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Mark* VIe Controller

DCS Block Library
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide for every possible
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and/or improvements to equipment and specifications are made periodically and these changes may or may not be reflected
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Revised: Dec 2019

Issued: April 2008

© 2008 – 2019 General Electric Company.

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Public Information
Document Updates
Revision Location Update
Throughout the document Updates to Note and Global Variable format

Starter Version 2 (STARTER_V2) Correction to the MODE_OPT AUTO mode

description in that this mode enables the
block to respond to the AU_ST and AU_STP
Starter Version 3 (STARTER_V3) command inputs as opposed to operator
Start and Stop commands.

Solenoid Operated Valve Version 2 (S_O_V_V2) Updated the description for the Congruency
Solenoid Operated Valve Version 3 (S_O_V_V3) Alarm (CONGR_A) pin

Updates for consistency across block library

U Throughout the document
Motor Operated Valve Version 4 (M_O_V_V4)
T New blocks
Motor Operated Valve with Jog Version 3 (M_O_V_JOG_V3)

2 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Block Data Type .....................................................................................................................................6
1.2 Change Data Type of Variant Block............................................................................................................7
2 Analog Input (AI) .........................................................................................................................................8
3 Analog Output (AO).................................................................................................................................... 15
4 Analog Step Drum (ASTEPDRUM) ............................................................................................................... 19
5 Breaker (BREAKER) .................................................................................................................................. 21
6 Breaker Version 2 (BREAKER_V2) ............................................................................................................... 40
7 Convert (CONVERT) .................................................................................................................................. 58
8 Digital Step Drum (DSTEPDRUM) ............................................................................................................... 63
9 Dual Select (DUALSEL).............................................................................................................................. 65
10 Dual Select Version 2 (DUALSEL_V2)......................................................................................................... 73
11 Enthalpy of Superheated Steam (ENTHALPY_STM) ...................................................................................... 81
12 Enthalpy of Subcooled Water (ENTHALPY_WTR)......................................................................................... 82
13 First In-First Out (FIFO)............................................................................................................................. 83
14 Flow Calculator (FLOW_CALC) ................................................................................................................. 85
15 Force (FORCE) ........................................................................................................................................ 87
16 Gain Bias (GAIN_BIAS)............................................................................................................................ 91
17 Group (GRP)............................................................................................................................................ 92
18 Group Version 2 (GRP_V2) ........................................................................................................................ 99
19 Group Version 3 (GRP_V3) .......................................................................................................................106
20 Heartbeat (HEARTBEAT) .........................................................................................................................112
21 High and Low Monitor (HI_LO_MON) .......................................................................................................113
22 Level Compensation (LVL_COMP).............................................................................................................115
23 Motor Operated Valve (M_O_V).................................................................................................................119
24 Motor Operated Valve Version 2 (M_O_V_V2) .............................................................................................141
25 Motor Operated Valve Version 3 (M_O_V_V3) .............................................................................................162
26 Motor Operated Valve Version 4 (M_O_V_V4) .............................................................................................179
27 Motor Operated Valve with Jog (M_O_V_JOG).............................................................................................196
28 Motor Operated Valve with Jog Version 2 (M_O_V_JOG_V2) .........................................................................228
29 Motor Operated Valve with Jog Version 3 (M_O_V_JOG_V3) .........................................................................258
30 Massflow Gas (MASSFLOW_GAS)............................................................................................................288
31 Massflow Steam (MASSFLOW_STM) ........................................................................................................291
32 Massflow Water (MASSFLOW_WTR) ........................................................................................................294
33 Median Select (MEDSEL) .........................................................................................................................297
34 Median Select Version 2 (MEDSEL_V2)......................................................................................................307
35 Multiplexer (MUX) ..................................................................................................................................317
36 Override (OVERRIDE) .............................................................................................................................319
37 Override Station Enhanced (OVR_ST_ENH) ................................................................................................324
38 Override Station Enhanced Version 2 (OVR_ST_ENH_V2) .............................................................................359
39 Permit (PERMIT) ....................................................................................................................................394
40 Proportional Integral Derivative Enhanced (PID_MA_ENH) ............................................................................401
41 Proportional Integral Derivative Enhanced Version 2 (PID_MA_ENH_V2).........................................................451
42 Proportional Gain (PROP_GAIN) ...............................................................................................................502
43 Quad Select (QUADSEL)..........................................................................................................................504

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 3

Public Information
44 Quad Select Version 2 (QUADSEL_V2).......................................................................................................516
45 Quality Average (QUAL_AVG) ..................................................................................................................528
46 Run Timer (RUN_TIMER) ........................................................................................................................530
47 Solenoid Operated Valve (S_O_V) ..............................................................................................................531
48 Solenoid Operated Valve Version 2 (S_O_V_V2) ...........................................................................................547
49 Solenoid Operated Valve Version 3 (S_O_V_V3) ...........................................................................................562
50 Saturation Pressure (SAT_PRESSURE)........................................................................................................576
51 Saturation Temperature (SAT_TEMP)..........................................................................................................577
52 Setpoint Station (SETPOINT_ST) ...............................................................................................................578
53 Starter (STARTER) ..................................................................................................................................582
54 Starter Version 2 (STARTER_V2) ...............................................................................................................603
55 Starter Version 3 (STARTER_V3) ...............................................................................................................620
56 Steamtable (STEAMTABLE) .....................................................................................................................638
57 Superheat of Steam (SUPERHEAT).............................................................................................................643
58 Pulse Totalizer (TOTALIZER_PULSE)........................................................................................................646
59 Rate Totalizer (TOTALIZER_RATE)...........................................................................................................647
60 Track (TRACK).......................................................................................................................................648
61 Transfer (TRANSFER) .............................................................................................................................651
62 Volume of Water (VOL_WATER) ...............................................................................................................653
63 Vote (VOTE)...........................................................................................................................................655

4 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
1 Introduction
Blocks are software subroutines that are included in the tasks to be run in the controller. Within the ToolboxST* application,
the connections are accomplished graphically using pins and wires to form a data flow diagram. The blocks run in the order
listed in the task. The connections between the blocks are RAM memory elements through which data is passed. These
elements are referred to as variables. Each variable has a defined data type and must be connected to pins of the same data
type. Some block pins accept multiple data types and others are capable of converting from one data type to another.
Each block entry in the library consists of the following:

• Block name and category

• Block description
• Block diagram
• Pin definitions
• Application notes (optional)
Each block has a full name and a simple name. The full name is descriptive and too long to display in a block diagram. For
this reason, all blocks have a simple name. The simple name is displayed in the ToolboxST application.
Floating point (REAL and LREAL) values conform to IEEE® 754. The standard defines certain computational exceptions that
may produce non-standard results, such as divide by zero. These non-standard values include infinities and Not a Numbers
(NaNs), which, if used in subsequent calculations, produce additional non-standard results. The software has been designed to
prevent the production and proliferation of such values. Function block descriptions may include additional details concerning
floating point exception handling where needed.
Block Libraries also contain rubber blocks, which are sized according to the number of pins used. Within the library, the
blocks are grouped functionally to simplify the task of converting ideas into blocks. For example, the Controller Monitor
(CTRLR_MON) block is a member of the System category.

Note Pin names are given modifiers that provide additional information about the pin.

A graphical representation of the software for each block is provided in the form of a block diagram that includes the simple
block name and block configuration pins and variable pins, which transfer data in and out of the block. The pins are located
on the block diagram according to their usage. All input pins (pins read by the block) and block configuration pins are listed
on the left. All output pins (pins written by the block) and state pins (pins read and written by the block) are listed on the
right. The pin name is listed beside each pin inside the block diagram border.

Pin Name Modifiers Description

^ prefixed with a carat (^ONREQ) Pin is rising-edge sensitive
Pin expects a variable that is an array of the size indicated
[ ] suffixed with square brackets (STATE[4])
within the brackets

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 5

Public Information
1.1 Block Data Type
The pin data type identifier is listed beside the pin outside of the block diagram border. The basic data types used in the block
libraries are BOOL, INT, UINT, REAL, LREAL, DINT and UDINT. Blocks with data types ANY_NUM and ANY must have
the Block Data Type set to match the intended data type of the block output.

Note The default value of Boolean inputs is False unless the input is a block Enable, in which case the default is True and
the default value of inputs with data types INT, UINT, DINT, UDINT, REAL and LREAL is 0, until otherwise specified.

The block content provides tables to define the input and output pins. Each entry includes the block name for the variable,
basic data type, typical scaling units, and a description of the variable. Typical scaling units are supplied for reference only;
specific applications may use other scaling units as appropriate.

Data Type Identifier Basic Data Type Description

A Any (ANY) Any data type
B Boolean (BOOL) 8-bit Boolean
I Integer (INT) 16-bit (Short) Signed Integer
DI Double Integer (DINT) 32-bit (Long) Signed Integer
R Real (REAL) 32-bit Floating Point
LR Long Real (LREAL) 64-bit (Long) Floating Point
UI Unsigned Integer (UINT) 16-bit (Short) Unsigned Integer
UDI Unsigned Double Integer (UDINT) 32-bit (Long) Unsigned Integer
N Numeric (ANY_NUM) Any data type except Boolean
S Analog or Boolean (Simple) Any simple data type

Data Type Identifier Type Definition Modifier Description

# m Build time constant

Note The Block Data Type is set in the block Property Editor.

6 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
1.2 Change Data Type of Variant Block
There are few blocks that support more than one data type as an input and/or output.

➢ To change the block data type

1. Select the block for which to change the data type.
2. From the Block Properties window, expand the General section.
3. From the Property Editor, select the Block Data Type.
4. From the Block Data Type drop-down box, select a valid data type for the block.

From the Block Data Type

drop down list , select a valid
data type for the block.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 7

Public Information
2 Analog Input (AI)
Block Category: Analog Operations

This block should only be used with Analog I/O (including Modbus® Ethernet

The Analog Input (AI) block is used for the following purposes:

• Instantiates the status variable into the system

• Monitors analog I/O point health, engineering unit range violations, and process limit violations and propagates that
information through the output status variable
• I/O scaling when a linear scale or flow extraction is required

Block Configuration
The AI_TYPE enumeration controls the method of I/O scaling to be performed. The values are described as follows:
DIRECT requires the inputs IN, EU_MAX, and EU_MIN. The value of IN is transferred to OUT without modification. OUT
is only calculated if IN is greater than the low cutout, IN_LCO. If IN is less than IN_LCO, then OUT equals EU_MIN.

Where Lag is First-order lag Filter, the lag time constant is expressed in seconds by TC. The transfer function of the filter is
of the form 1 / (1 + TCs).

INDIRECT_SCL requires the inputs IN, EU_MAX, EU_MIN, IN_H_SCL, and IN_L_SCL. The block calculates OUT by
linearly scaling IN based on these inputs. OUT is only calculated if IN is greater than the low cutout, IN_LCO. If IN is less
than IN_LCO, then OUT equals EU_MIN. If IN < IN_L_SCL then IN is clamped to IN_L_SCL and the OUT is to EU_MIN.

Where Lag is First-order lag Filter, the lag time constant is expressed in seconds by TC. The transfer function of the filter is
of the form 1 / (1 + TCs).

INDIRECT_SQRT requires the inputs IN, EU_MAX, EU_MIN, IN_H_SCL, IN_L_SCL, and IN_LCO. OUT is the
calculated flow for non-compressible fluids through a differential head flow meter. IN_H_SCL is the maximum design DP
and IN_L_SCL is the minimum design DP. EU_MAX is the maximum design flow and EU_MIN is the minimum design
flow. OUT is only calculated if IN is greater than the low cutout, IN_LCO. If IN is less than IN_LCO, then OUT equals EU_
MIN. If IN < IN_L_SCL then IN is clamped to IN_L_SCL and the OUT is set EU_MIN.

Where Lag is First-order lag Filter, the lag time constant is expressed in seconds by TC. The transfer function of the filter is
of the form 1 / (1 + TCs).

8 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information

The AI block monitors the I/O point health, I/O pack health, EGD link status, engineering unit range violations, and
process limit range violations to calculate the output status for an I/O point. The block begins the status calculation by
obtaining the health status of the input specified. The status output provides the instantaneous status of the variable input. A
Healthy value on the status output implies a Healthy input pin. All Ethernet communication links have a bit error rate, so
occasional loss of a single EGD packet on an Ethernet network is considered normal and expected. The status will become
Uncertain for the configured health delay period before becoming Unhealthy.

A period refers to the time between consecutive transmissions of the variable. For most variables from I/O packs, the
period corresponds to the frame rate, although certain I/O packs such as PSCA do not always transmit at frame rate. For
variables that derive their health from the health of a received EGD page from another controller, the period depends on the
frame rate of the transmitting source and the associated page period multiplier. From the ToolboxST application, select the
EGD tab to view Period information. For detailed timing information refer to the section Output Health Status Details.
Refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING)

The output status is generated using the following rules:

• If an input pin has a value of NaN (Not a Number), the output status is set to NOT_LIMITED__BAD [0], [1], or [2].
• If the Page health and point health is Uncertain, the output status will not exceed NOT_LIMITED__LAST_KNOWN_
VALUE__UNCERTAIN [68]. Page health refers to the health of the I/O pack, IONet EGD, or EGD link OK status
associated with the input point.
• If the Page health is bad, the output status will not exceed NOT_LIMITED__NO_COMM_WITH_NO_USABLE_
VALUE__BAD [24].
• If the Page health is Healthy or Uncertain, but Point health is not Healthy, the output status will not exceed NOT_
LIMITED__SENSOR_FAILURE__BAD [16]. In this case, Point health refers to the health of the I/O pack point status
associated with the input point.
• If the type, AI_TYPE, is unknown or if the scaling is such that the maximum is less than the minimum, the output
status is limited to NOT_LIMITED__CONFIGURATION_ERROR__BAD [4].
• If the output is out of PROCESS LIMIT when limit checking is enabled, that is, PROC_LIM = True, the output status
is limited to NOT_LIMITED__UNCERTAIN [64].
• If the output is out of OUTPUT SCALE limits, the output status is limited to NOT_LIMITED__ENGINEERING_
• If none of these conditions exists, NOT_LIMITED-GOODNC [128] will be the output status.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 9

Public Information
ToolboxST Configuration
When an AI block is inserted into the application code, the ToolboxST application displays the following window.

Changing Default Attributes

When the user clicks OK, the block and pin connections will be configured automatically. Once the block is added, a global
pin is added. The block output is the value of the Device Attribute Name, 00AI1000. Additionally, the description, AI
Description in this example, becomes the block output description. The FormatSp Attribute Name Value, TempFS, is the
format specification of the block output. If a valid format specification attribute is entered, the Engineering Maximum and
Engineering Minimum values of that format specification are used to calculate OUT and determine engineering unit
violations. If no format specification attribute is entered or is invalid, the values of EU_MAX and
EU_MIN pins are used to calculate OUT and determine engineering unit violations. All references to EU_MAX and EU_MIN
in this section are based on this concept.

Note Global variables are listed in the table Global Variable. The defaults provided are for example only.

AI Block

10 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
AI_TYPE Input scaling parameter UINT (ENUM) DIRECT Always Value Only
EU_MAX Output high scale REAL 100 Always Value Only
EU_MIN Output low scale REAL 0 Always Value Only
IN Input variable REAL 0 Always Value Only
IN_H_SCL Input high scale REAL 100 Always Value Only
IN_L_SCL Input low scale REAL 0 Always Value Only
IN_LCO Low cutout value REAL 0 Always Value Only
PROC_LIM Process limits evaluated BOOL False Always Value Only
PROC_MAX Process limit maximum REAL 100 Always Value Only
PROC_MIN Process limit minimum REAL 0 Always Value Only
TC Filter time constant in REAL 0 Always Value Only
QLTY_DLY Bad quality to good quality UINT 1000 Always Value Only
delay, msec
BAD_QLTY_DLY† Good quality to bad quality UINT -1 Always Value Only
delay, msec
†This pin does not impact block operation and should no longer be used. The health drop out delay is controlled by the global
setting network health delay from the Hardware tab in the ToolboxST application. Refer to the ToolboxST User Guide for Mark
Controls Platform (GEH-6700 or GEH-6703), the chapter Mark VIe Component Editor, the section Health Delay for further

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
{Device} {Desc} REAL 0 Always Value with Status

Global Variable
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
11AI1000 HP Feedwater Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 11

Public Information
Analog Alarm Configuration
To configure analog alarms on a variable, the Alarm Property must be configured for that variable. This enables the
configuration of Bad Quality (BQ), Rate of change high (RH), High Deviation (DH), H, HH, HHH (or 3H), L, LL, and LLL
(or 3L).

Note AnalogAlarmDefault should be used when a variable is to be used as an alarm. Enabling this turns on more options for
this variable in the Alarms and Events Property Editor.

Enabling Analog Alarms on a Variable

Additional Options in Alarms and Events Property Editor

12 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
➢ To enable the H Alarm: in the property grid, set the H property to True to add the variables displayed in the following
figure to the variable list.

H Variables
H_SP is the setpoint for the High alarm on the variable. H_T is the delay time (in ms). When the comparison between the
setpoint and the value is done, it waits H_T milliseconds before issuing the alarm. HYST is the Hysteresis of the alarm values.
Set the initial values to effectively use them. 00AI1000.H is the actual variable name that generates the alarm.

Output Health Status Details

For I/O pack variable sources, the AI output status goes bad during the first period, in which the controller receives an
indication from the I/O pack that the variable is bad. It will go Uncertain the first period in which the controller does not
receive the variable, as follows:

• For a network with simplex redundancy, the AI output status goes Uncertain after the loss of the only input data packet
for the health delay period before becoming bad.
• For a network with dual redundancy, the AI output status goes Uncertain after the loss of both input data packets for the
health delay period before becoming bad.
• For a network with TMR redundancy, the AI output status goes Uncertain after the loss of the second input data packet
for one period before becoming bad.
This Unhealthy status could be caused by a communication failure with the I/O pack or by the I/O pack's determination that
the signal is Unhealthy based on conditions specific to that type of I/O pack and input.
For external network/EGD page sources, including variables received over the Unit Data Highway (UDH) or Control Data
Highway (CDH) using EGD pages, the AI output status on the AI block for an input variable does not go Unhealthy after the
loss of a single input data packet containing that variable. Instead, the corresponding AI status output goes Unhealthy during
the fourth Unhealthy period. Since EGD pages may be configured to run at different rates, the health of the variable is verified
once each period as configured for that EGD exchange. Each time an EGD exchange is received, the associated input
variables in that exchange are set to Healthy status and a timeout timer for that exchange is set to four. The timeout timer is
then decremented each time the configured time interval occurs. If the timeout timer reaches zero, all input variables in that
exchange are set with an Unhealthy status and the counter remains at zero until the EGD exchange is successfully received
Inputs transition from Unhealthy to Healthy on the first frame they are received as Healthy from an I/O module or
external/UDH/CDH source.

Note For input health information to be viewable in a live data display, for example in Live View, Trender, or the blockware
editor, the input must be connected to either a VAR_HEALTH or AI block.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 13

Public Information
Single Network I/O Pack Input Response to Loss of Input
When a network input on an I/O pack is no longer received, the input is marked Uncertain and the value holds the previous
Healthy input state for the configured base health delay number of periods. After this, the value is set to the default value and
marked Unhealthy.

Responses to Loss of Input (Base Health Delay = 3)

Loss of Input
Frame 1 2 3 4 5
Health Uncertain Unhealthy
Values Hold last Default

Dual Network I/O Pack Input Response to Loss of Input

When both network inputs on an I/O pack are no longer received, the input is marked Uncertain and the value holds the
previous Healthy input state for the configured base health delay number of periods. After this, the input value is set to the
default value and is marked Unhealthy. If only one input goes Unhealthy, the input value remains Healthy.

Responses to Loss of Input

Loss of 1st Input Loss of 2nd Input

Frame 1 2 3 4 5 Frame 1 2 3 4 5
Health Healthy Health Uncertain Unhealthy
Values Values Hold last Default

TMR Network I/O Pack Input Response to Loss of Input

The input value is always calculated from the voted value of the three network inputs. Thus, if more than one input goes
Unhealthy, the input value is voted to Unhealthy. If only one input goes Unhealthy, the input value remains Healthy.

Responses to Loss of Input

Loss of 1st Input Loss of 2nd Input
Frame 1 2 3 4 5 Frame 1 2 3 4 5
Health Healthy Health Uncertain
Values Voted Values Voted Default (from vote)

External Network/EGD Page Response to Loss of Input

When an EGD page is no longer received, the input is marked Uncertain and the previous Healthy input state is held. After
four periods, the input is marked Unhealthy.

Responses to Loss of Input

Loss of Input
Frame 1 2 3 4 5
Health Uncertain Unhealthy
Values Hold last Hold last

14 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
3 Analog Output (AO)
Block Category: Analog Operations
The Analog Output (AO) block monitors and propagates the quality status of analog output variables connected to CV and/or
SV. When the output variable statuses are not bad, the value and status of TRK_OUT is equal to the value and status of IN. If
AO_TYPE equals SPLIT RANGE, AO outputs CV, SV, and TRK_OUT. If AO_TYPE equals NORMAL, AO outputs CV and

AO Block

CV and SV are characterized outputs with a POP feature enabled by default. The characterization of IN to CV and IN to SV is
determined by the array value relationships for CV_X to CV_Y and SV_X to SV_Y, respectively. CV_X, CV_Y, SV_X, and
SV_Y are Local array type variables with 13 elements each; whose initial values can be modified for characterization
purposes. The POP feature is designed to provide a valve closing hysteresis loop. This prevents a control valve from
throttling on the valve seat, reducing control valve wear. In the decreasing direction, the feature does not allow CV to become
less than the value of CL until the characterized value of IN becomes less than CR. When the characterized value of IN
becomes less than CR, CV is set to CMN. In the increasing direction, CV remains equal to CMN until the characterized value
of IN becomes greater than the value of CL. Once the characterized value of IN is greater than CL, CV will POP to the value
of CL and CV will follow the characterized value of IN as long as it is above CL. The POP feature is enabled when
CL>CR>CMN and disabled when CL=CR=CMN, where CMN is the control variable minimum desired output value. This
POP concept also applies to SV by setting the values of SL, SR and SMN.

Note The CMN and SMN must be greater than or equal to the first element of the array.

AO_TYPE enumerations control the nature of the pins available.

AO_TYPE Enumerations
Enumeration Description
NORMAL Normal - single output
SPLIT_RANGE Split range - two outputs

NORMAL — requires inputs IN, CL, CMN, CR, CV_X and CV_Y and provides outputs CV and TRK_OUT.
SPLIT RANGE — requires inputs IN, CL, CMN, CR, CV_X, CV_Y, SL, SMN, SR, SV_X and SV_Y, and provides outputs

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 15

Public Information
Direct Characterization

16 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Reverse Characterization

The AO block propagates quality status. Status option cannot be disabled on this block.

Block status modifications:

The analog output variables attached to CV and SV are monitored for quality status, resulting in the following possible
TRK_OUT statuses:

• I/O Pack Health Failed – NOT_LIMITED-DEVICE_FAILURE-BAD [12]

• I/O Pack Health Failed – NOT_LIMITED-SENSOR_FAILURE-BAD [16]
• If none of the above conditions exist, it is equal to IN status
For further details on single input/single output blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library
(GEI-100682), the Status Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 17

Public Information
Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
AO_TYPE Output type (0=Normal; 1= UINT (ENUM) Normal Parameter Value Only
Split range)
CL CV pop level REAL 7 Parameter Value Only

CMN Minimum CV REAL -5 Parameter Value Only

CR CV reset to min level REAL 0.1 Parameter Value Only
CV_X Input characterization for CV REAL -10,0,10,20,30,40, Parameter Value Only
CV_Y Output characterization for REAL -10,0,10,20,30,40, Parameter Value Only
CV 50,60,70,80,
IN Input value REAL 0 Always Value with Status
SL SV pop level REAL 7 Parameter Value Only
SMN Minimum SV REAL -5 Parameter Value Only
SR SV reset to min level REAL 0.1 Parameter Value Only
SV_X Input characterization for SV REAL -10,0,10,20,30,40, Parameter Value Only
SV_Y Output characterization for SV REAL -10,0,10,20,30,40, Parameter Value Only

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
CV CV output REAL -5 Always Value Only
SV SV output REAL 0 Always Value Only
TRK_OUT Tracking output REAL 0 Always Value with Status

18 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
4 Analog Step Drum (ASTEPDRUM)
Block Category: Analog Operations
The Analog Step Drum (ASTEPDRUM) block is a software drum controller with one analog output value and up to 32 steps
(if 2OUT = False), or two analog output values and up to 16 steps each (if 2OUT = True). The output selected is based on the
current step number and its corresponding N value(s).
The maximum number of steps is initialized with NMAX (up to 32 when 2OUT = False, up to 16 when 2OUT = True).
In tracking mode (TRK_MOD is True), the current step number, STEP, is equal to TRK_STEP. If TRK_STEP is equal to zero
or greater than NMAX, the selecting mode TRK_MOD is ignored and the block switches to Manual mode. MN_REJ
becomes True.
In Manual mode (TRK_MOD = False), the selected step is increased or decreased (with each False to True transition of INC
or DEC). If the step number is equal to the maximum number of steps, NMAX, then the next transition of INC will cause the
step number to reset to one. If the current step number is equal to one, then all transitions of DEC will be ignored. If INC and
DEC transition from False to True on the same scan, then the current step is maintained.

Note This is a variant block that supports any one the following block data types: Integer, Double Integer, Real, Long Real,
Unsigned Integer, Unsigned Double Integer. The default data type is REAL. Refer to the section Change Data Type of Variant


ASTEPDRUM Block Expanded

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 19

Public Information
Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
2OUT Analog output pair selected BOOL False Always Value Only
DEC Decrements the current step BOOL False Always Value Only
number in manual mode
INC Increments the current step BOOL False Always Value Only
number in manual mode
N1 Output1 value for step 1 REAL 0 Always Value Only
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Value Only
N16 Output1 value for step 16 REAL 0 Always Value Only
N17 Output1 value for step 17 (if REAL 0 Always Value Only
2OUT is False) OR Output2 for
step 1 (if 2OUT is True)
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Value Only
N32 Output1 value for step 32 (if REAL 0 Always Value Only
2OUT is False) OR Output2 for
step 16 (if 2OUT is True)
NMAX Maximum number of steps UNIT 1 Parameter Value Only
TRK_MOD Enable tracking mode BOOL False Always Value Only
TRK_STEP Selected step number for UNIT 1 Parameter Value Only
tracking mode

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
MN_REJ Reject to manual mode BOOL False Always Value Only
OUT1 Output1 value for REAL 0 Always Value Only
corresponding step number
OUT2 Output2 value for REAL 0 Always Value Only
corresponding step number
STEP Current step number INT 1 Always Value Only

20 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
5 Breaker (BREAKER)
Block Category: Legacy, Device Control

Note Legacy Status — The BREAKER block is not supported for use in new Mark VIe control systems (ControlST
V05.02 or later). It is in place to support the maintenance of legacy Mark VIe control systems (prior to ControlST V05.02).
For new Mark VIe control systems, use the BREAKER_V2 block; it provides equivalent functionality.

The Breaker (BREAKER) block controls a low-voltage (LV) or medium-voltage (MV) breaker. The block provides pulse
outputs, OP_ORD, to open, or CL_ORD, to close the breaker. The block requires the inputs OPEN and CLOSED from the
limit switches of the breaker. The block will generate a failed-to-open alarm, FL_OP_A, a failed-to-close alarm, FL_CL_A,
and a limit switch congruency alarm, CONGR_A, that alarms when the breaker limit switches indicate that the breaker is
open and closed at the same time or if neither position is indicated.

Block Configuration
This block has various enumerations that are configured for control block operation.

Control Word (CTL)

CTL is an enumeration set by the HMI operator for breaker control. The commands available from the HMI allow manual and
automatic breaker control capability and/or lockout capability if the block property MODE_OPT enumeration selected allows
the auto and/or lock mode. The breaker may be opened or closed in Manual mode by the OPEN_CMD or CLOSE_CMD
commands, respectively.

CTL Enumerations
Enumeration Command Definitions
NO_CMD No command

AUTO_CMD Auto command

MANUAL_CMD Manual command
LOCK_CMD Lock command
UNLOCK_CMD Unlock command
OPEN_CMD Open command
CLOSE_CMD Close command
RESET_CMD Fault reset command
TC_RESET_CMD TC reset command

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 21

Public Information
Block Property Enumerations and Functionality
IO_OPT, MODE_OPT, and IO_MON enumerations control how the object behaves. For example, if the breaker has control
power and available inputs, fuse monitoring, and has the capability for auto and lockout operation, the IO_OPT selection is

IO_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table. Refer to the section Appendix for a complete list of possible
IO_OPT Enumerations (Short List)
Enumeration Description
None No capabilities are available
CP_OK Breaker has a hard-wired control power monitoring input
REM Breaker has a hard-wired remote/local input
AVAIL Breaker has hard-wired available input; "ready to go indicator"
PR_TRP Breaker has a hard-wired protection trip capability with a protective relay controlling the breaker
RCKD_IN Breaker has a hard-wired racked-in detection input and can detect when it is physically
connected to the bus
TRIP_ONLY No breaker close capability; can only trip the breaker, not close it

NONE — when IO_OPT is none, then inputs CP_OK, AVAIL, PR_TRP, RCKD_IN, REM and TRIP_ONLY are not used.
CP_OK — select for a breaker that provides a control power monitoring I/O capability. When the CP_OK enumeration is
selected, the output CP_OK_P is True. The Boolean control power monitoring connection is to the CP_OK input of the block
and is True when no control power failure is detected. When the CP_OK input is False, the control power failure alarm, CP_
F_A, is activated. If the breaker is in AUTO mode and the duration of CP_F _A being True has exceeded the PWR_FL_TMR,
the breaker will switch to Manual mode and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
AVAIL — select for a breaker that require an available capability. When the AVAIL enumeration is selected, the output
AVAIL_P is True. The Boolean available connection is to the AVAIL input of the block and is True when the breaker is
available. When AVAIL is False, the available alarm, AVAIL_A, is activated. If the starter is in AUTO mode and the duration
of AVAIL_A being True has exceeded the PWR_FL_TMR, the breaker will switch to Manual mode and the manual reject
alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
PR_TRP — select for a breaker that has protection trip capability. When the PR_TRP enumeration is selected, the output
PR_TRP_P is True. The Boolean Protection Trip input is connected to the PR_TRP input and is False when no breaker trip is
detected. When PR_TRP is True, the protection trip alarm, PR_TR_A, is activated. If the breaker is in AUTO mode and PR_
TRP_P is True, the breaker will switch to Manual mode and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed
by 2 seconds).
REM— select for a breaker that has remote/local capability. When the REM enumeration is selected, the output REM_P is
True. The Boolean remote/local connection is to the REMOTE input of the block and is True when the breaker is in remote
mode. When REMOTE is False, the output LOCAL is True and breaker control from the HMI is disabled. If the breaker is in
AUTO mode and LOCAL becomes True and the breaker will switch to Manual mode and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_
A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
RCKD_IN — select for a breaker that has a racked-in detection capability. When the RCKD_IN enumeration is selected, the
output RCKD_IN _P is True. The Boolean racked-in connection is to the RCKD_IN input of the block and is True when the
breaker is racked-in. When RCKD_IN is False, the racked-out alarm, RCKD_OT, is activated. If the breaker is in AUTO
mode and the duration of RCKD_OT being True has exceeded the PWR_FL_TMR, the breaker will switch to Manual mode
and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
TRIP_ONLY — select for a breaker which does not have a remote breaker close capability. When the TRIP_ONLY
enumeration is selected, the output TRIP_ONLY _P is True. If TRIP_ONLY_P is True, the breaker can only be commanded
open remotely by the OPEN_CMD enumeration, and the breaker close command, enumeration CLOSE_CMD, is disabled.

22 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
MODE_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table.

MODE_OPT Enumerations
Enumeration Mode Option Description
AUTO-LOCK Auto and lock
BK_OP Breaker open
AUTO-BK_OP Auto and breaker open
LOCK-BK_OP Lock an breaker open
AUTO-LOCK-BK_OP Auto and lock and breaker open

NONE — if TRIP_ONLY _P is False, the breaker can be opened or closed manually by the HMI operator.
AUTO — provides auto control capability for the breaker. Selecting the AUTO mode property will set AUTO_P to True,
indicating the auto mode property of the block is enabled. When AUTO_P is True the breaker can be commanded to auto by
either CTL enumeration AUTO_CMD or a rising edge on AU_SEL providing PMT_AU is True. The HMI operator may
command the breaker from Auto to Manual mode at any time with the CTL enumeration, MANUAL_CMD.
When AUTO is True, the AU_OP and AU_CL inputs control the automatic opening and closing of the breaker, provided,
PMT_OP or PMT_CL, respectively, is True. If AU_OP or AU_SEL become True, the breaker is in Manual mode, and the
breaker position is not in the state of the requested command, the Auto Request alarm (AU_REQ), will be activated. If AU_
CL becomes True, TRIP_ONLY_P is False, the breaker is in Manual mode, and the breaker position is not closed, the Auto
Request alarm (AU_REQ), will be activated.

Note PMT_AU is described in the section Auto/Open/Close Permissives.

LOCK — provides software lock-out capability for the breaker. Selecting the LOCK mode property will set LOCK_P to
True, and enable the LOCK_CMD and UNLOCK_CMD to control the lockout mode functionality. The breaker must be
opened before the block can be set to lockout mode. Feedback to the HMI operator of this mode is provided by LOCK. The
HMI operator is prevented from operating the breaker from the control faceplate when LOCK is True, and auto mode is

Note The Lock button can also be configured to use the WorkstationST Lock function. Refer to
WorkstationST/CIMPLICITY Advanced Viewer Integration Instruction Guide (GEI-100697), the section HMI Tagout.

Note The lockout indication is provided for status indication only. This action will not lockout the equipment, it will only
indicate lockout status. The owner's lockout procedures must be followed to safely lock equipment out.

BK_OP — provides a alarm when the breaker is open. Selecting the BK_OP mode property will set BK_OP _P to True.
When BK_OP_P is True and OPEN is True, the breaker alarm, BK_OP_A, is activated.

IO_MON enumerations are digital output monitor types. Monitoring is only available for the outputs OP_ORD and CL_ORD
(if TRIP_ONLY_P is False). If the hardware board used with OP_ORD and CL_ORD can perform diagnostic monitoring,
IO_MON is used to select the type of diagnostic monitoring. When diagnostic monitoring is used (FUSE or VOLT), the
diagnostic variable from the OP_ORD output is connected to RDY_OPN and the diagnostic variable for the CL_ORD (if
TRIP_ONLY_P is False) is connected to RDY_CLS. IO_MON enumerations are listed in the following table.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 23

Public Information
Note Refer to the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume II: System Guide for General-purpose Applications
(GEH-6721_Vol_II) for hardware board descriptions.

The following table lists the IO_MON enumerations.

IO_MON Enumerations
Enumeration Monitor Option Description

FUSE Fuse Monitoring

VOLT Voltage Monitoring

NONE — no circuit monitoring is available RDY_OPN and RDY_CLS inputs are not used.
FUSE — fuse monitoring determines the breaker circuit failure. If FUSE is selected, FUSE_MON_P is True. The fuse
monitoring board points provide fuse status to the block. These points are connected to RDY_OPN and RDY_CLS inputs. If
there is a fuse failure, RDY_OPN and RDY_CLS will become False. The block requires these inputs to be True for normal
operation. If RDY_OPN or RDY_CLS become False,OP_FLR or CL_FLR become True, respectively. When OP_FLR or
CL_FLR becomes True, PMT_CL and PMT_OP are False and PMT_AU, becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR. If
AUTO is True when this occurs, AUTO will become False and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated,
(delayed by 2 seconds). Note, to prevent an unwanted automatic switch from Auto to Manual mode, for example, an
Automatic bus transfer or Power supply transfer, the power supply transfer time should not exceed PWR_FL_TMR. If the
power supply transfer time exceeds the PWR_FL_TMR, the breaker will transfer from Auto to Manual mode and MN_REJ_
A, will be activated.
VOLT — voltage monitoring determines the valve circuit failure. If VOLT is selected. VOLT_MON_P is True. The Boolean
voltage monitoring input is True when there is no voltage failure and is connected to the RDY_OPN and RDY_CL inputs.
When OP_FLR becomes True, PMT_CL, becomes False and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR.

• RDY_OPN is False
• OP_ORD is False
• CP_OK is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration CP_OK is selected)
• REMOTE is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration REM is selected)
• RCKD_IN is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration RCKD_IN is selected)
• OPEN is False
• TK is False
• AVAIL is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration AVAIL is selected)
When OP_FLR becomes True, PMT_CL, becomes False and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR.
CL_FLR is True, (delayed by 2 seconds), when the following conditions exist:

• RDY_CLS is False
• CL_ORD is False
• CP_OK is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration CP_OK is selected)
• REMOTE is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration REM is selected)
• CLOSE is False
• TK is False
• RCKD_IN is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration RCKD_IN is selected)
• TRIP_ONLY_P is False
• AVAIL is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration AVAIL is selected)
When CL_FLR becomes True, PMT_CL, becomes False and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR.

24 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
If AUTO is True when CL_FLR or OP_FLR occurs, AUTO will become False and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will
be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds). Note, to prevent an unwanted automatic switch to Manual mode, in case of an
Automatic bus transfer or Power supply transfer, the power supply transfer time should not exceed PWR_FL_TMR. If the
power supply transfer time exceeds the PWR_FL_TMR, the breaker will transfer from Auto to Manual mode and MN_REJ_
A, will be activated.

Override Control
The block provides override control using a Trip Override input enumeration, TRP_OVR, and a Manual Reject input
enumeration, MN_REJ. The possible values for these enumerations are provided in the following table.

MN_REJ and TRP_OVR Enumerations

Enumeration Override Option Description
NO_OVR-NO-BLOCK No override and no override is blocked
OVR-NO_BLOCK Override active and no override is blocked
NO_OVR-BLOCK No override and a override is blocked
OVR-BLOCK Override active and a override is blocked

When TRP_OVR indicates Override Active, the breaker prevented from closing in any mode. The breaker is rejected to
manual when either TRP_OVR or MN_REJ indicate Override Active and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be
activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
TRP_OVR and MN_REJ (if used) are driven from an Override (OVERRIDE) block. Each connected input of the OVERRIDE
block has the ability (when enabled) to be blocked by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated tab of the permit
HMI screen display. When TRP_OVR or MN_REJ enumeration contains BLOCK, the HMI operator has blocked at least one
override. BREAKER does not use the block information, but passes it to the HMI for display.

Force Control
The block provides the force enumerations Force Open input (OP_FRC), and Force Close input (CL_FRC). The possible
values are provided in the following table.

CL_FRC and OP_FRC Enumerations

Enumeration Force Option Description
NO_FORCE-NO-BLOCK No force and no force is blocked
FORCE-NO_BLOCK Force active and no force is blocked
NO_FORCE-BLOCK No force and a force is blocked
FORCE-BLOCK Force active and a force is blocked

OP_FRC or CL_FRC force the breaker open or close in any mode except when an TRP_OVR indicates Override Active. The
breaker does not reject to manual if a close occurs.
OP_FRC and CL_FRC (if used) are driven from a Force (FORCE) block. Each connected input of the FORCE block has the
ability (when enabled) to be blocked by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated tab of the permit HMI screen
display. When OP_FRC or CL_FRC enumeration contains BLOCK, the HMI operator has blocked at least one force.
BREAKER does not use the block information, but passes it to the HMI for display.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 25

Public Information
Auto/Open/Close Permissives
If FL_CL_A is False, the block provides the permissive input Auto, Close, and Open Permit enumerations AU_PMT, OP_
PMT, and CL_PMT. The possible values are provided in the following table.

AU_PMT, CL_PMT, and OP_PMT Enumerations

Enumeration Permit Option Description
NO_PERM-NO-BYPASS No permit and no permit is bypassed
PERM-NO_BYPASS Permit OK and no permit is bypassed
NO_PERM-BYPASS No permit and a permit is bypassed
PERM-BYPASS Permit OK and A permit is bypassed

The permit inputs, AU_PMT, OP_PMT, and CL_PMT, combine with internal permissives to generate PMT_AU, PMT_OP,
and PMT_CL, permitted indications.
PMT_AU is True when the following conditions exist:

• AU_PMT indicates Permit OK

• MN_REJ indicates No Override
• FL_OP_A is False
• FL_CL_A is False
• TRIPPED is False
• REMOTE is True (if REM_P is True)
• LOCK is False (if LOCK_P is True)
• OP_FLR, CL_FLR, RCKD_OT, AVAIL_A, CP_F_A is False (or the duration of being True has not exceeded the PWR_
• TRP_OVR indicates no override
If the BREAKER block is in Auto mode and any of the above conditions (except AU_PMT) do not meet this criteria, the
breaker will be placed to Manual mode (that is the outputs, AUTO and PMT_AU are set to False) and the manual reject
alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated.
PMT_OP is True when the following conditions exist:

• OP_PMT indicates Permit OK

• REMOTE is True (if REM_P is True)
• TK is False
• FL_OP_A is False

26 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
PMT_CL is True when the following conditions exist:

• CL_PMT indicates Permit OK

• TRIPPED is False
• REMOTE is True (if REM_P is True)
• RCKD_IN is True (if RCKD_IN_P is True)
• CL_FLR is False
• OP_FLR is False
• LOCK is False (if LOCK_P is True)
• CP_OK is True (if CP_OK_P is True)
• TRP_OVR indicates No Override
• PR_TRP is False
• AVAIL is True (if AVAIL_P is True)
• TK is False
• FL_CL_A is False
• OP_FRC indicates No Force
Permissives AU_PMT, OP_PMT, and CL_PMT (if used) are driven from a Permit (PERMIT) block. Each connected input of
the PERMIT block has the ability (when enabled) to be bypassed by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated tab
of the permit HMI screen display. When AU_PMT, OP_PMT, or CL_PMT enumeration contains BYPASS, the HMI operator
has bypassed at least one permit. The BREAKER block does not use the bypass information, but passes it to the HMI for

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 27

Public Information
Diagnostic Alarms
If the breaker fails to open or close in the time specified by the fail-to-open time,
FL_OP_T, or fail-to-close time, FL_CL_T, the BREAKER block will generate a failed-to-open alarm, FL_OP_A or a
failed-to-close alarm, FL_CL_A. These alarms (as well as the TRIPPED alarm) may be reset when FAULT_RESET is True or
if the CTL enumeration equals RESET_CMD.
The BREAKER block has a limit switch congruency alarm, CONGR_A, that generates alarms when the breaker limit
switches indicate the breaker is open (OPEN is True) and closed (CLOSED is True) at the same time. The CONGR_A alarm
may be reset when the condition causing the alarm is cleared.
The output, FAULT, is True when a fault is detected. FAULT limit is True when any of the following condition exists:

• FL_OP_A is True
• FL_CL_A is True
• OP_FLR is True
• CL_FLR is True
• CONGR_A is True
• CP_F_A is True
• PR_TRP is True
• AVAIL_A is True
• RCKD_IN is False
• TRIPPED is True
Counter (CRT) block output is the count of the number of times the CLOSED input has transitioned to True. The counter
may be reset when the CTL enumeration equals TC_RESET_CMD.

Push-button Status
The BREAKER block push-button status output, PBSTATE, indicates the last HMI operator initiated CTL enumeration
OPEN_CMD or CLOSE_ CMD command. PBSTATE is True if the last CTL enumeration was CLOSE_CMD.

28 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Operating mode (MODE) is an output that defines the block-operating mode. The enumerations are listed in the following
MODE Enumerations
Enumeration Description
MANUAL-OPENED Manual and opened
AUTO-OPENED Auto and opened
MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENED Manual and remote and opened
AUTO-REMOTE-OPENED Auto and remote and opened
MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENED Manual and local and opened
AUTO-LOCAL-OPENED Auto and local and opened
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENED Manual and override and opened
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENED Auto and override and opened
MANUAL-OPENING Manual and opening
AUTO-OPENING Auto and opening
MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENING Manual and remote and opening
AUTO-REMOTE-OPENING Auto and remote and opening
MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENING Manual and local and opening
AUTO-LOCAL-OPENING Auto and local and opening
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENING Manual and override and opening
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENING Auto and override and opening
MANUAL-CLOSED Manual and closed
AUTO-CLOSED Auto and closed
MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSED Manual and remote and closed
AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSED Auto and remote and closed
MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSED Manual and local and closed
AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSED Auto and local and closed
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSED Manual and override and closed
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSED Auto and override and closed
MANUAL-CLOSING Manual and closing
AUTO-CLOSING Auto and closing
MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSING Manual and remote and closing
AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSING Auto and remote and closing
MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSING Manual and local and closing
AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSING Auto and local and closing
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSING Manual and override and closing
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSING Auto and override and closing
MANUAL-FAULTED Manual and faulted
AUTO-FAULTED Auto and faulted
MANUAL-REMOTE-FAULTED Manual and remote and faulted
AUTO-REMOTE-FAULTED Auto and remote and faulted
MANUAL-LOCAL-FAULTED Manual and local and faulted
AUTO-LOCAL-FAULTED Auto and local and faulted
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-FAULTED Manual and override and faulted
AUTO-OVERRIDE-FAULTED Auto and override and faulted
MANUAL-OPENED-LOCKED Manual and opened and locked
AUTO-OPENED-LOCKED Auto and opened and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENED-LOCKED Manual and remote and opened and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-OPENED-LOCKED Auto and remote and opened and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENED-LOCKED Manual and local and opened and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-OPENED-LOCKED Auto and local and opened and locked

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 29

Public Information
MODE Enumerations (continued)
Enumeration Description
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENED-LOCKED Manual and override and opened and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENED-LOCKED Auto and override and opened and locked
MANUAL-OPENING-LOCKED Manual and opening and locked
AUTO-OPENING-LOCKED Auto and opening and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENING-LOCKED Manual and remote and opening and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-OPENING-LOCKED Auto and remote and opening and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENING-LOCKED Manual and local and opening and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-OPENING-LOCKED Auto and local and opening and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENING-LOCKED Manual and override and opening and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENING-LOCKED Auto and override and opening and locked
MANUAL-CLOSED-LOCKED Manual and closed and locked
AUTO-CLOSED-LOCKED Auto and closed and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSED-LOCKED Manual and remote and closed and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSED-LOCKED Auto and remote and closed and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSED-LOCKED Manual and local and closed and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSED-LOCKED Auto and local and closed and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSED-LOCKED Manual and override and closed and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSED-LOCKED Auto and override and closed and locked
MANUAL-CLOSING-LOCKED Manual and closing and locked
AUTO-CLOSING-LOCKED Auto and closing and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSING-LOCKED Manual and remote and closing and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSING-LOCKED Auto and remote and closing and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSING-LOCKED Manual and local and closing and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSING-LOCKED Auto and local and closing and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSING-LOCKED Manual and override and closing and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSING-LOCKED Auto and override and closing and locked
MANUAL-FAULTED-LOCKED Manual and faulted and locked
AUTO-FAULTED-LOCKED Auto and faulted and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-FAULTED-LOCKED Manual and remote and faulted and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-FAULTED-LOCKED Auto and remote and faulted and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-FAULTED-LOCKED Manual and local and faulted and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-FAULTED-LOCKED Auto and local and faulted and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-FAULTED-LOCKED Manual and override and faulted and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-FAULTED-LOCKED Auto and override and faulted and locked

30 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
ToolboxST Configuration
Inserting a BREAKER block into the application code displays the following window.

Default Attribute Values

When the user clicks OK, the block and pin connections will be configured automatically. Pin names are in the form {Device}.
Input_Name, where {Device} is the attribute value 00BREAKER1000 and Input_Name is the block input/output name.
Additionally, the {Description}, BREAKER description becomes the prefix of the block input/output descriptions.

Note Global variables are listed in the table Global Variables. The defaults provided are for example only.


Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 31

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
AU_CL Auto close command BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_OP Auto open command BOOL False Always Value Only
Auto open command
AU_PMT ✓ Auto permit UINT PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
AU_SEL Auto mode select BOOL False Always Value Only
AVAIL Available input BOOL True Always Value Only
CL_FRC ✓ Force close UINT NO_FORCE-NO_ Always Value Only
CL_INP ✓ Closed BOOL False Always Value Only
CL_PMT ✓ Close permit UINT PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
CP_OK Control power OK BOOL True Always Value Only
CTL ✓ {Desc} Control word UINT NO_CMD Always Value Only
FAULT_RESET Fault/trip reset BOOL True Always Value Only
FL_CL_T Fail to close time UDINT 3000 Parameter Value Only
FL_OP_T Fail to open time UDINT 3000 Parameter Value Only
IO_MON Breaker I/O monitor UINT NONE Always Value Only
options (ENUM)
IO_OPT Breaker I/O options UINT NONE Always Value Only
MN_REJ ✓ Manual reject UINT NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
MODE_OPT Breaker mode options UINT NONE Always Value Only
OP_FRC ✓ Force open UINT NO_FORCE-NO_ Always Value Only
OP_INP ✓ Open BOOL False Always Value Only
OP_PMT ✓ Open permit UINT PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
PR_TRP Protective trip input BOOL False Always Value Only
PWR_FL_TMR Manual reject power UDINT 5000 Parameter Value Only
fail timer
RCKD_IN Racked IN input BOOL True Always Value Only
RDY_CLS Output MON ready to BOOL True Always Value Only
RDY_OPN Output MON ready to BOOL True Always Value Only
REMOTE Remote mode input BOOL True Always Value Only
TK ✓ {Desc} Tracking BOOL False Always Value Only
TRP_OVR ✓ Override trip UINT NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

32 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
{Device} {Desc} BOOL False Internal Value Only
AU_REQ ✓ {Desc} auto request BOOL False Always Value Only
AUTO ✓ {Desc} Auto BOOL False Always Value Only
AUTO_P ✓ {Desc} Auto property BOOL False Always Value Only
AVAIL_A ✓ {Desc} Not available BOOL False Always Value Only
AVAIL_P {Desc} Available BOOL False Always Value Only

BK_OP_A ✓ {Desc} Breaker open BOOL False Always Value Only
BK_OP_P {Desc} Open alarm BOOL False Always Value Only

CL_FLR ✓ {Desc} Close circuit fail BOOL False Always Value Only
CL_ORD Close order/command BOOL False Always Value Only
CLOSED ✓ {Desc} Closed BOOL False Always Value Only
CONGR_A ✓ {Desc} Congruency BOOL False Always Value Only
CP_F_A {Desc} control power BOOL False Always Value Only

CP_OK_P {Desc} control power BOOL False Always Value Only

CTR {Desc} CLOSE DINT 0 Always Value Only

FAULT ✓ {Desc} Fault indication BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_CL_A ✓ {Desc} Fail to close BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_OP_A ✓ {Desc} Fail to open BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_CL ✓ {Desc} Force close BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_CLB {Desc} Close force BOOL False Internal Value Only

block status
FRC_OP ✓ {Desc} Force open BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_OPB {Desc} Open force BOOL False Internal Value Only

block status
FUSE_MON_P {Desc} Output fuse BOOL False Always Value Only

monitor property
LOCAL ✓ {Desc} Local mode BOOL False Always Value Only
LOCK ✓ {Desc} Locked BOOL False Always Value Only
LOCK_P ✓ {Desc} Lock property BOOL False Always Value Only
MN_REJ_A ✓ {Desc} Manual reject BOOL False Always Value Only
MODE Block mode UINT (ENUM) MANUAL-FAULTED Always Value Only
OP_FLR ✓ {Desc} Open circuit fail BOOL False Always Value Only
OP_ORD Open order/command BOOL False Always Value Only
OPEN ✓ {Desc} Open BOOL False Always Value Only
OVR_TRP ✓ {Desc} Override trip BOOL False Always Value Only
OVR_TRPB {Desc} Override trip BOOL False Internal Value Only

block status
PBSTATE ✓ {Desc} Last PB state BOOL False Internal Value Only
PMT_AU ✓ {Desc} Auto permit BOOL False Always Value Only
PMT_AUB {Desc} Auto permit BOOL False Internal Value Only

bypass status
PMT_CL ✓ {Desc} Permit to close BOOL True Always Value Only
PMT_CLB {Desc} Close permit BOOL False Internal Value Only

bypass status
PMT_OP ✓ {Desc} Permit to open BOOL True Always Value Only
PMT_OPB {Desc} Open permit BOOL False Internal Value Only

bypass status

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 33

Public Information
Outputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
PR_TR_A ✓ {Desc} Protective trip BOOL False Always Value Only
PR_TRP_P {Desc} Protective trip BOOL False Always Value Only

RCKD_IN_P {Desc} Racked IN BOOL False Always Value Only

RCKD_OT ✓ {Desc} Racked OUT BOOL False Always Value Only
REJ_MN ✓ {Desc} Manual reject BOOL False Always Value Only
REJ_MNB {Desc} Manual reject BOOL False Internal Value Only

bypass status
REM_P {Desc} Remote BOOL False Always Value Only

TRIP_ONLY_P {Desc} Trip only BOOL False Always Value Only

TRIPPED ✓ {Desc} Tripped BOOL False Always Value Only
VOLT_MON_P {Desc} Output volt BOOL False Always Value Only

monitor property
✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

34 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
00BREAKER1000 BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00BREAKER1000.AU_REQ BREAKER description Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
auto request
00BREAKER1000.AUTO BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00BREAKER1000.AUTO_P BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
auto property
00BREAKER1000.AVAIL_A BREAKER description Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
not available
00BREAKER1000.AVAIL_P BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
available property
00BREAKER1000.BK_OP_A BREAKER description - Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
Breaker open
00BREAKER1000.BK_OP_P BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
open alarm property
00BREAKER1000.CL_FLR BREAKER description Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
close circuit fail
00BREAKER1000.CLOSED BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00BREAKER1000.CONGR_A BREAKER description Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
00BREAKER1000.CP_F_A BREAKER description Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
control power fail
00BREAKER1000.CP_OK_P BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
control power property
00BREAKER1000.CTL BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
control word
00BREAKER1000.CTR BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
close counter
00BREAKER1000.FAULT BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
fault indication
00BREAKER1000.FL_CL_A BREAKER description Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
fail to close
00BREAKER1000.FL_OP_A BREAKER description Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
fail to open
00BREAKER1000.FRC_CL BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
force close
00BREAKER1000.FRC_CLB BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
close force block status
00BREAKER1000.FRC_OP BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
force open
00BREAKER1000.FRC_OPB BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
open force block status
00BREAKER1000.FUSE_MON_P BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
output fuse monitor
00BREAKER1000.LOCAL BREAKER description Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
local mode
00BREAKER1000.LOCK BREAKER description Not Alarmed True $Default ReadOnly
00BREAKER1000.LOCK_P BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
lock property
00BREAKER1000.MN_REJ_A BREAKER description Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
manual reject
00BREAKER1000.OP_FLR BREAKER description Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
open circuit fail
00BREAKER1000.OPEN BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 35

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
00BREAKER1000.OVR_TRP BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
override trip
00BREAKER1000.OVR_TRPB BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
override trip block status
00BREAKER1000.PBSTATE BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
last PB state
00BREAKER1000.PMT_AU BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
auto permit
00BREAKER1000.PMT_AUB BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
auto permit bypass
00BREAKER1000.PMT_CL BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
permit to close
00BREAKER1000.PMT_CLB BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
close permit bypass
00BREAKER1000.PMT_OP BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
permit to open
00BREAKER1000.PMT_OPB BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
open permit bypass
00BREAKER1000.PR_TR_A BREAKER description Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
protective trip
00BREAKER1000.PR_TRP_P BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
protective trip property
00BREAKER1000.RCKD_IN_P BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
racked in property
00BREAKER1000.RCKD_OT BREAKER description Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
racked out
00BREAKER1000.REJ_MN BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
manual reject
00BREAKER1000.REJ_MNB BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
manual reject bypass
00BREAKER1000.REM_P BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
remote property
00BREAKER1000.TK BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
tracking enabled
00BREAKER1000.TRIP_ONLY_P BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
trip only property
00BREAKER1000.TRIPPED BREAKER description Alarmed LVL_2 False $Default ReadOnly
00BREAKER1000.VOLT_MON_P BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
output volt monitor

36 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
The Object name for the HMI is the same as the device name specified in the ToolboxST configuration.

Typical HMI Object for a BREAKER

BREAKER Faceplate

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 37

Public Information
The following table lists all possible BREAKER enumeration combinations.

IO_OPT Enumerations
Enumeration Description
CP_OK Control power OK
REM Remote mode
CP_OK-REM Control power OK and remote mode
AVAIL Available
CP_OK-AVAIL Control power OK and available
REM-AVAIL Remote mode and available
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL Control power OK and remote mode and available
PR_TRP Protection trip
CP_OK-PR_TRP Control power OK and protection trip
REM-PR_TRP Remote mode and protection trip
CP_OK-REM-PR_TRP Control power OK and remote and protection trip
AVAIL-PR_TRP Available and protection trip
CP_OK-AVAIL-PR_TRP Control power OK and available and protection trip
REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP Remote mode and available and protection trip
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP Control power OK and remote and available and protection trip
RCKD_IN Racked in
CP_OK-RCKD_IN Control power OK and racked in
REM-RCKD_IN Remote mode and racked in
CP_OK-REM-RCKD_IN Control power OK and remote mode and racked in
AVAIL-RCKD_IN Available and racked in
CP_OK-AVAIL-RCKD_IN Control power OK and available and racked in
REM-AVAIL-RCKD_IN Remote mode and available and racked in
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-RCKD_IN Control power OK and remote mode and available and racked in
PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Protection trip and racked in
CP_OK-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Control power OK and protection trip and racked in
REM-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Remote and protection trip and racked in.
CP_OK-REM-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Control power OK and remote mode and protection trip and racked
AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Available and protection trip and racked in
CP_OK-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Control power OK and available and protection trip and racked in
REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Remote mode and available and protection trip and racked in
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Control power OK and remote mode and available and protection trip
and racked in
TRIP_ONLY Trip only
CP_OK-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and trip only
REM-TRIP_ONLY Remote mode and trip only
CP_OK-REM-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and remote and trip only
AVAIL-TRIP_ONLY Available and trip only
CP_OK-AVAIL-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and available and trip only
REM-AVAIL-TRIP_ONLY Remote mode and available and trip only
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and remote mode and available and trip only
PR_TRP-TRIP_ONLY Protection trip and trip only
CP_OK-PR_TRP-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and protection trip and trip only
REM-PR_TRP-TRIP_ONLY Remote mode and protection trip and trip only

38 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
IO_OPT Enumerations (continued)
Enumeration Description
CP_OK-REM-PR_TRP-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and remote mode and protection trip and trip only
AVAIL-PR_TRP-TRIP_ONLY Available and protection trip and trip only
CP_OK-AVAIL-PR_TRP-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and available and protection trip and trip only
REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-TRIP_ONLY Remote mode available and trip only
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and remote and available and portection trip and
trip only
RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Racked in and trip only
CP_OK-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and racked in and trip only
REM-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Remote mode and racked in and trip only
CP_OK-REM-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and remote and racked in and trip only

AVAIL-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Available and racked in and trip only

CP_OK-AVAIL-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and available and racked in and trip only
REM-AVAIL-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Remote mode and available and racked in and trip only
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and remote mode and available and racked in and
trip only
PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Protection trip and racked in and trip only
CP_OK-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and protection trip and racked in and trip only
REM-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Remote mode and protection trip and racked in and trip only
CP_OK-REM-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and remote and protection trip and racked in and
trip only
AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Available and protection trip and racked in and trip only
CP_OK-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and available and protection trip and trip only
REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Remote mode and available and protection trip and racked in and
trip only
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and available and protection trip and racked in
and trip only

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 39

Public Information
6 Breaker Version 2 (BREAKER_V2)
Block Category: Device Control
The Breaker Version 2 (BREAKER_V2) block controls a low-voltage (LV) or medium-voltage (MV) breaker. The block
provides pulse outputs, OP_ORD, to open, or CL_ORD, to close the breaker. The block requires the inputs OPEN and
CLOSED from the limit switches of the breaker. The block will generate a failed-to-open alarm, FL_OP_A, a failed-to-close
alarm, FL_CL_A, and a limit switch congruency alarm, CONGR_A, that alarms when the breaker limit switches indicate that
the breaker is open and closed at the same time, or if neither position is indicated.

Block Configuration
This block has various enumerations that are used to control block operation.

Control Word (CTL)

CTL is an enumeration set by the HMI operator for breaker control. The commands available from the HMI allow manual and
automatic breaker control capability and/or lockout capability if the block property Mode Option (MODE_OPT) enumeration
selected allows the auto and/or lock mode. The breaker may be opened or closed in Manual mode by the OPEN_CMD or
CLOSE_CMD commands, respectively. The command enumerations are defined in the following table.

CTL Enumerations
Enumeration Command Definitions
NO_CMD No command
AUTO_CMD Auto command
MANUAL_CMD Manual command
LOCK_CMD Lock command
UNLOCK_CMD Unlock command
OPEN_CMD Open command
CLOSE_CMD Close command
RESET_CMD Fault reset command
TC_RESET_CMD TC reset command

40 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Block Property Enumerations and Functionality
IO_OPT, MODE_OPT, and IO_MON enumerations control how the object behaves. For example, if the breaker has control
power and available inputs, fuse monitoring, and has the capability for auto and lockout operation, the IO_OPT selection is

IO_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table. Refer to the section Appendix for a list of all possible enumeration
IO_OPT Enumerations (Short List)
Enumeration Description
None No capabilities are available
CP_OK Hard-wired control power monitoring input
REM Hard-wired remote/local input
AVAIL Hard-wired available input (Ready to Go indicator)
PR_TRP Hard-wired protection trip capability — there is a protective relay controlling the
RCKD_IN Hard-wired racked-in detection input that can detect when it is physically connected to
the bus
TRIP_ONLY No close capability; can only trip the breaker, but can't close it

NONE — when IO_OPT is none, CP_OK, AVAIL, PR_TRP, RCKD_IN, REM and TRIP_ONLY inputs are not used.
CP_OK — select for a breaker that provides a control power monitoring IO capability. When the CP_OK enumeration is
selected, the output CP_OK_P is True. The Boolean control power monitoring connection is to the CP_OK input of the block
and is True when no control power failure is detected. When the CP_OK input is False, the control power failure alarm, CP_
F_A, is activated. If the breaker is in AUTO mode and the duration of CP_F _A being True has exceeded the PWR_FL_TMR,
the breaker will switch to Manual mode and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
AVAIL — select for a breaker that require an available capability. When the AVAIL enumeration is selected, the output
AVAIL_P is True. The Boolean available connection is to the AVAIL input of the block and is True when the breaker is
available. When AVAIL is False, the available alarm, AVAIL_A, is activated. If the starter is in AUTO mode and the duration
of AVAIL_A being True has exceeded the PWR_FL_TMR, the breaker will switch to Manual mode and the manual reject
alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
PR_TRP — select for a breaker that has protection trip capability. When the PR_TRP enumeration is selected, the output
PR_TRP_P is True. The Boolean protection trip input is connected to the PR_TRP input and is False when no breaker trip is
detected. When PR_TRP is True, the protection trip alarm, PR_TR_A, is activated. If the breaker is in AUTO mode and PR_
TRP_P is True, the breaker will switch to Manual mode and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed
by 2 seconds).
REM — select for a breaker that has remote/local capability. When the REM enumeration is selected, the output REM_P is
True. The Boolean remote/local connection is to the REMOTE input of the block and is True when the breaker is in remote
mode. When REMOTE is False, the output LOCAL is True and breaker control from the HMI is disabled. If the breaker is in
AUTO mode and LOCAL becomes True and the breaker will switch to Manual mode and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_
A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
RCKD_IN — select for a breaker that has a racked-in detection capability. When the RCKD_IN enumeration is selected, the
output RCKD_IN _P is True. The Boolean racked-in connection is to the RCKD_IN input of the block and is True when the
breaker is racked-in. When RCKD_IN is False, the racked-out alarm, RCKD_OT, is activated. If the breaker is in AUTO
mode and the duration of RCKD_OT being True has exceeded the PWR_FL_TMR, the breaker will switch to Manual mode
and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
TRIP_ONLY — select for a breaker which does not have a remote breaker close capability. When the TRIP_ONLY
enumeration is selected, the output TRIP_ONLY _P is True. If TRIP_ONLY_P is True, the breaker can only be commanded
open remotely by the OPEN_CMD enumeration, and the breaker close command, enumeration CLOSE_CMD, is disabled.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 41

Public Information
Mode Option (MODE_OPT)
MODE_OPT options listed in the following table.

MODE_OPT Enumerations
Enumeration Description
AUTO-LOCK Auto and lock
BK_OP Breaker open
AUTO-BK_OP Auto and breaker open
LOCK-BK_OP Lock and breaker open
AUTO-LOCK-BK_OP Auto and lock and breaker open

NONE — if TRIP_ONLY _P is False, the breaker can be opened or closed manually by the HMI operator.
AUTO — provides auto control capability for the breaker. Selecting the AUTO mode property will set AUTO_P to True,
indicating the auto mode property of the block is enabled. When AUTO_P is True the breaker can be commanded to auto by
either CTL enumeration AUTO_CMD or a rising edge on AU_SEL providing PMT_AU is True. The HMI operator may
command the breaker from Auto to Manual mode at any time with the CTL enumeration MANUAL_CMD.

Note PMT_AU is described in the section Auto/Open/Close Permissives.

When AUTO is True, the AU_OP and AU_CL inputs control the automatic opening and closing of the breaker, provided,
PMT_OP or PMT_CL, respectively, is True. If AU_OP or AU_SEL become True, the breaker is in Manual mode, and the
breaker position is not in the state of the requested command, the auto request alarm, AU_REQ, will be activated. If AU_CL
become True, TRIP_ONLY_P is False, the breaker is in Manual mode, and the breaker position is not closed, the auto request
alarm, AU_REQ, will be activated.
LOCK — provides software lock-out capability for the breaker. Selecting the LOCK mode property will set LOCK_P to
True, and enable the LOCK_CMD and UNLOCK_CMD to control the lockout mode functionality. The breaker must be
opened before the block can be set to lockout mode. Feedback to the HMI operator of this mode is provided by LOCK. The
HMI operator is prevented from operating the breaker from the control faceplate when LOCK is True, and auto mode is

Note The Lock button can also be configured to use the WorkstationST Lock function. Refer to
WorkstationST/CIMPLICITY Advanced Viewer Integration Instruction Guide (GEI-100697), the section HMI Tagout.

Note The lockout indication is provided for status indication only. This action will not lockout the equipment, it will only
indicate lockout status. The owner's lockout procedures must be followed to safely lock equipment out.

BK_OP — enables an alarm when the breaker is open. Selecting the BK_OP mode property will set BK_OP _P to True.
When BK_OP_P is True and OPEN is True, the breaker alarm, BK_OP_A, is activated.

42 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
IO_MON enumerations are digital output monitor types. Monitoring is only available for the outputs OP_ORD and CL_ORD
(if TRIP_ONLY_P is False). If the hardware board used with OP_ORD and CL_ORD can perform diagnostic monitoring,
IO_MON is used to select the type of diagnostic monitoring. When diagnostic monitoring is used (FUSE or VOLT), the
diagnostic variable from the OP_ORD output is connected to RDY_OPN and the diagnostic variable for the CL_ORD (if
TRIP_ONLY_P is False) is connected to RDY_CLS.

Note Refer to the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume II: System Guide for General-purpose Applications
(GEH-6721_Vol_II) for hardware board descriptions.

The following table lists the BREAKER_V2 IO_MON enumerations.

IO_MON Enumerations
Enumeration Description

FUSE Fuse Monitoring

VOLT Voltage Monitoring

NONE — no circuit monitoring is available RDY_OPN and RDY_CLS inputs are not used.
FUSE — fuse monitoring determines the breaker circuit failure. If FUSE is selected, FUSE_MON_P is True. The fuse
monitoring board points provide fuse status to the block. These points are connected to RDY_OPN and RDY_CLS inputs. If
there is a fuse failure, RDY_OPN and RDY_CLS will become False. The block requires these inputs to be True for normal
operation. If RDY_OPN or RDY_CLS become False, OP_FLR or CL_FLR become True, respectively. When OP_FLR or
CL_FLR becomes True, PMT_CL and PMT_OP are False and PMT_AU, becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR. If
AUTO is True when this occurs, AUTO will become False and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated,
(delayed by 2 seconds). Note, to prevent an unwanted automatic switch from Auto to Manual mode, for example, an
Automatic bus transfer or Power supply transfer, the power supply transfer time should not exceed PWR_FL_TMR. If the
power supply transfer time exceeds the PWR_FL_TMR, the breaker will transfer from Auto to Manual mode and MN_REJ_
A, will be activated.
VOLT — voltage monitoring determines the valve circuit failure. If VOLT is selected VOLT_MON_P is True. The Boolean
voltage monitoring input is True when there is no voltage failure and is connected to the RDY_OPN and RDY_CL inputs.
When OP_FLR becomes True, PMT_CL, becomes False and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR.

• RDY_OPN is False
• OP_ORD is False
• CP_OK is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration CP_OK is selected)
• REMOTE is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration REM is selected)
• RCKD_IN is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration RCKD_IN is selected)
• OPEN is False
• TK is False
• AVAIL is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration AVAIL is selected)
When OP_FLR becomes True, PMT_CL, becomes False and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR.
CL_FLR is True, (delayed by 2 seconds), when the following conditions exist:

• RDY_CLS is False
• CL_ORD is False
• CP_OK is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration CP_OK is selected)
• REMOTE is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration REM is selected)
• CLOSE is False
• TK is False

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 43

Public Information
• RCKD_IN is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration RCKD_IN is selected)
• TRIP_ONLY_P is False
• AVAIL is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration AVAIL is selected)
When CL_FLR becomes True, PMT_CL, becomes False and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR.
If AUTO is True when CL_FLR or OP_FLR occurs, AUTO will become False and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will
be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds). Note, to prevent an unwanted automatic switch to Manual mode, in case of an
Automatic bus transfer or Power supply transfer, the power supply transfer time should not exceed PWR_FL_TMR. If the
power supply transfer time exceeds the PWR_FL_TMR, the breaker will transfer from Auto to Manual mode and MN_REJ_
A, will be activated.

Override Control
The block provides override control through a Trip Override input enumeration,
TRP_OVR, and a Manual Reject input enumeration, MN_REJ. The possible values are provided in the following table.

MN_REJ and TRP_OVR Enumerations

Enumeration Override Option Description
NO_OVR-NO-BLOCK No override and no override is blocked
OVR-NO_BLOCK Override active and no override is blocked
NO_OVR-BLOCK No override and a override is blocked
OVR-BLOCK Override active and a override is blocked

When TRP_OVR indicates Override Active, the breaker is prevented from closing in any mode. The breaker is rejected to
manual when either TRP_OVR or MN_REJ indicate Override Active and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be
activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
TRP_OVR and MN_REJ (if used) are driven from an Override (OVERRIDE) block. Each connected input of the OVERRIDE
block has the ability (when enabled) to be blocked by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated tab of the permit
HMI screen display. When TRP_OVR or MN_REJ enumeration contains BLOCK, the HMI operator has blocked at least one
override. BREAKER does not use the block information, but passes it to the HMI for display.

Force Control
The BREAKER block provides force control through a Force Open input (OP_FRC), and Force Close input (CL_FRC). The
possible values are provided in the following table.

CL_FRC and OP_FRC Enumerations

Enumeration Description
NO_FORCE-NO-BLOCK No force and no force is blocked
FORCE-NO_BLOCK Force active and no force is blocked
NO_FORCE-BLOCK No force and a force is blocked
FORCE-BLOCK Force active and a force is blocked

OP_FRC or CL_FRC force the breaker open or close in any mode except when an TRP_OVR indicates Override Active. The
breaker does not reject to manual if a close occurs.
OP_FRC and CL_FRC (if used) are driven from a Force (FORCE) block. Each connected input of the FORCE block has the
ability (when enabled) to be blocked by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated tab of the permit HMI screen
display. When OP_FRC or CL_FRC enumeration contains BLOCK, the HMI operator has blocked at least one force.
BREAKER_V2 does not use the block information, but passes it to the HMI for display.

44 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Auto/Open/Close Permissives
When FL_CL_A is False, the block provides permissive input enumerations AU_PMT, OP_PMT, and CL_PMT. The possible
values are provided in the following table.

AU_PMT, CL_PMT, and OP_PMT Enumerations

Enumeration Permit Description
NO_PERM-NO-BYPASS No permit and no permit is bypassed
PERM-NO_BYPASS Permit OK and no permit is bypassed
NO_PERM-BYPASS No permit and a permit is bypassed
PERM-BYPASS Permit OK and A permit is bypassed

The permit inputs, AU_PMT, OP_PMT, and CL_PMT, combine with internal permissives to generate PMT_AU, PMT_OP,
and PMT_CL, permitted indications.
PMT_AU is True when the following conditions exist:

• AU_PMT indicates Permit OK

• MN_REJ indicates No Override
• FL_OP_A is False
• FL_CL_A is False
• TRIPPED is False
• REMOTE is True (if REM_P is True)
• LOCK is False (if LOCK_P is True)
• OP_FLR, CL_FLR, RCKD_OT, AVAIL_A, CP_F_A is False (or the duration of being True has not exceeded the PWR_
• TRP_OVR indicates No Override
If the breaker is in Auto mode and any of these conditions (except AU_PMT do not meet this criteria, the breaker will be
placed to Manual mode (that is the outputs, AUTO and PMT_AU are set to False) and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A,
will be activated.
PMT_OP is True when the following conditions exist:

• OP_PMT indicates Permit OK

• REMOTE is True (if REM_P is True)
• TK is False
• FL_OP_A is False
PMT_CL is True when the following conditions exist:

• CL_PMT indicates Permit OK

• TRIPPED is False
• REMOTE is True (if REM_P is True)
• RCKD_IN is True (if RCKD_IN_P is True)
• CL_FLR is False
• OP_FLR is False
• LOCK is False (if LOCK_P is True)
• CP_OK is True (if CP_OK_P is True)
• TRP_OVR indicates No Override
• PR_TRP is False
• AVAIL is True (if AVAIL_P is True)
• TK is False
• FL_CL_A is False
• OP_FRC indicates No Force

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 45

Public Information
AU_PMT, OP_PMT, and CL_PMT (if used) are driven from a Permit (PERMIT) block. Each connected input of the PERMIT
block has the ability (when enabled) to be bypassed by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated tab of the permit
HMI screen display. When AU_PMTOP_PMT, or CL_PMT enumeration contains BYPASS, the HMI operator has bypassed
at least one permit. BREAKER_V2 does not use the bypass information, but passes it to the HMI for display.

Diagnostic Alarms
Failed-to-open alarm (FL_OP_A)/ Failed-to-close alarm (FL_CL_A) — if the breaker fails to open or close in the time
specified by the fail-to-open time (FL_OP_T) or fail-to-close time (FL_CL_T), the block will generate a failed-to-open alarm,
FL_OP_A, or a failed-to-close alarm, FL_CL_A. These alarms (as well as a TRIPPED alarm) may be reset when FAULT_
RESET is True or if the CTL enumeration equals RESET_CMD.
Congruency Alarm (CONGR_A) — a limit switch congruency alarm that alarms when the breaker limit switches indicate
the breaker is open (OPEN is True), and closed (CLOSED is True), at the same time. The CONGR_A alarm may be reset
when the condition causing the alarm is cleared.
The output, FAULT, is True when a fault is detected. FAULT limit is True when any of the following condition exists:

• FL_OP_A is True
• FL_CL_A is True
• OP_FLR is True
• CL_FLR is True
• CONGR_A is True
• CP_F_A is True
• PR_TRP is True
• AVAIL_A is True
• RCKD_IN is False
• TRIPPED is True
Counter (CTR) — the block output CTR is the count of the number of times the CLOSED input has transitioned to True.
The counter may be reset when the CTL enumeration equals TC_RESET_CMD.
Push-button Status (PBSTATE) — the BREAKER_V2 block push-button status output, PBSTATE, indicates the last HMI
operator initiated CTL enumeration OPEN_CMD or CLOSE_ CMD command. PBSTATE is True if the last CTL
enumeration was CLOSE_CMD.

46 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Operating Mode (MODE) output defines the block-operating mode. The operating mode enumerations are defined in the
following table.

MODE Enumerations
Enumeration Operating Mode
MANUAL-OPENED Manual and opened
AUTO-OPENED Auto and opened
MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENED Manual and remote and opened
AUTO-REMOTE-OPENED Auto and remote and opened
MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENED Manual and local and opened
AUTO-LOCAL-OPENED Auto and local and opened
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENED Manual and override and opened
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENED Auto and override and opened
MANUAL-OPENING Manual and opening
AUTO-OPENING Auto and opening
MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENING Manual and remote and opening
AUTO-REMOTE-OPENING Auto and remote and opening
MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENING Manual and local and opening
AUTO-LOCAL-OPENING Auto and local and opening
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENING Manual and override and opening
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENING Auto and override and opening
MANUAL-CLOSED Manual and closed
AUTO-CLOSED Auto and closed
MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSED Manual and remote and closed
AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSED Auto and remote and closed
MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSED Manual and local and closed
AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSED Auto and local and closed
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSED Manual and override and closed
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSED Auto and override and closed
MANUAL-CLOSING Manual and closing
AUTO-CLOSING Auto and closing
MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSING Manual and remote and closing
AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSING Auto and remote and closing
MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSING Manual and local and closing
AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSING Auto and local and closing
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSING Manual and override and closing
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSING Auto and override and closing
MANUAL-FAULTED Manual and faulted
AUTO-FAULTED Auto and faulted
MANUAL-REMOTE-FAULTED Manual and remote and faulted
AUTO-REMOTE-FAULTED Auto and remote and faulted
MANUAL-LOCAL-FAULTED Manual and local and faulted
AUTO-LOCAL-FAULTED Auto and local and faulted
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-FAULTED Manual and override and faulted
AUTO-OVERRIDE-FAULTED Auto and override and faulted
MANUAL-OPENED-LOCKED Manual and opened and locked
AUTO-OPENED-LOCKED Auto and opened and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENED-LOCKED Manual and remote and opened and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-OPENED-LOCKED Auto and remote and opened and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENED-LOCKED Manual and local and opened and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-OPENED-LOCKED Auto and local and opened and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENED-LOCKED Manual and override and opened and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENED-LOCKED Auto and override and opened and locked
MANUAL-OPENING-LOCKED Manual and opening and locked

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 47

Public Information
MODE Enumerations (continued)
Enumeration Operating Mode
AUTO-OPENING-LOCKED Auto and opening and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENING-LOCKED Manual and remote and opening and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-OPENING-LOCKED Auto and remote and opening and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENING-LOCKED Manual and local and opening and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-OPENING-LOCKED Auto and local and opening and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENING-LOCKED Manual and override and opening and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENING-LOCKED Auto and override and opening and locked
MANUAL-CLOSED-LOCKED Manual and closed and locked
AUTO-CLOSED-LOCKED Auto and closed and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSED-LOCKED Manual and remote and closed and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSED-LOCKED Auto and remote and closed and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSED-LOCKED Manual and local and closed and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSED-LOCKED Auto and local and closed and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSED-LOCKED Manual and override and closed and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSED-LOCKED Auto and override and closed and locked
MANUAL-CLOSING-LOCKED Manual and closing and locked
AUTO-CLOSING-LOCKED Auto and closing and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSING-LOCKED Manual and remote and closing and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSING-LOCKED Auto and remote and closing and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSING-LOCKED Manual and local and closing and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSING-LOCKED Auto and local and closing and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSING-LOCKED Manual and override and closing and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSING-LOCKED Auto and override and closing and locked
MANUAL-FAULTED-LOCKED Manual and faulted and locked
AUTO-FAULTED-LOCKED Auto and faulted and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-FAULTED-LOCKED Manual and remote and faulted and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-FAULTED-LOCKED Auto and remote and faulted and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-FAULTED-LOCKED Manual and local and faulted and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-FAULTED-LOCKED Auto and local and faulted and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-FAULTED-LOCKED Manual and override and faulted and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-FAULTED-LOCKED Auto and override and faulted and locked

48 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
ToolboxST Configuration
Inserting a BREAKER_V2 block into the application code displays the following window.

Changing Default Attribute Values

When the user clicks OK, the block and pin connections will be configured automatically. Pin names are in the form {Device}.
Input_Name, where {Device} is the attribute value 00BREAKER1000 and Input_Name is the block input/output names.
Additionally, the {Description}, BREAKER_V2 Description becomes the prefix of the block input/output descriptions.


Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 49

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
AU_CL Auto close command BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_OP Auto open command BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_PMT ✓ Auto permit UINT (ENUM) PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
AU_SEL Auto mode select BOOL False Always Value Only
AVAIL Available input BOOL True Always Value Only
CL_FRC Force close UINT (ENUM) NO_FORCE-NO_ Always Value Only

CL_INP ✓ Closed BOOL False Always Value Only
CL_PMT ✓ Close permit UINT (ENUM) PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
CP_OK Control power OK input BOOL True Always Value Only
CTL ✓ {Desc} Control word UINT (ENUM) NO_CMD Always Value Only
FAULT_RESET Fault/trip reset BOOL True Always Value Only
FL_CL_T Fail to close time UDINT 3000 Parameter Value Only
FL_OP_T Fail to open time UDINT 3000 Parameter Value Only
IO_MON Breaker I/O monitor UINT (ENUM) NONE Always Value Only
IO_OPT Breaker I/O options UINT (ENUM) NONE Always Value Only
MN_REJ ✓ Manual reject UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
MODE_OPT Breaker mode options UINT (ENUM) NONE Always Value Only
OP_FRC Force open UINT (ENUM) NO_FORCE-NO_ Always Value Only

OP_INP ✓ Open BOOL False Always Value Only
OP_PMT ✓ Open permit UINT (ENUM) PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
PR_TRP Protective trip input BOOL False Always Value Only
PWR_FL_TMR Manual reject power fail UDINT 5000 Parameter Value Only
RCKD_IN Racked IN input BOOL True Always Value Only
RDY_CLS Output MON ready to BOOL True Always Value Only
RDY_OPN Output MON ready to BOOL True Always Value Only
REMOTE Remote mode input BOOL True Always Value Only
TK {Desc} Tracking BOOL False Always Value Only

TRP_OVR ✓ Override trip UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

50 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
{Device} ✓ {Desc} BOOL False Internal Value Only
AU_REQ ✓ {Desc} auto request BOOL False Always Value Only
AUTO ✓ {Desc} AUTO BOOL False Always Value Only
AUTO_P ✓ {Desc} AUTO property BOOL False Always Value Only
AVAIL_A ✓ {Desc} NOT AVAILABLE BOOL False Always Value Only
AVAIL_P {Desc} AVAILABLE BOOL False Always Value Only

BK_OP_A ✓ {Desc} Breaker open BOOL False Always Value Only
BK_OP_P {Desc} Open alarm BOOL False Always Value Only

CL_FLR ✓ {Desc} Close circuit fail BOOL False Always Value Only
CL_ORD {Desc} Close BOOL False Always Value Only
CLOSED ✓ {Desc} Closed BOOL False Always Value Only
CONGR_A ✓ {Desc} Congruency BOOL False Always Value Only
CP_F_A {Desc} Control power BOOL False Always Value Only

CP_OK_P {Desc} control power BOOL False Always Value Only

CTR {Desc} CLOSE DINT 0 Always Value Only

FAULT ✓ {Desc} Fault indication BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_CL_A ✓ {Desc} Fail to close BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_OP_A ✓ {Desc} Fail to open BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_CL ✓ {Desc} Force close BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_CLB {Desc} Close force BOOL False Internal Value Only

block status
FRC_OP ✓ {Desc} Force open BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_OPB {Desc} Open force block BOOL False Internal Value Only

FUSE_MON_P {Desc} Output fuse BOOL False Always Value Only

monitor property
LOCAL ✓ {Desc} Local mode BOOL False Always Value Only
LOCK ✓ {Desc} Locked BOOL False Always Value Only
LOCK_P ✓ {Desc} Lock property BOOL False Always Value Only
MN_REJ_A ✓ {Desc} Manual reject BOOL False Always Value Only
MODE Block mode UINT (ENUM) MANUAL-FAULTED Always Value Only
OP_FLR ✓ {Desc} Open circuit fail BOOL False Always Value Only
OP_ORD Open order/command BOOL False Always Value Only
OPEN ✓ {Desc} Open BOOL False Always Value Only
OVR_TRP ✓ {Desc} Override trip BOOL False Always Value Only
OVR_TRPB {Desc} Override trip BOOL False Internal Value Only

block status
PBSTATE ✓ {Desc} Last PB state BOOL False Internal Value Only
PMT_AU ✓ {Desc} Auto permit BOOL False Always Value Only
PMT_AUB {Desc} Auto permit BOOL False Internal Value Only

bypass status
PMT_CL ✓ {Desc} Permit to close BOOL True Always Value Only
PMT_CLB {Desc} Close permit BOOL False Internal Value Only

bypass status
PMT_OP ✓ {Desc} Permit to open BOOL True Always Value Only

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 51

Public Information
Outputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
PMT_OPB {Desc} Open permit BOOL False Internal Value Only

bypass status
PR_TR_A ✓ {Desc} Protective trip BOOL False Always Value Only
PR_TRP_P {Desc} Protective trip BOOL False Always Value Only

RCKD_IN_P {Desc} Racked IN BOOL False Always Value Only

RCKD_OT ✓ {Desc} Racked OUT BOOL False Always Value Only
REJ_MN ✓ {Desc} Manual reject BOOL False Always Value Only
REJ_MNB {Desc} Manual reject BOOL False Internal Value Only

bypass status
REM_P ✓ {Desc} Remote property BOOL False Always Value Only
TRIP_ONLY_P {Desc} Trip only BOOL False Always Value Only

TRIPPED ✓ {Desc} Tripped BOOL False Always Value Only
VOLT_MON_P {Desc} Output volt BOOL False Always Value Only

monitor property
✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

52 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
00BREAKER1000 BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00BREAKER1000.AU_REQ BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
auto request
00BREAKER1000.AUTO BREAKER description Not Alarmed True $Default ReadOnly
00BREAKER1000.AUTO_P BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
auto property
00BREAKER1000.AVAIL_A BREAKER description Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
not available
00BREAKER1000.AVAIL_P BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
available property
00BREAKER1000.BK_OP_A BREAKER description - Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
breaker open
00BREAKER1000.BK_OP_P BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
open alarm property
00BREAKER1000.CL_FLR BREAKER description Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
close circuit fail
00BREAKER1000.CLOSED BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00BREAKER1000.CONGR_A BREAKER description Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
00BREAKER1000.CP_F_A BREAKER description Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
control power fail
00BREAKER1000.CP_OK_P BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
control power property
00BREAKER1000.CTL BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
Control word
00BREAKER1000.CTR BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00BREAKER1000.FAULT BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
fault indication
00BREAKER1000.FL_CL_A BREAKER description Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
fail to close
00BREAKER1000.FL_OP_A BREAKER description Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
fail to open
00BREAKER1000.FRC_CL BREAKER description Not Alarmed True $Default ReadOnly
Force close
00BREAKER1000.FRC_CLB BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
close force block status
00BREAKER1000.FRC_OP BREAKER description Not Alarmed True $Default ReadOnly
force open
00BREAKER1000.FRC_OPB BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
open force block status
00BREAKER1000.FUSE_MON_P BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
output fuse monitor
00BREAKER1000.LOCAL BREAKER description Not Alarmed True $Default ReadOnly
local mode
00BREAKER1000.LOCK BREAKER description Not Alarmed True $Default ReadOnly
00BREAKER1000.LOCK_P BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
lock property

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 53

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
00BREAKER1000.MN_REJ_A BREAKER description Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
manual reject
00BREAKER1000.OP_FLR BREAKER description Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
open circuit fail
00BREAKER1000.OPEN BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00BREAKER1000.OVR_TRP BREAKER description Not Alarmed True $Default ReadOnly
override trip
00BREAKER1000.OVR_TRPB BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
override trip block
00BREAKER1000.PBSTATE BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
last PB state
00BREAKER1000.PMT_AU BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
auto permit
00BREAKER1000.PMT_AUB BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
auto permit bypass
00BREAKER1000.PMT_CL BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
permit to close
00BREAKER1000.PMT_CLB BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
close permit bypass
00BREAKER1000.PMT_OP BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
permit to open
00BREAKER1000.PMT_OPB BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
open permit bypass
00BREAKER1000.PR_TR_A BREAKER description Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
protective trip
00BREAKER1000.PR_TRP_P BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
Protective trip property
00BREAKER1000.RCKD_IN_P BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
racked in property
00BREAKER1000.RCKD_OT BREAKER description Not Alarmed True $Default ReadOnly
racked out
00BREAKER1000.REJ_MN BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
manual reject
00BREAKER1000.REJ_MNB BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
manual reject bypass
00BREAKER1000.REM_P BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
remote property
00BREAKER1000.TK BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
tracking enabled
00BREAKER1000.TRIP_ONLY_P BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
trip only property
00BREAKER1000.TRIPPED BREAKER description Alarmed LVL_2 False $Default ReadOnly
00BREAKER1000.VOLT_MON_P BREAKER description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
output volt monitor

54 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
The Object name for the HMI is the same as the device name specified in the ToolboxST configuration.

Typical HMI Object for a BREAKER_V2

BREAKER_V2 Faceplate

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 55

Public Information
The following table lists all possible BREAKER_V2 enumeration combinations.

IO_OPT Enumerations
Enumeration Description
CP_OK Control power OK
REM Remote mode
CP_OK-REM Control power OK and remote mode
AVAIL Available
CP_OK-AVAIL Control power OK and available
REM-AVAIL Remote mode and available
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL Control power OK and remote mode and available
PR_TRP Protection trip
CP_OK-PR_TRP Control power OK and protection trip
REM-PR_TRP Remote mode and protection trip
CP_OK-REM-PR_TRP Control power OK and remote and protection trip
AVAIL-PR_TRP Available and protection trip
CP_OK-AVAIL-PR_TRP Control power OK and available and protection trip
REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP Remote mode and available and protection trip
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP Control power OK and remote and available and protection trip
RCKD_IN Racked in
CP_OK-RCKD_IN Control power OK and racked in
REM-RCKD_IN Remote mode and racked in
CP_OK-REM-RCKD_IN Control power OK and remote mode and racked in
AVAIL-RCKD_IN Available and racked in
CP_OK-AVAIL-RCKD_IN Control power OK and available and racked in
REM-AVAIL-RCKD_IN Remote mode and available and racked in
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-RCKD_IN Control power OK and remote mode and available and racked in
PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Protection trip and racked in
CP_OK-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Control power OK and protection trip and racked in
REM-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Remote and protection trip and racked in.
CP_OK-REM-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Control power OK and remote mode and protection trip and racked
AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Available and protection trip and racked in
CP_OK-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Control power OK and available and protection trip and racked in
REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Remote mode and available and protection trip and racked in
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Control power OK and remote mode and available and protection trip
and racked in
TRIP_ONLY Trip only
CP_OK-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and trip only
REM-TRIP_ONLY Remote mode and trip only
CP_OK-REM-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and remote and trip only
AVAIL-TRIP_ONLY Available and trip only
CP_OK-AVAIL-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and available and trip only
REM-AVAIL-TRIP_ONLY Remote mode and available and trip only
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and remote mode and available and trip only
PR_TRP-TRIP_ONLY Protection trip and trip only
CP_OK-PR_TRP-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and protection trip and trip only
REM-PR_TRP-TRIP_ONLY Remote mode and protection trip and trip only

56 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
IO_OPT Enumerations (continued)
Enumeration Description
CP_OK-REM-PR_TRP-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and remote mode and protection trip and trip only
AVAIL-PR_TRP-TRIP_ONLY Available and protection trip and trip only
CP_OK-AVAIL-PR_TRP-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and available and protection trip and trip only
REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-TRIP_ONLY Remote mode available and trip only
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and remote and available and protection trip and
trip only
RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Racked in and trip only
CP_OK-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and racked in and trip only
REM-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Remote mode and racked in and trip only
CP_OK-REM-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and remote and racked in and trip only

AVAIL-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Available and racked in and trip only

CP_OK-AVAIL-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and available and racked in and trip only
REM-AVAIL-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Remote mode and available and racked in and trip only
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and remote mode and available and racked in and
trip only
PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Protection trip and racked in and trip only
CP_OK-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and protection trip and racked in and trip only
REM-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Remote mode and protection trip and racked in and trip only
CP_OK-REM-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and remote and protection trip and racked in and
trip only
AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Available and protection trip and racked in and trip only
CP_OK-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and available and protection trip and trip only
REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Remote mode and available and protection trip and racked in and
trip only
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-TRIP_ONLY Control power OK and available and protection trip and racked in
and trip only

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 57

Public Information
7 Convert (CONVERT)
Block Category: Equations and Conversions
The Convert (CONVERT) block converts the units of the input to the desired output units. The conversion type is chosen with
the functions NUM, DENOM1 and DENOM2. The default value of NUM, DENOM1, and DENOM2 is NOT_USED (unity).
If DENOM1 and DENOM2 are used, they will be multiplied together. For example, to convert 70 °F/(lb x sec) to °C/(kg x
min), use the following equation:
IN = 70 (°F/(lb x sec))
NUM = °F_°C (conversion function from °F to °C)
DENOM1 = lb_kg (conversion function from lb to kg)
DENOM2 = sec_min (conversion function from sec to min)
OUT=2793.21 (°C/(kg x min))

Note This is a variant block that supports any one the following block data types: Real, Long Real. The default data type is
REAL. To modify the data type, refer to the section Change Data Type of Variant Block.


CONVERT Block Expanded

58 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Enumerations, Equations and Input Ranges
Enumeration Equation Valid Input Ranges
°C_°F °F=°C x 1.8+32 °C > -273.15
°C_K K=°C + 273.15 °C > -273.15
°C_°R °R=°C x 1.8 + 491.67 °C > -273.15
°F_°C °C=5/9 x (°F - 32) °F > -459.67
°F_K K=5/9 x (°F + 459.67) °F > -459.67
°F_°R °R=°F + 459.67 °F > -459.67
°R_°C °C=°R x (5/9) - 273.15 R>0
°R_°F °F=°R - 459.67 R>0
°R_K K=°R x (5/9) R>0
bar_inH2O inH2O=bar x 401.463078662 bara > 0
bar_inHg inHg=bar x 29.529983071 bara > 0
bar_mbar mbar=bar x 1000 bara > 0
bar_mmH2O mmH2O=bar x 10197.162129779 bara > 0
bar_mmHg mmHg=bar x 750.0616827042 bara > 0
bar_Pa Pa=bar x 100000 bara > 0
bar_psi psi=bar x 14.5038 bara > 0
BTU_Kcal Kcal=BTU x 0.25205597649 BTU > 0
BTU_kJ kJ=BTU x 1.05505585262 BTU > 0
cm_ft ft=cm x 0.0328083989501 cm > 0
cm_in in=cm x 0.393700787402 cm > 0
cm_m m=cm x 0.01 cm > 0
cm_mils mils=cm x 393.700787402 cm > 0
cm_mm mm=cm x 10 cm > 0
cm2_ft2 ft2=cm2 x 0.001076391 cm2 > 0
cm2_in2 in2=cm2 x 0.15500031 cm2 > 0
cm2_m2 m2=cm2 x 0.0001 cm2 > 0
ft_cm cm=ft x 30.48 ft > 0
ft_in in=ft x 12 ft > 0
ft_m m=ft x 0.3048 ft > 0
ft_mils mils=ft x 12000 ft > 0
ft_mm mm=ft x 304.8 ft > 0
ft2_cm2 cm2=ft2 x 929.0304 ft2 > 0
ft2_in2 in2=ft2 x 144 ft2 > 0
ft2_m2 m2=ft2 x 0.09290304 ft2 > 0
ft3_gallon gallon=ft3 x 7.480519481 ft3 > 0
ft3_liter liter=ft3 x 28.316846712 ft3 > 0
ft3_m3 m3=ft3 x 0.028316847 ft3 > 0
gallon_ft3 ft3=gallon x 0.133680556 gallon > 0
gallon_liter liter=gallon x 3.7854118 gallon > 0
gallon_m3 m3=gallon x 0.003785412 gallon > 0
hour_min min=hour x 60 hour > 0
hour_sec sec=hour x 3600 hour > 0
in_cm cm=in x 2.54 in > 0
in_ft ft=in x (1/12) in > 0
in_m m=in x 0.0254 in > 0
in_mils mils=in x 1000 in > 0
in_mm mm=in x 25.4 in > 0i
in2_cm2 cm2=in2 x 6.4516 in2 > 0
in2_ft2 ft2=in2 x 0.0069444444 in2 > 0
in2_m2 m2=in2 x 0.00064516 in2 > 0

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 59

Public Information
Enumerations, Equations and Input Ranges (continued)
Enumeration Equation Valid Input Ranges
inH2O_bar bar=inH2O x 0.002490889 inH2Oa > 0
inH2O_inHg inHg=inH2O x 0.073555912 inH2Oa > 0
inH2O_mbar mbar=inH2O x 2.490889083 inH2Oa > 0
inH2O_mmH2O mmH2O=inH2O x 25.39999983 inH2Oa > 0
inH2O_mmHg mmHg=inH2O x 1.86832015 inH2Oa > 0
inH2O_Pa Pa=inH2O x 249.088908333 inH2Oa > 0
inH2O_psi psi=inH2O x 0.036127292 inH2Oa > 0
inHg_bar bar=inHg x 0.033863887 inHga > 0
inHg_inH2O inH2O=inHg x 13.595100197 inHga > 0
inHg_mbar mbar=inHg x 33.863886667 inHga > 0
inHg_mmH2O mmH2O=inHg x 345.315542684 inHga > 0
inHg_mmHg mmHg=inHg x 25.4 inHga > 0
inHg_Pa Pa=inHg x 3386.388666667 inHga > 0
inHg_psi psi=inHg x 0.491154152 inHga > 0
K_°C °C=K-273.15 K>0
K_°F °F=K x 1.8-459.67 K>0
K_°R °R=K x 1.8 K>0
kcal_BTU BTU=Kcal x 3.968320541 kcal > 0
kcal_kJ kJ=Kcal x 4.1868 kcal > 0
kg_lb lb=kg x 2.204622622 kg > 0
kJ_BTU BTU=kJ x 0.947817078 kJ > 0
kJ_kcal Kcal=kJ x 0.238845897 kJ > 0
lb_kg kg=lb x 0.45359237 lb > 0
liter_ft3 ft3=liter x 0.035314667 l>0
liter_gallon gallon=liter x 0.264172051 l>0
liter_m3 m3=liter x 0.001 l>0
m_cm cm=m x 100 m>0
m_ft ft=m x 3.280839895 m>0
m_in in=m x 0.0254 m>0
m_mils mils=m x 39370.078740157 m>0
m_mm mm=m x 1000 m>0
m2_cm2 cm2=m2 x 10000 m2 > 0
m2_ft2 ft2=m2 x 10.763910417 m2 > 0
m2_in2 in2=m2 x 1550.003100006 m2 > 0
m3_ft3 ft3=m3 x 35.314666572 m3 > 0
m3_gallon gallon=m3 x 264.172051242 m3 > 0
m3_liter liter=m3 x 1000 m3 > 0
mbar_bar bar=mbar x 0.001 mbara > 0
mbar_inH2O inH2O=mbar x 0.401463079 mbara > 0
mbar_inHg inHg=mbar x 0.029529983 mbara > 0
mbar_mmH2O mmH2O=mbar x 10.19716213 mbara > 0
mbar_mmHg mmHg=mbar x 0.750061561 mbara > 0
mbar_Pa Pa=mbar x 100 mbara > 0
mbar_psi psi=mbar x 0.014503774 mbara > 0
mils_cm cm=mils x 0.00254 mils > 0
mils_ft ft=mils x 0.000083333 mils > 0
mils_in in=mils x 0.001 mils > 0
mils_m m=mils x 0.0000254 mils > 0
mils_mm mm=mils x 0.0254 mils > 0
min_hour hour=min x (1/60) m>0
min_sec sec=min x 60 min > 0

60 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Enumerations, Equations and Input Ranges (continued)
Enumeration Equation Valid Input Ranges
mm_cm cm=mm x 0.1 mm > 0
mm_ft ft=mm x 0.00328084 mm > 0
mm_in in=mm x 0.03937 mm > 0
mm_m m=mm x 0.001 mm > 0
mm_mils mils=mm x 39.37007874 mm > 0
mmH2O_inH2O inH2O=mmH2O x 0.039370079 mmH2Oa > 0
mmH2O_mmHg mmHg=mmH2O x 0.073555912 mmH2Oa > 0
mmH2O_psi psi=mmH2O x 0.001422334 mmH2Oa > 0
mmH2O_bar bar=mmH2O x 0.000098067 mmH2Oa > 0
mmH2O_inHg inHg=mmH2O x 0.002895902 mmH2Oa > 0
mmH2O_mbar mbar=mmH2O x 0.098066 mmH2Oa > 0
mmH2O_Pa Pa=mmH2O x 9.8066 mmH2Oa > 0
mmHg_bar bar=mmHg x 0.001333224 mmHga > 0
mmHg_inH2O inH2O=mmHg x 0.535240171 mmHga > 0
mmHg_inHg inHg=mmHg x 0.039370079 mmHga > 0
mmHg_mbar mbar=mmHg x 1.3332239 mmHga > 0
mmHg_mmH2O mmH2O=mmHg x 13.595100264 mmHga > 0
mmHg_Pa Pa=mmHg x 133.32239 mmHga > 0
mmHg_psi psi=mmHg x 0.019336778 mmHga > 0
Pa_bar bar=Pa x 0.00001 Paa > 0
Pa_inH2O inH2O=Pa x 0.004014631 Paa > 0
Pa_inHg inHg=Pa x 0.0002952998 Paa > 0
Pa_mbar mbar=Pa x 0.01 Paa > 0
Pa_mmH2O mmH2O=Pa x 0.101971621 Paa > 0
Pa_mmHg mmHg=Pa x 0.007500616 Paa > 0
Pa_psi psi=Pa x 0.000145038 Paa > 0
psi_bar bar=psi x 0.068947573 psia > 0
psi_inH2O inH2O=psi x 27.679904843 psia > 0
psi_inHg inHg=psi x 2.036020658 psia > 0
psi_mbar mbar=psi x 68.9475728 psia > 0
psi_mmH2O mmH2O=psi x 703.069578296 psia > 0
psi_mmHg mmHg=psi x 51.714924102 psia > 0
psi_Pa Pa=psi x 6894.75728 psia > 0
sec_hour hour=sec x (1/3600) sec > 0
sec_min min=sec x (1/60) sec > 0

Note All pressure conversions related to water (H2O) are at 4°C (39.2 °F) and all pressure conversions related to mercury
(Hg) are at 0°C (32 °F).

This block propagates quality status if the status operations are enabled.

Block status modification: If the input value exceeds the conversion boundary conditions, such as negative distance, weight
or negative absolute temperature (-4°K), the output status will be set to NOT_LIMITED-CONFIGURATION_

For further details on Single Input/Single Output blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library
(GEI-100682), the Status Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 61

Public Information
Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
DENOM1 First conversion function INT (ENUM) NOT_USED Parameter Value Only
of denominator
DENOM2 Second conversion INT (ENUM) NOT_USED Parameter Value Only
function of denominator
IN Input value to convert REAL, LREAL† 0 Always Value Only
NUM Conversion function of INT (ENUM) NOT_USED Parameter Value Only
† Value with status (if status option is enabled)

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
OUT Converted value REAL, LREAL† N/A Always Value Only
† Value with status (if status option is enabled)

62 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
8 Digital Step Drum (DSTEPDRUM)
Block Category: Boolean Operations
The Digital Step Drum (DSTEPDRUM) algorithm block is a software drum controller with up to 32 digital output values and
up to 32 steps. Each of the 32 steps is assigned an integer step value. Depending on the step number selected, the block
converts the corresponding integer into a binary format and outputs the bits to the corresponding Boolean outputs. The
number of Boolean outputs is selected by adding addition output pin groups.

Input Ranges
Number of Outputs Range of the Input Integer
1 0-1
2 0-3
3 0-7
4 0 - 15
5 0 - 31
6 0 - 63
7 0 - 127
8 0 - 255
9 0 - 511
10 0 - 1023
11 0 - 2047
12 0 - 4095
13 0 - 8191
14 0 - 16383
15 0 - 32767
16 0 - 65535
17 0 - 131071
18 0 - 262143
19 0 - 524287
20 0 - 1048575
21 0 - 2097151
22 0 - 4194303
23 0 - 8388607
24 0 - 16777215
25 0 - 33554431
26 0 - 67108863
27 0 - 134217727
28 0 - 268435455
29 0 - 536870911
30 0 - 1073741823
31 0 - 2147483647
32 0 - 4294967295

If the integer value of the selected step cannot be represented by the number of Boolean outputs, all the outputs are set to
False for that step. For example, if OUT1 through OUT4 are selected (valid step value range, 0 to15), N1 = 16 and STEP = 1,
then all outputs are set to False. The maximum number of steps is initialized with NMAX (1<NMAX≤32).
In tracking mode (TRK_MOD = True), the current step number, STEP, is tracked to a selected step, TRK_STEP. If TRK_
STEP is equal to zero or greater than NMAX, the selecting mode TRK_MOD is ignored and the block switches to Manual
mode and MN_REJ becomes True.
In Manual mode (TRK_MOD = False), the selected step is increased or decreased (with each False to True transition of INC
or DEC). If the step number is equal to the maximum number of steps, NMAX, then the next transition of INC will cause the
step number to reset to one. If the current step number is equal to one, then all transitions of DEC will be ignored. If INC and
DEC transition from False to True on the same scan, then the current step is maintained.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 63

Public Information

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
DEC Decrements the current step BOOL False Always Value Only
number in manual mode
INC Increments the current step BOOL False Always Value Only
number in manual mode
N1 Output value for step 1 UDINT 0 Always Value Only
↓ ↓ ↓ v ↓ ↓
N32 Output value for step 32 UDINT 0 Always Value Only
NMAX Maximum number of steps UINT 1 Parameter Value Only
TRK_MOD Enable tracking mode BOOL False Always Value Only
TRK_STEP Selected step number UINT 1 Parameter Value Only

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
MN_REJ Reject to manual mode BOOL False Always Value Only
OUT1 Most significant output bit BOOL False Always Value Only
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
OUT32 Least significant output bit BOOL False Always Value Only
STEP Current step number INT 1 Always Value Only

64 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
9 Dual Select (DUALSEL)
Block Category: Legacy, Analog Operations

Note Legacy Status — The DUALSEL block is not supported for use in new Mark VIe control systems (ControlST
V05.02 or later). It is in place to support the maintenance of legacy Mark VIe control systems (prior to ControlST V05.02).
For new Mark VIe control systems, use the DUALSEL_V2 block; it provides equivalent functionality.

The Dual Select (DUALSEL) block transfers the average, minimum, or maximum of two analog signals to output ({Device}).
The user can disable one transmitter. If one transmitter is disabled, the output will be the value of the remaining transmitter.

Block Configuration
Disabling Transmitters
When the quality status of transmitter A is in the BAD region, ABQ and AD become True and transmitter A is automatically
disabled. Once the quality status of transmitter A becomes GOOD or UNCERTAIN, ABQ becomes False. If AU_EN_P is
False, input A remains disabled (AD remains True) and must be enabled by the HMI operator. If AU_EN_P is True and the
quality status of transmitter A becomes GOOD or UNCERTAIN and the value of input A is within the deviation limits set by
the user, AD becomes False and A is automatically enabled. This concept also applies to input B.

Note AU_EN_P does not have any effect on the enabling of a manually disabled input. A manually disabled input must be
manually enabled.

A transmitter can be manually disabled using the DUALSEL faceplate. If input A and B are both enabled and have a GOOD
or UNCERTAIN quality status and A is manually disabled, then the corresponding output, AD, becomes True to indicate that
input A is disabled. If input A is enabled and B is disabled then BD is True.

Note The HMI operator is only allowed to disable one transmitter at any time from the faceplate.

Output Bad Quality Indication (OBQ)

When two transmitters are disabled and/or in a BAD quality state, OBQ becomes True, the default value, DF, is automatically
transferred to output, quality status of OUT is set to NOT_LIMITED-BAD, [0], and MODE is set to DEFAULT. If AU_EN_P
is True, OBQ becomes False when the quality status of either input becomes GOOD or UNCERTAIN. The GOOD or
UNCERTAIN quality input will be enabled and transferred to the output. However, if AU_EN_P is False, OUT will be equal
to DF until the HMI operator manually enables the GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality input.

This block propagates quality status. Status option cannot be disabled on this block. For further details on Relational
blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status Monitoring (STATUS_

Block status modification: When OBQ is True, the quality status of {Device} is NOT_LIMITED-BAD [0].

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 65

Public Information
Control Word (CTL)
CTL is used by the HMI operator for manual control. The manual commands from the HMI allow each input to be enabled or
disabled. The command enumerations are defined in the following table.

Note A manually disabled transmitter may be manually enabled, regardless of its deviation status.

CTL Enumerations
Enumeration Command
NO_CMD No Command
EN_A_CMD Enable Input A Command
DIS_A_CMD Disable Input A Command
EN_B_CMD Enable Input B Command
DIS_B_CMD Disable Input B Command

Commands are only accepted by the block if a transition from NO_CMD to a command value is detected. After a command is
accepted by the block, the CTL pin is ignored for a period of one second after which the variable connected to the CTL input
pin is automatically reset to NO_CMD by the block. The next command value will be accepted as a command.

Block Function Enumerations

Dual Select (DS) mode defines the block function mode. The DS enumerations are defined in the following table.

DS Mode Enumerations
Enumeration Function
AVG Average of A and B
MIN Minimum of A and B
MAX Maximum of A and B

Operating mode (MODE) is the block-operating mode that depends on DS and the quality status of the inputs. The operating
mode enumerations are defined in the following table.

MODE Enumerations
Enumeration Operating Mode
AVG Average of A and B
MIN_A-B Minimum of A and B
MAX_A-B Maximum of A and B
A Input A
B Input B

66 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information

• AVG, MIN_A-B, or MAX_A-B is the operating mode when both transmitters are not BAD quality and are enabled.
• A mode is selected when transmitter B is manually disabled or determined to be BAD quality.
• B mode is selected when transmitter A is manually disabled or determined to be BAD quality.
• DEFAULT is the operating mode selected automatically when both transmitters are determined to be bad quality and/or

Deviation Alarms
A and B values are compared to determine if the absolute value of their difference is greater than or equal to the deviation
limit, DL. If so, the deviation high alarm, ODH, becomes True, delayed by the deviation time delay, DT. The deviation alarm
will not become False until the absolute difference between A and B is less than the value of DL minus DLDB (deviation
limit dead band) or either input is disabled.

Note The deviation high output, ODH, becomes True when at least one transmitter is in deviation. Also, if a transmitter
input is disabled, the deviation alarm for that transmitter is disabled.

Note Use the deviation alarms that are configured from within the block instead of the deviation high configuration of the
analog alarm. Refer to the section Analog Alarm Configuration.

In general, the deviation alarm only sets Boolean outputs and has no influence on the functionality of the block (that is, the
transmitter in deviation with the output is not automatically disabled, and the block mode does not change).

Rate of Change Restriction

The rate of change of OUT is only restricted by the value of RATE when the block operating mode changes. RATE is in
engineering units per second. For example, if RATE = 1, A = 10 (enabled), and B = 25 (disabled), so MODE = A, and the
mode of the block is changed by enabling input B and disabling input A. Now, MODE = B and output will increase from 10
to 25 engineering units in 15 seconds. At this point, output equals B, the block operating mode transition from A to B is
complete and the rate of change restriction on output is removed until the block operating mode changes, again.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 67

Public Information
ToolboxST Configuration
Inserting the DUALSEL block into the application program will generate the window displayed in the following figure. This
prompts the user to Enter Device Description, Enter Device Name, and Enter Format Specification in the Values column.

Changing Default Attributes

When the user clicks OK, the block will automatically set the appropriate attributes for each variable (for example, Type and
Format Specification). Any variables that need to be on EGD will be automatically placed on the $Default EGD page.

Note Each Device Name used in a controller must be unique.

The block and pin connections will be configured automatically and the object will display in the ToolboxST application.


Pin names are in the form Device Value.Pin Name, where Device Value has is the attribute value 00DUALSEL1000 and pin
Name is the block input/output pin names. The description, DUALSEL Description, becomes the prefix of the block
input/output descriptions. The FormatSp Attribute Name Value, TempFS is the format specification of the block output.

Note The only exception to the rule is the output pin ({Device}) where the global pin name is in the form Device Value pin
name without the " ".

Note Global variables are listed in the table Global Variables. The defaults provided are for example only.

68 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
A ✓ {Desc} Trans A input REAL 0 Always Value with Status
AU_EN_P Auto enable BQ XMTR BOOL True Parameter Value Only
B ✓ {Desc} Trans B input REAL 0 Always Value with Status
CTL ✓ {Desc} Control word UINT (ENUM) NO_CMD Always Value Only
DF Default output if both REAL 0 Parameter Value Only
transmitters are bad
DL Deviation alarm limit REAL 5 Parameter Value Only
DLDB Deviation alarm limit REAL 2 Parameter Value Only
DS Dual select mode UINT (ENUM) AVG Parameter Value Only
DT Deviation alarm delay UDINT 1000 Parameter Value Only
IN_ABQ ✓ Trans A bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
IN_BBQ ✓ Trans B bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
RATE Selection change rate REAL 1 Parameter Value Only
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
{Device} ✓ {Desc} REAL 0 Always Value with Status
ABQ {Desc} Trans A bad BOOL False Always Value Only

AD ✓ {Desc} Trans A disabled BOOL False Always Value Only
BBQ {Desc} Trans B bad BOOL False Always Value Only

BD ✓ {Desc} Trans B disabled BOOL False Always Value Only
MODE ✓ {Desc} Block mode UINT (ENUM) AVG_AB Always Value Only
OBQ ✓ {Desc} Bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
ODH ✓ {Desc} High deviation BOOL False Always Value Only
SEL_P {Desc} Select type UINT (ENUM) DUAL Internal Value Only

✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 69

Public Information
Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
DUALSEL1001 TANK 1001 TEMP Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
DUALSEL1001.A TANK 1001 TEMP Trans A Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
DUALSEL1001.ABQ TANK 1001 TEMP Trans A Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
bad quality
DUALSEL1001.AD TANK 1001 TEMP Trans A Not Alarmed True $Default ReadOnly
DUALSEL1001.B TANK 1001 TEMP Trans B Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
DUALSEL1001.BBQ TANK 1001 TEMP Trans B Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
bad quality
DUALSEL1001.BD TANK 1001 TEMP Trans B Not Alarmed True $Default ReadOnly
DUALSEL1001.CTL TANK 1001 TEMP Control Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
DUALSEL1001. TANK 1001 TEMP Block Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
MODE mode
DUALSEL1001.OBQ TANK 1001 TEMP Bad Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
DUALSEL1001.ODH TANK 1001 TEMP high Alarmed LVL_2 False $Default ReadOnly
DUALSEL1001. TANK 1001 TEMP Select Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
SEL_P type property

Analog Alarm Configuration

To set up analog alarms on a signal, configure the Alarm property for that signal. This allows the configuration of BQ (Bad
Quality), RH (Rate of change high), DH (High Deviation), H, HH, HHH (or 3H), L, LL, and LLL (or 3L). The following
figures display to how enable alarms on a signal.

Note AnalogAlarmDefault should normally be used when a signal is to be used as an alarm. Enabling this turns on more
options in the Alarms and Events section in the properties of that signal.

Enabling Analog Alarms on Signal

Note Configuring the analog alarm for deviation high is not recommended as the block already alarms on deviation high for
each input. Refer to the section Deviation Alarms.

70 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Additional Options in Alarms and Events Property Editor

➢ To enable the H Alarm: in the property grid, set the H property to True to add the variables displayed in the following
figure to the variable list.

H Variables

H_SP is the setpoint for the high alarm on the signal. H_T is the delay time (in ms). When the comparison between the
setpoint and the value is done, it waits H_T milliseconds before issuing the alarm. HYST is the Hysteresis of the alarm values.
Set the initial values to effectively use them. 00DUALSEL1000.H is the actual variable name that generates the alarm.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 71

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
The Object name for the HMI is the same as the Device name specified in the ToolboxST Configuration.

Typical HMI Object for a DUALSEL

DUALSEL Faceplate

72 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
10 Dual Select Version 2 (DUALSEL_V2)
Block Category: Analog Operations
The Dual Select Version 2 (DUALSEL_V2) block transfers the average, minimum, or maximum of two analog signals to
output ({Device}). The user has the option to disable one transmitter. If one transmitter is disabled, the output will be the value
of the remaining transmitter.

Block Configuration
Disabling Transmitters
When the quality status of transmitter A (IN_ABQ) is BAD (False), ABQ and AD become True and transmitter A is
automatically disabled. Once the quality status of transmitter A becomes GOOD (True) or UNCERTAIN, ABQ becomes
False. If AU_EN_P is False, input A remains disabled (AD remains True) and must be enabled by the HMI operator. If AU_
EN_P is True and the quality status of transmitter A becomes GOOD or UNCERTAIN and the value of input A is within the
deviation limits set by the user, AD becomes False and A is automatically enabled. This concept also applies to input B.

Note AU_EN_P does not have any effect on the enabling of a manually disabled input. A manually disabled input must be
manually enabled.

A transmitter can be manually disabled using the DUALSEL_V2 faceplate. If input A and B are both enabled and have a
GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality status and A is manually disabled, then the corresponding output, AD, becomes True to
indicate that input A is disabled. If input A is enabled and B is disabled then BD is True.

Note The HMI operator is only allowed to disable one transmitter at any time from the faceplate.

Output Bad Quality Indication (OBQ)

When two transmitters are disabled and/or in a BAD quality state, OBQ becomes True, the default value, DF, is automatically
transferred to output, quality status of OUT is set to NOT_LIMITED-BAD, [0], and MODE is set to DEFAULT. If AU_EN_P
is True, OBQ becomes False when the quality status of either input becomes GOOD or UNCERTAIN. The GOOD or
UNCERTAIN quality input will be enabled and transferred to the output. However, if AU_EN_P is False, OUT will be equal
to DF until the HMI operator manually enables the GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality input.

This block propagates quality status. Status option cannot be disabled on this block.

Block status modification: When OBQ is True, the quality status of {Device} is NOT_LIMITED-BAD [0].

For further details on Relational blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 73

Public Information
Control Word (CTL)
CTL isused by the HMI operator for manual control. The manual commands from the HMI allow each input to be enabled or
disabled. A manually disabled transmitter can be manually enabled, regardless of its deviation status. The command
enumerations are defined in the following table.

CTL Enumerations
Enumeration Command
NO_CMD No Command
EN_A_CMD Enable Input A Command
DIS_A_CMD Disable Input A Command
EN_B_CMD Enable Input B Command
DIS_B_CMD Disable Input B Command

Commands are only accepted by the block if a transition from NO_CMD to a command value is detected. After a command is
accepted by the block, the CTL pin is ignored for a period of one second after which the variable connected to the CTL input
pin is automatically reset to NO_CMD by the block. The next command value will be accepted as a command.

Block Function Enumerations

Dual Select (DS) mode defines the block function mode. The function mode enumerations are defined in the following table.

DS Mode Enumerations
Enumeration Function
AVG Average of A and B
MIN Minimum of A and B
MAX Maximum of A and B

Operating mode (MODE) is a block-operating mode that depends on DS and the quality status of the inputs. The operating
mode enumerations are defined in the following table.

MODE Enumerations
Enumeration Operating Mode
AVG Average of A and B
MIN_A-B Minimum of A and B
MAX_A-B Maximum of A and B
A Input A
B Input B


• AVG, MIN_A-B, or MAX_A-B is the operating mode when both transmitters are not BAD quality and are enabled.
• A mode is selected when transmitter B is manually disabled or determined to be BAD quality.
• B mode is selected when transmitter A is manually disabled or determined to be BAD quality.
• DEFAULT is the operating mode selected automatically when both transmitters are determined to be bad quality and/or

74 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Deviation Alarms
A and B values are compared to determine if the absolute value of their difference is greater than or equal to the deviation
limit, DL. If so, the deviation high alarm, ODH, becomes True, delayed by the deviation time delay, DT. The deviation alarm
will not become False until the absolute difference between A and B is less than the value of DL minus DLDB (deviation
limit dead band)or either input is disabled.

Note The deviation high output, ODH, becomes True when at least one transmitter is in deviation. Also, if a transmitter
input is disabled, the deviation alarm for that transmitter is disabled.

In general, the deviation alarm only sets Boolean outputs and has no influence on the functionality of the block (that is, the
transmitter in deviation with the output is not automatically disabled, and the block mode does not change).

Note Use the deviation alarms that are configured from within the block instead of the deviation high configuration of the
analog alarm. Refer to the section Analog Alarm Configuration.

Rate of Change Restriction

The rate of change of OUT is only restricted by the value of RATE when the block operating mode changes.
RATE is in engineering units per second. For example, if RATE = 1, A = 10 (enabled), and B = 25 (disabled), so MODE = A,
and the mode of the block is changed by enabling input B and disabling input A. Now, MODE = B and output will increase
from 10 to 25 engineering units in 15 seconds. At this point, output equals B, the block operating mode transition from A to B
is complete and the rate of change restriction on output is removed until the block operating mode changes, again.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 75

Public Information
ToolboxST Configuration
Inserting this block into the application program will generate the window displayed in the following figure. This prompts the
user to Enter Device Description, Enter Device Name, and Enter Format Specification in the Values column.

