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Geological Society, London, Special Publications

Characterization of fluvial and aeolian reservoirs: problems and

Colin P. North and D. Jeremy Prosser

Geological Society, London, Special Publications 1993; v. 73; p. 1-6


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Characterization of fluvial and aeolian reservoirs:
problems and approaches


Department of Geology & Petroleum Geology, University of Aberdeen, Meston Building,
King's College, Aberdeen AB9 2UE, UK

Sedimentological research has traditionally pro- fabrics is related to knowledge of the physical
duced geologic models primarily relevant to hyd- and chemical processes of sedimentation and
rocarbon exploration, focusing predominantly diagenesis. Sadly, our knowledge of these factors
on location and external geometry of sediment has proved to be too sketchy and qualitative for
bodies, be they clastic or carbonate, and under- the demands being made of it. Recognition of
playing the importance of the internal reservoir this situation has spawned a resurgence in stud-
framework. For example, it has been estimated ies of analogue outcrops of the ancient, and re-
that geological heterogeneity traps up to 40% of examination of equivalent modern depositional
moveable oil reserves in fluvial reservoirs (Tyler environments. What is more, the geologists are
& Finley 1991). This failure severely inhibits the now being joined in the field by petroleum engin-
application of new and sophisticated technolo- eers in an attempt to improve cross-discipline
gies to improving recovery efficiencies which are communication and to ensure the data relevant
lamentably low in far too many cases, efficien- to the engineering needs are collected.
cies less than 25% being common (Tyler & Given that the deposits of continental settings
Finley 1991). It is reservoir architecture, the are generally more accessible than those of mar-
internal fabric and structure of a reservoir, that ine settings, it might be expected that our know-
ultimately controls the paths of fluid migration ledge of these would be the most advanced,
during oil and gas emplacement and subsequent which ought to be reflected in the sophistication
extraction. This architecture is, in turn, the prod- and accuracy of predictive reservoir models for
uct of the depositional and diagenetic processes such environments. The starting point for this
which created the reservoir. If an understanding volume of papers was our desire to test if this
of the origin of the reservoir is developed, reser- was indeed the case, and if it were not, then to
voir architecture, and hence fluid flow paths, attempt to document the current status and to
become predictable. The task for the geologist, highlight the areas needing additional work.
then, is to locate and describe this heterogeneity, Based on our reading of the literature, and
so that the trapped hydrocarbons may be liber- contacts with the industry, we had several areas
ated. for concern.
In the past few years, much more emphasis (i) Are the geologists collecting the quanti-
has been placed by reservoir geologists on eluci- tative data needed by the engineers? If not,
dating the nature of geological heterogeneity, what is preventing them from doing so, the
and developing predictive models for use by geology or the lack of appreciation of the
engineers. However, in geologically complex requirements?
reservoirs, and those composed of sediments (ii) Are the results from outcrop and modern
deposited in continental settings almost in- environment studies being translated into
variably come into this category, the rate of predictive tools suitable for modelling sub-
change of lithology and petrophysical properties surface geology?
is usually very high, making subsurface geologi- (iii) Is the knowledge being gained having any
car prediction extremely difficult. Indeed, for significant impact on exploitation of hydro-
such sequences it can be remarkably demanding carbon reserves?
just to correlate major units from one well to (iv) Is there a pre-occupation with small-scale
another to establish gross connectivity path- heterogeneity when in many cases still the
ways, let alone establish the more subtle detail. primary problem is large-scale sand distri-
Many of the current depositional models en- bution and connectivity?
compass too large a scale for the needs of reser-
voir exploitation, and do not provide the quanti-
tative component critical to the engineering of Fluvial and aeolian reservoirs
hydrocarbon extraction at the interwell scale. Aeolian deposits have in the past been con-
Ability to predict the distribution of rock sidered by petroleum engineers to form relatively

From North, C. P. & Prosser, D. J. (eds), 1993, Characterization of Fluvial and Aeolian Reservoirs,
Geological Society Special Publication No 73, pp 1-6.

