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WEEK 31 Online Activity

The Atom
Name: Daniela Darlene Doyle Rizzo



Identify. Read over the following vocabulary terms. In the spaces provided, place a + if you know
the term well, a ~ if you have heard the term but are not sure what it means, and a? if you are
unfamiliar with the term. Then write a sentence that includes the word you’re most familiar with.

+ atom

+ electron

+ neutron

+ proton

+ nucleus

Sentence using known word:


a) The atom, also known as the smallest unit of matter, is the most important building block of
the universe.
b) The electron, which was discovered by J.J. Thomson, is a negatively charged particle found in
c) In 1932, James Chadwick postulated that even though the neutron has no electric charge, it
still maintains close relations with protons, since they are both located in the nucleus.
d) Ernest Rutherford was the first to name protons, as he soon realized they were the positively
charged particles inside of atoms.
e) Through an experiment, Rutherford was able to reveal the nucleus, the small and dense
center of an atom which is made up of smaller positively charged particles.
2. Compare. Use the figure below to answer the questions. Check T or F to show whether you think
each statement is true or false. (highlight)

T F Electrons move in orbits in the same way planets orbit the sun.

T F If this was a model of the atom, the nucleus will be in the same place as the sun.

3 Apply. Use context clues to write your own definition for the words theory and revise.

Example sentence:

The scientist developed a theory to explain the structure of the atom.

Insert: A theory is a carefully crafted explanation for a phenomenon, which is substantiated by data
and previous research.

Example sentence:

As scientist learn new information about atoms, they had to revise the model of the atom.

Insert: Revise is to reevaluate, and typically make corrections, of a previous work of research due to
an improvement in knowledge.
Vocabulary terms

● Atom neutron
● Electron electron cloud
● Nucleus atomic number
● Proton mass number

4. Apply. Research the definition of each vocabulary term above, and describe them below. (use
your digital book)


a) An atom is the smallest particle into which an element can be divided and still be the same
b) The negatively charged particles of the atom are called electrons.
c) In the atom, the nucleus is a small and dense center that has a positive charge and is
surrounded by moving electrons.
d) Protons are the positively charged particles of atoms.
e) Neutrons are particles that have no electric charge in an atom.
f) The electron cloud is how scientists describe where electrons are in an atom as they move
around the nucleus, without determining their exact position and speed.
g) The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is the atomic number of that atom.
h) The total number of protons and neutrons in an atom’s nucleus is its mass number.

Source: McDougal, H. (2012). Science and Fusion. In H. McDougal, Matter and Science. Think Central.

Think Central. (2012). Science Fusion . In H. Mcdougal, Matter and Fusion. Science Fusion. Retrieved
October 18, 2020, from https://www-

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