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PAGE TWO ======================~oU ft TOW N=="=========~:!

:·=========:':= =::::==AUGUST 27, 1942

Christian Science
'ill Church News ~I Collect 1ODD-lb. Iron Safe, Brass Bed, Copper Boiler . , ,,': JesUS" Is t.he subjl'ct of

OUR TOWN ." ,m-Sermon In all Churchf's

• • ere" U aerond da•• matter Or-tober, HUll, At
Nar....rth. Pa., und..- tb• .Act ot Marob
the Po.t Omoe at
I, liTe.
Mo"tpuulIry "Y. and M.eeuoc Hode la..
As Prelude To Salvage Drive Starting September 15:.!1t .r-.
" Sclentl:;t, on Sunday,
I. The Goldl'n Trxt L,:
ldorloD A I,OOO-pound steel and Iron to obtain without special authorl- dispose of all unused rna" I, "I' W,lS given by Moses, but
10:0~ A. ",-Vlnt Day (BundaY) Bchool safe, which the owners felt In- zatlon because of the vital urnI'I for a regUlar fiow of scrap \\ii,
Founded in 1914 by the Narberth Civic: Assoc:iatioD III ttl A. ~l,-.\t .. l'linlo( (or \\·ul"hip.
I I truth camp by Jf'SU"
capable of carrying to the curb which would be lost through un· compl1sh far more than :;pas ,Iv , hn 1 :171.
FIRST CHURCH OP CHItIST. themselves for the regular Town- scheduled calls. disposals.
HE~ FITZPATRICK, B.. s;_.. Lln.uod and Alhen. . .v•., Ardmore ship trash collection, Is one of thl' With stl'el and Iron scrap 50 This Is In llne wHh a If'ttl'r I
RV!l'!;ELL E. fRANZ. Ad~M't;s;ng Managt'r 11 :00 A. W.-Sunda.y School. articles Ralph Springer, chairman desperately nN'dpu for war indus- OrVille Bullltt, re~lonal direct.
11 :00 A. ".-MorDlnlr •• rvICa.
WEDNElBDAY of the Salvage Committee of the tfies throughout the Nation, and In thl' WPB, who says,
PUbl11Jhe\:i Every 'I'huI'8day P. Y.-EvenIDlr m •• t1nlr.
1:00 Lower Merion Township Council of Pennsylvania In particular, and "The present plans for the
Deadllne for adverttslng al""\d newa copy-WednesdaY. Ii P. 14, R.adlnlr room .t 1 Rllt_nhou.. PI••- Dpfense, has bet'n called upon t.o wit.h resl'rvtl stocks stili far below lectlon of scrap have bepn cn:.
I. open ....k·d.y. trom 1:30 A. M. to
SUbscription ratS -$2 per year in advance .:10 P. M., Wedn_4.y trom I to 1:41 deal with In the etTort to obtain all the necpssary margin to assure fully worked out to provide ~,
P, M., trom 1:SO to 1:.1
Publication OMce-Eighf Cricket Avenue, Ardmore, Pa. P. M. aDd 8un4a,. from 1 to • P. M. po."sible rna terlals for vll al war in- ml1ls of an adequate sup ply, continuous a fiow as possible "
Phon&--Ardmore 5720 and 6721; OreenwoOCl 7740 dustrie:;. throughout the Wintl'r, t.hl' Com· the mllIs and factories convertill':
Wind_or an4 ora,.llD~ avo Another time It was a brass bed mlttee is again planning a speclal scrap."
R.v. Bryant K. KIrkland, putor and Sprlngf'r hlm:;elf collected thf' ,alvagp drive. Collections at the Township ir:·

County Will Raise County May Exceed John VaD H.... D.O., putor B:merltu.
l' ~:I A. M -~unda)' ~('ho()l.
I II uo A. M

!\1pn'''l TIllJil"' da'HI,

b['d and arranged for 11. to be
hauled nwar t.o thl' disposal plant,
Sometlmp:; housl'holders have old
Plans wpre marlp at a meeting c1nl'rator for thf' two wepks' pl'riod
of the Commiltpe on Au~ust 20 l'nding August 22 show a total of
for a Junk Rally to be held Sep. 136,700 pounds of scrap which hu..'
Flag For Soldiers War Bond Quota I
II un A. ~t -Marilinit' \yor"ldp.
'; l~, )', ;\I,-R\'f~ninlil: f'pn'lcf!. bollprs in thrlr rellars. The Com. tembl'r 15 to 30 In the Township, bpl'n :;orted and turned over to the THE POII''''_
\\'!,;nC'lF:l'()\ y
A :no P. M-PraYt'r Mp('t1n~. mittel', through t.he Counrll of De· when thl'sf' matprials will be n rl'gLllar salvage disposal channl'ls.
Assessors To Make Chairman Explains NARBBJRTH
fl'nse office. arrangf'S for thl'se f~pl'rlal goa I nlthough otilPr :;a Ivn.g'p ThL" Inrludl's 13,300 pounds of IN YOUR CAk'S,
....,. and Prloe avo. sperlal rollection.s which thl' Town. \ will be strl's:;l'd. rag:;; 75,300 pounds of glass; 13,200 DISTRIBUTOR
Canvass To Obtain What $1,607,800 Ht'\,. ('9.11 ft. Hamnwtly. Minl~tpr ship trash teams on their regular In thr ml'antime, Mr. Sprlngf'r pounds of Iron; 24,500 pounds of
Will Buy in Material round:; may not enter the prl'mlses hOpI'S rpsldpnts will continue to paper; and 10,400 pounds of tin. CAN HC:LP YOU
Names 1:41 A. M.--Cburcb SchooL
11 Ull A. i\t --:\lpll'ill~ \\·.Ir~ldll S"rmon
Announc('ment of a plan to mise In the homestrl'tch for the 11\- fll,' 1:"\ P'1I1'\11 11.·;1\.· .. SAV~ GAS
a Montgompry COllnty 'el'\'icr t1a'~ August goal of $1.607.800 in War ':4;1 P. M.-Youth F,·lltlw~hlp. of tlH'~e chaps were on the squad
at thl' Court HO!i.SI' in Norri.,town Bond:; and Stamp", Montgomery 9-00 P. M,-Mlcl·\\"'·.·)[ ~f·rvl('P.
in !Jollor of a\l County rpsidpnls in County's ComlTlittee, with head-

OAI'TIST ,'111'1(1'11 "F 1'111,; "\'ASl~F:T.

Football's Hel"e Agai11! last yrar wi t.h the excpplion of
Young, who was one of t hr :;\ Jl'S For ('fTici('nt romhl'" ion it j,
tllr armed forr!'s was madp at a quarter:; in tlie Norristown·Penn
dlslrict nll'ct ;"~ .:f aSSf'ssor.s at Trust 0 Norrl~-
H~\' HlJh.~ll E. K.·I:'!lt"n. l'a'4lur
!\'A I h.'rt 11. 1'1.1.
~t ~ :"IIA Y
44 Repor·t Fore Preactice on thp Ardmorr Junior High e-Ievpn. important that till' Il.,ints ill'
d.'an anti tilt' ronl:lcl I'roJlPI"'y

At Lowel" Mereio11 Higll

L..nsdall' la\l nl~ht, TJw backs shouldn't cause nny loss
(own. set ' possible q -4"; A. M -Thp j'llIlI('h ~('nnll1. Um('d. Our skil...d m(,l'hani ,
Till' plan. SIJOll<;(\!'NI by County saIl':; ('tTc 11 110 .-\. ~t -\\PPlhlH ~"l' ,,'" of :;Ieep for the coaches, Joe De-
po:;slbly 1'111'1:"1' \ Y arc ('quiPlll'd to "'ll'l'k ~'our d:;·
Commi:;sioners Frr'd C, pptprs, Fos- pxceed t I ' In order 7:10 -Po M.-n .. tl ('I"O~tI ('lllqq. Felice. Bud Cantagalll, Jack Wpir
tpr C. Hillegass and R,lymond K that the tributor. lIa\'~ it don(' totl~.'
'ntain its HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Grtling the jump on most of their worrlrs at l'nd if Grel'r Heindel. Who and Vpnlon Young a 1'1' vpt l'ralls
MPllscll, \lro\'idl'.~ for a hOIl.5p-to- top pOSit military Woodbine and Narberth .".
house c:wvass of tIl<' "ntlr!' County and Inclu Rev. C1etu. A. R"nrt, PUlor rival", Lower Merion High School rpcpivpd a broken collar bone In around whom it shouldn·t br too
IS ID the last year':; Abington game. should . ,
1'llr as,.r"ors for ra;11 political war caus,
~t1;..:n.' y
~:4" A, ~l,-nll,I,' '""'11,"'1 t"r nli 9K.0. iaul1clwd practice Tuesday on nl'w, return. But hI":; t.he newly elpcted I much trouble to whip a formtclablp --e-
SUb-division will colll'ct thl' necr.'· 1\ 'Hl.\ :\1 ~;~~::'.,I,\I,I~:! l';~' I,'j:'" ,. T~,r:. ;',1,(' \ ~pacious Chicl1rst.rr field in prrpar- captain of ba.,kptball and Is f'X- i balI-I.'ling combination.
Pleased for thl'
,',ary data in I' nnl'rtion with tlwir
i." I'" ,~'::',;' I'" ,':':: '.' 'I',',':'::' :JUon for the 1942 football campaign. pectf'd to devole all his time tD that The mo:;t promising chal1pnR'l'rs
rl'J,(1I1ar dutil'S as asscs.~ors,
first Wl'r
The sf'rvicp fhg- to bl' raisNl a~ Ihan a
len more
monthly ,. ,,,' orr" ;01 ",,,,,, '" ",. Forty-four young, eager athletrs sport. \ of the vet.s are Bud Thomas, a MAIN LINE
the Court HOllsr willha VI' a larg-f' 'juota of
I Stamps :17.' II", " .il (·,/II,III·'t \11'
answNpd the first call of Coach However, Don Evans, a towerln~ ruggpd southpaw; Frank Ba"ill', a BAnERY AND
star with thl' number of County was :;old
,an Rod·
. .Irre-d his
" ' \ I"',

ST. KAROARmT'8 CATHOLIC CHURCH Dick Mattis, starling his second junior, is being countl'd on heavily :;lippery I youngster up from thr SERVICE ST AnON
rf'sldents ill the Country's arml'd ney K, I Rev. Jame. F. Tonel, Re,tor sea.scn at the helm, and have been as is JJll11 DiGiovannI. a ruggl'd .
I!'ml'n to red-headed youngster who's never Bala-Cynwyd Junior .Hlgh; Stuart
force. indicated by figurr.<;, It i, c1iv)"iona Rel"ill.~h~~ll-;-lf, PT. 'i:IC;I~I~nor working hard from 9 in the morn- Wben Your Car Won't Start.
since thf' dail . playt'd beforl'. Marshall, a hard driVing chap who
plannf'd to obtain :;ubsl'qllent da la ;trive f01 nnll\' rnRl"~r>~; 'i and S A. M.
~lI",i"y nll.",Pft: 6::'0, 7:~O, ", 10:15 nntl ng untl
I 'I 2' th
ft r
I' a e noon y.
Call ARDMORE 1825
,l:;hpd In Dan Williams, an end candidatl' 1st.arred at Ardmore. JUnior High;
so that thl' number may bf' krpt headquUl

11 A, M, R..;ugh work is engaged in up unttl

up to datI' by changing it monthly. Norrlst.ov
Tr<>asury 1101)' Day mu.oPR: 6, 1. 8, ~ un,l 10 noon whl'n a hJIf-hour r('5t Is taken la:;t. ypar, i:; al:;o available. but he Warren Neville, Keith Callow, son 304 W. Lancaster Ave.
In ce-rtain :;pctlon." of the County Dl'partm A. lIf lor lunch. Light drills comprise the may be used as a center. Chirp of Ru:;ty Callow. Penn crew coach: Ardmore
the a:;sis: .1IlCP of CiVilian nefrnsl' In ord 'n cit 17.('n~ :Ifternoon schedUle. O'Dorbio. who wa" mo\'ed up to thl' Dan Poore. Jack Toebe, Ray'Y
organizations is bl'ing scup,ht by thl' t 11<' imp'
comm ission,'r, 10 obt ain t hr necps- Bonds al
:Iy, Chair·
John M. Gessler The we-ek's been a tough one for \'arslty in the closing werb of thl'
Coach MattL" bf'cause the momrnt 1941 campaign, and Juliu.~ Brcton, ~===============
and John Lewis, ------------ , ..

