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Activity and Project

General Instruction”
 Answer the following question.
 Elaborate your answer
 Give explanation, information, details, to your answer.
 Follow the proper format in text/document
 Font style should be Arial or Times New Roman
 Font size is 12
 Observe proper margin “Normal”
 Observe proper indention
 Observe proper spacing
 Observe proper punctuation
 Observe correct grammar
 Handwritten or screen shot is not allowed

 Submit it through document files
 Use Word document application

Criteria for grading

Physical layout 20%

Content 50%
Grammar 20%
Presentation 10%

Total 100%
1. What is the concept of curriculum?
- Curriculum is like a heart of schools without a curriculum schools can’t get
start a class without curriculum in other words schools can’t teach without a
curriculum so the school is like an ordinary building without curriculum.
2. What is prescriptive curriculum?
- The experience of a students in or out of the school is needed to enhance
their abilities and the teacher guide or mold it based on the student’s interest
in the near future.
3. What is descriptive curriculum?
- It constructs different types of knowledge, experience or Idea of different
person that enables the students to easily adapt the knowledge that the
teacher is discussing.
4. What are the types curricula/curriculum?
Recommended curriculum
- Recommended curriculum is from the word itself recommended its up to your
institution or universities if they recommend or added a subject based on what
they are believing for like other schools teaching Spanish subject they teach
Spanish because in their institution Spanish is important to know.
Written Curriculum
- Written curriculum is like a research paper to a student it is made to help the
people or to make it easier for them to live. Written curriculum is made by a
curriculum expert or a teacher it represents the topic and it made for the sake
of its learners
Taught Curriculum
- Taught curriculum is when a teacher is actual teaching in classroom its either
verbal or written.
Supported Curriculum
- Supported Curriculum is when the teacher or the school provide a material for
the lifelong learning of their students and support their learner for their
dreams and goals in life.
Assessed Curriculum
- Assessed Curriculum when the learners are assessed by the teachers its
either verbal or written assessment.
Learned Curriculum
- Learned Curriculum is when the teacher only focusses on what their students
learn to school and its capability to analyze the topic.
Hidden Curriculum
- Hidden Curriculum is when the students learned without the teacher teaching
it. Like respecting others opinion and also respecting authority.
5. What are the components of curriculum?
Curriculum Aims, Goals and Objectives
- Curriculum Aims, Goals and Objectives is when the students reach the aims,
goals and objective of the school or universities.
Curriculum Content and subject matter
- Curriculum Content and subject matter when the subject matter reach its
deepest part like you already master the content or topic.
Curriculum Experience
- Curriculum Experience is when the learners apply their knowledge in real life
situation or what we call hands-on if they experience it outside the school they
can handle it because they experience it first at the school with a guidance of
the teacher.
Curriculum Evaluation
- Curriculum Evaluation is important in every curriculum to identify if the
learners are gaining knowledge to what you are teaching evaluation is
needed to analyze the learners if they caught the topic you are teaching to

6. What is the philosophical foundation of curriculum?

- Idealism is when the teacher and the learners are the central focus of the
curriculum and the teacher must be excellent in order to serve as an example
to his/her students in intellectual and moral.
- Realism is when the teacher focusses on the learners based on what the
learners are capable in doing her activities or job. Realism focusses on what
the teacher are seeing to his/her learners.
- Pragmatism is when a teacher teaches her/his students to be practical in life
and encourage them to live and grow a better person in the near future.
- Existentialism is when the teacher is believed in his/her students with their
own strength and weaknesses and allowing them to cultivate their strength
with other students. Teacher must guide them to make their weaknesses fade
to his/her students.
7. What is the psychological foundation of curriculum?
- Behavior can be change based on where the learners grow if its environment
is full of bad people, he/she can gain it without knowing likewise when the
learners grow in a good/peace environment.
- Cognitivism is when the learners think or gain/ acquired knowledge and form
conclusion or create hypothesis about the topic.
- Constructivism is a knowledge gained by experience and interacting with
others it’s also comes in understanding their feelings in that way new
knowledge will comes up.
- Humanism is when the classroom is students centered because we all know
that we have a diverse student and their understanding is also different to
others. So, if its students center the students will find a easy way to
understand the topic.

8. What is the sociological foundation of curriculum?

- Sociological foundation of the curriculum is balancing the learning and to
social development of the learners. The learners must know their background
to make is easier to make learning to the student.
9. What is the historical foundation of curriculum?
Colonial Period 1642 – 1776
- The primary purpose of education during this colonial period was to teach
children to read the scriptures and notices of civil affairs. Students who are
not going to college are teach by practical curriculum so it can be used to help
their parents.
The National Period: 1776 – 1850
- This period the school reduce the religious influence in school and began to
have a free public schooling.
19th Century European Educators
- European country greatly influenced U.S education. In k-12 German and
Swiss thinkers considered their learners needs and interest to easily develop
Universal Education: 1820 – 1900
- In Universal Education this period the mass education became necessary for
the democracy and also for economic growth of the country if many people
are educated its possible that some of them are in good use for the country
for the future.
The Transitional Period: 1893 – 1918
- In this period there are two curriculum tracks one is for the students who can
continue schooling until college and the second is for the students who end
their schooling in elementary.
10. As a future educator what is the importance of studying the curriculum?
- Studying curriculum is very important specially to the future educators to
appreciate the effort of those people who help to cultivate the curriculum and
who make it easy for the teacher to teach and it also involve to the future
students to easily understand their feelings and if they are in need an
emotional or psychological support from their teacher. teacher is the second
parent of their learners so it is important to make them comfortable when they
are inside the school premises and enjoy their lives inside the classroom.

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