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( R e p r f n t e d , b y p e r m i s s f o n , f r o m the
Proceedings o f the C o n g r e s s )

Technf cal Memorandum No, 25

N o v e m b e r , 1952
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P a g e No,

B u i l d i n g Foundations in theory
and p ~ a c tce. i
K a r l Terzaghf, 139

The i n f l u e n c e o f modern s o f l
s t u d f e s o n the c o n s t r u c t i o n
o f foundatf ons,
H , J , B , H a r d f n g a n d R, G l o s s o p

Some f o u n d a t i o n p r o b l e m s i n
Great Britafn,
L,F, C o o l f n g

S p e c i a l f o u n d a t i o n problems i n
C m a d a.
R o b e r t F, Legget

A p p l i c a t i o n of r e s u l t s o f d e e p
penetration t e s t s t o foundation
T , K O Huf z f n g a

The b e a r i n g c a p a c f t y o f c l a y s ,
A,W, Skempton
Building Research Congress, 7951

The Bearing Capacity of Clays

A. W . Skempton
Reader in Soii Mechanics at Imperial College, London)

1. Introduction p is p, and, if the ground were perfectly elastic and

The first criterion which must be satisfied in any no water content changes had occurred, then p, would
succe;sful foundation design is that there should be an be equal to pr, and, moreover, these movements could
adequate factor of safety against a complete shear be calculated. However, the magnitude of pr is controlled
failure in the underlying soil. This is obviously a by many practical factors, and even approximate
necessary condition but, in general, it is not a sufficient estimations are difficult. But as a very rough rule
condition. In addition, the foundations should be it may be said that p, is of the same order as pr (see
designed in such a way that the settlements, and point b in Fig. I).
particularly the differential settlements* of the structure, Once the foundation pressure exceeds p the ground
remain within tolerable limits. is subjected to stresses in excess of those existing
Except for footings or piers with a breadth of only prior to excavation, and it is the settlements resulting
a few feet, the settlement criterion controls the allowable from these excess stresses that are calculated by the
pressures on sands and gravels. Consequently, methods present methods of settlement analysis. Similarly,
for estimating the ultimate bearing capacity of cohesion- the factor of safety against ultimate failure must be
less soils have a somewhat restricted value. In contrast, expressed in terms of the so-called " nett pressure " ;
the possibility of a complete shear failure in clays that is, the pressure at foundation level in excess of
is a very real one, and frequently in practice it is con- the original overburden p.
sidered necessary, for economic reasons, to work with At the end of construction the nett settlement may
factors of safety against ultimate failure of not more be considered as being made up of two parts :
than 3. Therefore, since these factors are of a similar (i) the immediate " settlement, due to deformation

magnitude to those used in structural materials such of the soil taking place without change in water
as steel and reinforced concrete, it is desirable t o content ;
possess methods of calculating the ultimate bearing (ii) the " consolidation " settlement, due to a volume
capacity of clays with the same order of accuracy reduction caused by the extrusion of some of
as the methods used in structural design. But in many the pore water from the soil.
cases the use of a low factor of safety on the failure Owing t o the presence of the extremely small particles
criterion leads to very considerable settlements, and of which clays are composed, the rate of consolidation
it is necessary for the designer to be aware a t least is very slow and, in general, the elastic settlement
of the order of the settlements. He can then adopt is considerably the greater of the two components
a suitable type of structure which can safely withstand at the end of construction. There is, nevertheless, a
the deformations consequent upon the movement small decrease in water content in the clay beneath
of the foundations. Yet the modern forms of con- the foundation, and this will cause a corresponding
struction involving continuous beams, portal frames, small increase in strength. But for the purpose of
reinforced concrete shells and rigid or semi-rigid frames estimating the factor of safety against shear failure,
are sensitive to differential settlements. And these the assumption is generally made that this increase
structural forms are usually more economical in materials in strength is negligible. That assumption is not only
and more elegant in design than the older forms ; conservative but it also leads to a great simplification
particularly in steel and reinforced concrete bridges. in the calculation. For saturated clays (and most clays
Thus it is often more satisfactory to restrict the are saturated) behave with respect t o applied stresses
settlements by using a higher factor of safety. This as if they were purely cohesive, non-frictional materials ;
will increase the cost of the foundations, but will not provided that no water content change takes place
necessarily increase the cost of the whole structure. under the applied stresses. That is t o say, they exhibit
Moreover, so far as buildings are concerned, the interior an angle of shearing resistance @ equal to zero.
plastering and exterior panelling are themselves sensitive The assumption that @ = o forms the basis of all
t o settlement. By reducing the deformations, the normal calculations of ultimate bearing capacity in
occurrence of unsightly cracking in these elements clays. Only in special cases, with prolonged loading
of the building is also prevented, thereby reducing periods or with very silty clays, is the assumption
maintenance charges and enhancing the appearance. sufficiently far from the truth to justify a more elaborate
In the course of time, however, the consolidation
2. General Considerations becomes important, and leads to the characteristic
On opening up the excavation, the pressure a t feature of foundations on clays : namely the long-
foundation level is reduced to zero from its original continued settlements increasing, although a t a de-
value p (equal to the weight per unit area of t h e soil creasing rate, for years or decades after construction.
and. water above this level, see Fig. I). This release The principal objects of a settlement analysis are
of pressure causes the soil to rise by an amount pr. therefore to obtain (i) a reasonable estimate of the
When the structural load becomes equal t o p the nett " final " settlement p, corresponding to a time
original state of stress existing in the ground under when consolidation is virtually complete, and (ii) a t
the foundation, prior t o excavation, is restored. The least an approximate estimate of the progress of
settlement taking place under the foundation pressure settlement with time. The settlement at the end of
construction is of minor consequence in most problems.
*For the relation between average and differential settlement
All settlement calculations are, at the present time,
see the important paper by Terzaghil. Limitations of space based on the classical consolidation theory of Terzaghi,
restrict the present discussion to average settlements. or on extensions of this theory.
3. Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Clays ( 0 o)
- should extend either to the bottom of the clay stratum
or to a depth where the stresses caused by the foundation
pressures are negligible. Unconfined compression tests
In the general case, the allowable foundation pressure or, preferably, undrained triaxial tests*, are then
may be expressed in the form' :- carried out on specimens cut from these cores ; and
if o, and 5 , are the major and minor principal stresses
at failure, then
C = i ( a L - 0 3 ) ... ... ... ... ... ( 3 )
(1) In extra-sensitive clays (i.e. those very sensitive to
where F = the desired factor of safety. disturbance in sampling) it is necessary to measure
c = apparent cohesion of the soil. the shear strength directly i n sit%, by means of the
$, = effective overburden pressure at founda- vane t e ~ t ~ , ' , ~ If
. only the shear strength is required
tion level. then in all soft clays, including those of low or medium

