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Inacio Ferreira Neto ALVARO De Assis Rodrigues REINAN

Process – Brazil PSI Energy – Brazil
The research deal with an integration between the oscillography recorded by
the field-installed IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Device) and oscillography
generated through electric power system simulators with a protection
performance analysis Application. In the application are inserted algorithms of
the protections The user inserts the adjustments of the protections used in the
project, and performs the quality test of their adjustments through a generated
oscillation of the system. In cases where the field relay settings adjustment are
not reliable, defect oscillography are generated and applied in the application
in order to elucidate how precise the parametrized protections are. Another
advantage is during the elaboration of protection parameters known as
coordination and selectivity studies. The user can test the developed
protections and fine-tune the settings without having to carry protective
suitcases and relays, optimizing the field test processes and increasing the
quality of the adjustments, since these tests are not carried out to evaluate the
protection quality, but rather the performance of the function. For the insertion
of the oscillography analysis, IEEE-CONTRADE (Common Format for
Transient Data Exchange) IEEE C37.111-1999 files are inserted into an
application developed in Python with easy-to-use graphical interface. In
addition to the verified diagnosis, the application has a fault finding tool more
efficient than the traditional relays, using the technique of traveling waves, it is
possible to locate with more the defect point even for systems with more
hostile topologies to the calculation (e.g: Lines with mutual impedances or
serial compensation). It can help maintenance teams identify defects more
accurately, reducing repair time and subsequently generating industry savings.
This Application will generally assist utilities or integrators to perform
disturbance analysis quickly for disturbances applied to the system. Assist
engineers and technicians to make decisions that are more assertive on the
protection settings applied in the system.
INTRODUCTION : General ideas of the oscillography reader and its

Microprocessor relays generate event reports after each abnormality or

disturbance in the electrical system. Such reports can using for root cause
investigation and correction. The event report is a stored record of what happened
to the system during the occurrence. What the relay measured and how the
protection system behaved. Using this report together with reference materials,
such as instruction manuals for equipment, project documentation and analysis
software, it is possible to determine if the decision of the protection system was
correct or not for the conditions of the electrical system at the time of failure. The
information contained in oscillography is the source for understanding what
happened during the event. During the analysis of an event, the first issues
addressed should be: What transpired? Did the protection system operate as
desired? If not, why? Investigating, understanding, and validating a correct or
improper protection operation quickly is an important step in enabling the safe
reinstatement of the system after the event.
This paper deal with an integration between the oscillography’s recorded by the
field-installed IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Device) or oscillography’s engendered
through electric power system simulators (e.g. ATP, RSCAD among others) with a
protection performance analysis Application. In software labeled as POINT FAULT
ANALYSIS are inserted algorithms of the most prominent manufacturers'
protections in the current market. The user enters the adjustments of the
protections used in the project or the RIO [1] extension file to perform the quality
test of their adjustments through an oscillography generated in the system. In
cases where the field IED settings are not reliable or have been erroneous, the
recorded oscillography of a defect are applied to the POINT FAULT ANALYSIS in
order to elucidate which protection function should be optimized. Another
advantage in using this software is to define with greater accuracy protection
settings during the stage of elaboration of coordination and selectivity studies. The
user can test the protections developed in the selectivity studies without the need
to use test set equipment and the protection relay, avoiding the displacements to
where the equipment is installed, optimizing the commissioning processes and
increasing the quality of the adjustments, since real system defects are tested and
not just the performance of a function. For the analysis of disturbance IEEE-
CONTRADE files (common format for temporary data exchange) IEEE C37.111-
1999 [2] are inserted in the POINT FAULT ANALYSIS, an application developed in
Python [3] with intuitive and friendly web interface. Besides the diagnostic of the
protection used in the electric power system, the application has a more efficient
fault detection tool than the traditional ones, using the technique of traveling
waves; it is possible to locate the defect point even for systems with more hostile
topologies. Example: Lines with mutual impedances or series compensation). This
application can help maintenance teams identify defects more accurately, reduce
repair time and generate savings.