Changing Default Attributes

When the user clicks OK, the block will automatically set the appropriate attributes for each variable (for example, Type and
Format Specification). Any variables that need to be on EGD will be automatically placed on the $Default EGD page.

Note Each Device Name used in a controller must be unique.

The block and pin connections are configured automatically. The object will display in the ToolboxST application.


Pin names are in the form Device Value.Pin Name, where Device Value has the attribute value 00DUALSEL1000 and pin
Name is the block input/output pin name. The description, DUALSEL_V2 Description becomes the prefix of the block
input/output descriptions. The FormatSp Attribute Name Value, TempFS, is the format specification of the block output. The
DLFormatSp Attribute Name Value, TempDiffFS is the format specification of the block DL pin output.

Note The only exception to the rule is the output pin ({Device}) where the global pin name is in the form Device Value pin
name without the " ".

Note Global variables are listed in the table Global Variables. The defaults provided are for example only.

76 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
A ✓ {Desc} Trans A input REAL 0 Always Value with Status
AU_EN_P Auto enable BQ XMTR BOOL True Parameter Value Only
B ✓ {Desc} Trans B input REAL 0 Always Value with Status
CTL ✓ {Desc} Control word UINT (ENUM) NO_CMD Always Value Only
DF Default output if both REAL 0 Parameter Value Only
transmitters are bad
DL Deviation alarm limit REAL 5 Parameter Value Only
DLDB Deviation alarm limit REAL 2 Parameter Value Only
DS Dual select mode UINT (ENUM) AVG Parameter Value Only
DT Deviation alarm delay UDINT 1000 Parameter Value Only
IN_ABQ ✓ Trans A bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
IN_BBQ ✓ Trans B bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
RATE Selection change rate REAL 1 Parameter Value Only
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
{Device} {Desc} REAL 0 Always Value with

ABQ {Desc} Trans A bad BOOL False Always Value Only

AD ✓ {Desc} Trans A disabled BOOL False Always Value Only
BBQ {Desc} Trans B bad BOOL False Always Value Only

BD ✓ {Desc} Trans B disabled BOOL False Always Value Only
MODE ✓ {Desc} Block mode UINT (ENUM) AVG_AB Always Value Only
OBQ ✓ {Desc} Bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
ODH ✓ {Desc} High deviation BOOL False Always Value Only
SEL_P {Desc} Select type UINT (ENUM) DUAL Internal Value Only

✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
DUALSEL1001 TANK 1001 TEMP Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
DUALSEL1001.A TANK 1001 TEMP Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
Trans A input
DUALSEL1001.ABQ TANK 1001 TEMP Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
Trans A bad quality
DUALSEL1001.AD TANK 1001 TEMP Not Alarmed True $Default ReadOnly
Trans A deselected
DUALSEL1001.B TANK 1001 TEMP Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
Trans B input
DUALSEL1001.BBQ TANK 1001 TEMP Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
Trans B bad quality

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 77

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
DUALSEL1001.BD TANK 1001 TEMP Not Alarmed True $Default ReadOnly
Trans B deselected
DUALSEL1001.CTL TANK 1001 TEMP Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
Control word
DUALSEL1001.MODE TANK 1001 TEMP Block Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
DUALSEL1001.OBQ TANK 1001 TEMP Bad Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
DUALSEL1001.ODH TANK 1001 TEMP high Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
DUALSEL1001.SEL_P TANK 1001 TEMP Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
Select type property

Analog Alarm Configuration

To set up analog alarms on a signal, configure the Alarm property for that signal. This allows the configuration of BQ (Bad
Quality), RH (Rate of change high), DH (High Deviation), H, HH, HHH (or 3H), L, LL, and LLL (or 3L).

Note AnalogAlarmDefault should normally be used when a signal is to be used as an alarm. Enabling this turns on more
options in the Alarms and Events section in the properties of that signal.

Enabling Analog Alarms on Signal

Note Configuring the analog alarm for deviation high is not recommended as the block already alarms on deviation high for
each input. Refer to the section Deviation Alarms.

78 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Additional Options in Alarms and Events Property Editor

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 79

Public Information
➢ To enable the H Alarm: in the property grid, set the H property to True to add the variables displayed in the following
figure to the variable list.

H Variables
H_SP is the setpoint for the High alarm on the signal. H_T is the delay time (in ms). When the comparison between the
setpoint and the value is done, it waits H_T milliseconds before issuing the alarm. HYST is the Hysteresis of the alarm values.
Set the initial values to effectively use them. 00DUALSEL1000.H is the actual variable name that generates the alarm.

HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)

The Object name for the HMI is the same as the Device name specified in the ToolboxST Configuration.

Typical HMI Object for a DUALSEL_V2

DUALSEL_V2 Faceplate

80 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
11 Enthalpy of Superheated Steam (ENTHALPY_STM)
Block Category: Equations and Conversions
The Enthalpy of Superheated Steam (ENTHALPY_STM) block resolves the enthalpy of superheated steam given the steam
gauge pressure, IN_P, temperature, IN_T, and atmospheric pressure, IN_PATM.


MEAS_SYS English S.I.
IN_P PSIg barg
IN_T 95 - 1500 °F 35 - 816°C
OUT BTU/lb KJ/kg
The steam table lookup uses the sum of IN_P and IN_PATM (absolute pressure). The sum of IN_P and IN_PATM must be in
the range of 0.8 - 3200 PSIA (0.0552 - 220.6322 bara).

This block propagates quality status if the status operations are enabled.

Block status modifications:

• Due to the nature of the steam table, some input combinations may lead to a result outside of the superheated steam
region. This results in an output status of NOT_LIMITED-LAST_USABLE_VALUE-UNCERTAIN [68].
• If the input temperature or pressure value exceeds the range in the given table above, the output status will be either
For further details on Relational blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
IN_P Input pressure (gauge) REAL† 0 Always Value with Status
IN_PATM Input atmospheric REAL† 14.696 Parameter Value with Status
IN_T Input temperature REAL† 220 Always Value with Status
MEAS_SYS Measurement system UINT (ENUM) English Parameter Value Only
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
OUT Steam enthalpy REAL† N/A Always Value with Status
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 81

Public Information
12 Enthalpy of Subcooled Water (ENTHALPY_WTR)
Block Category: Equations and Conversions
The Enthalpy of Subcooled Water (ENTHALPY_WTR) block resolves the enthalpy of subcooled water given the water gauge
pressure, IN_P, temperature, IN_T, and atmospheric pressure, IN_PATM.


MEAS_SYS English S.I.
IN_P PSIg barg
IN_T 32 - 705 °F 0 - 374°C
OUT BTU/lb KJ/kg
The steam table lookup uses the sum of IN_P and IN_PATM (absolute pressure). The sum of IN_P and IN_PATM
must be in the range of 0.8 - 3200 PSIA (0.0552 - 220.6322 bara).

This block propagates quality status if the status operations are enabled.

Block status modifications:

• Due to the nature of the steam table, some input combinations may lead to a result outside of the superheated steam
region. This results in an output status of NOT_LIMITED-LAST_USABLE_VALUE-UNCERTAIN [68].
• If the input temperature or pressure value exceeds the range in the given table above, the output status will be either
For further details on Relational blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
IN_P Input pressure (gauge) REAL† 0 Always Value with Status
IN_PATM Input atmospheric pressure REAL† 14.696 Always Value with Status
IN_T Input temperature REAL† 220 Always Value with Status
MEAS_SYS Measurement system UINT (ENUM) English Always Value Only
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
OUT Steam enthalpy REAL† N/A Always Value with Status
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

82 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
13 First In-First Out (FIFO)
Block Category: Analog Operations
The First In-First Out (FIFO) block is an expandable block that performs a basic first in, first out operation of up to 32 inputs.
The block scans the inputs sequentially and the FIFO order is stored using the input number of the associated input (that is, 1
for IN1, 2 for IN2, 3 for IN3, and so forth). The order in which any of the digital inputs transition from False to True is
preserved in a memory in which up to 32 transitions can be stored. Once 32 transitions have been stored, all other transitions
are ignored.

FIFO Block
For each successive False to True transition of the rotate input, RTAT, the first input number stored in the FIFO will be
removed from internal storage and that numerical value will be written to the output, OUT. When the memory is empty, OUT
is set to zero.
A False to True transition on the clear input, CLR, will cause the output and all the internal FIFO entries to be set to zero, and
will remain zero as long as the clear input, CLR, is True.
The FLAG output is set to True when the FIFO is not empty.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 83

Public Information
Initial condition : OUT equals to 0, FLAG is False.
Scan1: IN8 transitions to True, FLAG is True
Scan2: IN1 transitions to True, FLAG is True
Scan3: IN2 and IN4 transitions to True, FLAG is True
Scan4: RTAT transitions from False to True, then OUT equals 8, FLAG is True
Scan5: RTAT transitions from True to False, FLAG is True
Scan6: RTAT transitions from False to True, then OUT equals 1, FLAG is True
Scan7: RTAT transitions from True to False, FLAG is TRUE
Scan8: RTAT transitions from False to True, then OUT equals 2, FLAG is True
Scan9: RTAT transitions from True to False, FLAG is True
Scan10: RTAT transitions from False to True, then OUT equals 4, FLAG is False
Scan11: RTAT transitions from True to False, FLAG is False
Scan12: RTAT transitions from False to True, then OUT equals 0, register is empty, FLAG is False

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
CLR Clear intern memory BOOL False Always Value Only
IN1 First input BOOL False Always Value Only
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
IN32 Last input BOOL False Always Value Only
RTAT Rotate (remove the oldest BOOL False Always Value Only
input number from the
memory to the OUT)

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
FLAG FLAG is True if the memory BOOL False Always Value Only
is NOT empty
OUT Output UINT 0 Always Value Only

84 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
14 Flow Calculator (FLOW_CALC)
Block Category: Equations and Conversions
The Flow Calculator (FLOW_CALC) block calculates the flow for non-compressible fluids through a differential pressure
flow meter. The block is expandable for up to four transmitters. It requires the meter design pressure specifications, IHS and
ILS, as well as the flow specifications, OHS and OLS, to calculate the output. Furthermore, the OUTn is only calculated if the
INn is greater than the low cutout value, LCO. If the input variable INn is less than or equal to LCO, then the OUTn will be 0.


This block propagates quality status if the status operations are enabled.

OUTn status = INn status.

Block status modifications: If (INn > LCO) < ILS, or IHS ≤ ILS, or OHS ≤ OLS,
then the value of outputs OUTn = 0 and their status = NOT_LIMITED-CONFIGURATION_ERROR-BAD [4]

Refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING)

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 85

Public Information
Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
IHS Input high scale REAL 100 Always Value Only
ILS Input low scale REAL 0 Always Value Only
IN1 Input differential pressure 1 REAL† 0 Always Value with Status
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
IN4 Input differential pressure 4 REAL† 0 Always Value with Status
LCO Low cutout REAL 0 Always Value Only
OHS Output high scale REAL 100 Always Value Only
OLS Output low scale REAL 0 Always Value Only
† Value with status (if status option is enabled)

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
OUT1 Output variable 1 REAL† N/A Always Value with Status
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
OUT4 Output variable 4 REAL† N/A Always Value with Status
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

86 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
15 Force (FORCE)
Block Category: Legacy, Permits and Overrides

Note Legacy Status — The FORCE block is not supported for use in new Mark VIe control systems (ControlST V05.02
or later). It is in place to support the maintenance of legacy Mark VIe control systems (prior to ControlST V05.02). For new
Mark VIe control systems, use the LOGIC_BUILDER or LOGIC_BUILDER_SC block (use if first out/state change feature is
required); these blocks provide equivalent functionality. Refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library

The Force (FORCE) block is an expandable block of up to 32 force inputs which functions like an OR block. Each connected
input can be blocked by the HMI operator from the force tab of the associated permit screen. This blocking function must be
enabled by setting FRCnBE to True. If force blocking is enabled for an input, an event is generated on the HMI alarm/event
screen whenever the operator blocks the FORCE.

Each input has the capability of inheriting the description of a connected global variable or a global variable connected
through a NOT block. When a connection is made to one of the input pins, the description of the global variable is inherited
by default. If this inherited description is undesirable, it must be disabled by setting the Inherit Description option to False in
the input variable properties. The description can be replaced with a desirable description by entering an appropriate
description in the description field of the input variable of the FORCE block (replace FORCE #1 with the desired override
description for the source connected to FRC1). The description is not copied from the connected variable immediately; the
input's description is set when the library or device containing the input is validated or built.

Block Configuration
ForceType enumerations are listed in the following table.

ForceType Enumerations
Enumeration Description
CL_FRC Close force
OP_FRC Open force
INT_FRC Intermediate force
STR_FRC Start force
STP_FRC Stop force
CMD_FRC Command/setpoint force
ON_FRC On force
OFF_FRC Off force

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 87

Public Information
OUT enumeration pin values are provided in the following table.

OUT Enumerations
Enumeration Force Output Description
NO_FORCE-NO-BLOCK No force and no force is blocked
FORCE-NO_BLOCK Force active and no force is blocked
NO_FORCE-BLOCK No force and a force is blocked
FORCE-BLOCK Force active and a force is blocked

ToolboxST Configuration
Inserting this block into the application program will generate a window as displayed in the following figure. This prompts
the user to Enter Device Name and Select ForceType in the Value column of the window (the force type is a drop-down list

Note ForceType enumerations are provided in the table ForceType Enumerations.

Changing Default Attributes

The block will automatically create the necessary variables and provide the appropriate attributes for each variable (for
example, Type and Format Spec variables that need to be on EGD will be automatically placed on the $Default EGD page,
and so forth). If additional pin groups are added, the necessary new variables will be automatically created during a build of
the application program.
When the user clicks OK, the block and pin connections will be configured automatically. This will generate Global pins.

Note Global variables are listed in the table Global Variables. The defaults provided are for example only. Be sure to change
the block name.

There are two things to remember when installing a FORCE block. The first is that the Device Name of the block should
match the name of the block that it will be connected to. If this block is controlling an MOV block, then the names should
match. If the blocks are connected correctly, but named incorrectly, the force block will work normally, but the HMI screen
cannot tell you why the signal is or isn’t forced.
The second thing to remember is to select the correct Force Type. If the user selects CL_FRC, but connects it to an OP_FRC,
the permissive will act like a force close but displays in the Open force window.
Input pin names are in the form Device Value ForceType Value pin name. Output pin names are in the form Device Value
ForceType Value.OUT, Device Value ForceType Value.FRC, and Device Value ForceType Value.FRCB.

If Device Value = 00FORCE1000 and ForceType Value = CL_FRC.

88 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
FRC1 Force input 1 BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC1B Force input block 1 BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC1BE Force input block enable 1 BOOL False Always Value Only
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
FRC32 Force input 32 BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC32B Force input block 32 BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC32BE Force input block enable 32 BOOL False Always Value Only

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
FRC Force BOOL False Always Value Only
FRCB Force block BOOL False Always Value Only
OUT Output UINT (ENUM) NO_FORCE-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only

Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00FORCE1000CL_FRC.FRC Force Not Alarmed False ReadOnly
00FORCE1000CL_FRC.FRCB Force block Not Alarmed False ReadOnly
00FORCE1000CL_FRC.OUT Output Not Alarmed False ReadOnly
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
00FORCE1000CL_FRC.FRC1 Force input Not Alarmed True $DEFAULT ReadOnly
00FORCE1000CL_FRC.FRC1B Force input Not Alarmed True $DEFAULT ReadWrite
00FORCE1000CL_FRC.FRC1BE Force input Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
block enable
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
00FORCE1000CL_FRC.FRCn Force input Not Alarmed True $DEFAULT ReadOnly
00FORCE1000CL_FRC.FRCnB Force input Not Alarmed True $DEFAULT ReadWrite
00FORCE1000CL_FRC.FRCnBE Force input Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
block enable

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 89

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
A FORCE block does not directly have an HMI object. The block displays on the Permits faceplate when used. The following
figure displays the Permits faceplate for a PID_MA block. This displays the presence of the FORCE block, as well as a
description from the controlling variable. The FORCE description displays as green because the FORCE is not active.

Permits Faceplate for PID_MA

90 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
16 Gain Bias (GAIN_BIAS)
Block Category: Math
The Gain Bias (GAIN_BIAS) block multiplies IN and GAIN and adds BIAS:


This block propagates quality status if the status operations are enabled.

For further details on Relational blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
BIAS Offsets the product of IN and GAIN REAL† 0 Always Value with Status
GAIN Value to multiply the input REAL† 1 Always Value with Status
IN Analog input signal REAL† 0 Always Value with Status
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
OUT Product of the input and gain summed REAL† N/A Always Value with Status
with the bias
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 91

Public Information
17 Group (GRP)
Block Category: Device Control

Note Legacy Status — The GRP block is not supported for use in new Mark VIe control systems (ControlST V05.02 or
later). It is in place to support the maintenance of legacy Mark VIe control systems (prior to ControlST V05.02). For new
Mark VIe control systems, use the GRP_V3 block; it provides equivalent functionality.

The Group (GRP) block enables and/or sequences groups of equipment such as motor starters, motor operated valves, control
valves, and so forth. The block provides a maintained output ON which is energized/de-energized to control the group

Note This block only features the interface, not the sequence.

GRP Block

Block Configuration
This block has various enumerations that are configured for control block operation.

Control Word (CTL)

CTL is an enumeration set by the HMI operator for group control. The commands available from the HMI allow manual and
automatic push-button control capability. The group may be started or stopped in Manual mode by the ON_PB or OFF_PB
commands, respectively. The command enumerations are defined in the following table.

CTL Enumerations
Enumeration Command
NO_CMD No command
AUTO_CMD Auto command
MANUAL_CMD Manual command

92 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
CTL Enumerations (continued)
Enumeration Command
ON_CMD On cmd
OFF_CMD Off cmd

Mode of Operation (Mode_OPT)

MODE_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table.

MODE_OPT Enumerations
Enumeration Operating Mode

NONE — the group may be started or stopped manually by the HMI operator, no other mode options are available.
AUTO — provides auto control capability for the GROUP. Selecting the AUTO mode property will set AUTO_P to True,
indicating the auto mode property of the block is enabled. The block provides an auto permitted indication input, AU_PMT,
which can be driven by external logic. When AUTO_P is True, the group can be commanded to auto by either CTL
enumeration AUTO_CMD providing PMT_AU is True.
When AUTO is True, the AU_ON and AU_OFF inputs control the automatic on/off operation of the block, provided, PMT_
ON or PMT_OFF, respectively, is True. If AU_ON, AU_OFF, or AU_SEL become True, the group is in Manual mode, and
the group output (ON) is not in the state of the requested command, the auto request alarm, AU_REQ, will be activated.

Note PMT_AU is described in the section Auto/On/Off Permissives.

Override Control
The block provides override control through a Manual Reject input enumeration, MN_REJ. The possible values are listed in
the following table.

MN_REJ Enumerations
Enumeration Command
OR-NO_BLOCK Override Active And No Override Is Blocked
NO_OVR-BLOCK No Override And A Override Is Blocked
OVR-BLOCK Override Active And A Override Is Blocked
NO_OVR-NO-BLOCK No Override And No Override Is Blocked

The group is rejected to manual when MN_REJ indicates Override Active and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be
activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
MN_REJ (if used) is driven from an Override (OVERRIDE) block. Each connected input of the OVERRIDE block has the
ability (when enabled) to be blocked by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated tab of the permit HMI screen
display. When MN_REJ enumeration contains BLOCK, the HMI operator has blocked at least one override. GRP does not
use the block information, but passes it to the HMI for display.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 93

Public Information
Force Control
The block provides force control through enumerations Force Open (ON_FRC) and Force Close ( OFF_FRC). ON_FRC and
OFF_FRC (if used) are driven from a Force (FORCE) block. Each connected input of the FORCE block has the ability (when
enabled) to be blocked by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated tab of the permit HMI screen display. When
ON_FRC or OFF_FRC enumeration contains BLOCK, the HMI operator has blocked at least one force. GRP does not use the
block information, but passes it to the HMI for display. The following table provides the possible values of the enumerations.

Force Enumerations
Enumeration Command
NO_FORCE-NO-BLOCK No Force And No Force Is Blocked
FORCE-NO_BLOCK Force Active And No Force Is Blocked
NO_FORCE-BLOCK No Force And A Force Is Blocked
FORCE-BLOCK Force Active And A Force Is Blocked

Auto/On/Off Permissives
The block provides the permissive input enumerations AU_PMT, ON_PMT, and OFF_PMT. The following table provides the
possible values of the enumerations.

Auto/On/Off Permissive Enumerations

Enumeration Command
NO_PERM-NO-BYPASS No Permit And No Permit Is Bypassed
PERM-NO_BYPASS Permit OK And No Permit Is Bypassed
NO_PERM-BYPASS No Permit And A Permit Is Bypassed
PERM-BYPASS Permit OK And A Permit Is Bypassed

The permit inputs, AU_PMT, ON_PMT, and OFF_PMT, combine with internal permissives to generate PMT_AU, PMT_ON,
and PMT_OFF, permitted indications.
PMT_AU is True when the following conditions exist:

• AU_PMT indicates Permit OK

• MN_REJ indicates No Override
If the group is in Auto mode and any of these conditions are not satisfied (except AU_PMT), the group will be placed to
Manual mode (that is the outputs, AUTO and PMT_AU are set to False) and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be
activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
PMT_ON is True when the following conditions exist:

• ON_PMT indicates Permit OK

• OFF_FRC indicates No Force
PMT_OFF is True when the following conditions exist:

• OFF_PMT indicates Permit OK

• ON_FRC indicates No Force
AU_PMT, ON_PMT, and OFF_PMT (if used) are driven from a Permit (PERMIT) block. Each connected input of the
PERMIT block has the ability (when enabled) to be bypassed by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated tab of
the permit HMI screen display. When AU_PMT, ON_PMT, or OFF_PMT enumeration contains BYPASS, the HMI operator
has bypassed at least one permit. GRP does not use the bypass information, but passes it to the HMI for display.

Diagnostic Alarms
The block will generate a Discrepancy alarm, DISC, if NO_DISC is False for the time specified by DISC_T.

94 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Push-button Status
The block push-button status output, PBSTATE, indicates the last HMI operator initiated CTL enumeration ON_CMD or
OFF_ CMD command. PBSTATE is True if the last CTL enumeration was ON_CMD.

ToolboxST Configuration
Inserting a GRP block into the application code displays the following window.

Changing Default Attribute Values

When the user clicks OK, the block and pin connections will be configured automatically. Pin names are in the form Device
Value.Input_Name, where Device Value is the attribute value 00GRP1000 and Input_Name is the block input/output names.
The description, GRP description in this example, becomes the prefix of the block input/output descriptions.

Note Global variables are provided in the table Global Variables. The defaults provided are for example only.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 95

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
AU_OFF AUTO OFF CMD BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_ON AUTO ON CMD BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_PMT ✓ Auto permit UINT (ENUM) PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
AU_SEL ✓ {Desc} Auto select BOOL False Always Value Only
CTL ✓ {Desc} Control word UINT (ENUM) NO_CMD Always Value Only
DISC_T Discrepancy time UDINT 5000 Parameter Value Only
MN_REJ Manual reject UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
MODE_ Mode options UINT (ENUM) NONE Always Value Only
NO_DISC No discrepancy BOOL True Always Value Only
OFF_FRC ✓ Force off UINT (ENUM) NO_FORCE-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
OFF_PMT ✓ OFF permit UINT (ENUM) PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
ON_FRC ✓ Force on UINT (ENUM) NO_FORCE-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
ON_PMT ✓ ON permit UINT (ENUM) PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
{Device} ✓ {Desc} BOOL False Internal Value Only
AU_ORD ✓ {Desc} Auto order BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_REQ ✓ {Desc} Auto request BOOL False Always Value Only
AUTO ✓ {Desc} Auto BOOL False Always Value Only
AUTO_P ✓ {Desc} Auto property BOOL False Always Value Only
DISC ✓ {Desc} Discrepancy BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_OFF ✓ {Desc} Force off BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_OFFB ✓ {Desc} OFF FORCE block status BOOL False Internal Value Only
FRC_ON ✓ {Desc} Force on BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_ONB ✓ {Desc} ON FORCE block status BOOL False Internal Value Only
MN_REJ_A ✓ {Desc} Manual reject BOOL False Always Value Only
OFF ✓ {Desc} OFF BOOL True Always Value Only
ON ✓ {Desc} ON BOOL False Always Value Only
PBSTATE ✓ {Desc} Last PB state BOOL False Internal Value Only
PMT_AU ✓ {Desc} Auto permit BOOL False Always Value Only
PMT_AUB ✓ {Desc} Auto permit bypass status BOOL False Internal Value Only
PMT_OFF ✓ {Desc} OFF permit BOOL True Always Value Only
PMT_OFFB ✓ {Desc} OFF permit bypass status BOOL False Internal Value Only
PMT_ON ✓ {Desc} ON permit BOOL True Always Value Only
PMT_ONB ✓ {Desc} ON permit bypass status BOOL False Internal Value Only
REJ_MN ✓ {Desc} Manual reject BOOL False Always Value Only
REJ_MNB ✓ {Desc} Manual reject bypass status BOOL False Internal Value Only
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

96 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00GRP1000 GRP description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.AU_ORD GRP description auto order Not Alarmed False ReadOnly
00GRP1000.AU_REQ GRP description auto request Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.AU_SEL GRP description auto select Not Alarmed False ReadOnly
00GRP1000.AUTO GRP description auto Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.AUTO_P GRP description auto property Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.CTL GRP description control word Not Alarmed False $Default ReadWrite
00GRP1000.DISC GRP description discrepancy Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.FRC_OFF GRP description force off Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.FRC_OFFB GRP description OFF FORCE Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
block status
00GRP1000.FRC_ON GRP description force on Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.FRC_ONB GRP description ON FORCE Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
block status
00GRP1000.MN_REJ_A GRP description manual Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.OFF GRP description OFF Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.ON GRP description ON Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.PBSTATE GRP description last PB state Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.PMT_AU GRP description Auto permit Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.PMT_AUB GRP description Auto permit Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
bypass status
00GRP1000.PMT_OFF GRP description OFF permit Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.PMT_OFFB GRP description OFF permit Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
bypass status
00GRP1000.PMT_ON GRP description ON permit Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.PMT_ONB GRP description ON permit Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
bypass status
00GRP1000.REJ_MN GRP description Manual Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.REJ_MNB GRP description Manual Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
reject bypass status

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 97

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
The Object name for the HMI is the same as the Device name specified in the ToolboxST configuration.

Typical HMI Object for a GRP

GRP Faceplate

98 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
18 Group Version 2 (GRP_V2)
Block Category: Legacy, Device Control

Note Legacy Status — The GRP_V2 block is not supported for use in new Mark VIe control systems (ControlST V05.02
or later). It is in place to support the maintenance of legacy Mark VIe control systems (prior to ControlST V05.02). For new
Mark VIe control systems, use the GRP_V3 block; it provides equivalent functionality.

The Group Version 2 (GRP_V2) block enables and/or sequences groups of equipment, such as motor starters, motor operated
valves, control valves, and so forth. The block provides a maintained output, ON, which is energized/de-energized to control
the group sequencing.

Note This block only features the interface, not the sequence.

The GRP_V2 block is displayed in the following figure.

Note Not all variable pins are displayed in the following figure because most are auto-hidden.

GRP_V2 Block

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 99

Public Information
Block Configuration
This block has various enumerations that are configured for control block operation.

Control Word (CTL)

CTL is an enumeration set by the HMI operator for group control. The commands available from the HMI allow manual and
automatic push-button control capability. The group may be started or stopped in Manual mode by the ON_PB or OFF_PB
commands, respectively. The command enumerations are defined in the following table.

CTL Enumerations
Enumeration Command
NO_CMD No command
AUTO_CMD Auto command
MANUAL_CMD Manual command
ON_CMD On cmd
OFF_CMD Off cmd

Mode of Operation (Mode_OPT)

Mode_OPT is the mode in which the GRP_V2 block is configured to operate: Manual or Automatic (Auto) mode. Manual
mode allows commands from the operator interface, while Auto mode allows the control logic to command the solenoid. The
allowable modes of operation are specified by the parameter, MODE_OPT.

Available Modes for MODE_OPT Selections


Manual mode — enables the block to respond to operator ON and OFF commands from a faceplate on the HMI. Given that
the permits are satisfied, the block operates in accordance with the manual command. The permit for the ON command is set
by the ON permit input, ON_PMT, and the permit for the OFF command is set by the OFF permit input, OFF_PMT. These
inputs may be set to fixed values or driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER block.

Note Refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the chapter Logic Builder (LOGIC_

The possible conditions that place the block into Manual mode are as follows:

• Manual mode selected from the HMI faceplate

• Manual Rejection from the logic (MN_REJ)

Note Manual mode is always available unless MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK.

100 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Auto mode — enables the block to respond to Open and Close commands from the logic. Given that the permits are satisfied,
the block operates in accordance with the command from the logic. The permit for the ON command is set by the ON permit
input, ON_PMT, and the permit for the OFF command is set by the OFF permit input, OFF_PMT. The ON_PMT and OFF_
PMT inputs may be set to fixed values or driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER block. The logic commands are input to the block
through the automatic open, AU_ON, and automatic close, AU_OFF, inputs. The block may be placed in Auto mode either by
a command from the HMI or a pulse to the automatic select input, AU_SEL. Given that the permits are satisfied, the block is
placed into Auto mode. The permit for Auto mode is set by the Auto permit input, AU_PMT. The AU_PMT input may be set
to a fixed value or also driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER block.
MANUAL-AUTO mode — selection provides manual and automatic functionality. A selection of AUTO ONLY or
AUTO-LOCK for MODE_OPT provides automatic functionality ONLY. While residing in Automatic mode, the block will
control based on external logic. Automated control from external logic interfaces to the AU_ON and AU_OFF pins. Similar
to Manual mode, Auto mode action only operates with the proper permits. If AUTO ONLY mode is selected, the block will
permanently reside in Automatic mode. If MANUAL-AUTO is selected, only two conditions will transfer the block from
Manual mode into Auto mode. Unlike the transferring to Manual mode, here, certain permits must be satisfied to enter into
Auto mode. This means that the block is always able to enter Manual mode, but not always able to enter Auto mode. These
conditions depend on the mode options selected for the block.
All three of the following conditions must be met for the block to enter Auto mode:

• No demand to transition to Manual mode

• MODE_OPT must be set to MANUAL-AUTO
• AUTO push-button from operator graphic or Auto select from logic (AU_SEL)

Inputs and Outputs

At a minimum, the block requires no feedback. However, discrepancy feedbacks can be run through.
The GRP_V2 block has one Auto Order output that places all downstream devices in Auto mode. ON and OFF status outputs
can also drive downstream devices through the Auto ON and OFF input pins. Additional outputs from this block indicate
status, alarms, and manual rejections. Much of this information is displayed on the HMI faceplate.

Diagnostic Alarms
When an alarm is active, the block may have limited control. For example, manual rejection would prevent the block from
going into Auto mode. All alarms are held true until the alarm is cleared. Examples of potential alarms are as follows:
Discrepancy (DISC)— the input pin (NO_DISC) becomes False and gives feedback that not all items are in Auto or ON.
Return NO_DISC to value True to clear the alarm.
Auto Request (AU_REQ) — the block is in Manual mode but the Auto logic requests that the block state be different than
its current state. This has no effect on block operation and is an alarm message only. The alarm is cleared if the block is
placed into Auto mode, manually ordered to the requested state, or the auto action is removed.
Manual Rejected (MN_REJ_A) — the GRP_V2 is rejected to manual due to a conditional alarm or input pin (MN_REJ
becomes True). The block will only respond to manual commands. The alarm is cleared after the conditions return to normal
and the MN_REJ becomes False and a reset command is given.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 101

Public Information
Force Control
During any condition, the GRP_V2 block may be forced to a state that bypasses normal operation. The force is driven from
the ON_FRC or OFF_FRC pins in the logic. The block will send the respective condition and remain until the force is
removed. While a force condition is active, the block may freely transfer from Auto to Manual mode following the normal
permits. However, no manual command will supersede the force. Once the force is removed, it will continue normal

Due to the nature of Auto and forcing action, the following permits that are required for operation.

Name Description
On ON_PMT is True (ON_PMT is technically a UINT)

Off OFF_PMT is True (OFF_PMT is technically a UINT)

On Force None
Off Force None

Name Global Description Function
AU_SEL ✓ Auto Select Pulses the valve into auto (provided all permits are met)
AU_ OP Auto Open Automatically opens the valve (provided all permits are met); device must be in
Auto mode

AU_CL Auto Close Auto closes the valve (provided all permits are met); device must be in Auto
AU_PMT ✓ Auto permit Permit required for external logic to permit the valve to enter Auto mode
ON_PMT ✓ ON permit Permit required for external logic to enter the ON permit
OFF_PMT ✓ OFF permit Permit required for external logic to enter the OFF permit
MN_REJ Manual Permit required for external logic to manually reject the block

OFF_FRC ✓ Off Force Permit required for external logic to force off the block
ON_FRC ✓ On Force Permit required for external logic to force on the block
NO_DISC No Discrepancy Permit required for external logic to write to a discrepancy alarm that is
indicated on the screen (does not affect block action)
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

102 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Global Description Function
CTL ✓ Control Used by the operator graphic to control the valve
MODE_OPT Mode options Designates what modes the device can enter
✓ indicates the parameter is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Name Global Description Function
AU_ORD ✓ Auto order Auto order to downstream device (2 second pulse on transition to Auto)
AUTO ✓ Automatic mode Auto mode active
OFF ✓ Device off Can be written to downstream device to turn off
ON ✓ Device on Can be written to downstream device to turn on
PMT_AU ✓ Auto permit Auto permit
PMT_OFF ✓ OFF permit OFF permit
PMT_ON ✓ ON permit ON permit
FRC_OFF ✓ Off Force Off force
FRC_ON ✓ On Force On force
AU_REQ ✓ Auto Request Auto logic wishes to turn device on or off
DISC ✓ Discrepancy Discrepancy alarm
MN_REJ_A Manual rejection Manual rejection alarm

✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 103

Public Information
Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
00GRP1000 GRP description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.AU_ORD GRP description auto Not Alarmed False ReadOnly
00GRP1000.AU_REQ GRP description auto Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.AU_SEL GRP description auto Not Alarmed False ReadOnly
00GRP1000.AUTO GRP description auto Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.AUTO_P GRP description auto Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.CTL GRP description control Not Alarmed False $Default ReadWrite
00GRP1000.DISC GRP description Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.FRC_OFF GRP description force off Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.FRC_OFFB GRP description OFF Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
FORCE block status
00GRP1000.FRC_ON GRP description force on Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.FRC_ONB GRP description ON Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
FORCE block status
00GRP1000.MN_REJ_A GRP description Manual Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.OFF GRP description OFF Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.ON GRP description ON Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.PBSTATE GRP description last PB Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.PMT_AU GRP description auto Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.PMT_AUB GRP description auto Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
permit bypass status
00GRP1000.PMT_OFF GRP description OFF Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.PMT_OFFB GRP description OFF Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
permit bypass status
00GRP1000.PMT_ON GRP description ON Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.PMT_ONB GRP description ON Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
permit bypass status
00GRP1000.REJ_MN GRP description Manual Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.REJ_MNB GRP description Manual Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
reject bypass status

104 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
The Object name for the HMI is the same as the Device name specified in the ToolboxST configuration.

Typical HMI Object for GRP_V2

GRP_V2 Faceplate

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 105

Public Information
19 Group Version 3 (GRP_V3)
Block Category: Device Control
The Group Version 3 (GRP_V3) block enables and/or sequences groups of equipment, such as motor starters, motor operated
valves, control valves, and so forth. The block provides a maintained output, ON, which is energized/de-energized to control
the group sequencing.

Note This block only features the interface, not the sequence.

The GRP_V3 block is displayed in the following figure.

Note Not all variable pins are displayed in the following figure because most are auto-hidden.

GRP_V3 Block

106 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Block Configuration
This block has various enumerations that are configured for control block operation.

Control Word (CTL)

CTL is an enumeration set by the HMI operator for group control. The commands available from the HMI allow manual and
automatic push-button control capability. The group may be started or stopped in Manual mode by the ON_PB or OFF_PB
commands, respectively. The command enumerations are defined in the following table.

CTL Enumerations
Enumeration Command
NO_CMD No command

AUTO_CMD Auto command

MANUAL_CMD Manual command

ON_CMD On cmd

OFF_CMD Off cmd

Mode of Operation (Mode_OPT)

Mode_OPT is the mode in which the GRP_V3 block is configured to operate: Manual or Automatic (Auto) mode. Manual
mode allows commands from the operator interface, while Auto mode allows the control logic to command the solenoid. The
allowable modes of operation are specified by the parameter, MODE_OPT.

Available Modes for MODE_OPT Selections



MANUAL mode — enables the block to respond to operator ON and OFF commands from a faceplate on the HMI. Given
that the permits are satisfied, the block operates in accordance with the manual command. The permit for the ON command is
set by the ON permit input, ON_PMT, and the permit for the OFF command is set by the OFF permit input, OFF_PMT. These
inputs may be set to fixed values or driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER block.

Note Refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the chapter Logic Builder (LOGIC_

The possible conditions that place the block into Manual mode are as follows:

• Manual mode selected from the HMI faceplate

• Manual Rejection from the logic (MN_REJ)

Note Manual mode is always available unless MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 107

Public Information
AUTO mode — enables the block to respond to Open and Close commands from the logic. Given that the permits are
satisfied, the block operates in accordance with the command from the logic. The permit for the ON command is set by the
ON permit input, ON_PMT, and the permit for the OFF command is set by the OFF permit input, OFF_PMT. The ON_PMT
and OFF_PMT inputs may be set to fixed values or driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER block. The logic commands are input to
the block through the automatic open, AU_ON, and automatic close, AU_OFF, inputs. The block may be placed in Auto
mode either by a command from the HMI or a pulse to the automatic select input, AU_SEL. Given that the permits are
satisfied, the block is placed into Auto mode. The permit for Auto mode is set by the Auto Permit input, AU_PMT. The AU_
PMT input may be set to a fixed value or also driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER block.
MANUAL-AUTO mode — selection provides manual and automatic functionality. A selection of AUTO ONLY or
AUTO-LOCK for MODE_OPT provides automatic functionality ONLY. While residing in Automatic mode, the block will
control based on external logic. Automated control from external logic interfaces to the AU_ON and AU_OFF pins. Similar
to Manual mode, Auto mode action only operates with the proper permits. If AUTO ONLY mode is selected, the block will
permanently reside in Automatic mode. If MANUAL-AUTO is selected, only two conditions will transfer the block from
Manual mode into Auto mode. Unlike the transferring to Manual mode, here, certain permits must be satisfied to enter into
Auto mode. This means that the block is always able to enter Manual mode, but not always able to enter Auto mode. These
conditions depend on the mode options selected for the block.
All three of the following conditions must be met for the block to enter Auto mode:

• No demand to transition to Manual mode

• MODE_OPT must be set to MANUAL-AUTO
• AUTO push-button from operator graphic or Auto select from logic (AU_SEL)

Inputs and Outputs

At a minimum, the block requires no feedback. However, discrepancy feedbacks can be run through.
The GRP_V3 block has one Auto Order output that places all downstream devices in Auto mode. ON and OFF status outputs
can also drive downstream devices through the Auto ON and OFF input pins. Additional outputs from this block indicate
status, alarms, and manual rejections. Much of this information is displayed on the HMI faceplate.

Diagnostic Alarms
When an alarm is active, the block may have limited control. For example, manual rejection would prevent the block from
going into Auto mode. All alarms are held true until the alarm is cleared. Examples of potential alarms are as follows:
Discrepancy (DISC) — the input pin (NO_DISC) becomes False and gives feedback that not all items are in Auto or ON.
Return NO_DISC to value True to clear the alarm.
Auto Request (AU_REQ) — the block is in Manual mode but the Auto logic requests that the block state be different than
its current state. This has no effect on block operation and is an alarm message only. The alarm is cleared if the block is
placed into Auto mode, manually ordered to the requested state, or the auto action is removed.
Manual Rejected (MN_REJ_A) — the GRP_V3 block is rejected to manual due to a conditional alarm or input pin (MN_
REJ becomes True). The block will only respond to manual commands. The alarm is cleared after the conditions return to
normal and the MN_REJ becomes False and a reset command is given.

Force Control
During any condition, the GRP_V3 block may be forced to a state that bypasses normal operation. The force is driven from
the ON_FRC or OFF_FRC pins in the logic. The block will send the respective condition and remain until the force is
removed. While a force condition is active, the block may freely transfer from Auto to Manual mode following the normal
permits. However, no manual command will supersede the force. Once the force is removed, it will continue normal

108 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Due to the nature of Auto and forcing action, the following table displays the permits that are required for operation.

Name Operating Mode
On ON_PMT is True (ON_PMT is technically a UINT)
Off OFF_PMT is True (OFF_PMT is technically a UINT)
On Force None
Off Force None

Name Global Description Function
AU_SEL ✓ Auto Select Pulses the valve into auto (provided all permits are met)
AU_ OP Auto Open Automatically opens the valve (provided all permits are met); device must be
in Auto mode
AU_CL Auto Close Auto closes the valve (provided all permits are met); device must be in Auto
AU_PMT Auto permit Permit required for external logic to permit the valve to enter Auto mode
ON_PMT ON permit Permit required for external logic to enter the ON permit
OFF_PMT OFF permit Permit required for external logic to enter the OFF permit
MN_REJ Manual Permit required for external logic to manually reject the block

OFF_FRC ✓ Off Force Permit required for external logic to force off the block
ON_FRC ✓ On Force Permit required for external logic to force on the block
NO_DISC No Discrepancy Permit required for external logic to write to a discrepancy alarm that is
indicated on the screen (does not affect block action)
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Name Global Description Function
CTL ✓ Control Used by the operator graphic to control the valve
MODE_OPT Mode options Designates what modes the device can enter
✓ indicates the parameter is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Name Global Description Function
AU_ORD ✓ Auto order Auto order to downstream device (2 second pulse on transition to Auto)
AUTO ✓ Automatic mode Auto mode active
OFF ✓ Device off Can be written to downstream device to turn off
ON ✓ Device on Can be written to downstream device to turn on
PMT_AU ✓ Auto permit Auto permit
PMT_OFF ✓ OFF permit OFF permit
PMT_ON ✓ ON permit ON permit
FRC_OFF ✓ Off force Off force
FRC_ON ✓ On force On force
AU_REQ ✓ Auto request Auto logic wishes to turn device on or off
DISC ✓ Discrepancy Discrepancy alarm
MN_REJ_A Manual rejection Manual rejection alarm

✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 109

Public Information
Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00GRP1000 GRP description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.AU_ORD GRP description auto order Not Alarmed False ReadOnly
00GRP1000.AU_REQ GRP description auto Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.AU_SEL GRP description auto select Not Alarmed False ReadOnly
00GRP1000.AUTO GRP description auto Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.AUTO_P GRP description auto Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.CTL GRP description Control Not Alarmed False $Default ReadWrite
00GRP1000.DISC GRP description Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.FRC_OFF GRP description force off Not Alarmed True $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.FRC_OFFB GRP description OFF Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
FORCE block status
00GRP1000.FRC_ON GRP description force on Not Alarmed True $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.FRC_ONB GRP description ON Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
FORCE block status
00GRP1000.MN_REJ_A GRP description manual Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.OFF GRP description off Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.ON GRP description on Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.PBSTATE GRP description last PB Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.PMT_AU GRP description auto Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.PMT_AUB GRP description auto Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
permit bypass status
00GRP1000.PMT_OFF GRP description OFF Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.PMT_OFFB GRP description OFF Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
permit bypass status
00GRP1000.PMT_ON GRP description ON permit Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.PMT_ONB GRP description ON permit Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
bypass status
00GRP1000.REJ_MN GRP description Manual Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00GRP1000.REJ_MNB GRP description Manual Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
reject bypass status

110 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
The Object name for the HMI is the same as the Device name specified in the ToolboxST configuration.

Click the HMI

Group Control
Object to display
the GRP_V3
11PAC20EA002 faceplate.

Typical HMI Object for a GRP_V3

GRP_V3 Faceplate

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 111

Public Information
20 Heartbeat (HEARTBEAT)
Block Category: System
The Heartbeat (HEARTBEAT) block determines the communication health status between two devices. When OPTION is set
to PASS_THRU, IN is passed to OUT. When OPTION is set to GENERATE, the block generates a varying output based on
the block data type. If the block data type is INT, DINT, UINT or UDINT, OUT will be a Sawtooth function ranging from 0 to
60 at 1 second increments. If the block data type is BOOL, then OUT will be a pulse train based on PULSE_ON (ms) and
PULSE_OFF (ms). IN is monitored every scan for change, regardless of OPTION setting. When there is no change detected
within the time limit specified by BQ_TIME (ms), COMM_BQ is set to True. COMM_BQ will remain True until
communication recovery (when change is detected).


Note This is a variant block that supports any one the following block data types: Boolean, Integer, Double Integer,
Unsigned Integer or Unsigned Double Integer. The default data type is INT. Refer to the section Change Data Type of Variant

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
BQ_TIME Bad communication detection UDINT 0 Parameter Value Only
time constant
IN Varying input BOOL, INT, DINT, 0 Always Value Only
PULSE_OFF Time for the output to be False UDINT 0 Parameter Value Only
PULSE_ON Time for the output to be True UDINT 0 Parameter Value Only

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
COMM_BQ Communication bad quality BOOL True Always Value Only
OUT Heartbeat output BOOL, INT, DINT, 0 Always Value Only

112 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
21 High and Low Monitor (HI_LO_MON)
Block Category: Comparison
The High and Low Monitor (HI_LO_MON) block sets the values of LL and LH based on the comparison of IN to the
setpoints LS and HS, respectively. Hysteresis is included within these comparisons.

Note This is a variant block that supports any one the following block data types: Integer, Double Integer, Real, Long Real,
Unsigned Integer, Unsigned Double Integer. The default data type is REAL. Refer to the section Change Data Type of Variant


Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 113

Public Information
Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
HS High setpoint ANY_NUM 0 Parameter Value Only

HYST Hysteresis value ANY_NUM 0 Parameter Value Only

IN Input value ANY_NUM 0 Always Value Only

LS Low setpoint ANY_NUM 0 Parameter Value Only

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
LH Value high status BOOL True Always Value Only

LL Value low status BOOL True Always Value Only

114 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
22 Level Compensation (LVL_COMP)
Block Category: Equations and Conversions
The Level Compensation (LVL_COMP) block is an expandable block that calculates the density-compensated water level in a
pressurized steam drum with water and steam at saturation conditions. In addition to the level transmitter signal, IN1…IN4,
the block requires the pressure in the drum, IN_P, the temperature in the reference leg, IN_T_REF, and the level transmitter
range, MIN_LVL and MAX_LVL, with respect to center-line of the drum. NWL is provided as an offset of normal water
level from centerline to equate normal water level to zero output.

The level compensation formula is as follows:


Vtc = VOL_TC = Volume of calibration liquid at 20°C (68 °F) and 14.696 psia (1.0133 bara)
Vr = Vol(IN_T_REF, IN_P+IN_PATM) = Volume of water in reference leg
Vw = Vol(IN_P+IN_PATM) = Volume of water at saturation conditions
Vs = Vol(IN_P+IN_PATM) = Volume of steam at saturation conditions

MEAS_SYS English S.I.
IN_P PSIg barg
VOL_TC 0.0160476 ft3/lb 0.0010018 m3/kg
The steam table lookup uses the sum of IN_P and IN_PATM (absolute pressure). The sum of IN_P and IN_PATM must be in
the range of 0.8 - 3200 PSIA (0.0552 - 220.6322 bara).

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 115

Public Information
This block propagates quality status if the status operations are enabled.

Block status modification: Due to the nature of the steam table, some input combinations may lead to a result outside of the
selected steamtable region. This results in an output status of NOT_LIMITED-LAST_USABLE_VALUE-UNCERTAIN

For further details on Relational blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

ToolboxST Configuration
When a new block is inserted into the ToolboxST application, it assigns default initial values to some attributes. These are
assumed to be in English units. If the unit system is changed from English to SI, then these initial values must also be

Initial English Values and Suggested SI Initial Values

Attribute English SI
Reference Leg Temperature 120 °F 48.8 °C

Atmospheric Pressure 14.696 psi 1.0133 bar

116 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

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In this example, the transmitters range from -800 to 300 mm (-31.5 to 11.8 in). The normal water level would be on an offset
somewhere between the centerline and the maximum. The drum NWL parameter of the block is set based on the placement of
the minimum and maximum drum taps, with respect to centerline and the normal water level specified by the drum vendor.

500 mm (17 in)

Max Level
300 mm300
(20 mA)
(20 mA)
Zero Level
Zero level
CL + 100 mm (4 in) -
75 mm When transmitter
75 mm reads
reads0 mm
0mm,(0 in),
(3 in)
 * wewe areare
NWLC 100
25 mm
mm (1 in)
Centerline (4 in)
1800 mm
1800 mm
(71 in)

Therefore, NWL
would be at -75
Therefore, NWL
900 mm mm be at -75 mm
900 mm (-3 in)
(35 in)

mm(31 in)
4 (mA)
(4 mA)
Min. min level
200 mm
200 mm (8 in)

NWLC is normal water level with respect to centerline, per specification of drum vendor.
Drum NWL Configuration

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 117

Public Information
Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
IN_P Pressure in the drum REAL† 0 Always Value with Status

IN_PATM Atmospheric Pressure REAL 14.696 Parameter Value Only

IN_T_REF Reference leg REAL† 120 Always Value with Status


IN1 Signal of the water level REAL† N/A Always Value with Status
transmitter 1
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

IN4 Signal of the water level REAL† N/A Always Value with Status
transmitter 4
MAX_LVL Maximum transmitter REAL 15 Parameter Value Only
water level
MEAS_SYS Measurement system UINT (ENUM) ENGLISH Parameter Value Only

MIN_LVL Minimum transmitter REAL -45 Parameter Value Only

water level
NWL Normal Water Level REAL 0 Parameter Value Only
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
OUT1 Compensated water REAL† N/A Always Value with Status
level of transmitter 1
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

OUT4 Compensated water REAL† N/A Always Value with Status

level of transmitter 4
VOL_TC Volume of transmitter REAL 0.0160476 Always Value Only
calibration liquid (14.696
psia, 68 °F)
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

118 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
23 Motor Operated Valve (M_O_V)
Block Category: Legacy, Device Control

Note Legacy Status — The M_O_V block is not supported for use in new Mark VIe control systems (ControlST V05.02
or later). It is in place to support the maintenance of legacy Mark VIe control systems (prior to ControlST V05.02). For new
Mark VIe control systems, use the M_O_V_V3 block; it provides equivalent functionality.

The Motor Operated Valve (M_O_V) block controls a motor-operated valve or a motor-operated valve with intermediate
position, powered from a low-voltage reversing starter. The motor-operated valve with intermediate position has a limit
switch set mid travel to enable the valve to be positioned intermediately.

Block Configuration
This block has various enumerations that are used to control block operation. Depending on the control type enumeration
property selected; the block provides open and close output commands, OP_ORD and CL_ORD, or an analog output
command, POS_ORD, that are used to operate the valve.
The block requires the inputs OPEN and CLOSED from the limit switches of the valve. The block will generate a
failed-to-open alarm, FL_OP_A, failed-to-close alarm, FL_CL_A, and a limit switch congruency alarm, CONGR_A, that
alarms when the valve limit switches indicate that the valve is open and closed at the same time.
If the valve is a motor operated valve with intermediate position, the IO option attribute, IO Options (IO_OPT) enumeration
INT is selected and the intermediate property output INT_P is set to True When INT_P is True, the block requires an
additional input to determine the intermediate position. This is either the intermediate position limit switch input, INT_ZS, or
the analog position feedback POS, depending on the analog output property ANA_OUT_P. The block generates a
failed-to-intermediate alarm, FL_INT_A. if the intermediate position is not reached within the fail to intermediate time (either
FL_I_OT or FL_I_CT depending on the direction the valve is moving). When the valve is in a closed position, CLOSED\ is
True, commanding the valve to the intermediate position (if the intermediate permit, PMT_INT is True), will set the OP_ORD
to True. The OP_ORD will remain True until the intermediate position is reached (INT_ZS becomes True or POS > INT_
SETP) or the transit time has not exceeded the fail to open to intermediate position time, FL_I_OT. If the valve is then
commanded be fully open, the OPN_CMD will remain True until the OPEN input is True (if using INT_ZS it will remain
When the valve is in an open position, OPEN is True, commanding the valve to the intermediate position (if the intermediate
permit, PMT_INT is True), will set the CL_ORD to True. The CL_ORD will remain True until the intermediate position is
reached (INT_ZS becomes False or POS< INT_SETP) or the transit time has not exceeded the fail to close to intermediate
position time, FL_I_CT. If the valve is then commanded be fully closed, the CL_ORD will remain True until the CLOSED
input is True (if using INT_ZS it will remain False).
A limit switch congruency alarm, CONGR_A, is activated when the valve limit switches are in an illogical state (OPEN is
True and CLOSED is True, or OPEN is True and INT_ZS is False, or CLOSED is True and INT_ZS is True). CONGR_A
also alarms if the valve is not at a known position, providing there is no output command active and no position failure (FL_
OP_A, FL_CL_A, or FL_INT_A) active (this condition is delayed by 5 seconds).
The block provides open, OP_ORD, close, CL_ORD, and position, POS_ORD (if ANA_OUT_P is True), output commands
that are used to operate the valve. This block has various enumerations that are used to control block operation.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 119

Public Information
Control Word (CTL)
Control (CTL) is an enumeration set by the HMI operator for valve control. The commands available from the HMI allow
manual and automatic valve control capability and/or lockout capability if the block property MODE_OPT enumeration
selected allows the Auto and/or Lock mode. The valve may be opened or closed in Manual mode by the OPEN_CMD or
CLOSE_CMD enumerations, respectively. If the valve is a motor-operated valve with intermediate position, INT_P is True,
the valve may also be commanded to the intermediate position in Manual mode by the OPEN_CMD or CLOSE_CMD
enumeration (depending on starting position). The command enumerations are defined in the following table.

CTL Enumerations
Enumeration Command
NO_CMD No command

AUTO_CMD Auto command

MANUAL_CMD Manual command

LOCK_CMD Lock command

UNLOCK_CMD Unlock command

OPEN_CMD Open command

CLOSE_CMD Close command

INT_CMD Intermediate command

RESET_CMD Fault reset command

If the valve has a position feedback input, control power monitoring input, fuse monitoring and has the capability for auto and
lockout, operation. Then the CTRL_TYPE selection is DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS, IO_OPT selection is CP_OK,

120 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Modes of Control (CTRL_TYPE)
CTRL_TYPE enumerations are as listed in the following table.

CTRL_TYPE Enumerations
Enumeration Control Option Description
DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN Digital input control with digital outputs and no analog position feedback input

DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Digital input control with digital outputs and an analog position feedback input

DIG_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Digital input control with analog output and an analog position feedback input

DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN — select for valves that do not provide an analog position feedback. When the DIG_
CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN enumeration is selected, the output POSFB_P is False.
DIG_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — elect for valves that provide digital inputs, an analog output, and an analog
position feedback. The OPEN and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the DIG_
CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS enumeration is selected, the outputs DIG_CTRL_P, ANA_OUT_P, DIG_IN_P, and
POSFB_P are True.
DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide an analog position feedback, which is used by the
HMI objects and faceplates to display the valve open percentage. When the DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS
enumeration is selected, the output POSFB_P is True.

IO Options (IO_OPT)
IO_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table. Refer to the section Appendix for a complete list of all possible
IO_OPT Enumerations (Short List)
Enumeration Description
None No capabilities are available
CP_OK M_O_V has a hard-wired control power monitoring input
REM M_O_V has a hard-wired remote/local input
AVAIL M_O_V has hard-wired available input, a 'Ready to go indicator'
TRANS M_O_V has a hard-wired valve-in-transit input
INT M_O_V has a hard-wired intermediate position input and knows where it is in the track
TQ_LIM M_O_V has hard-wired torque limiting input

NONE — when IO_OPT is none, then CP_OK, REMOTE, AVAIL, TRANSIT, POS, and INT_ZS inputs are not used.
CP_OK — select for valves that provide a control power monitoring IO capability. When the CP_OK enumeration is
selected, the output CP_OK_P is True. The Boolean control power monitoring connection is to the CP_OK input of the block
and is True when no control power failure is detected. When the CP_OK input is False, the control power failure alarm, CP_
F_A, is activated. If the valve is in AUTO mode and the duration of CP_F _A being True has exceeded the PWR_FL_TMR,
the valve will switch to MANUAL mode and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
REM — select for valves that have remote/local capability. When the REM enumeration is selected, the output REM_P is
True. The Boolean remote/local connection is to the REMOTE input of the block and is True when the valve is in remote
mode. When REMOTE is False, the output LOCAL is True and valve control from the HMI is disabled. If the valve is in
AUTO mode and LOCAL is True, the valve will switch to MANUAL mode and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be
activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
AVAIL — select for valves that require an available capability. When the AVAIL enumeration is selected, the output AVAIL_
P is True. The Boolean available connection is to the AVAIL input of the block and is True when the valve is available. When
AVAIL is False, the available alarm, AVAIL_A, is activated. If the valve is in AUTO mode and the duration of AVAIL_A
being True has exceeded the PWR_FL_TMR, the valve will switch to MANUAL mode and the manual reject alarm, MN_
REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 121

Public Information
TQ_LIM — select for valves that require torque limiting capability. When the TQ_LIM enumeration is selected, the output
TQ_LIM_P is True. The Boolean torque limiting open and torque limiting close signals are connected to the TL_OP and TL_
CL inputs of the block. When either TL_OP or TL_CL are True, the torque limiting alarm, TL_A, is activated. If the valve is
in AUTO mode and the duration of TL_A being True has exceeded 2 seconds, the valve will switch to MANUAL mode and
the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated (delayed by 2 seconds).
TRANS — select for valves that provide capability to determine when the valve is in transit. When the TRANS enumeration
is selected, the output TRANS_P is True. The Boolean, valve in transit, connection is to the TRANSIT input of the block, and
is True when the valve is in transit. When the TRANSIT input is True, the transit indication output, TRN_IND, is True. If the
TRANS_P is False, TRN_IND is True whenever OP_ORD or CL_ORD is True.
INT — select for valves is a motor-operated valve with intermediate position. When INT is selected, INT_P is set to True,
and requires the input, INT_ZS, the intermediate position limit switch input. The intermediate indication output INT is True
when the valve is in the intermediate position. INT_SENS allows the range to be set in which the intermediate position is
True. The block will also generate a limit switch congruency alarm, CONGR_A, which activates when the valve limit
switches are in an illogical state (OPEN is True and CLOSED is True, or if INT_P is True, OPEN is True and INT_ZS is
False or CLOSED is True and INT_ZS is True). In addition, the block will generate a failed-to-intermediate alarm, FL_INT_
A, which activates when the valves fails to move to the intermediate position, by the time specified by FL_I_OT,
failed-to-intermediate open time or FL_I_CT, failed-to-intermediate close time, depending on the direction of movement.

Mode Options (MODE_OPT)

MODE_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table. Refer to the section Appendix for a complete list of all possible
MODE_OPT Enumerations (Short List)
Enumeration Mode Option Description
AUTO Auto mode
LOCK Lock mode
AUTO-LOCK Auto mode and lock mode

NONE — the valve can be opened or closed manually by the HMI operator, no other mode options are available.
AUTO — provides auto control capability of the valve. Selecting the AUTO mode property will set AUTO_P to True,
indicating the auto mode property of the block is enabled. When AUTO_P is True, the valve can be commanded to auto by
either CTL enumeration AUTO_CMD or a rising edge on AU_SEL providing PMT_AU is True. The HMI operator may
command the valve from Auto to Manual mode at any time with the CTL enumeration MANUAL_CMD.
When AUTO is True, the AU_OP, AU_CL, and AU_INT (if INT_P is True) inputs control the automatic opening, closing,
intermediate positioning of the valve, provided, PMT_OP, PMT_CL, or PMT_INT, respectively, is True. If AU_OP, AU_CL,
or AU_INT (if INT_P is True) become True, the valve is in manual mode, and the valve position is not in the state of the
requested command, the auto request alarm, AU_REQ, will be activated.

Note PMT_AU is described in the section Auto/Open/Close/Intermediate Permissives.

LOCK — provides software lock-out capability for the valve. Selecting the LOCK mode property will set LOCK_P to True,
and enable the LOCK_CMD and UNLOCK_CMD to control the lockout mode functionality. The valve must be OPEN or
CLOSED or not in TRANSIT (if TRANS_P is True) before the block can be set to lockout mode. Feedback to the HMI
operator of this mode is provided by LOCK. The HMI operator is prevented from operating valve from the control faceplate
when LOCK is True, and auto mode is disabled.

Note The lockout indication is provided for status indication only. This action will not lockout the equipment, it will only
indicate lockout status. The owner's lockout procedures must be followed to safely lock equipment out.

122 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Note The Lock button can also be configured to use the WorkstationST Lock function. Refer to the
WorkstationST/CIMPLICITY Advanced Viewer Integration Instruction Guide (GEI-100697), the section HMI Tagout.

IO_MON enumerations are digital output monitor types. Monitoring is only available for the outputs OP_ORD, and CL_
ORD. If the hardware board used with OP_ORD, and CL_ORD can perform diagnostic monitoring, IO_MON is used to
select the type of diagnostic monitoring. When diagnostic monitoring is used (FUSE or VOLT), the diagnostic variable from
the digital output board associated with OP_ORD, and CL_ORD is connected to RDY_OP and RDY_CL, respectively.

Note Refer to the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume II: System Guide for General-purpose Applications
(GEH-6721_Vol_II) for hardware board descriptions.

The following table lists the IO_MON enumerations.

IO_MON Enumerations
Enumeration Description
FUSE Fuse monitoring

VOLT Voltage monitoring

NONE — no circuit monitoring is available, RDY_OP and RDY_CL are not used.
FUSE — fuse monitoring determines the valve circuit failure. If FUSE is selected FUSE_MON_P is True. The Boolean fuse
monitoring input is True when there is no fuse failure and is connected to the RDY_OP and RDY_CL inputs. If there is a fuse
failure, RDY_OP or RDY_CL becomes False and OP_FLR or CL_FLR becomes True. When OP_FLR or CL_FLR becomes
True, PMT_OP or PMT_CL becomes False, respectively and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR. If the
IO option attribute, IO_OPT enumeration INT is selected, INT_P is True, and OP_FLR is False and the valve is closed,
CLOSED is True, or CL_FLR is False and the valve is open, OPEN is True, PMT_INT is False. If AUTO is True when this
occurs, AUTO will become False and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).

Note To prevent an unwanted automatic switch to Manual mode, in case of an Automatic bus transfer or Power supply
transfer, the power supply transfer time should not exceed PWR_FL_TMR. If the power supply transfer time exceeds the
PWR_FL_TMR, the valve will transfer from auto to manual mode and MN_REJ_A, will be activated.

VOLT — voltage monitoring determines the valve circuit failure. If VOLT is selected VOLT_MON_P is True. The Boolean
voltage monitoring input is True when there is no voltage failure and is connected to the RDY_OP and RDY_CL inputs.
OP_FLR is True, (delayed by 2 seconds), when the following conditions exist:

• RDY_OP is False
• OP_ORD is False
• CP_OK is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration CP_OK is selected)
• REMOTE is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration REM is selected)
• OPEN is False
• TRANSIT is False (if the IO_OPT, enumeration TRANS is selected)
• AVAIL is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration AVAIL is selected)
• CL_ORD is False
When OP_FLR is True, PMT_OP is False and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR.
CL_FLR is True, (delayed by 2 seconds), when the following conditions exist:

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 123

Public Information
• RDY_CL is False
• CL_ORD is False
• CP_OK is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration CP_OK is selected)
• REMOTE is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration REM is selected)
• CLOSED is False
• TRANSIT is False (if the IO_OPT, enumeration TRANS is selected)
• AVAIL is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration AVAIL is selected)
• OP_ORD is False
When CL_FLR is True, PMT_CL is False and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR.
If the IO option attribute, IO_OPT enumeration INT is selected, INT_P is True, andOP_FLR is False and the valve is closed,
CLOSED is True, or CL_FLR is False and the valve is open, OPEN is True, PMT_INT is False. If AUTO is True when this
occurs, AUTO will become False and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).

Note To prevent an unwanted automatic switch to manual mode, in case of an automatic bus transfer or power supply
transfer, the power supply transfer time should not exceed PWR_FL_TMR. If the power supply transfer time exceeds the
PWR_FL_TMR, the valve will transfer from auto to manual mode and MN_REJ_A, will be activated.

MODE is the block-operating mode. The operating mode enumerations are defined in the following table.

MODE Enumerations
Enumeration Command
MANUAL Valve opens and closes under manual control
AUTO Valve opens and closes automatically.
REMOTE Valve can be controlled remotely
LOCAL Valve can be controlled locally
OVERRIDE Valve control has been overriden
OPENED Valve is open
OPENING Valve is opening
CLOSED Valve is closed
CLOSING Valve is closing
FAULTED Valve has conflicting status
LOCKED Valve is not accepting control commands
INT Valve is in intermittent position

124 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Override Control
The block provides override control through Override input enumerations Override Open, OP_OVR, Override Close, CL_
OVR, Override Intermediate, INT_OVR (if INT_P is True) and a Manual Reject input enumeration, MN_REJ. The possible
values are provided in the following table.

OP_OVR, CL_OVR, INT_OVR, and MN_REJ Enumerations

Enumeration Command
NO_OVER_NO_BLOCK No override and no override is blocked

OVER_NO_BLOCK Override active and no override is blocked

NO_OVER_BLOCK No override and a override is blocked

OVER_BLOCK Override active and a override is blocked

OP_OVR, CL_OVR, or INT_OVR will open, close, or move the valve to the intermediate position, respectively, and prevent
it from reclosing/reopening in any mode. If the valve is in auto mode (AUTO is True), it rejects to manual and the manual
reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
OP_OVR, CL_OVR, and INT_OVR (if used) are driven from an Override (OVERRIDE) block. Each connected input of the
OVERRIDE block has the ability (when enabled) to be blocked by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated tab
of the permit HMI screen display. When OP_OVR, CL_OVR, or INT_OVR enumeration contains BLOCK, the HMI operator
has blocked at least one override. M_O_V does not use the block information, but passes it to the HMI for display.

Force Control
The block provides force control through force enumerations Force Open input (OP_FRC), Force Close input (CL_FRC), and
a Force Intermediate input (INT_FRC) (if INT_P is True). The possible values are provided in the following table.

OP_FRC, CL_FRC, and INT_FRC Enumerations

Enumeration Command
NO_FORCE-NO-BLOCK No force and no force is blocked

FORCE-NO_BLOCK Force active and no force is blocked

NO_FORCE-BLOCK No force and a force is blocked

FORCE-BLOCK Force active and a force is blocked

OP_FRC, CL_FRC, or INT_FRC force the valve open, close, or to the intermediate position in any mode except when OP_
OVR, CL_OVR, or INT_OVR indicates Override Active. The valve does not reject to manual if a force occurs.
OP_FRC, CL_FRC, and INT_FRC (if used) are driven from a Force (FORCE) block. Each connected input of the FORCE
block has the ability (when enabled) to be blocked by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated tab of the permit
HMI screen display. When OP_FRC, CL_FRC, or INT_FRC enumeration contains BLOCK, the HMI operator has blocked at
least one force. M_O_V does not use the block information, but passes it to the HMI for display.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 125

Public Information
Auto/Open/Close/Intermediate Permissives
The block provides permissive input enumerations AU_PMT, OP_PMT, CL_PMT, and INT_PMT. The possible values are
provided in the following table.

Permit Enumerations
Enumeration Description
NO_PERM-NO-BYPASS No permit and no permit is bypassed

PERM-NO_BYPASS Permit OK and no permit is bypassed

NO_PERM-BYPASS No permit and a permit is bypassed

PERM-BYPASS Permit OK and a permit is bypassed

The block permit inputs, OP_PMT, CL_PMT, and INT_PMT, combine with internal permissives to generate PMT_OP, PMT_
CL, and PMT_INT, permitted indications (intermediate permits are available when INT_P is True).
If the valve is in Auto mode and any of the conditions listed are not satisfied (except AU_PMT) the valve will be placed to
Manual mode (that is the outputs, AUTO and PMT_AU are set to False) and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be
activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
PMT_OP is True when the following conditions exist:

• OP_PMTis True
• REMOTE is True
• CL_OVR is False
• OP_FLR is False
• LOCK is False (if LOCK_P is True)
• CP_OK is True (if CP_OK_P is True)
• OVR_INT is False (if NT_P is True)
• AVAIL is True (if AVAIL_P is True)
• FL_OP_A is False
• TL_A is False
• CL_FRC indicates No Force
• INT_FRC indicates No Force

126 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
PMT_CL is True when the following conditions exist:

• CL_PMT is True
• REMOTE is True
• OVR_OP is False
• CL_FLR is False
• LOCK is False (if LOCK_P is True)
• CP_OK is True (if CP_OK_P is True)
• OVR_INT is False (if INT_P is True)
• AVAIL is True (if AVAIL_P is True)
• FL_CL_A is False
• TL_A is False
• OP_FRC indicates No Force
• INT_FRC indicates No Force
If the IO option attribute, IO_OPT enumeration INT is selected, INT_P is True:
PMT_INT is True when the following conditions exist:

• INT_PMT is True
• REMOTE is True
• OP_FLR is False and INT_ZS is False or CL_FLR is False and INT_ZS is True
• OVR_OP is False
• CL_OVR is False
• LOCK is False (if LOCK_P is True)
• CP_OK is True (if CP_OK_P is True)
• AVAIL is True (if AVAIL_P is True)
• FL_INT_A is False
• TL_A is False
• OP_FRC indicates No Force
• CL_FRC indicates No Force
AU_PMT, OP_PMT, CL_PMT, and INT_PMT (If used) are driven from a Permit (PERMIT) block. Each connected input of
the PERMIT block has the ability (when enabled) to be bypassed by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated tab
of the permit HMI screen display. When AU_PMT, OP_PMT, CL_PMT, orINT_PMT enumeration contains BYPASS, the
HMI operator has bypassed at least one permit. M_O_V does not use the bypass information, but passes it to the HMI for

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 127

Public Information
Diagnostic Alarms
The block will generate a failed-to-open alarm, FL_OP_A, a failed-to-close alarm, FL_CL_A, and a failed-to-intermediate,
FL_INT_A (if INT_P is True), if the valve fails to open, close, or move to the intermediate position in the time specified by
the fail to open time, FL_OP_T, fail to close time, FL_CL_T, fail to open to intermediate time, FL_I_OT, or fail to close to
intermediate time, FL_I_CT. These alarms are reset when FAULT_RESET is True or if the CTL enumeration equals RESET_
The block has a limit switch congruency alarm, CONGR_A that alarms when the valve limit switches are in an illogical state
(OPEN is True and CLOSED is True, or if INT_P is True, OPEN is True and INT_ZS is False or CLOSED is True and INT_
ZS is True). The CONGR_A alarm is reset when the condition that caused the alarm is cleared. The output, FAULT, is True
when a fault is detected.
FAULT is True when the any of the following conditions exist:

• FL_OP_A is True
• FL_CL_A is True
• OP_FLR is True
• CONGR_A is True
• CP_F_A is True
• FL_INT_A is True
• AVAIL_A is True
• TL_A is True
Push-button Status
The block has two push-button status outputs, PBSTATE and PBSTATE2, to indicate the last HMI operator initiated CTL
enumeration. PBSTATE is True when the last HMI CTL enumeration was INT_CMD (if INT_P is True). PBSTATE is False
when the last HMI CTL enumeration was CLOSE_CMD. PBSTATE2 is True when the last HMI CTL enumeration was

ToolboxST Configuration
Inserting a M_O_V into the application code displays the following window in the ToolboxST application.

Default Attribute Values

128 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
When the user clicks OK, the block and pin connections will be configured automatically. This generates Global pins. Pin
names are in the form Device Value.Input_Name, where Device Value is the attribute value 00M_O_V1000 and Input_Name is
the block input/output names. The description, M_O_V Description becomes the prefix of the block input/output descriptions.

Note Global variables are listed in the table Global Variables. The defaults provided are for example only.


M_O_V Block

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 129

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibili- Interface
ty Type
AU_CL Auto close command BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_INT Auto INT command BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_OP Auto open command BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_PMT ✓ Auto permit UINT (ENUM) PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
AU_SEL Auto select input BOOL False Always Value Only
AVAIL Available input BOOL True Always Value Only
CL_FRC ✓ Force close UINT (ENUM) NO_FORCE-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
CL_INP ✓ Closed BOOL False Always Value Only
CL_OVR ✓ Close override UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
CL_PMT ✓ Close permit UINT (ENUM) PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
CP_OK Control power OK input BOOL True Always Value Only
CTL ✓ {Desc} Control word UINT (ENUM) NO_CMD Always Value Only
CTRL_TYPE Valve I/O control type UINT (ENUM) DIG_CTRL-DIG_ Always Value Only
FAULT_RESET Fault/trip reset BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_CL_T Fail to close time UDINT 30000 Parame- Value Only
FL_I_CT Fail to close INT time UDINT 15000 Parame- Value Only
FL_I_OT Fail to open INT time UDINT 15000 Parame- Value Only
FL_OP_T Fail to open time UDINT 30000 Parame- Value Only
INT_OVR ✓ INT override UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
INT_PMT ✓ INT permit UINT (ENUM) PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
INT_SENS INT pos sensitivity REAL 3 Always Value Only
INT_SETP INT pos setp REAL 50 Always Value with
INT_ZS INT position input BOOL False Always Value Only
IO_MON Valve I/O monitor UINT (ENUM) NONE Always Value Only
IO_OPT Valve I/O options UINT (ENUM) NONE Always Value Only
MN_REJ ✓ Manual reject UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
MODE_OPT Valve mode options UINT (ENUM) NONE Always Value Only
OP_FRC ✓ Force open UINT (ENUM) NO_FORCE-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
OP_INP ✓ Open BOOL False Always Value Only
OP_OVR ✓ Open override UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
OP_PMT ✓ Open permit UINT (ENUM) PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
POS {Desc} Position REAL 0 Always Value with

feedback Status
PWR_FL_TMR Manual reject power fail UDINT 5000 Parame- Value Only
timer ter
RDY_CL Output MON ready to BOOL True Always Value Only
RDY_OP Output MON ready to BOOL True Always Value Only

130 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Inputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibili- Interface
ty Type
REMOTE Remote mode input BOOL True Always Value Only
TL_CL Close torque limit BOOL False Always Value Only
TL_OP Open torque limit BOOL False Always Value Only
TRANSIT Valve in transit input BOOL False Always Value Only
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
{Device} ✓ {Desc} BOOL False Internal Value Only
ANA_OUT_P ✓ {Desc} Analog out property BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_REQ ✓ {Desc} Auto request BOOL False Always Value Only
AUTO ✓ {Desc} AUTO BOOL False Always Value Only
AUTO_P ✓ {Desc} AUTO property BOOL False Always Value Only
AVAIL_A ✓ {Desc} NOT AVAILABLE BOOL False Always Value Only
AVAIL_P {Desc} AVAILABLE BOOL False Always Value Only

CL_FLR ✓ {Desc} Close circuit fail BOOL False Always Value Only
CL_ORD {Desc} Close BOOL False Always Value Only

CLOSED ✓ {Desc} Closed BOOL False Always Value Only
CONGR_A ✓ {Desc} Congruency BOOL False Always Value Only
CP_F_A ✓ {Desc} control power fail BOOL False Always Value Only
CP_OK_P {Desc} control power BOOL False Always Value Only

FAULT ✓ {Desc} Fault indication BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_CL_A ✓ {Desc} Fail to close BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_INT_A ✓ {Desc} Fail to INT BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_OP_A ✓ {Desc} Fail to open BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_CL ✓ {Desc} Force close BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_CLB {Desc} Close force block BOOL False Internal Value Only

FRC_INT ✓ {Desc} Force INT BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_INTB {Desc} INT force block BOOL False Internal Value Only

FRC_OP ✓ {Desc} Force open BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_OPB {Desc} Open force block BOOL False Internal Value Only

FUSE_MON_P {Desc} Output fuse monitor BOOL False Always Value Only

INT ✓ {Desc} INT position BOOL False Always Value Only
INT_CMD ✓ {Desc} INT command BOOL False Internal Value Only
INT_P ✓ {Desc} INT property BOOL False Always Value Only
LOCAL ✓ {Desc} local mode BOOL False Always Value Only
LOCK ✓ {Desc} Locked BOOL False Always Value Only
LOCK_P ✓ {Desc} Lock property BOOL False Always Value Only

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 131

Public Information
Outputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
MN_REJ_A ✓ {Desc} Manual reject BOOL False Always Value Only
MODE Block mode UINT MANUAL-OPENED Always Value Only
OP_FLR ✓ {Desc} Open circuit fail BOOL False Always Value Only
OP_ORD {Desc} Open BOOL False Always Value Only

OPEN ✓ {Desc} Open BOOL False Always Value Only
OVR_CL ✓ {Desc} Close override BOOL False Always Value Only
OVR_CLB {Desc} Close override BOOL False Internal Value Only

block status
OVR_INT ✓ {Desc} INT override BOOL False Always Value Only
OVR_INTB {Desc} INT override block BOOL False Internal Value Only

OVR_OP ✓ {Desc} Open override BOOL False Always Value Only
OVR_OPB {Desc} Open override BOOL False Internal Value Only

block status
PBSTATE ✓ {Desc} Last PB state BOOL False Internal Value Only
PBSTATE2 ✓ {Desc} Last PB state BOOL False Internal Value Only
PMT_AU ✓ {Desc} Auto permit BOOL False Always Value Only
PMT_AUB {Desc} Auto permit bypass BOOL False Internal Value Only

PMT_CL ✓ {Desc} Permit to close BOOL True Always Value Only
PMT_CLB {Desc} Close permit BOOL False Internal Value Only

bypass status
PMT_INT ✓ {Desc} Permit to INT BOOL False Always Value Only
PMT_INTB {Desc} INT permit bypass BOOL False Internal Value Only

PMT_OP ✓ {Desc} Permit to open BOOL True Always Value Only
PMT_OPB {Desc} Open permit BOOL False Internal Value Only

bypass status
POS_ORD {Desc} Position REAL 0 Always Value Only
✓ order/command
POSFB_P {Desc} Position feedback BOOL False Always Value Only

REJ_MN ✓ {Desc} Manual reject BOOL False Always Value Only
REJ_MNB {Desc} Manual reject BOOL False Internal Value Only

bypass status
REM_P ✓ {Desc} Remote property BOOL False Always Value Only
TL_A ✓ {Desc} Torque limit BOOL False Always Value Only
TQ_LIM_P {Desc} Torque limit BOOL False Always Value Only

TRANS_P ✓ {Desc} TRANSIT property BOOL False Always Value Only
TRN_IND ✓ {Desc} TRANSIT IND BOOL False Always Value Only
VOLT_MON_P {Desc} Output volt monitor BOOL False Always Value Only

✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

132 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
STEAM1001 Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.ANA_OUT_P Steam release valve Not False ReadOnly
analog out property Alarmed
STEAM1001.AU_REQ Steam release valve auto Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.AUTO Steam release valve auto Not False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.AUTO_P Steam release valve auto Not False $Default ReadOnly
property Alarmed
STEAM1001.AVAIL_A Steam release valve not Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.AVAIL_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
available property Alarmed
STEAM1001.CL_FLR Steam release valve close Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
circuit fail
STEAM1001.CL_ORD Steam release valve close Not False $Default ReadOnly
order/cmd Alarmed
STEAM1001.CLOSED Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
closed Alarmed
STEAM1001.CONGR_A Steam release valve Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.CP_F_A Steam release valve Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
control power fail
STEAM1001.CP_OK_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
control power property Alarmed
STEAM1001.CTL Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadWrite
control word Alarmed
STEAM1001.FAULT Steam release valve fault Not False $Default ReadOnly
indication Alarmed
STEAM1001.FL_CL_A Steam release valve fail to Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.FL_INT_A Steam release valve fail to Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.FL_OP_A Steam release valve fail to Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.FRC_CL Steam release valve force Not False $Default ReadOnly
close Alarmed
STEAM1001.FRC_CLB Steam release valve close Not False $Default ReadOnly
force block sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.FRC_INT Steam release valve force Not False $Default ReadOnly
int Alarmed
STEAM1001.FRC_INTB Steam release valve int Not False $Default ReadOnly
force block sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.FRC_OP Steam release valve force Not False $Default ReadOnly
open Alarmed
STEAM1001.FRC_OPB Steam release valve open Not False $Default ReadOnly
force block sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.FUSE_MON_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
output fuse mon property Alarmed

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 133

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
STEAM1001.INT Steam release valve int Not False $Default ReadOnly
position Alarmed
STEAM1001.INT_CMD Steam release valve int Not False $Default ReadOnly
cmd Alarmed
STEAM1001.INT_P Steam release valve int Not False $Default ReadOnly
property Alarmed
STEAM1001.LOCAL Steam release valve local Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.LOCK Steam release valve Not True $Default ReadOnly
locked Alarmed
STEAM1001.LOCK_P Steam release valve lock Not False $Default ReadOnly
property Alarmed
STEAM1001.MN_REJ_A Steam release valve Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
manual reject
STEAM1001.OP_FLR Steam release valve open Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
circuit fail
STEAM1001.OP_ORD Steam release valve open Not False $Default ReadOnly
order/cmd Alarmed
STEAM1001.OPEN Steam release valve open Not False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.OVR_CL Steam release valve close Not False $Default ReadOnly
override Alarmed
STEAM1001.OVR_CLB Steam release valve close Not False $Default ReadOnly
override block sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.OVR_INT Steam release valve int Not False $Default ReadOnly
override Alarmed
STEAM1001.OVR_INTB Steam release valve int Not False $Default ReadOnly
override block sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.OVR_OP Steam release valve open Not False $Default ReadOnly
override Alarmed
STEAM1001.OVR_OPB Steam release valve open Not False $Default ReadOnly
override block sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.PBSTATE Steam release valve last Not False $Default ReadOnly
pb state Alarmed
STEAM1001.PBSTATE2 Steam release valve last Not False $Default ReadOnly
pb state Alarmed
STEAM1001.PMT_AU Steam release valve auto Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit Alarmed
STEAM1001.PMT_AUB Steam release valve auto Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit bypass sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.PMT_CL Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit to close Alarmed
STEAM1001.PMT_CLB Steam release valve close Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit bypass sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.PMT_INT Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit to int Alarmed
STEAM1001.PMT_INTB Steam release valve int Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit bypass sts Alarmed

134 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
STEAM1001.PMT_OP Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit to open Alarmed
STEAM1001.PMT_OPB Steam release valve open Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit bypass sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.POS Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
position fdbk Alarmed
STEAM1001.POS_ORD Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
position order/cmd Alarmed
STEAM1001.POSFB_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
position fdbk property Alarmed
STEAM1001.REJ_MN Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
manual reject Alarmed
STEAM1001.REJ_MNB Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
manual reject bypass sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.REM_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
remote property Alarmed
STEAM1001.TL_A Steam release valve Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
torque limit
STEAM1001.TQ_LIM_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
torque limit property Alarmed
STEAM1001.TRANS_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
transit property Alarmed
STEAM1001.TRN_IND Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
transit ind Alarmed
STEAM1001.VOLT_MON_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
output volt mon property Alarmed

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 135

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
The Object name for the HMI is the same as the Device name specified in the ToolboxST configuration.

Typical HMI Object for a MOV

MOV Faceplate

136 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
The following tables provide a complete list of all possible MOV IO_OPT and MODE enumeration combinations.

IO_OPT Enumerations
Enumeration Description
CP_OK Control power OK

REM Remote mode

CP_OK-REM Control power OK and remote mode
AVAIL Remote mode
CP_OK-AVAIL Control power OK and remote mode
REM-AVAIL Remote mode and remote mode
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL Control power OK and remote mode and remote mode
TRANS Valve in transit
CP_OK-TRANS Control power OK and valve in transit
REM-TRANS Remote mode and valve in transit
CP_OK-REM-TRANS Control power OK and remote mode and valve in transit
AVAIL-TRANS Remote mode and valve in transit
CP_OK-AVAIL-TRANS Control power OK and remote mode and valve in transit
REM-AVAIL-TRANS Remote mode and remote mode and valve in transit
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-TRANS Control power OK and remote mode and remote mode and valve in transit
INT Intermediate indication
CP_OK-INT Control power OK and intermediate indication
REM-INT Remote mode and intermediate indication
CP_OK-REM-INT Control power OK and remote mode and intermediate indication
AVAIL-INT Remote mode and intermediate indication
CP_OK-AVAIL-INT Control power OK and remote mode and intermediate indication
REM-AVAIL-INT Remote mode and remote mode and intermediate indication
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-INT Control power OK and remote mode and remote mode and intermediate
TRANS-INT Valve in transit and intermediate indication
CP_OK-TRANS-INT Control power OK and valve in transit and intermediate indication
REM-TRANS-INT Remote mode and valve in transit and intermediate indication
CP_OK-REM-TRANS-INT Control power OK and remote mode and valve in transit and intermediate
AVAIL-TRANS-INT Remote mode and valve in transit and intermediate indication
CP_OK-AVAIL-TRANS-INT Control power OK and remote mode and valve in transit and intermediate
REM-AVAIL-TRANS-INT Remote mode and remote mode and valve in transit and intermediate
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-TRANS-INT Control power OK and remote mode and remote mode and valve in transit
and intermediate indication
TQ_LIM Torque limiting
CP_OK-TQ_LIM Control power OK and torque limiting
REM-TQ_LIM Remote and torque limiting
CP_OK-REM-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote and torque limiting
AVAIL-TQ_LIM Valve available and torque limiting
CP_OK-AVAIL-TQ_LIM Control power OK and valve available and torque limiting
REM-AVAIL-TQ_LIM Remote and valve available and torque limiting
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote and valve available and torque limiting
TRANS-TQ_LIM Valve in transit and torque limiting

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 137

Public Information
IO_OPT Enumerations (continued)
Enumeration Description
CP_OK-TRANS-TQ_LIM Control power OK and valve in transit and torque limiting
REM-TRANS-TQ_LIM Remote and valve in transit and torque limiting
CP_OK-REM-TRANS-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote and valve in transit and torque limiting
AVAIL-TRANS-TQ_LIM Valve available and valve in transit and torque limiting
CP_OK-AVAIL-TRANS-TQ_LIM Control power OK and valve available and valve in transit and torque limiting
REM-AVAIL-TRANS-TQ_LIM Remote and valve available and valve in transit and torque limiting
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-TRANS-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote and valve available and valve in transit and
torque limiting
INT-TQ_LIM Intermediate position and torque limiting
CP_OK-INT-TQ_LIM Control power OK and intermediate position and torque limiting
REM-INT-TQ_LIM Remote and intermediate position and torque limiting
CP_OK-REM-INT-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote and intermediate position and torque limiting
AVAIL-INT-TQ_LIM Valve available and intermediate position and torque limiting
CP_OK-AVAIL-INT-TQ_LIM Control power OK and valve available and intermediate position and torque
REM-AVAIL-INT-TQ_LIM Remote and valve available and intermediate position and torque limiting
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-INT-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote and valve available and intermediate position
and torque limiting
TRANS-INT-TQ_LIM Valve in transit and intermediate position and torque limiting
CP_OK-TRANS-INT-TQ_LIM Control power OK and valve in transit and intermediate position and torque
REM-TRANS-INT-TQ_LIM Remote and valve in transit and intermediate position and torque limiting
CP_OK-REM-TRANS-INT-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote and valve in transit and intermediate position
and torque limiting
AVAIL-TRANS-INT-TQ_LIM Valve available and valve in transit and intermediate position and torque
CP_OK-AVAIL-TRANS-INT-TQ_LIM Control power OK and valve available and valve in transit and intermediate
position and torque limiting
REM-AVAIL-TRANS-INT-TQ_LIM Remote and valve available and valve in transit and intermediate position
and torque limiting
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-TRANS-INT-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote and valve available and valve in transit and
intermediate position and torque limiting

138 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
MODE Enumerations
Enumeration Description
MANUAL-OPENED Valve in manual and opened
AUTO-OPENED Valve in auto and opened
MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENED Valve in manual and remote and opened
AUTO-REMOTE-OPENED Valve in auto and remote and opened
MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENED Valve in manual and local and opened
AUTO-LOCAL-OPENED Valve in auto and local and opened
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENED Valve in manual and override and opened
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENED Valve in auto and override and opened
MANUAL-OPENING Valve in manual and opening
AUTO-OPENING Valve in auto and opening
MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENING Valve in manual and remote and opening
AUTO-REMOTE-OPENING Valve in auto and remote and opening
MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENING Valve in manual and local and opening
AUTO-LOCAL-OPENING Valve in auto and local and opening
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENING Valve in manual and override and opening
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENING Valve in auto and override and opening
MANUAL-CLOSED Valve in manual and closed
AUTO-CLOSED Valve in auto and closed
MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSED Valve in manual and remote and closed
AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSED Valve in auto and remote and closed
MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSED Valve in manual and local and closed
AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSED Valve in auto and local and closed
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSED Valve in manual and override and closed
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSED Valve in auto and override and closed
MANUAL-CLOSING Valve in manual and closing
AUTO-CLOSING Valve in auto and closing
MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSING Valve in manual and remote and closing
AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSING Valve in auto and remote and closing
MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSING Valve in manual and local and closing
AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSING Valve in auto and local and closing
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSING Valve in manual and override and closing
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSING Valve in auto and override and closing
MANUAL-INT Valve in manual and int
AUTO-INT Valve in auto and int
MANUAL-REMOTE-INT Valve in manual and remote and int
AUTO-REMOTE-INT Valve in auto and remote and int
MANUAL-LOCAL-INT Valve in manual and local and int
AUTO-LOCAL-INT Valve in auto and local and int
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-INT Valve in manual and override and int
AUTO-OVERRIDE-INT Valve in auto and override and int
MANUAL-FAULTED Valve in manual and faulted
AUTO-FAULTED Valve in auto and faulted
MANUAL-REMOTE-FAULTED Valve in manual and remote and faulted
AUTO-REMOTE-FAULTED Valve in auto and remote and faulted
MANUAL-LOCAL-FAULTED Valve in manual and local and faulted
AUTO-LOCAL-FAULTED Valve in auto and local and faulted
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-FAULTED Valve in manual and override and faulted
AUTO-OVERRIDE-FAULTED Valve in auto and override and faulted
MANUAL-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in manual and opened and locked

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 139

Public Information
MODE Enumerations (continued)
Enumeration Description
AUTO-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in auto and opened and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in manual and remote and opened and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in auto and remote and opened and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in manual and local and opened and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in auto and local and opened and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in manual and override and opened and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in auto and override and opened and locked
MANUAL-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in manual and opening and locked
AUTO-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in auto and opening and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in manual and remote and opening and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in auto and remote and opening and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in manual and local and opening and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in auto and local and opening and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in manual and override and opening and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in auto and override and opening and locked
MANUAL-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in manual and closed and locked
AUTO-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in auto and closed and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in manual and remote and closed and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in auto and remote and closed and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in manual and local and closed and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in auto and local and closed and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in manual and override and closed and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in auto and override and closed and locked
MANUAL-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in manual and closing and locked
AUTO-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in auto and closing and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in manual and remote and closing and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in auto and remote and closing and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in manual and local and closing and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in auto and local and closing and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in manual and override and closing and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in auto and override and closing and locked
MANUAL-INT-LOCKED Valve in manual and int and locked
AUTO-INT-LOCKED Valve in auto and int and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-INT-LOCKED Valve in manual and remote and int and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-INT-LOCKED Valve in auto and remote and int and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-INT-LOCKED Valve in manual and local and int and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-INT-LOCKED Valve in auto and local and int and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-INT-LOCKED Valve in manual and override and int and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-INT-LOCKED Valve in auto and override and int and locked
MANUAL-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in manual and faulted and locked
AUTO-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in auto and faulted and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in manual and remote and faulted and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in auto and remote and faulted and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in manual and local and faulted and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in auto and local and faulted and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in manual and override and faulted and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in auto and override and faulted and locked

140 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
24 Motor Operated Valve Version 2 (M_O_V_V2)
Block Category: Legacy, Device Control

Note Legacy Status — The M_O_V_V2 block is not supported for use in new Mark VIe control systems (ControlST
V05.02 or later). It is in place to support the maintenance of legacy Mark VIe control systems (prior to ControlST V05.02).
For new Mark VIe control systems, use the M_O_V_V3 block; it provides equivalent functionality.

The Motor Operated Valve Version 2 (M_O_V_V2) block is a logic block that interfaces with the inputs and outputs of a
modulating motor operated valve (MOV). The M_O_V_V2 block can be configured for a wide variety of valve types and
several operating modes. The type of MOV being driven by the block determines the configuration mode of the block. The
output control mode of the block may be configured for digital open and/or close operation, analog out (position demand %),
or both. The selected mode determines the type of input status pins that appear on the block. M_O_V_V2 blocks that are
fieldbus-capable have several diagnostic alarm parameters that can be tied to some of the input pins of the block. These
parameters may be used for open and/or close permissives, alarms, and so forth. For example, an open and/or close torque
limit is a valve status parameter that has specific input pins on the M_O_V_V2 block. These parameters may be set to alarm
or tied to some other custom logic. The block also has force open and/or close or intermediate position capability.
The M_O_V_V2 block is displayed in the following figure.

Note Not all variable pins are displayed in the following figure because most are auto-hidden. Not all pins are not required
to have inputs for normal operation.

M_O_V_V2 Block

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 141

Public Information
The M_O_V_V2 block may be configured to operate in Manual or Automatic (Auto) mode. The block also enables the user
to lock the device, thus disabling any operation while in this mode. The block is used in conjunction with the PERMIT,
FORCE, OVERRIDE, LOGIC_BUILDER, and LOGIC_BUILDER_SC blocks to provide complete and comprehensive
device control. A predefined HMI faceplate is available, which provides the operator interface to the valve.

Note Refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the chapter Logic Builder (LOGIC_

Block Configuration
This block has various enumerations that are configured for control block operation.

Control Word (CTL)

CTL is an enumeration set by the HMI operator for valve control. The commands available from the HMI allow manual and
automatic valve control capability and/or lockout capability if the block property MODE_OPT enumeration selected allows
the auto and/or lock mode. The valve may be opened or closed in Manual mode by the OPEN_CMD or CLOSE_CMD
enumerations, respectively. If the valve is a motor-operated valve with intermediate position, INT_P is True, the valve may
also be commanded to the intermediate position in Manual mode by the OPEN_CMD or CLOSE_CMD enumeration
(depending on starting position).
The command enumerations are defined in the following table.

CTL Enumerations
Enumeration Command
NO_CMD No command
AUTO_CMD Auto command
MANUAL_CMD Manual command
LOCK_CMD Lock command
UNLOCK_CMD Unlock command
OPEN_CMD Open command
CLOSE_CMD Close command
INT_CMD Intermediate command
RESET_CMD Fault reset command

Modes of Control (CTRL_TYPE)

CTRL_TYPE enumerations are as listed in the following table.

CTRL_TYPE Enumerations
Enumeration Control Option Description
DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN Digital input control with digital outputs and no analog position feedback input

DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Digital input control with digital outputs and an analog position feedback input

DIG_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Digital input control with analog output and an analog position feedback input

DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN — select for valves that do not provide an analog position feedback. When the DIG_
CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN enumeration is selected, the output POSFB_P is False.
DIG_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide digital inputs, an analog output, and an analog
position feedback. The OPEN and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the DIG_
CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS enumeration is selected, the outputs DIG_CTRL_P, ANA_OUT_P, DIG_IN_P, and
POSFB_P are True.

142 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide an analog position feedback, which is used by the
HMI objects and faceplates to display the valve open percentage. When the DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS
enumeration is selected, the output POSFB_P is True.

Inputs and Outputs

At a minimum, the M_O_V_V2 block requires open and/or close position feedback, and valve order output. However, other
inputs may be used for automatic control, valve forcing, manual rejection, and such.
Depending on the block configuration, the output could be a single percent demand (POS_ORD), open and/or close (CL_
ORD, OP_ORD), or intermediate position (INT_ORD). The intermediate setpoint (INT_SETP) may be set with an immediate
value or variable that may be the result of an equation or condition. The M_O_V_V2 intermediate position can be achieved
using either output method, as well as the position input (POS) to determine if the intermediate position has been reached.
The following figures are logic representations of the Open command logic. The Close and Int command logic is similar, but
replaces the Open text with Close or Int text.

Open Command Logic

Open Command Digital Control Output

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 143

Public Information
Modes of Operation (MODE_OPT) is the mode in which the M_O_V_V2 block is configured to operate: Manual or Auto
mode, and disallow any operation while in Lock mode. Manual mode allows commands from the operator interface, while
Auto mode allows the control logic to command the valve. In either mode there are inputs that may bypass or override the
active mode of operation. Lock mode is intended to be used when maintenance work is being performed on the valve and the
operator wants to prohibit any logic from operating the valve. The allowable modes of operation are specified by the Mode
Options parameter, MODE_OPT. The following table provides a visual presentation of the modes available based on the
MODE_OPT selection.

Available Modes for MODE_OPT Selections


Manual mode — enables the block to respond to operator Open and Close commands from an HMI faceplate. Given that the
permits are satisfied, the block operates in accordance with the Manual command. The permit for the Open command is set by
the Open permit input, OP_PMT, and the permit for the Close command is set by the Close permit input, CL_PMT. Similarly,
the same is true for INT_PMT. These inputs may be set to fixed values or driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER block.
The possible conditions that place the block into Manual mode are:

• Manual mode selected from the HMI faceplate

• Device is locked from the HMI faceplate
• Manual Rejection from the logic (MN_REJ)
• Override Close, Int, or Open from the logic (OVR_CL, OVR_INT, OVR_OP)
• Open or close circuit failure (RDY_CL, RDY_OP)
• Valve at torque limit reached (TL_OP, TL_CL)
• M_O_V_V2 not Available (AVAIL)
• M_O_V_V2 not in Remote (REMOTE)
• Congruency alarm

Note Some of these conditions require block parameters to be specifically configured. For example, the block does not
depend on the AVAIL pin unless IO_OPT is set to AVAIL.

Note Manual mode is always available unless MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK.

144 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Manual Mode Conditions
Auto mode — enables the block to respond to open and close commands from logic. Given that the permits are satisfied, the
block operates per command from the logic. The permit for the Open command is set by the Open permit input, OP_PMT,
and the permit for the Close command is set by the close permit input, and the permit for Intermediate Position is set by INT_
PMT input. The OP_PMT, CL_PMT, and INT_PMT inputs may be set to fixed values or driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER
block. The logic commands are input to the block through the Automatic Open (AU_OP), Automatic Close (AU_CL), and
Automatic intermediate position inputs. The block may be placed in Auto mode either from a command from the HMI or a
pulse to the automatic select input, AU_SEL. Given that the permits are satisfied, the block will be placed into Auto mode.
The permit for the Auto mode is set by the Auto Permit input, AU_PMT. The AU_PMT input may be set to a fixed value or
also driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER block.
MANUAL-AUTO mode — selection provides manual and automatic functionality. A selection of AUTO ONLY OR
AUTO-LOCK for MODE_OPT provides automatic functionality ONLY. While residing in Auto mode, the block will control
the valve based on external logic. Automated control from external logic interfaces to the AU_OP, AU_INT and AU_CL pins.
Similar to Manual mode, Auto action only operates with the proper Open, Int, and Close permits. If AUTO ONLY mode is
selected, the block will permanently reside in Auto mode. If MANUAL-AUTO is selected, only two conditions will transfer
the block from Manual mode into Auto mode. Unlike the transferring to Manual mode, certain permits must be satisfied to
allow the valve to enter into Auto mode. This means that the M_O_V_V2 is always able to enter Manual mode, but not
always able to enter Auto mode. These conditions depend on the mode options selected for the block.
All three of the following conditions must be met for the block to enter Auto mode:

• No demand to transition to Manual mode

• AUTO push-button from operator graphic or Auto select from logic (AU_SEL)

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 145

Public Information
Auto Only mode — selected using the MODE_OPT pin. All of the Auto Open or Auto Close commands work as previously
described, however, all of the Trip, Override, and Reject to Manual features are disabled, including the ability of the operator
to select the Manual mode from the HMI faceplate. Once Auto Only Mode is selected, the corresponding options (Auto,
Manual, Start, and Stop) displayed on the faceplate are removed.
Lock mode — may only be selected when the solenoid is in the de-energized state. In this mode, the block forces the output
so that the solenoid remains de-energized. Upon being placed in locked mode, if currently in Auto mode, it will transfer to
Manual mode. At this time no open commands, forces, or overrides will be accepted. Upon removing the lock, Manual mode
will then be active. Similarly, AUTO ONLY and AUTO-LOCK (no open commands) will be accepted. However, upon
removal of Lock mode, the block will return to Auto mode.

Note At any time, the block may go into Lock mode as long as it is residing in its fail-safe position. Only the operator may
place the block into Lock mode.

Modes of I/O (IO_OPT) is the mode in which M_O_V_V2 block may be configured to allow input I/O states for the device.
All I/O are digital or analog inputs received from the valve device. Each I/O input indicates the current status. Device status
includes control power available, device not available, and device in remote. Depending on the I/O properties enabled, the
block will act differently. The I/O configurations are specified by the I/O Options parameter, IO_OPT. The following table
provides a visual presentation of the modes available based on the IO_OPT selection. Any enumeration of the I/O pins is
available. However, not all are displayed because there are too many to display in the table.

Available I/O Pins for IO_OPT Selections

Ctrl Pwr OK Remote Avail Transit INT TQ LIM

Control Power OK — allows the device I/O input from CP_OK. If this input goes False, a Control Power Fail alarm is
generated that trips the device and places it in Manual.
Remote — allows the device I/O input from REMOTE. If this input goes False, a device in Local alarm is generated that
places it in Manual mode.
Available — allows the device I/O input from AVAIL. If this input goes False, a Device not available alarm is generated that
places it in Manual mode.
Transit — allows the device I/O input from TRANSIT. If this input goes True, a valve is in Transit and moving or changing
Int — allows the device I/O input from INT. If this input goes True, the valve has reached its intermediate limit position.
Torque Limit — allows the device I/O input from TQ_LIM. If this input goes True, the valve has exceeded the maximum
allowed torque value while trying to open or close. An alarm is generated and the valve is placed in Manual mode.
Additional outputs from this block indicate status, failures, alarms, forces, and overrides. Much of this information is
displayed on the HMI faceplate.

146 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Diagnostic Alarms
When an alarm is active, the M_O_V_V2 block could have limited action of movement. For example, a Fail to Open will
inhibit the valve from opening again. In this case, an Alarm Reset must be issued so the valve may continue normal operation.
Some alarms are held True until the alarm is cleared, while others require an Alarm Reset to remove the indication. The alarm
may be reset at any time from the logic or an operator push-button. However, the reset must occur after the alarm has been
cleared. Otherwise, the alarm will stay active. For Unit Controls, this Alarm Reset pin may be connected to the Master Reset
parameter. The alarms that may occur are as follows:
Fail to Open (FL_OP_A)+ — when commanded Open, the valve fails to reach the open limit within the allotted time (FL_
OP_T). The block cannot reissue an Open command while the alarm is active. Reset the alarm. In Auto Only mode, the initial
AUTO ONLY-LOCK indication of Fail to Open will remove the Open command. The Open command can then be reissued at
any time and will not affect valve operation.

Fail to Open (FL_OP_A)

Fail to Close (FL_CL_A)+ — when commanded Open, the valve fails to reach the closed limit within the allotted time (FL_
CL_T). The block cannot reissue a close command while the alarm is active. Reset the alarm. In Auto Only mode, the initial
AUTO ONLY-LOCK indication of Fail to Close will remove the Close command. The Close command can then be reissued
at any time and will not affect valve operation.
Fail to INT (FL_INT_A)+ — when commanded to INPT position, the valve fails to reach the Intermediate location within
the allotted time (FL_I_T). The block cannot reissue an INT command while the alarm is active. Reset the alarm.
Congruency Alarm (CONGR_A)+ — the valve has both open and closed limits at the same time, or for the allotted time the
block is neither open nor closed. The block could be rejected to manual depending on its configuration. The alarm is cleared
when the valve reaches either of its limits.
Open Circuit Failure (OP_FLR) — power is lost to the circuit that opens the M_O_V_V2 (RDY_OP becomes False) for at
least 2 seconds. This pin is a reserved parameter that monitors the health of the I/O. The block rejects to manual+. An
operator cannot reissue an Open command while the alarm is active. The alarm is cleared when RDY_OP becomes True.
Close Circuit Failure (CL_FLR) — power is lost to the circuit that closes the M_O_V_V2 (RDY_CL becomes False) for at
least 2 seconds. This pin is a reserved parameter that monitors the health of the I/O. The block rejects to manual**. An
operator cannot reissue a Close command while the alarm is active. The alarm is cleared when RDY_CL becomes True.
Control Power Failure (CP_F_A)+ — power is lost to the motor (CP_OK becomes False). After 0.5 seconds, the block will
reject to manual. An operator cannot reissue an OP/CL/INT command while the alarm is active. The alarm is cleared when
CP_OK becomes True. In Auto Only/AUTO ONLY-LOCK mode, Control Power Failure will not affect Force Close/Open

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 147

Public Information
Not Available (AVAIL_A) — M_O_V_V2 has become unavailable due to a device not available condition (AVAIL becomes
False). The block will reject to manual. An operator cannot reissue an OP/CL/INT command while the alarm is active. The
alarm is cleared when AVAIL becomes True.
Manual Rejected (MN_REJ_A) — M_O_V_V2 is rejected to manual due to a conditional alarm or input pin (MN_REJ
becomes True). The block will only respond to manual commands. The alarm is cleared after the conditions return to normal
and the MN_REJ becomes False and a reset command is given.
Auto Request (AU_REQ)+ — M_O_V_V2 is in Manual mode but the Auto logic requests that the valve state be different
than its current state. This has no effect on valve operation and is an alarm message only. The alarm is cleared if the valve is
placed into Auto mode, manually ordered to the requested state, or the Auto action is removed.
Not in Remote (REMOTE_A) — the valve is in Local mode and can be moved by an operator local at the valve. However, a
control system cannot operate a valve while in Local (REMOTE becomes False). No OP/CL/INT commands may be issued.
The alarm is cleared when REMOTE becomes True.
Torque Limit (TL_A) — valve Torque limit reached while trying to open or close the valve (TL_OP or TL_CL becomes
True). The block will reject to manual. An operator cannot reissue an OP/CL/INT command while the alarm is active. The
alarm is cleared when TL_OP and TL_CL becomes False.

Note + If the MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK, this alarm will not affect automatic valve operation.
However the alarm will still become active under the given conditions.

148 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Force and Override Control
During any condition, M_O_V_V2 may be forced to a position that bypasses normal operation. The force is driven from the
CL_FRC, INT_FRC or OP_FRC pins in the logic. The valve will move to the force position and remain there until the force
is removed. For example, if the valve is forced open, there must be no Override Close, Circuit Failure, or Failed to Open.
While a force condition is active, the valve may freely transfer from Auto to Manual following the normal permits. However,
no manual command will supersede the force. Once the force is removed, the valve will continue normal operation.

Note Refer to the figure Open Command Logic to view the logic for a force.

An override will supersede a force and place the valve into the overridden state. For example, if the valve is overridden
closed, the valve will issue a close order irrelevant of any forces, provided there are no Circuit Failure and Failed to Close
alarms. The M_O_V_V2 block will take precedence from the override command, then the force command, and then the
manual or auto command. Upon entering an overridden state, the valve is placed into Manual mode. Once the override is
removed, the valve will remain in Manual mode until changed by the operator.
Although forces and overrides bypass normal permits, if the valve is locked, forces and overrides will have no effect on the
block. The block must be removed from Lock mode before the forces and overrides affect block operation. Additionally, if the
MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK, the override pins will be disabled and will have no effect on the block.
Due to the nature of auto and forcing action, permits are required for valve operation. Built into the blocks are special device
permits that may be enabled or disabled with certain pins in the block, as follows:

Note For basic operations, most of the device permits will be disabled.

• Open
− OP_PMT is True (OP_PMT is technically a UINT)
− M_O_V_V2 not Failed to Open**+
− M_O_V_V2 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)
− M_O_V_V2 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Open M_O_V_V2 or not Open Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V2 not in Lock mode
− Breaker to M_O_V_V2 is not Not Available (if AVAIL property enabled)
− M_O_V_V2 not Forced Close or Forced INT
− M_O_V_V2 not Override Close or Override INT+
− M_O_V_V2 not at Torque Limit (if TQ_LIM property enabled)
• Close
− CL_PMT is True (CL_PMT is technically a UINT)
− M_O_V_V2 not Failed to Close**+
− M_O_V_V2 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)
− M_O_V_V2 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Close M_O_V_V2 or not Close Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V2 not in Lock mode
− Breaker to M_O_V_V2 not Not Available (if AVAIL property enabled)
− M_O_V_V2 not Forced Open or Forced INT
− M_O_V_V2 not Override Open or Override INT+
− M_O_V_V2 not at Torque Limit (if TQ_LIM property enabled)
− INT_PMT is True (INT_PMT is technically a UINT)

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 149

Public Information
− M_O_V_V2 not Failed to INT**+
− M_O_V_V2 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)
− M_O_V_V2 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Close M_O_V_V2 or not Close Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− I/O ready to Open M_O_V_V2 or not Open Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V2 not in Lock mode
− Breaker to M_O_V_V2 not Not Available (if AVAIL property enabled)
− M_O_V_V2 not Forced Open or Forced Close
− M_O_V_V2 not Override Open or Override Close+
− M_O_V_V2 not at Torque Limit (if TQ_LIM property enabled)
• Open Force
− M_O_V_V2 not Failed to Open**+
− M_O_V_V2 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Open M_O_V_V2 or not Open Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V2 not in Lock mode
− M_O_V_V2 not Forced Close or Forced INT
− M_O_V_V2 not Override Close or Override INT+
− M_O_V_V2 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)+
• Close Force
− M_O_V_V2 not Failed to Close**+
− M_O_V_V2 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Close M_O_V_V2 or not Close Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V2 not in Lock mode
− M_O_V_V2 not Forced Open or Forced INT
− M_O_V_V2 not Override Open or Override INT+
− M_O_V_V2 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)+
• INT Force
− M_O_V_V2 not Failed to INT**+
− M_O_V_V2 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Close M_O_V_V2 or not Close Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− I/O ready to Open M_O_V_V2 or not Open Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V2 not in Lock mode
− M_O_V_V2 not Forced Open or Forced Close
− M_O_V_V2 not Override Open or Override Close+
− M_O_V_V2 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)+
• Open Override+
− M_O_V_V2 not Failed to Open**
− M_O_V_V2 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Open M_O_V_V2 or not Open Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V2 not in Lock mode
− M_O_V_V2 not Override Close or Override INT
− M_O_V_V2 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)
• Close Override+
− M_O_V_V2 not Failed to Close**
− M_O_V_V2 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)

150 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
− I/O ready to Close M_O_V_V2 or not Close Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V2 not in Lock mode
− M_O_V_V2 not Override Open or Override INT+
− M_O_V_V2 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)
• INT Override
− M_O_V_V2 not Failed to INT**
− M_O_V_V2 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Close M_O_V_V2 or not Close Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− I/O ready to Open M_O_V_V2 or not Open Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V2 not in Lock mode
− M_O_V_V2 not Override Open or Override Close+
− M_O_V_V2 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)

Note **Indicates a condition that is internally generated to the block. Otherwise, the condition comes from a direct input.

+ Indicates a condition bypassed when MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK mode.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 151

Public Information
Name Global Description Function
AU_SEL ✓ Auto Select Pulses the valve into Auto (provided all permits are met)
Opens the valve (provided all permits are met); device must be
AU_ OP Auto Open
in Auto mode
Auto closes the valve (provided all permits are met); device
AU_CL Auto Close
must be in Auto mode
Auto moves the valve to the intermediate position (provided all
AU_INT Auto Intermediate
permits are met); device must be in Auto mode
Permit required for external logic to place the valve in Auto
AU_PMT ✓ Auto permit
Permit required for external logic to prevent the valve from
OP_PMT ✓ Open Permit
Permit required for external logic to prevent the valve from
CL_PMT ✓ Close Permit
Permit required for external logic to prevent the valve to go to
INT_PMT ✓ Intermediate Permit
the intermediate position
RDY_CL Ready to Close M_O_V_V2 I/O monitoring of the circuit to the close command to the valve
RDY_OP Ready to Open M_O_V_V2 I/O monitoring of the circuit to the open command to the valve
OP_OVR ✓ Open Override Permit required for external logic to override open the valve
CL_OVR ✓ Close Override Permit required for external logic to override close the valve
Permit required for external logic to override intermediate
INT_OVR ✓ Intermediate Override
command to the valve
MN_REJ ✓ Manual Rejection Permit required for external logic to manually reject the valve
RDY_CL Ready to Close M_O_V_V2 I/O monitoring of the circuit to the close command of the valve
RDY_OP Ready to Open M_O_V_V2 I/O monitoring of the circuit to the open command of the valve
CL_INP Closed Input Connects to the closed feedback of the valve
OP_INP Open Input Connects to the open feedback of the valve
CL_FRC ✓ Close Force Permit required for external logic to force close the valve
OP_FRC ✓ Open Force Permit required for external logic to force open the valve
Permit required for external logic to force intermediate
INT_FRC ✓ Intermediate Force
command to the valve
ALARM_RESET Alarm Reset Permit required for external logic to reset alarms on the valve
CP_OK ✓ Control Power OK Tied to the I/O that monitors the control power for the valve
AVAIL ✓ M_O_V_V2 Available Tied to the I/O that has the M_O_V_V2 availability feedback
REMOTE ✓ M_O_V_V2 in Remote Tied to the I/O that has the M_O_V_V2 local/remote status
Tied to the I/O that indicates if the M_O_V_V2 has reached its
TL_CL ✓ Close Torque limit
torque limit upon closing
Tied to the I/O that indicates if the M_O_V_V2 has reached its
TL_OP ✓ Open Torque limit
torque limit upon opening
TRANSIT ✓ Valve in Transit Tied to the I/O that indicates the M_O_V_V2 is in motion
POS ✓ Position Tied to the valve position feedback
Tied to the Boolean I/O that indicates the M_O_V_V2 has
INT_ZS† ✓ Intermediate Position input
reached the INT position
Intermediate position setpoint that the valve is to travel
INT_SETP† Intermediate Position Setpoint
towards, given the INT command
†The block will use either INT_ZS or POS for indication if the valve has reached intermediate position. At least one must be
available when using the intermediate position.
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

152 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Global Description Function
CTL ✓ Control Used by the operator graphic to control the valve
FL_OP_T Fail to Open Time Time allotted for the valve to open. (If the motor takes 30
seconds to open, ~35000 msec is sufficient time to allow the
valve to reach its open state.)
FL_CL_T Fail to Close Time Time allotted for the valve to close. (If the motor takes 30
seconds to close, ~35000 msec is sufficient time to allow the
valve to reach its close state.)
FL_I_CT Fail to Close to Intermediate Time allotted for the valve to close to the Intermediate
Time Position. (If the valve takes 20 seconds to close, ~25000 msec
is sufficient time to allow the valve to reach its intermediate
FL_I_OT Fail to Open to Intermediate Time allotted for the valve to open to the Intermediate Position.
Time (If the valve takes 20 seconds to open, ~25000 msec is
sufficient time to allow the valve to reach its intermediate
PWR_FL_TMR Manual Reject Power Failure Time allotted for the M_O_V_V2 to lose power before it rejects
Time the valve to manual
IO_MON I/O Monitor Options Allow the I/O monitoring feature to be enabled. This pin can be
set to either Volt or Fuse monitoring.
IO_OPT Valve I/O Options Designates what type of I/O options are available for the valve
MODE_OPT Valve Mode Options Designates which modes the valve can enter
CTRL_TYPE Control Type Designates how the valve is controlled. Either Analog output or
digital output may be used. Position feedback is required for
analog output.
INT_SENS Intermediate Position Range in which the valve position may reside to be considered
Sensitivity at INT position (which is ± 2%)
✓ indicates the parameter is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 153

Public Information
Name Global Description

OP_ORD ✓ Open order

CL_ORD ✓ Close order
INT_CMD Intermediate order
POS_ORD ✓ Position order
AUTO_P ✓ Property for Auto mode available
LOCK_P ✓ Property for Lock mode available
ANA_OUT_P ✓ Property for analog output
VOLT_MON_P ✓ Property for volt monitoring I/O
FUSE_MON_P ✓ Property for fuse monitoring I/O
POSFB_P ✓ Property for position feedback I/O
REM_P ✓ Property for local or remote I/O
AVAIL_P ✓ Property for valve availability I/O
CP_OK_P ✓ Property for control power I/O
TQ_LIM_P ✓ Property for torque limit I/O
TRANS_P ✓ Property for transit I/O
AUTO ✓ Auto mode active
CLOSED ✓ M_O_V_V2 closed
OPEN ✓ M_O_V_V2 opened
INT ✓ Valve has reached intermediate position
LOCK ✓ Lock mode active
PMT_AU ✓ Auto permit
PMT_CL ✓ Close permit
PMT_OP ✓ Open Permit
ALARM Alarm active
MODE Current valve status
TRN_IND ✓ Valve in transit
OVR_CL ✓ Close override
OVR_OP ✓ Open override
OVR_INT ✓ Intermediate override
FRC_CL ✓ Close force
FRC_OP ✓ Open force
FRC_INT ✓ Intermediate force
CL_FLR ✓ Close circuit failure
OP_FLR ✓ Open circuit failure
AU_REQ ✓ Auto request (Auto logic wishes to open or close M_O_V_V2)
CONGR_A ✓ Congruency alarm
AVAIL_A ✓ Valve not available alarm
FL_CL_A ✓ Failed to close alarm
FL_OP_A ✓ Failed to open alarm
FL_INT_A ✓ Failed to Int alarm
TL_A ✓ Torque limit alarm
MN_REJ_A ✓ Manual rejection alarm
CP_F_A ✓ Control power failure alarm
REMOTE_A Valve not in remote alarm
✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

154 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
STEAM1001 Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.ANA_OUT_P Steam release valve Not Alarmed False ReadOnly
analog out property
STEAM1001.AU_REQ Steam release valve Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
auto request
STEAM1001.AUTO Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.AUTO_P Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
auto property
STEAM1001.AVAIL_A Steam release valve not Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.AVAIL_P Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
available property
STEAM1001.CL_FLR Steam release valve Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
close circuit fail
STEAM1001.CL_ORD Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
close order/cmd
STEAM1001.CLOSED Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.CONGR_A Steam release valve Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.CP_F_A Steam release valve Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
control power fail
STEAM1001.CP_OK_P Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
control power property
STEAM1001.CTL Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadWrite
control word
STEAM1001.FAULT Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
fault indication
STEAM1001.FL_CL_A Steam release valve fail Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
to close
STEAM1001.FL_INT_A Steam release valve fail Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
to int
STEAM1001.FL_OP_A Steam release valve fail Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
to open
STEAM1001.FRC_CL Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
force close
STEAM1001.FRC_CLB Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
close force block sts
STEAM1001.FRC_INT Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
force int
STEAM1001.FRC_INTB Steam release valve int Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
force block sts
STEAM1001.FRC_OP Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
force open
STEAM1001.FRC_OPB Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
open force block sts
STEAM1001.FUSE_MON_P Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
output fuse mon
STEAM1001.INT Steam release valve int Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.INT_CMD Steam release valve int Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 155

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
STEAM1001.INT_P Steam release valve int Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.LOCAL Steam release valve Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
local mode
STEAM1001.LOCK Steam release valve Not Alarmed True $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.LOCK_P Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
lock property
STEAM1001.MN_REJ_A Steam release valve Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
manual reject
STEAM1001.OP_FLR Steam release valve Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
open circuit fail
STEAM1001.OP_ORD Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
open order/cmd
STEAM1001.OPEN Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.OVR_CL Steam release valve Not Alarmed True $Default ReadOnly
close override
STEAM1001.OVR_CLB Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
close override block sts
STEAM1001.OVR_INT Steam release valve int Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.OVR_INTB Steam release valve int Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
override block sts
STEAM1001.OVR_OP Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
open override
STEAM1001.OVR_OPB Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
open override block sts
STEAM1001.PBSTATE Steam release valve last Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
pb state
STEAM1001.PBSTATE2 Steam release valve last Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
pb state
STEAM1001.PMT_AU Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
auto permit
STEAM1001.PMT_AUB Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
auto permit bypass sts
STEAM1001.PMT_CL Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
permit to close
STEAM1001.PMT_CLB Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
close permit bypass sts
STEAM1001.PMT_INT Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
permit to int
STEAM1001.PMT_INTB Steam release valve int Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
permit bypass sts
STEAM1001.PMT_OP Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
permit to open
STEAM1001.PMT_OPB Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
open permit bypass sts
STEAM1001.POS Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
position fdbk
STEAM1001.POS_ORD Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
position order/cmd

156 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
STEAM1001.POSFB_P Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
position fdbk property
STEAM1001.REJ_MN Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
manual reject
STEAM1001.REJ_MNB Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
manual reject bypass sts
STEAM1001.REM_P Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
remote property
STEAM1001.TL_A Steam release valve Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
torque limit
STEAM1001.TQ_LIM_P Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
torque limit property
STEAM1001.TRANS_P Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
transit property
STEAM1001.TRN_IND Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
transit ind
STEAM1001.VOLT_MON_P Steam release valve Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
output volt mon property

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 157

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
The Object name for the HMI is the same as the Device name specified in the ToolboxST configuration.