simple and homogeneous reservoirs. Yet pro- lian deposits in modern dune fields and outcrops
duction histories for many mature fields, such as of ancient examples have advanced dramatically
in the southern gas basin of the North Sea (e.g. in the past decade and our knowledge appears to
Heward 1991), or in the Permian to Jurassic be well-advanced (e.g. Goggin et al. 1988; Fry-
aeolian sequences in the western USA (e.g. Lind- berger et al. 1990). However, there has been a
quist 1988), now show this to be an oversimplifi- preoccupation with the terminology for bound-
cation. Work over the past decade or so has ing surfaces, the application of which is equivo-
shown that dune grainflow (avalanche) strata cal even at outcrop, and difficult in the sub-
display porosities and permeabilities one or surface. Furthermore, though we now under-
more orders of magnitude greater than adjacent stand the possible heterogeneities within aeolian
dune-apron and interdune sediments (Hunter deposits, are we any more advanced on predict-
1977; Weber 1987; Goggin et al. 1988). Further- ing the spatial distribution of such features?
more, permeability in aeolian sediments is ex- These were particular areas about which we
tremely anisotropic. Groundwater conditions sought new opinions.
beneath the erg may result in early cementation Fluvial sedimentology appears to have stag-
of the lower portions of the dunes, and the nated in the past few years, by comparison to
production of vertical permeability barriers aeolian sedimentology. Though there have been
(Adams & Patton 1979). The interdigitation numerous case studies and elucidation of small-
of dune sands with interdune and extra-erg scale phenomena, there have been few major
deposits can result in total isolation of reservoir breakthroughs that aid sub-surface prediction,
intervals. though the importance of tectonic control on
By contrast, it has long been recognized that channel morphology and location (e.g. Alex-
fluvial environments produce some of the most ander & Leeder 1987; Kraus & Middleton 1987),
complex reservoir sequences. The hydrocarbon and the value of soil profiles for predicting
potential of fluvial systems varies considerably in channel position (e.g. Brown & Kraus 1987)
response to differences in geometry of the major have shown considerable promise. Traditional
(framework) sandstone bodies and their small- style facies models (e.g. Walker & Cant 1984)
scale internal characteristics. These are highly have already revealed the natural variability in
sensitive to tectonic, climatic, hydraulic and fluvial deposits, and suggested likely juxtaposi-
geomorphic conditions., which may be hard to tions, but such qualitative information is of little
ascertain in a given basin. Physical proximity to use to the reservoir geologist or engineer faced
an understood example is no guide to sub-sur- with the task of siting the development wells.
face geologic prediction as adjacent river systems Furthermore, it has not been clear how detailed
may be at opposite extremes of the depositional geological descriptions of outcrops (e.g. numer-
spectrum, as exemplified by Cainozoic fluvial ous papers in Miall & Tyler 1991) constitute a
systems on the coastal plain of the Gulf of predictive tool. The only route so far for such
Mexico (Galloway 1981). Fluvial reservoirs are data has been to refine the statistical distri-
renowned for internal anisotropy, and for pos- butions on sediment-body geometry used in
sessing sporadic permeability barriers that can statistical modelling (e.g. Fielding & Crane 1987;
only be detected after many wells have been Dreyer 1990).
drilled. For example, whilst it is known the
continuity of the main reservoir sands will be
D e s c r i p t i o n or prediction?
best parallel to palaeoslope, crevasse-splay
sands, which constitute significant reserves in The term reservoir characterization is frequently
many fields, are extremely difficult to locate and applied by geologists and engineers to the activi-
delineate. ties or results of qualifying and locating hetero-
In arid regions, it is common for fluvial and geneities in reservoirs. By characterization is
aeolian deposits to be intermixed, with the result meant the description of the internal fabric of
that the overall sequence has all the complexities the rocks to produce an overall picture, or
of both fluvial and aeolian processes, plus the model, that details the nature of the reservoir.
complexities produced at the junctions between This model is then used for planning the extrac-
the two, and by the reworking of one by the tion of the hydrocarbons. The reservoir descrip-
other. Examples of all these difficulties can be tion is compiled from detailed analysis of the
found within the Permian Rotliegendes Forma- sub-surface data collected by means of core,
tion which forms the main reservoirs for gas in wireline logs, seismic survey, and possibly in-
the southern North Sea (e.g. Glennie 1990). cludes pressure and production data.
It is readily apparent from the literature that However, the term reservoir characterization
sedimentologic and engineering studies of aeo- embraces more than just description, since the