O que é o software, como foi construído quais funcionalidades ele apresenta

A software point fault analis é uma aplicação de interface WEB desenvolvida em

python com o intuito de otimzae os ajustes de proteção proposto nos estudos de
seletividade, como também fazer analises rápidas e de maior confiabilidade de
ocrrencias no sistemas elétrico atrvés de registros de oscilografias geados pelos
relés de campo
Com esta aplicação é possível fazer analises de correries de dois temrianois
Nexta tela é possível selecionar qual IEds será utilizado para pré analiese de
casos de sistema ou pra casos posteriores a ocrreiracias de faltas e que
necessatiam de investigação.
Estrutura do software (desenhar coisa parecida em um diagrama de blocos)
Figura 1:Point Fault Analysis - Program

Distance protection

The basic principle of distance protection involves the division of the voltage at the
relaying point by the measured current. The apparent impedance so calculated is
compared with the reach point impedance. If the measured impedance is less than
the reach point impedance, it is assumed that a fault exists on the line between the
relay and the reach point. When a fault occurs in an electrical transmission line,
the distance relays detect the faulty line and type of fault but they may under
reach/over reach depending upon pre-fault loading, fault resistance and remote
end in-feeds. The impedance estimated by a digital distance relay reduces with
the increase in the speed at which the estimate is obtained [4].
The algorithm developed for distance protection is simply presented in figure
Figura 2 Distance protection

Fault location - traveling waves technique – single terminal

When a fault occurs in an alternating current, high frequency electromagnetic

waves present the voltage and current signals, propagating from a point of failure
and in contradictory directions as the waves move towards the line terminals at the
speed of a terminal. When a wave front arrives at a line terminal, the business
portion of the spectrum undergoes a reflection and returns back to the point of
failure, since there is a refraction change and travels along the adjacent line,
toward the next line terminal. The polarity of the waves may depend on the
position of the fault in relation to the measurement point [5] (CHEN et al., 2003).
Propagation of travelling wave after the fault occurs; the fault-travelling wave
propagates along the transmission line from the fault point. During the travelling of
the fault-travelling wave, it will have reflection and transmission where there is a
junction, like disturbance point or bus, a portion of the travelling wave will be
reflected back, while the remaining will transmit through the junction and travel
forward to the nearby substations. When the incident travelling wave travels ui
from dielectric with wave impedance z 1 to dielectric with wave impedance z 2, it will
have reflection wave uf and transmission wave ut [6].
The reflection level of the travelling wave can be represented by the ratio between
the reflection voltage (or current) and incident voltage (or current) at a junction,
this ratio is known as reflection coefficient. The reflection coefficient of the
travelling wave voltage is:
u f z 2−z 1
(1) ρu = =
ui z 2+ z 1
While the transmission coefficient of travelling wave is represented by the ratio
between transmission voltage (or current) and incident voltage (or current), the
propagation coefficient of travelling voltage and travelling current is the same. The
propagation coefficient is
u 2z
(2) ρu = t = 2
u i z 1 +2
Bewley lattice diagram is the most common one for travelling wave analysis. That
is to calculate every transmission wave and reflection wave at the nodes and show
them in the lattice diagram according to the time. Then the voltage or current value
of each node can be got by using the superposition method. Take Fig.1 as an
example, it introduces two line segments with limited length between two lines with
infinite length, Z1~Z4 are the corresponding wave impedance of each line.

Figura 3Bewley lattice diagram

When fault occurs at t=t 0 at point F, the voltage and current detected by point M

u ( t )=( 1+ ρmu ) ub ( t−t 0−τ mf ) +γ mu γ m 2u ρmu u ( t −t 0 −τ mf −2 τ mn ) + ( 1+ ρmu ) ρ fu ρmu ub ( t−t 0 −τ mf −3 τ m n ) …

i ( t )=( 1+ ρmi ) i b ( t−t 0−τ mf ) +γ mi γ m 2 i ρmi u ( t−t 0−τ mf −2 τ mn ) + ( 1+ ρmi ) ρfi ρmi ub ( t−t 0−τ mf −3 τ mn ) …

Tthe algorithm developed for the detection of traveling waves is simply

presented in figure XX.
Figura 4:fault localization algorithm

CASE STUDY: Transmission line Penedo- Nossa Senhora do Socorro-

230 kV

In order to test the algorithms programmed in the POINT FAULT ANALYSIS,

oscillos were generated through an EMTP (The Electromagnetic Transients
Program) originating from disturbances provoked in overhead line of the company
CHESF (Companhia Hidro Elétrica do São Francisco), belonging to the group
Eletrobras , located in the northeastern region of Brazil. This overhead line
connects the substations of Penedo to Nossa Senhora do Socorro in the voltage
range 230 kV. The single-line diagram shows the region where the transmission
line is inserting into the electric power system.

