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Mobile Office Desktop (RDSH-HQ) Instructions

1. Go to using Internet Explorer (other browsers are not currently supported), and click on the icon in the
top right of the window. Enter your email address. Enter your Unite Identity password.

2. If Multifactor Authentication (MFA) is enabled on your account, you may be asked to tap Approve or enter a code that
was sent to your smart phone/mobile device. If MFA is not enabled, you will be taken through the process to enable it.

3. Once you are logged in, you will see a screen that lists all of your available Office365 apps. Click on RDSH-HQ. Login
with your network account (format: UNHQ\firstname.lastname) or Unite ID and password.

4. Click on the Virtual Desktop icon. This will launch the virtual desktop. To access UNHQ shared drives, click on
Windows Explorer.

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