mrs. Percival Roberts, of From Drexel This Week The committee is holdin~ a meeting
1:1 All lis Branches Pennhurst Farm a.·e at White Sul- --- at the home of the chairman, Mrs. STOP THIS
• I phu~ SpringS,. \~ cst. Virginia. I
Among the 285 students graduated Vaughan, on Monday morning. ,
MISS Kathken Hailey, daughter of from Drexel Institute this week were RUINOUS
13·Plate Batteries, II i\lr. and Mrs. J. A. Bailey, Jr., of the following from the Main Line: Announce ~ridge ~inners
Guaraflteed 1 Year Merion and Essex avenues, entertai~- I
Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil The top scor~~ III the b.rld~~ tourna- INVASION
'Ld at a .danee at her home last Frl- Engineering _ Egerton B. Sawtelle, I men; at .t~e. Open Night of the
$5.50 day. The guests included Miss Fran- Haverford. ' Men s DIVISion of the Narberth
i I Immediate action is advisable before the dreaded Japane~e
• I. ccs Parvin, Miss Betty Ott Miss Vir-
. . . .
gll11a Alexander, MISS Mary Bmgham,
. -. ..
B h I
ac e or a
f S .
clence egree III Com- , .
d ' : mg:
a-opera Ive usmess A mm-I· d H b
Bridge Club were won by the follow-
N & S C
., arl B. Metzger, Jr.
Beetles seriously damage ycur I::eautiful trees. A B,lrtlett
Goodyear I I
MISs Natahe Macaroy, MISS Virginia'· t t'
.. .. ' IS ra IOn
ourse -
) Ch 1 C H a n
ar cs . am- M k E M
er crt unel; E. & W., Dr.
d H Asscciate will in~pect your trees. make spraying recom'
Cabrey, MISS Mary Jane Boxman I N b th T Y C . I ar . organ an J. . Baker.
Speedway and I, M. . . ' I mer,
ISS Kitty Boxman, MISS Nancy Serv-I S t ' I St d'
ar er ; wo- ear ourse In I Th
(D' 1 I ) El
t . h
e nex open mg t a
t th M '
e en s I
mendations and determine costs-without o!::liJ<lting you
ice, Miss Betty Holt, Miss Libby I ccreAarCla II' u leAS d Ip oma ' in any way. Phone or write us today.
Pathfinder Tires ••
Thompson, MISS MarIan Cow~rd, Miss ,. L H k'
1101' • U man, l' more; Ch. arlotte M d '
ea- 1 Division of the Club wiII be held on
I on ay evemng, J u 1y 11. Wehave made a study of this destructive imect ~nd 1re ready
• ··
R uth G aul, M ISS Mlddred Odiorne, I
. as ms, ar er .
. .
N b th
I • to protect your trees scientif:c<Illy at recently reduced prices.
Miss Marie McGarry, Miss Betty Mal- I CommissIOned Second Lieutenant, Wins Stamp Book
Washing and Greasing I
" atesta, Miss Peggy Meredith, Miss Infantry, Officer 3' Reserve Corps-, The Philatelic Society of Lower
Peggy Huzzy, Miss Margaret O'Brien I Edgerton B. Sawtelle, Haverford. Merion High School presented Miss THE F. A. BARTLETT TREE EXPFRT CO,
NARBERTH 152 Mont.oml:ry Ave., Ba It-Cynw)d, Pa.
Miss Edith Funk, Miss Frances Leg, -~--~....-_---

