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1. Thuật ngữ ‐ Glossary 13. Chiết xuất alkaloid (Alkaloid extraction)
14. Phân lập alkaloid (alkaloid isolation)
(ALKALOIDS AND ALKALOID‐BEARING PLANTS) 2. Alkaloids  and  Alkaloidal  Plants  for 
15. Định  nh alkaloid (test for alkaloid)
"Murder" and "Magic“ 16. Phân  ch  alkaloid  bằng  SKLM  (TLC  for 
HO O 3. History of alkaloid alkaloids)
4. Alkaloid‐bearing plant in history 17. ĐỊNH LƯỢNG ALKALOID (Assay of alkaloids)
O 5. Alkaloid definition 18. Sinh  thái  của  alkaloid‐Ecological  Role  of 
O H Alkaloids
6. Phân loại alkaloid (typology of alkaloids)
19. Tác dụng alkaloid (Alkaloid bioactivities)
N 7. Biosynthesis of alkaloid – Sinh tổng hợp 20. Công dụng một số alkaloid (Uses of alkaloids)
O 8. Phân bố (Occurrence)
HO 21. Các  nhóm  alkaloid  quan  trọng  (Important 
10. Hóa  nh (Chemical properties) 22. Chất gây nghiện – Hallucinogens
23. Các  dược  liệu  chứa  alkaloid  (alkaloid‐bearing 
TS DS HUỲNH LỜI 11. Phổ học alkaloid (UV, IR, MS, MNR)
12. Xác  định  cấu  trúc  các  alkaloid  (Structure  24. Tài liệu tham khảo Elucidation of Alkaloid)
16‐10‐2020 1 2

Mục tiêu bài giảng Glossary 

– Nắm được các khái niệm liên quan alkaloid – Extraction: A means of extracting specific compounds (such as alkaloids) from food by
treatment (usually shaking) with a solvent.
– Đặc điểm lý hóa của alkaloid
– Gas chromatography (GC): A means of separating volatile compounds by passing in a stream of
– Đặc điểm phổ học liên quan alkaloid gas through a very narrow heated glass tube coated with an absorptive phase.
– Các phương pháp chiết xuất phân lập, xác định cấu trúc alkaloid – High‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC): A means of separating non‐volatile
– Các phương pháp định tính, định lượng alkaloid compounds by passing in a solvent under pressure through a column packed with an absorptive
– Tác dụng công dụng các alkaloid
– Mass spectrometry (MS): An instrumental means of detecting, identifying, and measuring
– Các dược liệu chứa alkaloid compounds by producing and separating ions. Used as a detector for gas chromatography (GC–
MS) or for high‐performance liquid chromatography (LC–MS).
– Solid phase extraction (SPE): A means of extracting specific compounds (such as alkaloids) from
a solvent extract of food onto a solid medium as a means of separation from food. Alternatively,
unwanted compounds can be removed from the extract

3 C Crews. 2014  4
10/2/2019 (tức mồng 6 Tết Kỷ Hợi)

Chỉ tính từ đầu năm 2019, quân y Đồn biên phòng

THỨ 6, 4/01/2019 Tri Lễ đã cứu chữa thành công 3 trường hợp ăn lá
ngón tự tử trên địa bàn xã.

5 6

History of alkaloids History of alkaloids
– The earliest evidence that humans used alkaloid‐producing plants is derived from Assyrian clay  – Galen (129‐199 A.D.): 304 medicinal plants, founder of "galenics“
tablets,  written  in  cuneiform  characters.  On  these  4000  year  old  plates,  about  250  different 
plants  are  mentioned,  e.g.,  Papaver  somniferum,  Atropa  belladonna  ,  and  Mandragora  – Avicenna (980‐1037 A.D.) (Arabia)
officinarum. – Ibn al‐Baitar (1197‐1248) (Andalusian Arab):  1400 drugs and medicinal plants
– Shen Nong described 365 drugs in about 3000 B.C.
– Paracelsus (Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim; 1493‐1541): active substances (the 
– About  1550  B.C.  medicinal  plants  were  described  in  the  Ebers  papyrus  (Egypt):  Henbane 
(Hyoscyamus niger), Pomegranate (Punica granatum), and Poppy (Papaver somniferum). "Arkanum“). Paracelsus favored "Simplice“ instead of using complex mixtures
– In India the traditional medicine was documented in the Ayurveda in about 900 B.C – In 1803, Charles Louis Derosne (1779‐1855) (French) isolated a semipure alkaloid from 
– Hippocrates (460‐377 B.C.) (Greek physician) reviewed more than 200 medicinal plants opium. ‘crystallisable’ properties of the new substance (Principium somniferum), weak 
– Aristotle (384‐322 B.C.) (Greek), important philosopher base, soluble in acidic solutions, self‐administered for toothache, 15 mg of the drug as 
– Theophrastus of Eresos (372‐287 B.C.) (Greek): Historia Plantarum (450 plant species) the optimal dose and named the substance ‘Morphium’ after the Greek god of sleep 
– Pedanius Dioscorides (ca. 40‐90 A.D.) (Greek): De materia medica (in 78 A.D.) described more  and dreams.
than 500 medicinal plants
Margaret F. Roberts et al. 1998 (Hannu Hotti. 2017).  Margaret F. Roberts et al. 1998
7 8
History of alkaloids History of alkaloids
– 1805, Friedrich Wilhelm Adam Sertürner (1783–1841) (Austrian) isolated firstly and – 1839–1842: Opium Wars I (China‐British). 1856–1860: Opium Wars II (China – France)
characterized morphine and recognized its basic nature. (Wikipedia)
– 1819, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Meißner (1792‐1853): The first definition of alkaloids was – 1870, Coniine was the first alkaloid to have its structure established (Schiff, 1870) and
introduced: all organic compounds of plant origin characterized by basic character. to be synthesized (Ladenburg, 1889).
– 1817 – 1826: Pelletier and Caventou (Faculty of Pharmacy in Paris): strychnine (1817), – 1939 the number of alkaloids isolated and structurally identified: 200
emetine (1817), brucine (1819), piperine (1819), caffeine (1819), quinine (1820), – 1989, the Dictionary of Alkaloids listed details of 10,000 alkaloids.
colchicine (1820) and coniine (1826). – 2010, the Dictionary of Alkaloids is a comprehensive database containing over 40,000
– 1826, Factory of Pelletier used 150 000 kg of Cinchona to produce 3600 kg of Quinine compounds [2] among 326,000 natural products [3]
sulfate. (Walter Sneader. 2005).

Margaret F. Roberts et al. 1998 W. C.Evans. 2009
9 1. Margaret F. Roberts et al. 1998. 2. J. Buckingham. 2010. [3]. Wikipedia (2020)  10

History of alkaloids Lịch sử
– Thiền Sư Nguyễn Bá Tĩnh (1330‐?) (Tuệ Tĩnh) trong sách (Nam Dược Thần Hiệu, Hồng 
Nghĩa  Giác  Tư  Y  Thư,  Thập  Tam  Phuơng  Gia  Giảm,    Thương  Hàn  Tam  Thập  Thất 
Chùy) có nhiều vị thuốc có alkaloid (Hồ  êu, Liên ý, Tân lang tử (hạt Cau), Bách bộ…).
– Hải Thượng Lãn Ông (1720‐1791): Bộ Hải Thượng Y Tông Tâm Lĩnh 28 tập, 66 quyển. 
Nhiều dược liệu alkaloid: Binh lang, Ma hoàng, Ích mẫu, Hoàng liên, Phụ tử…
– 20 giờ, 27/6/1908, biến cố Hà Thành đầu độc với Cà độc duợc. 13 người bị chém, 4 
người chung thân, tổng cộng 59 người (Nguồn: Wikipedia)

(Hải Thượng Lãn Ông Y Tông Tâm Lĩnh. NXB Y Học. 2005)

Wikipedia (Tuệ Tĩnh Toàn Tập.NXB Y Học. 2007)
11 12
Lịch sử: Sự nghiệp Tuệ Tĩnh Lịch sử: Sự nghiệp Tuệ Tĩnh
Nam dược quốc ngữ phú
2. Nhớ xưa:  BÀI PHÚ CHỈ DẦN TÍNH NĂNG CÁC BÀI THUỐC (Trục giải chỉ nam dược tính
     Bàn cổ hóa nên phú)
1. Chín khéo thiêng
     Thần Nông nếm biết Muôn giúp nhân dân,
           Trời sinh một tính Trước tìm vị thuốc,
Nghĩa đặt có tá sứ quân thần,
           Đất hóa muôn loài Sách trời đã định cõi Nam Bang
Tính xét biết òn lương hàn nhiệt
Đôi khí âm dương chuyển vận Thổ sản cùa khác miền Bắc quốc
Thương yêu dân yểu trát, tiên thánh đã chép
Tứ mùa hàn thử vãng lai Mạnh tính thần, trừ tà khí: Lửa luyện hoàng kim
để đồ kinh.
Cứng gán cốt được sống lâu: sương hòa Bạch ngọc
Người chịu khí trung hòa, nhân thở cảm Vui đạo dưỡng sinh, hậu học sá (hãy) tim nơi
An thần tìm Đại mạo sáng tươi,
thương xảy phải diệu quyết.
Thông khiếu uống Xạ hương thơm phức,
Thuốc đôi phương gia giảm dùng thì thực              Tôi tiên sư kính đạo tiên sư,
Càn cát, Qua lâu giải khát, công vẫn là nhiều,
hiệu chẳng sai             Thuốc Nam Việt chữa người Nam Việt. Bạc hà, kinh giới khu phong, hiệu thu tức tốc,
Thanh yết hầu, nhờ ngậm ô mai,
Giải tâm phiền, nên tìm Bạch trúc
Tuệ Tĩnh Toàn Tập. NXB Y Học. 2007 13 Trích: Hồng Nghĩa Giác Tư Y Thư 14

Alkaloid definition Alkaloid definition
– The definition of the term alkaloid is not a simple one, and is in many cases a source of  – The definition of biologist
academic controversy. • Biologically active and heterocyclic chemical compound that contains nitrogen 
– The  term  alkaloid  was  first  mentioned  in  1819  by  W.  Meißner,  an  apothecary  from  • May have some pharmacological activity 
Halle.  He  observed  that  these  compounds  appeared  “like  alkali”  and  so  named  them  • In many cases, medicinal or ecological use.
alkaloids  (oid  =  like).  ("alkali"  is  derived  from  Arabic al  qalīy (or alkali),  meaning the  – Winterstein and Tier (1910): 
calcined ashes). 1. Greater or lesser toxicity, which acts primarily on the central nervous system (CNS); 
– The first definition of alkaloids was attributed to all organic compounds of plant origin  2. The basic character of a chemical construction; 
characterized by basic character. (W.A. Kukula‐Koch. 2017). 3. Heterocyclic nitrogen as an ingredient;
4. Synthesis from amino acids or their immediate derivatives; and
5. Limited distribution in nature.

(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 15 (Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 16
Alkaloid definition Alkaloid definition
– Waller and Nowacki (1978):  –Medical scientist definition:
• Nitrogen  in  the  molecule  and  are  connected  to  at  least  two  carbon  • Nitrogenous  substances  of  vegetable  origin,  often  of  complex 
atoms. structure and high molecular mass. 
• At  least  one  ring  in  the  molecule,  and  its  ring  is  not  necessarily  • Heterocyclic  and  may  have  primary,  secondary,  or  tertiary  bases  or 
heterocyclic.  may contain quaternary ammonium groups. 
So,  alkaloids  could  not  be  structural  units  of  macromolecular  cellular  • Slightly  soluble  in  water  but  soluble  in  ethanol,  benzene,  ether,  and 
substances (nucleic acids, protein, chitosan), vitamins (Biotin, Thiamine,  chloroform.
Pyridoxine,  Nicotinic  acid),  or  hormones  (Prolactin,  oxytoxin,  insulin,  • Coloration or precipitation in alkaloid reagents (Dragendorff…). 
melatonin, thyroxine, adrenaline…). • Intense  physiological  action,  widely  used  in  the  medical  fields  as 
curative drugs, can also be highly toxic, even in very small doses.
(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 17 (Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 18

Alkaloid definition Alkaloid definition
– Definition of Chemist – Pelletier (1983):
• Biogenic, nitrogen‐containing, mostly N‐heterocyclic compounds.  • Cyclic  compound  containing  nitrogen  in  a  negative  oxidation  state, 
So, amino acids (histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, 
which is of limited distribution among living organisms.
So,  compounds  would  be  excluded  by  this  definition:  Spermine,  spermidine  (acyclic),  
tryptophan, valine, Tyrosine, Proline…), peptides, nucleosides (cytidine, uridine, adenosine, 
aristolochic acid (N oxydation state +3), isoquinoline N‐oxide alkaloids….
guanosine, thymidine) amino sugars (chitin, chitosan...), synthetics (promethazine, alimemazine, 
phenothiazine...) and antibiotics (‐lactam, aminoside…) are not considered as to be alkaloids. 