Table 1. Area sampled by core and wireline logging for a range of well spacings typical of highly developed oil or
gas fields

Distance Area Area

between Equivalent sampled sampled by
wells No. wells acre by core logs
m per sq. km spacing % % Field example Reference
70 204 1.21 0.000662 0.0641 El Dorado, Kansas, USA Tillman & Jordan 1987
100 100 2.47 0.000324 0.0314 South Belridge, Ca., USA Miller et al. 1990
200 25 10 0.000081 0.0079 Tia Juana, Venezuela Kruit 1987
400 6 40 0.000020 0.0020 Peco, Alberta, Canada Gardiner et al. 1990
Little Creek, Miss., USA Werren et aL 1990
500 4 62 0 . 0 0 0 0 1 3 0.0013 Brent, UKCS Struijk & Green 1991
Prudhoe Bay, Alaska Atkinson et al. 1990
1000 1 247 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 3 0.0003 Forties, UKCS Wills 1991
Leman, UKCS Hillier & Williams 1991
1500 0.44 556 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.0001 Auk, UKCS Trewin & Bramwell 1991
2000 0.25 989 0.0000008 0.00008 West Sole, UKCS Winter & King 1991

geological model must of necessity cover the using that to estimate the location of the white
entire volume of the reservoir, not just that lines marking out the pitch.
penetrated by wells. Many workers fail to con- It can be seen from Table 1 that even for
sider how much of their geological model is densely drilled fields the amount of rock that can
actually description from observations, and how be described is less than 0.1% of the reservoir. In
much is prediction, in other words extension of other words, the geologic model is 99.9%-predic-
the description into unsampled regions. The tion. This often overlooked aspect of reservoir
effective spatial resolution of seismic data, even characterization shows that what we choose to
3D seismic, is rarely better than 10m, and do with the geologic data is the most significant
usually is worse. This resolution is totally unsa- consideration, and highlights the importance of
tisfactory for the kind of reservoir description reservoir modelling.
now needed, though it may help with gross If prediction is such an important part of the
architecture. So the description has to rely on task, what are the factors that are crucial?
borehole data. However, even for highly devel- Although a complex issue, two main points
oped fields, boreholes actually sample a minus- stand out. First, it is clearly vital that we cor-
cule proportion of the rock. rectly identify the geological components in the
Table 1 gives some examples from the liter- reservoir. Correct identification comes about
ature of the spacing between boreholes for devel- through detailed knowledge of the processes
oped oil and gas fields. There are very few fields operating in each environment, and the products
where the inter-well spacing is less than 100 m they can produce. At the heart of this is facies
(i.e. about 2 wells per acre), developed fields recognition, and there have been, and still are,
onshore more typically having spacings in the far too many cases of miss-identification of flu-
200-500 m range. Offshore fields more typically vial and aeolian deposits. From this identifi-
have spacings in the 500-1000 m range, and of cation, we gain an overall understanding of the
course there are numerous examples with spac- depositional fabric, and the control this might
ings greater than this, including all those fields have exerted on the diagenetic fabric.
still under appraisal. The fourth column of this The second crucial factor in subsurface predic-
table shows the area of reservoir that is sampled tion is that we have adequate knowledge of the
by wells at a given spacing, based on core of geologic components identified. Detailed infor-
15 cm (6 inches) diameter; the fifth column gives mation is needed on the nature and scale of
the approximate area sampled by wireline logs, variability within each depositional system, the
taking as an average for all log types that the way facies do or do not correlate, and ultimately
depth of penetration is about 1 m. To get this in the impact of the fabrics on fluid-flow. Most of
perspective, the amount of information obtained this comes from studies of outcrops and modern
from core taken from boreholes 1000 m apart is environments.
roughly equivalent to sticking a pencil into a It is our conclusion that, given the extremely
football pitch (of whatever persuasion) and small amount of data available from the sub-