·----~ ..
'~~~ Ptont: C"'iw.,·d 1200
Bridge Garage Miss Marie Quinn, Miss Anna Butts,
Narberth Avenue at the Bridge M.iss Peggy Sa~m~ns, Mr. pavid CLASS/FIEf) AlJVEilTISElJ1ENTS =
-, PHONE NARBERTH 2603 Rldgoe, Mr. Ray Wtlhams, Mr. Arthur
Bailey, Mr. Robert Dawson, Bud General Notice- Classified Advertisements wlll be ;harged ollly
e33~~~;§ii!3~~S~;§ii!;§ii!SiHopkins, Mr. Charles Timm, Mr. Clin-
I to Tesldents of the Main LIne whose names
-===-==========::::::;:=-==...:=- appear In the telephone directory: to persons maintaining an account With
'ton Ross, Mr. I. McKelvey, Mr. Jor- ~ u~. or to regular subscllbers to either TliE MAIN LINER OUR TOWN or
dan Gaul, Mr. Andrew McClure Mr. 1 NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD.
Frank Maxwell, Mr. Robert Elmore,
. ' Colonial Village Pool
For Rent Mr. Gouvernor Evans, Mr. Frank Rates- IO cents a Une In each paper; 25 cents a line In al! three.
MInimum charge. 3bc III on" paper; 75 cents In all three AV. Inc.
Mantz,Mr. Harry Jackson, Mr. Her- ~rage of five words to the line. No blackfaced type used.
I Deadline I'0J' InseJ'tions- Cla.... lfied ad\'ertu,elllenrs will -New ownership--
English Tudor bert Jones, Mr. Louis Clanges, Mr. Opened for Season 1932, on May 30th
John Pennypacker, Mr. Jack McGar- . be aC<'epled up to Wednesday 5
Residence vey, Mr. Jack Ryan, Mr. John Ed- a clock for oua TOWN or all three papers; Thursday. 1 o·clock. for THE
MAIN J.1NER: Thursday. 6 o'clock ·for NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD. Membership Restricted
Recently completed, solid mao
sonry, flagstone roof, leaded glass wards, Mr. William Morton, Mr. ~$ .
windows. beam ceilings, 16th Cen-
tury woodwork. great open fire- Charles Pennypacker, Mr. Jack Huth, ~~ Phone Your Ads to ARDMORE 3100 Season Rates
places, antique wrought-lion hJrd· Mr. Fletcher Scott Mr. Eddie Wright, t.
~ .
ware' stUdio living-room 20 x 40;
reoreatlon room 20 " 50: 6 bed
rooms, 3 baths, 3·car garage.
1\1r. Jack Rockwell, Mr. Robert Roach, ~ ~.." .¢..~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Family $35
Mr. Charlie Roach, :Mr. Allen Sher-
In a beautiful settlng-10 acres
roiling lawns surrounded by wooded
hills; brook with swlmml.,g facil-
wood, Mr. Walter Woodbury, Mr. AI- Situation,. Wanted Rooms for Rent
!HG:-I SCHOOL BOY wiBhes any Idnd of MEHIOX-Young private family will take Individual $20
Ities; 1000 rhodendrons choice
evergreens; an Ideal secluded coun,
I an McCoole, Mr. Armand Rei;;, 1\11'. wOl'k dlll"ilW: "ummel', Ouldool'" 01' In. a few guests. Board optional. Large.
I Tom McCartan, Mr. Robert Torehi- oy the hOUI·. day 0" week. Telephone cool hotlse. Congenial sunoundlngs, 5 Make Locker Reservations
try home. 20 minutes from heart : anna, Mr. Edward Burgess, Mr. Em- :-;,,,, he'. th ·116\. omh-tf minutes to station. Business people pre-
of city, 6 minutes P. R. R station. NOW
Prloed at $25000 a m"'nth. I brey Ruck~r, Mr. Jack Berry, Mr. Ed- PA "'S WORK in Bah' C~'nwyd section fened. Heasonable. Call 1\lerion lOln- w.
Let us show you this unusual I ward Fitipoldi and Mr. Willianl But-- wanted ;':; expo colm'e:l woman, Ph, 06-~4
