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This report is based on the field trip to visit Sonmiani Beach on 19 October 2019.

Sonmiani Beach is a beach located in the Lasbela
District of the Balochistan state of Pakistan. It is
located in Sonmiani Bay. The beach is a two-hour
drive from Karachi and is very popular among tourists.
The beach is home to Portuguese Man of Wars, and
various species of fish. Near Sonmiani is the town of
Hub, a small financial and industrial district. Somiani
is a coastal town in the southeast of Balochistan
province in Pakistan, approximately 145 kilometres
northwest of Karachi. The coast of Sonmiani is the
northernmost point of the Arabian Sea. The Sonmiani
Beach is one of the most popular beaches near

Mangroves are slat tolerant bush kind trees, which strengthen in, inter tidal zones of tropical and
subtropical localities, stream deltas and along the coasts. There are some 15.9 million hectares of
mangrove timber plantations around the world. They are of large economic and ecological
importance. Mangroves live life on the point with one end on land and one in the sea, these
botanical amphibians engage a zone of drying heat, choking mud, and salt levels that would
destroy a conventional plant within hours. Yet the plantations mangroves form are between the
very fruitful and geologically complex ecologies on Earth. Birds nestle in the shelter, shellfish
connect themselves to the roots, and snakes and crocodiles approach to hunt. Mangroves deliver
nursery parklands for fish; a food source for apes, deer, tree climbing crabs, kangaroos and a
liquid source for bats and honeybees.


Rhizophora mucronata (loop-root mangrove, red mangrove or Asiatic mangrove)[3][4] is a
species of mangrove found on coasts and river banks in East Africa and the Indo-Pacific region.
Rhizophora mucronata is a small to medium size evergreen tree growing to a height of about 20
to 25 metres (66 to 82 ft) on the banks of rivers. On the fringes of the sea 10 or 15 meters (33 or
49 ft) is a more typical height. The tallest trees are closest to the water and shorter trees are
further inland. The tree has a large number of aerial stilt roots buttressing the trunk. The leaves
are elliptical and usually about 12 centimeters (4.7 in) long and 6 centimeters (2.4 in) wide. They
have elongated tips but these often break off. There are corky warts on the pale undersides of the
leaves. The flowers develop in axillaries clusters on the twigs. Each has a hard cream-colored
calyx with four sepals and four white, hairy petals. The seeds are viviparous and start to develop
whilst still attached to the tree. The root begins to elongate and may reach a length of a metre
(yard) or more. The propagule
then becomes detached from the
branch when sufficiently well
developed to root in the mud
below. The natural habitat of
Rhizophora mucronata is
estuaries, tidal creeks and flat
coastal areas subject to daily tidal
flooding. It seems to be more
tolerant of inundation than other
mangrove species and often forms
an evergreen fringe to mangrove
areas. It sometimes occurs as a
pure stand or may grow with
Rhizophora apiculata. The red mangrove is a protected tree in South Africa. Rhizophora
mucronata regenerates easily from seed but the seedlings are often damaged by crabs. The leaves
are also eaten by crabs [5] and form part of the diet of the crab-eating macaque (Macaca irus).
The tree is attacked by the beetle Poecilus fallax. In the Mangalavanam Bird Sanctuary near
Cochin, India, it grows in association with the mangrove Avicennia officinalis, the golden leather
fern (Acrostichum aureum) and the sea holly (Acanthus ilicifolius). Rhizophora mucronata has
multiple uses. It is used to help prevent coastal erosion and in restoration of mangrove habitats.
The timber is used for firewood and in the construction of buildings, as poles and pilings, and in
making fish traps. The fruits can be cooked and eaten or the juice extracted to make wine, and
the young shoots can be consumed as a vegetable. The bark is used in tanning and a dye can be
extracted from both bark and leaves. Various parts of the plant are used in folk medicine.

