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QUESTION NUMBER ONE : ( points ) Aymen Al-Saleh 0791989918

Read the following extracts ,and then choose the suitable items .

Many classrooms now use a whiteboard as a computer screen. ______________ , teachers can
show websites on the board in front of the class. Teachers can then use the Internet to show
educational programmes, play educational games, music, recordings of languages, and so on.

In some countries, tablet computers are available for students to use in class. Therefore, students
can use the tablets to do tasks such as showing photographs, researching information, recording
interviews and creating diagrams. Tablets are ideal for pair and group work.

1.One of the following shows tasks that students can do in class using tablets :
o to show education programmes and play educational games
o recording interviews and playing music
o creating diagrams and showing photographs
o recordings of languages and researching information

2. Teachers can show the internet in front of the class by using :

o tablet computers
o the whiteboard
o music
o group work

3. The linking word that replaces the gap above is :

o Despite
o Although
o As a consequence
o Due to

4. One of the following isn’t a purpose of showing the internet on the whiteboard :
o showing educational programs
o doing pair and group work
o playing educational games Aymen Al-Saleh 0791989918

o playing music

5. All of the following are tasks that students can do in class using tablets except one :
o recordings of languages
o showing photographs
o creating diagrams
o recording interviews
In just a few years' time, experts say that billions of machines will be connected to each other
and to the Internet. As a consequence, computers will increasingly run our lives for us. For
example, your fridge will know when you need more milk and add it to your online shopping
list; your windows will close if it is likely to rain; your watch will record your heart rate and
email your doctor; and your sofa will tell you when you need to stand up and get some exercise!

Many people are excited about the 'Internet of Things'. For them, a dream is coming true.
They say that our lives will be easier and more comfortable. However, others are not so sure.
They want to keep control of their own lives and their own things. In addition, they wonder
what would happen if criminals managed to access their passwords and ___________ settings.
The dream could easily become a nightmare!

6. The sentence that indicates “the internet of things” can keep us fit is :
o your watch will record your heart rate and email your doctor .
o Your sofa will tell you when you need to stand up and do some exercise .
o Your fridge will tell you when you need more milk and add it to your shopping list .
o Your windows will close if it is likely to rain .

7. The underlined word “they” refers to :

o the internet of things
o criminals
o other people
o things

8. The correct spelling of the word that replaces the gap above is :
o security
o sekurity
o cecurity
o sicurity

Aymen Al-Saleh 0791989918

9. One of the disadvantages of “the internet of things” is :
o You can pay for your purchases online .
o It is easier to use and more comfortable
o There is a risk of identity fraud .
o You can purchase your items at a button .

10. The word that means “to find information especially on computers” :
o access
o nightmare
o settings
o connected
One such school has recently opened to educate fourteen- to eighteen-year-olds who have a
special interest in working in the space industry. Students follow a tailor-made curriculum at
the school ____________ including subjects such as Astronomy and Astrophysics. Lessons are
a mixture of small-class tutorials, with projects supervised by leading companies in both the
space and technology industries.

11. The subjects that the new space school offers to students are :
o Astrophysics and Technology
o Astronomy and Physics
o Astrophysics and Astronomy
o Astronomy and Business Studies Aymen Al-Saleh 0791989918

12. Leading companies’ role in space schools is :

o teaching students Astrophysics
o paying attention to students’ academic achievement
o helping students get high marks in Maths and Science
o sponsoring and supervising students’ projects

13. The compound adjective “tailor-made” means :

o custom made
o natural
o artificial
o made to fit all people

14. The punctuation mark that can fill in the gap in the above paragraph is :
o ;
o .
o , Aymen Al-Saleh 0791989918
o ?

The low infant mortality rate, as well as the excellent healthcare system, have been contributing
factors to Jordan's healthy population growth, which will result in a strong workforce with economic
benefits for the whole country.

15. One reason the leads to Jordan’s healthy population growth is :

o a strong workforce
o the increasing number of infant mortality
o the powerful healthcare system
o the economic benefits to the whole country

