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Predicates and endings


Predicate, one of the main components of a sentence, normally refers to

the part that explains or says something about the subject. Often it refers
to a verb or an adjective phrase that modifies the subject. For example,
“closed the door” is the predicate of a sentence “Peter closed the door.”
In a similar manner, those which constitute predicate expressions in
Korean are verbs and adjectives.

Korean verbs and adjectives are made of stems and endings. The stems of
verbs and adjectives do not stand alone, and they are always conjugated
by various or inflectional endings. These endings carry various grammatical
information and roles (e.g., tense, aspect, speech levels, and so forth).
When you look for the meaning of certain verbs and/or adjectives in
your dictionary or textbook word lists, you are most likely to encounter
verbs and adjectives with ┺ as their endings (e.g., 㧦┺ “sleep,” ⏖┺ “play,”
and 㠊⪋┺ “difficult”). Remember that stems do not stand by themselves.
For a dictionary-entry purpose, Korean verbs and adjectives take a special
dictionary form ending -┺. Consequently, finding the stem of a verb and/or
an adjective is simple in that anything being left out after you take ┺ out
from the verbs and adjectives is the stem. Here are some examples:

Dictionary form Meaning Stem

Ṗ┺ go Ṗ
ⲏ┺ eat ⲏ
⺆㤆┺ learn ⺆㤆
㣪Ⰲ䞮┺ cook 㣪Ⰲ䞮
⋮㊮┺ bad ⋮㊮
㧧┺ small 㧧
㫡┺ good 㫡
㞚⯚╋┺ beautiful 㞚⯚╋

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24 Unit 4: Predicates and endings

Verbs and adjectives

In English, one can distinguish a verb from an adjective by looking at their
structure. For example, when using an adjective as a predicate, one has
to use one of “am,” “is,” and “are” (e.g., “the book is cheap”). In Korean,
however verbs and adjectives resemble one another in how they inflect
and how they function in the sentence. In addition, there is no obvi-
ous structural difference between verbs and adjectives. In fact adjectives
behave like verbs so much that Korean grammarians categorize adjectives
as “descriptive verbs.”
For example, in a dictionary, you may find the following Korean verb and
adjective: Ṗ┺ “go” and 㧧┺ “small.” They have different stems (Ṗ and
㧧) but the same ending (┺ the dictionary form ending). Their meanings
distinguish a verb from an adjective. Verbs normally signify actions and
processes. On the other hand, adjectives typically indicate states or qual-
ities (e.g., size, weight, quality, quantity, shape, appearance, perception, and

Vowel- and consonant-based stems

Stems of Korean verbs and adjectives are grouped into two types: consonant
based and vowel based. An example of the vowel-based stem is Ṗ of
Ṗ┺, whereas that of the consonant-based stem is ⲏ of ⲏ┺.

Vowel-based verbs
Ṗ⯊┺ “divide”
Ṗ㰖┺ “have”
Ṗ⯊䂮┺ “teach”
Ⱒ㰖┺ “touch”
⽊┺ “see”
⺆㤆┺ “learn”
䌖┺ “ride”
Consonant-based verbs
╁┺ “close”
㔶┺ “wear (shoes)”
⹱┺ “receive”
㌊┺ “live”
㞟┺ “sit”
㧓┺ “read”
䕪┺ “sell”

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Unit 4: Predicates and endings 25

Vowel-based adjectives
㔲┺ “sour”
㕎┺ “cheap”
㝆┺ “bitter”
㰲┺ “salty”
䋂┺ “big”
䦦Ⰲ┺ “cloudy”
䧂┺ “white”

Consonant-based adjectives
Ṗ⼣┺ “light (weight)”
Ṗ₳┺ “near”
ὲ㺄┺ “fine”
⍩┺ “wide”
Ⱔ┺ “many”
㧧┺ “small”
㫡┺ “good”


Since the stems of verbs and adjectives cannot be used alone, they are
always used with endings. Korean has many different endings that convey
much of the grammatical functions such as tense, aspects, sentence types,
conjunctions, speech levels, and so on.
The endings can be categorized into two types: pre-final endings and final
endings, depending on where they are placed in the verb or adjective.

Pre-final endings
Pre-final endings are inflectional elements that come between the stem
and the final ending. They include the honorific suffix -(㦒)㔲, past tense
marker 㠞/㞮, and so on.
Consider the following example:

㠊㩲G㡗䢪G⽊㔲㠞㠊㣪f “Did (you) see the movie yesterday?”