* -'
otal overburden pressure a t foundation
density of soil beneath the foundation
sensitivity, the vane test is more economical than
undisturbed sampling and laboratory tests. But, in
general, sampling is recommended since consolidation
(submerged density if foundation is tests can also be carried out on the samples, and these
below water level). are required for making the settlement analysis.
B = breadth of foundation. Fortunately, disturbance is less important in its effect .
N,, N,, N y = factor= depending upon the angle on the consolidation characteristics than on the shear
of shearing resistance @ of the soil, the strength of clays.
ratio of length L to breadth B of the I t is not possible, in this summary, to discuss in
foulldation and the ratio of the depth detail the procedure for estimating the value of c to
D to the breadth of the foundation B be used where the strength varies appreciably with
(see Fig. I ) . depth. I t must suffice t o mention that if the shear
qllr -- the term in square brackets, is the nett strength within a depth of approximately 213 B beneath
ultimate hearing capacity. foundation level does not vary by more than about
& 50 per cent. of the average strength in that depth,
then this average value of c may be used in equation (2).
F7alue of Nc
The values suggested for the factor N , are given
in Fig. 2. As an example consider a foundation with
B = 15 ft., L -- 23 ft. and D = 9 ft. Then the value
of N , for a square footing with D / B = 9/15 = 0.60 is
7 . 2 , from the upper curve in Fig. 2. Thus the required
N c for the actual rectangular footing with B/L=15/23=
0.65 is given by the expression
N c = (0.83 0.16 Y 0.65) 7 . 2 = 6.8

FJg.1.-Settlement of foundations-General definitions

With the condition that @ = o the factors N , and N y

are equal to unity and zero respectively. Thus I I I I
I I I I 'I
equation (I) reduces to the simple form : mA,,o: W . D L 'OT
m ' ..L.DIU UIU
r OIOU10.llOM

Fig. 2.-Bearing capacity factors for foundations

qallorable = -. Nc ..- ... ... ... (z)a in clay (Q = 0)
and the ultimate bearing capacity is Since an important part of the research work leading
qr = c . N c p ... ... ... ... ... (?)b to these values of N o is of recent origin, a discussion
of their derivation will be given in the following section
The problem of calculating the ultimate bexing
capacity of clays is therefore solved when the apparent of the paper. Before doing so, however, it will be
cohesion c (usually referred to as the " shear strength ") convenient to consider the available field evidence
of the clay has been determined and the factor N c on the ultimate bearing capacity of clays. This is
has been evaluated for the particular values of B , L assembled in Table I, and it will at once be seen that
and D. the evidence, although limited to six cases and although
Measurement of c
To determine the shear strength of the clay un- *For a recent account of triaxial testing methods, and
disturbed samples are taken from boreholes, which interpretation, see a paper by Skempton and Bishops.


and structure

loading tests

Dimensions of foundation

TABLE ].--Field data on ultlmate bearing capacity-

D ft.

o (lower limit)
i (upper limit)
a t failure.


of clays


- -


q.t ton/ft.'