H2N N +
H -
chitin chitosan isoquinoline N‐oxide 
(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 19 Segler.1998 Aristolochic acid 20
Alkaloid definition Alkaloid definition
– The term was originally ascribed to pharmacologically active bases of plant origin, but 
– At  the  other  extreme,  many  scientists  in  the  life  sciences/nutrition  area  tend  to 
the  definition  has  subsequently  been  broadened  so  that  it  is  now  generally 
considered to include the majority of nitrogen‐containing natural products with the  define an alkaloid as any nitrogenous toxin, including proteinaceous substances such 
exception of the simple amino acids and proteins, and nitrogen‐containing glycosidic 
substances such as the aminoglycoside antibiotics. Alkaloids may be of plant, animal,  as  ptomaines  (formed  by  the  action  of  putrefactive  bacteria  on  nitrogenous  matter 
insect or microbial origin. Basic properties may be weak or absent as in the various 
and some of which are poisonous)
types of amide alkaloids. Not all higher plants produce alkaloids, but they are fairly 
widely  distributed.  An  estimated  40%  of  plant  families  contain  at  least  one  species 
that  is  known  to  produce  alkaloids.  Traditional  screening  methods,  e.g.  using 
Dragendorff’s reagent, may fail to detect weakly basic alkaloids.

J. Buckingham. 2010. Dictionary of Alkaloids
J. Buckingham. 2010. Dictionary of Alkaloids 21 22

Nomenclature of alkaloids Nomenclature of alkaloids
ELEMENT Oxygen Sulfur Selenium Nitrogen Phosphorous Silicon Boron
– Gay‐Lussac  (1778‐1850)  recommended  suffix  –ine;  moprhium  ‐>  Morphine.  (W.  Sneader. 
Valence II II II III III IV III 2005) 
Prefix Oxa Thia Selena Aza Phospha Sila Bora – Suffix:  ‐idine  (Cinchona  alkaloid:  quinine,  quinidine,  cinchonine,  cinchonidine);  ‐anine 
(suturated); ‐enine (unsaturated); ‐amidine (
Ring Size 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
– Prefix Nor‐ :The nor‐compound can be derived by removal of a CH3, CH2, or CH group, or of a 
Suffix C atom. (e.g. Ephedrine ‐> Norephedrine, nicotine  nornicotine; (S. W. Pelletier. 1999).
Unsaturated irene ete ole ine epine ocine onine ecine
Saturated irane etane olane inane epane ocane onane ecane – Desmethyl‐ or demethyl‐ are synonyms of "nor‐".
– Prefix: homo‐: Lengthening by insertion of one methylene groups (CH2); Homoharzianic acid 
Tri Tetra Hepta Octa Nona Deca
Latin numerals OL IN (C20H29NO6); Harzianic acid (C19H27NO6)  (John Buckingham. 2010)
(IR) (ET) (EP) (OC) (ON) (EC)
– Prefix Apo‐: Dehydration e.g .apomorphine, apo‐atropine (Prefix Apo‐: off, separate, formed 
 The terminal "e" in the suffix is optional though recommended. from : related to) (M. A. El‐Sakka. 2010)
 Saturated 3, 4 & 5-membered nitrogen heterocycles should use respectively the traditional "iridine", "etidine" &
"olidine" suffix. – Prefix:  Seco‐:  Cleavage  of  a  ring  with  addition  of  one  or  more  hydrogen  atoms  at  each 
 Unsaturated nitrogen 3-membered heterocycles may use the traditional "irine" suffix. terminal. E.g. 1‐methyl‐2,7‐dihydro‐5,16:7,17‐dicyclo‐17‐secoyohimban.
 Consistent use of "etine" and "oline" as a suffix for 4 & 5-membered unsaturated heterocycles is prevented by
– Prefix:  epi‐,  iso‐,  neo‐,  pseudo‐    or  Greek  letter:  Isomeric  alkaloids  or  slightly  modified 
their former use for similar sized nitrogen heterocycles.
structure.  Pseudoephedrine. (N K Vishnoi. 1999) (Tewari, K.S. 2017) 23 24
Nomenclature of alkaloids Nomenclature of alkaloids
– Name  of  chief  investigator:  Pelletierine  (Pelletier),  Nicotine  (Jean  Nicot,  1530‐1604, 
– Trivial names: Example; Corynoxine; no structural information; if the structure of the alkaloid
has not been determined, this will be the only name available. Derived from the Latin
bring tobacco to France)
binomial or other name for the originating species, e.g. Strychnine from Strychnos – Botanical  name:  (Genus,  species):  Papaverine  (Papaver  somniferum),  Coniine 
nuxvomica. Traditionally ended in –ine. (Conium  maculatum);  strychnine  (Strychnos);  berberine  (Berberis);  stemonine 
– Systematic names: Example: Methyl 6’‐ethyl 1,2,2’,3,6’,7’,8’,8’a‐octahydro‐‐ (Stemona); rotundine (S. rotunda); serpentine (R. serpentina ); baccatine (T. baccata), 
(methoxymethylene)‐2‐oxospiro[3H‐indole3,1’(5’Hindolizine]‐7’‐acetate, (E,1S,6’S,7’S,8’aS)‐ cocaine (E. coca)…
is the current CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) name for Corynoxine.
– Semisystematic names: semisystematic parents can be modified by operators such as nor‐, – Common name: Ergotamine (Ergot) (Nấm cựa gà)
abeo‐, and seco‐, etc. – Property: Hygrine (Hygroscopic) (M. A. El‐Sakka. 2010)
– ‘Semitrivial’ names: derived by appending a systematically‐derived operator to a trivial – Effect:  Emetine  (Causing vomiting),  Vomicine  (vomiting),  febrifugine 
parent. Examples are 8‐(1,1‐Dimethylallyl)confusameline and N‐Cyano‐sec‐pseudostrychnine.
(reduces fever, antipyretic), d‐tubocurarine (Curaré in Indian = “poison”);  
semitrivial name is no longer accurate because there has been a structure revision, a note is
given in the dictionary entry, and reference is often given to the possibility of confusion – Mythology: Morphine (Morpheus), Atropine (Atropos). (N K Vishnoi. 1999).
caused by the use of different numbering schemes.
John Buckingham. 2010 25 26

Nomenclature of alkaloids Nomenclature of alkaloids
– Name of Ergot alkaloids: – Name of Ergot alkaloids:
• The nomenclature of this group of alkaloids is quite complex • Lysergic  acid  received  its  name  because  it  was  a  product  of  the  lysis  of  various 
ergot alkaloids.
• Botanical  names  of  the  host  plant  or  producer,  as  ergosecaline  (Secale  spp), 
pyroclavine (Agropyrum); elymoclavine, molliclavine (Elymus mollus); setoclavine,  • Ergometrine  for  its  actions  on  the  uterus  (endometrium  uteri),  ergotoxine, 
ergotaminine is less potent than Ergotamine) [1] (pharmacological properties)
penniclavine  (Pennisetum);  paspalic  acid  (Paspalum);  festuclavine  (Festuca); 
ergoclavine (Sclerotium clavus: Thể quả),  • Ergocristine for Cristine Stoll, daughter of the scientist Arthur Stoll who isolated 
ergotamine,  Ergoanname  (Anna);  Ergoladinine  (Ladiclav  Cvak);  Ergogaline 
• Ergokryp ne,  an  alkaloid  that  remained  elusive  (khó  hiểu,  khó  m)  (cryptic;  (Galena) (personal attachment)
kryptos [Gr]) and obscured for many years.
• 3 forms of systematic nomenclature reflecting different chemistry:
• Ergobasine was so named because of its basic properties.  Ergoline as the name for the tetracyclic system present in most ergot alkaloids
 Ergotaman for the heptacyclic system occurring in most of the peptidic alkaloids
 IUPAC system (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry)

Vladimir Kren. 1999 27 Vladimir Kren. 1999 28
Typology of alkaloids Typology of alkaloids
A. Bioecological classification of alkaloids
1. Biological and ecological activity, 
1. Neutral or weakly basic molecules (e.g., lactams such as ricinine, certain N‐
oxides such as indicine), 
2. Relation to chemical and technological innovations,
2. Animal‐derived alkaloids (e.g., anuran (lưỡng cư), mammalian (có vú) and 
arthropod alkaloids (chân đốt), 
3. Chemical structure, 
3. Marine alkaloids, 

4. Biosynthetic pathway. 4. Moss alkaloids (rêu), 
5. Fungal and bacterial alkaloids, 
6. Non‐natural alkaloids (structurally modified or analogues).

(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 29 (Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 30

Typology of alkaloids Typology of alkaloids
C. Chemo‐molecular classification of alkaloids
B. Chemotechnological classification of alkaloids
1. Acridones, 
1. Natural alkaloids, 11. Quinozolines.  21. Oxindoles, 
2. Aromatics, 
2. Biomime c and bionic alkaloids (mô phỏng sinh học)
3. Carbolines, 
12. Quinolizidines,  22. Quinolines
Biomimetic  alkaloids  are  natural  alkaloids  copied  artificially  by  chemists  in  the  laboratories.  They  are 
4. Ephedras,  13. Phenylisoquinolines,  23. Simple tetrahydroisoquinolines,
identical in structure to natural alkaloids. Bionic alkaloids are those biomimetic molecules being novelized 
by  the  chemists  and  engineers  using  natural  models  and  high‐level  technology.  Bionic  alkaloids  are  not  5. Ergots,  14. Phenylethylamines 24. Sesquiterpenes, 
identical analogues to natural alkaloids. [Bionics = bio (logy) + (electro) nics] 25. Stereoids, 
6. Imidazoles,  15. Piperidines, 
3. Synthetic alkaloids
7. Indoles,  26. Tropanes, 
16. Purines, 
8. Bisindoles,  27. Terpenoids, 
17. Pyrolidines,
9. Indolizidines, 28. Diterpenes, 
10. Manzamines,  18. Pyrrolizidines,
29. Triterpenes
19. Pyrroloindoles,
(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 31 20. Pyrydines,  (Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 32
Typology of alkaloids Typology of alkaloids
D. Classification established upon the ring structure D. Classification established upon the ring structure
1. Tropane alkaloid 3. Piperidine alkaloids
•  Abundant in Solanaceae family.  • Odor is the common feature of piperidine alkaloids. 
• From ornithine and acetoacetate • Exert chronic neurotoxicity
• Cocaine, atropine, scopolamine, and their derivatives • From Lysine, acetate, acetoacetate
2. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids • Lobeline is one of the important alkaloids in this group

• From Asteraceae and Fabaceae family.  4. Quinolines alkaloid
• Occurring mainly in the plants as N‐oxides, whose role being lost during the isolation process. • Exclusively  from  the  bark  of  the  Cinchona  plant.  Simple  heteroaromatic  quinolines  are  isolated 
• Toxic effects, especially liver damage.  from  various  marine  sources  (4,8‐quinolinediol  from  cephalopod  ink  and  2‐heptyl‐4‐
hydroxyquinoline from a marine pseudomonas). 
• Senecionine is the popular alkaloid of this type
• Cinchonine, cinchonidine, quinine, and quinidine