Notice that the pre-final endings (e.g., 㔲 and 㠞) appear between ⽊, the
stem “see,” and 㠊㣪, “a sentence final ending.”

Non-sentence-final endings
There are two types of final endings: one that ends a verb or an adjec-
tive but not the sentence (non-sentence-final endings), and one that ends

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26 Unit 4: Predicates and endings

both the verb and the sentence (sentence-final endings). Non-sentence-

final endings include various clausal conjunctives such as -ἶ “and then,”
-㠊/㞚㍲ “because,” -㦒Ⳋ㍲ “while,” -㰖Ⱒ “although,” -☚⪳ “in order to,”
and so on.
Consider the following sentence.

䄺䞒⯒G Ⱎ㔲ἶG 㞚㧊㓺䋂Ⱂ㦚G ⲏ㠊㣪 “(I) drink coffee, and then eat
ice cream”

Notice that the conjunctive -ἶ “and then” does not end the sentence but
does end the verb stem Ⱎ㔲 “drink.” On the other hand, the ending 㠊㣪
ends the verb “eat” as well as the sentence.

Sentence-final endings
The typical examples of sentence-final endings are various speech-level
endings. Korean has six speech levels as shown below. These speech-level
endings indicate the speaker’s interpersonal relationship with the address-
ees or attitude toward them (e.g., social meanings such as intimacy and
formality of the situation).
The deferential speech level is the highest among the six, followed
by the polite speech level and so on. In addition, each speech level has
four endings that indicate the type of sentence: declarative (statement),
interrogative (question), imperative (command/request), and propositive

Speech level Declarative Interrogative Imperative Propositive

1 Deferential -㔋┞┺V -㔋┞₢V -O㦒P㕃㔲㡺 -O㦒P㕃㔲┺
G G ථ┞┺G ථ┞₢
2 Polite -㠊㣪V-㞚㣪 -㠊㣪V-㞚㣪 -㠊㣪V-㞚㣪 T㠊㣪V-㞚㣪
3 Blunt -O㦒P㡺 -O㦒P 㡺
4 Familiar -⍺ -⋮V-⓪Ṗ -Ợ -㎎
5 Intimate -㠊V-㞚 -㠊V-㞚 -㠊V-㞚 -㠊V-㞚
6 Plain -OⓦPච┺ -O㦒P┞/-⌦ -㠊⧒V-㞚⧒ -㧦

Among the six speech levels, the use of (3) blunt and (4) familiar speech
levels have been declining especially among young generations. KFL
learners however must be familiar with the deferential, polite, intimate,
and plain levels, which are still widely used for all Koreans regardless
of age differences. Consequently, the debate around blunt and familiar
speech levels will not be discussed in this book.
Let us apply four of the endings above to the verb stem ⲏ “eat.” When
saying “(someone) eats,” one needs to use one of the four interrogative
endings (-㔋┞₢, -㠊㣪, -㠊, and -⌦).

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Unit 4: Predicates and endings 27

Level Conjugation Possible social settings

Deferential ⲏ㔋┞₢f “(Someone) eats?” (e.g., in a formal situation)
Polite ⲏ㠊㣪f – (e.g., to an adult colleague)
Intimate ⲏ㠊f – (e.g., to an adolescent friend)
Plain ⲏ⌦f – (e.g., to a child)

Notice that the verb stem in each speech level as well as the referential
meaning are the same. In addition, different endings render different social
meanings, such as speaker’s attitude toward the hearer and the formality
of the situation. Consequently, choosing the right speech level is critical,
and it all depends on who you talk to.

Exercise 4.1

The following is a list of some Korean verbs and adjectives. Underline

whether it is a verb or an adjective and then write the stem of each verb
and adjective.

Example: 㧓┺ Verb/Adjective Stem: 㧓

1 Ṗ⼣┺ Verb/Adjective Stem:_____________

2 Ṗ㰖┺ Verb/Adjective Stem:_____________
3 䕪┺ Verb/Adjective Stem:_____________
4 ╁┺ Verb/Adjective Stem:_____________
5 Ⱔ┺ Verb/Adjective Stem:_____________
6 Ⱒ㰖┺ Verb/Adjective Stem:_____________
7 䌖┺ Verb/Adjective Stem:_____________
8 㞟┺ Verb/Adjective Stem:_____________
9 㔲┺ Verb/Adjective Stem:_____________
10 ⍩┺ Verb/Adjective Stem:_____________

Exercise 4.2

Among six speech levels, what are two speech levels whose uses are declin-
ing among young generations?

Exercise 4.3

Among six speech levels, what is the level used for formal and public

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