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Soulsniffer (Baatezu) ‘Size Outsider (Evil, Lawful) 76814 (4S bp) ative: +5 (Dex) Speed: $0 AC: 20 (+8 Dex, +5 natural) AC (Mat-tooted): 15 [AC (9s. touch attacks): Special Attacks: Ghost bans, ghost touch, soulsuck, snk attack +346, spellslikeabiliies Special Qualities: Bastera qualities, souls Saves: Fort +7, Ref'*10, Will +3 Ahilites Ste 17, Dex 20, Con 14 Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 13, Skills: Balance +7, Climb ¥6, Escape Arist #6, Gather Information #5, Hide 13, lit Direction #2, Knowledge (ell) 6, Listen +8, Move Silently +13, Scareh +10, Spot 10, Swim #3, Tumble 9, Wilderness Lore $10® Feats: Alerness, Experts, lapeoved Disa, Track Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground Oryanization: Solitary or pack (2-8) Challenge Rating: 5 ‘Treasures None Alignment: Alay’ afl evil ‘Advancement: 8-10 IID (Medium-size); 11-14 HD (Langs) Soulsifersseour Hells nine eteles and capture renegade souls for ‘hor diabolical oes, When souls fst arrive in Hell they are ineorporeal and bewildered. Most ofthe sme, before they can gel thei hearings and coms othe realization tht they are dead they become larvae, the abused majority of ell Sometimes, though, a particularly powerful or eanny soul avoids this transformation, ‘These souls roam though Hell looking to escape, and sometimes they succeed. On rae occasions they return to the Prime 3s ghosts. “The Londs of Hell of course, eannot allow such impudance to stand. They maintain a specialized cade of soulsitfers, devils that ant ovr runaway souls and rue thea to Hel, On special occasions, lord may even send soulsnffers tothe Prime to bring back a particularly juicy soul Duet their expotise at ding with corporeal targets, soulsniferssomctimes find themselves sumone v0 the Prine by moral spllcasers as wel, Combat Soulsiffers are creatures of stealth, They prefer to track thie Fos inthe shadows and hen mounts surprise attack when the tne is Fiat. They make the most ou of thir sneak attack ability. especially when forced to fight mortal enemies. They area nasty suprise for characters who lke 1 avoid combat by becoming ethereal. ost Bane (Su) Soulsiffers gain 1S competence bonus to damage agains incorporel creatures, Ghost Touch (Su): Melee attacks by a soulsnifler deal damage normally against incorporeal opponents. (An ineorporeal creature's 0% chance to avoid damage does not apply to soulsifTers) ‘Soulsuck (Su): When attcking a renegade soul, soulsnifer prefers o deal subd! damage unt! Uke opponent becomes uncon “The following round, us ful-round action, the soulsiffer ean suck the soul don its throat, The soul remains trapped in its bowels until ‘he soulsiffer is safely back in Hell at whieh time the soul is regurgitated A soulsniffe ean cary six tapped souls at anyone ime. ‘Should it be slain before retuming 6 Hel, the swallowed soul eseap. Sneak Attack (Ex: A soulsiffer ean mike sneak attacks just as Sth-lovel rogue can, dealing an additional 346 points of damage on a succesful strike, ike Abilities: At will—deter lave: ay—eolor spr: freedom of moxenent (set only): Vday—polbmorph self spells eas by an th-level sorcerer (save DC 11 + spell eve. Soulsniff (Su): soulsniffer can literally smell the souls ofthe damned. This allows ito track souls by scent, despite thie incorporeal rut, with base DC of 20. The ability otherwise follows the rules fr the Track Feat *The soulsnfler's superior olfictory senses give ita competence bonus tall Wilderness Lore checks made while racking. A soulsitfer receives Alertness and Trach Feat os bonus eas S = = we S at Lams Larwn 4 a bl

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