Typical HMI Object for M_O_V_V2

M_O_V_V2 Faceplate

158 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
The following tables provide a complete list of all possible M_O_V_V2 enumeration combinations.

IO_OPT Enumerations
Enumeration IO Option Description
CP_OK Control power OK

REM Remote mode

CP_OK-REM Control power OK and remote mode

AVAIL Remote mode

CP_OK-AVAIL Control power OK and remote mode

REM-AVAIL Remote mode and remote mode

CP_OK-REM-AVAIL Control power OK and remote mode and remote mode

TRANS Valve in transit

CP_OK-TRANS Control power OK and valve in transit

REM-TRANS Remote mode and valve in transit

CP_OK-REM-TRANS Control power OK and remote mode and valve in transit

AVAIL-TRANS Remote mode and valve in transit

CP_OK-AVAIL-TRANS Control power OK and remote mode and valve in transit

REM-AVAIL-TRANS Remote mode and remote mode and valve in transit

CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-TRANS Control power OK and remote mode and remote mode and valve in transit

INT Intermediate indication

CP_OK-INT Control power OK and intermediate indication

REM-INT Remote mode and intermediate indication

CP_OK-REM-INT Control power OK and remote mode and intermediate indication

AVAIL-INT Remote mode and intermediate indication

CP_OK-AVAIL-INT Control power OK and remote mode and intermediate indication

REM-AVAIL-INT Remote mode and remote mode and intermediate indication

CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-INT Control power OK and remote mode and remote mode and intermediate
TRANS-INT Valve in transit and intermediate indication
CP_OK-TRANS-INT Control power OK and valve in transit and intermediate indication

REM-TRANS-INT Remote mode and valve in transit and intermediate indication

CP_OK-REM-TRANS-INT Control power OK and remote mode and valve in transit and intermediate
AVAIL-TRANS-INT Remote mode and valve in transit and intermediate indication
CP_OK-AVAIL-TRANS-INT Control power OK and remote mode and valve in transit and intermediate
REM-AVAIL-TRANS-INT Remote mode and remote mode and valve in transit and intermediate indication
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-TRANS-INT Control power OK and remote mode and remote mode and valve in transit and
intermediate indication
TQ_LIM Torque limiting

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 159

Public Information
IO_OPT Enumerations (continued)

Enumeration IO Option Description

CP_OK-TQ_LIM Control power OK and torque limiting

REM-TQ_LIM Remote and torque limiting

CP_OK-REM-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote and torque limiting

AVAIL-TQ_LIM Valve available and torque limiting

CP_OK-AVAIL-TQ_LIM Control power OK and valve available and torque limiting

REM-AVAIL-TQ_LIM Remote and valve available and torque limiting

CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote and valve available and torque limiting

TRANS-TQ_LIM Valve in transit and torque limiting

CP_OK-TRANS-TQ_LIM Control power OK and valve in transit and torque limiting

REM-TRANS-TQ_LIM Remote and valve in transit and torque limiting

CP_OK-REM-TRANS-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote and valve in transit and torque limiting

AVAIL-TRANS-TQ_LIM Valve available and valve in transit and torque limiting

CP_OK-AVAIL-TRANS-TQ_LIM Control power OK and valve available and valve in transit and torque limiting

REM-AVAIL-TRANS-TQ_LIM Remote and valve available and valve in transit and torque limiting

CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-TRANS-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote and valve available and valve in transit and torque

INT-TQ_LIM Intermediate position and torque limiting

CP_OK-INT-TQ_LIM Control power OK and intermediate position and torque limiting

REM-INT-TQ_LIM Remote and intermediate position and torque limiting

CP_OK-REM-INT-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote and intermediate position and torque limiting

AVAIL-INT-TQ_LIM Valve available and intermediate position and torque limiting

CP_OK-AVAIL-INT-TQ_LIM Control power OK and valve available and intermediate position and torque

REM-AVAIL-INT-TQ_LIM Remote and valve available and intermediate position and torque limiting

CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-INT-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote and valve available and intermediate position and
torque limiting

TRANS-INT-TQ_LIM Valve in transit and intermediate position and torque limiting

CP_OK-TRANS-INT-TQ_LIM Control power OK and valve in transit and intermediate position and torque

REM-TRANS-INT-TQ_LIM Remote and valve in transit and intermediate position and torque limiting

CP_OK-REM-TRANS-INT-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote and valve in transit and intermediate position and
torque limiting

AVAIL-TRANS-INT-TQ_LIM Valve available and valve in transit and intermediate position and torque limiting

CP_OK-AVAIL-TRANS-INT-TQ_LIM Control power OK and valve available and valve in transit and intermediate
position and torque limiting

160 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
IO_OPT Enumerations (continued)

Enumeration IO Option Description

REM-AVAIL-TRANS-INT-TQ_LIM Remote and valve available and valve in transit and intermediate position and
torque limiting

CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-TRANS-INT-TQ_ Control power OK and remote and valve available and valve in transit and
LIM intermediate position and torque limiting

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 161

Public Information
25 Motor Operated Valve Version 3 (M_O_V_V3)
Block Category: Device Control
The Motor Operated Valve Version 3 (M_O_V_V3) block is a logic block that interfaces with the inputs and outputs of a
modulating motor operated valve (MOV). The block can be configured for a wide variety of valve types and several operating
modes. The type of MOV being driven by the block determines the configuration mode of the block. The output control mode
of the block may be configured for digital open and/or close operation, analog out (position demand %), or both. The selected
mode determines the type of input status pins that appear on the block. M_O_V_V3 blocks that are fieldbus-capable have
several diagnostic alarm parameters that can be tied to some of the input pins of the block. These parameters may be used for
open and/or close permissives, alarms, and so forth. For example, an open and/or close torque limit is a valve status parameter
that has specific input pins on the M_O_V_V3 block. These parameters may be set to alarm or tied to some other custom
logic. The block also has force open and/or close or intermediate position capability.
The M_O_V_V3 block is displayed in the following figure.

Note Not all variable pins are displayed in the following figure because most are auto-hidden. Not all pins are not required
to have inputs for normal operation.

M_O_V_V3 Block

The M_O_V_V3 block may be configured to operate in Manual or Automatic (Auto) mode. The block also enables the user
to lock the device, thus disabling any operation while in this mode. The block is used in conjunction with the PERMIT,
FORCE, OVERRIDE, LOGIC_BUILDER, and LOGIC_BUILDER_SC blocks to provide complete and comprehensive
device control. A predefined HMI faceplate is available, which provides the operator interface to the valve.

162 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Note Refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the chapter Logic Builder (LOGIC_

Block Configuration
This block has various enumerations that are configured for control block operation.

Control Word (CTL)

CTL is an enumeration set by the HMI operator for valve control. The commands available from the HMI allow manual and
automatic valve control capability and/or lockout capability if the block property MODE_OPT enumeration selected allows
the auto and/or lock mode. The valve may be opened or closed in Manual mode by the OPEN_CMD or CLOSE_CMD
enumerations, respectively. If the valve is a motor-operated valve with intermediate position, INT_P is True, the valve may
also be commanded to the intermediate position in Manual mode by the OPEN_CMD or CLOSE_CMD enumeration
(depending on starting position). The command enumerations are defined in the following table.

CTL Enumerations
Enumeration Command
NO_CMD No command

AUTO_CMD Auto command

MANUAL_CMD Manual command

LOCK_CMD Lock command

UNLOCK_CMD Unlock command

OPEN_CMD Open command

CLOSE_CMD Close command

INT_CMD Intermediate command

RESET_CMD Fault reset command

Modes of Control (CTRL_TYPE)

CTRL_TYPE enumerations are as listed in the following table.

CTRL_TYPE Enumerations
Enumeration Control Option Description
DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN Digital input control with digital outputs and no analog position feedback input

DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Digital input control with digital outputs and an analog position feedback input

DIG_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Digital input control with analog output and an analog position feedback input

DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN — select for valves that do not provide an analog position feedback. When the DIG_
CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN enumeration is selected, the output POSFB_P is False.
DIG_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide digital inputs, an analog output, and an analog
position feedback. The OPEN and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the DIG_
CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS enumeration is selected, the outputs DIG_CTRL_P, ANA_OUT_P, DIG_IN_P, and
POSFB_P are True.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 163

Public Information
DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide an analog position feedback, which is used by the
HMI objects and faceplates to display the valve open percentage. When the DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS
enumeration is selected, the output POSFB_P is True.

Inputs and Outputs

At a minimum, the M_O_V_V3 block requires open and/or close position feedback, and valve order output. However, other
inputs may be used for automatic control, valve forcing, manual rejection, and such.
Depending on the block configuration, the output could be a single percent demand (POS_ORD), open and/or close (CL_
ORD, OP_ORD), or intermediate position (INT_ORD). The intermediate setpoint (INT_SETP) may be set with an immediate
value or variable that may be the result of an equation or condition. The M_O_V_V3 intermediate position can be achieved
using either output method, as well as the position input (POS) to determine if the intermediate position has been reached.
The following figures are logic representations of the Open command logic. The Close and Int command logic is similar, but
replaces the Open text with Close or Int text.

Open Command Logic

Open Command Digital Control Output

164 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Modes of Operation (MODE_OPT) are the modes in which the M_O_V_V3 block may be configured to operate in Manual or
Auto mode, and disallow any operation while in Lock mode. Manual mode allows commands from the operator interface,
while Auto mode allows the control logic to command the valve. In either mode there are inputs that may bypass or override
the active mode of operation. Lock mode is intended to be used when maintenance work is being performed on the valve and
the operator wants to prohibit any logic from operating the valve. The allowable modes of operation are specified by the
Mode Options parameter, MODE_OPT. The following table provides a visual presentation of the modes available based on
the MODE_OPT selection.

Available Modes for MODE_OPT Selections


Manual mode — enables the block to respond to operator Open and Close commands from an HMI faceplate. Given that the
permits are satisfied, the block operates in accordance with the Manual command. The permit for the Open command is set by
the Open permit input, OP_PMT, and the permit for the Close command is set by the Close permit input, CL_PMT. Similarly,
the same is true for INT_PMT. These inputs may be set to fixed values or driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER block. The
possible conditions that place the block into Manual mode are:

Note Manual mode is always available unless MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK.

• Manual mode selected from the HMI faceplate

• Device is locked from the HMI faceplate
• Manual Rejection from the logic (MN_REJ)
• Override Close, Int, or Open from the logic (OVR_CL, OVR_INT, OVR_OP)
• Open or close circuit failure (RDY_CL, RDY_OP)
• Valve at torque limit reached (TL_OP, TL_CL)
• M_O_V_V3 not Available (AVAIL)
• M_O_V_V3 not in Remote (REMOTE)
• Congruency alarm

Note Some of these conditions require block parameters to be specifically configured. For example, the block does not
depend on the AVAIL pin unless IO_OPT is set to AVAIL.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 165

Public Information
Manual Mode Conditions
Auto mode — enables the block to respond to open and close commands from logic. Given that the permits are satisfied, the
block operates per command from the logic. The permit for the Open command is set by the Open permit input, OP_PMT,
and the permit for the Close command is set by the close permit input, and the permit for Intermediate Position is set by INT_
PMT input. The OP_PMT, CL_PMT, and INT_PMT inputs may be set to fixed values or driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER
block. The logic commands are input to the block through the Automatic Open (AU_OP), Automatic Close (AU_CL), and
Automatic intermediate position inputs. The block may be placed in Auto mode either from a command from the HMI or a
pulse to the automatic select input, AU_SEL. Given that the permits are satisfied, the block will be placed into Auto mode.
The permit for the Auto mode is set by the Auto Permit input, AU_PMT. The AU_PMT input may be set to a fixed value or
also driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER block.
MANUAL-AUTO mode — selection provides manual and automatic functionality.
AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK— selection provides automatic functionality only.
While residing in Auto mode, the block will control the valve based on external logic. Automated control from external logic
interfaces to the AU_OP, AU_INT and AU_CL pins. Similar to Manual mode, Auto action only operates with the proper
Open, Int, and Close permits. If AUTO ONLY mode is selected, the block will permanently reside in Auto mode. If
MANUAL-AUTO is selected, only two conditions will transfer the block from Manual mode into Auto mode. Unlike the
transferring to Manual mode, certain permits must be satisfied to allow the valve to enter into Auto mode. This means that the
M_O_V_V3 is always able to enter Manual mode, but not always able to enter Auto mode. These conditions depend on the
mode options selected for the block.
All three of the following conditions must be met for the block to enter Auto mode:

• No demand to transition to Manual mode

• AUTO push-button from operator graphic or Auto select from logic (AU_SEL)

166 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Auto Only mode — is selected using the MODE_OPT pin. All of the Auto Open or Auto Close commands work as
previously described, however, all of the Trip, Override, and Reject to Manual features are disabled, including the ability of
the operator to select the Manual mode from the HMI faceplate. Once Auto Only Mode is selected, the corresponding options
(Auto, Manual, Start, and Stop) displayed on the faceplate are removed.
Lock mode — may only be selected when the solenoid is in the de-energized state. In this mode, the block forces the output
so that the solenoid remains de-energized. Upon being placed in locked mode, if currently in Auto mode, it will transfer to
Manual mode. At this time no open commands, forces, or overrides will be accepted. Upon removing the lock, Manual mode
will then be active. Similarly, AUTO ONLY and AUTO-LOCK (no open commands) will be accepted. However, upon
removal of Lock mode, the block will return to Auto mode.

Note At any time, the block may go into Lock mode as long as it is residing in its fail-safe position. Only the operator may
place the block into Lock mode.

Modes of I/O (IO_OPT) are the modes in which the M_O_V_V3 block may be configured to allow input I/O states for the
device. All I/O are digital or analog inputs received from the valve device. Each I/O input indicates the current status. Device
status includes control power available, device not available, and device in remote. Depending on the I/O properties enabled,
the block will act differently. The I/O configurations are specified by the I/O Options parameter, IO_OPT. The following table
provides a visual presentation of the modes available based on the IO_OPT selection. Any enumeration of the I/O pins is
available. However, not all are displayed because there are too many to display in the table.

I/O pins available for IO_OPT Selections

Ctrl Pwr OK Remote Avail Transit INT TQ LIM

Control Power OK — allows the device I/O input from CP_OK. If this input goes False, a Control Power Fail alarm is
generated that trips the device and places it in Manual.
Remote — allows the device I/O input from REMOTE. If this input goes False, a device in Local alarm is generated that
places it in Manual mode.
Available — allows the device I/O input from AVAIL. If this input goes False, a Device not available alarm is generated that
places it in Manual mode.
Transit — allows the device I/O input from TRANSIT. If this input goes True, a valve is in Transit and moving or changing
Int — allows the device I/O input from INT. If this input goes True, the valve has reached its intermediate limit position.
Torque Limit — allows the device I/O input from TQ_LIM. If this input goes True, the valve has exceeded the maximum
allowed torque value while trying to open or close. An alarm is generated and the valve is placed in Manual mode.
Additional outputs from this block indicate status, failures, alarms, forces, and overrides. Much of this information is
displayed on the HMI faceplate.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 167

Public Information
Diagnostic Alarms
When an alarm is active, the M_O_V_V3 block could have limited action of movement. For example, a Fail to Open will
inhibit the valve from opening again. In this case, an Alarm Reset must be issued so the valve may continue normal operation.
Some alarms are held True until the alarm is cleared, while others require an Alarm Reset to remove the indication. The alarm
may be reset at any time from the logic or an operator push-button. However, the reset must occur after the alarm has been
cleared. Otherwise, the alarm will stay active. For Unit Controls, this Alarm Reset pin may be connected to the Master Reset
parameter. The alarms that may occur are as follows:
Fail to Open (FL_OP_A)+ — when commanded Open, the valve fails to reach the open limit within the allotted time (FL_
OP_T). The block cannot reissue an Open command while the alarm is active. Reset the alarm. In Auto Only mode, the initial
AUTO ONLY-LOCK indication of Fail to Open will remove the Open command. The Open command can then be reissued at
any time and will not affect valve operation.

Fail to Open (FL_OP_A)

Fail to Close (FL_CL_A)+ — when commanded Open, the valve fails to reach the closed limit within the allotted time (FL_
CL_T). The block cannot reissue a close command while the alarm is active. Reset the alarm. In Auto Only mode, the initial
AUTO ONLY-LOCK indication of Fail to Close will remove the Close command. The Close command can then be reissued
at any time and will not affect valve operation.
Fail to INT (FL_INT_A)+ — when commanded to INPT position, the valve fails to reach the Intermediate location within
the allotted time (FL_I_T). The block cannot reissue an INT command while the alarm is active. Reset the alarm.
Congruency Alarm (CONGR_A)+ — the valve has both open and closed limits at the same time, or for the allotted time the
block is neither open nor closed. The block could be rejected to manual depending on its configuration. The alarm is cleared
when the valve reaches either of its limits.
Open Circuit Failure (OP_FLR) — power is lost to the circuit that opens the M_O_V_V3 (RDY_OP becomes False) for at
least 2 seconds. This pin is a reserved parameter that monitors the health of the I/O. The block rejects to manual+. An
operator cannot reissue an Open command while the alarm is active. The alarm is cleared when RDY_OP becomes True.
Close Circuit Failure (CL_FLR) — power is lost to the circuit that closes the M_O_V_V3 (RDY_CL becomes False) for at
least 2 seconds. This pin is a reserved parameter that monitors the health of the I/O. The block rejects to manual**. An
operator cannot reissue a Close command while the alarm is active. The alarm is cleared when RDY_CL becomes True.
Control Power Failure (CP_F_A)+ — power is lost to the motor (CP_OK becomes False). After 0.5 seconds, the block will
reject to manual. An operator cannot reissue an OP/CL/INT command while the alarm is active. The alarm is cleared when
CP_OK becomes True. In Auto Only/AUTO ONLY-LOCK mode, Control Power Failure will not affect Force Close/Open

168 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

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Not Available (AVAIL_A) — M_O_V_V3 has become unavailable due to a device not available condition (AVAIL becomes
False). The block will reject to manual. An operator cannot reissue an OP/CL/INT command while the alarm is active. The
alarm is cleared when AVAIL becomes True.
Manual Rejected (MN_REJ_A) — M_O_V_V3 is rejected to manual due to a conditional alarm or input pin (MN_REJ
becomes True). The block will only respond to manual commands. The alarm is cleared after the conditions return to normal
and the MN_REJ becomes False and a reset command is given.
Auto Request (AU_REQ)+ — M_O_V_V3 is in Manual mode but the Auto logic requests that the valve state be different
than its current state. This has no effect on valve operation and is an alarm message only. The alarm is cleared if the valve is
placed into Auto mode, manually ordered to the requested state, or the Auto action is removed.
Not in Remote (REMOTE_A) — the valve is in Local mode and can be moved by an operator local at the valve. However, a
control system cannot operate a valve while in Local (REMOTE becomes False). No OP/CL/INT commands may be issued.
The alarm is cleared when REMOTE becomes True.
Torque Limit (TL_A) — valve Torque limit reached while trying to open or close the valve (TL_OP or TL_CL becomes
True). The block will reject to manual. An operator cannot reissue an OP/CL/INT command while the alarm is active. The
alarm is cleared when TL_OP and TL_CL becomes False.

Note + If the MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK, this alarm will not affect automatic valve operation.
However the alarm will still become active under the given conditions.

Force and Override Control

During any condition, M_O_V_V3 may be forced to a position that bypasses normal operation. The force is driven from the
CL_FRC, INT_FRC or OP_FRC pins in the logic. The valve will move to the force position and remain there until the force
is removed. For example, if the valve is forced open, there must be no Override Close, Circuit Failure, or Failed to Open.
While a force condition is active, the valve may freely transfer from Auto to Manual following the normal permits. However,
no manual command will supersede the force. Once the force is removed, the valve will continue normal operation.

Note Refer to the figure Open Command Logic to view the logic for a force.

An override will supersede a force and place the valve into the overridden state. For example, if the valve is overridden
closed, the valve will issue a close order irrelevant of any forces, provided there are no Circuit Failure and Failed to Close
alarms. The M_O_V_V3 block will take precedence from the override command, then the force command, and then the
manual or auto command. Upon entering an overridden state, the valve is placed into Manual mode. Once the override is
removed, the valve will remain in Manual mode until changed by the operator.
Although forces and overrides bypass normal permits, if the valve is locked, forces and overrides will have no effect on the
block. The block must be removed from Lock mode before the forces and overrides affect block operation. Additionally, if the
MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK, the override pins will be disabled and will have no effect on the block.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 169

Public Information
Due to the nature of auto and forcing action, permits are required for valve operation. Built into the blocks are special device
permits that may be enabled or disabled with certain pins in the block, as follows:

Note For basic operations, most of the device permits will be disabled.

• Open
− OP_PMT is True (OP_PMT is technically a UINT)
− M_O_V_V3 not Failed to Open**+
− M_O_V_V3 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)
− M_O_V_V3 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Open M_O_V_V3 or not Open Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V3 not in Lock mode
− Breaker to M_O_V_V3 is not Not Available (if AVAIL property enabled)
− M_O_V_V3 not Forced Close or Forced INT
− M_O_V_V3 not Override Close or Override INT+
− M_O_V_V3 not at Torque Limit (if TQ_LIM property enabled)
• Close
− CL_PMT is True (CL_PMT is technically a UINT)
− M_O_V_V3 not Failed to Close**+
− M_O_V_V3 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)
− M_O_V_V3 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Close M_O_V_V3 or not Close Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V3 not in Lock mode
− Breaker to M_O_V_V3 not Not Available (if AVAIL property enabled)
− M_O_V_V3 not Forced Open or Forced INT
− M_O_V_V3 not Override Open or Override INT+
− M_O_V_V3 not at Torque Limit (if TQ_LIM property enabled)
− INT_PMT is True (INT_PMT is technically a UINT)
− M_O_V_V3 not Failed to INT**+
− M_O_V_V3 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)
− M_O_V_V3 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Close M_O_V_V3 or not Close Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− I/O ready to Open M_O_V_V3 or not Open Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V3 not in Lock mode
− Breaker to M_O_V_V3 not Not Available (if AVAIL property enabled)
− M_O_V_V3 not Forced Open or Forced Close
− M_O_V_V3 not Override Open or Override Close+
− M_O_V_V3 not at Torque Limit (if TQ_LIM property enabled)
• Open Force
− M_O_V_V3 not Failed to Open**+
− M_O_V_V3 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Open M_O_V_V3 or not Open Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V3 not in Lock mode
− M_O_V_V3 not Forced Close or Forced INT

170 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
− M_O_V_V3 not Override Close or Override INT+
− M_O_V_V3 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)+
• Close Force
− M_O_V_V3 not Failed to Close**+
− M_O_V_V3 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Close M_O_V_V3 or not Close Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V3 not in Lock mode
− M_O_V_V3 not Forced Open or Forced INT
− M_O_V_V3 not Override Open or Override INT+
− M_O_V_V3 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)+
• INT Force
− M_O_V_V3 not Failed to INT**+
− M_O_V_V3 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Close M_O_V_V3 or not Close Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− I/O ready to Open M_O_V_V3 or not Open Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V3 not in Lock mode
− M_O_V_V3 not Forced Open or Forced Close
− M_O_V_V3 not Override Open or Override Close+
− M_O_V_V3 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)+
• Open Override+
− M_O_V_V3 not Failed to Open**
− M_O_V_V3 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Open M_O_V_V3 or not Open Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V3 not in Lock mode
− M_O_V_V3 not Override Close or Override INT
− M_O_V_V3 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)
• Close Override+
− M_O_V_V3 not Failed to Close**
− M_O_V_V3 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Close M_O_V_V3 or not Close Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V3 not in Lock mode
− M_O_V_V3 not Override Open or Override INT+
− M_O_V_V3 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)
• INT Override
− M_O_V_V3 not Failed to INT**
− M_O_V_V3 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Close M_O_V_V3 or not Close Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− I/O ready to Open M_O_V_V3 or not Open Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V3 not in Lock mode
− M_O_V_V3 not Override Open or Override Close+
− M_O_V_V3 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 171

Public Information
Note **Indicates a condition that is internally generated to the block. Otherwise, the condition comes from a direct input.

+ Indicates a condition bypassed when MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK mode.

Name Global Description Function
AU_SEL Auto select Pulses the valve into Auto (provided all permits are met)
AU_ OP Auto open Opens the valve (provided all permits are met); device must be
in Auto mode
AU_CL Auto close Auto closes the valve (provided all permits are met); device
must be in Auto mode
AU_INT Auto intermediate Auto moves the valve to the intermediate position (provided all
permits are met); device must be in Auto mode
AU_PMT Auto permit Permit required for external logic to place the valve in Auto

OP_PMT Open permit Permit required for external logic to prevent the valve from

CL_PMT Close permit Permit required for external logic to prevent the valve from

INT_PMT Intermediate permit Permit required for external logic to prevent the valve to go to

the intermediate position
RDY_CL Ready to close I/O monitoring of the circuit to the close command to the valve
RDY_OP Ready to open I/O monitoring of the circuit to the open command to the valve
OP_OVR ✓ Open override Permit required for external logic to override open the valve
CL_OVR ✓ Close override Permit required for external logic to override close the valve
INT_OVR Intermediate override Permit required for external logic to override intermediate

command to the valve
MN_REJ Manual rejection Permit required for external logic to manually reject the valve

CL_INP Closed input Connects to the closed feedback of the valve

OP_INP Open input Connects to the open feedback of the valve
CL_FRC ✓ Close force Permit required for external logic to force close the valve
OP_FRC ✓ Open force Permit required for external logic to force open the valve
INP_FRC Intermediate force Permit required for external logic to force intermediate

command to the valve
ALARM_RESET Alarm reset Permit required for external logic to reset alarms on the valve
CP_OK Control power OK Tied to the I/O that monitors the control power for the valve
AVAIL Block available Tied to the I/O that has the M_O_V_V3 availability feedback
REMOTE Block remote Tied to the I/O that has the M_O_V_V3 local/remote status
TL_CL Close torque limit Tied to the I/O that indicates if the M_O_V_V3 has reached its
torque limit upon closing
TL_OP Open torque limit Tied to the I/O that indicates if the block has reached its torque
limit upon opening
TRANSIT Valve in transit Tied to the I/O that indicates the block is in motion
POS ✓ Position Tied to the valve position feedback
INT_ZS† Intermediate position input Tied to the Boolean I/O that indicates the block has reached
the INT position

172 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Inputs (continued)
Name Global Description Function
INT_SETP† Intermediate position setpoint Intermediate position setpoint that the valve is to travel
towards, given the INT command
†The block will use either INT_ZS or POS for indication if the valve has reached intermediate position. At least one must be
available when using the intermediate position.
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Name Global Description Function
CTL ✓ Control Used by the operator graphic to control the valve
Time allotted for the valve to open. (If the motor takes 30
FL_OP_T Fail to Open Time seconds to open, ~35000 msec is sufficient time to allow the
valve to reach its open state.)
Time allotted for the valve to close. (If the motor takes 30
FL_CL_T Fail to Close Time seconds to close, ~35000 msec is sufficient time to allow the
valve to reach its close state.)
Time allotted for the valve to close to the Intermediate Position.
Fail to Close to Intermediate
FL_I_CT (If the valve takes 20 seconds to close, ~25000 msec is
sufficient time to allow the valve to reach its intermediate state.)
Time allotted for the valve to open to the Intermediate Position.
Fail to Open to Intermediate
FL_I_OT (If the valve takes 20 seconds to open, ~25000 msec is
sufficient time to allow the valve to reach its intermediate state.)
Manual Reject Power Failure Time allotted for the M_O_V_V3 to lose power before it rejects
Time the valve to manual
Allow the I/O monitoring feature to be enabled. This pin can be
IO_MON I/O Monitor Options
set to either Volt or Fuse monitoring.
IO_OPT Valve I/O Options Designates what type of I/O options are available for the valve
MODE_OPT Valve Mode Options Designates which modes the valve can enter
Designates how the valve is controlled. Either Analog output or
CTRL_TYPE Control Type digital output may be used. Position feedback is required for
analog output.
Intermediate Position Range in which the valve position may reside to be considered
Sensitivity at INT position (which is ± 2%)
✓ indicates the parameter is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 173

Public Information
Name Global Description

OP_ORD ✓ Open order

CL_ORD ✓ Close order
INT_CMD ✓ Intermediate order
POS_ORD ✓ Position order
AUTO_P ✓ Property for Auto mode available
LOCK_P ✓ Property for Lock mode available
ANA_OUT_P ✓ Property for analog output
VOLT_MON_P ✓ Property for volt monitoring I/O
FUSE_MON_P ✓ Property for fuse monitoring I/O
POSFB_P ✓ Property for position feedback I/O
REM_P ✓ Property for local or remote I/O
AVAIL_P ✓ Property for valve availability I/O
CP_OK_P ✓ Property for control power I/O
TQ_LIM_P ✓ Property for torque limit I/O
TRANS_P ✓ Property for transit I/O
AUTO ✓ Auto mode active
CLOSED ✓ Block closed
OPEN ✓ Block opened
INT ✓ Valve has reached intermediate position
LOCK ✓ Lock mode active
PMT_AU ✓ Auto permit
PMT_CL ✓ Close permit
PMT_OP ✓ Open Permit
ALARM Alarm active
MODE Current valve status
TRN_IND ✓ Valve in transit
OVR_CL ✓ Close override
OVR_OP ✓ Open override
OVR_INT ✓ Intermediate override
FRC_CL ✓ Close force
FRC_OP ✓ Open force
FRC_INT ✓ Intermediate force
CL_FLR ✓ Close circuit failure
OP_FLR ✓ Open circuit failure
AU_REQ ✓ Auto request (Auto logic wishes to open or close M_O_V_V3)
CONGR_A ✓ Congruency alarm
AVAIL_A ✓ Valve not available alarm
FL_CL_A ✓ Failed to close alarm
FL_OP_A ✓ Failed to open alarm
FL_INT_A ✓ Failed to Int alarm
TL_A ✓ Torque limit alarm
MN_REJ_A ✓ Manual rejection alarm
CP_F_A ✓ Control power failure alarm
REMOTE_A Valve not in remote alarm
✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

174 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables
Global Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
STEAM1001 Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.ANA_OUT_P Steam release valve Not False ReadOnly
analog out property Alarmed
STEAM1001.AU_REQ Steam release valve auto Not False $Default ReadOnly
request Alarmed
STEAM1001.AUTO Steam release valve auto Not True $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.AUTO_P Steam release valve auto Not False $Default ReadOnly
property Alarmed
STEAM1001.AVAIL_A Steam release valve not Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.AVAIL_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
available property Alarmed
STEAM1001.CL_FLR Steam release valve close Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
circuit fail
STEAM1001.CL_ORD Steam release valve close Not False $Default ReadOnly
order/cmd Alarmed
STEAM1001.CLOSED Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
closed Alarmed
STEAM1001.CONGR_A Steam release valve Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.CP_F_A Steam release valve Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
control power fail
STEAM1001.CP_OK_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
control power property Alarmed
STEAM1001.CTL Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadWrite
control word Alarmed
STEAM1001.FAULT Steam release valve fault Not False $Default ReadOnly
indication Alarmed
STEAM1001.FL_CL_A Steam release valve fail Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
to close
STEAM1001.FL_INT_A Steam release valve fail Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
to int
STEAM1001.FL_OP_A Steam release valve fail Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
to open
STEAM1001.FRC_CL Steam release valve force Not True $Default ReadOnly
close Alarmed
STEAM1001.FRC_CLB Steam release valve close Not False $Default ReadOnly
force block sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.FRC_INT Steam release valve force Not True $Default ReadOnly
int Alarmed
STEAM1001.FRC_INTB Steam release valve int Not False $Default ReadOnly
force block sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.FRC_OP Steam release valve force Not True $Default ReadOnly
open Alarmed
STEAM1001.FRC_OPB Steam release valve open Not False $Default ReadOnly
force block sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.FUSE_MON_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
output fuse mon property Alarmed

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 175

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Global Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
STEAM1001.INT Steam release valve int Not False $Default ReadOnly
position Alarmed
STEAM1001.INT_CMD Steam release valve int Not False $Default ReadOnly
cmd Alarmed
STEAM1001.INT_P Steam release valve int Not False $Default ReadOnly
property Alarmed
STEAM1001.LOCAL Steam release valve local Not True $Default ReadOnly
mode Alarmed
STEAM1001.LOCK Steam release valve Not True $Default ReadOnly
locked Alarmed
STEAM1001.LOCK_P Steam release valve lock Not False $Default ReadOnly
property Alarmed
STEAM1001.MN_REJ_A Steam release valve Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
manual reject
STEAM1001.OP_FLR Steam release valve open Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
circuit fail
STEAM1001.OP_ORD Steam release valve open Not False $Default ReadOnly
order/cmd Alarmed
STEAM1001.OPEN Steam release valve open Not False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.OVR_CL Steam release valve close Not True $Default ReadOnly
override Alarmed
STEAM1001.OVR_CLB Steam release valve close Not False $Default ReadOnly
override block sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.OVR_INT Steam release valve int Not True $Default ReadOnly
override Alarmed
STEAM1001.OVR_INTB Steam release valve int Not False $Default ReadOnly
override block sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.OVR_OP Steam release valve open Not True $Default ReadOnly
override Alarmed
STEAM1001.OVR_OPB Steam release valve open Not False $Default ReadOnly
override block sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.PBSTATE Steam release valve last Not False $Default ReadOnly
pb state Alarmed
STEAM1001.PBSTATE2 Steam release valve last Not False $Default ReadOnly
pb state Alarmed
STEAM1001.PMT_AU Steam release valve auto Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit Alarmed
STEAM1001.PMT_AUB Steam release valve auto Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit bypass sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.PMT_CL Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit to close Alarmed
STEAM1001.PMT_CLB Steam release valve close Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit bypass sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.PMT_INT Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit to int Alarmed
STEAM1001.PMT_INTB Steam release valve int Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit bypass sts Alarmed

176 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Global Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
STEAM1001.PMT_OP Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit to open Alarmed
STEAM1001.PMT_OPB Steam release valve open Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit bypass sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.POS Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
position fdbk Alarmed
STEAM1001.POS_ORD Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
position order/cmd Alarmed
STEAM1001.POSFB_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
position fdbk property Alarmed
STEAM1001.REJ_MN Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
manual reject Alarmed
STEAM1001.REJ_MNB Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
manual reject bypass sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.REM_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
remote property Alarmed
STEAM1001.TL_A Steam release valve Not True $Default ReadOnly
torque limit Alarmed
STEAM1001.TQ_LIM_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
torque limit property Alarmed
STEAM1001.TRANS_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
transit property Alarmed
STEAM1001.TRN_IND Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
transit ind Alarmed
STEAM1001.VOLT_MON_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
output volt mon property Alarmed

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 177

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
The Object name for the HMI is the same as the Device name specified in the ToolboxST configuration.

Click the Object

to display the
M_O_V_V 3

M_O_V_V3 Faceplate

178 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
26 Motor Operated Valve Version 4 (M_O_V_V4)
Block Category: Device Control
The Motor Operated Valve Version 4 (M_O_V_V4) block is a logic block that interfaces with the inputs and outputs of a
modulating motor operated valve (MOV). The block can be configured for a wide variety of valve types and several operating
modes. The type of MOV being driven by the block determines the configuration mode of the block. The output control mode
of the block may be configured for digital open and/or close operation, analog out (position demand %), or both. The selected
mode determines the type of input status pins that appear on the block. M_O_V_V4 blocks that are fieldbus-capable have
several diagnostic alarm parameters that can be tied to some of the input pins of the block. These parameters may be used for
open and/or close permissives, alarms, and so forth. For example, an open and/or close torque limit is a valve status parameter
that has specific input pins on the M_O_V_V4 block. These parameters may be set to alarm or tied to some other custom
logic. The block also has force open and/or close or intermediate position capability.
The M_O_V_V4 block is displayed in the following figure.

Note Not all variable pins are displayed in the following figure because most are auto-hidden. Not all pins are not required
to have inputs for normal operation.

M_O_V_V4 Block

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 179

Public Information
The M_O_V_V4 block may be configured to operate in Manual or Automatic (Auto) mode. The block also enables the user
to lock the device, thus disabling any operation while in this mode. The block is used in conjunction with the PERMIT,
FORCE, OVERRIDE, LOGIC_BUILDER, and LOGIC_BUILDER_SC blocks to provide complete and comprehensive
device control. A predefined HMI faceplate is available, which provides the operator interface to the valve.

Note Refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the chapter Logic Builder (LOGIC_

Block Configuration
This block has various enumerations that are configured for control block operation.

Control Word (CTL)

CTL is an enumeration set by the HMI operator for valve control. The commands available from the HMI allow manual and
automatic valve control capability and/or lockout capability if the block property MODE_OPT enumeration selected allows
the auto and/or lock mode. The valve may be opened or closed in Manual mode by the OPEN_CMD or CLOSE_CMD
enumerations, respectively. If the valve is a motor-operated valve with intermediate position, INT_P is True, the valve may
also be commanded to the intermediate position in Manual mode by the OPEN_CMD or CLOSE_CMD enumeration
(depending on starting position). The command enumerations are defined in the following table.

CTL Enumerations
Enumeration Command
NO_CMD No command
AUTO_CMD Auto command
MANUAL_CMD Manual command
LOCK_CMD Lock command
UNLOCK_CMD Unlock command
OPEN_CMD Open command
CLOSE_CMD Close command
INT_CMD Intermediate command
RESET_CMD Fault reset command

Modes of Control (CTRL_TYPE)

CTRL_TYPE enumerations are as listed in the following table.

CTRL_TYPE Enumerations
Enumeration Control Option Description
DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN Digital input control with digital outputs and no analog position feedback input
DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Digital input control with digital outputs and an analog position feedback input
DIG_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Digital input control with analog output and an analog position feedback input

DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN — select for valves that do not provide an analog position feedback. When the DIG_
CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN enumeration is selected, the output POSFB_P is False.
DIG_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide digital inputs, an analog output, and an analog
position feedback. The OPEN and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the DIG_
CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS enumeration is selected, the outputs DIG_CTRL_P, ANA_OUT_P, DIG_IN_P, and
POSFB_P are True.

180 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide an analog position feedback, which is used by the
HMI objects and faceplates to display the valve open percentage. When the DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS
enumeration is selected, the output POSFB_P is True.

Inputs and Outputs

At a minimum, the M_O_V_V4 block requires open and/or close position feedback, and valve order output. However, other
inputs may be used for automatic control, valve forcing, manual rejection, and such.
Depending on the block configuration, the output could be a single percent demand (POS_ORD), open and/or close (CL_
ORD, OP_ORD), or intermediate position (INT_ORD). The intermediate setpoint (INT_SETP) may be set with an immediate
value or variable that may be the result of an equation or condition. The M_O_V_V4 intermediate position can be achieved
using either output method, as well as the position input (POS) to determine if the intermediate position has been reached.
The following figures are logic representations of the Open command logic. The Close and Int command logic is similar, but
replaces the Open text with Close or Int text.

Open Command Logic

Open Command Digital Control Output

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 181

Public Information
Modes of Operation (MODE_OPT)
MODE_OPT are the modes in which the M_O_V_V4 block may be configured to operate in Manual or Auto mode, and
disallow any operation while in Lock mode. Manual mode allows commands from the operator interface, while Auto mode
allows the control logic to command the valve. In either mode there are inputs that may bypass or override the active mode of
operation. Lock mode is intended to be used when maintenance work is being performed on the valve and the operator wants
to prohibit any logic from operating the valve. The allowable modes of operation are specified by the Mode Options
parameter, MODE_OPT. The following table provides a visual presentation of the modes available based on the MODE_OPT
Available Modes for MODE_OPT Selections


Manual mode — enables the block to respond to operator Open and Close commands from an HMI faceplate. Given that the
permits are satisfied, the block operates in accordance with the Manual command. The permit for the Open command is set by
the Open permit input, OP_PMT, and the permit for the Close command is set by the Close permit input, CL_PMT. Similarly,
the same is true for INT_PMT. These inputs may be set to fixed values or driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER block. The
possible conditions that place the block into Manual mode are:

Note Manual mode is always available unless MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK.

• Manual mode selected from the HMI faceplate

• Device is locked from the HMI faceplate
• Manual Rejection from the logic (MN_REJ)
• Override Close, Int, or Open from the logic (OVR_CL, OVR_INT, OVR_OP)
• Open or close circuit failure (RDY_CL, RDY_OP)
• Valve at torque limit reached (TL_OP, TL_CL)
• M_O_V_V4 not Available (AVAIL)
• M_O_V_V4 not in Remote (REMOTE)
• Congruency alarm

Note Some of these conditions require block parameters to be specifically configured. For example, the block does not
depend on the AVAIL pin unless IO_OPT is set to AVAIL.

182 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Manual Mode Conditions
Auto mode — enables the block to respond to open and close commands from logic. Given that the permits are satisfied, the
block operates per command from the logic. The permit for the Open command is set by the Open permit input, OP_PMT,
and the permit for the Close command is set by the close permit input, and the permit for Intermediate Position is set by INT_
PMT input. The OP_PMT, CL_PMT, and INT_PMT inputs may be set to fixed values or driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER
block. The logic commands are input to the block through the Automatic Open (AU_OP), Automatic Close (AU_CL), and
Automatic intermediate position inputs. The block may be placed in Auto mode either from a command from the HMI or a
pulse to the automatic select input, AU_SEL. Given that the permits are satisfied, the block will be placed into Auto mode.
The permit for the Auto mode is set by the Auto Permit input, AU_PMT. The AU_PMT input may be set to a fixed value or
also driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER block.
MANUAL-AUTO mode — selection provides manual and automatic functionality.
AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK— selection provides automatic functionality only.
While residing in Auto mode, the block will control the valve based on external logic. Automated control from external logic
interfaces to the AU_OP, AU_INT and AU_CL pins. Similar to Manual mode, Auto action only operates with the proper
Open, Int, and Close permits. If AUTO ONLY mode is selected, the block will permanently reside in Auto mode. If
MANUAL-AUTO is selected, only two conditions will transfer the block from Manual mode into Auto mode. Unlike the
transferring to Manual mode, certain permits must be satisfied to allow the valve to enter into Auto mode. This means that the
M_O_V_V4 is always able to enter Manual mode, but not always able to enter Auto mode. These conditions depend on the
mode options selected for the block.
All three of the following conditions must be met for the block to enter Auto mode:

• No demand to transition to Manual mode

• AUTO push-button from operator graphic or Auto select from logic (AU_SEL)
Auto Only mode — is selected using the MODE_OPT pin. All of the Auto Open or Auto Close commands work as
previously described, however, all of the Trip, Override, and Reject to Manual features are disabled, including the ability of
the operator to select the Manual mode from the HMI faceplate. Once Auto Only Mode is selected, the corresponding options
(Auto, Manual, Start, and Stop) displayed on the faceplate are removed.
Lock mode — may only be selected when the solenoid is in the de-energized state. In this mode, the block forces the output
so that the solenoid remains de-energized. Upon being placed in locked mode, if currently in Auto mode, it will transfer to
Manual mode. At this time no open commands, forces, or overrides will be accepted. Upon removing the lock, Manual mode
will then be active. Similarly, AUTO ONLY and AUTO-LOCK (no open commands) will be accepted. However, upon
removal of Lock mode, the block will return to Auto mode.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 183

Public Information
Note At any time, the block may go into Lock mode as long as it is residing in its fail-safe position. Only the operator may
place the block into Lock mode.

Modes of I/O (IO_OPT)

IO_OPT are the modes in which the M_O_V_V4 block may be configured to allow input I/O states for the device. All I/O are
digital or analog inputs received from the valve device. Each I/O input indicates the current status. Device status includes
control power available, device not available, and device in remote. Depending on the I/O properties enabled, the block will
act differently. The I/O configurations are specified by the I/O Options parameter, IO_OPT. The following table provides a
visual presentation of the modes available based on the IO_OPT selection. Any enumeration of the I/O pins is available.
However, not all are displayed because there are too many to display in the table.

I/O Pins Available for IO_OPT Selections

Ctrl Pwr OK Remote Avail Transit INT TQ LIM

Control Power OK — allows the device I/O input from CP_OK. If this input goes False, a Control Power Fail alarm is
generated that trips the device and places it in Manual.
Remote — allows the device I/O input from REMOTE. If this input goes False, a device in Local alarm is generated that
places it in Manual mode.
Available — allows the device I/O input from AVAIL. If this input goes False, a Device not available alarm is generated that
places it in Manual mode.
Transit — allows the device I/O input from TRANSIT. If this input goes True, a valve is in Transit and moving or changing
Int — allows the device I/O input from INT. If this input goes True, the valve has reached its intermediate limit position.
Torque Limit — allows the device I/O input from TQ_LIM. If this input goes True, the valve has exceeded the maximum
allowed torque value while trying to open or close. An alarm is generated and the valve is placed in Manual mode.
Additional outputs from this block indicate status, failures, alarms, forces, and overrides. Much of this information is
displayed on the HMI faceplate.

184 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Diagnostic Alarms
When an alarm is active, the M_O_V_V4 block could have limited action of movement. For example, a Fail to Open will
inhibit the valve from opening again. In this case, an Alarm Reset must be issued so the valve may continue normal operation.
Some alarms are held True until the alarm is cleared, while others require an Alarm Reset to remove the indication. The alarm
may be reset at any time from the logic or an operator push-button. However, the reset must occur after the alarm has been
cleared. Otherwise, the alarm will stay active. For Unit Controls, this Alarm Reset pin may be connected to the Master Reset
parameter. The alarms that may occur are as follows:
Fail to Open (FL_OP_A)+ — when commanded Open, the valve fails to reach the open limit within the allotted time
(FL_OP_T) and if in transit then also within the allotted time (FL_TRANS_T). The block cannot reissue an Open command
while the alarm is active. Reset the alarm. In Auto Only mode, the initial AUTO ONLY-LOCK indication of Fail to Open will
remove the Open command. The Open command can then be reissued at any time and will not affect valve operation.

Fail to Open (FL_OP_A)

Fail to Close (FL_CL_A)+ — when commanded Open, the valve fails to reach the closed limit within the allotted time
(FL_CL_T) and if in transit then also within the allotted time (FL_TRANS_T). The block cannot reissue a close command
while the alarm is active. Reset the alarm. In Auto Only mode, the initial AUTO ONLY-LOCK indication of Fail to Close
will remove the Close command. The Close command can then be reissued at any time and will not affect valve operation.
Fail to INT (FL_INT_A)+ — when commanded to INPT position, the valve fails to reach the Intermediate location within
the allotted time (FL_I_T). The block cannot reissue an INT command while the alarm is active. Reset the alarm.
Congruency Alarm (CONGR_A)+ — the valve has both open and closed limits at the same time, or for the allotted time the
block is neither open nor closed. The block could be rejected to manual depending on its configuration. The alarm is cleared
when the valve reaches either of its limits.
Open Circuit Failure (OP_FLR) — power is lost to the circuit that opens the M_O_V_V4 (RDY_OP becomes False) for at
least 2 seconds. This pin is a reserved parameter that monitors the health of the I/O. The block rejects to manual+. An
operator cannot reissue an Open command while the alarm is active. The alarm is cleared when RDY_OP becomes True.
Close Circuit Failure (CL_FLR) — power is lost to the circuit that closes the M_O_V_V4 (RDY_CL becomes False) for at
least 2 seconds. This pin is a reserved parameter that monitors the health of the I/O. The block rejects to manual**. An
operator cannot reissue a Close command while the alarm is active. The alarm is cleared when RDY_CL becomes True.
Control Power Failure (CP_F_A)+ — power is lost to the motor (CP_OK becomes False). After 0.5 seconds, the block will
reject to manual. An operator cannot reissue an OP/CL/INT command while the alarm is active. The alarm is cleared when
CP_OK becomes True. In Auto Only/AUTO ONLY-LOCK mode, Control Power Failure will not affect Force Close/Open

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 185

Public Information
Not Available (AVAIL_A) — M_O_V_V4 has become unavailable due to a device not available condition (AVAIL becomes
False). The block will reject to manual. An operator cannot reissue an OP/CL/INT command while the alarm is active. The
alarm is cleared when AVAIL becomes True.
Manual Rejected (MN_REJ_A) — M_O_V_V4 is rejected to manual due to a conditional alarm or input pin (MN_REJ
becomes True). The block will only respond to manual commands. The alarm is cleared after the conditions return to normal
and the MN_REJ becomes False and a reset command is given.
Auto Request (AU_REQ)+ — M_O_V_V4 is in Manual mode but the Auto logic requests that the valve state be different
than its current state. This has no effect on valve operation and is an alarm message only. The alarm is cleared if the valve is
placed into Auto mode, manually ordered to the requested state, or the Auto action is removed.
Not in Remote (REMOTE_A) — the valve is in Local mode and can be moved by an operator local at the valve. However, a
control system cannot operate a valve while in Local (REMOTE becomes False). No OP/CL/INT commands may be issued.
The alarm is cleared when REMOTE becomes True.
Torque Limit (TL_A) — valve Torque limit reached while trying to open or close the valve (TL_OP or TL_CL becomes
True). The block will reject to manual. An operator cannot reissue an OP/CL/INT command while the alarm is active. The
alarm is cleared when TL_OP and TL_CL becomes False.

Note + If the MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK, this alarm will not affect automatic valve operation.
However the alarm will still become active under the given conditions.

Force and Override Control

During any condition, M_O_V_V4 may be forced to a position that bypasses normal operation. The force is driven from the
CL_FRC, INT_FRC or OP_FRC pins in the logic. The valve will move to the force position and remain there until the force
is removed. For example, if the valve is forced open, there must be no Override Close, Circuit Failure, or Failed to Open.
While a force condition is active, the valve may freely transfer from Auto to Manual following the normal permits. However,
no manual command will supersede the force. Once the force is removed, the valve will continue normal operation.

Note Refer to the figure Open Command Logic to view the logic for a force.

An override will supersede a force and place the valve into the overridden state. For example, if the valve is overridden
closed, the valve will issue a close order irrelevant of any forces, provided there are no Circuit Failure and Failed to Close
alarms. The M_O_V_V4 block will take precedence from the override command, then the force command, and then the
manual or auto command. Upon entering an overridden state, the valve is placed into Manual mode. Once the override is
removed, the valve will remain in Manual mode until changed by the operator.
Although forces and overrides bypass normal permits, if the valve is locked, forces and overrides will have no effect on the
block. The block must be removed from Lock mode before the forces and overrides affect block operation. Additionally, if the
MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK, the override pins will be disabled and will have no effect on the block.

186 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Due to the nature of auto and forcing action, permits are required for valve operation. Built into the blocks are special device
permits that may be enabled or disabled with certain pins in the block, as follows:

Note For basic operations, most of the device permits will be disabled.

• Open
− OP_PMT is True (OP_PMT is technically a UINT)
− M_O_V_V4 not Failed to Open**+
− M_O_V_V4 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)
− M_O_V_V4 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Open M_O_V_V4 or not Open Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V4 not in Lock mode
− Breaker to M_O_V_V4 is not Not Available (if AVAIL property enabled)
− M_O_V_V4 not Forced Close or Forced INT
− M_O_V_V4 not Override Close or Override INT+
− M_O_V_V4 not at Torque Limit (if TQ_LIM property enabled)
• Close
− CL_PMT is True (CL_PMT is technically a UINT)
− M_O_V_V4 not Failed to Close**+
− M_O_V_V4 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)
− M_O_V_V4 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Close M_O_V_V4 or not Close Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V4 not in Lock mode
− Breaker to M_O_V_V4 not Not Available (if AVAIL property enabled)
− M_O_V_V4 not Forced Open or Forced INT
− M_O_V_V4 not Override Open or Override INT+
− M_O_V_V4 not at Torque Limit (if TQ_LIM property enabled)
− INT_PMT is True (INT_PMT is technically a UINT)
− M_O_V_V4 not Failed to INT**+
− M_O_V_V4 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)
− M_O_V_V4 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Close M_O_V_V4 or not Close Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− I/O ready to Open M_O_V_V4 or not Open Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V4 not in Lock mode
− Breaker to M_O_V_V4 not Not Available (if AVAIL property enabled)
− M_O_V_V4 not Forced Open or Forced Close
− M_O_V_V4 not Override Open or Override Close+
− M_O_V_V4 not at Torque Limit (if TQ_LIM property enabled)
• Open Force
− M_O_V_V4 not Failed to Open**+
− M_O_V_V4 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Open M_O_V_V4 or not Open Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V4 not in Lock mode
− M_O_V_V4 not Forced Close or Forced INT

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 187

Public Information
− M_O_V_V4 not Override Close or Override INT+
− M_O_V_V4 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)+
• Close Force
− M_O_V_V4 not Failed to Close**+
− M_O_V_V4 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Close M_O_V_V4 or not Close Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V4 not in Lock mode
− M_O_V_V4 not Forced Open or Forced INT
− M_O_V_V4 not Override Open or Override INT+
− M_O_V_V4 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)+
• INT Force
− M_O_V_V4 not Failed to INT**+
− M_O_V_V4 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Close M_O_V_V4 or not Close Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− I/O ready to Open M_O_V_V4 or not Open Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V4 not in Lock mode
− M_O_V_V4 not Forced Open or Forced Close
− M_O_V_V4 not Override Open or Override Close+
− M_O_V_V4 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)+
• Open Override+
− M_O_V_V4 not Failed to Open**
− M_O_V_V4 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Open M_O_V_V4 or not Open Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V4 not in Lock mode
− M_O_V_V4 not Override Close or Override INT
− M_O_V_V4 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)
• Close Override+
− M_O_V_V4 not Failed to Close**
− M_O_V_V4 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Close M_O_V_V4 or not Close Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V4 not in Lock mode
− M_O_V_V4 not Override Open or Override INT+
− M_O_V_V4 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)
• INT Override
− M_O_V_V4 not Failed to INT**
− M_O_V_V4 not in Local (if REMOTE property enabled)
− I/O ready to Close M_O_V_V4 or not Close Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− I/O ready to Open M_O_V_V4 or not Open Circuit Failure (if FUSE Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property
− M_O_V_V4 not in Lock mode
− M_O_V_V4 not Override Open or Override Close+
− M_O_V_V4 not Control Power Fail (if CP_OK property enabled)

188 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Note **Indicates a condition that is internally generated to the block. Otherwise, the condition comes from a direct input.

+ Indicates a condition bypassed when MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK mode.

Name Global Description Function
AU_SEL Auto select Pulses the valve into Auto (provided all permits are met)
Opens the valve (provided all permits are met); device must be
AU_ OP Auto open
in Auto mode
Auto closes the valve (provided all permits are met); device
AU_CL Auto close
must be in Auto mode
Auto moves the valve to the intermediate position (provided all
AU_INT Auto intermediate
permits are met); device must be in Auto mode
Permit required for external logic to place the valve in Auto
AU_PMT ✓ Auto permit
Permit required for external logic to prevent the valve from
OP_PMT ✓ Open permit
Permit required for external logic to prevent the valve from
CL_PMT ✓ Close permit
Permit required for external logic to prevent the valve to go to
INT_PMT ✓ Intermediate permit
the intermediate position
RDY_CL Ready to close I/O monitoring of the circuit to the close command to the valve
RDY_OP Ready to open I/O monitoring of the circuit to the open command to the valve
OP_OVR ✓ Open override Permit required for external logic to override open the valve
CL_OVR ✓ Close override Permit required for external logic to override close the valve
Permit required for external logic to override intermediate
INT_OVR ✓ Intermediate override
command to the valve

MN_REJ ✓ Manual rejection Permit required for external logic to manually reject the valve

CL_INP Closed input Connects to the closed feedback of the valve

OP_INP Open input Connects to the open feedback of the valve
CL_FRC ✓ Close force Permit required for external logic to force close the valve
OP_FRC ✓ Open force Permit required for external logic to force open the valve
Permit required for external logic to force intermediate
INP_FRC ✓ Intermediate force
command to the valve
ALARM_RESET Alarm reset Permit required for external logic to reset alarms on the valve
CP_OK Control power OK Tied to the I/O that monitors the control power for the valve
AVAIL Block available Tied to the I/O that has the M_O_V_V4 availability feedback
REMOTE Block remote Tied to the I/O that has the M_O_V_V4 local/remote status
Tied to the I/O that indicates if the M_O_V_V4 has reached its
TL_CL Close torque limit
torque limit upon closing
Tied to the I/O that indicates if the block has reached its torque
TL_OP Open torque limit
limit upon opening
TRANSIT Valve in transit Tied to the I/O that indicates the block is in motion
POS ✓ Position Tied to the valve position feedback
Tied to the Boolean I/O that indicates the block has reached
INT_ZS† Intermediate position input
the INT position

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 189

Public Information
Inputs (continued)
Name Global Description Function
Intermediate position setpoint that the valve is to travel
INT_SETP† Intermediate position setpoint
towards, given the INT command
†The block will use either INT_ZS or POS for indication if the valve has reached intermediate position. At least one must be
available when using the intermediate position.
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Name Global Description Function
CTL ✓ Control Used by the operator graphic to control the valve
Time allotted for the valve to open.
FL_OP_T Fail to Open Time (If the motor takes 30 seconds to open, ~35000 msec is
sufficient time to allow the valve to reach its open state.)
Time allotted for the valve to close. (If the motor takes 30
FL_CL_T Fail to Close Time seconds to close, ~35000 msec is sufficient time to allow the
valve to reach its close state.)
Time allotted for the valve to close to the Intermediate Position.
Fail to Close to Intermediate
FL_I_CT (If the valve takes 20 seconds to close, ~25000 msec is
sufficient time to allow the valve to reach its intermediate state.)
Time allotted for the valve to open to the Intermediate Position.
Fail to Open to Intermediate
FL_I_OT (If the valve takes 20 seconds to open, ~25000 msec is
sufficient time to allow the valve to reach its intermediate state.)
Time allotted for the valve to transit to Open/Close. (If the
FL_TRANS_T Fail to Transit Time motor takes 30 seconds to close, ~35000 msec is sufficient
time to allow the valve to reach the requested state.)
Manual Reject Power Failure Time allotted for the M_O_V_V4 to lose power before it rejects
Time the valve to manual
Allow the I/O monitoring feature to be enabled. This pin can be
IO_MON I/O Monitor Options
set to either Volt or Fuse monitoring.
IO_OPT Valve I/O Options Designates what type of I/O options are available for the valve
MODE_OPT Valve Mode Options Designates which modes the valve can enter
Designates how the valve is controlled. Either Analog output or
CTRL_TYPE Control Type digital output may be used. Position feedback is required for
analog output.
Intermediate Position Range in which the valve position may reside to be considered
Sensitivity at INT position (which is ± 2%)
✓ indicates the parameter is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

190 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Global Description

OP_ORD ✓ Open order

CL_ORD ✓ Close order
INT_CMD ✓ Intermediate order
POS_ORD ✓ Position order
AUTO_P ✓ Property for Auto mode available
LOCK_P ✓ Property for Lock mode available
ANA_OUT_P ✓ Property for analog output
VOLT_MON_P ✓ Property for volt monitoring I/O
FUSE_MON_P ✓ Property for fuse monitoring I/O
POSFB_P ✓ Property for position feedback I/O
REM_P ✓ Property for local or remote I/O
AVAIL_P ✓ Property for valve availability I/O
CP_OK_P ✓ Property for control power I/O
TQ_LIM_P ✓ Property for torque limit I/O
TRANS_P ✓ Property for transit I/O
AUTO ✓ Auto mode active
CLOSED ✓ Block closed
OPEN ✓ Block opened
INT ✓ Valve has reached intermediate position
LOCK ✓ Lock mode active
PMT_AU ✓ Auto permit
PMT_CL ✓ Close permit
PMT_OP ✓ Open Permit
ALARM Alarm active
MODE Current valve status
TRN_IND ✓ Valve in transit
OVR_CL ✓ Close override
OVR_OP ✓ Open override
OVR_INT ✓ Intermediate override
FRC_CL ✓ Close force
FRC_OP ✓ Open force
FRC_INT ✓ Intermediate force
CL_FLR ✓ Close circuit failure
OP_FLR ✓ Open circuit failure
AU_REQ ✓ Auto request (Auto logic wishes to open or close M_O_V_V4)
CONGR_A ✓ Congruency alarm
AVAIL_A ✓ Valve not available alarm
FL_CL_A ✓ Failed to close alarm
FL_OP_A ✓ Failed to open alarm
FL_INT_A ✓ Failed to Int alarm
TL_A ✓ Torque limit alarm
MN_REJ_A ✓ Manual rejection alarm
CP_F_A ✓ Control power failure alarm
REMOTE_A Valve not in remote alarm
✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 191

Public Information
Global Variables
Global Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
STEAM1001 Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.ANA_OUT_P Steam release valve Not False ReadOnly
analog out property Alarmed
STEAM1001.AU_REQ Steam release valve auto Not False $Default ReadOnly
request Alarmed
STEAM1001.AUTO Steam release valve auto Not True $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.AUTO_P Steam release valve auto Not False $Default ReadOnly
property Alarmed
STEAM1001.AVAIL_A Steam release valve not Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.AVAIL_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
available property Alarmed
STEAM1001.CL_FLR Steam release valve close Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
circuit fail
STEAM1001.CL_ORD Steam release valve close Not False $Default ReadOnly
order/cmd Alarmed
STEAM1001.CLOSED Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
closed Alarmed
STEAM1001.CONGR_A Steam release valve Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.CP_F_A Steam release valve Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
control power fail
STEAM1001.CP_OK_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
control power property Alarmed
STEAM1001.CTL Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadWrite
control word Alarmed
STEAM1001.FAULT Steam release valve fault Not False $Default ReadOnly
indication Alarmed
STEAM1001.FL_CL_A Steam release valve fail Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
to close
STEAM1001.FL_INT_A Steam release valve fail Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
to int
STEAM1001.FL_OP_A Steam release valve fail Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
to open
STEAM1001.FRC_CL Steam release valve force Not True $Default ReadOnly
close Alarmed
STEAM1001.FRC_CLB Steam release valve close Not False $Default ReadOnly
force block sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.FRC_INT Steam release valve force Not True $Default ReadOnly
int Alarmed
STEAM1001.FRC_INTB Steam release valve int Not False $Default ReadOnly
force block sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.FRC_OP Steam release valve force Not True $Default ReadOnly
open Alarmed
STEAM1001.FRC_OPB Steam release valve open Not False $Default ReadOnly
force block sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.FUSE_MON_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
output fuse mon property Alarmed

192 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Global Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
STEAM1001.INT Steam release valve int Not False $Default ReadOnly
position Alarmed
STEAM1001.INT_CMD Steam release valve int Not False $Default ReadOnly
cmd Alarmed
STEAM1001.INT_P Steam release valve int Not False $Default ReadOnly
property Alarmed
STEAM1001.LOCAL Steam release valve local Not True $Default ReadOnly
mode Alarmed
STEAM1001.LOCK Steam release valve Not True $Default ReadOnly
locked Alarmed
STEAM1001.LOCK_P Steam release valve lock Not False $Default ReadOnly
property Alarmed
STEAM1001.MN_REJ_A Steam release valve Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
manual reject
STEAM1001.OP_FLR Steam release valve open Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
circuit fail
STEAM1001.OP_ORD Steam release valve open Not False $Default ReadOnly
order/cmd Alarmed
STEAM1001.OPEN Steam release valve open Not False $Default ReadOnly
STEAM1001.OVR_CL Steam release valve close Not True $Default ReadOnly
override Alarmed
STEAM1001.OVR_CLB Steam release valve close Not False $Default ReadOnly
override block sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.OVR_INT Steam release valve int Not True $Default ReadOnly
override Alarmed
STEAM1001.OVR_INTB Steam release valve int Not False $Default ReadOnly
override block sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.OVR_OP Steam release valve open Not True $Default ReadOnly
override Alarmed
STEAM1001.OVR_OPB Steam release valve open Not False $Default ReadOnly
override block sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.PBSTATE Steam release valve last Not False $Default ReadOnly
pb state Alarmed
STEAM1001.PBSTATE2 Steam release valve last Not False $Default ReadOnly
pb state Alarmed
STEAM1001.PMT_AU Steam release valve auto Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit Alarmed
STEAM1001.PMT_AUB Steam release valve auto Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit bypass sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.PMT_CL Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit to close Alarmed
STEAM1001.PMT_CLB Steam release valve close Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit bypass sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.PMT_INT Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit to int Alarmed
STEAM1001.PMT_INTB Steam release valve int Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit bypass sts Alarmed

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 193

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Global Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
STEAM1001.PMT_OP Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit to open Alarmed
STEAM1001.PMT_OPB Steam release valve open Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit bypass sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.POS Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
position fdbk Alarmed
STEAM1001.POS_ORD Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
position order/cmd Alarmed
STEAM1001.POSFB_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
position fdbk property Alarmed
STEAM1001.REJ_MN Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
manual reject Alarmed
STEAM1001.REJ_MNB Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
manual reject bypass sts Alarmed
STEAM1001.REM_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
remote property Alarmed
STEAM1001.TL_A Steam release valve Not True $Default ReadOnly
torque limit Alarmed
STEAM1001.TQ_LIM_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
torque limit property Alarmed
STEAM1001.TRANS_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
transit property Alarmed
STEAM1001.TRN_IND Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
transit ind Alarmed
STEAM1001.VOLT_MON_P Steam release valve Not False $Default ReadOnly
output volt mon property Alarmed

194 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
The Object name for the HMI is the same as the Device name specified in the ToolboxST configuration.

Click the Object to

display the faceplate.

M_O_V_V4 Faceplate

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 195

Public Information
27 Motor Operated Valve with Jog (M_O_V_JOG)
Block Category: Legacy, Device Control

Note Legacy Status — The M_O_V_JOG block is not supported for use in new Mark VIe control systems (ControlST
V05.02 or later). It is in place to support the maintenance of legacy Mark VIe control systems (prior to ControlST V05.02).
For new Mark VIe control systems, use the M_O_V_JOG_V2 block; it provides equivalent functionality.

The Motor Operated Valve with Jog (M_O_V_JOG) block controls a motor-operated valve powered from a low-voltage
reversing starter when the valve must be capable of being manually positioned anywhere in mid-travel.
Depending on the control type enumeration property selected; the block provides open and close output commands, OP_ORD
and CL_ORD, or an analog output command, POS_ORD, that are used to operate the valve. The OPEN and CLOSED inputs
are required. The control type enumeration property selected determines if the POS input is required for proper block
The block will generate a failed-to-open alarm, FL_OP_A, failed-to-close alarm, FL_CL_A, failed-to-stop alarm, FL_STP_A,
and a limit switch congruency alarm, CONGR_A, that alarms when the valve limit switches indicate that the valve is open
and closed at the same time.
Although not required, a starter auxiliary contact input, TRANSIT, is used to indicate when the valve is in transit, enhances
the block’s functionality. The valve in transit input, TRANSIT, is required if the IO option attribute, IO_OPT, enumeration
TRANS is selected.

Block Configuration
This block has various enumerations that are configured for control block operation.

Control Word (CTL)

CTL is an enumeration set by the HMI operator for valve control. The commands available from the HMI allow manual and
automatic valve control capability and/or lockout capability if the block property MODE_OPT enumeration selected allows
the auto and/or lock mode. The valve may be opened, closed, or stopped in manual mode by the OPEN_CMD, CLOSE_
CMD, or STOP_CMD enumerations, respectively. The command enumerations are defined in the following table.

CTL Enumerations
Enumeration Command
NO_CMD No command
AUTO_CMD Auto command
MANUAL_CMD Manual command
LOCK_CMD Lock command
UNLOCK_CMD Unlock command
STOP_CMD Stop command
OPEN_CMD Open command
CLOSE_CMD Close command
RESET_CMD Fault reset command

196 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
If the valve requires analog input for auto and manual control with analog output with position feedback, control power
monitoring input, fuse monitoring and has the capability for auto and lockout, operation. The CTRL_TYPE selection is

Functionality of Block Attribute Enumerations

Control Type (CTRL_TYPE)

CTRL_TYPE Enumerations
Enumeration Control Option Description
MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN Manual digital control and auto digital control and
digital outputs and digital inputs

MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Manual digital control and auto digital control and

digital outputs and digital inputs and position feedback

MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Manual analog control and auto digital control and

digital outputs and digital inputs and position feedback

MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Manual digital control and auto analog control and

digital outputs and digital inputs and position feedback

MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Manual digital control and auto digital control and

analog output and digital inputs and position feedback

MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Manual analog control and auto digital control and

analog output and digital inputs and position feedback

MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Manual digital control and auto analog control and

analog output and digital inputs and position feedback

MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-DIG_OUT-POS Manual analog control and auto analog control and

digital outputs and position feedback

MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-ANA_OUT-POS Manual analog control and auto analog control and

analog output and position feedback

MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN — select for valves that provide digital inputs and digital
outputs for both auto and manual control. The OPEN and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required.
When the MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN enumeration is selected, the outputs MAN_DIG_
ANA_CTRL_P, ANA_OUT_P, and POSFB_P are False and the following inputs and outputs become available:

• OP_OVR: the open override

• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• AU_OP: the auto open†
• AU_CL: the auto close†
• AU_STP: the auto stop†
• OP_ORD: the open order/command
• CL_ORD: the close order/command

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 197

Public Information
MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide position feedback,
digital inputs and digital outputs for both auto and manual control. The analog input position feedback for the valve, POS, and
the OPEN and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_
CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS enumeration is selected, the outputs MAN_DIG_CTRL_P, AUTO_DIG_CTRL_P, DIG_IN_
OUT_P, are False and the following inputs and outputs become available:

• OP_OVR: the open override

• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• AU_OP: the auto open†
• AU_CL: the auto close†
• AU_STP: the auto stop†
• OP_ORD: the open order/command
• CL_ORD: the close order/command
MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide position feedback for
manual control, digital inputs for auto control and digital outputs for both auto and manual control. The analog input position
feedback for the valve, POS, is required for manual control and is used to display the valve open percentage on the HMI. The
OPEN and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_
CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS enumeration is selected, the outputs MAN_ANA_CTRL_P, ANA_CTRL_P (when the valve
is not in AUTO mode†), DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is in AUTO mode†), AUTO_DIG_CTRL_P, DIG_IN_P, DIG_OUT_
P, and POSFB_P are True, the MAN_DIG_CTRL_P, AUTO_ANA_CTRL_P, ANA_CTRL_P (when the valve is in AUTO
mode†), DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is not in AUTO mode†), and ANA_OUT_P, are False and the following inputs and
outputs become available:

• MN_SETP: the manual position setpoint; tracks POS when the value is in OVERRIDE, FORCE, or AUTO mode, if used
• CMD_OVR: the override command
• OV: the override position setpoint
• OP_OVR: the open override
• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• CMD_FRC: the force command
• FV: the force position setpoint
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• POS_CR: the position close rate in percent per second
• POS_OR: the position open rate in percent per second
• POS_DB: the position deadband in percent
• POS_NT: the minimum on time in seconds
• POS_FT: the minimum off time in seconds
• POS_HY: the position control hysteresis in percent
• AU_OP: the auto open†
• AU_CL: the auto close†
• AU_STP: the auto stop†
• OP_ORD: the open order/command
• CL_ORD: the close order/command

198 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide position feedback for
auto control, digital inputs for manual control and digital outputs for both auto and manual control. The analog input position
feedback for the valve, POS, is required for auto control and is used to display the valve open percentage on the HMI. The
OPEN and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_AUTO_
CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS enumeration is selected, the outputs AUTO_ANA_CTRL_P, ANA_CTRL_P (when the
valve is in AUTO mode†), DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is not in AUTO mode†), MAN_DIG_CTRL_P, DIG_IN_P, DIG_
OUT_P, and POSFB_P are True, the MAN_ANA_CTRL_P, AUTO_DIG_CTRL_P, ANA_CTRL_P (when the valve is not in
AUTO mode†), DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is in AUTO mode†), and ANA_OUT_P, are False and the following inputs
and outputs become available:

• AU_SETP: the auto position setpoint†

• CMD_OVR: the override command
• OV: the override position setpoint
• OP_OVR: the open override
• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• CMD_FRC: the force command in auto mode†
• FV: the force position setpoint in auto mode†
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• POS_CR: the position close rate in percent per second
• POS_OR: the position open rate in percent per second
• POS_DB: the position deadband in percent
• POS_NT: the minimum on time in seconds
• POS_FT: the minimum off time in seconds
• POS_HY: the position control hysteresis in percent
• OP_ORD: the open order/command
• CL_ORD: the close order/command

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 199

Public Information
MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-DIG_OUT-POS — select for valves that provide position feedback for auto and
manual control, and digital outputs for both auto and manual control. The analog input position feedback for the valve, POS,
is required for both auto and manual control and is used to display the valve open percentage on the HMI. The OPEN and
CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-DIG_
OUT-POS enumeration is selected, the outputs MAN_ANA_CTRL_P, AUTO_ANA_CTRL_P, ANA_CTRL_P, DIG_OUT_
are False and the following inputs and outputs become available:

• AU_SETP: the auto position setpoint†

• MN_SETP: the manual position setpoint; tracks POS when the value is in OVERRIDE, FORCE, or AUTO mode, if used
• CMD_OVR: the override command
• OV: the override position setpoint
• OP_OVR: the open override
• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• CMD_FRC: the force command
• FV: the force position setpoint
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• POS_CR: the position close rate in percent per second
• POS_OR: the position open rate in percent per second
• POS_DB: the position deadband in percent
• POS_NT: the minimum on time in seconds
• POS_FT: the minimum off time in seconds
• POS_HY: the position control hysteresis in percent
• OP_ORD: the open order/command
• CL_ORD: the close order/command

200 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide position feedback,
digital inputs for auto and manual control and an analog output for both auto and manual control. The analog input position
feedback for the valve, POS, is used to display the valve open percentage on the HMI. The OPEN and CLOSED inputs from
the limit switches of the valve are required. When the MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS
enumeration is selected, the outputs MAN_DIG_CTRL_P, AUTO_DIG_CTRL_P, ANA_CTRL_P, ANA_OUT_P, DIG_IN_
P, and POSFB_P are True, the MAN_ANA_CTRL_P, AUTO_ANA_CTRL_P, DIG_CTRL_P and DIG_OUT_P, are False
and the following inputs and outputs become available:

• OP_OVR: the open override

• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• AU_OP: the auto open†
• AU_CL: the auto close†
• AU_STP: the auto stop†
• POS_ORD: the position order/command

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 201

Public Information
MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide position feedback,
analog inputs for manual control and digital inputs for auto control and an analog output for both auto and manual control.
The analog input position feedback for the valve, POS, is used to display the valve open percentage on the HMI. The OPEN
and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_
CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS enumeration is selected, the outputs MAN_ANA_CTRL_P, AUTO_DIG_CTRL_P, ANA_
CTRL_P (when the valve is not in AUTO mode), ANA_OUT_P, DIG_IN_P, DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is in AUTO
mode†), and POSFB_P are True, the AN_DIG_CTRL_P, AUTO_ANA_CTRL_P, ANA_CTRL_P (when the valve is in
AUTO mode†), DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is not in AUTO mode†) and DIG_OUT_P, are False and the following inputs
and outputs become available:

• MN_SETP: the manual position setpoint; tracks POS when the value is in OVERRIDE, FORCE, or AUTO mode, if used
• OP_OVR: the open override
• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• CMD_OVR: the override command
• OV: the override position setpoint
• CMD_FRC: the force command in manual mode
• FV: the force position setpoint in manual mode
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• POS_CR: the position close rate in percent per second
• POS_OR: the position open rate in percent per second
• POS_DB: the position deadband in percent
• POS_NT: the minimum on time in seconds
• POS_FT: the minimum off time in seconds
• POS_HY: the position control hysteresis in percent
• OP_ORD: the open order/command
• CL_ORD: the close order/command
• AU_OP: the auto open†
• AU_CL: the auto close†
• AU_STP: the auto stop†
• POS_ORD: the position order/command

202 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS, select for valves that provide position feedback,
digital inputs for manual control and analog inputs for auto control and an analog output for both auto and manual control.
The analog input position feedback for the valve, POS, is used to display the valve open percentage on the HMI. The OPEN
and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_
CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS enumeration is selected, the outputs MAN_DIG_CTRL_P, AUTO_DIG_CTRL_P, ANA_
CTRL_P, ANA_OUT_P, DIG_IN_P, DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is in AUTO mode†), and POSFB_P are True, the MAN_
DIG_CTRL_P, AUTO_ANA_CTRL_P, DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is not in AUTO mode†) and DIG_OUT_P, are False
and the following inputs and outputs become available:

• AU_SETP: the auto position setpoint†

• OP_OVR: the open override
• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• CMD_FRC: the force command in auto mode†
• FV: the force position setpoint in auto mode†
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• POS_CR: the position close rate in percent per second
• POS_OR: the position open rate in percent per second
• POS_DB: the position deadband in percent
• POS_NT: the minimum on time in seconds
• POS_FT: the minimum off time in seconds
• POS_HY: the position control hysteresis in percent
• OP_ORD: the open order/command
• CL_ORD: the close order/command
• POS_ORD: the position order/command

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 203

Public Information
MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-ANA_OUT, select for valves that provide analog inputs and analog outputs for
both auto and manual control. The OPEN and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the
MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-ANA_OUT enumeration is selected, the outputs MAN_ANA_CTRL_P, AUTO_
OUT_P, DIG_OUT_P, and POSFB_P are False and the following inputs and outputs become available:

• AU_SETP: the auto position setpoint†

• MN_SETP: the manual position setpoint
• CMD_OVR: the override command
• OV: the override position setpoint
• OP_OVR: the open override
• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• CMD_FRC: the force command in manual mode
• FV: the force position setpoint in manual mode
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• POS_CR: the position close rate in percent per second
• POS_OR: the position open rate in percent per second
• POS_DB: the position deadband in percent
• POS_NT: the minimum on time in seconds
• POS_FT: the minimum off time in seconds
• POS_HY: the position control hysteresis in percent
• POS_ORD: the position order/command

Note † The enumeration MODE_OPT must contain AUTO for the valve to have automatic functionality.

204 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
IO Options (IO_OPT)
IO_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table. A complete list of all possible combinations of enumeration elements
is included in the section Appendix.

IO_OPT Enumerations (Short List)

Enumeration Description
None No capabilities are available

CP_OK M_O_V_JOG has a hard-wired control power monitoring input.

REM M_O_V_JOG has a hard-wired remote/local input.

AVAIL M_O_V_JOG has hard-wired available input. This is a Ready to go indicator.

TRANS M_O_V_JOG has a hard-wired valve-in-transit input.

TQ_LIM M_O_V_JOG has hard-wired torque limiting input.

NONE — when IO_OPT is none, then CP_OK, REMOTE, AVAIL, and TRANSIT inputs are not used.
CP_OK — select for valves that provide a control power monitoring IO capability. When the CP_OK enumeration is
selected, the output CP_OK_P is True. The Boolean control power monitoring connection is to the CP_OK input of the block
and is True when no control power failure is detected. When the CP_OK input is False, the control power failure alarm, CP_
F_A, is activated. If the valve is in AUTO mode and the duration of CP_F _A being True has exceeded the PWR_FL_TMR,
the valve will switch to MANUAL mode and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
REM — select for valves that have remote/local capability. When the REM enumeration is selected, the output REM_P is
True. The Boolean remote/local connection is to the REMOTE input of the block and is True when the valve is in remote
mode. When REMOTE is False, the output LOCAL is True and valve control from the HMI is disabled. If the valve is in
AUTO mode and LOCAL becomes True, the valve will switch to MANUAL mode and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A,
will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
AVAIL — select for valves that require an available capability. When the AVAIL enumeration is selected, the output AVAIL_
P is True. The Boolean available connection is to the AVAIL input of the block and is True when the valve is available. When
AVAIL is False, the available alarm, AVAIL_A, is activated. If the valve is in AUTO mode and the duration ofAVAIL_A
being True has exceeded the PWR_FL_TMR, the valve will switch to MANUAL mode and the manual reject alarm, MN_
REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
TQ_LIM — select for valves that require torque limiting capability. When the TQ_LIM enumeration is selected, the output
TQ_LIM_P is True. The Boolean torque limiting open and torque limiting close signals are connected to the TL_OP and TL_
CL inputs of the block. When either TL_OP or TL_CL are True, the torque limiting alarm, TL_A, is activated. If the valve is
in AUTO mode and the duration of TL_A being True has exceeded 2 seconds, the valve will switch to MANUAL mode and
the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
TRANS — select for valves that provide capability to determine when the valve is in transit. When the TRANS enumeration
is selected, the output TRANS_P is True. The Boolean, valve in transit, connection is to the TRANSIT input of the block, and
is True when the valve is in transit. When the TRANSIT input is True, the transit indication output, TRN_IND, is True. If the
TRANS_P is False, TRN_IND is True whenever OP_ORD or CL_ORD is True.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 205

Public Information
MODE_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table.

MODE_OPT Enumerations
Enumeration Mode Option Description
AUTO Auto mode
LOCK Lock mode
AUTO-LOCK Auto mode and lock mode

NONE — the valve can be opened or closed manually by the HMI operator, no other mode options are available.
AUTO — provides auto control capability of the valve. Selecting the AUTO mode property will set AUTO_P to True,
indicating the auto mode property of the block is enabled. When AUTO_P is True, the valve can be commanded to auto by
either CTL enumeration AUTO_CMD or a rising edge on AU_SEL providing PMT_AU is True. The HMI operator may
command the valve from auto to manual mode at any time with the CTL enumeration MANUAL_CMD.

Note PMT_AU is described in the section Auto/Open/Close Permissives.

When AUTO is True and DIG_CTRL_P is True, the AU_OP, AU_CL, and AU_STOP inputs control the automatic opening,
closing, and stopping the movement of the valve, provided, PMT_OP or PMT_CL, for the respective command is True. If
AU_OP or AU_CL, become True, the valve is in manual mode, and the valve position is not in the state of the requested
command or valve is in transit, TRN_IND is True, and AU_STOP becomes True, the auto request alarm, AU_REQ, will be
activated. When AUTO is True and ANA_CTRL_P is True the valve is controlled automatically by the AU_SETP input.
LOCK — provides software lock-out capability for the valve. Selecting the LOCK mode property will set LOCK_P to True,
and enable the LOCK_CMD and UNLOCK_CMD to control the lockout mode functionality. If DIG_CTRL_P is True, the
valve must be OPEN or CLOSED or not in TRANSIT (if TRANS_P is True) before the block can be set to lockout mode. If
ANA_CTRL_P is True, the POS_ORD must less 0.5% before the block can be set to lockout mode. Feedback to the HMI
operator of this mode is provided by LOCK. The HMI operator is prevented from operating valve from the control faceplate
when LOCK is True, and auto mode is disabled.

Note The lockout indication is provided for status indication only. This action will not lockout the equipment, it will only
indicate lockout status. The owner's lockout procedures must be followed to safely lock equipment out.

Note The Lock button can also be configured to use the WorkstationST Lock function. Refer to the
WorkstationST/CIMPLICITY Advanced Viewer Integration Instruction Guide (GEI-100697), the section HMI Tagout.

206 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
IO_MON is used to select the type of diagnostic monitoring. Digital output monitor types are available when DIG_OUT_P is
True. Monitoring is only available for the outputs OP_ORD, and CL_ORD. If the hardware board used with OP_ORD, and
CL_ORD can perform diagnostic monitoring. When diagnostic monitoring is used (FUSE or VOLT), the diagnostic variable
from the digital output board associated with OP_ORD, and CL_ORD is connected to RDY_OP and RDY_CL, respectively.

Note Refer to the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume II: System Guide for General-purpose Applications
(GEH-6721_Vol_II) for hardware board descriptions.

The following table lists the IO_MON enumerations. A complete list of all possible enumeration combinations is provided in
the section Appendix.

IO_MON Enumerations (Short List)

Enumeration Monitor Option Description

FUSE Fuse monitoring

VOLT Voltage monitoring

NONE — no circuit monitoring is available, RDY_OP and RDY_CL are not used.
FUSE — fuse monitoring determines the valve circuit failure. If FUSE is selected FUSE_MON_P is True. The Boolean fuse
monitoring input is True when there is no fuse failure and is connected to the RDY_OP and RDY_CL inputs. If there is a fuse
failure, RDY_OP or RDY_CL becomes False and OP_FLR or CL_FLR becomes True. When OP_FLR or CL_FLR becomes
True, PMT_OP or PMT_CL becomes False, respectively and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR. If
AUTO is True when this occurs, AUTO will become False and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated,
(delayed by 2 seconds). Note, to prevent an unwanted automatic switch to Manual mode, in case of an Automatic bus transfer
or Power supply transfer, the power supply transfer time should not exceed PWR_FL_TMR. If the power supply transfer time
exceeds the PWR_FL_TMR, the valve will transfer from auto to manual mode and MN_REJ_A, will be activated.
VOLT — voltage monitoring determines the valve circuit failure. If VOLT is selected VOLT_MON_P is True. The Boolean
voltage monitoring input is True when there is no voltage failure and is connected to the RDY_OP and RDY_CL inputs.
OP_FLR is True, (delayed by 2 seconds), when the following conditions exist:

• DIG_OUT_P is True
• RDY_OP is False
• OP_ORD is False
• CP_OK is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration CP_OK is selected)
• REMOTE is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration REM is selected)
• OPEN is False
• TRANSIT is False (if the IO_OPT, enumeration TRANS is selected)
• AVAIL is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration AVAIL is selected)
• CL_ORD is False
• VOLT_MON_P is True
When OP_FLR is True, PMT_OP is False and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 207

Public Information
CL_FLR is True, (delayed by 2 seconds), when the following conditions exist:

• DIG_OUT_P is True
• RDY_CL is False
• CL_ORD is False
• CP_OK is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration CP_OK is selected)
• REMOTE is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration REM is selected)
• CLOSED is False
• TRANSIT is False (if the IO_OPT, enumeration TRANS is selected)
• AVAIL is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration AVAIL is selected)
• OP_ORD is False
• VOLT_MON_P is True
When CL_FLR is True, PMT_CL is False and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR.
If AUTO is True when this occurs, AUTO will become False and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated,
(delayed by 2 seconds). Note, to prevent an unwanted automatic switch to Manual mode, in case of an Automatic bus transfer
or Power supply transfer, the power supply transfer time should not exceed PWR_FL_TMR. If the power supply transfer time
exceeds the PWR_FL_TMR, the valve will transfer from auto to manual mode and MN_REJ_A, will be activated.

Override Control
The block provides override input enumerations override open, OP_OVR, override close, CL_OVR, a dominant override
stop, STP_OVR, override setpoint/command, CMD_OVR, and a manual reject input enumeration, MN_REJ. The following
table provides the possible values of the enumerations.

CL_OVR, OP_OVR, STP_OVR, and CMD_OVR, and MN_REJ Enumerations

Name Override Option Description
NO_OVR-NO-BLOCK No override and no override is blocked
OVR-NO_BLOCK Override active and no override is blocked
NO_OVR-BLOCK No override and a override is blocked
OVR-BLOCK Override active and a override is blocked

When DIG_OUT_P is True, OP_OVR, CL_OVR, or STP_OVR will open, close, or stop the movement of the valve,
respectively, and prevent it from reopening/reclosing/moving in any mode. Note that STP_OVR is the dominate override.
When ANA_OUT_P is True and CMD_OVR indicates Override Active, the valve will move to the position assigned to the
OV input. If the valve is in auto mode (AUTO is True), it rejects to manual and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be
activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
OVR_OP, CL_OVR, STP_OVR, and CMD_OVR (if used) are driven from an OVERRIDE block. Each connected input of
the OVERRIDE block has the ability (when enabled) to be blocked by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated
tab of the permit HMI screen display. When OP_OVR, CL_OVR, STP_OVR, or CMD_OVR enumeration contains BLOCK,
the HMI operator has blocked at least one override. M_O_V_JOG does not use the block information, but passes it to the
HMI for display.

208 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Force Control
The block provides force input enumerations Force Open (OP_FRC), Force Close (CL_FRC), Force Stop (STP_FRC), and
Force Setpoint/Command (CMD_FRC). The following table provides the possible values of the enumerations.

CL_FRC, OP_FRC, STP_FRC, and CMD_FRC Enumerations

Name Force Option Description
NO_FORCE-NO-BLOCK No force and no force is blocked

FORCE-NO_BLOCK Force active and no force is blocked

NO_FORCE-BLOCK No force and a force is blocked

FORCE-BLOCK Force active and a force is blocked

When DIG_OUT_P is True, OP_FRC, CL_FRC, or STP_FRC force the valve to open, close, or stop in any mode except
when OP_OVR, CL_OVR, or STP_OVR indicate Override Active. When ANA_OUT_P is True and CMD_FRC indicates
Force Active, the valve will move to the position assigned to the FV input except when CMD_OVR indicate Override Active.
The valve does not reject to manual if a force occurs.
OP_FRC, CL_FRC, STP_FRC, and CMD_FRC (If used) are driven from a FORCE block. Each connected input of the
FORCE block has the ability (when enabled) to be blocked by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated tab of the
permit HMI screen display. When OP_FRC, CL_FRC, STP_FRC, or CMD_FRC enumeration contains BLOCK, the HMI
operator has blocked at least one force. M_O_V_JOG does not use the block information, but passes it to the HMI for display.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 209

Public Information
Auto/Open/Close Permissives
The block provides permissive input enumerations AU_PMT, OP_PMT, CL_PMT. The following table provides the possible
values of the enumerations.
AU_PMT, CL_PMT, OP_PMT, and INT_PMT Enumerations
Enumeration Permit Option Description
NO_PERM-NO-BYPASS No permit and no permit is bypassed

PERM-NO_BYPASS Permit OK and no permit is bypassed

NO_PERM-BYPASS No permit and a permit is bypassed

PERM-BYPASS Permit OK and a permit is bypassed

The permit inputs, AU_PMT, OP_PMT, and CL_PMT, combine with internal permissives to generatePMT_AU, PMT_OP,
and PMT_CL, permitted indications. Note that OP_PMT and CL_PMT are only used for digital control (DIG_CTRL_P =
PMT_AU is True when the following conditions exist:

• AU_PMT enumeration indicates PERM

• AUTO_P is True
• MN_REJ is False
• LOCK is False
• OVR_OP is False
• CL_OVR is False
• OVR_STP is False
• OVR_CMD is False
• FL_OP_A is False
• FL_CL_A is False
• FL_STP_A is False
• CONGR_A is False
• REMOTE is True (if REM_P is True)
• CP_F_A, OP_FLR, CL_FLR, and AVAIL_A are False (or the duration of any of them being True has not exceeded the
• TL_A is False
If the valve is in auto mode and any of the conditions listed are not satisfied (except AU_PMT) the valve will be placed to
manual mode (That is, the outputs, AUTO and PMT_AU are set to False) and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be
activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
PMT_OP is True when the following conditions exist:

• OP_PMT is True
• REMOTE is True
• CL_OVR is False
• OP_FLR is False
• LOCK is False (if LOCK_P is True)
• CP_OK is True (if CP_OK_P is True)
• OVR_STP is False
• AVAIL is True (if AVAIL_P is True)
• FL_OP_A is False
• TL_A is False
• CL_FRC indicates No Force
• STP_FRC indicates No Force

210 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
PMT_CL is True when the following conditions exist:

• CL_PMT is True
• REMOTE is True
• OVR_OP is False
• CL_FLR is False
• LOCK is False (if LOCK_P is True)
• CP_OK is True (if CP_OK_P is True)
• OVR_STP is False
• AVAIL is True (if AVAIL_P is True)
• FL_CL_A is False
• TL_A is False
• OP_FRC indicates No Force
• STP_FRC indicates No Force
AU_PMT, OP_PMT, and CL_PMT (if used) are driven from a PERMIT block. Each connected input of the PERMIT block
has the ability (when enabled) to be bypassed by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated tab of the permit HMI
screen display. When AU_PMT, OP_PMT, or CL_PMT enumeration contains BYPASS, the HMI operator has bypassed at
least one permit. M_O_V_JOG does not use the bypass information, but passes it to the HMI for display.

Diagnostic Alarms
When the DIG_CTLR_P is True, the block will generate a failed-to-open alarm, FL_OP_A, a failed-to-close alarm, FL_CL_
A, and a failed-to-stop alarm, FL_STP_A, if the valve fails to open or close, in the time specified by the fail to open time, FL_
OP_T, or fail to close time, FL_CL_T, or the valve movement fails to stop in 3 seconds, respectively. These alarms are reset
when FAULT_RESET is True or if the CTL enumeration equals RESET_CMD.
The block has a limit switch congruency alarm, CONGR_A that alarms when the valve limit switches indicate the valve is
open, OPEN is True, and closed, CLOSED is True, at the same time. The CONGR_A alarm is reset when the condition that
caused the alarm is cleared. The output, FAULT, is True when a fault is detected.
FAULT is True when the any of the following conditions exist:

• FL_OP_A is True
• FL_CL_A is True
• OP_FLR is True
• CONGR_A is True
• CP_F_A is True
• FL_STP_A is True
• AVAIL_A is True
• TL_A is True

Push-button Status
The block has two push-button status outputs, PBSTATE and PBSTATE2, to indicate the last HMI operator initiated CTL
enumeration, which are valid when the CTRL_TYPE enumeration contains MAN_DIG_CTRL. PBSTATE is True and
PBSTATE2 is False when the last HMI CTL enumeration was STOP_CMD. PBSTATE is False and PBSTATE2 is False
when the last HMI CTL enumeration was CLOSE_CMD. PBSTATE is False and PBSTATE2 is True when the last HMI CTL
enumeration was OPEN_CMD.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 211

Public Information
Operating Mode (MODE)
MODE is the block-operating mode. The MODE enumerations are defined in the following table. A complete list of all
possible combinations of MODE enumeration elements is provided in the section Appendix.

MODE Enumerations (Short List)

Enumeration Description
MANUAL Valve opens and closes under manual control
AUTO Valve opens and closes automatically.
REMOTE Valve can be controlled remotely
LOCAL Valve can be controlled locally
OVERRIDE Valve control has been overriden
OPENED Valve is open
OPENING Valve is opening
CLOSED Valve is closed
CLOSING Valve is closing
FAULTED Valve has conflicting status
LOCKED Valve is not accepting control commands

ToolboxST Configuration
Inserting a M_O_V_JOG into the application code displays the following window.

Changing Default Attribute Values

When the user clicks OK, the block and pin connections will be configured automatically. The previous example will generate
Global pins. Pin names are in the form Device Value.Input_Name, where Device Value is the attribute value 00M_O_V_
JOG1000 and Input_Name is the block input/output names. The description, M_O_V_JOG description in this example,
becomes the prefix of the block input/output descriptions. Once the object has been added successfully, the block displays in
the ToolboxST application.

Note Global variables are listed in the table Global Variables. The defaults provided are for example only.

212 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
M_O_V_JOG Block

Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
AU_CL Auto close command BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_OP Auto open command BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_PMT Auto permit UINT (ENUM) PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
AU_SEL Auto select input BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_SETP ✓ {Desc} Auto position setup REAL 0 Always Value Only
AU_STOP Auto stop command BOOL False Always Value Only
AVAIL Available input BOOL True Always Value Only
CL_FRC Force close UINT (ENUM) NO_FORCE-NO_ Always Value Only

CL_INP ✓ Closed BOOL False Always Value Only
CL_OVR ✓ Close override UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
CL_PMT ✓ Close permit UINT (ENUM) PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
CMD_FRC Force command UINT (ENUM) NO_FORCE-NO_ Always Value Only

CMD_OVR ✓ Override command UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
CP_OK Control power OK input BOOL True Always Value Only
CTL ✓ {Desc} Control word UINT (ENUM) NO_CMD Always Value Only
CTRL_TYPE Valve I/O control type UINT (ENUM) MAN_DIG_CTRL- Always Value Only
FAULT_RESET Fault/trip reset BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_CL_T Fail to close time UDINT 30000 Parameter Value Only
FL_OP_T Fail to open time UDINT 30000 Parameter Value Only
FV Force value REAL 0 Always Value Only

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 213

Public Information
Inputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
MN_REJ ✓ Manual reject UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
MN_SETP {Desc} Manual position REAL 0 Always Value Only

MODE_OPT Valve mode options UINT (ENUM) NONE Always Value Only
OP_FRC Force open UINT (ENUM) NO_FORCE-NO_ Always Value Only

OP_INP ✓ Open BOOL False Always Value Only
OP_OVR ✓ Open override UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
OP_PMT ✓ Open permit UINT (ENUM) PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
OV Override value REAL 0 Always Value Only
POS {Desc} Position feedback REAL 0 Always Value with

POS_CR Position control close rate REAL 5 Parameter Value Only
POS_DB Position control deadband REAL 1 Parameter Value Only
POS_FT Position control off/dead REAL 3 Parameter Value Only
POS_HY Position control hysteresis REAL 0.5 Parameter Value Only
POS_NT Position control min on time REAL 0.4 Parameter Value Only
POS_OR Position control open rate REAL 5 Parameter Value Only
PWR_FL_TMR Manual reject power fail UDINT 5000 Parameter Value Only
RDY_CL Output MON ready to close BOOL True Always Value Only
RDY_OP Output MON ready to open BOOL True Always Value Only
REMOTE Remote input BOOL True Always Value Only
STP_FRC Force stop UINT (ENUM) NO_FORCE-NO_ Always Value Only
STP_OVR Stop override UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
TL_CL Close torque limit BOOL False Always Value Only
TL_OP Open torque limit BOOL False Always Value Only
TRANSIT Valve in transit input BOOL False Always Value Only
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

214 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
{Device} ✓ {Desc} BOOL False Internal Value Only
ANA_CTRL_P {Desc} Analog control BOOL False Always Value Only

ANA_OUT_P {Desc} Analog out BOOL False Always Value Only

AU_REQ ✓ {Desc} Auto request BOOL False Always Value Only
AUTO ✓ {Desc} Auto BOOL False Always Value Only
AUTO_ANA_ {Desc} Auto analog control BOOL False Always Value Only

AUTO_DIG_ {Desc} Auto digital control BOOL True Always Value Only

AUTO_P ✓ {Desc} Auto property BOOL False Always Value Only
AVAIL_A {Desc} Not available BOOL False Always Value Only

AVAIL_P ✓ {Desc} Available property BOOL False Always Value Only
CL_FLR ✓ {Desc} Close circuit fail BOOL False Always Value Only
CL_ORD {Desc} Close BOOL False Always Value Only

CLOSED ✓ {Desc} Closed BOOL False Always Value Only
CONGR_A ✓ {Desc} Congruency BOOL False Always Value Only
CP_F_A ✓ {Desc} control power fail BOOL False Always Value Only
CP_OK_P {Desc} control power BOOL False Always Value Only

DIG_CTRL_P {Desc} Digital control BOOL True Always Value Only

DIG_IN_P ✓ {Desc} Digital ins property BOOL True Always Value Only
DIG_OUT_P {Desc} Digital outs BOOL True Always Value Only

FAULT ✓ {Desc} Fault indication BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_CL_A ✓ {Desc} Fail to close BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_OP_A ✓ {Desc} Fail to open BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_STP_A ✓ {Desc} Fail to stop BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_CL ✓ {Desc} BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_CLB {Desc} Close force block BOOL False Internal Value Only

FRC_CMD ✓ {Desc} Force command BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_CMDB {Desc} Force command BOOL False Internal Value Only

block status
FRC_OP ✓ {Desc} Force open BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_OPB {Desc} Open force block BOOL False Internal Value Only

FRC_STP ✓ {Desc} Force stop BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_STPB {Desc} Force stop block BOOL False Internal Value Only

FUSE_MON_P {Desc} Output fuse BOOL False Always Value Only

monitor property
IN_POS In position BOOL False Always Value Only

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 215

Public Information
Outputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
LOCAL ✓ {Desc} Local mode BOOL False Always Value Only
LOCK ✓ {Desc} Locked BOOL False Always Value Only
LOCK_P ✓ {Desc} Lock property BOOL False Always Value Only
MAN_ANA_ {Desc} Manual analog BOOL False Always Value Only

CTRL_P control
MAN_DIG_ {Desc} Manual digital BOOL True Always Value Only

CTRL_P control
MN_REJ_A ✓ {Desc} Manual reject BOOL False Always Value Only
MODE Block mode UINT (ENUM) MANUAL-IDLE Always Value Only
OP_FLR ✓ {Desc} Open circuit fail BOOL False Always Value Only
OP_ORD {Desc} Open BOOL False Always Value Only

OPEN ✓ {Desc} Open BOOL False Always Value Only
OVR_CL ✓ {Desc} Close override BOOL False Always Value Only
OVR_CLB {Desc} Close override BOOL False Internal Value Only

block status
OVR_CMD {Desc} Override command BOOL False Always Value Only

OVR_CMDB {Desc} Override command BOOL False Internal Value Only

block status
OVR_OP ✓ {Desc} Open override BOOL False Always Value Only
OVR_OPB {Desc} Open override BOOL False Internal Value Only

block status
OVR_STP ✓ {Desc} Stop override BOOL False Always Value Only
OVR_STPB {Desc} Stop override block BOOL False Internal Value Only

PBSTATE ✓ {Desc} Last PB state BOOL False Internal Value Only
PBSTATE2 ✓ {Desc} Last PB state BOOL False Internal Value Only
PMT_AU ✓ {Desc} Auto permit BOOL False Always Value Only
PMT_AUB {Desc} Auto permit bypass BOOL False Internal Value Only

PMT_CL ✓ {Desc} Permit to close BOOL True Always Value Only
PMT_CLB {Desc} Close permit BOOL False Internal Value Only

bypass status
PMT_OP ✓ {Desc} Permit to open BOOL True Always Value Only
PMT_OPB {Desc} Open permit BOOL False Internal Value Only

bypass status
POS_BQ {Desc} Position feedback BOOL False Always Value Only

Bad quality
POS_ORD {Desc} Position REAL 0 Always Value Only

POSFB_P {Desc} Position feedback BOOL True Always Value Only

REJ_MN ✓ {Desc} Manual reject BOOL False Always Value Only
REJ_MNB {Desc} Manual reject BOOL False Internal Value Only

bypass status

216 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Outputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
REM_P ✓ {Desc} Remote property BOOL False Always Value Only
TL_A ✓ {Desc} Torque limit BOOL False Always Value Only

TQ_LIM_P {Desc} Torque limit BOOL False Always Value Only

TRANS_P ✓ {Desc} Transit property BOOL False Always Value Only
TRN_IND ✓ {Desc} Transit IND BOOL False Always Value Only
VOLT_MON_P {Desc} Output volt monitor BOOL False Always Value Only

✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 217

Public Information
Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00M_O_V_JOG1000 M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.ANA_ M_O_V_JOG Not False ReadOnly
CTRL_P description analog Alarmed
control property
00M_O_V_JOG1000.ANA_ M_O_V_JOG Not False ReadOnly
OUT_P description analog out Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AU_REQ M_O_V_JOG Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
description auto
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AU_SETP M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description auto Alarmed
position setup
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AUTO M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description auto Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AUTO_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
ANA_CTRL_P description auto Alarmed
analog control
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AUTO_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
DIG_CTRL_P description auto digital Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AUTO_P M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description auto Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AVAIL_A M_O_V_JOG Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
description not
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AVAIL_P M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description available Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.CL_FLR M_O_V_JOG Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
description close
circuit fail
00M_O_V_JOG1000.CL_ORD M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description Close Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.CLOSED M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description closed Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.CONGR_ M_O_V_JOG Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
A description
00M_O_V_JOG1000.CP_F_A M_O_V_JOG Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
description control
power fail
00M_O_V_JOG1000.CP_OK_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
P description control Alarmed
power property
00M_O_V_JOG1000.CTL M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadWrite
description control Alarmed

218 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00M_O_V_JOG1000.DIG_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
CTRL_P description digital Alarmed
control property
00M_O_V_JOG1000.DIG_IN_P M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description digital ins Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.DIG_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
OUT_P description digital outs Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FAULT M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description fault Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FL_CL_A M_O_V_JOG Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
description fail to close
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FL_OP_A M_O_V_JOG Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
description fail to open
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FL_STP_ M_O_V_JOG Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
A description fail to stop
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_CL M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_CLB M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description close force Alarmed
block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
CMD description force Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
CMDB description force Alarmed
command block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_OP M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description Force open Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
OPB description open force Alarmed
block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_STP M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description force stop Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
STPB description force stop Alarmed
block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FUSE_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
MON_P description output fuse Alarmed
monitor property
00M_O_V_JOG1000.LOCAL M_O_V_JOG Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
description local mode
00M_O_V_JOG1000.LOCK M_O_V_JOG Not True $Default ReadOnly
description locked Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.LOCK_P M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description lock Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.MAN_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
ANA_CTRL_P description manual Alarmed
analog control

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 219

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00M_O_V_JOG1000.MAN_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
DIG_CTRL_P description manual Alarmed
digital control
00M_O_V_JOG1000.MN_REJ_ M_O_V_JOG Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
A description manual
00M_O_V_JOG1000.MN_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadWrite
SETP description manual Alarmed
position setup
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OP_FLR M_O_V_JOG Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
description open
circuit fail
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OP_ORD M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description open Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OPEN M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description open Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_CL M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description close Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
CLB description close Alarmed
override block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
CMD description override Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
CMDB description override Alarmed
command block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_OP M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description open Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
OPB description open Alarmed
override block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
STP description stop Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
STPB description stop Alarmed
override block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.PBSTATE M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description last PB Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000. M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
PBSTATE2 description last PB Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.PMT_AU M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description auto permit Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.PMT_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
AUB description auto permit Alarmed
bypass status

220 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00M_O_V_JOG1000.PMT_CL M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description permit to Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.PMT_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
CLB description close Alarmed
permit bypass status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.PMT_OP M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description permit to Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.PMT_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
OPB description open Alarmed
permit bypass status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.POS M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description position Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.POS_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
ORD description position Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.POSFB_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
P description position Alarmed
feedback property
00M_O_V_JOG1000.REJ_MN M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description manual Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.REJ_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
MNB description manual Alarmed
reject bypass status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.REM_P M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description remote Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.TL_A M_O_V_JOG Alarmed LVL_4 True $Default ReadOnly
description torque limit
00M_O_V_JOG1000.TQ_LIM_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
P description torque limit Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.TRANS_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
P description transit Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.TRN_IND M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
description transit IND Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.VOLT_ M_O_V_JOG Not False $Default ReadOnly
MON_P description output volt Alarmed
monitor property

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 221

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
The Object name for the HMI is the same as the Device name specified in the ToolboxST configuration.

Typical HMI Object for MOV_JOG

Manual Digital Control Mode

MOV_JOG Faceplate

222 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Changing Analog Setpoint

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 223

Public Information
The following tables provide a complete list of all possible MOV_JOG enumeration combinations.

IO_OPT Enumerations
Enumeration Mode Option Description
CP_OK Control power OK

REM Remote mode

CP_OK-REM Control power OK and remote mode

AVAIL Valve available

CP_OK-AVAIL Control power OK and valve available

REM-AVAIL Remote mode and valve available

CP_OK-REM-AVAIL Control power OK and remote mode and valve available

TRANS Valve in transit

CP_OK-TRANS Control power OK and valve in transit

REM-TRANS Remote mode and valve in transit

CP_OK-REM-TRANS Control power OK and remote mode and valve in transit

AVAIL-TRANS Valve available and valve in transit

CP_OK-AVAIL-TRANS Control power OK and valve available and valve in transit

REM-AVAIL-TRANS Remote mode and valve available and valve in transit

CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-TRANS Control power OK and remote mode and valve available and valve in transit

TQ_LIM Torque limiting

CP_OK-TQ_LIM Control power OK and torque limiting

REM-TQ_LIM Remote mode and torque limiting

CP_OK-REM-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote mode and torque limiting

AVAIL-TQ_LIM Valve available and torque limiting

CP_OK-AVAIL-TQ_LIM Control power OK and valve available and torque limiting

REM-AVAIL-TQ_LIM Remote mode and valve available and torque limiting

CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote mode and valve available and torque limiting

TRANS-TQ_LIM Valve in transit and torque limiting

CP_OK-TRANS-TQ_LIM Control power OK and valve in transit and torque limiting

REM-TRANS-TQ_LIM Remote mode and valve in transit and torque limiting

CP_OK-REM-TRANS-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote mode and valve in transit and torque limiting

AVAIL-TRANS-TQ_LIM Valve available and valve in transit and torque limiting

CP_OK-AVAIL-TRANS-TQ_LIM Control power OK and valve available and valve in transit and torque limiting

REM-AVAIL-TRANS-TQ_LIM Remote mode and valve available and valve in transit and torque limiting

CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-TRANS-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote mode and valve available and valve in transit and
torque limiting

224 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
MODE Enumerations
Enumeration Operating Mode
MANUAL-OPENED Valve in manual and opened

AUTO-OPENED Valve in auto and opened

MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENED Valve in manual and remote and opened

AUTO-REMOTE-OPENED Valve in auto and remote and opened

MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENED Valve in manual and local and opened

AUTO-LOCAL-OPENED Valve in auto and local and opened

MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENED Valve in manual and override and opened

AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENED Valve in auto and override and opened

MANUAL-OPENING Valve in manual and opening

AUTO-OPENING Valve in auto and opening

MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENING Valve in manual and remote and opening

AUTO-REMOTE-OPENING Valve in auto and remote and opening

MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENING Valve in manual and local and opening

AUTO-LOCAL-OPENING Valve in auto and local and opening

MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENING Valve in manual and override and opening

AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENING Valve in auto and override and opening

MANUAL-CLOSED Valve in manual and closed

AUTO-CLOSED Valve in auto and closed
MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSED Valve in manual and remote and closed
AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSED Valve in auto and remote and closed
MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSED Valve in manual and local and closed
AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSED Valve in auto and local and closed
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSED Valve in manual and override and closed
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSED Valve in auto and override and closed
MANUAL-CLOSING Valve in manual and closing

AUTO-CLOSING Valve in auto and closing

MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSING Valve in manual and remote and closing

AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSING Valve in auto and remote and closing

MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSING Valve in manual and local and closing

AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSING Valve in auto and local and closing

MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSING Valve in manual and override and closing

AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSING Valve in auto and override and closing

MANUAL-FAULTED Valve in manual and faulted

AUTO-FAULTED Valve in auto and faulted
MANUAL-REMOTE-FAULTED Valve in manual and remote and faulted
AUTO-REMOTE-FAULTED Valve in auto and remote and faulted
MANUAL-LOCAL-FAULTED Valve in manual and local and faulted

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 225

Public Information
MODE Enumerations (continued)

Enumeration Operating Mode

AUTO-LOCAL-FAULTED Valve in auto and local and faulted
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-FAULTED Valve in manual and override and faulted
AUTO-OVERRIDE-FAULTED Valve in auto and override and faulted
MANUAL-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in manual and opened and locked

AUTO-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in auto and opened and locked

MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in manual and remote and opened and locked

AUTO-REMOTE-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in auto and remote and opened and locked

MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in manual and local and opened and locked

AUTO-LOCAL-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in auto and local and opened and locked

MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in manual and override and opened and locked

AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in auto and override and opened and locked

MANUAL-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in manual and opening and locked

AUTO-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in auto and opening and locked

MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in manual and remote and opening and locked

AUTO-REMOTE-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in auto and remote and opening and locked

MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in manual and local and opening and locked

AUTO-LOCAL-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in auto and local and opening and locked

MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in manual and override and opening and locked

AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in auto and override and opening and locked

MANUAL-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in manual and closed and locked

AUTO-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in auto and closed and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in manual and remote and closed and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in auto and remote and closed and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in manual and local and closed and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in auto and local and closed and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in manual and override and closed and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in auto and override and closed and locked
MANUAL-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in manual and closing and locked

AUTO-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in auto and closing and locked

MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in manual and remote and closing and locked

AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in auto and remote and closing and locked

MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in manual and local and closing and locked

AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in auto and local and closing and locked

MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in manual and override and closing and locked

AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in auto and override and closing and locked

MANUAL-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in manual and faulted and locked

AUTO-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in auto and faulted and locked

226 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
MODE Enumerations (continued)

Enumeration Operating Mode

MANUAL-REMOTE-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in manual and remote and faulted and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in auto and remote and faulted and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in manual and local and faulted and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in auto and local and faulted and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in manual and override and faulted and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in auto and override and faulted and locked

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 227

Public Information
28 Motor Operated Valve with Jog Version 2
Block Category: Device Control
The Motor Operated Valve with Jog Version 2 (M_O_V_JOG_V2) block controls a motor-operated valve powered from a
low-voltage reversing starter when the valve must be capable of being manually positioned anywhere in mid-travel.
Depending on the control type enumeration property selected; the block provides open and close output commands, OP_ORD
and CL_ORD, or an analog output command, POS_ORD, that are used to operate the valve. The OPEN and CLOSED inputs
are required. The control type enumeration property selected determines if the POS input is required for proper block
The block will generate a failed-to-open alarm, FL_OP_A, failed-to-close alarm, FL_CL_A, failed-to-stop alarm, FL_STP_A,
and a limit switch congruency alarm, CONGR_A, that alarms when the valve limit switches indicate that the valve is open
and closed at the same time.
Although not required, a starter auxiliary contact input, TRANSIT, is used to indicate when the valve is in transit, enhances
the block’s functionality. The valve in transit input, TRANSIT, is required if the IO option attribute, IO_OPT, enumeration
TRANS is selected.

Block Configuration
This block has various enumerations that are configured for control block operation.

Control Word (CTL)

CTL is an enumeration set by the HMI operator for valve control. The commands available from the HMI allow manual and
automatic valve control capability and/or lockout capability if the block property MODE_OPT enumeration selected allows
the auto and/or lock mode. The valve may be opened, closed, or stopped in manual mode by the OPEN_CMD, CLOSE_
CMD, or STOP_CMD enumerations, respectively. The command enumerations are defined in the following table.

CTL Enumerations
Enumeration Command
NO_CMD No command
AUTO_CMD Auto command
MANUAL_CMD Manual command
LOCK_CMD Lock command
UNLOCK_CMD Unlock command
STOP_CMD Stop command
OPEN_CMD Open command
CLOSE_CMD Close command
RESET_CMD Fault reset command

If the valve requires analog input for auto and manual control with analog output with position feedback, control power
monitoring input, fuse monitoring and has the capability for auto and lockout, operation. Then the CTRL_TYPE selection is
and IO_MON is FUSE.

228 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Functionality of Block Attribute Enumerations
Control Type (CTRL_TYPE)
CTRL_TYPE enumerations are listed in the following table.

CTRL_TYPE Enumerations
Enumeration Control Option Description
MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN Manual digital control and auto digital control and
digital outputs and digital inputs
MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Manual digital control and auto digital control and
digital outputs and digital inputs and position feedback
MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Manual analog control and auto digital control and
digital outputs and digital inputs and position feedback
MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Manual digital control and auto analog control and
digital outputs and digital inputs and position feedback
MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Manual digital control and auto digital control and
analog output and digital inputs and position feedback
MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Manual analog control and auto digital control and
analog output and digital inputs and position feedback
MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Manual digital control and auto analog control and
analog output and digital inputs and position feedback
MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-DIG_OUT-POS Manual analog control and auto analog control and
digital outputs and position feedback
MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-ANA_OUT-POS Manual analog control and auto analog control and
analog output and position feedback

MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN — select for valves that provide digital inputs and digital
outputs for both auto and manual control. The OPEN and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required.
When the MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN enumerations is selected, the outputs MAN_DIG_
ANA_CTRL_P, ANA_OUT_P, and POSFB_P are False and the following inputs and outputs become available:

• OP_OVR: the open override

• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• AU_OP: the auto open†
• AU_CL: the auto close†
• AU_STP: the auto stop†
• OP_ORD: the open order/command
• CL_ORD: the close order/command

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 229

Public Information
MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide position feedback,
digital inputs and digital outputs for both auto and manual control. The analog input position feedback for the valve, POS, and
the OPEN and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_
CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS enumeration is selected, the outputs MAN_DIG_CTRL_P, AUTO_DIG_CTRL_P, DIG_IN_
OUT_P, are False and the following inputs and outputs become available:

• OP_OVR: the open override

• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• AU_OP: the auto open†
• AU_CL: the auto close†
• AU_STP: the auto stop†
• OP_ORD: the open order/command
• CL_ORD: the close order/command
MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide position feedback for
manual control, digital inputs for auto control and digital outputs for both auto and manual control. The analog input position
feedback for the valve, POS, is required for manual control and is used to display the valve open percentage on the HMI. The
OPEN and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_
CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS enumeration is selected, the outputs MAN_ANA_CTRL_P, ANA_CTRL_P (when the valve
is not in AUTO mode†), DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is in AUTO mode†), AUTO_DIG_CTRL_P, DIG_IN_P, DIG_OUT_
P, and POSFB_P are True, the MAN_DIG_CTRL_P, AUTO_ANA_CTRL_P, ANA_CTRL_P (when the valve is in AUTO
mode†), DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is not in AUTO mode†), and ANA_OUT_P, are False and the following inputs and
outputs become available:

• MN_SETP: the manual position setpoint; tracks POS when the value is in OVERRIDE, FORCE, or AUTO mode, if used
• CMD_OVR: the override command
• OV: the override position setpoint
• OP_OVR: the open override
• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• CMD_FRC: the force command
• FV: the force position setpoint
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• POS_CR: the position close rate in percent per second
• POS_OR: the position open rate in percent per second
• POS_DB: the position deadband in percent
• POS_NT: the minimum on time in seconds
• POS_FT: the minimum off time in seconds
• POS_HY: the position control hysteresis in percent
• AU_OP: the auto open†
• AU_CL: the auto close†
• AU_STP: the auto stop†
• OP_ORD: the open order/command
• CL_ORD: the close order/command

230 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide position feedback for
auto control, digital inputs for manual control and digital outputs for both auto and manual control. The analog input position
feedback for the valve, POS, is required for auto control and is used to display the valve open percentage on the HMI. The
OPEN and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_AUTO_
CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS enumeration is selected, the outputs AUTO_ANA_CTRL_P, ANA_CTRL_P (when the
valve is in AUTO mode†), DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is not in AUTO mode†), MAN_DIG_CTRL_P, DIG_IN_P, DIG_
OUT_P, and POSFB_P are True, the MAN_ANA_CTRL_P, AUTO_DIG_CTRL_P, ANA_CTRL_P (when the valve is not in
AUTO mode†), DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is in AUTO mode†), and ANA_OUT_P, are False and the following inputs
and outputs become available:

• AU_SETP: the auto position setpoint†

• CMD_OVR: the override command
• OV: the override position setpoint
• OP_OVR: the open override
• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• CMD_FRC: the force command in auto mode†
• FV: the force position setpoint in auto mode†
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• POS_CR: the position close rate in percent per second
• POS_OR: the position open rate in percent per second
• POS_DB: the position deadband in percent
• POS_NT: the minimum on time in seconds
• POS_FT: the minimum off time in seconds
• POS_HY: the position control hysteresis in percent
• OP_ORD: the open order/command
• CL_ORD: the close order/command

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 231

Public Information
MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-DIG_OUT-POS — select for valves that provide position feedback for auto and
manual control, and digital outputs for both auto and manual control. The analog input position feedback for the valve, POS,
is required for both auto and manual control and is used to display the valve open percentage on the HMI. The OPEN and
CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-DIG_
OUT-POS enumeration is selected, the outputs MAN_ANA_CTRL_P, AUTO_ANA_CTRL_P, ANA_CTRL_P, DIG_OUT_
are False and the following inputs and outputs become available:

• AU_SETP: the auto position setpoint†

• MN_SETP: the manual position setpoint; tracks POS when the value is in OVERRIDE, FORCE, or AUTO mode, if used
• CMD_OVR: the override command
• OV: the override position setpoint
• OP_OVR: the open override
• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• CMD_FRC: the force command
• FV: the force position setpoint
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• POS_CR: the position close rate in percent per second
• POS_OR: the position open rate in percent per second
• POS_DB: the position deadband in percent
• POS_NT: the minimum on time in seconds
• POS_FT: the minimum off time in seconds
• POS_HY: the position control hysteresis in percent
• OP_ORD: the open order/command
• CL_ORD: the close order/command
MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide position feedback,
digital inputs for auto and manual control and an analog output for both auto and manual control. The analog input position
feedback for the valve, POS, is used to display the valve open percentage on the HMI. The OPEN and CLOSED inputs from
the limit switches of the valve are required. When the MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS
enumeration is selected, the outputs MAN_DIG_CTRL_P, AUTO_DIG_CTRL_P, ANA_CTRL_P, ANA_OUT_P, DIG_IN_
P, and POSFB_P are True, the MAN_ANA_CTRL_P, AUTO_ANA_CTRL_P, DIG_CTRL_P and DIG_OUT_P, are False
and the following inputs and outputs become available:

• OP_OVR: the open override

• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• AU_OP: the auto open†
• AU_CL: the auto close†
• AU_STP: the auto stop†
• POS_ORD: the position order/command

232 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide position feedback,
analog inputs for manual control and digital inputs for auto control and an analog output for both auto and manual control.
The analog input position feedback for the valve, POS, is used to display the valve open percentage on the HMI. The OPEN
and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_
CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS enumeration is selected, the outputs MAN_ANA_CTRL_P, AUTO_DIG_CTRL_P, ANA_
CTRL_P (when the valve is not in AUTO mode), ANA_OUT_P, DIG_IN_P, DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is in AUTO
mode†), and POSFB_P are True, the MAN_DIG_CTRL_P, AUTO_ANA_CTRL_P, ANA_CTRL_P (when the valve is in
AUTO mode†), DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is not in AUTO mode†) and DIG_OUT_P, are False and the following inputs
and outputs become available:

• MN_SETP: the manual position setpoint; tracks POS when the value is in OVERRIDE, FORCE, or AUTO mode, if used
• OP_OVR: the open override
• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• CMD_OVR: the override command
• OV: the override position setpoint
• CMD_FRC: the force command in manual mode
• FV :the force position setpoint in manual mode
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• POS_CR: the position close rate in percent per second
• POS_OR: the position open rate in percent per second
• POS_DB: the position deadband in percent
• POS_NT: the minimum on time in seconds
• POS_FT: the minimum off time in seconds
• POS_HY: the position control hysteresis in percent
• OP_ORD: the open order/command
• CL_ORD: the close order/command
• AU_OP: the auto open†
• AU_CL: the auto close†
• AU_STP: the auto stop†
• POS_ORD: the position order/command

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 233

Public Information
MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide position feedback,
digital inputs for manual control and analog inputs for auto control and an analog output for both auto and manual control.
The analog input position feedback for the valve, POS, is used to display the valve open percentage on the HMI. The OPEN
and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_
CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS enumeration is selected, the outputs MAN_DIG_CTRL_P, AUTO_DIG_CTRL_P, ANA_
CTRL_P, ANA_OUT_P, DIG_IN_P, DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is in AUTO mode†), and POSFB_P are True, the MAN_
DIG_CTRL_P, AUTO_ANA_CTRL_P, DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is not in AUTO mode†) and DIG_OUT_P, are False
and the following inputs and outputs become available:

• AU_SETP: the auto position setpoint†

• OP_OVR: the open override
• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• CMD_FRC: the force command in auto mode†
• FV: the force position setpoint in auto mode†
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• POS_CR: the position close rate in percent per second
• POS_OR: the position open rate in percent per second
• POS_DB: the position deadband in percent
• POS_NT: the minimum on time in seconds
• POS_FT: the minimum off time in seconds
• POS_HY: the position control hysteresis in percent
• OP_ORD: the open order/command
• CL_ORD: the close order/command
• POS_ORD: the position order/command

234 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-ANA_OUT — select for valves that provide analog inputs and analog outputs for
both auto and manual control. The OPEN and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the
MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-ANA_OUT enumeration is selected, the outputs MAN_ANA_CTRL_P, AUTO_
OUT_P, DIG_OUT_P, and POSFB_P are False and the following inputs and outputs become available:

• AU_SETP: the auto position setpoint†

• MN_SETP: the manual position setpoint
• CMD_OVR: the override command
• OV: the override position setpoint
• OP_OVR: the open override
• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• CMD_FRC: the force command in manual mode
• FV: the force position setpoint in manual mode
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• POS_CR: the position close rate in percent per second
• POS_OR: the position open rate in percent per second
• POS_DB: the position deadband in percent
• POS_NT: the minimum on time in seconds
• POS_FT: the minimum off time in seconds
• POS_HY: the position control hysteresis in percent
• POS_ORD: the position order/command

Note † The enumeration MODE_OPT must contain AUTO for the valve to have automatic functionality.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 235

Public Information
IO Options (IO_OPT)
IO_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table.