Avicennia marina, commonly known as grey mangrove or white mangrove, is a species of
mangrove tree classified in the plant family Acanthaceae (formerly in the Verbenaceae or
Avicenniaceae). As with other mangroves, it occurs in the intertidal zones of estuarine areas.
Grey mangroves grow as a shrub or tree to a height of three to ten metres, or up to 14 metres in
tropical regions. The habit is a gnarled arrangement of multiple branches. It has smooth light-
grey bark made up of thin, stiff, brittle flakes. This may be whitish, a characteristic described in
the common name. The leaves are thick, five to eight centimetres long, a bright, glossy green on
the upper surface, and silvery-white, or grey, with very small matted hairs on the surface below.
As with other Avicennia species, it has
aerial roots (pneumatophores); these
grow to a height of about 20
centimetres, and a diameter of one
centimetre. These allow the plant to
absorb oxygen, which is deficient in its
habitat. These roots also anchor the
plant during the frequent inundation of
seawater in the soft substrate of tidal
systems. The flowers range from white
to a golden yellow colour, are less than
a centimetre across, and occur in
clusters of three to five. The fruit
contains large cotyledons that surround
the new stem of a seedling. This
produces a large fleshy seed, often germinating on the tree and falling as a seedling.[15] The
grey mangrove can experience stunted growth in water conditions that are too saline, but thrive
to their full height in waters where both salt and fresh water are present. The species can tolerate
high salinity by excreting salts through its leaves. Grey mangrove is a highly variable tree, with
a number of ecotypes, and forms closely resembling other species. It has been reported to
tolerate extreme weather conditions, high winds, and various pests and diseases. It is a pioneer in
muddy soil conditions with a PH value of 6.5 to 8, but is intolerant of shade. A number of
botanists have proposed division of the species, but currently three subspecies are recognised:

 Avicennia marina subsp. Australasica

 Avicennia marina subsp. Eucalyptifolia
 Avicennia marina subsp. Marina

Several major types of mangrove communities are described which result from differences in
geological and hydrological processes. Generally, mangroves grow best in depositional
environments with low wave energy. Extreme wave conditions: prevent establishment of
propagules, destroy relatively shallow root systems, and prevent accumulation of fine sediments.
The best sediment conditions are fine-grained muds of silt/clay with lots of organic matter.
Primarily, these conditions exist along deltaic coasts or estuarine shorelines. However, all local
species can grow on a variety of substrates: sand, mud, rock, and peat. When found on rock
surfaces, it appears that they are growing in sediment trapped in cracks rather than directly on the
rocky surface.
RIVERINE FORESTS are tall flood plain
forests along flowing waters such as tidal
rivers and creeks. Conditions are favorable
for extensive growth due to flushing by daily
tides. In addition, freshwater runoff and
terrestrial nutrient influx enhance this type of
mangrove community. Maximum heights of
trees in this community are 66 feet (20 m).

OVERWASH FORESTS exist as islands

frequently washed over by tides. All species
are present with the Red mangrove the
dominant species. Typically, these islands
develop as a Red mangrove propagule strands
in a shallow flat. As more and more
propagules strand and grow, the “island”
begins as a tangle of prop roots. As the island
develops the roots eventually trap sediment.
Often, bare sand flats are found in the center
of these islandsThe maximum height of the
community is between 2&emdash;25 feet (7


common in the flat coastal fringe of southern
Florida and the Keys. All 3 species are
present, but height is limited to less than 7
feet (l.5-2 m) except in depressions of
mangrove peat. Nutrients appear to be the
limiting factors affecting growth, although
substrate (marl) is also important. Two
similar forests are the Basin and Hammock
communities. Basin forests are inland in
depressions channeling terrestrial runoff
toward the coast. Trees in this community
have maximum heights of almost 50 feet (l5 m). Hammock forests are in depressions but exist on
slightly elevated ground. In Florida, these communities exist in the sawgrass communities of the
Everglades. Trees rarely growth height in excess of 17 feet (5 m). Tidal flushing of both of the
communities is infrequent. A newer simplified system of mangrove community types is now in
use among researchers. It retains the riverine and fringing forest types and omits the overwash
forest. Additionally, the scrub or dwarf, hammock, and basin forests are lumped into the category
of basin forest. This scheme seems focus on hydrological processes as the dominant influence
affecting community types. The fringing forest is along waterways and bays. The riverine forests
are along tidal rivers and creeks. Inland of both of these communities are the basin forests.

A rocky shore is an intertidal area of seacoasts where solid rock predominates. Rocky shores are
biologically rich environments, and are a useful "natural laboratory" for studying intertidal
ecology and other biological processes. Due to their high accessibility, they have been well
studied for a long time and their species are well known.

