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Ws 19. Keon loodhulksare corpses animated through an infusion of the blaod of innocent victims in 2 dark and horrible ritual “Their bloated bodies ar filled with viscous goresnd unholy fluids, providing them withthe endurance e absorb anarmaz ing smoune of punishment before filling Although bloodhlk fighters are the most common form of this undead, necromancers and vile priests sometimes create larger, mote ferocious versions, such as bloodhull ssants and bloodhulkc crushers, BLOODHULK FIGHTER This might hve been a human, one, Now itis bloated heron distended vein sprawling ares ts livid skin, Seraps of rsting loth areal shat covets swollen body. ts enaty ees fixon yo, ‘and it lrches forward swinging mse fists BLoopHuLk FicHTER CRA ‘Always NE Medium undead Init: Senses darivision 60 fe, low-light vision: Listen +0, Spot-0 Languages understands creator's orders [AC 1, touch 9 lat footed 17 (-i Dex, +2 natural) bhp 140 (10 HD} Immune undead immunities Fort =3, Ref +2, Will +7 Weakness ple Speed 20. (4 squares) Melee slam +8 (1d8-), Space 5 ft: Reach 5. ‘atk 5: Grp Abilies St 16, Bex, Con— nt — Wis 10, Chat $5Q blood bloated, undead waits Feats — Stills Listen +0, pot +0 ‘Advancement se text Fragile (Ex) A BloodhulkMighter takes an tra 1a6 points of damage whenever ittakes a least 1 point of damage ftom a pitcing or sishing wwezpon. Blood Bloated (Ex) A bioadhulk fighter always gains the Iaeimun he points possible per Hit Die, in adsition, it bains 2 bonus hit points per Fir Die BLOODHULK GIANT This wering, swollen giant looks as its skin s abou to burst and rip away. Thick veins run across bay, and here and there "pubes and shifts witha great quantity of fa BLoopHutk Giant cR6 ‘Always NE Large undead Init 2; Senses darivision 60 ft lowlight vision; Listen +0, Spot +0 Languages understands creator's orders [AC 13, touch 7, Ft footed 13 (cisize,-2 Der, «6 naturalh hip 196 (14 HD) Immune undesdimmurites Fort, Ref +2, Wil -9 Weakness Fagle Speed 20. (4 squares) Melee slam +1? (266116) Space 10; Reach 10 Base Atk «7; Grp 222 ‘bllties St 33, Dex, Con — Int —, Wis 10, Chat Q blood bloated, undead traits Feats — Sls Listen +0, Spot +0 Advancement see ext Fragile (Ex) As Bloodhulk Tahir. Blood Bloated (Ex) Aa bloochulk fighter.

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