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For question 1, write your answer in NOT MORE THAN 3 WORDS

1        People hesitate to try Batik craft because it is

For Question 2, 3, and 4, write your answer in NOT MORE THAN WORDS.
In the space provided below, list the characteristics of Javanese:


For Questions 5 and 6, write your answer in NOT MORE THAN 3 WORDS.
How are Batik used nowadays?


For Questions 7 and 8, circle the correct answer.

7      The patterns on a piece of cloth is the result of

        A     the ‘crackling’ effect
        B     creativity of the artist                            
        C     contrast between the dyed and the undyed area of the cloth

8      The following materials are suitable for batik painting except

        A     viscose rayon
        B     synthetic fibres
        C     vegetable fibre fabrics

For question 9 and 10, complete the sentences using the letters A – F from the box below.

A   a few are inhabited

B   is done to promote tourism
C   is an age old cottage industry
D   a few are millions of years old
E   only one is as large as Singapore
F   is the main source of income for fishermen

9. Out of the 104 island in Langkawi, only

10. Harvesting, drying and processing of sea cucumbers

For question 11, 12, 13 and 14 circle the correct answer.

11. The island population in Langkawi may probably be the following except 
     A.       farmers
     B.       fishermen
     C.       industrialists
12. If Malaysian visitors go to Langkawi Island, the best products to purchase would be
A.         cigarettes
B.         handicrafts
C.        electrical goods
13. Visitors who want to take a ride in the cable car must go to
A.         the town
B.         Burau Bay
C.        Oriental Village

14. The speaker advises against purchasing liquor 

A.         at shops in town

B.         at Oriental Village
C.        at duty free shops at the airport

For Question 15- 20 write your answer in NOT MORE THAN FIVE WORDS.

15.  The caller felt irritated when he was asked to pay up on time or risk being disconnected from

16.  The caller is of the amount he

has to pay monthly.

17.  Employees of the Times cannot

18.   The Times will not  it wants to substitute a

prize with another of similar value.

19.  The speaker suggested the holidays. 

20.  Birders usually go online before venturing outdoors to

Practice 1, 9, 17

For questions 1 to 3, write your answer in NOT MORE THAN 3 WORDS

1. Dust mites are tiny creatures that can trigger

2. Dust mites can survive almost everywhere especially in
3. Dust mites feed mainly on the

For questions 4 to 6, write your answer in NOT MORE THAN 5 WORDS

Common Allergy Symptoms caused by Dust Mites


Commom Allergy Symptoms

Itchy nose, mouth and


For questions 7 and 8, circle the correct answer.

7. The following are effects of medicines to treat allergies except

a. chest pain

b. having trouble sleeping

c. increased blood pressure

8. Dust mites can be prevented by

a. using dust-proof covers

b. using wall-to-wall carpeting

c. washing blankets in cold water


For questions 9 and 10, choose one letter A to F from the box below to complete each sentence.

A affordability

B portability

C reputation

D after-sales service

E graphics quality

F internet access

9 Ronnie’s first consideration when choosing a computer is its

10 According to Ronnie, well-known brands are better in terms of their

For questions 11 to 14, circle the correct answer.

11. Ronnie is buying a computer mainly because he wants to

a. save time b. save money c. watch videos

12. Ronnie is considering buying a notebook because it is

a. cheaper b. more reliable c. more convenient

13. Ronnie majors in

a. graphic design b. business management c. software programming

14. Which of the following best describes Ronnie’s plan to buy a computer?

a. He has made up his mind b. He has given it some c. He has hardly thought
thought about it


For questions 15 to 20, write your answer in NOT MORE THAN 5 WORDS

15. When you take train trip from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore, you need not worry about

16. The long train journey will encourage family members to
17. According to the speaker, one thing you should not include in your job application letter is

18. A well- written job application letter will

19. Graphologists can analyse your handwriting to determine your

20. People who love to seek attention and are confident usually

Practice 1: Batik

           1.    Time consuming
           2.    Uses traditional patterns
           3.    Has delicately painted designs
           4.    Uses traditional wax painting
           5.    As wall hangings
           6.    As pillow tops
           7.    C
           8.    B
Practice 9: Langkawi Archipelago

  9. A
10. C
11. C
12. A
13. C
14. C 
Practice 17: Mobilecom / times Spot the not contest / Birding

15.  enjoying Mobilecom’s mobile telephone service

16.  having trouble keeping  track
17.  participate in the contest
18.  give any prior notice if
19.  taking up birding for
20.  become acquainted with the birds

MUET Listening Answer Key Session 3 2018

1. allergy, asthma
2. Singapore and Malaysia
3. dead skin
4. runny nose
5. watery eyes
6. coughing
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. D
11. A
12. C
13. B
14. B
15. traffic, meals, safety
16. spend quality time together
17. qualification
18. catch their employee attention
19. personality types
20. writing in large letter

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