16. Jordan’s healthy population growth leads to :

o a strong workforce
o economic loss
o low infant mortality
o excellent healthcare system
The King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC) is Jordan’s only comprehensive cancer treatment
centre. It treats both adult and paediatric patients. As the population of the country increases ,
more and more families will rely on the hospital for cancer treatment. Patients come not only
from Jordan but also from other countries in the region, as they are attracted by its excellent
reputation, lower costs, and cultural and language similarities.
17. All of the following are false/incorrect about the KHCC except one:
o All cancer patients are welcome to receive treatment from any other Arab countries.
o The KHCC only treats adult cancer patients .
o The number of cancer patients relying on the hospital for treatment has decreased .
o Only Jordanian cancer cases of all ages can receive treatment in the KHCC.
18. The word from the text which means “fees” is :
o paediatric
o costs
o similarities
o rely on
19. The underlined phrasal verb ‘rely on” means :
o to recover from an illness
o to have trust and confidence in someone or something
o describing an area of medicine relating to children and their illnesses
o comprehensive
20. Patients from Arab countries come to KHCC due to :
o the great common opinion of the KHCC regionally in treating cancer cases
o the higher charges of treatment
o language and cultural differences
o the lower rates of temperatures
For most young people, living away from home means borrowing even more money from the
government. So why don’t students choose to avoid debt by staying at home, where they don't
have to pay rent? Most of them say that they want to move to the university of their choice,
rather than the nearest one. Another strong motive is the desire to live in a new culture.
21.The underlined word “debt” means :
o money you owe Aymen Al-Saleh 0791989918
o charges
o the opposite of majority
o relating to money
22. One of the following is a factor that makes students in England choose to study abroad :
o they have to borrow more money from the government .
o they can pay rent .
o they want to learn more about other cultures .
o they want to move to a university with a non-fee study .
23. Which word means “the reason for doing something” ?
o motive
o choice
o rent
o borrowing
24. Mahatma Ghandi , by saying “ Learn as if you were to live forever.” , suggests:
o we should live without paying attention to learning .
o learning is a life-long activity that doesn’t stop by ageing .
o making living is more important than making life .
o learning is only required by young people .


A . Choose the suitable word to complete each of the following items below. ( points )
1. We usually use a ………………… to work out mathematical problems .
o generation
o floppy disk Aymen Al-Saleh 0791989918
o calculator
o mouse
2. In spring , some people suffer from …………………… and find it difficult to breathe .
o allergies
o arthritis
o migraines
o immunisation
3. A good way to ………………….. with stress is to relax .
o rely on
o bounce back
o setback
o cope with
4. Drivers as well passengers should always wear a ………………. in a car to avoid crashes .
o helmet
o seat belt
o monitor Aymen Al-Saleh 0791989918
o risk
5. The synonym of the word “sponsor” is :
o found
o artificial
o apparatus
o fund
6. Manal is very good with numbers and calculations and always gets good marks in :
o mathematician
o geometry
o arithmetic
o Chemistry
7. We are ……………….. if we replace as much carbon as we burn .
o carbon neutral
o pedestrian friendly
o carbon footprint
o wind farms
8. ………………. growth means an improvement in the average standard of living .
o Economic
o Urban
o Energy
o Public
9. Hani ………………… during the first attempt of diving in the sea over the board .
o got it off his chest
o got cold feet
o had a head for figures
o played it by ear
10. The underlined colour idiom “the green light” means :
o possession
o anger
o sadness
o permission Aymen Al-Saleh 0791989918
11. The collocation “do a subject” means :
o begin
o relax
o study
o change something
12. When you can prove you have experience , you have a :
o age group
o track record
o target market
o conflict
13. Medicines will taste as delicious as real food . The rhetorical device that the underlined words
refer to is :
o onomatopoeia
o simile
o personification
o metaphor
14. He has always …………….. the manager’s interest .
o taken
o caught
o spent
o attended
15. You could …………… much offence to yourself if you tell jokes very often .
o cause
o join
o shake
o give
16. The American tourist could speak some ……………….. Arabic words and expressions .
o multitask
o colloquial
o fluently
o multilingual
B. Choose the suitable word form to complete each of the sentences below . ( points )
1. The TV series shows no respect for any social ……………….. of our country .
o convention
o conventionalise
o conventionally
o conventional
2. The campaign aims to fully ……………………… children against Corona virus.
o immunisation
o immunise
o immunised
o immune
3. Does the blood ………………. increase when you do lots of exercise ?
o circulate
o circulates
o circulation
o circulative
4. The experiment has been …………………. carried out by the students .
o create
o creatively
o creative Aymen Al-Saleh 0791989918
o creativity
5. Craftsmen in Jordan produce ……………….. and wonderful ceramic items .
o attractive
o attract
o attraction
o attractively
6. ……………….. play an essential part in increasing Jordan’s economy .
o Exports
o Exportation
o Export
o Exported
7. ………………… have shown that education in Jordan is one of the best in the region .
o Academic
o Academy
o Academically
o Academics
8. Japan is an …………………… and socially developed country .
o economically
o economic
o economy
o economise
9. Jordanians must definitely …………………….. on using water within their households .
o economically
o economic
o economy
o economise
10. ………………….. and artificial projects have to be encouraged worldwide.
o sustainability
o sustain
o sustainably
o sustainable
11. There is some negative …………………… of his last book .
o criticism
o criticise
o critically
o critical