There are a large number of factors that favor the survival of life on rocky shores. Temperate
coastal waters are mixed by waves and convection, maintaining adequate availability of
nutrients. Also, the sea brings plankton and broken organic matter in with each tide. The high
availability of light (due to low depths) and nutrient levels means that primary productivity of
seaweeds and algae can be very high. Human actions can also benefit rocky shores due to
nutrient runoff. Despite these favorable factors, there are also a number of challenges to marine
organisms associated with the rocky shore ecosystem. Generally, the distribution of benthic
species is limited by salinity, wave exposure, temperature, desiccation and general stress. The
constant threat of desiccation during exposure at low tide can result in dehydration. Hence, many
species have developed adaptations to prevent this drying out, such as the production of mucous
layers and shells. Many species use shells and holdfasts to provide stability against strong wave
actions. There are also a variety of other challenges such as temperature fluctuations due to tidal
flow (resulting in exposure), changes in salinity and various ranges of illumination. Other threats
include predation from birds and other marine organisms, as well as the effects of pollution.

Sandy shores or beaches are loose deposits of sand, including some gravel or shells, that cover
the shoreline in many places. They make up a large portion of the world’s ice-free coastlines.
Beaches serve as buffer zones or shock absorbers that protect the coastline, sea cliffs or dunes
from direct wave attack. It is an extremely
dynamic environment where sand, water and
air are always in motion. Beaches also provide
important coastal recreational areas for a many
people. Fine-grained sand beaches tend to be
gently sloping and quite flat. Sandy beaches
are soft shores formed by deposition of
particles that have been carried by currents and
waves. The transported material is in part
derived from shore erosion, but the major part
is generally derived from land and transported
by rivers to the sea in the Holocene era or
earlier. A more comprehensive introduction to
beach formation is given in Coastal Hydrodynamics and Transport Processes. The two main
types of beach material are quartz (=silica) sands of terrestrial origin and carbonate sands of
marine origin. The carbonate sand is weathered from mollusk shells and skeletons of other
animals. Other material includes heavy minerals, basalt (=volcanic origin) and feldspar.

Macrofauna of sandy beaches are often abundant and, in some cases, attain exceptionally high
densities. Their main feature is the high degree of mobility displayed by all species. These
animals may vary from a few mm to 20 cm in length. The macrofauna community consists of
organisms too large to move between the sand grains. The macrofauna of sandy beaches includes
most major invertebrate taxa although it has been recognised that molluscs, crustaceans and
polychaetes are the most important. There is a tendency for crustaceans to be more abundant on
tropical sandy beaches or more exposed beaches and molluscs to be more abundant on less
exposed and on temperate beaches although there are many exceptions of this and polychaetes
are sometimes more abundant than either of these taxa. Generally crustaceans dominate the sands
towards the upper tidal level and molluscs the lower down level [3]. Physical factors, primary
wave action and particle size of the sand largely determine distribution and diversity of the
invertebrate macrofauna of sandy beaches. Food input and surf-zone productivity may
determinate the population abundance.

In contrast to the wave-swept beach surface inhabited by most of the macrofauna, the interstitial
system is truly three-dimensional, often having great vertical extent in the sand. The dominant
taxa of sandy beach meiofauna are nematodes and harpacticoid copepod with other important
groups including turbellarians, oligochaetes, gastrotrichs, ostracods and tardigdades. See
Latitudinal biodiversity patterns of meiofauna from sandy littoral beaches for a more detailed
description of the latitudinal biodiversity patterns of meiofauna on sandy beaches.