house, I r ;\Ie, ion 581. omb6-~4 I For Further Information
Durbin & Howard
31 N::=!Jcrth Ave.,
e Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Fellowes HOt.:SI';WOltK-Heflned young- lad",'
Plain Cook, Exc, ref. Suburhs, Call SI~GLE DWG.-7 rooms and balh: ga-
Real Estate for Rent Apply to I
Narberth. Pa. W 00 d , 0f F arrest avenue, entertained Ardmore :lO!q-M.
Iast week at dinner in honor of Mr.
om6-~4 mge. $55. See J.
berth 3~S7 or Xarberth 41)33
A. Cald\\'ell. .....'·ar-'
CIu b P rlV. .
. ifege Commlttee .
and Mrs . Jerom eB. Gra y, a f W es t YOV~G houseWOlI,. GmL wants cool,lng
:\Iother's & general "11 E 6
hell·lel'. Refs," C' -ROOM: IiOUSE; bath. 2 porches. POBox
••• No 6 , Wayne , a P .
Chester. The guests included Mr. good yard; near sta. Rent reas. Ph. Phone Bryn Mawr 1041
A..d. 2~S:l, om7-1
and Mrs. Norman Gray, of West DUI'bin ""- Howard. Narb, 2500.
Il' AITIU;SS 01' Wall, In store, Reflned
Ch ester; M r. Frank Hawley, of Phila- ,'oun;.\" lady, I';xe, ref. Subul'hs. Call For Sale
I delphia, and Mr. Robert Cameron, oi A ·rlmore :lO!14-:\1. om6-24
Narberth.: GAS HAXGE and 1\n;;RIO~ GAS HEAT-
1 ,\lIDf)LI~-AGJ';D \\"O~[AX, \\;ho has had •EI{. hoth iJ~ good COI1(!. $Ifi. Appl~' 241 1
Mr. and,:Mrs. 'Vood also entertain- 0,,"11 home. desires house·.\·ol·I<, Salary. h.ellt ltd.. \\ ~'lIl1ewood. Ph. Ard. 3i97,
cd at dinner on Tu:sday evening for ·ilL :'Ills, !lo,', 2:10 Hig-hland a\'e.. Merion. I ' 06·24
Mrs. James Donnelly, of Chicago, for- CAPABLI·; middle ~lg'ed WOllUlJl wlghes l'~PEW HJ'I'I·.H", :-oJd, rtHlled lUll1 I"tj-
paired, reus.; olllee su!>plles, Suhur·
l1lerly of Narberth, her daughter, Miss liosl:lo:l as IHUHe, or compa·nlon to In- ball Typewl'l ter Co" Times MedIcal
Anne Donnelly, and Mr. James Don- valid 01' eldel'I~' pel'son, Ph. C,'n. :1116. BJdg. l·h. A,-rl, 1;17S. (omh-tf)
nelly, Jr., who arc the guests of Mrs. 011lh7-1 'l'OI\1A'l'O l'L.AN'1'~. 40c doz., 3 doz. $1; 1
also astels. zinnia. snal>dragon, scarlet
1\1:. M. Livingston, of Chestnut avenue. IJAY'S WOltK 'l"hurs.• Frl., Sat.. clean- sage & othel' pia nts. Narb, 3nS3-R. 33n,
Ing. laundl";\'. Can serve dinners. Call
Mrs. Bel'llardo J .. Segui, of Putnam hetween 6 and 7. evenings. Ard. 4640. Dudley ave" ",,,,·hel·th. om6-24lnc I
road, Merion Park, have returned omb-tf ORlI';:\TAI~ ItUGS. furniture. 1>lctures.:
fro111 a week's stay in Norwich. PAR'l'-'l'DIE mornings; da,"s work. Ard. books-hanntin!<. Leaving cit)·. Ph.,
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Link, of Mer- WSt. omb-tf Narh. ~:l3ll.J. omb6-2·1
ion Park, .and their two daughters, I I
PLIANT' ' - . . . . Miss Cecile Link and Miss Jacqueline I At Your ServICe Laundry at Home I
Outdoor Furniture
fi the _r.r ••• ~
. . . .Borde. II - . .
the _ _ •• '/ ......
Wrightsville Beach, N. C.
Link, are I>pending several weeks at i 216 Forest A\'e,. :"lll'h.
care of. Call
i Gl'HOLS'l'ERI:"G and rep; springs of :1-
Mr. and Mrs. Caryl E. Starr, of I· piece Stills repaired, $10; chair reCo\'er-
X,u'b, 3711 01-
Ard. 494-W,
to tal<e home.