surface, the best way we can make use of ana- mixed fluvial-aeolian reservoirs, commences
logue outcrop and modern environment studies with a pragmatic review of aeolian bounding-
is to gain greater understanding of the processes surface terminology, with discussion of its use-
operating in the depositional setting, since this fulness to the reservoir geologist. After two
knowledge does have predictive power, whereas detailed accounts that improve our knowledge of
pure descriptions do not. the interactions between fluvial and aeolian sys-
tems, several papers illustrate attempts to apply
recent advances in aeolian sedimentology to
About this book
detailed characterization of reservoirs. One of
In the preceding sections, we have outlined many these emphasizes, with production data, the
of the problems facing geologists attempting to importance of identifying minor amounts of
'characterize' fluvial and aeolian reservoirs, and aeolian deposit in an otherwise fluvial sequence,
touched on the main approaches being taken, so since this tiny proportion of the reservoir over-
setting the background to this book. As already whelmingly dominates fluid flow in the entire
stated, we wanted to assess the current position reservoir. The final paper in this section shows
of predictive geoscience for fluvial and aeolian the potential value to individual reservoir studies
systems, document recent advances in methods of a basin-wide search for characteristic genetic
and understanding, and highlight outstanding patterns.
problems. To achieve this, we have invited a The third section of the book documents a
wide spectrum of geoscientists and reservoir frequently overlooked feature of reservoir des-
engineers from industry and academia to docu- cription and modelling, namely the nature of
ment their opinions and experiences of working structural heterogeneities. Depositional or dia-
on fluvial and aeolian reservoirs. In particular, genetic variations receive great attention, but
we asked some of the leaders in the science for they may pale into insignificance in many cases.
reviews of their field of specialization. It is hoped The final section of the book highlights the
these papers, focused as they are on the appli- many new techniques that can be brought to
cation of characterization methodology, will bear for the characterization of complex reser-
complement the many techniques papers that voirs. The geologist is often at a loss to know
have appeared in the past few years (e.g. see the what in a reservoir or outcrop needs to be
collections edited by Lake & Caroll 1986; Till- described, and what is superfluous. The first
man & Weber 1987; Buller et al. 1990, Lake et al. paper here describes a computer simulation ap-
1991). proach to evaluating the importance of bound-
This volume naturally subdivides into four ing surfaces in aeolian reservoirs. The remaining
sections. The first section, on fluvial reservoirs, papers describe: statistical analysis of geological
contains reviews of tectonic controls on alluvial variation in aeolian sediments; the use of magne-
architecture, and the application of palaeosols to tostratigraphy to improve interwell correlation
channel prediction. Next is a discussion on the in sequences normally devoid of chronostrati-
relative role and nature of autocyclic versus graphic markers; the application of ground-
allocyclic erosion processes, in particular linked penetrating radar to greatly improve detailed
to changes in base level; the aim here is again to knowledge of heterogeneities in sediments; and
seek predictive tools, this time linked to basin- the application of the probe permeameter to
scale events that might be detectable on seismic. quantification of the variability within sedi-
Forward modelling of fluvial sedimentary en- ments.
vironments offers another route to solving the
description/prediction problem. It inherently re-
quires detailed understanding of operative pro-
cesses, but the example described illustrates that From the material in this volume, it is clear that
useful results may already be achievable. The geologists are now much more aware of the
practical aspects of using outcrops to collect information required by engineers, and they are
quantitative data for modelling are discussed by endeavouring to supply it. We are somewhat
reference to a study in central Spain. Then fol- disappointed by the lack of numerical geological
lows a case study that illustrates how careful data, but this is generally not for the want of
sedimentological analysis and knowledge can be trying. Inevitably, there is an iterative learning
usefully applied to a subsurface example, and process going on, with new fundamental geologi-
complement production engineering studies. The cal understanding improving reservoir manage-
remaining papers in this section give further ment, which in turn shows where additional
detail of fluvial examples. research is required. Several of the papers illus-
The second section, which covers aeolian and trate how improved knowledge has had a signifi-

