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Clin Chem Lab Med 2014; 52(12): 1739–1745

Chinelo P. Onyenekwu, Careen L. Hudson, Annalise E. Zemlin* and Rajiv T. Erasmus

The impact of repeat-testing of common chemistry

analytes at critical concentrations
Abstract notification to the treating clinician and increases labora-
tory running costs.
Background: Early notification of critical values by the
clinical laboratory to the treating physician is a require- Keywords: audit; critical values; repeat-testing; turn­
ment for accreditation and is essential for effective patient around time.
management. Many laboratories automatically repeat a
critical value before reporting it to prevent possible mis- DOI 10.1515/cclm-2014-0331
diagnosis. Given today’s advanced instrumentation and Received April 14, 2014; accepted May 23, 2014; previously pub-
quality assurance practices, we questioned the validity lished online June 18, 2014
of this approach. We performed an audit of repeat-test-
ing in our laboratory to assess for significant differences
between initial and repeated test results, estimate the Introduction
delay caused by repeat-testing and to quantify the cost of
repeating these assays. The practice of repeating a test to ensure its accuracy
Methods: A retrospective audit of repeat-tests for sodium, was historically necessary when testing was performed
potassium, calcium and magnesium in the first quarter of using instruments with poor analytical precision [1]. In
2013 at Tygerberg Academic Laboratory was conducted. many laboratories this practice has persisted for critical
Data on the initial and repeat-test values and the time that values within the analytical measurement range, despite
they were performed was extracted from our laboratory major advances in areas, such as automation, precision
information system. The Clinical Laboratory Improvement performance and quality management. Non-critical
Amendment criteria for allowable error were employed to laboratory test results are usually not repeated before
assess for significant difference between results. reporting [1–3].
Results: A total of 2308 repeated tests were studied. The term ‘critical value’ was introduced by Lundberg,
There was no significant difference in 2291 (99.3%) of the over 40 years ago. It refers to a laboratory test result which
samples. The average delay ranged from 35 min for mag- represents a pathophysiological state considered to be
nesium to 42 min for sodium and calcium. At least 2.9% life-threatening or which can result in severe morbidity
of laboratory running costs for the analytes was spent on if urgent action is not taken, and for which a corrective
repeating them. action could be taken [4]. Following the introduction of
Conclusions: The practice of repeating a critical test result this concept, various regulatory and accreditation bodies
appears unnecessary as it yields similar results, delays such as the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amend-
ments (CLIA) [5], the College of American Pathologists
(CAP) [6], the Joint Commission (JC) [7] and the South
*Corresponding author: Annalise E. Zemlin, MBChB, FCPath (SA) African National Accreditation System (SANAS) [8],
Chem, MMed (Chem Path), Division of Chemical Pathology, National require clinical laboratories to promptly notify every criti-
Health Laboratory Service (NHLS), Tygerberg Hospital, University of cal result to the clinician. These bodies, however, have
Stellenbosch, PO Box 19113, Tygerberg 7505, Parow, South Africa,
no stated requirement for a laboratory to repeat a critical
Phone: +27 21 9384254, Fax: +27 21 9384640,
E-mail: value before reporting it. There are also no standard pro-
Chinelo P. Onyenekwu: National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS), tocols on the establishment of critical values, hence criti-
Division of Chemical Pathology, Tygerberg Hospital, University of cal values may not be harmonised across laboratories [9].
Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa; and Department of Clinical In more recent years, following the Institute of Medicine’s
Pathology, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Idi-Araba, Lagos,
report ‘To err is human; building a safer health system’
Careen L. Hudson and Rajiv T. Erasmus: National Health Laboratory
[10], much emphasis has been placed on patient safety
Service (NHLS), Division of Chemical Pathology, Tygerberg Hospital, [11]. The process of critical value reporting has gained
University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa increasing importance and in 2004 the JC mandated

