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Importance of Good page layout in capturing the reader’s attention


People nowadays likes to read on online but sometimes people will always want to read aloud

with a book, Captivating someone with a rare topic and contents that can boost the interests of a

reader, Few examples is that the more extraordinary the story the more that it packs a punch. One of

the main reason is that readers nowadays look for a reliable content they can read on. Especially how

you can catch a reader with a cool page layouts and style, because it's what in for this generation, an

example of this is that a website that has a minimalistic features that doesn't complicate it with the user,

at the same time it would be easy to use.

There are different ways you can catch a reader as well. What matters most is what their

reading, Usually something that involves Love and Romance or even Sci-Fi or Horror books, Because

those were the most read at this generation, Usually in order to capture a reader the authors must first

spark the reader's interests because It is all about keeping the content relevant to the target audiences,

That way you could boost the interests of every reader. Simple design layouts can be better not to

complicate things for the reader, for it has to be in separate themes deepening on the story he or she is

reading. Usually how would an author know how to create more interesting content? It is because some

of the authors studies more and responds to comments and suggestions on how to improve one's series

so that people can read more to it. One more way to captivate your reader is that to make a trailer

announced about one's series because it can help the target audience boost the interest of each and

every readers. It should make the readers worth their time reading, because what attracts most of the

readers is that the attention and make them want to read on and then you have to engage them with a

solid first paragraph. Make it an impression by writing something that entices the reader and gives them

a taste for more. You can also make use of anecdotes and dialogue.
Anecdotes are short stories that illustrate a point or an idea, while a dialogue tends to place

questions in their head to make them want to read more. Don’t give away all your points and

information in the introduction otherwise you’ll give the reader the impression that they don’t need to

waste time reading the entire article. The best way to avoid this is to limit your introduction in terms of

the number of words or lines you use. Also, overdoing the introduction might end up boring the readers

who are in too much of a hurry to get to the main point of your discussion. Your introduction should be

one paragraph only, unless you’re writing an essay with several pages. Make sure that it is conclusive,

self-explanatory and progressive. Progressive in the sense of concord and agreement with the following

paragraphs so readers don’t get lost.

Your primary objective is to get a hold of the reader’s attention and have them eager to learn more. By

all means try to raise their level of curiosity. You can do this by adding some kind of statistical

information that is current or not known by many people. Let them have the feeling that details that

explains the statistics in full is available for them in the rest of the article. People love information based

on verifiable statistics because it convinces them that you know exactly what you’re doing; and that the

information they’re about to read is reliable and resourceful. Don’t make any strong conclusions but

instead be neutral and give room for brainstorming and discussion. If your audience is not inspired, they

are never going to get the willful energy to read to the bottom of the page. In order for us to captivate

and capture the readers is that to begin with the most important facts first because it can instantly have

attention in an instant and summarizes the story for them to understand better.

Make the Readers Curious yet a great title for your content is a title that can make the readers curious

to read more about the content. It is actually very easy once you know how. You can start making the

readers curious by applying these three things. The first thing you need to do to make your readers

curious to read the content is by giving specific information about the content in the title. The
information here needs to tell the readers about the content and by reading the title, they will get a

summary of the content itself.

The second thing is to make the title more dynamic. You can easily do it by adding verbs to your title so

that the readers know what to do if they read the title of the content. The use of the verbs here will also

make the readers imagine the content well. New readers that visit your blog go through a mental

checklist when deciding if it’s worth their time to read and trust your content. We’ve already seen two

of the ways they do this by checking the most recent posting date and looking to see if the content is

uniform. The next way to make a good impression is to go through your posts with a fine tooth comb to

make sure they’re devoid of errors. Articles riddled with spelling and grammar mistakes are a huge turn

off for new readers.

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