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Republic of the Philippines

Bulacan State University

College of Education
City of Malolos, Bulacan

NAME: Gregorio, Erika Jasmine V.


1. Differentiate ballroom dancing to dance sports.

It is undeniably that ballroom dancing is one of the most known styles in dancing
therefore we are very familiar with word and somehow know how it works. When we say
Ballroom dancing it is a partnership dance where couples uses step-patterns and move
rhythmically accordingly to the characteristics of music being played, it was first invented to
dance socially where your partner interact with you spontaneously for fun and each couple is
dancing together for their own satisfaction or enjoyment. In the other hand, Dance sport is a
competitive way of ballroom dancing were the focus is to compete and most likely to win, there's
a judge involve to make critics to see if the steps and styles are done precisely or correctly,
through this we are able to separate the good dancers from the very best.
2. In rate of 1-5, 5 are the highest and 1 is the lowest. How far do you like dancing?
Dancing is a form of art that can be employed by everyone and If I'm going to rate
dancing from 1-5 based on my liking then it will be a solid 4 because I'm actually very interested
in dancing especially whenever I see other people being able to express themselves through body
movements and how accurate and calculated those movements to match the genre and the music
being performed on or off stage, for me it's so fascinating and mesmerizing view to be seen. The
reason why I don’t give it a solid 5 is that because I'm not really good in dancing, I'm just like
other people trying so hard doing some silly movements to entertain myself from boredom and
not really mesmerizing to be seen by other people. That's why I'm very thrilled and excited when
I discovered that our P.E. class is going to be Ballroom dancing, it's just really unfortunate that
this pandemic comes and we are not able to finish the course but overall it was a great experience
especially when learning some steps that we thought is very impossible for us to perform at first
yet we still able to learn through multiple attempts and practice. If ever I will have another
chance, I would like to learn how to dance and know a lot more styles of dancing.

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