Prasanta Dey. 2020 33 Prasanta Dey. 2020 34

Typology of alkaloids Typology of alkaloids
D. Classification established upon the ring structure D. Classification established upon the ring structure
5. Isoquinoline alkaloids 6. Indole alkaloids
• Extremely large group of alkaloids mostly occurring in higher plants, few in marine. • From tryptophan
•  From tyrosine or phenylalanine.
• Terrestrial, marine, fungal source
• Antiviral, antifungal, anticancer, antioxidant, antispasmodic, and an enzyme inhibitor.
• Morphine and codeine •  Polyhalogenation is a common feature
• Types: • Types:
 Simple isoquinoline alkaloids (e.g., salsoline, mimosamycin),  Simple indole alkaloids (e.g., Aplysinopsin, Gramine), 
 Benzylisoquinoline alkaloids (e.g., reticuline, imbricatine),   Bisindoles (e.g., Indirubin, 6,60‐Dibromoindigotin), 
 Bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloids (e.g., fumaricine),   Simple tryptamine alkaloids (e.g., Tryptamine), 
 Manzamine alkaloids (e.g., manzamine a),   Cyclotryptamine alkaloids (e.g., Physostigmine), 
 Pseudobenzylisoquinoline alkaloids (e.g., polycarpine, ledecorine), 
 Quinazolinocarbazole alkaloids (e.g., Rutaecarpine), 
 Secobisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloids (e.g., baluchistanamine), 
 Bisbenzylisoquinoline  alkaloids  containing  one  ether  link  (e.g.,  dauricine),  Bisbenzylisoquinoline  alkaloids   β‐Carboline alkaloids (e.g., Harman), 
containing two ether links (e.g., berbamine), bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloids containing aryl links only (e.g.,   Carbazole alkaloids (e.g., Ekeberginine), 
pisopowetine), bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloids containing one aromatic link and one or two ether links (e.g.,   Indolonaphthyridine alkaloids (e.g., Canthin‐6‐one), 
rodiasine)  Ergot alkaloids (e.g., ergotamine)

Prasanta Dey. 2020 35 Prasanta Dey. 2020 36
Typology of alkaloids Typology of alkaloids
D. Classification established upon the ring structure D. Classification established upon the ring structure
7. Steroidal alkaloids 8. Imidazole alkaloid
• 1,2‐Cyclopentane phenanthrene ring • Numerous structurally different examples, particularly among marine and microbial alkaloids. 
• Display a wide array of biological activities and significant pharmaceutical potential. 
• From higher plants (Liliaceae, Solanaceae, Apocynaceae, Buxaceae), some from amphibians
• Pilocarpine is the most pharmaceutically significant imidazole alkaloid
• Types:
9. Purine alkaloids
 Aminopregnanes (simplest)
H • Caffeine, Theophylline and Theobromine
 Steroidal alkaloids  H • Plant  and  marine  organisms  with  substituted  purines  (e.g.,Phidolopin)  and  a  variety  of  terpenoid‐
• Salamandra type (e.g.,cycloneosamandione), 
N purine alkaloids, such as the agelines and others
• Jerveratrum type (e.g., jervine),  H
• Spirosolane type (e.g., soladulcidine),  H 10. Pyrrolidine alkaloids
• Solanidine type (e.g., rubijervine),  H H • From plants. 
• Cerveratrum type (e.g., 3,6‐cevanediol),  HO • Hygrine  (biosynthesized  from  ornithine),  ficine  (where  the  pyrrolidine  ring  is  involved  to  a  flavone 
• Conanine type (e.g., didymeline),  Solanidine nucleus), and brevicolline (wherein it is attached to a β‐carboline unit) are some examples of this type 
• Buxus type (e.g., cyclobuxine),  of alkaloids
• Pregnane  type  (e.g.,  20α‐dimethylamino3β‐senecioylamino‐16β‐hydroxy‐pregn‐5‐ene), 
cephalostatins/ritterazines (e.g., ritterazines a), 
• Miscellaneous steroidal alkaloids (e.g., bufotoxin)

Prasanta Dey. 2020 37 Prasanta Dey. 2020 38

Typology of alkaloids Typology of alkaloids
E. Biosynthetic shape‐classification of alkaloids  True alkaloid
1. L‐Ornithine:  Pyrrolidine  (Cuscohygrine;  Hygrine);  Tropane  (Atropine;  Hyoscyamine;  Cocaine; 
1. True  Alkaloids:  True  alkaloids  derive  from  amino  acid  and  share  a  heterocyclic  ring  with  Scopolamine/Hyoscine); Pyrrolizidine (Senecionine; Retrorsine).
2. L‐Lysine: Piperidine (Pelletierine; Lobeline; Piperine); Quinolizidine (Cytisine; Sparteine); Indolizidine 
nitrogen. Cocaine, quinine, dopamine, morphine and usambarensine. (Castanospermine)
3. L‐Tyrosine,  Phenylalanine:  Tetrahydro‐isoquinoline  (Codeine;  Morphine;  Papaverine;  Thebaine; 
2. Proto‐alkaloids: N from an amino acid is not a part of the heterocyclic bond, include compounds  Tubocurarine); Phenethyl‐isoquinoline (Galanthamine)
4. L‐Tryptophan:  Indole  (Psylocybin,  Serotonin;  Harmine;  Vinblastine);  Quinoline  (Quinine, 
derived from tyrosine, ornithine and tryptophan. Hordenine, Mescaline, yohimbine Camptothecine); Pyrroloindole (Physostigmine); Ergot (ergotamine)
5. L‐Histidine: Imidazole (pilocarpine); Manzamine (marine sponge)
3. Pseudo‐alkaloids:  not  derived  from  amino  acids:  acetate  and  phenylalanine‐derived  or 
6. L‐Arginine: β‐carboline (Marine alkaloid): Saxitoxin, Tetrodotoxin
terpenoid, steroidal alkaloids: coniine, capsaicin, ephedrine, solanidine, caffeine, theobromine,  7. Anthranilic acid: Quinazoline (Peganine); Quinoline (Skimmianine); Acridone (Rutacridone)
8. Nicotinic acid: Pyridine/pyrrolidine (Nicotine)
and pinidine.

(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 39 40
Typology of alkaloids Typology of alkaloids
True Alkaloids
True Alkaloids L‐ornithine

Pyrrolidine Tropane Pyrrolizidine HEPATOTOXICITY
Erythroxylum coca, Atropa

Cuscohygrine Atropine Senecionine CYTOTOXICITY

Retrorsine Retrorsine
Hygrine Hyoscyamine NEUROTOXICITY
Indicine‐N‐oxide COOCH3
Cocaine Cuscohygrine
CLivorine N OH
Scopolamine/Hyoscine Retronecine Erythroxylum coca, Atropa HO

Ecgonine Acid benzoic Cocaine
Joaquín Tamariz . 2018
(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 41 (Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). Joaquín Tamariz . 2018

Typology of alkaloids Typology of alkaloids
True Alkaloids
True Alkaloids L‐Lysine

Pelletierine Cytisine
Piperidine Quinolizidine Indolizidine
Pelletierine Castanospermine
Lobeline Swansonine smoking cessation aid
Lupanine narrow therapeutic index
Piperine Sparteine

(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 43 Piperine
(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015).
Typology of alkaloids O
Typology of alkaloids

True Alkaloids
L‐Tyrosine NH2
True Alkaloids
Phenylalanine L-Tyrosine

Phenethyl‐isoquinoline N
Tetrahydro‐isoquinoline O Galanthamine
Amaryllidaceae thebaine Vascular dementia
alkaloids and Alzheimer's
Floramultine O
Morphine O
Papaverine Haemanthamine O
Lycorine N
Thebaine O
Tubocurarine Oxomaritidine
(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015).
Vittatine 45 (Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 46

Typology of alkaloids N Typology of alkaloids
True Alkaloids NH2
True Alkaloids
L‐Tryptophan OH 8
O 8

9 9
Indole Quinoline Pyrroloindole Ergot cardiac 
Ergobine dysrhythmias
Physostigmine  Ergotamine
Simple indole Simple β‐carboline Terpenoid indole Ergocomine
(Eserine) Psilocybe cubensis, Psilocybe tampanensis,  Antimalarial
Panaelous cyanescens (Magic Mushroom)
Arundacine Ergocryptine
Elaeagnine Chloroquinine α‐ergocryptine
Arundamine Ajmalicine 8 8
Harmine Cinchonine N β‐ergocryptine
Psilocin,  Catharanthine N
Cinchonidine H H 9 9
Psylocybin Tabersonine Ergometrine
Quinine Ergonovine
Serotonin Vinblastine
Quinidine Ergosine
Tryptamine Camptothecine
Zolmitriptan Ergostine
Fumigaclavine D Camptothecine
Harmine Anticancer
H (Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 47 48
Typology of alkaloids Typology of alkaloids N
L‐Histidine HN NH2
True Alkaloids
True Alkaloids histidin

Xestomanzamine A
Treat glaucoma and delayed gastric emptying Xestomanzamine B
treat anticholinergic poisoning Ergotamine Histamine (from Marine Sponges)
For acute migraine attacks Pilocarpine


Treatment of dry mouth

Vinblastine antiarrhythmic by radiation (oral), glaucoma (drops)
Ajmalicine (Raubasine) 49
Anticancer 50

Typology of alkaloids Typology of alkaloids O

– True alkaloid
L‐Arginine True Alkaloids NH2
Anthranilic acid
N Anthranilic acid

β‐carboline N
(Marine alkaloid) quinazolin Quinazoline Quinoline Acridone
Saxitoxin (Neurotoxin) Peganine Acetylfolidine Acronycine
Tetrodotoxin Rutacridone
Saxitoxin Bucharine
(Algae, Cyanobacteria, shellfish) 7‐bromo‐1‐ethyl‐β‐ carboline
Neurotoxin Marinacarboline A Peganine Perforine Acronycine
Eudistomidin B Polifidine
Seragadine A O N O Skimmianine Rutacridone
Veriabine A Tetraodontidae O
Veriabine B
51 Skimmianine (Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 52
Typology of alkaloids Typology of alkaloids
N from an amino acid is not a part of the heterocyclic bond
True Alkaloids
Nicotinic acid
Protoalkaloid: O

 L‐Tyrosine: Phenylethylamin:  HO

Pyridine/pyrrolidine Hordenine;  L-Tyrosine

Anabasine H
N Mescaline N
Celapanin  Tryptophan: Terpenoid indole alkaloids: NH2
Evonoline  Yohimbine OH
Evorine  Ornithine: Pyrrolizidine: 
Nicotine 4‐hydroxy‐stachydrine; 
(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 53 (Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 54

Typology of alkaloids Typology of alkaloids
N from an amino acid is not a part of the heterocyclic bond not derived from amino acids
Acetate Pyruvic Ferulic Geraniol Steroid Adenine/guanine

Hordenine stachydrine Piperidine Sesquiterpene Phenyl alkyl Phenyl terpenoid Purine

(Hordeum) Leonurus japonicus

Cassinine Cathine Capsaicin Conessine

Coniine Aconitine Caffeine
Coniceine Celapanin Actinidine Solanidine Theacrine
+ Evonine Ephedrine Solasodine
Pinidine Atisine Theobromine
Evonoline Pseudoephedrine Squalamine
Gentianine Theophylline
Yohimbine Evorine Norephedrine Tomatidine
Mescaline (Rauwolfia) 4‐hydroxy‐stachydrine O
(Cactaceae) (erectile dysfunction) (ED) O
(hallucinogenic) CH3COO‐ C15H24 HO
(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 55 ferulic acid (Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 56
Typology of alkaloids Typology of alkaloids
* S N * N
* R *

(-)-Ephedrine Conessine
(1S,2R) N N O

Coniine OH OH N N
Conium maculatum * R N * S N H
Apiaceae * *
HN theophylline
Evonine (-)-Pseudo-ephedrine (+)-Pseudo-ephedrine Asthma, bronchospasm,
H (1R,2R) (1S,2S) H  and COPD.
O HO Apnea of prematurity 
H solasodine in infants & N NH
Neuropathic pain associated Aconitine pain relief O
with post‐herpetic neuralgia.
(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 57 theobromine 58
(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015).