foundation shear strength I
pressure a t
of clay

c. t ~ n j f t . ~
Building Research Congress, 1957


o .o67 (compr.) 6.4

1 Value of N ,
Fig. 2

o ,074 (vane)' 5 . 8


Odenstad (1948)a'
Cadling and
Odenstad (1g5o)b
Kippen I0 0.95 (with o . 16 Skemptori ( 1 9 4 2 ) ~ ~
spread footing side friction)
I . 15 (no
side i
friction) 1
Loch Ryan 1.9 1 0.22 Morgan (1g44)P'
screw cylinder Skempton (1g5o)a.
I -- I
screw cylinder 1 8 / 8 1 6 (in clay)
2 0 (total depth) 5 2.9 1 0.36

I 1 1
- --

Shellhaven I
011tankA '2 2 5 1 - - 0.84 0.135' 6.21 6 . 2 1 N i x o n ( 1 ~ ~ g ) ~
1 1 / 1 1

oil tank B 152 52 o 30 5 0.83 0.140' ~ . ~ ~ 6 . ~ / N i x o n ( p e r s o n a l

I I comm.)
warehouse ,
I 50 I 125
1 I 40 i7'I - I - - j 1I
Fountain (1g07)ab
- - -
76 1
195 I- --
a : extrapolation from load-settlement curve.
i ! 140 I
b : in a depth
I 2.2
I, = 2/3B.
I - .- I
I - 1
c : failure by tilting.

subject to the usual lack of precision inherent in any shear surface. I t may be noted that the values of N c
field observations, provides a satisfactory confirmation for strip footings are independent of the amount of
of the suggested values of N c . Further, indirect shear mobilised along the base of the footing.
confirmation will be considered in the section on load- For circular footings with a smooth base, on the surfacs
settlement curves. of a clay, a rigorous solution has been obtained by
In most cases it is possible to use Fig. 2 directly IshlinskyP,N c being 5 . 6 8 . The more practical condition
in the estimation of bearing capacity. But for some of a rough-based circular footing on the surface of a
purposes it is desirable to have a set of simple rules clay stratum has been solved by Meyerhof, using a n
which can easily be remembered. The following rules approximate* analysis. This leads to the result N c = 6 . 2.
may be put forward : For circular footings located at a considerable depth
(i) At the surface, where D = 0, beneath the surface three solutions are available.
N,, = 5 for strip footings ; With assumptions concerning slip surfaces similar t o
N,, = 6 for square or circular footings. these mentioned above, Meyerhof finds that N c = 9.3.
(ii) At depths where D / B < 2) : For the reason given earlier N c = 9 . 3 is almost certainly
N c D = (I +
0 . 2 DIB) Nco. an upper limit. A completely different approach i s
(iii) At depths where D/B > z ) : that originated by Bishop, Hill and Mottlo, for metals,
NcD = I . 5 Nc,. and extended to clays by Gibsonn using the large-
(iv) At any depth the bearing capacity of a strain theory of Swaingerla. In this analysis it i s
rectangular footing is assumed that the penetration of the footing, at ultimate
failure, is equivalent t o expanding a spherical hole
Nc (rectangle) = I + 0.2 BIL
I Arc (strip). in the clay, of diameter equal to the diameter of the
footing. If E is the Young's modulus of the clay, then

4. Derivation of the Bearing Capacity Factors N c a plastic zone is developed, of radius -- - beyond
Theoretical Results 2 - C
The analysis of the bearing capacity of strip footings which the clay is still in the elastic state. The expression
on the surface (D = o) is due to Prandtl' who showed for N , , according to Gibson, is
+ 1] +
that N c = 2 x = 5 . r 4 The mechanism of failure E
assumed in this analysis is that the footing pushes Nc='[ loge - I ... (4)
in front of itself a " dead " wedge of clay which, in 3
its turn, pushes the adjacent material sideways and For materials with stress-strain curves of the type
upwards. Model tests in the laboratory indicate that exhibited by clays it is convenient to define E as the
this mechanism is a reasonable approximation. secant modulus at a stress equal to one-half the yield
When the footing is placed a t a considerable depth value (see Fig. 3). With this convention the range.
the slip surfaces no longer rise up to ground level. of Elc for the great majority of undisturbed clays.
Meyerhof8 has evolved a modified form of Prandtl's
analysis in which the slip surfaces curve back on to *An indication of the error involved in this analysis is given
the sides of the foundation. For strip footings the by the fact that the same form of solution leads to the result
corresponding value of N c is 8.3 ; but this is, clearly, N , = 5.71 for the smooth base circle, as compared with
an upper limit since it involves too great a length of Ishlinsky's N , = 5.68.
remoulded and undisturbed clays. Careful corrections
were made for the effects of small decreases of water
content in the clay beneath the footings, due to the
diffusion of the high pore pressures set up by the load,
and for the effects of different rates of strain in the
loading tests and the unconfined compression tests.
I t was found that, if the load-settlement curves were

plotted in the dimensionless form shown in Fig. 4, then
these curves were almost identical for all sizes of footings
used in the experiments and for all values of the shear
strength of the clay under investigation. Secondly,
it was found that after penetrating about four or five
I diameters the footings continued to settle under a
O~O 2'0 so n
m roa rm m a
VOUMo'S VODVLV. 17 DK9, 5 constant nett pressure. The ratio of this pressure t o
.*.as .I.C*C.* C

Fig. 3.-Ultimate bearing capacity factors for deeply the shear strength of the clay is clearly the value of N ,
burled circular footings in 0 = 0 materials for circular footings at a considerable depth beneath
Theoretical values and laboratory tests the surface, and the experimental results are plotted
in Fig. 3. Of the clays, " Horten " and London "* "

were remoulded and " Shellhaven " was undisturbed.