,sting sta· prncticc ends he gels a qUick up from thp jay\,pes. are the ot.her
:;ory data, Thesr inclurle L8wpr :nan MI'
Merion Abington. Cl1Pltpnham, Up· 1 islle.'i r
ppr Mf'rion and Lan:;dale, 'an ach
, )Vl'rnmen t
(>97.800 ill
Named Chairman ,howPI', a b'ile to pa t and cia:;hl'." to most promising cl'nter candidates,
CIl('ster to the Ford plant. where Bill EIlmak('r, a blond :;ix-foot
Informatjon to be polll'ctpd \1\'ill I·r.<trd R'oul l.~ To Head War Bond 11e's been engaged In ddense work 200-poundel' who was a sub:;titutc
includl' the follo\1\'ing rpgarding all rl'arlwri. all summer. He'll keep up thi:; last year. is f>xpected to gl\'l' the
County rr~idl'nt:; in thr armed Sf'r- 1'111' I ,')11'. would Payroll Drive in Bala I :;chedule until Labor D:ly· \'eteran tackles plenty of competi-
vicl',,: n~ml', agl'. homp adrlre:;s "uy· 10 ,llanes fa! Cynwyd and Merion Mattis hu..~ a go~d looking squad tion,
servirl' rank, servire addrr"s, branch : lw Air 'hutes f0' from the physical angle but will The guard spots are w:dl' open
of :;prvice, It will Include W1mer tile Air of binocu L. A. Epplngl'r, Main LiJw f'hnir- nl'('d plenty of work to gpt it ready
f'nrollpd in tlw Woml'n'~ Auxiliary lars for :'adio com· man of t11(, War Bond Payroll Allot- for such a powerful op('nlng op-
with Joe Dougherty, Dick Slater
Charles Callahan. Bob Miller. a
Armv Corps and th£' \Vome-n's Auxi- rnuniral the Coasl i ment Committer announced tllal ponf'nt as Wpst Phlladplphla whicll 11l'phl'w of the famou..s Hpinle Mil-
liary of the Navy as well as men in ':Iuards, 4,' , . , guns for i John M. GI'SSlPl': Jr.. B,'lmont av will invade Pennypacker Flpld on ler. and Stu Young. brot.her of Jack,
thl' Army. Navy. Coa:;t Guard and thl'Mal' ,"',' ,'ancf' cars
for t.he ",. l' ballOOns and LPverlng Mill I'd .. Cynwyd, hu.' september 19. In all. there are all \'err much ..In.. th(' running, All
Marine- Corp:;, En1i:;tl'd ml'n as weI! threp holdovers on the line and four
as drafter, will br inrlucted, for the 'l_' 'rial cam- been appoint.ed Bala - Cynwyd -
in the backfield.
Assf':;sors from the following eras fa \ . ' ,"', rnough Merion Di:;trict chairman. thus The line will be t.he main problem
townships and boroughs w('re ores· buJlets "/
~nt at the otTice of Hl'rbert H, Metz 'iO call '" '
,~d;" to fire a completing the Main Line org-aniza- due particularly to the loss of the
machlnlle tion. Otlle, district chairmen are: McCullough twins, Jack and Jim,
~. otor trn -
Lansdale assessor, last ,night when ~un 50, lq • ". t'
ers ane a ;, ge for the William R. Mooney, Bryn Mawr. the finest pair 'Of gUards in Lower
the plan was explained by members Merion hlstpry. "The gap left !it
of the Board for the Assessment Army, "ro,' ,.,.:'. ' .. ·s for the Frederick W, Dreher, Ardmore.
center' by the gtaduatlon of Hen
and :Revision of Ta:otes, J. Norman Marine! :!;),;" bl:", holding 10 Ralph S. Dunne, Narberth. Splnel11 also is cnusing concern. The Office lof iDetense ,Transportation
Zendt. Souderton: Samuel M. Wil- persons '·!lell. h" : 'It' Navy. Ardmore merchants were Inter- Bob Wl1Iiams and Jack Young,
Chain .. l!~ ~.1{" rj, k has received viewed and supplied with pledge veteran tackles. and Dick Whiting, has put into 'effect many hard and fast
son. Abington, and W. Ivan Simp-
son, Ml'rlon, acting for the County ~everal ,'1'; /::1. '," "'1'"rts on the rules on la.undry services such as
;ale of \\' :;, '1.: ',:", Slamps In cards and literature on the War outstanding as an end as a sopho- No Special Deliveries
Commissioners. more last year, wll1 be the nucleus
the COli,.... n,,! ::', last I,~WO Bond Payroll Plan during the past
of the line. Whiting I,s stiJI on I No call-backs on same day. etc.
II,', Delicious
New Red C.ross
WPE'ks ".! Pllcouraglnl\ week. vacation and Isn't expected to re-
come t:·,::, :,' J.'" '. plants and Frederick W. Dreher, Ardmore port until school opens on Septem- Priorities, scarcity and the frequent changing
large b '.\ hich rC'port Di:;trlct chairman, announcl'd that ber 9. MatUs wouldn't have any
TOMATO JUICE of personnel have 'added to these problems.

Coordinator Named 90 pen

Bond:; ,."
,,' "

',rough thl' Russell Newsome of the Winfield
,,::.1 ,a\'ing plan. Donat Company, Ardmore, and Mr,

There will be times when unavoidable delays In our
plant and in delivery will make your service some-
what irregular ••• but we hope that you appreciate
Keeler Will Aid All E. J. Connell. Manager, Llggetts our position and co-operate with us whenever possible.
Montgomery County Made from Our
"SUSkln and Gorl" at Drug' Store. Ardmore, volunteered
their services In connection with Home Grown JUST CALL ARDMORE 4400
Branches Throughout
Harry F, Kpe:er has been ap·
pointed Montgomery County Co- The
Bucks Playhouse
:.'1;, C",' '\ I' yhoUse will
this work.
For Smart <
Red Ripe Tomatoes WHEN
Serve It Ice Cold
.ordinator of Red Cross Disaster offer

, Women
sf: MARY'S
;~..,: on of the
Relief. summe ,", '.,,' . Bellevue- A dime out of .very
M teSen
The new County Coordinator, Stratfo T (0~( ,mlng week ::- dollar ICIrft
succeeding Michael W. Scanlon when' ":""':
oreland, has been chairman of the present !d~a \~:\,'
r of stage, .:) 'S OUR QU0T.A Ardmore 0392
Norrlst.own Branch Disaster Relief screen i" achel ero- 'I
Committee, and wlll be a vice thers' 'dy, "Susan
chairman of the Southeastern and G,
Pennsylvania Chapter Disaster Pre· August
4 '11'' •• ay evening, u. S. WAR BONDS
liOUB$: 8 - 1~:llO- 1:30 - II
:~ :;

paredness and Relief Committee. Play Chase In

( . nd wlll be
Scanlon, who is resigning the the rc
Important post because of othe! Staats r Phlladel- "SUN RISES OVER ALLlI
wartime dutie-s, has a-greed to serve phlan f.ord Essex
as a Deputy Coordinator and will in sup
give Keeler the bemfit of his long curren,.
)son In the
,zabeth the
. ,

experience 111 this work. Queen. The improved process ot Dry Cleaning for garments and
The new County Coordinator ha'i Of ~ l' connection Household Furnishings by ScientUle Methods
been commended for the etTlclent with tJ /. be the pro-
manner In which he has organized fession 17-yelU-old
the Norristown Committee since Patrlci I ~ .ter of Jack
war has been declared, and In hl~ Klrkla "Tobacco
capacity for all of the Montgomery Road.' ( I . " :ast will be
a.rea, will assist the four regional Wllllal • '.. .•• Ryan, Mil-
offiCes therein' - Norristown, Old dred l'odd, Madeline Cllve, John
York Road at Jenkintown, Main Kreys, and Ka therlne Meskill,
'Llne at Ardmore, and Pottstown. Paul Porter, Who staged the pro- NAR8EIlTH '8Al.A .. MERION
It wlll be Coordinator Keeler'8 duction of "You Can't Take It with 219 HAVERFORD AVE. .:. 54th Clftd CITY LINE
duties to aid In the gearing up of You" at the Playhouse, wlll direct Main Plant - 206 eAST LANCASTER AVENUE. Ardmore
the Disast-er Relief Committees of "Susan and God."
the valious branches In Montgom.
ery County, and In the event of Fla, on Rhine All of us cannot march off to war, but that doesn't
emergencies, to assist any or all When tile U, S. marines marched prevent' us from backing up the boys on the fight-
branches In supplYing needs that Into Germany after World War I.
might arise. - Capt. Gaines Moseley raised the ing front: So, if you can't man a machine gun or
Keeler has been appointed to the Ilrst American flag on the banks ot sink an enemy sub, do the next best thing •••
Montgomery County C1v1l1an De· the Rhine.
fense Council, representing Red Blast 'em with Bonds.
Cross-this position having been
previously held by Scanlon, Under Uncle Sam needs your money to help win the
'. the assignment of Clv1l1an Defense,
Red Cross duties, In the time of war. And' after it's all over, you'll get .'
enemy action, will include: (a) As·
sisting t h,e Emergency Medical
it back dollar for dollar, plus an extra
Service with Nurses' Aides, trained one for every three you lend.
First Alders, supplementary sup- ...
plies of sutglcaldresslngs, supple- Invest in your Country's future
mentary, et'!ulpment needed for
Casualty Stations; (b) Providing -Buy United States War

food, <llothlng, and temporary shel- Savings, Bonds, Todayl
" ~.j

In 'a:ddltlon to J11'Ovldl ng thll .' ~
,abOve services, tile Red etoss wilt
where a~proprlilte, ptovl1e inquiry ~
nnd Inform:ttlcn service,' and assist
in the trr.nsjJ:lrta;;;oll of pers;;ns
nndtltelr necessary belonllings in
connel1t1on With ClvlIlan War Ald.
The organIzation of Re~ cross ,wU!
be used by Federal and State
,'~!tl'n"lD"';",, for post cU!:lster. ~Uer
I" T O W . N = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = P A 6 E THREe
AUGUST 27, 1942 =====================0 UR
Schools Will Open Bob Mack, Baritone
Cargo Assembled News Frolb The • • •
For War Prisoners _---------..-.:-~- On September 9:
N' ... B ·T·r·ps f or F'ans
Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Massey.' The Young p"""le's
~v... Christian
""ldeavor and the Senior Christian
I u US I
Narberth Playgronnd
At Woodside Park
Bob Mack. baritone. with Racine
and Ray and others will headl1ne
the three free Sunday Concerts at
• • ..lJ,U,_yl.Jt' :". ~
;/(6 it -'-H4
_ .r '3"/_,iH" wltu/IIuoSe I
tlTlb.hAI.,.~u/ wluels.
1T ~