Typology of alkaloids Typology of alkaloids
Flavoalkaloid Flavoalkaloid N

– Flavonoid backbone + nitrogen containing moiety, a usually at the C (6) or C (8) position  HO O CH3
of the flavonoid core.
– Type: OH O
• FLAVOALKALOIDS WITH PYRROLIDINE MOIETY: Ficine and Isoficine Amoora rohituka, Dysoxylum 
• FLAVOALKALOIDS WITH PIPERIDINE MOIETY: Capitavine, Buchenavianine, Kopsirachin General structure of flavonoid alkaloids with numbering binectariferum Meliacee
Schumanniophyton magnificum; 
• SPECIAL FLAVONOID ALKALOIDS: Aquiledine, Isoaquiledine, and Cheliensisine Schumanniophyton problematicum 
OH P. MohanaKumara. 2014


Flavopiridol (Alvocidib)
Viktor Ilkei. 2018 59 Cyclin‐dependent kinase inhibitor for  acute myeloid leukaemia Viktor Ilkei. 2018 60
Biosynthesis of alkaloid – Sinh tổng hợp Biosynthesis – Sinh tổng hợp
histamine, histidine, procarpine, pilocarpine, and pilosine
Cactaceae and Rutaceae Quninazoline (C6C2N)
Pyrrolidine (C4N) NH2
NH2 NH2 hygrine, cuscohygrine N
Anthranilic acid
Quinoline (C6C2N)

Tropane (C4N+ ..)
hyoscyamine, cocaine Acridine (C6C2N)

peganine (vasicine), dictamine, skimmianine,
melicopicine, acronycine, and rutacridone
Peganum harmala,Dictamus albus, 
Skimmia japonica, and Ruta graveolens.
marine sponges
(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 61 (Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 62

Biosynthesis – Sinh tổng hợp Biosynthesis – Sinh tổng hợp

Nicotiana tabacum, Ricinus communis, 
Areca catechu O OH Phenyl nucleus (C6C2N)
OH Phenyl nucleus (C6C2N) NH2
COOH N D‐Tubocurarine
Pyridine (C5N) Phenyl propyl nucleus (C6C3)) Phenyl propyl nucleus (C6C3))
anabasine, anatabine, nicotine, nornicotine,
N ricine, and arecoline cathionine, cathine, ephedrine, Mescaline, anhalamine, papaverine, curare, and morphine
Nicotinic acid (Niacin, Vit. B3) pseudoephedrine, and norpseudoephedrine


Sesquiterpene pyridine
(Niacin + acetate)

Papaverine Mescaline
(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 63 (Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 64
Biosynthesis – Sinh tổng hợp Occurrence of alkaloids
–  Fungi and bacter
– Plant
H • Algae
Indole Quinoline (C9N)
• Tracheophytes (Vascular plant)
N   Lycopodiacae
N   Spermatophytes
• Gymnosperms
-Carboline (C8NC3N)
N • Magnoliophyta (flowering plants)
–Animal (Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015).

Pyrrolo-indole (C10N2) – ca. 27000 alkaloid were known.  (William Charles Evans. 2009)

– 150 families (ca. 20% of the ‘species of flowering plants’ contain alkaloids) (Tristan Richard et 
psilocin, psilocybin, harmine, catharanthine, reserpine, ajmalicine, vindoline, vincristine, strychnine, quinine, 
al. 2013).
ergotamine, and other ergot alkaloids
(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 65 66

Occurrence of alkaloids Occurrence of alkaloids
– Fungi: – Fungi: Hericirine, serotonin, psilocin, and psilocybin. Powerful psychoactive.
• Aspergillus,  • Hericium erinaceum
• Rhizopus,  • Psilocybe semilanceata ("magic" mushroom)
• Penicillium, • Conocybe
• Claviceps  purpurea  (Ergot)  (Ergotamine,  (+)‐ • Panaeolus subbalteatus
lysergic  acid  ‐>  lysergic  acid  diethylamine  (LSD)  • Stoparia
(hallucinogenic), for schizophrenia (small dose)
• Amanita muscaria (Fly agaric)
(Muscarine, ibotenic acid, muscimol)

(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 67 (Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 68
Occurrence of alkaloids Occurrence of alkaloids

Ibotenic acid

Acetyl choline

Amanita muscaria (fly agaric), Inocybe and Clitocybe 
species (e.g., Inocybe geophylla, Clitocybe dealbata)
Amanita muscaria
Agonising muscarinic acetylcholine receptors Psilocybe semilanceata 
Panaeolus subbalteatus (Wikipedia)
Miosis, blurred vision, increased salivation, excessive sweating, Nấm tản
lacrimation, bronchial secretions, bronchoconstriction, bradycardia,
abdominal cramping, increased gastric acid secretion, diarrhea
and polyuria.
(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 69 70

Magic mushrooms are sold in bags. Photo: Tuoi Tre

Spores of magic mushrooms are kept in a fluid

71 mixture inside hypodermic syringes. Photo: Tuoi Tre 72
Occurrence of alkaloids Occurrence of alkaloids
– Plant: 
• Marine  Algae  (Tảo  biển):  brown,  red,  green  alga.  44  alkaloids:  1 
• Alkaloids by bacteria is not common in nature phenylethylamine,  41  indole,  and  1  naphthyridine  derivates.  Halogenated 
alkaloids  (bromine‐  and  chloride)  are  specific  for  algae.    (Kasım Cemal Güven, 
• Pseudomonas: tabtoxin and pyocyanine
• Pantoea agglomerans P20‐14: indole alkaloids • Lycopodiophyta: Lycopodiaceae (Thông đất) (Non‐seed‐bearing plants): 
• Pseudomonas brassicaceareum ssp. neoaurantiaca isolated from Salvia   Lycopodium: annotinine, lycopodine, cernuine, lyconadins, and complanadine.
 Huperzia serrata: huperzine A (for Alzheimer)
miltiorrhiza produces 11 alkaloids.
• Pinophyta: Taxaceae: Taxus brevifolia (Taxol: anticancer)
• Gnetophyta: 
 Gnetaceae (Gắm)
 Ephedraceae (Ma hoàng): (Gnetophyta): Ephedra sp. Ephedrine (Wink, 2016)

(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 73 (Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). 74

Occurrence of alkaloids Occurrence of alkaloids
– Plant: 
• Simple isoquinoline: Cactaceae, Chenopodiaceae
• Cycadophyta: Cycadaceae: Cycas (Thiên tuế): Cycasin
• Chromo‐alkaloids  (betalains):  Caryophyllales  (Cẩm  chuớng):  Cactaceae 
• Magnoliophyta (Angiosperms): (Hylocereus  undatus‐thanh  long),  Nyctaginaceae,  Portulacaceae, 
 Monocot:  Amaryllidaceae  and  Liliaceae,  Stemonaceae,  Dioscoreaceae,  Arecaceae,  Poaceae  Chenopodiaceae, Arnaranthaceae (Beta vulgaris, Cải ngọt)
and Orchidaceae. • Ergoline (Indole): Fungi, Convolvulaceae
 Dicot: Papaveraceae, Berberidaceae, Fabaceae, Boraginaceae, Apocynaceae, Asclepiadaceae,  • Complex indole: Loganiaceae, Apocyanaceae and Rubiaceae.
Menispermaceae,  Asteraceae,  Ranunculaceae,    Rubiaceae,  Solanaceae,  and Rutaceae.  • Quinolines: Rutaceae
(M. Wink, 2003).
• Diterpenoids: Aconitum, Delphinium, Garrya.
 The  dicotyledon  orders  Salicales,  Fagales,  Cucurbitales  and  Oleales  at  present  appear  to  be 
• Steroid: pregnanes skeleton: Apocynaceae. Buxaceae. 
C27‐steroid: Solanum, Veratrum (Glycoalkaloid)

(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015). Evans.2009 75 HEGNAUER. 1988 76

Occurrence of alkaloids Occurrence of alkaloids
– TAXONOMIC RELEVANCE: Plant family Precursor Type Genus, species Compound

• Tropane  alkaloid:  mainly  occur  in  the Solanaceae.  but  are  also  found  in  Indole, quinoline,  Rauvolfia serpentina,  Quinine, Reserpine, Ajmalicine, 
Catharanthus roseus,  Reserpine, Vinblastine
Convolvulaceae,  Erythroxylaceae,  Proteaceae and Rhizophoraceae. Less  Apocynaceae Tryptophan  Terpenoid 
Holarrhena antidysenterica;  Vincristine, Camptothecin 
alkaloids Strophanthus, Vinca (Ervatmia heyneana), Conessine
frequently, in the Euphorbiaceae, Brassicaceae and Olacaceae [P. Christen, 2000]
Senecio, Centaurea, 
• Berberine:  Annonaceae  (Annickia,  Rollinia,  Xylopia),  Berberidaceae  (Berberis,  Asteraceae ornithine pyrrolizidine Senecionine, retrorsine
Petasites hybridus.
Caulophyllum,  Jeffersonia,  Mahonia),  Menispermaceae  (Tinospora,  Coscinium,  Tyrosine,  Isoquinoline, 
Strychnos nux‐vomica, S.  
strychnine, brucine, and curare 
Loganiaceae Ignatii; S. wallichiana; 
Fibraurea),  Papaveraceae  (Argemone,  Bocconia,  Chelidonium,  Corydalis,  tryptophan Indole (C‐toxiferine)
Strychnos toxifera
Eschscholzia, Papaver…), Ranunculaceae (Coptis, Hydrastis, Xanthorhiza), Rutaceae  morphine, codeine, thebanine, 
Papaver somniferum,
(Phellodendron, Zanthoxylum). [Maria A. Neag. 2018] Papaveraceae tyrosine isoquinoline papaverine, narcotine, narceine, 
Chelidonium, Corydalis
isoboldine, and salsolinol
• Caffeine:  Rubiaceae  (Coffea),  Theaceae  (Camellia),  Aquifoliaceae  (Ilex), 
Phenylalkylamin Mescaline, Anhalamine
Sterculiaceae (Cola, Theobroma) [Tadeusz. 2015] Cactaceae tyrosine Lophophora williamsii
Isoquinoline Anhalonine, Anhalonidine

77 (Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015).

Occurrence of alkaloids Occurrence of alkaloids
Plant family Precursor Type Genus, species Compound
Plant family Precursor Type Genus, species Compound
quinoline, europine and ilamine and their 
Dictamnus, Pilocarpus, Ruta  dictamnine, skimmianine, 
Anthranilic acid Acridine  Heliotropium indicum (Vòi voi),  N‐oxides (strong toxic effects)
Rutaceae (Anthranilic)
graveolens, Zanthoxylum, Evodia,  Semecarpine, Rutacridone,  Boraginaceae 
histidine ornithine pyrrolizidine Cynoglosum creticum,  Indicine‐N‐oxide, Acetyl‐
Glycosmis,  Pilocarpine, Pilosine (Họ Vòi voi).
Imidazole  Symphytum officinale intermedine, Acetyl‐
ornithine,  Senecionine, lupinine, 
Atropa belladonna, Datura, Hyoscyamine, Atropine, hyoscine Crotalaria, Baptisia, Lupinus, 
nicotinic acid,  Tropane,  Mandragora, Duboisia, Scopolia,  Cuscohygrine,  (‐)‐nicotine,  pyrrolizidine,  sparteine, Swainsonine, 
Solanaceae Phenylalanine pyridine,  Ornithine, Cytisus, Swainsona, 
Hyosciamus, Nicotiana, Capsicum Anabasine, Capsiacin, Solanidine,  Quinolizidine,  Castanospermine, Eserine 
Steroid  saponin Fabaceae Lysine,  Castanospermum, Arachis, 
annuum, Solanum, Lycopersicon. Tomatine indolizidine,  (Physostigmine), Eseramine, 
alkaloids Tryptophan Physostigma venenosum, 
indole Physovenine, Geneserine, 
cocaine, ecgonine,  Erythrina
Erythroxylum coca, E. cinnamylcocaine, α‐truxilline, 
Chondrodendron tomentosum, 
Erythroxylaceae ornithine Tropane truxilense, and E.  truxilline, methylecgonine,  Curare, Tubocurarine, 
novagranatense tropine, hygrine, hygroline, and 
Cissampelos, Cyclea, Stephania 
Menispermaceae tyrosine Isoquinoline Tetrandrine. Stephanine, 
cuscohygrine tetrandra, Stephania 
Fangchinoline, rotundine
harnandifolica, S. rotunda

(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015).
79 (Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015).
Occurrence of alkaloids Occurrence of alkaloids
Plant family Precursor Type Genus, species Compound
Plant family Precursor Type Genus, species Compound

Berberine, Berbamine,  tryptophan indole Elaeagnus angustifolia Elaeagnine
Berberidaceae tyrosine Isoquinolie Berberis, Mahonia, Nandina (Nhót)
Hydroxyacanthin, Glaucine
Harman, harmine
Peganum harmala
Zygophyllaceae Tryptophan,  Komavine
indole Nitraria komarovii Acetylkomavine
tyrosine and  Isoquinoline Hydrastis, Thalictrum, Aconitum,  Berberine, Hydrastine,  (Gai chống) acetate
Ranunculaceae Nitraria sibirica Dihydroschoberine
terpenoid terpenoid Delphinium Fangchinoline, Aconitine Nitrabirine N‐oxide
Nyssaceae tryptophan quinoline Camptotheca acuminata Camptothecin
Cephaelis ipecacuanha,  Emetine, Cephaeline, Yohimbine, 
Tyrosine Isoquinoline,  Pausinystalia yohimbe,  Camptothecin, Quinine,  Pelletierine
Rubiaceae tryptophan indole Ophiorrhiza mungos,  Quininidine, Cinchonine,  Punicaceae lysine pyridine Punica granatum Pseudopelletierine
Purine Ophiorrhiza mungos, Cinchona,  Cinchonidine, Caffeine,  Methylpelletierine
Corynanthe, Coffea Theophylline, Theobromine

(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015).
81 (Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015).