Tne value for plasticine was obtained by Meyerhof
(private communication) and that for copper was
determined by Bishop, Hill and MottlD. For simplicity,
only the Mott-Gibson theory and Meyerhof's upper
limit of Nc = 9 . 3 have been shown in Fig. 3 . The six
experimental points all lie in the zone bounded by these
two theories and, for the practical range of E / c for
undisturbed clays (50 to zoo), it will be seen that,
as previously suggested (Skempton 1950), a value
of N c = 9 . 0 is a very reasonable average from the
theoretical and experimental results.
Similarly, for deep buried strip footings, Nc = 7 . 5 is
a reasonable average value.
k I. I .I I I I. I I penetration
."z:",'r-f A typical relation between q / c and - --- for
Fig. 4.-Laboratory test results for model footings n
in remoulded London clay a footing pushed into the clay from the surface is
shown by the line 0 a1 bl c1 dl in Fig. 4. This line is
is from 50 to 200. The corresponding values of N c also the envelope of all loading tests for fo,otings initially
in equation ( 4 ) are 7 . 6 and 9 . 4 . Thus, even with
this four-fold variation in E / c the change in N c is only
f 10 per cent., and it is therefore sufficiently accurate
t o say that the Mott-Gibson theory leads to the result
N c = 8.5 for undisturbed clays.
Finally, Guthlac Wilson13 has approached the problem
of the bearing capacity of a clay loaded at depth by
a rigid circular plate, by finding the foundation pressure
necessary to bring about the merging of the two plastic
zones orig~natingfrom the edges of the footing. The
result depends to a slight degree on the depth of the
footing and on the original state of stress in the clay,
as indicated by the coefficient of earth pressure a t
rest K O , but for practical purposes N , may be taken
as 8.0, when D is greater than 4B.
Each of these three approaches to the problem is 1
by no means an exact analysis. And, indeed, the -:,A
.,r..,"c.r f "e
difficulties in the way of producing a rigorous solution .e,.v"

for the bearing capacity factor for deep foundations Fig. 5.-Load settlement curves for model footings
are great. Yet it is remarkable that all three theories In remoulded London clay
lead to values for Nc within the f 10 per cent. range
covered by the Mott-Gibson analysis for clays. buried at any depth D ; the load-settlement curves
for such footings being b b' c1 dl e, c c1 d1 e and d d1 e.
Experimental Results It is evident that, for the test starting at D = +B,
The first published results obtained from model the shear strength of the clay is progressively mobilised
footing tests on clay, the shear strength of which was as the pressure is raised from zero until, at the point bl
also rncasured, appear to be those of Golder14. These ~~ - -
were carried out on footings 3 inches square and *Tests on model screw-cylinders, with blade diameters of
3 inches x 18 inches long, on the surface of remoulded two, four and six inches, by Wilsonls also show an average
London clay. The tests were of a preliminary nature, value of Nc of about 9 . 5 for remoulded London clap. But
b u t they showed that N c was about .6.7 for the square this result is probably a little too high, since no corrections
were made for pore pressure diffusion from t h e clay immediately
footings and 5.2 for the locg footings. under the blades. The actual strength of the clay was therefore
More recently, model tests have been carried out somewhat greater than that measured by compression tests
a t Imperial College by Meigh15 and Yassinla on both on samples taken from the bulk of clap in the test container.
Building Research Congress, 7951

on the envelope, the strength is fully mobilised.

Similarly, for the test starting a t D = I .5 B the shear
strength of the clay is fully mobilised at point cl.
Moreover, it will be seen that the " envelope " may
Nc (rectangle) =. 0.84 + o. 16 -
L I N c (square)

