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he Solar System
SP7a..3 engthen
Stre n
1 The state
ements below
w describe different bodie
es in the Solar System. Write
W down thhe type of bo
ody that is
being desscribed.

a all lump of dirty ice orbitin

a sma ng the Sun _

b a sma
all lump of ro
ock orbiting the Sun ____

c a hug
ge ball of gass that radiate
es energy __

d a larg
ge body in sp
pace that orb
bits a star __

e anyth
hing that orbits a planet that
t has not b
been made by
b humans ___________
_ ___________

f a rocky body that is not quite big enough tto be called a planet (e.g. Pluto) ____

S1 Describ
be the six diffferent types of body in th
he Solar Systtem which arre mentionedd in the SP7a
a pages of
the Student Book.

2 Tick the b
boxes to shoow ways in which
w astrono
omers can ob
bserve the Universe and how they ma
observatiions in the pa

0 years ago Today

a obserrvations mad
de with the ‘n
naked eye’

b use ccomputers to
o record imag

c write down observvations or drraw pictures

d use ccameras to ta
ake photogra

e use telescopes to detect faint or dim obje


S2 Give tw
wo ways in which observing the Unive
erse is differe
ent for astron
nomers todayy compared with
500 yeaars ago.

3 The list sshows the pla

anets in the Solar
S System
m in order of their distanc
ce from the S
Sun. Fill in the
e names of
the plane ets.
____, V_____
_____, Earth
h, M_______
___, J______
____, S____
______, U__________, N_
4 The senteences describe different ideas about the Solar Sy
ystem. Write numbers in the boxes to
o show the
order in w e held these ideas.
which people

□ The
e planets move around th
he Sun in elliiptical orbits

□ The
e planets and
d the Sun all move aroun
nd the Earth.

□ e planets move around th

The he Sun in circcular orbits.

□ Thee Solar Syste

em includes eight
e planetss, five dwarf planets, tho
ousands of ccomets and millions
of a

asteroid comet dwarf pla

anet na
atural satellite plannet star

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