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Simple Sentence

2. The army …… this section of training test.

a. War
b. Sadly
c. Eliminated
d. After praying
3. A student ……. the tuition every month.
a. pay
b. pays
c. paying
d. it paid
Subject can be a noun words (an apple, the technician, the directors), a
phrase (two red apples, the expert technician, the board directors), or a
noun clause (what I bring today, Who is graduated from University, Who
hold the main authority).

a book, an hour, a girl, a man, an apple

She, He, It
The apples, some students, many days
VERB we, I, you

Ssingular V1es She goes
Splural V1 They go
Ss/Sp Modals (Will, would, V1 She will call the cab
can, could, may, Be We can study together
might, shall, should) I will be a success person
Ss/Sp V2 They went
She went
Ss Has V3 He has finished the task
Sp Have V3 You have printed the task
Ss/Sp Had V3 She had bought vegetable
V3 He was asked to come
V3 They are offered the product
Ss Is/Was Ving She was cooking
Sp Are/ were (I – am) Ving I am looking for something
Ss Is/Was Non I am smart
Sp Are/ were Verb They were my friends

When you find Ving without to be or V3 without to be and has/have/had, they are not a verb
but adjective.

Exercise 1: Circle the subjects and underline the verbs in each of the following sentences.
Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).
I 1. Last week went fishing for trout at the nearby mountain lake.
C 2. A schedule of the day’s events can be obtained at the front desk
(…..) 3. The new computer program have provided a variety of helpful applications.
(…..) 4. Departure before dawn on a boat in the middle of the harbor.
(…..) 5. The book it contains more than twenty chapters
(…..) 6. The new student in the class very talkative and friendly
(…..) 7. A job on the day shift or the night shift at the plant available.
(…..) 8. The boys are studying in the room.
(…..) 9. The customers paying the clerk for the clothes.
(…..) 10. In the summer the trip to the mountains is our favorite trip

At some situation, there is no subject at the beginning and only object of preposition. When
you find it, notice that the subject is the same as the object.

Skill 4: Be Careful of Present and Past Participle

Ving V3
The subject does the verb The subject receives the action


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