be extrapolated to the axis of zero penetration a t a Summary

value of q/c = 6.2. This is Meyerhof's value of Nc Clearly there is scope fur developing a more satis-
for a circular,footing on the surface, and in his theory, factory theory for the bearing capacity of deep footings
as in that of Prandtl for a strip footing, it is tacitly in clay, but the semi-empirical values of 9.0 and 7 . 5
assumed that failure occurs a t deformations negligibly for circular and strip footings are probably sufficiently
small compared with the breadth of the footing. The accurate for practical purposes. Also the interpolation
experimental results in Fig. 5 therefore confirm* the formula, equation (5), requirds experimental and
theoretical surface values of 6.2, and so also do the theoretical investigation. More important, the values
tests on strip footings ; the envelope in these experiments of N c given in Fig. 2 probably somewhat conserva-
extrapolating back to q/c = 5.2. tive, and future work may lead to improvement in this
Nevertheless, since the penetrations required to respect. Nevertheless, the comparison of the bearing
mobilise full shear in the clay are, in the laboratory capacity factors as given in Fig. z, with the available
tests, equal to about o . 4 B,it is logical to take the values field data, in Table I, is decidedly encouraging.
of q/c at the points a1 b1 and c1 as the values of N c for
the appropriate foundation depths D = o, 0 . 5 B and 5. Load-Settlement Curves
r . 5 B . In this way the relation between N c and D / B In Fig. 5 some of the observed points on the
shown by the " step-back " curve in Fig. 4 is obtained. individual load-settlement curves aal, bbl and dd1
Thus, for a surface circular footing on remoulded (shown in Fig. 4) are plotted with a common origin ;
London clay ultimate failure occurs (i.e. the full shear the ordinates being expressed as the ratio of the pressure
strength of the clay is mobilised), when q/c = Ne = 6 . 8 ; q to the ultimate bearing capacity 91, as represented
and similarly for any other value of D. by points al, b1 etc. The results of a typical test on
But, as will be seen from Table I, ultimate failure a strip footing ( B / L = 0.1) are also plotted in the
takes place in some undisturbed clays at a penetration same manner. As a rough approximation, all the points
of only 0.1 B or even less. Therefore, although the lie on the same curve, and it is interesting to examine
" step-back " curve in Fig. 4 is undoubtedly the logical the measure of agreement between these e.perimenta1
interpretation of the particular test results expressed points and the load-settlement curve as predicted
in that graph, yet in practice it may be an error not from simple theoretical considerations.
on the side of safety to assume that such high values Now, from the theory of elasticity it is known that
of N , can be used. Clearly, the most conservative the mean settlement of a foundation, of breadth B ,
assumption is to use the " envelope " itself, since this on the surface of a semi-infinite solid is given by the
implies that full shear strength is mobilised after expression
negligible penetration of the footing. I - #P
I t may, of course, well be true that with more brittle
clays the envelope is itself higher than that obtained
for the remoulded London clay. But the tests on where q = foundation pressure.
undisturbed Shellhaven clay did not indicate any I p = influence value depending upon the shape
substantial difference. Consequently the most reasonable and rigidity of the foundation.
procedure, for the present at least, until more evidence p = Poisson's ratio of the solid.
is forthcoming, is to take the average envelope from E = Young's modulus of the solid.
the available test data and assume that this gives For the present purpose equation (5) is more con-
the required relation between N c and depth of the veniently written in the form
footing. This average envelope for circular footings is, P 4 41 I - p2
in fact, that shown by the upper curve in Fig. 2 . I t - - - . --. I p - - ... ... ... (6)
may be noted that laboratory testsu (Meigh 1950) B 91 c E/c
showed no significant difference between square and In saturated clays with no water content change
circular footings. under applied stress (the 4 = o condition) Poisson's
The information on strip footings is less complete, ratio is equal to 4, and for a rigid circular footing on
the tests so far carried out being limited to London clay. the surface I p = x/4. Moreover, from the experiments
But, since the ratio of Nc for the strip to that for the previously described, qf/c = 6.8. Thus for the model
circle is 0.84 both at depth and a t the surface, it is tests with circular footings on the surface
unlikely that any appreciable error will be involved PI 4 4
in the assumption that this ratio applies for all values -- -- - ... . .. ... ... ... (7)
of D / B . The ordinates of the " strip " curve in Fig. 2 B E / c qr
are therefore simply 0.84 x N c (square). With footings buried at some depth below the surface
I t is further assumed that the value of N , for a the influence value I p decreases (Foxl'), but the bearing
rectangular footing may be obtained by linear inter- capacity factor N c = q,f/c increases as shown in Fig. 2,
polation according to the formula : and to a first approximation the product I p . N , remains
constant. Therefore equation (7) holds good for all
the circular footing tests.
*Cone tests approximate to the conditions implied in Further, in an undrained compression test the axial
hleyerhof's theory but difficulties are present in carrying out strain under a deviator stress ( u , - a,) is given by the
cone-penetration tests with high accuracy. The shear rnobilised
along the surface of the cone, the high rate of strain in the expression
early stages of the test, the dissipation of pore pressure and (01 - 03)
the depression or elevation of the clay surface during penetration,
all influence the results. The most that can be said a t present
c = --.". .. . ... ... ... (8)
is that the values of Nc deduced from cone tests (in which
an attempt has been made to apply these corrections) lie in where E is the secant Young's modulus at the stress
the range 5 . o to 7 . o for most clays. (u1 - 03).
2 (-1 - -3)
e=-. ... ... ... ... (10)
Elc ( a , - a a ) t
From a comparison of equations (7) and (10) i t will
therefore be seen that, fok the same ratio of applied
stress t o ultimate stress, the strain in the loading tests
is related t o that in the compression test by the
- 2. c ... ... ... ... ... ... (11)
The average stress-strain curve for all the compression
tests carried out on the remoulded London clay used
in the model loading tests is shown in Fig. 6 (a). From
this curve the values of pl/B can immediately be
calculated from equation (11) ; and the result is shown
by the dotted line in Fig. 5 . The agreement with the
experimental points is moderately good except for
high values of q]ql. But the simple theory leading
t o equation (11) cannot be expected t o yield accurate
results in this range, since at loads near the ultimate
bearing capacity a considerable zone of the clay
beneath the footing is subjected t o strains great&
than those a t the ultimate stress in the compression
The container in which the circular footings were