12. It’s importantly ………………. to keep your mobile phone away while sleeping.
o advisable
o advise
o advice Aymen Al-Saleh 0791989918
o advisably
13. A ………………….. is someone who writes about the meaning of life .
o philosophy
o philosophise
o philosopher
o philosophical
14. Ibn Rushed contributed a lot to ………………………. and Astronomy .
o philosophy
o philosophise
o philosopher
o philosophical
15. The land can certainly ……………….. good crops when farmers use fertilisers .
o production
o productive
o produce
o product
16. Pollution has become an …………………… serious problem .
o increasingly
o increasing
o increase Aymen Al-Saleh 0791989918
o increases
17. We usually use a ………………….. to figure out maths problems such as addition, division etc.
o calculation
o calculate
o calculator
o calculative
18. Masdar City is an ………………………….. - created megaproject .
o artificial
o artifice
o artification
o artificially
19. Doctors diagnose diseases and ………………. medicine to patients .
o prescribe
o prescription
o prescriptive
o prescribes
20 . Dr Saber is …………………. from Jordan .
o original
o originally
o origin
o originate
21. Internships that ………………. young people for the job market should be encouraged .
o qualify
o qualification
o qualifies
o qualifying Aymen Al-Saleh 0791989918


Choose the suitable item to complete each of the following sentences .
1. Will it still …………………… tonight ?
o rain
o have rained
o is going to rain
o be raining
2. Do you mind …………………. why the sky sometimes looks red ?
o explaining
o explain
o explained
o explains

3. Ali is in hospital for two weeks . He ………………….. a lot of lessons at school .

o will miss
o was going to miss
o won’t miss
o is going to miss

4. The children ……………… completed their projects by next month .

o will have
o will be
o are going to
o have
5. It …………………. that the drug will be effective .
o thinks
o thought
o is thinking
o is thought
6. The email that ………………. to us last night had important information .
o was sending
o sends
o was sent
o sent
7. What had Deema and friends …………… when you met them ?
o have been doing
o been done
o were doing
o been doing
8. My watch stopped ………………….. yesterday .
o to working
o worked
o to work Aymen Al-Saleh 0791989918
o working
9. Pharmaceuticals hope ……………………….. a vaccination for COVID 19 soon .
o to find
o will find
o finding
o are going to find
10. Not ……………….. people applied for Law in 2014 as in 2013.
o as much
o more
o fewer
o as many
11. I had my tooth ………………….. out yesterday .
o took
o taken
o was taken
o been taken
12. I didn’t do well in the job interview. If only I …………………………… enough .
o was prepared
o had been prepared
o were prepared
o have been prepared
13. Perhaps Omar is hospital . Omar …………….…… in hospital .
o might have been
o can’t be
o might be
o must be
14. Millions of people ……………………….. the latest smartphones these days .
o are having
o have been having
o have
o is having
15. Letters used to be written by hand . Now they are usually …………………… .
o typed
o typing
o been typed
o been typing

16. When we went to Canada last year , we needed warm clothes. We ……..… the cold weather.
o weren’t used to
o aren’t used to
o didn’t use to
o used to

17. The author of the book …………. is American is a great writer .

o which
o who
o whose
o where

18. The tower ……………. was built during the 11th century is still standing at 104 meters tall.
o who
o that
o where Aymen Al-Saleh 0791989918
o when

19. Which sport did you and your friends ……………….. most when you were young ?
o use to loving
o used to loving
o use to love
o used to love

20. When will the exam results …………………… , please ?

o been published
o have published
o be published
o be publishing

21. Is Sami’s family …………….. to the beach every week ?

o use to going
o used to go
o use to go
o used to going
Choose the correct option that has a similar meaning to the following items .
1. Heat cheese to make it melt .
o If you heat cheese , it melts .
o If you heats cheese , it melts .
o If you heat cheese , it melt .
o If you heat cheese , it will melt .

2. It isn’t normal for me to spend too much time on TV .

o I’m not used to spend too much time on TV.
o didn’t use to spend too much time on TV.
o I wasn’t used to spending too much time on TV.
o I’m not used to spending too much time on TV .