Parcels S hould Be Sent Woodbine av .. Penn Valley. all- "" On Tuesday. Atlgust 25. the Na.r· Woodside Park. supported by a mu- . Hard alld II......... cIri.III9 I. ea....d
)Ounce the birth of a son. Donald Endeavor of the Presbyterian And Teatf\i to StJ'Ie berth Playground had their annual Blcal ensemble. In Sylvan, Hall at la ...any ca." by fronl w~l. belli"
0 ..1 ot balallc.. NOl only lJIal b.. 1 II I.
Through Post Office ravlor. on August 17. In the Wom- Church. Narberth. 'Rent on II. trip Tirt!i Field Day. Events In six elasses 4.15. 7.15 and 11.45. Jack Steck will 10 cIri.. al r.a.ollably b1llb
.....da wfth ucbalaacad wbe.I•.
'n':q Homeopathic Hospital. Phlla- down the Delaware River Monday were held for the bOys and girls. present his Klddles Hour at 2.
Instea d 0 f Re d C ross evening. Lower Merton pUbll~ schools \VII! a ~anut scramble in the middle
ODba1lJ1lced Wh••I. h...... beea Imo_

Relatives and friends of ml'n re-

ported to be prisoners of war in th,
Jelphia. * * *
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glatfelter. of
• * *
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. McCart-
reopen on' Wednesday'. Septembe~ 9
and wlll be preceded by registration
of the program and watermelon
Other regular 'Wooaslde Park at-
tractions Include a fireworks dls-
ta IMOW lJI. car 0,,1 01 control to ."ch
.....xlo"t thai It wo"ld '.a•• th. roatl
or a com.loll wo"ld
Onbal........ wh._I. h _ . r tho
for all at the end. play every Friday. and roller skat. 1tecuIlt1l. 01 tho Irolll .IId a ......bly
Far East will be interested in th(' Cin.en Hill Farms. Overbrook. an- ney. 405 Woodside av .. Narberth. on Munday anci Tuesday, Septem- The awards to the winners of Ing every afternoon and evening In _4 ••ar th.... o..t
following statements recently mad. nounce the engagement of their have returned home after spending bt!r '7 and 8. Bchool authorities an- O'llhala"c.d wh. .l. .... ca....d by
.. ,by the Aml'rican Red Cross. accord- 1aughter. Miss Marianna Glatfl'ltlO'r.l\ week at South Stlrl1ng In the t1c1pate a much larger enrollment
each event w1ll be made Thursd:ty the Rainbow Rollerdrome.
evenIng at the close 0 f the fi na I r'-;;;;;;;;-;;;;-;;';-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:'
chanqlnq tI.._n...... of
~ . of .
of leh.o-Improper 11I0,,"1.
0•• 01 balanc. w_'~
a Mr, Richard Graham, son of Mrs.
ing to Mrs. Charles F. Nevillp, 14
Lodgps lane. Cynwyd. Red Cros' Robert Graham. of Narberth.
Poconos, With them were Mrs. H.
R. Reinhardt of cynwYd. Mr. and
this year. particularly In the 7th
game of the Basket~alJ League.
Winners of events: Wilbur S. M'uRet bot .
, ....

official. Mr. Graham Lq II graduate of Mrs. Tate. and Patsy. of The bus schedules will be the Glrls-l0 and under-25 yd. dash,
"Negotiations for sending a shlp- Lower Merion High School. He at- Merion; and Peggy Sparks. of Nar- same as last year's foc transport- PAINTING
Patty Ridge; Potato Ract', Patty
load of food. clothing. and medica' .endl'd Pennsylvania State College berth. Lng pupils to and from school. In Ridge; Three-Legged Racl', Marl~ - DECORATING
supplies Wf're begun by the Amerl- l11d is now employed by the Gen- III order to preserve rubber and save . 104 FORREST A\'E.
Lacey and Patty Ridge. MARBEn"'''. PA
can Red Cross and agencies of thl 'ral Electric Company. Robert E. Gilroy. son of Mr. and gasoline the buses wlll not be used Narbf't1h 2U~-1l
U. S. Govprnment on the day It wa, * * * Mrs. John Onroy. 211 Essex av..
Narberth. has been promoted to the
rt blth to t k
or spo s." er
Utsld m
a e pup s ""
t t t
Boys-l0 and under-24 yd. da'lh,
Charles Deal; Potato Ract', BIHy

rpported that Japan had takpr Mr. and Mrs. H. D. AtUg. Bryn e 0 I' ga es or 0 ranspor Murphy; Wht't!l Barrel Race, Louis l ' . [..
rahk of FIrst Class Private. He has th te ..... 7 - 5 •

American prisoners a t Wake and

ay. and Broadacrps rd .. Penn receivpd the basic training of a
, ar~n among the rl'cent ar- Medical soldll'r at camp PI c k I' tt •
e a"",.
Eight new teachers are scheduled
Pettinos and Bob Holmes.
Glrls-ll to 13-50 yd. dash. Jean
"The Japanl'se gOVl'mment hs.' rivals at Skytop In the pcconos. to join the faculty of the Lower
approvpd the appolntml'nt of dpleg·
ates of the International Rpd Cros'
* * *
t>rlvate J. R. Tyson. son of Mr.
Va. *
Lieutenant Herbert J. Egmore,
Merion senior High SChool:
M1ss Beatrice Easter, or Ardmore,
Ridge; Bicycle Race (slow) . Lol~
webb; Three·Len'Cd Race, Lois

,... lSi em for oaf.r and "'....

Webb and Mftrge Al1ewelt. ~Ieaa
Commltlpl' In Japan, Shanghai ane -Ind Mrs. C. C. Tyson. 226 Sabine Jr.. 207 Dudley av .. Narberth. left commercial; Willis J. Stetson. of Boys-II to 13-50 yd. dash, Rich· :Made .. '" . riit" by comil1" Illto o"r
Wh. ., ~CUIcill" Departm.nt aad h....•

Hong Kong. but not ypt for th!' IV .• Narberth. was home on a week- this week for Fort Monroe. Va. Springfield. history; Allen O. Samp- wh. .i. cb.cked and bal-
ard Holmes; Bic~lt' Race (slow). . It c:an be don. b. a morC tlme
son, of Philadelphia. English; Miss
"Since the cargo of this first relil'l
ship has long bern asspmbled It I'
'nd Jeav!'. Private Is a technician Lll'utenant Egmore w1\l be In the
:n the Medlcnl Training BranCR at Coast Artillery.
C:amp Plckrtt. Va. He Lq a gradu- •••
Violet Zimmerman. of Hatfield. the
he... cafeterIa manager and sewing
Mike Divine; Whl'el Barrel Ra.ct',
Dick Holmes and Jack Smith.
Glrls-14-16-Fonl Shooting, An·

. lbe ext," Ie ....alL
not possible for thp Red Cross tf 1te of Lower Merion High School Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Pearson. Lake- teacher; Miss Abby Sargent. of tolnette Nard. Materials for Economical Transportatiol
accept the many genrrous offers 01 Miss Carol McIntyre. of Wynne- view apts.. Narberth. were the Oreno, Me.. English; John Ray- Boys-14-16-'75 yd. daSh. Frank
- Also - '
supplies In kind. It is understand- \\'ood. was the wpek-end gUl'st of guests of Dr. Jean Randall. Dr. mOhd. of Coatesvl1le. mUSic; Miss Hewitt; Foul Shooting, Joe Rein;
ablE' that rplativps of our men held Mr. and Mrs. Tyson. Pearsen's sister. who gave a house Carolyn Loder. of nrldgetown. N. J.; Bleycle Race (speecl). Arthur Smith. I
prisoner dl'sire to contribute money * * * party In the Poconos last week-end and George Weki. of PhUadelphla, Intermediate Basketball lRague-1 By Ute Yard
cr supplirs. but they should wait Janpt Hicks. dallghtpr of Mr. nnd Their daughter. Mrs. Herbert Fis- art. B.F.C. and Nulty will play for
to do so until tlwy are authorita- Mrs. A. Hicks. 25 Sabinl' av.. Nar- cher, and her son. of st. Davld's, Th~ Junior High School will have champlomhip this Friday. Both,
tivelv informed how bpst thlq may
blO' done. They should be aswrl'd
that such information will be given
'Jerth. retllrt1l'd home Tuesdny after went with them.
spending two month.s at camp
Strawderman. Va.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Grier Briner. 316
six new teachers:
J. Kari Crouthamel, of Wllmlng-
on. electricity; Wesley G. Ktiem-
t~ams ended the season with tht;ee:
wins and one loss. Baker. Fouch
and Compton are stars for B.F.C. 105 N. NARBERTH AVE.
to them by the Amrrican Red Cros.' * * * Merion av .. Narberth, left Thurs-
Mrs. Robert J. Dothard. 221 day for Pennsylvania Stat~ College.
merle. of Conshohocken. machine and Webb. Jefferies and DI\'lne arr I Nar&ei1h 2340 Cynwyd 81 Trl. 1166
the ou tstanding players for Nul ty's : ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;5;;;;;;~~;;;~g~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~
at the earliest possiblr time. and metal shop; Miss Eva C. Flyn.
"The Red Cross cannot accrpl Wynnewood av., NarbNth. entl'r- Their son Bill. who Is taking a of Ridley Township. mathematics team.
This Thursday will end anothN
parcels for delivery to Identifil'd I,ained at a luncl1l'on last Wl'dnes- chpmlCJlI engineering course there. and science; Miss Charlotte Castle.
prisoners in the Far East to be :lay for Mrs. Samuel Read. Jr.. will return with his parents for a of Philadelphia. history; Peter Hoff- successful season for th!' Sl'nlor I
carried as cargo on the anticipated daughtl'r-in-l:l\v of Mrs. Samuel ten day vacation. man. of Bridgeport. Pa .. English Basketball L<oague. This ypar thr
" Pacific rpllef ship. Howl'vl'r. parcl'l~
addressed to officially lL<trd war
Rend. 95 Windsor av.. Narberth
The guests were Miss Caroline Sav-
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. O'Keefe. 325
and mathematics; Miss Frances
Wlndolph. graduate of the Unlver-
league had eight tf'ams Instead of
six the prE'vlous ypar.
I of
prlsonprs held by Japan will be ac- agr. sister of Mrs. Read, Jr.; Mrs. Conway av.. Narberth. have re- slty of Pennsylvania. history and At the close of the play-off
cepted by till' Post OfficI' and will Walter 1. Dothard. of Narbprth: turned home after spending a week geography. gamf'. Individual awards will bl" Storm Sash would net be rash
There wl11 be three new teachers
be carried as mail on the Re d C ros, and Miss Fannv Los.';, of H aver for d I 0 t Dc enn G rove. N . J . made to the Players of tIl{' win.!
ship when safr conduct Is approvl'd at the Bala-Cynwyd Junior High ning team. There will al'o be an
Only those rpeelving lrtlrrs from
the provost Marshall in the War
M-Isselonary S-Ister OPA ClineIe' Fo'r -School:
Miss Janet Toperzer. graduate of
a ward to thl' player who has madr
the highest number of point s duro
Shull l.uMbel' Company
~~.~rtmE'nt i~;~n~~r~~;~~:~:~~:fag;~;
may sl'nd thesl' par- Dies at Maryknoll Local Retailers ing me sPason.
The Midget Ba$rb:t11 Ll'agul' ('nds
this we!'k with Nick Caddl'll'~ t, am
29 Bala Ayenue

12 o'Clock Saturday
10 T k p.
LI-brary News
I Unlverslt.y of Pennsylvania. ancient winning thl' championship for thr

I Formerly of Ardmore
She was Superior in
Korea an d J apan
I on t o e rice history and German; Mr. McCIlster.
Regulations LiqhtJy," graduate of West ChestE'r State
Warns Official Teachers' College. physical educa-
tlon and health.
second stmight ypar. Award;; \\111 __ .
be made to the players of the win·
nlng team this Thursday l'v('ninr:.
~_ ... _