Fig. 6.-"

Equivalent " stress strain curves

. C...t

tested had a depth of a t least 8B. Theoretically2 the
settlements should therefore be about 7 per cent.
undisturbed clays (E/c = 100) less than the values calculated from equation (11).
This is of no consequence, in view of the very approxi-
As before, equation (8) is more conveniently written mate nature of the derivation of the strain relationship.
in the form However, the container in which the strip footings
01 - 0 3 (0-3 ) I were tested had a depth of about 6B. This is adequate
E = -- - ... ... (9) for investigating ultimate failure ; but the settlements
(-1 - C E lc would be 30 per cent. less than the values calculated
I n saturated clays with no water content change from the theory of semi-infinite elastic solids, and the
(ai - ~ 3 ) f corresponding value of I F. N , is only about 20 per cent.
under applied stress ------ = 2 . 0 . Thus greater than that used in equation (7), whereas, on
C the assumption of a semi-infinite solid, the product

Flg. 7," Immediate " settlements in field loading tests on saturated clays (@ = o)
Building Research Congress, 1951

I p . N c is about 65 per cent. greater for the 10 : I strip cylinders. Similarly at Cannon Street Bridge the
than for the circle. Hence the observed fact.of roughly cylinders were test-loaded with 850 tons. For un-
equal settlements, at the same factors of safety, for disturbed London clay Elc = 50 and the stress-strain
the two types of footing, which might at first glance curve is closely similar to that shown by the full line
seem to be anomalous, is -accounted for within the in Fig. G (b). I t is therefore interesting to note the
limits of accuracy of the few tests carried out on strips. reasonable degree of cor~lparison between the field
In applying the foregoing conceptions to full-scale observations and the approximate theoretical load-
foundations it is necessary to take into account the settlement curve in these cases. The clay at BostonP@
probability that the great majority of the settlement had an Elc of about 40 or 50, whereas the loading test
is due to strains in the clay within a depth of not more indicates a value of the order 80. This discrepancy
than about 4B below the base of the footing. At greater may be due partly to the fact that the test was carried
depths the shear stresses are less than about 5 per cent. out at the bottom of a 40 ft. shaft, and the clay had
of the nett foundation pressure, and the corresponding therefore been considerably " pre-stressed " : the test
value of Elc is typically 50 to 80 per cent. greater being, in effect, a re-loading of the clay. At Shellhaven21,
than that calculated at o = $of. Moreover, the strength it is difficult to make any direct comparison, since the
of the clay usually increases appreciably with depth. oil tank rested on a 5 f t . crust of hard clay overlying
Thus the strains at relatively great depths are one-half, soft clay. The crust had little effect on the ultimate
or even less, of those according to simple elastic theory, failure of the tank, but it would appreciably reduce
with a shear strength, in equation (6), equal to that the settlements. Moreover, the soft clay is extra-
within a depth of 213 B beneath the footing. sensitive and the laboratory value of Elc = 80 may
From the values of I F given by 'Terzaghix and well be considerably too low on account of sampling
T i m o s h e n k ~ the
~ ~ following results are obtained for disturbancez2. For the tests on the screw cylinder
the mean settlement of uniformly loaded areas, if at Newportla the results agree reasonably well with
strains below 4B are neglected. the actual Elc for the clay, which was about 60. No
value of Elc is available for the clay beneath the
-- . cylinder tested by Morganz8 but the load-settlement
Arc i-Nc.Ip
--~ i
3 PI. result indicates about go and this is of the order often
measured in normally consolidated silty clays.
-- I- -
Summarising this field evidence, it may therefore
circle 1 o .73
1.00 ,
1 1.7
be said that none of the data is seriously at variance
with the approximate theory expressed by equation (11)
5:1 5.4 4.9 2.4 and Table 2, while the tests on the Thames bridges
- --- 1 5.3 ~
5.0 - -
2.5 -
appear to confirm this theory and also, by implication,
the bearing capacity factors given in Fig. 2 for circular
Thus, to a degree of approximation (& 20 per cent.) foundations at a depth of about I ~ to B 2fB.
comparable with the accuracy of the assumptions,
it may be taken that equation (11)applies to a circular 6. Factor of Safety
or any rectangular footing. As a minimum requirement for the stability criterion
In order to investigate this relationship in practice, it is usual to specify a factor of safety of not less than
it is necessary to know the shape of the stress-strain 2. But, for general purposes, experience has indicafed
curves for undisturbed clays, and to compare the that it is desirable to use a factor of safety of 3 (Terzaghi
calculated settlements with field observations. For and Peckz4). Thus, quite distinct from any settlement
this purpose the stress-straln curves of a number of criteria, the allowable nett pressure should not exceed
clays were plotted in the form shown in Fig. 6 (b) one-third of the nett pressure causing ultimate failure.
and, apart from a few exceptional cases, all the Yet with a factor of safety of 3, although there can
" equivalent " stress-strain curves were found to lie be no possibility of complete failure, or even of any
within the shaded zone shown in this graph. The appreciable over-stressing* in the clay, the settlements
load-settlement curve calculated from equation (11) may be excessive. Consequently, it is necessary t o
and from the average equivalent stress-strain curve give at least a brief consideration to the settlement
indicated by the solid line in Fig. 6 (b), is plotted in problem if the subject of bearing capacity is to be
Fig. 7. This load-settlement curve is therefore a crude seen in proper perspective.
estimate of the theoretical curve for undisturbed clays
with Elc = roo. The settlements at any given factor 7. Final Settlement
of safety (= qnf/qn)will be inversely proportional to Where the clay exists as a relatively thin layer
Elc, and the curves for E,ic = 50 and 200 are also shown beneath the foundation, or where the foundation rests
in Fig. 7. on sand or gravel underlain by clay, the " immediate "
The author is aware of loading tests at six sites settlements are small, owing to the lateral restraint
for which sufficient data are available to enable the imposed on the clay by the adjacent rigid or com-
results to be plotted in Fig. 7. Three of these tests paratively rigid materials. In such cases the final
were taken to failure, and qn/q,r is therefore known settlement, and also the rate of settlement, can be
directly. In the other three cases q n r has been calcuIated calculated with sufficient accuracy from Terzaghi's
from Fig. 2 and the shear strength of the clay. The theory of one-dimensional consolidation. The procedure
most valuable tests were those carried out by Sir John for calculating settlements by this theory can be found
Hawkshaw on the piers of his bridges over the Thames in the standard text-books, such as Terzaghi and Peck2&,
a t Charing Cross and Cannon Street. The former and need not be considered further in this paper.
is only a few hundred yards away from Waterloo
Bridge, where extensive investigations were recently - --

