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Mermal, Frances Michaela V.


Dir Mendez

WS2 in PhySci

I. Choose the letter of the best answer in each item.

1. What did Rutherford and his coworkers conclude from their metal foil experiments?
a. The electron is present in all matter
b. The atom id indestructible
c. The atom contains a very small, very dense, positive central region.
d. The nucleus contains protons and neutrons.

2. Whose idea or model of the atom described an atom that has parts?
a. Democritus c. John Dalton
b. Aristotle d. J.J. Thomson

3. The atomic number of chlorine is seventeen. Which of the following is correct?

a. One of the isotopes of chlorine has the symbol Cl-17
b. All atoms of chlorine have a nuclear charge of +17.
c. All atoms of chlorine have 17neutrons
d. All atoms of chlorine have 17 protons, 17 neutrons and 17 electrons.

4. Cobalt 60 is used in medical radiotherapy. A neutral atom of this isotopes has 27 protons,
27 electrons and 43 neutrons. What is the mass number of this isotope?
a. 60 c. 43
b. 27 d. 54

5. Which of the following statement about atoms and elements is correct?

a. All atoms of an elements are identical
b. An atom can be identified as that of a specific element by the number of protons in its
c. All atoms of a given element have the same number of nucleons
d. In a chemical reaction, changes occur in the nuclei of the atoms.
II. Explain the following:

1. Democritus proposed the idea of the atom. Dalton proposed the atomic theory. Discuss
the difference between an idea and a theory.
Democritus was a Greek philosopher who is the father of modern atomic thought.
He proposed that matter could not be divided into smaller pieces forever. He claimed that
matter was made of small, hard particles that he called ”atomos” (atoms in English).
While John Dalton created the very first atomic theory. Dalton viewed atoms as tiny,
solid balls. And his atomic theory had four postulates which are:
1. All matters are composed of atoms that are indestructible.
2. The atoms of a given element are identical.
3. Atoms of different elements combined with each other in a definite ratio of
small whole numbers to form compounds.
4. In a chemical reaction, atoms are rearranged but not changed.
The main difference between Democritus atomic theory and Dalton atomic theory is that
Democritus atomic theory is an ancient theory that scientists recently simplified and
elaborated on, and while Dalton atomic theory is a relatively modern, scientific theory
that we cannot simply ignore due to its significant statements.

2. What observations led Rutherford and his coworkers to the conclusion that the atoms has
a massive and positively charged part?
In 1911, Ernest Rutherford discovered the atomic nucleus. He sent an alpha
particle beam near gold foil and studied how the particles were deflected by the gold
atoms. Based on his findings, he concluded that all of an atom's positive charge and
nearly all of its mass is concentrated in one tiny location known as the nucleus, while the
rest of the atom is essentially empty space.

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