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„The environment is one of the most important issues in the world today, but
governments are not doing enough about it. To what extent do you think that
individuals can help to protect the environment?”

Earth is the only home that humans have and it provides air, food and other
needs, so it is a moral obligation for us to protect the environment. Individuals
shouldn’t wait for the government to introduce laws regarding environmental
protection, because waiting around means that the environment is getting more and
more damaged. Instead, we should all do our best to protect the environment as it’s
everyone’s responsibility to take care of it to make this planet a wonderful place to live.
There are actions everyday people can make to protect the environment. First, we can
save electricity by switching things off when we’re not using them, using less air
conditioning or switching to light saving bulbs. Saving water is also important.
Another way individuals can help is by walking or riding bikes. Sometimes, taking a
car wherever you go isn’t necessary. Walking or riding a bike does not only reduce
pollution, but it’s also a great way to get some exercise. Using reusable shopping bags,
buying local food, recycling are some actions that each of us should take. All these
actions might seem insignificant, but they can have a huge impact in improving the

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