"Thrills of a Naturalist·s Qupst:' Sister Mary Sylvester Collins. 0 The Office of Price Admlnistra- -------- Sl'nlor Baskf't ball I_t'al:'ue 25 WORDS fOR SOc (In One Paper I .
by R. L. Ditmars. P .. forml'rly of Ardmore. who had
tlon announced today that It wl11
Announce Winners Final Standings
"Dawn Over Chungking,"
Adet and Anor Lin.
by completed an important part of the
work of training native Sisters In I conduct a price posting forum and
clinic for retailers In the Ardmore In fall Show of Vlguers
Jewels .. . . . . . . . . . . .. ..
$1.40 FOR 4 PAPERS
"Dupont," by W. S. Dutton. Korea and Japan before the out-
"0 n I' Nation Indivisible," by break of the war. was burled In the
area on September 3. at 8:00 p. m.,
In the Lower Merion Senior High Glildwyne Camera Club
Tbe"'FaU Exhibit of the GladwYne
7 ask .about special monthly rates
~tf\rrtl'~. or Itt'n.;on:ll dH~("k.
Kathleen Norris. cemetery near the Motherhouse of SChool. Mecke 4 6 You tnay PN\tl tn,\l,)l')' Olttl'r, ,\t],lr t '!'l311

d camera Club Is being held at the

all comnlunkalloll,f to l.uwl.'r Merron 'Newspnll(·n~. Ardm(ln~. l'a.
"December 7th, the first thirty .... DUkes '" 4 8
hours." .. ,"'_ o.eE... or~ a,Ii MarYknoll, N. Y., on This is part ot,.~e ,batj0n-wl e Gladwyne Community Rouse. Fred- Wayne 3 9 . CALL
"Your Federal Civil service," by Monday. She had died there the
James C. O'Brien. day before.
Price. Control for Compl1ance Drive erick Hurd, of BrYn. Mawr, and
ordered by Price Administrator. Edward A. Pennlngtoh. of Strafford.
Mac's 1
Intermediate Basketball
9 Ardmore 5720 IGreenwood 7740 Hilltop 3600
"Under Twenty." by May Lam- The former Miss Elizabeth Col- Leon Henderson. The forum w11l judged the entries on Tuesday eve- W -~---_._-~~::'::::~~~~~~~~:::::::::~~
berton Becker. IIns. she dedicated her life to the feature a dramatized presentation n~ng. B.F.C. • . 3 HELP WANTED _. MALE LOST
"1'he SOuth &oas In the Modern f th f I I I h F of merchant-costumer relationship Alobert C. Horsley. president of the Nulty . 3 :-:~'.\I.T. lilll.l) \\'J{I:-:T \{' \"1'1'11, :-:\\"i~~
World," by F. M. Keesing. ur erance 0 m ss ons n t e a r under price regulations: There wlU clUb. won the first and third prizes. Rublncam . 2 fl'"'' 'Ip-'il on ld,l('l~ (;1,·1 1." .. , 'I'll,· .. •

Joseph Harvey. Jr.. GiadwYne. won d 1\ 1,·ll\ ... ·n \\"ind1""j" . ' ' ' t l · ' 111l1"lllItl
"Hands Off." by D. Perkins. East shortly after making her first be exhibits of proper price posting Wilson . o Fllll\\ ""I \\_, :-\.111,," t!, 1:'·\\-:11-,1 :'oIL"
"The Advancing Front of ScI- vow" as one of the Maryknoll Sls- methods. the second prize. Honorable men- Midget Baseball I' \\. 1 \.1..... ~11:t I:, ... ·' :1'. ~~t 1 \1"!'1 II

ence." by G. W. Gray. ters In 1924. She became regional OPA officials said the meeting tions went to Clark Bicking. Orant W L \\·.,:\,TJ·;P-T"·,, lllwk drl\ 'l<':. lull t •III " I'hllll" :"al!J,'ttlL ~I:!.-.G.

"Man Stands Alone." by J. S. Superior of the Maryknoll Sisters In represents a continuation of the oewller, Albert Horsley, of Glad- Cappelli . 4 1 I', i I :-: 1111\1 r II" 'I t 'Illl~ I T 111'1 \., II \"',1111·:\11:<.

wYne: and Samuel Calvert. of Ard- Kirk .

2 Al ·Inlon' ~ "'1~tI. PETS AND SUPPLIES
Huxley. Korea ane;l Japan In 1932. agency's educational efforts. but 3
more. T\Yll HiIY~. nJ.:f~ 1'; In !JI. (.\1" ,,,,lmel"
"She's Off to Work." by M. F. She is survived by a brother. John warned that enforcement officers. Buchanan . 1 4
nll.l 1"I;lllllnall on 1 n~lr\l"'T lnl~ ("nt p~
Hlltll":. ~I':EII:--:. " . \1;1·::-: .'\. Ftllln~. r·lr
Alsop. Comns; a sister. Mrs. James Bart- "are going to move In on those Meetings are held every Monday AI'I,h 11\,'-' :111.1 TIlIt.:!'·' It.!: I·: 11.lrh\ ltlo" ,1"I!'! ;'lId F:lnc·ll'r... ~hlp fHI\
"h"l'· \',\111.1'::-;. ::1'1 ~I. ·1 'I~ .':,.
"Plague On Us." by G. Smlfh. ley. of Rosemont. and an aunt. Miss stores that are taking the law evening. and anyone who Is Inter- ~' rd, t'p!"'r l)alh~, I'n ,',II Hilllill :\1.111,1"1
(1Itle'\ Th,' Inl"J.:"I'!"t nnd t1111~1
"LOOking for Trouble," by Vlr- K. M. Birney. 2722 Chestnut av.. lightly," This is a necessary step esteel Is invited. Oliver Bodine w111 ) JoI,·It'· hir.) ~"IIP in )'hil.lth'l,dll:1.
talk on "sPotting" on August 31.

4- :\1ILl.l:\"n M.\I'III:'\E tli'EH.\TIII: ",Ith

glnla Cowles. Ardmore Park. Cor the protection of honest store- ) n knuwll'dJ.{(> pC \(~rtil':11 Wild\. 01 1,.·1.
Fiction keepers and the buying publlc, he .-';
1f'1' m:tl'hint', 1~1l11 ~lr. Si1ll1'~orl, 1111\
"The Pink Came11la." by Temple Joey Burns Wins said. ' .. tnp Ii 1 fiG.

Bailey. . (Continued Jrom Page One) The meeting has been specially
. .01


~,\nllf.:nTH-~l(,f'ly rUl"nl!i'h.·11
an,1 dr"!'slll~ 1"l,'Qll 01" cl'·fl. pli\"t.· b:ltll
unIt K:HR~'>' EXlP'l11f·ly

df"!'liruilif' III
"Sheridan Road," by H. T. Ml11er. Brookline In 1935. Narberth led the arranged for the retailers In Ard-
"The Little secretary." by L. P. more. Bala-Cynwyd, Bryn Mawr Main Line Service \\' A :"TEll-"-H(>~I'I)nsihl(' Rid or WnfllRtl
l""1 \ II','
\\llh [0\·,·1\'
at dnor til
Hauck. . league In hits and runs. getting 252
"Blow for a Landl11g," by B. L. and 167. respectively. Manoa and
and Narberth.
_ )
Plus Quality f1\l1~l
of rhlllln-·n:
In.(IO on,
tlo~HI C'\I'anilu::,
:!.iHl 10 S:tn.
:'\0 I:'lllfldn, nili' aftl'l-
but nil ,111"':1 \11g" :'\"1
:".11111'- G~ltll st, .\ldlllllr('
ttl traitl~. 11 ....... :o.lllnlgulIIl~1")
:'\allH'111-1 4~'::·I·n.
or I'hila :, lTllnut.·!oI
;I'.. I'hOIIl'

Burman. GladwYne. the two teams that Tl1tJ"Pll:1o~~ nn\1 n,) ~lIll,la:-~. ~"~ahr~

"For My Great Folly," by T. B. shared first place with Narberth. Assistant Warden (':,\11 ~:Hhprth :'1".:1". t'Y:":\\"YIl-l'd\·nll'
pll\ ;1(1' hl1t h.
holllf>'. rllOIH
\\'111 p'nt rlJnll~llf'l1 or

"The Damyank," by W. M. Raine.
batted .260 and .255. respectively.
Ray Presutti. Gladwyne youth. Named in Narberth BROOKMEAD \\·Il~t.\". whit."
n'lIl1lh~ old 11:11>\
t·.-flll"l tol

LiJ.:hl )lIlU~(' WInk

1.11111011:- ·'Ilh

('HT,' f"r IInrllrnl",ll.',l tn 1'l·f\fW·t1 WoII1;'11
Fl\'" nllnull'~ til
I'hon.' ~'YII\'·YIl 1~j~~3-.J.
1::1 r:l 1.::"
tl'lIln Ilr

"The UninVited," by Dorothy had the best pitching record for The air raid .wardens of sector GV8RNSft DIUlUU <-nIts IIf'(. :O-;olnl)" $11 I'hol'" 111111·'p
Macardle. hurlers who worked In five games
"A MIlln About the House." by F. or more. He won five and lost only
11, Narberth. held a meeting Sun-
day evening at' the home or Gerald
*.it Lancaster ay., Wa,"e r,91 G.

B. Young. one for an average of .833. He WlL'! M. Colohan. 610 Essex .av., Nar- ~ Phone Wayne 1121 ~ ---------_._------ FI."(}~T():"E
\ till l'
Ylll'n 1I1'~1E
'rt'l rilrl'~. 1'llIch,·!'>!. 1111"11 11 1
- nt';lllllf~

"One Small Candle," by cecil hard pressed by Walt Cantwell and berth. Mr. William E. Clear. Jr.. )... ~~-- ., SRF:nF.D by thfl Anlt>l"!l·n.n Hf'll
\\'I\~hln~ lltRcJdnr-, Rilll lit 11,,(1 a 1111 mal"
(~rnp;~ on,1 t"ll'r\,'r w'lrk. l·tlpill~ 111·:,dt". ;jll\·
thlllK ill 11:q.:,..tllll.·-wl' 11;\\.· It '·:"li.
Roberts. Bob AlI1son, Manoa aces,. who had 219 Elm Terrace. Is the sector war- tn>Rl'1. CRII Ht'l1 CrO'(9 ht':1(lquartl'r~
"Sergeant Lamb's America," by identical records of four victories den. H. C. Fenno, 600 Essex av.. ., "?pi 7 t'C'-Y': t Anlmorf' :noo_
lflat."!o{ gl:l"l~ ~l\l'n.
:! I :11 ,.:
I ""111 I.\" 1.\11" 1 ~,I.
III :\1:111'1} .
A I,] Ill' Ir,·

Robert Graves. and one defeat. Presutti and Ed was appointed assistant sector wlir- .\ nt. 411 ".
"Proceed sergeant Lamb," by Steuber. Brookllne. paced the lea- den. and Mrs. R. C. Chapin. 216 tVA 1.1.1'.\ 1'EIt, ~anlta~


an,) r3tl'·3M.
~bert Graves. gue In strikeouts. each fanning 51. Sabin av .• was appointed secretary. Window ahadca • Yc, ...lnn Blind. ,"·!ll'n th"HE" tnRlt>rlalH nn' hun,; prop-
I...-Inoleum ('rh·. It. (lo .. ~ mah.(' n dltTt·rf>nl·e. ~pl','l·tl
"~Ing Tut-Ankh-~men:' by Ar- Frank Carter, of the CollegIans. had nOBSON &: ()\\'F.~1' PUI;lnlf'"1' prlC't'8 now, J. J, Cull"n,
eh!e Bell. the best record for control. issuing 1015-1019 I,A:-ICASTER A \'F: .. Bryn Mawr IlIl1lop 2298-R.
"Signed with Honour," by J. AI. only one base on balls In the 30 In-
dredge. nlngs he pitched.
BUY WAR BONDS OF WHAT WE DAVE Phone Br)'n Mn ,,·.r 1120 01 l '