IO_OPT Enumerations (Short List)

Enumeration Description
None No capabilities are available

CP_OK M_O_V_JOG_V2 has a hard-wired control power monitoring input.

REM M_O_V_JOG_V2 has a hard-wired remote/local input.

AVAIL M_O_V_JOG_V2 has hard-wired available input. This is a Ready to go indicator.

TRANS M_O_V_JOG_V2 has a hard-wired valve-in-transit input.

TQ_LIM M_O_V_JOG_V2 has hard-wired torque limiting input.

NONE — when IO_OPT is none, then CP_OK, REMOTE, AVAIL, and TRANSIT inputs are not used.
CP_OK — select for valves that provide a control power monitoring IO capability. When the CP_OK enumeration is
selected, the output CP_OK_P is True. The Boolean control power monitoring connection is to the CP_OK input of the block
and is True when no control power failure is detected. When the CP_OK input is False, the control power failure alarm, CP_
F_A, is activated. If the valve is in AUTO mode and the duration of CP_F _A being True has exceeded the PWR_FL_TMR,
the valve will switch to MANUAL mode and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
REM — select for valves that have remote/local capability. When the REM enumeration is selected, the output REM_P is
True. The Boolean remote/local connection is to the REMOTE input of the block and is True when the valve is in remote
mode. When REMOTE is False, the output LOCAL is True and valve control from the HMI is disabled. If the valve is in
AUTO mode and LOCAL becomes True, the valve will switch to MANUAL mode and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A,
will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
AVAIL — select for valves that require an available capability. When the AVAIL enumeration is selected, the output AVAIL_
P is True. The Boolean available connection is to the AVAIL input of the block and is True when the valve is available. When
AVAIL is False, the available alarm, AVAIL_A, is activated. If the valve is in AUTO mode and the duration of AVAIL_A
being True has exceeded the PWR_FL_TMR, the valve will switch to MANUAL mode and the manual reject alarm, MN_
REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
TQ_LIM— select for valves that require torque limiting capability. When the TQ_LIM enumeration is selected, the output
TQ_LIM_P is True. The Boolean torque limiting open and torque limiting close signals are connected to the TL_OP and TL_
CL inputs of the block. When either TL_OP or TL_CL are True, the torque limiting alarm, TL_A, is activated. If the valve is
in AUTO mode and the duration of TL_A being True has exceeded 2 seconds, the valve will switch to MANUAL mode and
the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
TRANS — select for valves that provide capability to determine when the valve is in transit. When the TRANS enumeration
is selected, the output TRANS_P is True. The Boolean, valve in transit, connection is to the TRANSIT input of the block, and
is True when the valve is in transit. When the TRANSIT input is True, the transit indication output, TRN_IND, is True. If the
TRANS_P is False, TRN_IND is True whenever OP_ORD or CL_ORD is True.

236 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
MODE_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table. A complete list of all possible combinations of enumeration
elements is included in the section Appendix.

MODE_OPT Enumerations
Enumeration Mode Option Description
AUTO Auto mode
LOCK Lock mode
AUTO-LOCK Auto mode and lock mode

NONE — the valve can be opened or closed manually by the HMI operator, no other mode options are available.
AUTO — provides auto control capability of the valve. Selecting the AUTO mode property will set AUTO_P to True,
indicating the auto mode property of the block is enabled. When AUTO_P is True, the valve can be commanded to auto by
either CTL enumeration AUTO_CMD or a rising edge on AU_SEL providing PMT_AU is True. The HMI operator may
command the valve from auto to manual mode at any time with the CTL enumeration MANUAL_CMD.

Note PMT_AU is described in the section Auto/Open/Close Permissives.

When AUTO is True and DIG_CTRL_P is True, the AU_OP, AU_CL, and AU_STOP inputs control the automatic opening,
closing, and stopping the movement of the valve, provided, PMT_OP or PMT_CL, for the respective command is True. If
AU_OP or AU_CL, become True, the valve is in manual mode, and the valve position is not in the state of the requested
command or valve is in transit, TRN_IND is True, and AU_STOP becomes True, the auto request alarm, AU_REQ, will be
activated. When AUTO is True and ANA_CTRL_P is True the valve is controlled automatically by the AU_SETP input.
LOCK — provides software lock-out capability for the valve. Selecting the LOCK mode property will set LOCK_P to True,
and enable the LOCK_CMD and UNLOCK_CMD to control the lockout mode functionality. If DIG_CTRL_P is True, the
valve must be OPEN or CLOSED or not in TRANSIT (if TRANS_P is True) before the block can be set to lockout mode. If
ANA_CTRL_P is True, the POS_ORD must less 0.5% before the block can be set to lockout mode. Feedback to the HMI
operator of this mode is provided by LOCK. The HMI operator is prevented from operating valve from the control faceplate
when LOCK is True, and auto mode is disabled.

Note The lockout indication is provided for status indication only. This action will not lockout the equipment, it will only
indicate lockout status. The owner's lockout procedures must be followed to safely lock equipment out.

Note The Lock button can also be configured to use the WorkstationST Lock function. Refer to the
WorkstationST/CIMPLICITY Advanced Viewer Integration Instruction Guide (GEI-100697), the section HMI Tagout.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 237

Public Information
IO_MON digital output monitor types are available when DIG_OUT_P is True. Monitoring is only available for the outputs
OP_ORD, and CL_ORD. If the hardware board used with OP_ORD, and CL_ORD can perform diagnostic monitoring, IO_
MON is used to select the type of diagnostic monitoring. When diagnostic monitoring is used (FUSE or VOLT), the
diagnostic variable from the digital output board associated with OP_ORD, and CL_ORD is connected to RDY_OP and
RDY_CL, respectively.

Note Refer to the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume II: System Guide for General-purpose Applications
(GEH-6721_Vol_II) for hardware board descriptions.

The following table lists the IO_MON enumerations. A complete list of all possible enumeration combinations is provided in
the section Appendix.

IO_MON Enumerations (Short List)

Enumeration Monitor Option Description

FUSE Fuse monitoring

VOLT Voltage monitoring

NONE — no circuit monitoring is available, RDY_OP and RDY_CL are not used.
FUSE — fuse monitoring determines the valve circuit failure. If FUSE is selected FUSE_MON_P is True. The Boolean fuse
monitoring input is True when there is no fuse failure and is connected to the RDY_OP and RDY_CL inputs. If there is a fuse
failure, RDY_OPor RDY_CL becomes False and OP_FLR or CL_FLR becomes True. When OP_FLR or CL_FLR becomes
True, PMT_OP or PMT_CL becomes False, respectively and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR. If
AUTO is True when this occurs, AUTO will become False and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated,
(delayed by 2 seconds). Note, to prevent an unwanted automatic switch to Manual mode, in case of an Automatic bus transfer
or Power supply transfer, the power supply transfer time should not exceed PWR_FL_TMR. If the power supply transfer time
exceeds the PWR_FL_TMR, the valve will transfer from auto to manual mode and MN_REJ_A, will be activated.
VOLT — voltage monitoring determines the valve circuit failure. If VOLT is selected VOLT_MON_P is True. The Boolean
voltage monitoring input is True when there is no voltage failure and is connected to the RDY_OP and RDY_CL inputs.
OP_FLR is True, (delayed by 2 seconds), when the following conditions exist:

• DIG_OUT_P is True
• RDY_OP is False
• OP_ORD is False
• CP_OK is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration CP_OK is selected)
• REMOTE is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration REM is selected)
• OPEN is False
• TRANSIT is False (if the IO_OPT, enumeration TRANS is selected)
• AVAIL is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration AVAIL is selected)
• CL_ORD is False
• VOLT_MON_P is True
When OP_FLR is True, PMT_OP is False and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR.

238 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
CL_FLR is True, (delayed by 2 seconds), when the following conditions exist:

• DIG_OUT_P is True
• RDY_CL is False
• CL_ORD is False
• CP_OK is True (if the IO_OPT enumeration CP_OK is selected)
• REMOTE is True (if the IO_OPT enumeration REM is selected)
• CLOSED is False
• TRANSIT is False (if the IO_OPT enumeration TRANS is selected)
• AVAIL is True (if the IO_OPT enumeration AVAIL is selected)
• OP_ORD is False
• VOLT_MON_P is True
When CL_FLR is True, PMT_CL is False and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR.
If AUTO is True when this occurs, AUTO will become False and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated,
(delayed by 2 seconds). Note, to prevent an unwanted automatic switch to Manual mode, in case of an Automatic bus transfer
or Power supply transfer, the power supply transfer time should not exceed PWR_FL_TMR. If the power supply transfer time
exceeds the PWR_FL_TMR, the valve will transfer from auto to manual mode and MN_REJ_A, will be activated.

Override Control
The block provides override input enumerations override open, OP_OVR, override close, CL_OVR, a dominant override
stop, STP_OVR, override setpoint/command, CMD_OVR, and a manual reject input enumeration, MN_REJ. The following
table provides the possible values of the enumerations.

CL_OVR, OP_OVR, STP_OVR, and CMD_OVR, and MN_REJ Enumerations

Name Override Option Description
NO_OVR-NO-BLOCK No override and no override is blocked

OVR-NO_BLOCK Override active and no override is blocked

NO_OVR-BLOCK No override and a override is blocked

OVR-BLOCK Override active and a override is blocked

When DIG_OUT_P is True, OP_OVR, CL_OVR, or STP_OVR will open, close, or stop the movement of the valve,
respectively, and prevent it from reopening/reclosing/moving in any mode. Note that STP_OVR is the dominate override.
When ANA_OUT_P is True and CMD_OVR indicates Override Active, the valve will move to the position assigned to the
OV input. If the valve is in auto mode (AUTO is True), it rejects to manual and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be
activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
OVR_OP, CL_OVR, STP_OVR, and CMD_OVR (if used) are driven from an OVERRIDE block. Each connected input of
the OVERRIDE block has the ability (when enabled) to be blocked by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated
tab of the permit HMI screen display. When OP_OVR, CL_OVR, STP_OVR, or CMD_OVR enumeration contains BLOCK,
the HMI operator has blocked at least one override. M_O_V_JOG_V2 does not use the block information, but passes it to the
HMI for display.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 239

Public Information
Force Control
The block provides force input enumerations Force Open (OP_FRC), Force Close (CL_FRC), Force Stop (STP_FRC), and
Force Setpoint/Command (CMD_FRC). The following table provides the possible values of the enumerations.

CL_FRC, OP_FRC, STP_FRC, and CMD_FRC Enumerations

Name Force Option Description
NO_FORCE-NO-BLOCK No force and no force is blocked

FORCE-NO_BLOCK Force active and no force is blocked

NO_FORCE-BLOCK No force and a force is blocked

FORCE-BLOCK Force active and a force is blocked

When DIG_OUT_P is True, OP_FRC, CL_FRC, or STP_FRC force the valve to open, close, or stop in any mode except
when OP_OVR, CL_OVR, or STP_OVR indicate Override Active. When ANA_OUT_P is True and CMD_FRC indicates
Force Active, the valve will move to the position assigned to the FV input except when CMD_OVR indicate Override Active.
The valve does not reject to manual if a force occurs.
OP_FRC, CL_FRC, STP_FRC, and CMD_FRC (If used) are driven from a FORCE block. Each connected input of the
FORCE block has the ability (when enabled) to be blocked by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated tab of the
permit HMI screen display. When OP_FRC, CL_FRC, STP_FRC, or CMD_FRC enumeration contains BLOCK, the HMI
operator has blocked at least one force. M_O_V_JOG_V2 does not use the block information, but passes it to the HMI for

Auto/Open/Close Permissives
The block provides permissive input enumerations AU_PMT, OP_PMT, CL_PMT. The following table provides the possible
values of the enumerations.
AU_PMT, CL_PMT, OP_PMT, and INT_PMT Enumerations
Enumeration Permit Option Description
NO_PERM-NO-BYPASS No permit and no permit is bypassed

PERM-NO_BYPASS Permit OK and no permit is bypassed

NO_PERM-BYPASS No permit and a permit is bypassed

PERM-BYPASS Permit OK and a permit is bypassed

The permit inputs, AU_PMT, OP_PMT, and CL_PMT, combine with internal permissives to generate PMT_AU, PMT_OP,
and PMT_CL, permitted indications. Note that OP_PMT and CL_PMT are only used for digital control (DIG_CTRL_P =

240 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
PMT_AU is True when the following conditions exist:

• AU_PMT enumeration indicates PERM

• AUTO_P is True
• MN_REJ is False
• LOCK is False
• OVR_OP is False
• CL_OVR is False
• OVR_STP is False
• OVR_CMD is False
• FL_OP_A is False
• FL_CL_A is False
• FL_STP_A is False
• CONGR_A is False
• REMOTE is True (if REM_P is True)
• CP_F_A, OP_FLR, CL_FLR, and AVAIL_A are False (or the duration of any of them being True has not exceeded the
• TL_A is False
If the valve is in auto mode and any of the conditions listed are not satisfied (except AU_PMT) the valve will be placed to
manual mode (That is, the outputs, AUTO and PMT_AU are set to False) and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be
activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
PMT_OP is True when the following conditions exist:

• OP_PMT is True
• REMOTE is True
• CL_OVR is False
• OP_FLR is False
• LOCK is False (if LOCK_P is True)
• CP_OK is True (if CP_OK_P is True)
• OVR_STP is False
• AVAIL is True (if AVAIL_P is True)
• FL_OP_A is False
• TL_A is False
• CL_FRC indicates No Force
• STP_FRC indicates No Force

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 241

Public Information
PMT_CL is True when the following conditions exist:

• CL_PMT is True
• REMOTE is True
• OVR_OP is False
• CL_FLR is False
• LOCK is False (if LOCK_P is True)
• CP_OK is True (if CP_OK_P is True)
• OVR_STP is False
• AVAIL is True (if AVAIL_P is True)
• FL_CL_A is False
• TL_A is False
• OP_FRC indicates No Force
• STP_FRC indicates No Force
AU_PMT, OP_PMT, and CL_PMT (If used) are driven from a PERMIT block. Each connected input of the PERMIT block
has the ability (when enabled) to be bypassed by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated tab of the permit HMI
screen display. When AU_PMT, OP_PMT, or CL_PMT enumeration contains BYPASS, the HMI operator has bypassed at
least one permit. M_O_V_JOG_V2 does not use the bypass information, but passes it to the HMI for display.
Valve Diagnostic Alarms
When the DIG_CTLR_P is True, the block will generate a failed-to-open alarm, FL_OP_A, a failed-to-close alarm, FL_CL_
A, and a failed-to-stop alarm, FL_STP_A, if the valve fails to open or close, in the time specified by the fail to open time, FL_
OP_T, or fail to close time, FL_CL_T, or the valve movement fails to stop in 3 seconds, respectively. These alarms are reset
when FAULT_RESET is True or if the CTL enumeration equals RESET_CMD.
The block has a limit switch congruency alarm, CONGR_A that alarms when the valve limit switches indicate the valve is
open, OPEN is True, and closed, CLOSED is True, at the same time. The CONGR_A alarm is reset when the condition that
caused the alarm is cleared. The output, FAULT, is True when a fault is detected.
FAULT is True when the any of the following conditions exist:

• FL_OP_A is True
• FL_CL_A is True
• OP_FLR is True
• CONGR_A is True
• CP_F_A is True
• FL_STP_A is True
• AVAIL_A is True
• TL_A is True

242 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Push-button Status
The block has two push-button status outputs, PBSTATE and PBSTATE2, to indicate the last HMI operator initiated CTL
enumeration, which are valid when the CTRL_TYPE enumeration contains MAN_DIG_CTRL. PBSTATE is True and
PBSTATE2 is False when the last HMI CTL enumeration was STOP_CMD. PBSTATE is False and PBSTATE2 is False
when the last HMI CTL enumeration was CLOSE_CMD. PBSTATE is False and PBSTATE2 is True when the last HMI CTL
enumeration was OPEN_CMD.

Operating Mode (MODE)

MODE is the block-operating mode. The operating mode enumerations are defined in the following table. A complete list of
all possible combinations of MODE enumeration elements is provided in the section Appendix.

MODE Enumerations
Enumeration Description
MANUAL Valve opens and closes under manual control
AUTO Valve opens and closes automatically.
REMOTE Valve can be controlled remotely
LOCAL Valve can be controlled locally
OVERRIDE Valve control has been overriden
OPENED Valve is open
OPENING Valve is opening
CLOSED Valve is closed
CLOSING Valve is closing
FAULTED Valve has conflicting status
LOCKED Valve is not accepting control commands

ToolboxST Configuration
Inserting a M_O_V_JOG_V2 into the application code displays the following window.

Changing Default Attribute Values

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 243

Public Information
When the user clicks OK, the block and pin connections will be configured automatically. The previous example will generate
Global pins. Pin names are in the form Device Value.Input_Name, where Device Value is the attribute value 00M_O_V_
JOG1000 and Input_Name is the block input/output names. The description, M_O_V_JOG_V2 Description in this example,
becomes the prefix of the block input/output descriptions. Once the object has been added successfully, the block displays in
the ToolboxST application.

Note Global variables are listed in the table Global Variables. The defaults provided are for example only.

M_O_V_JOG_V2 Block

244 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
AU_CL Auto close command BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_OP Auto open command BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_PMT ✓ Auto permit UINT (ENUM) PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
AU_SEL Auto select input BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_SETP ✓ Auto position setup REAL 0 Always Value Only
AU_STOP Auto stop command BOOL False Always Value Only
AVAIL Available input BOOL True Always Value Only
CL_FRC Force close UINT (ENUM) NO_FORCE-NO_ Always Value Only

CL_INP ✓ Closed BOOL False Always Value Only
CL_OVR ✓ Close override UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
CL_PMT ✓ Close permit UINT (ENUM) PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
CMD_FRC Force command UINT (ENUM) NO_FORCE-NO_ Always Value Only

CMD_OVR ✓ Override command UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
CP_OK Control power OK input BOOL True Always Value Only
CTL ✓ Control word UINT (ENUM) NO_CMD Always Value Only
CTRL_TYPE Valve I/O control type UINT (ENUM) MAN_DIG_CTRL- Always Value Only
FAULT_RESET Fault/trip reset BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_CL_T Fail to close time UDINT 30000 Parameter Value Only
FL_OP_T Fail to open time UDINT 30000 Parameter Value Only
FV Force value REAL 0 Always Value Only
MN_REJ ✓ Manual reject UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
MN_SETP ✓ Manual position setup REAL 0 Always Value Only
MODE_OPT Valve mode options UINT (ENUM) NONE Always Value Only
OP_FRC Force open UINT (ENUM) NO_FORCE-NO_ Always Value Only

OP_INP ✓ Open BOOL False Always Value Only
OP_OVR ✓ Open override UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
OP_PMT ✓ Open permit UINT (ENUM) PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
OV Override value REAL 0 Always Value Only
POS Position feedback REAL 0 Always Value with

POS_CR Position control close rate REAL 5 Parameter Value Only
POS_DB Position control deadband REAL 1 Parameter Value Only
POS_FT Position control off/dead REAL 3 Parameter Value Only
POS_HY Position control hyteresis REAL 0.5 Parameter Value Only
POS_NT Position control min on REAL 0.4 Parameter Value Only

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 245

Public Information
Inputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
POS_OR Position control open rate REAL 5 Parameter Value Only
PWR_FL_TMR Manual reject power fail UDINT 5000 Parameter Value Only
RDY_CL Output MON ready to BOOL True Always Value Only
RDY_OP Output MON ready to BOOL True Always Value Only
REMOTE Remote input BOOL True Always Value Only
STP_FRC Force stop UINT (ENUM) NO_FORCE-NO_ Always Value Only

STP_OVR ✓ Stop override UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
TL_CL Close torque limit BOOL False Always Value Only
TL_OP Open torque limit BOOL False Always Value Only
TRANSIT Valve in transit input BOOL False Always Value Only
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
{Device} ✓ {Desc} BOOL False Internal Value Only
ANA_CTRL_P ✓ Analog control property BOOL False Always Value Only
ANA_OUT_P ✓ Analog out property BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_REQ ✓ Auto request BOOL False Always Value Only
AUTO ✓ Auto BOOL False Always Value Only
AUTO_ANA_ Auto analog control BOOL False Always Value Only

AUTO_DIG_ Auto digital control BOOL True Always Value Only

AUTO_P ✓ Auto property BOOL False Always Value Only
AVAIL_A ✓ Not available property BOOL False Always Value Only
AVAIL_P ✓ Available property BOOL False Always Value Only
CL_FLR ✓ Close circuit fail BOOL False Always Value Only
CL_ORD ✓ Close order/command BOOL False Always Value Only
CLOSED ✓ Closed BOOL False Always Value Only
CONGR_A ✓ Congruency BOOL False Always Value Only
CP_F_A ✓ Control power fail BOOL False Always Value Only
CP_OK_P ✓ Control power property BOOL False Always Value Only
DIG_CTRL_P ✓ Digital control property BOOL True Always Value Only
DIG_IN_P ✓ Digital ins property BOOL True Always Value Only
DIG_OUT_P ✓ Digital outs property BOOL True Always Value Only
FAULT ✓ Fault indication BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_CL_A ✓ Fail to close BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_OP_A ✓ Fail to open BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_STP_A ✓ Fail to stop BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_CL ✓ Force close BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_CLB ✓ Close force block status BOOL False Internal Value Only

246 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Outputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
FRC_CMD ✓ Force command BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_CMDB Force command block BOOL False Internal Value Only

FRC_OP ✓ Force open BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_OPB ✓ Open force block status BOOL False Internal Value Only
FRC_STP ✓ Force stop BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_STPB ✓ Force stop block status BOOL False Internal Value Only
FUSE_MON_P Output fuse monitor BOOL False Always Value Only

IN_POS In position BOOL False Always Value Only
LOCAL ✓ Local mode BOOL False Always Value Only
LOCK ✓ Locked BOOL False Always Value Only
LOCK_P ✓ Lock property BOOL False Always Value Only
MAN_ANA_ Manual analog control BOOL False Always Value Only
MAN_DIG_ Manual digital control BOOL True Always Value Only
MN_REJ_A Manual reject BOOL False Always Value Only
MODE Block mode UINT (ENUM) MANUAL-IDLE Always Value Only
OP_FLR Open circuit fail BOOL False Always Value Only
OP_ORD Open order/command BOOL False Always Value Only
OPEN Open BOOL False Always Value Only
OVR_CL Close override BOOL False Always Value Only
OVR_CLB Close override block BOOL False Internal Value Only
OVR_CMD Override command BOOL False Always Value Only

OVR_CMDB Override command block BOOL False Internal Value Only

OVR_OP Open override BOOL False Always Value Only
OVR_OPB Open override block BOOL False Internal Value Only
OVR_STP Stop override BOOL False Always Value Only
OVR_STPB Stop override block status BOOL False Internal Value Only
PBSTATE Last PB state BOOL False Internal Value Only
PBSTATE2 Last PB state BOOL False Internal Value Only
PMT_AU Auto permit BOOL False Always Value Only
PMT_AUB Auto permit bypass status BOOL False Internal Value Only
PMT_CL Permit to close BOOL True Always Value Only
PMT_CLB Close permit bypass BOOL False Internal Value Only
PMT_OP Permit to open BOOL True Always Value Only
PMT_OPB Open permit bypass BOOL False Internal Value Only
POS_BQ Position feedback bad BOOL False Always Value Only

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 247

Public Information
Outputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
POS_ORD Position order/command REAL 0 Always Value Only
POSFB_P Position feedback BOOL True Always Value Only
REJ_MN {Desc} Manual reject BOOL False Always Value Only
REJ_MNB Manual reject bypass BOOL False Internal Value Only
REM_P Remote property BOOL False Always Value Only
TL_A {Desc} Torque limit BOOL False Always Value Only

TQ_LIM_P {Desc} Torque limit BOOL False Always Value Only

TRANS_P {Desc} Transit property BOOL False Always Value Only
TRN_IND {Desc} Transit IND BOOL False Always Value Only
VOLT_MON_P {Desc} Output volt monitor BOOL False Always Value Only
✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

248 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00M_O_V_JOG1000 M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.ANA_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False ReadOnly
CTRL_P description analog control Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.ANA_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False ReadOnly
OUT_P description analog out Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AU_REQ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description Auto request Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AU_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
SETP description auto position Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AUTO M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not True $Default ReadOnly
description auto Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AUTO_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
ANA_CTRL_P description auto analog Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AUTO_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
DIG_CTRL_P description auto digital Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AUTO_P M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description auto property Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AVAIL_A M_O_V_JOG_V2 Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
description not available
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AVAIL_P M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description available Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.CL_FLR M_O_V_JOG_V2 Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
description close circuit
00M_O_V_JOG1000.CL_ORD M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
Description close Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.CLOSED M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description closed Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.CONGR_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
A description congruency
00M_O_V_JOG1000.CP_F_A M_O_V_JOG_V2 Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
description control power
00M_O_V_JOG1000.CP_OK_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
P description control power Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.CTL M_O_V_JOG description Not False $Default ReadWrite
control word Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.DIG_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
CTRL_P description digital control Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.DIG_IN_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
P Description Digital ins Alarmed

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 249

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00M_O_V_JOG1000.DIG_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
OUT_P description digital outs Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FAULT M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description fault Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FL_CL_A M_O_V_JOG_V2 Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
description fail to close
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FL_OP_A M_O_V_JOG description Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
fail to open
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FL_STP_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
A description fail to stop
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_CL M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not True $Default ReadOnly
description Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
CLB description close force Alarmed
block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
CMD description force Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
CMDB description force Alarmed
command block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_OP M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not True $Default ReadOnly
description force open Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
OPB description open force Alarmed
block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not True $Default ReadOnly
STP Description force stop Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
STPB description force stop Alarmed
block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FUSE_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
MON_P description Output fuse Alarmed
monitor property
00M_O_V_JOG1000.LOCAL M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not True $Default ReadOnly
description local mode Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.LOCK M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not True $Default ReadOnly
description locked Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.LOCK_P M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description lock property Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.MAN_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
ANA_CTRL_P description manual Alarmed
analog control
00M_O_V_JOG1000.MAN_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
DIG_CTRL_P description manual digital Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.MN_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
REJ_A description manual reject
00M_O_V_JOG1000.MN_ M_O_V_JOG description Not False $Default ReadWrite
SETP manual position setup Alarmed

250 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OP_FLR M_O_V_JOG_V2 Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
description open circuit
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OP_ORD M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description open Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OPEN M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description open Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_CL M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not True $Default ReadOnly
description Close Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
CLB description Close Alarmed
override block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
CMD description override Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
CMDB description override Alarmed
command block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_OP M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not True $Default ReadOnly
description open override Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
OPB description open override Alarmed
block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not True $Default ReadOnly
STP description stop override Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
STPB description stop override Alarmed
block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.PBSTATE M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description last PB state Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000. M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
PBSTATE2 description last PB state Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.PMT_AU M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description auto permit Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.PMT_ M_O_V_JOG _V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
AUB Description auto permit Alarmed
bypass status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.PMT_CL M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description permit to Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.PMT_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
CLB description close permit Alarmed
bypass status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.PMT_OP M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description permit to open Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.PMT_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
OPB description open permit Alarmed
bypass status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.POS M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description position Alarmed

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 251

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00M_O_V_JOG1000.POS_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
ORD description position Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.POSFB_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
P description position Alarmed
feedback property
00M_O_V_JOG1000.REJ_MN M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description manual reject Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.REJ_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
MNB description manual reject Alarmed
bypass status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.REM_P M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description remote Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.TL_A M_O_V_JOG description Not True $Default ReadOnly
torque limit Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.TQ_LIM_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
P description torque limit Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.TRANS_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
P description transit Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.TRN_IND M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description transit IND Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.VOLT_ M_O_V_JOG_V2 Not False $Default ReadOnly
MON_P description output volt Alarmed
monitor property

252 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
The Object name for the HMI is the same as the Device name specified in the ToolboxST configuration.

Click the Object to

display the

Typical HMI Object for MOV_JOG_V2

Manual Digital Control Mode

M_O_V_JOG_V2 Faceplate

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 253

Public Information
Changing Analog Setpoint

254 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
The following tables provide a complete list of all possible M_O_V_JOG_V2 enumeration combinations.

IO_OPT Enumerations
Enumeration Mode Option Description
CP_OK Control power OK
REM Remote mode
CP_OK-REM Control power OK and remote mode
AVAIL Valve available
CP_OK-AVAIL Control power OK and valve available
REM-AVAIL Remote mode and valve available
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL Control power OK and remote mode and valve available
TRANS Valve in transit
CP_OK-TRANS Control power OK and valve in transit
REM-TRANS Remote mode and valve in transit
CP_OK-REM-TRANS Control power OK and remote mode and valve in transit
AVAIL-TRANS Valve available and valve in transit
CP_OK-AVAIL-TRANS Control power OK and valve available and valve in transit
REM-AVAIL-TRANS Remote mode and valve available and valve in transit
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-TRANS Control power OK and remote mode and valve available and valve in transit
TQ_LIM Torque limiting
CP_OK-TQ_LIM Control power OK and torque limiting
REM-TQ_LIM Remote mode and torque limiting
CP_OK-REM-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote mode and torque limiting
AVAIL-TQ_LIM Valve available and torque limiting
CP_OK-AVAIL-TQ_LIM Control power OK and valve available and torque limiting
REM-AVAIL-TQ_LIM Remote mode and valve available and torque limiting
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote mode and valve available and torque limiting
TRANS-TQ_LIM Valve in transit and torque limiting
CP_OK-TRANS-TQ_LIM Control power OK and valve in transit and torque limiting
REM-TRANS-TQ_LIM Remote mode and valve in transit and torque limiting
CP_OK-REM-TRANS-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote mode and valve in transit and torque limiting
AVAIL-TRANS-TQ_LIM Valve available and valve in transit and torque limiting
CP_OK-AVAIL-TRANS-TQ_LIM Control power OK and valve available and valve in transit and torque limiting
REM-AVAIL-TRANS-TQ_LIM Remote mode and valve available and valve in transit and torque limiting
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-TRANS-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote mode and valve available and valve in transit and
torque limiting

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 255

Public Information
MODE Enumerations
Enumeration Operating Mode
MANUAL-OPENED Valve in manual and opened
AUTO-OPENED Valve in auto and opened
MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENED Valve in manual and remote and opened
AUTO-REMOTE-OPENED Valve in auto and remote and opened
MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENED Valve in manual and local and opened
AUTO-LOCAL-OPENED Valve in auto and local and opened
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENED Valve in manual and override and opened
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENED Valve in auto and override and opened
MANUAL-OPENING Valve in manual and opening
AUTO-OPENING Valve in auto and opening
MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENING Valve in manual and remote and opening
AUTO-REMOTE-OPENING Valve in auto and remote and opening
MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENING Valve in manual and local and opening
AUTO-LOCAL-OPENING Valve in auto and local and opening
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENING Valve in manual and override and opening
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENING Valve in auto and override and opening
MANUAL-CLOSED Valve in manual and closed
AUTO-CLOSED Valve in auto and closed
MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSED Valve in manual and remote and closed
AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSED Valve in auto and remote and closed
MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSED Valve in manual and local and closed
AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSED Valve in auto and local and closed
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSED Valve in manual and override and closed
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSED Valve in auto and override and closed
MANUAL-CLOSING Valve in manual and closing
AUTO-CLOSING Valve in auto and closing
MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSING Valve in manual and remote and closing
AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSING Valve in auto and remote and closing
MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSING Valve in manual and local and closing
AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSING Valve in auto and local and closing
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSING Valve in manual and override and closing
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSING Valve in auto and override and closing
MANUAL-FAULTED Valve in manual and faulted
AUTO-FAULTED Valve in auto and faulted
MANUAL-REMOTE-FAULTED Valve in manual and remote and faulted
AUTO-REMOTE-FAULTED Valve in auto and remote and faulted
MANUAL-LOCAL-FAULTED Valve in manual and local and faulted
AUTO-LOCAL-FAULTED Valve in auto and local and faulted
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-FAULTED Valve in manual and override and faulted
AUTO-OVERRIDE-FAULTED Valve in auto and override and faulted
MANUAL-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in manual and opened and locked
AUTO-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in auto and opened and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in manual and remote and opened and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in auto and remote and opened and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in manual and local and opened and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in auto and local and opened and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in manual and override and opened and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in auto and override and opened and locked
MANUAL-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in manual and opening and locked

256 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
MODE Enumerations (continued)
Enumeration Operating Mode
AUTO-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in auto and opening and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in manual and remote and opening and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in auto and remote and opening and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in manual and local and opening and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in auto and local and opening and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in manual and override and opening and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in auto and override and opening and locked
MANUAL-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in manual and closed and locked
AUTO-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in auto and closed and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in manual and remote and closed and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in auto and remote and closed and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in manual and local and closed and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in auto and local and closed and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in manual and override and closed and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in auto and override and closed and locked
MANUAL-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in manual and closing and locked
AUTO-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in auto and closing and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in manual and remote and closing and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in auto and remote and closing and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in manual and local and closing and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in auto and local and closing and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in manual and override and closing and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in auto and override and closing and locked
MANUAL-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in manual and faulted and locked
AUTO-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in auto and faulted and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in manual and remote and faulted and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in auto and remote and faulted and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in manual and local and faulted and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in auto and local and faulted and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in manual and override and faulted and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in auto and override and faulted and locked

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 257

Public Information
29 Motor Operated Valve with Jog Version 3
Block Category: Device Control
The Motor Operated Valve with Jog Version 3 (M_O_V_JOG_V3) block controls a motor-operated valve powered from a
low-voltage reversing starter when the valve must be capable of being manually positioned anywhere in mid-travel.
Depending on the control type enumeration property selected; the block provides open and close output commands, OP_ORD
and CL_ORD, or an analog output command, POS_ORD, that are used to operate the valve. The OPEN and CLOSED inputs
are required. The control type enumeration property selected determines if the POS input is required for proper block

Note This block has various enumerations that are used to control block operation.

The block will generate a failed-to-open alarm, FL_OP_A, failed-to-close alarm, FL_CL_A, failed-to-stop alarm, FL_STP_A,
and a limit switch congruency alarm, CONGR_A, that alarms when the valve limit switches indicate that the valve is open
and closed at the same time.
Although not required, a starter auxiliary contact input, TRANSIT, is used to indicate when the valve is in transit, enhances
the block’s functionality. The valve in transit input, TRANSIT, is required if the IO option attribute, IO_OPT, enumeration
TRANS is selected.

Block Configuration
Control (CTL)
CTL is an enumeration set by the HMI operator for valve control. The commands available from the HMI allow manual and
automatic valve control capability and/or lockout capability if the block property MODE_OPT enumeration selected allows
the auto and/or lock mode. The valve may be opened, closed, or stopped in manual mode by the OPEN_CMD, CLOSE_
CMD, or STOP_CMD enumerations, respectively. The command enumerations are defined in the following table.

CTL Enumerations
Enumeration Command
NO_CMD No command
AUTO_CMD Auto command
MANUAL_CMD Manual command
LOCK_CMD Lock command
UNLOCK_CMD Unlock command
STOP_CMD Stop command
OPEN_CMD Open command
CLOSE_CMD Close command
RESET_CMD Fault reset command

258 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

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If the valve requires analog input for auto and manual control with analog output with position feedback, control power
monitoring input, fuse monitoring and has the capability for auto and lockout, operation. Then the CTRL_TYPE selection is
and IO_MON is FUSE.

Functionality of Block Attribute Enumerations

Control Type (CTRL_TYPE)
CTRL_TYPE enumerations are listed in the following table.

CTRL_TYPE Enumerations
Enumeration Control Option Description
MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN Manual digital control and auto digital control and
digital outputs and digital inputs
MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Manual digital control and auto digital control and
digital outputs and digital inputs and position feedback
MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Manual analog control and auto digital control and
digital outputs and digital inputs and position feedback
MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Manual digital control and auto analog control and
digital outputs and digital inputs and position feedback
MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Manual digital control and auto digital control and
analog output and digital inputs and position feedback
MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Manual analog control and auto digital control and
analog output and digital inputs and position feedback
MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS Manual digital control and auto analog control and
analog output and digital inputs and position feedback
MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-DIG_OUT-POS Manual analog control and auto analog control and
digital outputs and position feedback
MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-ANA_OUT-POS Manual analog control and auto analog control and
analog output and position feedback

MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN — select for valves that provide digital inputs and digital
outputs for both auto and manual control. The OPEN and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required.
When the MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN enumerations is selected, the outputs MAN_DIG_
ANA_CTRL_P, ANA_OUT_P, and POSFB_P are False and the following inputs and outputs become available:

• OP_OVR: the open override

• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• AU_OP: the auto open†
• AU_CL: the auto close†
• AU_STP: the auto stop†
• OP_ORD: the open order/command
• CL_ORD: the close order/command

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 259

Public Information
MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide position feedback,
digital inputs and digital outputs for both auto and manual control. The analog input position feedback for the valve, POS, and
the OPEN and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_
CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS enumeration is selected, the outputs MAN_DIG_CTRL_P, AUTO_DIG_CTRL_P, DIG_IN_
OUT_P, are False and the following inputs and outputs become available:

• OP_OVR: the open override

• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• AU_OP: the auto open†
• AU_CL: the auto close†
• AU_STP: the auto stop†
• OP_ORD: the open order/command
• CL_ORD: the close order/command
MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide position feedback for
manual control, digital inputs for auto control and digital outputs for both auto and manual control. The analog input position
feedback for the valve, POS, is required for manual control and is used to display the valve open percentage on the HMI. The
OPEN and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_
CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS enumeration is selected, the outputs MAN_ANA_CTRL_P, ANA_CTRL_P (when the valve
is not in AUTO mode†), DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is in AUTO mode†), AUTO_DIG_CTRL_P, DIG_IN_P, DIG_OUT_
P, and POSFB_P are True, the MAN_DIG_CTRL_P, AUTO_ANA_CTRL_P, ANA_CTRL_P (when the valve is in AUTO
mode†), DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is not in AUTO mode†), and ANA_OUT_P, are False and the following inputs and
outputs become available:

• MN_SETP: the manual position setpoint; tracks POS when the value is in OVERRIDE, FORCE, or AUTO mode, if used
• CMD_OVR: the override command
• OV: the override position setpoint
• OP_OVR: the open override
• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• CMD_FRC: the force command
• FV: the force position setpoint
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• POS_CR: the position close rate in percent per second
• POS_OR: the position open rate in percent per second
• POS_DB: the position deadband in percent
• POS_NT: the minimum on time in seconds
• POS_FT: the minimum off time in seconds
• POS_HY: the position control hysteresis in percent
• AU_OP: the auto open†
• AU_CL: the auto close†
• AU_STP: the auto stop†
• OP_ORD: the open order/command
• CL_ORD: the close order/command

260 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide position feedback for
auto control, digital inputs for manual control and digital outputs for both auto and manual control. The analog input position
feedback for the valve, POS, is required for auto control and is used to display the valve open percentage on the HMI. The
OPEN and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_AUTO_
CTRL-DIG_OUT-DIG_IN-POS enumeration is selected, the outputs AUTO_ANA_CTRL_P, ANA_CTRL_P (when the
valve is in AUTO mode†), DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is not in AUTO mode†), MAN_DIG_CTRL_P, DIG_IN_P, DIG_
OUT_P, and POSFB_P are True, the MAN_ANA_CTRL_P, AUTO_DIG_CTRL_P, ANA_CTRL_P (when the valve is not in
AUTO mode†), DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is in AUTO mode†), and ANA_OUT_P, are False and the following inputs
and outputs become available:

• AU_SETP: the auto position setpoint†

• CMD_OVR: the override command
• OV: the override position setpoint
• OP_OVR: the open override
• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• CMD_FRC: the force command in auto mode†
• FV: the force position setpoint in auto mode†
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• POS_CR: the position close rate in percent per second
• POS_OR: the position open rate in percent per second
• POS_DB: the position deadband in percent
• POS_NT: the minimum on time in seconds
• POS_FT: the minimum off time in seconds
• POS_HY: the position control hysteresis in percent
• OP_ORD: the open order/command
• CL_ORD: the close order/command

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 261

Public Information
MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-DIG_OUT-POS — select for valves that provide position feedback for auto and
manual control, and digital outputs for both auto and manual control. The analog input position feedback for the valve, POS,
is required for both auto and manual control and is used to display the valve open percentage on the HMI. The OPEN and
CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-DIG_
OUT-POS enumeration is selected, the outputs MAN_ANA_CTRL_P, AUTO_ANA_CTRL_P, ANA_CTRL_P, DIG_OUT_
are False and the following inputs and outputs become available:

• AU_SETP: the auto position setpoint†

• MN_SETP: the manual position setpoint; tracks POS when the value is in OVERRIDE, FORCE, or AUTO mode, if used
• CMD_OVR: the override command
• OV: the override position setpoint
• OP_OVR: the open override
• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• CMD_FRC: the force command
• FV: the force position setpoint
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• POS_CR: the position close rate in percent per second
• POS_OR: the position open rate in percent per second
• POS_DB: the position deadband in percent
• POS_NT: the minimum on time in seconds
• POS_FT: the minimum off time in seconds
• POS_HY: the position control hysteresis in percent
• OP_ORD: the open order/command
• CL_ORD: the close order/command
MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide position feedback,
digital inputs for auto and manual control and an analog output for both auto and manual control. The analog input position
feedback for the valve, POS, is used to display the valve open percentage on the HMI. The OPEN and CLOSED inputs from
the limit switches of the valve are required. When the MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS
enumeration is selected, the outputs MAN_DIG_CTRL_P, AUTO_DIG_CTRL_P, ANA_CTRL_P, ANA_OUT_P, DIG_IN_
P, and POSFB_P are True, the MAN_ANA_CTRL_P, AUTO_ANA_CTRL_P, DIG_CTRL_P and DIG_OUT_P, are False
and the following inputs and outputs become available:

• OP_OVR: the open override

• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• AU_OP: the auto open†
• AU_CL: the auto close†
• AU_STP: the auto stop†
• POS_ORD: the position order/command

262 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide position feedback,
analog inputs for manual control and digital inputs for auto control and an analog output for both auto and manual control.
The analog input position feedback for the valve, POS, is used to display the valve open percentage on the HMI. The OPEN
and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_DIG_
CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS enumeration is selected, the outputs MAN_ANA_CTRL_P, AUTO_DIG_CTRL_P, ANA_
CTRL_P (when the valve is not in AUTO mode), ANA_OUT_P, DIG_IN_P, DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is in AUTO
mode†), and POSFB_P are True, the MAN_DIG_CTRL_P, AUTO_ANA_CTRL_P, ANA_CTRL_P (when the valve is in
AUTO mode†), DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is not in AUTO mode†) and DIG_OUT_P, are False and the following inputs
and outputs become available:

• MN_SETP: the manual position setpoint; tracks POS when the value is in OVERRIDE, FORCE, or AUTO mode, if used
• OP_OVR: the open override
• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• CMD_OVR: the override command
• OV: the override position setpoint
• CMD_FRC: the force command in manual mode
• FV :the force position setpoint in manual mode
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• POS_CR: the position close rate in percent per second
• POS_OR: the position open rate in percent per second
• POS_DB: the position deadband in percent
• POS_NT: the minimum on time in seconds
• POS_FT: the minimum off time in seconds
• POS_HY: the position control hysteresis in percent
• OP_ORD: the open order/command
• CL_ORD: the close order/command
• AU_OP: the auto open†
• AU_CL: the auto close†
• AU_STP: the auto stop†
• POS_ORD: the position order/command

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 263

Public Information
MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS — select for valves that provide position feedback,
digital inputs for manual control and analog inputs for auto control and an analog output for both auto and manual control.
The analog input position feedback for the valve, POS, is used to display the valve open percentage on the HMI. The OPEN
and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the MAN_DIG_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_
CTRL-ANA_OUT-DIG_IN-POS enumeration is selected, the outputs MAN_DIG_CTRL_P, AUTO_DIG_CTRL_P, ANA_
CTRL_P, ANA_OUT_P, DIG_IN_P, DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is in AUTO mode†), and POSFB_P are True, the MAN_
DIG_CTRL_P, AUTO_ANA_CTRL_P, DIG_CTRL_P (when the valve is not in AUTO mode†) and DIG_OUT_P, are False
and the following inputs and outputs become available:

• AU_SETP: the auto position setpoint†

• OP_OVR: the open override
• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• CMD_FRC: the force command in auto mode†
• FV: the force position setpoint in auto mode†
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• POS_CR: the position close rate in percent per second
• POS_OR: the position open rate in percent per second
• POS_DB: the position deadband in percent
• POS_NT: the minimum on time in seconds
• POS_FT: the minimum off time in seconds
• POS_HY: the position control hysteresis in percent
• OP_ORD: the open order/command
• CL_ORD: the close order/command
• POS_ORD: the position order/command

264 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-ANA_OUT — select for valves that provide analog inputs and analog outputs for
both auto and manual control. The OPEN and CLOSED inputs from the limit switches of the valve are required. When the
MAN_ANA_CTRL-AUTO_ANA_CTRL-ANA_OUT enumeration is selected, the outputs MAN_ANA_CTRL_P, AUTO_
OUT_P, DIG_OUT_P, and POSFB_P are False and the following inputs and outputs become available:

• AU_SETP: the auto position setpoint†

• MN_SETP: the manual position setpoint
• CMD_OVR: the override command
• OV: the override position setpoint
• OP_OVR: the open override
• CL_OVR: the close override
• ST_OVR: the stop override
• CMD_FRC: the force command in manual mode
• FV: the force position setpoint in manual mode
• OP_FRC: the open force
• CL_FRC: the close force
• STP_FRC: the stop force
• POS_CR: the position close rate in percent per second
• POS_OR: the position open rate in percent per second
• POS_DB: the position deadband in percent
• POS_NT: the minimum on time in seconds
• POS_FT: the minimum off time in seconds
• POS_HY: the position control hysteresis in percent
• POS_ORD: the position order/command

Note † The enumeration MODE_OPT must contain AUTO for the valve to have automatic functionality.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 265

Public Information
IO Options (IO_OPT)
IO_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table. A complete list of all possible enumeration combinations is provided
in the section Appendix.

IO_OPT Enumerations (Short List)

Enumeration Description
None No capabilities are available

CP_OK M_O_V_JOG_V3 has a hard-wired control power monitoring input.

REM M_O_V_JOG_V3 has a hard-wired remote/local input.

AVAIL M_O_V_JOG_V3 has hard-wired available input. This is a Ready to go indicator.

TRANS M_O_V_JOG_V3 has a hard-wired valve-in-transit input.

TQ_LIM M_O_V_JOG_V3 has hard-wired torque limiting input.

NONE — when IO_OPT is none, then CP_OK, REMOTE, AVAIL, and TRANSIT inputs are not used.
CP_OK — select for valves that provide a control power monitoring IO capability. When the CP_OK enumeration is
selected, the output CP_OK_P is True. The Boolean control power monitoring connection is to the CP_OK input of the block
and is True when no control power failure is detected. When the CP_OK input is False, the control power failure alarm, CP_
F_A, is activated. If the valve is in AUTO mode and the duration of CP_F _A being True has exceeded the PWR_FL_TMR,
the valve will switch to MANUAL mode and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
REM — select for valves that have remote/local capability. When the REM enumeration is selected, the output REM_P is
True. The Boolean remote/local connection is to the REMOTE input of the block and is True when the valve is in remote
mode. When REMOTE is False, the output LOCAL is True and valve control from the HMI is disabled. If the valve is in
AUTO mode and LOCAL becomes True, the valve will switch to MANUAL mode and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A,
will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
AVAIL — select for valves that require an available capability. When the AVAIL enumeration is selected, the output AVAIL_
P is True. The Boolean available connection is to the AVAIL input of the block and is True when the valve is available. When
AVAIL is False, the available alarm, AVAIL_A, is activated. If the valve is in AUTO mode and the duration of AVAIL_A
being True has exceeded the PWR_FL_TMR, the valve will switch to MANUAL mode and the manual reject alarm, MN_
REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
TQ_LIM— select for valves that require torque limiting capability. When the TQ_LIM enumeration is selected, the output
TQ_LIM_P is True. The Boolean torque limiting open and torque limiting close signals are connected to the TL_OP and TL_
CL inputs of the block. When either TL_OP or TL_CL are True, the torque limiting alarm, TL_A, is activated. If the valve is
in AUTO mode and the duration of TL_A being True has exceeded 2 seconds, the valve will switch to MANUAL mode and
the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
TRANS — select for valves that provide capability to determine when the valve is in transit. When the TRANS enumeration
is selected, the output TRANS_P is True. The Boolean, valve in transit, connection is to the TRANSIT input of the block, and
is True when the valve is in transit. When the TRANSIT input is True, the transit indication output, TRN_IND, is True. If the
TRANS_P is False, TRN_IND is True whenever OP_ORD or CL_ORD is True.

266 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
MODE_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table.

MODE_OPT Enumerations
Enumeration Mode Option Description
AUTO Auto mode
LOCK Lock mode
AUTO-LOCK Auto mode and lock mode

NONE — the valve can be opened or closed manually by the HMI operator, no other mode options are available.
AUTO — provides auto control capability of the valve. Selecting the AUTO mode property will set AUTO_P to True,
indicating the auto mode property of the block is enabled. When AUTO_P is True, the valve can be commanded to auto by
either CTL enumeration AUTO_CMD or a rising edge on AU_SEL providing PMT_AU is True. The HMI operator may
command the valve from auto to manual mode at any time with the CTL enumeration MANUAL_CMD.

Note PMT_AU is described in the section Auto/Open/Close Permissives.

When AUTO is True and DIG_CTRL_P is True, the AU_OP, AU_CL, and AU_STOP inputs control the automatic opening,
closing, and stopping the movement of the valve, provided, PMT_OP or PMT_CL, for the respective command is True. If
AU_OP or AU_CL, become True, the valve is in manual mode, and the valve position is not in the state of the requested
command or valve is in transit, TRN_IND is True, and AU_STOP becomes True, the auto request alarm, AU_REQ, will be
activated. When AUTO is True and ANA_CTRL_P is True the valve is controlled automatically by the AU_SETP input.
LOCK — provides software lock-out capability for the valve. Selecting the LOCK mode property will set LOCK_P to True,
and enable the LOCK_CMD and UNLOCK_CMD to control the lockout mode functionality. If DIG_CTRL_P is True, the
valve must be OPEN or CLOSED or not in TRANSIT (if TRANS_P is True) before the block can be set to lockout mode. If
ANA_CTRL_P is True, the POS_ORD must less 0.5% before the block can be set to lockout mode. Feedback to the HMI
operator of this mode is provided by LOCK. The HMI operator is prevented from operating valve from the control faceplate
when LOCK is True, and auto mode is disabled.

Note The lockout indication is provided for status indication only. This action will not lockout the equipment, it will only
indicate lockout status. The owner's lockout procedures must be followed to safely lock equipment out.

Note The Lock button can also be configured to use the WorkstationST Lock function. Refer to the
WorkstationST/CIMPLICITY Advanced Viewer Integration Instruction Guide (GEI-100697), the section HMI Tagout.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 267

Public Information
IO_MON digital output monitor types are available when DIG_OUT_P is True. Monitoring is only available for the outputs
OP_ORD, and CL_ORD. If the hardware baord used with OP_ORD, and CL_ORD can perform diagnostic monitoring, IO_
MON is used to select the type of diagnostic monitoring. When diagnostic monitoring is used (FUSE or VOLT), the
diagnostic variable from the digital output board associated with OP_ORD, and CL_ORD is connected to RDY_OP and
RDY_CL, respectively.
The following table lists the IO_MON enumerations.

IO_MON Enumerations
Enumeration Monitor Option Description
FUSE Fuse monitoring

VOLT Voltage monitoring

NONE — no circuit monitoring is available, RDY_OP and RDY_CLare not used.

FUSE — fuse monitoring determines the valve circuit failure. If FUSE is selected FUSE_MON_P is True. The Boolean fuse
monitoring input is True when there is no fuse failure and is connected to the RDY_OP and RDY_CL inputs. If there is a fuse
failure, RDY_OPor RDY_CL becomes False and OP_FLR or CL_FLR becomes True. When OP_FLR or CL_FLR becomes
True, PMT_OP or PMT_CL becomes False, respectively and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR. If
AUTO is True when this occurs, AUTO will become False and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated,
(delayed by 2 seconds). Note, to prevent an unwanted automatic switch to Manual mode, in case of an Automatic bus transfer
or Power supply transfer, the power supply transfer time should not exceed PWR_FL_TMR. If the power supply transfer time
exceeds the PWR_FL_TMR, the valve will transfer from auto to manual mode and MN_REJ_A, will be activated.
VOLT — voltage monitoring determines the valve circuit failure. If VOLT is selected VOLT_MON_P is True. The Boolean
voltage monitoring input is True when there is no voltage failure and is connected to the RDY_OP and RDY_CL inputs.
OP_FLR is True, (delayed by 2 seconds), when the following conditions exist:

• DIG_OUT_P is True
• RDY_OP is False
• OP_ORD is False
• CP_OK is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration CP_OK is selected)
• REMOTE is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration REM is selected)
• OPEN is False
• TRANSIT is False (if the IO_OPT, enumeration TRANS is selected)
• AVAIL is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration AVAIL is selected)
• CL_ORD is False
• VOLT_MON_P is True
When OP_FLR is True, PMT_OP is False and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR.

268 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
CL_FLR is True, (delayed by 2 seconds), when the following conditions exist:

• DIG_OUT_P is True
• RDY_CL is False
• CL_ORD is False
• CP_OK is True (if the IO_OPT enumeration CP_OK is selected)
• REMOTE is True (if the IO_OPT enumeration REM is selected)
• CLOSED is False
• TRANSIT is False (if the IO_OPT enumeration TRANS is selected)
• AVAIL is True (if the IO_OPT enumeration AVAIL is selected)
• OP_ORD is False
• VOLT_MON_P is True
When CL_FLR is True, PMT_CL is False and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR.
If AUTO is True when this occurs, AUTO will become False and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated,
(delayed by 2 seconds). Note, to prevent an unwanted automatic switch to Manual mode, in case of an Automatic bus transfer
or Power supply transfer, the power supply transfer time should not exceed PWR_FL_TMR. If the power supply transfer time
exceeds the PWR_FL_TMR, the valve will transfer from auto to manual mode and MN_REJ_A, will be activated.

Override Control
The block provides override input enumerations override open, OP_OVR, override close, CL_OVR, a dominant override
stop, STP_OVR, override setpoint/command, CMD_OVR, and a manual reject input enumeration, MN_REJ. The following
table provides the possible values of the enumerations.

CL_OVR, OP_OVR, STP_OVR, and CMD_OVR, and MN_REJ Enumerations

Name Override Option Description
NO_OVR-NO-BLOCK No override and no override is blocked

OVR-NO_BLOCK Override active and no override is blocked

NO_OVR-BLOCK No override and a override is blocked

OVR-BLOCK Override active and a override is blocked

When DIG_OUT_P is True, OP_OVR, CL_OVR, or STP_OVR will open, close, or stop the movement of the valve,
respectively, and prevent it from reopening/reclosing/moving in any mode. Note that STP_OVR is the dominate override.
When ANA_OUT_P is True and CMD_OVR indicates Override Active, the valve will move to the position assigned to the
OV input. If the valve is in auto mode (AUTO is True), it rejects to manual and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be
activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
OVR_OP, CL_OVR, STP_OVR, and CMD_OVR (if used) are driven from an OVERRIDE block. Each connected input of
the OVERRIDE block has the ability (when enabled) to be blocked by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated
tab of the permit HMI screen display. When OP_OVR, CL_OVR, STP_OVR, or CMD_OVR enumeration contains BLOCK,
the HMI operator has blocked at least one override. M_O_V_JOG_V3 does not use the block information, but passes it to the
HMI for display.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 269

Public Information
Force Control
The block provides force input enumerations Force Open (OP_FRC), Force Close (CL_FRC), Force Stop (STP_FRC), and
Force Setpoint/Command (CMD_FRC). The following table provides the possible values of the enumerations.

CL_FRC, OP_FRC, STP_FRC, and CMD_FRC Enumerations

Name Force Option Description
NO_FORCE-NO-BLOCK No force and no force is blocked

FORCE-NO_BLOCK Force active and no force is blocked

NO_FORCE-BLOCK No force and a force is blocked

FORCE-BLOCK Force active and a force is blocked

When DIG_OUT_P is True, OP_FRC, CL_FRC, or STP_FRC force the valve to open, close, or stop in any mode except
when OP_OVR, CL_OVR, or STP_OVR indicate Override Active. When ANA_OUT_P is True and CMD_FRC indicates
Force Active, the valve will move to the position assigned to the FV input except when CMD_OVR indicate Override Active.
The valve does not reject to manual if a force occurs.
OP_FRC, CL_FRC, STP_FRC, and CMD_FRC (If used) are driven from a FORCE block. Each connected input of the
FORCE block has the ability (when enabled) to be blocked by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated tab of the
permit HMI screen display. When OP_FRC, CL_FRC, STP_FRC, or CMD_FRC enumeration contains BLOCK, the HMI
operator has blocked at least one force. M_O_V_JOG_V3 does not use the block information, but passes it to the HMI for

Auto/Open/Close Permissives
The block provides permissive input enumerations AU_PMT, OP_PMT, CL_PMT. The following table provides the possible
values of the enumerations.
AU_PMT, CL_PMT, OP_PMT, and INT_PMT Enumerations
Enumeration Permit Option Description
NO_PERM-NO-BYPASS No permit and no permit is bypassed

PERM-NO_BYPASS Permit OK and no permit is bypassed

NO_PERM-BYPASS No permit and a permit is bypassed

PERM-BYPASS Permit OK and a permit is bypassed

The permit inputs, AU_PMT, OP_PMT, and CL_PMT, combine with internal permissives to generate PMT_AU, PMT_OP,
and PMT_CL, permitted indications. Note that OP_PMT and CL_PMT are only used for digital control (DIG_CTRL_P =

270 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
PMT_AU is True when the following conditions exist:

• AU_PMT enumeration indicates PERM

• AUTO_P is True
• MN_REJ is False
• LOCK is False
• OVR_OP is False
• CL_OVR is False
• OVR_STP is False
• OVR_CMD is False
• FL_OP_A is False
• FL_CL_A is False
• FL_STP_A is False
• CONGR_A is False
• REMOTE is True (if REM_P is True)
• CP_F_A, OP_FLR, CL_FLR, and AVAIL_A are False (or the duration of any of them being True has not exceeded the
• TL_A is False
If the valve is in auto mode and any of the conditions listed are not satisfied (except AU_PMT) the valve will be placed to
manual mode (That is, the outputs, AUTO and PMT_AU are set to False) and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be
activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
PMT_OP is True when the following conditions exist:

• OP_PMT is True
• REMOTE is True
• CL_OVR is False
• OP_FLR is False
• LOCK is False (if LOCK_P is True)
• CP_OK is True (if CP_OK_P is True)
• OVR_STP is False
• AVAIL is True (if AVAIL_P is True)
• FL_OP_A is False
• TL_A is False
• CL_FRC indicates No Force
• STP_FRC indicates No Force

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 271

Public Information
PMT_CL is True when the following conditions exist:

• CL_PMT is True
• REMOTE is True
• OVR_OP is False
• CL_FLR is False
• LOCK is False (if LOCK_P is True)
• CP_OK is True (if CP_OK_P is True)
• OVR_STP is False
• AVAIL is True (if AVAIL_P is True)
• FL_CL_A is False
• TL_A is False
• OP_FRC indicates No Force
• STP_FRC indicates No Force
AU_PMT, OP_PMT, and CL_PMT (If used) are driven from a PERMIT block. Each connected input of the PERMIT block
has the ability (when enabled) to be bypassed by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated tab of the permit HMI
screen display. When AU_PMT, OP_PMT, or CL_PMT enumeration contains BYPASS, the HMI operator has bypassed at
least one permit. M_O_V_JOG_V3 does not use the bypass information, but passes it to the HMI for display.

Valve Diagnostic Alarms

When the DIG_CTLR_P is True, the block will generate a failed-to-open alarm, FL_OP_A, a failed-to-close alarm,
FL_CL_A, and a failed-to-stop alarm, FL_STP_A, if the valve fails to open or close, in the time specified by the fail to open
time, FL_OP_T, or fail to close time, FL_CL_T, or the valve movement fails to stop in 3 seconds, respectively. Fail to
Open/Close alarms will also occur if in Transit mode and the valve fails to transit in the Fail to Transit Time, FL_TRANS_T.
These alarms are reset when FAULT_RESET is True or if the CTL enumeration equals RESET_CMD.
The block has a limit switch congruency alarm, CONGR_A that alarms when the valve limit switches indicate the valve is
open, OPEN is True, and closed, CLOSED is True, at the same time. The CONGR_A alarm is reset when the condition that
caused the alarm is cleared. The output, FAULT, is True when a fault is detected.
FAULT is True when the any of the following conditions exist:

• FL_OP_A is True
• FL_CL_A is True
• OP_FLR is True
• CONGR_A is True
• CP_F_A is True
• FL_STP_A is True
• AVAIL_A is True
• TL_A is True

272 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Push-button Status
The block has two push-button status outputs, PBSTATE and PBSTATE2, to indicate the last HMI operator initiated CTL
enumeration, which are valid when the CTRL_TYPE enumeration contains MAN_DIG_CTRL. PBSTATE is True and
PBSTATE2 is False when the last HMI CTL enumeration was STOP_CMD. PBSTATE is False and PBSTATE2 is False
when the last HMI CTL enumeration was CLOSE_CMD. PBSTATE is False and PBSTATE2 is True when the last HMI CTL
enumeration was OPEN_CMD.

Operating Mode (MODE)

Operating Mode (MODE) is the block-operating mode. The operating mode enumerations are defined in the following table.
A complete list of all possible combinations of MODE enumeration elements is provided in the section Appendix.

MODE Enumerations (Short List)

Enumeration Description
MANUAL Valve opens and closes under manual control
AUTO Valve opens and closes automatically.
REMOTE Valve can be controlled remotely
LOCAL Valve can be controlled locally
OVERRIDE Valve control has been overriden
OPENED Valve is open
OPENING Valve is opening
CLOSED Valve is closed
CLOSING Valve is closing
FAULTED Valve has conflicting status
LOCKED Valve is not accepting control commands

ToolboxST Configuration
Inserting a M_O_V_JOG_V3 into the application code displays the following window.

Changing Default Attribute Values

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 273

Public Information
When the user clicks OK, the block and pin connections will be configured automatically. The previous example will generate
Global pins. Pin names are in the form Device Value.Input_Name, where Device Value is the attribute value 00M_O_V_
JOG1000 and Input_Name is the block input/output names. The description, M_O_V_JOG_V3 description in this example,
becomes the prefix of the block input/output descriptions. Once the object has been added successfully, the block displays in
the ToolboxST application.

Note Global variables are listed in the table Global Variables. The defaults provided are for example only.

M_O_V_JOG_V3 Block

274 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
AU_CL Auto close command BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_OP Auto open command BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_PMT ✓ Auto permit UINT (ENUM) PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
AU_SEL Auto select input BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_SETP ✓ Auto position setup REAL 0 Always Value Only
AU_STOP Auto stop command BOOL False Always Value Only
AVAIL Available input BOOL True Always Value Only
CL_FRC Close force UINT (ENUM) NO_FORCE-NO_ Always Value Only

CL_INP ✓ Closed BOOL False Always Value Only
CL_OVR ✓ Close override UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
CL_PMT ✓ Close permit UINT (ENUM) PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
CMD_FRC Force command UINT (ENUM) NO_FORCE-NO_ Always Value Only

CMD_OVR ✓ Override command UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
CP_OK Control power OK input BOOL True Always Value Only
CTL ✓ Control word UINT (ENUM) NO_CMD Always Value Only
CTRL_TYPE Valve I/O control type UINT (ENUM) MAN_DIG_CTRL- Always Value Only
FAULT_RESET Fault/trip reset BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_CL_T Fail to close time UDINT 30000 Parameter Value Only
FL_OP_T Fail to open time UDINT 30000 Parameter Value Only
FL_TRANS_T Fail to Transit Time UDINT 3000 Parameter Value Only
FV Force value REAL 0 Always Value Only
MN_REJ ✓ Manual reject UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
MN_SETP ✓ Manual position setup REAL 0 Always Value Only
MODE_OPT Valve mode options UINT (ENUM) NONE Always Value Only
OP_FRC Force open UINT (ENUM) NO_FORCE-NO_ Always Value Only

OP_INP ✓ Open BOOL False Always Value Only
OP_OVR ✓ Open override UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
OP_PMT ✓ Open permit UINT (ENUM) PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
OV Override value REAL 0 Always Value Only
POS Position feedback REAL 0 Always Value with

POS_CR Position control close rate REAL 5 Parameter Value Only
POS_DB Position control deadband REAL 1 Parameter Value Only
POS_FT Position control off/dead REAL 3 Parameter Value Only
POS_HY Position control hysteresis REAL 0.5 Parameter Value Only

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 275

Public Information
Inputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
POS_NT Position control min on REAL 0.4 Parameter Value Only
POS_OR Position control open rate REAL 5 Parameter Value Only
PWR_FL_TMR Manual reject power fail UDINT 5000 Parameter Value Only
RDY_CL Output MON ready to BOOL True Always Value Only
RDY_OP Output MON ready to BOOL True Always Value Only
REMOTE Remote input BOOL True Always Value Only
STP_FRC Force stop UINT (ENUM) NO_FORCE-NO_ Always Value Only

STP_OVR ✓ Stop override UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
TL_CL Close torque limit BOOL False Always Value Only
TL_OP Open torque limit BOOL False Always Value Only
TRANSIT Valve in transit input BOOL False Always Value Only
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
{Device} ✓ {Desc} BOOL False Internal Value Only
ANA_CTRL_P ✓ Analog control property BOOL False Always Value Only
ANA_OUT_P ✓ Analog out property BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_REQ ✓ Auto request BOOL False Always Value Only
AUTO ✓ Auto BOOL False Always Value Only
AUTO_ANA_ Auto analog control BOOL False Always Value Only

AUTO_DIG_ Auto digital control BOOL True Always Value Only

AUTO_P ✓ Auto property BOOL False Always Value Only
AVAIL_A ✓ Not available BOOL False Always Value Only
AVAIL_P ✓ Available property BOOL False Always Value Only
CL_FLR ✓ Close circuit fail BOOL False Always Value Only
CL_ORD ✓ Close order/command BOOL False Always Value Only
CLOSED ✓ Closed BOOL False Always Value Only
CONGR_A ✓ Congruency BOOL False Always Value Only
CP_F_A ✓ Control power fail BOOL False Always Value Only
CP_OK_P ✓ Control power property BOOL False Always Value Only
DIG_CTRL_P ✓ Digital control property BOOL True Always Value Only
DIG_IN_P ✓ Digital ins property BOOL True Always Value Only
DIG_OUT_P ✓ Digital outs property BOOL True Always Value Only
FAULT ✓ Fault indication BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_CL_A ✓ Fail to close BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_OP_A ✓ Fail to open BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_STP_A ✓ Fail to stop BOOL False Always Value Only

276 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Outputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
FRC_CL ✓ Force close BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_CLB ✓ Close force block status BOOL False Internal Value Only
FRC_CMD ✓ Force command BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_CMDB Force command block BOOL False Internal Value Only

FRC_OP ✓ Force open BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_OPB ✓ Open force block status BOOL False Internal Value Only
FRC_STP ✓ Force stop BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_STPB ✓ Force stop block status BOOL False Internal Value Only
FUSE_MON_P Output fuse monitor BOOL False Always Value Only

IN_POS In position BOOL False Always Value Only
LOCAL ✓ Local mode BOOL False Always Value Only
LOCK ✓ Locked BOOL False Always Value Only
LOCK_P ✓ Lock property BOOL False Always Value Only
MAN_ANA_ manual analog control BOOL False Always Value Only
MAN_DIG_ Manual digital control BOOL True Always Value Only
MN_REJ_A Manual reject BOOL False Always Value Only
MODE Block mode UINT (ENUM) MANUAL-IDLE Always Value Only
OP_FLR Open circuit fail BOOL False Always Value Only
OP_ORD Open order/command BOOL False Always Value Only
OPEN Open BOOL False Always Value Only
OVR_CL Close override BOOL False Always Value Only
OVR_CLB Close override block BOOL False Internal Value Only
OVR_CMD Override command BOOL False Always Value Only

OVR_CMDB Override command block BOOL False Internal Value Only

OVR_OP Open override BOOL False Always Value Only
OVR_OPB Open override block BOOL False Internal Value Only
OVR_STP Stop override BOOL False Always Value Only
OVR_STPB Stop override block status BOOL False Internal Value Only
PBSTATE Last PB state BOOL False Internal Value Only
PBSTATE2 Last PB state BOOL False Internal Value Only
PMT_AU Auto permit BOOL False Always Value Only
PMT_AUB Auto permit bypass status BOOL False Internal Value Only
PMT_CL Permit to close BOOL True Always Value Only
PMT_CLB Close permit bypass BOOL False Internal Value Only
PMT_OP Permit to open BOOL True Always Value Only
PMT_OPB Open permit bypass BOOL False Internal Value Only

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 277

Public Information
Outputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
POS_BQ Position feedback bad BOOL False Always Value Only
POS_ORD Position order/command REAL 0 Always Value Only
POSFB_P Position feedback BOOL True Always Value Only
REJ_MN {Desc} Manual reject BOOL False Always Value Only
REJ_MNB Manual reject bypass BOOL False Internal Value Only
REM_P Remote property BOOL False Always Value Only
TL_A {Desc} Torque limit BOOL False Always Value Only

TQ_LIM_P {Desc} Torque limit BOOL False Always Value Only

TRANS_P {Desc} Transit property BOOL False Always Value Only
TRN_IND {Desc} Transit IND BOOL False Always Value Only
VOLT_MON_P {Desc} Output volt monitor BOOL False Always Value Only
✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

278 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00M_O_V_JOG1000 M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.ANA_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False ReadOnly
CTRL_P description analog control Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.ANA_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False ReadOnly
OUT_P description analog out Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AU_REQ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description auto request Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AU_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
SETP description auto position Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AUTO M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not True $Default ReadOnly
description auto Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AUTO_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
ANA_CTRL_P description auto analog Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AUTO_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
DIG_CTRL_P description auto digital Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AUTO_P M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description auto property Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AVAIL_A M_O_V_JOG_V3 Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
description not available
00M_O_V_JOG1000.AVAIL_P M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description available Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.CL_FLR M_O_V_JOG_V3 Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
description close circuit
00M_O_V_JOG1000.CL_ORD M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description close Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.CLOSED M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description closed Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.CONGR_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
A description congruency
00M_O_V_JOG1000.CP_F_A M_O_V_JOG_V3 Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
description control power
00M_O_V_JOG1000.CP_OK_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
P description control power Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.CTL M_O_V_JOG description Not False $Default ReadWrite
Control word Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.DIG_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
CTRL_P description digital control Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.DIG_IN_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
P description digital ins Alarmed

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 279

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00M_O_V_JOG1000.DIG_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
OUT_P description digital outs Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FAULT M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description fault Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FL_CL_A M_O_V_JOG_V3 Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
description fail to close
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FL_OP_A M_O_V_JOG description Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
fail to open
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FL_STP_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
A description fail to stop
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_CL M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not True $Default ReadOnly
description Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
CLB description close force Alarmed
block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
CMD description force Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
CMDB description force Alarmed
command block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_OP M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not True $Default ReadOnly
description Force open Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
OPB description open force Alarmed
block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not True $Default ReadOnly
STP description force stop Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FRC_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
STPB description force stop Alarmed
block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.FUSE_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
MON_P description output fuse Alarmed
monitor property
00M_O_V_JOG1000.LOCAL M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not True $Default ReadOnly
description local mode Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.LOCK M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not True $Default ReadOnly
description locked Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.LOCK_P M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description lock property Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.MAN_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
ANA_CTRL_P description manual Alarmed
analog control
00M_O_V_JOG1000.MAN_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
DIG_CTRL_P description manual digital Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.MN_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
REJ_A description manual reject
00M_O_V_JOG1000.MN_ M_O_V_JOG description Not False $Default ReadWrite
SETP manual position setup Alarmed

280 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OP_FLR M_O_V_JOG_V3 Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
description open circuit
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OP_ORD M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description open Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OPEN M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description open Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_CL M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not True $Default ReadOnly
description close override Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
CLB description close override Alarmed
block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
CMD description override Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
CMDB description override Alarmed
command block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_OP M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not True $Default ReadOnly
description open override Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
OPB description open override Alarmed
block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not True $Default ReadOnly
STP description stop override Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.OVR_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
STPB description stop override Alarmed
block status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.PBSTATE M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description last PB state Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000. M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
PBSTATE2 description last PB state Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.PMT_AU M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description auto permit Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.PMT_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
AUB description auto permit Alarmed
bypass status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.PMT_CL M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description permit to Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.PMT_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
CLB description close permit Alarmed
bypass status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.PMT_OP M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description permit to open Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.PMT_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
OPB description open permit Alarmed
bypass status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.POS M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description position Alarmed

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 281

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00M_O_V_JOG1000.POS_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
ORD description position Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.POSFB_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
P description position Alarmed
feedback property
00M_O_V_JOG1000.REJ_MN M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description manual reject Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.REJ_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
MNB description manual reject Alarmed
bypass status
00M_O_V_JOG1000.REM_P M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description remote Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.TL_A M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not True $Default ReadOnly
description torque limit Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.TQ_LIM_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
P description torque limit Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.TRANS_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
P description transit Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.TRN_IND M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description transit IND Alarmed
00M_O_V_JOG1000.VOLT_ M_O_V_JOG_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
MON_P description output volt Alarmed
monitor property

282 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
The Object name for the HMI is the same as the Device name specified in the ToolboxST configuration.

Click the Object to

display the faceplate.

Typical HMI Object for MOV_JOG_V3

Manual Digital Control Mode

M_O_V_JOG_V3 Faceplate

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 283

Public Information
Changing Analog Setpoint

284 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
The following tables provide a complete list of all possible M_O_V_JOG_V3 enumeration combinations.

IO_OPT Enumerations
Enumeration Mode Option Description
CP_OK Control power OK
REM Remote mode
CP_OK-REM Control power OK and remote mode
AVAIL Valve available
CP_OK-AVAIL Control power OK and valve available
REM-AVAIL Remote mode and valve available
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL Control power OK and remote mode and valve available
TRANS Valve in transit
CP_OK-TRANS Control power OK and valve in transit
REM-TRANS Remote mode and valve in transit
CP_OK-REM-TRANS Control power OK and remote mode and valve in transit
AVAIL-TRANS Valve available and valve in transit
CP_OK-AVAIL-TRANS Control power OK and valve available and valve in transit
REM-AVAIL-TRANS Remote mode and valve available and valve in transit
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-TRANS Control power OK and remote mode and valve available and valve in transit
TQ_LIM Torque limiting
CP_OK-TQ_LIM Control power OK and torque limiting
REM-TQ_LIM Remote mode and torque limiting
CP_OK-REM-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote mode and torque limiting
AVAIL-TQ_LIM Valve available and torque limiting
CP_OK-AVAIL-TQ_LIM Control power OK and valve available and torque limiting
REM-AVAIL-TQ_LIM Remote mode and valve available and torque limiting
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote mode and valve available and torque limiting
TRANS-TQ_LIM Valve in transit and torque limiting
CP_OK-TRANS-TQ_LIM Control power OK and valve in transit and torque limiting
REM-TRANS-TQ_LIM Remote mode and valve in transit and torque limiting
CP_OK-REM-TRANS-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote mode and valve in transit and torque limiting
AVAIL-TRANS-TQ_LIM Valve available and valve in transit and torque limiting
CP_OK-AVAIL-TRANS-TQ_LIM Control power OK and valve available and valve in transit and torque limiting
REM-AVAIL-TRANS-TQ_LIM Remote mode and valve available and valve in transit and torque limiting
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-TRANS-TQ_LIM Control power OK and remote mode and valve available and valve in transit and
torque limiting

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 285

Public Information
MODE Enumerations
Enumeration Operating Mode
MANUAL-OPENED Valve in manual and opened
AUTO-OPENED Valve in auto and opened
MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENED Valve in manual and remote and opened
AUTO-REMOTE-OPENED Valve in auto and remote and opened
MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENED Valve in manual and local and opened
AUTO-LOCAL-OPENED Valve in auto and local and opened
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENED Valve in manual and override and opened
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENED Valve in auto and override and opened
MANUAL-OPENING Valve in manual and opening
AUTO-OPENING Valve in auto and opening
MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENING Valve in manual and remote and opening
AUTO-REMOTE-OPENING Valve in auto and remote and opening
MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENING Valve in manual and local and opening
AUTO-LOCAL-OPENING Valve in auto and local and opening
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENING Valve in manual and override and opening
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENING Valve in auto and override and opening
MANUAL-CLOSED Valve in manual and closed
AUTO-CLOSED Valve in auto and closed
MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSED Valve in manual and remote and closed
AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSED Valve in auto and remote and closed
MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSED Valve in manual and local and closed
AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSED Valve in auto and local and closed
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSED Valve in manual and override and closed
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSED Valve in auto and override and closed
MANUAL-CLOSING Valve in manual and closing
AUTO-CLOSING Valve in auto and closing
MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSING Valve in manual and remote and closing
AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSING Valve in auto and remote and closing
MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSING Valve in manual and local and closing
AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSING Valve in auto and local and closing
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSING Valve in manual and override and closing
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSING Valve in auto and override and closing
MANUAL-FAULTED Valve in manual and faulted
AUTO-FAULTED Valve in auto and faulted
MANUAL-REMOTE-FAULTED Valve in manual and remote and faulted
AUTO-REMOTE-FAULTED Valve in auto and remote and faulted
MANUAL-LOCAL-FAULTED Valve in manual and local and faulted
AUTO-LOCAL-FAULTED Valve in auto and local and faulted
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-FAULTED Valve in manual and override and faulted
AUTO-OVERRIDE-FAULTED Valve in auto and override and faulted
MANUAL-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in manual and opened and locked
AUTO-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in auto and opened and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in manual and remote and opened and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in auto and remote and opened and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in manual and local and opened and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in auto and local and opened and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in manual and override and opened and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENED-LOCKED Valve in auto and override and opened and locked
MANUAL-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in manual and opening and locked

286 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
MODE Enumerations (continued)
Enumeration Operating Mode
AUTO-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in auto and opening and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in manual and remote and opening and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in auto and remote and opening and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in manual and local and opening and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in auto and local and opening and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in manual and override and opening and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENING-LOCKED Valve in auto and override and opening and locked
MANUAL-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in manual and closed and locked
AUTO-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in auto and closed and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in manual and remote and closed and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in auto and remote and closed and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in manual and local and closed and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in auto and local and closed and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in manual and override and closed and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSED-LOCKED Valve in auto and override and closed and locked
MANUAL-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in manual and closing and locked
AUTO-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in auto and closing and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in manual and remote and closing and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in auto and remote and closing and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in manual and local and closing and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in auto and local and closing and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in manual and override and closing and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSING-LOCKED Valve in auto and override and closing and locked
MANUAL-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in manual and faulted and locked
AUTO-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in auto and faulted and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in manual and remote and faulted and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in auto and remote and faulted and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in manual and local and faulted and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in auto and local and faulted and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in manual and override and faulted and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-FAULTED-LOCKED Valve in auto and override and faulted and locked

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 287

Public Information
30 Massflow Gas (MASSFLOW_GAS)
Block Category: Equations and Conversions
The Massflow Gas (MASSFLOW_GAS) block calculates the corrected measured gas flow and density given a fluid meter
head measurement or flow input, IN, temperature, IN_T, pressure, IN_P, IN_PATM, barometric pressure, gas constant, IN_R,
design flow, Q_D, a design fluid meter head measurement, DP_D, a design density, D_D, a design atmospheric pressure,
PATM_D, an input low cut out, LCO and temperature low cut out, TCO.

The measurement system can be selected with enumerated input MEAS_SYS. The required Engineering UNITS for
MASSFLOW_GAS are displayed in the following table.

IN_P PSIg barg
IN_T °F °C
D_D lb/ft3 kg/m3
IN_R lbft/lb°R Nm/kg°K
DENS lb/ft3 kg/m3
P_D PSIg barg
T_D °F °C
PATM_D PSIg barg

288 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
IN_TYPE: FLOW requires MEAS_SYS, IN, IN_P, P_D, IN_PATM, PATM_D, IN_T, T_D, D_D, and LCO as inputs. IN,
and LCO must be in the same units. The inputs Q_D and DP_D are not used.

Where: ρ = Density = (IN_P + IN_PATM)/(IN_R x IN_T), IN > LCO.

If IN < LCO, OUT = 0.
The units of OUT will be in the same units as IN.
IN_TYPE: DP requires MEAS_SYS, IN, IN_P, P_D, IN_PATM, PATM_D, IN_T, T_D, D_D, LCO, DP_D, and Q_D as
inputs. IN, DP_D, and LCO must be in the same units.

Where: ρ = Density = (IN_P + IN_PATM)/(IN_R x IN_T), IN > LCO.

If IN < LCO, OUT = 0.
The units of OUT will be in the same units as Q_D.

Note The non-status version of the block does not substitute the design values P_D for IN_P and/or T_D for IN_T.

This block propagates quality status if the status operations are enabled.

Block status modifications:

• Design pressures, P_D and PATM_D, and design temperature, T_D, substitute for IN_P and IN_PATM, and IN_T,
respectively, if the corresponding input is bad quality. This results in an output status of NOT_
• If the input Temperature IN_T (or T_D if IN_T is bad quality) < TCO then the output is equal to the Last Value. This
results in an output status of NOT_LIMITED-LAST_USABLE_VALUE-UNCERTAIN [68].
• If IN < 0, (0 > IN > LCO), DENS < 0, D_D ≤ 0, or DP_D ≤ 0 then the output status is NOT_
For further details on Relational blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 289

Public Information
Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
D_D Design density REAL 1 Parameter Value Only
DP_D Design differential REAL 1 Parameter Value Only
IN Flow input or Differential REAL†† 0 Always Value with Status
IN_P Input pressure REAL†† 0 Always Value with Status
IN_PATM Input atmospheric REAL†† 14.696 Always Value with Status
IN_R Gas Constant REAL 53.44 Parameter Value Only
IN_T Input temperature REAL†† 0 Always Value with Status
IN_TYPE Measurement input type UINT (ENUM) DP Always Value Only
LCO Low cut out REAL 0 Parameter Value Only
MEAS_SYS Measurement system UINT (ENUM) English Parameter Value Only
P_D Design pressure set as REAL 1 Parameter Value Only
default value in case of
IN_P bad quality
PATM_D Design atmospheric REAL 0 Parameter Value Only
pressure set as default
value in case of IN_PATM
bad quality
Q_D Design flow REAL 1 Parameter Value Only
T_D Design temperature set as REAL 0 Parameter Value Only
default value in case of
IN_T bad quality
TCO Temperature cut out REAL 417† Parameter Value Only
†TCO example values:
For Nitrogen (N2) the TCO = 189 °K = 340 °R = -119.67 °F = -84.26°C
For Hydrogen (H2) the TCO = 50 °K = 90 °R = -369.67 °F = -223.15°C
For Air the TCO = 232 °K = 417 °R = -42.67 °F = -41.48°C
For any other gases not mentioned above multiply their Critical Temperature by 1.5 to get the TCO.

††Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
DENS †† Gas density REAL† N/A Always Value with Status

OUT Compensated gas flow REAL† N/A Always Value with Status
† Value with Status (f status option is enabled)}
†† When using status with MASSFLOW_GAS, If IN_T < TCO and DENS_S = 34, DENS will hold the last good value.

290 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
31 Massflow Steam (MASSFLOW_STM)
Block Category: Equations and Conversions
The Massflow Steam (MASSFLOW_STM) block calculates the temperature and pressure compensated steam flow and
density given a fluid meter head measurement or flow input. The block is expandable for up to four transmitters. The block
requires temperature and pressure, IN_T and IN_P, a design flow, Q_D, a design fluid meter head measurement, DP_D, a
design density, D_D, and a low cut out, LCO. If the input variable INn is less than or equal to LCO, then the output OUTn
will be 0. Design pressure, P_D, design temperature, T_D, and design pressure PATM_D substitute for IN_P, IN_T, and IN_
PATM respectively, if the corresponding input is bad quality.


The measurement system can be selected with enumerated input MEAS_SYS. The required Engineering UNITS for
MASSFLOW_STM are displayed in the following table.

Meas_sys English S.I.
IN_P PSIg barg
IN_T 95 - 1500 °F 35 - 816°C
P_D PSIg barg
T_D 95 - 1500 °F 35 - 816°C
D_D lb/ft3 kg/m3
DENS lb/ft3 kg/m3
The steam table lookup uses the sum of IN_P and IN_PATM (absolute pressure). The
sum of IN_P and IN_PATM must be in the range of 0.8 - 3200 PSIA (0.0552 - 220.6322

This block uses the values of IN_P, IN_T, and IN_PATM to retrieve density from the steam portion of the steam table library.
It then uses density to compute the mass flow based on the enumeration (DP or FLOW) of IN_TYPE.
IN_TYPE: DP requires MEAS_SYS, IN, IN_P, P_D, IN_T, T_D, IN_PATM, D_D, LCO, DP_D, and Q_D as inputs. IN,
DP_D, and LCO must be the same units.

Where: ρ = Density, INn > LCO

The units of OUTn will be in the same units as Q_D.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 291

Public Information
IN_TYPE: FLOW requires MEAS_SYS, IN, IN_P, P_D, IN_T, T_D, IN_PATM, D_D, and LCO as inputs. IN, and LCO
must be the same units. The inputs Q_D and DP_D are not used.

Where: ρ = Density, INn > LCO

The units of OUTn will be in the same units as IN.

Note The non-status version of the block does not substitute the design values P_D for IN_P and/or T_D for IN_T.

This block propagates quality status if the status operations are enabled.

Block status modifications:

• Design pressures, P_D and PATM_D, and design temperature, T_D, substitute for IN_P and IN_ATM, and IN_T,
respectively, if the corresponding input is bad quality. This results in an output status of NOT_
• Due to the nature of the steam table, some input combinations may lead to a result outside of the steam region. This
results in an output status of NOT_LIMITED-LAST_USABLE_VALUE-UNCERTAIN [68].
• If the input temperature or pressure value exceeds the range in the table Ranges/Units, the output status will be either
• If IN < 0, (0 > IN > LCO), DENS < 0, D_D ≤ 0, or DP_D ≤ 0 then the output status is NOT_
For further details on Relational blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

292 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
D_D Design density REAL 28.4 Parameter Value Only
DP_D Design differential pressure REAL 100 Parameter Value Only
IN_P Input pressure REAL 0 Parameter Value Only
IN_PATM Input atmospheric pressure REAL 14.696 Parameter Value Only
IN_T Input temperature REAL 0 Parameter Value Only
IN_TYPE Measurement input type UINT (ENUM) DP Parameter Value Only
IN1 Differential pressure or Flow input 1 REAL† 0 Always Value with Status
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
IN4 Differential pressure or Flow input 4 REAL† 0 Always Value with Status
LCO Low cut out REAL 0 Parameter Value Only
MEAS_SYS Measurement system UINT (ENUM) English Parameter Value Only
P_D Design pressure set as default value REAL 0 Parameter Value Only
in case of IN_P bad quality
PATM_D Design atmospheric pressure set as REAL 0 Parameter Value Only
default value in case of IN_PATM bad
Q_D Design flow REAL 100 Parameter Value Only
T_D Design temperature set as default REAL 127 Parameter Value Only
value in case of IN_T bad quality
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
DENS Steam density REAL† N/A Always Value with Status

OUT1 Compensated steam flow 1 REAL† N/A Always Value with Status
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

OUT4 Compensated steam flow 4 REAL† N/A Always Value with Status
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 293

Public Information
32 Massflow Water (MASSFLOW_WTR)
Block Category: Equations and Conversions
The Massflow Water (MASSFLOW_WTR) block calculates the temperature and pressure compensated water flow and
density given a fluid meter head measurement or flow input. The block is expandable for up to 4 transmitters. The block
requires temperature and pressure, IN_T and IN_P, a design flow, Q_D, a design fluid meter head measurement, DP_D, a
design density, D_D, and a low cut out, LCO. If the input variable IN is less than or equal to LCO, then the output will be 0.
Design pressure, P_D, design temperature, T_D, and design pressure PATM_D substitute for IN_P, IN_T, and IN_PATM
respectively, if the corresponding input is bad quality (quality status value < 64).

The measurement system can be selected with enumerated input MEAS_SYS. The required Engineering UNITS for
MASSFLOW_WTR are displayed in the following table.

Meas_sys English S.I.
IN_P PSIg barg
IN_T 32 - 705 °F 0 - 374°C
P_D PSIg barg
T_D 32 - 705 °F 0 - 374°C
D_D lb/ft3 kg/m3
DENS lb/ft3 kg/m3
The steam table lookup uses the sum of IN_P and IN_PATM (absolute pressure). The
sum of IN_P and IN_PATM must be in the range of 0.8 - 3200 PSIA (0.0552 - 220.6322

This block uses the values of IN_P, IN_T, and IN_PATM to retrieve density from the liquid portion of the steam table library.
It then uses density to compute the mass flow based on the enumeration (DP or FLOW) of IN_TYPE.
IN_TYPE: DP requires MEAS_SYS, IN, IN_P, P_D, IN_T, T_D, IN_PATM, D_D, LCO, DP_D, and Q_D as inputs. IN,
DP_D, and LCO must be the same units.

Where: ρ = Density, INn > LCO. If IN < LCO, OUT = 0

The units of OUT will be in the same units as Q_D.
IN_TYPE: FLOW requires the inputs: MEAS_SYS, IN, IN_P, P_D, IN_T, T_D, IN_PATM, D_D, and LCO as inputs. IN,
and LCO must be the same units. The inputs Q_D and DP_D are not used.

294 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Where: ρ = Density, INn > LCO. If IN < LCO, OUT = 0
The units of OUTn will be in the same units as IN.

Note In the above cases, if IN_P is not connected to a signal, the value of P_D needs to be used on IN_P.

Note The non-status version of the block does not substitute the design values P_D for IN_P and/or T_D for IN_T.

This block propagates quality status if the status operations are enabled.

Block status modifications:

• Design pressure, P_D, design temperature, T_D, and design atmospheric pressure PATM_D substitute for IN_P, IN_T,
and IN_PATM respectively, if the corresponding input is bad quality. This results in an output status of NOT_
• Due to the nature of the steam table, some input combinations may lead to a result outside of the liquid region. This
results in an output status of NOT_LIMITED-LAST_USABLE_VALUE-UNCERTAIN [68].
• If the input temperature or pressure value exceeds the range in the table, Ranges/Units, the output status will be either
• If IN < 0, (0 > IN > LCO), DENS < 0, D_D ≤ 0, or DP_D ≤ 0 then the output status is NOT_
For further details on Relational blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 295

Public Information
Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
D_D Design density REAL 61.8 Parameter Value Only

DP_D Design differential pressure REAL 100 Parameter Value Only

IN_P Input pressure REAL 0 Parameter Value Only

IN_PATM Input barometric pressure REAL 14.696 Parameter Value Only

IN_T Input temperature REAL 0 Parameter Value Only

IN_TYPE Measurement input type UINT (ENUM) DP Parameter Value Only

INDP1 Differential pressure or Flow REAL† 0 Always Value with Status

input 1
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

INDP4 Differential pressure or Flow REAL† 0 Always Value with Status

input 4

LCO Low cut out REAL 0 Parameter Value Only

MEAS_SYS Measurement system UINT (ENUM) English Parameter Value Only

P_D Design pressure set as default REAL 0 Parameter Value Only

value in case of IN_P bad

PATM_D Design atmospheric pressure REAL 0 Parameter Value Only

set as default value in case of
IN_PATM bad quality

Q_D Design flow REAL 100 Parameter Value Only

T_D Design temperature set as REAL 0 Parameter Value Only

default value in case of IN_T
bad quality
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

Name Description Data Type Initial Visibility Interface Type
DENS Water density REAL† N/A Always Value with Status

OUT1 Compensated water flow 1 REAL† N/A Always Value with Status
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

OUT4 Compensated water flow 4 REAL† N/A Always Value with Status
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

296 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
33 Median Select (MEDSEL)
Block Category: Legacy, Analog Operations

Note Legacy Status — The MEDSEL block is not supported for use in new Mark VIe control systems (ControlST
V05.02 or later). It is in place to support the maintenance of legacy Mark VIe control systems (prior to ControlST V05.02).
For new Mark VIe control systems, use the MEDSEL_V2 block; it provides equivalent functionality.

The Median Select (MEDSEL) block selects the median or average of three analog signals based on the enumerated value of
the input TS and transfers the selection to the output ({Device}). The user has the option to disable up to two transmitters. If
one transmitter is disabled, the output will be either the minimum, maximum, or average of the two remaining transmitters
based on the enumerated value of the input DS. If the one transmitter allowed property, 1XMTR_P, is True, two transmitters
can be disabled and the output will be the value of the remaining transmitter.

Block Configuration
Disabling Transmitters
When the quality status of transmitter A is in the BAD region then ABQ and AD become True and transmitter A is
automatically disabled and depending on the DS enumeration selected, the average, minimum, or maximum of inputs B and C
is transferred to OUT. Once the quality status of transmitter A becomes GOOD or UNCERTAIN, ABQ becomes False. If AU_
EN_P is False, input A remains disabled (AD remains True) and must be enabled by an HMI operator. If AU_EN_P is True
and the quality status of transmitter A becomes GOOD or UNCERTAIN and the value of input A is within the deviation limits
set by the user, AD becomes False and A is automatically enabled. This concept also applies to inputs B and C.

Note AU_EN_P does not have any effect on the enabling of a manually disabled input. A manually disabled input must be
manually enabled.

A transmitter can be manually disabled through the pop-up MEDSEL faceplate. If input A, B, and C are all enabled and have
a GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality status and A is manually disabled, then the corresponding output, AD, becomes True to
indicate that input A is disabled. If input A is enabled and B is disabled then BD is True. If input B is enabled and C is disabled
then CD is True.

Note The HMI operator is allowed to disable one transmitter at any time from the faceplate when 1XMTR_P, is False. When
1XMTR_P, is True, the operator is allowed to disable up to two transmitters.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 297

Public Information
Output Bad Quality Indication (OBQ) functionality is as follows:
If 1XMTR_P, is True, when three transmitters are disabled and/or in a BAD quality state, OBQ becomes True, the default
value, DF, is automatically transferred to the output, quality status of the output is set to NOT_LIMITED-BAD[0], and
MODE is set to DEFAULT.
If AU_EN_P is True, OBQ becomes False when the quality status of any input becomes GOOD or UNCERTAIN. The
GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality input will be enabled and transferred to the output. However, if AU_EN_P is False, OUT
will be equal to DF until the HMI operator manually enables the GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality input.
If 1XMTR_P, is False:
When two or three transmitters are disabled and/or in a BAD quality state, OBQ becomes True, the default value, DF, is
automatically transferred to output, quality status of OUT is set to NOT_LIMITED-BAD[0], and MODE is set to DEFAULT.
If AU_EN_P is True, OBQ becomes False when the quality status of 2 inputs become GOOD or UNCERTAIN. The GOOD
or UNCERTAIN quality inputs will be enabled and based on the DS enumeration selected, the average, minimum, or
maximum of the GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality inputs is transferred to the output. However, if AU_EN_P is False, the
output will be equal to DF until the HMI operator manually enables the GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality inputs.

This block propagates quality status. Status option cannot be disabled on this block.

Block status modifications: When OBQ is True, the quality status of OUT is NOT_LIMITED-BAD[0].

For further details on relational blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the
Status Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Control Word (CTL)

CTL isused by the HMI operator for manual control. The manual commands from the HMI allow each input to be enabled or
disabled. The command enumerations are defined in the following table.

Note A manually disabled transmitter can be manually enabled, regardless of its deviation status. An exception is when the
block is in average mode. Refer to the section Deviation Alarms.

CTL Enumerations
Enumeration Command
NO_CMD No Command

EN_A_CMD Enable Input A Command

DIS_A_CMD Disable Input A Command

EN_B_CMD Enable Input B Command

DIS_B_CMD Disable Input B Command

EN_C_CMD Enable Input C Command

DIS_C_CMD Disable Input C Command

Commands are only accepted by the block if a transition from NO_CMD to a command value is detected. After a command is
accepted by the block, the CTL pin is ignored for a period of one second after which the variable connected to the CTL input
pin is automatically reset to NO_CMD by the block. The next command value will be accepted as a command.

298 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Block Function Enumerations
Function is defined by two modes:

• Dual Select (DS) mode

• Three Select (TS) mode

DS Enumerations
Enumeration Function
AVG Average of A and B

MIN Minimum of A and B

MAX Maximum of A and B

TS Mode Enumerations
Enumeration Function
AVG Average of A, B and C

MEDIAN Median of A, B and C

Operating mode (MODE) is the block-operating mode that depends on DS, TS and the quality status of the inputs. The
operating mode enumerations are defined in the following table.

MODE Enumerations
Enumeration Operating Mode
MIN_B-C Minimum of B and C

MIN_A-B Minimum of A and B

MIN_A-C Minimum of A and C

MAX_B-C Maximum of B and C

MAX_A-B Maximum of A and B

MAX_A-C Maximum of A and C

AVG_A-B Average of A and B

AVG_A-C Average of A and C

AVG_B-C Average of B and C

AVG_ABC Average of A, B and C

MEDIAN Median of A, B and C

A Input A

B Input B

C Input C


Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 299

Public Information
MEDIAN or AVG_ABC mode is selected when none of the transmitters have a BAD quality status.
AVG_A-B mode is selected when a BAD quality is detected on transmitter C or when C is manually disabled, and the DS
enumeration is AVG.
MIN_A-B mode is selected when a BAD quality is detected on transmitter C or when C is manually disabled, and the DS
enumeration is MIN.
MAX_A-B mode is selected when a BAD quality is detected on transmitter C or when C is manually disabled, and the DS
enumeration is MAX.
A mode is selected when 1XMTR_P is True and B and C transmitters are disabled.
DEFAULT mode is selected when all transmitters are BAD quality and/or disabled or 1XMTR_P is False and two
transmitters are BAD quality and/or disabled.

Deviation Alarms
Each transmitter value is compared with the output to determine if it is outside of the deviation limit, DL. If so, the deviation
high alarm for the deviant input either DA, DB, or DC, for transmitters A, B, or C respectively, and ODH, become True. The
deviation alarms will not become False until the absolute difference between the deviant input and the output is less than the
value of DL minus DLDB (deviation limit dead band) or the deviant input is disabled.

Note Use the deviation alarms that are configured from within the block instead of the deviation high configuration of the
analog alarm. Refer to the section Analog Alarm Configuration.

Note The deviation high output, ODH, becomes True when at least one transmitter is in deviation. Also, if a transmitter
input is disabled, the deviation alarm for that transmitter is disabled.

In general, the deviation alarm only sets Boolean outputs and has no influence on the functionality of the block (for example,
the transmitter in deviation with the output is not automatically disabled, and the block mode does not change).
However, if the block is calculating the average of all three transmitters (all three transmitters are Enabled and TS = AVG), a
transmitter that gets a high deviation will be automatically disabled. It can be enabled by the operator or automatically (AU_
EN_P = True) when the absolute difference between the deviant input and the output is less than the value of DL minus
DLDB (deviation limit dead band).

Rate of Change Restriction

The rate of change of the output is only restricted by the value of RATE when the block operating mode changes.
RATE is in engineering units per second. For example, if 1XMTR_P = True, RATE = 1, A = 10 (enabled), B = 25 (disabled),
and C = 50 (disabled), so MODE = A, and the mode of the block is changed by enabling input B and disabling input A. Now,
MODE = B and the output will increase from 10 to 25 engineering units in 15 seconds. At this point, the output equals B, the
block operating mode transition from A to B is complete and the rate of change restriction on the output is removed until the
block operating mode changes, again.

300 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
ToolboxST Configuration
Inserting this block into the application program will generate a window titled Enter the Attribute Instance Values, prompting
the user to Enter Device Description, Enter Device Name, and Enter Format Specification in the Values column of the
window. The block will then automatically create the variables associated with the block and provide the appropriate
attributes for each variable (for example, Type and Format Spec variables that need to be on EGD will be automatically
placed on the $Default EGD page, and so on).

Note Each Device Name used in a controller must be unique.

Inserting a MEDSEL into the application program displays the following window.

Changing Default Attribute Values

For this example, accept the default options for these attributes. The Device name is 00MEDSEL1000, the description is
MEDSEL Description, and the Format Spec is TempFS.
When the user clicks OK, the block and pin connections will be configured automatically. The previous example will generate
Global pins. The pin names are in the form Device Name, where Device Value has the attribute value
00MEDSEL1000 and Input_Name is the block input/output names. The description, MEDSEL Description in this example,
becomes the prefix of the block input/output descriptions. The FormatSp Attribute Name Value, TempFS, in the previous
example, is the format specification of the block output.

Note The only exception to the above rule is the output pin ({Device}) where the global pin name is in the form Device
Value pin name without the " ".

Note Global variables are listed in the table Global Variables. The defaults provided are for example only. Be sure to change
the block name.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 301

Public Information
Once the object has been added successfully, the block displays in the ToolboxST application as displayed in the following


Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
1XMTR_P Allow one transmitter BOOL False Parameter Value Only
A ✓ {Desc} Trans A input REAL 0 Always Value with Status
AU_EN_P Auto enable BQ XMTR BOOL True Parameter Value Only
B ✓ {Desc} Trans B input REAL 0 Always Value with Status
C ✓ {Desc} Trans C input REAL 0 Always Value with Status
CTL ✓ {Desc} Control word UINT (ENUM) NO_CMD Always Value Only
DF Default output if all REAL 0 Parameter Value Only
transmitters are bad
DL Deviation alarm limit REAL 5 Parameter Value Only
DLDB Deviation alarm limit REAL 2 Parameter Value Only
DS Dual select mode property UINT (ENUM) AVG Parameter Value Only
DT Deviation alarm delay UDINT 1000 Parameter Value Only
IN_ABQ ✓ Trans A bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
IN_BBQ ✓ Trans B bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
IN_CBQ ✓ Trans C bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
RATE Selection change rate limit REAL 1 Internal Value Only
TS 3-XMTR Select mode UINT (ENUM) MEDIAN Parameter Value Only
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

302 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
{Device} ✓ {Desc} REAL 0 Always Value with Status
ABQ ✓ {Desc} Trans A bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
AD ✓ {Desc} Trans A disabled BOOL False Always Value Only
BBQ ✓ {Desc} Trans B bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
BD ✓ {Desc} Trans B disabled BOOL False Always Value Only
CBQ ✓ {Desc} Trans C bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
CD ✓ {Desc} Trans C disabled BOOL False Always Value Only
DA {Desc} Trans A high BOOL False Always Value Only

DB {Desc} Trans B high BOOL False Always Value Only

DC {Desc} Trans C high BOOL False Always Value Only

MODE ✓ {Desc} Block mode UINT (ENUM) MEDIAN Always Value Only
OBQ ✓ {Desc} Bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
ODH ✓ {Desc} High deviation BOOL False Always Value Only
SEL_P ✓ {Desc} Select type property UINT (ENUM) MEDIAN Internal Value Only
✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 303

Public Information
Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00MEDSEL1000 MEDSEL Description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00MEDSEL1000.A MEDSEL Description Trans Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
A input
00MEDSEL1000.A. MEDSEL Description Trans Not Alarmed False ReadOnly
Status A input status
00MEDSEL1000.ABQ MEDSEL Description Trans Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
A bad quality
00MEDSEL1000.AD MEDSEL Description Trans Not Alarmed True $Default ReadOnly
A disabled
00MEDSEL1000.B MEDSEL Description Trans Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
B input
00MEDSEL1000.B. MEDSEL Description Trans Not Alarmed False ReadOnly
Status B input status
00MEDSEL1000.BBQ MEDSEL Description Trans Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
B bad quality
00MEDSEL1000.BD MEDSEL Description Trans Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
B disabled
00MEDSEL1000.C MEDSEL Description Trans Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
C input
00MEDSEL1000.C. MEDSEL Description Trans Not Alarmed False ReadOnly
Status C input status
00MEDSEL1000.CBQ MEDSEL Description Trans Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
C bad quality
00MEDSEL1000.CD MEDSEL Description Trans Not Alarmed True $Default ReadOnly
C disabled
00MEDSEL1000.CTL MEDSEL Description Control Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00MEDSEL1000.DA MEDSEL Description Trans Alarmed LVL_2 False $Default ReadOnly
A high deviation
00MEDSEL1000.DB MEDSEL Description Trans Alarmed LVL_2 False $Default ReadOnly
B high deviation
00MEDSEL1000.DC MEDSEL Description Trans Alarmed LVL_2 False $Default ReadOnly
C high deviation
00MEDSEL1000.MODE MEDSEL Description Block Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00MEDSEL1000.OBQ MEDSEL Description Bad Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00MEDSEL1000.ODH MEDSEL Description high Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00MEDSEL1000.SEL_P MEDSEL Description Select Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
type property
00MEDSEL1000.Status MEDSEL Description status Not Alarmed False ReadOnly

304 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Analog Alarm Configuration
To set up analog alarms on a signal, configure the Alarm property for that signal. This allows the configuration of BQ (Bad
Quality), RH (Rate of change high), DH (High Deviation), H, HH, HHH (or 3H), L, LL, and LLL (or 3L).

Note AnalogAlarmDefault should normally be used when a signal is to be used as an alarm. Enabling this turns on more
options in the Alarms and Events section in the properties of that signal.

Note Configuring the analog alarm for deviation high is not recommended as the block already alarms on deviation high for
each input. Refer to the section Deviation Alarms.

Enabling Analog Alarms on Signal

Additional Options in Alarms and Events Property Editor

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 305

Public Information
➢ To enable the H Alarm: in the property grid, set the H property to True to add the variables displayed in the following
figure to the variable list.

H Variable
H_SP is the setpoint for the High alarm on the signal. H_T is the delay time (in ms). When the comparison between the
setpoint and the value is done, it waits H_T milliseconds before issuing the alarm. HYST is the Hysteresis of the alarm values.
Set the initial values to effectively use them. 00MEDSEL1000.H is the actual variable name that generates the alarm.

HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)

The Object name for the HMI is the same as the Device name specified in the ToolboxST configuration.

Typical HMI Object for a MEDSEL

MEDSEL Faceplate

306 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
34 Median Select Version 2 (MEDSEL_V2)
Block Category: Analog Operations
The Median Select Version 2 (MEDSEL_V2) block selects the median or average of three analog signals based on the
enumerated value of the input TS and transfers the selection to the output ({Device}). The user has the option to disable up to
two transmitters. If one transmitter is disabled, the output will be either the minimum, maximum, or average of the two
remaining transmitters based on the enumerated value of the input DS. If the one transmitter allowed property, 1XMTR_P, is
True, two transmitters can be disabled and the output will be the value of the remaining transmitter.

Block Configuration
Disabling Transmitters
When the quality status of transmitter A is BAD (False), then ABQ and AD become True and transmitter A is automatically
disabled. Also, depending on the DS enumeration selected, the average, minimum, or maximum of inputs B and C is
transferred to OUT. Once the quality status of transmitter A becomes GOOD (True) or UNCERTAIN, ABQ becomes False. If
AU_EN_P is False, input A remains disabled (AD remains True) and must be enabled by an HMI operator. If AU_EN_P is
True and the quality status of transmitter A becomes GOOD (True) or UNCERTAIN and the value of input A is within the
deviation limits set by the user, AD becomes False and A is automatically enabled. This concept also applies to inputs B and

Note AU_EN_P does not have any effect on the enabling of a manually disabled input. A manually disabled input must be
manually enabled.

A transmitter can be manually disabled through the pop-up MEDSEL_V2 faceplate. If input A, B, and C are all enabled and
have a GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality status and A is manually disabled, then the corresponding output, AD, becomes True
to indicate that input A is disabled. If input A is enabled and B is disabled then BD is True. If input B is enabled and C is
disabled then CD is True.

Note The HMI operator is allowed to disable one transmitter at any time from the faceplate when 1XMTR_P is False. When
1XMTR_P is True, the operator is allowed to disable up to two transmitters.

Output Bad Quality Indication (OBQ) functionality is as follows:

If 1XMTR_P, is True, when three transmitters are disabled and/or in a BAD quality state, OBQ becomes True, the default
value, DF, is automatically transferred to the output, quality status of the output is set to NOT_LIMITED-BAD[0], and
MODE is set to DEFAULT.
If AU_EN_P is True, OBQ becomes False when the quality status of any input becomes GOOD or UNCERTAIN. The
GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality input will be enabled and transferred to the output. However, if AU_EN_P is False, OUT
will be equal to DF until the HMI operator manually enables the GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality input.
If 1XMTR_P, is False, when two or three transmitters are disabled and/or in a BAD quality state, OBQ becomes True, the
default value, DF , is automatically transferred to output, quality status of OUT is set to NOT_LIMITED-BAD[0], and MODE
is set to DEFAULT.
If AU_EN_P is True, OBQ becomes False when the quality status of 2 inputs become GOOD or UNCERTAIN. The GOOD
or UNCERTAIN quality inputs will be enabled and based on the DS enumeration selected, the average, minimum, or
maximum of the GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality inputs is transferred to the output. However, if AU_EN_P is False, the
output will be equal to DF until the HMI operator manually enables the GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality inputs.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 307

Public Information
This block propagates quality status. Status option cannot be disabled on this block.

Block status modification: When OBQ is True, the quality status of OUT is NOT_LIMITED-BAD[0].

For further details on relational blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library
(GEI-100682), the Status Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Control Word (CTL)

CTL isused by the HMI operator for manual control. The manual commands from the HMI allow each input to be enabled or
disabled. The command enumerations are defined in the following table.

Note A manually disabled transmitter may be manually enabled, regardless of its deviation status, unless the block is in
average mode. Refer to the section Deviation Alarms.

CTL Enumerations
Enumeration Command
NO_CMD No Command

EN_A_CMD Enable Input A Command

DIS_A_CMD Disable Input A Command

EN_B_CMD Enable Input B Command

DIS_B_CMD Disable Input B Command

EN_C_CMD Enable Input C Command

DIS_C_CMD Disable Input C Command

Commands are only accepted by the block if a transition from NO_CMD to a command value is detected. After a command is
accepted by the block, the CTL pin is ignored for a period of one second after which the variable connected to the CTL input
pin is automatically reset to NO_CMD by the block. The next command value will be accepted as a command.

Block Function Enumerations

Function is defined by two modes:

• Dual Select (DS) mode

• Three Select (TS) mode

DS Enumerations
Enumeration Function
AVG Average of A and B

MIN Minimum of A and B

MAX Maximum of A and B

TS Mode Enumerations
Enumeration Function
AVG Average of A, B and C

MEDIAN Median of A, B and C

308 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Operating mode (MODE) is the block-operating mode that depends on DS, TS and the quality status of the inputs. The
operating mode enumerations are defined in the following table.

MODE Enumerations
Enumeration Operating Mode
MIN_B-C Minimum of B and C

MIN_A-B Minimum of A and B

MIN_A-C Minimum of A and C

MAX_B-C Maximum of B and C

MAX_A-B Maximum of A and B

MAX_A-C Maximum of A and C

AVG_A-B Average of A and B

AVG_A-C Average of A and C

AVG_B-C Average of B and C

AVG_ABC Average of A, B and C

MEDIAN Median of A, B and C

A Input A

B Input B

C Input C


MEDIAN or AVG_ABC mode is selected when none of the transmitters have a BAD quality status.
AVG_A-B mode is selected when a BAD quality is detected on transmitter C or when C is manually disabled, and the DS
enumeration is AVG.
MIN_A-B mode is selected when a BAD quality is detected on transmitter C or when C is manually disabled, and the DS
enumeration is MIN.
MAX_A-B mode is selected when a BAD quality is detected on transmitter C or when C is manually disabled, and the DS
enumeration is MAX.
A mode is selected when 1XMTR_P is True and B and C transmitters are disabled.
DEFAULT mode is selected when all transmitters are BAD quality and/or disabled or 1XMTR_P is False and two
transmitters are BAD quality and/or disabled.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 309

Public Information
Deviation Alarms
Each transmitter value is compared with the output to determine if it is outside of the deviation limit, DL. If so, the deviation
high alarm for the deviant input either DA, DB, or DC, for transmitters A, B, or C respectively, and ODH, become True. The
deviation alarms will not become False until the absolute difference between the deviant input and the output is less than the
value of DL minus DLDB (deviation limit deadband) or the deviant input is disabled.

Note The deviation high output, ODH, becomes True when at least one transmitter is in deviation. Also, if a transmitter
input is disabled, the deviation alarm for that transmitter is disabled.

Note Use the deviation alarms that are configured from within the block instead of the deviation high configuration of the
analog alarm. Refer to the section Analog Alarm Configuration.

In general, the deviation alarm only sets Boolean outputs and has no influence on the functionality of the block (for example,
the transmitter in deviation with the output is not automatically disabled, and the block mode does not change).
However, if the block is calculating the average of all three transmitters (all three transmitters are Enabled and TS = AVG), a
transmitter that gets a high deviation will be automatically disabled. It can be enabled by the operator or automatically (AU_
EN_P = True) when the absolute difference between the deviant input and the output is less than the value of DL minus
DLDB (deviation limit dead band).

Rate of Change Restriction

The rate of change of the output is only restricted by the value of RATE when the block operating mode changes.
RATE is in engineering units per second. For example, if 1XMTR_P = True, RATE = 1, A = 10 (enabled), B = 25 (disabled),
and C = 50 (disabled), so MODE = A, and the mode of the block is changed by enabling input B and disabling input A. Now,
MODE = B and the output will increase from 10 to 25 engineering units in 15 seconds. At this point, the output equals B, the
block operating mode transition from A to B is complete and the rate of change restriction on the output is removed until the
block operating mode changes, again.

310 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
ToolboxST Configuration
Inserting this block into the application program will generate a window titled Enter the Attribute Instance Values, prompting
the user to Enter Device Description, Enter Device Name, and Enter Format Specification in the Values column of the
window. The block will then automatically create the variables associated with the block and provide the appropriate
attributes for each variable (for example, Type and Format Spec variables that need to be on EGD will be automatically
placed on the $Default EGD page, and so on).

Note Each Device Name used in a controller must be unique.

Inserting a MEDSEL_V2 block into the application program displays the following window.

Changing Default Attribute Values

For this example, accept the default options for these attributes. The Device name is 00MEDSEL1000, the description is
MEDSEL_V2 Description, and the format specification is TempFS.
When the user clicks OK, the block and pin connections will be configured automatically and generates Global pins. Pin
names are in the form Device Name, where Device Value has the attribute value 00MEDSEL1000 and Input_Name
is the block input/output name. The description, MEDSEL_V2 Description in this example, becomes the prefix of the block
input/output descriptions. The FormatSp Attribute Name Value, TempFS, in the previous example, is the format specification
of the block output. The DLFormatSp Attribute Name Value, TempDiffFS is the format specification of the block DL pin

Note The only exception to the above rule is the output pin ({Device}) where the global pin name is in the form Device
Value pin name without the " ".

Note Global variables are listed in the table Global Variables. The defaults provided are for example only. Be sure to change
the block name.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 311

Public Information
Once the object has been added successfully, the block displays in the ToolboxST application as displayed in the following


Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
1XMTR_P Allow one transmitter BOOL False Parameter Value Only
A {Desc} Trans A input REAL 0 Always Value with

AU_EN_P Auto enable BQ XMTR BOOL True Parameter Value Only
B {Desc} Trans B input REAL 0 Always Value with

C {Desc} Trans C input REAL 0 Always Value with

CTL ✓ {Desc} Control word UINT (ENUM) NO_CMD Always Value Only
DF Default output if all REAL 0 Parameter Value Only
transmitters are bad
DL Deviation alarm limit REAL 5 Parameter Value Only
DLDB Deviation alarm limit REAL 2 Parameter Value Only
DS Dual select mode property UINT (ENUM) AVG Parameter Value Only
DT Deviation alarm delay UDINT 1000 Parameter Value Only
IN_ABQ ✓ Trans A bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
IN_BBQ ✓ Trans B bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
IN_CBQ ✓ Trans C bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
RATE Selection change rate limit REAL 1 Internal Value Only
TS 3-XMTR Select mode UINT (ENUM) MEDIAN Parameter Value Only
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

312 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
{Device} {Desc} REAL 0 Always Value with

ABQ ✓ {Desc} Trans A bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
AD ✓ {Desc} Trans A disabled BOOL False Always Value Only
BBQ ✓ {Desc} Trans B bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
BD ✓ {Desc} Trans B disabled BOOL False Always Value Only
CBQ ✓ {Desc} Trans C bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
CD ✓ {Desc} Trans C disabled BOOL False Always Value Only
DA {Desc} Trans A high BOOL False Always Value Only

DB {Desc} Trans B high BOOL False Always Value Only

DC {Desc} Trans C high BOOL False Always Value Only

MODE ✓ {Desc} Block mode UINT (ENUM) MEDIAN Always Value Only
OBQ ✓ {Desc} Bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
ODH ✓ {Desc} High deviation BOOL False Always Value Only
SEL_P ✓ {Desc} Select type property UINT (ENUM) MEDIAN Internal Value Only
✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 313

Public Information
Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
00MEDSEL1000 MEDSEL_V2 Description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00MEDSEL1000.A MEDSEL_V2 Description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
Trans A input
00MEDSEL1000.A. MEDSEL_V2 Description Not Alarmed False ReadOnly
Status Trans A input status
00MEDSEL1000.ABQ MEDSEL_V2 Description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
Trans A bad quality
00MEDSEL1000.AD MEDSEL_V2 Description Not Alarmed True $Default ReadOnly
Trans A disabled
00MEDSEL1000.B MEDSEL_V2 Description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
Trans B input
00MEDSEL1000.B. MEDSEL_V2 Description Not Alarmed False ReadOnly
Status Trans B input status
00MEDSEL1000.BBQ MEDSEL_V2 Description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
Trans B bad quality
00MEDSEL1000.BD MEDSEL_V2 Description Not Alarmed True $Default ReadOnly
Trans B disabled
00MEDSEL1000.C MEDSEL_V2 Description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
Trans C input
00MEDSEL1000.C. MEDSEL_V2 Description Not Alarmed False ReadOnly
Status Trans C input status
00MEDSEL1000.CBQ MEDSEL_V2 Description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
Trans C bad quality
00MEDSEL1000.CD MEDSEL_V2 Description Not Alarmed True $Default ReadOnly
Trans C disabled
00MEDSEL1000.CTL MEDSEL_V2 Description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
Control word
00MEDSEL1000.DA MEDSEL_V2 Description Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
Trans A high deviation
00MEDSEL1000.DB MEDSEL_V2 Description Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
Trans B high deviation
00MEDSEL1000.DC MEDSEL_V2 Description Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
Trans C high deviation
00MEDSEL1000. MEDSEL_V2 Description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
MODE Block mode
00MEDSEL1000.OBQ MEDSEL_V2 Description Bad Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
00MEDSEL1000.ODH MEDSEL_V2 Description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
high deviation
00MEDSEL1000.SEL_ MEDSEL_V2 Description Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
P Select type property
00MEDSEL1000.Status MEDSEL_V2 Description Not Alarmed False ReadOnly

314 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Analog Alarm Configuration
To set up analog alarms on a signal, configure the Alarm property for that signal. This allows the configuration of BQ (Bad
Quality), RH (Rate of change high), DH (High Deviation), H, HH, HHH (or 3H), L, LL, and LLL (or 3L).