Occurrence of alkaloids Occurrence of alkaloids
Plant family Precursor Type Genus, species Compound – Animal
• Sponge (San hô): Monanchora unguifera: batzelladine J, ptilomycalin A, ptilocaulin, 
Tyrosine Phenylalkylamine
Hordeum vulgare (lúa  Tyramine isoptilocaulin.
Poaceae mạch) Gramine (indole)
Tryptophan indole
Arundo donax Arundamine • Saxidomus (Nghêu)
• Salamandra (Kỳ nhông)
Colchicine, Autumnaline
Tyrosine Colchicum, Kreysigia  Floramultine, Kreysigine, Jervine • Dendrobates (Ếch): Batrachotoxins
Liliaceae Phenylalkylamine
multiflora, Veratrum Cyclopamine, Cycloposine, 
Protoveratrine A‐B
• Phyllobates (Ếch) (poison dart frogs): Batrachotoxins (Toxic) (Terri L. Postma, 2009).

Amaryllidaceae tyrosine Isoquinoline Lycorus, Galanthus Lycorine, galanthamine

• Oophaga pumilio  (Ếch):  Pumiliotoxins  (indolizidine alkaloids)  (neurotoxic) 
(Matthew Gronquist, 2010)
Arecaceae Nicotinic acid pyridine Areca catechu arecolin
• Bufo toads  contain bufotenine (5‐OH‐DMT)  and  an alkaloid  tryptamine  (5‐MeO‐
DMT), a potent hallucinogenic (Terri L. Postma, (2009).
(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015).
83 (Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015).
Occurrence of alkaloids
Occurrence of alkaloids
– Animal
• Millipedes (sâu chiếu),  Human Cases of Tetrodotoxin Intoxication
• Fish:  Tetrodotoxin:  Takifugu  snyderi,  T.  obscurus,  T.  niphobles,  Fugu  poecilonotus,  F.  obscurus,  F.  ̶ 100 cases in Taiwan from 1998–2008. (pufferfish).
rubripes, F. vermicularis radiatus. (Jorge Lago. 2015) ̶ 2002: 37 patients. Bangladesh. 8 died after 5 h. (pufferfish). Takifugu (Wikipedia)
• Mollusc cephalopod: Octopus maculosus: Tetrodotoxin. (Jorge Lago. 2015) ̶ 2008:  9  patients.  Bangladesh.  2  died  and  3  survived  by  treated  with  neostigmine  and  atropine. 
• Mollusc gastropod: Niotha Clathrata: Tetrodotoxin. (Jorge Lago. 2015) (pufferfish egg (20g ‐> severe illness).
• Castor (Hải ly) ̶ 71 persons. Thailand. 2 died (crab Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda)
• Moschus (Huơu xạ) ̶ 1986. Hawaii. porcupinefish Diodon hystrix
• Mammals:  harman,  norharman,  tetrahydroharman,  harmalan,  6‐metoxyharman, salsolinol,  ̶ 2007. 2. Chicago. Tetraodontidae.
norlaudanosoline (THP), dideoxynorlaudanosoline 1‐carboxylic acid and spinaceamines ̶ 2014. New York City. Lagocephalus lunaris (pufferfish).
– Ca.  300  alkaloids  in  24  classes  occurring  in  the  skins  of  amphibians  along  with  other 
toxins.  Potent  neurotoxic  alkaloids  of  frogs  of  the  genus  Phyllobates,  the  most 
poisonous substances known (W. C. Evans. 2009).
(Tadeusz Aniszewski . 2015).
85 Jorge Lago. 2015 86

Friday, October 12, 2012 10:45 Friday, March 09, 2018, 11:58 GMT+7

Five farmers were rushed to a hospital in Vietnam after enjoying a pufferfish hotpot on 

Two fishermen died and three others were hospitalized with serious poisoning after eating pufferfish
Wednesday evening.
in the central province of Binh Thuan on Thursday.
Shortly after consuming the hotpot, the victims became paralytic and were unable to speak.
One of the survivors' wife told Thanh Nien that the fishermen had the fish for lunch that day when they
All five farmers, from Hau Giang Province, were comatose and suffering from cardiac arrest, suspended 
were working on a boat some 40 sea miles off the coast of Phan Thiet Town.
Around 30 minutes later, they all started vomiting and feeling dizziness, she said. breathing, and unstable blood pressure

Pham Van Hoang, 21, and Tran Van Manh, 20, died on the way.
87 88

Mạng xã hội rộ lên thông tin một

loại cua độc xuất hiện rải rác với tần
xuất nhiều ở Côn Đảo.
Cua mặt quỷ sống nhiều ở các rạn san
hô và phân bố khá rộng trên nhiều
vùng biển.
After ingestion of a specimen of the crab Zosimus aeneus (Xanthidae), an East 
Năm 2015, một nhóm công nhân bắt cua mặt quỷ dọc bờ
Timorese adult male died within several hours. Xanthid crabs are known to  biển Quảng Ngãi về nhậu. Một giờ sau, 3 người tê cứng chân
harbour paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs), tetrodotoxin and palytoxin tay, khó thở, đau đầu.
89 90

Occurrence of alkaloids Occurrence of alkaloids
– Depending on the type of plants, the maximum concentration is observed in the:
– Yield (Hàm lượng):
• Leaves: Hyoscyamus niger (black henbane), Belladon, Erythroxylum coca, Nicotiana tabacum,
Camellia sinensis. • High: 1‐3%
• Seeds: Strychnos nux‐vomica, Coffea, Colchicum autumnale
• Root: Rauwolfia serpentine, Punica granatum • Cinchona: 6‐10%

• Tuber: Aconitum, Stephania rotunda, Stemona tuberosa

• Opium: 20‐30%
• Bark: Cinchona, Holarrhena antidysenterica, Phellodendron amurense
• Flower: Datura metel
• Fruits: Capsicum, Piper nigrum, Papaver somniferum
• Trunk: Ephera sinica

Phạm Thanh Kỳ. 2015 Grinkevich NI. (1983) 91 Phạm Thanh Kỳ. 2015 92
1. Physicochemical Properties • In plant tissues as water‐soluble salts of organic acids (tartaric, acetic, 
oxalic, citric, malic, and lactic acids), esters (e.g., atropine, scopolamine, 
2. Solubility ( nh tan)
cocaine, aconitine), or combined with tannins (Cinchona bark) or sugars 
3. Color and taste (e.g., the glycoalkaloids of Solanum species) rather than as free bases. 

• Additionally, N‐oxide alkaloids (e.g Harmanine) also occurs naturally. (J. 
4. Basicity (Tính kiềm)
D. Phillipson, 1971)

W.A. Kukula‐Koch. 2017 W.A. Kukula‐Koch. 2017
93 94

• Most  alkaloids:  Oxygen‐containing,  crystalline,  amorphous,  non‐
• The free bases of alkaloids are soluble in nonpolar organic solvents
odorous, and non‐volatile compounds. 
(chloroform, methylene chloride, Benzene, ether), while their solubility
• Exception:  in water is low.
 Low  molecular  weight  (arecoline  and  pilocarpine),  and  alkaloids  with  no   Exceptions:
oxygen  atom  (sparteine  and  nicotine)  occur  in  the  volatile,  colorless,  liquid 
• Colchicine, pilocarpine, ephedrine, quartenary alkaloid (berberine,
tubocurarine), caffeine are water soluble. Caffeine extracted from tea with
 Arecoline, guvacoline, nicotine  [1], coniine [2] , hyoscyamine, scopolamine, and  water.
atropine [3] are volatile
• Narceine, morphine, psychotrine and pilocarpine are insoluble in organic
solvents. Theobromine and theophylline almost insoluble in benzene

[1] D.K.Holdsworth. 1998. [2]. G. Biswas. 2012. [3]. D. M. Culbreth ‐ 1996  W.A. Kukula‐Koch. 2017 95 Mazen A. El‐Sakka.2010 W.A. Kukula‐Koch. 2017 96

Solubility Solubility
– In  contrast,  the  salts  of  alkaloids  are  soluble  in  water  or  dilute  acids,  whereas  – Octanol/water partition coefficient (Pow, log Pow)
they are insoluble or sparingly soluble in organic solvents.  Coctanol Coctanol
 Exception:  log Pow = log
• Salts insoluble in water: quinine sulphate, berberine chloride
• Salts soluble in organic solvents: Lobeline HCl and apoatropine HCl soluble in chloroform.
High log Pow Dissolve easily in non-polar solvent CH2O
• Both alkaloidal bases and their salts are soluble in alcohol (MeOH, EtOH).
• Water  soluble  alkaloid:  Quartenary  alkaloid  salts  (except:  Berberine 
chloride), N‐oxide alkaloids, polyhydroxy alkaloids [1]
– These  differences  in  the  solubility  of  alkaloids,  depending  on  their  The octanol/water partition coefficient can be determined experimentally by liquid‐
form, are used in the pharmaceutical industry for their purification. liquid extraction and by high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and can also 
be theoretically calculated from parameters related to the structure of molecules

Mazen A. El‐Sakka.2010 W.A. Kukula‐Koch. 2017 97 Joaquín Isac‐García. 2016 98

– Solubility – logPow

alkaloid log Pow pKa
Hyoscyamin 1,53 Cocain 3,08
morphin 0.87 8.2 Morphinan alkaloids dissolve
Scopolamin 1,34 Apoatropin 3,21 easily in water (low log Pow)
oxymorphon 1.15 9.3
Pelletierin 0,45 Truxillins 4,30
hydromorphon 1.06 8.2
Ψ-Pelletierin 0,63 Quinin 3,44
hydrocodon 1.83 8.9
Ecgonin -0,60 Reserpin 4,40
oxycodon 1.87 8.9
codein 1.39 8.2
nor-codein 0.89 9.2
99 100
– Optical rotation (D)
– Color and taste
• Many alkaloids are optically active, with counterclockwise isomers (e.g., (‐)‐
• Majority of alkaloids are colorless with a bitter taste[1]. Burning (hot) taste: Capsaicin,
hyoscyamine) and are more pharmacologically active in contrast to the
Piperine, chavicine [2]. Sweet taste: (4S,2R)‐4‐Hydroxy‐2‐pyrrolidine carboxylic
corresponding racemic mixtures which are characterized by lower activity, or a
(Amanita) [3]
quite different activity.
 (‐)‐Morphine: Analgesic, the enantiomers of morphine ((+)‐Morphine: non‐ analgesic) [1]
 Berberine, colchicine (orange‐yellow),
 L‐ephedrine is 3.5 times more active than d‐ephedrine.
 Canadine, serpentine) (yellow),
• Exceptions:
 Sanguinarine (red)
 d‐Tubocurarine is more active than the corresponding L‐from.
 Strong fluorescence (e.g., quinine)
 Both quinine (L‐from ) and its D‐isomer quinidine are active.
 Some pyrrolizidine and indolizidine alkaloids are not bitter in their pure forms.
 The racemic dl‐atropine is physiologically active.
 Caffeine and quinine solutions: as reference standards for bitter taste
(1. Arnold Brossi. 1998).
[3]W. Southon. 1989 Mazen A. El‐Sakka.2010 [1]W.A. Kukula‐Koch. 2017 101 Mazen A. El‐Sakka.2010 W.A. Kukula‐Koch. 2017 102