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that critical value reporting be included in its National number of repeats carried out during the 3-month study
Patient Safety Goals [12]. However, recent literature has period and the delay caused by the practice of repeating
placed emphasis on errors in the extra-analytical phases these samples. Significant differences between the initial
(pre- and post-analytical phases). Errors or delayed and repeat values were assessed and we aimed to esti-
communication of critical values may be a potential for mate the running cost of repeating critical values of these
post-analytical errors [13]. Medical decisions and patient analytes in our laboratory. Subjectively, we decided that
outcomes are highly dependent on test results [14]. It is if  < 5% of repeats on any of the four studied analytes dem-
the responsibility of the laboratory to ensure accurate and onstrated a significant difference between the initial and
timely reporting [15]. In light of the attention on patient final result, then the practice of repeating critical values
safety and the importance of ensuring the early report- for that analyte should be discontinued.
ing of critical results, several issues arise concerning
the validity of repeating a critical value. Given that non-
critical results within an analytical run are expected to
be accurate and are therefore not repeated before report-
Materials and methods
ing, one would hypothesise that critical results within
the same run, with values within the analytic measure- Study background and design
ment range, will invariably be accurate and need not be
This was a retrospective audit carried out on all repeat tests per-
repeated. If these results are accurate, there will be no
formed on Na, K, Mg and Ca from the 1 January, 2013 to 31 March,
significant difference in the results of the repeated tests 2013 at the Chemical Pathology Laboratory, Tygerberg Hospital, Cape
and the initial tests. It may then be inferred that repeat- Town, South Africa. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee
testing of critical values only delays the turnaround time of Stellenbosch University and performed according to the Declara-
(TAT) of these results and the early notification which is tion of Helsinki. As this was a retrospective study with consent taken
from patients prior to sample collection, the Ethics Committee of Stel-
required to ensure patient safety. A recent CAP Q-Probes
lenbosch University waived the need for individual patient consent.
survey reported that the practice of repeat-testing of Patient confidentiality was maintained throughout data analysis.
chemistry analytes at critical values continues in 61% of At Chemical Pathology, NHLS Tygerberg, any result exceeding
the laboratories. The survey also suggested that the prac- the critical limits is flagged by the machine, as either ‘H’ (high) for
tice did not prevent analytic errors [16]. values above the upper limit, or ‘L’ (low) for values less than the
Disorders of sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) lower limit of the non-critical range. Tests are automatically repeated
by the chemistry analyser at the end of the ongoing run (Na and K), or
and magnesium (Mg) homeostasis are common and can
repeated by the technologist on duty (Mg and Ca). Inclusion criteria
be life-threatening if severe. However, they can be readily were all Na, K, Mg, and Ca results flagged with a ‘HR’ (high repeat)
reversed with timely and appropriate medical interven- or an ‘LR’ (low repeat) sign, in the first quarter of 2013. We excluded
tion. Tygerberg Hospital is a 1384-bed facility in Cape Town. all Na, K, Mg and Ca results flagged with a ‘HR’ or an ‘LR’ sign where
It is one of two tertiary institutions serving the needs of the initial assay was flagged with an ‘S’ for short sample. We also
excluded all test values outside the analytical measurement range
approximately 5.8 million people within the Western Cape
and all repeat assays where results were invalidated due to haemoly-
region of South Africa. It is the second largest hospital in sis.
the country and serves as a referral centre for many hos-
pitals and primary healthcare clinics within the region.
The Chemical Pathology Laboratory serves both the hos-
pital and the smaller satellite hospitals and clinics. It is an Methods
accredited facility, owned and operated by the National
Health Laboratory Service (NHLS). The laboratory handles All repeat values for Na, K, Ca and Mg with corresponding time of
over 1.2 million chemistry test requests annually. Due to a test, were extracted from our laboratory information system (LIS)
Disalab by searching for results flagged ‘HR’ and ‘LR’ within the study
persistent problem of prolonged TAT in our laboratory we
period. The corresponding initial values and time of testing for these
decided to perform an audit of the repeat-testing process. extracted repeat values (flagged ‘H’ and ‘L’, respectively), were then
It is our policy to only change operating procedure follow- extracted. A significant difference between the initial and repeat-
ing documented analysis. We believed that an audit inves- tests was regarded as having occurred if the absolute bias (Na, K and
tigating the impact of repeating the critical values of these Ca) or the percentage bias (Mg) exceeded the CLIA proficiency test-
ing criteria [17]. These criteria are displayed in Table 1. Delay caused
analytes would enable us monitor and improve our labo-
by repeat-testing was determined by the time-difference between the
ratory services. We conducted a retrospective audit of all initial assay and the repeat assay. Bias was determined as the differ-
repeat-tests performed on these four analytes within the ence between the repeat value and the initial value. Percentage bias
first quarter of 2013. The objectives were to determine the was calculated thus: [{repeat value–initial value}/ initial value] × 100.