Seashore and Resorts

Rens. I'lltes,l
06- 24 1 demand • •• Red Cedar
For only Red Cedar has the stamilla to long withstand
p- I Merion avenue, left on Thursday by, ed. $5. Go an~·where. Call Lewis. "'ayne BPlACII HAVEN. X, .T.-2 small bunga- I our great climatic variations. 'Rustieraft Furniturc can
GOtDBN I motor for Pittsburgh, to spend sev-I omb6-24 lows nellr ocoean. $50 month, $15 \\'eek I
be left ~ut~oor:s all year round and will last 20 to 30 years.
Each plCce Individually shaped, fitted, and put together
GUBRNSBY eral days. 'JO'l"l'LIES· I';SSLINGER. carpenter. job- 01' $1.00 dIL)'; also camping sites. 'l'hos.
hiliI;', altemtlons. 122 Conway ave. Shel bOI·ne. l'eljlllm a \·e.. Beach H.wen. by hand. Rustieraft Red Cedar Furniture ·is distinctive
MILE . Mrs. J. H. Baker, of Haverford nnd is so heavy that it will not blow away. CUn be bought
. .un. the daIl _ ...
IGPPu.. the PaPr ... . :tvenue, entertained the members of
: ~llll :'-Iarb. 374S-R.
HIGH-GRADE H1O:PAlm:"a, a specialty

7-22 N. J. omb7-S1
scparately or b;'{ thc set. Li tera ture and prices upon request.


- 01 healthy ~
the Women's Division of the Nar- on antique gmndfathers' c10cl<s. valued I and FENCE too %

~ lllltV~:
berth Bridge Club at her home on hall and wall chime clocks. C. R. Starn. ESTATE NOTICE
Monday evening at Duplicate Con-l 115 Rockland Ave. Ph. Nal'b. 2522-.T. 07-1 ESTATE OF ROBERT F. HAVES, De.
............. ..-.wo.w.. I tract Bridge. The guests were Mrs. 1 COLORED WOMAN Wishes day's work, ceased-I.etters testamentary on the
o-.-r em' .. I Joseph T. Berta, Mrs. Louis P. Ta- i best refel·enees. Phone Bal. 48SS. abo\'e estate have been gmnted to the
Vis,t the Dairy Bungalow
After Your Swim
I bor, Mrs. John M. Wetzell, Mrs. Caryl I
i E. Starr, Mrs. C. A. Stoudt, Mrs. H.I
06·24 undersigned. who request all persons
haVing claims 01' demands against the II
I I. McConnell, Mrs. E. W. Fehr, Mrs. : :3USI:"I';SS WOl\IAN
George Prior, Mrs. Frederic E. Moyer,
furnished apartment In No.l·berth with delay. to
estate of the deccdent to make known
will share small the decedent "0, "d .n .",'w'" 1'''''0<1
to make payment. without
GUERNSEY DAIRIES I Mrs. W. J. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. C. A. 'ongenlal woman. Ref. exchanged. Reas. REV. JOSEPH A. HAYES, Executor.
I Hammer, Mrs. E. C. Griswold, Mrs.,' Ph. Ard. 3100. omb-tf
West Lancaster Ave., Wayne IF. X. Purcell, Mrs. John C. Nash 2427 Perklomen Ave..
Jteading. Pa. I
and Mrs Arthur L. Cooke. N. & S·I Rooms and Boarding Or to his Attorne~':
'Phone--Wayne 1121
was won by Mrs. Griswold and Mrs. "-ITH OR WI'l'HOU'l' BOARD-will rent WILLIAl\I H. CREAMER, JR.,
"A Complete, Dependqble Dairy Purcell, and E. & W. by Mrs. Nash lOSroom to gentleman: con\·. to sla. & hus.
Chestnut A\·e., Narberth. I'
1500 "'alnut St.•
f'::I:adelphln. ra.
Ser"ice" and Mrs.
- •
• ~.& ,. - . -
Page Six· 'OUR'TOWN June 24, 1932

Honors Announced Seventh Grade-Drayton Benner, Heads Finan.ce Committee which was launched at Kearney, N.J.,
Richard Boileau, Edmund Bossone,
at Narberth School Robert Caroll, Norman Egolf, De- HAVE YOU CAST YOUR VOTE? Dr. LeRoy A. King, of. Narberth,
is chairman of a committee on school
on June 11.