Q \

"Five Women In Three Novels,"
by FaIth Baldwin. Ii
==============:=':=========E======~I T\\"() FH 8=--:{'"U nEn~T 1-:.\ 11:-\. !'lll~l.,.
RIII'lnKs of 3~pIPc(' 8ultf'~
1l1aho~i\n)", tlr:l\',·r~.


dlt'st of !'-\l·lluar\·, $10.00: chair!" reco"pretl, S!l,OO. 00
"My Friends. the Apes." by Belle t~'111'\\Tl1l'r ::lIlt] tYI'Pwrill'!' t:tld.' It";l"'- anr"'hpre. Cnll Lt'wlR, ""'aynt' J.t~G.
olF,hlt, nntl nIl tn '('I)" gn,," (','lIdltinll. 127 Eaat LaDeaaler Avc.. Wayne. I'a
Benchley. War has jammed telephone lines with the greatest T"II'phoIW ,\ I'll m 0'"'> ~,~' I;:· \\.
"Dr. Kildare's Trial," by Max COUNTRY DAY PLAN NINETY.EIGBTH YEAR floOd nf calls in history. We cannot add to our l'III':\·IU)f.I,:i'-l~:tR. ;1 \"I'ry J!'HHI tll".·~. SITUATIONS WANTED
"End of Reckoning." by A. L. facilities, far. till! materials needed to do so are go lid llphulHtt'ry, Nnul!1 mill·a!.!'·. Ill'\\"
«1t'lllX(, h";1t('r. rf'n~lIn:lhh·. Iii :..: Ih'Wp~ Hf'~pnn!"lhlp mlc).lIr~al=:(·ll \\,om:ln. ehllt"R
Continuous Education from Nursery School through College hnnJu\kl't'fl~'r, I'X('I>llf'"t
Covert. Preparation for Boys and Girls. going into planes, tanks, ships and shells. We must ~l .. \Yla!'t Phll~clt·l'])hb. nnnlll', 11
yeUl"Ioi with St:UTlI' f:lI11Il.\". \'\:nntR IHl!oIlllotl

"Follow the Leader." by C. B. SpecIal Attention to the Study of the Latin American Coun- make the most· of what we have, on ~taln T.IIH'. EXC'I'ptlonnl r .. ·rt"I'Il('I·~.
WANTED TO BUY ,V rll l' Box. 146. ('ltt,- nr tIJI!'t IHllH'r
Davis. t.ries Provided In the Curriculum. Spanish InclUded among ml. 01. hc' 4t ~·1:t.
"The Days of Ofella," by Ger- Languages Offered. So, don't make unnecessary calls. \\"..\ :"TEn-Inj'xru'nRln' "Ioltn ror Jltuc1-
l'nl. Phone ern"')"I( 110~, LAI'::;ORY "'ORI>: to Inkr home-bun-
trude Diamant. For catalogue and further information conCerning Don't call iIIlDformation" for numbers that are rllr or hnmrlPr. 4 4 Pro"Jl~("'t av .• Dr)'"
"Gentleman Ranker," by John convenient transportation facUlties telephone Ard- WANTF:D ~ RF-FRIOF:RATORS. WARH· Mawr. Phllne Dr)'" Mawr 1395,
JennIngs. more 1384 or write to listed in the directt*y. F-H". VArlTVM rLEA:-IF:HR Any c<>n·
clItion. Cnll U8 for the hlJehf'At r·rlC'(\".
"The rider on the Bronze Horse," Before you call, think what you're going to say ('nAh at oncc. ""Ill go nnywh£'r~ Vlc. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE
by H. H. Kroll.
BAReLAY L. JONES. Ph.D•• Headmaster 77:l3. Aflcr 11:00 P. M. WIlV. 6169.
68th STREET AND CITY LINE OVERBROOK so that callirtg back will be unnecessary. OVERBROOK PARK
"The sea-Gull Cry," by Robert MIRRORS & GLASS
Nathan. Keep your conversations as short as possible- IN MERION
SO\V la the time to rrJu"cnnte )'our A MAO~IFrCEST ('ornCr rPJllcl"'nrfl
"Little Hell-Big Heaven," by especWly on ~ tines. home. OI_A"R SHOP•.IOR S. R. TAOYF:. ll\"atlnbh~ \vlth 9. ("pt or front-
EdIth Roberts. 7315 Wcst Chester Plke..Upper D"rby. ng<,. beouUfullr planted Inwtul.
"The Drums of Morning," by P. DO YOU NEED MONEY? If ybur call can wait, make it in the "off-peak" Custom ronde mlrron; ref'lIv("rln"; rp· FnC't's Hll""rfotd n()nd-trnnRport~
modcllng; pictures rratTled; furniture otlon rlJ{ht nt the door. HIR'h plo-
V. Stem. INQUIRE &BOUT A LOAN ON yotJR LIFE INSURAtfCE POLICY periods-between noon and 2 P. Me; between ~ ,loPS. Phone Blvd. 8082. ,·ritton. eXtl'C'm(1)-' low tax n\tp, :l
lo\"("ly betlroolnIC. tHe bath one'
''The Raft," by RObert Trumbull. Ili1d 7 P.M.;be~1l9 P.,Me and 9 A. M. PIANOS showcr. gO,raA£t. O-E hurneT ,,·lth
''The Man Wlho Went Away," by Bummer ... winter hookUp. Price
lrarold Bell' Wrlrrht. Your ~peratioi1wi11 help to keep the lines O""n'" I: Ullrlghts $R490. Dlreellons: From City 1.lno
l'Vlctory fot' Love," by Pamela c1_ f(X" lm~t war calls. . Quirk Removal an,1 Ha\'crford Rd. north on 11",,-
Fair Prlc!'s £trtordRd. one mill' to 8Ml1}lle
Wynne. Pianos Bourht home at Haverford Rd. and Del:

, courteou. Men
WRITE mont Drl\'e.
.Detective and MYStery
''M'I1rder 1n the OPM." by LeslIe War ea"s Co-.e Flrstl "." Careful P. nUolIll)s & l'I()N
11848 Market l'It.
Warner·WeRt Corp.-Builders
"Name Your Polson," by Helen
Reilly. .
"Murder on Location," by Lee
• Plano Movlor

All. '4110
Ev.. nln.R
WeR' 111M
Om. 41\29


"The 'Btreet of tM Orylng Worn-
an." by G. Homes.
'~lIlatRret and M. ~bbe," by O.
'elfi1enon;w,;~-,-''''''''''''''~' _-'-'0 •• '~"i- .•;-
MlB .. 8..... Po'TH'.:B,
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v. s..'.JltARBONDS
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AND.•S'r..4MPB ...
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31r. Montgdmery Ave., Gynwyd.
·'''G1I,t._~c_ .~_. .,.0rL, 1100.. ,.
TOWN ===================:::::::::;=:========:Z'AUGUST 27, 1942
PAliI ro&lI=====================O U R



hrchitects Envision Lower M'erion's Industrial School As It Will Look When Completed

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l~ to ~ubmit an archit{'ct's conc('plInn of id{'al hou.,ing facilllil's for building whose architectural motif would harmonize with that of the oth('r scho:J1 building
Lown Merion Ill(' abo\'(' skeL'll \\a.~ pr('parl'd by thc archi~cts' which are part of the Ardmore high school tract on Montgomery avo opposite the Church
Inou~ I'd, in~rsection, Also, they sought to create a simple and ~turdy structurl' which w~uld
finn and GIlll1D\lr wllh offlc('s III Ill(' St('phen Girard Buildin~, Phila-
reOpct the character of the scholastic work for which it would 0(' d('\'ol('d, Taking ad\'an-
dl'lpll 'f'pan'd Il,' tllP firm anl! latn appru\'co by the Lower Merion S('hool tages of a landscape setting, already studded with full grown tr('('s. t11PY made a design
Blar" Ikcans(' of n.'ln', construction l'O.'';;" and the wisdom of procecding Which gave fOrth strong lines of beauty and, at the same time, pro\'id('d a maximum of
sluwl" I" ('Xp:lIHllllg pn>~rHIl1 of indu,11 J.1I ('ducation Ihe School Board
u~ctulness, In completed form it is a building that reflects the rich tradItion L0wcr
UI'('io, I)' tl)(' first unit of thl' Indus 1 rial school. which is on(' half of the
Merion has alwayS enjoyed from maintaining one of the Country's hnest scllool sYiit{'m.s.
bulld; Till' ;lrcl1l1ecls were faeed first With Ih~ problem of planning a

N NOVEMB~ I" • j 'ey among pupils of the

fraining Program of the Technical Division
gram are given mental tests and ability tests. They are also
clearly in connection with trade jobs.
The following shops will be opened this fall:

I ~hool and their parents

interviewed by a committee skilled in vocational guidance.
Lower Mcrio" "1-;'
Personality rating scales must be submitted by not less Motor mechanics: The student will spend one half of
revealed amot' that at least 150 boys than three persons who know the boy applying for admit- his time in the motor mechanics shop. In the motor mech-
desired trainir ," +, 'al trades. This survey anics course as in the other trade courses, the other half
tance to the division.
and a half before this Third, nfter the war there will continue to be a de- of the day will be devoted to the study of related skills
was ,.,.,ade approxi,y~,,·,I,
:leclaration of Wdr, the mdnd for men who arc highly skilled in their respective such as principles of electricity, mathematics, English, his-
country derlared " ~
, ticularly in the metal trades. Even though many persons are entering mechani- tory or science. The purpose is to provide a three year
demand for ckillc,
cal trades during this period of war production, few of course in which a pupil learns the principal facts about
trades, exceeds the S~i ' automobile motors and the maintenance of automobiles.
In planning ~h, I the c:our~es uf instruc- them enter the classes of the highly skilled workmen pos-
sessing both practical and theoretical knowledge. In the advanced work pupils will work with diesel and' air-
tion, four or five i, as guiding principles.
First, the tech, r. an integral part of the Fourth, the building and the plan of instruction are plane motors.'
Drafting and mac'hine design: This is a three y~ar
Lower Merion Senie" :~ qj- " One of the basic ideas organized in such a way that as inc*istrial conditions
change and new skills are in demand, the equipment and course in which the student spends one half of his time
in setting up this p. ug' .." 1\ " urange the training in
in the drafting room. After the first year he may choose
such a manner that ..,o.IF-': s , t , ' j these courses will take skills ta ught will shift with the time.
to specialize in architectural or mechanical drafting.
part h all of "'he U;Ui'1 -3~'i" ,f the school - home The purpose and kind of training: The purpose of this
Electrical construction and maintenance: This instruc-
rooms, student cou ',ci:, il"~'! musical org,Jnizations, division is that of training students in the major trades as
junior mech<lnics. If a student is to sue Co ',~. in this train- tion covering a three year period will range from elemen-
clubs and social act, ,·Ii ~s. -' lould be no distinction
i"''), h0 mu~t be of average or better general ability; he tary wiring circuits to highly advanced work in motor
in the larger activiti, ~ l)i n, , ;,:fC" between pupils taking
construction, moior testing, and electrical control ap-
technical, general, i: (j ,.0 1' ~i" I ' dratory tOUlSCS. This should displdY some mechanical ability and above all he
must give the best that is in him to all phases of the train- paratus.
is the reason for pia, ,) i II l' ilding in thi, location.
The program v. " '." red by i'l d i;cctor of i'lg he elects. With few exceptions, the courses arc three
years in length. The student devotes three hours each ACHINE construction: A boy will study for

technical education, ' : l J l ' (, ral administration of
these pupils and the <>"',, \ .. 1 'lnical subje.:ts will lie day to shop work and the remainder to related studies. three years in the machine shop learning to op-
with the office of ih ;';,,1 incipal. Additional c:ourses may be added as pupil and employment erate engine lathes, drill presses, shapers, mill-
Pupils graduate, f· .', nical division will ro- demands develop. ing machines and high speed grinders. He will
ceive a high school (',,1, \ additional certificate learn to use the most modern machinery in heat treating
on which is stated t . of hours of training OLLOWING the recommendation of the State Board

metals. The shop work will be done from blue prints.
the pupils has had in : . J cts of llis hade. of Vocational Education, a boy must be 14 years They will learn machine construction, tool making and
of age as of October I, before he may enter this maintenance.
ECOND, persor c' Iv g ability and persons Sheet metal and pattern drafting: The increase in the

this division. These boys will be trained to the
who lad reaso ,f disciplin2 and pur- point w~ere they will be able to enter employment on a use of air conditioning in modern heating plants as well
pose cannot lea j (' ,<,: ,Ived in a mech<lnical skilled employment classification. The instruction will be as developments in the field of airplane construction prom-
trade. Conseql ldmitted to this pro- arranged to develop judgment and the ability to think (Continued on Page Fiye)

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~ Architects ~

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HEATING & VENTILATING Building Construction
I .,


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AUGUST 27, 1942======================== OUR TOWN ===========================PAGE Fly§, ..