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Table 1 Details of the assay methods for the four analytes.

Analyte  Method   CLIA TEa   Critical value  Reference  Analytical  Instrument flag for
high/low, mmol/L range, mmol/L range, mmol/L repeat high/low, mmol/L

Na   ISE    ± 4.0 mmol/L   155.0/120.0  135–147  100.0–200.0    ≥  155.0/  ≤  120.0

K   ISE    ± 0.5 mmol/L   6.0/3.0  3.3–5.3  1.0–10.0    ≥  6.0/  ≤  3.0
Ca   o-CPC    ± 0.25 mmol/L  2.8/1.6  0.65–1.10  0.25–3.75    ≥  2.8/  ≤  1.6
Mg   Modified xylidyl blue reaction   ± 25%   0.55  0.80–1.40  0.29–2.06    ≤  0.55

CLIA Tea, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments total allowable error; ISE, ion selective electrode; o-CPC, o-cresolphthalein

Cost assessment 12,392 (13.7%) for Ca and 11,358 (12.6%) for Mg. Of these
90,477 tests, 2624 (2.9%) repeat-tests were performed
An estimate of the running cost for each analyte was determined
during the study period. Seventy-five (2.9%) of these
from the proportion of repeat-tests performed in relation to the total
assays for the study period. repeat-tests were due to initial short sampling, while 241
(9.2%) were haemolysed. These 316 (12%) repeat-tests
were excluded from further analysis. Our sample therefore
consisted of 2308 repeats performed on 1713 samples. This
discrepancy is explained by more than one repeat occa-
The analytes of interest were assayed on the Siemens ADVIA 1800® sionally being performed on a single result and multiple
using reagents from Siemens Medical Solutions Diagnostics, Tarry- analytes being repeated in a single sample.
town, NY, USA. Table 1 is a summary of the assay methods for the K was the most commonly repeated test, constituting
four analytes, including their critical limits, analytical measurement
1711 (74.1%) of those repeated. This was followed by Na
range and values which the instrument flags for repeat. The Na and K
methods [18] are traceable to a flame photometric reference method with 362 (15.7%) repeats, Ca with 144 (6.2%) repeats and
which uses reference materials from the National Institute of Stand- finally 91 (4%) of the repeats were on Mg assays (Table 2A).
ards and Technology (NIST). The Mg [19] and Ca [20] methods are Table 2B is a summary of the delay (in minutes) in the
traceable to NIST atomic absorption reference methods. TAT of each analyte due to repeat-testing at critical con-
centrations. It includes the delay experienced when mul-
tiple repeats were performed on a single sample (MR). The
Data analysis
median and interquartile range of delays experienced on
Data was extracted into Microsoft Excel® and analysed using Ana- each analyte are also shown. The longest delay observed
lyse-It® for Excel software version 2.30 (Analyse-It Software Ltd, on any analyte was 796  min while the shortest delay
Leeds, UK) and STATISTICA version 11.0 (Stat-Soft Inc., Tulsa, OK, observed was 3 min. The minimum delay observed for Ca
USA, 2012). A Bland-Altman difference plot with CLIA total allowable
and Mg repeats were 11 and 12 min, respectively.
error (TEa) limits, was employed to determine agreement between
initial and repeat-test values for each analyte. There was no significant difference between the
initial and repeat-test results in 2291 (99.3%) of the tests.
Figures 1–4 show difference plots of the initial and repeat-
test values for the various analytes, with the CLIA targets
Results for each. In assessing for significant differences; eight
(2.2%) of repeated Na values were different from the initial
A total of 90,477 relevant tests were performed in the first results (Figure 1), seven (4.9%) of the repeat-test values
quarter, 31,964 (35.3%) were for Na, 34,763 (38.4%) for K, performed on Ca were found to be different from those

Table 2A Summary of observations on the frequency of repeats for the various analytes.