Fig1. Single-line diagram of the Penedo - Nossa Senhora do Socorro

overhead line 230 kV:

In order to produce the electrical system more realistically, the system equivalents
used are only in the second bar adjacent to the study transmission line. The data
are presented in Tables 1, 2 3 and 4.
Table 1Impedance data for region lines

Source Destiny Voltage kV R1[ohm] X1(ohm) B1[uF] R0[ohm] X0(ohm) B0[uF]

N.S. do
Penedo 10.4 54.3 0.96 48.5 184.4 0.62
N.S. do
Fafen 1.1 5.9 0.1 5.3 20 0.07
Penedo 8.9 45 0.8 40.8 152.3 0.53
N.S. do
JDM 0,46 1,70 0.1 1,55 1,00 0.07
Table 2Transformers impedance data

Voltage [kV]
Substation Rp [ohm] Rs [ohm] Xp [ohm] Xs [ohm]
Senhora 230 Y 69 D 13,8 Y 0.43 0.04 21.5 1.94
do Socorro
Penedo 230 Y 69 Y 0.69 0.06 34.46 3.1
Table 3:Data equivalent sources

Substation R0 [ohm] X0[ohm] R1 [ohm] X1 [ohm]

Senhora 0.729 3.696 0.432 5.51
do Socorro
Penedo 0.737 18.656 14.249 80.538

Table 4 Transfer line

Source Destiny Voltage kV R1[ohm] X1(ohm) R0[ohm] X0(ohm)

N.S. do
Penedo 230 180.694 708.146 138300 138200

Disturbances are created along the transmission line in order to validate the
algorithms embedded in the software. After the generation of the COMTRADE
Standard C37.111 files, the data obtained from the systems is inserted into the
application as can be seen in figure X

The POINT FAULT ANALYSIS application program supports the analysis of failure
events in your network. It provides a graphical display of the data recorded during
the failure event and can use the measured values to calculate other variables
such as impedances, outputs or RMS. values, which facilitates analysis of the fault
log and the performance of a protection. In this application, the software is firstly
used to analyze the behavior of the distance protection for faults applied in the
transmission line. A single-phase short-circuit with no resistance in the middle of
the transmission line is the first case under study. For the case elucidated, the
instantaneous values of the current and the current in the line are shown in figure

In both terminals of the transmission line, the protection is based and an IED that
contains the protection to the distance (quadrilateral characteristic) with the
following characteristics
Table 5: Distance protection setting

Function Settings
Distance X (Ω/) K0
Zone 1 (ph-ph) 43.759 43.759 --

Zone 2 (ph-ph) 65.638 65.638 --

Zone 3 (ph-ph) 21.879 65.638 --

Zone 1 (ph-gnd) 43.759 52.511 0.795 ⌊−5,7 ° ¿ ¿

Zone 2 (ph-gnd) 65.638 78.766 0.795 ⌊−5,7 ° ¿ ¿
Zone 3 (ph-gnd) 21.879 78.766 0.795 ⌊−5,7 ° ¿ ¿

After the step of elaborating the protection settings, the software parameterization
is executed and the following quadrilateral characteristic shown in figure X is

[1] RIO reference manual, Article Number VESD5000 - Manual Version:

[2] IEEE C37.111-1999
[3] Python
[4] Network protection Automation guide – Distance protection
[5] CHEN, W.; MALIK, O. P.; YIN, X.; CHEN, D.; ZHANG, Z. Study of wavelet-
based ultra-high speed directional transmission line protection. IEEE
Transactions on Power Delivery, v. 18, n. 4, p. 1134–1139, 2003.
[6] Yu CHEN1, Dong LIU1, Bingyin XU2, Travelling Wave Single End Fault
Location Method based on Network Information

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