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Copywriting Brief

1: our details

Organisation’s name

Contact name Warisha naseem

Phone ,days of the week of availability 111-222-444,Monday-friday

Date brief is being submitted 8 june 2020
Deadline for receiving first draft of copy 1 june 2020
Final copy deadline 5 june 2020
Organisation details We are providing juice .

2: our Project
Briefly describe the overall project that the copy We are launching traditional juice in a unique way our product
will be a part of. name is sharbat e jaam it comes in can rather than plastic
bottles like other brands providing in market, it comes with
unique campaign idea which is based on planting because we
are launching our product in summer seasons we all know that
our country has lack of trees due to this we all face problems
like heat stroke, so we are giving idea to the audience buy our
can grow plants by using our can instead of pots and make our
country heat free pollution free.

In what format will the copy appear. A downloadable PDF

We want the piece of communication to achieve. Inform them about an issue of lack of trees our country have
or inspire them to buy or enjoy our can juice in this summer
season or reuse the can by growing plants in it or become a
part of this activity .
3: our Audience
our audience. Mothers in the region aged between 30 and 50 who have
children in school, children from 6 years to 15 years ,teenagers
Or young professionals who love to socialize with their friends.
in the target group of Sharbat e Jaam is consumer from lower,
upper class, and middle class. They will buy this product
because of their social set up and price
of the product. The lifestyle of consumer varies from flashy,
broadminded modern to dull traditional and
backward. It is very important factor which influences the
buying pattern of the consumer.
People will be mostly influenced by high quality, healthful
richness and branding of product.

4: our Content
The key messages that the copy needs to
communicate.  Make content unique and attractive
 Just keep in mind we have strong competitors so our
content should be different from others.
 Made awareness of issue shortage of plants we are

Our call to action. Buy our can from any nearest store enjoy our juice or re use
the can for growing plants.

Our ideal word count or maximum word limit.

200 to 250 words.

The single most important point that the copy Drink juice in unique way or reuse it by growing plant on it or
must communicate. reduce our country issue of high tempreture during summer

Any pre-agreed straplines or sentences that we NO.

want the copy to include?

5: our tone of voice

Our brand’s tone of voice. Our tone is warm and friendly but not over familiar. Or, we
have a formal tone but we are not stuffy or unapproachable.
Or, we like to inject humour in an irreverent way, but we’re
never silly.

6: our house rules

Rules that your copy writer must adhere to. We refer to our organisation always write letters in the plural
so ‘we’ not ‘I’ etc

7: And finally…
Anything else we’d like our writer to know? No all are discuss previously no more thing to discus.

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