Note Configuring the analog alarm for deviation high is not recommended as the block already alarms on deviation high for
each input. Refer to the section Deviation Alarms.

Note AnalogAlarmDefault should normally be used when a signal is to be used as an alarm. Enabling this turns on more
options in the Alarms and Events section in the properties of that signal.

Enabling Analog Alarms on Signal

Additional Options in Alarms and Events Property Editor

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 315

Public Information
➢ To enable the H Alarm: in the property grid, set the H property to True to add the variables displayed in the following
figure to the variable list.

H Variables
H_SP is the setpoint for the High alarm on the signal. H_T is the delay time (in ms). When the comparison between the
setpoint and the value is done, it waits H_T milliseconds before issuing the alarm. HYST is the Hysteresis of the alarm values.
Set the initial values to effectively use them. 00MEDSEL1000.H is the actual variable name that generates the alarm.

HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)

The Object name for the HMI is the same as the Device name specified in the ToolboxST configuration.

Click MED ABC to

display the MEDSEL _V2

MEDSEL_V2 Faceplate

316 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
35 Multiplexer (MUX)
Block Category: Sequencing
The Multiplexer (MUX) block is an expandable block that outputs one of up to 32 input signals based on the value of SEL.
SEL must be an integer number between 1 and the number of the N’th input. An invalid SEL (less than one or greater than the
N’th input number) will be disregarded and the current selection will be maintained.

MUX Block

When SEL is one, OUT equals IN1. When SEL is two, OUT equals IN2 and so on. The inputs and output data types must be
the same.

Note This is a variant block that supports any one the following block data types: Boolean, Integer, Double Integer, Real,
Long Real, Unsigned Integer, Unsigned Double Integer. The default data type is REAL. Refer to the section Change Data
Type of Variant Block.

This block propagates quality status if the status operations are enabled.

Block status modification: If SEL is determined to be invalid, the status output will be NOT_LIMITED-LAST_USABLE_
VALUE-UNCERTAIN [68] or NOT_LIMITED-BAD [0] if the last usable value’s status is in the bad range.

For further details on Single Input/Single Output blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library
(GEI-100682), the Status Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 317

Public Information
Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
IN1 Multiplexer input 1 ANY† 0 Always Value with Status
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

IN32 Multiplexer input ANY† 0 Always Value with Status

SEL Multiplexer UINT 0 Always Value Only
† Value with Status (Value only for Boolean block type) (if status option is enabled)

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
OUT Multiplexer output ANY† N/A Always Value with Status
† Value with Status (Value only for Boolean block type) (if status option is enabled)

318 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
36 Override (OVERRIDE)
Block Category: Legacy, Permits and Overrides

Note Legacy Status — The OVERRIDE block is not supported for use in new Mark VIe control systems (ControlST
V05.02 or later). It is in place to support the maintenance of legacy Mark VIe control systems (prior to ControlST V05.02).
For new Mark VIe control systems, LOGIC_BUILDER or LOGIC_BUILDER_SC block (use if first out/state change feature is
required); these blocks provide equivalent functionality. Refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library

The Override (OVERRIDE) block is an expandable block of up to 32 override inputs which functions like an OR block. Each
connected input can be blocked by the HMI operator from the override display, which is accessed from Override tab of the
associated permit screen. This blocking function must be enabled by setting OVnBE to True. If override blocking is enabled
for an input, an event is generated on the HMI alarm/event screen whenever the operator blocks the override.
When FO_EN is True, the first out option is enabled. This causes the block to store the number of the first input that becomes
True in the output FO. The FO value is stored until the HMI operator resets it from the override display. After a RESET, FO is
0 until one of the connected inputs is True for at least one scan. A blocked Override is not considered in the FO detection.
Each input has the capability of inheriting the description of a connected global variable or a global variable connected
through a NOT block. When a connection is made to one of the input pins, the description of the global variable is inherited
by default. If this description is undesirable, it must be disabled by setting the Inherit Description option to False in the input
variable properties. The description can be replaced with a desirable description by entering an appropriate description in the
description field of the input variable of the OVERRIDE block (replace OVERRIDE #1 with the desired override description
for the source connected to OV1). The description is not copied from the connected variable immediately; the input's
description is set when the library or device containing the input is validated or built.

Block Configuration
Override Type (OVR_TYPE)
OVR_TYPE enumerations are listed in the following table.

OVR_TYPE Enumerations
Description Override Option Description
CL_OVR Close override

OP_OVR Open override

INT_OVR Intermediate override

TRP_OVER Trip override

MN_REJ Manual reject

STP_OVER Stop override

CMD_OVR Command/Setpoint override

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 319

Public Information
OUT pin enumeration values for OUT are provided in the following table.

OUT Enumerations
Enumeration Override Output Description
NO_OVR-NO-BLOCK No override and no override is blocked
OVR-NO_BLOCK Override active and no override is blocked
NO_OVR-BLOCK No override and a override is blocked
OVR-BLOCK Override active and a override is blocked

ToolboxST Configuration
Inserting this block into the application program will generate a pop-up window titled Enter the Attribute Instance Values.
This prompts the user to Enter Device Name and Select OvrType in the Value column of the window (the override type is a
drop-down menu selection). The block will then automatically create the necessary variables and provides the appropriate
attributes for each variable (for example, Type and Format Spec variables that need to be on EGD will be automatically
placed on the $Default EGD page, and so on).

Note Each combination of Device Name and Override enumeration type selected used in a controller must be unique.

If additional Pin Groups are added, the necessary new variables will be automatically created during a build of the application
Inserting an OVERRIDE into the application software, for example, displays the following window in the ToolboxST

Changing Default Attribute Values

When the user clicks OK, the block and pin connections will be configured automatically. The previous example generates
Global pins. Once the object has been added successfully, the block displays in the ToolboxST application.

Note Global variables are listed in the table Global Variables. The defaults provided are for example only.

320 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information

There are three things to remember when installing an OVERRIDE block. The first is that the Device Name of the block
should match the name of the block that it will be connected to. If this block is controlling an MOV block, then the names
should match. If the blocks are connected correctly, but named incorrectly, the block will work normally, but the HMI screen
cannot tell you why something is or isn’t overridden.
The other thing to remember is to select the correct Override Type. If you select MN_REJ, but connect it to a CL_OVR, then
the override will act like an close override, but show up as a manual reject.

Note Override blocks have a mode for manual rejects.

Input pin names are in the form the Device Value OvrType name.
Output pin names are in the form Device Value OvrType Value.OUT and Device Value OvrType Value.FO, Device Value
OvrType Value.OV, Device Value OvrType Value.OVB.


Note The defaults provided are for example only. Be sure to change the block name.

If Device Value = 00OVERRIDE1000 and Ovr_Type Value = CL_OVR.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 321

Public Information
Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
FO_EN First out logic trap enable BOOL False Always Value Only
OV1 Override input 1 BOOL False Always Value Only
OV1B Override input block 1 BOOL False Always Value Only
OV1BE Override input block enable 1 BOOL False Always Value Only
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
OV32 Override input 32 BOOL False Always Value Only
OV32B Override input block 32 BOOL False Always Value Only
RESET First out trap logic reset BOOL False Internal Value Only

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
FO First out bit number of trip 1 - 32 UINT 0 Always Value Only
OUT Output UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
OV Override BOOL False Always Value Only
OVB Override block BOOL False Always Value Only

Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
00OVERRIDE1000CL_OVR.FO First out bit number of trip 1 Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
- 32 Alarmed
00OVERRIDE1000CL_OVR.OUT Output Not False ReadOnly
00OVERRIDE1000CL_OVR.OV Override Not False ReadOnly
00OVERRIDE1000CL_OVR.OV1 Override #1 (or the Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
connected Global variable Alarmed
00OVERRIDE1000CL_OVR.OV1B Override block #1 Not True $DEFAULT ReadWrite
00OVERRIDE1000CL_OVR.OV1BE Override block enable #1 Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
00OVERRIDE1000CL_OVR.OVn Override #n (or the Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
connected Global variable Alarmed
00OVERRIDE1000CL_OVR.OVnB Override block #n Not True $DEFAULT ReadWrite
00OVERRIDE1000CL_OVR.OVnBE Override block enable #n Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
00OVERRIDE1000CL_OVR.RESET First out trap logic reset Not False $DEFAULT ReadWrite

322 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
An OVERRIDE block does not directly have an HMI object. The block displays on the Permits faceplate when used. The
following figure displays the Permits faceplate for a PID_MA block. This shows the presence of the OVERRIDE block, as
well as a description from the controlling variable. The override description displays as green because the override is not

PERMIT Faceplate for PID_MA

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 323

Public Information
37 Override Station Enhanced (OVR_ST_ENH)
Block Category: Legacy, Controls (DCS)

Note Legacy Status — The OVR_ST_ENH block is not supported for use in new Mark VIe control systems (ControlST
V05.02 or later). It is in place to support the maintenance of legacy Mark VIe control systems (prior to ControlST V05.02).
For new Mark VIe control systems, use the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block; it provides equivalent functionality.

The Override Station Enhanced (OVR_ST_ENH) block is an enhanced override station that controls up to three cascaded or
non-cascaded PID_MA_ENH block loops. The inputs and outputs of the OVR_ST_ENH block can be monitored and
controlled by the operator using the CIMPLICITY graphical interface. The block’s various functional capabilities are defined
by three separate enumerated inputs: Block Option (BLOCK_OPT), Mode Option (MODE_OPT), and Station Option
(STATION_OPT). The user must first identify the functions needed for the application for which the block will be used, and
then choose the appropriate enumeration for each input to provide the desired block functionality. The Enhanced block
performs quality status monitoring of input and output signals and propagates the quality status to the outputs: control
variable output (CVO), CV, and SV.

Block Configuration
Block Option (BLOCK_OPT)
BLOCK_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table.

BLOCK_OPT Input Enumerations

Name Description
OVR_ST_MA OVR_ST with manual / auto setpoint control

OVR_ST_REM OVR_ST with manual / auto control and local / remote setpoint

OVR_ST_EXT OVR_ST with manual / auto control and external setpoint

OVR_ST_MA — used only when manual / auto setpoint control is needed. It sets the output property (OVR_ST_P) to True.
OVR_ST_REM — used when a remote setpoint value is needed and sets the output property (OVR_ST_REM_P) to True.
The remote setpoint is connected to the OVR_ST_ENH block remote setpoint (RSP) input. This enumeration permits a local
setpoint and a remote setpoint, either of which can be selected by the operator using the graphical interface, or by the OVR_
ST_ENH block remote setpoint select pulsed (RSP_SEL) input.
OVR_ST_EXT — used when an external setpoinat input value is to be used as the setpoint value and sets the output property
(OVR_ST_EXT_P) to True. The remote setpoint is connected to the RSP input. This enumeration does not allow a local
setpoint, only an external setpoint that is connected to the RSP input. When this enumeration is used, the operator cannot
select a local setpoint value from the graphical interface and the RSP_SEL input is disabled.

324 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Mode Option (MODE_OPT)
MODE_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table.

MODE_OPT Input Enumerations

Name Description
LOCK Lock mode
POS Position feedback
LOCK-POS Lock mode and position feedback

SPLIT Split range

SPLIT-LOCK Split range and block mode

SPLIT-POS Split range and position feedback

SPLIT-LOCK-POS Split range, lock mode and position feedback

NONE — indicates no mode options are enabled.

LOCK — sets the lock property (LOCK_P) to True, which allows software lockout of the controller to be implemented by
the operator using the CIMPLICITY graphical interface. The valve output, CVO, must be within 5 units of the initial position
(INIT_POS) input value before the block can be set to lockout mode. When LOCK becomes True, the block is in lockout
mode and the block outputs, CVO, CV, and, if applicable, SV, are prohibited from modulating. If the block is in auto mode
and LOCK becomes True, the block will be put into manual mode and the manual reject alarm (MAN_REJ_A) will be
activated. The operator’s ability to switch to auto mode is disabled until the block is removed from lockout mode.
Additionally, the local auto setpoint will track the process variable (PV) input when the block is in lockout mode.

Note The lockout indication is provided for status indication only. This action will not lock out the equipment, it will only
indicate lockout status. Follow the owner's lockout procedures to safely lockout equipment.

Note The Lock button can also be configured to use the WorkstationST Lock function. Refer to the
WorkstationST/CIMPLICITY Advanced Viewer Integration Instruction Guide (GEI-100697), the section HMI Tagout.

POS — used when feedback is available from the controlled device. Normally, feedback is the valve position feedback, but
the POS enumeration can also be used for motor speed or a variety of other device feedbacks. The position feedback value is
connected to the block POS_CV input and, if the MODE_OPT enumeration SPLIT is selected, the position feedback from the
secondary device is connected to the POS_SV block input.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 325

Public Information
When the POS enumeration is used, the block POSFB_P output is True, the feedback value is displayed on the CIMPLICITY
faceplate, and, when the cursor is placed over the feedback area, CV Pos Feedback = the instantaneous value) displays.

POS Enumeration Faceplate

SPLIT — indicates that the controller will output to two different devices using block outputs, CV and SV, either or both of
which may be characterized by a 13 element array that enables each output to be customized to fit the requirements of a
specific control application.
The default characterization arrays for both CV and SV are linear and are as follows:

• CV_X and SV_X = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000
• CV_Y and SV_Y = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000
If the CV_X 13 element array does not contain the same 13 array elements in the same order as the CV_Y array, or the SV_X
13 element array does not contain the same 13 array elements in the same order as the SV_Y array, the characterization
property (CHAR_P) will be True and the graphical interface displays a button in the lower, right corner of the faceplate.

326 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
When the cursor is placed over the feedback area, Show Characterization displays.

SPLIT Enumeration Faceplate

The following characterized outputs are applied:

• CV_X = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000
• CV_Y = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000
• SV_X = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000
• SV_Y = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 327

Public Information
SPLIT Enumeration Faceplate with Characterizations

MODE_OPT Output Properties

OVR_ST_ENH output properties control the appearance of the corresponding graphical interface based on the MODE_OPT
enumeration. The OVR_ST_ENH output properties and their functions are as follows:

• NONE sets LOCK_P, POSFB_P, and SPLIT_P property to False

• LOCK sets LOCK_P property to True
• POS sets POSFB_P property to True
• SPLIT sets SPLIT_P property to True

328 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Station Option (STATION_OPT)
STATION_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table.

STATION_OPT Input Enumerations

Name Description
SELECT_2_INPUTS Station output is selected from two inputs

MIN_2_INPUTS Station output is minimum of two inputs

MAX_2_INPUTS Station output is maximum of two inputs

SELECT_3_INPUTS Station output is selected from three inputs

MIN_3_INPUTS Station output is minimum of three inputs

MAX_3_INPUTS Station output is maximum of three inputs

SELECT_2_INPUTS — indicates that two inputs, CVI1 and CVI2, can be selected by the maintained inputs, SEL1 and
SEL2, and used to calculate the outputs, CVO, CV, and, if applicable, SV of the OVR_ST_ENH block. If both SEL1 and
SEL2 inputs are False, the block defaults to the value of CVI1. If both SEL1 and SEL2 inputs are True, the block uses the
value of CVI1. When this enumeration is used, the three input property output (3_INPUT_P) is False.
MIN_2_INPUTS — indicates that the minimum of the two inputs, CVI1 and CVI2, are used to calculate the outputs CVO,
CV, and, if applicable, SV of the OVR_ST_ENH block. The inputs SEL1 and SEL2 are ignored. When this enumeration is
used, the 3_INPUT_P output is False.
MAX_2_INPUTS — indicates that the maximum of the two inputs, CVI1 and CVI2, are used to calculate the outputs CVO,
CV, and, if applicable, SV of the OVR_ST_ENH block. The inputs SEL1 and SEL2 are ignored. When this enumeration is
used, the 3_INPUT_P output is False.
SELECT_3_INPUTS — indicates that three inputs, CVI1, CVI2, and CVI3, can be selected by the maintained inputs SEL1,
SEL2, and SEL3, and used to calculate the outputs CVO, CV, and, if applicable, SV of the OVR_ST_ENH block. If SEL1,
SEL2 and SEL3 inputs are False, the block defaults to the value of CVI1. If more than one of the selected inputs is True, the
first True value in the following order has precedence: SEL1; SEL2; then SEL3. When this enumeration is used, the 3_
INPUT_P output is True.
MIN_3_INPUTS — indicates that the minimum of the three inputs, CVI1CVI2, and CVI3, are used to calculate the outputs
CVO, CV, and, if applicable, SV of the OVR_ST_ENH block. The inputs SEL1, SEL2, and SEL3 are ignored. When this
enumeration is used, the 3_INPUT_P output is True.
MAX_3_INPUTS — indicates that the maximum of the three inputs, CVI1, CVI2, and CVI3, is used to calculate the outputs
CVO, CV, and, if applicable, SV of the OVR_ST_ENH block. The inputs SEL1, SEL2, and SEL3 are ignored. When this
enumeration is used, the 3_INPUT_P output is True.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 329

Public Information
CVI Selected input enumerations are as follows:
The CVI operator graphical interface uses the NSEL1, NSEL2, and NSEL3 outputs to indicate which input is being used to
calculate the block outputs. The block ensures only one of the three outputs is False, which identifies the input being used.

OVR_ST_ENH Faceplate with CVI2 Selected

OVR_ST_ENH block outputs, OVR_CTRL1, OVR_CTRL2, and, if applicable, OVR_CTRL3, are connected to the
corresponding OVR_CTRL inputs of the PID_MA_ENH blocks. Information is passed from the OVR_ST_ENH block using
these outputs to control the method each connected PID_MA_ENH block uses to calculate the CVO output. The individual
CVO values of the PID_MA_ENH blocks are used by the control variable inputs, CVI1, CVI2, and, if applicable, CVI3, of
the OVR_ST_ENH block to determine the output values (CVO, CV, and, if applicable, SV) of the OVR_ST_ENH block.

330 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
OVR_CTRL1, OVR_CTRL2, and OVR_CTRL3 Output Enumerations
Name Description

OVR_CTRL-ER OVR_ST in use and external reset

OVR_CTRL-TRACK OVR_ST in use and track

OVR_CTRL-SELECTED OVR_ST in use and selected

OVR_CTRL-ER-SELECTED OVR_ST in use and external reset and selected

OVR_CTRL-TRACK-SELECTED OVR_ST in use and track and selected

NONE — default enumeration for all three outputs but is never used when the block is running in the control sequence code.
OVR_CTRL — is always present when the OVR_ST_ENH block is running in control application code. It transfers
information from the OVR_ST_ENH block to the connected PID_MA_ENH blocks. OVR_CTRL relays information to the
connected PID_MA_ENH blocks that the OVR_ST_ENH block is controlling.
External reset (ER) — sent to the PID_MA_ENH blocks that are not selected for calculating the OVR_ST_ENH output,
CVO, when STATION_OPT contains MIN or MAX and OVR_ST_ENH is not in tracking mode (TK_OUT is False). This
enumeration causes the PID_MA_ENH block to use the external reset value (EV) to calculate its outputs.
TRACK — applies when the following criteria are met:

• Station option (STATION_OPT) is SELECT_2_INPUTS or SELECT_3_INPUTS and the control variable input 1 is not
selected (NSEL1 is True)
• Track status (TK_OUT) is True
• Control variable input 1 is selected (NSEL1 is False and the process high or low limits have been enabled (EN_PROC_
• EN_PROC_LIM_LOW is True) and CVI1 exceeds either the process high limits (PROC_LIM_HIGH) or low enabled
limits (PROC_LIM_LOW)
When the criteria are met, the enumerated output, OVR_CTRL1, contains TRACK, indicating the override station is
commanding PID_MA_ENH to calculate the outputs from its tracking value (TK) input.

Note The TRACK concept also applies OVR_CTRL2 and OVR_CTRL3.

SELECTED — indicates that PID_MA_ENH block control variable output (CVO) is selected by OVR_ST_ENHand used to
calculate CVO, CV, and, if applicable, SV outputs of OVR_ST_ENH.
Process high limits (EN_PROC_LIM_HIGH) and process low limits (EN_PROC_LIM_LOW) — allow the user to
control process regulation limits while allowing force and override values to operate independently on the OVR_ST_ENH
lower (L) and upper (H) limits. The user can limit the process control range further using PROC_LIM_LOW and PROC_
LIM_HIGH parameters, which are enabled by their respective enable parameters, EN_PROC_LIM_LOW and EN_PROC_
replace the corresponding L or H limit values.
Setpoint High (SH) and Setpoint Low (SL)— limits values (block inputs) bound the block output, setpoint (SP).
Setpoint adjustment ramp rate (SR)— input value restricts the SP output rate of change in units/sec. The SP output is
passed without rate limit restrictions directly to the SP when the controller is powered up.
Internal Setpoint (SI) — the value of the setpoint before the SR is applied. For example, if the setpoint changes from 0 to 10
instantaneously, then SI changes from 0 to 10 instantaneously and SP ramps from 0 to 10 in 10 seconds if SR is set at 1
unit/sec. SI is also bound by the SH and SL inputs.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 331

Public Information
Setpoint Track (SP_TRACK) — if True, tracks PV in manual mode and RSP in auto-remote mode. If the SP_TRACK
parameter is False, the setpoint tracks RSP in remote mode and RS is True. Otherwise, the operator controls the setpoint value
using the graphical interface.
The output setpoint (SP) contains status. The status value for SP is equal to the minimum of:

• The status of PV if SP_TRACK is True, else 128.

• The status of RSP when RSP_BQ is True, else 128.
Remote Select (RSP_SEL) — a pulsed input that instructs the block to use the remote setpoint (RSP) input to calculate block
outputs CVO, CV, and, if applicable, SV when the block is in auto mode. The input must be pulsed.
Manual adjustment rate (MR) — restricts the rate of change of the CVO in units/sec.
Tracking status (TK_OUT) — block output set to True when the following input conditions are met:

• RSP input bad quality

• Output bad quality
• Selected CVI input override or bad quality
• Priority increase or decrease
• Manual mode
• Force command
• Override command
• Increase or decrease inhibit
• Lock
• MN_REJ input enumeration contains OVR
• Track command (CMD_TK) input contains TRACK
• RS output changes state, causing a setpoint realignment
• Auto mode (AUTO) output changes state, causing a setpoint realignment
• Permit to modulate (MOD_PMT) is False (enumeration contains no permit [NO_PERM]).
When TK_OUT is True, the OVR_ ST_ENH is in tracking mode and block output CVO tracks the appropriate value based on
the parameter that set TK_OUT to True. The value used for tracking may be the override value (OV), the force value (FV)
while a priority increase or decrease command moves to the H or L limit output values at the priority increase rate (PR_INC_
RT) or decrease rate (PR_DEC_RT). The value used for tracking may also be the track value (TV) or the initial position
(INIT_POS) value. If there is no priority increase or decrease active, PR_INC and PR_DEC are False, and, if an inhibit
increase or decrease command is present, the block output INC_INH or DEC_INH is True, then TK_OUT is True as the value
of CVO modulates in the direction of the inhibit request.

Note CVO also includes CV_X and, if applicable, SV_X, for characterized outputs CV and SV, respectively.

The H and L values are dependent on enable process limit inputs EN_PROC_LIM_HIGH and EN_PROC_LIM_LOW, and
the PROC_LIM_HIGH and PROC_LIM_LOW limits, respectively.

332 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Auto Permit (AU_PMT)
Auto Permit (AU_PMT) input is driven by an auto permit-type block that associates its input status with the graphical
interface of the PID_MA_ENH block, which allows the operator to view the individual inputs that provide a permit to place
the block in auto mode. The AU_PMT graphical interface enables the operator to bypass logic driven inputs to obtain an auto
permit condition through the graphical interface.

AU_PMT Input Enumerations

Name Description
NO_PERM-NO_BYPASS No permit and no permit is bypassed
PERM-NO_BYPASS Permit is OKay and no permit is bypassed
NO_PERM-BYPASS No permit and a permit is bypassed
PERM-BYPASS Permit OKay and a permit is bypassed

NO_PERM — indicates the permit that allows the block to be placed in auto mode has not been met, and the Auto Permit
(PMT_AU) output is False.
PERM — indicates all block permits to be placed in auto mode have been met and PMT_AU is True, provided there is also
no bad quality detected (OBQ, selected CVI#_BQ, selected CVI#_OV, and RSP_BQ are False) when the reject to manual
input (BQ_MAN) is True and block outputs REJ_MN, OVR_CMD, LOCK, and FF_IMAN are all False.

Note # indicates the number can be 1, 2, or 3 for CVI.

NO-BYPASS — indicates the operator has not invoked a bypass of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the AU_PMT
block. When this enumeration is used, the Auto Permit Bypass (PMT_AUB) output is False.
BYPASS — indicates the operator has invoked a bypass of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the AU_PMT
block. When this enumeration is used, PMT_AUB is True.

Modulate Permit (MOD_PMT)

Modulate Permit (MOD_PMT) input is driven by a modulate permit-type block that associates its input status with the OVR_
ST_ENH block graphical interface. This enables the operator to view the individual inputs that provide a permit that allows
the block to modulate the output. The MOD_PMT graphical interface enables the operator to bypass logic driven inputs to
obtain a modulate permit condition through the graphical interface.

MOD_PMT Enumerations
Name Description
NO_PERM-NO_BYPASS No permit and no permit is bypassed
PERM-NO_BYPASS Permit OKay and no permit is bypassed
NO_PERM-BYPASS No permit and a permit is bypassed
PERM-BYPASS Permit is OKay and a permit is bypassed

NO_PERM — indicates a permit that allows the block to modulate the output, CVO, has not been met and the permit to
modulate (PMT_MOD) output is False. If the MOD_PMT input enumeration contains NO_PERM, then CVO equals the
INIT_POS input value.
PERM — indicates all permits that allow the block to modulate the output, CVO, have been met and PMT_MOD is True.
NO-BYPASS— indicates the operator has not invoked a bypass of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the MOD_
PMT block. When this enumeration is used, the modulate permit bypass (PMT_MODB) output is True.
BYPASS — indicates the operator has invoked a bypass of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the MOD_
PMT block. When this enumeration is used, PMT_MODB is True.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 333

Public Information
Command Force (CMD_FRC)
CMD_FRC input is driven by a force-type block that associates its input status with the OVR_ST_ENH block graphical
interface, which enables the operator to view the individual inputs that place the block into force mode. The CMD_FRC
graphical interface enables the operator to block logic driven inputs to release the force condition through the graphical
CMD_FRC Enumerations
Name Description
NO_FORCE-NO_BLOCK No force and no force is blocked

FORCE-NO_BLOCK Force active and no force is blocked

NO_FORCE-BLOCK No force and a force is blocked

FORCE-BLOCK Force active and a force is blocked

NO_FORCE — indicates no force command is active and the force command output (FRC_CMD) is False.
FORCE — indicates a force command is active and, if the CMD_OVR enumerated input does not contain OVR (OVR_CMD
is False), then FRC_CMD is True.
NO-BLOCK — indicates the operator has not invoked a block of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the force-type
block. When this enumeration is used, the FORCE-BLOCK output, FRC_CMDB, is False.
BLOCK — indicates the operator has invoked a block of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the force-type
block and sets FRC_CMDB to True.
If the OVR_ST_ENH block CMD_FRC input enumeration contains FORCE, FRC_CMD exists and the output CVO moves
to the FV input value.

Note An override command (the CMD_OVR enumeration contains OVR) has precedence over a force command.

Command Track (CMD_TK)

CMD_TK input is driven by a track-type block that associates its input status with the OVR_ST_ENH block graphical
interface, which allows the operator to view the individual inputs that place the block into track mode. The track graphical
interface enables the operator to block logic driven inputs to release the track condition through the graphical interface.

CMD_TK Enumerations
Name Description
NO_TRACK-NO_BLOCK No track and no track is blocked

TRACK-NO_BLOCK Track active and no track is blocked

NO_TRACK-BLOCK No track and a track is blocked

TRACK-BLOCK Track active and a track is blocked

NO_TRACK — indicates no track command is active and the track status output, TK_OUT, is False.
TRACK — indicates a track command is active and the track status output (TK_OUT) is True.
NO-BLOCK — indicates the operator has not invoked a block of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the track-type
block. When this enumeration is used, the TRACK-BLOCKED output, TK_CMDB, is False.
BLOCK — indicates the operator has invoked a block of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the track-type
block. When this enumeration is used, TK_CMDB is True.

334 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
If the OVR_ST_ENH block is in Auto mode and a validated CMD_TK input enumeration contains TRACK, then a track
command exists and enumerated outputs OVR_CTRL1, OVR_CTRL2, and OVR_CTRL3 contain TRACK, commanding the
connected PID_MA_ENH blocks to tracking mode.

Command Override (CMD_OVR)

CMD_OVR input is driven by an override-type block that associates its input status with the OVR_ST_ENH block graphical
interface, which allows the operator to view the individual inputs that place the block in override mode. The override
graphical interface enables the operator to block logic driven inputs to release the override condition through the graphical
CMD_OVR Enumerations
Name Description
NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK No override and no override is blocked

OVR-NO_BLOCK Override active and no override is blocked

NO_OVR-BLOCK No override and an override is blocked

OVR-BLOCK Override active and an override is blocked

NO_OVR — indicates no override command is active and the command override output (OVR_CMD) is False.
OVR — indicates an override command is active and OVR_CMD is True.
NO-BLOCK — indicates the operator has not invoked a block of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the override
type block. When this enumeration is used, OVR_CMDB is False.
BLOCK — indicates the operator has invoked a block of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the override-type
block. When this enumeration is used, OVR_CMDB is True.
If the OVR_ST_ENH block is in auto mode and a validated CMD_OVR input enumeration contains OVR, an override
command exists and the manual reject alarm (MN_REJ_A) is activated and the output moves to the input value of the
override value (OV). The OVR_ST_ENH block is removed from auto mode and placed in manual mode and the local auto
setpoint, if available, tracks PV.

Note An override command (the enumeration of CMD_OVR contains OVR) has precedence over a force command.

Control Word (CTL)

CTL enumerations are listed in the following table.

CTL Enumerations
Name Description
NO_CMD No command
AUTO_CMD Auto command
MANUAL_CMD Manual command
LOCK_CMD Lock command
UNLOCK_CMD Unlock command
REMOTE_CMD Remote SP command
LOCAL_CMD Local SP command

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 335

Public Information
The operator controls the PID_MA_ENH block by clicking buttons on the CIMPLICITY graphical interface faceplate.
Certain faceplate buttons carry an enumerated value represented in the OVR_ST_ENH block input, CTL. The faceplate
transfers enumerated values to the OVR_ST_ENH block through the EGD using the CTL. When the faceplate sends a
command to the OVR_ST_ENH block, the block performs the command (after one second), overwrites the CTL input with
the NO_CMD enumeration, and resets itself for the next CTL command.

Note Faceplate commands using the CTL are dependent on BLOCK_OPT and MODE_OPT enumerations. For example,
LOCK_CMD and UNLOCK_CMD enumerations are not used if MODE_OPT does not contain the LOCK enumeration.

NO_CMD — indicates no command is present

AUTO_CMD — switches the block into auto mode from manual mode using the graphical interface faceplate. The auto
setpoint is local, remote, or external depending on the BLOCK_OPT enumeration and the operator selection, if applicable, is
local or remote. When the block is in auto mode the output, AUTO, is True.
MANUAL_CMD — switches the block into manual mode from auto mode using the graphical interface faceplate. The
operator manually sets the output to the controlled device. When the block is in manual mode, AUTO is True.
LOCK_CMD — indicates the block is in lock mode, which occurs when the block output, CVO, is within 5 units of the
initial position (INIT_POS) value. This enumeration removes the block from auto mode, places it in manual mode, and sets
MN_REJ_A to True. When the block is in lock mode, the output, LOCK, is True.
UNLOCK_CMD — removes the block from lock mode and sets LOCK to False.
REMOTE_CMD — directs the block (when in auto mode) to use the RS value connected to block input pin RSP as the auto
setpoint. When the block is in remote mode, the RS output is True.
LOCAL_CMD — directs the block (when in auto mode) to use the operator defined local setpoint. When the block is in
local mode, RS is False.
Manual Reject (MN_REJ) input is driven by an override-type block that associates its input status with the OVR_ST_ENH
block graphical interface, which allows the operator to view the individual inputs that place the block in manual reject mode.
The override graphical interface enables the operator to block logic driven inputs to release the override condition through the
graphical interface.

MN_REJ enumerations are listed in the following table.

MN_REJ Enumerations
Name Description
NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK No override and no override is blocked

OVR-NO_BLOCK Override active and no override is blocked

NO_OVR-BLOCK No override and an override is blocked

OVR-BLOCK Override active and an override is blocked

NO_OVR — indicates no manual reject command is active and the manual reject output, REJ_MN, is False.
OVR — indicates a manual reject command is active and REJ_MN is True.
NO-BLOCK — indicates the operator has not invoked a block of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the
override-type block. When NO-BLOCK is active, the output, REJ_MNB, is False.
BLOCK — indicates the operator has invoked a block of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the override-type
block. The BLOCK enumeration is not used by OVR_ST_ENH, but the block passes the information it to the graphical
interface for display purposes using REJ_MNB. When a block is active, REJ_MNB is True.

336 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
If the OVR_ST_ENH block is in auto mode and a validated MN_REJ input enumeration contains OVR, then the block is
removed from auto mode and placed in manual mode, and MN_REJ_A is activated, and enumerated outputs OVR_CTRL1,
OVR_CTRL2, and OVR_CTRL3 contain TRACK, which commands the connected PID_MA_ENH blocks into tracking

CASC_IN1, CASC_IN2, and CASC_IN3 input enumerations are listed in the following table.

CASC_IN1, CASC_IN2, and CASC_IN3 Input Enumerations

Name Description
DIRECT Direct action
REVERSE Reverse action
DIRECT-TRACK Direct action and TRACK
REVERSE-TRACK Reverse action and TRACK

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 337

Public Information
CASC_IN1, CASC_IN2, and CASC_IN3 Input Enumerations (continued)
Name Description
NO_CASC No cascade

338 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Note Although the enumerated inputs contain all enumerations discussed in this section, the OVR_ST_ENH block is only
affected when the input enumerations contain TUNE_INNER or TUNE_OUTER.

All enumerated values in this section transfer information between cascaded PID_MA_ENH blocks, but the OVR_ST_ENH
block only needs the TUNE_INNER or TUNE_OUTER enumeration to ensure proper block functionality.

The enumerated OVR_ST_ENH block inputs, CASC_IN1, CASC_IN2, and, if applicable, CASC_IN3, receive information
from the PID_MA_ENH block output, override controlled (CASC_OUT). The enumeration information instructs the OVR_
ST_ENH block on how to properly calculate the value and status of outputs CVO, CV, and, if applicable, SV.
NO_CASC — is the default value but has no effect on the OVR_ST_ENH block. However, PID_MA_ENH output CASC_
OUT is never NO_CASC when the controller is running. If no connection is made to the CASC_IN3 input, the default
enumeration of CASC_IN3 is NO_CASC and the STATION_OPT input enumeration indicates three inputs are not being
used. Of the three inputs being used, property (3_INPUT_P) is False.
The following blocks are not in the OVR_ST_ENH block:

TUNE_INNER — indicates the operator has selected the override controlled inner loop of a cascaded PID_MA_ENH block
from the graphical interface to be in tuning mode.
TUNE_OUTER — indicates the operator has selected the override controlled outer loop of a cascaded PID_MA_ENH block
from the graphical interface to be in tuning mode. If a non-cascaded PID_MA_ENH block is used in an override control
scenario with an OVR_ST_ENH block, this enumeration is contained in the CASC_OUT output of the PID_MA_ENH block
when it is placed in tuning mode.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 339

Public Information
Tuning Mode of Override Controlled PID_MA_ENH Blocks
When an override controlled PID_MA_ENH block is in tuning mode, the corresponding OVR_ST_ENH enumerated input,
OVR_ST_ENH block selects the PID_MA_ENH block in tuning mode for output. If more than one of the controlled PID_
MA_ENH blocks are in tuning mode at the same time, the input used to calculate the output of the OVR_ST_ENH block is
prioritized by CASC_IN1, CASC_IN2, and CASC_IN3 (in this order), which contain the enumerations TUNE_INNER,
Priority Increase (PR_INC) and Decrease Commands (PR_DEC)
Whenever the OVR_ST_ENH block input PR_INC is True, the output CVO increases to the high limit (H) value at the rate
defined by the PR_INC rate value, PR_INC_RT (default value is 1 unit/sec).
Whenever the OVR_ST_ENH block input PR_DEC is True and PR_INC is False, the output CVO decreases to the low limit
(L) value at the rate defined by the PR_DEC rate value, PR_DEC_RT (default value is 1 unit/sec).
Program both inputs, PR_INC and PR_DEC, to be mutually exclusive events. However, if at any time they both become True,
then PR_INC is the dominate input and the CVO value increases to the H value at the rate defined by the PR_INC rate value,

Note A force command (CMD_FRC contains FORCE), or an override command (CMD_OVR contains OVR) have
precedence over the PR_INC and PR_DEC inputs.

Inhibit Increase (INH_INC) and Decrease Commands (INH_DEC)

OVR_ST_ENH is capable of inhibiting the output control variable (CVO) from increasing or decreasing in value without a
force or override command (FORCE from the enumerated CMD_FRC input or OVR from the enumerated CMD_OVR input).
Inhibiting the increase of the CVO output occurs when INH_INC input is True and neither of the priority increase or priority
decrease input pins, PR_INC or PR_DEC are True.Inhibiting the decrease of the CVO output occurs when INH_DEC input is
True and neither of the PR_INC or PR_DEC input pins are True.
CVO, CV, and SV Output Status Propagation and Bad Quality Determination
OVR_ST_ENH monitors the quality status values of various inputs and connected outputs to determine the quality status
value of CVO, CV, and SV (if the MODE_OPT enumeration contains SPLIT then the split output property, SPLIT_P, is True).
The quality status value of control variable output CV is either the quality status value of CVO or, if SPLIT_P is True and the
quality status value of BKCAL_IN_CV > 200 and < 203, then the quality status value of CV is assigned a quality status value
The quality status value of the split range control variable output, SV, is either the quality status value of CVO or, if SPLIT_P
is True and the quality status value of BKCAL_IN_SV is > 200 and < 203, then the quality status value of SV is assigned a
OVR_ST_ENH calculates the quality status value of CVO from appropriate inputs with quality status values, input
parameters values, and the connected hard I/O quality status values of CV and, if MODE_OPT contains SPLIT (the split
property, SPLIT_P is True), SV. The analog output variables attached to CV and SV are monitored for quality status, which
results in the following possible CVO quality status values: 12 - I/O Pack Health Failed – NOT_LIMITED-DEVICE_
If none of these conditions exist, the quality status value of CVO is calculated by OVR_ST_ENH to be 192 to 198, depending
on numerous variables used in the quality status calculation, which results in the following values:

• Status value 192 indicates CVO is NOT_LIMITED_GOODC

• Status value 193 indicates CVO is LOW_LIMITED_GOODC
• Status value 194 indicates CVO is HIGH_LIMITED_GOODC
• Status value 195 indicates CVO is CONSTANT_GOODC

340 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
When using FOUNDATION fieldbus, if the split range mode is not selected, SPLIT_P is False, and the quality status value of
BKCAL_IN_CV or BKCAL_IN_SV is > 200 and < 203, then the quality status value of CVO is assigned a quality status
value of 196 when the low limit (LS) and upper limit (US) are False. If the split range mode is selected, SPLIT_P is True and
the FOUNDATION fieldbus initialization acknowledgment is provided, which indicates the quality status of CV and SV.
If RSP_BQ, selected CVI_BQ, and selected CVI_OV are False, and the value of CVO is < the low limit, then LS is True and
1 is added to the CVO status value.
If RSP_BQ, selected CVI_BQ, selected CVI_OV, and the value of CVO is > the high limit, then US is True and 2 is added to
the CVO status value.

This block propagates quality status. The status option cannot be disabled.

CVO status is based upon the following, in order of priority:

• Analog output variables attached to CV and SV are monitored for quality status, resulting in the following possible
CVO status:
− I/O Pack Health Failed – NOT_LIMITED-DEVICE_FAILURE-BAD [12]
− I/O Pack Health Failed – NOT_LIMITED-SENSOR_FAILURE-BAD [16]
• If RSP_BQ, selected CVI#_BQ, or selected CVI#_OV is True, then the value of CVO status is CONSTANT-GOODC
• If RSP_BQ, selected CVI#_BQ, and selected CVI#_OV are False, and the value of CVO is < the low limit, then LS is
True and 1 is added to the CVO status value.
• If RSP _BQ, selected CVI#_BQ, and selected CVI#_OV are False, and the value of CVO is > the high limit, then US
is True and 2 is added to the CVO status value.
• The default quality status of CVO is NOT_LIMITED-GOODC [192].
For further details on relational blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Input Quality Status Monitoring

OVR_ST_ENH monitors and propagates the health or quality status of I/O points CVI1, CVI2, CVI3, RSP, BKCAL_IN_CV,
BKCAL_IN_SV, POS_CV, and POS_SV and determines when action must be taken because of a bad quality related input.
Control variable inputs CVI1 and CVI2 are always monitored for bad quality. If the STATION_OPT enumeration is
SELECT_3_INPUTS, MAX_3_INPUTS or MIN_3_INPUTS, then CVI3 is also monitored for bad quality. If bad quality
exists for any of the CVI1, CVI2, or CVI3 inputs, the corresponding output CVI1_BQ, CVI2_BQ, or CVI3_BQ is set to True.
If bad quality exists for the selected CVI input (CVI1 while SEL1, CVI2 while SEL2, or CVI3 while SEL3) , the block
response is the same. For example, if BQ_MAN is True, the block is in auto, CVI1 is the selected input, and CVI1 is bad
quality (CVI1_BQ = True), the block rejects to manual mode and MN_REJ_A is activated. However, if BQ_MAN is True,
the block is in auto, CVI1 is the selected input, and CVI2 is bad quality (CVI1_BQ = True), the block will remain in auto and
will continue to operate.
The following inputs are monitored for quality status based on MODE_OPT containing POS:

• POS_CV input determines if bad quality (OS_CV_BQ) is present and if there is a significant difference between the
feedback value and the requested value, CV, to warrant an enabled high differential alarm, POS_CV_DH.
• POS_SV input determines if bad quality (POS_SV_BQ) is present and if there is a significant difference between the
feedback value and the requested value, SV, to warrant an enabled high differential alarm, POS_SV_DH.

Note OVR_ST_REM or OVR_ST_EXT are the only block option enumerations that allow RSP bad quality to affect block

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 341

Public Information
Bad Quality Outputs
Control Variable PID Track Value Bad Quality (BKCAL_IN_CV_BQ) is set to True when the control variable PID track
value input, BKCAL_IN_CV, is determined to be of bad quality (a quality status value < 64).
Split Range Variable PID Track Value Bad Quality (BKCAL_IN_SV_BQ) is set to True when the split range PID track value
input, BKCAL_IN_SV, is determined to be of bad quality (a quality status value < 64).
Output Bad Quality (OBQ) is determined by the following conditions:

• BKCAL_IN_CV_BQ is True
• BKCAL_IN_SV_BQ is True
• Status value of FOUNDATION fieldbus inputs BKCAL_IN_CV or BKCAL_IN_SV, if used, are > 196 and < 227.
• CVO is determined to be of bad quality (a quality status value < 64).
Control Variable Input Bad Quality (CVI1_BQ, CVI2_BQ, or CVI3_BQ) is determined when the corresponding control
variable input, CVI1, CVI2, or CVI3, is determined to be of bad quality (a quality status value < 64). If bad quality exists for
any of the CVI1, CVI2, or CVI3 inputs, the corresponding output CVI1_BQ, CVI2_BQ, or CVI3_BQ is set to True. If bad
quality exists for the selected CVI input (CVI1 while SEL1, CVI2 while SEL2, or CVI3 while SEL3) , the block response is
the same. For example, if BQ_MAN is True, the block is in auto, CVI1 is the selected input, and CVI1 is bad quality (CVI1_
BQ = True), the block rejects to manual mode and MN_REJ_A is activated. However, if BQ_MAN is True, the block is in
auto, CVI1 is the selected input, and CVI2 is bad quality (CVI1_BQ = True), the block will remain in auto and will continue
to operate.

Note The STATION_OPT enumeration must contain SELECT_3_INPUTS, MAX_3_INPUTS, or MIN_3_INPUTS, for
CVI3 to be monitored for bad quality.

Control Variable Input Override (CVI1_OV, CVI2_OV, or CVI3_OV) is set to True when the corresponding control variable
input, CVI1, CVI2, or CVI3 status value is equal to 195, CONSTANT-GOODC.

Note The STATION_OPT enumeration must contain SELECT_3_INPUTS, MAX_3_INPUTS or MIN_3_INPUTS, for
CVI3 to be monitored for an override condition. If an override condition exists for any of the CVI1, CVI2, or CVI3 inputs,
the corresponding output CVI1_OV, CVI2_OV, or CVI3_OV is set to True. If an override condition exists for the selected
CVI input, the block response is the same. For example, if BQ_MAN is True, the block is in auto, CVI1 is the selected input,
and CVI1 is bad quality (CVI1_BQ = True), the block rejects to manual mode and MN_REJ_A is activated. However, if BQ_
MAN is True, the block is in auto, CVI1 is the selected input, and CVI2 is bad quality (CVI1_BQ = True), the block will
remain in auto and will continue to operate.

342 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
RSP_BQ is determined by the following conditions:

• BLOCK_OPT is OVR_ST_REM or OVR_ST_EXT, OVR_ST_REM_P or OVR_ST_EXT_ is True, respectively, and

RSP is determined to be of bad quality (a quality status value < 64).
• FOUNDATION fieldbus Command to Manual (FF_IMAN) operation is set to True when the status of a FOUNDATION fieldbus
AO quality status is > 196 and < 227. FF_IMAN rejects the OVR_ST_ENH block to a manual and/or tracking state,
indicating that a downstream FF AO is requesting to initialize a control output, or it is in a fault state or is not inviting the
OVR_ST_ENH to participate in the control process. It is a requirement that BK_CAL_IN_CV be connected to the
corresponding BK_CAL_OUT of the FF AO that is driven by CV. The corresponding requirement exists for BK_CAL_
IN_SV when split range control is used.

Control Variable Position Feedback Bad Quality Alarms (POS_CV_BQ and POS_SV_BQ)
POS_CV_BQ is determined when control variable position feedback value input POS_CV is determined to be of bad quality
(a quality status value < 64), and the enumerated input MODE_OPT contains POS, then the position feedback property,
POSFB_P, is True.
POS_SV_BQ is determined when split range variable position feedback value input POS_SV is determined to be of bad
quality (a quality status value < 64), and the enumerated input MODE_OPT contains POS, the position feedback property,
POSFB_P, is True.

Note POS_CV_BQ and POS_SV_BQ generate a LVL_4 alarm when bad quality is detected.

When activated, the following output points generate a LVL_4 alarm:


Position Deviation High Alarms (POS_CV_DH and POS_SV_DH)

Under certain conditions, the position deviation high alarm, POS_CV_DH or POS_SV_DH, for CV or SV, respectively,
become True when the corresponding feedback value, POS_CV or POS_SV, exceeds a deviation high set point (POS_DH_SP)
value for a time period in milliseconds given by the POS_DH_T input parameter (the default value of POS_DH_T is 5000

Note If the POS_DH_T parameter is set to zero, then both POS_CV_DH and POS_SV_DH will be disabled.

The conditions required for the position deviation high alarm are:

• Position deviation time delay (POS_DH_T) must be greater than zero.

• LOCK must be False (the block is not in lock mode).
• Position feedback property, POSFB_P, must be True (MODE_OPT must contain POS).
• Status of the input variable, POS_CV or POS_SV, must NOT have a BAD quality status indication for the corresponding
alarm to be activated (BAD quality status range value is from 0 – 63).

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 343

Public Information
Manual Reject Alarm (MN_REJ_A)
The following conditions activate MN_REJ_A:

• When enumerated MN_REJ input enumeration from a manual reject type block contains OVR, then the OVR_ST_ENH
block rejects from auto mode to manual control and generates MN_REJ_A.
• When enumerated CMD_OVR input from an override-type block contains OVR, then OVR_ST_ENH rejects from auto
mode to manual control and generates MN_REJ_A.
• When input parameter BQ_MAN is set to True causing OVR_ST_ENH rejects from auto mode to manual control and
generates MN_REJ_A, when any of the bad quality or override indicators, OBQ, CVI1_BQ, CVI2_BQ, CVI3_BQ,
CVI1_OV, CVI2_OV, CVI3_OV, or RSP_BQ, become True, and/or when BQ_MAN is False, then the block is placed in
tracking mode and TK_OUT is True.
• When OVR_ST_ENH is in auto mode and the operator can and does place the block into lock mode (LOCK is set to
True), then the block is placed in manual mode and MN_REJ_A is activated.
• When the FF_IMAN is True, then OVR_ST_ENH rejects from auto mode to manual control and generates MN_REJ_A.

Local and Remote Setpoint (RS) Mode

RS output indicates when OVR_ST_ENH is using the remote setpoint input, RSP (when the block is in auto mode) as the
setpoint to calculate CVO. A reset dominant latched output, which is decided by the following conditions, determines the
Boolean value of RS:

• When BLOCK_OPT is OVR_ST_EXT, the setpoint mode is set to REMOTE (RS is True), and the operator cannot select
a local setpoint from the graphical interface.
• When BLOCK_OPT is OVR_ST_REM, the operator selects (using the graphical interface) remote or local setpoint
mode, or the block can be externally commanded to the remote setpoint mode by the pulsed RSP_SEL input.

POP (CV_L, CV_R, CV_MN, SV_L, SV_R, and SV_MN) Values

The POP feature provides a valve closing hysteresis loop to prevent a control valve from throttling on the valve seat, thus
reducing control valve wear. In the decreasing direction, the feature does not allow CV to become less than the pop level
value of CV_L until the characterized value of CVO becomes less than reset value, CV_R. When the characterized value of
CVO becomes less than CV_R, then CV is set to minimum desired output value, CV_MN. In the increasing direction, CV
remains equal to CV_MN until the characterized value of CVO becomes greater than the value of CV_L. Once the
characterized value of CVO is greater than CV_L, then CV will POP to the value of CV_L and CV follows the characterized
value of CVO as long as it is above CV_L. The POP feature is enabled when CV_L > CV_R > CV_MN and disabled when
CV_L = CV_R = CV_MN.
The POP concept also applies to SV. When the MODE_OPT input enumeration contains SPLIT, then SPLIT_P is True and
the values of SV_L, SV_R and SV_MN are set.

344 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
The following figure displays the typical OVR_ST_ENH block pin connections with three override controlled PID_MA_
ENH blocks. In this example, the STATION_OPT input enumeration is SELECT_3_INPUTS.
















Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 345

Public Information
The following figure displays the typical OVR_ST_ENH block pin connections using a Min/Max configuration with three
override controlled PID_MA_ENH blocks.




† EV
** A connection to EV is required when
enumeration is set to MIN_2_INPUTS,








† EV


346 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Note For external commands, when PID_MA_ENH blocks are connected to and receiving inputs from the OVR_ST_ENH
block, it is recommended to use the OVR_ST_ENH block for any external commands, such as CMD_OVR, CMD_FRC, or
CMD_TK actions, for the PID controller. Do not connect the CMD_OVR, CMD_FRC, and CMD_TK blocks to the PID_
MA_ENH blocks if using an OVR_ST_ENH block. Instead, use the capability of the OVR_ST_ENH block for these actions.

ToolboxST Configuration
When installing an OVR_ST_ENH block into the ToolboxST application code, the ToolboxST application generates a
window that prompts the user to enter the Device Name, Device Description, Format Specification for the process variable
(PV) and the Format Specification for the control variable (CV). The block automatically creates the variables associated with
the block and provides the appropriate attributes for each variable. For example, Type, Format Spec, and the variables that
need to be on the EGD are automatically placed on the $Default EGD page.

Note Each Device Name used in a controller must be unique.

OVR_ST_ENH Default Attribute Values


Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 347

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Array Initial Value Visibility Interface
Type Type
AU_PMT Auto permit UINT 0 PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
AU_SEL Auto mode select BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
BKCAL_IN_CV Control variable PID REAL 0 0 Always Analog with
track value and status Status
BKCAL_IN_SV Split range variable PID REAL 0 0 Always Analog with
track value and status Status
BLOCK_OPT Block options UINT 0 OVR_ST_MA Always Value Only
BQ_MAN Reject to manual on BQ BOOL 0 False Parameter Value Only
(True) / Track on BQ

CASC_IN1 Cascade in enumeration UINT 0 NO_CASC Always Value Only

CASC_IN2 Cascade in enumeration UINT 0 NO_CASC Always Value Only
CASC_IN3 Cascade in enumeration UINT 0 NO_CASC Always Value Only
CMD_FRC Force command UINT 0 NO_FORCE-NO_ Always Value Only
CMD_OVR Override command UINT 0 NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
CMD_TK Track command UINT 0 NO_TRACK-NO_ Always Value Only
CTL ✓ {Desc} Control word UINT 0 NO_CMD Always Value Only
CV_L ✓ {Desc} CV pop level REAL 0 7 Parameter Value Only
CV_MN {Desc} CV pop level REAL 0 -5 Parameter Value Only

CV_R {Desc} CV pop reset to REAL 0 0.1 Parameter Value Only

minimum level
CV_X {Desc} CV X CHAR REAL 13 -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,6- Parameter Value Only
✓ array 0,
CV_Y {Desc} CV Y CHAR REAL 13 -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,6- Parameter Value Only
✓ array 0,
CVI1 Control variable input 1 REAL 0 0 Always Analog with
CVI2 Control variable input 2 REAL 0 0 Always Analog with
CVI3 Control variable input 3 REAL 0 0 Always Analog
With Status
EN_PROC_LIM_ {Desc} Enable process BOOL 0 False Parameter Value Only

HIGH dependent high limit
EN_PROC_LIM_ {Desc} Enable process BOOL 0 False Parameter Value Only

LOW dependent low limit
FV Force value REAL 0 0 Always Value Only
H ✓ {Desc} Output upper limit REAL 0 100 Parameter Value Only
INH_DEC ✓ Inhibit DEC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
INH_INC ✓ Inhibit INC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

348 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Inputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Array Initial Value Visibility Interface
Type Type
INIT_POS {Desc} Initial position for REAL 0 0 Parameter Value Only
✓ lock and release to
L ✓ {Desc} Output lower limit REAL 0 0 Parameter Value Only
MC ✓ {Desc} Manual setpoint REAL 0 0 Always Value Only
MN_REJ ✓ Manual reject UINT 0 NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
MOD_PMT ✓ Modulate permit UINT 0 PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
MODE_OPT Mode options UINT 0 NONE Always Value Only
MR Manual adjustment rate REAL 0 10 Parameter Value Only
OV {Desc} Override value REAL 0 0 Always Value Only
POS_CV {Desc} CV position REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

feedback Status
POS_DH_SP {Desc} Position dev high REAL 0 10 Parameter Value Only
POS_DH_T {Desc} Position dev high UDINT 0 5000 Parameter Value Only
POS_SV {Desc} SV position REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

feedback Status
PR_DEC ✓ {Desc} Priority DEC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
PR_DEC_RT Priority DEC rate REAL 0 1 Parameter Value Only
PR_INC ✓ {Desc} Priority INC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
PR_INC_RT Priority INC rate REAL 0 1 Parameter Value Only
PROC_LIM_ {Desc} Process REAL 0 100 Always Value Only

HIGH dependent high limit
PROC_LIM_ {Desc} Process REAL 0 0 Always Value Only

LOW dependent low limit
PV {Desc} Process variable REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

RSP {Desc} Remote setpoint REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

RSP_SEL Remote sp select BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
SC ✓ {Desc} Setpoint REAL 0 0 Always Value Only
SEL1 Select CVI1 in Selection BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
SEL2 Select CVI2 in Selection BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
SEL3 Select CVI3 in Selection BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
SH {Desc} Setpoint upper REAL 0 100 Always Value Only

SL {Desc} Setpoint lower REAL 0 0 Always Value Only

SP_TRACK {Desc} setpoint tracks BOOL 0 True Parameter Value Only
✓ PV in manual and RSP
in auto-remote
SR Setpoint adjustment rate REAL 0 10 Parameter Value Only
STATION_OPT Station operation options UINT 0 SELECT_2_INPUTS Always Value Only
SV_L ✓ {Desc} SV pop level REAL 0 7 Parameter Value Only
SV_MN {Desc} SV pop level REAL 0 -5 Parameter Value Only

SV_R {Desc} SV pop reset to REAL 0 0.1 Parameter Value Only


Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 349

Public Information
Inputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Array Initial Value Visibility Interface
Type Type
SV_X {Desc} SV X CHAR REAL 13 -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,6- Parameter Value Only
✓ array 0,
SV_Y {Desc} SV Y CHAR REAL 13 -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,6- Parameter Value Only
✓ array 0,
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Name Global Description Data Type Array Initial Visibility Interface
Value Type
{Device} ✓ {Desc} BOOL 0 False Internal Value Only
3_INPUT_P ✓ {Desc} OVR_ST in 3 Input mode BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
AUTO ✓ {Desc} Auto BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
CHAR_P {Desc} Out characterization BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

CV {Desc} Characterized CV output REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

CVI1_BQ ✓ {Desc} Control variable input 1 BQ BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
CVI1_OV {Desc} Control variable input 1 BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

CVI2_BQ ✓ {Desc} Control variable input 2 BQ BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
CVI2_OV {Desc} Control variable input 2 BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

CVI3_BQ ✓ {Desc} Control variable input 3 BQ BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
CVI3_OV {Desc} Control variable input 3 BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

CVO {Desc} Control variable output REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

DEC_INH ✓ {Desc} Inhibit DEC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
FRC_CMD ✓ {Desc} Force command BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
FRC_CMDB {Desc} Force command block BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

INC_INH ✓ {Desc} Inhibit INC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
LOCK ✓ {Desc} Locked BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
LOCK_P ✓ {Desc} Lock property BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
LS ✓ {Desc} At lower limit BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
MN_REJ_A ✓ {Desc} Manual reject BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
NSEL1 ✓ {Desc} CVI1 not selected BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
NSEL2 ✓ {Desc} CVI2 not selected BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
NSEL3 ✓ {Desc} CVI3 not selected BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
OBQ ✓ {Desc} Output BQ BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
OVR_CMD ✓ {Desc} Override command BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
OVR_CMDB {Desc} Override command block BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

OVR_CTRL1 OVR_ST Control status for CVI 1 UINT 0 NONE Always Value Only
OVR_CTRL2 OVR_ST Control status for CVI 2 UINT 0 NONE Always Value Only
OVR_CTRL3 OVR_ST Control status for CVI 3 UINT 0 NONE Always Value Only
OVR_ST_EXT_P ✓ {Desc} OVR_ST external SP mode BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
OVR_ST_P {Desc} OVR_ST - Auto SP & BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

manual SP mode

350 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Outputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Type Array Initial Visibility Interface
Value Type
OVR_ST_REM_P {Desc} OVR_ST - Remote SP & BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

local SP
PMT_AU ✓ {Desc} Auto permit BOOL 0 True Always Value Only
PMT_AUB ✓ {Desc} Auto permit bypass status BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
PMT_MOD ✓ {Desc} Modulate permit BOOL 0 True Always Value Only
PMT_MODB {Desc} Modulate permit bypass BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

POS_CV_BQ {Desc} CV position feedback bad BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

POS_CV_DH ✓ {Desc} CV position dev high alarm BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
POS_SV_BQ {Desc} SV position feedback Bad BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

POS_SV_DH ✓ {Desc} SV position dev high alarm BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
POSFB_P ✓ {Desc} Position feedback property BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
REJ_MN ✓ {Desc} Manual reject BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
REJ_MNB {Desc} Manual reject bypass BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

RS ✓ {Desc} Remote setpoint mode BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
RSP_BQ ✓ {Desc} Remote setpoint BQ BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
SI {Desc} Setpoint (internal before REAL 0 0 Always Value Only

SP {Desc} Setpoint REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

SPLIT_P ✓ {Desc} Split range property BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
SV {Desc} Split range characterized REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

output Status
TK_CMDB {Desc} Track command block BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

TK_OUT ✓ {Desc} Track status BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
TUN1 ✓ {Desc} PID 1 tuning mode BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
TUN2 ✓ {Desc} PID 2 tuning mode BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
TUN3 ✓ {Desc} PID 3 tuning mode BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
US ✓ {Desc} At upper limit BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 351

Public Information
Global Variables (Automatically Generated)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
00OVR_ST_ENH1000 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.3_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
INPUT_P description OVR_ST in 3 input Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.AUTO 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description auto Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.CHAR_P 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description out Alarmed
characterization property
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.CTL 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Write
description control word Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.CV 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description characterized CV Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.CV_L 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description CV pop level Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.CV_MN 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description CV pop level Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.CV_R 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description CV pop reset to Alarmed
minimum level
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.CV_X 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description CV X CHAR array Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.CV_Y 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description CV Y CHAR array Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.CVI1_BQ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description control variable Alarmed
input 1 BQ
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.CVI1_OV 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description control variable Alarmed
input 1 override
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.CVI2_BQ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description control variable Alarmed
input 2 BQ
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.CVI2_OV 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description control variable Alarmed
input 2 override
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.CVI3_BQ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description control variable Alarmed
input 3 BQ
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.CVI3_OV 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description control variable Alarmed
input 3 override
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.CVO 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description control variable Alarmed

352 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables (Automatically Generated) (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.DEC_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
INH description Inhibit DEC Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.EN_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
PROC_LIM_HIGH description enable process Alarmed
dependent high limit
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.EN_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
PROC_LIM_LOW description enable process Alarmed
dependent low limit
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.FRC_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
CMD description force command Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.FRC_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
CMDB description force command Alarmed
block status
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.H 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description output upper limit Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.INC_INH 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description inhibit INC Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.INIT_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
POS description initial position for Alarmed
lock and release to modulate
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.L 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description Output lower limit Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.LOCK 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not True $DEFAULT Read Only
description locked Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.LOCK_P 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description lock property Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.LS 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description at lower limit Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.MC 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Write
description manual setpoint Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.MN_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT Read Only
REJ_A description manual reject
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.NSEL1 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description CVI1 not selected Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.NSEL2 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description CVI2 not selected Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.NSEL3 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description CVI3 not selected Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.OBQ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description output BQ Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.OVR_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
CMD description override command Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.OVR_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
CMDB description override command Alarmed
block status
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.OVR_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
ST_EXT_P description OVR_ST external Alarmed
SP mode

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 353

Public Information
Global Variables (Automatically Generated) (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.OVR_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
ST_P description OVR_ST - Auto Alarmed
SP and manual SP mode
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.OVR_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
ST_REM_P description OVR_ST - Remote Alarmed
SP and local SP
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.PMT_AU 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description auto permit Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.PMT_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
AUB description auto permit Alarmed
bypass status
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.MT_MOD 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description modulate permit Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.PMT_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
MODB description modulate permit Alarmed
bypass status
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.OS_CV 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description CV position Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.POS_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT Read Only
CV_BQ description CV position
feedback Bad quality
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.POS_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT Read Only
CV_DH description CV position dev
high alarm
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.POS_SV 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description SV position Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.POS_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT Read Only
SV_BQ description SV position
feedback Bad quality
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.POS_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT Read Only
SV_DH description SV position dev
high alarm
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.POSFB_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
P description position feedback Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.PR_DEC 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description priority DEC Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.PR_INC 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description priority INC Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.PROC_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
LIM_HIGH description process Alarmed
dependent high limit
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.PROC_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
LIM_LOW description process Alarmed
dependent low limit
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.PV 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description process variable Alarmed

354 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables (Automatically Generated) (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.REJ_MN 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description manual reject Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.REJ_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
MNB description manual reject Alarmed
bypass status
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.RS 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description remote setpoint Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.RSP 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description remote setpoint Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.RSP_BQ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description remote setpoint Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.SC 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Write
description setpoint Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.SH 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description setpoint upper limit Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.SI 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description setpoint (internal Alarmed
before ramp)
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.SL 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description setpoint lower limit Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.SP 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description setpoint Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.SP_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
TRACK description setpoint tracks PV Alarmed
in manual and RSP in
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.SPLIT_P 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description split range Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.SV 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description split range Alarmed
characterized output
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.SV_L 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description SV pop level Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.SV_MN 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description SV pop level Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.SV_R 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description SV pop reset to Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.SV_X 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description SV X CHAR array Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.SV_Y 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description SV Y CHAR array Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.TK_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
CMDB description track command Alarmed
block status

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 355

Public Information
Global Variables (Automatically Generated) (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.TK_OUT 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description track status Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.TUN1 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description PID 1 tuning mode Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.TUN2 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description PID 2 tuning mode Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.TUN3 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description PID 3 tuning mode Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.US 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description at upper limit Alarmed

Control Constants
Name Description Initial Value External Access
CV_MN {Desc} CV pop level minimum -5 Read Only
SV_L {Desc} SV pop level 7 Read Only
SV_R {Desc} SV pop reset to minimum 0.1 Read Only
SV_X {Desc} SV X CHAR array -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,60, Read Only
SV_Y {Desc} SV Y CHAR array -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,60 Read Only
SV_MN {Desc} SV pop level minimum -5 Read Only
CV_R {Desc} CV pop reset to minimum level 0.1 Read Only
CV_X {Desc} CV X CHAR array -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,60, Read Only
CV_Y {Desc} CV Y CHAR array -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,60, Read Only
CV_L {Desc} CV pop level 7 Read Only

356 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
In edit mode, an OVR_ST_ENH block can be directly inserted into the CIMPLICITY screen from the ToolboxST application
code using the drop and drag method. The CIMPLICITY object created depends on the HMILinkSource and
HMILinkedObject information contained in the PID_MA_ENH attributes.

In edit mode, select an attribute to

insert into the CIMPLICITY screen.

OVR_ST_ENH Attributes

Note The CIMPLICITY objects to choose from for OVR_ST_ ENH are dependent on the path.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 357

Public Information


358 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
38 Override Station Enhanced Version 2
Block Category: Controls (DCS)
The Override Station Enhanced Version 2 (OVR_ST_ENH_V2) block is an enhanced override station that controls up to three
cascaded or non-cascaded PID_MA_ENH_V2 block loops. The inputs and outputs of the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block can be
monitored and controlled by the operator using the CIMPLICITY graphical interface. The block’s various functional
capabilities are defined by three separate enumerated inputs: Block Option (BLOCK_OPT), Mode Option (MODE_OPT), and
Station Option (STATION_OPT). The user must first identify the functions needed for the application for which the block will
be used, and then choose the appropriate enumeration for each input to provide the desired block functionality. The Enhanced
block performs quality status monitoring of input and output signals and propagates the quality status to the outputs: control
variable output (CVO), CV, and SV.

Block Configuration
Block Option (BLOCK_OPT)
BLOCK_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table.

BLOCK_OPT Input Enumerations

Name Description
OVR_ST_MA OVR_ST with manual / auto setpoint control
OVR_ST_REM OVR_ST with manual / auto control and local / remote setpoint
OVR_ST_EXT OVR_ST with manual / auto control and external setpoint

OVR_ST_MA — used only when manual / auto setpoint control is needed. It sets the output property (OVR_ST_P) to True.
OVR_ST_REM — used when a remote setpoint value is needed and sets the output property (OVR_ST_REM_P) to True.
The remote setpoint is connected to the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block remote setpoint (RSP) input. This enumeration permits a
local setpoint and a remote setpoint, either of which can be selected by the operator using the graphical interface, or by the
OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block remote setpoint select pulsed (RSP_SEL) input.
OVR_ST_EXT — used when an external setpoinat input value is to be used as the setpoint value and sets the output property
(OVR_ST_EXT_P) to True. The remote setpoint is connected to the RSP input. This enumeration does not allow a local
setpoint, only an external setpoint that is connected to the RSP input. When this enumeration is used, the operator cannot
select a local setpoint value from the graphical interface and the RSP_SEL input is disabled.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 359

Public Information
Mode Option (MODE_OPT)
MODE_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table.

MODE_OPT Input Enumerations

Name Description
LOCK Lock mode
POS Position feedback
LOCK-POS Lock mode and position feedback
SPLIT Split range
SPLIT-LOCK Split range and block mode
SPLIT-POS Split range and position feedback
SPLIT-LOCK-POS Split range, lock mode and position feedback

NONE —indicates no mode options are enabled.

LOCK — sets the lock property (LOCK_P) to True, which allows software lockout of the controller to be implemented by
the operator using the CIMPLICITY graphical interface. The valve output, CVO, must be within 5 units of the initial position
(INIT_POS) input value before the block can be set to lockout mode. When LOCK becomes True, the block is in lockout
mode and the block outputs, CVO, CV, and, if applicable, SV, are prohibited from modulating. If the block is in auto mode
and LOCK becomes True, the block will be put into manual mode and the manual reject alarm (MAN_REJ_A) will be
activated. The operator’s ability to switch to auto mode is disabled until the block is removed from lockout mode.
Additionally, the local auto setpoint will track the process variable (PV) input when the block is in lockout mode.

Note The lockout indication is provided for status indication only. This action will not lock out the equipment, it will only
indicate lockout status. Follow the owner's lockout procedures to safely lockout equipment.

Note The Lock button can also be configured to use the WorkstationST Lock function. Refer to
WorkstationST/CIMPLICITY Advanced Viewer Integration Instruction Guide (GEI-100697), the section HMI Tagout.

POS — used when feedback is available from the controlled device. Normally, feedback is the valve position feedback, but
the POS enumeration can also be used for motor speed or a variety of other device feedbacks. The position feedback value is
connected to the block POS_CV input and, if the MODE_OPT enumeration SPLIT is selected, the position feedback from the
secondary device is connected to the POS_SV block input. When the POS enumeration is used, the block POSFB_P output is
True, the feedback value is displayed on the CIMPLICITY faceplate, and, when the cursor is placed over the feedback area,
CV Pos Feedback = the instantaneous value) displays.

360 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
POS Enumeration Faceplate
SPLIT — indicates that the controller will output to two different devices using block outputs, CV and SV, either or both of
which may be characterized by a 13 element array that enables each output to be customized to fit the requirements of a
specific control application.
The default characterization arrays for both CV and SV are linear and are as follows:

• CV_X and SV_X = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000
• CV_Y and SV_Y = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000
If the CV_X 13 element array does not contain the same 13 array elements in the same order as the CV_Y array, or the SV_X
13 element array does not contain the same 13 array elements in the same order as the SV_Y array, the characterization
property (CHAR_P) will be True and the graphical interface displays a button in the lower, right corner of the faceplate.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 361

Public Information
When the cursor is placed over the feedback area, Show Characterization displays.

SPLIT Enumeration Faceplate

The following characterized outputs are applied:

• CV_X = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000
• CV_Y = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000
• SV_X = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000
• SV_Y = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000

362 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
SPLIT Enumeration Faceplate with Characterizations
MODE_OPT Output Properties
OVR_ST_ENH_V2 output properties control the appearance of the corresponding graphical interface based on the MODE_
OPT enumeration. The OVR_ST_ENH_V2 output properties and their functions are as follows:

• NONE sets LOCK_P, POSFB_P, and SPLIT_P property to False

• LOCK sets LOCK_P property to True
• POS sets POSFB_P property to True
• SPLIT sets SPLIT_P property to True

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 363

Public Information
Station Option (STATION_OPT)
STATION_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table.

STATION_OPT Input Enumerations

Name Description
SELECT_2_INPUTS Station output is selected from two inputs
MIN_2_INPUTS Station output is minimum of two inputs
MAX_2_INPUTS Station output is maximum of two inputs
SELECT_3_INPUTS Station output is selected from three inputs
MIN_3_INPUTS Station output is minimum of three inputs
MAX_3_INPUTS Station output is maximum of three inputs

SELECT_2_INPUTS — indicates that two inputs, CVI1 and CVI2, can be selected by the maintained inputs, SEL1 and
SEL2, and used to calculate the outputs, CVO, CV, and, if applicable, SV of the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block. If both SEL1 and
SEL2 inputs are False, the block defaults to the value of CVI1. If both SEL1 and SEL2 inputs are True, the block uses the
value of CVI1. When this enumeration is used, the three input property output (3_INPUT_P) is False.
MIN_2_INPUTS — indicates that the minimum of the two inputs, CVI1 and CVI2, are used to calculate the outputs CVO,
CV, and, if applicable, SV of the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block. The inputs SEL1 and SEL2 are ignored. When this enumeration
is used, the 3_INPUT_P output is False.
MAX_2_INPUTS— indicates that the maximum of the two inputs, CVI1 and CVI2, are used to calculate the outputs CVO,
CV, and, if applicable, SV of the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block. The inputs SEL1 and SEL2 are ignored. When this enumeration
is used, the 3_INPUT_P output is False.
SELECT_3_INPUTS— indicates that three inputs, CVI1, CVI2, and CVI3, can be selected by the maintained inputs SEL1,
SEL2, and SEL3, and used to calculate the outputs CVO, CV, and, if applicable, SV of the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block. If
SEL1, SEL2 and SEL3 inputs are False, the block defaults to the value of CVI1. If more than one of the selected inputs is
True, the first True value in the following order has precedence: SEL1; SEL2; then SEL3. When this enumeration is used, the
3_INPUT_P output is True.
MIN_3_INPUTS — indicates that the minimum of the three inputs, CVI1, CVI2, and CVI3, are used to calculate the outputs
CVO, CV, and, if applicable, SV of the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block. The inputs SEL1, SEL2, and SEL3 are ignored. When this
enumeration is used, the 3_INPUT_P output is True.
MAX_3_INPUTS— indicates that the maximum of the three inputs, CVI1, CVI2, and CVI3, is used to calculate the outputs
CVO, CV, and, if applicable, SV of the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block. The inputs SEL1, SEL2, and SEL3 are ignored. When this
enumeration is used, the 3_INPUT_P output is True.

364 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
CVI Selected Input enumerations are listed in the following table.
The CVI operator graphical interface uses the NSEL1, NSEL2, and NSEL3 outputs to indicate which input is being used to
calculate the block outputs. The block ensures only one of the three outputs is False, which identifies the input being used.

OVR_ST_ENH_V2 Faceplate with CVI2 Selected

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 365

Public Information
Block outputs, OVR_CTRL1, OVR_CTRL2, and, if applicable, OVR_CTRL3, are connected to the corresponding OVR_
CTRL inputs of the PID_MA_ENH_V2 blocks. Information is passed from the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block using these outputs
to control the method each connected PID_MA_ENH_V2 block uses to calculate the CVO output. The individual CVO
values of the PID_MA_ENH_V2 blocks are used by the control variable inputs, CVI1, CVI2, and, if applicable, CVI3, of the
OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block to determine the output values (CVO, CV, and, if applicable, SV) of the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block.

OVR_CTRL1, OVR_CTRL2, and OVR_CTRL3 Output Enumerations

Name Description

OVR_CTRL-ER OVR_ST in use and external reset

OVR_CTRL-TRACK OVR_ST in use and track

OVR_CTRL-SELECTED OVR_ST in use and selected

OVR_CTRL-ER-SELECTED OVR_ST in use and external reset and selected

OVR_CTRL-TRACK-SELECTED OVR_ST in use and track and selected

NONE — default enumeration for all three outputs but is never used when the block is running in the control sequence code.
OVR_CTRL — always present when the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block is running in control application code. It transfers
information from the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block to the connected PID_MA_ENH_V2 blocks. OVR_CTRL relays information
to the connected PID_MA_ENH_V2 blocks that the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block is controlling.
External reset (ER) — sent to the PID_MA_ENH_V2 blocks that are not selected for calculating the OVR_ST_ENH_V2
output, CVO, when STATION_OPT contains MIN or MAX and OVR_ST_ENH_V2 is not in tracking mode (TK_OUT is
False). This enumeration causes the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block to use the external reset value (EV) to calculate its outputs.

Track (TRACK)
TRACK applies when the following criteria are met:

• Station option enumeration (STATION_OPT) is SELECT_2_INPUTS or SELECT_3_INPUTS and the control variable
input 1 is not selected (NSEL1 is True)
• Track status (TK_OUT) is True
• Control variable input 1 is selected (NSEL1 is False and the process high or low limits have been enabled (EN_PROC_
• EN_PROC_LIM_LOW is True) and CVI1 exceeds either the process high limits (PROC_LIM_HIGH) or low enabled
limits (PROC_LIM_LOW)

Note The TRACK concept also applies OVR_CTRL2 and OVR_CTRL3.

When the criteria are met, the enumerated output, OVR_CTRL1, contains TRACK, indicating the override station is
commanding PID_MA_ENH to calculate the outputs from its tracking value (TK) input.
SELECTED indicates that PID_MA_ENH block control variable output (CVO) is selected by OVR_ST_ENH_V2 and used
to calculate CVO, CV, and, if applicable, SV outputs of OVR_ST_ENH_V2.
Process High Limits (EN_PROC_LIM_HIGH) and Process Low Limits (EN_PROC_LIM_LOW) allow the user to
control process regulation limits while allowing force and override values to operate independently on the OVR_ST_ENH_
V2 lower (L) and upper (H) limits. The user can limit the process control range further using PROC_LIM_LOW and PROC_
LIM_HIGH parameters, which are enabled by their respective enable parameters, EN_PROC_LIM_LOW and EN_PROC_
replace the corresponding L or H limit values.

366 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Setpoint High (SH and Setpoint Low (SL) limit values (block inputs) — bound the block output, setpoint (SP).
Setpoint adjustment ramp rate (SR)— input value restricts the SP output rate of change in units/sec. The SP output is
passed without rate limit restrictions directly to the SP when the controller is powered up.
Internal Setpoint (SI) — value of the setpoint before the SR is applied. For example, if the setpoint changes from 0 to 10
instantaneously, then SI changes from 0 to 10 instantaneously and SP ramps from 0 to 10 in 10 seconds if SR is set at 1
unit/sec. SI is also bound by the SH and SL inputs.
Setpoint Track (SP_TRACK) — if True, tracks PV in manual mode and RSP in auto-remote mode. If the SP_TRACK
parameter is False, the setpoint tracks RSP in remote mode and RS is True. Otherwise, the operator controls the setpoint value
using the graphical interface.
Remote Select (RSP_SEL) — pulsed input that instructs the block to use the remote setpoint (RSP) input to calculate block
outputs CVO, CV, and, if applicable, SV when the block is in auto mode. The input must be pulsed.
Manual adjustment rate (MR) — restricts the rate of change of the CVO in units/sec.
Tracking status (TK_OUT) — block output is set to True when the following input conditions are met:

• RSP input bad quality

• Output bad quality
• Selected CVI input override or bad quality
• Priority increase or decrease
• Manual mode
• Force command
• Override command
• Increase or decrease inhibit
• Lock
• MN_REJ input enumeration contains OVR
• Track command (CMD_TK) input contains TRACK
• RS output changes state, causing a setpoint realignment
• Auto mode (AUTO) output changes state, causing a setpoint realignment
• Permit to modulate (MOD_PMT) is False (enumeration contains no permit [NO_PERM]).
When TK_OUT is True, the OVR_ ST_ENH_V2 is in tracking mode and block output CVO tracks the appropriate value
based on the parameter that set TK_OUT to True. The value used for tracking may be the override value (OV), the force value
(FV) while a priority increase or decrease command moves to the H or L limit output values at the priority increase rate (PR_
INC_RT) or decrease rate (PR_DEC_RT). The value used for tracking may also be the track value (TV) or the initial position
(INIT_POS) value. If there is no priority increase or decrease active, PR_INC and PR_DEC are False, and, if an inhibit
increase or decrease command is present, the block output INC_INH or DEC_INH is True, then TK_OUT is True as the value
of CVO modulates in the direction of the inhibit request.

Note CVO also includes CV_X and, if applicable, SV_X, for characterized outputs CV and SV, respectively.

Note The H and L values are dependent on enable process limit inputs EN_PROC_LIM_HIGH and EN_PROC_LIM_LOW,
and the PROC_LIM_HIGH and PROC_LIM_LOW limits, respectively.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 367

Public Information
Auto Permit (AU_PMT)
AU_PMT input is driven by an auto permit-type block that associates its input status with the graphical interface of the PID_
MA_ENH_V2 block, which allows the operator to view the individual inputs that provide a permit to place the block in auto
mode. The AU_PMT graphical interface enables the operator to bypass logic driven inputs to obtain an auto permit condition
through the graphical interface.

AU_PMT Input Enumerations

Name Description
NO_PERM-NO_BYPASS No permit and no permit is bypassed
PERM-NO_BYPASS Permit is OKay and no permit is bypassed
NO_PERM-BYPASS No permit and a permit is bypassed
PERM-BYPASS Permit OKay and a permit is bypassed

NO_PERM — indicates the permit that allows the block to be placed in auto mode has not been met, and the Auto Permit
(PMT_AU) output is False.
PERM — indicates all block permits to be placed in auto mode have been met and PMT_AU is True, provided there is also
no bad quality detected (OBQ, selected CVI#_BQ, selected CVI#_OV, and RSP_BQ are False), when the reject to manual
input (BQ_MAN) is True, and block outputs REJ_MN, OVR_CMD, LOCK, and FF_IMAN are all False.

Note # indicates the number can be 1, 2, or 3 for CVI.

NO-BYPASS — indicates the operator has not invoked a bypass of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the AU_PMT
block. When this enumeration is used, the Auto Permit Bypass (PMT_AUB) output is False.
BYPASS — indicates the operator has invoked a bypass of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the AU_PMT
block. When this enumeration is used, PMT_AUB is True.

368 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Modulate Permit (MOD_PMT)
MOD_PMT input is driven by a modulate permit-type block that associates its input status with the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block
graphical interface. This enables the operator to view the individual inputs that provide a permit that allows the block to
modulate the output. The MOD_PMT graphical interface enables the operator to bypass logic driven inputs to obtain a
modulate permit condition through the graphical interface.

MOD_PMT Enumerations
Name Description
NO_PERM-NO_BYPASS No permit and no permit is bypassed

PERM-NO_BYPASS Permit OKay and no permit is bypassed

NO_PERM-BYPASS No permit and a permit is bypassed

PERM-BYPASS Permit is OKay and a permit is bypassed

NO_PERM — indicates a permit that allows the block to modulate the output, CVO, has not been met and the permit to
modulate (PMT_MOD) output is False. If the
MOD_PMT input enumeration contains NO_PERM , CVOequals the INIT_POS input value.
PERM indicates all permits that allow the block to modulate the output, CVO, have been met and PMT_MOD is True.
NO-BYPASS — indicates the operator has not invoked a bypass of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the MOD_
PMT block. When this enumeration is used, the modulate permit bypass (PMT_MODB) output is True.
BYPASS — indicates the operator has invoked a bypass of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the MOD_
PMT block. When this enumeration is used, PMT_MODB is True.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 369

Public Information
Command Force (CMD_FRC)
CMD_FRC input is driven by a force-type block that associates its input status with the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block graphical
interface, which enables the operator to view the individual inputs that place the block into force mode. The CMD_FRC
graphical interface enables the operator to block logic driven inputs to release the force condition through the graphical
CMD_FRC Enumerations
Name Description
NO_FORCE-NO_BLOCK No force and no force is blocked

FORCE-NO_BLOCK Force active and no force is blocked

NO_FORCE-BLOCK No force and a force is blocked

FORCE-BLOCK Force active and a force is blocked

NO_FORCE — indicates no force command is active and the force command output (FRC_CMD) is False.
FORCE — indicates a force command is active and, if the CMD_OVR enumerated input does not contain OVR (OVR_CMD
is False), then FRC_CMD is True.
NO-BLOCK — indicates the operator has not invoked a block of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the force-type
block. When this enumeration is used, the FORCE-BLOCK output, FRC_CMDB, is False.
BLOCK — indicates the operator has invoked a block of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the force-type
block and sets FRC_CMDB to True.
If the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block CMD_FRC input enumeration contains FORCE, FRC_CMD exists and the output CVO
moves to the FV input value.

Note An override command (the CMD_OVR enumeration contains OVR) has precedence over a force command.

Command Track (CMD_TK)

CMD_TK input is driven by a track-type block that associates its input status with the OVR_ST_ENH block graphical
interface, which allows the operator to view the individual inputs that place the block into track mode. The track graphical
interface enables the operator to block logic driven inputs to release the track condition through the graphical interface.

CMD_TK Enumerations
Name Description
NO_TRACK-NO_BLOCK No track and no track is blocked

TRACK-NO_BLOCK Track active and no track is blocked

NO_TRACK-BLOCK No track and a track is blocked

TRACK-BLOCK Track active and a track is blocked

NO_TRACK — indicates no track command is active and the track status output, TK_OUT, is False.
TRACK — indicates a track command is active and the track status output (TK_OUT) is True.
NO-BLOCK — indicates the operator has not invoked a block of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the track-type
block. When this enumeration is used, the TRACK-BLOCKED output, TK_CMDB, is False.
BLOCK — indicates the operator has invoked a block of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the track-type
block. When this enumeration is used, TK_CMDB is True.

370 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
If the OVR_ST_ENH block is in auto mode and a validated CMD_TK input enumeration contains TRACK, then a track
command exists and enumerated outputs OVR_CTRL1, OVR_CTRL2, and OVR_CTRL3 contain TRACK, commanding the
connected PID_MA_ENH_V2 blocks to tracking mode.

Command Override (CMD_OVR)

CMD_OVR input is driven by an override-type block that associates its input status with the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block
graphical interface, which allows the operator to view the individual inputs that place the block in override mode. The
override graphical interface enables the operator to block logic driven inputs to release the override condition through the
graphical interface.

CMD_OVR Enumerations
Name Description
NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK No override and no override is blocked

OVR-NO_BLOCK Override active and no override is blocked

NO_OVR-BLOCK No override and an override is blocked

OVR-BLOCK Override active and an override is blocked

NO_OVR — indicates no override command is active and the command override output (OVR_CMD) is False.
OVR — indicates an override command is active and OVR_CMD is True.
NO-BLOCK — indicates the operator has not invoked a block of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the override
type block. When this enumeration is used, OVR_CMDB is False.
BLOCK — indicates the operator has invoked a block of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the override-type
block. When this enumeration is used, OVR_CMDB is True.
If the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block is in auto mode and a validated CMD_OVR input enumeration contains OVR, an override
command exists and the manual reject alarm (MN_REJ_A) is activated and the output moves to the input value of the
override value (OV). The OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block is removed from auto mode and placed in manual mode and the local
auto setpoint, if available, tracks PV.

Note An override command (the enumeration of CMD_OVR contains OVR) has precedence over a force command.

Control Word (CTL)

The operator controls the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block by clicking buttons on the CIMPLICITY graphical interface faceplate.
Certain faceplate buttons carry an enumerated value represented in the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block input, CTL. The faceplate
transfers enumerated values to the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block through the EGD using the CTL. When the faceplate sends a
command to the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block, the block performs the command (after one second), overwrites the CTL input
with the NO_CMD enumeration, and resets itself for the next CTL command.

Note Faceplate commands using the CTL are dependent on BLOCK_OPT and MODE_OPT enumerations. For example,
LOCK_CMD and UNLOCK_CMD enumerations are not used if MODE_OPT does not contain the LOCK enumeration.

CTL enumerations are listed in the following table.

CTL Enumerations
Name Description
NO_CMD No command

AUTO_CMD Auto command

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 371

Public Information
CTL Enumerations (continued)

Name Description
MANUAL_CMD Manual command

LOCK_CMD Lock command

UNLOCK_CMD Unlock command

REMOTE_CMD Remote SP command

LOCAL_CMD Local SP command

NO_CMD — indicates no command is present.

AUTO_CMD — switches the block into auto mode from manual mode using the graphical interface faceplate. The auto
setpoint is local, remote, or external depending on the BLOCK_OPT enumeration and the operator selection, if applicable, is
local or remote. When the block is in auto mode the output, AUTO, is True.
MANUAL_CMD— switches the block into manual mode from auto mode using the graphical interface faceplate. The
operator manually sets the output to the controlled device. When the block is in manual mode, AUTO is True.
LOCK_CMD — indicates the block is in lock mode, which occurs when the block output, CVO, is within 5 units of the
initial position (INIT_POS) value. This enumeration removes the block from auto mode, places it in manual mode, and sets
MN_REJ_A to True. When the block is in lock mode, the output, LOCK, is True.
UNLOCK_CMD — removes the block from lock mode and sets LOCK to False.
REMOTE_CMD — directs the block (when in auto mode) to use the RS value connected to block input pin RSP as the auto
setpoint. When the block is in remote mode, the RS output is True.
LOCAL_CMD — directs the block (when in auto mode) to use the operator defined local setpoint. When the block is in
local mode, RS is False.

Manual Reject (MN_REJ)

MN_REJ input is driven by an override-type block that associates its input status with the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block
graphical interface, which allows the operator to view the individual inputs that place the block in manual reject mode. The
override graphical interface enables the operator to block logic driven inputs to release the override condition through the
graphical interface.

MN_REJ Enumerations
Name Description
NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK No override and no override is blocked

OVR-NO_BLOCK Override active and no override is blocked

NO_OVR-BLOCK No override and an override is blocked

OVR-BLOCK Override active and an override is blocked

NO_OVR — indicates no manual reject command is active and the manual reject output, REJ_MN, is False.
OVR — indicates a manual reject command is active and REJ_MN is True.
NO-BLOCK— indicates the operator has not invoked a block of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the
override-type block. When NO-BLOCK is active, the output, REJ_MNB, is False.
BLOCK — indicates the operator has invoked a block of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the override-type
block. The BLOCK enumeration is not used by OVR_ST_ENH_V2, but the block passes the information it to the graphical
interface for display purposes using REJ_MNB. When a block is active, REJ_MNB is True.

372 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
If the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block is in auto mode and a validated MN_REJ input enumeration contains OVR, then the block is
removed from auto mode and placed in manual mode, and MN_REJ_A is activated, and enumerated outputs OVR_CTRL1,
OVR_CTRL2, and OVR_CTRL3 contain TRACK, which commands the connected PID_MA_ENH_V2 blocks into tracking


Note Although the enumerated inputs contain all enumerations discussed in this section, the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block is
only affected when the input enumerations contain TUNE_INNER or TUNE_OUTER.

The enumerated OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block inputs, CASC_IN1, CASC_IN2, and, if applicable, CASC_IN3, receive
information from the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block output, override controlled (CASC_OUT). The enumeration information
instructs the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block on how to properly calculate the value and status of outputs CVO, CV, and, if
applicable, SV.

CASC_IN1, CASC_IN2, and CASC_IN3 Input Enumerations

Name Description
DIRECT Direct action
REVERSE Reverse action
DIRECT-TRACK Direct action and TRACK
REVERSE-TRACK Reverse action and TRACK

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 373

Public Information
CASC_IN1, CASC_IN2, and CASC_IN3 Input Enumerations (continued)
Name Description

374 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
CASC_IN1, CASC_IN2, and CASC_IN3 Input Enumerations (continued)
Name Description
NO_CASC No cascade

Note All enumerated values in this section transfer information between cascaded PID_MA_ENH_V2 blocks, but the OVR_
ST_ENH_V2 block only needs the TUNE_INNER or TUNE_OUTER enumeration to ensure proper block functionality.

NO_CASC — default value but has no effect on the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block. However, PID_MA_ENH_V2 output
CASC_OUT is never NO_CASC when the controller is running. If no connection is made to the CASC_IN3 input, the default
enumeration of CASC_IN3 is NO_CASC and the STATION_OPT input enumeration indicates three inputs are not being
used. Of the three inputs being used, property (3_INPUT_P) is False.
The following are not used in the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block:

TUNE_INNER — indicates the operator has selected the override controlled inner loop of a cascaded PID_MA_ENH_V2
block from the graphical interface to be in tuning mode.
TUNE_OUTER — indicates the operator has selected the override controlled outer loop of a cascaded PID_MA_ENH_V2
block from the graphical interface to be in tuning mode. If a non-cascaded PID_MA_ENH_V2 block is used in an override
control scenario with an OVR_ST_ENH block, this enumeration is contained in the CASC_OUT output of the PID_MA_
ENH_V2 block when it is placed in tuning mode.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 375

Public Information
Tuning Mode of Override Controlled PID_MA_ENH_V2 Blocks
When an override controlled PID_MA_ENH_V2 block is in tuning mode, the corresponding OVR_ST_ENH_V2 enumerated
OUTER. The OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block selects the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block in tuning mode for output. If more than one of
the controlled PID_MA_ENH_V2 blocks are in tuning mode at the same time, the input used to calculate the output of the
OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block is prioritized by CASC_IN1, CASC_IN2, and CASC_IN3 (in this order), which contain the
Priority Increase (PR_INC) and Decrease Commands (PR_DEC)
Whenever the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block input PR_INC is True, the output CVO increases to the high limit (H) value at the
rate defined by the PR_INC rate value, PR_INC_RT (default value is 1 unit/sec).
Whenever the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block input PR_DEC is True and PR_INC is False, the output CVO decreases to the low
limit (L) value at the rate defined by the PR_DEC rate value, PR_DEC_RT (default value is 1 unit/sec).
Program both inputs, PR_INC and PR_DEC, to be mutually exclusive events. However, if at any time they both become True,
then PR_INC is the dominate input and the CVO value increases to the H value at the rate defined by the PR_INC rate value,

Note A force command (CMD_FRC contains FORCE), or an override command (CMD_OVR contains OVR) have
precedence over the PR_INC and PR_DEC inputs.

Inhibit Increase (INH_INC) and Decrease commands (INH_DEC)

OVR_ST_ENH_V2 is capable of inhibiting the output control variable (CVO) from increasing or decreasing in value without
a force or override command (FORCE from the enumerated CMD_FRC input or OVR from the enumerated CMD_OVR
Inhibiting the increase of the CVO output occurs when INH_INC input is True and neither of the priority increase or priority
decrease input pins, PR_INC or PR_DEC are True.
Inhibiting the decrease of the CVO output occurs when INH_DEC input is True and neither of the PR_INC or PR_DEC input
pins are True.
CVO, CV, and SV Output Status Propagation and Bad Quality Determination
OVR_ST_ENH_V2 monitors the quality status values of various inputs and connected outputs to determine the quality status
value of CVO, CV, and SV (if the MODE_OPT enumeration contains SPLIT then the split output property, SPLIT_P, is True).
The quality status value of control variable output CV is either the quality status value of CVO or, if SPLIT_P is True and the
quality status value of BKCAL_IN_CV > 200 and < 203, then the quality status value of CV is assigned a quality status value
The quality status value of the split range control variable output, SV, is either the quality status value of CVO or, if SPLIT_P
is True and the quality status value of BKCAL_IN_SV is > 200 and < 203, then the quality status value of SV is assigned a
OVR_ST_ENH calculates the quality status value of CVO from appropriate inputs with quality status values, input
parameters values, and the connected hard I/O quality status values of CV and, if MODE_OPT contains SPLIT (the split
property, SPLIT_P is True), SV. The analog output variables attached to CV and SV are monitored for quality status, which
results in the following possible CVO quality status values: 12 - I/O Pack Health Failed – NOT_LIMITED-DEVICE_
If none of these conditions exist, the quality status value of CVO is calculated by OVR_ST_ENH_V2 to be 192 to 198,
depending on numerous variables used in the quality status calculation, which results in the following values:

• Status value 192 indicates CVO is NOT_LIMITED_GOODC

• Status value 193 indicates CVO is LOW_LIMITED_GOODC
• Status value 194 indicates CVO is HIGH_LIMITED_GOODC

376 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
• Status value 195 indicates CVO is CONSTANT_GOODC
When using FOUNDATION fieldbus, if the split range mode is not selected, SPLIT_P is False, and the quality status value of
BKCAL_IN_CV or BKCAL_IN_SV is > 200 and < 203, then the quality status value of CVO is assigned a quality status
value of 196 when the low limit (LS) and upper limit (US) are False. If the split range mode is selected, SPLIT_P is True and
the FOUNDATION fieldbus initialization acknowledgment is provided, which indicates the quality status of CV and SV.
If RSP_BQ, selected CVI_BQ and selected CVI_OV are False, and the value of CVO is < the low limit, then LS is True and 1
is added to the CVO status value.
If RSP_BQ, selected CVI_BQ and selected CVI_OV are False, and the value of CVO is > the high limit, then US is True and
2 is added to the CVO status value.

This block propagates quality status. The status option cannot be disabled.

CVO status is based upon the following, in order of priority:

• Analog output variables attached to CV and SV are monitored for quality status, resulting in the following possible
CVO status:
− I/O Pack Health Failed – NOT_LIMITED-DEVICE_FAILURE-BAD [12]
− I/O Pack Health Failed – NOT_LIMITED-SENSOR_FAILURE-BAD [16]
• If RSP_BQ, selected CVI#_BQ, or selected CVI#_OV is True, then the value of CVO status is CONSTANT-GOODC
• If RSP_BQ, selected CVI#_BQ, and CVI#_OV are False, and the value of CVO is < the low limit, then LS is True and
1 is added to the CVO status value.
• If RSP _BQ, selected CVI#_BQ, and selected CVI#_OV are False, and the value of CVO is > the high limit, then US
is True and 2 is added to the CVO status value.
• The default quality status of CVO is NOT_LIMITED-GOODC [192].
For further details on Relational blocks refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Input Quality Status Monitoring

OVR_ST_ENH_V2 monitors and propagates the health or quality status of I/O points CVI1, CVI2, CVI3, RSP, BKCAL_IN_
CV, BKCAL_IN_SV, POS_CV, and POS_SV and determines when action must be taken because of a bad quality related
Control variable inputs CVI1 and CVI2 are always monitored for bad quality. If the STATION_OPT enumeration is
SELECT_3_INPUTS, MAX_3_INPUTS or MIN_3_INPUTS, then CVI3 is also monitored for bad quality. If bad quality
exists for any of the CVI1, CVI2, or CVI3 inputs, the corresponding output CVI1_BQ, CVI2_BQ, or CVI3_BQ is set to True.
If bad quality exists for the selected CVI input (CVI1 while SEL1, CVI2 while SEL2, or CVI3 while SEL3), the block
response is the same. For example, if BQ_MAN is True, the block is in auto, CVI1 is the selected input, and CVI1 is bad
quality (CVI1_BQ = True), the block rejects to manual mode and MN_REJ_A is activated. However, if BQ_MAN is True,
the block is in auto, CVI1 is the selected input, and CVI2 is bad quality (CVI1_BQ = True), the block will remain in auto and
will continue to operate.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 377

Public Information
The following inputs are monitored for quality status based on MODE_OPT containing POS:

• POS_CV input determines if bad quality (POS_CV_BQ) is present and if there is a significant difference between the
feedback value and the requested value, CV, to warrant an enabled high differential alarm, POS_CV_DH.
• POS_SV input determines if bad quality (POS_SV_BQ) is present and if there is a significant difference between the
feedback value and the requested value, SV, to warrant an enabled high differential alarm, POS_SV_DH.

Note OVR_ST_REM or OVR_ST_EXT are the only block option enumerations that allow RSP bad quality to affect block

Bad Quality Outputs

Control Variable PID Track Value Bad Quality (BKCAL_IN_CV_BQ) is set to True when the control variable PID track
value input, BKCAL_IN_CV, is determined to be of bad quality (a quality status value < 64).
Split Range Variable PID Track Value Bad Quality (BKCAL_IN_SV_BQ) is set to True when the split range PID track value
input, BKCAL_IN_SV, is determined to be of bad quality (a quality status value < 64).
Output Bad Quality (OBQ) is determined by the following conditions:

• BKCAL_IN_CV_BQ is True
• BKCAL_IN_SV_BQ is True
• Status value of FOUNDATION fieldbus inputs BKCAL_IN_CV or BKCAL_IN_SV, if used, are > 196 and < 227.
• CVO is determined to be of bad quality (a quality status value < 64).
Control Variable Input Bad Quality (CVI1_BQ, CVI2_BQ, or CVI3_BQ) is determined when the corresponding control
variable input, CVI1, CVI2, or CVI3, is determined to be of bad quality (a quality status value < 64).

Note The STATION_OPT enumeration must contain SELECT_3_INPUTS, MAX_3_INPUTS, or MIN_3_INPUTS, for
CVI3 to be monitored for bad quality.

If bad quality exists for any of the CVI1, CVI2, or CVI3 inputs, the corresponding output CVI1_BQ, CVI2_BQ, or CVI3_BQ
is set to True. If bad quality exists for the selected CVI input (CVI1 while SEL1, CVI2 while SEL2, or CVI3 while SEL3), the
block response is the same. For example, if BQ_MAN is True, the block is in auto, CVI1 is the selected input, and CVI1 is
bad quality (CVI1_BQ = True), the block rejects to manual mode and MN_REJ_A is activated. However, if BQ_MAN is
True, the block is in auto, CVI1 is the selected input, and CVI2 is bad quality (CVI1_BQ = True), the block will remain in
auto and will continue to operate.
Control Variable Input Override (CVI1_OV, CVI2_OV, or CVI3_OV) is set to True when the corresponding control variable
input, CVI1, CVI2, or CVI3 status value is equal to 195, CONSTANT-GOODC.

Note The STATION_OPT enumeration must contain SELECT_3_INPUTS, MAX_3_INPUTS or MIN_3_INPUTS, for
CVI3 to be monitored for an override condition. If an override condition exists for any of the CVI1, CVI2, or CVI3 inputs,
the corresponding output CVI1_OV, CVI2_OV, or CVI3_OV is set to True. If an override condition exists for the selected
CVI input, the block response is the same. For example, if BQ_MAN is True, the block is in auto, CVI1 is the selected input,
and CVI1 is bad quality (CVI1_BQ = True), the block rejects to manual mode and MN_REJ_A is activated. However, if BQ_
MAN is True, the block is in auto, CVI1 is the selected input, and CVI2 is bad quality (CVI1_BQ = True), the block will
remain in auto and will continue to operate.

RSP_BQ is determined by the following conditions:

• BLOCK_OPT is OVR_ST_REM or OVR_ST_EXT, OVR_ST_REM_P or OVR_ST_EXT_P is True, respectively, and

RSP is determined to be of bad quality (a quality status value < 64).
• FOUNDATION fieldbus Command to Manual (FF_IMAN) operation is set to True when the status of a FOUNDATION fieldbus
AO quality status is > 196 and < 227. FF_IMAN rejects the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block to a manual and/or tracking state,
indicating that a downstream FF AO is requesting to initialize a control output, or it is in a fault state or is not inviting the

378 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
OVR_ST_ENH_V2 to participate in the control process. It is a requirement that BK_CAL_IN_CV be connected to the
corresponding BK_CAL_OUT of the FF AO that is driven by CV. The corresponding requirement exists for BK_CAL_
IN_SV when split range control is used.
Control Variable Position Feedback Bad Quality Alarms (POS_CV_BQ and POS_SV_BQ)
POS_CV_BQ is determined when control variable position feedback value input POS_CV is determined to be of bad quality
(a quality status value < 64), and the enumerated input MODE_OPT contains POS, then the position feedback property,
POSFB_P, is True.
POS_SV_BQ is determined when split range variable position feedback value input POS_SV is determined to be of bad
quality (a quality status value < 64), and the enumerated input MODE_OPT contains POS, the position feedback property,
POSFB_P, is True.

Note POS_CV_BQ and POS_SV_BQ generate a LVL_4 alarm when bad quality is detected.

Alarmed Points
When activated, the following output points generate a LVL_4 alarm:


Position Deviation High Alarms (POS_CV_DH and POS_SV_DH)

Under certain conditions, the position deviation high alarm, POS_CV_DH or POS_SV_DH, for CV or SV, respectively,
become True when the corresponding feedback value, POS_CV or POS_SV, exceeds a deviation high set point (POS_DH_SP)
value for a time period in milliseconds given by the POS_DH_T input parameter (the default value of POS_DH_T is 5000

Note If the POS_DH_T parameter is set to zero, then both POS_CV_DH and POS_SV_DH will be disabled.

The conditions required for the position deviation high alarm are:

• Position deviation time delay (POS_DH_T) must be greater than zero.

• LOCK must be False (the block is not in lock mode).
• Position feedback property, POSFB_P, must be True (MODE_OPT must contain POS).
• Status of the input variable, POS_CV or POS_SV, must NOT have a BAD quality status indication for the corresponding
alarm to be activated (BAD quality status range value is from 0 – 63).

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 379

Public Information
Manual Reject Alarm (MN_REJ_A)
The following conditions activate MN_REJ_A:

• When enumerated MN_REJ input enumeration from a manual reject type block contains OVR, then the OVR_ST_ENH_
V2 block rejects from auto mode to manual control and generates MN_REJ_A.
• When enumerated CMD_OVR input from an override-type block contains OVR, then OVR_ST_ENH_V2 rejects from
auto mode to manual control and generates MN_REJ_A.
• When input parameter BQ_MANis set to True causing OVR_ST_ENH_V2 rejects from auto mode to manual control and
generates MN_REJ_A, when any of the bad quality or override indicators, OBQ, CVI1_BQ, CVI2_BQ, CVI3_BQ,
CVI1_OV, CVI2_OV, CVI3_OV, or RSP_BQ, become True, and/or when BQ_MAN is False, then the block is placed in
tracking mode and TK_OUT is True.
• When OVR_ST_ENH_V2 is in auto mode and the operator can and does place the block into lock mode (LOCK is set to
True), then the block is placed in manual mode and MN_REJ_A is activated.
• When the FF_IMAN is True, then OVR_ST_ENH_V2 rejects from auto mode to manual control and generates MN_

Local and Remote Setpoint (RS) Mode

RS output indicates when OVR_ST_ENH_V2 is using the remote setpoint input, RSP (when the block is in auto mode) as the
setpoint to calculate CVO. A reset dominant latched output, which is decided by the following conditions, determines the
Boolean value of RS:

• When BLOCK_OPT is OVR_ST_EXT, the setpoint mode is set to REMOTE (RS is True), and the operator cannot select
a local setpoint from the graphical interface.
• When BLOCK_OPT is OVR_ST_REM, the operator selects (using the graphical interface) remote or local setpoint
mode, or the block can be externally commanded to the remote setpoint mode by the pulsed RSP_SEL input.
POP (CV_L, CV_R, CV_MN, SV_L, SV_R, and SV_MN) Values
The POP feature provides a valve closing hysteresis loop to prevent a control valve from throttling on the valve seat, thus
reducing control valve wear. In the decreasing direction, the feature does not allow CV to become less than the pop level
value of CV_L until the characterized value of CVO becomes less than reset value, CV_R. When the characterized value of
CVO becomes less than CV_R, then CV is set to minimum desired output value, CV_MN. In the increasing direction, CV
remains equal to CV_MN until the characterized value of CVO becomes greater than the value of CV_L. Once the
characterized value of CVO is greater than CV_L, then CV will POP to the value of CV_L and CV follows the characterized
value of CVO as long as it is above CV_L. The POP feature is enabled when CV_L > CV_R > CV_MN and disabled when
CV_L = CV_R = CV_MN.
The POP concept also applies to SV. When the MODE_OPT input enumeration contains SPLIT, then SPLIT_P is True and
the values of SV_L, SV_R and SV_MN are set.

380 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
The following figure displays the typical OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block pin connections with three override controlled PID_MA_
ENH_V2 blocks. In this example, the STATION_OPT input enumeration is SELECT_3_INPUTS.
















Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 381

Public Information
The following figure displays the typical OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block pin connections using a Min/Max configuration with
three override controlled PID_MA_ENH_V2 blocks.




† A connection to EV is required when the
enumeration is set to MIN_2_INPUTS,








† EV


382 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Note For external commands, when PID_MA_ENH_V2 blocks are connected to and receiving inputs from the OVR_ST_
ENH_V2 block, it is recommended to use the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block for any external commands, such as CMD_OVR,
CMD_FRC, or CMD_TK actions, for the PID controller. Do not connect the CMD_OVR, CMD_FRC, and CMD_TK blocks
to the PID_MA_ENH_V2 blocks if using an OVR_ST_ENH block. Instead, use the capability of the OVR_ST_ENH_V2
block for these actions.

ToolboxST Configuration
When installing an OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block into the ToolboxST application code, the ToolboxST application generates a
window that prompts the user to enter the Device Name, Device Description, Format Specification for the process variable
(PV) and the Format Specification for the control variable (CV). The block automatically creates the variables associated with
the block and provides the appropriate attributes for each variable. For example, Type, Format Spec, and the variables that
need to be on the EGD are automatically placed on the $Default EGD page.

Note Each Device Name used in a controller must be unique.

OVR_ST_ENH_V2 Default Attribute Values


Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 383

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Array Initial Value Visibility Interface
Type Type
AU_PMT Auto permit UINT 0 PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
AU_SEL Auto mode select BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
BKCAL_IN_CV Control variable PID track REAL 0 0 Always Analog with
value and status Status
BKCAL_IN_SV Split range variable PID REAL 0 0 Always Analog with
track value and status Status
BLOCK_OPT Block options UINT 0 OVR_ST_MA Always Value Only
BQ_MAN Reject to manual on BQ BOOL 0 False Parameter Value Only
(True) / Track on BQ (False)

CASC_IN1 Cascade in enumeration UINT 0 NO_CASC Always Value Only

CASC_IN2 Cascade in enumeration UINT 0 NO_CASC Always Value Only
CASC_IN3 Cascade in enumeration UINT 0 NO_CASC Always Value Only
CMD_FRC Force command UINT 0 NO_FORCE-NO_ Always Value Only
CMD_OVR Override command UINT 0 NO_OVR-NO_ Always Value Only
CMD_TK Track command UINT 0 NO_TRACK-NO_ Always Value Only
CTL ✓ {Desc} Control word UINT 0 NO_CMD Always Value Only
CV_L ✓ {Desc} CV pop level REAL 0 7 Parameter Value Only
CV_MN {Desc} CV pop level REAL 0 -5 Parameter Value Only

CV_R {Desc} CV pop reset to REAL 0 0.1 Parameter Value Only

minimum level
CV_X {Desc} CV X CHAR array REAL 13 -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,- Parameter Value Only

CV_Y {Desc} CV Y CHAR array REAL 13 -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,- Parameter Value Only

CVI1 Control variable input 1 REAL 0 0 Always Analog with
CVI2 Control variable input 2 REAL 0 0 Always Analog with
CVI3 Control variable input 3 REAL 0 0 Always Analog With
EN_PROC_ {Desc} Enable process BOOL 0 False Parameter Value Only

LIM_HIGH dependent high limit
EN_PROC_ {Desc} Enable process BOOL 0 False Parameter Value Only

LIM_LOW dependent low limit
FV Force value REAL 0 0 Always Value Only
H ✓ {Desc} Output upper limit REAL 0 100 Parameter Value Only
INH_DEC ✓ Inhibit DEC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

384 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Inputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Array Initial Value Visibility Interface
Type Type
INH_INC ✓ Inhibit INC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
INIT_POS {Desc} Initial position for REAL 0 0 Parameter Value Only
✓ lock and release to
L ✓ {Desc} Output lower limit REAL 0 0 Parameter Value Only
MC ✓ {Desc} Manual setpoint REAL 0 0 Always Value Only
MN_REJ Manual reject UINT 0 NO_OVR-NO_ Always Value Only

MOD_PMT ✓ Modulate permit UINT 0 PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
MODE_OPT Mode options UINT 0 NONE Always Value Only
MR Manual adjustment rate REAL 0 10 Parameter Value Only
OV {Desc} Override value REAL 0 0 Always Value Only
POS_CV {Desc} CV position REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

feedback Status
POS_DH_SP {Desc} position dev high sp REAL 0 10 Parameter Value Only
POS_DH_T {Desc} position dev high UDINT 0 5000 Parameter Value Only
POS_SV {Desc} SV position REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

feedback Status
PR_DEC ✓ {Desc} Priority DEC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
PR_DEC_RT Priority DEC rate REAL 0 1 Parameter Value Only
PR_INC ✓ {Desc} Priority INC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
PR_INC_RT Priority INC rate REAL 0 1 Parameter Value Only
PROC_LIM_ {Desc} Process dependent REAL 0 100 Always Value Only

HIGH high limit
PROC_LIM_ {Desc} Process dependent REAL 0 0 Always Value Only

LOW low limit
PV {Desc} Process variable REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

RSP {Desc} Remote setpoint REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

RSP_SEL Remote SP select BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
SC ✓ {Desc} Setpoint REAL 0 0 Always Value Only
SEL1 Select CVI1 in Selection BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
SEL2 Select CVI2 in Selection BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
SEL3 Select CVI3 in Selection BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
SH ✓ {Desc} Setpoint upper limit REAL 0 100 Always Value Only
SL ✓ {Desc} Setpoint lower limit REAL 0 0 Always Value Only
SP_TRACK {Desc} Setpoint tracks PV BOOL 0 True Parameter Value Only
✓ in manual and RSP in
SR Setpoint adjustment rate REAL 0 10 Parameter Value Only
STATION_OPT Station operation options UINT 0 SELECT_2_INPUTS Always Value Only
SV_L ✓ {Desc} SV pop level REAL 0 7 Parameter Value Only
SV_MN {Desc} SV pop level REAL 0 -5 Parameter Value Only

SV_R {Desc} SV pop reset to REAL 0 0.1 Parameter Value Only


Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 385

Public Information
Inputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Array Initial Value Visibility Interface
Type Type
SV_X {Desc} SV X CHAR array REAL 13 -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,- Parameter Value Only

SV_Y {Desc} SV Y CHAR array REAL 13 -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,- Parameter Value Only

✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Name Global Description Data Type Array Initial Visibility Interface Type
{Device} ✓ {Desc} BOOL 0 False Internal Value Only
3_INPUT_P {Desc} OVR_ST in 3 Input BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

AUTO ✓ {Desc} Auto BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
CHAR_P {Desc} Out BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

characterization property
CV {Desc} Characterized CV REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

output Status
CVI1_BQ {Desc} Control variable BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

input 1 BQ
CVI1_OV {Desc} Control variable BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

input 1 override
CVI2_BQ {Desc} Control variable BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

input 2 BQ
CVI2_OV {Desc} Control variable BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

input 2 override
CVI3_BQ {Desc} Control variable BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

input 3 BQ
CVI3_OV {Desc} Control variable BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

input 3 override
CVO {Desc} Control variable REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

output Status
DEC_INH ✓ {Desc} Inhibit DEC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
FRC_CMD ✓ {Desc} Force command BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
FRC_CMDB {Desc} Force command BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

block status
INC_INH ✓ {Desc} Inhibit INC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
LOCK ✓ {Desc} Locked BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
LOCK_P ✓ {Desc} Lock property BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
LS ✓ {Desc} At lower limit BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
MN_REJ_A ✓ {Desc} Manual reject BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
NSEL1 ✓ {Desc} CVI1 not selected BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
NSEL2 ✓ {Desc} CVI2 not selected BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
NSEL3 ✓ {Desc} CVI3 not selected BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

386 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Outputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Type Array Initial Visibility Interface Type
OBQ ✓ {Desc} Output BQ BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
OVR_CMD ✓ {Desc} Override command BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
OVR_CMDB {Desc} Override command BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

block status
OVR_CTRL1 OVR_ST Control status for UINT 0 NONE Always Value Only
OVR_CTRL2 OVR_ST Control status for UINT 0 NONE Always Value Only
OVR_CTRL3 OVR_ST Control status for UINT 0 NONE Always Value Only
OVR_ST_ {Desc} OVR_ST external BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

EXT_P SP mode
OVR_ST_P {Desc} OVR_ST - Auto SP BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

& manual SP mode
OVR_ST_ {Desc} OVR_ST - Remote BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

REM_P SP & local SP
PMT_AU ✓ {Desc} Auto permit BOOL 0 True Always Value Only
PMT_AUB {Desc} Auto permit bypass BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

PMT_MOD ✓ {Desc} Modulate permit BOOL 0 True Always Value Only
PMT_MODB {Desc} Modulate permit BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

bypass status
POS_CV_BQ {Desc} CV Position BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

feedback Bad quality
POS_CV_DH {Desc} CV position dev BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

high alarm
POS_SV_BQ {Desc} SV Position BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

feedback Bad quality
POS_SV_DH {Desc} SV position dev BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

high alarm
POSFB_P {Desc} Position feedback BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

REJ_MN ✓ {Desc} Manual reject BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
REJ_MNB {Desc} Manual reject BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

bypass status
RS {Desc} Remote setpoint BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

RSP_BQ {Desc} Remote setpoint BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

SI {Desc} Setpoint (internal REAL 0 0 Always Value Only

before ramp)
SP {Desc} Setpoint REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

SPLIT_P ✓ {Desc} Split range property BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
SV {Desc} Split range REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

characterized output Status
TK_CMDB {Desc} Track command BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

block status

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 387

Public Information
Outputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Type Array Initial Visibility Interface Type
TK_OUT ✓ {Desc} Track status BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
TUN1 ✓ {Desc} PID 1 tuning mode BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
TUN2 ✓ {Desc} PID 2 tuning mode BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
TUN3 ✓ {Desc} PID 3 tuning mode BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
US ✓ {Desc} At upper limit BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Global Variables (Automatically Generated)

Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00OVR_ST_ENH1000 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.3_ 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
INPUT_P description OVR_ST in 3 input Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not True $DEFAULT Read Only
AUTO description auto Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
CHAR_P description out characterization Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Write
CTL description control word Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
CV description characterized CV Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
CV_L description CV pop level Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
CV_MN description CV pop level Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
CV_R description CV pop reset to Alarmed
minimum level
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
CV_X description CV X CHAR array Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
CV_Y description CV Y CHAR array Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
CVI1_BQ description control variable input Alarmed
1 BQ
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
CVI1_OV description control variable input Alarmed
1 override
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
CVI2_BQ description control variable input Alarmed
2 BQ
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
CVI2_OV description Control variable Alarmed
input 2 override

388 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables (Automatically Generated) (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
CVI3_BQ description Control variable Alarmed
input 3 BQ
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
CVI3_OV description Control variable Alarmed
input 3 override
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
CVO description Control variable Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
DEC_INH description Inhibit DEC Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
EN_PROC_LIM_HIGH description enable process Alarmed
dependent high limit
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
EN_PROC_LIM_LOW description enable process Alarmed
dependent low limit
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not True $DEFAULT Read Only
FRC_CMD description force command Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
FRC_CMDB description force command Alarmed
block status
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.H 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description output upper limit Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
INC_INH description Inhibit INC Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
INIT_POS description initial position for Alarmed
lock and release to modulate
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.L 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description output lower limit Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not True $DEFAULT Read Only
LOCK description locked Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
LOCK_P description lock property Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.LS 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description at lower limit Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Write
MC description manual setpoint Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Alarmed LVL_3 False $DEFAULT Read Only
MN_REJ_A description manual reject
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
NSEL1 description CVI1 not selected Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
NSEL2 description CVI2 not selected Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
NSEL3 description CVI3 not selected Alarmed

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 389

Public Information
Global Variables (Automatically Generated) (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
OBQ description output BQ Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not True $DEFAULT Read Only
OVR_CMD description override command Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
OVR_CMDB description override command Alarmed
block status
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
OVR_ST_EXT_P description OVR_ST external Alarmed
SP mode
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
OVR_ST_P description OVR_ST - Auto SP Alarmed
and manual SP mode
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
OVR_ST_REM_P description OVR_ST - Remote Alarmed
SP and local SP
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
PMT_AU description auto permit Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
PMT_AUB description auto permit bypass Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
PMT_MOD description modulate permit Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
PMT_MODB description modulate permit Alarmed
bypass status
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
POS_CV description CV position Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Alarmed Alert False $DEFAULT Read Only
POS_CV_BQ description CV position
feedback Bad quality
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Alarmed Alert False $DEFAULT Read Only
POS_CV_DH description CV position dev high
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
POS_SV description SV position Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Alarmed Alert False $DEFAULT Read Only
POS_SV_BQ description SV position
feedback Bad quality
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Alarmed Alert False $DEFAULT Read Only
POS_SV_DH description SV position dev high
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
POSFB_P description position feedback Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
PR_DEC description priority DEC Alarmed

390 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables (Automatically Generated) (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
PR_INC description priority INC Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
PROC_LIM_HIGH description process dependent Alarmed
high limit
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
PROC_LIM_LOW description process dependent Alarmed
low limit
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
PV description process variable Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
REJ_MN description manual reject Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
REJ_MNB description manual reject Alarmed
bypass status
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
RS description remote setpoint Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
RSP description remote setpoint Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
RSP_BQ description remote setpoint BQ Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Write
SC description setpoint Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
SH description setpoint upper limit Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.SI 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description setpoint (internal Alarmed
before ramp)
00OVR_ST_ENH1000.SL 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description setpoint lower limit Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
SP description setpoint Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
SP_TRACK description setpoint tracks PV in Alarmed
manual and RSP in auto-remote
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
SPLIT_P description split range property Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
SV description split range Alarmed
characterized output
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
SV_L description SV pop level Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
SV_MN description SV pop level Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
SV_R description SV pop reset to Alarmed

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 391

Public Information
Global Variables (Automatically Generated) (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
SV_X description SV X CHAR array Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
SV_Y description SV Y CHAR array Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
TK_CMDB description track command Alarmed
block status
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
TK_OUT description track status Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
TUN1 description PID 1 tuning mode Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
TUN2 description PID 2 tuning mode Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
TUN3 description PID 3 tuning mode Alarmed
00OVR_ST_ENH1000. 00OVR_ST_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
US description at upper limit Alarmed

Control Constants
Name Description Initial Value External Access
CV_MN {Desc} CV pop level minimum -5 Read Only
SV_L {Desc} SV pop level 7 Read Only
SV_R {Desc} SV pop reset to minimum 0.1 Read Only
SV_X {Desc} SV X CHAR array -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,60, Read Only
SV_Y {Desc} SV Y CHAR array -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,60 Read Only
SV_MN {Desc} SV pop level minimum -5 Read Only
CV_R {Desc} CV pop reset to minimum level 0.1 Read Only
CV_X {Desc} CV X CHAR array -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,60, Read Only
CV_Y {Desc} CV Y CHAR array -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,60, Read Only
CV_L {Desc} CV pop level 7 Read Only

392 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
In edit mode, an OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block can be directly inserted into the CIMPLICITY screen from the ToolboxST
application code using the drop and drag method. The CIMPLICITY object created depends on the HMILinkSource and
HMILinkedObject information contained in the PID_MA_ENH_V2 attributes.

