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Matienzo, Matt Hezekiah Rey C.


What I Can Do

Supposed that you are an animal enthusiast. Write a letter of appeal addressed to the local government
to take legal action against human activities that endanger wildlife in your locality.

What’s More

Add the correct end punctuation to complete each sentence.

1. What is the name given to the 2019 novel corona virus?

2. People of all ages can be infected by the new coronavirus-2019-nCoV.

3. Take steps to protect yourselves from the virus, like following good respiratory hygiene.

4. What a terrible and dangerous disease is COVID-19!

Write three sentences about COVID-19. Make sure to apply proper mechanics in writing.

5. Declarative Sentence:1. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-Cov-2 virus.

2. Most people infected with the virus experienced mild to moderate symptoms.

3. COVID-19 affects people in different ways.

6. Interrogative Sentence:1. How is the COVID-19 disease transmitted?

2.How long does the virus that causes COVID-19 last on surfaces?

3. Can COVID-19 be transmitted through food?

7. Imperative Sentence: 1. Please wear your facemask before entering.

2. Kindly observe social distancing.

3. We should follow the safety protocols.

8. Exclamatory Sentence: 1. COVID-19 is awful!

2. I hate COVID-19!

3. What a scary disease COVID-19 is!


What’s More

A. Read the text and write down E if the piece of information is explicit or write down I if it is implicit.

E 1. The teacher congratulated Rosie.

E 2. Rosie stood on stage and delivered her speech.

I 3. Rosie was full of happiness.

I 4. Rosie was a hard-working and intelligent student.

E 5. The parents of Rosie promised to celebrate her success.

B. Put a check mark () if the statement is a claim of fact and put a cross mark (X) if it is not.

√ 1. The Department of Education shows its readiness on the ‘new normal’ in the teaching and learning

X 2. Curfew must be enforced by parents to their children.

√ 3. Vaping can have same side effects as smoking.

√ 4. The closing of Philippine borders to tourists is one way to slow down the spread of COVID-19.

X 5. Doing videos in TikTok is more exciting than vlogging.

√ 6. Research says that people can reduce stress by taking a nap.

X 7. It is more beneficial for a child to grow up speaking more than one language than knowing only his
or her mother tongue.

X 8. National ID system should now be implemented in the Philippines.

√ 9. Neil Armstrong made a history as the first man to walk on the moon.

X 10. Watching K-Drama is the best form of entertainment.

What I Have Learned

On a separate sheet, copy and complete the table below by listing the needed information.

3 THREE new things that you have learned today.

1. A good claim should be argumentative and debatable, specific and focused, interesting and
engaging, and logical.
2. I learned how to identify claims explicitly or implicitly made in a written text.
3. I learned how to identify claims of fact, policy and value presented in written texts.
2 TWO things that you will work on for improvement.
1. How to determine the key elements of explicit and implicit claims
2. Differentiating claim of fact, claim of policy and claim of value from each other.
1 ONE thing that you should review before moving on to the next lesson
1. How to identify and distinguish the type of claims a written text has.

What I Have Learned

Complete the sentence by writing down the letter of the correct word.

A. Should B. Result C. Intervention D. Comparison E. discipline F. problem G. action H. love

1. Claim of policy is also called claim of solution because it proposes B to solve the existing problem.

2. C is the main element of claim of policy.

3. The suggested action is based on the identified F.

4. “Ought”, “must”, and D can be directly or indirectly stated in the claim.

5. In claim of policy, one can notice the possible solution because there is an existing G.

What I Can Do

Pretend that you are one of the officers of the Supreme Student Government (SSG) in your school and
you are tasked to write a report about your school. The report should contain three current problems or
concerns experienced by students like you. So, a possible solution for each problem should also be
proposed. Merge your identified problems and solutions to produce three claims of policy.


What’s More

Answer the three questions relative to the listed issues. Write your answers on a separate sheet.

A. Does it appeal to your judgment?

B. Is it right or wrong?
C. What type of claim is this?

1. Bullying will never be right.

A. Yes B. Right C. claim of value

2. Security is more important than privacy.

A. Yes 2. B. Yes C. claim of value

3. In the midst of pandemic, restriction is much better than individual freedom.

A. Yes B. Right C. claim of value

4. Fake news is not worthy of our attention.

A. Yes B. Right C. claim of value

5. Discriminating our front liners who save our lives does not make sense.

A. Yes B. Right C. Claim of value

What I Can Do

On a separate sheet, write an acrostic poem about the essence of claim of value.







What I Have Learned

Write the letter of the word which completes the statement. Use a separate sheet.
A. result B. evaluation C. emotion D. bad E. action F. judgment G. problem H. ethics

1. Claim of value appeals to C.

2. Words like good or D allow us to recognize claim of value.

3. Claim of value is also called F because it persuades the readers to decide whether to value or not an

4. Morality, philosophy, belief, or H are references of claim of value.

5. Acceptance and rejection must be done with claim of value after the argument undergoes thorough
comparison and B.

Additional Activities On a separate sheet write ‘CV’ if the statement is a claim of policy and write ‘NCV’
if not.

NCV 1. Mercy killing is objectionable because it is still an act of killing.

CV 2. Self-restriction during the pandemic is better than individual freedom.

CV 3. Discrimination has no place in a good society because it weakens its moral fiber.

NCV 4. Hallucination is the side effect of using marijuana.

CV 5. According to studies, smoking causes lung cancer.

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