(Continued from Page One)' Haven Grace, Ronald Paige, Sam Pru- An additional opportunity is being given to Narberth residents to finance of the Commission for th~ Graduate at Cornell
tt, Emil Roesler, John Schwabenland, express their views on the merger. If you have not voted, do so
Bailey, Anne Forsythe, Myrtle Hager, Clyde Shewell, James Spinelli, Mich- Study of Educational Problems in Five Main Liners received degrees
Dorothy Havlick, Helen Mellor, Mir- Clel Spinelli, Chester Tyson, Charles at once.
Pennsylvania, which has just issued at the commencement exercises at
iam Pulch, Louise Sammartino, Mar- Viguers, Virginia Bossert, Jane Chil- To the Editor of Our Town: the· first of a series of pamphlets, en- Cornell University on Monday. They
garet Shaver, Margaret Stam. las, Julia Hess, Mary A. Krauskop, titled "Pennsylvania Studies Itself." are Wallaee M. Patterson and Robert
Fifth Grade-Hugh Aikin, Kingdon Nancy MacKenzie, Betty L. Nold. I favor the merger of the Borough with
P. Liversidge, of Bala-Cynwyd; Phil-
Ford, Calvin Batchelor, Charles Beat- Sixth Grade-Billy Aiken, Wills Lower Merion Township 0 ip H. Foote, of Overbrook Hills; Joel
ty, Morton Breslow, Matilda Bustos, Burrowes, Sam Clevenger, Burton I am opposed to the merger of Narberth Designs Ship Propellers B. Justin, of Merion, and Robert E.
John Fittipoldi, Roger Fox, Elinor Davis, Arthur Denman, William Don- with Lower Merion 0 Stephen E. Slocum, of Ardmore, Patrick, of Wayne.
. Hause Eleanor McClay, Jean Russell, aldson, David Duncan, Dick Hopkins,
'Debor~h Smedley, Dorothy Sparks, Law Lindsay, George Morhard, Rob- Name •..•.•••..•••••••••.••••..•••.•••••••
consulting engineer, was the designer I
Ruth Woolmington, Shirley .White- crt Tyson, Bob Wilmot, Gordon Wil- of the propellers for the Santa l'aula,
side. .'lon, Elinor Abel, Kathryn Bailey, the second of four· new Grace liners
Address •.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.
Fourth Grade-Warren Donaldson, Sonja Egolf, Ann Forsythe, Myrtle The 18th VillanoJ'a
Norma Bailey, Toppy Nason, Burt Hager,.Anne Hagerty, Dorothy Hav- Mail to Our Town or deposit in box at Da'll;s' or the Post Office
Hause, Eugene Lindsay, Jeanne Grey- lick, Helen Mellor, Louise Sammar- Low-Fare Excursions College Summer School
er, Helen Roesler, Louise Barnet't, tino, Margaret Stam. From Narberth
those who complete the course. DAII..Y
Betty Johnson, Julio DiPietro, Louis Fifth Grade-Hugh Aiken, Calvin The list of books arranged ac- Atl~ntic City
Krug, Ines Recchilungo. 3atchelor, Charles Beatty, Morton
Sixth period honors were announced Breslow, Matilda Bustos, Eleanor Mc-
as follows: Clay, Dorothy Sparks, Ruth Wahlert,
cording to grades is mounted on the
bulletin board in the children's de-
$)40 I •
Cape May

Asbury Park Courses in Arts, Philosophy,
Sixth Period Honors Shirley Whiteside. partment and in connection with it are
Ocean Grove
FIRST HONORS Fourth Grade-Robert Nordblom, Library Travel Club for colorful posters designed by F. L. Science, Social Science and
Long Branch
Eighth Grade - Nelson Bucher, Ines Recchilungo, Frank Spinelli, Warren, and published by the Na- VIa Broad Street Station
Children is Under Way tional Child Welfare Association, of 25 cents less via Market St. Wharf Education.
Wayne Deaves, Archie Sparks, Allan Warren Donaldson, Eugene Lindsay,
Worrell, Lawson Yow, Helen Brock, Helen Roesler, Jeanne Greyer, Billy New York, each one an illustration of $2.30 NEW YORK
Helen Chubb Julia Poorman. Sargent, Norma Bailey, Dorothy The Library Travel Club for chil- some feature of the more important Sundays, July 10, 24, August