In edit mode, select an attribute to

insert into the CIMPLICITY screen.

OVR_ST_ENH_V2 Attributes

Note The CIMPLICITY objects to choose from for OVR_ST_ ENH_V2 are dependent on the path.



Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 393

Public Information
39 Permit (PERMIT)
Block Category: Legacy, Permits and Overrides

Note Legacy Status — The PERMIT block is not supported for use in new Mark VIe control systems (ControlST V05.02
or later). It is in place to support the maintenance of legacy Mark VIe control systems (prior to ControlST V05.02). For new
Mark VIe control systems, use the LOGIC_BUILDER or LOGIC_BUILDER_SC block (use if first out/state change feature is
required); these blocks provide equivalent functionality. Refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library

The Permit (PERMIT) block is an expandable block of up to 32 permit inputs. This block functions like an AND block, all
permit inputs must be True for the output, OUT, to be True. Each connected input can be bypassed by the HMI operator,
which is accessed from associated permit tab of the permit screen display. This bypass function must be enabled by setting
PMnBE to True. If permit bypassing is enabled for an input, an event is generated on the HMI alarm/event screen whenever
the operator bypasses the permit.

Each input has the capability of inheriting the description of a connected global variable or a global variable connected
through a NOT block. When a connection is made to one of the input pins, the description of the global variable is inherited
by default. If this description is undesirable, it must be disabled by setting the Inherit Description option to False in the input
variable properties. The description can be replaced with a desirable description by entering an appropriate description in the
description field of the input variable of the PERMIT block (replace PERMIT #1 with the desired permit description for the
source connected to PM1). The description is not copied from the connected variable immediately; the input's description is
set when the library or device containing the input is validated or built.
The PERMIT block can also be configured as a ready list. In this mode, the block can be used to display a list of signals as
ready to go or not.

394 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Block Configuration
Permissive Type (Perm Type)
Perm Type enumerations are listed in the following table.

Perm Type Enumerations

Description Perm Type Description

CL_PMT Close permit

OP_PMT Open permit

AU_PMT Auto permit

MOD_PMT Modulate permit

INT_PMT Intermediate permit

STR_PMT Start permit

STP_PMT Stop permit

RDY1 Ready #1 permit

RDY2 Ready #2 permit

RDY3 Ready #3 permit

RDY4 Ready #4 permit

RDY5 Ready #5 permit

LO_PMT Low speed permit

HI_PMT High speed permit

REV_PMT Reverse permit

ON_PMT ON permit

OFF_PMT OFF permit

OUT enumerations are listed in the following table.

OUT Enumerations
Enumeration Permit Output Description
NO_PERM-NO-BYPASS No permit and no permit is bypassed

PERM-NO_BYPASS Permit OK and no permit is bypassed

NO_PERM-BYPASS No permit and a permit is bypassed

PERM-BYPASS Permit OK and a permit is bypassed

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 395

Public Information
ToolboxST Configuration
Inserting this block into the application software will generate a window titled, Enter the Attribute Instance Values; prompting
the user to Enter Device Name and Select Permissive Type in the Value column of the window.

Note The permit type is a drop-down menu selection. Refer to the table PermType Enumerations for selections.

Default Attributes
The block will then automatically create - based on the number of pin groups exposed - the necessary variables and provides
the appropriate attributes for each variable (for example Type, Format Spec, variables that need to be on EGD will be
automatically placed on the $Default EGD page, so on). If additional Pin Groups are added, the necessary new variables will
be automatically created during a build of the application software.
There are two things that need to be checked when installing a PERMIT block. The first is that the Device Name attribute
should match the name of the block that it will be connected to. If this PERMIT block is controlling an MOV block, then the
names should match. If the blocks are connected correctly - but named incorrectly - the permit block will work normally, but
the HMI screen cannot tell you why you do or do not have permission. An example of this naming convention is displayed in
the figure Connection and Naming Example.
The other thing to remember is to select the correct Permissive Type. If you select CL_PMT, but connect it to an OP_PMT,
then the permissive will act like an open permit, but show up in the Close permissive window.
Clicking OK to accept the defaults will generate the Input pin names in the following figure. They are in the form the Device
Value PermType name.

Note The defaults here are for example only. Be sure to change the block name value.

Output pin names are in the form Device Value PermType Value.OUT, Device Value PermType Value.PM, and Device Value
PermType Value.PMB.

Note Global variables are listed in the table Global Variables. The defaults provided are for example only. Be sure to change
the block name.

If Device Value = 11FVM1401 and PermType Value = CL_PMT.
The following figure displays an example of the common usage of a PERMIT block. There is also a FORCE block displaying
the use of a not block. This example shows the PERMIT block sharing the same name as the M_O_V block that it is
controlling. ToolboxST requires that all blocks have unique names. The PERMIT, FORCE, and OVERRIDE blocks get
around this by adding the block type to the block name. This makes them unique, links them to the block they control in the
HMI, and indicates their function.

396 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Connection and Naming Example
The following figure illustrates the PERMIT faceplate for the M_O_V block and displays the presence of the PERMIT
blocks, as well as a description from the controlling variable. These display as green because the permit allows the block to
operate normally.

PERMIT Faceplate Example

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 397

Public Information
There is a second mode of operation for the PERMIT block. These blocks can be used as a ready list. In this mode, there is no
block in particular that is being controlled. Rather, the ready list is used with process level permissives. To configure the
permit block to be used in this format, insert a new block to bring up the assign attribute window displayed in the following

Permit Block as Ready List

This brings in the block in the usual manner. However, instead of connecting the output to another block, leave it
disconnected. Instead, make a connection to the PM pin on the right side of the block. Name this the same as the block name,
minus the RDY1 part - in this example, 00PERMIT1002. This needs to be a global variable, and published as read-only on
EGD. Then, make your input connections on the left side.

ToolboxST Permit Block as Ready List

This block does not have a direct HMI object, but there is an object that is used for ready list purposes. The configuration for
this object is discussed in the section HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY).

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
PM1 Permit input 1 BOOL True Always Value Only
PM1B Permit input bypass 1 BOOL False Always Value Only
PM1BE Permit input bypass enable 1 BOOL False Always Value Only
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
PM32 Permit input 32 BOOL True Always Value Only
PM32B Permit input bypass 32 BOOL False Always Value Only
PM32BE Permit input bypass enable BOOL False Always Value Only

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
OUT Output UNIT PERM-NO-BYPASS Always Value Only
PM Permit value BOOL True Always Value Only
PMB Permit bypass BOOL False Always Value Only

398 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
00PERMIT1000CL_PMT.OUT Output Not False ReadOnly
00PERMIT1000CL_PMT.PM Permit value Not False ReadOnly
00PERMIT1000CL_PMT.PMB Permit bypass Not False ReadOnly
00PERMIT1000CL_PMT.PM1 Permit input Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
00PERMIT1000CL_PMT.PM1B Permit input bypass Not True $DEFAULT ReadWrite
00PERMIT1000CL_PMT.PM1BE Permit input bypass Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
enable Alarmed
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
00PERMIT1000CL_PMT.PMn Permit input Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
00PERMIT1000CL_PMT.PMnB Permit input bypass Not True $DEFAULT ReadWrite
00PERMIT1000CL_PMT.PMnBE Permit input bypass Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
enable Alarmed

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 399

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
A PERMIT block does not directly have an HMI object. But when it is used as a ready list, an object has been created to
facilitate its use.

HMI Object — Ready List

Activating this smart object displays the following window.

HMI Object — Smart Object

400 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
40 Proportional Integral Derivative Enhanced
Block Category: Legacy, Controls (DCS)

Note Legacy Status — The PID_MA_ENH block is not supported for use in new Mark VIe control systems (ControlST
V05.02 or later). It is in place to support the maintenance of legacy Mark VIe control systems (prior to ControlST V05.02).
For new Mark VIe control systems, use the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block; it provides equivalent functionality.

The Proportional Integral Derivative Enhanced (PID_MA_ENH) block is a controller that can be a parallel proportional,
integral, derivative, cascaded or non-cascaded, PID, a manual/auto station, MA, and has enhanced input and output health
quality status monitoring, ENH. The versatile block can be configured to suit nearly all controller and/or manual/auto station
applications, as well as integrated override station capabilities when used in conjunction with the enhanced override station
block, OVR_ST_ENH. The block configuration is defined by enumerated inputs, which determine the block functionality and
the information displayed by the corresponding CIMPLICITY graphical interface(s). Additionally, the block performs quality
status monitoring of input signals and output signals and propagates the quality status to the outputs CVO, CV, and SV.
The programmer must first identify the functions required for the application for which the block will be used. When the
controller function has been properly identified, the programmer must select the corresponding enumerations from the
BLOCK_OPT, CTRL_ACT, and MODE_OPT inputs that will configure the PID_MA_ENH block to perform as desired.

Block Configuration
BLOCK_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table.

BLOCK_OPT Input Enumerations

Name Description
PID PID only
MA M/A station only
PID_MA PID with M/A station
PID_MA_EXT PID with M/A station with external setpoint
PID_MA_EXT_CASC PID with M/A station with external setpoint from CASCADE station
PID_MA_REM PID with M/A station with remote setpoint
PID_MA_REM_CASC PID with M/A station with remote setpoint from CASCADE station
MA_EXT M/A station without PID with remote setpoint with HMI SP disabled
MA_REM M/A station without PID with HMI SP enabled (through remote local)
MA_MAN M/A station without PID with HMI MANUAL SP enabled

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 401

Public Information
PID — for a proportional, integral, derivative controller. It calculates the error or difference between the process variable
(PV) and the setpoint (SP), and manipulates the controller output (CVO, CV, and, if applicable, SV) to minimize the
difference between PV and SP. When the enumeration is PID only, the PID only property (PID_P) is True, AUTO is True, and
the setpoint is driven by the remote setpoint (RSP) input. The graphical interface is view only and the operator cannot modify
the setpoint or the output, as both are logic driven.The following figure displays an example of the CIMPLICITY graphical
interface with the BLOCK_OPT enumeration PID.

PID Enumeration Faceplate

402 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
MA — used for manual and auto selection. The operator selects either the auto control setpoint or manually sets the output to
the desired value. If the enumeration is MA_MAN, only manual control is available. Refer to the following figures for
faceplate examples. The following figure displays an example of the CIMPLICITY graphical interface with the BLOCK_
OPT enumeration MA_MAN.

Note The PERMIT, AUTO and MANUAL push-buttons are not available on MA_MAN.

MA_MAN Enumeration Faceplate

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 403

Public Information
The following figure displays an example of the CIMPICITY graphical interface with the BLOCK_OPT enumeration MA.

Note The PERMIT, AUTO and MANUAL push-buttons are available on MA.

MA Enumeration Faceplate

404 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
EXT — indicates that an external setpoint value from the block RSP input will be used as the auto setpoint, and can be
viewed only by the operator. The following figure displays an example of the CIMPICITY graphical interface with the
BLOCK_OPT enumeration MA_EXT.

MA_EXT Enumeration Faceplate

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 405

Public Information
REM — indicates the operator can select between a remote setpoint and a local setpoint value to be used as the auto setpoint.
The operator sets the local setpoint using the faceplate, and the remote setpoint value is connected to the RSP input pin. The
remote setpoint mode can be selected by the operator using the faceplate or using the pulsed input pin, RSP_SEL.

Note The RSP_SEL input must be a pulsed input. If a continuous True input is used for the RSP_SEL input, the PID_MA_
ENH block will not return to remote setpoint mode from the RSP_SEL input if the operator selects local from the graphical
interface. The following figure displays an example of the CIMPICITY graphical interface with the BLOCK_OPT
enumeration MA_REM in auto and local mode.

MA_REM Enumeration Faceplate

406 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
CASC — indicates the block is being used in conjunction with another PID_MA_ENH block in a cascade scenario; one PID_
MA_ENH block, the outer loop, controls the setpoint, RSP, of the other PID_MA_ENH block, the inner loop. Usually, the
outer loop controls the primary control variable and the inner loop controls a rapidly changing variable associated with the
primary variable. The PID_MA_ENH that acts as the inner loop has the CASC enumeration and the outer loop does not. The
designation of CASC allows the graphical interface to provide the option for the operator to view the inner loop PID_MA_
ENH graphical interface, as well as call the outer loop faceplate to view the overall process loop viewed as one controller. The
following figure is an inner loop cascade example of the CIMPICITY graphical interface with the BLOCK_OPT enumeration
PID_MA_REM_CASC in auto and local mode. Refer to the section Cascaded PID_MA_ENH Blocks for further details.

PID_MA_REM_CASC Faceplate Enumeration

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 407

Public Information
The following figure is an outer loop cascade example of the CIMPICITY graphical interface with the BLOCK_OPT
enumeration PID_MA, in auto mode, which is supplying the remote setpoint to the PID_MA_ENH1000 represented by the
faceplate in the figure PID_MA_REM_CASC Faceplate Enumeration.

PID_MA Faceplate Enumeration

BLOCK_OPT Exceptions
The selected BLOCK_OPT enumeration needs to be modified under certain conditions: the operator has placed the block in
tuning mode (TUN is True), there is participation in a PID override control scheme using an OVR_ST_ENH block, the OVR_
CTRL input enumeration contains OVR_CTRL, or OVRST_CTRL is True.
Condition 1: OVRST_CTRL = True, TUN = False
BLOCK_OPT = PID_MA or PID_MA_REM, it is modified to be PID_MA_EXT
BLOCK_OPT = PID_MA_REM_CASC, it is modified to be PID_MA_EXT_CASC
BLOCK_OPT = MA or MA_REM or MA_MAN, it is modified to be MA_EXT
Condition 2: TUN = True
BLOCK_OPT = PID or PID_MA_EXT, it is modified to be PID_MA_REM
BLOCK_OPT = PID_MA_EXT_CASC, it is modified to be PID_MA_REM_CASC
Condition 3: OVRST_CTRL= True, TUN = True
BLOCK_OPT = PID_MA, it is modified to be PID_MA_REM
BLOCK_OPT = MA, it is modified to be MA_REM

Note The order of priority of mode modifications is Condition 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

408 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
BLOCK_OPT Output Properties
The following PID_MA_ENH output properties control the appearance of the corresponding graphical interface based on the
BLOCK_OPT enumeration:

• PID enumeration sets the PID_P property to True

• MA enumeration sets the MA_P property to True
• PID_MA enumeration sets the PID_MA_P property to True
• PID_MA_EXT enumeration sets the PID_MA_EXT_P property to True
• PID_MA_EXT_CASC enumeration sets the PID_MA_EXT_C_P property to True
• PID_MA_REM enumeration sets the PID_MA_REM_P property to True
• PID_MA_REM_CASC enumeration sets the PID_MA_REM_C_P property to True
• MA_EXT enumeration sets the MA_EXT_P property to True
• MA_REM enumeration sets the MA_REM_P property to True
• MA_MAN enumeration sets the MA_MAN_P property to True
CTRL_ACT enumerations are listed in the following table.

CTRL_ACT Input Enumerations

Name Description
DIRECT Direct action (PV-SP)

REVERSE Reverse action (SP-PV)

DIRECT — indicates the value of CVO increases when the value of PV is greater than the setpoint and the value of CVO
decreases when the value of PV is less than the setpoint.
REVERSE — indicates the value of CVO decreases when the value of PV is greater than the setpoint and the value of CVO
increases when the value of PV is less than the setpoint.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 409

Public Information
MODE_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table.

MODE_OPT Input Enumerations

Name Description
LOCK Lock mode
POS Position feedback
LOCK-POS Lock mode and position feedback

SPLIT Split range

SPLIT-LOCK Split range and lock mode

SPLIT-POS Split range and position feedback

SPLIT-LOCK-POS Split range, lock mode, and position feedback

NONE — used when no mode options are to be enabled.

LOCK — sets the lock property, LOCK_P, to True, allowing software lockout of the controller to be implemented by the
operator through the CIMPLICITY graphical interface.

Note The lockout indication is provided for status indication only. This action will not lock out the equipment, it will only
indicate lockout status. The owner's lockout procedures must be followed to safely lock equipment out.

Note The Lock button can also be configured to use the WorkstationST Lock function. Refer to the
WorkstationST/CIMPLICITY Advanced Viewer Integration Instruction Guide (GEI-100697), the section HMI Tagout.

The valve output CVO must be within 5 units of the initial position input (INIT_POS) value before the block can be set to
lockout mode. When LOCK is True the block is in lockout mode and block outputs, CVO, CV, and, if applicable, SV are
prohibited from modulating. If the block is in auto mode and not participating in an override control scheme, the VR_CTRL
input enumeration is NONE, and the BLOCK_OPT enumeration is not PID only, PID_P is False, then the block will be
placed in manual mode and the manual reject alarm, MAN_REJ_A, is activated. The operator’s ability to switch to auto mode
is also disabled until the block is removed from lockout mode. If the block is in tuning mode, the tuning mode will also be
removed and disabled. Additionally, the local auto setpoint tracks the process variable input PV when the block is in lockout
POS — used when there is feedback available from the controlled device. Normally, feedback is the valve position feedback;
however, the POS enumeration can also be used for motor speed or a variety of other device feedbacks. The position feedback
value is connected to the block input POS_CV and, if the MODE_OPT enumeration SPLIT is selected, the position feedback
from the secondary device is connected to the POS_SV block input. When the POS enumeration is used, the block output
POSFB_P is True, the feedback value is displayed on the graphical interface faceplate, and, when the cursor is placed over the
feedback area, the pop up window displays the text CV Pos Feedback = the instantaneous value , as displayed in the
following figure.

410 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
POS Enumeration Faceplate with Controlling
SPLIT — indicates that the controller will output to two different devices using the block outputs, CV and SV, either or both
of which may be characterized by a 13 element array that enables each output to be customized to fit the requirements of a
specific control application. The default characterization arrays are linear for both CV and SV and are as follows:

• CV_X and SV_X = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000
• CV_Y and SV_Y = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000
If the CV_X 13 element array does not contain the same 13 array elements in the same order as the CV_Y array, or the SV_X
13 element array does not contain the same 13 array elements in the same order as the SV_Y array, the characterization
property, CHAR_P, is True and the graphical interface displays a button in the lower right corner of the faceplate with the pop
up text Show Characterization, as displayed in the following figure.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 411

Public Information
The follow characterizations are applied:

• CV_X = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000
• CV_Y = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000
• SV_X = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000
• SV_Y = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000

412 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

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SPLIT Enumeration Faceplate with Characterizations

MODE_OPT Output Properties

The following PID_MA_ENH output properties control the appearance of the corresponding graphical interface based on the
MODE_OPT enumeration:

• NONE enumeration sets LOCK_P, POSFB_P, and SPLIT_P property to False

• LOCK enumeration sets the LOCK_P property to True
• POS enumeration sets the POSFB_P property to True
• SPLIT enumeration sets the SPLIT_P property to True

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 413

Public Information
Basic PID_MA_ENH Block Functionality
The BLOCK_OPT, CTRL_ACT, and MODE_OPT inputs enumerations described in this section are instrumental in
determining the basic PID_MA_ENH functionality. For example, the controller is required to be direct acting, have PID
functionality, manual or auto mode capability, ability to be software locked, and feedback is available from the controlled
device. The input enumerations selected are:


Control Word (CTL) enumerations are listed in the following table.

The operator controls the PID_MA_ENH block by clicking buttons on the CIMPLICITY graphical interface pop up faceplate.
Certain faceplate buttons carry an enumerated value represented in the PID_MA_ENH block input CTL. The enumerated
values are transferred from the faceplate to the block through EGD using the CTL. When a command is sent from the
faceplate to the PID_MA_ENH block, the block runs the command and then, after one second, the block overwrites the CTL
input with the NO_CMD enumeration, thus resetting itself for the next CTL command. The enumerations for CTL are
displayed in the following table.

Note The commands are dependent on the enumerations of BLOCK_OPT and MODE_OPT. For example, LOCK_CMD
and UNLOCK_CMD enumerations are not used if MODE_OPT does not contain the enumeration LOCK).

CTL Enumerations
Name Description
NO_CMD No command

AUTO_CMD Auto command

MANUAL_CMD Manual command

LOCK_CMD Lock command

UNLOCK_CMD Unlock command

TUN_ON_CMD Tune mode on command

TUN_OFF_CMD Tune mode off command

REMOTE_CMD Remote SP command

LOCAL_CMD Local SP command

NO_CMD — indicates no command is present.

AUTO_CM places the block in auto mode from manual mode using the graphical interface faceplate. The auto setpoint will
be local, remote, or external depending on the BLOCK_OPT enumeration and, if applicable, the operator selection as local or
remote. When the block is in auto mode the output AUTO is True.
MANUAL_CMD — places the block in manual mode from auto mode using the graphical interface faceplate. The operator
manually sets the output to the controlled device. When the block is in manual mode the output AUTO is FLASE.
LOCK_CMD — places the block in lock mode when the block output CVO is within 5 units of the initial position value,
INIT_POS. This enumeration command also removes the block from auto and places it in manual mode and sets the manual
reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, to True. When the block is in lock mode the output LOCK is True.
UNLOCK_CMD — removes the block from lock mode and sets the output LOCK to False.
TUN_ON_CMD — places the block in tuning mode. The operator is not allowed to change the PID_MA_ENH block to the
tuning mode when the block is already in lock mode.

414 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Once the tuning mode has been attained, it can only be reset by one of the following methods:

• Operator tune off command

• Block is set to lock mode
When the block is in tuning mode, the output TUN is True.
TUN_OFF_CMD — removes the block from the tuning mode and sets TUN to False.
REMOTE_CMD — commands the block, when in auto mode, to use the remote setpoint value connected to block input pin,
RSP, as the auto setpoint. When the block is in remote mode the remote setpoint output, RS, is True.
LOCAL_CMD — commands the block, when in auto mode, to use the operator defined local setpoint. When the block is in
local setpoint mode, RS is False.

Manual Reject (MN_REJ) input is driven by an override-type block that associates its input status with the graphical
interface of the PID_MA_ENH block, thus allowing the operator to view the individual inputs that put the block into a
manual reject mode. The override graphical interface also enables the operator to block logic driven inputs to release the
override condition through the graphical interface.

MN_REJ Enumerations
Name Description
NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK No override and no override is blocked

OVR-NO_BLOCK Override active and no override is blocked

NO_OVR-BLOCK No override and an override is blocked

OVR-BLOCK Override active and an override is blocked

NO_OVR — indicates no manual reject command is active; manual reject output REJ_MN is False
OVR — indicates a manual reject command is active; manual reject output REJ_MN is True.
NO-BLOCK — indicates the operator has not invoked a block of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the
override-type block. When a no block is active, REJ_MNB is False.
BLOCK — indicates the operator has invoked a block of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the override type
block. The BLOCK enumeration is not used by OVR_ST_ENH, but the block does pass the information it to the graphical
interface for display purposes using the output, REJ_MNB. When a block is active, REJ_MNB is True.
Under most circumstances, if the PID_MA_ENH block is in auto mode and a validated MN_REJ input enumeration contains
OVR, the block is removed from auto mode and placed in manual mode, and MN_REJ_A is activated and the local auto
setpoint, if available, tracks PV. Exceptions are if the BLOCK_OPT enumeration is PID, PID_P is True, or the PID_MA_
ENH block input OVR_CTLR contains the enumeration OVRST_CTRL from the OVR_ST_ENH block, indicating the
override station controls the PID_MA_ENH block.
Other Enumerated External Commands
There are three enumerated PID_MA_ENH block inputs that provide commands from external blocks that control the PID_
MA_ENH output, CVO. They are, in order of priority, CMD_OVR, CMD_FRC, and CMD_TK.

Note When PID_MA_ENH blocks are connected to and receiving inputs from the OVR_ST_ENH block, it is recommended
to use the OVR_ST_ENH block for any external commands, such as CMD_OVR, CMD_FRC, or CMD_TK actions for the
PID_MA_ENH block. In other words, do not connect CMD_OVR, CMD_FRC, and CMD_TK type blocks to the PID_MA_
ENH blocks when using an OVR_ST_ENH block. Instead use the capability of the OVR_ST_ENH block for these actions.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 415

Public Information
Command Override (CMD_OVR) input is driven by an override-type block that associates its input status with the
graphical interface of the PID_MA_ENH block, thus allowing the operator to view the individual inputs that place the block
in override mode. The override graphical interface also enables the operator to block logic driven inputs to release the
override condition through the graphical interface.

CMD_OVR Enumerations
Name Description
NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK No override and no override is blocked

OVR-NO_BLOCK Override active and no override is blocked

NO_OVR-BLOCK No override and an override is blocked

OVR-BLOCK Override active and an override is blocked

NO_OVR — indicates no override command is active and the command override output OVR_CMD is False.
OVR — indicates an override command is active and OVR_CMD is True.
NO-BLOCK — indicates the operator has not invoked a block of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the
override-type block. When this enumeration is used, OVR_CMDB is False.
BLOCK — indicates the operator has invoked a block of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the override-type
block. When this enumeration is used, OVR_CMDB is True.
If the PID_MA_ENH block is in auto mode and a validated CMD_OVR input enumeration contains OVR, an override
command exists and MN_REJ_A is activated, and the output will move to the input value of the override value, OV. The
block is removed from auto mode and placed in manual mode and the local auto setpoint, if available, tracks PV.

Note An override command (the enumeration of CMD_OVR contains OVR) has precedence over a force command (CMD_
FRC contains FORCE), and the process increase and decrease inputs, PR_INC and PR_DEC, respectively.

Command Force (CMD_FRC) input is driven by a force-type block that associates its input status with the graphical
interface of the PID_MA_ENH block, thus allowing the operator to view the individual inputs that put the block into a force
mode. The force graphical interface also enables the operator to block logic driven inputs to release the force condition
through the graphical interface.

CMD_FRC Enumerations
Name Description
NO_FORCE-NO_BLOCK No force and no force is blocked

FORCE-NO_BLOCK Force active and no force is blocked

NO_FORCE-BLOCK No force and a force is blocked

FORCE-BLOCK Force active and a force is blocked

NO_FORCE — indicates no force command is active and the force command output, FRC_CMD, is False.
FORCE — indicates a force command is active and if the CMD_OVR enumerated input does not contain OVR (the output
OVR_CMD is False), then the force command output FRC_CMD is True.
NO-BLOCK — indicates the operator has not invoked a block of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the force type
block. When this enumeration is used, the force-blocked output FRC_CMDB is False.
BLOCK — indicates the operator has invoked a block of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the force type
block and sets the force-blocked output FRC_CMDB to True.
If the PID_MA_ENH block validated CMD_FRC input enumeration contains FORCE, a force command exists and the output
of the block, CVO moves to the input value of the force value, FV.

416 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Note An override command (the enumeration of CMD_OVR contains OVR) has precedence over a force command (CMD_
FRC contains FORCE).

Command Track (CMD_TK) input is driven by a track-type block that associates its input status with the graphical interface
of the PID_MA_ENH block, thus allowing the operator to view the individual inputs that places the block in track mode. The
track graphical interface also enables the operator to block logic driven inputs to release the track condition through the
graphical interface.

CMD_TK Enumerations
Name Description
NO_TRACK-NO_BLOCK No track and no track is blocked

TRACK-NO_BLOCK Track active and no track is blocked

NO_TRACK-BLOCK No track and a track is blocked

TRACK-BLOCK Track active and a track is blocked

NO_TRACK — indicates no track command is active and the track status output, TK_OUT, is False.
TRACK — indicates a track command is active and TK_OUT is True.
NO-BLOCK — indicates the operator has not invoked a block of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the track type
block. When this enumeration is used, the track-blocked output TK_CMDB is False.
BLOCK — indicates the operator has invoked a block of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the track type
block. When this enumeration is used, the track-blocked output TK_CMDB is True.
If the PID_MA_ENH block is in auto mode and a validated CMD_TK input enumeration contains TRACK, a track command
exists and the output of the block, CVO, tracks the block tracking value input TV.
Priority Increase (PR_INC) and Decrease (PR_DEC) Commands
When the PID_MA_ENH block input PR_INC is True, the output CVO increases to the high limit value (H) at the rate
defined by the priority increase rate value PR_INC_RT (default value is 1 unit/sec). When the PID_MA_ENH block input
PR_DEC is True and PR_INC is False, the output CVO decreases to the low limit value (L) at the rate defined by the priority
decrease rate value PR_DEC_RT (default value is 1 unit/sec). The inputs PR_INC and PR_DEC should be programmed to be
mutually exclusive events, but if at any time they both become True, then PR_INC is the dominate input and the value of
CVO increases to H at the rate defined by PR_INC_RT.

Note A force command (the enumeration of CMD_FRC contains FORCE) or an override command (the enumeration of
CMD_OVR contains OVR) have precedence over the PR_INC and PR_DEC inputs.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 417

Public Information
Inhibit Increase (INH_INC) and Decrease (INH_DEC) Commands
The PID_MA_ENHis capable of inhibiting the output control variable, CVO, from increasing or decreasing in value absent a
force or override command, FORCE from the enumerated CMD_FRC input or OVR from the enumerated CMD_OVR input.
Inhibiting the increase of the CVO output occurs when INH_INC is True and one of the following is present:

• Neither PR_INC nor PR_DEC is True.

• BLOCK_OPT enumeration is neither PID_MA_EXT_CASC nor PID_MA_REM_CASC, and the CASC_IN
enumeration is REVERSE and HI_LIMITED.
• BLOCK_OPT enumeration is neither PID_MA_EXT_CASC nor PID_MA_REM_CASC, and the CASC_IN
enumeration is DIRECT and LOW_LIMITED.
Inhibiting the decrease of the CVO occurs when INH_DEC is True and one of the following is present:

• Neither PR_INC nor PR_DEC are True.

• BLOCK_OPT enumeration is neither PID_MA_EXT_CASC nor PID_MA_REM_CASC and the ASC_IN enumeration
• BLOCK_OPT enumeration is neither PID_MA_EXT_CASC nor PID_MA_REM_CASC and the CASC_IN enumeration

Auto Permit (AU_PMT) input is driven by an auto permit-type block that associates its input status with the graphical
interface of the PID_MA_ENH block, which allows the operator to view the individual inputs that provide a permit to place
the block in auto mode. The AU_PMT graphical interface enables the operator to bypass logic driven inputs to obtain an auto
permit condition through the graphical interface.

AU_PMT Enumerations
Name Description
NO_PERM-NO_BYPASS No permit and no permit is bypassed

PERM-NO_BYPASS Permit OK and no permit is bypassed

NO_PERM-BYPASS No permit and a permit is bypassed

PERM-BYPASS Permit OK and a permit is bypassed

NO_PERM — indicates a permit to allow the block to be placed in auto mode has not been met and the Auto Permit output,
PMT_AU, is False.
PERM — indicates all permits for the block to be placed in auto mode have been met and PMT_AU is True, provided the
BLOCK_OPT is not PID only, PID_P is False, the block is not part of an override scheme, OVRST_CTRL is FASE, and
there is no bad quality detected and the reset override, RSP_OV is False, when BQ_MAN is set to True. The block outputs,
REJ_MN, OVR_CMD, LOCK, and MA_MAN_P must also all be False for PMT_AU to be True.
NO-BYPASS — indicates the operator has not invoked a bypass of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the auto
permit block. When this enumeration is used, the Auto Permit Bypass output (PMT_AUB) is False.
BYPASS — indicates the operator has invoked a bypass of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the auto permit
block. When this enumeration is used, PMT_AUB is True.

Modulate Permit (MOD_PMT) input is driven by a modulate permit-type block that associates its input status with the
graphical interface of the PID_MA_ENH block, thus allowing the operator to view the individual inputs that provide a permit
to allow the block to modulate the output. The MOD_PMT graphical interface enables the operator to bypass logic driven
inputs to obtain a modulate permit condition through the graphical interface.

418 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
MOD_PMT Enumerations
Name Description
NO_PERM-NO_BYPASS No permit and no permit is bypassed

PERM-NO_BYPASS Permit OK and no permit is bypassed

NO_PERM-BYPASS No permit and a permit is bypassed

PERM-BYPASS Permit OK and a permit is bypassed

NO_PERM — indicates a permit to allow the block to modulate the output, CVO, has not been met and the permit to
modulate output, PMT_MOD, is False. If the MOD_PMT input enumeration contains NO_PERM, CVO equals the INIT_
POS input value.
PERM — indicates all permits to allow the block to modulate the output, CVO, have been met and PMT_MOD is True.
NO-BYPASS — indicates the operator has not invoked a bypass of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the modulate
permit block. When this enumeration is used, the modulate permit bypass output, PMT_MODB, is False.
BYPASS — indicates the operator has invoked a bypass of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the modulate
permit block. When this enumeration is used, PMT_MODB is True.
Auto Select (AU_SEL) — a pulsed input that, if permits allow, switches the block from manual to auto mode, setting the
output AUTO to True. The input must be pulsed.
Remote Select (RSP_SEL) — a pulsed input that instructs the block to use the remote setpoint input RSP as the setpoint used
to calculate the block outputs, CVO, CV, and, if applicable, SV, when the block is in auto mode. The input must be pulsed.
Setpoint High (SH) and Low (SL) Limit — block inputs values bound the block output, SP, the setpoint used to calculate
the error, which is used for the proportional gain portion of the PID calculations.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 419

Public Information
Setpoint Adjustment Rate (SR)
The rate of change of the block setpoint, SP, used to calculate the error used in the PID calculations is restricted by the block
SR input value, in units/sec. The setpoint used for the error calculation is passed without rate limit restrictions directly to SP
when the controller is powered up, track status, TK_OUT, is True, or the BLOCK_OPT enumeration is PID_MA_EXT_
CASC or PID_MA_REM_CASC, and the remote setpoint mode, RS, is TRUE.
Setpoint Value Before Ramp (SI)
The internal setpoint block output, SI, is the value of the setpoint before the SR is applied. For example, if the setpoint
changes from 0 to 10 instantaneously, SI will change from 0 to 10 instantaneously while if SR is set at 1 unit/sec, SP will
ramp from 0 to 10 in 10 seconds. SI is also bound by limit inputs SH and SL, respectively.
Scale Factor (SF) is used to scale the process variable, PV, and the setpoint used to calculate the error value that is used in
the PID calculations. The setpoint used for the error calculation, the block output SP, may be the value of the
operator-supplied setpoint, the value of the remote setpoint, RSP, or a tracking value, depending on the state of the block.
Setpoint Track (SP_TRACK)
When is SP_TRACK is True, the setpoint tracks PV in manual or RSP in auto and remote mode, the output AUTO is True
when the block is in auto mode, and RS is True when the block is in remote mode. If SP_TRACK is False and RS is True, the
setpoint tracks RSP. Otherwise, the operator controls the setpoint value from the graphical interface.
Manual Adjustment Rate (MR)
The rate of change of the control variable output, CVO, is restricted by the block manual adjustment ramp rate input value
MR, in units/sec.
Square of the Error (SQR_ERR)
The square of the calculated error is used if the SQR_ERR parameter is set to True and is multiplied by PG to calculate the
proportional term in the PID calculations. When the value of the error is greater than one, the square of the error provides a
more robust controller response, when the error is less than one the controller will respond less aggressively.

420 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Tracking Status (TK_OUT)
The track status block output TK_OUT can be set to True by a number of input conditions, such as bad quality, priority
increase or decrease, no permit to modulate, manual mode, force command, override command, increase or decrease inhibit,
lock, track command enumeration (CASC_IN enumeration contains TRACK) or the override station tracking input (OVR_
CTRL enumeration contains TRACK). When TK_OUT is True, the PID_ MA_ENH is in tracking mode and the block output,
CVO (also CV_X and, if applicable, SV_X for characterized outputs CV and SV, respectively) tracks the appropriate value
based on the parameter that set TK_OUT to True. The value may be the override value (OV), force value (FV), a priority
increase or decrease command will move to the H or L limit values at PR_INC_RT or PR_DEC_RT, the track value (TV) or
the initial position value (INIT_POS). When the increase (DEC_INH) or decrease (INC_INH) inhibit inputs, or transition
from True to False, TK_OUT is True for one scan, which realigns the setpoint and the calculated PID values.

Note The H and L values are dependent on the enable process limit inputs EN_PROC_LIM_HIGH and EN_PROC_LIM_
LOW, as well as the PROC_LIM_HIGH and PROC_LIM_LOW limits, respectively.

Process (High EN_PROC_LIM_HIGH) and Low (EN_PROC_LIM_LOW) Limits

The user can limit the process control range further using the PROC_LIM_LOW and PROC_LIM_HIGH parameters that are
enabled by their respective enable parameters, EN_PROC_LIM_LOW and EN_PROC_LIM_HIGH. This feature enables the
user to control process regulation limits while allowing force and override values to operate independently on the PID_MA_
ENH limits (H and L). When EN_PROC_LIM_LOW or EN_PROC_LIM_HIGH is True, the PROC_LIM_LOW and PROC_
LIM_HIGH replace the corresponding L and H limit values.
Error Deadband Equality (ERR_C), when True, enables the use of error dead band equality processing. When the
absolute value of the error is less than the input value ERR_CDB (the error dead band), the controller equates that the error is
External Reset (ER) may be used to enable several PID_MA_ENH controllers to function in parallel, typically when the
minimum or maximum CVO value will be selected. External reset allows all PID_MA_ENH controllers in the loop to
calculate CVO based on process conditions while preventing windup. The selected CVO is sent to the control element and to
the other PID_MA_ENH controllers in the loop. The ER command block input, or an ER enumeration from OVR_CTRL
enables the external reset function. The selected CVO is connected to the external reset value (EV).

Note Refer to the section PID Track at Limit until PV and SP Cross (PV_SP_LIM_TRK) for more information.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 421

Public Information
The following figure displays the typical OVR_ST_ENH block pin connections using a Min/Max configuration with two
override controlled PID_MA_ENH blocks.

† A connection to EV is required when the
enumeration is set to, MIN_2_INPUTS,







422 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
When the PID tracks at limit until PV and SP cross input (PV_SP_LIM_TRK) is True, and the ER command is True, the reset
does not occur until the following conditions are all False:

• PV value becomes greater than the SP value when US is True and the controller is reverse acting
• PV value becomes greater than the SP value when LS is True and the controller is direct acting
• PV value becomes less than the SP value when LS is True and the controller is reverse acting
• PV value becomes less than the SP value when US is True and the controller is direct acting
PID Track at Limit until PV and SP Cross (PV_SP_LIM_TRK)
If PV_SP_LIM_TRK is True, when the controller output reaches either H or L limit, the controller tracks the limit value until
PV crosses SP. Once PV crosses SP, the controller resumes the controlling action. The following graph displays PV, SP, and
CVO for a PID_MA_ENH block with PV_SP_LIM_TRK both True and False. Notice that with PV_SP_LIM_TRK set to
True (left of the black vertical line) VO remains at the limit until PV crosses SP. With PV_SP_LIM_TRK set to False (right
of the black vertical line), CVO only tracks the limit until PV changes slope.

PV_SP_LIM_TRK Set to True and False

The graph displays PV (blue sine wave), SP (green horizontal line), and CVO (brown sine wave, capped). With PV_SP_LIM_
TRK set to True, the controller behaves as displayed in the graph by the data to the left of the vertical black line. With PV_
SP_LIM_TRK set to False, the controller behaves as displayed by the data to the right of the vertical black line.
Each time SP and PV cross the threshold defined by the range of ERR_CDB, (the error for dead band PV and SP equality),
and the error for dead band equality input, ERR_C, is True, the controller calculates the integral term from the last calculated
control output value, CVO (BLOCK_OPT enumeration must contain PID).

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 423

Public Information
Inhibit Proportional and Derivative Action on Setpoint Change (INH_PDG)
The INH_PDG parameter, when True, inhibits proportional and derivative controller action. When the SP change is detected
to exceed a scan time calculated dead band derived from the value of the dead band setpoint to inhibit the proportional and
derivative action, INH_PDG_CDB, in units/sec; the controller calculates the integral term from the last calculated control
output value, CVO (BLOCK_OPT enumeration must contain PID).

Note If INH_PDG is True and the setpoint is constantly changing (possibly a remote setpoint) by an amount greater than the
scan time calculated dead band specified by NH_PDG_CDB, then the controller is an integral only controller.

Bumpless Proportional and Integral Gain ValueChanges (PG_C and IG_C)

If the value of the proportional gain (PG) or the integral gain (IG) is variable, the input parameters PG_C and G_C provide
bumpless controller action when True. If the value of PG or IG exceeds the dead band PG_CDB for PG and IG_CDB for IG,
and the corresponding PG_C or IG_C parameter is True, the controller calculates the integral term from the last calculated
control output value, CVO (BLOCK_OPTenumeration must contain PID).
Feed Forward (FF)
When the BLOCK_OPT input enumeration contains PID the block provides a FF input that is added as a last step before the
output value of CVO and characterized output values of CV and, if applicable, SV are output from the PID_MA_ENH block.
Status Propagation and Bad Quality Determination of CVO, CV, and SV Outputs
The PID_MA_ENH block monitors the quality status values of various inputs and connected outputs to determine the quality
status value of CVO, CV, and SV (if the MODE_OPT enumeration contains SPLIT then the split output property SPLIT_P is
The quality status value of the control variable output CV is either the quality status value of CVO or, if SPLIT_P is True and
the quality status value of BKCAL_IN_CV is > 200 and < 203, the quality status value of CV is assigned a quality status
The quality status value of the split range control variable output SV is either the quality status value of CVO or, if SPLIT_P
is True and the quality status value of BKCAL_IN_SV is > 200 and < 203, the quality status value of SV is assigned a quality
The quality status value of the control variable output CVO is determined by the how the block is used. If the PID_MA_ENH
block is connected to an OVR_ST_ENH block, the enumerated OVR_CTRL input contains the enumeration OVR_CTRL, or
the block is used as the outer loop in a cascaded scenario, the outputs CV and SV are not connected to hard I/O. Therefore, the
quality status values of CV and SV are not considered when the quality status value of CVO is calculated. This eliminates the
propagation of erroneous CVO quality status values that would result from CV and SVnot being connected to hard I/O points.
Otherwise, the PID_MA_ENH block calculates the quality status value of CVO from appropriate inputs with quality status
values, input parameters values, and the connected hard I/O quality status values of CV and, if the MODE_OPT contains
SPLIT and SPLIT_P is True), SV. The analog output variables attached to CV and SV are monitored for quality status,
resulting in the following possible CVO quality status values:

• 12 - I/O Pack Health Failed – NOT_LIMITED-DEVICE_FAILURE-BAD

• 16 - I/O Pack Health Failed – NOT_LIMITED-SENSOR_FAILURE-BAD
If neither of these conditions exists, the quality status value of CVO is calculated by the PID_MA_ENH block to be from 192
to 198, depending on numerous variables used in the quality status calculation, which result in the following values:

• Status value 192 indicates CVOis NOT_LIMITED_GOODC

• Status value 193 indicates CVO is LOW_LIMITED_GOODC
• Status value 194 indicates CVO is HIGH_LIMITED_GOODC
• Status value 195 indicates CVO is CONSTANT_GOODC

424 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
When using FOUNDATION fieldbus, if the split range mode is not selected (SPLIT_P is False) and the quality status value of
BKCAL_IN_CV or BKCAL_IN_SV is > 200 and < 203, then the quality status value of CVO is assigned a quality status
value of 196 when LS and US are False. When split range mode is selected (SPLIT_P is True), the FOUNDATION fieldbus
initialization acknowledge provided in the previous sections indicates the quality status of CV and SV.
False and the value of CVO is less than or equal to the low limit (LS is True), 1 is added to the CVO status value.
False, and the value of CVO is greater than or equal to the high limit (US is True), 2 is added to the CVO status value.

This block propagates quality status. Status option cannot be disabled on this block.

CVO status is based upon the following in order of priority:

• The analog output variables attached to CV and SV are monitored for quality status. This results in the following
possible CVO statuses:
− I/O Pack Health Failed – NOT_LIMITED-DEVICE_FAILURE-BAD [12]
− I/O Pack Health Failed – NOT_LIMITED-SENSOR_FAILURE-BAD [16]
BQ is True, the value of CVO status is CONSTANT-GOODC [195].
BQ is True, the value of CVO status is CONSTANT-GOODC [195]. If the following are False, CVI_BQ, EV_BQ,
CVO is greater than or equal to the high limit, US is True, 2 is added to the CVO status value.
• The default quality status of CVO is NOT_LIMITED-GOODC [192].
For further details on relational blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Manual Auto Configuration

Typical connections for PID_MA_ENH blocks with BLOCK_OPT enumerations MA, MA_EXT, and MA_REM without a
control variable input (CVI) available are displayed in the following figure. Note the connection of SP to VI.

PID_MA_ENH Controller with BLOCK_OPT Enumerations

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 425

Public Information
Input Quality Status Monitoring
The PID_MA_ENH block monitors and propagates the health or quality status of I/O points CVI, EV, FF, PV, RSP, TV,
BKCAL_IN_CV, BKCAL_IN_SV, POS_CV, POS_SV and determines when action must be taken because a bad quality
related input.
The following inputs are monitored for quality status based on block operational mode input BLOCK_OPT:

• CVI is only used in the block calculation when the operational mode is chosen as MA, MA_EXT or MA_REM. These
are the only modes, which allow the bad quality of CVI to affect block operation.
• EV input is only used in the block calculation when the operational mode is chosen as PID, PID_MA, PID_MA_REM,
PID_MA_REM_CASC, PID_MA_EXT or PID_MA_EXT_CASC. These are the only modes that allow the bad quality
of EV to affect block operation.
• FF input is only used in the block calculation when the operational mode is chosen as PID, PID_MA, PID_MA_REM,
PID_MA_REM_CASC, PID_MA_EXT or PID_MA_EXT_CASC. These are the only modes that allow the bad quality
of FF to affect block operation.
• PV input is only used in the block calculation when the operational mode is chosen as MA, MA_EXT, MA_REM, PID,
PID_MA, PID_MA_REM, PID_MA_REM_CASC, PID_MA_EXT or PID_MA_EXT_CASC. These are the only modes
that allow the bad quality of PV to affect block operation.
• RSP input is only used in the block calculation when the operational mode is chosen as MA_EXT, MA_REM, PID, PID_
MA_REM, PID_MA_REM_CASC, PID_MA_EXT or PID_MA_EXT_CASC. These are the only modes that allow the
bad quality of RSP to affect block operation.
• TV input is only used in the block calculation when the operational mode is chosen as MA, MA_EXT, MA_REM, PID,
PID_MA, PID_MA_REM, PID_MA_REM_CASC, PID_MA_EXT or PID_MA_EXT_CASC. These are the only modes
that allow the bad quality of TV to affect block operation.
The following inputs are monitored for quality status based on the mode input MODE_OPT containing POS:

• POS_CV input is used to determine if bad quality (POS_CV_BQ) is present and if there is a significant difference
between the feedback value and the requested value CV to warrant an enabled high differential alarm, POS_CV_DH.
• POS_SV input is used to determine if bad quality (POS_SV_BQ) is present and if there is a significant difference
between the feedback value and the requested value SV to warrant an enabled high differential alarm, POS_SV_DH.

426 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Bad Quality Outputs
Control Variable PID Track Value Bad Quality (BKCAL_IN_CV_BQ) is determined by the following conditions:

• Control variable PID track value input BKCAL_IN_CV is determined to be bad quality, a quality status value < 32.
Split Range Variable PID Track Value Bad Quality (BKCAL_IN_SV_BQ) is determined by the following conditions:

• Split range PID track value input BKCAL_IN_SV is determined to be bad quality (a quality status value < 32).
Output Bad Quality (OBQ) is determined by the following conditions:

• BKCAL_IN_CV_BQ is True
• BKCAL_IN_SV_BQ is True
• FOUNDATION fieldbus inputs BKCAL_IN_CV or BKCAL_IN_SV, if used, status values are ≥ 196 and ≤ 227.
• CVO is determined to be bad quality (a quality status value < 32).
Control Variable Input Bad Quality (CVI_BQ) is determined by the following conditions:

• BLOCK_OPT enumeration is MA, MA_EXT, or MA_REM and the control variable input CVI is determined to be bad
quality (a quality status value < 32).
External Reset Value Bad Quality (EV_BQ) is determined by the following conditions:


• EV is determined to be bad quality (a quality status value < 32).
Process Variable Bad Quality (PV_BQ) is determined by the following conditions:

• PV is determined to be bad quality (a quality status value < 32).
Remote Setpoint Bad Quality (RSP_BQ) is determined by the following conditions:


• RSP is determined to be bad quality (a quality status value < 32).
• RSP_OV is set to True when the status of RSP is detected as a constant value condition (195) and the block is in a
cascade mode (BLOCK_OPT is PID_MA_EXT_CASC or PID_MA_REM_CASC). This condition indicates that an
upstream PID_MA_ENH has a bad quality condition and is now in manual and/or tracking mode. This is designed to
propagate to all blocks that make up the loop, including the OVR_ST_ENH.
Track Value Bad Quality (TV_BQ) is determined by the following conditions:

• TV is determined to be bad quality (a quality status value < 32).
Feed Forward Bad Quality (FFWD_BQ) is determined by the following conditions:


• FF is determined to be bad quality (a quality status value < 32).

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 427

Public Information
FOUNDATION fieldbus Command to Manual Operation (FF_IMAN) is set to True when the status of a FOUNDATION fieldbus AO
is quality status is detected as 196-227. FF_IMAN will reject the PID_MA_ENH block to a manual and/or tracking state. This
status indicates that a downstream FF AO is requesting to initialize a control output, or it is in a fault state or is not inviting
the PID_MA_ENH to participate in the control process. It is a requirement that BK_CAL_IN_CV is connected to the
corresponding BK_CAL_OUT of the FF AO that is driven by CV. The corresponding requirement exists for BK_CAL_IN_
SV when split range control is used.
Control Variable Position Feedback Bad Quality (POS_CV_BQ) is determined by the following condition: POS_CV is
determined to be bad quality a quality status value < 32), and the enumerated input MODE_OPT contains POS (the position
feedback property, POSFB_P, is True). This bad quality detection also generates a LVL_4 alarm.
Split Range Variable Position Feedback Bad Quality (POS_SV_BQ) is determined by the following condition: POS_SV is
determined to be bad quality a quality status value < 32), and the enumerated input MODE_OPT contains POS (the position
feedback property, POSFB_P is True). This bad quality detection also generates a LVL_4 alarm.

Alarmed Points
The following output points generate a LVL_4 alarm when activated:

Position Deviation High Alarms (POS_CV_DH and POS_SV_DH)
Under certain conditions, the position deviation high alarm, POS_CV_DH or POS_SV_DH, for CV or SV, respectively,
become True when the corresponding feedback value, POS_CV or POS_SV, exceeds a deviation high set point (POS_DH_SP)
value for a time period in milliseconds given by the POS_DH_T input parameter (the default value of POS_DH_T is 5000

Note If the POS_DH_T parameter is set to zero, both high deviation alarms, POS_CV_DH and POS_SV_DH, will be

The conditions required for the position deviation high alarm are:

• Position deviation time delay (POS_DH_T) must be greater than zero.

• LOCK must be False (the block is not in lock mode).
• Position feedback property (POSFB_P) must be True (MODE_OPT must contain POS).
• Input variable POS_CV or POS_SV have a GOOD quality status indication for the corresponding alarm to be activated
(GOOD quality status range value is from 128 to 155 or 192 to 227).
Manual Reject Alarm (MN_REJ_A)
The MN_REJ_A cannot be activated when the enumerated override station control input OVR_CTRL contains OVR_CTRL
or the enumerated BLOCK_OPT input is PID only (the output PID_P is True). Otherwise, the following conditions activate
the reject to manual alarm, MN_REJ_A:

• When MN_REJ input from a manual reject-type block contains OVR, the PID_MA_ENH block will reject from auto
mode to manual control and generate the MN_REJ_A.
• When CMD_OVR input from an override-type block contains OVR, the PID_MA_ENH block will reject from auto
mode to manual control and generate the MN_REJ_A.

428 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
• When input parameter reject to manual on bad quality, BQ_MAN, is set to True, the PID_MA_ENH block will reject
from auto mode to manual control and generate the MN_REJ_A, when any of the following bad quality indicators
becomes True:
• If BQ_MAN is False, the block will be put into tracking mode (TK_OUT will be True).
• If the PID_MA_ENH block is in auto mode and the operator places the block in lock mode (LOCK is True), the block
will be put in manual mode and the MN_REJ_A will be activated.
• If the BLOCK_OPT enumerated input is changed to MA_MAN and the block is in auto mode, the block will reject from
auto mode to manual control and generate the MN_REJ_A.
• If the block is in auto mode, the BLOCK_OPT enumerated input is PID_MA_EXT_CASC or PID_MA_REM_CASC,
and the quality status value of the remote setpoint RSP is equal to 195, CONSTANT-GOODC, then the remote setpoint
override (RSP_OVR) (when reject to manual on bad quality, BQ_MAN, is True) becomes True and the block will reject
from auto mode to manual control and generate the MN_REJ_A.
Position Feedback Bad Quality Alarms (POS_CV_BQ and POS_SV_BQ)
The Control Variable Position Feedback Bad Quality (POS_CV_BQ) or the Split Range Variable Position Feedback Bad
Quality (POS_SV_BQ) generate a LVL_4 alarm when either bad quality is detected.
Local and Remote Setpoint Mode (RS)
The output RS indicates when the PID_MA_ENH block is using the remote setpoint input, RSP (when the block is in auto
mode), as the setpoint to calculate CVO. The Boolean value of RS is determined by a reset dominant latched output that is
determined by the following:

• When the BLOCK_OPT enumeration is PID, PID_MA_EXT, PID_MA_EXT_CASC or MA_EXT, the setpoint mode is
set to remote (RS is True).
• When the BLOCK_OPT enumeration is PID_MA or MA, the setpoint mode is set to local (RS is False).
• When the BLOCK_OPT enumeration is PID_MA_REM, PID_MA_REM_CASC or MA_REM, the operator can use the
graphical interface to select remote or local setpoint mode or the block can be externally commanded to the remote
setpoint mode by the pulsed RSP_SEL input.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 429

Public Information
Tracking Pulse (TRACK_SC)
When the RS changes state or the PID_MA_ENH is selected to be in auto mode, the track pulse to align the set point,
TRACK_SC, becomes True; the controller calculates the integral term from the last calculated control output value.
POP values CV_L, CV_R, CV_MN, SV_L, SV_R, and SV_MN
The POP feature is designed to provide a valve closing hysteresis loop. This prevents a control valve from throttling on the
valve seat, reducing control valve wear. In the decreasing direction, the feature does not allow CV to become less than the pop
value of CV_L until the characterized value of CVO becomes less than reset value, CV_R. When the characterized value of
CVO becomes less than CV_R, CV is set to the minimum desired output value, CV_MN. In the increasing direction, CV
remains equal to CV_MN until the characterized value of CVO becomes greater than the value of CV_L. Once the
characterized value of CVO is greater than CV_L, CV will POP to the value of CV_L and CV will follow the characterized
value of CVO as long as it is above CV_L. The POP feature is enabled when CV_L>CV_R>CV_MN and disabled when CV_
L=CV_R=CV_MN. This POP concept also applies to SV, when the MODE_OPT input enumeration contains SPLIT, SPLIT_
P is True, and the values of SV_L, SV_R and SV_MN are set.
Cascaded PID_MA_ENH Blocks
Proper operation of cascaded PID_MA_ENH blocks require the inner loop PID_MA_ENH cascaded block option input,
BLOCK_OPT, enumeration to be either PID_MA_REM_CASC or PID_MA_EXT_CASC and the cascaded outer loop ID_
MA_ENH block option input, BLOCK_OPT, enumeration cannot be either PID_MA_REM_CASC or PID_MA_EXT_
CASCThe inner loop provides the control variable output which is connected to the controlled device through a hard analog
IO point, CV or, if applicable, SV. The outer loop output, CVO, drives the remote setpoint input of the inner loop, RSP. The
cascaded blocks transfer information through the CASC_OUT output of the outer loop to the CASC_IN input of the inner
loop and CASC_OUT output of the inner loop to CASC_IN input of the outer loop. A cascade control loop provides tighter
and more responsive control than a non-cascade control loop. However, determining which process variables to use or add
can be costly and unjustified, when a non-cascade control loop can provide sufficient control.
When the PID_MA_ENH block is used in an override control scheme in conjunction with an OVR_ST_ENH block, the
CASC_OUT output of the PID_MA_ENH is connected to the desired OVR_ST_ENH block input CASC_IN1, CASC_IN2,
or CASC_IN3.

430 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
CASC_IN Input and CASC_OUT Output enumerations are listed in the following table.

CASC_IN Input and CASC_OUT Output Enumerations

Name Description
DIRECT Direct action
REVERSE Reverse action
DIRECT-TRACK Direct action and TRACK
REVERSE-TRACK Reverse action and TRACK

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 431

Public Information
CASC_IN Input and CASC_OUT Output Enumerations (continued)
Name Description
NO_CASC No cascade

432 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
NO_CASC— default value of CASC_IN and CASC_OUT. However, the output CASC_OUT will never be NO_CASC when
the controller is running. If no connection is made to the CASC_IN input, the enumeration will be NO_CASC and the PID_
MA_ENH block is not in a cascade configuration.
DIRECT — determined by the CRTL_ACT enumeration. If CTRL_ACT is DIRECT, then CASC_OUT will contain the
enumeration DIRECT. This information is then transferred between the cascaded PID_MA_ENH blocks by the CASC_OUT
output of the outer loop to the CASC_IN input of the inner loop and CASC_OUT output of the inner loop to CASC_IN input
of the outer loop. This shared information is necessary to prevent the cascaded outer loop PID_MA_ENH block from winding
up or down when the inner loop cascaded block reaches its upper (US) or lower (LS) limit is True, respectively.
REVERSE — determined by the CRTL_ACT enumeration. If CRTL_ACT is REVERSE, then CASC_OUT will contain the
enumeration REVERSE. This information is then transferred between the cascaded PID_MA_ENH blocks by the CASC_
OUT output of the outer loop to the CASC_IN input of the inner loop and CASC_OUT output of the inner loop to CASC_IN
input of the outer loop. This shared information is necessary to prevent the cascaded outer loop PID_MA_ENH block from
winding up or down when the inner loop cascaded block reaches its US or LS limit is True, respectively.
TRACK — used by the inner loop cascade output (CASC_OUT) to command the outer loop using the cascade input (CASC_
IN) to track its tracking value (TV) input. The inner loop sends this enumeration to the outer loop when inner loop output
Tracking Status (TK_OUT) is True. The input CASC_IN does not validate the outer loop CASC_OUT TRACK enumeration;
the TRACK information from the outer loop is not used by the inner loop.
LOW_LIMITED — used by CASC_OUT to command the outer loop using CASC_IN to inhibit the increase or decrease
value of the outer loop CVO when the inner loop output has reached its US or LS limits outputs or the inner loop is True,
respectively. When the inner loop CASC_OUT enumeration contains DIRECT and LOW_LIMITED, the outer loop responds
by inhibiting the increase in the outer loop output CVO, which is connected to the inner loop RSP. When the inner loop
CASC_OUT enumeration contains REVERSE and LOW_LIMITED the outer loop responds by inhibiting the decrease in the
outer loop output, CVO, which is connected to the inner loop, RSP. The input CASC_IN does not validate CASC_OUT
LOW_LIMITED enumeration; the LOW_LIMITED information from the outer loop is not used by the inner loop.
HIGH_LIMITED — used by the output, CASC_OUT to command the outer loop using the cascade input, CASC_IN, to
inhibit the increase or decrease value of the outer loop control variable output, CVO, when the inner loop output has reached
its US or LS limit outputs, or the inner loop is True, respectively. When CASC_OUT enumeration contains DIRECT and
HIGH_LIMITED, the outer loop responds by inhibiting the decrease in the outer loop output CVO, which is connected to the
inner loop RSP. When CASC_OUT enumeration contains REVERSE and HIGH_LIMITED, the outer loop responds by
inhibiting the increase in the outer loop output CVO, which is connected to the inner loop RSP. The inner loop input CASC_
IN does not validate the outer loop CASC_OUT HIGH_LIMITED enumeration; the HIGH_LIMITED information from the
outer loop is not used by the inner loop.
TUNE_INNER — indicates the inner loop of cascaded PID_MA_ENH blocks has been selected by the operator from the
graphical interface to be in tuning mode.
TUNE_OUTER — indicates the outer loop of cascaded PID_MA_ENH blocks has been selected by the operator from the
graphical interface to be in tuning mode. If a non-cascaded PID_MA_ENH block is used in an override control scenario with
an OVR_ST_ENH block, this enumeration will be contained in the CASC_OUT output when the PID_MA_ENH block is in
tuning mode.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 433

Public Information
The following figure displays a typical PID_MA_ENH Cascaded Controllers configuration example.

Typical PID_MA_ENH Cascaded Controllers, CASC_OUT and CASC_IN Connections

434 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Override Control Using PID_MA_ENH in Conjunction with OVR_ST_ENH
The override station block OVR_ST_ENH has the capability of controlling up to three PID_MA_ENH blocks. Each PID_
MA_ENH block used is connected to the OVR_ST_ENH block outputs OVR_CTRL1, OVR_CTRL2, and, if three PID_MA_
ENH blocks are used, OVR_CTRL3, by the PID_MA_ENH block override control input OVR_CTRL.

Note When the PID_MA_ENH block is used in an override control scheme and is not in tuning mode (TUN is False) the
block cannot be put into manual mode.

OVR_CTRL enumerations are listed in the following table.

OVR_CTRL Input Enumerations

Name Description






NONE — used when no override station block, OVR_ST_ENH, is connected to the PID_MA_ENH OVR_CTRL input.
OVR_CTRL — indicates override station block OVR_MA_ENH controls PID_MA_ENH.
ER indicates OVR_ST_ENH is requesting an external reset from PID_MA_ENHThis enumeration is equivalent to the PID_
MA_ENH input ER being set to True and sets the external reset output ER_OUT to True.
TRACK — indicates OVR_ST_ENHis requesting PID_MA_ENH to use the TV input to calculate CVO.
SELECTED — indicates CVO of PID_MA_ENH is being used by OVR_ST_ENH. Up to three PID_MA_ENH blocks may
be connected to one OVR_ST_ENH block. When this enumeration is used, the override select output OVRST_SEL is True,
indicating the OVR_ST_ENH block has selected this PID_MA_ENH block to calculate its outputs. Only one of the two, or
three, PID_MA_ENH blocks can be selected at any given time for use by the OVR_ST_ENH block.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 435

Public Information
Manual Tuning Mode
If the BLOCK_OPT enumeration contains PID, the PID_MA_ENH faceplate enables the Tune button in the lower corner of
the faceplate.

Tuning Faceplate

436 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
The tuning faceplate enables the operator to modify the proportional gain (PG in %/%), integral gain (IG in repeats/minute),
and derivative gain (DG in minutes) values, P, I and D. A number of tuning methods are available, with some more complex
than others. This document only covers basic manual tuning instructions.

Note The operator is responsible for ensuring that the system loop is in a tunable mode and all safety precautions have been
meet before beginning a manual tuning procedure. If in doubt, contact GE for assistance.

➢ To modify P, I, and D
1. Begin with all gains values, PG, IG and DG, set to zero, denoted as P, I, and D in the tuning faceplate.
2. Slowly increase the value of the proportional gain, P, until the output begins to oscillate. This may take a considerable
amount of time, depending on the responsiveness of the loop; a large supply tank or irrigation pond level may take
several hours or even days to respond. However, this is not the case for most circumstances. Wait for the loop to respond.
If the system cannot tolerate an overshoot of the setpoint, the value of PG will be much less than one half the value that
caused the output to begin oscillating.
3. When the oscillation begins, set P to approximately one half the value.
4. Increase the value of integral value, I, until the output is driven to the setpoint, in an acceptable time frame for the
process. System instability will result if the integral value is too great.
5. The derivative gain, D, may not be necessary, but increasing the value of D causes the system loop to respond more
aggressively when there is a disturbance in the system. If D is too great, the system will respond too rapidly and the
output will overshoot the setpoint.
If the BLOCK_OPT enumeration is PID_MA, PID_MA_REM or PID_REM_CASC, the BLOCK_OPT enumerations are
modified when TUN is True to allow output and setpoint changes while in tuning mode. If the BLOCK_OPT enumeration is
PID or PID_MA_EXT, it is modified to be PID_MA_REM. If the BLOCK_OPT enumeration is PID_MA_EXT_CASC, it is
modified to be PID_MA_REM_CASC. The block returns to the original BLOCK_OPT enumeration when TUN becomes
When a PID_MA_ENH block is used in an override control scheme, the OVR_ST_ENH block ensures that the PID_MA_
ENH block that is in tune mode is selected to drive the output to facilitate tuning.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 437

Public Information
ToolboxST Configuration
When installing a PID_MA_ENH block into the ToolboxST application code, the ToolboxST application generates a pop up
window that prompts the user to enter the Device Name, Device Description, Format Specification for the process variable
(PV) and the Format Specification for the control variable (CV). The block automatically creates the variables associated with
the block and provides the appropriate attributes for each variable. For example, Type, Format Spec, and the variables that
need to be on the EGD are automatically placed on the $Default EGD page.

Note Each Device name used in a controller must be unique.

PID_MA_ENH Default Attribute Values


438 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Type Array Initial Value Visibility Interface
AU_PMT Auto permit UNIT 0 PERM-NO_ Always Value Only

AU_SEL Auto mode select BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
BKCAL_IN_CV Control variable PID REAL 0 0 Always Analog with
track value and status Status
BKCAL_IN_SV Split range variable PID REAL 0 0 Always Analog with
track value and status Status
BLOCK_OPT Block options UINT 0 PID_MA Always Value Only
BQ_MAN Reject to manual on BQ BOOL 0 False Parameter Value Only
(True) / Track on BQ
CASC_IN Cascade in enumeration UINT 0 NO_CASC Always Value Only
CMD_FRC Force command UINT 0 NO_FORCE-NO_ Always Value Only

CMD_OVR Override command UINT 0 NO_OVR-NO_ Always Value Only

CMD_TK Track command UINT 0 NO_TRACK-NO_ Always Value Only
CTL ✓ {Desc} Control word UINT 0 NO_CMD Always Value Only
CTRL_ACT Controller action UINT 0 DIRECT Always Value Only
CV_L ✓ {Desc} CV pop level REAL 0 7 Parameter Value Only
CV_MN {Desc} CV pop level REAL 0 -5 Parameter Value Only

CV_R {Desc} CV pop reset to REAL 0 0.1 Parameter Value Only

minimum level
CV_X {Desc} CV X CHAR REAL 13 -10,0,10,20,30,40,- Parameter Value Only
array 50,60,

CV_Y {Desc} CV Y CHAR REAL 13 -10,0,10,20,30,40,- Parameter Value Only
array 50,60,

CVI {Desc} Control variable REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

input Status
DG {Desc} PID derivative REAL 0 0 Parameter Value Only

EN_PROC_ LIM_ {Desc} Enable process BOOL 0 False Parameter Value Only

HIGH dependent high limit
EN_PROC_ LIM_ {Desc} Enable process BOOL 0 False Parameter Value Only

LOW dependent low limit
ER PID External reset BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

ERR_C Enable error deadband BOOL 0 False Parameter Value Only
ERR_CDB Error deadband for PV_ REAL 0 0 Parameter Value Only
SP equality
EV PID External reset value REAL 0 0 Always Analog with
FF PID Feedforward value REAL 0 0 Always Analog with
FV Force value REAL 0 0 Always Value Only

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 439

Public Information
Inputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Type Array Initial Value Visibility Interface
H {Desc} Output upper REAL 0 100 Parameter Value Only

IG ✓ {Desc} PID integral gain REAL 0 3 Parameter Value Only
IG_C Enable bumpless IG BOOL 0 True Parameter Value Only
IG_CDB IG bumpless change REAL 0 0.1 Parameter Value Only
INH_DEC ✓ Inhibit DEC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
INH_INC ✓ Inhibit INC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
INH_PDG Inhibit proportional and BOOL 0 False Parameter Value Only
derivative action on
setpoint change
INH_PDG_CDB SP deadband to inhibit REAL 0 0.000625 Parameter Value Only
proportional and
derivative action on
setpoint change
INIT_POS {Desc} Initial position for REAL 0 0 Parameter Value Only
✓ lock and release to
L ✓ {Desc} Output lower limit REAL 0 0 Parameter Value Only
MC ✓ {Desc} Manual setpoint REAL 0 0 Always Value Only
MN_REJ Manual reject UINT 0 NO_OVR-NO_ Always Value Only

MOD_PMT Modulate permit UINT 0 PERM-NO_ Always Value Only

MODE_OPT Mode options UINT 0 NONE Always Value Only
MR Manual adjustment rate REAL 0 10 Parameter Value Only
OV {Desc} Override value REAL 0 0 Always Value Only
OVR_CTRL OVR_ST Control status UINT 0 NONE Always Value Only
PG {Desc} PID proportional REAL 0 1 Parameter Value Only

PG_C Enable bumpless PG BOOL 0 True Parameter Value Only
PG_CDB PG bumpless change REAL 0 1 Parameter Value Only
POS_CV {Desc} CV Position REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

feedback Status
POS_DH_SP {Desc} Position dev high REAL 0 10 Parameter Value Only
POS_DH_T {Desc} Position dev high UDINT 0 5000 Parameter Value Only
POS_SV {Desc} SV Position REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

feedback Status
PR_DEC ✓ {Desc} Priority DEC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
PR_DEC_RT Priority DEC rate REAL 0 1 Parameter Value Only
PR_INC ✓ {Desc} Priority INC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
PR_INC_RT Priority INC rate REAL 0 1 Parameter Value Only
PROC_LIM_HIGH {Desc} Process REAL 0 100 Always Value Only

dependent high limit
PROC_LIM_LOW {Desc} Process REAL 0 0 Always Value Only

dependent low limit

440 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Inputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Type Array Initial Value Visibility Interface
PV {Desc} Process variable REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

PV_SP_LIM_TRK PID TRACK AT LIMIT BOOL 0 False Parameter Value Only
RSP {Desc} Remote setpoint REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

RSP_SEL Remote SP select BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
SC ✓ {Desc} Setpoint REAL 0 0 Always Value Only
SF {Desc} PID scale factor REAL 0 1 Parameter Value Only
SH {Desc} Setpoint upper REAL 0 100 Always Value Only

SL {Desc} Setpoint lower REAL 0 0 Always Value Only

SP_TRACK {Desc} setpoint tracks BOOL 0 True Parameter Value Only
✓ PV in manual and RSP
in auto-remote
SQR_ERR Square error used in BOOL 0 False Parameter Value Only
proportional term
SR Setpoint adjustment rate REAL 0 10 Parameter Value Only
SV_L ✓ {Desc} SV pop level REAL 0 7 Parameter Value Only
SV_MN {Desc} SV pop level REAL 0 -5 Parameter Value Only

SV_R {Desc} SV pop reset to REAL 0 0.1 Parameter Value Only

SV_X {Desc} SV X CHAR REAL 13 -10,0,10,20,30,40,- Parameter Value Only
array 50,60,

SV_Y {Desc} SV Y CHAR REAL 13 -10,0,10,20,30,40,- Parameter Value Only
array 50,60,

TV PID Track value REAL 0 0 Always Analog with
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 441

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Type Array Initial Visibility Interface
Value Type
{Device} ✓ {Desc} BOOL 0 False Internal Value Only
AUTO ✓ {Desc} Auto BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
CASC_OUT Cascade out enumeration UINT 0 NO_CASC Always Value Only
CHAR_P {Desc} Out characterization BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

CV {Desc} Characterized CV REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

output Status
CVI_BQ {Desc} Control variable BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

input BQ
CVO {Desc} Control variable REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

output Status
DEC_INH ✓ {Desc} Inhibit DEC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
ER_OUT {Desc} PID external reset BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

EV_BQ {Desc} PID external reset BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

value BQ
FFWD_BQ {Desc} PID Feedforward BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

value BQ
FRC_CMD ✓ {Desc} Force command BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
FRC_CMDB {Desc} Force command BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

block status
INC_INH ✓ {Desc} Inhibit INC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
LOCK_P ✓ {Desc} Lock property BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
LS ✓ {Desc} At lower limit BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
MA_EXT_P {Desc} MA_ST - External BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

MA_MAN_P ✓ {Desc} MA_ST - manual SP BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
MA_P {Desc} MA_ST - Auto SP & BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

manual SP
MA_REM_P {Desc} MA_ST - Remote BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

SP & local SP
MN_REJ_A ✓ {Desc} Manual reject BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
OBQ ✓ {Desc} Output BQ BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
OVR_CMD ✓ {Desc} Override command BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
OVR_CMDB {Desc} Override command BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

block status
OVRST_SEL OVR_ST - This PID_MA is BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

PID_MA_EXT_ C_ {Desc} PID & MA_ST - BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
P ✓ external SP from CASC
PID_MA_EXT_P {Desc} PID & MA_ST BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

external SP
PID_MA_P {Desc} PID & MA_ST - Auto BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

SP & manual SP
PID_MA_REM_ C_ {Desc} PID & MA_ST - BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
P ✓ Remote SP from CASC PID
& local SP
PID_MA_REM_P {Desc} PID & MA_ST - BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

Remote SP & local SP
PID_P {Desc} PID - without MA_ BOOL 0 False Always Value Only


442 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Outputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Type Array Initial Visibility Interface
Value Type
PMT_AU ✓ {Desc} Auto permit BOOL 0 True Always Value Only
PMT_AUB {Desc} Auto permit bypass BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

PMT_MOD ✓ {Desc} Modulate permit BOOL 0 True Always Value Only
PMT_MODB {Desc} Modulate permit BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

bypass status
POS_CV_BQ {Desc} CV position BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

feedback Bad quality
POS_CV_DH {Desc} CV position dev high BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

POS_SV_BQ {Desc} SV position BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

feedback Bad quality
POS_SV_DH {Desc} SV position dev high BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

POSFB_P {Desc} Position feedback BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

PV_BQ {Desc} PID process BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

variable BQ
REJ_MN ✓ {Desc} Manual reject BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
REJ_MNB {Desc} Manual reject BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

bypass status
RSP_BQ ✓ {Desc} Remote setpoint BQ BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
RSP_OV {Desc} Remote setpoint BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

SI {Desc} Setpoint (internal REAL 0 0 Always Value Only

before ramp)
SP ✓ {Desc} Setpoint REAL 0 0 Always Value Only
SPLIT_P ✓ {Desc} Split range property BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
SV {Desc} Split range REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

characterized output Status
TK_CMDB {Desc} Track command BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

block status
TK_OUT ✓ {Desc} Track status BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
TV_BQ ✓ {Desc} PID Track value BQ BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
US ✓ {Desc} At upper limit BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
LOCK ✓ {Desc} Locked BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
RS {Desc} Remote setpoint BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

TUN ✓ {Desc} Tuning mode BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 443

Public Information
Global Variables (Automatically Generated)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
00PID_MA_ENH1000 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. AUTO 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description auto Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.CHAR_P 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description out Alarmed
characterization property
00PID_MA_ENH1000.CTL 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Write
description control word Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.CV 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description characterized CV Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.CV_L 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description CV pop level Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.CV_MN 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description CV pop level Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.CV_R 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False ReadOnly
description CV pop reset to Alarmed
minimum level
00PID_MA_ENH1000.CV_X 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description CV X CHAR array Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.CV_Y 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description CV Y CHAR array Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.CVI 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description control variable Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.CVI_BQ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description control variable Alarmed
input BQ
00PID_MA_ENH1000.CVO 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description cControl variable Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.DEC_INH 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description inhibit DEC Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.G 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Write
description PID derivative gain Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.EN_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
PROC_LIM_HIGH description enable process Alarmed
dependent high limit
00PID_MA_ENH1000.EN_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
PROC_LIM_LOW description enable process Alarmed
dependent low limit
00PID_MA_ENH1000. R_OUT 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description PID external reset Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. EV_BQ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description PID external reset Alarmed
value BQ
00PID_MA_ENH1000.FFWD_BQ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description PID feedforward Alarmed
value BQ

444 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables (Automatically Generated) (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
00PID_MA_ENH1000.FRC_CMD 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description force command Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.FRC_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
CMDB description force command Alarmed
block status
00PID_MA_ENH1000.H 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description output upper limit Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. IG 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Write
description PID integral gain Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. INC_INH 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description inhibit INC Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. INIT_POS 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description initial position for Alarmed
lock and release to modulate
00PID_MA_ENH1000. L 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description output lower limit Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. LOCK 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not True $DEFAULT Read Only
description locked Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. LOCK_P 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description lock property Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. LS 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description at lower limit Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.MA_EXT_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
P description MA_ST - External Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.MA_MAN_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
P description MA_ST - Manual Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.MA_P 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description MA_ST - Auto SP Alarmed
& manual SP
00PID_MA_ENH1000.MA_REM_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
P description MA_ST - Remote Alarmed
SP & local SP
00PID_MA_ENH1000.MC 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Write
description manual setpoint Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.MN_REJ_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT Read Only
A description Manual reject
00PID_MA_ENH1000.OBQ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description output BQ Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.OVR_CMD 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description override command Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.OVR_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
CMDB description override command Alarmed
block status
00PID_MA_ENH1000.OVRST_ OVR_ST - This PID_MA is Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
SEL selected Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PG 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not $DEFAULT Read Write
description PID proportional Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PID_MA_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
EXT_C_P description PID & MA_ST - Alarmed
External SP from CASC PID

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 445

Public Information
Global Variables (Automatically Generated) (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PID_MA_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
EXT_P description PID & MA_ST Alarmed
external SP
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PID_MA_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
P description PID & MA_ST - Alarmed
Auto SP & manual SP
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PID_MA_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
REM_C_P description PID & MA_ST - Alarmed
Remote SP from CASC PID &
local SP
00PID_MA_ENH1000. ID_MA_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
REM_P description PID & MA_ST - Alarmed
Remote SP & local SP
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PID_P 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description PID - without MA_ Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PMT_AU 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description auto permit Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PMT_AUB 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description auto permit bypass Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PMT_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
MOD description modulate permit Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PMT_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
MODB description modulate permit Alarmed
bypass status
00PID_MA_ENH1000. POS_CV 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description CV position Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. POS_CV_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT Read Only
BQ description CV position
feedback Bad quality
00PID_MA_ENH1000. POS_CV_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT Read Only
DH description CV position dev
high alarm
00PID_MA_ENH1000. POS_SV 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description SV position Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. POS_SV_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT Read Only
BQ description SV position
feedback Bad quality
00PID_MA_ENH1000. POS_SV_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT Read Only
DH description SV position dev
high alarm
00PID_MA_ENH1000. POSFB_P 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description position feedback Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.PR_DEC 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description priority DEC Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PR_INC 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description priority INC Alarmed

446 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables (Automatically Generated) (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PROC_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
LIM_HIGH description process dependent Alarmed
high limit
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PROC_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
LIM_LOW description process dependent Alarmed
low limit
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PV 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description process variable Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PV_BQ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description PID process Alarmed
variable BQ
00PID_MA_ENH1000.REJ_MN 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description manual reject Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.REJ_MNB 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description manual reject Alarmed
bypass status
00PID_MA_ENH1000.RS 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description remote setpoint Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.RSP 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description remote setpoint Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.RSP_BQ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description remote setpoint BQ Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.RSP_OV 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description remote setpoint Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SC 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Write
description setpoint Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SF 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Write
description PID scale factor Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SH 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description setpoint upper limit Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SI 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description setpoint (internal Alarmed
before ramp)
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SL 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description setpoint lower limit Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. P 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description setpoint Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SP_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
TRACK description setpoint tracks PV Alarmed
in manual and RSP in
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SPLIT_P 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description split range property Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SV 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description Split range Alarmed
characterized output
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SV_L 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description SV pop level Alarmed

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 447

Public Information
Global Variables (Automatically Generated) (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SV_MN 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description SV pop level Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SV_R 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description SV pop reset to Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SV_X 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description SV X CHAR array Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SV_Y 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description SV Y CHAR array Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. TK_CMDB 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description track command Alarmed
block status
00PID_MA_ENH1000. TK_OUT 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description track status Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. TUN 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description tuning mode Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. TV_BQ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description PID track value BQ Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.US 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description at upper limit Alarmed

Control Constants
Name Description Initial Value External Access
CV_MN {Desc} CV pop level minimum -5 Read Only
SV_L {Desc} SV pop level 7 Read Only
SV_R {Desc} SV pop reset to minimum 0.1 Read Only
SV_X {Desc} SV X CHAR array -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,60, Read Only
SV_Y {Desc} SV Y CHAR array -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,60 Read Only
IG† {Desc} PID integral gain 3 Read/Write
SV_MN {Desc} SV pop level minimum -5 Read Only
DG† {Desc} PID derivative gain 0 Read/Write
PG† {Desc} PID proportional gain 1 Read/Write
SF† {Desc} PID scale factor 1 Read/Write
CV_R {Desc} CV pop reset to minimum level 0.1 Read Only
CV_X {Desc} CV X CHAR array -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,60, Read Only
CV_Y {Desc} CV Y CHAR array -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,60, Read Only
CV_L {Desc} CV pop level 7 Read Only
† These control constant inputs values are retained in non-volatile memory (NOVRAM).

448 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
In edit mode, a PID_MA_ENH block can be directly inserted into the CIMPLICITY screen from the ToolboxST application
code using the drop and drag method. The CIMPLICITY object created depends on the HMILinkSource and
HMILinkedObject information contained in the PID_MA_ENH block attributes.

Note The CIMPLICITY objects from which to choose for PID_MA_ENH are dependent on the path information.

In edit mode, select an attribute to

insert into the CIMPLICITY screen.

PID_MA_ENH Attributes

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 449

Public Information
The following figures are examples of the CIMPLICITY objects for the PID_MA_ENH block, which can be placed into a
CIMPLICITY screen in edit mode, by using the drag and drop feature.



450 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
41 Proportional Integral Derivative Enhanced Version 2
Block Category: Controls (DCS)
The Proportional Integral Derivative Enhanced Version 2
(PID_MA_ENH_V2) block is a controller that can be a parallel proportional, integral, derivative, cascaded or non-cascaded,
PID, a manual/auto station, MA, and has enhanced input and output health quality status monitoring, ENH. The versatile
block can be configured to suit nearly all controller and/or manual/auto station applications, as well as integrated override
station capabilities when used in conjunction with the enhanced override station block, OVR_ST_ENH_V2. The block
configuration is defined by enumerated inputs, which determine the block functionality and the information displayed by the
corresponding CIMPLICITY graphical interface(s). Additionally, the block performs quality status monitoring of input
signals and output signals and propagates the quality status to the outputs CVO, CV, and SV.
The programmer must first identify the functions required for the application for which the block will be used. When the
controller function has been properly identified, the programmer must select the corresponding enumerations from the
BLOCK_OPT, CTRL_ACT, and MODE_OPT inputs that will configure the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block to perform as desired.

Block Configuration
BLOCK_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table.

BLOCK_OPT Input Enumerations

Name Description
PID PID only
MA M/A station only
PID_MA PID with M/A station
PID_MA_EXT PID with M/A station with external setpoint
PID_MA_EXT_CASC PID with M/A station with external setpoint from CASCADE station
PID_MA_REM PID with M/A station with remote setpoint
PID_MA_REM_CASC PID with M/A station with remote setpoint from CASCADE station
MA_EXT M/A station without PID with remote setpoint with HMI SP disabled
MA_REM M/A station without PID with HMI SP enabled (through remote local)
MA_MAN M/A station without PID with HMI MANUAL SP enabled

PID — used for a proportional, integral, derivative controller. It calculates the error or difference between the process
variable (PV) and the setpoint (SP), and manipulates the controller output (CVO, CV, and, if applicable, SV) to minimize the
difference between PV and SP. When the enumeration is PID only, the PID only property (PID_P) is True, AUTO is True, and
the setpoint is driven by the remote setpoint (RSP) input. The graphical interface is view only and the operator cannot modify
the setpoint or the output, as both are logic driven.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 451

Public Information
The following figure displays an example of the CIMPLICITY graphical interface with the BLOCK_OPT enumeration PID.

PID Enumeration Faceplate

452 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
MA — used for manual and auto selection. The operator selects either the auto control setpoint or manually sets the output to
the desired value. If the enumeration is MA_MAN, only manual control is available. Refer to the following figures for
faceplate examples. The following figure displays an example of the CIMPLICITY graphical interface with the BLOCK_
OPT enumeration MA_MAN.

MA_MAN Enumeration Faceplate

Note The PERMIT, AUTO and MANUAL push-buttons are not available on MA_MAN.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 453

Public Information
The following figure displays an example of the CIMPICITY graphical interface with the BLOCK_OPT enumeration MA.

MA Enumeration Faceplate

Note The PERMIT, AUTO and MANUAL push-buttons are available on MA.

454 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
EXT — indicates that an external setpoint value from the block RSP input will be used as the auto setpoint, and can be
viewed only by the operator. The following figure displays an example of the CIMPICITY graphical interface with the
BLOCK_OPT enumeration MA_EXT.

MA_EXT Enumeration Faceplate

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 455

Public Information
REM — indicates the operator can select between a remote setpoint and a local setpoint value to be used as the auto setpoint.
The operator sets the local setpoint using the faceplate, and the remote setpoint value is connected to the RSP input pin. The
remote setpoint mode can be selected by the operator using the faceplate or using the pulsed input pin, RSP_SEL.

Note The RSP_SEL input must be a pulsed input. If a continuous True input is used for the RSP_SEL input, the PID_MA_
ENH_V2 block will not return to remote setpoint mode from the RSP_SEL input if the operator selects local from the
graphical interface. The following figure displays an example of the CIMPICITY graphical interface with the BLOCK_OPT
enumeration MA_REM in auto and local mode.

MA_REM Enumeration Faceplate

456 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
CASC — indicates the block is being used in conjunction with another PID_MA_ENH_V2 block in a cascade scenario; one
PID_MA_ENH_V2 block, the outer loop, controls the setpoint, RSP, of the other PID_MA_ENH_V2 block, the inner loop.
Usually, the outer loop controls the primary control variable and the inner loop controls a rapidly changing variable associated
with the primary variable. The PID_MA_ENH_V2 that acts as the inner loop has the CASC enumeration and the outer loop
does not. The designation of CASC allows the graphical interface to provide the option for the operator to view the inner loop
PID_MA_ENH_V2 graphical interface, as well as call the outer loop faceplate to view the overall process loop viewed as one
controller. The following figure is an inner loop cascade example of the CIMPICITY graphical interface with the BLOCK_
OPT enumeration PID_MA_REM_CASC in auto and local mode.

Note Refer to the section Cascaded PID_MA_ENH_V2 Blocks.

PID_MA_REM_CASC Faceplate Enumeration

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 457

Public Information
The following figure is an outer loop cascade example of the CIMPICITY graphical interface with the BLOCK_OPT
enumeration PID_MA, in auto mode, which is supplying the remote setpoint to the PID_MA_ENH1000 represented by the
faceplate in the figure PID_MA_REM_CASC Faceplate Enumeration for further details.

PID_MA_ENH_V2 Faceplate Enumeration

BLOCK_OPT Exceptions
The selected BLOCK_OPT enumeration needs to be modified under certain conditions: the operator has placed the block in
tuning mode (TUN is True), there is participation in a PID override control scheme using an OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block, the
OVR_CTRL input enumeration contains OVR_CTRL, or OVRST_CTRL is True.
Condition 1: OVRST_CTRL = True, TUN = False
BLOCK_OPT = PID_MA or PID_MA_REM, it is modified to be PID_MA_EXT
BLOCK_OPT = PID_MA_REM_CASC, it is modified to be PID_MA_EXT_CASC
BLOCK_OPT = MA or MA_REM or MA_MAN, it is modified to be MA_EXT
Condition 2: TUN = True
BLOCK_OPT = PID or PID_MA_EXT, it is modified to be PID_MA_REM
BLOCK_OPT = PID_MA_EXT_CASC, it is modified to be PID_MA_REM_CASC
Condition 3: OVRST_CTRL = True, TUN = True
BLOCK_OPT = PID_MA, it is modified to be PID_MA_REM
BLOCK_OPT = MA, it is modified to be MA_REM

Note The order of priority of mode modifications is Condition 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

458 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

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BLOCK_OPT Output Properties
The following PID_MA_ENH_V2 output properties control the appearance of the corresponding graphical interface based on
the BLOCK_OPT enumeration:

• ID enumeration sets the PID_P property to True

• MA enumeration sets the MA_P property to True
• PID_MA enumeration sets the PID_MA_P property to True
• PID_MA_EXT enumeration sets the PID_MA_EXT_P property to True
• PID_MA_EXT_CASC enumeration sets the PID_MA_EXT_C_P property to True
• PID_MA_REM enumeration sets the PID_MA_REM_P property to True
• PID_MA_REM_CASC enumeration sets the PID_MA_REM_C_P property to True
• MA_EXT enumeration sets the MA_EXT_P property to True
• MA_REM enumeration sets the MA_REM_P property to True
• MA_MAN enumeration sets the MA_MAN_P property to True
CTRL_ACT enumerations are listed in the following table.

CTRL_ACT Input Enumerations

Name Description
DIRECT Direct action (PV-SP)

REVERSE Reverse action (SP-PV)

DIRECT — indicates the value of CVO increases when the value of PV is greater than the setpoint and the value of CVO
decreases when the value of PV is less than the setpoint.
REVERSE — indicates the value of CVO decreases when the value of PV is greater than the setpoint and the value of CVO
increases when the value of PV is less than the setpoint.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 459

Public Information
MODE_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table.

MODE_OPT Input Enumerations

Name Description
LOCK Lock mode
POS Position feedback
LOCK-POS Lock mode and position feedback

SPLIT Split range

SPLIT-LOCK Split range and lock mode

SPLIT-POS Split range and position feedback

SPLIT-LOCK-POS Split range, lock mode, and position feedback

NONE — used when no mode options are to be enabled.

LOCK sets the lock property, LOCK_P, to True, allowing software lockout of the controller to be implemented by the
operator through the CIMPLICITY graphical interface.

Note The lockout indication is provided for status indication only. This action will not lock out the equipment, it will only
indicate lockout status. The owner's lockout procedures must be followed to safely lock equipment out.

Note The Lock button can also be configured to use the WorkstationST Lock function. Refer to the
WorkstationST/CIMPLICITY Advanced Viewer Integration Instruction Guide (GEI-100697), the section HMI Tagout.

The valve output CVO must be within 5 units of the initial position input (INIT_POS) value before the block can be set to
lockout mode. When LOCK is True the block is in lockout mode and block outputs, CVO, CV, and, if applicable, SV are
prohibited from modulating. If the block is in auto mode and not participating in an override control scheme, the OVR_CTRL
input enumeration is NONE, and the BLOCK_OPT enumeration is not PID only, PID_P is False, then the block will be
placed in manual mode and the manual reject alarm, MAN_REJ_A, is activated. The operator’s ability to switch to auto mode
is also disabled until the block is removed from lockout mode. If the block is in tuning mode, the tuning mode will also be
removed and disabled. Additionally, the local auto setpoint tracks the process variable input PV when the block is in lockout
POS — used when there is feedback available from the controlled device. Normally, feedback is the valve position feedback;
however, the POS enumeration can also be used for motor speed or a variety of other device feedbacks. The position feedback
value is connected to the block input POS_CV and, if the MODE_OPT enumeration SPLIT is selected, the position feedback
from the secondary device is connected to the POS_SV block input. When the POS enumeration is used, the block output
POSFB_P is True, the feedback value is displayed on the graphical interface faceplate, and, when the cursor is placed over the
feedback area, the pop up window displays the text CV Pos Feedback = the instantaneous value, as displayed in the following

460 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

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POS Enumeration Faceplate with Controlling
SPLIT — indicates that the controller will output to two different devices using the block outputs, CV and SV, either or both
of which may be characterized by a 13 element array that enables each output to be customized to fit the requirements of a
specific control application. The default characterization arrays are linear for both CV and SV and are as follows:

• CV_X and SV_X = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000
• CV_Y and SV_Y = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 461

Public Information
If the CV_X 13 element array does not contain the same 13 array elements in the same order as the CV_Y array, or the SV_X
13 element array does not contain the same 13 array elements in the same order as the SV_Y array, the characterization
property, CHAR_P, is True and the graphical interface displays a button in the lower right corner of the faceplate with the pop
up text Show Characterization, as displayed in the following figure.

The follow characterizations are applied:

• CV_X = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000
• CV_Y = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000
• SV_X = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000
• SV_Y = -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000000

462 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

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SPLIT Enumeration Faceplate with Characterizations
MODE_OPT Output Properties
The following PID_MA_ENH_V2 output properties control the appearance of the corresponding graphical interface based on
the MODE_OPT enumeration:

• NONE enumeration sets LOCK_P, POSFB_P, and SPLIT_P property to False

• LOCK enumeration sets the LOCK_P property to True
• POS enumeration sets the POSFB_P property to True
• SPLIT enumeration sets the SPLIT_P property to True

Basic PID_MA_ENH_V2 Block Functionality

The BLOCK_OPT, CTRL_ACT, and MODE_OPT inputs enumerations described in this section are instrumental in
determining the basic PID_MA_ENH_V2 functionality. For example, the controller is required to be direct acting, have PID
functionality, manual or auto mode capability, ability to be software locked, and feedback is available from the controlled
device. The input enumerations selected are:


Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 463

Public Information
Control Word (CTL)
CTL enumerations are listed in the following table.

CTL Enumerations
Name Description
NO_CMD No command

AUTO_CMD Auto command

MANUAL_CMD Manual command

LOCK_CMD Lock command

UNLOCK_CMD Unlock command

TUN_ON_CMD Tune mode on command

TUN_OFF_CMD Tune mode off command

REMOTE_CMD Remote SP command

LOCAL_CMD Local SP command

The operator controls the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block by clicking buttons on the CIMPLICITY graphical interface pop up
faceplate. Certain faceplate buttons carry an enumerated value represented in the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block input CTL. The
enumerated values are transferred from the faceplate to the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block through EGD using the CTL. When a
command is sent from the faceplate to the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block, the block runs the command and then, after one second,
the block overwrites the CTL input with the NO_CMD enumeration, thus resetting itself for the next CTL command. The
enumerations for CTL are displayed in the following table.

Note The commands are dependent on the enumerations of BLOCK_OPT and MODE_OPT. For example, LOCK_CMD
and UNLOCK_CMD enumerations are not used if MODE_OPT does not contain the enumeration LOCK).

NO_CMD — indicates no command is present.

AUTO_CM places the block in auto mode from manual mode using the graphical interface faceplate. The auto setpoint will
be local, remote, or external depending on the BLOCK_OPT enumeration and, if applicable, the operator selection as local or
remote. When the block is in auto mode the output AUTO is True.
MANUAL_CMD places the block in manual mode from auto mode using the graphical interface faceplate. The operator
manually sets the output to the controlled device. When the block is in manual mode the output AUTO is FLASE.
LOCK_CMD — places the block in lock mode when the block output CVO is within 5 units of the initial position value,
NIT_POS. This enumeration command also removes the block from auto and places it in manual mode and sets the manual
reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, to True. When the block is in lock mode the output LOCK is True.
UNLOCK_CMD — removes the block from lock mode and sets the output LOCK to False.
TUN_ON_CMD — places the block in tuning mode. The operator is not allowed to change the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block to
the tuning mode when the block is already in lock mode.

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Once the tuning mode has been attained, it can only be reset by one of the following methods:

• Operator tune off command

• Block is set to lock mode
When the block is in tuning mode, the output TUN is True.
TUN_OFF_CMD — removes the block from the tuning mode and sets TUN to False.
REMOTE_CMD — commands the block, when in auto mode, to use the remote setpoint value connected to block input pin,
RSP, as the auto setpoint. When the block is in remote mode the remote setpoint output, RS, is True.
LOCAL_CMD — commands the block, when in auto mode, to use the operator defined local setpoint. When the block is in
local setpoint mode, RS is False.

Manual Reject (MN_REJ)

MN_REJ input is driven by an override-type block that associates its input status with the graphical interface of the PID_
MA_ENH_V2 block, thus allowing the operator to view the individual inputs that put the block into a manual reject mode.
The override graphical interface also enables the operator to block logic driven inputs to release the override condition
through the graphical interface.

MN_REJ Enumerations
Name Description
NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK No override and no override is blocked

OVR-NO_BLOCK Override active and no override is blocked

NO_OVR-BLOCK No override and an override is blocked

OVR-BLOCK Override active and an override is blocked

NO_OVR — indicates no manual reject command is active; manual reject output REJ_MN is False
OVR — indicates a manual reject command is active; manual reject output REJ_MN is True.
NO-BLOCK — indicates the operator has not invoked a block of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the
override-type block. When a no block is active, REJ_MNB is False.
BLOCK — indicates the operator has invoked a block of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the override type
block. The BLOCK enumeration is not used by OVR_ST_ENH_V2, but the block does pass the information it to the
graphical interface for display purposes using the output, REJ_MNB. When a block is active, REJ_MNB is True.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 465

Public Information
Under most circumstances, if the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block is in auto mode and a validated MN_REJ input enumeration
contains OVR, the block is removed from auto mode and placed in manual mode, and MN_REJ_A is activated and the local
auto setpoint, if available, tracks PV. Exceptions are if the BLOCK_OPT enumeration is PID, PID_Pis True, or the PID_MA_
ENH_V2 block input OVR_CTLR contains the enumeration OVRST_CTRL from the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block, indicating
the override station controls the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block.

Other Enumerated External Commands

There are three enumerated PID_MA_ENH_V2 block inputs that provide commands from external blocks that control the
PID_MA_ENH_V2 output, CVO. They are, in order of priority, CMD_OVR, CMD_FRC, and CMD_TK.

Note When PID_MA_ENH_V2 blocks are connected to and receiving inputs from the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block, it is
recommended to use the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block for any external commands, such as CMD_OVR, CMD_FRC, or CMD_
TK actions for the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block. In other words, do not connect CMD_OVR, CMD_FRC, and CMD_TK type
blocks to the PID_MA_ENH_V2 blocks when using an OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block. Instead, use the capability of the OVR_
ST_ENH_V2 block for these actions.

Command Override (CMD_OVR) input is driven by an override-type block that associates its input status with the
graphical interface of the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block, thus allowing the operator to view the individual inputs that place the
block in override mode. The override graphical interface also enables the operator to block logic driven inputs to release the
override condition through the graphical interface. CMD_OVR enumerations are listed in the following table.

CMD_OVR Enumerations
Name Description
NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK No override and no override is blocked

OVR-NO_BLOCK Override active and no override is blocked

NO_OVR-BLOCK No override and an override is blocked

OVR-BLOCK Override active and an override is blocked

NO_OVR — indicates no override command is active and the command override output OVR_CMD is False.
OVR — indicates an override command is active and OVR_CMD is True.
NO-BLOCK — indicates the operator has not invoked a block of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the
override-type block. When this enumeration is used, OVR_CMDB is False.
BLOCK — indicates the operator has invoked a block of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the override-type
block. When this enumeration is used, OVR_CMDB is True.
If the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block is in auto mode and a validated CMD_OVR input enumeration contains OVR, an override
command exists and MN_REJ_A is activated, and the output will move to the input value of the override value, OV. The
block is removed from auto mode and placed in manual mode and the local auto setpoint, if available, tracks PV.

Note An override command (the enumeration of CMD_OVR contains OVR) has precedence over a force command (CMD_
FRC contains FORCE), and the process increase and decrease inputs, PR_INC and PR_DEC, respectively.

Command Force (CMD_FRC) input is driven by a force-type block that associates its input status with the graphical
interface of the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block, thus allowing the operator to view the individual inputs that put the block into a
force mode. The force graphical interface also enables the operator to block logic driven inputs to release the force condition
through the graphical interface. CMD_FRC enumerations are listed in the following table.

466 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

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CMD_FRC Enumerations
Name Description
NO_FORCE-NO_BLOCK No force and no force is blocked

FORCE-NO_BLOCK Force active and no force is blocked

NO_FORCE-BLOCK No force and a force is blocked

FORCE-BLOCK Force active and a force is blocked

NO_FORCE — indicates no force command is active and the force command output, FRC_CMD, is False.
FORCE — indicates a force command is active and if the CMD_OVR enumerated input does not contain OVR (the output
OVR_CMD is False), then the force command output FRC_CMD is True.
NO-BLOCK— indicates the operator has not invoked a block of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the force type
block. When this enumeration is used, the force-blocked output FRC_CMDB is False.
BLOCK indicates the operator has invoked a block of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the force type block
and sets the force-blocked output FRC_CMDB to True.
If the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block validated CMD_FRC input enumeration contains FORCE, a force command exists and the
output of the block, CVO, moves to the input value of the force value, FV.

Note An override command (the enumeration of CMD_OVR contains OVR) has precedence over a force command (CMD_
FRC contains FORCE).

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 467

Public Information
Command Track (CMD_TK) input is driven by a track-type block that associates its input status with the graphical interface
of the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block, thus allowing the operator to view the individual inputs that places the block in track mode.
The track graphical interface also enables the operator to block logic driven inputs to release the track condition through the
graphical interface. CMD_TK enumerations are listed in the following table.

CMD_TK Enumerations
Name Description
NO_TRACK-NO_BLOCK No track and no track is blocked

TRACK-NO_BLOCK Track active and no track is blocked

NO_TRACK-BLOCK No track and a track is blocked

TRACK-BLOCK Track active and a track is blocked

NO_TRACK — indicates no track command is active and the track status output, TK_OUT, is False.
TRACK — indicates a track command is active and TK_OUT is True.
NO-BLOCK — indicates the operator has not invoked a block of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the track type
block. When this enumeration is used, the track-blocked output TK_CMDB is False.
BLOCK — indicates the operator has invoked a block of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the track type
block. When this enumeration is used, the track-blocked output TK_CMDB is True.
If the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block is in auto mode and a validated CMD_TK input enumeration contains TRACK, a track
command exists and the output of the block, CVO, tracks the block tracking value input TV.
Priority Increase (PR_INC) and Decrease (PR_DEC) Commands
When the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block input PR_INC is True, the output CVO increases to the high limit value (H) at the rate
defined by the priority increase rate value R_INC_RT (default value is 1 unit/sec). When the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block input
PR_DEC is True and PR_INC is False, the output CVO decreases to the low limit value (L) at the rate defined by the priority
decrease rate value PR_DEC_RT (default value is 1 unit/sec). The inputs PR_INC and PR_DEC should be programmed to be
mutually exclusive events, but if at any time they both become True, then PR_INC is the dominate input and the value of
CVO increases to H at the rate defined by PR_INC_RT.

Note A force command (the enumeration of CMD_FRC contains FORCE) or an override command (the enumeration of
CMD_OVR contains OVR) have precedence over the PR_INC and PR_DEC inputs.

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Inhibit Increase (INH_INC) and Decrease (INH_DEC) Commands
The PID_MA_ENH_V2 is capable of inhibiting the output control variable, CVO, from increasing or decreasing in value
absent a force or override command, FORCE from the enumerated CMD_FRC input or OVR from the enumerated CMD_
OVR input.
Inhibiting the increase of the CVO output occurs when INH_INC is True and one of the following is present:

• Neither PR_INC nor PR_DEC is True.

• BLOCK_OPT enumeration is neither PID_MA_EXT_CASC nor PID_MA_REM_CASC, and the CASC_IN
enumeration is REVERSE and HI_LIMITED.
• BLOCK_OPT enumeration is neither PID_MA_EXT_CASC nor PID_MA_REM_CASC, and the CASC_IN
enumeration is DIRECT and LOW_LIMITED.
Inhibiting the decrease of the CVO occurs when INH_DEC is True and one of the following is present:

• Neither PR_INC nor PR_DEC are True.

• BLOCK_OPT enumeration is neither PID_MA_EXT_CASC nor PID_MA_REM_CASC and the CASC_IN enumeration
• BLOCK_OPT enumeration is neither PID_MA_EXT_CASC nor PID_MA_REM_CASC and the CASC_IN enumeration

Auto Permit (AU_PMT) input is driven by an auto permit-type block that associates its input status with the graphical
interface of the PID_MA_ENH block, which allows the operator to view the individual inputs that provide a permit to place
the block in auto mode. The AU_PMT graphical interface enables the operator to bypass logic driven inputs to obtain an auto
permit condition through the graphical interface. AU_PMT enumerations are listed in the following table.

AU_PMT Enumerations
Name Description
NO_PERM-NO_BYPASS No permit and no permit is bypassed

PERM-NO_BYPASS Permit OK and no permit is bypassed

NO_PERM-BYPASS No permit and a permit is bypassed

PERM-BYPASS Permit OK and a permit is bypassed

NO_PERM — indicates a permit to allow the block to be placed in auto mode has not been met and the Auto Permit output
(PMT_AU) is False.
PERM — indicates all permits for the block to be placed in auto mode have been met and PMT_AU is True, provided the
BLOCK_OPT is not PID only, PID_P is False, the block is not part of an override scheme, OVRST_CTRL is FASE, and
there is no bad quality detected and the reset override, RSP_OV is False, when BQ_MAN is set to True. The block outputs,
REJ_MN, OVR_CMD, LOCK, and MA_MAN_P must also all be False for PMT_AU to be True.
NO-BYPASS— indicates the operator has not invoked a bypass of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the auto permit
block. When this enumeration is used, the Auto Permit Bypass output (PMT_AUB) is False.
BYPASS— indicates the operator has invoked a bypass of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the auto permit
block. When this enumeration is used, PMT_AUB is True.

Modulate Permit (MOD_PMT) input is driven by a modulate permit-type block that associates its input status with the
graphical interface of the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block, thus allowing the operator to view the individual inputs that provide a
permit to allow the block to modulate the output. The MOD_PMT graphical interface enables the operator to bypass logic
driven inputs to obtain a modulate permit condition through the graphical interface. MOD_PMT enumerations are listed in the
following table.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 469

Public Information
MOD_PMT Enumerations
Name Description
NO_PERM-NO_BYPASS No permit and no permit is bypassed

PERM-NO_BYPASS Permit OK and no permit is bypassed

NO_PERM-BYPASS No permit and a permit is bypassed

PERM-BYPASS Permit OK and a permit is bypassed

NO_PERM — indicates a permit to allow the block to modulate the output, CVO, has not been met and the permit to
modulate output, PMT_MOD, is False. If the MOD_PMT input enumeration contains NO_PERM, CVO equals the INIT_
POS input value.
PERM — indicates all permits to allow the block to modulate the output, CVO, have been met and PMT_MOD is True.
NO-BYPASS— indicates the operator has not invoked a bypass of any of the associated logic driven inputs to the modulate
permit block. When this enumeration is used, the modulate permit bypass output, PMT_MODB, is False.
BYPASS— indicates the operator has invoked a bypass of at least one of the associated logic driven inputs to the modulate
permit block. When this enumeration is used, PMT_MODB is True.
Auto Select (AU_SEL) is a pulsed input that, if permits allow, switches the block from manual to auto mode, setting the
output AUTO to True. The input must be pulsed.
Remote Select (RSP_SEL) is a pulsed input that instructs the block to use the remote setpoint input RSP as the setpoint
used to calculate the block outputs, CVO, CV, and, if applicable, SV, when the block is in auto mode. The input must be
Setpoint High (SH) and Low (SL) Limit Values
Block inputs SH and SL, are the setpoint high and low limits, respectively. These values bound the block output, SP, the
setpoint used to calculate the error, which is used for the proportional gain portion of the PID calculations.

470 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Setpoint Adjustment Rate (SR)
The rate of change of the block setpoint, SP, used to calculate the error used in the PID calculations is restricted by the block
SR input value, in units/sec. The setpoint used for the error calculation is passed without rate limit restrictions directly to SP
when the controller is powered up, track status, TK_OUT, is True, or the BLOCK_OPT enumeration is PID_MA_EXT_
CASC or PID_MA_REM_CASC, and the remote setpoint mode, RS, is TRUE.
Setpoint Value Before Ramp (SI)
The internal setpoint block output, SI, is the value of the setpoint before the SR is applied. For example, if the setpoint
changes from 0 to 10 instantaneously, SI will change from 0 to 10 instantaneously while if SR is set at 1 unit/sec, SP will
ramp from 0 to 10 in 10 seconds. SI is also bound by limit inputs SH and SL, respectively.
Scale Factor (SF) is used to scale the process variable, PV, and the setpoint used to calculate the error value that is used in
the PID calculations. The setpoint used for the error calculation, the block output SP, may be the value of the
operator-supplied setpoint, the value of the remote setpoint, RSP, or a tracking value, depending on the state of the block.
Setpoint Track (SP_TRACK)
When SP_TRACK is True, the setpoint tracks PV in manual or RSP in auto and remote mode, the output AUTO is True when
the block is in auto mode, and RS is True when the block is in remote mode. If SP_TRACK is False and RS is True, the
setpoint tracks RSP. Otherwise, the operator controls the setpoint value from the graphical interface.
Manual Adjustment Rate (MR)
The rate of change of the control variable output, CVO, is restricted by the block manual adjustment ramp rate input value
MR, in units/sec.
Square of the Error (SQR_ERR)
The square of the calculated error is used if the SQR_ERR parameter is set to True and is multiplied by PG to calculate the
proportional term in the PID calculations. When the value of the error is greater than one, the square of the error provides a
more robust controller response, when the error is less than one the controller will respond less aggressively.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 471

Public Information
Tracking Status (TK_OUT)
The track status block output TK_OUT can be set to True by a number of input conditions, such as bad quality, priority
increase or decrease, no permit to modulate, manual mode, force command, override command, increase or decrease inhibit,
lock, track command enumeration (CASC_IN enumeration contains TRACK) or the override station tracking input (OVR_
CTRL enumeration contains TRACK). When TK_OUT is True, the PID_ MA_ENH_V2 is in tracking mode and the block
output, CVO (also CV_X and, if applicable, SV_X for characterized outputs CV and SV, respectively) tracks the appropriate
value based on the parameter that set TK_OUT to True. The value may be the override value (OV), force value (FV), a
priority increase or decrease command will move to the H or L limit values at PR_INC_RT or PR_DEC_RT, the track value
(TV) or the initial position value (INIT_POS). When the increase (DEC_INH) or decrease (INC_INH) inhibit inputs, or
transition from True to False, TK_OUT is True for one scan, which realigns the setpoint and the calculated PID values.

Note The H and L values are dependent on the enable process limit inputs EN_PROC_LIM_HIGH and EN_PROC_LIM_
LOW, as well as the PROC_LIM_HIGH and PROC_LIM_LOW limits, respectively.

Process (High EN_PROC_LIM_HIGH) and Low (EN_PROC_LIM_LOW) Limits

The user can limit the process control range further using the PROC_LIM_LOW and PROC_LIM_HIGH parameters that are
enabled by their respective enable parameters, EN_PROC_LIM_LOW and EN_PROC_LIM_HIGH. This feature enables the
user to control process regulation limits while allowing force and override values to operate independently on the PID_MA_
ENH_V2 limits (H and L). When EN_PROC_LIM_LOW or EN_PROC_LIM_HIGH is True, the PROC_LIM_LOW and
PROC_LIM_HIGH replace the corresponding L and H limit values.
Error Deadband Equality (ERR_C)
The ERR_C, when True, enables the use of error dead band equality processing. When the absolute value of the error is less
than the input value ERR_CDB (the error dead band), the controller equates that the error is zero.
External Reset (ER) may be used to enable several PID_MA_ENH_V2 controllers to function in parallel, typically when
the minimum or maximum CVO value will be selected. External reset allows all PID_MA_ENH_V2 controllers in the loop to
calculate CVO based on process conditions while preventing windup. The selected CVO is sent to the control element and to
the other PID_MA_ENH_V2 controllers in the loop. The ER command block input, or an ER enumeration from OVR_CTRL
enables the external reset function. The selected CVO is connected to the external reset value (EV).

Note Refer to the section PID Track at Limit until PV and SP Cross (PV_SP_LIM_TRK) for further details.

472 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

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The following figure displays the typical OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block pin connections using a Min/Max configuration with two
override controlled PID_MA_ENH_V2 blocks.

† A connection to EV is required when the
enumeration is set to, MIN_2_INPUTS,







Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 473

Public Information
When the PID tracks at limit until PV and SP cross input (PV_SP_LIM_TRK) is True, and the ER command is True, the reset
does not occur until the following conditions are all False:

• PV value becomes greater than the SP value when US is True and the controller is reverse acting
• PV value becomes greater than the SP value when LS is True and the controller is direct acting
• PV value becomes less than the SP value when LS is True and the controller is reverse acting
• PV value becomes less than the SP value when US is True and the controller is direct acting
PID Track at Limit until PV and SP Cross (PV_SP_LIM_TRK)
If PV_SP_LIM_TRK is True, when the controller output reaches either H or L limit, the controller tracks the limit value until
PV crosses SP. Once PV crosses SP, the controller resumes the controlling action. The following graph displays PV, SP, and
CVO for a PID_MA_ENH_V2 block with PV_SP_LIM_TRK both True and False. Notice that with PV_SP_LIM_TRK set to
True (left of the black vertical line) CVO remains at the limit until PV crosses SP. With PV_SP_LIM_TRK set to False (right
of the black vertical line), CVO only tracks the limit until PV changes slope.

PV_SP_LIM_TRK Set to True and False

The graph displays PV (blue sine wave), SP (green horizontal line), and CVO (brown sine wave, capped). With PV_SP_LIM_
TRK set to True, the controller behaves as displayed in the graph by the data to the left of the vertical black line. With PV_
SP_LIM_TRK set to False, the controller behaves as displayed by the data to the right of the vertical black line.
Each time SP and PV cross the threshold defined by the range of ERR_CDB, (the error for dead band PV and SP equality),
and the error for dead band equality input, ERR_C, is True, the controller calculates the integral term from the last calculated
control output value, CVO (BLOCK_OPT enumeration must contain PID).

Inhibit Proportional and Derivative Action on Setpoint Change (INH_PDG)

The INH_PDG parameter, when True, inhibits proportional and derivative controller action. When the SP change is detected
to exceed a scan time calculated dead band derived from the value of the dead band setpoint to inhibit the proportional and
derivative action, INH_PDG_CDB, in units/sec; the controller calculates the integral term from the last calculated control
output value, CVO (BLOCK_OPT enumeration must contain PID).

Note If INH_PDG is True and the setpoint is constantly changing (possibly a remote setpoint) by an amount greater than the
scan time calculated dead band specified by INH_PDG_CDB, then the controller is an integral only controller.

Bumpless Proportional and Integral Gain Value Changes (PG_C and IG_C)
If the value of the proportional gain (PG) or the integral gain (IG) is variable, the input parameters PG_C and IG_C provide
bumpless controller action when True. If the value of PG or IG exceeds the dead band PG_CDB for PG and IG_CDB for IG,
and the corresponding PG_C or IG_C parameter is True, the controller calculates the integral term from the last calculated
control output value, CVO (BLOCK_OPT enumeration must contain PID).

474 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

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Feed Forward (FF)
When the BLOCK_OPT input enumeration contains PID the block provides a FF input that is added as a last step before the
output value of CVO and characterized output values of CV and, if applicable, SV are output from the ID_MA_ENH block.

Status Propagation and Bad Quality Determination of CVO, CV, and SV Outputs
The PID_MA_ENH_V2 block monitors the quality status values of various inputs and connected outputs to determine the
quality status value of CVO, CV, and SV (if the MODE_OPT enumeration contains SPLIT then the split output property
SPLIT_P is True).
The quality status value of the control variable output CV is either the quality status value of CVO or, if SPLIT_P is True and
the quality status value of BKCAL_IN_CV is > 200 and < 203, the quality status value of CV is assigned a quality status
The quality status value of the split range control variable output SV is either the quality status value of CVO or, if SPLIT_P
is True and the quality status value of BKCAL_IN_SV is > 200 and < 203, the quality status value of SV is assigned a quality
The quality status value of the control variable output CVO is determined by the how the block is used. If the PID_MA_
ENH_V2 block is connected to an OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block, the enumerated OVR_CTRL input contains the enumeration
OVR_CTRL, or the block is used as the outer loop in a cascaded scenario, the outputs CV and SV are not connected to hard
I/O. Therefore, the quality status values of CV and SV are not considered when the quality status value of CVO is calculated.
This eliminates the propagation of erroneous CVO quality status values that would result from CV and SV not being
connected to hard I/O points. Otherwise, the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block calculates the quality status value of CVO from
appropriate inputs with quality status values, input parameters values, and the connected hard I/O quality status values of CV
and, if the MODE_OPT contains SPLIT and SPLIT_P is True), SV. The analog output variables attached to CV and SV are
monitored for quality status, resulting in the following possible CVO quality status values:

• 12 - I/O Pack Health Failed – NOT_LIMITED-DEVICE_FAILURE-BAD

• 16 - I/O Pack Health Failed – NOT_LIMITED-SENSOR_FAILURE-BAD
If neither of these conditions exists, the quality status value of CVO is calculated by the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block to be from
192 to 198, depending on numerous variables used in the quality status calculation, which result in the following values:

• Status value 192 indicates CVO is NOT_LIMITED_GOODC

• Status value 193 indicates CVO is LOW_LIMITED_GOODC
• Status value 194 indicates CVO is HIGH_LIMITED_GOODC
• Status value 195 indicates CVO is CONSTANT_GOODC
When using FOUNDATION fieldbus, if the split range mode is not selected (SPLIT_P is False) and the quality status value of
BKCAL_IN_CV or BKCAL_IN_SV is > 200 and < 203, then the quality status value of CVO is assigned a quality status
value of 196 when LS and US are False. When split range mode is selected (SPLIT_P is True), the FOUNDATION fieldbus
initialization acknowledge provided in the previous sections indicates the quality status of CV and SV.
False and the value of CVO is less than or equal to the low limit (LS is True), 1 is added to the CVO status value.
False, and the value of CVO is greater than or equal to the high limit (US is True), 2 is added to the CVO status value.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 475

Public Information
This block propagates quality status. Status option cannot be disabled on this block.

CVO status is based upon the following in order of priority:

• The analog output variables attached to CV and SV are monitored for quality status. This results in the following
possible CVO statuses:
− I/O Pack Health Failed – NOT_LIMITED-DEVICE_FAILURE-BAD [12]
− I/O Pack Health Failed – NOT_LIMITED-SENSOR_FAILURE-BAD [16]
BQ is True, the value of CVO status is CONSTANT-GOODC [195].
BQ is True, the value of CVO status is CONSTANT-GOODC [195]. If the following are False, CVI_BQ, EV_BQ,
CVO is greater than or equal to the high limit, US is True, 2 is added to the CVO status value.
• The default quality status of CVO is NOT_LIMITED-GOODC [192].
For further details on relational blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Manual Auto Configuration

Typical connections for PID_MA_ENH_V2 blocks with BLOCK_OPT enumerations MA, MA_EXT, and MA_REM without
a control variable input (CVI) available are displayed in the following figure. Note the connection of SP to CVI.