Compounds pKa pKa
Basicity: 1 2
Harmine 7.61 Quinidine 8.77 4.2
Caffeine 1.0
BH+ = H+ + B Nicotine 8.02 3.12 Retronecine 8.88
Theobromine 1.0
pH = pKa + log[B]/[BH+] (Henderson‐Hasselbalch Equation). Theophylline 1.0 Cytisine 8.12 1.20 Arecaidine 9.07
Colchicine 1.85 Thebaine 8.15 NH4OH 9.25
[BH+]/[B] = antilog(pKa‐pH) Piperine 1.98 D,L‐Pelletierine 9.40
Brucine 8.16 2.50
% Ionized = 100/{1+antilog(pH‐pKa)} Narceine 3.3 Codeine 8.21 L‐Hyoscyamine 9.65
Nicotyrine 4.76 Morphine 8.21 Atropine 9.85
 99.9% ionized: pH = pKa ‐ 3 Acetic acid 4.76
Strychnine 8.26 2.5 Tropacocaine 9.88
 99% ionized: pH = pKa – 2 Protopine 5.99 Tropine 10.33
Quinine 8.34 4.3
a‐Narcotine 6.37
 90% ionized: pH = pKa ‐ 1 Cinchonine 8.35 4.28 Heliotridine 10.55
Papaverine 6.40
Ergometrine 6.73 Aconitine 8.35 D‐Coniine 10.9
 50% ionized: pH = pKa (50% free base) Cocaine 8.39 Berberine 11.73
Pilocarpine 6.87
 10% ionized: pH = pKa +1 (90% free base) lsopilocarpine 7.18 Cinchonidine 8.40 4.17 Benzoylecgonine 11.8
Arecoline 7.41 Emetine 8.43 7.56 Sparteine 11.96 4.8
 1% ionized: pH = pKa + 2 (99% free base) Yohimbine 7.45 3.0
 0.1% ionized: pH = pKa + 3 (99.9% free base) Solanine 7.54 Na2CO3: pH of 11.6 for a 0.1 M
L‐Scopolamine 7.55
David W. Newton. 1978 103 Heroine 7.6 Milan Popl. 1990 104
Basicity: Basicity:
– The basicity of alkaloids is due to the presence of a lone pair of electrons on the • Primary amines (R–NH2, mescaline, tryptamine, spermine, spermidine),
amino nitrogen atom. [M. A. El‐Sakka. 2010] • Secondary amines (R–NH‐R’, ephedrine),

– Most alkaloids have basic properties. The pKa values vary from 6 to 12, with most • Tertiary‐amines (R3N, atropine)

alkaloids in the range of 7–9. [A. Conqueiro. 2015] • Quaternary ammonium salts (R4N+, D‐tubocurarine)
 R –NH2 > R‐NH‐R1 > R3 –N.
 Weak bases: Colchicine (amide alkaloid), piperine, quaternary alkaloid (tubocurarine, berberine,
2 2 3

Coptisine, Palmatine, Jatrorrhizine, Columbamine, Sanguinarine…); caffeine, N‐oxide alkaloid  Saturated heterocyclic amines are more basic than aromatic amines (piperidine > pyridine)
(Retrorsine oxide, Senecionine N‐oxide, pyrrolizidine alkaloids N‐oxides…) [1]  Alkyl groups, increase the basicity
 Strong bases: Atropine  Carbonyl groups decrease the basicity (e. g Amide alkaloid, ricinine, purine alkaloid…)
 Amphoteric (phenolic alkaloid): Morphine, narceine.  Amphoteric alkaloids have phenolic group or carboxylic group (Morphine, psycotrine, cephaline
 Neutral: colchicine (phenolic); narceine (carboxylic).

A.N.M. Alamgir. 2018 105 [M. A. El‐Sakka. 2010] A.N.M. Alamgir. 2018 106

Basicity: – The influence of different factors such as exposure to light, heat, oxygen,
O acids and alkalis.
O Me Me

O N N O – Alkaloids are less stable in solution than that in the dry state.
N O N N – Alkaloids are decomposed by heat; except caffeine that sublimes without
N Me
O H H Me
piperin/ hồ tiêu Caffeine Morphine
– Most tertiary amine alkaloids are easily transformed to the N‐oxides when
O N exposed to light and oxygen at elevated temperature. N‐oxides are usually
water‐soluble, low toxicity and low addictive properties as compared to
O the parent tertiary alkaloids.
107 [M. A. El‐Sakka. 2010] 108
– Effect of acids: Hot dilute acids & conc. mineral acids – Effect of alkalines
• Dehydration: form apo‐alkaloid (apomorphine, apo‐atropine)
– O‐demethyl:  quinine,  narcotine,  codeine    phenolic  alkaloids  by  HI  (e.g  .  codeine    • Weak bases (NH4OH): free base from salt
morphine). • Strong bases (KOH, NaOH): Phenolic alkaloid (e. g Morphine)  Phenolate
– Hydrolysis: các ester, glycoside. e.g Atropine, cocaine, reserpine, gluco‐alkaloids (solanine).
• Hot bases: Hydrolysis of ester alkaloid (atropine, cocaine, physostigmine…), cleavage
of lactone (pilocarpine ‐> pilocarpic acid)

• Isomerization: L‐hyoscyamine  D,L‐Atropine
-H2O N O N O-
HO Conc. HCl N N OH
Morphine Apomorphine
C17H19NO3 C17H17NO2 Pilocarpine Pilocarpate
[M. A. El‐Sakka. 2010] 109 [M. A. El‐Sakka. 2010] 110


picrolonic acid
– Precipitating reagents (non‐specific reagents): – Precipitation reagents (non‐specific reagents):
• Precipitates do not dissolve in water (Qualitative and quantitative analyses)
1. Dragendroff’s test
 Mayer’s reagent (K2HgI4): Cream, white, pale yellow. Detection: 1/2700 for Morphine, 1/125000 for Quinine
To a few milliliters of the extract, add 2 ml of Dragendroff’s reagent (potassium bismuth iodide). A
 Bouchardat (Wagner)’s reagent (KI3): Brown. 1/10000 for Caffeine
reddish brown precipitate confirms the test as positive.
 Dragendorff (KBiI4): Reddish‐brown (TLC detection). 1/600 (Caffeine)
2. Mayer’s test
 Reinecke salt [NH4[Cr(SCN)4(NH3)2].H2O (Quantitative)
 Scheibler’s reagent(H3P(W3O10)4 (Quantitative)
To a few milliliters of the extract, add a few drops of Mayer’s reagent (potassiomercuric iodide). A
cream colored precipitate indicates a positive test.
 Godeffroy’s reagent (H3Si(W3O10)4
 Sonnenschein’s reagent ((H3P(M3O10)4 (Định lượng) 3. Wagner’s test
 Bertrand’s reagent (Silicotungstic Acid). White to pale yellow To a few milliliters of the extract, add a few drops of Wagner’s reagent (solution of iodine in
 Tannic acid potassium iodide). A reddish brown precipitate indicates a positive test.
• Crystalline precipitates: HAuCl4 ; H2PtCl6; picric acid (Hager’s reagent); picrolonic acid; styphnic acid

W. C. Evans.2009 Phạm Thanh Kỳ. 2015 111 Subhash C. Mandal. 2015 112

– Precipitation reagents (non‐specific reagents):
– Precipitation reagents (non‐specific reagents): • Purine alkaloids (Caffeine) and some other alkaloids do not give precipitates
4. Hager’s test • Care must be taken in the application of these alkaloidal tests, as the reagents also give precipitates with
To a few milliliters of the extract, add a few drops of Hager’s reagent (saturated solution of picric acid). A yellow proteins.
precipitate indicates a positive test. • A variety of non‐nitrogenous oxygenated compounds gave false‐positive alkaloid reactions with
5. Marme’s test Dragendorff's spray reagent. These compounds reacted positively if the oxygen function and the β‐
carbon bonded to the oxygen had high electron density. Thus, aldehydes, ketones, lactones, ethers,
To a few milliliters of the extract, add Marme’s reagent (cadmium iodide + potassium iodide + water). A
esters, epoxides, and peroxides with an ethylene bond or free alkyl groups at the β‐carbon gave a
precipitate is formed. positive reaction, provided that the availability of electrons at the oxygen and the β‐carbon was not
6. Scheibler’s test altered by electron withdrawal or hydrogen bonding.
To a few milliliters of the extract, add Scheibler’s reagent (sodium tungstate + disodium phosphate + water). A  Conjugated aldehydes and ketones: Acrolein, furfural, citral, chakcone, cortisone, cinnamaldehyde
precipitate is formed.  Conjugated lactones: Coumarin; umbelliferone, Digitoxin, Digoxin, Strophanthin, 0uabain.

7. Reineckate test  With additional reactive ether or ester functions: anisaldehyde, vanillin, santonin
 Nonconjugated aldehydes and ketones: menthone, camphor
To a few milliters of the extract, add a few drops of reineckate solution (1 g of ammonium reineckate in water
and 0.3 g of hydroxylamine hydrochloride in 100 ml ethanol). A precipitate is formed.  Phenol, phenolic ethers, and esters: Eugenol, Acetyleugenol, Anethole; Guaiacol; Thymol

Subhash C. Mandal. 2015 113 W. C. Evans.2009 Abdel‐Azim M. Habib. 1980 114

– Precipitation reagents (non‐specific reagents):
– Colour tests for identification of alkaloids (specific reagents)
• False‐positive alkaloid reactions with Dragendorff's spray reagent. 
• H2SO4
• HNO3 : Brucine, Belladon…
• Erdmann (Sulfonitric): Brucine…
• Fröhde (Sulfomolypdic acid): Morphine, Ipeca…
• Marquis (Sulfoformol). Morphine…
• Mandelin (sulfovanadic): Strychnine…
• Wasicky (p‐dimethylaminobenzaldehyd/H2SO4) (Van Urk) (Ehrlich). For test of Indole alk. (Ergot)
• Merke (Sulfoselenic)
– Alkaloids must be pured in color test and standards needed for TLC analyses

Abdel‐Azim M. Habib. 1980 115 Phạm Thanh Kỳ. 2008 116

– Colour tests for identification of alkaloids (specific reagents) – Colour tests for identification of alkaloids (specific reagents)
• Cinchona alkaloids
• Caffeine and other purine derivatives 
Thalleioquin test: To a dilute alkaloidal solution, add a few drops of bromine water. Shake well
Murexide test: mixing with a very small amount of potassium chlorate and a  and then add a drop of strong ammonia solution. An emerald color is produced, which develops
drop of hydrochloric acid, evaporating to dryness and exposing the residue  to a red color upon treatment with sulfuric acid.
to  ammonia  vapour.  A  purple  colour  is  produced  with  caffeine  and  other  Erythroquinine test: To a dilute acidic solution of quinine, add a few drops of bromine water, a
drop of 10% solution of potassium ferrocyanide, a drop of strong ammonia solution. A red color
purine derivatives.  is formed.
• Colchicine with mineral acids gives yellow colour • Nuxvomica
• Indole  alkaloids  treated  with  sulphuric  acid  and  p‐  Mandelin’s test: To the sample solution, add Mandelin’s reagent (sulfuric acid and
ammonium vanadate). A violet blue color develops, which slowly changes to an orange
dimethylaminobenzaldehyde gives bluish‐violet to red colour color. The test is specific for strychnine
• Ipecacuanha  alkaloids:  Frohde’s  test:  This  gives  a  greenish  color  with  an   Malaquin’s test: To a dilute solution, add hydrochloride acid, zinc granules, and heat on a
water bath at 100 °C for 5 min. Filter the solution and add a small crystal of sodium nitrate. A
alkaloidal solution. red color is formed

Subhash C. Mandal. 2015 117 Subhash C. Mandal. 2015 118

Spectroscopy of alkaloids
– Colour tests for identification of alkaloids (specific reagents)
• Tropane alkaloids – UV‐Vis
 Vitali–Morin’s test: The extract is treated with fuming nitric acid and is evaporated to dryness on a  – IR
water bath. The residue is then treated with 3% caustic potash. A deep purple color is formed.
 Rathenasinkam’s test: In this test, nitric acid is used to effect the nitration of the benzene ring in  – MS
atropine,  hyoscyamine,  and  hyoscine.  To  the  residue,  add  a  few  drops  of  ammonia  and  extract 
with chloroform. The chloroform extract is evaporated, and the residue is dissolved in acetone. A  – NMR
few drops of 10% sodium hydroxide is then added. A bluish‐purple color is formed.
• Morphine
 Marquis’  reagent:  Formaldehyde  in  concentrated  sulfuric  acid.  Purple  red  changing  to  purple  is 
observed.  Frshde’s  reagent:  Molybdate  in  concentrated  sulfuric  acid.  Violet,  quickly  changing  to 
strong purplish red, fading out to weaker brown or brownish, then developing green. Mecke’s (or 
Lafon’s)  reagent  (Selenious  acid  in  concentrated  sulfuric  acid).  Green,  quickly  greenish  blue, 
changing to blue, slowly to bluish green with a yellow–brown edge, then olivaceous green.