Training For Future Army-Na"Y "E" Awards
(Continued from Page four) CONSTRUCTION FEATURES OF NEW SCHOOL ,...
ises to create a steady demand for highly skilled sheet
metal workers. In this three year course boys will learn
to develop sheet metal patterns, to design parts, an~ to WIDE RANGE OF INDUSTRIAL TRAINING
" fabricate sheet metal objects. They will use galvanized
iron sheet, tin sheet, brass and copper'sheet as well as
Arrhlteclural H.1l'mony Obl~inrl1 by S"lpctinn of nlll1din~
some of the more recent alloys. Matprials; Inl('1'lor Pro\'ldpS \Vf'll1inf~, Motor Mrr!1Jnic,lL Mf'l.lL
Welding: This instruction includes both electric and Machine Construction, Electrical Con.-truf'tlon :1nd Maintf'llanCe
gas welding. The boys will use modern industrial equip- Shops and Drafting Room, Fireproof ThroU!~hout,
ment. Welding is taught on two levels. First, a one year
course for seniors, post-graduates, or older boys ( 17 years In studying the design of the new Senior High School,
of age or more I who plan to enter industry immediately. Technical Division, it was the endeavor of the Architects
There will also be a three year course that starts with the to create a building that would harmonize with those now
ends with the fabrication of complicated welding jobs. on the School Tract, and this effect was obtained in the
The courses described above will be known as the day study of mass, fenestration, and color selection of the
school courses. They are operated in cooperation with the materials themselves. Inasmuch as the School was to be
State Board for Vocational Education. By following this used primarily for shop work, it was felt that exterior
plan of instruction the local school district will ~e rei.m- ornamentation was not needed.
bursed a pproxi matey 40 % of the cost of tea chers sa latl es The struetural work of the Building is of reinforced
from state and federal funds. This program will be under concrete. The exterior is faced with quarry stone; while
the general supervision of Mr. George H. Gilbert, principal the interior walls and partitions are built of glazed and
of the senior high school, and under the immediate super- unglazed tribrick units. The use of these materials has
vision of Mr. Russell S. McGrath, director, and will be staff- enabled the architects to design a modern, fire-proof
ed by men who have had satisfactory college training and Building of moderate costs, and still permitting a mini-
at least three years of trade experience with industry. mum of maintenance and upkeep.
This goes far to make certain that students will be taught
This unit, now completed, provid('s for a Welding
by men of high caliber who have had both practical and
fundamental principles of design and construction and Shop, Motor Mechanical Shop, Metal Sho!" Machine Con-
theoretical training in their trade. Approximately 140 struction, Electric Con~truction and Maintenance Shop,
boys have been sele~d for this training beginning Sep- and a Drafting Room. Each shop has its own lo(;ker and
tember 9. By the time this school has operated three wash room, tool room, storage room, and teacher's office; -I'hllill hv i-:d\',lroi \\" 1(1· l d
When the new Lower Merion High 8:hool Industrial SChool is ready for' class next
thereby making eilch a separate and complete unit within w€'rk the lathe shown abOVe and other machinery will be moved from the rear of the Ard-
years, it will serve some 350 boys each year.
itself. -Thus it will be unnecessary tor the students to more Junior High School. where it is now being u~ed in the deff'nse training courses, intG
t he new building. With it. to continue hl~ training, "QIill go James Ewing, Gladwyne, left,
leave the shop during any given class period. The storage :lnd machine shop Instructor, N. F. Gillam, on the ri ght.
space for each shop is of sufficient size to accommodate
all the materials used. Each shop, with the exception of
Machine Construction, will accommodate twenty-five (25)
to thirty (30 I boys at a time; the latter shop will accom-
modate fifty (50). There is also a small class room which
will be used in conjunction with the Machine Construc.
tion Work.
Each shop, with the exception of Welding and Motor
Mechanical Shop has a wood floor. This -type of flooring
has been used not only for the comfort of the student,
but for the protection of the fine mllchine tools that are
used. Flooring of harder substance would damage these
fine tools if they are dropped. The Motor Mechilnical
Testing & Service
Shop can be considered one of the best. The lighting and Equipment
ventilating facilities for this shop have been carefully
studied in order to afford ideal working conditions. The For the
Electric Test Room, Auto Lift and other equipment should
make this shop one of the most popular with the students. Automotive Department
The Machine Construction Shop is a room approximately
50' x 90' with accommodations for fifteen lathes, two mill-
ing machines, a furnace, and other equipment. Gaul, Derr a,nd
At the present time, there is a great demand for
men who will be trained in the shops of the building, how- ,Shearer Co.
ever, should the trend of the time change this demand,
anyone of the shops can be always altered with a mini- PHILADELPHIA
mum of cost for some other trade study.
···1 :I.··~~···'··
,; :l:PhlllQ b)' Ed\\'ard ':\v; 'K"hl
. Due to the amount of materials and equipment to"be
used in this building, it was felt advisable to construct a
One of the most complicated pieces of equipment to be installed in connecting bridge which affords easy access to the First
the new Industrial SChool is the electrical switch board panel shown Floor. Delivery can also be made from the road at the
above. On the lpft is John P. Lchmler. Ardmore electrical contractC\-,
who will be one of thf' instructcrs nt the school, and C. H. Rice, electrical Ground Floor level. This bridge will also be used by the
engineer, who helped with the instaUation. stu,dents entering the building from the Senior High School.

--I'lloltl I".. E.lw:lnl ". 1,.·111

!Not all of the studen Is who will take courses In the new Industrial
Lower Merion School will be of teen ag~, R. P, 1Iinkle, Ardmore. shown above bending
Martin •Parry R. S. McCRACKEN & SONS Vocational School
over a machine, will continue his defense training In the new building.
The machine, whleh was ]'otatlng a mile a minute when thl.~ picture was
taken, is part of the f'qulJlment being installed in the Industrial SChOOl's
~orporation Painted by machine shop.

Philadelphia, Penna. 636 NORTH 13th STREET
Company A year ago lasi April the lower Merion School District
M-P set up classes for clefense training now known as Defense
Movable Partitions Produc.tion TraininCJ. Since that time over 1200 persons
PHILA., PA. have been trained and immediately employed by industry.
The new technical division building will provide better faci-
lities and equipmer.+- for the continuance of this program.
Beginning October I, there will be c1assas in welding, ma-
chine shop practice·-the operating of lathes, milling ma-
chines, grinders and so forth, drafting, blue print reading,
and mathematics. If there ate sufficient applications, the
other shops will be opened for defense training, also. In
Structural recent weeks there h n been an increasing demand for
women trained in traeS(,' vilrious skills. Both men and women

ROBERT G. HOFFER Wm. R. Chapman Felix Cantono Waterpro'o,fing are encouraged to ap~ly fot this training. Employment
readily follows thr~e t'r fout hundred hours of training.


and Sons and Bro. I,nc. These classes will be conducted late in the' afternoons,
evenings, and froll1l twelve midnight until morning. Ap-
plications should be made eatly in September. There is no
Waterproofing charge for this trai~ing. It is entirely financed by the fed-
R:EINFORCED CONCRETE Mason Builders Mason Contractors eral government. E.,.en after the training for war production
Engineers and ceases there will b-e evening classes for men and women
& CEMENT WORK 1506 Washington Avenue 1720 CAYUGA STREET in the various trades.
KIN9sley 3490 PENnypacker 1252 We can truthFully say that the opening of the tech-
Phila., Pa. Phila., Pa. NEW YORK CITY nical division of th~ Lower Merion Senior High School con-
& tinues the traditions of giving the finest education in a
PHILADELPHIA mote rounded way to all of our citizens. It is hoped that
people will make it- a point to visit either the day or eve·
ning school classes_

Compliments of


. ' .\

Architectural Wood
Company 10 SOUTH 18th STREET


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.~~;!~'i~jsC' !\~~~~
AUGUST 27, 1942
OUR TOW tJ=====================:'===
I VII Troops, In second place was
PAGE SIX==::"========================= • Saturday In one of the final games Fifty Scouts Hold i.
1 hard-sWlmmlllg group from the
Golfers - Seek Slielter of the regular season. In this game
(Conljnu~d fram Page On~) Penn Wynne I, Bryn Mawr III,
Camping Season During Air Raids
the Collegians got only two hits of!
the pitches of BlII Smith and Joey heats. Thlrty·two seconds was the Ardmore VI. and A~dmore VII I
Closes At Delmont \,_C_A_LL_IN_.C_T_H_E_T_U-.--R_N_1
Burns, the latter finishing the game time chalked up by the Penn \ Troops, The time rung up by the
Players, who use the links, have after Smith was forced to retire
been warned by the house com- with a sore arm after the fifth Wynne representative who led the,I winnino-0 qU1l1tet was one minute
All hopes of gaining permission It looks as If the footban sea- mittee of the Overbrook Golf Club pack in the first heat, He wa~ I and 52 seconds.
Scouts Bid Farewell To :01' busses, owned by schools. t;" son due to ret underway In a to cease playing when a daylight inning.
Director Who Is ransport atllJctic teams have been
few short weeks wJI go along . air raid alarm is sounded, seck thc Gladwyne downed Overbrook. 6-2. :losely followed by Scouts from I
In the other game saturday and the the Ardmore VII, Ardmore I and I •
,just abo," as usual, but In an- nearest shelter, they advise.
,catt~red to the four wi,nds, victory, coupled with Brookline'f Wynnewood I Troops, That timr i
Entering Army Irving R. Sl.'gal, cr' cl State ra-
other year or so It wouldn't be Air raid wardens reported that
forfeit to Manoa. put the final was bettered by six second:;, how-:
surprising to find the bome- several players continued their
Over 200 BJy scouts of Delaware :lOlling attorney, dL~lared TuesdaY standings in the first triple lie since ever, by the Merion lad who fini5h- !
and-borne series In football game during the last alarm.
and Montgomrry countirs closed n Harrisburg that thc use of a quite tbe thing. the league was or~anizcd in 1004
The Club has b('('n notlfled it wUl cd well uhead in the ~::cond hr.1t
tlle sum:ner camping sra.o,:n al ,cllool bus. regardlcss of ownership The teams drew fcr playoff posl·
be subject to a heavy fine if viola-
camp Delmont, Green L,Hlr, Pol
Sunday, Augdst 23, More tllan 250l
Dr hauLng of pla~rrs or spectators
a and from c:n~ests "will rendcl TOURNEY WILL SURVIVE * * *
tions occur again.
tions instead of playing off the
Gladwyne getting No, I, Narberth more VII. Penn WYlln~ I. and Ard- i
tic He was trailed by Scouts from Ard, :
Many hereabOUts have been won-
scouts enjoyetl tll~ Vallcy Forgl
lla t bu.> and all otller busses ownel No, 2 and Manoa, NO.3. more VI Troops. FOR FINE MEATS i
Councils largest camping season 11'
ly thr same party ineligible for an}' dering whether or not the PlAA
state baskctball tournament would
Cladwyne-Collegians The most exciting- cJntc~·t of thl
lhirty Fars. announced Grrnl'illr A :orm of tire ralloning," (COotllinu~d from Page One) Main Line League
Dav, Cllmp dlrrctor, at thr Camp'~ Tl~b annO,lI1ccmf'nt was mrrel~
lle rrileration 01 a polLY that h~.'
JC called off the duration.
3mlth Into the bl.'x Saturday in an
We gathered from the tonc of effort to even the g{'ries with lhe Final Sl.andings
evening wa, the fl\'C mall r'1:Jy
race, in which siX teams c()m:)~l.'d J. J. WHITESIDE
ceremonIal camp flre, W, L, PC The winning outfit was eompo;,ed
SeOUl, and SeoutNS of the Vall,·,,,,,l r n ,· ·'P;!'.
< ...... _ .. It wa.~ iT Wlcht's announcement that it wil1 Collegians. and then will have Stan