Analyte  Total number  Number of single  Maximum number  Median number  Mean number
of repeats repeats (%) of multiple repeats of repeats of repeats

Na   362  275 (76.0%)  14  1.0  1.3

K   1711  1342 (78.0%)  6  1.0  1.3
Mg   144  137 (95.1%)  3  1.0  1.1
Ca   91  88 (96.7%)  2  1.0  1.0

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1742      Onyenekwu et al.: Impact of repeat-testing

Table 2B Distribution of delay (in minutes) observed for the Difference plot for K
1 Identity
various analytes.
TEa (0.5)
Delay due to single repeats  Na  K  Ca  Mg

Difference, Repeat-Initial value in mmol/L

IQ1   21:57  26:06  27:30  24:41
Mean   41:44  41:19  41:47  34:33
Median   30:59  31:17  31:38  30:59 0
IQ3   36:00  38:15  40:52  37:02

IQ1, first interquartile; IQ3, third interquartile. -0.5

Difference plot for Na -1

8 Identity

TEa (4) -1.5

Difference, Repeat-initial value in mmol/L

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
2 Initial value in mmol/L

Figure 3 Bland-Altman plot for K. TEa = CLIA total allowable error in

mmol/L (0.5 mmol/L).

Difference plot for Mg
1 Identity
0.8 (25%)
Difference (Repeat-Initial value in mmol/L)


-8 0.4
100 120 140 160 180 200
Initial value in mmol/L 0.2

Figure 1 Bland-Altman plot for Na. Tea = CLIA total allowable error in 0

mmol/L (4 mmol/L).

Difference plot for Ca -0.4

0.4 -0.6
TEa (0.25)
Difference, Repeat-Initial value in mmol/L

0.2 -1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Initial value in mmol/L

E-15 Figure 4 Bland-Altman plot for Mg. TEa = CLIA total allowable error
in % bias (25%).


of the initial assays (Figure 2), two (0.01%) of repeat-test

values on K were different from the initial values (Figure 3)
and none of the repeat-test values on Mg were signifi-
cantly different from those of the initial assays (Figure 4).
-0.6 Table 3 shows the specifics of the 17 results whose initial
0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 and repeat values were different.
Initial value in mmol/L
The running cost of performing repeats on the four
Figure 2 Bland-Altman plot for Ca. TEa = CLIA total allowable error in analytes was estimated to be 2.9% of the running cost
mmol/L (0.25 mmol/L). of assaying the analytes for the first quarter for 2013.

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Table 3 Details of the 17 significantly different repeat-tests.

Analyte  Initial value,  Repeat value,  Absolute difference,  Tea,  Critical limit,
mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L

Ca   1.04  1.47  0.43   ± 0.25    ≥  2.8 or   ≤  1.6

Ca   1.19  1.49  0.3   ± 0.25    ≥  2.8 or   ≤  1.6
Ca   3.78  3.27  –0.51   ± 0.25    ≥  2.8 or   ≤  1.6
Ca   1.52  1.82  0.3   ± 0.25    ≥  2.8 or   ≤  1.6
Ca   3.26  2.96  –0.3   ± 0.25    ≥  2.8 or   ≤  1.6
Ca   1.56  1.29  –0.27   ± 0.25    ≥  2.8 or   ≤  1.6
Ca   1.25  0.98  –0.27   ± 0.25    ≥  2.8 or   ≤  1.6
K   8.5  7.4  –1.1   ± 0.5    ≥  6.0 or   ≤  3.0
K   7.8  6.0  –1.8   ± 0.5    ≥  6.0 or   ≤  3.0
Na   161.0  168.0  7.0   ± 4.0    ≥  155 or   ≤  120
Na   169.0  176.0  7.0   ± 4.0    ≥  155 or   ≤  120
Na   163.0  169.0  6.0   ± 4.0    ≥  155 or   ≤  120
Na   162.0  167.0  5.0   ± 4.0    ≥  155 or   ≤  120
Na   165.0  170.0  5.0   ± 4.0    ≥  155 or   ≤  120
Na   160.0  165.0  5.0   ± 4.0    ≥  155 or   ≤  120
Na   158.0  163.0  5.0   ± 4.0    ≥  155 or   ≤  120
Na   177.0  171.0  –6.0   ± 4.0    ≥  155 or   ≤  120

Tea, CLIA total allowable error.