made on the London claylO. Each of the cylinders *If the nett foundation pressure is one-third of that causing
forming the piers of Charing Cross Bridge were loaded ultimate failure, the maximum shear stress in the clay does
not exceed about 65 per cent. of the shear strength. Thus, a
with 450 tons or 700 tons, before building the deck, factor of safety of 3 on ultimate failure corresponds to a
and the settlements were observed. In addition, the factor of safety of at least I ) on over-stressing (neglecting
skin friction was measured during the sinking of the isolated stress concentrations.)
Where the foundation rests directly on a relatively ---
TABLE 3 p-

thick bed of clay the problem is more complicated. As 1 Convent~onalfinal settlement

a first approximation, however, the nett final settlement C.
theoretical final settlement
(including both " immediate " and " consolidation " --
settlement) may be calculated from the equation ! ps = 0.3 Ps = 0.35 / -
v s = 0.4

0.5 I 1.z
1.0 1.9 0.7

r . o (elastic) 1 0.8
- --
1 2 7 --
1 0 ._-

) o
= m,. q , . B . I ? .. . . .. ... ... (13) given in Fig. 2. From these values it can be shown
where m, is the compressibility of the clay a t a depth z that the order of the average nett final settlement is
beneath the foundation as measured in oedometer tests given by the expression
on undisturbed samples ; the compressibility being Pn 5 40
determined over the range of pressure from Po, the -_-.- ... ... ... ... ... (16)
original effective overburden pressure at depth z, t o B Kvic qnr
( p , oz) where a, is the increment of vertical pressure Equation (16) enables a study to be made of the
set up a t this depth by the nett foundation pressure. relationship between the factor of safety against ultimate
Also, in these equations zl is the maximum depth failure and the average nett final settlement of a
of the clay beneath the foundation or, if the clay is foundation or1 a deep bed of clay. I n evaluating
very thick, z, is some depth such as 4B beneath which equation (16) it is, however, essential to know the
the settlements are negligible, and I p is the influence value of the ratio Kvic. A preliminary examination
value for settlements in a depth z,. of the published data indicates that for over-consolidated
If the clay structure was elastic then this conventional clays Kv/c lies approximately in the range from 70
method would underestimate the final settlement, to zoo, while for normally-consolidated clays the
sirice it implies the assumption that Poisson's ratio range is approximately from 25 to 80. I n each class
p8 is zero. But the compressibility Cc of the clay Kv/c tends to be higher for clays with a lower liquid
structure is greater than. the expansibility C, (both limit. These vallles must be taken as being only
expressed in terms of effective stress) and if this fact indicative, but they enable certain interesting de-
is taken into accountP5it is found that the conventional ductions to be made. In order to clarify the basis of
method leads to final settlemeiits, which may be either these deductions, equation (r6) has been plotted in
lower or higher than those calculated from more Fig. 8 for several typical values of KVjc. Also on this
comprehensive theory ; but not differing by more graph points have been plotted representing the results
than -J= 30 per cent., as shown* in Table 3. The of field observations on ten structures.
" theoretical " final settlements have, so far, only The first inference from Fig. 8 is' that the field
been evaluated for the centre of a uniformly loaded observations in the six cases where KV/c is known,
circular footing, and the determination of Cc, C, and agree rougllly with equation (16.j The second inference
pa for the clay structure is experimentally a difficult is that, for any given clay, the settlement is approxi-
matter. The purpose of the theory is therefore not to mately proportional to the width B, at the same factor
provide a method of settlement analysis, but merely of safety. This result was first predicted by Terzaghino,
to enable the order of error in the conventional analysis and there is considerable supporting evidence from
to be examined. loading tests. But the observations summarised in
Since, in practice, structural design often does not Fig. 8 show that it holds good also for the final settlement
justify an attempt to predict settlements with an of large foundations. It therefore follows that, con-
accuracy greater than that implied by the results in versely, the allowable nett foundation pressure on
Table 3, it may be concluded that the convenlional any given clay will decrease in direct proportion
method (equations 12 and 13) is adequate for estimating to the foundation width, if it is required to restrict
the final settlement of foundations on deep beds of the settlement t o some specified magnitude.?
clay. Field observations justify this conclusion2', ". The factors of safety corresponding to various
In order to obtain a relationship between final settlements for several typical values of Kv/c are given
settlement (from the conventional method) and factor
of safety against ultimate failure, equation (13) may TABLE 4
be written in the form -
- ___.
_ -
Nett I Factor of safetv
Pn qn qnf settlement U'ldth I --
.- ... ... ... (14)
-- -

