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Applications of DRONES (Unmanned Aerial vehicles) in Blasting

Blasting involves controlling a large amount of information in order to ensure optimal design
of the explosive's energy distribution. This requires a series of checks before and during the
charging process and after blasting, which is where drones can be highly useful in blasting
operations. The various applications of Drones in blasting are:

A. Before blasting

(a) Topography and cartography: Generate orthomosaic and digital terrain models

faster than with conventional topography. Safety of personnel is significantly
improved, especially when implementing models in areas which are unstable or
difficult to access.

(b) Bench geometry: Obtain high-precision 3D geometric models of the blast bench.

The models obtained allow geomechanical analysis of the bench with compatible
software, thus ensuring optimal blasting design based on actual conditions.

(c) Positioning blastholes: Actual position can be determined precisely without the

need for conventional topography. The information obtained by the drone can be
used in blasting software for blast optimisation.

(d)  Safety inspections: Help reduce the time and risks of the safety zone inspections
carried out before and after blasting, inspecting a larger area without the deployment
of personnel. Overhead views allow better recognition of the terrain, avoiding blind

(B) During blasting

(a) High-speed photos and video: Drones allow for capturing high resolution images and
film high-speed video from angles that would be impossible on land, with the added
bonus of having the operator located in a safe area. It is therefore possible to analyse
blast behaviour and material flow, along with any incidents during detonation.

(b) Gas measurement: Real-time measurement of the gases generated in the blast (CO,
NO and NO2) guarantees safety conditions in the bench and a faster return to work,
without the need to send anybody to control the area beforehand.

(C) After blasting

(a) Bench volume measurement: Measuring bench volumes before and after blasting
provides quick, direct information to effectively secure the area.

(b) Blasted material pile volume measurement: Accurate calculation of blasted material

pile and ore stockpile volumes. The work can be carried out without interrupting the
charging process and without the need to send personnel to the area.
(c) Fragmentation analysis: The images obtained with drones are optimal for semi-
automatic analysis of the fragmentation obtained in the different blasting areas,
without the need for scale references. Accurate results can be achieved more quickly
and without the need to deploy personnel to the bench.

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