Subhash C. Mandal. 2015 119 120

Spectroscopy of alkaloids Spectroscopy of alkaloids

Diagram of the electromagnetic spectrum, showing various 
properties across the range of frequencies and wavelengths
Wikipedia. 2007 121 Wikipedia. 2007 122

Spectroscopy of alkaloids UV‐Vis
– Energy changes of electronic transitions
– Highest occupied molecular 
orbital (HOMO) (2)
– Lowest unoccupied 
molecular orbital (LUMO) 

Timothy Soderberg. 2016 123 Richard Koplík. 124

UV‐Vis UV‐Vis
– Molecular absorption of electromagnetic radiation –Spectral regions
• Changes of energy state of the molecule include
 Electronic state: ΔEe =150‐600 kJ/mol ((electron transitions between orbitals) Region λ Absorbing compounds
 Vibrational state: ΔEv =2‐60 kJ/mol
Far ultraviolet (vacuum UV saturated and mono‐
 Rotational state: ΔEr ≈ 3 kJ/mol <190 nm
region) unsaturated
• Relation to the absorbed radiation wavelength poly‐unsaturated and
(Near) ultraviolet 190‐380 nm
 ΔE = ΔEe + ΔEv + ΔEr = h . ν = h . c / λ (h = 6.626 . 10‐34 J s (Planck’s constant) aromatic
Visible light region 380‐780 nm coloured

Richard Koplík. 125 Richard Koplík. 126

UV‐Vis UV‐Vis
– Visible light absorption

λ (nm) Colour of light Colour of absorbing body –Lambert‐Beer law

400–435 violet yellow‐green • Transmittance T = I/I0
435–480 blue yellow
• in a diluted solution the value of absorbance A measured at the
480–490 green‐blue orange
490–500 blue‐green red‐orange specific wavelength is proportional to the concentration of absorbing
500–560 green red compound
560–580 green‐yellow violet • Aλ = ‐ log T = log (I0/I) = ελ . b . C
580–595 yellow‐orange blue
• εmax ≈ 103–105 l.mol‐‐1
595–620 red‐orange green‐blue
620–760 red blue‐green
Richard Koplík. 127 Richard Koplík. 128
UV‐Vis UV‐Vis
– Terms used in UV/VIS spectrometry – Shifts in absorption position and intensity
• Chromophore: a group of atoms responsible for UV/VIS absorption of the molecule, e.g. double
bonds C=C, C=C‐C=C, C=O, N=N, aromatic rings etc
• Auxochrome: a substituent that increases absorption of a molecule, typically ‐CH3, ‐OH, alkoxyl or
amino group or an atom of halogen; when the auxochrome is conjugated with a π‐electron
system, the λmax value is shifted to a longer wavelength (bathochromic efect)
• Bathochromic effect (red shift): a shift of λmax to longer wavelength caused by molecule
modification or a change of solvent
• Hypsochromic effect (blue shift): a shift to shorter wavelength
• Hyperchromic effect: an increase of absorption
• Hypochromic effect: a decrease of absorption

Richard Koplík. 129 L.D.S. Yadav. 2005 130

UV‐Vis UV‐Vis
Some chromophores and the corresponding transitions
– Conjugated polyenes
Chromophore Transition λmax (nm)
an example of compound
H2O σ→σ* 183
C-C a C-H, CH4 σ→σ* cca 170, 173 n H−(CH=CH)n−H CH3−(CH=CH)n−CH3
C-X, CH3OH, CH3NH2, CH3I n→σ* 180-260, 187, 215, 258
C=C, H2C=CH2 π→π* 160-190, 162 λmax (nm) log ε λmax (nm) log ε
H2C=CH−CH=CH2 π→π* 217 2 217 4.3 223 4.4
C=O, H−CH=O n→π*, π→π* 270, 170-200, 270, 185
H2C=CH−CH=O n→π*, π→π* 328, 208 3 268 4.7 275 4.5
C=N n→σ*, n→π* 190, 300
N=N n→π* 340 4 304 ? 310 4.9
C=S n→π* 500 5 334 5.1 341 5.1
NO2 n→π* 420-450
N=O n→π* 630-700
Richard Koplík. 131 Richard Koplík. 132
UV‐Vis UV‐Vis
– Benzene and its derivatives – Heterocyclic compounds
• 5‐membered
Compound λmax (nm) log ε λmax (nm) log ε λmax (nm) log ε
benzene 204 3.9 254 2.0 ‐ ‐
toluene 207 3.8 261 2.4 ‐ ‐ Compound λmax (nm) log ε λmax (nm) log ε
brombenzene 210 3.9 261 2.3 ‐ ‐ furan 200 4.0 ‐ ‐
phenol 211 3.8 270 3.2 ‐ ‐
2‐furaldehyde 227 3.3 272 4.1
benzaldehyde 250 4.1 280 3.0 320 1.7
acetophenone 246 4.0 280 3.0 320 1.7 2‐acetylfuran 225 3.4 269 4.1
benzoic acid 230 4.1 273 3.0 ‐ ‐ pyrrole 210 4.2 240 2.5
aniline 230 3.9 280 3.5 ‐ ‐ 2‐acetylpyrrole 250 3.6 287 4.2
styrene 247 4.0 281 2.0 ‐ ‐ thiophene ‐ ‐ 235 3.7
cinnamaldehyde 285 4.4 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2‐acetylthiophene 260 3.9 285 3.7
cinnamic acid 273 4.3 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ thiazole ‐ ‐ 240 3.6
biphenyl 248 4.2 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐
Richard Koplík. 133 Richard Koplík. 134

UV‐Vis N UV‐Vis
HợP chất không có chromophore khi dùng HPLC 
– Heterocyclic compounds – Solvents for UV spectrometry dùng dm là acetonitrile như saponin
• 6‐membered 2-Picoline
Solvent λ (nm) Solvent λ (nm)
acetonitrile, water 190 chloroform 240
Compound λmax (nm) log ε λmax (nm) log ε λmax (nm) log ε
195 ethylacetate 260
Pyridine 195 ‐ 250 3.3 ‐ ‐ cyclohexane
2‐Picoline ‐ ‐ 262 3.4 ‐ ‐ hexane 201 dimethylformamide 270
Pyrazine ‐ ‐ 260 3.7 ‐ ‐ methanol, ethanol 205 acetic acid. 270
1,4-dioxane 215 benzene 280
Quinoline 227 4.6 275 3.7 313 3.4 N
diethylether 220 toluene 285
Isoquinoline 218 4.9 262 3.6 317 3.5 N glycerol 230 pyridine 300
Pyrimidine ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 343 3.3 Pyrimidine
dichloromethane 233 acetone 330
Richard Koplík. 135 Richard Koplík. 136
– Large number of alkaloids of varying structural types; for example, most of the
pyrrolidine and diterpene alkaloids, which have no ultraviolet spectra. Sparteine
– Some structural types are, however, included because of chromophore‐containing Alk. max Alk. max
Sparteine 200 Colchicine 234 sh, 246, 355
substituents; for example, the pyrrolizidine and tropane alkaloids.
Senecionine 215 Berberine 230, 267, 344, 352, 432
Argyrolobine 240 Palmatine 228, 240, 268, 276, 343, 350, 433
Colchicine 234 sh, 246, 355 Jatrorrhizine 228, 241, 267, 352, 440
Caffeine 227 sh, 272 Coptisine 229, 241, 268, 354, 363, 467

Argyrolobine: C=C-N-C=O grouping with a maximum at 240 nm

Lenka Grycova. 2007 
A. W. SANGSTER., 1965 A. W. SANGSTER., 1965
137 138

UV‐Vis: ALKALOID Bathochromic UV‐Vis: ALKALOID
– Influence of pH on ultraviolet absorption
of morphine and codeine N UV spectra of some common indole
– By measuring UV spectra at various pH, chromophores (not normalized for
Morphine: R=H
information can be obtained about the Codeine: R=OCH3 concentrations)
presence of phenolic groups. [R.
VERPOORTE. 1994]‐and‐
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
139 140 [R. VERPOORTE. 1994]
Alkaloid max Alkaloid max
Aconitine 273, 280 Emetine 282
UV spectra of some aromatic Ajmaline 292 L‐Ephedrine 257, 263 d‐Coniine
substituted indole alkaloids (not Arecaidine 214 Ergot alkaloids 240, 310
normalized for Arecoline 214 Germine No chromophore

concentrations) Atropine 258, 262 Hygrine No chromophore

Berberine 265; 345 L‐Lobeline 245, 280 Hygrine
Brucine 263, 301 Lupinine No chromophore
Caffeine 271 Morphine 284
Cinchonidine 286, 315 Nicotine 262
Cinchonine 284, 315 Palma tine 347
Cocaine 273 Papaverine 279, 326
Codeine 285 Quinine 332
Conhydrine No chromophore Reserpine 267, 295
Milan Popl.1990. 
d‐Coniine No chromophore Scopolamine 258, 264
141 [R. VERPOORTE. 1994] Dictamnine 309, 328 Strychnine 254, 289 142

Alkaloid group Dominating chromophore Examples Alkaloid group Dominating chromophore Examples
Phenylethylamine Benzene Mescaline, ephedrine Senecio Isolated double bond Heliotridine, retronecine
Pyridine Pyridine Nicotine, anabasine Lupine Non‐absorbing Lupinine, sparteine
Dihydro‐ and ‐CH=CH‐C=O Arecoline, arecaidine Amaryllidaceae  Benzene Lycorine
tetrahydropyridine alk.
Piperidine Nonabsorbing Pelletierine, coniine Purine Purine Caffeine, theophylline, 
Benzene (substitution) Lobeline theobromine
Tropane Nonabsorbing Tropine, scopine, methylecgonine Indole Indole Gramine
Benzene (substitution) Atropine, hyoscyamine, cocaine Ergot Lysergic Ergot alk.
Quinoline Quinoline Cusparine, Quinine Diterpene Benzene (substitution) Aconitine, delphinine
Isoquinoline Benzene Anhalamine, Papaverine, Morphine Steroid Nonabsorbing Tomatidine, veracevine,, germine
Isolated double bond Solanidine
Milan Popl.1990.  143 Milan Popl.1990. 
– The IR can be divided into three spectral subregions:
• The near extends from 800 to 2500 nm (NIR),
• The mid from 2500 to 15000 nm (MIR),
• The far‐IR from approximately 15,000 to 100,000 nm (FIR). [Meisam Omidi. 2017]
– To date, most near‐IR spectroscopic studies have focused on two main
areas: blood glucose analysis and haemodynamic monitoring.
[Michael Jackson. 1999]

145 146

– Characteristic IR absorbances
– The region 1400–650
cm−1 is known as the
‘fingerprint region’ and is Characteristic IR
Functional group Source of signal
usually checked for absorbance(s) (cm‐1)
identification as Carbonyl 1650‐1750 (strong) C=O stretching
absorptions in this region Alcohol 3200 ‐ 3600 (broad) O‐H stretching
are characteristic of a 1700‐1725 (strong) C=O stretching
Carboxylic acid
substance. This can be 2500‐3000 (broad) O‐H stretching
compared to infrared Alkene 1620 ‐ 1680 (weak) C=C stretching
3020 ‐ 3080 vinylic C‐H stretching
spectra of known
1620 ‐ 1680 (weak) triple bond stretching
substances for Alkyne
3250‐3350 terminal C‐H stretching