PID_MA_ENH Controller with BLOCK_OPT Enumeration

476 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

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Input Quality Status Monitoring
The PID_MA_ENH_V2 block monitors and propagates the health or quality status of I/O points CVI, EV, FF, PV, RSP, TV,
BKCAL_IN_CV, BKCAL_IN_SV, POS_CV, POS_SV and determines when action must be taken because a bad quality
related input.
The following inputs are monitored for quality status based on block operational mode input BLOCK_OPT:

• CVI is only used in the block calculation when the operational mode is chosen as MA, MA_EXT or MA_REM. These
are the only modes, which allow the bad quality of CVI to affect block operation.
• V input is only used in the block calculation when the operational mode is chosen as PID, PID_MA, PID_MA_REM,
PID_MA_REM_CASC, PID_MA_EXT or PID_MA_EXT_CASC. These are the only modes that allow the bad quality
of EV to affect block operation.
• FF input is only used in the block calculation when the operational mode is chosen as PID, PID_MA, PID_MA_REM,
PID_MA_REM_CASC, PID_MA_EXT or PID_MA_EXT_CASC. These are the only modes that allow the bad quality
of F to affect block operation.
• PV input is only used in the block calculation when the operational mode is chosen as MA, MA_EXT, MA_REM, PID,
that allow the bad quality of PV to affect block operation.
• RSP input is only used in the block calculation when the operational mode is chosen as MA_EXT, MA_REM, PID, PID_
MA_REM, PID_MA_REM_CASC, PID_MA_EXT or PID_MA_EXT_CASC. These are the only modes that allow the
bad quality of RSP to affect block operation.
• TV input is only used in the block calculation when the operational mode is chosen as MA, MA_EXT, MA_REM, PID,
PID_MA, PID_MA_REM, PID_MA_REM_CASC, PID_MA_EXT or PID_MA_EXT_CASC. These are the only modes
that allow the bad quality of TV to affect block operation.
The following inputs are monitored for quality status based on the mode input MODE_OPT containing POS:

• POS_CV input is used to determine if bad quality (POS_CV_BQ) is present and if there is a significant difference
between the feedback value and the requested value CV to warrant an enabled high differential alarm, POS_CV_DH.
• POS_SV input is used to determine if bad quality (POS_SV_BQ) is present and if there is a significant difference
between the feedback value and the requested value SV to warrant an enabled high differential alarm, POS_SV_DH.
Bad Quality Outputs
Control Variable PID Track Value Bad Quality (BKCAL_IN_CV_BQ) is determined by the following conditions:

• Control variable PID track value input BKCAL_IN_CV is determined to be bad quality, a quality status value < 32.
Split Range Variable PID Track Value Bad Quality (BKCAL_IN_SV_BQ) is determined by the following conditions:

• Split range PID track value input BKCAL_IN_SV is determined to be bad quality (a quality status value < 32).
Output Bad Quality (OBQ) is determined by the following conditions:

• BKCAL_IN_CV_BQ is True
• BKCAL_IN_SV_BQ is True
• FOUNDATION fieldbus inputs BKCAL_IN_CV or BKCAL_IN_SV, if used, status values are ≥ 196 and ≤ 227.
• CVO is determined to be bad quality (a quality status value < 32).
Control Variable Input Bad Quality (CVI_BQ) is determined by the following conditions:

• BLOCK_OPT enumeration is MA, MA_EXT, or MA_REM and the control variable input CVI is determined to be bad
quality (a quality status value < 32).

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 477

Public Information
External Reset Value Bad Quality (EV_BQ) is determined by the following conditions:


• EV is determined to be bad quality (a quality status value < 32).
Process Variable Bad Quality (PV_BQ) is determined by the following conditions:

• PV is determined to be bad quality (a quality status value < 32).
Remote Setpoint Bad Quality (RSP_BQ) is determined by the following conditions:


• RSP is determined to be bad quality (a quality status value < 32).
• RSP_OV is set to True when the status of RSP is detected as a constant value condition (195) and the block is in a
cascade mode (BLOCK_OPT is PID_MA_EXT_CASC or PID_MA_REM_CASC). This condition indicates that an
upstream PID_MA_ENH has a bad quality condition and is now in manual and/or tracking mode. This is designed to
propagate to all blocks that make up the loop, including the OVR_ST_ENH.
Track Value Bad Quality (TV_BQ) is determined by the following conditions:

• TV is determined to be bad quality (a quality status value < 32).
Feed Forward Bad Quality (FFWD_BQ) is determined by the following conditions:


• FF is determined to be bad quality (a quality status value < 32).
FOUNDATION fieldbus Command to Manual Operation (FF_IMAN) is set to True when the status of a FOUNDATION fieldbus AO
is quality status is detected as 196-227. FF_IMAN will reject the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block to a manual and/or tracking state.
This status indicates that a downstream FF AO is requesting to initialize a control output, or it is in a fault state or is not
inviting the PID_MA_ENH_V2 to participate in the control process. It is a requirement that BK_CAL_IN_CV is connected to
the corresponding BK_CAL_OUT of the FF AO that is driven by CV. The corresponding requirement exists for BK_CAL_
IN_SV when split range control is used.
Control Variable Position Feedback Bad Quality (POS_CV_BQ) is determined by the following condition: POS_CV is
determined to be bad quality a quality status value < 32), and the enumerated input MODE_OPT contains POS (the position
feedback property, POSFB_P, is True). This bad quality detection also generates a LVL_4 alarm.
Split Range Variable Position Feedback Bad Quality (POS_SV_BQ) is determined by the following condition: POS_SV is
determined to be bad quality a quality status value < 32), and the enumerated input MODE_OPT contains POS (the position
feedback property, POSFB_P is True). This bad quality detection also generates a LVL_4 alarm.

478 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

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Alarmed Points
The following output points generate a LVL_4 alarm when activated:

Position Deviation High Alarms (POS_CV_DH and POS_SV_DH)
Under certain conditions, the position deviation high alarm, POS_CV_DH or POS_SV_DH, for CV or SV, respectively,
become True when the corresponding feedback value, POS_CV or POS_SV, exceeds a deviation high set point (POS_DH_SP)
value for a time period in milliseconds given by the POS_DH_T input parameter (the default value of POS_DH_T is 5000

Note If the POS_DH_T parameter is set to zero, both high deviation alarms, POS_CV_DH and POS_SV_DH, will be

The conditions required for the position deviation high alarm are:

• Position deviation time delay (POS_DH_T) must be greater than zero.

• LOCK must be False (the block is not in lock mode).
• Position feedback property (POSFB_P) must be True (MODE_OPT must contain POS).
• Input variable POS_CV or POS_SV have a GOOD quality status indication for the corresponding alarm to be activated
(GOOD quality status range value is from 128 to 155 or 192 to 227).
Manual Reject Alarm (MN_REJ_A) cannot be activated when the enumerated override station control input OVR_CTRL
contains OVR_CTRL or the enumerated BLOCK_OPT input is PID only (the output PID_P is True). Otherwise, the
following conditions activate the reject to manual alarm, MN_REJ_A:

• When MN_REJ input from a manual reject-type block contains OVR, the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block will reject from auto
mode to manual control and generate the MN_REJ_A.
• When CMD_OVR input from an override-type block contains OVR, the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block will reject from auto
mode to manual control and generate the MN_REJ_A.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 479

Public Information
• When input parameter reject to manual on bad quality, BQ_MAN, is set to True, the PID_MA_ENH block will reject
from auto mode to manual control and generate the MN_REJ_A, when any of the following bad quality indicators
becomes True:
• If BQ_MAN is False, the block will be put into tracking mode (TK_OUT will be True).
• If the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block is in auto mode and the operator places the block in lock mode (LOCK is True), the
block will be put in manual mode and the MN_REJ_A will be activated.
• If the BLOCK_OPT enumerated input is changed to MA_MAN and the block is in auto mode, the block will reject from
auto mode to manual control and generate the MN_REJ_A.
• If the block is in auto mode, the BLOCK_OPT enumerated input is ID_MA_EXT_CASC or PID_MA_REM_CASC, and
the quality status value of the remote setpoint RSP is equal to 195, CONSTANT-GOODC, then the remote setpoint
override (RSP_OVR) (when reject to manual on bad quality, BQ_MAN, is True) becomes True and the block will reject
from auto mode to manual control and generate the MN_REJ_A.
Position Feedback Bad Quality Alarms (POS_CV_BQ and POS_SV_BQ)
The Control Variable Position Feedback Bad Quality (POS_CV_BQ) or the Split Range Variable Position Feedback Bad
Quality (POS_SV_BQ) generate a LVL_4 alarm when either bad quality is detected.
Local and Remote Setpoint Mode (RS)
The output RS indicates when the PID_MA_ENH block is using the remote setpoint input, RSP (when the block is in auto
mode), as the setpoint to calculate CVO. The Boolean value of RS is determined by a reset dominant latched output that is
determined by the following:

• When the BLOCK_OPT enumeration is PID, PID_MA_EXT, PID_MA_EXT_CASC or MA_EXT, the setpoint mode is
set to remote (RS is True).
• When the BLOCK_OPT enumeration is PID_MA or MA, the setpoint mode is set to local (RS is False).
• When the BLOCK_OPT enumeration is PID_MA_REM, PID_MA_REM_CASC or MA_REM, the operator can use the
graphical interface to select remote or local setpoint mode or the block can be externally commanded to the remote
setpoint mode by the pulsed RSP_SEL input.

480 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

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Tracking Pulse (TRACK_SC)
When the RS changes state or the PID_MA_ENH_V2 is selected to be in auto mode, the track pulse to align the set point,
TRACK_SC, becomes True; the controller calculates the integral term from the last calculated control output value.
POP values CV_L, CV_R, CV_MN, SV_L, SV_R, and SV_MN
The POP feature is designed to provide a valve closing hysteresis loop. This prevents a control valve from throttling on the
valve seat, reducing control valve wear. In the decreasing direction, the feature does not allow CV to become less than the pop
value of CV_L until the characterized value of CVO becomes less than reset value, CV_R. When the characterized value of
CVO becomes less than CV_R, CV is set to the minimum desired output value, CV_MN. In the increasing direction, CV
remains equal to CV_MN until the characterized value of CVO becomes greater than the value of CV_L. Once the
characterized value of CVO is greater than CV_L, CV will POP to the value of CV_L and CV will follow the characterized
value of CVO as long as it is above CV_L. The POP feature is enabled when CV_L>CV_R>CV_MN and disabled when CV_
L=CV_R=CV_MN. This POP concept also applies to SV, when the MODE_OPT input enumeration contains SPLIT, SPLIT_
P is True, and the values of SV_L, SV_R and SV_MN are set.
Cascaded PID_MA_ENH_V2 Blocks
Proper operation of cascaded PID_MA_ENH_V2 blocks require the inner loop PID_MA_ENH_V2 cascaded block option
input, BLOCK_OPT, enumeration to be either PID_MA_REM_CASC or PID_MA_EXT_CASC and the cascaded outer loop
PID_MA_ENH_V2 block option input, BLOCK_OPT, enumeration cannot be either PID_MA_REM_CASC or PID_MA_
EXT_CASC. The inner loop provides the control variable output which is connected to the controlled device through a hard
analog IO point, CV or, if applicable, SV. The outer loop output, CVO, drives the remote setpoint input of the inner loop, RSP.
The cascaded blocks transfer information through the CASC_OUT output of the outer loop to the CASC_IN input of the inner
loop and CASC_OUT output of the inner loop to CASC_IN input of the outer loop. A cascade control loop provides tighter
and more responsive control than a non-cascade control loop. However, determining which process variables to use or add
can be costly and unjustified, when a non-cascade control loop can provide sufficient control.
When the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block is used in an override control scheme in conjunction with an OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block,
the CASC_OUT output of the PID_MA_ENH_V2 is connected to the desired OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block input CASC_IN1,

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 481

Public Information
CASC_IN Input and CASC_OUT Output enumerations are listed in the following table.

CASC_IN Input and CASC_OUT Output Enumerations

Name Description
DIRECT Direct action
REVERSE Reverse action
DIRECT-TRACK Direct action and TRACK
REVERSE-TRACK Reverse action and TRACK




























482 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

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CASC_IN Input and CASC_OUT Output Enumerations (continued)

Name Description



























Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 483

Public Information
CASC_IN Input and CASC_OUT Output Enumerations (continued)

Name Description







NO_CASC No cascade

NO_CASC — the default value of CASC_IN and CASC_OUT. However, the output CASC_OUT will never be NO_CASC
when the controller is running. If no connection is made to the CASC_IN input, the enumeration will be NO_CASC and the
PID_MA_ENH_V2 block is not in a cascade configuration.
DIRECT — determined by the CRTL_ACT enumeration. If CTRL_ACT is DIRECT, then CASC_OUT will contain the
enumeration DIRECT. This information is then transferred between the cascaded PID_MA_ENH_V2 blocks by the CASC_
OUT output of the outer loop to the CASC_IN input of the inner loop and CASC_OUT output of the inner loop to CASC_IN
input of the outer loop. This shared information is necessary to prevent the cascaded outer loop PID_MA_ENH_V2 block
from winding up or down when the inner loop cascaded block reaches its upper (US) or lower (LS) limit is True, respectively.
REVERSE — determined by the CRTL_ACT enumeration. If CRTL_ACT is REVERSE, then CASC_OUT will contain the
enumeration REVERSE. This information is then transferred between the cascaded PID_MA_ENH_V2 blocks by the CASC_
OUT output of the outer loop to the CASC_IN input of the inner loop and CASC_OUT output of the inner loop to CASC_IN
input of the outer loop. This shared information is necessary to prevent the cascaded outer loop PID_MA_ENH_V2 block
from winding up or down when the inner loop cascaded block reaches its US or LS limit is True, respectively.
TRACK — used by the inner loop cascade output (CASC_OUT) to command the outer loop using the cascade input (CASC_
IN) to track its tracking value (TV) input. The inner loop sends this enumeration to the outer loop when inner loop output
Tracking Status (TK_OUT) is True. The input CASC_IN does not validate the outer loop CASC_OUT TRACK enumeration;
the TRACK information from the outer loop is not used by the inner loop.
LOW_LIMITED — used by CASC_OUT to command the outer loop using CASC_IN to inhibit the increase or decrease
value of the outer loop CVO when the inner loop output has reached its US or LS limits outputs or the inner loop is True,
respectively. When the inner loop CASC_OUT enumeration contains DIRECT and LOW_LIMITED, the outer loop responds
by inhibiting the increase in the outer loop output CVO, which is connected to the inner loop RSP. When the inner loop
CASC_OUT enumeration contains REVERSE and LOW_LIMITED the outer loop responds by inhibiting the decrease in the
outer loop output, CVO, which is connected to the inner loop, RSP. The input CASC_IN does not validate CASC_OUT
LOW_LIMITED enumeration; the LOW_LIMITED information from the outer loop is not used by the inner loop.
HIGH_LIMITED — used by the output, CASC_OUT to command the outer loop using the cascade input, CASC_IN, to
inhibit the increase or decrease value of the outer loop control variable output, CVO, when the inner loop output has reached
its US or LS limit outputs, or the inner loop is True, respectively. When CASC_OUT enumeration contains DIRECT and
HIGH_LIMITED, the outer loop responds by inhibiting the decrease in the outer loop output CVO, which is connected to the
inner loop RSP. When CASC_OUT enumeration contains REVERSE and HIGH_LIMITED, the outer loop responds by
inhibiting the increase in the outer loop output CVO, which is connected to the inner loop RSP. The inner loop input CASC_
IN does not validate the outer loop CASC_OUT HIGH_LIMITED enumeration; the HIGH_LIMITED information from the
outer loop is not used by the inner loop.

484 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
TUNE_INNER — indicates the inner loop of cascaded PID_MA_ENH_V2 blocks has been selected by the operator from the
graphical interface to be in tuning mode.
TUNE_OUTER — indicates the outer loop of cascaded PID_MA_ENH_V2 blocks has been selected by the operator from
the graphical interface to be in tuning mode. If a non-cascaded PID_MA_ENH_V2 block is used in an override control
scenario with an OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block, this enumeration will be contained in the CASC_OUT output when the PID_
MA_ENH_V2 block is in tuning mode.

Typical PID_MA_ENH_V2 Cascaded Controllers, CASC_OUT and CASC_IN Connections

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 485

Public Information
Override Control Using PID_MA_ENH_V2 in Conjunction with OVR_ST_ENH_V2
The OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block has the capability of controlling up to three PID_MA_ENH_V2 blocks. Each PID_MA_ENH_
V2 block used is connected to the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block outputs OVR_CTRL1, OVR_CTRL2, and, if three PID_MA_
ENH_V2 blocks are used, OVR_CTRL3, by the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block override control input OVR_CTRL.

Note When the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block is used in an override control scheme and is not in tuning mode (TUN is False)
the block cannot be put into manual mode.

OVR_CTRL enumerations are listed in the following table.

OVR_CTRL Input Enumerations

Name Description






NONE — used when no override station block, OVR_ST_ENH_V2, is connected to the PID_MA_ENH_V2 OVR_CTRL
OVR_CTRL — indicates override station block OVR_MA_ENH controls PID_MA_ENH_V2.
ER — indicates OVR_ST_ENH_V2 is requesting an external reset from PID_MA_ENH_V2. This enumeration is equivalent
to the PID_MA_ENH_V2 input ER being set to True and sets the external reset output ER_OUT to True.
TRACK — indicates OVR_ST_ENH_V2 is requesting PID_MA_ENH_V2 to use the TV input to calculate CVO.
SELECTED — indicates CVO of PID_MA_ENH_V2 is being used by OVR_ST_ENH_V2. Up to three PID_MA_ENH_V2
blocks may be connected to one OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block. When this enumeration is used, the override select output
OVRST_SEL is True, indicating the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block has selected this PID_MA_ENH_V2 block to calculate its
outputs. Only one of the two, or three, PID_MA_ENH_V2 blocks can be selected at any given time for use by the OVR_ST_
ENH_V2 block.

486 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

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Manual Tuning Mode
If the BLOCK_OPT enumeration contains PID, the PID_MA_ENH_V2 faceplate enables the Tune button in the lower corner
of the faceplate.

Tuning Faceplate

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 487

Public Information
The tuning faceplate enables the operator to modify the proportional gain (PG in %/%), integral gain (IG in repeats/minute),
and derivative gain (DG in minutes) values, P, I and D. A number of tuning methods are available, with some more complex
than others. This document only covers basic manual tuning instructions.

Note The operator is responsible for ensuring that the system loop is in a tunable mode and all safety precautions have been
meet before beginning a manual tuning procedure. If in doubt, contact GE for assistance.

➢ To modify P, I, and D
1. Begin with all gains values, PG, IG and DG, set to zero, denoted as P, I, and D in the tuning faceplate.
2. Slowly increase the value of the proportional gain, P, until the output begins to oscillate. This may take a considerable
amount of time, depending on the responsiveness of the loop; a large supply tank or irrigation pond level may take
several hours or even days to respond. However, this is not the case for most circumstances. Wait for the loop to respond.
If the system cannot tolerate an overshoot of the setpoint, the value of PG will be much less than one half the value that
caused the output to begin oscillating.
3. When the oscillation begins, set P to approximately one half the value.
4. Increase the value of integral value, I, until the output is driven to the setpoint, in an acceptable time frame for the
process. System instability will result if the integral value is too great.
5. The derivative gain, D, may not be necessary, but increasing the value of D causes the system loop to respond more
aggressively when there is a disturbance in the system. If D is too great, the system will respond too rapidly and the
output will overshoot the setpoint.
If the BLOCK_OPT enumeration is PID_MA, PID_MA_REM or PID_REM_CASC, the BLOCK_OPT enumerations are
modified when TUN is True to allow output and setpoint changes while in tuning mode. If the BLOCK_OPT enumeration is
PID or PID_MA_EXT, it is modified to be PID_MA_REM. If the BLOCK_OPT enumeration is PID_MA_EXT_CASC, it is
modified to be PID_MA_REM_CASC. The block returns to the original BLOCK_OPT enumeration when TUN becomes
When a PID_MA_ENH_V2 block is used in an override control scheme, the OVR_ST_ENH_V2 block ensures that the PID_
MA_ENH_V2 block that is in tune mode is selected to drive the output to facilitate tuning.

488 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
ToolboxST Configuration
When installing a PID_MA_ENH_V2 block into the ToolboxST application code, the ToolboxST application generates a pop
up window that prompts the user to enter the Device Name, Device Description, Format Specification for the process variable
(PV) and the Format Specification for the control variable (CV). The block automatically creates the variables associated with
the block and provides the appropriate attributes for each variable. For example, Type, Format Spec, and the variables that
need to be on the EGD are automatically placed on the $Default EGD page.

Note Each Device name used in a controller must be unique.

PID_MA_ENH_V2 Default Attribute Values


Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 489

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Array Initial Value Visibility Interface
Type Definition
AU_PMT ✓ Auto permit UNIT 0 PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
AU_SEL Auto mode select BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
BKCAL_IN_ Control variable PID track REAL 0 0 Always Analog with
CV value and status Status
BKCAL_IN_ Split range variable PID REAL 0 0 Always Analog with
SV track value and status Status
BLOCK_OPT Block options UINT 0 PID_MA Always Value Only
BQ_MAN Reject to manual on BQ BOOL 0 False Parameter Value Only
(True) / Track on BQ
CASC_IN Cascade in enumeration UINT 0 NO_CASC Always Value Only
CMD_FRC Force command UINT 0 NO_FORCE-NO_ Always Value Only

CMD_OVR ✓ Override command UINT 0 NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
CMD_TK Track command UINT 0 NO_TRACK-NO_ Always Value Only
CTL ✓ {Desc} Control word UINT 0 NO_CMD Always Value Only
CTRL_ACT Controller action UINT 0 DIRECT Always Value Only
CV_L ✓ {Desc} CV pop level REAL 0 7 Parameter Value Only
CV_MN {Desc} CV pop level REAL 0 -5 Parameter Value Only

CV_R {Desc} CV pop reset to REAL 0 0.1 Parameter Value Only

minimum level
CV_X {Desc} CV X CHAR array REAL 13 -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,60, Parameter Value Only

CV_Y {Desc} CV Y CHAR array REAL 13 -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,60, Parameter Value Only

CVI {Desc} Control variable REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

input Status
DG ✓ {Desc} PID derivative gain REAL 0 0 Parameter Value Only
EN_PROC_ {Desc} Enable process BOOL 0 False Parameter Value Only

LIM_HIGH dependent high limit
EN_PROC_ {Desc} Enable process BOOL 0 False Parameter Value Only

LIM_LOW dependent low limit
ER PID external reset BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

ERR_C Enable error deadband BOOL 0 False Parameter Value Only
ERR_CDB Error deadband for PV_ REAL 0 0 Parameter Value Only
SP equality
EV PID external reset value REAL 0 0 Always Analog with
FF PID feedforward value REAL 0 0 Always Analog with
FV Force value REAL 0 0 Always Value Only
H ✓ {Desc} Output upper limit REAL 0 100 Parameter Value Only
IG ✓ {Desc} PID integral gain REAL 0 3 Parameter Value Only
IG_C Enable bumpless IG BOOL 0 True Parameter Value Only
IG_CDB IG bumpless change REAL 0 0.1 Parameter Value Only

490 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Inputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Array Initial Value Visibility Interface
Type Definition
INH_DEC ✓ Inhibit DEC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
INH_INC ✓ Inhibit INC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
INH_PDG Inhibit proportional and BOOL 0 False Parameter Value Only
derivative action on
setpoint change
INH_PDG_ SP deadband to inhibit REAL 0 0.000625 Parameter Value Only
CDB proportional and
derivative action on
setpoint change
INIT_POS {Desc} Initial position for REAL 0 0 Parameter Value Only
✓ lock and release to
L ✓ {Desc} Output lower limit REAL 0 0 Parameter Value Only
MC ✓ {Desc} Manual setpoint REAL 0 0 Always Value Only
MN_REJ ✓ Manual reject UINT 0 NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
MOD_PMT ✓ Modulate permit UINT 0 PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
MODE_OPT Mode options UINT 0 NONE Always Value Only
MR Manual adjustment rate REAL 0 10 Parameter Value Only
OV {Desc} Override value REAL 0 0 Always Value Only
OVR_CTRL OVR_ST control status UINT 0 NONE Always Value Only
PG {Desc} PID proportional REAL 0 1 Parameter Value Only

PG_C Enable bumpless PG BOOL 0 True Parameter Value Only
PG_CDB PG bumpless change REAL 0 1 Parameter Value Only
POS_CV {Desc} CV Position REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

feedback Status
POS_DH_SP {Desc} Position dev high REAL 0 10 Parameter Value Only
POS_DH_T {Desc} Position dev high UDINT 0 5000 Parameter Value Only
POS_SV {Desc} SV position REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

feedback Status
PR_DEC ✓ {Desc} Priority DEC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
PR_DEC_RT Priority DEC rate REAL 0 1 Parameter Value Only
PR_INC ✓ {Desc} Priority INC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
PR_INC_RT Priority INC rate REAL 0 1 Parameter Value Only
PROC_LIM_ {Desc} Process REAL 0 100 Always Value Only

HIGH dependent high limit
PROC_LIM_ {Desc} Process REAL 0 0 Always Value Only

LOW dependent low limit
PV {Desc} Process variable REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

PV_SP_LIM_ PID TRACK AT LIMIT BOOL 0 False Parameter Value Only
RSP {Desc} Remote setpoint REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

RSP_SEL Remote SP select BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
SC ✓ {Desc} Setpoint REAL 0 0 Always Value Only
SF {Desc} PID scale factor REAL 0 1 Parameter Value Only

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 491

Public Information
Inputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Array Initial Value Visibility Interface
Type Definition
SH {Desc} Setpoint upper REAL 0 100 Always Value Only

SL ✓ {Desc} Setpoint lower limit REAL 0 0 Always Value Only
SP_TRACK {Desc} setpoint tracks PV BOOL 0 True Parameter Value Only
✓ in manual and RSP in
SQR_ERR Square error used in BOOL 0 False Parameter Value Only
proportional term
SR Setpoint adjustment rate REAL 0 10 Parameter Value Only
SV_L ✓ {Desc} SV pop level REAL 0 7 Parameter Value Only
SV_MN {Desc} SV pop level REAL 0 -5 Parameter Value Only

SV_R {Desc} SV pop reset to REAL 0 0.1 Parameter Value Only

SV_X {Desc} SV X CHAR array REAL 13 -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,60, Parameter Value Only

SV_Y {Desc} SV Y CHAR array REAL 13 -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,60, Parameter Value Only

TV PID TRACK VALUE REAL 0 0 Always Analog with
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

492 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Type Array Initial Visibility Interface
Value Type
{Device} ✓ {Desc} BOOL 0 False Internal Value Only
AUTO ✓ {Desc} Auto BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
CASC_OUT Cascade out enumeration UINT 0 NO_CASC Always Value Only
CHAR_P {Desc} Out BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

characterization property
CV {Desc} Characterized CV REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

output Status
CVI_BQ {Desc} Control variable BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

input BQ
CVO {Desc} Control variable REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

output Status
DEC_INH ✓ {Desc} Inhibit DEC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
ER_OUT {Desc} PID external reset BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

EV_BQ {Desc} PID external reset BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

value BQ
FFWD_BQ {Desc} PID feedforward BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

value BQ
FRC_CMD ✓ {Desc} Force command BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
FRC_CMDB {Desc} Force command BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

block status
INC_INH ✓ {Desc} Inhibit INC BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
LOCK_P ✓ {Desc} Lock property BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
LS ✓ {Desc} At lower limit BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
MA_EXT_P {Desc} MA_ST - External BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

MA_MAN_P {Desc} MA_ST - Manual BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

MA_P {Desc} MA_ST - Auto SP BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

& manual SP
MA_REM_P {Desc} MA_ST - Remote BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

SP & local SP
MN_REJ_A ✓ {Desc} Manual reject BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
OBQ ✓ {Desc} Output BQ BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
OVR_CMD {Desc} Override BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

OVR_CMDB {Desc} Override BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

command block status
OVRST_SEL OVR_ST - This PID_MA is BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

PID_MA_ {Desc} PID & MA_ST - BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
EXT_ C_P ✓ External SP from CASC
PID_MA_ {Desc} PID & MA_ST BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

EXT_P external SP
PID_MA_P {Desc} PID & MA_ST - BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

Auto SP & manual SP
PID_MA_ {Desc} PID & MA_ST - BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
REM_ C_P ✓ Remote SP from CASC
PID & local SP
PID_MA_ {Desc} PID & MA_ST - BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

REM_P Remote SP & local SP

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 493

Public Information
Outputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Type Array Initial Visibility Interface
Value Type
PID_P {Desc} PID - without MA_ BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

PMT_AU ✓ {Desc} Auto permit BOOL 0 True Always Value Only
PMT_AUB {Desc} Auto permit BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

bypass status
PMT_MOD ✓ {Desc} Modulate permit BOOL 0 True Always Value Only
PMT_MODB {Desc} Modulate permit BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

bypass status
POS_CV_BQ {Desc} CV position BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

feedback Bad quality
POS_CV_DH {Desc} CV position dev BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

high alarm
POS_SV_BQ {Desc} SV Position BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

feedback Bad quality
POS_SV_DH {Desc} SV position dev BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

high alarm
POSFB_P {Desc} Position feedback BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

PV_BQ {Desc} PID Process BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

variable BQ
REJ_MN ✓ {Desc} Manual reject BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
REJ_MNB {Desc} Manual reject BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

bypass status
RSP_BQ {Desc} Remote setpoint BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

RSP_OV {Desc} Remote setpoint BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

SI {Desc} Setpoint (internal REAL 0 0 Always Value Only

before ramp)
SP ✓ {Desc} Setpoint REAL 0 0 Always Value Only
SPLIT_P {Desc} Split range BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

SV {Desc} Split range REAL 0 0 Always Analog with

characterized output Status
TK_CMDB {Desc} Track command BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

block status
TK_OUT ✓ {Desc} Track status BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
TV_BQ ✓ {Desc} PID track value BQ BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
US ✓ {Desc} At upper limit BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
LOCK ✓ {Desc} Locked BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
RS {Desc} Remote setpoint BOOL 0 False Always Value Only

TUN ✓ {Desc} Tuning mode BOOL 0 False Always Value Only
✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

494 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables (Automatically Generated)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
00PID_MA_ENH1000 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. AUTO 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not True $DEFAULT Read Only
description auto Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.CHAR_P 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description out Alarmed
characterization property
00PID_MA_ENH1000.CTL 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Write
description control word Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.CV 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description characterized CV Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.CV_L 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description CV pop level Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.CV_MN 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description CV pop level Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.CV_R 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False ReadOnly
description CV pop reset to Alarmed
minimum level
00PID_MA_ENH1000.CV_X 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description CV X CHAR array Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.CV_Y 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description CV Y CHAR array Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.CVI 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description Control variable Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.CVI_BQ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description Control variable Alarmed
input BQ
00PID_MA_ENH1000.CVO 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description Control variable Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.DEC_INH 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description inhibit DEC Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.DG 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Write
description PID derivative Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.EN_PROC_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
LIM_HIGH description enable process Alarmed
dependent high limit
00PID_MA_ENH1000.EN_PROC_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
LIM_LOW description enable process Alarmed
dependent low limit
00PID_MA_ENH1000. ER_OUT 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description PID external reset Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. EV_BQ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description PID external reset Alarmed
value BQ

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 495

Public Information
Global Variables (Automatically Generated) (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
00PID_MA_ENH1000.FFWD_BQ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description PID feedforward Alarmed
value BQ
00PID_MA_ENH1000.FRC_CMD 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not True $DEFAULT Read Only
description force command Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.FRC_CMDB 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description force command Alarmed
block status
00PID_MA_ENH1000.H 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description output upper limit Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. IG 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Write
description PID integral gain Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. INC_INH 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description inhibit INC Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. INIT_POS 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description initial position for Alarmed
lock and release to modulate
00PID_MA_ENH1000. L 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description output lower limit Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. LOCK 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not True $DEFAULT Read Only
description locked Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. LOCK_P 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description lock property Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. LS 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description at lower limit Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.MA_EXT_P 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description MA_ST - External Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.MA_MAN_P 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description MA_ST - Manual Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.MA_P 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description MA_ST - Auto SP Alarmed
& manual SP
00PID_MA_ENH1000.MA_REM_P 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description MA_ST - remote Alarmed
SP & local SP
00PID_MA_ENH1000.MC 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Write
description manual setpoint Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.MN_REJ_A 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Alarmed LVL_3 False $DEFAULT Read Only
description manual reject
00PID_MA_ENH1000.OBQ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description output BQ Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.OVR_CMD 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not True $DEFAULT Read Only
description override Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.OVR_CMDB 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description override Alarmed
command block status
00PID_MA_ENH1000.OVRST_ OVR_ST - This PID_MA is Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
SEL selected Alarmed

496 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables (Automatically Generated) (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PG 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not $DEFAULT Read Write
description PID proportional Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PID_MA_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
EXT_C_P description PID & MA_ST - Alarmed
external SP from CASC PID
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PID_MA_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
EXT_P description PID & MA_ST Alarmed
external SP
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PID_MA_P 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description PID & MA_ST - Alarmed
Auto SP & manual SP
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PID_MA_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
REM_C_P description PID & MA_ST - Alarmed
Remote SP from CASC PID
& local SP
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PID_MA_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
REM_P description PID & MA_ST - Alarmed
Remote SP & local SP
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PID_P 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description PID - without MA_ Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PMT_AU 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description auto permit Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PMT_AUB 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description auto permit Alarmed
bypass status
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PMT_MOD 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description modulate permit Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PMT_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
MODB description modulate permit Alarmed
bypass status
00PID_MA_ENH1000. POS_CV 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description CV Position Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. POS_CV_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Alarmed Alert False $DEFAULT Read Only
BQ description CV position
feedback Bad quality
00PID_MA_ENH1000. POS_CV_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Alarmed Alert False $DEFAULT Read Only
DH description CV position dev
high alarm
00PID_MA_ENH1000. POS_SV 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description SV position Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. POS_SV_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Alarmed Alert False $DEFAULT Read Only
BQ description SV position
feedback Bad quality
00PID_MA_ENH1000. POS_SV_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Alarmed Alert False $DEFAULT Read Only
DH description SV position dev
high alarm

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 497

Public Information
Global Variables (Automatically Generated) (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
00PID_MA_ENH1000. POSFB_P 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description position feedback Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.PR_DEC 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description priority DEC Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PR_INC 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description priority INC Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PROC_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
LIM_HIGH description process Alarmed
dependent high limit
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PROC_ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
LIM_LOW description process Alarmed
dependent low limit
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PV 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description process variable Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. PV_BQ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description PID process Alarmed
variable BQ
00PID_MA_ENH1000.REJ_MN 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description manual reject Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.REJ_MNB 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description manual reject Alarmed
bypass status
00PID_MA_ENH1000.RS 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description remote setpoint Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.RSP 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description remote setpoint Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.RSP_BQ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description remote setpoint Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.RSP_OV 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description remote setpoint Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SC 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Write
description setpoint Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SF 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Write
description PID scale factor Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SH 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description setpoint upper Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SI 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description setpoint (internal Alarmed
before ramp)
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SL 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description setpoint lower Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SP 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description setpoint Alarmed

498 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables (Automatically Generated) (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD External
Class Page Access
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SP_TRACK 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description setpoint tracks Alarmed
PV in manual and RSP in
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SPLIT_P 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description split range Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SV 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description split range Alarmed
characterized output
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SV_L 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description SV pop level Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SV_MN 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description SV pop level Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SV_R 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description SV pop reset to Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SV_X 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description SV X CHAR array Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. SV_Y 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False Read Only
description SV Y CHAR array Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. TK_CMDB 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description track command Alarmed
block status
00PID_MA_ENH1000. TK_OUT 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description traqck status Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. TUN 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description tuning mode Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000. TV_BQ 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description PID track value Alarmed
00PID_MA_ENH1000.US 00PID_MA_ENH1000 Not False $DEFAULT Read Only
description at upper limit Alarmed

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 499

Public Information
Control Constants
Name Description Initial Value External Access
CV_MN {Desc} CV pop level minimum -5 Read Only

SV_L {Desc} SV pop level 7 Read Only

SV_R {Desc} SV pop reset to minimum 0.1 Read Only

SV_X {Desc} SV X CHAR array -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,60, Read Only

SV_Y {Desc} SV Y CHAR array -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,60 Read Only
IG† {Desc} PID integral gain 3 Read/Write

SV_MN {Desc} SV pop level minimum -5 Read Only

DG† {Desc} PID derivative gain 0 Read/Write

PG† {Desc} PID proportional gain 1 Read/Write

SF† {Desc} PID scale factor 1 Read/Write

CV_R {Desc} CV pop reset to minimal level 0.1 Read Only

CV_X {Desc} CV X CHAR array -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,60, Read Only

CV_Y {Desc} CV Y CHAR array -10,0,10,20,30,40,50,60, Read Only
CV_L {Desc} CV pop level 7 Read Only
† These control constant inputs values are retained in non-volatile memory (NOVRAM).

500 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
In edit mode, a PID_MA_ENH_V2 block can be directly inserted into the CIMPLICITY screen from the ToolboxST
application code using the drop and drag method. The CIMPLICITY object created depends on the HMILinkSource and
HMILinkedObject information contained in the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block attributes.

Note The CIMPLICITY objects from which to choose for PID_MA_ENH_V2 are dependent on the path information.

In edit mode, select an attribute to

insert into the CIMPLICITY screen.

The following figures are examples of the CIMPLICITY objects for the PID_MA_ENH_V2 block, which can be placed into a
CIMPLICITY screen in edit mode, by using the drag and drop feature.



Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 501

Public Information
42 Proportional Gain (PROP_GAIN)
Block Category: Controls (DCS)
The Proportional Gain (PROP_GAIN) block generates a gain value to be use by a PID type block as its proportional gain
parameter. This block is used to reduce the proportional gain of a controller as the absolute error, ABS(SP - PV), decreases
and increase the proportional gain as the absolute error increases.


OUT is calculated by the following equation but cannot be greater than G_MAX or less than G_MIN.

Where: G_MAX > G_MIN, E_HIGH > E_LOW and G_MIN ≤ OUT ≤ G_MAX.

502 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
This block propagates quality status if the status operations are enabled.

Block status modifications:

• The status of OUT is modified to include HIGH_LIMITED if: OUT = G_MAX

• The status of OUT is modified to include LOW_LIMITED if: OUT = G_MIN
• If G_MAX < 0, G_MIN < 0, G_MAX ≤ G_MIN, or E_HIGH ≤ E_LOW, then: OUT = 0, and OUT status = NOT_
For further details on relational blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Usage
G_MAX Maximum gain value Real 0 Always Input
G_MIN Minimum gain value Real 0 Always Input
SP Setpoint input Real† 0 Always Input
PV Process Variable input Real† 0 Always Input
E_LOW Absolute error low value Real 0 Always Input
E_HIGH Absolute error high value Real 0 Always Input
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Usage
OUT Variable gain output Real† 0 Always Output
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 503

Public Information
43 Quad Select (QUADSEL)
Block Category: Legacy, Analog Operations

Note Legacy Status — The QUADSEL block is not supported for use in new Mark VIe control systems (ControlST
V05.02 or later). It is in place to support the maintenance of legacy Mark VIe control systems (prior to ControlST V05.02).
For new Mark VIe control systems, use the QUADSEL_V2 block; it provides equivalent functionality.

The Quad Select (QUADSEL) block selects the median of four analog signals and transfers the selection to the output
({Device}). When all four transmitters are enabled, the average ignores the transmitters with the minimum and maximum
values and calculates the average of the other two transmitters. The user has the option to disable up to three transmitters. If
one transmitter is disabled, the output equals the median or average of the three remaining transmitters based on the
enumerated value of the input TS. If two transmitters are disabled, the output will be either the minimum, maximum, or
average of the two remaining transmitters based on the enumerated value of the input DS. If the one transmitter allowed
property, 1XMTR_P, is True, three transmitters can be disabled and the output will be the value of the remaining transmitter.

Block Configuration
Disabling Transmitters
When the quality status of transmitter A is in the BAD then ABQ and AD become True and transmitter A is automatically
disabled and the median value of B, C, and D is transferred to OUT. Once the quality status of transmitter A becomes GOOD
or UNCERTAIN, ABQ becomes False. If AU_EN_P is False, input A remains disabled (AD remains True) and must be
enabled by an HMI operator. If AU_EN_P is True and the quality status of transmitter A becomes GOOD or UNCERTAIN
and the value of input A is within the deviation limits set by the user, AD becomes False and A is automatically enabled. This
concept also applies to inputs B, C, and D.

Note AU_EN_P does not have any effect on the enabling of a manually disabled input. A manually disabled input must be
manually enabled.

A transmitter can be manually disabled through the pop-up QUADSEL faceplate. If input A, B, C, and D are all enabled and
have a GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality status and A is manually disabled, then the corresponding output, AD, becomes True
to indicate that input A is disabled. If input A is enabled and B is disabled then BD is True. If input B is enabled and C is
disabled then CD is True and if input C is enabled and D is disabled then DD is True.

Note The HMI operator is allowed to disable two transmitters at any time from the faceplate when 1XMTR_P, is False.
When 1XMTR_P, is True, the operator is allowed to disable up to three transmitters.

504 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Output Bad Quality Indication (OBQ)
If 1XMTR_P is True when four transmitters are disabled and/or in a BAD quality state, OBQ becomes True, the default value,
DF, is automatically transferred to OUT, quality status of OUT is set to NOT_LIMITED-BAD [0], and MODE is set to
DEFAULT. If AU_EN_P is , OBQ becomes False when the quality status of any input becomes GOOD or UNCERTAIN. The
GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality input will be enabled and transferred to OUT. However, if AU_EN_P is False, OUT will be
equal to DF until the HMI operator manually enables the GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality input.
If 1XMTR_P is False when three or four transmitters are disabled and/or in a BAD quality state, OBQ becomes True, the
default value, DF, is automatically transferred to the output, quality status of the output is set to NOT_LIMITED-BAD[0], and
MODE is set to DEFAULT. If AU_EN_P is True, OBQ becomes False when the quality status of two inputs become GOOD
or UNCERTAIN. The GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality inputs will be enabled and based on the DS enumeration selected, the
average, minimum, or maximum of the GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality inputs is transferred to the output. However, if AU_
EN_P is False, the output will be equal to DF until the HMI operator manually enables the GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality

This block propagates quality status. Status option cannot be disabled on this block.

Block status modification: When OBQ is True, the quality status of {Device} is NOT_LIMITED-BAD[0].

For further details on relational blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Control Word (CTL)

CTL is used by the HMI operator for manual control. The manual commands from the HMI allow each input to be enabled or
disabled. The command enumerations are defined in the following table.

Note A manually disabled transmitter can be manually enabled, regardless of its deviation status. An exception is when the
block is in average mode with three transmitters in operation. Refer to the section Deviation Alarms.

CTL Enumerations
Enumeration Command
NO_CMD No Command
EN_A_CMD Enable Input A command
DIS_A_CMD Disable Input A command
EN_B_CMD Enable Input B command
DIS_B_CMD Disable Input B command
EN_C_CMD Enable Input C command
DIS_C_CMD Disable Input C command
EN_D_CMD Enable Input D command
DIS_D_CMD Disable Input D command

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 505

Public Information
Block Function Enumerations
Function blocks are defined by two function modes:

• Dual Select (DS) mode

• Three Select (TS) mode

DS Mode Function Enumeration

Enumeration Function
AVG Average of A and B
MIN Minimum of A and B
MAX Maximum of A and B

TS Mode Enumeration
Enumeration Function
AVG Average of three inputs
MEDIAN Median of three inputs

506 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Operating mode (MODE)
MODE is the block-operating mode that depends on DS, TS and the quality status of the inputs.

MODE Enumerations
Enumeration Operating Mode
MED_AVG Average of 2 middle inputs
MED_BCD Median of B, C and D
MED_ACD Median of A, C and D
MED_ABD Average of A, B and D
MED_ABC Average of A, B and C
AVG_BCD Average of B, C and D
AVG_ACD Average of A, C and D
AVG_ABD Average of A, B and D
AVG_ABC Average of A, B and C
AVG_A-B Average of A and B
AVG_A-C Average of A and C
AVG_A-D Average of A and D
AVG_B-C Average of B and C
AVG_B-D Average of B and D
AVG_C-D Average of C and D
MIN_B-C Minimum of B and C
MIN_A-D Minimum of A and D
MIN_A-B Minimum of A and B
MIN_A-C Minimum of A and C
MIN_C-D Minimum of C and D
MIN_B-D Minimum of B and D
MAX_B-C Maximum of B and C
MAX_A-D Maximum of A and D
MAX_A-B Maximum of A and B
MAX_A-C Maximum of A and C
MAX_C-D Maximum of C and D
MAX_B-D Maximum of B and D
A Input A
B Input B
C Input C
D Input D

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 507

Public Information

• MED_AVG mode is selected when all inputs are enabled and have a GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality status.
• MED_BCD mode is selected when A is BAD quality or is disabled and the TS enumeration is MEDIAN.
• AVG_BCD mode is selected when A is BAD quality or is disabled. and the TS enumeration is AVG.
• AVG_A-B mode is selected when a BAD quality is detected on transmitter C or when C is manually disabled and a BAD
quality is detected on transmitter D or when D is manually disabled, and the DS enumeration is AVG.
• MIN_A-B mode is selected when a BAD quality is detected on transmitter C or when C is manually disabled and a BAD
quality is detected on transmitter D or when D is manually disabled, and the DS enumeration is MIN.
• MAX_A-B mode is selected when a BAD quality is detected on transmitter C or when C is manually disabled and a
BAD quality is detected on transmitter D or when D is manually disabled, and the DS enumeration is MAX.
• A mode is selected when 1XMTR_P is True and transmitters B, C and D are disabled.
• DEFAULT mode is selected when all transmitters are BAD quality and/or disabled or 1XMTR_P is False and three
transmitters are BAD quality and/or disabled.

Deviation Alarms
Each transmitter value is compared with the output, to determine if it is outside of the deviation limit, DL. If so, the deviation
high alarm for the deviant input either DAH, DBH, DCH, or DDH for transmitters A, B, C, or D respectively, and DH,
become True. The deviation alarms will not become False until the absolute difference between the deviant input and the
output is less than the value of DL minus DLDB (deviation limit dead band) or the deviant input is disabled.

Note Use the deviation alarms that are configured from within the block instead of the deviation high configuration of the
analog alarm. Refer to the section Analog Alarm Configuration.

Note The deviation high output, DH, becomes True when at least one transmitter is in deviation. Also, if a transmitter input
is disabled, the deviation alarm for that transmitter is disabled.

In general, the deviation alarm only sets Boolean outputs and has no influence on the functionality of the block (the
transmitter in deviation with the output is not automatically disabled, and the block mode does not change).
However, if the block is calculating the average of any three transmitters (three transmitters are Enabled and TS = AVG), a
transmitter that gets a high deviation will be automatically disabled. It can be enabled by the operator or automatically (AU_
EN_P = True) when the absolute difference between the deviant input and the output is less than the value of DL minus
DLDB (deviation limit dead band).

508 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Rate of Change Restriction
The rate of change of the output is only restricted by the value of RATE when the block operating mode changes.
RATE is in engineering units per second. For example, if 1XMTR_P = True, RATE = 1, A = 10 (enabled), B = 25 (disabled),
C = 50 (disabled) and D = 50 (disabled), so MODE = A, and the mode of the block is changed by enabling input B and
disabling input A. Now, MODE = B and the output will increase from 10 to 25 engineering units in 15 seconds. At this point,
the output equals B, the block operating mode transition from A to B is complete and the rate of change restriction on the
output is removed until the block operating mode changes, again.

ToolboxST Configuration
Inserting this block into application program, will generate a window titled, Enter the Attribute Instance Values, which
prompts the user to Enter Device Description, Enter Device Name, and Enter Format Specification in the Values column of
the window. The block will then automatically create the variables associated with the block and provide the appropriate
attributes for each variable (such as Type, Format Spec, variables that need to be on EGD will be automatically placed on the
$Default EGD page, and so forth).

Note Each Device name used in a controller must be unique.

Inserting a QUADSEL block into the application program, for example, displays the following window.

Default Attribute Values

When the user clicks OK, the block and pin connections will be configured automatically. The previous example will generate
Global pins. Pin names are in the form Device Name, where Device Value has the attribute value 00QUADSEL1000
and Input_Name is the block input/output names. The description, QUADSEL Description becomes the prefix of the block
input/output descriptions. The FormatSp Attribute Name Value, TempFS, in the previous example, is the format specification
of the block output.

Note The only exception to this rule is the output pin ({Device}) where the global pin name is in the form Device Value pin
name without the " ".

Note Global variables are listed in the table Global Variables. The defaults provided are for example only.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 509

Public Information

Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
1XMTR_P Allow one transmitter BOOL False Parameter Value Only
A {Desc} Trans A input REAL 0 Always Value with

AU_EN_P Auto enable BQ XMTR BOOL True Parameter Value Only
B {Desc} Trans B input REAL 0 Always Value with

C {Desc} Trans C input REAL 0 Always Value with

CTL ✓ {Desc} Control word UINT (ENUM) NO_CMD Always Value Only
D {Desc} Trans D input REAL 0 Always Value with

DF Substitute value REAL 0 Parameter Value Only
DL Deviation alarm limit REAL 5 Parameter Value Only
DLDB Deviation alarm limit REAL 2 Parameter Value Only
DS Dual select mode property UINT (ENUM) AVG Parameter Value Only
DT Deviation alarm delay BOOL 1000 Parameter Value Only
IN_ABQ ✓ Trans A bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
IN_BBQ ✓ Trans B bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
IN_CBQ ✓ Trans C bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
IN_DBQ ✓ Trans D bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
RATE Selection change rate limit REAL 1 Parameter Value Only
TS 3-XMTR Select mode UINT (ENUM) MEDIAN Parameter Value Only
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

510 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 511
Public Information
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
{Device} {Desc} REAL 0 Always Value with

ABQ {Desc} Trans A bad BOOL False Always Value Only

AD ✓ {Desc} Trans A disabled BOOL False Always Value Only
BBQ {Desc} Trans B bad BOOL False Always Value Only

BD ✓ {Desc} Trans B disabled BOOL False Always Value Only
CBQ {Desc} Trans C bad BOOL False Always Value Only

CD ✓ {Desc} Trans C disabled BOOL False Always Value Only
DAH {Desc} Trans A high BOOL False Always Value Only

DBH {Desc} Trans B high BOOL False Always Value Only

DBQ {Desc} Trans D bad BOOL False Always Value Only

DCH {Desc} Trans C high BOOL False Always Value Only

DD ✓ {Desc} Trans D disabled BOOL False Always Value Only
DDH {Desc} Trans D high BOOL False Always Value Only

MODE ✓ {Desc} Block mode UINT (ENUM) MED_AVG Always Value Only
OBQ ✓ {Desc} Bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
ODH ✓ {Desc} High deviation BOOL False Always Value Only
SEL_P {Desc} Select type UINT (ENUM) QUAD Internal Value Only

✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

512 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00QUADSEL1000 QUADSEL description Not False $Default ReadOnly
00QUADSEL1000.A QUADSEL description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans A input Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.A.Status QUADSEL description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans A input status Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.ABQ QUADSEL description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans A bad quality Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.AD QUADSEL description Not True $Default ReadOnly
Trans A disabled Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.B QUADSEL description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans B input Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.B.Status QUADSEL description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans B input status Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.BBQ QUADSEL description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans B bad quality Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.BD QUADSEL description Not True $Default ReadOnly
Trans B disabled Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.C QUADSEL description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans C input Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.C.Status QUADSEL description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans C input status Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.CBQ QUADSEL description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans C bad quality Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.CD QUADSEL description Not True $Default ReadOnly
Trans C disabled Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.CTL QUADSEL description Not False $Default ReadWrite
Control word Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.D QUADSEL description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans D input Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.D.Status QUADSEL description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans D input status Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.DAH QUADSEL description Alarmed LVL_2 False $Default ReadOnly
Trans A high deviation
00QUADSEL1000.DBH QUADSEL description Alarmed LVL_2 False $Default ReadOnly
Trans B high deviation
00QUADSEL1000.DBQ QUADSEL description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans D bad quality Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.DCH QUADSEL description Alarmed LVL_2 False $Default ReadOnly
Trans C high deviation
00QUADSEL1000.DD QUADSEL description Not True $Default ReadOnly
Trans D disabled Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.DDH QUADSEL description Alarmed LVL_2 False $Default ReadOnly
Trans D high deviation
00QUADSEL1000.MODE QUADSEL description Not False $Default ReadOnly
block mode Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.OBQ QUADSEL description bad Not False $Default ReadOnly
quality Alarmed

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 513

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00QUADSEL1000.ODH QUADSEL description high Not False $Default ReadOnly
deviation Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.SEL_P QUADSEL description Not False $Default ReadOnly
select type property Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.Status QUADSEL description Not False $Default ReadOnly
status Alarmed

Analog Alarm Configuration

To set up analog alarms on a signal, configure the Alarm property for that signal. This allows the configuration of BQ (Bad
Quality), RH (Rate of change high), DH (High Deviation), H, HH, HHH (or 3H), L, LL, and LLL (or 3L).

Note AnalogAlarmDefault should normally be used when a signal is to be used as an alarm. Enabling this turns on more
options in the Alarms and Events section in the properties of that signal.

Enabling Analog Alarms on Signal

Note Configuring the analog alarm for deviation high is not recommended as the block already alarms on deviation high for
each input. Refer to the section Deviation Alarms.

Additional Options in Alarms and Events Property Editor

514 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
➢ To enable the H Alarm: in the property grid, set the H property to True to add the variables displayed in the following
figure to the variable list.

H Variables
H_SP is the setpoint for the High alarm on the signal. H_T is the delay time (in ms). When the comparison between the
setpoint and the value is done, it waits H_T milliseconds before issuing the alarm. HYST is the Hysteresis of the alarm values.
Set the initial values to effectively use them. 00AI1000.H is the actual variable name that generates the alarm.
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
The Object name for the HMI is the same as the Device name specified in the ToolboxST configuration.

Typical HMI Object for a QUADSEL

QUADSEL Faceplate

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 515

Public Information
44 Quad Select Version 2 (QUADSEL_V2)
Block Category: Analog Operations
The Quad Select Version 2 (QUADSEL_V2) block selects the median of four analog signals and transfers the selection to the
output ({Device}). When all four transmitters are enabled, the average ignores the transmitters with the minimum and
maximum values and calculates the average of the other two transmitters. The user has the option to disable up to three
If one transmitter is disabled, the output equals the median or average of the three remaining transmitters based on the
enumerated value of the input TS. If two transmitters are disabled, the output will be either the minimum, maximum, or
average of the two remaining transmitters based on the enumerated value of the input DS. If the one transmitter allowed
property, 1XMTR_P, is True, three transmitters can be disabled and the output will be the value of the remaining transmitter.

Block Configuration
Disabling Transmitters
When the quality status of transmitter A is in the BAD then ABQ and AD become True and transmitter A is automatically
disabled and the median value of B, C, and D is transferred to OUT. Once the quality status of transmitter A becomes GOOD
or UNCERTAIN, ABQ becomes False. If AU_EN_P is False, input A remains disabled (AD remains True) and must be
enabled by an HMI operator. If AU_EN_P is True and the quality status of transmitter A becomes GOOD or UNCERTAIN
and the value of input A is within the deviation limits set by the user, AD becomes False and A is automatically enabled. This
concept also applies to inputs B, C, and D.

Note AU_EN_P does not have any effect on the enabling of a manually disabled input. A manually disabled input must be
manually enabled.

A transmitter can be manually disabled through the pop-up QUADSEL_V2 faceplate. If input A, B, C, and D are all enabled
and have a GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality status and A is manually disabled, then the corresponding output, AD, becomes
True to indicate that input A is disabled. If input A is enabled and B is disabled then BD is True. If input B is enabled and C is
disabled then CD is True and if input C is enabled and D is disabled then DD is True.

Note The HMI operator is allowed to disable two transmitters at any time from the faceplate when 1XMTR_P, is False.
When 1XMTR_P, is True, the operator is allowed to disable up to three transmitters.

516 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Output Bad Quality Indication (OBQ)
If 1XMTR_P, is True, when four transmitters are disabled and/or in a BAD quality state, OBQ becomes True, the default
value, DF, is automatically transferred to OUT, quality status of OUT is set to NOT_LIMITED-BAD [0], and MODE is set to
DEFAULT. If AU_EN_P is True, OBQ becomes False when the quality status of any input becomes GOOD or UNCERTAIN.
The GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality input will be enabled and transferred to OUT. However, if AU_EN_P is False, OUT will
be equal to DF until the HMI operator manually enables the GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality input.
If 1XMTR_P, is False, when three or four transmitters are disabled and/or in a BAD quality state, OBQ becomes True, the
default value, DF, is automatically transferred to the output, quality status of the output is set to NOT_LIMITED-BAD[0], and
MODE is set to DEFAULT. If AU_EN_P is True, OBQ becomes False when the quality status of two inputs become GOOD
or UNCERTAIN. The GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality inputs will be enabled and based on the DS enumeration selected, the
average, minimum, or maximum of the GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality inputs is transferred to the output. However, if AU_
EN_P is False, the output will be equal to DF until the HMI operator manually enables the GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality

This block propagates quality status. Status option cannot be disabled on this block.

Block status modifications: When OBQ is True, the quality status of {Device} is NOT_LIMITED-BAD[0].

For further details on relational blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Control Word (CTL)

CTL is used by the HMI operator for manual control. The manual commands from the HMI allow each input to be enabled or
disabled. The CTL command enumerations are defined in the following table.

Note A manually disabled transmitter can be manually enabled, regardless of its deviation status. An exception is when the
block is in average mode with three transmitters in operation. Refer to the section Deviation Alarms.

CTL Enumerations
Enumeration Command
NO_CMD No Command
EN_A_CMD Enable Input A command
DIS_A_CMD Disable Input A command
EN_B_CMD Enable Input B command
DIS_B_CMD Disable Input B command
EN_C_CMD Enable Input C command
DIS_C_CMD Disable Input C command
EN_D_CMD Enable Input D command
DIS_D_CMD Disable Input D command

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 517

Public Information
Function block is defined by two function modes:

• Dual Select Mode (DS)

• Three Select Mode (TS)

DS Mode Function Enumeration

Enumeration Function
AVG Average of A and B
MIN Minimum of A and B
MAX Maximum of A and B

TS Mode Enumeration
Enumeration Function
AVG Average of three inputs
MEDIAN Median of three inputs

518 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
MODE DS is the block-operating mode that depends on TS and the quality status of the inputs. MODE enumerations are
listed in the following table.

Operating Mode Enumerations

Enumeration Operating Mode
MED_AVG Average of 2 middle inputs
MED_BCD Median of B, C and D
MED_ACD Median of A, C and D
MED_ABD Average of A, B and D
MED_ABC Average of A, B and C
AVG_BCD Average of B, C and D
AVG_ACD Average of A, C and D
AVG_ABD Average of A, B and D
AVG_ABC Average of A, B and C
AVG_A-B Average of A and B
AVG_A-C Average of A and C
AVG_A-D Average of A and D
AVG_B-C Average of B and C
AVG_B-D Average of B and D
AVG_C-D Average of C and D
MIN_B-C Minimum of B and C
MIN_A-D Minimum of A and D
MIN_A-B Minimum of A and B
MIN_A-C Minimum of A and C
MIN_C-D Minimum of C and D
MIN_B-D Minimum of B and D
MAX_B-C Maximum of B and C
MAX_A-D Maximum of A and D
MAX_A-B Maximum of A and B
MAX_A-C Maximum of A and C
MAX_C-D Maximum of C and D
MAX_B-D Maximum of B and D
A Input A
B Input B
C Input C
D Input D

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 519

Public Information

• MED_AVG mode is selected when all inputs are enabled and have a GOOD or UNCERTAIN quality status.
• MED_BCD mode is selected when A is BAD quality or is disabled and the TS enumeration is MEDIAN.
• AVG_BCD mode is selected when A is BAD quality or is disabled. and the TS enumeration is AVG.
• AVG_A-B mode is selected when a BAD quality is detected on transmitter C or when C is manually disabled and a BAD
quality is detected on transmitter D or when D is manually disabled, and the DS enumeration is AVG.
• MIN_A-B mode is selected when a BAD quality is detected on transmitter C or when C is manually disabled and a BAD
quality is detected on transmitter D or when D is manually disabled, and the DS enumeration is MIN.
• MAX_A-B mode is selected when a BAD quality is detected on transmitter C or when C is manually disabled and a
BAD quality is detected on transmitter D or when D is manually disabled, and the DS enumeration is MAX.
• A mode is selected when 1XMTR_P is True and transmitters B, C, and D are disabled.
• DEFAULT mode is selected when all transmitters are BAD quality and/or disabled or 1XMTR_P is False and three
transmitters are BAD quality and/or disabled.

Deviation Alarms
Each transmitter value is compared with the output, to determine if it is outside of the deviation limit, DL. If so, the deviation
high alarm for the deviant input either DAH, DBH, DCH, or DDH for transmitters A, B, C, or D respectively, and DH,
become True. The deviation alarms will not become False until the absolute difference between the deviant input and the
output is less than the value of DL minus DLDB (deviation limit dead band) or the deviant input is disabled.

Note The deviation high output, DH, becomes True when at least one transmitter is in deviation. Also, if a transmitter input
is disabled, the deviation alarm for that transmitter is disabled.

Note Use the deviation alarms that are configured from within the block instead of the deviation high configuration of the
analog alarm. Refer to the section Analog Alarm Configuration.

In general, the deviation alarm only sets Boolean outputs and has no influence on the functionality of the block (the
transmitter in deviation with the output is not automatically disabled, and the block mode does not change).
However, if the block is calculating the average of any three transmitters (three transmitters are Enabled and TS = AVG), a
transmitter that gets a high deviation will be automatically disabled. It can be enabled by the operator or automatically (AU_
EN_P = True) when the absolute difference between the deviant input and the output is less than the value of DL minus
DLDB (deviation limit dead band).

520 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Rate of Change Restriction
The rate of change of the output is only restricted by the value of RATE when the block operating mode changes.
RATE is in engineering units per second. For example, if 1XMTR_P = True, RATE = 1, A = 10 (enabled), B = 25 (disabled),
C = 50 (disabled) and D = 50 (disabled), so MODE = A, and the mode of the block is changed by enabling input B and
disabling input A. Now, MODE = B and the output will increase from 10 to 25 engineering units in 15 seconds. At this point,
the output equals B, the block operating mode transition from A to B is complete and the rate of change restriction on the
output is removed until the block operating mode changes, again.

ToolboxST Configuration
Inserting this block into application program, will generate a window titled, Enter the Attribute Instance Values; prompting
the user to Enter Device Description, Enter Device Name, and Enter Format Specification in the Values column of the
window. The block will then automatically create the variables associated with the block and provide the appropriate
attributes for each variable (such as Type, Format Spec, variables that need to be on EGD will be automatically placed on the
$Default EGD page, and so forth).

Note Each Device name used in a controller must be unique.

Inserting a QUADSEL_V2 block into the application program, for example, displays the following window.

Default Attribute Values

When the user clicks OK, the block and pin connections will be configured automatically and generates Global pins. Pin
names are in the form Device Name, where Device Value has the attribute value 00QUADSEL1000 and Input_Name
is the block input/output names. The description, QUADSEL_V2 Description in this example becomes the prefix of the block
input/output descriptions. The FormatSp Attribute Name Value, TempFS, in the example, is the format specification of the
block output. The DLFormatSp Attribute Name Value, TempDiffFS is the format specification of the block DL pin output.

Note The only exception to this rule is the output pin ({Device}) where the global pin name is in the form Device Value pin
name without the " ".

Note Global variables are listed in the table Global Variables. The defaults provided are for example only.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 521

Public Information

Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
Allow one transmitter
1XMTR_P BOOL False Parameter Value Only
Value with
A ✓ {Desc} Trans A input REAL 0 Always
AU_EN_P Auto enable BQ XMTR BOOL True Parameter Value Only
Value with
B ✓ {Desc} Trans B input REAL 0 Always
Value with
C ✓ {Desc} Trans C input REAL 0 Always
CTL ✓ {Desc} Control word UINT (ENUM) NO_CMD Always Value Only
Value with
D ✓ {Desc} Trans D input REAL 0 Always
DF Substitute value REAL 0 Parameter Value Only
DL Deviation alarm limit REAL 5 Parameter Value Only
Deviation alarm limit
DLDB REAL 2 Parameter Value Only
DS Dual select mode property UINT (ENUM) AVG Parameter Value Only
DT Deviation alarm delay BOOL 1000 Parameter Value Only
IN_ABQ ✓ Trans A bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
IN_BBQ ✓ Trans B bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
IN_CBQ ✓ Trans C bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
IN_DBQ ✓ Trans D bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
RATE Selection change rate limit REAL 1 Parameter Value Only

522 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Inputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
3-XMTR Select mode
TS UINT (ENUM) MEDIAN Parameter Value Only
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 523

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
{Device} {Desc} REAL 0 Always Value with

ABQ ✓ {Desc} Trans A bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
AD ✓ {Desc} Trans A disabled BOOL False Always Value Only
BBQ ✓ {Desc} Trans B bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
BD ✓ {Desc} Trans B disabled BOOL False Always Value Only
CBQ {Desc} Trans C bad BOOL False Always Value Only

CD ✓ {Desc} Trans C disabled BOOL False Always Value Only
DAH {Desc} Trans A high BOOL False Always Value Only

DBH {Desc} Trans B high BOOL False Always Value Only

DBQ {Desc} Trans D bad BOOL False Always Value Only

DCH {Desc} Trans C high BOOL False Always Value Only

DD ✓ {Desc} Trans D disabled BOOL False Always Value Only
DDH {Desc} Trans D high BOOL False Always Value Only

MODE ✓ {Desc} Block mode UINT (ENUM) MED_AVG Always Value Only
OBQ ✓ {Desc} Bad quality BOOL False Always Value Only
ODH ✓ {Desc} High deviation BOOL False Always Value Only
SEL_P {Desc} Select type UINT (ENUM) QUAD Internal Value Only

✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

524 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00QUADSEL1000 QUADSEL_V2 Description Not False $Default ReadOnly
00QUADSEL1000.A QUADSEL_V2 Description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans A input Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.A.Status QUADSEL_V2 Description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans A input status Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.ABQ QUADSEL_V2 Description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans A bad quality Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.AD QUADSEL_V2 Description Not True $Default ReadOnly
Trans A disabled Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.B QUADSEL_V2 Description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans B input Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.B.Status QUADSEL_V2 Description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans B input status Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.BBQ QUADSEL_V2 Description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans B bad quality Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.BD QUADSEL_V2 Description Not True $Default ReadOnly
Trans B disabled Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.C QUADSEL_V2 Description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans C input Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.C.Status QUADSEL_V2 Description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans C input status Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.CBQ QUADSEL_V2 Description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans C bad quality Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.CD QUADSEL_V2 Description Not True $Default ReadOnly
Trans C disabled Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.CTL QUADSEL_V2 Description Not False $Default ReadWrite
Control word Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.D QUADSEL_V2 Description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans D input Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.D.Status QUADSEL_V2 Description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans D input status Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.DAH QUADSEL_V2 Description Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
Trans A high deviation
00QUADSEL1000.DBH QUADSEL_V2 Description Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
Trans B high deviation
00QUADSEL1000.DBQ QUADSEL_V2 Description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Trans D bad quality Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.DCH QUADSEL_V2 Description Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
Trans C high deviation
00QUADSEL1000.DD QUADSEL_V2 Description Not True $Default ReadOnly
Trans D disabled Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.DDH QUADSEL_V2 Description Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
Trans D high deviation
00QUADSEL1000.MODE QUADSEL_V2 Description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Block mode Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.OBQ QUADSEL_V2 Description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Bad quality Alarmed

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 525

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00QUADSEL1000.ODH QUADSEL_V2 Description Not False $Default ReadOnly
high deviation Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.SEL_P QUADSEL_V2 Description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Select type property Alarmed
00QUADSEL1000.Status QUADSEL_V2 Description Not False $Default ReadOnly
status Alarmed

Analog Alarm Configuration

To set up analog alarms on a signal, configure the Alarm property for that signal. This allows the configuration of BQ (Bad
Quality), RH (Rate of change high), DH (High Deviation), H, HH, HHH (or 3H), L, LL, and LLL (or 3L).

Note AnalogAlarmDefault should normally be used when a signal is to be used as an alarm. Enabling this turns on more
options in the Alarms and Events section in the properties of that signal.

Enabling Analog Alarm on Signal

Note Configuring the analog alarm for deviation high is not recommended as the block already alarms on deviation high for
each input. Refer to the section Deviation Alarms.

Additional Options in Alarms and Events Property Editor

526 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
➢ To enable the H Alarm: in the property grid, set the H property to True to add the variables displayed in the following
figure to the variable list.

H Variables
H_SP is the setpoint for the High alarm on the signal. H_T is the delay time (in ms). When the comparison between the
setpoint and the value is done, it waits H_T milliseconds before issuing the alarm. HYST is the Hysteresis of the alarm values.
Set the initial values to effectively use them. 00AI1000.H is the actual variable name that generates the alarm.

HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)

The Object name for the HMI is the same as the Device name specified in the ToolboxST configuration.

C lick M ED A VG to
display the Q U AD SEL
faceplate .

Typical HMI Object for QUADSEL_V2

QUADSEL_V2 Faceplate

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 527

Public Information
45 Quality Average (QUAL_AVG)
Block Category: Math
The Quality Average (QUAL_AVG) block is an expandable block that performs the average of up to 32 inputs.

Note Status functionality is always enabled for this block.

Bad quality inputs are excluded from the calculated average. The outputs QUAL_BAD, QUAL_POOR, QUAL_GOOD
indicates the total number of inputs that are bad, uncertain, and good, respectively. If all the inputs have bad quality then the
output is set to zero.


Note This is a variant block that supports any one the following block data types: Integer, Double Integer, Real, Long Real,
Unsigned Integer, Unsigned Double Integer. The default data type is Real. Refer to the section Change Data Type of Variant

This block propagates quality status. Status option cannot be disabled on this block. Block status is propagated as follows:

• If all inputs are of bad quality (QUALITY < 32), then the lowest quality of the inputs is propagated.
• If any input is used in the average computation, then the lowest quality of USED inputs is propagated.
For further details on Relational blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

528 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
IN1 Input 1 ANY_NUM† 0 Always Value with Status
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

IN32 Input 32 ANY_NUM† 0 Always Value with Status

† Value with status

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
OUT Average of inputs ANY_NUM† N/A Always Value with Status

QUAL_BAD Number of inputs with BAD UINT N/A Always Value Only
quality (QUALITY < 64 )

QUAL_GOOD Number of inputs with UINT N/A Always Value Only

GOOD quality (QUALITY >

QUAL_POOR Number of inputs with UINT N/A Always Value Only

UNCERTAIN quality (63 <
QUALITY < 128)
† Value with status.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 529

Public Information
46 Run Timer (RUN_TIMER)
Block Category: Timers and Counters
The Run Timer (RUN_TIMER) block behaves as a device run timer. OUT accumulates time in hours only if IN is True and
RESET is False. If IN becomes False, the timer stops and maintains the value of the accumulated time. If the RESET pin is
set to True, the accumulated time is reset to zero.


Name Description Data Type Initial value Visibility Interface Type
IN Allows counting when True BOOL False Always Value Only

RESET Resets the run timer BOOL False Always Value Only

Name Description Data Type Initial value Visibility Interface Type
OUT Accumulated run time LREAL 0 Always Value Only

530 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
47 Solenoid Operated Valve (S_O_V)
Block Category: Legacy, Device Control

Note Legacy Status — The S_O_V block is not supported for use in new Mark VIe control systems (ControlST V05.02
or later). It is in place to support the maintenance of legacy Mark VIe control systems (prior to ControlST V05.02). For new
Mark VIe control systems, use the S_O_V_V3 block; it provides equivalent functionality.

The Solenoid Operated Valve (S_O_V) block controls a solenoid-piloted pneumatic valve and provides an output to energize
a solenoid valve. The block has a fail-safe open or close property, FS_OP, for those valves that are energize-to-close, spring
opened or FS_CL, for those valves that are energize-to-open, spring closed. The block requires the inputs OPEN and
CLOSED from the limit switches of the valve. The block will generate a failed-to-open alarm, FL_OP_A, a failed-to-close
alarm, FL_CL_A, and a limit switch congruency alarm, CONGR_A, that alarms when the valve limit switches indicate that
the valve is open and closed at the same time for at least 2 seconds.

Block Configuration
This block has various enumerations that are used to control block operation.

Control Word (CTL)

CTL is an enumeration set by the HMI operator for valve control. The commands available from the HMI allow manual and
automatic valve control capability and/or lockout capability if the block property MODE_OPT enumeration selected allows
the auto and/or lock mode. The valve may be opened or closed in manual mode by the OPEN_CMD or CLOSE_CMD
commands, respectively. The command enumerations are defined in the following table.

CTL Enumerations
Enumeration Command
NO_CMD No command
AUTO_CMD Auto command
MANUAL_CMD Manual command
LOCK_CMD Lock command
UNLOCK_CMD Unlock command
OPEN_CMD Open command
CLOSE_CMD Close command
RESET_CMD Fault reset command

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 531

Public Information
Block Property Enumerations
IO_OPT, MODE_OPT, and IO_MON enumerations and descriptions are displayed in the following tables.

IO Option Enumerations
Enumeration IO Option Description
FS_CL Fail safe close

DUAL Dual solenoid

FS_OP Fail safe open

MODE_OPT Enumerations
Enumeration Mode Option Description
AUTO Auto mode
LOCK Lock mode
AUTO-LOCK Auto mode and lock mode

IO_MON Enumerations
Enumeration Monitor Option Description
NONE No fuse or voltage monitoring

FUSE Fuse monitoring

VOLT Voltage monitoring

IO_OPT— fail-safe options

FS_OP — select for solenoid valves that are energize-to-close, spring opened, fail-safe open. If FS_OP is selected FS_OP_P
is set to True. FS_CL, select for solenoid valves that are energize-to-open, spring closed, fail-safe close. If FS_CL is selected
FS_OP_P is set to False.
DUAL — select for dual solenoid valves. In this caseOP_ORD and CL_ORD (each are 3 second pulses) are used to open and
close the valve. If DUAL is selected DUAL_P is set to True.
MODE_OPT — select to define the block-operating mode. Refer to the section Operating Mode (MODE) for further details.
NONE — the valve can be opened or closed manually by the HMI operator, no other mode options are available.

532 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
AUTO — provides auto control capability of the solenoid valve. Selecting the AUTO property will set AUTO_P to True,
indicating the auto property of the block is enabled. When AUTO_P is True, the valve can be commanded to auto by either
CTL enumeration AUTO_CMD or a rising edge on AU_SEL providing PMT_AU is True. The HMI operator may command
the valve from auto to manual mode at any time with the CTL enumeration MANUAL_CMD. When AUTO is True, the AU_
OP and AU_CL inputs control the automatic opening and closing of the valve, provided, PMT_OP or PMT_CL, respectively,
is True. If AU_OP or AU_CL or AU_SEL become True, the valve is in manual mode, and the valve position is not in the state
of the requested command, the auto request alarm, AU_REQ, will be activated.

Note PMT_AU is described in the section Auto/Open/Close Permissives.

LOCK — provides software lock-out capability for the valve. Selecting the LOCK mode property will set LOCK_P to True,
and enable the LOCK_CMD and UNLOCK_CMD to control the lockout mode functionality. The valve solenoid must be
de-energized before the block can be set to lockout mode. Feedback to the HMI operator of this mode is provided by LOCK.
The HMI operator is prevented from energizing the solenoid operated valve from the control faceplate when LOCK is True,
and auto mode is disabled.

Note The lockout indication is provided for status indication only. This action will not lockout the equipment, it will only
indicate lockout status. The owner's lockout procedures must be followed to safely lock equipment out.

Note The Lock button can also be configured to use the WorkstationST Lock function. Refer to
WorkstationST/CIMPLICITY Advanced Viewer Integration Instruction Guide (GEI-100697), the section HMI Tagout

IO_MON enumerations are digital output monitor types. Monitoring is only available for the output (SV). If the hardware
board used with SV can perform diagnostic monitoring, IO_MON is used to select the method/type of diagnostic monitoring.
When diagnostic monitoring is used (FUSE or VOLT), the diagnostic variable from the digital output board is connected to

Note Refer to the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume II: System Guide for General-purpose Applications
(GEH-6721_Vol_II) for hardware board descriptions.

NONE — no circuit monitoring is available, RDY_SV is not used.

FUSE — fuse monitoring determines the valve circuit failure. If FUSE is selected FUSE_MON_P is True. The Boolean fuse
monitoring input is True when there is no fuse failure and is connected to the RDY_SV input. If there is a fuse failure, RDY_
SV becomes False and SV_FLR becomes True. When SV_FLR becomes True, PMT_OP or PMT_CL become False based
upon FS_OP_P, and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR. If AUTO is True when this occurs, AUTO will
become False, but the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be inhibited. Note, to prevent an unwanted automatic switch to
Manual mode, in case of an Automatic bus transfer or Power supply transfer, the power supply transfer time should not
exceed PWR_FL_TMR. If the power supply transfer time exceeds the PWR_FL_TMR, the valve will transfer from auto to
manual mode and MN_REJ_A, will be inhibited.
VOLT — voltage monitoring determines the valve circuit failure. If VOLT is selected VOLT_MON_P is True. The Boolean
voltage monitoring input is True when there is no voltage failure and is connected to the RDY_SV input. If there is a voltage
failure and the valve is not being energized (That is, SV is False), RDY_SV becomes False and SV_FLR becomes True,
(delayed by 2 seconds). When SV_FLR becomes True, PMT_OP or PMT_CL become False, based upon FS_OP_P, and
PMT_AU becomes False delayed by PWR_FL_TMR.
If AUTO is True when this occurs, AUTO will become False, but the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be inhibited.
Note, to prevent an unwanted automatic switch to Manual mode, in case of an Automatic bus transfer or Power supply
transfer, the power supply transfer time should not exceed PWR_FL_TMR. If the power supply transfer time exceeds the
PWR_FL_TMR, the valve will transfer from auto to manual mode and MN_REJ_A, will be inhibited.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 533

Public Information
SV_FLR is True, (delayed by 2 seconds), when the following conditions exist:

• RDY_SV is False
• SV_ORD is False
• OPEN is False (if IO_OPT, enumeration FS_OP is not selected)
• CLOSE is False (if IO_OPT, enumeration FS_OP is selected)
• AVAIL is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration AVAIL is selected)
• DUAL_P is False
When OP_FLR is True, PMT_OP is False and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR.
OP_FLR is True, (delayed by 2 seconds), when the following conditions exist:

• RDY_OP is False
• OP_ORD is False
• CP_OK is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration CP_OK is selected)
• REMOTE is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration REM is selected)
• OPEN is False
• TRANSIT is False (if the IO_OPT, enumeration TRANS is selected)
• AVAIL is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration AVAIL is selected)
• CL_ORD is False
When OP_FLR is True, PMT_OP is False and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR.
CL_FLR is True, (delayed by 2 seconds), when the following conditions exist:

• RDY_CL is False
• CL_ORD is False
• CP_OK is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration CP_OK is selected)
• REMOTE is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration REM is selected)
• CLOSED is False
• TRANSIT is False (if the IO_OPT, enumeration TRANS is selected)
• AVAIL is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration AVAIL is selected)
• OP_ORD is False
When CL_FLR is True, PMT_CL is False and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_FL_TMR.
If the valve is fail-safe open, fuse monitoring, and has the capability for auto and lockout operation, the IO_OPT selection is

534 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Override Control
The block provides override input enumerations override open, OP_OVR, override close, CL_OVR, and a manual reject input
enumeration, MN_REJ. The following table provides the possible values of the enumerations.

CL_OVR, OP_OVR, and MN_REJ Enumerations

Enumeration Override Option Description
NO_OVR-NO-BLOCK No override and no override is blocked

OVR-NO_BLOCK Override active and no override is blocked

NO_OVR-BLOCK No override and a override is blocked

OVR-BLOCK Override active and a override is blocked

OVR_OP or CL_OVR — open or close the valve, respectively, and prevent it from reclosing/reopening in any mode. If the
valve is in auto mode (AUTO is True), it rejects to manual and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated,
delayed off by 2 seconds.
OVR_OP and CL_OVR (if used) — driven from an OVERRIDE block. Each connected input of the OVERRIDE block has
the ability (when enabled) to be blocked by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated tab of the permit HMI
screen display. When OVR_OP or CL_OVR enumeration contains BLOCK, the HMI operator has blocked at least one
override. S_O_V does not use the block information, but passes it to the HMI for display.

Force Control
The block provides force enumerations Force Open input (OP_FRC) and Force Close input (CL_FRC). The following table
provides the possible values of the enumerations.

CL_FRC, and OP_FRC Enumerations

Enumeration Force Option Description
NO_FORCE-NO-BLOCK No force and no force is blocked

FORCE-NO_BLOCK Force active and no force is blocked

NO_FORCE-BLOCK No force and a force is blocked

FORCE-BLOCK Force active and a force is blocked

OP_FRC or CL_FRC force the valve open or close in any mode except when OP_OVR or CL_OVR indicates Override
Active. The valve does not reject to manual if a force occurs.
OP_FRC and CL_FRC (If used) are driven from a FORCE block. Each connected input of the FORCE block has the ability
(when enabled) to be blocked by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated tab of the permit HMI screen display.
When OP_FRC or CL_FRC indicate a force is blocked (enumeration contains BLOCK), the HMI operator has blocked at
least one force. The S_O_V does not use the block information, but passes it to the HMI for display.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 535

Public Information
Auto/Open/Close Permissives
The block provides permissive input enumerations AU_PMT, OP_PMT, and CL_PMT. The following table provides the
possible values of the enumerations.

AU_PMT, CL_PMT, and OP_PMT Enumerations

Enumeration Permit Option Description
NO_PERM-NO-BYPASS No permit and no permit is bypassed

PERM-NO_BYPASS Permit OK and no permit is bypassed

NO_PERM-BYPASS No permit and a permit is bypassed

PERM-BYPASS Permit OK and a permit is bypassed

The permit inputs, AU_PMT, OP_PMT, and CL_PMT, combine with internal permissives to generate PMT_AU, PMT_OP,
and PMT_CL, permitted indications.
PMT_AU is True when the following conditions exist:

• AU_PMT indicates Permit OK

• MN_REJ indicates No Override
• FL_OP_A is False
• FL_CL_A is False
• CONGR_A is False
• LOCK is False
• OP_FLR, CL_FLR, and SV_FLR are False (or the duration of being True has not exceeded the PWR_FL_TMR)
• TRIPPED is False
• OP_OVR indicates No Override
• CL_OVR indicates No Override
If the valve is in auto mode and any of the conditions listed above are not satisfied (except AU_PMT) the valve will be placed
in manual mode (the outputs, AUTO and PMT_AU are set to False). If the MN_REJ input caused this action, then the manual
reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated (otherwise MN_REJ_A will be inhibited). A change in AU_PMT from True to
False will not change the mode from AUTO to MANUAL.

536 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
PMT_OP is True when the following conditions exist:

• OP_PMT is True
• CL_OVR indicates No Override
• LOCK is False
• SV_FLR is False when FS_OP_P is False
• OP_FLR is False when DUAL_P is True
• CL_FRC indicates No Force
• FL_OP_A is False
• TRIPPED is False
PMT_CL is True when the following conditions exist:

• CL_PMT is True
• OP_OVR indicates No Override
• LOCK is False
• SV_FLR is False when FS_OP_P is True
• CL_FLR is False when DUAL_P is True
• OP_FRC indicates No Force
• FL_CL_A is False
• TRIPPED is False
AU_PMT, OP_PMT, and CL_PMT (if used) are driven from a PERMIT block. Each connected input of the PERMIT block
has the ability (when enabled) to be bypassed by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated tab of the permit HMI
screen display. When AU_PMT, OP_PMT, or CL_PMT enumeration contains BYPASS, the HMI operator has bypassed at
least one permit. S_O_V does not use the bypass information, but passes it to the HMI for display.

Valve Diagnostic
The block will generate a failed-to-open alarm, FL_OP_A, and a failed-to-close alarm, FL_CL_A, if the valve fails to open or
close in the time specified by the FL_OP_T or FL_CL_T, respectively. These alarms are reset when FAULT_RESET is True
or if the CTL enumeration equals RESET_CMD.
The block has a limit switch congruency alarm, CONGR_A that alarms when the valve limit switches indicate that the valve
is open and closed at the same time. CONGR_A also alarms if the valve is not at a known position providing there is no
output command active and no position failure (FL_OP_A or FL_CL_A) active and there is no trip alarm (TRIPPED) active –
this condition is delayed by the maximum of FL_OP_T and FL_CL_T. The CONGR_A alarm is reset when the condition that
caused the alarm is cleared.
If DIS_REJ_FL_A is False, the block operates as described above. If DIS_REJ_FL_A is True when either FL_CL_A, FL_
OP_A, CONGR_A, or TRIPPED becomes True, the reject-to-manual operation is inhibited (the block remains in AUTO if
AUTO is True when this occurs).

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 537

Public Information
The output, FAULT, is True when a fault is detected.
FAULT is True when the any of the following conditions exist:

• FL_OP_A is True
• FL_CL_A is True
• CONGR_A is True
• SV_FLR is True
• OP_FLR is True
• TRIPPED is True
• CL_FLR is True

Push-button Status
The block has a push-button status output, PBSTATE, to indicate the last HMI operator initiated CTL enumeration OPEN_
CMD or CLOSE_CMD command. PBSTATE is True when the last HMI CTL enumeration was OPEN_CMD. PBSTATE is
False when the last HMI CTL enumeration was OPEN_CMD.

Operating Mode (MODE)

Operating Mode (MODE) is an output that defines the block-operating mode. The operating mode enumerations are defined
in the following table. A complete list of all possible combinations of enumeration elements is provided in the table Appendix.

MODE Enumerations (Short List)

Enumeration Description
MANUAL Valve opens and closes under manual control
AUTO Valve opens and closes automatically.
OVERRIDE Valve control has been overridden
OPENED Valve is open
OPENING Valve is opening
CLOSED Valve is closed
CLOSING Valve is closing
FAULTED Valve has conflicting status
LOCKED Valve is not accepting control commands

538 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
ToolboxST Configuration
Inserting a S_O_V block into the application code displays the following window.

Default Attribute Values

When the user clicks OK, the block and pin connections will be configured automatically. The previous example will generate
Global pins. Pin names are in the form of the Device Value.Input_Name, where Device Value is the attribute value 00S_O_
V1000 and Input_Name is the block input/output names. The description, S_O_V DESCRIPTION, becomes the prefix of the
block input/output descriptions.

Note Global variables are listed in the table Global Variables. The defaults provided are for example only.

S_O_V Block

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 539

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
AU_CL Auto close command BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_OP Auto open command BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_PMT Auto permit UINT (ENUM) PERM- Always Value Only

AU_SEL Auto mode select BOOL False Always Value Only
CL_FRC Force close UINT (ENUM) NO_FORCE- Always Value Only

CL_INP ✓ Closed BOOL False Always Value Only
CL_OVR Close override UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR- Always Value Only

CL_PMT Close permit UINT (ENUM) PERM- Always Value Only

CTL ✓ {Desc} Control word UINT (ENUM) NO_CMD Always Value Only
DIS_REJ_FL_P Disable manual reject ON BOOL False Parameter Value Only
FAULT_RESET Fault/trip reset BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_CL_T Fail to close time UDINT 5000 Parameter Value Only
FL_OP_T Fail to open time UDINT 5000 Parameter Value Only
IO_MON Valve I/O monitor options UINT (ENUM) NONE Always Value Only
IO_OPT Valve I/O options UINT (ENUM) FS_CL Always Value Only
MN_REJ Manual reject UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR- Always Value Only

MODE_OPT ✓ Valve Mode options UINT (ENUM) NONE Always Value Only
OP_FRC Force open UINT (ENUM) NO_FORCE- Always Value Only

OP_INP ✓ Open BOOL False Always Value Only
OP_OVR Open override UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR- Always Value Only

OP_PMT Open permit UINT (ENUM) PERM- Always Value Only

PWR_FL_TMR Manual reject power fail UDINT 5000 Parameter Value Only
RDY_CL Output MON ready to BOOL True Always Value Only
RDY_OP Output MON ready to BOOL True Always Value Only
RDY_SV Ready to operate SV BOOL True Always Value Only
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

540 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
{Device} ✓ {Desc} BOOL False Internal Value Only
AU_REQ {Desc} Auto BOOL False Always Value Only

AUTO ✓ {Desc} Auto BOOL False Always Value Only
AUTO_P {Desc} Auto BOOL False Always Value Only

CL_FLR {Desc} Close BOOL False Always Value Only

circuit fail
CL_ORD {Desc} Close BOOL False Always Value Only

CLOSED ✓ {Desc} Closed BOOL False Always Value Only
CONGR_A {Desc} BOOL False Always Value Only

DUAL_P {Desc} Dual BOOL False Always Value Only
✓ output (OP/CL)
FAULT {Desc} Fault BOOL False Always Value Only

FL_CL_A {Desc} Fail to BOOL False Always Value Only

FL_OP_A {Desc} Fail to BOOL False Always Value Only

FRC_CL {Desc} Force BOOL False Always Value Only

FRC_CLB {Desc} Close BOOL False Internal Value Only

force block status
FRC_OP {Desc} Force BOOL False Always Value Only

FRC_OPB {Desc} Open BOOL False Internal Value Only

force block status
FS_OP_P {Desc} Fail safe BOOL False Always Value Only

open property
FUSE_MON_P {Desc} Output BOOL False Always Value Only
✓ fuse monitor
LOCK ✓ {Desc} Locked BOOL False Always Value Only
LOCK_P {Desc} Lock BOOL False Always Value Only

MN_REJ_A {Desc} Manual BOOL False Always Value Only

MODE Block mode UINT (ENUM) MANUAL-CLOS- Always Value Only
OP_FLR {Desc} Open BOOL False Always Value Only

circuit fail
OP_ORD {Desc} Open BOOL False Always Value Only

OPEN {Desc} Open BOOL False Always Value Only

OVR_CL {Desc} Close BOOL False Always Value Only


Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 541

Public Information
Outputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
OVR_CLB {Desc} Close BOOL False Internal Value Only
✓ override block
OVR_OP {Desc} Open BOOL False Always Value Only

OVR_OPB {Desc} Open BOOL False Internal Value Only
✓ override block
PBSTATE {Desc} Last PB BOOL False Internal Value Only

PMT_AU {Desc} Auto BOOL False Always Value Only

PMT_AUB {Desc} Auto BOOL False Internal Value Only
✓ permit bypass
PMT_CL {Desc} Permit to BOOL True Always Value Only

PMT_CLB {Desc} Close BOOL False Internal Value Only
✓ permit bypass
PMT_OP {Desc} Permit to BOOL True Always Value Only

PMT_OPB {Desc} Open BOOL False Internal Value Only
✓ permit bypass
REJ_MN {Desc} Manual BOOL False Always Value Only

REJ_MNB {Desc} Manual BOOL False Internal Value Only
✓ reject bypass
SV_FLR {Desc} Solenoid BOOL False Always Value Only

circuit fail
SV_ORD {Desc} Energize BOOL False Always Value Only

TRIPPED ✓ {Desc} Tripped BOOL False Always Value Only
VOLT_MON_P {Desc} Output volt BOOL False Always Value Only

monitor property
✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

542 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00S_O_V1000 S_O_V description Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.AU_REQ S_O_V description auto Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.AUTO S_O_V description auto Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.AUTO_P S_O_V description auto Not False $Default ReadOnly
property Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.CL_FLR S_O_V description Close Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
circuit fail
00S_O_V1000.CL_ORD S_O_V description Close Not False $Default ReadOnly
order/command Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.CLOSED S_O_V description Not False $Default ReadOnly
Closed Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.CONGR_A S_O_V description Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.CTL S_O_V description Not False $Default ReadWrite
control word Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.DUAL_P S_O_V description dual Not False $Default ReadOnly
output (OP/CL) property Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.FAULT S_O_V description fault Not False $Default ReadOnly
indication Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.FL_CL_A S_O_V description fail to Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.FL_OP_A S_O_V description fail to Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.FRC_CL S_O_V description Force Not False $Default ReadOnly
close Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.FRC_CLB S_O_V description close Not False $Default ReadOnly
force block status Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.FRC_OP S_O_V description force Not False $Default ReadOnly
open Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.FRC_OPB S_O_V description open Not False $Default ReadOnly
force block status Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.FS_OP_P S_O_V description fail Not False $Default ReadOnly
safe open property Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.FUSE_MON_P S_O_V description Not False $Default ReadOnly
output fuse monitor Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.LOCK S_O_V description Not True $Default ReadOnly
locked Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.LOCK_P S_O_V description lock Not False $Default ReadOnly
property Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.MN_REJ_A S_O_V description Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
manual reject
00S_O_V1000.OP_FLR S_O_V description open Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
circuit fail
00S_O_V1000.OP_ORD S_O_V description open Not False $Default ReadOnly
order/command Alarmed

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 543

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00S_O_V1000.OPEN S_O_V description open Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.OVR_CL S_O_V description close Not False $Default ReadOnly
override Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.OVR_CLB S_O_V description close Not False $Default ReadOnly
override block status Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.OVR_OP S_O_V description open Not False $Default ReadOnly
override Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.OVR_OPB S_O_V description open Not False $Default ReadOnly
override block status Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.PBSTATE S_O_V description last Not False $Default ReadOnly
PB state Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.PMT_AU S_O_V description auto Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.PMT_AUB S_O_V description auto Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit bypass status Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.PMT_CL S_O_V Description ON Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit to close Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.PMT_CLB S_O_V description close Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit bypass status Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.PMT_OP S_O_V Description ON Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit to open Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.PMT_OPB S_O_V description open Not False $Default ReadOnly
permit bypass status Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.REJ_MN S_O_V description Not False $Default ReadOnly
manual reject Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.REJ_MNB S_O_V description Not False $Default ReadOnly
manual reject bypass Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.SV_FLR S_O_V description Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
solenoid circuit fail
00S_O_V1000.SV_ORD S_O_V description Not False $Default ReadOnly
energize order Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.TRIPPED S_O_V description Alarmed LVL_2 False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.VOLT_MON_P S_O_V description Not False $Default ReadOnly
output volt monitor Alarmed

544 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
The Object name for the HMI is the same as the Device name specified in the ToolboxST configuration.

Typical HMI Object for SOV

SOV Faceplate

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 545

Public Information
The following table provides a complete list of all possible combinations of enumeration elements.

MODE Enumerations
Enumeration Operating Mode
MANUAL-OPENED Manual and opened
AUTO-OPENED Auto and opened
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENED Manual and override and opened
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENED Auto and override and opened
MANUAL-OPENING Manual and opening
AUTO-OPENING Auto and opening
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENING Manual and override and opening
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENING Auto and override and opening
MANUAL-CLOSED Manual and closed
AUTO-CLOSED Auto and closed
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSED Manual and override and closed
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSED Auto and override and closed
MANUAL-CLOSING Manual and closing
AUTO-CLOSING Auto and closing
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSING Manual and override and closing
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSING Auto and override and closing
MANUAL-FAULTED Manual and faulted
AUTO-FAULTED Auto and faulted
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-FAULTED Manual and override and faulted
AUTO-OVERRIDE-FAULTED Auto and override and faulted
MANUAL-OPENED-LOCKED Manual and opened and locked
AUTO-OPENED-LOCKED Auto and opened and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENED-LOCKED Manual and override and opened and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENED-LOCKED Auto and override and opened and locked
MANUAL-OPENING-LOCKED Manual and opening and locked
AUTO-OPENING-LOCKED Auto and opening and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-OPENING-LOCKED Manual and override and opening and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-OPENING-LOCKED Auto and override and opening and locked
MANUAL-CLOSED-LOCKED Manual and closed and locked
AUTO-CLOSED-LOCKED Auto and closed and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSED-LOCKED Manual and override and closed and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSED-LOCKED Auto and override and closed and locked
MANUAL-CLOSING-LOCKED Auto and override and closed and locked
AUTO-CLOSING-LOCKED Auto and closing and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-CLOSING-LOCKED Manual and override and closing and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-CLOSING-LOCKED Auto and override and closing and locked
MANUAL-FAULTED-LOCKED Manual and faulted and locked
AUTO-FAULTED-LOCKED Auto and faulted and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-FAULTED-LOCKED Manual and override and faulted and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-FAULTED-LOCKED Auto and override and faulted and locked

546 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
48 Solenoid Operated Valve Version 2 (S_O_V_V2)
Block Category: Legacy, Device Control

Note Legacy Status — The S_O_V_V2 block is not supported for use in new Mark VIe control systems (ControlST
V05.02 or later). It is in place to support the maintenance of legacy Mark VIe control systems (prior to ControlST V05.02).
For new Mark VIe control systems, use the S_O_V_V3 block; it provides equivalent functionality.

The Solenoid Operated Valve Version 2 (S_O_V_V2) block is an actuator block that interfaces with an output that is
connected to a solenoid controlled valve (SOV). Solenoid valves control a fluid that opens or closes a valve directly or pilots
another valve. Depending on the valve hardware configuration, the actuating fluid operates the valve differently. A single
acting valve stem allows the pressure to only control the valve in one direction, either open or closed. For example, an
air-actuated, fail-close, single acting solenoid valve operates such that no air pressure in the valve body leaves the valve
closed. However, with pressurized air in the valve body, the valve opens. The opposite is true for a fail-open valve. The dual
acting SOV uses two pressurized chambers that act on opposite sides of the valve. As a result, there must be separate Open
and Close commands to the solenoid. The block has the option of either one or two command outputs to support either
configuration. The block also monitors the end positions of the valve to provide alarm detection.
The S_O_V_V2 block is displayed in the following figure.

Note Not all variable pins are displayed in the following figure because most are auto-hidden.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 547

Public Information
S_O_V_V2 Block

548 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Block Configuration
This block has various enumerations that are configured for control block operation.

Control Word (CTL)

CTL is an enumeration set by the HMI operator for valve control. The commands available from the HMI allow manual and
automatic valve control capability and/or lockout capability if the block property Mode of Operation (MODE_OPT)
enumeration selected allows the auto and/or lock mode. The valve may be opened or closed in manual mode by the OPEN_
CMD or CLOSE_CMD commands, respectively. The command enumerations are defined in the following table.

CTL Enumerations
Enumeration Command
NO_CMD No command
AUTO_CMD Auto command
MANUAL_CMD Manual command
LOCK_CMD Lock command
UNLOCK_CMD Unlock command
OPEN_CMD Open command
CLOSE_CMD Close command
RESET_CMD Fault reset command

Mode of Operation (MODE_OPT)

MODE_OPT may be configured to operate in Manual or Automatic (Auto) mode. It also enables the user to lock the device,
which disables any operation while in the Lock mode. Manual mode allows commands from the operator interface, and Auto
mode allows the control logic to command the solenoid. In either mode there are inputs that may bypass or override the active
mode of operation. Lock mode is intended to be used when maintenance work is being performed on the valve and the
operator wants to prohibit any logic from energizing the valve solenoid. The allowable modes of operation are specified by
the Mode Options parameter, MODE_OPT.
The S_O_V_V2 block can be used in conjunction with the PERMIT, FORCE, OVERRIDE, or LOGIC_BUILDER blocks to
provide a complete and comprehensive device control. A predefined HMI faceplate provides the operator interface to the
valve. The block may also be configured to control valves that are a combination of fail-safe closed or fail-safe open, and
single or dual acting solenoid.

Note Refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the chapter Logic Builder (LOGIC_

Available Modes for MODE_OPT Selections


Manual mode enables the block to respond to operator Open and Close commands from a faceplate on the HMI. Given that
the permits are satisfied, the block operates in accordance with the manual command. The permit for the Open command is
set by the Open Permit input, OP_PMT, and the permit for the Close command is set by the Close Permit input, CL_PMT.
These inputs may be set to fixed values or driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER block.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 549

Public Information
Note Manual mode is always available unless MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK.

The possible conditions that place the block into Manual mode are as follows:

• Manual mode is selected from the HMI faceplate

• Device is locked from the HMI faceplate
• Manual Rejection from logic (MN_REJ)
• Override close or open from logic (OVR_CL, OVR_OP)
• Solenoid Circuit Failure from logic (RDY_SV)
− IO_OPT set to FS_OP OR FS_CL and IO_MON set to Fuse or Volt
• Open Circuit Failure from logic (RDY_OP)
− IO_OPT set to Dual and IO_MON set to Fuse or Volt
• Close Circuit Failure from logic (RDY_CL)
− IO_OPT set to Dual and IO_MON set to Fuse or Volt
• Valve has generates alarms Failed to Open, Failed to Close, Congruency Alarm, or Tripped
− DIS_REJ_FL_P set to False

Note Some of these conditions require block parameters to be specifically configured.

S_O_V_V2 Block in Manual Mode

AUTO mode enables the block to respond to Open and Close commands from logic. Given that the permits are satisfied, the
block operates in accordance with the command from the logic. The permit for the Open command is set by the Open Permit
input, OP_PMT, and the permit for the Close command is set by the Close Permit input, CL_PMT. The OP_PMT and CL_
PMT inputs may be set to fixed values or driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER block. The logic commands are input to the block
through the Automatic Open, AU_OP, and Automatic Close, AU_CL, inputs. The block may be placed in Auto mode either
by a command from the HMI or a pulse to the automatic select input, AU_SEL. Given that the permits are satisfied, the block
is placed into Auto mode. The permit for the Auto mode is set by the Auto Permit input (AU_PMT). The AU_PMT input may
be set to a fixed value or driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER block.

550 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
MANUAL-AUTO mode selection provides Manual and Automatic functionality. A selection of AUTO ONLY or
AUTO-LOCK for MODE_OPT provides automatic functionality only. While residing in Auto mode, the block controls the
valve based on external logic. Automated control from external logic interfaces to the AU_OP and AU_CL pins. Similar to
the manual mode, Auto action only operates with the proper Open and Close permits. If AUTO ONLY mode is selected, the
block will permanently reside in Auto mode. If MANUAL-AUTO is selected, only two conditions will transfer the block
from Manual into Auto mode. Unlike the transferring to Manual mode, here, certain permits must be satisfied to allow the
valve to enter into Auto mode. This means that the S_O_V_V2 block is always able to enter Manual mode, but not always
able to enter Auto mode. These conditions depend on the mode options selected for the block. All three of the following
conditions must be met for the block to enter Auto mode:

• No demand to transition to Manual mode

• AUTO push-button from operator graphic or Auto select from logic (AU_SEL)
LOCK mode may only be selected when the solenoid is in the de-energized state. When placed in the Lock mode, the block
forces the output so that the solenoid remains de-energized. Upon being placed in Lock mode, if currently in Auto mode, it
will be transfer to Manual mode. At this time, no open commands, forces, or overrides will be accepted. Upon removing the
lock, Manual mode will be active. Similarly, AUTO ONLY and AUTO-LOCK (no open commands) will be accepted.
however, upon removal of Lock mode, the block will return to Auto mode.

Note At any time, the block may go into Lock mode as long as it is residing in its fail-safe position. Only the operator may
place this block into Lock mode.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 551

Public Information
Inputs and Outputs
At a minimum, the S_O_V_V2 block requires Open and Close feedback and valve order output. However, other inputs may
be used for automatic control, valve forcing, manual rejection, and such.
Depending on the block configuration, the output could be one (SV_ORD) or two (CL_ORD, OP_ORD) commands.
Normally, S_O_V_V2 blocks are one-way solenoid valves, meaning that input pin, IO_OPT, is set to either FS_CL or FS_OP.
The following figure displays the logic for the Open command. The Close command logic is similar, but replaces the open
text with close text and vice versa.

Open Command Logic

One-way Acting Valves Command Logic

552 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Two-way Acting Valves Command Logic

Note Additional outputs from this block indicate status, faults, failures, alarms, forces, and overrides. Much of this
information is displayed on the HMI faceplate.

Diagnostic Alarms and Faults

When an alarm is active, the S_O_V_V2 block may have limited action of movement. For example, a Fail to Open alarm will
inhibit the valve from opening again. In this case, a Fault Reset must be issued so that the valve can continue normal
operation. Some alarms are held true until the alarm is cleared while others require a Fault Reset to clear the alarm. The alarm
may be reset at any time from the logic or an operator push-button. However, the reset must occur after the alarm has been
cleared. Otherwise, the alarm will remain active. For Unit Controls, the Fault Reset pin may be connected to the Master Reset
parameter. The alarms that may occur are as follows:
Fail to Open (FL_OP_A) — when commanded open, the valve fails to reach the open limit within the allotted time (FL_OP_
T). The block cannot reissue an open command while the alarm is active. Reset the alarm.

Fail to Open Alarm

Fail to Close (FL_CL_A)+ — when commanded open, the valve fails to reach the closed limit within the allotted time (FL_
CL_T). The block cannot reissue a close command while alarm is active. Reset the alarm.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 553

Public Information
Valve Trip (TRIPPED)+ — the valve is removed from its energized state but there was no command change. The block
cannot reissue an auto/manual command while alarm is active. Reset the alarm.

Valve Trip Alarm

Congruency Alarm (CONGR_A)+ — the valve has both open limits at the same time, or the feedback (CL_INP/OP_INP)
does not match the commanded state (SV_ORD). The block could be rejected to manual depending on its configuration. The
alarm will be cleared when the valve reaches either of its limits.
Solenoid Circuit Failure for single acting SOVs (SV_FLR) — power is lost to the circuit that energizes the valve (RDY_
SV becomes False). This pin is a reserved variable that monitors the health of the I/O. The block rejects to manual and cannot
reissue a command while the alarm is active. The alarm is cleared when RDY_SV becomes True.
Open Circuit Failure for dual acting SOVs (OP_FLR) — power is lost to the circuit that opens the valve (RDY_OP
becomes False). This pin is a reserved variable that monitors the health of the I/O. The block rejects to manual and cannot
reissue an open command while the alarm is active. The alarm is cleared when RDY_OP becomes True.
Close Circuit Failure for dual acting SOVs (CL_FLR) — power is lost to the circuit that closes the valve (RDY_CL
becomes False). This pin is a reserved variable that monitors the health of the I/O. The block rejects to manual and cannot
reissue an close command while alarm is active. The alarm is cleared when RDY_CL becomes True.
Auto Request (AU_REQ) — the valve is in Manual mode but the Auto logic requests that the valve state be different than its
current state. This has no effect on valve operation and is an alarm message only. The alarm is cleared if the valve is placed
into Auto mode, manually ordered to the requested state, or the auto action is removed.
Manual Rejected (MN_REJ_A) — the S_O_V_V2 block is rejected to manual due to a conditional alarm or input pin (MN_
REJ becomes True). The block will only respond to manual commands. The alarm is cleared after the conditions return to
normal and the MN_REJ becomes False and a reset command is given.

Note + If the MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK, this alarm will not affect automatic valve operation.
However, the alarm will still become active under the given conditions.

554 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
During any condition, the S_O_V_V2 may be forced to a position that bypasses normal operation. The force is driven from
the CL_FRC or OP_FRC pins in the logic. The valve will move to the force position, and remain there until the force is
removed. For example, for the valve to be forced open it must meet the following criteria:

• No Override Close
• No Circuit Failure
• No Failed to Open
While a force condition is active, the valve may freely transfer from Auto to Manual mode following the normal permits.
However, no manual command will supersede the force. Once the force is removed, the valve will continue normal operation.

Note Refer to the figure Open Command Logic to view the logic for a force.

An override will supersede a force and place the valve into the overridden state. For example, irrelevant of any forces, the
valve will go to the override closed state given that there is no circuit failure and no Failed to Close alarm is active. The S_O_
V_V2 block will take precedence from the override command, then the force command, and then the Manual/Auto command.
Upon entering an overridden state, the valve will be placed into Manual mode. Once the override is removed, the valve will
remain in Manual mode until changed by the operator.
Although forces and overrides bypass normal permits, if the valve is locked, forces and overrides will have no effect on the
block. The block must be removed from Lock mode before the forces and overrides affect block operation. Additionally, if the
MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK, the override pins will be disabled and will have no effect on the block.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 555

Public Information
Due to the nature of Auto and forcing action, permits are required for valve operation. Built into the blocks are special device
permits that may be enabled or disabled with certain pins in the block, as follows:

• Open
− OP_PMT is True (OP_PMT is technically a UINT)
− Valve not Failed to Open**+
− Valve not Tripped**+
− Output Mon Ready to Open (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled)
− Ready to operate Solenoid (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled)
− Valve not in Lock mode
• Close
− CL_PMT is True (CL_PMT is technically a UINT)
− Valve not Failed to Close**+
− Valve not Tripped**+
− Output Mon Ready to Close (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled)
− Ready to operate Solenoid (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled)
− Valve not in Lock mode
• Open Force
− Valve not Failed to Open**+
− No Open Circuit Failure (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled and Dual acting)
− No Solenoid Circuit Failure (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled and Fail Safe Close)
• Close Force
− Valve not Failed to Close**+
− No Close Circuit Failure (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled and Dual acting)
− No Solenoid Circuit Failure (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled and Fail Safe Open)
• Open Override+
− Valve not Failed to Open**
− No Open Circuit Failure (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled and Dual acting)
− No Solenoid Circuit Failure (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled and Fail Safe Close)
• Close Override +
− Valve not Failed to Close**
− No Close Circuit Failure (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled and Dual acting)
− No Solenoid Circuit Failure (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled and Fail-Safe Open)

Note ** Indicates a condition that is internally generated to the block. Otherwise, the condition comes from a direct input.

+ If the MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK, the condition comes from a direct input.

Note For basic operations, most of the device permits will be disabled.

556 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Global Description Function
AU_SEL Auto select Pulses the valve into auto (provided all permits are met)
AU_ OP Auto open Opens the valve (provided all permits are met); device must be in
Auto mode
AU_CL Auto close Auto closes the valve (provided all permits are met); device must be
in Auto mode
AU_PMT Auto permit Permit required for external logic to prevent the valve to enter Auto

OP_PMT Open permit Permit required for external logic to prevent the valve from opening
CL_PMT Close permit Permit required for external logic to prevent the valve from closing
RDY_SV Ready to operate S_O_ I/O monitoring of the circuit to the command to the valve
OP_OVR Open override Permit required for external logic to override open the valve
CL_OVR ✓ Close override Permit required for external logic to override close the valve
MN_REJ ✓ Manual rejection Permit required for external logic to manually reject the valve
RDY_CL Ready to close S_O_V_ I/O monitoring of the circuit to the close command of the valve
RDY_OP Ready to open S_O_V_ I/O monitoring of the circuit to the open command of the valve
CL_INP Closed input Connects to the closed feedback of the valve
OP_INP Open input Connects to the open feedback of the valve
CL_FRC ✓ Close force Permit required for external logic to force close the valve
OP_FRC ✓ Open force Permit required for external logic to force open the valve
FAULT_RESET Fault reset Permit required for external logic to reset alarms on the valve
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Name Global Description Function
CTL ✓ Control Used by the operator graphic to control the valve
FL_OP_T Fail to open time Time allotted for the valve to open. (If the motor takes 0.5 seconds to
open, ~6000 msec is sufficient time to allow the valve to reach its open
FL_CL_T Fail to close time Time allotted for the valve to close. (If the motor takes 0.5 seconds to
close, ~6000 msec is sufficient time to allow the valve to reach its close
PWR_FL_TMR Manual reject power Time allotted for the S_O_V_V2 to lose power before it rejects the valve
failure time to manual
IO_MON I/O monitor options Allows the I/O monitoring feature to be enabled. This pin can be set to
either Volt or Fuse monitoring.
IO_OPT Valve I/O options Designates what type of valve it is (possible values are FS_OP, FS_CL,
or DUAL)
MODE_OPT Mode options Designates what modes the valve can enter
DIS_REJ_FL_P Disable manual reject Designates if certain alarms should reject the valve to manual. True
on faults bypasses the alarms so that the valve will remain in Auto mode during
certain alarms.
✓ indicates the parameter is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 557

Public Information
Name Global Description
SV_ORD ✓ Solenoid valve order
OP_ORD ✓ Open order
CL_ORD ✓ Close order
AUTO_P ✓ Property for Auto mode available
LOCK_P ✓ Property for Lock mode available
FS_OP_P ✓ Property for fail safe open S_O_V_V2
DUAL_P ✓ Property for dual acting S_O_V_V2
VOLT_MON_P ✓ Property for volt monitoring I/O
FUSE_MON_P ✓ Property for fuse monitoring I/O
AUTO ✓ Auto mode active
CLOSED ✓ S_O_V_V2 close
OPEN ✓ S_O_V_V2 open
LOCK ✓ Lock mode active
PMT_AU ✓ Auto permit
PMT_CL ✓ Close permit
PMT_OP ✓ Open permit
FAULT ✓ Fault active
MODE Current valve status
OVR_CL ✓ Close override
OVR_OP ✓ Open override
FRC_CL ✓ Close force
FRC_OP ✓ Open force
SV_FLR ✓ Solenoid circuit failure
CL_FLR ✓ Close circuit failure
OP_FLR ✓ Open circuit failure
AU_REQ ✓ Auto request (auto logic wishes to open or close S_O_V_V2)
CONGR_A ✓ Congruency alarm
FL_CL_A ✓ Failed to close alarm
FL_OP_A ✓ Failed to open alarm
MN_REJ_A ✓ Manual rejection alarm
TRIPPED ✓ Valve tripped
✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

558 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00S_O_V1000 S_O_V_V2 description Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.AU_REQ Auto request Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.AUTO Auto Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.AUTO_P Auto property Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.CL_FLR Close circuit fail Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.CL_ORD Close order/command Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.CLOSED Closed Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.CONGR_A Congruency Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.CTL Control word Not False $Default ReadWrite
00S_O_V1000.DUAL_P Dual output (OP/CL) Not False $Default ReadOnly
property Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.FAULT Fault indication Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.FL_CL_A Fail to close Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.FL_OP_A Fail to open Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.FRC_CL Force close Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.FRC_CLB Close force block sts Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.FRC_OP Force open Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.FRC_OPB Open force block sts Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.FS_OP_P Fail safe open property Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.FUSE_MON_P Output fuse monitor Not False $Default ReadOnly
property Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.LOCK Locked Not True $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.LOCK_P Lock property Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.MN_REJ_A Manual reject Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.OP_FLR Open circuit fail Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.OP_ORD Open order/command Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.OPEN Open Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.OVR_CL Close override Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.OVR_CLB Close override block sts Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.OVR_OP Open override Not False $Default ReadOnly

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 559

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00S_O_V1000.OVR_OPB Open override block sts Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.PBSTATE Last PB state Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.PMT_AU Auto permit Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.PMT_AUB Auto permit bypass sts Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.PMT_CL Permit to close Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.PMT_CLB Close permit bypass sts Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.PMT_OP Permit to open Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.PMT_OPB Open permit bypass sts Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.REJ_MN Manual reject Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.REJ_MNB Manual reject bypass sts Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.SV_FLR Solenoid circuit fail Alarmed LVL_4 False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.SV_ORD Energize order Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.TRIPPED Tripped Alarmed LVL_2 False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.VOLT_MON_P Output volt monitor Not False $Default ReadOnly
property Alarmed

560 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
The Object name for the HMI is the same as the Device name specified in the ToolboxST configuration.

Typical HMI Object for S_O_V_V2

S_O_V_V2 Faceplate

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 561

Public Information
49 Solenoid Operated Valve Version 3 (S_O_V_V3)
Block Category: Device Control
The Solenoid Operated Valve Version 3 (S_O_V_V3) block is an actuator block that interfaces with an output that is
connected to a solenoid controlled valve (SOV). Solenoid valves control a fluid that opens or closes a valve directly or pilots
another valve. Depending on the valve hardware configuration, the actuating fluid operates the valve differently. A single
acting valve stem allows the pressure to only control the valve in one direction, either open or closed. For example, an
air-actuated, fail-close, single acting solenoid valve operates such that no air pressure in the valve body leaves the valve
closed. However, with pressurized air in the valve body, the valve opens. The opposite is true for a fail-open valve. The dual
acting SOV uses two pressurized chambers that act on opposite sides of the valve. As a result, there must be separate Open
and Close commands to the solenoid. The block has the option of either one or two command outputs to support either
configuration. The block also monitors the end positions of the valve to provide alarm detection.
The S_O_V_V3 block is displayed in the following figure.

Note Not all variable pins are displayed in the following figure because most are auto-hidden.

S_O_V_V3 Block

562 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Block Configuration
This block has various enumerations that are configured for control block operation.

Control (CTL)
CTL is an enumeration set by the HMI operator for valve control. The commands available from the HMI allow manual and
automatic valve control capability and/or lockout capability if the block property Mode of Operation (MODE_OPT)
enumeration selected allows the auto and/or lock mode. The valve may be opened or closed in manual mode by the OPEN_
CMD or CLOSE_CMD commands, respectively. The command enumerations are defined in the following table.

CTL Enumerations
Enumeration Command
NO_CMD No command
AUTO_CMD Auto command
MANUAL_CMD Manual command
LOCK_CMD Lock command
UNLOCK_CMD Unlock command
OPEN_CMD Open command
CLOSE_CMD Close command
RESET_CMD Fault reset command

Mode of Operation (MODE_OPT)

MODE_OPT may be configured to operate in Manual or Automatic (Auto) mode. It also enables the user to lock the device,
which disables any operation while in the Lock mode. Manual mode allows commands from the operator interface, and Auto
mode allows the control logic to command the solenoid. In either mode there are inputs that may bypass or override the active
mode of operation. Lock mode is intended to be used when maintenance work is being performed on the valve and the
operator wants to prohibit any logic from energizing the valve solenoid. The allowable modes of operation are specified by
the Mode Options parameter, MODE_OPT.
The S_O_V_V3 block can be used in conjunction with the PERMIT, FORCE, OVERRIDE, or LOGIC_BUILDER blocks to
provide a complete and comprehensive device control. A predefined HMI faceplate provides the operator interface to the
valve. The block may also be configured to control valves that are a combination of fail-safe closed or fail-safe open, and
single or dual acting solenoid.

Available Modes for MODE_OPT Selections


Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 563

Public Information
MANUAL mode enables the block to respond to operator Open and Close commands from a faceplate on the HMI. Given
that the permits are satisfied, the block operates in accordance with the manual command. The permit for the Open command
is set by the Open Permit input, OP_PMT, and the permit for the Close command is set by the Close Permit input, CL_PMT.
These inputs may be set to fixed values or driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER block.

Note Refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the chapter Logic Builder (LOGIC_

The possible conditions that place the block into Manual mode are as follows:

• Manual mode is selected from the HMI faceplate

• Device is locked from the HMI faceplate
• Manual Rejection from logic (MN_REJ)
• Override close or open from logic (OVR_CL, OVR_OP)
• Solenoid Circuit Failure from logic (RDY_SV)
− IO_OPT set to FS_OP OR FS_CL and IO_MON set to Fuse or Volt
• Open Circuit Failure from logic (RDY_OP)
− IO_OPT set to Dual and IO_MON set to Fuse or Volt
• Close Circuit Failure from logic (RDY_CL)
− IO_OPT set to Dual and IO_MON set to Fuse or Volt
• Valve has generates alarms Failed to Open, Failed to Close, Congruency Alarm, or Tripped
− DIS_REJ_FL_P set to False

Note Some of these conditions require block parameters to be specifically configured.

S_O_V_V3 Block in Manual Mode

Note Manual mode is always available unless MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK.

564 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
AUTO mode enables the block to respond to Open and Close commands from logic. Given that the permits are satisfied, the
block operates in accordance with the command from the logic. The permit for the Open command is set by the Open Permit
input, OP_PMT, and the permit for the Close command is set by the Close Permit input, CL_PMT. The OP_PMT and CL_
PMT inputs may be set to fixed values or driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER block. The logic commands are input to the block
through the Automatic Open, AU_OP, and Automatic Close, AU_CL, inputs. The block may be placed in Auto mode either
by a command from the HMI or a pulse to the automatic select input, AU_SEL. Given that the permits are satisfied, the block
is placed into Auto mode. The permit for the Auto mode is set by the Auto Permit input (AU_PMT). The AU_PMT input may
be set to a fixed value or driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER block.
MANUAL-AUTO mode selection provides Manual and Automatic functionality. A selection of AUTO ONLY or
AUTO-LOCK for MODE_OPT provides automatic functionality only. While residing in Auto mode, the block controls the
valve based on external logic. Automated control from external logic interfaces to the AU_OP and AU_CL pins. Similar to
the manual mode, Auto action only operates with the proper Open and Close permits. If AUTO ONLY mode is selected, the
block will permanently reside in Auto mode. If MANUAL-AUTO is selected, only two conditions will transfer the block
from Manual into Auto mode. Unlike the transferring to Manual mode, here, certain permits must be satisfied to allow the
valve to enter into Auto mode. This means that the S_O_V_V2 block is always able to enter Manual mode, but not always
able to enter Auto mode. These conditions depend on the mode options selected for the block. All three of the following
conditions must be met for the block to enter Auto mode:

• No demand to transition to Manual mode

• AUTO push-button from operator graphic or Auto select from logic (AU_SEL)
LOCK mode may only be selected when the solenoid is in the de-energized state. When placed in the Lock mode, the block
forces the output so that the solenoid remains de-energized. Upon being placed in Lock mode, if currently in Auto mode, it
will be transfer to Manual mode. At this time, no open commands, forces, or overrides will be accepted. Upon removing the
lock, Manual mode will be active. Similarly, AUTO ONLY and AUTO-LOCK (no open commands) will be accepted.
however, upon removal of Lock mode, the block will return to Auto mode.

Note At any time, the block may go into Lock mode as long as it is residing in its fail-safe position. Only the operator may
place this block into Lock mode.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 565

Public Information
Inputs and Outputs
At a minimum, the S_O_V_V3 block requires Open and Close feedback and valve order output. However, other inputs may
be used for automatic control, valve forcing, manual rejection, and such.
Depending on the block configuration, the output could be one (SV_ORD) or two (CL_ORD, OP_ORD) commands.
Normally, S_O_V_V3 blocks are one-way solenoid valves, meaning that input pin, IO_OPT, is set to either FS_CL or FS_OP.
The following figure displays the logic for the Open command. The Close command logic is similar, but replaces the open
text with close text and vice versa.

Open Command Logic

Fail Close S_O_V_V3
S_O_V_V2 (IO_ OPT set to FS_CL)

Open CMD S Valve Command(SV_ ORD)

Close CMD R

One-way Acting Valves Command Logic

566 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Dual actingS_O_V_V3
S_O_V_V2 (IO_ OPT set to DUAL)

Open CMD Open Order (OP_ ORD)

Close CMD Close Order (CL_ ORD)

Two-way Acting Valves Command Logic

Note Additional outputs from this block indicate status, faults, failures, alarms, forces, and overrides. Much of this
information is displayed on the HMI faceplate.