16 6 ,727 of boyS from the Merion, A! d mO:l ' FOOD MARKET

,11..~\\ 01 U S, R'p, .l(' a "must" on the state program '~et u'kY, hu~ky right handel', on Gladwyne
,~'. Forlle Council b,lde ld~f'w['ll to Fr"l Narberth ." , . ' , , . 16 6 ,727 VI, Bryn Mawr Ill. and Ardmorr '
I'S"l Waltrr tha lhis winter. hand for Sunday's scrap.
Ii B Pettengill, brtler known n,,~ "Pal' Manoa ... ""., 16 6 ,7~7
,cllol 1(~ses 01 l!wi The answer, to us, lies 111 his sug- 'I1le veteran Johnny Burns. slide
" 10 morr tllan 14.000 Scouts wll 12 1':) .54)
havl' camped at De~monl tor tll,
wn 'J \11 piayers tc :estion that pUblIC transportation bllll artist, tamed Narb~rth 1,1S' C~llegians
past S~\"l'n y('ar~ Mr. P,:l tf'lIgJ.' ',ame acil1lies be used "even though thi~ Sunday and probably will com' Brooklinr 4 19 .174
TIl NJrthamplol llrans OVf'r-ll1ght trips." He pointed right back Saturday in a bid lor OverbrOok ,130
1':110 ha,' bf'pn C,lm:J d.rpclor for till 3 2)
. rcu ,I'd hop~~ ,ut that this siluatlon is not new
Vll'ley Forge Council. will t'nler th' \lld two in a row for the Col1pgil1ns, Preliminal Y rlayofTs
,1 . I \.:111'n he sail ',0 many of' the older school ad-
U:llled States Army 111 s:'ptrmbN ,f sc
Im;lrn\'l'ml'nt, d\lr~ng 1\11' Pl'tkn, ,c L " . 'p!l B. Ea,t
T1lis W'oll'd I£'ave eithrl' Frank Car- Gladwyne .. ,."."
,n lI1istra tors whose tea ms oftrn ld: trr or Jim Lattanza available fo
Collpg-ians .",.,.,' 1
1 0
IIJn, ,J:'talio;l co' I' a Saturday game on Friday 'Sunday's game .
gil"s I~nurf' ~t cllnp lIan' berll tll1 ..rmed :;c11 ~ol Narberth .,.", .... 0 1 ,(l0~
'rd'n Ifternoon and returned late Satu~­ Burns was at his b~st Sunday Manoa ' , . ' . , , . , , 0 1 ,000
cstJbl"lmlPnt Lf l'OU,IC!l wide trOOI ussrs.
r'momu;, lone t:'oop camping, addi· 11lgh jay night.
I, l~ rationin~ WI' have a hunch the tournamrnt 1 hcldlng Narberth 10 SIX scatlereG Week-end Schedule:
tional 1\\'0 lIUlIrln·d ,llTes d lan<' vilJ be played at several key spot.. h:ts aud being very effective Jr. SATURDAY-Gladwyn" at M,moa:
bo~ , ." . ~ with Ea~t­
;Jll:'cila~M, lWL'nt\' troop >,it P " dp· pillsb'.1rgh, Harrisburg lhr pinch,~s. After the Collegian>
\'n~opcd, a p,O!1ppr can:p lor ,,!'nil'
in~ I'
", ,"" are
''\' afhll"tie
out ,uch as
Vllkcs-Barre and PhIladelphia. wilp ~Tabbl.'d a 3-0 lrad by scoring singlr SUNDAY-Manoa
Colll,gtans at Narberth.
at Glad ....'ynlC:
Bug War Bonds
s~out; and tl1l' Camp', natIOn" (,., . ~ il· he flnals probably coming to the :'un.~ in the seccmd, third and fourtl'. Collegians at Narberth .
rep!llallOn for (Jilt.,tandll1g statT or

1uak n r City pl.'r usual. innin!<s, Burns gave up his oniy run'
Lo Narbrrth In the sixth when AJ
aRd Stamps Today
CA' • i.1 I I ItST BASE
'1'l1r lulluwlllg S~(JUl,,' and T:-COjl,
rt:crl\'t(l award, t ~r adl'anct'lI1l'nl 11, J('nn
Ac ,,}in.on of thr
,olastlc Ath·
Call 01I the statl" tournament?
Don't be silly.
Gotton tripled and Jory Burn..
doubled. The latter came all thf'
Garden and Pet Show
::;COU[;llg during tne pa:;t wct'k a
camp, Awards wert' pn"l'ntt'd by C.
,'t ic 1 early
In 1000 memo
thi~ Brother Wicht's salary comes
from that tournament. It'll be
way from g{'cond on an infield out
ncoring the second run on a c~osc
To Be Held in Bon Air Let's nnt drfalllt on our hard won
"eek The Garden and Pet Show. lX'in~
Vall sub{'rs. Chall'm,lIl 01 thr G~'org'
W d~ll!ng Ion DIstrict Auvancrmen', IU~.~·:
~ r I -
rams. public played. jccision at the plate.
Narberth had a grand opportun- sponsored by the Suburban Garden
liherti(~s or A W U
either. nul' us
, l1'anspOrla-
Commlllee, 10 tile followil1g: .ty in the eighth whcn it loaded Club on &ptembcr 12th, will 1><' h£'ld
Gladwynnr, Troop No, l-Robrrl
David: 2nd c1as.-, l,t YI',Il' C, D
~'(' r"
, ~ ly ex 'r\l LivI
"lat the PIAI'
Megroes Take Case .he ba~es with only one out. Burns in the Bon Air Community Housr
wd Walker singled and Harry Fox Royal av" Bon All', from 4 to 10
Buy a Share hf Frcrdnm today a",
your part in this world-wide ballie.
Nas walked intentionally. Then p. m.
Handleralt Course: Wa]trr Sown.·"
2nd Year C, D. uatlwrcraft Mer,
Badge, Jam':s S:en'n: 2nd Y,'al <.
:n{\ ~
1 school ath,
,. eountry hac
to have tll'
To D. A.'s Office 8\lrns forced Pooch serra to ground Flowers
~o short..~toP where Gllmol e easily display in the Community Housp
und vegetables will be on

D,. Nature Cour"", u:"UH'rcra'

.\1:f' (.
List Discriminatory hrew out Bums at the p:ate. Theil and the Pet Show will be hrld out-
M:nl Bdd~e: WllllUlll LiJWl1(',- doors.
b.. lil'[ of lll' Complaints Against Mihalic fiied out to center.
Emergt'ncy S .. rncc CLur~(',
P,'lln Valley, Tro_lJ No, 1 Rich
S that whil.
, "'tie pro!'ran M. Police L.
Burns finished the game in fitting An invitation is extended by the
nann{'I', fanning Cotton for the president. John Knapp, and h:,o '/'ilaJelDhia Suhurhan
ard Yuorra: 2nd cla.'~' H,llldicral , till Irrr arr othcl Main Line Negroes, after II mcrl tinal out with Russ Herrmann, whc l'ommittee, Mr. and Mrs, Edward
Bala. Troop NJ, 3 - R.dph Loell
M Ipplllg Course,
',:, I'

'l1orp import·
:lg in BI'yn Mawr attended
ast Thursday night. took thf'il,
by 60 iHld been hIt by a pitched ball Cunningham, fol' all the nrlghbors
;>erched on second base. to participate, Circulars will soon
Ironically, the victory was thr be issued giving full details,
I --- - --- ---_._-
Bryn Mawr. Troop No. l-,Nath
'11' t
nth" we ha\"
1, Wn han
'omplaint on racial discrimlnatior. first the Collegians had bcen able --------------------------=--.-:.-:..:...-=--:--::....~:..-~--- -----
an:el Know!r.,: Play W;ly ~Iethod lire lhr eon hiS week to the District Attorney', :0 score over Narberth all season
dn::! Campfires, ,Upi 'y," ,!Tlce 111 N :,rrlstown. I11d it came after Narberth had
Ardmorr, Trcop No, I-Donak, 'l u' fact that Thr DIstrict Attorney, Fredrrich landed the Irvinmen an 11-0 lucing
ThomP,cn: 3rd Year CD, Natu1'l /' "Tams have
sd ,
3, Smillie, is on varation but hi~
COUL·e, Zoolo:,y, Rowing, Cana<.'jM
Meril Badges; Ern£'~t Hutch:n,oll
I y both the
, 'ials as "it-
ISl>lstant, Harold Klugh\, took note:
'n the case. They wrre a5l>ureC
Soprano to Sing
3rd Yrar C, D.. LIfe Saving. Swim
mingo Camping. Ml'rit B'ldg('
bu ,t:'
rs in the
hat. if the facts warranted, the
)istrict AtlOrnf'y's office would
At Hunting Park
Patricia Moore. young Main L:m
Emergrncy Srrvice Course; Donal< brol ,rale amonR nake its own investigation of thr ;oprano, is announced for an ap·
Baxtrr: 4th Year C. D,. Campinr till l' n our high
case. X'arance with the Pennsylvania W
Canoeing, Cookin!'. Merit B.lctgp st'l tually wiII
Thr dell'gation. representing the ". A. Symphony Orchestra at a free
R:flery Coursr; Donald Wrlls: Fin cal
Atd C:Jurse; WJliam Lrhman: P1a 'Main Linr Branch of the A';socia' }ut<loor concert next Monday eve-
way Methods and Campfires, ~YING"
*Lion fer the Advancement of Color- nlng, August 31, at 8, in the Musi(
ArdlJlo re Troop No, 7-Willian ?d People, claim that 'the followlnr 'avillton, Hunting Park, nea.r 10th
W state school IctS and practices of the Lowe it. and Roosevelt blvd., Gugllelmt·
L:hmaun: 1st Year C, D,: Willian aying" slogal,
dor: 'Merion police constitute discrimina- 3abatinl wUl conduct.
Law: 1st Year C, D" Lral!wrera: I thletics pro·
nd tion: Daughter o[ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Merit BldgI', Emergrncy servic ,Ie along nor-
,ran 1", Moore, Haverford and Overhill
Course; Arnold K'Itinsky: 1~1 YrB L The arl'rst of Sylve,<ter R')()ts
lal ·ds,. Ardmore, thc soloist will be
C, D,. Woodcarving. Cooking-. Meri :hoo1s and all !l, 937 Lancaster av" Bryn Mawr.
Al leaI'd in Friml's "L'amour toujours
Badgrs. Plav way Methods ane terence aS50 'or loitering on his own premises
heil 2. The search of the home 01 'amour" and other songs.
Campfire,; Courtney Godley: 1.' , know, sub
iatl The concert is one in a series
Year C. D" EmergrnC'v S~rviC' Howe\'er, j' .1:rs, Mary Sllady, 39 Prcspect a\',
~ril lresented by the Music Division oi
Course; Christophl'r Mt La \lghlil' .ill m3uy up.,tat 3ryn Mawr, without a search war-
he Penn,sylvania War service Pro-
bt Year C. D .. Play way Method s are remoll 'a n t.
'ct' ject. Work Projects Administration.
and Campfires. L~athercraft Meri .'acilitics vr!;
nd mder lluspices of the Fairmount
Badge; Benjamin Ranwy: 2nd YeR I ,nty and Lan
001 Park Commission and with the en-
C, D, Plav way Methods and Camp . for exampk
astl j,)rsement of the Philadelphia
fires: Robert Godley: Emergrnc' I " , :drd f:r th'
!rc;) Council of Defense American Unity
Sl'rviet' Course. sure to !ollow
ura 'Music Committee.
B \Ia. Troop No, 2-John Withr Itrigucd by r
row: 2nd class, lRt YE'a l' C D tha t footbal
aP, .. "
Frt'der'ek &lberg: 1st Year C. D" " llere rve!' pos