3. How much time does it take you to do the homework each night ?
o Do you mind telling me how much time it took you to do the homework each night ?
o Do you know how it takes you much time to the homework each night ?
o Could you tell me how much time you it takes the homework each night ?
o Could you tell me how much time it takes you to do the homework each night ?

4. Nutritionists have proved the good diet is beneficial for the brain .
o Good diet has proved to be beneficial for the brain .
o It has proved that good diet is beneficial for the brain .
o Good diet has been proved to be beneficial for the brain .
o It has been proved that good diet to be beneficial for the brain .

5. Shadi loves English most of all . Aymen Al-Saleh 0791989918

o English is the subject who Shadi loves most of all .
o It is English that Shadi loves most of all .
o The subject which Shadi loves most of all was English .
o The person that Shadi loves most of all is English

6. Samia bought the dress from Lebanon .

o It was from Lebanon where Samia bought the dress .
o The country where Samia bought the dress was Lebanon .
o Lebanon was the place when Samia bought the dress .
o The dress was the thing where Samia bought from Lebanon .

7. There are more students who have applied for Biology than Physics .
There aren’t …………………… .
o as many students who have applied for Biology as Physics .
o as more students who have applied for Physics as Biology .
o fewer students who have applied for Physics as Biology .
o as many students who have applied for Physics as Biology .

A. Read the following passage , and then choose the suitable item to complete the gaps 1-6 ,
and then answer questions 7-9 .

. 9 -7 ‫ ثم اجب على االسئلة من‬، ‫اقرأ النص واختر اإلجابة الصحيحة لتي تناسب الفراغات‬

Get moving!

A- ______(1)________

In many countries, an increasing number of young people and adults _____(2)______ overweight
or even ______(3)_______ . One reason for this is the growing popularity of fast food which didn’t
use to be as common as it is now. Another big factor is lack of exercise. People would often walk
to school or work, but these days many more of us drive. Modern technology has also played its
part ; we spend more and more time focusing on computer screens. Before the Internet was
invented, nobody had dreamt of online shopping, but now we can buy almost anything without
leaving the sofa.

B- Time to listen

Health experts have been warning about this trend for years, and their advice is clear. Adults
should aim to exercise for at least two and a half hours every week; for children and teenagers the
target should be at least an hour a day. This might not sound very much. ____(4)_____ , recent
research shows that less than 50% of the British population manages this. School children are less
physically active than they used to be. Girls in particular often dislike PE( Physical Education). This
can lead to serious health problems.

C- It’s good for you!

Experts recommend a mixture of activities. These should include moderate exercise, such as fast
walking, and more ______(5)_______ exercise, like running. They also advise exercise that
strengthens the muscles, for example sit-ups. The more muscle we build, the more calories we
burn, and the fitter we become. In addition, exercise is a great way to cope with stress. In a recent
study, patients who had been suffering from depression reported a great improvement after
increased physical activity. Aymen Al-Saleh 0791989918

D- Useful tips

Of course this raises a question: how can I manage to fit in all this extra exercise____(6)______
The best way is to build it into our daily lives so that it becomes a routine. It doesn’t have to take
much extra time. You could get off the bus one stop earlier than usual, or stand up when you’re
on the phone! Most importantly, we should find a sport that we enjoy doing. That way, we will all
become fitter, healthier and happier.
1. The best sub-heading for section (1) is:
o Eating Healthy Food
o Healthy Life
o A Growing Problem
o Body Dehydration
2. The correct verb form that fits gap ( 2 ) is :
o is
o are
o had been
o were
3. The correct spelling of the word that replaces gap (3) is:
o obeze
o opese
o obise
o obese Aymen Al-Saleh 0791989918
4. The suitable linking word that replaces gap (4) is :
o Because
o Due to
o However
o Therefore
5. The correct spelling of the word that replaces gap (5) is :
o strenuous
o strinuouos
o strenuouse
o strenuos
6. The correct punctuation mark that suits gap (6) is :
o ,
o ?
o ;
o .
7. The type of writing of the above passage is :
o an essay
o a formal letter
o a blog post
o a report
8. The purpose of the sub-headings before each section is :
o They tell the reader what the section will be about.
o helping the reader to find particular pieces of information easily
o making the text easier to read
o all of the above
9. The language is formal because :
o there are abbreviations .
o the sentences are short .
o there are statistics included . Aymen Al-Saleh 0791989918
o there are colloquial expressions
‫ورقة اإلجابة‬ Aymen Al-Saleh 0791989918
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