cant impact on hydrocarbon exploitation, which fluvial sedimentology. SEPM Special Publications,
shows extra effort will be worthwhile. In general, 39, Tulsa, 321-327.
the most useful outcome of good reservoir FRYBERGER, S. G., KRYSTINIK, L. F. & SCHENK,C. J.
description has been more accurate placement 1990. Modern and ancient eolian deposits: petro-
leum exploration and production. Rocky Mountain
of infill wells during field development, which
section, SEPM, Denver, USA.
not only reduces costs, but increases recovery GALLOWAY,W. E. 1981. Depositional architecture of
factors. Cenozoic Gulf Coast plain fluvial systems. In:
Perhaps the largest outstanding problem is ETHRIDGE, F. G. & FLORES, R. M. (eds) Recent
that identified at the outset, namely how do we and ancient nonmarine depositional environments:
use the descriptive data, be it from outcrops or models for exploration. SEPM Special Publi-
boreholes, to predict the interwell geology? Most cations, 31, Tulsa, 127-155.
of the new work has added to our recognition GARDINER, S., THOMAS, D. V., BOWERING, E. D. &
of the need for detailed geological models, but MCM1NN, L. S. 1990. A braided fluvial reservoir,
Peco Field, Alberta, Canada. In: BARWIS,J. H.,
there have been few advances which improve
sub-surface geological prediction. We do see Sandstone Petroleum Reservoirs. Springer Verlag,
indications of a healthy trend to using large- New York, 31-56.
scale genetic studies as predictors of smaller- GLENNIE, K. W. 1990. Lower Permian-Rotliegend. In:
scale variability, such as channel sand-body geo- GLENNIE,K. W. (ed.) Introduction to the petroleum
metry, but we are little further forward on pre- geology of the North Sea. 3rd edition. Blackwell
dicting the smallest scale heterogeneities such Scientific Publications, Oxford, 120-152.
as cross-bedding. Nevertheless, we hope this GOGGIN, D. J., CHANDLER, M. A., KOCUREK, G. &
volume will be a small step forward because it LAKE, L. W. 1988. Patterns of permeability in
eolian deposits: Page Sandstone (Jurassic), north-
shows up where new work is required.
eastern Arizona. SPE Formation Evaluation, June,
References HEWARD, A. P. 1991. Inside Auk--the anatomy of an
eolian oil reservoir. In: MIALL,A. D. & TYLER,N.
ADAMS,J. & PATTON,J. 1979. Sabkha-dune deposition (eds) The three-dimensional facies architecture of
in the Lyons Formation (Permian) northern terrigenous clastic sediments and its implications
Front Range, Colorado. Mountain Geologist, 16, for Hydrocarbon discovery and recovery. SEPM
47-57. Concepts in Sedimentology and Palaeontology, 3,
ALEXANDER,J. & LEEDER,M. R. 1987. Active tectonic Tulsa, 44-56.
control on alluvial architecture. In: ETHRIDGE, HmLIER, A, P. & WILLIAMS,B. P. J. 1991. The Leman
F. G., FLORES, R. M. & HARVEY, M. D. (eds) Field, blocks 49/26, 49/27, 49/28, 53/1, 53/2, UK
Recent developments in fluvial sedimentology. North Sea. In: ABaOTTS, I. L. (ed.) United King-
SEPM Special Publications, 39, Tulsa, 243-252. dom Oil and Gas Fields, 25 Years Commemorative
ATKINSON, C. D., McGOWEN, J. H., BLOCH, S., LUN- Volume. Geological Society, London, Memoirs,
DELL, L. L. & TRUMBLY,P. N. 1990. Braidplain 14, 451-458.
and deltaic reservoir, Prudhoe Bay Field, Alaska. HUNTER, R. E. 1977. Basic types of stratification in
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