Hello Love

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Literary Criticism

Submitted by: Christine Joy A. Magbanua

Lerma S. Bisagar

Submitted to: Ms. Rose Usero, MaED

The Critique of the movie

“Hello Love, Goodbye”

Directed by: Cathy Garcia-Molina

Written by: Carmi Raymundo
Starring: Kathryn Bernardo
Alden Richard
“Hello Love, Goodbye!”

(Feminism Criticism)

In the movie “Hello Love, Goodbye” leaded by the main character of Kathryn Bernardo
as Joy and Alden Richard as Ethan, it is very vivid that the feminism is more dominant
from the beginning of the story until the end. Joy Fabregas (Kathryn Bernardo) is a
domestic helper in Hongkong , she worked there with her friends , her cousin and her
mother as well.
Joy’s mother (Maricel Laxa) in the movie was a permanent resident in Hongkong , she
became a resident of Hongkong because she married her employer, she used her
employer to achieve her dream which is to become a permanent citizen in Hongkong
because she knows that her employer has an intimate feelings for her, in that case
feminism is dominant because it was just a strategy of Joy’s mother for her plan.
Joy is a graduate of Nursing in the Philippines and she wanted to go to Canada to
pursue her dream to become a Nurse with a big salary so that she can support and help
her family in the Philippines and she has to have her visa to fly to Canada, that’s why
she worked in Hongkong to have and save money for her visa. She doesn’t care even
she worked there that’s not in line of her profession which is registered nurse. In this
case, I can see also that feminism is dominant, the writer of the movie wanted to
showcase to us that Joy is an example of a woman that is strong, dedicated,
hardworking and very brave just to reach her goals in life. Even the other characters in
the movie which are the OFW’s in Hongkong. That even they are women they will do
everything just to achieve their goals not only for their selves but also for their family.

In the center of the movie Joy have fell in love and have an affair with Ethan (Alden
Richard). But they both know that Joy will go to Canada for her dreams but Ethan really
did his best just to stop Joy and convince Joy to stay in Hongkong together with him.
But Joy decides to stick to her plan and no ones can stop her in her plan to go and
work in Canada for her dreams even her love of her life Ethan. In this case, feminism is
also dominant. It seems that Joy is really wise when it comes to reaching her dreams. It
is her brain over her hearts decision and she let her brain win.
In the story, the writer and the director wanted to deliver and showcase to us that the
characteristic of one of the main character which is Joy Fabregas (Kathryn Bernardo) is
an example of a woman or a simple lady with a good heart and with strong, brave, and
a wiser mind.

(Marxist Criticism)

Marxist literary criticism is a loose term describing literary criticism based on socialist

and dialectic theories. Marxist critics are also interested in how the lower or working
classes are oppressed in everyday life and in literature. Marxism is a theory and method
of working-class self-emancipation. As a theory, it relies on a method of socioeconomic
analysis that views class relations and social conflict using a materialist interpretation of
historical development and takes a dialectical view of social transformation.

In Marxicism lens, the movie “Hello Love, Goodbye” Directed by. Cathy Garcia Molina is
really relatable to many of the Filipino People most specially the OFW’’s and those
individuals involved in long distance relationship. The movie “Hello love, Goodbye” is a
story centering the life of newly arrived OFW in Hongkong named Joy Fabregas (Kathryn
Bernardo) who has a nursing degree in the Philippines but has taken a job as a domestic
helper in Hong Kong to gain and save money for her visa going to Canada and to help
and support her family as well. And also the writer of movie wanted to showcase to us
the various real problems OFWs experience in Hong Kong, especially with regards to
sacrificing family unity and risking illegal activities for their dreams of material wealth.

Many of our co – Filipinos relates in to this movie even us. We all know that one of the
problems of our government now a days is the unemployed Filipino’s. They cannot
provide a suitable job for the individual Filipinos. A lot of Filipino’s decide to go abroad
to provide the needs of their family. Many OFW’s sacrificing a kind of job that not suit
to their degree and unpaid job that they encountered in our country. Like the character
of Joy Fabregas and some other characters in the movie sacrifices to become a
domestic helper in Hongkong. Although Joy has a degree of nursing, she prefers to
become a domestic helper in Hongkong rather than to practice her degree here in
Philippines, in order to support the needs of her family. The movie “hello love goodbye”
shows the struggles of the individual Filipino’s. We cannot deny the fact that most of
the Filipino’s are in the lower class family. The two main characters in this story which is
Joy and Ethan are in the lower class family. They choose to work abroad to provide
their material wealth. We cannot blame the OFWs when they choose to go abroad even
it is very risky for them, because our government cannot provide and support the needs
of the individual Filipino’s.

And the worst thing is that, in the movie we can see the painful part of the OFW’S that
really relatable now a days, in which they have to say that they are “OK” in to their
family here in the Philippines even they are struggling and fighting the homesick
abroad. That sometimes they have to lie in real situation for the benefit of their family

But the best thing also and very nature to the Filipinos like what showed in the movie is
that, even how hard the situation is, still Filipinos most specially OFW’s are willing to
take the risk just to achieve their goals in life for their selves and for their family like
what Joy (Kathryn Bernardo) and Ethan (Alden Richard) did.

(Formalism Approach)

 When Joy Fabregas (Kathryn Bernardo) arrived in Hongkong to worked as
domestic helper to support and help her family and to gain and save money for
her visa going to Canada to pursue her dream as a nurse and petition her family
in the Philippines to Canada.

Rising Action
 When Joy Fabregas (Kathryn Bernardo) wanted to find a part time job which is
illegal because it was not stated in her contract which is Domestic Helper. Her
Friend helped her to find job and her friend recommends her to a manager in a
Bar where Ethan (Alden Richard) worked as a bartender in Hongkong. She
worked there as part time waitress in the night. Suddenly, the police came in
the bar and catch those illegal workers. Joy run so fast and hide from the police.
After an hour of hiding she came out but Ethan followed her and disguised as a
police and he tease Joy. That’s the beginning of Ethan and Joy love team in the
movie. Ethan started to court Joy, Ethan there is a well-known chickboy but he
is really triggered to know Joy better and wanted to win Joy’s heart even he
knows that Joy has only 4 months left in Hongkong before she left to Canada.


 Ethan wins the heart of Joy. Joy fell in love with Ethan despite of ignoring her
real feelings towards him. She took the risk because she already fell in love for
Ethan. They loved each other and enjoy the company of each other in a short
period of time.

Denouement/ Falling Action

 When Joy got her visa and ticket to Canada. She is really decided to pursue her
dream but at the other side she was thinking about Ethan. Ethan did his very
best to convince Joy to stay in Hongkong. He offered a proposal in which Ethan
will stand his own bar and he wanted Joy to become his investor just to move
out in her worked as Domestic Helper and got an investor visa and become a
permanent resident of Hongkong. But Joy is really strongly decided to go to
Canada for her dreams and her family as well. Ethan became emotional and
really got hurt because of Joys decision. He thought he can convince Joy through
his loved and his proposal.


 Ethan realize that Joy is really work hard for her dream which is to go to Canada
to work, to gain big salary and to petitioned Joys family from Philippines to
Canada, that’s why he decided to support Joy’s decision. He let Joy to go but
they promised to each other that they will crossed their journey again in the
 Hongkong

 Drama
 Romance

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