David Kreher, John Krout, Sam Mc-

Seventh G;ade _ Harrison Berry, Boeri,cke, Howard Kairer: dren began its work this past week, countries.
~hlrd Grade - Ernestme ?antag - stimulated by children who had joined
Details regarding the
work may be learned by consulting also
7, 21, September 4, 18;
Indcpendence Day, July 4
Registration - Monday and
Tuesday, June 27 and 28, at
lilli, Kenneth Van Auken, DoriS Mac- the librarians. $3.05 BALTIMORE
CaI' t ney. in previous years and by parents the COrllmerce and Finance
. . /1-\.e II aI', R ' F ra t antoni,'G race Bus-
asma' $3.30 WASHINGTON
Sixth Grade-Donald Deaves, WIl- tos Marjory Havlick Betty Meln- who were encouraging them to join Bull Wins Honors Sundays, July 10, 24, August Building.
liam Furber, Roger Graham, Clar- tir~ Barbal'a .Nason 'Doris Simons once more. Miss Churchs' plans for A pure bred Guernsey bull by T. W. 7, 21, September 4, 18;
ence Griffis, James ,Meredith, Robert .Jea~ne Wohlert,Jam~s Barnett, Ken~ the work follow the same outline as & I. W. Roberts, of Bala, has just also Labor Day, September 5
Rowley, Charles Tmu,n, Dora Enz, :lCth Leins, Jimmy MacKenzie. in previous years and the little folks received the honor of being entered See Flyers or Consult Agents
Margaret Shaver, Marie Tapp. in the Advanced Register of the
Fifth Grade - Donald Claghorn,
Ernest Bailey, Virginia DeHart, John
Make~·· Address, Gets Degree
will read according to their gradc a
list of boks about other lands and
American· Guernsey Cattle Club, Pet.
erboro, N. H., two of his daughters
Pennsylvania Railroad
John T. Faris, of 111 St. Georges other people.
Fittipoldi, Roger Fox, Betty Grace, road, Ardmore, delivered the com- having completed official records of
Dick Graham, Elinor Hause, Myra mencement address at Blackburn Col- The maps are ready to be outlined production.
Markle, Billy Morhard, Alan Munro, lege, Carlinville, Ill., on June 8, at and in fact there are several at this
Charles Palmer, Dow Pruitt, Betty which time the degree of Doctor of time that are very attractively col-
Raser, Jean Russell, Deborah Smed- Letters was conferred upon him. Dr. ored, preparatory to indicating with
ley, Janet Stringfield, Ruth Wohlert, Faris is the author of "Old Gardens stars the countries that have been vis-
Shoyelfor Shoyel,
Sue Wilson, Billy Wentz, Shirley Vin- In and About Philadelphia," which ited by means of books. There will
cent. be no note books this year for record-
was publ;shed recently, and other ing criticisms, but instead Miss
the anthracite defiv~red care-
Fourth Grade-Paul Blakeman, Al- books. fully by L. M. Th~mpson com·
Church and Miss Christ will question pares with any other. coal in
bert Cederstrom, Julio DiPietro, Dor-
the children to see how much has been Hundreda of amazingly low e~cur­
othy Furber, Louis Krug, Richard Mumps Lead Diseases slon farea. good every day, with Jib heat-units-per.<follar. Order now
learned through the reading, and as era! return privlleltea Many t1epart.
MacFarland, Ruth McCartney, Don- Eleven cases of communicable dis- urea-nation wide service. at summer's low prices
usual certificates will be awarded to
ald Malochleb, Anna Mariana, Dor- t!ases comprise the total reported by ROUND TRIP EXCURSION~
othy Snyder, Jean Tripician, Mary the Lower Merion Health Officer for Washington " , , .. ' , ' .$5.70 G V I..~T
Bllitimore '".,.,., ""., 4 20