Alarms and Faults

When an alarm is active, the S_O_V_V3 block may have limited action of movement. For example, a Fail to Open alarm will
inhibit the valve from opening again. In this case, a Fault Reset must be issued so that the valve can continue normal
operation. Some alarms are held true until the alarm is cleared while others require a Fault Reset to clear the alarm. The alarm
may be reset at any time from the logic or an operator push-button. However, the reset must occur after the alarm has been
cleared. Otherwise, the alarm will remain active. For Unit Controls, the Fault Reset pin may be connected to the Master Reset
parameter. The alarms that may occur are as follows:
Fail to Open (FL_OP_A) — when commanded open, the valve fails to reach the open limit within the allotted time (FL_OP_
T). The block cannot reissue an open command while the alarm is active. Reset the alarm.

Fail to Open Alarm

Fail to Close (FL_CL_A)+ — when commanded open, the valve fails to reach the closed limit within the allotted time (FL_
CL_T). The block cannot reissue a close command while alarm is active. Reset the alarm.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 567

Public Information
Valve Trip (TRIPPED)+ — the valve is removed from its energized state but there was no command change. The block
cannot reissue an auto/manual command while alarm is active. Reset the alarm.

Valve Trip Alarm

Congruency Alarm (CONGR_A)+ — the valve has both open limits at the same time, or the feedback (CL_INP/OP_INP)
does not match the commanded state (SV_ORD). The block could be rejected to manual depending on its configuration. The
alarm will be cleared when the valve reaches either of its limits.
Solenoid Circuit Failure for single acting SOVs (SV_FLR) — power is lost to the circuit that energizes the valve (RDY_
SV becomes False). This pin is a reserved variable that monitors the health of the I/O. The block rejects to manual and cannot
reissue a command while the alarm is active. The alarm is cleared when RDY_SV becomes True.
Open Circuit Failure for dual acting SOVs (OP_FLR) — power is lost to the circuit that opens the valve (RDY_OP
becomes False). This pin is a reserved variable that monitors the health of the I/O. The block rejects to manual and cannot
reissue an open command while the alarm is active. The alarm is cleared when RDY_OP becomes True.
Close Circuit Failure for dual acting SOVs (CL_FLR) — power is lost to the circuit that closes the valve (RDY_CL
becomes False). This pin is a reserved variable that monitors the health of the I/O. The block rejects to manual and cannot
reissue an close command while alarm is active. The alarm is cleared when RDY_CL becomes True.
Auto Request (AU_REQ) — the valve is in Manual mode but the Auto logic requests that the valve state be different than its
current state. This has no effect on valve operation and is an alarm message only. The alarm is cleared if the valve is placed
into Auto mode, manually ordered to the requested state, or the auto action is removed.
Manual Rejected (MN_REJ_A) — the S_O_V_V3 block is rejected to manual due to a conditional alarm or input pin (MN_
REJ becomes True). The block will only respond to manual commands. The alarm is cleared after the conditions return to
normal and the MN_REJ becomes False and a reset command is given.

Note + If the MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK, this alarm will not affect automatic valve operation.
However, the alarm will still become active under the given conditions.

568 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Force and Override Control
During any condition, the S_O_V_V3 block may be forced to a position that bypasses normal operation. The force is driven
from the CL_FRC or OP_FRC pins in the logic. The valve will move to the force position, and remain there until the force is
removed. For example, for the valve to be forced open it must meet the following criteria:

• No Override Close
• No Circuit Failure
• No Failed to Open
While a force condition is active, the valve may freely transfer from Auto to Manual mode following the normal permits.
However, no manual command will supersede the force. Once the force is removed, the valve will continue normal operation.

Note Refer to the figure Open Command Logic to view the logic for a force.

An override will supersede a force and place the valve into the overridden state. For example, irrelevant of any forces, the
valve will go to the override closed state given that there is no circuit failure and no Failed to Close alarm is active. The block
will take precedence from the override command, then the force command, and then the Manual/Auto command. Upon
entering an overridden state, the valve will be placed into Manual mode. Once the override is removed, the valve will remain
in Manual mode until changed by the operator.
Although forces and overrides bypass normal permits, if the valve is locked, forces and overrides will have no effect on the
block. The block must be removed from Lock mode before the forces and overrides affect block operation. Additionally, if the
MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK, the override pins will be disabled and will have no effect on the block.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 569

Public Information
Due to the nature of Auto and forcing action, permits are required for valve operation. Built into the blocks are special device
permits that may be enabled or disabled with certain pins in the block, as follows:

• Open
− OP_PMT is True (OP_PMT is technically a UINT)
− Valve not Failed to Open**+
− Valve not Tripped**+
− Output Mon Ready to Open (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled)
− Ready to operate Solenoid (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled)
− Valve not in Lock mode
• Close
− CL_PMT is True (CL_PMT is technically a UINT)
− Valve not Failed to Close**+
− Valve not Tripped**+
− Output Mon Ready to Close (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled)
− Ready to operate Solenoid (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled)
− Valve not in Lock mode
• Open Force
− Valve not Failed to Open**+
− No Open Circuit Failure (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled and Dual acting)
− No Solenoid Circuit Failure (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled and Fail Safe Close)
• Close Force
− Valve not Failed to Close**+
− No Close Circuit Failure (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled and Dual acting)
− No Solenoid Circuit Failure (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled and Fail Safe Open)
• Open Override+
− Valve not Failed to Open**
− No Open Circuit Failure (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled and Dual acting)
− No Solenoid Circuit Failure (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled and Fail Safe Close)
• Close Override +
− Valve not Failed to Close**
− No Close Circuit Failure (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled and Dual acting)
− No Solenoid Circuit Failure (if Fuse Monitoring/Voltage Monitoring Property enabled and Fail-Safe Open)

Note ** Indicates a condition that is internally generated to the block. Otherwise, the condition comes from a direct input.

+ If the MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK, the condition comes from a direct input.

Note For basic operations, most of the device permits will be disabled.

570 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Global Description Function
AU_SEL Auto select Pulses the valve into auto (provided all permits are met)
AU_ OP Auto open Opens the valve (provided all permits are met); device must be in
Auto mode
AU_CL Auto close Auto closes the valve (provided all permits are met); device must
be in Auto mode
AU_PMT ✓ Auto permit Permit required for external logic to prevent the valve to enter Auto
OP_PMT Open permit Permit required for external logic to prevent the valve from
CL_PMT Close permit Permit required for external logic to prevent the valve from closing
RDY_SV Ready to operate S_O_V_ I/O monitoring of the circuit to the command to the valve
OP_OVR Open override Permit required for external logic to override open the valve
CL_OVR ✓ Close override Permit required for external logic to override close the valve
MN_REJ ✓ Manual rejection Permit required for external logic to manually reject the valve
RDY_CL Ready to close S_O_V_V3 I/O monitoring of the circuit to the close command of the valve
RDY_OP Ready to open S_O_V_V3 I/O monitoring of the circuit to the open command of the valve
CL_INP Closed input Connects to the closed feedback of the valve
OP_INP Open input Connects to the open feedback of the valve
CL_FRC ✓ Close force Permit required for external logic to force close the valve
OP_FRC ✓ Open force Permit required for external logic to force open the valve
FAULT_RESET Fault reset Permit required for external logic to reset alarms on the valve
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Name Global Description Function
CTL ✓ Control Used by the operator graphic to control the valve
FL_OP_T Fail to open time Time allotted for the valve to open. (If the motor takes 0.5 seconds
to open, ~6000 msec is sufficient time to allow the valve to reach
its open state.)
FL_CL_T Fail to close time Time allotted for the valve to close. (If the motor takes 0.5 seconds
to close, ~6000 msec is sufficient time to allow the valve to reach
its close state.)
PWR_FL_TMR Manual reject power failure Time allotted for the S_O_V_V3 to lose power before it rejects the
time valve to manual
IO_MON I/O monitor options Allows the I/O monitoring feature to be enabled. This pin can be
set to either Volt or Fuse monitoring.
IO_OPT Valve I/O options Designates what type of valve it is (possible values are FS_OP,
MODE_OPT Mode options Designates which modes the valve can enter
DIS_REJ_FL_P Disable manual reject on Designates if certain alarms should reject the valve to manual.
faults True bypasses the alarms so that the valve will remain in Auto
mode during certain alarms.
✓ indicates the parameter is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 571

Public Information
Name Global Description
SV_ORD ✓ Solenoid valve order
OP_ORD ✓ Open order
CL_ORD ✓ Close order
AUTO_P ✓ Auto mode available property
LOCK_P ✓ Lock mode available property
FS_OP_P ✓ Fail safe open S_O_V_V3 property
DUAL_P ✓ Dual acting S_O_V_V3 property
VOLT_MON_P ✓ Volt monitoring I/O property
FUSE_MON_P ✓ Fuse monitoring I/O property
AUTO ✓ Auto mode active
CLOSED ✓ S_O_V_V3 close
OPEN ✓ S_O_V_V3 open
LOCK ✓ Lock mode active
PMT_AU ✓ Auto permit
PMT_CL ✓ Close permit
PMT_OP ✓ Open permit
FAULT ✓ Fault active
MODE Current valve status
OVR_CL ✓ Close override
OVR_OP ✓ Open override
FRC_CL ✓ Close force
FRC_OP ✓ Open force
SV_FLR ✓ Solenoid circuit failure
CL_FLR ✓ Close circuit failure
OP_FLR ✓ Open circuit failure
AU_REQ ✓ Auto request (auto logic wishes to open or close S_O_V_V3)
CONGR_A ✓ Congruency alarm
FL_CL_A ✓ Failed to close alarm
FL_OP_A ✓ Failed to open alarm
MN_REJ_A ✓ Manual rejection alarm
TRIPPED ✓ Valve tripped
✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

572 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00S_O_V1000 S_O_V_V3 Not False $Default ReadOnly
description Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.AU_REQ Auto request Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.AUTO Auto Not True $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.AUTO_P Auto property Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.CL_FLR Close circuit fail Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.CL_ORD Close Not False $Default ReadOnly
order/command Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.CLOSED Closed Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.CONGR_A Congruency Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.CTL Control word Not False $Default ReadWrite
00S_O_V1000.DUAL_P Dual output (OP/CL) Not False $Default ReadOnly
property Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.FAULT Fault indication Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.FL_CL_A Fail to close Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.FL_OP_A Fail to open Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.FRC_CL Force close Not True $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.FRC_CLB Close force block Not False $Default ReadOnly
status Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.FRC_OP Force open Not True $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.FRC_OPB Open force block Not False $Default ReadOnly
status Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.FS_OP_P Fail safe open Not False $Default ReadOnly
property Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.FUSE_ Output fuse monitor Not Alarmed False $Default ReadOnly
MON_P property
00S_O_V1000.LOCK S_O_V description Not True $Default ReadOnly
locked Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.LOCK_P Lock property Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.MN_REJ_ Manual reject Alarmed LVL_3 False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.OP_FLR Open circuit fail Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.OP_ORD Open Not False $Default ReadOnly
order/command Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.OPEN Open Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.OVR_CL Close override Not True $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.OVR_CLB Close override block Not False $Default ReadOnly
status Alarmed

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 573

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00S_O_V1000.OVR_OP Open override Not True $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.OVR_OPB Open override block Not False $Default ReadOnly
status Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.PBSTATE S_O_V description Not False $Default ReadOnly
last PB state Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.PMT_AU Auto permit Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.PMT_AUB Auto permit bypass Not False $Default ReadOnly
status Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.PMT_CL Permit to close Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.PMT_CLB Close permit bypass Not False $Default ReadOnly
status Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.PMT_OP Permit to open Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.PMT_OPB Open permit bypass Not False $Default ReadOnly
status Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.REJ_MN Manual reject Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.REJ_MNB Manual reject bypass Not False $Default ReadOnly
status Alarmed
00S_O_V1000.SV_FLR Solenoid circuit fail Alarmed Alert False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.SV_ORD Energize order Not False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.TRIPPED Tripped Alarmed LVL_2 False $Default ReadOnly
00S_O_V1000.VOLT_ Output volt monitor Not False $Default ReadOnly
MON_P property Alarmed

574 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
The Object name for the HMI is the same as the Device name specified in the ToolboxST configuration.

Click the object to display

the S_O_V_V3 faceplate.

Typical HMI Object for S_O_V_V3

S_O_V_V3 Faceplate

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 575

Public Information
50 Saturation Pressure (SAT_PRESSURE)
Block Category: Equations and Conversions
The Saturation Pressure (SAT_PRESSURE) block calculates the saturation pressure of steam for a given temperature, IN_T,
and atmospheric pressure, IN_PATM.



MEAS_SYS English S.I.

IN_T 95 - 705 °F 35 - 374°C


OUT PSIq barq

This block propagates quality status if the status operations are enabled.

Block status modifications: If the input temperature value exceeds the range in the given table above, the output status will

For further details on Relational blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
IN_PATM Input atmospheric pressure REAL 14.696 Parameter Value Only
IN_T Input temperature REAL† 150 Always Value with Status
MEAS_SYS Measurement system UINT (ENUM) English Parameter Value Only
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
OUT Saturation pressure (gauge) REAL† N/A Always Value with Status
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

576 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
51 Saturation Temperature (SAT_TEMP)
Block Category: Equations and Conversions
The Saturation Temperature (SAT_TEMP) block calculates the saturation temperature of steam for a given gauge pressure,
IN_P, and atmospheric pressure, IN_PATM.



MEAS_SYS English S.I.

IN_P PSIg barg


The steam table lookup uses the sum of IN_P and IN_PATM (absolute pressure). The sum of IN_P and IN_PATM must be in
the range of 0.8 - 3200 PSIA (0.0552 - 220.6322 bara).

This block propagates quality status if the status operations are enabled.

Block status modifications: If the input pressure value exceeds the range in the given table above, the output status will be

For further details on Relational blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
IN_P Input pressure REAL† 0 Always Value with Status
IN_PATM Input atmospheric pressure REAL 14.696 Parameter Value Only
MEAS_SYS Measurement system UINT (ENUM) English Parameter Value Only
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
OUT Saturation pressure (gauge) REAL† N/A Always Value with Status
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 577

Public Information
52 Setpoint Station (SETPOINT_ST)
Block Category: Controls (DCS)
The Setpoint Station (SETPOINT_ST) block is an expandable block for up to 16 outputs. For each output there is a bias (Bn),
Track (TKn), and balance gain (Gn) and feedback (PVn). Balance gains are constants that define the percentage split of the
SP to the individual output. The sum of all the configured balance gains must be 100. The system generates a build error
when the sum of the gains is not equal to 100.
Under normal operation when all track inputs are False (TK1 … TKn) = False, then all the outputs are:
OUTn=(SP x Gn/100) + Bn
When Track is True, that is TKn = True, then the corresponding output is:
For all other outputs that are not in track when at least one is in track, the equation is.
OUTn= ((SP-PVt) x Gn/100) +Bn + ((SP-PVt) x Gt/100)/M)
If (SP-PVt ) ≤0 then substitute the value of (SP-PVt)=0
Where PVt = sum of the PV’s for which track is True
Gt = sum of the gains for which track is True
M = number of outputs not in track.
SP_OUT is the sum of all the outputs. SH and SL define the input setpoint (SP) high and low limits.

Note SETPOINT_ST is used to split a single setpoint (SP) into multiple outputs.

ToolboxST Configuration
When a SETPOINT_ST is inserted into application code, it generates a window prompting user to enter Device Name, Device
Description, HMI Screen Name, and Format Specification. The block then automatically creates the variables associated with
the block and provides the appropriate attributes for each variable (for example, Type and Format Spec variables that need to
be on EGD will be automatically placed on the $Default EGD page, and so on). The HMI screen name is used as an Alarm

Note Each Device Name used in a controller must be unique.

578 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Default Attribute Values

When the user clicks OK, the block and pin connections will be configured automatically. The previous example will generate
Global pins. Pin names are in the form Device Name, where Device Value has the attribute value STEAM_1001 and
Input _Name is the block input/output names. The description, Plant load Control in this example, becomes the prefix of the
block input/output descriptions.

Note Global variables are listed in the table Global Variables. The defaults provided are for example only.


Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 579

Public Information
This block propagates quality status if the status operations are enabled.

If Track is False (TK1…TK16=False)

OUT (OUT 1… OUT16) status is propagated from SP status. The status of OUT is modified to include HIGH_LIMITED
or LOW_LIMITED when applicable.

For example:

If SP status = NOT_LIMITED-GOODNC [128]


SP >SH, then OUT status = HIGH_LIMITED-GOODNC [130]


SP < SL, then OUT status = LOW_LIMITED-GOODNC [129]

If any of the track inputs is True then the corresponding OUT status follows the status of its PV.

For example TK1 = True

SP status = NOT_LIMITED-GOODNC [128]

PV1 status = LOW_LIMITED-GOODNC [129]

Then OUT1 status = LOW_LIMITED-GOODNC [129]


OUT2… OUT16 status = NOT_LIMITED-GOODNC [128]

For further details on Selection blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
B1 Bias command 1 REAL 0 Always Value Only
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
B16 Bias command 16 REAL 0 Always Value Only
G1 Balance gain 1 REAL 0 Always Value Only
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
G16 Balance gain 16 REAL 0 Always Value Only
PV1 Process variable 1 REAL 0 Always Value with Status
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
PV16 Process variable 16 REAL 0 Always Value with Status
SH Setpoint high limit REAL 0 Always Value Only
SL Setpoint low limit REAL 0 Always Value Only
SP Setpoint input REAL 0 Always Value with Status
TK1 Track command 1 BOOL False Always Value Only
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
TK16 Track command 16 BOOL False Always Value Only

580 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
N Number of split outputs UINT N/A Always Value Only
OUT1 Output 1 REAL N/A Always Value with Status
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
OUT16 Output 16 REAL N/A Always Value with Status
SP_OUT Total setpoint output REAL N/A Always Value Only

Global Variables
Global Pin Name Description EGD Page Scope Usage
STEAM_1001.SP Plant load setpoint input $Default Global Input
STEAM_1001.B1 Plant load bias 1 command $Default Global Input
↓ $Default Global Input
STEAM_1001.Bn Plant load bias n command $Default Global Input
STEAM_1001.PV1 Plant load process variable 1 $Default Global Input
↓ ↓ $Default Global Input
STEAM_1001.PVn Plant load process variable n $Default Global Input
STEAM_1001.SH Plant load setpoint high limit $Default Global Input
STEAM_1001.SL Plant load setpoint low limit $Default Global Input
STEAM_1001.OUT1 Plant load setpoint OUT 1 $Default Global Output
↓ ↓ $Default Global Output
STEAM_1001.OUTn Plant load setpoint OUT n $Default Global Output
STEAM_1001.SP_OUT Plant load total setpoint output $Default Global Output

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 581

Public Information
53 Starter (STARTER)
Block Category: Legacy, Device Control

Note Legacy Status — The STARTER block is not supported for use in new Mark VIe control systems (ControlST
V05.02 or later). It is in place to support the maintenance of legacy Mark VIe control systems (prior to ControlST V05.02).
For new Mark VIe control systems, use the STARTER_V3 block; it provides equivalent functionality.

The Starter (STARTER) block controls equipment powered by a non-reversing low-voltage (LV) or medium-voltage (MV)
motor starter. The block provides a maintained output for LV motors where ON_ORD is energized/de-energized to start/stop
the motor. The block may also be configured for MV starter with momentary outputs ON_ORD to start or OFF_ORD to stop
the motor.

Block Configuration
I/O Option (IO_OPT)
IO_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table. A complete list of all possible combinations of enumeration elements
is provided in the table Appendix.

IO_OPT Enumerations (Short List)

Enumeration Description
None No capabilities are available
CP_OK Hard-wired control power monitoring input
REM Hard-wired Remote mode input
AVAIL Hard-wired available input (known as a Ready to go indicator)
PR_TRIP Hard-wired protection trip capability; there is a protective relay controlling the breaker
RCKD_IN Hard-wired racked-in detection input that can detect when it is physically connected to the bus
MOM_OUT Momentary on and off request outputs (versus a single maintained run output)
OFF_INP_P Hard-wired Off input (in addition to the On-input) (deprecated)

NONE — when IO_OPT is none, then CP_OK, AVAIL, PR_TRP, RCKD_IN, and REM inputs are not used.
CP_OK— select for a starter that provides control power monitoring IO capability. When the CP_OK enumeration is
selected, the output CP_OK_P is True. The Boolean control power monitoring connection is to the CP_OK input of the block
and is True when control power is present. When the CP_OK input is False, the control power failure alarm, CP_F_A, is
activated. If the starter is in AUTO mode and the duration of CP_F _A being True has exceeded the PWR_FL_TMR, the
starter will switch to MANUAL mode and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
AVAIL — select for a starter that requires an available capability. When the AVAIL enumeration is selected, the output
AVAIL_P is True. The Boolean available connection is to the AVAIL input of the block and is True when the starter is
available. When AVAIL is False, the available alarm, AVAIL_A, is activated. If the starter is in AUTO mode and the duration
of AVAIL_A being True has exceeded the PWR_FL_TMR, the starter will switch to MANUAL mode and the manual reject
alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
PR_TRP — select for a starter that has protection trip capability. When PR_TRP enumeration is selected, the output PR_
TRP_P is True. The Boolean protection trip input is connected to PR_TRP input and is False when a trip does not exist on the
starter. When PR_TRP is True, the protection trip alarm, PR_TR_A, is activated. If the starter is in AUTO mode and PR_
TRP_P is True, the starter will switch to MANUAL mode and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated,
(delayed by 2 seconds).

582 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
REM — select for a starter that has remote/local capability. When the REM enumeration is selected, the output REM_P is
True. The Boolean remote/local connection is to the REMOTE input of the block and is True when the starter is in remote
mode. When REMOTE is False, the output LOCAL is True and starter control from the HMI is disabled. If the starter is in
AUTO mode and LOCAL is True, the starter will switch to MANUAL mode and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will
be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
RCKD_IN — select for a starter that has racked-in detection capability. When the RCKD_IN enumeration is selected, the
output RCKD_IN _P is True. The Boolean racked-in connection is to the RCKD_IN input of the block and is Truewhen the
starter breaker is racked-in. When RCKD_IN is False, the racked-out alarm, RCKD_OT, is activated. If the starter is in
AUTO mode and the duration of RCKD_OT being True has exceeded the PWR_FL_TMR, the starter will switch to
MANUAL mode and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated, (delayed by 2 seconds).
MOM_OUT — select for a MV starter. When the MOM_OUT enumeration is selected, the output MOM_OUT _P is True. If
MOM_OUT P is True, then a pulse on ON_ORD and OFF_ORD are used to start and stop the starter respectively. If MOM_
OUT is not selected, then the OFF_ORD is not used and the starter will run when ON_ORD is True and stop when the ON_
ORD is False.
OFF_INP — select for a starter that has provides inputs for both on and off. When the OFF_INP enumeration is selected, the
output OFF_INP_Pis True. If OFF_INP_P is True, the starter uses ON_INP for on and OFF_INP for off. When the OFF_INP
enumeration is not selected, the output OFF_INP_P P is False. If OFF_INP_P is False, the starter uses ON_INP for on and
not ON_INP for off.

Mode Option (MODE_OPT)

MODE_OPT enumerations are listed in the following table.

MODE_OPT Enumerations
Enumeration Mode Option Description
AUTO Auto mode
LOCK Lock mode
AUTO-LOCK Auto mode and lock mode
LDLG_P Lead lag

AUTO-LDLG_P Auto mode and lead lag

LOCK-LDLG_P Lock mode and lead lag

NONE — the starter can be started or stopped manually by the HMI operator, no other mode options are available.
AUTO— provides auto control capability for the STARTER. Selecting the AUTO mode property will set AUTO_P to True,
indicating the auto mode property of the block is enabled. When AUTO_P is True, the starter can be commanded to auto by
either CTL enumeration AUTO_CMD or a rising edge on AU_SEL providing PMT_AU is True. The HMI operator may
command the starter from auto to manual mode at any time with the CTL enumeration MANUAL_CMD.
When AUTO is True, the AU_STR and AU_STP inputs control the automatic START/STOP of the starter. The starter can
only be auto started by AU_STR, if STR_PMT is True. If AU_STR or AU_STP or AU_SEL become True, when the starter is
in manual mode, and the starter is not in the state of the requested command, the auto request alarm, AU_REQ, will be

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 583

Public Information
LOCK — provides software lock-out capability for the starter. Selecting the LOCK mode property will set LOCK_P to True,
and enable the LOCK_CMD and UNLOCK_CMD to control the lockout mode functionality. The starter must be stopped
before the block can be set to lockout mode. Feedback to the HMI operator of this mode is provided by LOCK. The HMI
operator is prevented from operating the starter from the control faceplate when LOCK is True, and auto mode is disabled.

Note The lockout indication is provided for status indication only. This action will not lockout the equipment, it will only
indicate lockout status. The owner's lockout procedures must be followed to safely lock equipment out.
The Lock button can also be configured to use the WorkstationST Lock function. Refer to the WorkstationST/CIMPLICITY
Advanced Viewer Integration Instruction Guide (GEI-100697), the section HMI Tagout.

LDLG — selecting this mode property will set LDLG_P to True. When LDLG_P is True, then the input LDLG_ORDER
indicates lead/lag order on the graphic object and faceplate per the enumeration in the following table.

Lead/Lag Order (LDLG_ORDER) input is ignored if LDLG_P is not True. enumerations are listed in the following table.

LDLG_ORDER Enumerations
Enumeration Lead/Lag Order Description
Lead Lead
Lag_1 Lag 1

Lag_2 Lag 2

Lag_3 Lag 3

Lag_4 Lag 4

Lag_5 Lag 5

Lag_6 Lag 6

Lag_7 Lag 7

Lag_8 Lag 8

Lag_9 Lag 9

Lag_10 Lag 10

Lag_11 Lag 11

Lag_12 Lag 12

Lag_13 Lag 13

Lag_14 Lag 14

Lag_15 Lag 15

Lag_16 Lag 16

Lag_17 Lag 17

Lag_18 Lag 18

Lag_19 Lag 19

Lag_20 Lag 20

584 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
IO_MON enumerations are digital output monitor types. Monitoring is only available for the outputs ON_ORD and OFF_
ORD. If the hardware board used with ON_ORD and OFF_ORD can perform diagnostic monitoring, IO_MON is used to
select the type of diagnostic monitoring. When diagnostic monitoring is used (FUSE or VOLT), the diagnostic variable from
the ON_ORD output is connected to RDY_STR and the diagnostic variable for the STP_CMD is connected to RDY_STP.

Note Refer to the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume II: System Guide for General-purpose Applications
(GEH-6721_Vol_II) for hardware board descriptions.

The following table lists the IO_MON enumerations.

IO_MON Enumerations
Enumeration Monitor Option Description
FUSE Fuse monitoring

VOLT Voltage monitoring

NONE — no circuit monitoring is available RDY_STR and RDY_STP inputs are not used.
FUSE — fuse monitoring determines the starter circuit failure. If FUSE is selected, FUSE_MON_P is True. The fuse
monitoring board points provide fuse status to the block. These points are connected to RDY_STR and RDY_STP inputs. If
there is a fuse failure, RDY_STR and RDY_STP will become False. Normal operation of the block requires these inputs to be
True. If RDY_STR or RDY_STP become False, RUN_FLR or STP_FLR become True, respectively, delayed by 3 seconds.
When RUN_FLR becomes True, PMT_RUN and PMT_STR are False and PMT_AU, become False, delayed by PWR_FL_
TMR. If AUTO is True when this occurs, AUTO will become False and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be
activated. Note, to prevent an unwanted automatic switch to Manual mode, in case of an Automatic bus transfer or Power
supply transfer, the power supply transfer time should not exceed PWR_FL_TMR. If the power supply transfer time exceeds
the PWR_FL_TMR, the starter will transfer from auto to manual mode and MN_REJ_A, will be activated.
VOLT — voltage monitoring determines the valve circuit failure. If VOLT is selected VOLT_MON_P is True. The Boolean
voltage monitoring input is True when there is no voltage failure and is connected to the RDY_STR and RDY_STP inputs.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 585

Public Information
RUN_FLR is True, delayed by 3 seconds, when the following conditions exist:

• RDY_STR is False
• STR_CMD is False
• CP_OK is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration CP_OK is selected)
• REMOTE is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration REM is selected)
• RCKN_IN is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration RCKN_IN is selected)
• RUNNING is False
• TK is False
• AVAIL is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration AVAIL is selected)
When RUN_FLR becomes True, PMT_RUN and PMT_STR, become False and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_
STP_FLR is True, delayed by 3 seconds, when the following conditions exist:

• RDY_STP is False
• OFF_ORD is False (if the IO_OPT, enumeration MOM_OUT is selected)
• CP_OK is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration CP_OK is selected)
• REMOTE is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration REM is selected)
• OPEN is False
• RCKN_IN is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration RCKN_IN is selected)
• AVAIL is True (if the IO_OPT, enumeration AVAIL is selected)
When STP_FLR becomes True, PMT_RUN and PMT_STR, become False and PMT_AU becomes False, delayed by PWR_
If AUTO is True when this occurs, AUTO will become False and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated,
(delayed by 2 seconds).

Note To prevent an unwanted automatic switch to Manual mode, in case of an Automatic bus transfer or Power supply
transfer, the power supply transfer time should not exceed PWR_FL_TMR. If the power supply transfer time exceeds the
PWR_FL_TMR, the valve will transfer from auto to manual mode and MN_REJ_A, will be activated.

586 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Override Control
The block provides an override input enumeration, TRP_OVR and a manual reject input enumeration, MN_REJ. The
following table provides the possible values of the enumerations.

Manual Reject and Trip Override (MN_REJ and TRP_OVR) Enumerations

Enumeration Override Option Description

NO_OVR-NO-BLOCK No override and no override is blocked

OVR-NO_BLOCK Override active and no override is blocked

NO_OVR-BLOCK No override and a override is blocked

OVR-BLOCK Override active and a override is blocked

When TRP_OVR indicates Override Active, the starter prevented from starting in any mode. The starter is rejected to manual
when either TRP_OVR or MN_REJ indicate Override Active and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will be activated,
(delayed by 2 seconds). TRP_OVR and MN_REJ (if used) are driven from an OVERRIDE block. Each connected input of the
OVERRIDE block has the ability (when enabled) to be blocked by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated tab
of the permit HMI screen display. When TRP_OVR or MN_REJ enumeration contains BLOCK, the HMI operator has
blocked at least one override. STARTER does not use the block information, but passes it to the HMI for display.

Force Control
The block provides force enumerations Force Open input (ON_FRC), and Force Close input (OFF_FRC). The following table
provides the possible values of the enumerations.

OFF_FRC and ON_FRC Enumerations

Enumeration Force Option Description
NO_FORCE-NO-BLOCK No force and no force is blocked
FORCE-NO_BLOCK Force active and no force is blocked
NO_FORCE-BLOCK No force and a force is blocked
FORCE-BLOCK Force active and a force is blocked

ON_FRC or OFF_FRC force the breaker open or close in any mode except when an TRP_OVR indicates Override Active.
The breaker does not reject to manual if a force open or close occurs. ON_FRC and OFF_FRC (if used) are driven from a
FORCE block. Each connected input of the FORCE block has the ability (when enabled) to be blocked by the HMI operator,
which is accessed from associated tab of the permit HMI screen display. When ON_FRC or OFF_FRC enumeration contains
BLOCK, the HMI operator has blocked at least one force. STARTER does not use the block information, but passes it to the
HMI for display.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 587

Public Information
Auto/Start/Run Permissives
The block provides permissive input enumerations AU_PMT, STR_PMT, and STP_PMT. The following table provides the
possible values of the enumerations.

AU_PMT, STR_PMT, and STP_PMT Enumerations

Enumeration Permit Option Description
NO_PERM-NO-BYPASS No permit and no permit is bypassed
PERM-NO_BYPASS Permit OK and no permit is bypassed
NO_PERM-BYPASS No permit and a permit is bypassed
PERM-BYPASS Permit OK and a permit is bypassed

The permit inputs, AU_PMT, STR_PMT, and STP_PMT combine with internal permissives to generate PMT_AU, PMT_
STR, and PMT_STP, permitted indications.
PMT_AU is True when the following conditions exist:

• AU_PMT indicates Permit OK

• AUTO_P is True
• MN_REJ indicates No Override
• FL_ST_A is False
• FL_SP_A is False
• TRIPPED is False
• REMOTE is True (if REM_P is True)
• LOCK is False (if LOCK_P is True)
• TRP_OVR indicates No Override
• RUN_FLR, CP_F_A, AVAIL_A, STP_FLR, RCKD_OT are False (or the duration of any of them being True has not
exceeded the PWR_FL_TMR).
If the starter is in auto mode and any of the conditions listed for this block are not satisfied (except AU_PMT) the starter will
be placed to manual mode (the outputs, AUTO and PMT_AU are set to False) and the manual reject alarm, MN_REJ_A, will
be activated.

588 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
PMT_STR is True when the following conditions exist:

• RCKN_OUT is False (if RCKD_IN_P is True)

• TRIPPED is False
• CP_F_A is False
• RUN_FLR is False
• STP_FLR is False
• FL_ST_A is False
• LOCK is False (if LOCK_P is True)
• REMOTE is True (if REM_P is True)
• TRP_OVR is No Override
• PR_TRP is False
• TK is False
• AVAIL is True (if AVAIL_P is True)
• STR_PMT is indicates Permit Ok
• OFF_FRC indicates No Force
PMT_RUN is True when the following conditions exist:

• RCKN_OUT is False (if RCKD_IN_P is True)

• TRIPPED is False
• CP_F_A is False
• RUN_FLR is False
• STP_FLR is False
• FL_ST_A is False
• LOCKis False (if LOCK_P is True)
• REMOTE is True (if REM_P is True)
• TRP_OVR indicates No Override
• PR_TRP is False
• TK is False
• STR_PMT is indicates Permit Ok or ON_INP is True
• AVAIL is True
PMT_STP is True when the following conditions exist:

• REMOTE is True (if REM_P is True)

• ON_FRC indicates No Force
• FL_SP_A is False
• STP_PMT indicates Permit OK

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 589

Public Information
AU_PMT, STR_PMT, and STP_PMT (if used) are driven from a PERMIT block. Each connected input of the PERMIT block
has the ability (when enabled) to be bypassed by the HMI operator, which is accessed from associated tab of the permit HMI
screen display. When AU_PMT, STR_PMT, or STP_PMT enumeration contains BYPASS, the HMI operator has bypassed at
least one permit. STARTER does not use the bypass information, but passes it to the HMI for display.

Starter Diagnostic
The block will generate a failed-to-start alarm, FL_ST_A, and a failed-to-stop alarm, FL_SP_A, if the starter fails to start or
stop in the time specified by the FL_ST_T or FL_SP_T, respectively. These alarms (as well as TRIPPED) are reset when
FAULT_RESET is True or if the CTL enumeration equals RESET_CMD. The block has a limit switch congruency alarm,
CONGR_A, that alarms when the starter limit switches indicate the breaker is open, ON_INP is True, and off, OFF_INP is
True, at the same time (note this alarm will only occur if OFF_INP_P is True). The CONGR_A alarm is reset when the
condition that caused the alarm is cleared. The output, FAULT, is True when a fault is detected.
FAULT is True when the any of the following conditions exist:

• CP_F_A.

Run Timer
The block has a runtimer output, TMR. It is the total time in hours for which the ON_INP input is True. The runtimer can be
reset when the CTL enumeration equals TC_RESET_CMD.

Push-button Status
The block has a push-button status output, PBSTATE, to indicate the last HMI operator initiated CTL enumeration START_
CMD or STOP CMD command. PBSTATE is True when the last HMI CTL enumeration was START_CMD. PBSTATE is
False when the last HMI CTL enumeration was STOP_CMD.

590 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Operating Mode (MODE)
MODE is an output that defines the block-operating mode. The operating mode enumerations are defined in the following
MODE Enumerations
Enumeration Operating Mode
MANUAL-RUNNING Manual and running
AUTO-RUNNING Auto and running
MANUAL-REMOTE-RUNNING Manual and remote and running
AUTO-REMOTE-RUNNING Auto and remote and running
MANUAL-LOCAL-RUNNING Manual and local and running
AUTO-LOCAL-RUNNING Auto and local and running
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-RUNNING Manual and override and running
AUTO-OVERRIDE-RUNNING Auto and override and running
MANUAL-STOPPED Manual and stopped
AUTO-STOPPED Auto and stopped
MANUAL-REMOTE-STOPPED Manual and remote and stopped
AUTO-REMOTE-STOPPED Auto and remote and stopped
MANUAL-LOCAL-STOPPED Manual and local and stopped
AUTO-LOCAL-STOPPED Auto and local and stopped
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-STOPPED Manual and override and stopped
AUTO-OVERRIDE-STOPPED Auto and override and stopped
MANUAL-FAULTED Manual and faulted
AUTO-FAULTED Auto and faulted
MANUAL-REMOTE-FAULTED Manual and remote and faulted
AUTO-REMOTE-FAULTED Auto and remote and faulted
MANUAL-LOCAL-FAULTED Manual and local and faulted
AUTO-LOCAL-FAULTED Auto and local and faulted
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-FAULTED Manual and override and faulted
AUTO-OVERRIDE-FAULTED Auto and override and faulted
MANUAL-RUNNING-LOCKED Manual and running and locked
AUTO-RUNNING-LOCKED Auto and running and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-RUNNING-LOCKED Manual and remote and running and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-RUNNING-LOCKED Auto and remote and running and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-RUNNING-LOCKED Manual and local and running and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-RUNNING-LOCKED Auto and local and running and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-RUNNING-LOCKED Manual and override and running and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-RUNNING-LOCKED Auto and override and running and locked
MANUAL-STOPPED-LOCKED Manual and stopped and locked
AUTO-STOPPED-LOCKED Auto and stopped and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-STOPPED-LOCKED Manual and remote and stopped and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-STOPPED-LOCKED Auto and remote and stopped and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-STOPPED-LOCKED Manual and local and stopped and locked
AUTO-LOCAL-STOPPED-LOCKED Auto and local and stopped and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-STOPPED-LOCKED Manual and override and stopped and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-STOPPED-LOCKED Auto and override and stopped and locked
MANUAL-FAULTED-LOCKED Manual and faulted and locked
AUTO-FAULTED-LOCKED Auto and faulted and locked
MANUAL-REMOTE-FAULTED-LOCKED Manual and remote and faulted and locked
AUTO-REMOTE-FAULTED-LOCKED Auto and remote and faulted and locked
MANUAL-LOCAL-FAULTED-LOCKED Manual and local and faulted and locked

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 591

Public Information
MODE Enumerations (continued)
Enumeration Operating Mode
AUTO-LOCAL-FAULTED-LOCKED Auto and local and faulted and locked
MANUAL-OVERRIDE-FAULTED-LOCKED Manual and override and faulted and locked
AUTO-OVERRIDE-FAULTED-LOCKED Auto and override and faulted and locked

ToolboxST Configuration
Inserting a STARTER block into the application code displays the following window.

Default Attribute Values

When the user clicks OK, the block and pin connections will be configured automatically. The previous example will generate
Global pins. Pin names are in the form Device Value.Input_Name, where Device Value is the attribute value 00STARTER1000
and Input_Name is the block input/output names. The description, STARTER Description in this example, becomes the prefix
of the block input/output descriptions.

Note Global variables are listed in the table Global Variables. The defaults provided are for example only.


592 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
AU_PMT ✓ Auto permit UINT (ENUM) PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
AU_SEL Auto mode select BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_STP Auto stop BOOL False Always Value Only
AU_STR Auto start BOOL False Always Value Only
AVAIL Available input BOOL True Always Value Only
CP_OK Control power OK BOOL True Always Value Only
CTL ✓ {Desc} Control word UINT (ENUM) NO_CMD Always Value Only
FAULT_RESET Fault/trip reset BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_SP_T Fail to stop time UDINT 500 Parameter Value Only
FL_ST_T Fail to start time UDINT 500 Parameter Value Only
IO_MON Starter I/O monitor UINT (ENUM) NONE Always Value Only
IO_OPT Starter I/O options UINT (ENUM) MOM_OUT Always Value Only
LDLG_ORDER ✓ {Desc} Lead/lag order UINT (ENUM) LEAD Always Value Only
MN_REJ ✓ Manual reject UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
MODE_OPT Starter mode options UINT (ENUM) NONE Always Value Only
OFF_FRC Force off UINT (ENUM) NO_FORCE-NO_ Always Value Only

OFF_INP Not running BOOL False Always Value Only
ON_FRC Force on UINT (ENUM) NO_FORCE-NO_ Always Value Only

ON_INP Running BOOL False Always Value Only
PR_TRP Protective trip input BOOL False Always Value Only
PWR_FL_TMR Manual reject power fail UDINT 5000 Parameter Value Only
RCKD_IN Starter racked IN BOOL True Always Value Only
RDY_STP Output MON ready to BOOL True Always Value Only
RDY_STR Output MON ready to BOOL True Always Value Only
REMOTE Remote control BOOL True Always Value Only
STP_PMT ✓ Stop permit UINT (ENUM) PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
STR_PMT ✓ Start permit UINT (ENUM) PERM-NO_BYPASS Always Value Only
TK ✓ {Desc} Tracking enabled BOOL False Always Value Only
TRP_OVR Override trip UINT (ENUM) NO_OVR-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 593

Public Information
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
{Device} ✓ {Desc} BOOL False Internal Value Only

AU_REQ ✓ {Desc} Auto request BOOL False Always Value Only

AUTO ✓ {Desc} Auto BOOL False Always Value Only
AUTO_P ✓ {Desc} Auto property BOOL False Always Value Only
AVAIL_A ✓ {Desc} Not available BOOL False Always Value Only
AVAIL_P ✓ {Desc} Available property BOOL False Always Value Only
CONGR_A ✓ {Desc} Congruency BOOL False Always Value Only
CP_F_A ✓ {Desc} Control power fail BOOL False Always Value Only
CP_OK_P {Desc} Control power BOOL False Always Value Only

FAULT ✓ {Desc} Fault indication BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_SP_A ✓ {Desc} Fail to stop BOOL False Always Value Only
FL_ST_A ✓ {Desc} FAIL TO START BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_OFF ✓ {Desc} Force off BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_OFFB {Desc} Force off block BOOL False Internal Value Only

FRC_ON ✓ {Desc} Force on BOOL False Always Value Only
FRC_ONB {Desc} Force on block BOOL False Internal Value Only

FUSE_MON_P {Desc} Output fuse BOOL False Always Value Only

monitor property
LDLG_P {Desc} Lead/lag BOOL False Always Value Only

indication property
LOCAL ✓ {Desc} Local mode BOOL False Always Value Only
LOCK ✓ {Desc} Locked BOOL False Always Value Only
LOCK_P ✓ {Desc} Lock property BOOL False Always Value Only
MN_REJ_A ✓ {Desc} Manual reject BOOL False Always Value Only
MODE Block mode UINT (ENUM) MANUAL-STOP- Always Value Only
MOM_OUT_P {Desc} Momentary out BOOL True Always Value Only

OFF ✓ {Desc} OFF/STOPPED BOOL True Always Value Only
OFF_INP_P ✓ {Desc} OFF property BOOL False Always Value Only
OFF_ORD ✓ OFF order/command BOOL False Always Value Only
ON ✓ {Desc} On/running BOOL False Always Value Only
ON_ORD ✓ ON order/command BOOL False Always Value Only
OVR_TRP ✓ {Desc} Override trip BOOL False Always Value Only
OVR_TRPB {Desc} Override trip BOOL False Internal Value Only

block status
PBSTATE ✓ {Desc} Last PB state BOOL False Internal Value Only
PMT_AU ✓ {Desc} Auto permit BOOL False Always Value Only
PMT_AUB {Desc} Auto permit BOOL False Internal Value Only

bypass status
PMT_RUN ✓ {Desc} Run permitted BOOL True Always Value Only
PMT_STP ✓ {Desc} Permit to stop BOOL True Always Value Only

594 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Outputs (continued)
Name Global Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
PMT_STPB {Desc} Stop permit BOOL False Internal Value Only

bypass status
PMT_STR ✓ {Desc} Permit to start BOOL True Always Value Only
PMT_STRB {Desc} Start permit BOOL False Internal Value Only

bypass status
PR_TR_A ✓ {Desc} Protective trip BOOL False Always Value Only
PR_TRP_P {Desc} Protective trip BOOL False Always Value Only

RCKD_IN_P {Desc} Racked in BOOL False Always Value Only

RCKD_OT ✓ {Desc} Racked out BOOL False Always Value Only
REJ_MN ✓ {Desc} Manual reject BOOL False Always Value Only
REJ_MNB {Desc} Manual reject BOOL False Internal Value Only

bypass status
REM_P ✓ {Desc} Remote property BOOL False Always Value Only
RUN_FLR ✓ {Desc} Run circuit fail BOOL False Always Value Only
STP_FLR ✓ {Desc} Stop circuit fail BOOL False Always Value Only
TMR ✓ {Desc} Run time LREAL False Always Value Only
TRIPPED ✓ {Desc} Tripped BOOL False Always Value Only
VOLT_MON_P {Desc} Output volt BOOL False Always Value Only

monitor property
✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 595

Public Information
Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
AP001 Feedwater pump Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.AU_REQ Feedwater pump auto Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.AUTO Feedwater pump auto Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.AUTO_P Feedwater pump auto Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.AVAIL_A Feedwater pump not Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.AVAIL_P Feedwater pump available Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.CONGR_A Feedwater pump Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.CP_F_A Feedwater pump control Alarmed LVL_3 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
power fail
AP001.CP_OK_P Feedwater pump control Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
power property
AP001.CTL Feedwater pump control Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadWrite
AP001.FAULT Feedwater pump fault Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.FL_SP_A Feedwater pump fail to stop Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.FL_ST_A Feedwater pump fail to start Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.FRC_OFF Feedwater pump force off Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.FRC_OFFB Feedwater pump force off Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
block status
AP001.FRC_ON Feedwater pump force on Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.FRC_ONB Feedwater pump force on Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
block status
AP001.FUSE_MON_P Feedwater pump output fuse Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
monitor property
AP001.LDLG_ORDER Feedwater pump lead/lag Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.LDLG_P Feedwater pump lead/lag Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
indication property
AP001.LOCAL Feedwater pump local mode Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.LOCK Feedwater pump locked Not Alarmed True $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.LOCK_P Feedwater pump lock Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.MN_REJ_A Feedwater pump manual Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.MOM_OUT_P Feedwater pump momentary Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
out property
AP001.OFF Feedwater pump off/stopped Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.OFF_INP_P Feedwater pump off property Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.ON Feedwater pump on/running Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.OVR_TRP Override trip - Override value Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.OVR_TRPB Feedwater pump override Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
trip block status

596 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
AP001.PBSTATE Feedwater pump last PB Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.PMT_AU Feedwater pump auto permit Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.PMT_AUB Feedwater pump auto permit Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
bypass status
AP001.PMT_RUN Feedwater pump run Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.PMT_STP Feedwater pump permit to Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.PMT_STPB Feedwater pump stop permit Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
bypass status
AP001.PMT_STR Feedwater pump permit to Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.PMT_STRB Feedwater pump start permit Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
bypass status
AP001.PR_TR_A Feedwater pump protective Alarmed LVL_3 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.PR_TRP_P Feedwater pump protective Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
trip property
AP001.RCKD_IN_P Feedwater pump racked IN Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.RCKD_OT Feedwater pump racked Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.REJ_MN Feedwater pump manual Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.REJ_MNB Feedwater pump manual Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
reject bypass status
AP001.REM_P Feedwater pump remote Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.RUN_FLR Feedwater pump run circuit Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.STP_FLR Feedwater pump stop circuit Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.TK Feedwater pump tracking Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.TMR Feedwater pump run time Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.TRIPPED Feedwater pump tripped Alarmed LVL_2 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.VOLT_MON_P Feedwater pump output volt Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
monitor property

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 597

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
The Object name for the HMI is the same as the Device name specified in the ToolboxST configuration.

Typical HMI Object for a STARTER Block

STARTER Faceplate

598 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
The following table provides a complete list of all possible STARTER enumeration combinations.

IO_OPT Enumerations
Enumeration IO Option Description
CP_OK Control power OK
REM Remote mode
CP_OK-REM Control power OK and remote mode
AVAIL Available
CP_OK-AVAIL Control power OK and available
REM-AVAIL Remote mode and available
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL Control power OK and remote mode and available
PR_TRP Protection trip
CP_OK-PR_TRP Control power OK and protection trip
REM-PR_TRP Remote mode and protection trip
CP_OK-REM-PR_TRP Control power OK and remote mode and protection trip
AVAIL-PR_TRP Available and protection trip
CP_OK-AVAIL-PR_TRP Control power OK and available and protection trip
REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP Remote mode and available and protection trip
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP Control power OK and remote mode and available and
protection trip
RCKD_IN Racked in
CP_OK-RCKD_IN Control power OK and racked in
REM-RCKD_IN Remote mode and racked in
CP_OK-REM-RCKD_IN Control power OK and remote mode and racked in
AVAIL-RCKD_IN Available and racked in
CP_OK-AVAIL-RCKD_IN Control power OK and available and racked in
REM-AVAIL-RCKD_IN Remote mode and available and racked in
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-RCKD_IN Control power OK and remote mode and available and
racked in
PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Protection trip and racked in
CP_OK-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Control power OK and protection trip and racked in
REM-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Remote mode and protection trip and racked in
CP_OK-REM-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Control power OK and remote mode and protection trip and
racked in
AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Available and protection trip and racked in
CP_OK-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Control power OK and available and protection trip and
racked in
REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Remote mode and available and protection trip and racked in
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN Control power OK and remote mode and available and
protection trip and racked in
MOM_OUT Momentary outputs
CP_OK-MOM_OUT Control power OK and momentary outputs
REM-MOM_OUT Remote mode and momentary outputs
CP_OK-REM-MOM_OUT Control power OK and remote mode and momentary outputs
AVAIL-MOM_OUT Available and momentary outputs
CP_OK-AVAIL-MOM_OUT Control power OK and available and momentary outputs
REM-AVAIL-MOM_OUT Remote mode and available and momentary outputs

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 599

Public Information
IO_OPT Enumerations (continued)
Enumeration IO Option Description
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-MOM_OUT Control power OK and remote mode and available and
momentary outputs
PR_TRP-MOM_OUT Protection trip and momentary outputs
CP_OK-PR_TRP-MOM_OUT Control power OK and protection trip and momentary outputs
REM-PR_TRP-MOM_OUT Remote mode and protection trip and momentary outputs
CP_OK-REM-PR_TRP-MOM_OUT Control power OK and remote mode and protection trip and
momentary outputs
AVAIL-PR_TRP-MOM_OUT Available and protection trip and momentary outputs
CP_OK-AVAIL-PR_TRP-MOM_OUT Control power OK and available and protection trip and
momentary outputs
REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-MOM_OUT Remote mode and available and protection trip and
momentary outputs
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-MOM_OUT Control power OK and remote mode and available and
protection trip and momentary outputs
RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT Racked in and momentary outputs
CP_OK-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT Control power OK and racked in and momentary outputs
REM-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT Remote mode and racked in and momentary outputs
CP_OK-REM-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT Control power OK and remote mode and racked in and
momentary outputs
AVAIL-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT Available and racked in and momentary outputs
CP_OK-AVAIL-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT Control power OK and available and racked in and
momentary outputs
REM-AVAIL-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT Remote mode and available and racked in and momentary
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT Control power OK and remote mode and available and
racked in and momentary outputs
PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT Protection trip and racked in and momentary outputs
CP_OK-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT Control power OK and protection trip and racked in and
momentary outputs
REM-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT Remote mode and protection trip and racked in and
momentary outputs
CP_OK-REM-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT Control power OK and remote mode and protection trip and
racked in and momentary outputs
AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT Available and protection trip and racked in and momentary
CP_OK-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT Control power OK and available and protection trip and
racked in and momentary outputs
REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT Remote mode and available and protection trip and racked in
and momentary outputs
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT Control power OK and remote mode and available and
protection trip and racked in and momentary outputs
OFF_INP_P Off input
CP_OK-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and off input
REM-OFF_INP_P Remote mode and off input
CP_OK-REM-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and remote mode and off input
AVAIL-OFF_INP_P Available and off input
CP_OK-AVAIL-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and available and off input
REM-AVAIL-OFF_INP_P Remote mode and available and off input

600 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
IO_OPT Enumerations (continued)
Enumeration IO Option Description
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and remote mode and available and off
PR_TRP-OFF_INP_P Protection trip and off input
CP_OK-PR_TRP-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and protection trip and off input
REM-PR_TRP-OFF_INP_P Remote mode and protection trip and off input
CP_OK-REM-PR_TRP-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and remote mode and protection trip and
off input
AVAIL-PR_TRP-OFF_INP_P Available and protection trip and off input
CP_OK-AVAIL-PR_TRP-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and available and protection trip and off
REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-OFF_INP_P Remote mode and available and protection trip and off input
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and remote mode and available and
protection trip and off input
RCKD_IN-OFF_INP_P Racked in and off input
CP_OK-RCKD_IN-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and racked in and off input
REM-RCKD_IN-OFF_INP_P Remote mode and racked in and off input
CP_OK-REM-RCKD_IN-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and remote mode and racked in and off
AVAIL-RCKD_IN-OFF_INP_P Available and racked in and off input
CP_OK-AVAIL-RCKD_IN-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and available and racked in and off input
REM-AVAIL-RCKD_IN-OFF_INP_P Remote mode and available and racked in and off input
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-RCKD_IN-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and remote mode and available and
racked in and off input
PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-OFF_INP_P Protection trip and racked in and off input
CP_OK-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and protection trip and racked in and off
REM-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-OFF_INP_P Remote mode and protection trip and racked in and off input
CP_OK-REM-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and remote mode and protection trip and
racked in and off input
AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-OFF_INP_P Available and protection trip and racked in and off input
CP_OK-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and available and protection trip and
racked in and off input
REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-OFF_INP_P Remote mode and available and protection trip and racked in
and off input
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and remote mode and available and
protection trip and racked in and off input
MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Momentary outputs and off input
CP_OK-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and momentary outputs and off input
REM-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Remote mode and momentary outputs and off input
CP_OK-REM-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and remote mode and momentary outputs
and off input
AVAIL-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Available and momentary outputs and off input
CP_OK-AVAIL-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and available and momentary outputs and
off input
REM-AVAIL-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Remote mode and available and momentary outputs and off
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and remote mode and available and
momentary outputs and off input

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 601

Public Information
IO_OPT Enumerations (continued)
Enumeration IO Option Description
PR_TRP-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Protection trip and momentary outputs and off input
CP_OK-PR_TRP-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and protection trip and momentary outputs
and off input
REM-PR_TRP-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Remote mode and protection trip and momentary outputs and
off input
CP_OK-REM-PR_TRP-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and remote mode and protection trip and
momentary outputs and off input
AVAIL-PR_TRP-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Available and protection trip and momentary outputs and off
CP_OK-AVAIL-PR_TRP-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and available and protection trip and
momentary outputs and off input
REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Remote mode and available and protection trip and
momentary outputs and off input
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and remote mode and available and
protection trip and momentary outputs and off input
RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Racked in and momentary outputs and off input
CP_OK-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and racked in and momentary outputs and
off input
REM-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Remote mode and racked in and momentary outputs and off
CP_OK-REM-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and remote mode and racked in and
momentary outputs and off input
AVAIL-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Available and racked in and momentary outputs and off input
CP_OK-AVAIL-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and available and racked in and
momentary outputs and off input
REM-AVAIL-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Remote mode and available and racked in and momentary
outputs and off input
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and remote mode and available and
racked in and momentary outputs and off input
PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Protection trip and racked in and momentary outputs and off
CP_OK-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and protection trip and racked in and
momentary outputs and off input
REM-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Remote mode and protection trip and racked in and
momentary outputs and off input
CP_OK-REM-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and remote mode and protection trip and
racked in and momentary outputs and off input
AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Available and protection trip and racked in and momentary
outputs and off input
CP_OK-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Control power OK and available and protection trip and
racked in and momentary outputs and off input
REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT-OFF_INP_P Remote mode and available and protection trip and racked in
and momentary outputs and off input
CP_OK-REM-AVAIL-PR_TRP-RCKD_IN-MOM_OUT-OFF_ Control power OK and remote mode and available and
INP_P protection trip and racked in and momentary outputs and off

602 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
54 Starter Version 2 (STARTER_V2)
Block Category: Legacy, Device Control

Note Legacy Status — The STARTER_V2 block is not supported for use in new Mark VIe control systems (ControlST
V05.02 or later). It is in place to support the maintenance of legacy Mark VIe control systems (prior to ControlST V05.02).
For new Mark VIe control systems, use the STARTER_V3 block; it provides equivalent functionality.

The Starter Version 2 (STARTER_V2) block is a logic block that interfaces with the inputs and outputs of a motor starter
device such as a pump, fan, or motorized device. Block configuration depends on the motor device hardware. The motor can
have multiple status feedback that ties into the block. Such feedback monitors breaker status, availability, or power to the
command circuit. Additionally, the motor has the ability to receive two separate ON and OFF commands. These are pulsed
commands sent to the device. Also, the motor can receive one command. This command would be a maintained True
parameter for running operation or a maintained False parameter for stopped operation. The block also has pins to monitor
the feedback for alarm detection.
The STARTER_V2 block is displayed in the following figure.

Note Not all variable pins are displayed in the following figure because most are auto-hidden.


Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 603

Public Information
The block may be configured to allow the motor to operate in Manual or Automatic (Auto) mode. The block enables the user
to lock the device, thus disabling any operation while in the Lock mode. The block is used in conjunction with the PERMIT,
FORCE, OVERRIDE, or LOGIC_BUILDER blocks to provide a complete and comprehensive device control. A predefined
HMI faceplate is available to provide the operator interface to the valve.

Note Refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the chapter Logic Builder (LOGIC_

Block Configuration
This block has various enumerations that are configured for control block operation.

Control Word (CTL)

CTL is an enumeration set by the HMI operator for group control. The commands available from the HMI allow manual and
automatic push-button control capability. The group may be started or stopped in Manual mode by the ON_PB or OFF_PB
commands, respectively. The command enumerations are defined in the following table.

CTL Enumerations
Enumeration Command
NO_CMD No command

AUTO_CMD Auto command

MANUAL_CMD Manual command

ON_CMD On cmd

OFF_CMD Off cmd

Mode of Operation (MODE_OPT)

MODE_OPT parameters specify allowable modes of operation. The STARTER_V2 block may be configured to operate in
Manual or Auto mode, and disallow any operation while in the Lock mode. Manual mode allows commands from the
operator interface, and automatic mode allows the control logic to command the motor. In either mode, there are inputs that
may bypass or override the active mode of operation. Lock mode is intended to be used when maintenance work is being
performed on the valve and the operator wants to prohibit any logic from energizing the valve solenoid. The following table
provides a visual presentation of the modes available based on the MODE_OPT selection.

Available Modes for MODE_OPT Selections


604 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
MANUAL mode enables the block to respond to operator Start and Stop commands from an HMI faceplate. Given that the
permits are satisfied, the block operates in accordance with the manual command. The permit for the Open command is set by
the Start permit input, STR_PMT, and the permit for the Stop command is set by the Stop permit input, STP_PMT. These
inputs may be set to fixed values or driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER block. The conditions that can place the block into
Manual mode are as follows:

Note Some of these conditions require block parameters to be specifically configured.

• Manual mode selected from the HMI faceplate

• Device is locked from the HMI faceplate
• Manual rejection from the logic (MN_REJ)
• Override trip from the logic (TRP_OVR)
• I/O pin from device Protective trip (PR_TRP)
• I/O pin from device not in Remote mode (REMOTE)
• I/O pin from device is not available (AVAIL)
• I/O pin from device is not racked in (RCKD_IN)
• I/O pin from device is no control power (CP_OK)
• Device has generated the following alarms:
− Failed to Start
− Failed to Stop
− Run Failure
− Stop Failure
− Trip

Note Manual mode is always available unless MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK.

STARTER_V2 in Manual Mode

AUTO mode enables the block to respond to the Auto Start (AU_STR) and Auto Stop (AU_STP) command inputs. Given
that the permits are satisfied, the block operates in accordance with the Auto command. The permit for the Open command is
set by the Start permit input, STR_PMT, and the permit for the Stop command is set by the Stop permit input, STP_PMT.
These inputs may be set to fixed values or driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER block.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 605

Public Information
A selection of MANUAL-AUTO mode provides manual and automatic functionality. A selection of AUTO or AUTO-LOCK
provides automatic functionality only. While residing in Auto mode, the block controls the valve based on external logic.
Automated control from external logic interfaces to the AU_ST and AU_SP pins. Similar to the Manual mode, Auto action
only operates with the proper Open and Close permits.
If AUTO ONLY mode is selected, the block will permanently reside in Auto mode.
If MANUAL-AUTO mode is selected, only two conditions will transfer the block from Manual into Auto mode. Unlike the
transferring to Manual mode, certain permits must be satisfied to allow the valve to enter into Auto mode. This means that the
block is always able to enter Manual mode, but not always able to enter Auto mode. These conditions depend on the mode
options selected for the block. All of the following conditions must be met for the block to enter Auto mode:

• No demand to transition to Manual mode

• MODE_OPT must have AUTO in the selection
• AUTO push-button from operator graphic or Auto select from logic (AU_SEL)
LOCK mode may only be selected when the motor is in the OFF state. When placed in the Lock mode, the block forces the
output so that the solenoid remains de-energized. Upon being placed in this mode, if currently in Auto mode, the block will be
deselected and indicates Manual mode. At this time, no open commands, forces, or overrides will be accepted. Upon
removing the lock, Manual mode will then be active. Similarly, AUTO ONLY and AUTO-LOCK (no open commands) will
be accepted. however, upon removal of Lock mode, the block will return to Auto mode.

Note At any time, the block may go into Lock mode as long as it is residing in its fail-safe position. Only the operator may
place the block into Lock mode.

Lead/Lag mode selection is used for displays on the HMI object only, and does not change any block functionality. Enabling
the Lead/Lag mode allows logic to Write to a block input pin (LDLG_ORDER) that displays on the HMI faceplate the
motor’s order with redundant devices (such as Lead, Lag 2, Lag 3, and so forth).

Modes of I/O
The STARTER_V2 block may be configured to allow input I/O states for the device. All I/O are digital or analog inputs
received from the motor device. Each I/O input indicates the current status. Device status includes breaker racked in, device
not available, and device in remote. Depending on the I/O properties enabled, the block will act differently. The I/O
configurations are specified by the I/O Options parameter, IO_OPT. The following table provides a visual presentation of the
modes available based on the IO_OPT selection. Any enumeration of the I/O pins is available. However, not all are displayed
because there are too many to display in the table.

606 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
I/O Pins Available for IO_OPT Selections
Ctrl Pwr Remote Avail Protective Racked In Mom Off
OK Trip Out Input

Control Power OK — allows the device I/O input from CP_OK. If this input goes False, a Control Power Fail alarm is
generated that trips the device and places it in Manual mode.
Remote — allows the device I/O input from REMOTE. If this input goes False, then a Device in Local alarm is generated
that places it in Manual mode.
Available — allows the device I/O input from AVAIL. If this input goes False, then a Device not available alarm is generated
that places it in Manual mode.
Protective Trip — allows the device I/O input from PR_TRP. If this input goes True, then a trip is issued to the motor.
Racked In — allows the device I/O input from RCKD_IN. If this input goes False, then a Breaker racked out alarm is
generated that places it in Manual mode.
Momentary Output — enables the block to be configured for either a pulse ON or OFF command from the control system to
the motor device, or it may be configured with a maintained ON command. If the Momentary On feature is enabled, the block
requires two outputs, ON_ORD andOFF_ORD. If the Momentary On feature is disabled, then the block only requires one
output, ON_ORD.
Off Output — allows the device I/O input from OFF_INP. The block now has the ability to detect congruency alarms if both
ON_INP and OFF_INP are either True or False.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 607

Public Information
Inputs and Outputs
At a minimum, the STARTER_V2 block requires ON motor feedback and a command output. However, other inputs may be
used for automatic control, device forcing, manual rejection, and such.
Depending of the block configuration, the output could be one (ON_ORD) or two (ON_ORD, OFF_ORD) commands.
Normally, for unit control operation, motors require a maintained signal for device operation, meaning that input pin IO_OPT
would not have MOM_OUT enabled. The following figure is a logic representation of the Start command logic.

Start Command Logic

608 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
For the Stop command, the logic varies slightly. As a fail-safe, the motor should always be ready to stop, so fewer permits are
tied into the logic. The following figure is a logic representation of the Stop command logic.

Stop Command Logic

Maintained Command Motors Logic

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 609

Public Information
Pulsed Command Motors Logic
Additional outputs from this block indicate status, faults, failures, alarms, forces and overrides. Much of this information is
displayed on the HMI faceplate.

Diagnostic Alarms and Faults

When an alarm is active, the STARTER_V2 block could have limited action of movement. For example, a Fail to Open alarm
inhibits the valve from opening again. In this case, a Fault Reset must be issued so that the valve can continue normal
operation. Some alarms are held true until the alarm is cleared, while others require a Fault Reset to remove the indication.
The alarm may be reset at any time from the logic or using an operator push-button. However, the reset must occur after the
alarm has been cleared. Otherwise the alarm will remain active. For Unit Controls, this Fault Reset pin may be connected to
the Master Reset variable. The alarms that may occur are as follows:
Fail to Start (FL_ST_A)+ — when commanded ON, the motor fails to start within the allotted time (FL_ST_T ). The block
sends a stop command to the motor and the operator cannot reissue an ON command while the alarm is active. Reset the

Fail to Start (FL_ST_A)

Fail to Stop (FL_SP_A)+ — when commanded OFF, the motor fails to stop within the allotted time (FL_SP_T). The
operator cannot reissue an OFF command while the alarm is active. Reset the alarm.

610 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

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Motor Trip (TRIPPED)+ — the motor loses its running feedback but there was no OFF command. The block sends a Stop
command to the motor and cannot reissue an Auto or Manual command while the alarm is active. Reset the alarm.

Motor Trip (TRIPPED)

Congruency alarm (CONGR_A)+ — the motor has both running and stopped feedback for 2 seconds. The block is in Reject
to Manual mode. Verify that the motor has only either running or stopped feedback.
Start Circuit Failure (RUN_FLR) — power is lost to the circuit that starts the motor (RDY_STR becomes False) for at least
2 seconds. This pin is a reserved variable that monitors the health of the I/O. The block rejects to manual+ and the operator
cannot reissue an ON command while the alarm is active. The alarm is cleared when RDY_STR becomes True.
Control Power Failure (CP_F_A) — power is lost to the motor (CP_OK becomes False). After 0.5 seconds, the block will
reject to manual. The operator sends a Stop command to the motor and cannot reissue an ON command while the alarm is
active. The alarm is cleared when CP_OK becomes True.
Racked Out (RCKD_OT) — the breaker to the motor is in the racked out position (RCKD_IN becomes False). After 0.5
seconds, the block will reject to manual. The operator cannot reissue an ON command while the alarm is active. The alarm is
cleared when RCKD_IN becomes True.
Protective Trip (PR_TR_A) — the motor tripped due to a protective setting (PR_TRP becomes True). This is a status
variable only. The block rejects to manual and cannot reissue an ON command while the alarm is active.
Not Available (AVAIL_A) — the motor has become unavailable due to some a device not available (AVAIL becomes False).
The block will reject to manual. The operator cannot reissue an ON or OFF command while the alarm is active. The alarm is
cleared when AVAIL becomes True.
Auto Request (AU_REQ) — the valve is in Manual mode but the Auto logic requests that the valve state be different than its
current state. This has no effect on valve operation and is an alarm message only. The alarm is cleared if the valve is placed
into auto, manually ordered to the requested state, or the Auto action is removed.
Manual Rejected (MN_REJ_A) — the motor is rejected to Manual due to a conditional alarm or input pin (MN_REJ
becomes True). The block will only respond to manual commands. The alarm is cleared after the conditions returns to normal
and the MN_REJ becomes False and a reset command is given.
Not in Remote (REMOTE_A) — the valve is in Local mode and can be moved by an operator local at the valve. However, a
control system cannot operate a valve while in Local (REMOTE becomes False). No OP/CL/INT commands may be issued.
The alarm is cleared when REMOTE becomes True.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 611

Public Information
Note + If the MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK, this alarm will not affect automatic motor operation.
However, the alarm will still become active under the given conditions.

Note If the MODE_OPT is set to a non-manual selection, the action will not take place.

Force and Override Control

During any condition, the motor may be forced to a state that bypasses normal operation. The force is driven from the ON_
FRC or OFF_FRC pins in the logic. The motor will send the respective condition and remain there until the force is removed.
However, an OFF force takes precedence over an ON force. For example, for the motor to be forced ON, there must be no
Trip, OFF Force, Circuit Failure, or Fail to Start. Refer to the figure, Start Command Logic, to view the logic for a force.
While a force condition is active, the motor may freely transfer from Auto to Manual mode following the normal permits.
However, no manual command will supersede the force. Once the force is removed, the valve will continue normal operation.
A trip will supersede a force and turn the motor off. For example, irrelevant of any forces, the motor will immediately send a
Stop command. The trip override takes the utmost precedence. Upon entering a tripped state, the valve will be placed into
Manual mode. Once the trip is removed and reset, the valve will remain in Manual mode until changed by the operator.
Although forces bypass normal permits, if the valve is locked, forces will have no effect on the block. The block must be
removed from Lock mode before any force affects block operation. Additionally, if the MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or
AUTO-LOCK, the Trip Override pin will be disabled and will have no effect on the block.

612 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Due to the nature of auto and forcing action, permits are required for motor operation. Special device permits are built into the
blocks, which may be enabled and disabled with certain pins in the block, as follows:

• Start
− STR_PMT is True (STR_PMT is technically a UINT)
− Motor not Failed to Start**+
− Motor not Tripped**+
− Breaker to motor not Racked Out
− Motor not Control Power Fail
− Motor not in Local
− I/O ready to start Motor or not Run Circuit Failure**
− I/O ready to Stop Motor or not Stop Circuit Failure**
− Motor not in Lock mode
− Breaker to motor not Protective Tripped
− Motor not Tracking
− Breaker to motor not Not Available
− Motor not Forced OFF
− Motor not Running
− Motor not Trip Override+
• Stop
− STP_PMT is True (STP_PMT is technically a UINT)
− Motor not Failed to Stop**+
− Motor not in Local
− Motor not Forced ON
− Motor not Control Power Fail
− Motor not Tracking
− Breaker to motor not Not Available
− I/O ready to start Motor or not Run Circuit Failure**
− I/O ready to Stop Motor or not Stop Circuit Failure**
• Start Force
− Motor not Failed to Start**+
− Motor not Tripped**+
− Motor not in Local
− Motor not in Lock mode
− I/O ready to start Motor or not Run Circuit Failure**
− Motor not Forced OFF
− Motor not Trip Override+
• Stop Force
− Motor not Failed to Stop**+
− Motor not in Local
− Motor not in Lock mode
− I/O ready to Stop Motor or not Stop Circuit Failure**
• Trip Override+
− None

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 613

Public Information
• Automatic Stop commands+
− Motor Fail to Stop**
− Motor Tripped**
− Motor Control Power Fail
− Breaker to motor Not Available
− Motor in Local
− Motor not Tracking

Note ** Indicates an alarm that is generated internal to the block. Otherwise, the permits are input pins to the block.

+ If the MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK, these permissives are not required for operation.

Name Global Description Function
AU_SEL Auto Select Pulses the valve into auto (provided all permits are met)
AU_ OP Auto Open Opens the valve (provided all permits are met); device must be in Auto
AU_CL Auto Close Auto closes the valve (provided all permits are met); device must be in
Auto mode
AU_PMT ✓ Auto permit Permit required for external logic to prevent the valve to enter Auto mode
STR_PMT ✓ Start Permit Permit required for external logic to prevent the valve from starting
STP_PMT ✓ Stop Permit Permit required for external logic to prevent the valve from stopping
AVAIL Motor Available Tied to the I/O that has the motor availably feedback
CP_OK Motor Control Power Ted to the I/O that has the motor control power
RDY_STR Ready to Start Motor I/O monitoring of the start command circuit to the motor
RDY_STP Ready to Stop Motor I/O monitoring of the stop command circuit to the motor
RCKD_IN Motor Breaker Racked Tied to the I/O that has the racked in status of the breaker
REMOTE Motor in Remote Tied to the I/O that has the motor in remote status
TRP_OVR Trip Override Permit required for external logic to trip the motor
PR_TRP Protective Trip Tied to the I/O that has the motor protective trip signal
MN_REJ ✓ Manual Rejection Permit required for external logic to manually reject the valve
TK ✓ Tracking Tracking
LDLG_ORDER Lead\lag order Indicates the lag order to the HMI screen (does not affect operation;

indication only)
ON_INP ✓ Running Feedback Connects to the running feedback of the motor
OFF_INP ✓ Stopped Feedback Connects to the stopped feedback of the motor
OFF_FRC ✓ Off Force Permit required for external logic to force off the motor
ON_FRC ✓ On Force Permit required for external logic to force on the motor
FAULT_RESET Fault Reset Permit required for external logic to reset alarms on the valve
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

614 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Global Description Function
CTL ✓ Control Used by the operator graphic to control the valve
FL_ST_T Fail to Start Time Time allotted for the motor to start. (If the motor takes 0.5 seconds to
open, ~500 msec is sufficient time to allow the valve to reach its open
FL_SP_T Fail to Stop Time Time allotted for the motor to stop. (If the motor takes 0.5 seconds to
close, ~500 msec is sufficient time to allow the valve to reach its close
PWR_FL_TMR Manual Reject Power Time allotted for the motor to lose power before it rejects to manual
Failure Time
IO_MON I/O Monitor Options Allow the I/O monitoring feature to be enabled. This pin can be set to
either Volt monitoring or Fuse monitoring.
IO_OPT Motor I/O Options Designates the I/O options the motor has. Refer to the table I/O pins
available for IO_OPT Selections for possible values.
MODE_OPT Mode Options Designates what modes the motor can enter (refer to the table Available
Modes for MODE_OPT Selections for possible values).
✓ indicates the parameter is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 615

Public Information
Name Global Description
ON_ORD On order
OFF_ORD Off order
AUTO_P ✓ Auto property
LOCK_P ✓ Lock property
AVAIL_P ✓ Available property
CP_OK_P ✓ Control power OK property
LDLG_P ✓ Lead Lag property
MOM_OUT_P ✓ Momentary output property
PR_TRP_P ✓ Protective trip property
RCKD_IN_P ✓ Racked In property
REM_P ✓ Remote property
OFF_INP_P ✓ Off Feedback property
VOLT_MON_P ✓ Volt Monitoring I/O property
FUSE_MON_P ✓ Fuse Monitoring I/O property
AUTO ✓ Auto Mode
ON ✓ On
OFF ✓ Off
PMT_AU ✓ Auto permit
PMT_STR ✓ Start permit
PMT_STP ✓ Stop permit
PMT_RUN ✓ Run permit
FRC_ON ✓ ON force
FRC_OFF ✓ OFF force
REJ_MN ✓ Manual rejection
FAULT ✓ Fault
TMR ✓ Timer
AUTO_REQ ✓ Auto request
FL_ST_A ✓ Failed to start alarm
FL_SP_A ✓ Failed to stop alarm
AVAIL_A ✓ Motor not available
CP_F_A ✓ Control power failure
LOCAL ✓ Local
LOCK ✓ Lock
MN_REJ_A ✓ Manual rejection alarm
TRIPPED ✓ Tripped
PR_TR_A ✓ Motor protective trip
RACKD_OT ✓ Breaker to motor racked out
RUN_FLR ✓ Run circuit failure
STP_FLR ✓ Stop circuit failure
CONGR_A ✓ Congruency alarm
OVR_TRP ✓ Trip override
✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

616 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
AP001 Feedwater pump Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.AU_REQ Feedwater pump auto Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.AUTO Feedwater pump auto Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.AUTO_P Feedwater pump auto Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.AVAIL_A Feedwater pump not Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.AVAIL_P Feedwater pump available Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.CONGR_A Feedwater pump Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.CP_F_A Feedwater pump control Alarmed LVL_3 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
power fail
AP001.CP_OK_P Feedwater pump control Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
power property
AP001.CTL Feedwater pump Control Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadWrite
AP001.FAULT Feedwater pump fault Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.FL_SP_A Feedwater pump fail to stop Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.FL_ST_A Feedwater pump fail to start Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.FRC_OFF Feedwater pump force off Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.FRC_OFFB Feedwater pump force off Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
block status
AP001.FRC_ON Feedwater pump force on Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.FRC_ONB Feedwater pump force on Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
block status
AP001.FUSE_MON_P Feedwater pump output fuse Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
monitor property
AP001.LDLG_ORDER Feedwater pump lead/lag Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.LDLG_P Feedwater pump lead/lag Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
indication property
AP001.LOCAL Feedwater pump local mode Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.LOCK Feedwater pump locked Not Alarmed True $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.LOCK_P Feedwater pump lock Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.MN_REJ_A Feedwater pump manual Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.MOM_OUT_P Feedwater pump momentary Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
out property
AP001.OFF Feedwater pump off/stopped Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.OFF_INP_P Feedwater pump off property Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.ON Feedwater pump on/running Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.OVR_TRP Override trip - Override value Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.OVR_TRPB Feedwater pump Override Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
trip block status

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 617

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
AP001.PBSTATE Feedwater pump last PB Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.PMT_AU Feedwater pump auto permit Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.PMT_AUB Feedwater pump auto permit Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
bypass status
AP001.PMT_RUN Feedwater pump run Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.PMT_STP Feedwater pump Permit to Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.PMT_STPB Feedwater pump stop permit Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
bypass status
AP001.PMT_STR Feedwater pump permit to Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.PMT_STRB Feedwater pump start permit Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
bypass status
AP001.PR_TR_A Feedwater pump protective Alarmed LVL_3 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.PR_TRP_P Feedwater pump Protective Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
trip property
AP001.RCKD_IN_P Feedwater pump racked IN Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.RCKD_OT Feedwater pump racked Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.REJ_MN Feedwater pump Manual Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.REJ_MNB Feedwater pump manual Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
reject bypass status
AP001.REM_P Feedwater pump remote Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.RUN_FLR Feedwater pump run circuit Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.STP_FLR Feedwater pump stop circuit Alarmed LVL_4 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.TK Feedwater pump tracking Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.TMR Feedwater pump run time Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.TRIPPED Feedwater pump tripped Alarmed LVL_2 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.VOLT_MON_P Feedwater pump Output volt Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
monitor property

618 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
The Object name for the HMI is the same as the Device name specified in the ToolboxST configuration.

Typical HMI Object for a STARTER_V2

STARTER_V2 Faceplate

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 619

Public Information
55 Starter Version 3 (STARTER_V3)
Block Category: Device Control
The Starter Version 3 (STARTER_V3) block is a logic block that interfaces with the inputs and outputs of a motor starter
device such as a pump, fan, or motorized device. Block configuration depends on the motor device hardware. The motor can
have multiple status feedback that ties into the block. Such feedback monitors breaker status, availability, or power to the
command circuit. Additionally, the motor has the ability to receive two separate ON and OFF commands. These are pulsed
commands sent to the device. Also, the motor can receive one command. This command would be a maintained True
parameter for running operation or a maintained False parameter for stopped operation. The block also has pins to monitor
the feedback for alarm detection.
The block may be configured to allow the motor to operate in Manual or Automatic (Auto) mode. The block enables the user
to lock the device, thus disabling any operation while in the Lock mode. The block is used in conjunction with the PERMIT,
FORCE, OVERRIDE, or LOGIC_BUILDER blocks to provide a complete and comprehensive device control. A predefined
HMI faceplate is available to provide the operator interface to the valve.

Note Refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the chapter Logic Builder (LOGIC_

The STARTER_V3 block is displayed in the following figure.

Note Not all variable pins are displayed in the following figure because most are auto-hidden.


620 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Block Configuration
This block has various enumerations that are configured for control block operation.

Control Word (CTL)

CTL is an enumeration set by the HMI operator for group control. The commands available from the HMI allow manual and
automatic push-button control capability. The group may be started or stopped in Manual mode by the ON_PB or OFF_PB
commands, respectively. The command enumerations are defined in the following table.

CTL Enumerations
Enumeration Command
NO_CMD No command

AUTO_CMD Auto command

MANUAL_CMD Manual command

ON_CMD On cmd

OFF_CMD Off cmd

Mode of Operation (MODE_OPT)

MODE_OPT parameter specifies the allowable modes of operation. The STARTER_V3 block may be configured to operate
in Manual or Auto mode, and disallow any operation while in the Lock mode. Manual mode allows commands from the
operator interface, and automatic mode allows the control logic to command the motor. In either mode, there are inputs that
may bypass or override the active mode of operation. Lock mode is intended to be used when maintenance work is being
performed on the valve and the operator wants to prohibit any logic from energizing the valve solenoid. The following table
provides a visual presentation of the modes available based on the MODE_OPT selection.

Available Modes for MODE_OPT Selections


Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 621

Public Information
MANUAL mode enables the block to respond to operator Start and Stop commands from an HMI faceplate. Given that the
permits are satisfied, the block operates in accordance with the manual command. The permit for the Open command is set by
the Start permit input, STR_PMT, and the permit for the Stop command is set by the Stop permit input, STP_PMT. These
inputs may be set to fixed values or driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER block. The conditions that can place the block into
Manual mode are as follows:

Note Some of these conditions require block parameters to be specifically configured.

• Manual mode selected from the HMI faceplate

• Device is locked from the HMI faceplate
• Manual rejection from the logic (MN_REJ
• Override trip from the logic (TRP_OVR)
• I/O pin from device Protective trip (PR_TRP)
• I/O pin from device not in Remote mode (REMOTE)
• I/O pin from device is not available (AVAIL)
• I/O pin from device is not racked in (RCKD_IN)
• I/O pin from device is no control power (CP_OK)
• Device has generated the following alarms:
− Failed to Start
− Failed to Stop
− Run Failure
− Stop Failure
− Trip

Note Manual mode is always available unless MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK.

STARTER_V3 in Manual Mode

AUTO mode enables the block to respond to the Auto Start (AU_STR) and Auto Stop (AU_STP) command inputs. Given
that the permits are satisfied, the block operates in accordance with the Auto command. The permit for the Open command is
set by the Start permit input, STR_PMT, and the permit for the Stop command is set by the Stop permit input, STP_PMT.
These inputs may be set to fixed values or driven by the LOGIC_BUILDER block.

622 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

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A selection of MANUAL-AUTO mode provides manual and automatic functionality. A selection of AUTO or AUTO-LOCK
provides automatic functionality only. While residing in Auto mode, the block controls the valve based on external logic.
Automated control from external logic interfaces to the AU_ST and AU_SP pins. Similar to the Manual mode, Auto action
only operates with the proper Open and Close permits.
If AUTO ONLY mode is selected, the block will permanently reside in Auto mode.
If MANUAL-AUTO mode is selected, only two conditions will transfer the block from Manual into Auto mode. Unlike the
transferring to Manual mode, certain permits must be satisfied to allow the valve to enter into Auto mode. This means that the
block is always able to enter Manual mode, but not always able to enter Auto mode. These conditions depend on the mode
options selected for the block. All of the following conditions must be met for the block to enter Auto mode:

• No demand to transition to Manual mode

• MODE_OPT must have AUTO in the selection
• AUTO push-button from operator graphic or Auto select from logic (AU_SEL)
Lock mode may only be selected when the motor is in the OFF state. When placed in the Lock mode, the block forces the
output so that the solenoid remains de-energized. Upon being placed in this mode, if currently in Auto mode, the block will be
deselected and indicates Manual mode. At this time, no open commands, forces, or overrides will be accepted. Upon
removing the lock, Manual mode will then be active. Similarly, AUTO ONLY and AUTO-LOCK (no open commands) will
be accepted. however, upon removal of Lock mode, the block will return to Auto mode.

Note At any time, the block may go into Lock mode as long as it is residing in its fail-safe position. Only the operator may
place the block into Lock mode.

Lead/Lag mode selection is used for displays on the HMI object only, and does not change any block functionality. Enabling
the Lead/Lag mode allows logic to Write to a block input pin (LDLG_ORDER) that displays on the HMI faceplate the
motor’s order with redundant devices (such as Lead, Lag 2, Lag 3, and so forth).

Modes of I/O
The STARTER_V3 block may be configured to allow input I/O states for the device. All I/O are digital or analog inputs
received from the motor device. Each I/O input indicates the current status. Device status includes breaker racked in, device
not available, and device in remote. Depending on the I/O properties enabled, the block will act differently. The I/O
configurations are specified by the I/O Options parameter, IO_OPT. The following table provides a visual presentation of the
modes available based on the IO_OPT selection. Any enumeration of the I/O pins is available. However, not all are displayed
because there are too many to display in the table.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 623

Public Information
I/O Pins Available for IO_OPT Selections
Ctrl Pwr Remote Avail Protective Racked In Mom Off
OK Trip Out Input

Control Power OK (CP_OK) — allows the device I/O input from CP_OK. If this input goes False, a Control Power Fail
alarm is generated that trips the device and places it in Manual mode.
Remote (REMOTE) — allows the device I/O input from REMOTE. If this input goes False, then a Device in Local alarm is
generated that places it in Manual mode.
Available (AVAIL) — allows the device I/O input from AVAIL. If this input goes False, then a Device not available alarm is
generated that places it in Manual mode.
Protective Trip (PR_TRP) — allows the device I/O input from PR_TRP. If this input goes True, then a trip is issued to the
Racked In (RCKD_IN) — allows the device I/O input from RCKD_IN. If this input goes False, then a Breaker racked out
alarm is generated that places it in Manual mode.
Momentary Output — enables the block to be configured for either a pulse ON or OFF command from the control system to
the motor device, or it may be configured with a maintained ON command. If the Momentary On feature is enabled, the block
requires two outputs, ON_ORD andOFF_ORD. If the Momentary On feature is disabled, then the block only requires one
output, ON_ORD.
Off Output (OFF_INP) — allows the device I/O input from OFF_INP. The block now has the ability to detect congruency
alarms if both ON_INP and OFF_INP are either True or False.

624 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

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Inputs and Outputs
At a minimum, the STARTER_V3 block requires ON motor feedback and a command output. However, other inputs may be
used for automatic control, device forcing, manual rejection, and such. Depending of the block configuration, the output could
be one (ON_ORD) or two (ON_ORD, OFF_ORD) commands. Normally, for unit control operation, motors require a
maintained signal for device operation, meaning that input pin IO_OPT would not have MOM_OUT enabled.

Start Command Logic

For the Stop command, the logic varies slightly. As a fail-safe, the motor should always be ready to stop, so fewer permits are
tied into the logic.

Stop Command Logic

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 625

Public Information
Maintained Command Motors Logic

Pulsed Command Motors Logic

Additional outputs from this block indicate status, faults, failures, alarms, forces and overrides. Much of this information is
displayed on the HMI faceplate.

626 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

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Alarms and Faults
When an alarm is active, the STARTER_V3 block could have limited action of movement. For example, a Fail to Open alarm
inhibits the valve from opening again. In this case, a Fault Reset must be issued so that the valve can continue normal
operation. Some alarms are held true until the alarm is cleared, while others require a Fault Reset to remove the indication.
The alarm may be reset at any time from the logic or using an operator push-button. However, the reset must occur after the
alarm has been cleared. Otherwise the alarm will remain active. For Unit Controls, this Fault Reset pin may be connected to
the Master Reset variable. The alarms that may occur are as follows:
Fail to Start (FL_ST_A)+ — when commanded ON, the motor fails to start within the allotted time (FL_ST_T ). The block
sends a stop command to the motor and the operator cannot reissue an ON command while the alarm is active. Reset the

Fail to Start (FL_ST_A)

Fail to Stop (FL_SP_A)+ — when commanded OFF, the motor fails to stop within the allotted time (FL_SP_T). The
operator cannot reissue an OFF command while the alarm is active. Reset the alarm.
Motor Trip (TRIPPED)+ — the motor loses its running feedback but there was no OFF command. The block sends a Stop
command to the motor and cannot reissue an Auto or Manual command while the alarm is active. Reset the alarm.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 627

Public Information
Motor Trip (TRIPPED)
Congruency alarm (CONGR_A)+— the motor has both running and stopped feedback for 2 seconds. The block is in Reject
to Manual mode. Verify that the motor has only either running or stopped feedback.
Start Circuit Failure (RUN_FLR) — power is lost to the circuit that starts the motor (RDY_STR becomes False) for at least
2 seconds. This pin is a reserved variable that monitors the health of the I/O. The block rejects to manual+ and the operator
cannot reissue an ON command while the alarm is active. The alarm is cleared when RDY_STR becomes True.
Control Power Failure (CP_F_A) — power is lost to the motor (CP_OK becomes False). After 0.5 seconds, the block will
reject to manual. The operator sends a Stop command to the motor and cannot reissue an ON command while the alarm is
active. The alarm is cleared when CP_OK becomes True.
Racked Out (RCKD_OT) — the breaker to the motor is in the racked out position (RCKD_IN becomes False). After 0.5
seconds, the block will reject to manual. The operator cannot reissue an ON command while the alarm is active. The alarm is
cleared when RCKD_IN becomes True.
Protective Trip (PR_TR_A) — the motor tripped due to a protective setting (PR_TRP becomes True). This is a status
variable only. The block rejects to manual and cannot reissue an ON command while the alarm is active.
Not Available (AVAIL_A) — the motor has become unavailable due to some a device not available (AVAIL becomes False).
The block will reject to manual. The operator cannot reissue an ON or OFF command while the alarm is active. The alarm is
cleared when AVAIL becomes True.
Auto Request (AU_REQ) — the valve is in Manual mode but the Auto logic requests that the valve state be different than its
current state. This has no effect on valve operation and is an alarm message only. The alarm is cleared if the valve is placed
into auto, manually ordered to the requested state, or the Auto action is removed.
Manual Rejected (MN_REJ_A) — the motor is rejected to Manual due to a conditional alarm or input pin (MN_REJ
becomes True). The block will only respond to manual commands. The alarm is cleared after the conditions returns to normal
and the MN_REJ becomes False and a reset command is given.
Not in Remote (REMOTE_A) — the valve is in Local mode and can be moved by an operator local at the valve. However, a
control system cannot operate a valve while in Local (REMOTE becomes False). No OP/CL/INT commands may be issued.
The alarm is cleared when REMOTE becomes True.

Note + If the MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK, this alarm will not affect automatic motor operation.
However, the alarm will still become active under the given conditions.

628 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Note If the MODE_OPT is set to a non-manual selection, the action will not take place.

Force and Override Control

During any condition, the motor may be forced to a state that bypasses normal operation. The force is driven from the ON_
FRC or OFF_FRC pins in the logic. The motor will send the respective condition and remain there until the force is removed.
However, an OFF force takes precedence over an ON force. For example, for the motor to be forced ON, there must be no
Trip, OFF Force, Circuit Failure, or Fail to Start. While a force condition is active, the motor may freely transfer from Auto
to Manual mode following the normal permits. However, no manual command will supersede the force. Once the force is
removed, the valve will continue normal operation.
A trip will supersede a force and turn the motor off. For example, irrelevant of any forces, the motor will immediately send a
Stop command. The trip override takes the utmost precedence. Upon entering a tripped state, the valve will be placed into
Manual mode. Once the trip is removed and reset, the valve will remain in Manual mode until changed by the operator.

Note Refer to the figure Start Command Logic to view the logic for a force.

Although forces bypass normal permits, if the valve is locked, forces will have no effect on the block. The block must be
removed from Lock mode before any force affects block operation. Additionally, if the MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or
AUTO-LOCK, the Trip Override pin will be disabled and will have no effect on the block.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 629

Public Information
Due to the nature of auto and forcing action, permits are required for motor operation. Special device permits are built into the
blocks, which may be enabled and disabled with certain pins in the block, as follows:

• Start
− STR_PMT is True (STR_PMT is technically a UINT)
− Motor not Failed to Start**+
− Motor not Tripped**+
− Breaker to motor not Racked Out
− Motor not Control Power Fail
− Motor not in Local
− I/O ready to start Motor or not Run Circuit Failure**
− I/O ready to Stop Motor or not Stop Circuit Failure**
− Motor not in Lock mode
− Breaker to motor not Protective Tripped
− Motor not Tracking
− Breaker to motor not Not Available
− Motor not Forced OFF
− Motor not Running
− Motor not Trip Override+
• Stop
− STP_PMT is True (STP_PMT is technically a UINT)
− Motor not Failed to Stop**+
− Motor not in Local
− Motor not Forced ON
− Motor not Control Power Fail
− Motor not Tracking
− Breaker to motor not Not Available
− I/O ready to start Motor or not Run Circuit Failure**
− I/O ready to Stop Motor or not Stop Circuit Failure**
• Start Force
− Motor not Failed to Start**+
− Motor not Tripped**+
− Motor not in Local
− Motor not in Lock mode
− I/O ready to start Motor or not Run Circuit Failure**
− Motor not Forced OFF
− Motor not Trip Override+
• Stop Force
− Motor not Failed to Stop**+
− Motor not in Local
− Motor not in Lock mode
− I/O ready to Stop Motor or not Stop Circuit Failure**
• Trip Override+
− None

630 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

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• Automatic Stop commands+
− Motor Fail to Stop**
− Motor Tripped**
− Motor Control Power Fail
− Breaker to motor Not Available
− Motor in Local
− Motor not Tracking

Note ** Indicates an alarm that is generated internal to the block. Otherwise, the permits are input pins to the block.

+ If the MODE_OPT is set to AUTO ONLY or AUTO-LOCK, these permissives are not required for operation.

Note For basic operations, most of these permits will be disabled.

Name Global Description Function
AU_SEL Auto Select Pulses the valve into auto (provided all permits are met)
AU_ OP Auto Open Opens the valve (provided all permits are met); device must be in Auto
AU_CL Auto Close Auto closes the valve (provided all permits are met); device must be in
Auto mode
AU_PMT ✓ Auto Permit Permit required for external logic to prevent the valve to enter Auto mode
STR_PMT ✓ Start Permit Permit required for external logic to prevent the valve from starting
STP_PMT ✓ Stop Permit Permit required for external logic to prevent the valve from stopping
AVAIL Motor Available Tied to the I/O that has the motor availably feedback
CP_OK Motor Control Power Ted to the I/O that has the motor control power
RDY_STR Ready to Start Motor I/O monitoring of the start command circuit to the motor
RDY_STP Ready to Stop Motor I/O monitoring of the stop command circuit to the motor
RCKD_IN Motor Breaker Racked Tied to the I/O that has the racked in status of the breaker
REMOTE Motor in Remote Tied to the I/O that has the motor in remote status
TRP_OVR ✓ Trip Override Permit required for external logic to trip the motor
PR_TRP Protective Trip Tied to the I/O that has the motor protective trip signal
MN_REJ ✓ Manual Rejection Permit required for external logic to manually reject the valve
TK ✓ Tracking Tracking
LDLG_ ✓ Lead\lag order Indicates the lag order to the HMI screen (does not affect operation;
ORDER indication only)
ON_INP Running Feedback Connects to the running feedback of the motor
OFF_INP Stopped Feedback Connects to the stopped feedback of the motor
OFF_FRC ✓ Off Force Permit required for external logic to force off the motor
ON_FRC ✓ On Force Permit required for external logic to force on the motor
FAULT_ Fault Reset Permit required for external logic to reset alarms on the valve
✓ indicates the input is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 631

Public Information
Name Global Description Function
CTL ✓ Control Used by the operator graphic to control the valve
FL_ST_T Fail to Start Time Time allotted for the motor to start. (If the motor takes 0.5 seconds to open,
~500 msec is sufficient time to allow the valve to reach its open state.)
FL_SP_T Fail to Stop Time Time allotted for the motor to stop. (If the motor takes 0.5 seconds to
close, ~500 msec is sufficient time to allow the valve to reach its close
PWR_FL_ Manual Reject Power Time allotted for the motor to lose power before it rejects to manual
TMR Failure Time
IO_MON I/O Monitor Options Allow the I/O monitoring feature to be enabled. This pin can be set to
either Volt monitoring or Fuse monitoring.
IO_OPT Motor I/O Options Designates the I/O options I/O options the motor has.
MODE_OPT Mode Options Designates what modes the motor can enter.
✓ indicates the parameter is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

632 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Global Description
ON_ORD On order
OFF_ORD Off order
AUTO_P ✓ Auto property
LOCK_P ✓ Lock property
AVAIL_P ✓ Available property
CP_OK_P ✓ Control power OK property
LDLG_P ✓ Lead Lag property
MOM_OUT_P ✓ Momentary output property
PR_TRP_P ✓ Property for protective trip
RCKD_IN_P ✓ Racked In property
REM_P ✓ Remote property
OFF_INP_P ✓ Off feedback property
VOLT_MON_P ✓ Volt monitoring I/O property
FUSE_MON_P ✓ Fuse monitoring I/O property
AUTO Auto mode
ON ✓ On
OFF ✓ Off
PMT_AU ✓ Auto permit
PMT_STR ✓ Start permit
PMT_STP ✓ Stop permit
PMT_RUN ✓ Run permit
FRC_ON ✓ ON force
FRC_OFF ✓ OFF force
REJ_MN ✓ Manual rejection
FAULT ✓ Fault
TMR ✓ Timer
AUTO_REQ ✓ Auto request
FL_ST_A ✓ Failed to start alarm
FL_SP_A ✓ Failed to stop alarm
AVAIL_A ✓ Motor not available
CP_F_A ✓ Control power failure
LOCAL ✓ Local
LOCK ✓ Lock
MN_REJ_A ✓ Manual rejection alarm
TRIPPED ✓ Tripped
PR_TR_A ✓ Motor protective trip
RACKD_OT ✓ Breaker to motor racked out
RUN_FLR ✓ Run circuit failure
STP_FLR ✓ Stop circuit failure
CONGR_A ✓ Congruency alarm
OVR_TRP ✓ Trip override
✓ indicates the output is a Global variable. For Global pin details, refer to the table Global Variables.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 633

Public Information
Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
AP001 Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.AU_REQ Feedwater pump Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
auto request
AP001.AUTO Feedwater pump Not True $DEFAULT ReadOnly
auto Alarmed
AP001.AUTO_P Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
auto property Alarmed
AP001.AVAIL_A Feedwater pump Alarmed LVL_3 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
not available
AP001.AVAIL_P Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
available property Alarmed
AP001.CONGR_A Feedwater pump Alarmed Alert False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.CP_F_A Feedwater pump Alarmed Alert False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
control power fail
AP001.CP_OK_P Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
control power Alarmed
AP001.CTL Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadWrite
Control word Alarmed
AP001.FAULT Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
fault indication Alarmed
AP001.FL_SP_A Feedwater pump fail Alarmed LVL_3 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
to stop
AP001.FL_ST_A Feedwater pump fail Alarmed LVL_3 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
to start
AP001.FRC_OFF Feedwater pump Not True $DEFAULT ReadOnly
force off Alarmed
AP001.FRC_OFFB Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
force off block Alarmed
AP001.FRC_ON Feedwater pump Not True $DEFAULT ReadOnly
force on Alarmed
AP001.FRC_ONB Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
force on block Alarmed
AP001.FUSE_MON_P Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
output fuse monitor Alarmed
AP001.LDLG_ORDER Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
lead/lag order Alarmed
AP001.LDLG_P Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
lead/lag indication Alarmed
AP001.LOCAL Feedwater pump Not Alarmed True $DEFAULT ReadOnly
local mode
AP001.LOCK Feedwater pump Not True $DEFAULT ReadOnly
locked Alarmed

634 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

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Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
AP001.LOCK_P Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
lock property Alarmed
AP001.MN_REJ_A Feedwater pump Alarmed LVL_3 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
manual reject
AP001.MOM_OUT_P Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
momentary out Alarmed
AP001.OFF Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
off/stopped Alarmed
AP001.OFF_INP_P Feedwater pump off Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
property Alarmed
AP001.ON Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
on/running Alarmed
AP001.OVR_TRP Override trip - Not True $DEFAULT ReadOnly
Override value Alarmed
AP001.OVR_TRPB Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
override trip block Alarmed
AP001.PBSTATE Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
last PB state Alarmed
AP001.PMT_AU Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
auto permit Alarmed
AP001.PMT_AUB Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
auto permit bypass Alarmed
AP001.PMT_RUN Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
run permitted Alarmed
AP001.PMT_STP Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
permit to stop Alarmed
AP001.PMT_STPB Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
stop permit bypass Alarmed
AP001.PMT_STR Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
permit to start Alarmed
AP001.PMT_STRB Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
start permit bypass Alarmed
AP001.PR_TR_A Feedwater pump Alarmed Alert False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
protective trip
AP001.PR_TRP_P Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
protective trip Alarmed
AP001.RCKD_IN_P Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
racked IN property Alarmed
AP001.RCKD_OT Feedwater pump Not Alarmed True $DEFAULT ReadOnly
racked OUT
AP001.REJ_MN Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
Manual reject Alarmed

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 635

Public Information
Global Variables (continued)
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
AP001.REJ_MNB Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
manual reject Alarmed
bypass status
AP001.REM_P Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
remote property Alarmed
AP001.RUN_FLR Feedwater pump Alarmed Alert False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
run circuit fail
AP001.STP_FLR Feedwater pump Alarmed Alert False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
stop circuit fail
AP001.TK Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
tracking enabled Alarmed
AP001.TMR Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
run time Alarmed
AP001.TRIPPED Feedwater pump Alarmed LVL_2 False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
AP001.VOLT_MON_P Feedwater pump Not False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
output volt monitor Alarmed

636 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

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HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)
The Object name for the HMI is the same as the Device name specified in the ToolboxST configuration.

Click Off to display


Typical HMI Object for a STARTER_V3

STARTER_V3 Faceplate

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 637

Public Information
56 Steamtable (STEAMTABLE)
Block Category: Equations and Conversions
The Steamtable (STEAMTABLE) block extracts thermodynamic properties of water and steam according to state region

Note The steamtable lookup uses the sum of IN_P and IN_PATM (absolute pressure). The sum of IN_P and IN_PATM must
be in the range of 0.8 - 3200 PSIA (0.0552 - 220.6322 bara).


Region Description FUNC Description of MEAS_SYS ENGLISH S.I.

Names of Region (Enumerations) Enumeration
Liquid This region LIQ_WTR_PT Liquid Water (Pressure and IN_T 32 – 705.1°F 0 - 374°C
Water represents the Temperature as inputs): IN_P PSIg barg
zone where Calculates Enthalpy, IN_PATM PSIg barg
water is in a Entropy and Specific OUT_ENTH BTU/lb kJ/kg
liquid state. Volume from Atmospheric
OUT_ENTR BTU/(lb*°R) kJ/(kg*K)
Pressure, Gauge Pressure
OUT_VOL ft3/lb m3/kg
and Temperature.
OUT_DENS lb/ft3 kg/m3
LIQ_WTR_PH Liquid Water (Pressure and IN_ENTH 0 - 893.85 0-
Enthalpy as inputs): BTU/lb 2079.0951
Calculates Temperature kJ/kg
from Atmospheric IN_P PSIg barg
Pressure, Gauge Pressure IN_PATM PSIg barg
and Enthalpy. OUT_T °F °C
Saturation This region SAT_LIQ_T Saturation Liquid Curve IN_T 95 – 705.1°F 35 - 374°C
Liquid represents the (Temperature as input):
Curve zone where Calculates Enthalpy,
water is in a Entropy, Specific Volume
liquid state. and Gauge Pressure from
Atmospheric Pressure and IN_PATM PSIg barg
Temperature. OUT_ENTH BTU/lb kJ/kg
OUT_ENTR BTU/(lb*°R) kJ/(kg*K)
OUT_VOL ft3/lb m3/kg
OUT_P PSIg barg
OUT_DENS lb/ft3 kg/m3

638 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Region Description FUNC Description of MEAS_SYS ENGLISH S.I.
Names of Region (Enumerations) Enumeration
SAT_LIQ_P Saturation Liquid Curve IN_P PSIg barg
(Pressure as input): IN_PATM PSIg barg
Calculates Enthalpy, OUT_ENTH BTU/lb kJ/kg
Entropy, Specific Volume OUT_ENTR BTU/(lb*°R) kJ/(kg*K)
and Temperature from
OUT_VOL ft3/lb m3/kg
Atmospheric Pressure and
Gauge Pressure.
OUT_DENS lb/ft3 kg/m3
SAT_LIQ_H Saturation Liquid Curve IN_ENTH 62.389 - 145.117 -
(Enthalpy as input): 893.85 2079.0951
Calculates Temperature, BTU/lb kJ/kg
Entropy, Specific Volume IN_PATM PSIg barg
and Gauge Pressure from OUT_T °F °C
Atmospheric Pressure and OUT_ENTR BTU/(lb*°R) kJ/(kg*K)
OUT_VOL ft3/lb m3/kg
OUT_P PSIg barg
OUT_DENS lb/ft3 kg/m3
Saturation This region SAT_VAP_T Saturation Vapor Curve IN_T 95 – 705.1°F 35 - 374°C
Vapor represents the (Temperature as input):
Curve curve of Calculates Enthalpy,
liquid-vapor Entropy, Specific Volume
and steam and Gauge Pressure from
mixing zone. Atmospheric Pressure
and Temperature.


OUT_ENTR BTU/(lb*°R) kJ/(kg*K)

OUT_VOL ft3/lb m3/kg

OUT_P PSIg barg

OUT_DENS lb/ft3 kg/m3

SAT_VAP_P Saturation Vapor Curve IN_P PSIg barg

(Pressure as input):
Calculates Enthalpy,
Entropy, Specific Volume OUT_ENTH BTU/lb kJ/kg
and Temperature from OUT_ENTR BTU/(lb*°R) kJ/(kg*K)
Atmospheric Pressure
and Gauge Pressure. OUT_VOL ft3/lb m3/kg


OUT_DENS lb/ft3 kg/m3

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 639

Public Information
Region Description FUNC Description of MEAS_ ENGLISH S.I.
Names of Region (Enumerations) Enumeration SYS
SAT_VAP_S Saturation Vapor Curve IN_ENTR 1.0569 - 4.425 -
(Entropy as input): 1.9965 8.359
Calculates Temperature, BTU/(lb*°R) kJ/(kg*K)
Enthalpy, Specific Volume IN_PATM PSIg barg
and Gauge Pressure from OUT_T °F °C
Atmospheric Pressure and OUT_ENTH BTU/(lb*°R) kJ/(kg*K)
OUT_VOL ft3/lb m3/kg
OUT_P PSIg barg
OUT_DENS lb/ft3 kg/m3
This region SH_STM_PT SuperHeated Steam IN_T 95 -1500°F 35 - 816°C
represents (Pressure and
the zone Temperature as inputs):
where water Calculates Enthalpy,
SuperHeated is in a steam Entropy and Specific
Steam state. Volume from
Atmospheric Pressure, IN_P PSIg barg
Gauge Pressure and
Temperature. IN_PATM PSIg barg


OUT_ENTR BTU/(lb*°R) kJ/(kg*K)

OUT_VOL ft3/lb m3/kg

OUT_DENS lb/ft3 kg/m3

SH_STM_PH SuperHeated Steam IN_ENTH 1102.3 - 2563.95 -

(Pressure and Enthalpy 1762 4098.41
as inputs): Calculates BTU/lb kJ/kg
Temperature from
Atmospheric Pressure, IN_P PSIg barg
Gauge Pressure and



640 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
This block propagates quality status if the status operations are enabled.

Block status modifications:

• Due to the nature of the steam table, some input combinations may lead to a result outside of the selected steamtable
region. This results in an output status of NOT_LIMITED-LAST_USABLE_VALUE-UNCERTAIN [68].
• If the input temperature or pressure value exceeds the range in the given table above, the output status will be either
For further details on Relational blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 641

Public Information
Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
FUNC Steam Function UINT LIQ_WTR_PT Parameter Value Only
IN_ENTH Input Enthalpy REAL† 0 Always Value with Status
IN_ENTR Input Entropy REAL† 0 Always Value with Status
IN_P Input Pressure REAL† 0 Always Value with Status
IN_PATM Input atmospheric pressure REAL 14.696 Parameter Value Only
IN_T Input steam temperature REAL† 150 Always Value with Status
MEAS_SYS Measurement system UINT (ENUM) English Parameter Value Only
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
OUT_DENS Output density REAL† N/A Always Value with Status
OUT_ENTH Output Enthalpy REAL† N/A Always Value with Status
OUT_ENTR Output Entropy REAL† N/A Always Value with Status
OUT_P Output pressure REAL† N/A Always Value with Status
OUT_T Output temperature REAL† N/A Always Value with Status
OUT_VOL Output specific volume REAL† N/A Always Value with Status
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

642 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
57 Superheat of Steam (SUPERHEAT)
Block Category: Equations and Conversions
The Superheat of Steam (SUPERHEAT) block calculates the amount of superheat of steam for a given temperature, IN_T,
pressure, IN_P, and atmospheric pressure, IN_PATM.


MEAS_SYS English S.I.
IN_P PSIg barg
IN_T °F °C
The steam table lookup uses the sum of IN_P and IN_PATM (absolute
pressure). The sum of IN_P and IN_PATM must be in the range of 0.8 -
3200 PSIA (0.0552 - 220.6322 bara).

The saturation temperature is subtracted from the steam temperature to calculate the amount of superheat, which is OUT. The
user can set a superheat setpoint, SET, and a hysteresis value, HYST. When the amount of superheat is greater than the
setpoint, SET, the output flag SH is set to True. When the amount of superheat OUT goes below SET – HYST, SH is set to

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 643

Public Information
Example of Superheat Flag with Hysteresis

Calculation of the Superheat Amount

This block propagates quality status if the status operations are enabled.

Block status modifications: If the input pressure value exceeds the range in the given table above, the output status will be

For further details on Relational blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

644 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
HYST Input hysteresis REAL 0 Parameter Value Only
IN_P Input pressure REAL† 0 Always Value with Status
IN_PATM Input atmospheric REAL 14.696 Parameter Value Only
IN_T Input temperature REAL† 150 Always Value with Status
MEAS_SYS Measurement system UINT (ENUM) English Parameter Value Only
SET Input superheat setpoint REAL 0 Parameter Value Only
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
OUT Amount of superheat REAL† N/A Always Value with Status
SH Superheat flag BOOL N/A Always Value Only
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 645

Public Information
58 Pulse Totalizer (TOTALIZER_PULSE)
Block Category: Timers and Counters
The TOTALIZER_PULSE block accumulates each rising edge of IN, if RUN is True. The accumulated value is transferred to
OUT. IN and OUT are in engineering units. The GAIN parameter is used to equate the meaning of each pulse to output
engineering. If PRESET is True, OUT is equal to PR_VAL x GAIN. OUT is initialized to zero when RESET becomes True.
OUT_LAST stores the last value of OUT prior to the initiation of RESET. RESET has the highest priority followed by


This block propagates quality status if the status operations are enabled.

Block status modifications:

• OUT status is propagated from either IN status or PR_VAL status, whichever is active. When IN is selected the OUT
status defaults NOT_LIMITED-GOODNC [128] because IN is a Boolean.
• If PRESET is True, OUT status = PR_VAL status.
For further details on Selection blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
GAIN Accumulator Gain REAL 1 Parameter Value Only
IN Pulse inputs BOOL N/A Always Value Only
PR_VAL Initialize value REAL 0 Parameter Value with Status
PRESET Initialize command BOOL False Always Value Only
RESET Accumulator Reset BOOL False Always Value Only
RUN Accumulator run BOOL False Always Value Only

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
OUT Integrator Output LREAL† N/A Always Value with Status
OUT_LST Output value at Reset LREAL† N/A Always Value with Status
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

646 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
59 Rate Totalizer (TOTALIZER_RATE)
Block Category: Timers and Counters
The TOTALIZER_RATE block totalizes, when RUN is True. The totalized value is transferred to OUT. IN is in engineering
units per sec, min or Hour and OUT is in engineering units. The output engineering units are scaled using the GAIN
parameter. The period multiplier can be selected by the Enumeration PERIOD. No totalization occurs if IN <= LCO
parameter. If LCO<0 it is internally substituted with a zero. If PRESET is True, OUT is equal to PR_VAL x GAIN. OUT is
initialized to zero when RESET becomes True. OUT_LAST stores the last value of OUT prior to the initiation of RESET.
RESET has the highest priority followed by PRESET and RUN.


Input Function Enumeration


This block propagates quality status if the status operations are enabled.

Block status modifications: OUT status is propagated from either IN status or PR_VAL status, whichever is active.

For further details on Selection blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
GAIN Accumulator Gain REAL 1 Parameter Value Only
IN Value to be integrated REAL† 0 Always Value with Status
LCO Low cut off for input REAL 0 Parameter Value Only
PERIOD Time period enumeration UINT (ENUM) SEC Parameter Value Only
PR_VAL Initialize value REAL 0 Parameter Value with Status
PRESET Initialize command BOOL False Always Value Only
RESET Accumulator Reset BOOL False Always Value Only
RUN Accumulator run command BOOL False Always Value Only
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
OUT Accumulator Output LREAL† N/A Always Value with Status
OUT_LST Output value at Reset LREAL† N/A Always Value with Status
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 647

Public Information
60 Track (TRACK)
Block Category: Legacy, Permits and Overrides

Note Legacy Status — The TRACK block is not supported for use in new Mark VIe control systems (ControlST V05.02
or later). It is in place to support the maintenance of legacy Mark VIe control systems (prior to ControlST V05.02). For new
Mark VIe control systems, use the LOGIC_BUILDER or LOGIC_BUILDER_SC block (use if first out/state change feature is
required); these blocks provide equivalent functionality. Refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library

The Track (TRACK) block is an expandable block of up to 32 track inputs, which functions similar to the OR block. Each
connected input can be blocked by the HMI operator using the Track tab of the associated permit screen. This blocking
function is enabled by setting TRKnBE to True. If track blocking is enabled for an input, an event is generated on the HMI
alarm/event screen whenever the operator blocks any TRACK input.
Each input has the capability of inheriting the description of a connected global variable or a global variable connected
through a NOT block. When a connection is made to one of the input pins, the description of the global variable is inherited
by default. If this inherited description is undesirable, it must be disabled by setting the Inherit Description option to False in
the input variable properties. The description can be replaced with a desirable description by entering an appropriate
description in the description field of the input variable of the TRACK block (replace TRACK #1 with the desired override
description for the source connected to TRK1). The description is not copied from the connected variable immediately; the
input’s description is set when the library or device containing the input is validated or built.

Block Configuration
TrackType enumerations are listed in the following table.

TrackType Enumerations

Name Description
CMD_TRK Command/setpoint track

OUT pin is an enumeration with the following values:

OUT Enumerations
Name Description
NO_TRACK-NO-BLOCK No track and no track is blocked

TRACK-NO_BLOCK Track active and no track is blocked

NO_TRACK-BLOCK No track and a track is blocked

TRACK-BLOCK Track active and a track is blocked

648 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
ToolboxST Configuration
Inserting this block into the application program will display the window Enter the Attribute Instance Values. This prompts
the user to Enter Device Name and Select TrackType in the Value column. (The Track type is a drop-down menu selection.)
block automatically creates the necessary variables and provides the appropriate attributes for each variable (for example,
Type and Format Spec variables that need to be on EGD will be automatically placed on the $Default EGD page). If
additional pin groups are added, the necessary new variables will be automatically created during a build of the application

Note Refer to the table TrackType Enumerations.

When the user clicks OK to automatically configure the block and pin connections, Global pins are generated.

Note Global variables are listed in the table Global Variables. The defaults provided are for example only. Be sure to change
the Value of the device appropriately.

The Device Name of the block should match the name of the block to which it will be connected. If this block is controlling a
PID_MA_ENH block, then the names should match. If the blocks are connected correctly but named incorrectly, the TRACK
block will work normally, but the HMI screen cannot indicate why the device is or is not tracking. Input pin names are in the
form the Device Value TrackType name. Output pin names are in the form Device Value TrackType Value.OUT,
Device Value TrackType Value.TRK, and Device Value TrackType Value.TRKB. For example, if Device Value =
00TRACK1000 and TrackType Value = CMD_TRK.


Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 649

Public Information
Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface
TRK1 Track input 1 BOOL False Always Value Only
TRK1B Track input block 1 BOOL False Always Value Only
TRK1BE Track input block enable 1 BOOL False Always Value Only
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
TRK32 Track input 32 BOOL False Always Value Only
TRK32B Track input block 32 BOOL False Always Value Only
TRK32BE Track input block enable 32 BOOL False Always Value Only

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
TRK TRACK BOOL False Always Value Only
TRKB Track block BOOL False Always Value Only
OUT Output UINT (ENUM) NO_TRACK-NO_BLOCK Always Value Only

Global Variables
Pin Name Description Alarm Alarm Event EGD Page External
Class Access
00TRACK1000CMD_TRK.TRK Track Not Alarmed False ReadOnly
00TRACK1000CMD_TRK.TRKB Track block Not Alarmed False ReadOnly
00TRACK1000CMD_TRK.OUT Output Not Alarmed False ReadOnly
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
00TRACK1000CMD_TRK.TRK1 Track input Not Alarmed True $DEFAULT ReadOnly
00TRACK1000CMD_TRK.TRK1B Track input block Not Alarmed True $DEFAULT ReadWrite
00TRACK1000CMD_TRK.TRK1BE Track input block Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
00TRACK1000CMD_TRK.TRKn Track input Not Alarmed True $DEFAULT ReadOnly
00TRACK1000CMD_TRK.TRKnB Track input block Not Alarmed True $DEFAULT ReadWrite
00TRACK1000CMD_TRK.TRKnBE Track input block Not Alarmed False $DEFAULT ReadOnly

HMI Configuration (CIMPLICITY)

A TRACK block does not directly have an HMI object. The block will display on the Permits faceplate when used.

650 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
61 Transfer (TRANSFER)
Block Category: Selection
The Transfer (TRANSFER) block is an expandable block of up to 16 inputs that moves a selected input to the output.
Working in ascending order from SEL_T1 to SEL_Tn, the first True value encountered causes the corresponding input to be
moved to the output. The Ascending transfer rate, A_RATE, and descending transfer rate, D_RATE, in Engineering Units/sec
determines the rate of change of the output when transferring between greater or lesser inputs, respectively. The transfer rates
do not apply to Boolean transfers. When A_RATE and/or D_RATE equal 0, the corresponding transfer is instantaneous. If all
the selection pins are False, the default value, F, is transferred to the output.


Note This is a variant block that supports any one the following block data types: Boolean, Integer, Double Integer, Real,
Long Real, Unsigned Integer, Unsigned Double Integer. From the ToolboxST Block Properties window, select the data type.
Refer to the section Change Data Type of Variant Block. The default data type is Real.

This block propagates quality status if the status operations are enabled. For further details on Selection blocks, refer to the
Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 651

Public Information
Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
A_RATE Ascending transfer rate ANY_NUM 0 Parameter Value Only
D_RATE Descending transfer rate ANY_NUM 0 Parameter Value Only
ENABLE Enables block to run BOOL True Always Value Only
F Default value ANY† 0 Always Value with Status
SEL_T1 Select point 1 BOOL False Always Value Only
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
SEL_T16 Select point 16 BOOL False Always Value Only
T1 Input 1 ANY† 0 Always Value with Status
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
T16 Input 16 ANY† 0 Always Value with Status
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
OUT Output ANY† N/A Always Value with Status
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

652 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
62 Volume of Water (VOL_WATER)
Block Category: Equations and Conversions
The Volume of Water (VOL_WATER) block calculates the specific volume of subcooled water for a given temperature, IN_T,
gauge pressure, IN_P, and atmospheric pressure, IN_PATM.


MEAS_SYS English S.I.
IN_P PSIg barg
IN_T 32 - 705.098 °F 0 - 373.943°C
OUT ft3/lb m3/kg
The steam table lookup uses the sum of IN_P and IN_PATM (absolute pressure). The sum of
IN_P and IN_PATM must be in the range of 0.8 - 3200 PSIA (0.0552 - 220.6322 bara).

This block propagates quality status if the status operations are enabled.

Block status modifications:

• Due to the nature of the steam table, some input combinations may lead to a result outside of the subcooled water
region. This results in an output status of NOT_LIMITED-LAST_USABLE_VALUE-UNCERTAIN [68].
• If the input temperature or pressure value exceeds the range in the given table above, the output status will be either
For further details on Relational blocks, refer to the Mark VIe Controller Standard Block Library (GEI-100682), the Status
Monitoring (STATUS_MONITORING) block.

Instruction Guide GEI-100679W 653

Public Information
Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
IN_P Input pressure (gauge) REAL† 0 Always Value with Status
IN_PATM Input atmospheric REAL 14.696 Parameter Value Only
IN_T Input temperature REAL† 50 Always Value with Status
MEAS_SYS Measurement system UINT (ENUM) English Parameter Value Only
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
OUT Specific volume of REAL† N/A Always Value with Status
subcooled water
† Value with Status (if status option is enabled)

654 GEI-100679W GEI-100679 Mark VIe Controller DCS Block Library

Public Information
63 Vote (VOTE)
Block Category: Boolean Operations
The Vote (VOTE) block is an expandable block with up to 32 inputs that performs an M-out-of-N voting, where N is the
number of inputs. If at least M out of the N inputs are True, then the output voting result will be True. The value for M cannot
be greater than the number of inputs.
For example, if M=2 and N=3, this block will check if at least 2 out of 3 inputs are True. If so, OUT, will be True. Otherwise,
OUT will be False.

VOTE Block

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
IN1 Input 1 BOOL False Always Value Only
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
IN32 Input 32 BOOL False Always Value Only
M M value of M-out-of-N voting UINT 1 Parameter Value Only

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Visibility Interface Type
ERR M value is out of range BOOL N/A Always Value Only
OUT Result of the voting BOOL N/A Always Value Only

Public Information

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