Handkraft CoUrs£'. RJwing Mrri' nearer home
Darl'l:"; John Harrigan: 5th Yeal 01 in f'Jotba'
'WG --.j
C D" R~wing MerIt Badge; Jo< answrr som
W£'aver: R'1wlnl!, Swimming, Merl .
.reb .1 out. '. ... '

Tl1rll!eR! Frank Wright: Play wa~' l nhing nrw iI,

Methods and Campfires.
leal 1, " " ,I S ago when
ew :-choo1s in
A WEEKLY GUIDE to Lectures, Exhibi-
Montdell Playofts 11' . Irion and Rad tions, Theatres, Sports. Music, Motion
or h other twier
(Cotl,jnu~d fro It! Pas:~ Olle)
le nd not man) Pictures, Restaurants, and Cafes.
line on T.'1ursday. 'a, a College an<'
Joe Tobin pitc:-ed a no-hit, no )m'1-and-home
run game, thi"d of the league year 'et }.',
as he l;t'Jpprd Annunciation fo,
Good Coumel on Friday. Charli ,. :
Dyke's triple WIth two men on i'
01' l' • ,l
the fourth to break u 2-2 tic ane' 1l," .r
rnah'(' St. Denis to upset St. Mar ,'
garets. • ,
Sl. Margarets had exactly nin'
men en hand for the game Sunda: I
\I,'ith Good C'Jun<el. and for a tinl/
things ~("emed mighty bad. Th T" SOPHISTICATED
nome team hit young Alb'e Becke
hard in the flrst frame and wit' ~ APPETITES

Jim Hickey br~l'z ng through th
opt'ning f ram e without muc' AD ,AUlust Bar,aln of a Thousand Tbrl1ls
',' a Dollar Bill. Mon. Tllroucb Sat., This Week.
trouble th~ outlook seE'med darl
[or the Narberth clan.
~;I~ ~:~:E
I -\musemellt,
NI,ht Bathlnl '
38C ~..r.:.... .
:"'~- ,_ '.',1 .: '111',
. ~. h $1.00 Under F1oOl1l1&ht' Tall Illel.
nothln,g I. quit••0 latllfylng 01 on.
\1·' I.
I ! ' IJ III -

' ,,' \1 \ I~~\'ue-save 81c DaU,3 Arter

FInal Standings ',,11\

W L p,e Free Bunda;

'- Concf'rtl of our d.. llclou. meal••• kll1fully pr..
:: I f')' It Under 12. 71k . Sylvan Hall, 4.11>, 7.15••.45
St, Mar!!arl'ts , .. , .15 6 .71 . , l'a1~: Z to 6 .lack St'eck'. Kiddie,' Hour Z P. ,M, pared and promptly .erv.d.
E't. Denis .. , , .. ,13 6 .68 • • ',)0, to ClosllIC

FlrewOrkl FrldaJ
('llI11UuthllCt' rur l'I,·nlBn .t..
it"I1,,"'·: TlllK
~1 . ~. ~
Good eoume1 1:3 6 .68 .. 1 to CIOSIII'TJ • LUNCH-Ill' 55e • DINNER-Ir•• [POPULII ('xhllllllllll 1111 lh ...• pllllt'IIlh'H and
COCKTAU TIM • • :I TO • P, M. , l ' l i t , · t l l t" 1)( Pl'lll"l'lI\" \,'lInt.'('lllnll·nl il'!
.rND'ft~.~ '~J "'1' i , \I ,
Annunciation 11 9. .55' Iw\ng ('ont IflUl'1I til, fluJ,.:h :-"'I'I'>l1IlIl'l.
.52! , -_.--... IfU81C
St. Thomas ,11 10

Ii~d' I~:'\'~t:=!~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~fl SUIUIIIK

, .\lr !luhl ,lrt"'Rullnn"': 1 Jll'f'ndlftl ~. hJ;.;1l
THE Am-cOl'lDITIONED Ilt"t'ortlf'd ('hl~",h'nl :\lu"Ic'. lkrllltfU A
Sacred Heart 10 10 .50' t' .... plll.q\l''''. alld )'ot,.oll till.!" III"u"l'l UI!' ~tt>rnlH'n: t..·tlTJ1l11rlll·U'Il'. at Y. ~1. Hntl BROOKLINE
~t. Laurence
St. CaImans
.30 r
.05' carl
I ('xl'l""1t'd In till' t'I\t1IHfl lkf"llfl
I n'lli IWon llw 1'lMl1elul'lul1I 1..IIhh\'.
I PIIIPt-!' IlIntlllln flf '"'IU~(' rll"II1~. Knl! :J \\'.IA
rt'I'1I1nltlt'n1h.t1 Illl't hllds of
Th l '

t'UIlMt II,H 111111.

Y\\'HA. HllIu'l! a.ntJ I'inc Stb.. 'fUI·ht1.l'~.

I'. M. Frt'e.
fIj, IDI.hun," Ur.·h ..",tra
('\'l'ry TUf':-tduy. s ::n I), 111. 1\1 Mitten
-., .
andCocluall Loung.e ~ ItLtt klll~-oUI. anti HU8 Jll'uuHng- lllt! lll:m Hall, Broad and Ill" k8 ~lH, 2\1..'; 8ervlc~
J. C. Adelizzi, Jr., to II!_ ,n,"m. P. l t. IU..... STllIn 1'llI'w'l.
~=====::::::;:::;=:::===~I Thursday,'
I )Iu..."m IInunl Tu•• t1ay. Wedne.da",
IJll'n tree.
\\','''' S"mphuD)" Or,'ht·"trll. outdnnr
com.'l'rt e\ I'ry \VctlnrMdilY, S ::0 p. nl.. tn JIMMIE and His
LUNCEFORD' or~helitra
Enter St.Joseph's II
, ,ltt.:~It.:l\(UI!:R
p, 101: F.lul'd"y,
l:loHt'd )Ion,IK)'o.
M. to , I 1'....
InandA Bunda", tll •
Adml •• I"n.~" "~llI",
Court tit
Pa .. k\V8)'.
AI t MUtil.'Ulll. :.!
,Admission, $2 Coullte', Plus f,ax
, Joseph C, Adel1zzt, Jr., son of Mr
and Mrs. JOSeph C. AdeJlzzi, 231 f'B'E'T'O'P', R'E'STAU'RANT
" ' "'FA:-MOU,1ii "],'on ' :
til.. 1··.. 1" 1'1Rbetarlum-"Sooo \'ea,·.
tho Future," rorcc..t ur the
,1<1<1". nf Ihe ,111 h l,','ntuo', 'H.rtlnJ< ,,~,,-

~~~~-:L~O:O~k over the ;SchO~1 Wardrobe

oun Im.U"J'lI'l'J. ell T1Ulon
Avon rd., Cynwyd, wlll enter thl . SPAGHml,.:. StEAKS tl',n),er I-"'\ulumn l'lU". on,l "I<II'h'o," I'UOL HI SOW CII'ES
freshman class at St. Joseph's Col·
A"E" S R' In >:,-"I,'mh.,I'. In mark the'lurn M lh,'
CHICKEN 'LMil Rl'OKIIIl. lh~ tlCmnnlllntlloh will he de-
\'ul,~tl to II c1l'llllh'cl 8lutl~· .. r lht' aUlumn
lege 'in September. He was awardee Dt'lh,'ltlUII ·saud\\'lche. 1:! "'Jo.:LJ. IH:I'T 1'1: nr.1<' cOVln'1!
Of course Brcther has gro\V1'J a few inches this summ<:r, but . t"etunt.ln t'ej.,·lee: cunMll'lIntlvn", .ftnd till' 1t.·J(pfll:1M l'cHrnl'l'tt'tI 111111"1' 11100 .
a .full four-year scholarship wher I .'1 II (J I T Y L I ,1'1 III wllh lhelTl, lid'" enc,'. will I... "",,\t'
With alteratlcns and dry ,cleaning that suit ,he' likes so
he was graduated with Mnors frOIT much will be like .new" Sis' clothes can also be mRde to . (Jurl .soutb of HBverro~d Ave.) U1I' plill'C "'Jil"(~n(htry h,'rnro8. IIhnwn In
Uw Rk~·. hu\'(> hlld In nrt. ""IMII', anI)
St. ' 'Thomas More' High School look as thou1h she has step~d out of the band box. Surely 'IItl'I'nllll f'. n~monfilt nltlnl1lC 1'\ rrv lin \' nl
Phlladelphla, last ~une. another semester can be added- t." the Ufe of their clothes. 3 (1,1111 N: :10 1'. ~I.; ('xU'a shOWN ~ltt ur-


Ii'. .ea.e to be
' ,.~~~7' ;u,.,!~,••~ 10a are

tlK)·S. HUl1dkt\'" unfl h l l llrlll)"8 lit I P. )I.;
I Adull• •"Imllt,·...
lIour. 1"',.tul'lls)' dol 11 A. )1,

.' ,lhtlliJ'j' W~r ,Bobda:,laeJP. J'"a Tailors' .:. Cluners.:.Furriers ,:.' Dyers,
.... '_to ,'p.e .." beJp to ....
,,_, ~o!lca.,:.Buj W!MU: leD pel' ~~jt'$II'!tAY~k~Y.!'!!Jct09~.,.:~'lo.Z ~""'st·Av••. Narberth 2602 :
,.' ,_t"U7-"f'a.7~~ '-'-0- . . .'
... " ...... ... . . .'
.. " ~I . ' w'. ' I.';:"" . . " ~r-... .~.:-:~. ~.:--~;. -_.......-.--.:'~. :·~·7~.f~:1~~~~t~5:~·~.t-:~1~~~ii7-~~ ~-
; I.' ,..,. . .. ~:
,. : ~~. .
.;~:. );>;' ;:.:;.~\:~,;:::\;".':' ,:, ~,!t~~;'
. -'\ \ .

Iirlii~ifaiiim~~~'li·t.:~~~'1~~·M~:""~·'~~~}i~~~:i..~~~~~~'~'~''~d;(~i:;'i _ _~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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