Louise Paul, Jane King, Louise John- the week ending June 17. They are: Gettysburg ' .. , ' .. , .. 5.05 'The Coal 'i"h,1t
ston, Christine Hackman, Meredith Five of mumps, 3 of tuberculosis, and Don't Throw Your. Harrisburg ' 4.15
PlttsbL:rrh ' , ".", .11.95 Satisfies
Munns, Billy Carroll, Anita Good- one each of chickenpox, german mea- Old Shoes Away-Let Cleveland .. , , .. 15.75
rich. .Detroit ,.,., '.' ' , .. , , .. 21.00
sles and measles. Chicago ' .. " 27.75 R
Third Grade-George Bfeslow, Eliz- LOW ONE WAY FARE
New York .. , .. '., ... ,." .. $2.30
abeth Foltz, Jean Anderson, Mary' Penn Valley Garden Club Information and ticket· office -Phone CYNWYD 280
Louise Evans, Everet~ Ford, Betty . E. A. DORION
The Penn Valley Garden Club will 59 W. Lancaster Ave.
make them like new. Low
Herron, Daniel Knapp, Betty Tobert, hold a meeting at the home of Mrs,
Margaret Hebsacker, Miriam Kreher, E. Burke Wilford, Linden lane and
Virginia Knapp, Mary Pruitt, Julie Sycamore avenue, Merion, on Monday
Lou Rowan, Jane Strohm, Mary Ty- morning at 10.30 A. M. Miss Flor-
price, good. leather,
work. Very low price for
children's shoes.
Phone: Ardmore 2396
909 Lancaster Ave,
Phone: Br~'n Mawr 1280 L.M.Thompson
son, Helen Wipf, Dick Berry, Albert ence Bertaman will talk on "Slipping Bala Avenue below Union, Bala-Cynwyd
Gres, John Miller, Claude Waters. Roses." PANAMA HATS
Eighth Grade - Dan Hess,· John Graduate From Smith
men's, ladles',
cleaned and blocked
75 C
J{1um, Dwight Mackell, CarroIl Pal- Virginia Rugh, of Cynwyd; Mar- MEN'S FELT HATS50
mer, Joe Perry, Eleanor Briner, Lois tha Colley and Shirley Swift, of Cleaned and Blocked C
Enz, Eunice Griswold, Jean Hark- Wayne, were graduated from Smith
ness, Anita McFarland, Louise Me- College, Northampton, Mass., on Mon- 3 Doors from Narb. Theatre
J!:ee, Betty'~urray' .. day.

Makeshift Methods
Pliers and monkey-
may produce only wrenches have their
makeshift results • • • r£ghtful place in the
scheme ()f things. And
while they will fix a
rV ash i 11 g - machine,
they'd ruin a watch.
Does a The watchmaker uses

Watchmaker tools designed to do

The ADMIRAL his par/ielliar job.

On the Beach From at Cool Cape May, N. 1. Use

A beautiful modern 6reproof hotel offering accommo- Mechanic's •
rIII dations of the highest type-350 rooms with bath.

Rates Exceedinglj' Modest

Golf....,..Tennis-Boating. Surf Bathing directly from Hotel. Out-

door Sea Water Swimmiitg Pool. Concert and Dance Orchestra.
Tools •
• • • A wIse advertiser does
not waste money on
makeshift methods.
Social Hostess ...., . Saddle Horses

Like the watchmaker,
George M. Boughton, Ma11agiug Dil'ector he selects the medium
Suburban Publicati ons,
,,' Inc., are at your service for that will best do the
all kind:: cf printing, and
news and advertising in job. With a record of
The Main Line i?{uality
"GRACE" ON THE TERRACE GrcHp of influential weekly
many years' successful
service t~ a progres-.
Could anything be more delightful on a well-shaded porch than news organs, including:
this comfortable Rocker, graceful Setee, the Arm Chair and a
OUR TOWN, Narberth sive community, your
Tablc for the flowers? Come to our Display Garden and see
these in Home surroundings. We are open until 3 o'clock NE\VS of Bala,Cynwyd community's weekly
Satu~days. For tire balallce of tlris seaSOIl, e'llery piece of
news organ will reach
of Gardell FUrtl;tllre will be specially priced. The 1.1AIN LINER
YOllr market most ef-


The Link Between Forest and Home
fectively per dollar of
29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd, Pa.
Cynwyd 662

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