Dolphins belong to the Cetacean order, which comprises of a large portion of sea mammals.
Contrary to popular belief, Pakistani waters are not
only frequented by many types of Cetaceans but some
of them are actually permanent residents! The most
recognisable Cetacean from Pakistan is undoubtedly
the Indus Blind Dolphin, often nominated as the
mascot for various sports teams hailing from the
province of Sindh. While little is known about other
cetaceans in Pakistan, various species of dolphins,
whales and porpoises gently cruise along the Makran
Coast all the way to Oman across the Persian Gulf and also patrol the Indus Delta region

Anabas testudineus commonly called Climbing perch which are use to make fish fertilizer.
Climbing perch (Anabas testudineus), which is
popularly known as Koi in most parts of India is a
highly demanded fish. It is an important air breathing
fish, which can be considered for culture in the areas
with low dissolved oxygen. It is a larvivorous feeder in
habit. It is also popular for their lean meat, which
contain easily digestible protein and fat of very low
melting point and many essential amino acids making
them ideal food. So, anabas enjoys a good market
demand in India particularly in the north-east region.
This is a very hardy fish and is of considerable fisheries interest. It is regarded as a highly
esteemed food fish for its fine flavour, restorative values and prolonged freshness out of water.
The fish is suitable for cultivation in ponds, reservoirs and rice fields. The species is an important
and staple food fish over the whole country. Its importance to man arises from the inherent
edible quality of its flesh. The species got a tremendous market demand.


The effect of underwater noise pollution is more painful than anything else for the animals. Most
animals are alarmed by the alien sounds. The deaths can occur due to hemorrhages, changed
diving pattern, migration to newer places, and damage to internal organs and an overall panic
response to the foreign sounds. There is
also a disruption in normal communication
between marine animals as a result of
underwater noise pollution. This means
animals prone to noise pollution are unable
to call their mates, look for food or even
make a cry for help under such
Many marine animals like the fish
(rockfish, herring, san eel, cod, blue
whiting etc) show signs of extensive
damage to their ears upon exposure to
seismic air guns even up to several
kilometers. Exposure to noise during embryonic stage increases sensitivity of fish to noise
impact, increasing the mortality rates at time of birth and development of genetic anomalies. The
migration to new areas not only affects the marine diversity balance but indirectly affects
humans too. A decreased catch in many fish species like herring, cod and blue whiting especially
in areas susceptible to noise pollution from ships has been noticed. Sensitivity of various marine
animals to ocean noise pollution is varying. While cetaceans like whales and dolphins may show
a greater resistance, soft shelled species like mollusks, prawns, fish etc are much more sensitive.
In all about 55 marine species have been noted to have suffered due to exposure to sound of
varying frequencies. These include sperm whale, grey whale, mink whale, pygmy sperm whale,
killer whale, sea bass, pink snapper, goldfish, cod, haddock, bluefin tuna, squid, lobster, brown
shrimp etc.
There is a reason why ocean is called as the ‘silent world’. Studies are being conducted to
understand effects of noise pollution on marine life in a much better way. But until a safe
mechanism can be thought of which will ensure that marine animals do not continue to commit
as much as mass suicide due to human errors, safety through prevention is out best shot at
keeping the sanctity of this ‘silent world’ intact.


It has been shown that wave action is probably the most important factor affecting distribution
patterns along the shore. In a negative sense, waves physically
remove organisms, damage them by throwing up logs and
boulders, reduce their foraging excursions, and increase the
amount of energy devoted to clinging on. One manifestation is a
reduction of grazer biomass. Adaptations can, however, counter
these adverse effects. Tenacity can be increased by cementing
the shell to the rock face (e.g., oysters), developing temporary
attachments (e.g., the byssus threads of mussels), or employing
adhesion (e.g., the feet of limpets and chitons). Shape can be
modified to reduce drag, turbulence, and lift. Each organism is,
however, a compromise between conflicting stresses. Tides exist
thanks to the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun, but vary
depending on where the moon and sun are in relation to the
ocean as the earth rotates on its axis. The moon and sun’s
pull cause two bulges or high tides in the ocean on
opposite sides of the earth. The moon, being so much
closer, has more power to pull the tides than the sun and
therefore is the primary force creating the tides.
However, when the sun and moon reinforce each other’s
gravitational pulls, they create larger-than-normal tides
called spring tides. This happens when the moon is in
line with the sun and Earth, either on the same side of the
Earth as the sun or directly on the opposite side of the
Earth. Smaller-than-usual tidal ranges occur when the gravitational force of the sun is at a right
angle to the pull from the moon. The two forces of the sun and moon cancel each other out and
create a neap tide.

Enrolment number: 2016/ZOO/BS/19909
Seat number: 1619690
Course title: BIOLOGICAL
Course code: 4292
Submitted to: DR. RANA HADI

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