Excluding the 74 repeat-tests performed due to short sam- in our laboratory. This problem is currently under inves-
pling, we estimate 2.8% of the laboratory running costs for tigation and appears to be due to impurities in our water
the analytes are spent on repeat-testing. supply. Most of these significantly different repeat results
(5 out of 7) observed for Ca were seen at low critical levels,
whereas the significant differences found in Na and K
Discussion repeat results were observed at high critical values.
The average delay on a single repeat for the four ana-
The delivery of timely and accurate results is a vital com- lytes was from 35 min (Mg) to 42 min (Na and Ca). There
ponent of good laboratory practice. Clinical laboratories was a high degree of variance with delays being as great
are required to promptly notify a patient’s care giver of as 796  min or as low as 3 min. The shortest delays of 11
any critical value [5–8]. Many laboratories thus repeat all and 12 min observed on Ca and Mg repeat assays, respec-
critical results before notification, in order to avoid report- tively, were longer than the shortest delay of 3 min each,
ing false positives [14, 21]. In a recent large cross-sectional observed on K and Na assays whose repeat-testing is auto-
study of 599 laboratories in China, Zeng et  al. found that mated. Some of the critical results were repeated more
more than 85% of critical values undergo repeat-testing than once before reporting. In one instance, a Na test
prior to clinician notification and also state that this may was performed 14 times after the first result. This was an
be unnecessary [21]. This practice may lead to operational unusual case and we believe the specimen may have been
inefficiencies by delaying the TAT of these critical results stuck in the carousel, resulting in continued repeats.
and compromise patient safety. Here, we have examined Our observations show that only 2.9% repeated tests
the process of repeat-testing of four common chemistry ana- are relevant as they are due to short sampling. Additionally,
lytes at critical concentrations in a tertiary care laboratory. a substantial number of repeat-tests (9.2%) are performed
Only 17 (0.7%) of the 2308 repeats in our study were on samples which ought not to have been assayed in the
observed to be significantly different from the initial assay first instance. These include haemolysed samples for the
values. None of the four analytes had a proportion of sig- K assay, which were eventually invalidated. Our findings
nificantly different results exceeding the 5% criterion also imply that the average delay experienced when repeat-
established at the start of the audit. This would indicate testing an analyte is at least half the time required for its
that the practice of repeat-testing these analytes in our lab- notification and at times several times the required noti-
oratory should be terminated. Ca repeats had the largest fication time. When multiple repeat-tests were performed
proportion (4.9%) of significantly different results. This, for an analyte there was no significant difference in the test
we believe, is a reflection of this assay’s poor analytical CV values, only a prolongation of the TAT and reagent wastage.

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1744      Onyenekwu et al.: Impact of repeat-testing

Repeating 2.9% of the total test requests for the ana- Conflict of interest statement
lytes of interest in our laboratory is similar to the finding
Authors’ conflict of interest disclosure: The authors
of Deetz et al. [22], who reported repeat-testing on 3% of
stated that there are no conflicts of interest regarding the
the tests they examined. Our observation of 99.3% agree-
publication of this article.
ment in the results of repeat and initial results is also
Research funding: None declared.
similar to the 99.5% agreement reported by this group
Employment or leadership: None declared.
but slightly higher than the 97.6% agreement reported
Honorarium: None declared.
by Chima et al. [1]. The high number (8) of significantly
different results identified in Na repeat-tests is similar
to those of Deetz et al. [22], who noted that the CLIA cri-
terion of  ± 4  mmol/L for Na assays may be analytically
significant but clinically insignificant. Among the eight References
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