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British Steel Case Study

Executive Summary

This case study examines how British Steel Engineering Steels (BSES) used Total Quality Management
principles to establish a training framework to increase the knowledge and skills of Health and Safety,
thereby further improving business safety performance.


British Steel Engineering Steels is committed to Total Quality Management. Many customers perceive
the quality of the product or service as being of equal or greater importance as price. Total Quality
Management has added value to British Steel Engineering Steels’ products and services by addressing
customer quality requirements and has made British Steel Engineering Steels (BSES) a world leader in
the manufacture of engineering steels. The commitment to quality has been recognized by the
achievement of international quality assurance standards such as the International Standards
Organization’s ISO 9000. In 1998 BSES won a National Training Award, through a scheme run on behalf
of the government by the Department for Education and Employment. Such awards can provide market
and competitive benefits to an organization.

Explain why the British Steel Engineering Steels Incorporated health and safety training as a part of
their total Quality Management?

It is really important to incorporate health and safety trainings for the wellbeing of every employees
working in the British Steel Engineering It is because the organization is ensuring the requirement as a
part of the Total Quality to include and establish health hazard trainings to measure the effectiveness of
safety risk controls at the same time to minimize casualties. Health and Safety is important because it
protects the wellbeing of employers, visitors and customers. Looking after Health and Safety makes
good business sense. Workplaces which neglect health and safety risk prosecution, may lose staff, and
may increase costs and reduce profitability.
Describe the training cycle for health and safety at BSES

The Preparing Cycle for Wellbeing and Security at BSES Particular variables that made a difference BSES
effectively execute quality wellbeing and security hones in their organization Change of Assets and
Capabilities Open Communication Recorded security approaches and strategies. Training can be viewed
as a process comprised of five related stages or activities: assessment, motivation, design, delivery, and

Identify the benefits that the training offered to the company.

It increase the information and abilities and its moves forward trade safety performance. Having a
preparing will lead to a positive alter in organizational culture? Preparing makes a difference employee
to learned and create modern skills. That way it is to achieve total quality.

Are there any benefits that this training can offer the customers? If so, what are they? If there are
none, why do you think the training does not offer benefits to customers?

Training can help customers to give benefits and to understand the concerned of the people also to
satisfy their needs.

5. Identify at least three (3) specific factors that helped BSES successfully implement quality health
and safety practices in their organization.

They should have an advancement of their resources and assets and capabilities in order to achieve total
quality at the same time an Open lines of communication is required in order for them to encourage
higher quality work, understanding of important policies, and a relationship of trust between employers
and employees. Policies and procedures create a clear framework for the delegation of needed
responsibility and accountability by each person in the organization. They also serve as a means of
communicating required information to all employees.

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