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DATE: November 3rd, 2020

SCHOOL: Școala Gimnazială nr 25 Sibiu
CLASS : 2nd grade A
TIME: 25 minutes- Online lesson
TEACHER: Radu Alexandra
COURSEBOOK: Comunicare in limba modernă engleză, Jim Dooley, Virginia Evans,
UniScan, Express Publishing

UNIT: Unit 2. My birthday

LESSON: House objects and furniture
TYPE OF LESSON: Combined lesson
MATERIALS/RESOURCES: Google classroom, google meet, digital coursebook, youtube
video, pictures, interactive worksheet.
1.1 Oferirea unei reacţii adecvate, în situaţii de comunicare uzuale, la o întrebare/ instrucţiune
simplă rostită clar şi foarte rar
2.4. Cererea şi oferirea unor informaţii scurte şi simple referitoare la localizarea obiectelor din
universul imediat

AIM OF THE LESSON: To teach and give practice on house objects and furniture.
By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
 O1: recall names of parts of the house that they know
 O2: recognise and identify different house objects
 O3: practise the new vocabulary

Stages Timin Interaction Objectives Activities Obs.
g Teacher Students
1.Lead-in 3’ T-ss O1 Asks students what their Talk about their
favourite room from the house favourite rooms.
is and why.
2. Checking 5’ T-ss O1 Shows the students picture
previous Class containing parts of the house.
knowledge work They remember what each Recognise the rooms.
room is called and what it is
used for.
3. Presentation 5’ T-Ss O2 T plays a short video and at Listen carefully, and
the end she asks the children say the words they
what words they remember remember.
4. Practice and 8’ ss-T O2, O3 Displays a picture on the Watch the picture and
production Individual screen and asks them to say give their answers
work the objects they see. Then she
elicits them to say a couple of
objects from each room
5. 3’ ss-T O2, O3 T asks them what is their Share some of their
Consolidation favourite house object. answers with the whole
/feedback class.
6. Homework 1’ T-ss O3 Assigns students’ homework
and gives the necessary

If time allows, there is an extra quiz

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