qnr c
mv .c.Ip .. . Pn
I K,
= 2 o o I . O~ C~

or, if K v = ~lrn,,where K , = modulus of compressibility -- -- 1- --- --


as measured in oedometer, 5 3 6 12
pn qn qnt IP I 10 6
--- - - .. . ... ... ... (1s) 20
B qnt c K ~ / c --
and equation (15) is analogous to the corresponding
equation (6) for " immediate " settlements ; except 3
that equation (15) cannot be expected t o hold good
for values of q,/q.f of more than about 0.5. since at
greater values of this ratio the clay will be overstressed.
Values of I p can be found from data given by
Terzaghie and Timoshenkols, and values of p n r / c are
- - .
*The few tests at present available show that the com- --
pressibility ratio 1 lies in the range o . I to 0 . 5 (Skemptonze). t o n this point see an excellent general treatment by Taylofll.
158 Rnildirzg Research Congress, 1951

Fig. 8.-" Final " settlements of foundations in saturated clays

in Table 4. Where the factor of safety as given by an increasing tendency to accept a factor of safety
equation (16) is less than 3 , the stability criterion of 3 as being adequate for the design of footings of
controls the design. These cases are distinguished in any clay. Table 5 shows that this is not even approxi-
Table 4 by the number 3 in brackets. If it is desired mately correct for clays with low values of K,/c if the
to limit the average settlement to one inch, then it settlements are to be restricted to a reasonablysmall
will be seen that the stability criterion is relevant magnitude.
only for small footings on over-consolidated clays.
I n all other cases the design is governed by settlement Conclusion
considerations. With a limiting average settlement
of three inches, the stability criterion applies to all I n conclusion, it may be said that, so far as the
footings on over-consolidated clays and t o small footings present evidence is concerned, the values of Ne given
on most normally-consolidated clays. But for raft in Fig. 2 are sufficiently accurate for the determination
foundations the settlement criterion is still of controlling of the ultimate bearing capacity of deep beds of
importance in all clays except those which are over- relatively homogeneous clay. A factor of safety of
consolidated, with high values of Kv/c. a t least 3 is desirable in estimating allowable bearing
capacity. But in many cases the foundation design will
Settlements of more than three inches are not usually be controlled b y settlement considerations, and the
tolerated in buildings, but in bridge design settlements engineer may be compelled t o use factors of safety
of six inches or more are often permissible, especially very c.onsiderably greater than 3, in order to restrict
where provision exists for maintaining the correct the settlement to a magnitude compatible with
elevation of the deck by means of jacks (as a t Waterloo structural requirements.
Bridge and elsewhere). In such cases, the factor of
safety depends upon stability considerations in all
clays except those with a very low value of KV/c,unless Acknowledgements
t h e piers are unusually wide. The importance of width The theory on which Table 3 is based was derived
i n controlling the design of foundations on clay is by the author while on the staff of the Building Research
therefore clearly demonstrated, and also the inter- Station, and he is indebted to the Director of Building
dependence of the two criteria. But a further inference Research (Department of Scientific and Industrial
may be made from an examination of Table 4, namely Research) for permission to quote this work, and also
that the factors of safety necessary to limit the for permission t o use the data relating t o the structure
settlements to a few inches on normally-consolidated at Elstree and Chelsea Bridge. I n obtaining much of
clays, with all but the smallest footings, are so large the information given in this paper the author has
as t o be outside practical possibility. Therefore, unless been helped by personal communications from Messrs.
settlements of many inches, or even a few feet can be W. S. Hanna, W. Kjellman, G. G. Meyerhof, W. H.
tolerated, it is not feasible t o found directly on such Morgan, I. K. Nixon, G. P. Tschebotarioff and Guthlac
clays, especially if the liquid limit is high. This point Wilson. Mr. A . W. Bishop, of Imperial College, initiated
has previously been made by Terzaghi and Pecks", the model loading tests, and has given much valuable
but it requires re-emphasis, since there appears t o be advice.
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