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毓 僑 中 學


Del Pilar, Cabatuan, Isabela
Transforming Lives through Education with Quality Assurance


SY 2020 – 2021

COMPLETE NAME: __________________________________ GRADE LEVEL/ SECTION: ____________


MAIN TOPIC: How to Remain Calm in Dangerous Situation
SUBTOPICS: A. Learning to be Calm B. How to Calm Oneself

Do you feel better when you
throw an object or hit
Did you ever someone?
feel angry?

How do you react

when you are angry?

Do you feel good

after shouting at

Do you know what will happen to those people who are always angry?

A lot of negative things may happen in your life if you are always angry towards
other people or to simple things. You might get into trouble or experience
misunderstanding towards other people. This will lead into a not so good relationship
towards other. Learn to be calm!

What is Calmness?

SECOND TERM HANDOUT 1 (Week 1: October 19-23) Page 1 of 3

Calmness is the ability to remain still, quiet, and peaceful. It is usually brought about by a sense of
contentment and certainty. However, we are not content and certain all the time.

There are times that we get disappointed because we cannot get the things we want, or we are not
satisfied with the things that we get. There are times when we are stressed because of a number of reasons.

Feeling calm and remaining calm is the most difficult thing to do, because we are in the burst of our
feelings. But remember that it is important that we remain calm no matter what the situation is. When we are
upset, we must avoid saying things or doing something that will later lead to us in regret or feeling sorry about.

Always remember.

Being calm also keeps us away from anxiety and helps us to think more clearly when we are faced in
bad situations.

Ways on how to keep yourself calm in any situation.

 Deal with problems as they happen.

Calm people don’t endlessly anticipate problems. They promptly deal and face the problems once they
occur rather than running away from it.

 Treat yourself kindly.

Calm people don’t beat themselves up about their mistakes or weaknesses. You need to be kind to
yourself. It’s okay to commit mistakes.

 Stay active even when they’re feeling down.

Calm people will stay active when they’re feeling down. They know that they need to give themselves
some emotional space to recover from sadness and disappointment.

 React in proportion to events.

Calm people distinguish genuine crisis from small frustrations in events. They don't make actions out of
mind. They observe and react in appropriate situations.

 Recognize that other people sometimes behave weirdly.

Calm people don’t overthink when other people act strangely towards them. For example, if someone is
a bit rude, they don’t assume it must be due to something they’ve done.

B. How to Calm Oneself?


Take a moment right now to make yourself comfortable and try these four steps yourself:

1. Freeze
SECOND yourself. 1 (Week 1: October 19-23)
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Remember the game you played as a child when you suddenly stopped mid-motion, like
you were frozen in ice? Do that now. Think of yourself as a cartoon character that’s been hit with
Now, how do you feel? You can do the things above in times of need or emergency. It will help you
become more conscious in your environment.

Remember, in times of danger or emergency, stay calm and stay positive.

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