Balanced Scorecard PDF

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The balanced scorecard is a strategic

planning and management system is
used extensively in business and
industry, government, and nonprofit
organizations worldwide to align
business activities to the vision and
strategy of the organization, improve
internal and external communications,
and monitor organization performance
against strategic goals.

To determine the Balanced Scorecard

assessment of corporate performance
from the perspectives of financial,
customer, internal business processes,
and learning and growth.
Financial Perspective

Sony's objectives to improve its financial prospective are

to improve our cost structure, revenue growth, become
the price leader, and the leader in the e-reader market. To
improve our cost structure our goal is to improve by 3
million, we plan on doing this by reducing the number of
component suppliers. Reducing the number of component
suppliers will reduce our costs. To increase our revenue
growth we plan to increase our sales volume. Our goal is
to regain the sales we have lost in the past 4 years.
Internal Process

Sony's objective to improve its internal process

is by continuing to develop unique innovative
products, improving products and services to
be more environmental friendly and to improve
employee’s environment in the company. To
develop unique innovative products we will be
making sure we develop a new product ever
year, this will include releasing a new e-reader
version with updated software.
Learning and

Sony's objective is to improve its learning and

growth to optimize employees’ recourses,
nurture the engineering team and manage
their talent, and then optimize the
compensation system. To improve the
optimization of employees recourses we will
use an output ratio this will decrease our
labor costs by 5% while maintaining current
output. We want to better train our employees
to perform more tasks.
Customer Perspective

Sony's objective to improve the customer

perspective of the company is to improve
the overall quality of our product, improve
our customer services, and to improve our
brand image. To improve our quality of the
products we will enhance the hardware and
software. This will include consistent
updates on e-readers when they are
connected to the 3G or when you connect to
the Sony Bookstore.

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