Sue Clarke. 2008 147 Timothy Soderberg. 2016 148

IR ‐ Bohlmann’s IR criterion IR ‐ Bohlmann’s IR criterion
– IR spectroscopy has been used to assign the stereochemistry and conformational
preferences of quinolizidines, indolizidines, pyrrolizidines, and other fused 6/5 and 5/5
ring systems.
– Bohlmann found that it was possible to distinguish between the cis and trans
configurations of the quinolizidine moiety: the trans‐fused systems exhibited a
characteristic series of bands in the IR spectrum between 2700 and 2800cm‐1, which
were absent when the quinolizidine was cis‐fused.
– It has generally been ascertained that Bohlmann’s IR criterion, originally deduced for
the quinolizidine system, is applicable to other saturated systems with a bridgehead
nitrogen atom. (H‐C‐N‐)

Malgorzata Baranska. 2009 G. W . GRIBBLE. 1973

149 2700 and 2800cm‐1 150

IR (KBr) of conessin
IR ‐ Bohlmann’s IR criterion
– Protons alpha to a nitrogen atom in a rigid ring give rise to characteristic absorptions in
the infrared near 2700 cm‐1 when they are situated antiperiplanar to the nitrogen lone
electron pairs. First observed by Wenkert, they are commonly called “Bohlmann Me

N Me
bands”. Their use aided the characterization of the lupin alkaloids, such as sparteine, 60

and matrin. Me

889 799
N 997
Me 1175
1456 1377




Sparteine Matrin 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500
151 152
cocain.HCl morphin base



N Me

153 154

codein base heroin.HCl


N Me
CH3 C O H Cl
N Me O

155 156
IR (KBr) of caffein base Mass spectroscopy
– Mass spectrometry (MS) is a powerful analytical technique widely used by chemists,
biologists, medical researchers, and environmental and forensic scientists, among
– Looking at the mass of a molecule, or of different fragments of that molecule.
Me Me – Instrument of MS:
1. ionization source, where the molecule is given a positive electrical charge, either by removing
an electron or by adding a proton. Depending on the ionization method used, the ionized
molecule may or may not break apart into a population of smaller fragments. Some of the
không có
sample molecules remain whole, while others fragment into smaller pieces.
2. Mass analyzer, where the cationic fragments are separated according to their mass.
3. Detector, which detects and quantifies the separated ions.
4. Recorder: Computer
157 Timothy Soderberg. 2016 158

Mass spectroscopy Mass spectroscopy
– MS

− Mass spectrometry
• MS: Mass of a
molecule, or of
different fragments of
that molecule

SOMOGYI, Á. (2008). 159 Timothy Soderberg. 2016 160

Mass spectroscopy Mass spectroscopy
– Mass Spectrometer (MS) –MS
• Ionizes a gaseous molecule using enough energy that the resulting ion breaks apart into smaller ions.
• Ionization Methods: 
• Ions have different mass‐to‐charge ratios (m/z), so ions separated using a magnetic field or an
1. Gas Phase (‘‘Hard’’) Ionization Methods
electrical field.
• Electron Impact Ionization (EI) This classical ‘‘hard’’ ionization method 
• Mass spectrum contains both quantitative and qualitative information employs an electron beam (70 eV) passing through the sample in the gas 
• Using the mass spectrum to help identify a mixture’s components phase. can be applied to all volatile and thermally stable compounds.
• Chemical Ionization (CI): Reagent gas such as ammonia or methane is 
ionized by electron impact. Molecular ions such as [M+H]+ are obtained

David Harvey. 2019
161 G. Gauglitz. 2014 162

Mass spectroscopy Mass spectroscopy
Electron Impact Ionization (EI) 
–MS –MS Chemical Ionization (CI) 

SOMOGYI, Á. (2008). 163 SOMOGYI, Á. (2008). 164

Mass spectroscopy Mass spectroscopy
• Ionization Methods: 
2. ‘‘Soft’’ Ionization Techniques
1. Field desorption (FD): Electron tunneling from an emitter biased at a high electrical potential.
2. Fast Atom Bombardment (FAB): The sample is dissolved in a liquid matrix with low volatility 
such as glycerol or m‐nitrobenzyl alcohol and deposited on a target. The target is then 
bombarded with a continuous beam of fast atoms (e.g., Xe) or ions (e.g., 131Cs+).
3. Electrospray Ionization (ESI): Analyte is sprayed at atmospheric pressure into an interface to 
the vacuum of the mass spectrometer ion source. The sample solution is sprayed across a high 
potential difference (1–4 kV) from a needle tip into an orifice of the mass spectrometer.
4. Matrix‐Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization (MALDI): pulsed laser is typically used to desorb 
species from a target surface. Therefore, amass analyzer compatible with pulsed ionization 
methods has to be used. Mmore sensitive than ESI, mass range 1–2 MDa, Disadvantages: low 
salt tolerance
165 Electrospray Ionization (ESI) 166
G. Gauglitz. 2014 G. Gauglitz. 2014

Mass spectroscopy Mass spectroscopy

Electrospray Ionization (ESI) Matrix‐Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization (MALDI)
Somoyi A. 2008 167 G. Gauglitz. 2014 168
Mass spectroscopy Magnetic Sector  Mass spectroscopy

–MS Magnetic field B

• Mass Spectrometric Analyzers Voltage V
 Magnetic Sector Mass Analyzers TOF
 Quadrupole Mass Analyzers
 Time‐of‐Flight Mass Analyzers (TOF)
 Trapped‐Ion Mass Analyzers
 Hybrid Analyzers: quadrupole analyzer as a gate in conjunction with an 
orthogonal TOF analyzer (Q‐TOF analyzer)

G. Gauglitz. 2014 169 Magnetic Sector Mass Analyzers G. Gauglitz. 2014 170

Mass spectroscopy Mass spectroscopy

Quadrupole Mass Analyzers
G. Gauglitz. 2014 171 Time‐of‐Flight Mass Analyzers (TOF) Somogyi A. 2008 172
Mass spectroscopy Mass spectroscopy
– Detector

• Faraday Cup detector (or Cylinder electrode): relatively insensitive detector but is very

robust. Ideally suited to isotope analysis and Isotope-ratio mass spectrometry.

• Electron Multiplier

• Photomultiplier (or Scintillation Counter)

Trapped‐Ion Mass Analyzers
G. Gauglitz. 2014 173 174

Mass spectroscopy Mass spectroscopy
– Detector – Detector
• Faraday Cup detector (or Cylinder electrode) • Electron Multiplier 175 176

Mass spectroscopy Mass spectroscopy
– Detector – electron impact
• Photomultiplier

most common detectors 177 Timothy Soderberg. 2016 178

Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS)

O.D. Sparkman et al. (2011) 179 Arpana Vaniya et al. 2015 180

– Double Bond Equivalent
• Double Bond Equivalent (DBE)) (degree of unsaturation‐DoU) (IHD: index Hydrogen
Nitrogen rule states that organic compounds
deficiency): pi () or cyclic. E.g. benzene : DBE = 4 (3  and 1 cyclic) containing exclusively hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen,
• DBE = C – (H/2) + (N/2) + 1
 C: Carbon.
oxygen, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, and the halogens
 H: H or halogen either have
 N: Nitrogen
1. An odd nominal mass that indicates an odd number of
• CH3CH2CH2Br, DBE = 3‐(8/2)+(0/2)+1=0
nitrogen atoms are present or
2. An even nominal mass that indicates an even number of
nitrogen atoms in the molecular formula of the
molecular ion 181 182

• Nitrogen rule
– Rule of Thirteen
• The first step in applying the rule is to assume that only carbon and hydrogen are present in
the molecule and that the molecule comprises some number of CH "units" each of which has
a nominal mass of 13.
• A negative value of u indicates the presence of heteroatoms in the molecule and a half‐
integer value of u indicates the presence of an odd number of nitrogen atoms. On addition of
heteroatoms, the molecular formula is adjusted by the equivalent mass of carbon and
hydrogen. For example, adding N (=14) requires removing CH2 (=14) and adding O (=16)
requires removing CH4 (=16)

183 the degree of unsaturation 184 J. W. Bright. 1983
–Rule of Thirteen – Rule of Thirteen
• An alkaloid was isolated from a common household beverage. The • The  Drug  Enforcement  Agency  (DEA)  confiscated  a  hallucinogenic  substance 
during  a  drug  raid.  When  the  DEA  chemists  subjected  the  unknown 
unknown alkaloid proved to have a molecular mass of 194. Using the
hallucinogen  to  chemical  analysis,  they  found  that  the  substance  had  a 
Rule of Thirteen, determine a molecular formula and an index of molecular  mass  of  314.  Elemental  analysis  revealed  the  presence  of  carbon 
hydrogen deficiency for the unknown. Alkaloids are naturally and hydrogen only. Using the Rule of Thirteen, determine a molecular formula 
occurring organic substances that contain nitrogen. (Hint: There are and  an  index  of  hydrogen  deficiency  for  this  substance.  (Hint:  The  molecular 
four nitrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms in the molecular formula. formula  of  the  unknown  also  contains  two  oxygen  atoms.  The  unknown  is 
The unknown is caffeine. Look up the structure of this substance in tetrahydrocannabinol,  the  active  constituent  of  marijuana.  Look  up  the 
structure  of  tetrahydrocannabinol  in  The  Merck  Index  and  confirm  its 
The Merck Index and confirm its molecular formula.
molecular formula.)
Donald L. Pavia. 2009
185 Donald L. Pavia. 2009 186

General MS/MS  – MS/MS mass spectra of (I)
fragmentation pathways  aporpine‐, (II)
of aporpine‐ and  protoberberine‐, (III)
protoberberine‐ type    tetrahydroprotoberberine‐
, and (IV) protopine‐type
[M + H − CH4]+ (a-type)
[M+ H − CH4 −CH2O]+ (b-type)
[M + H − CH4 − CO − CH2O]+ (c-type),
[M+ H − CH4 − CO]+ (d-type)

187 Hee Jung Shim. 2013 188 Hee Jung Shim. 2013


Timothy Soderberg. 2016 189‐hnmr.html 190

1H‐NMR 13C‐NMR‐hnmr.html 191‐hnmr.html 192

15N‐NMR Structure Elucidation of Alkaloid

– The identification of an alkaloid is first of all a matter of classification.

– From plant material, chemotaxonomy will provide information about the
type of alkaloid commonly found in that particular plant, plant genus, or
• Menispermaceae (4000 compounds) : Isoquinoline alkaloids.
• Apocynaceae, Loganiaceae, or Rubiaceae (4100 compounds): Indole alkaloids.
• Some of alkaloids are typical for the genus.‐
15_nuclear_magnetic_resonance_spectroscopy 193 R. VERPOORTE. 1994 194

Structure Elucidation of Alkaloid Structure Elucidation of Alkaloid
– Known alkaloids: – Strategy for the identification of known alkaloids

• Complete isolation is not necessary.

• Co‐TLC, co‐GLC, and/or co‐HPLC, mass spectrum (e.g., obtained after GC‐MS of a
crude extract), High Resolution‐MS (HR‐MS), NMR (1H, 13C), 2D‐NMR.
– Unknown alkaloids:
• Derivative of a known alkaloid (M): UV and MS data: hydroxy (M+16), methoxy
(M+30), acetyl (M+42), or N‐oxide (M+16).
• Novel structure: 1H‐NMR, 13C‐NMR, IR, MS..

R. VERPOORTE. 1994 195 R. VERPOORTE. 1994 196

Structure Elucidation of Alkaloid Alkaloid extraction
– Strategy for structure determination of novel alkaloids
–Extraction of alcohol solvent
• Chemotaxonomy: Type of alkaloid
• Both free and salt alkaloids can be dissolved in methanol, ethanol, alcohol reflux,
• UV: Chromophore
percolation or immersed can be used.
• MS: Molecular weight, known fragments, simple derivative of known alkaloid
• The advantage: Different alkaloids or alkaline salts can be suit, water‐soluble
(fragments +14, +16, +30, etc.)
impurities such as polysaccharides, proteins are less extracted.
• 1H‐NMR: Characteristic features, eventually complete assignment with the aid of 2D
• The drawback: More fat‐soluble impurities is extracted. Using acidic water‐ alkaline
methods and nOe
‐ extraction methods to remove fat‐soluble impurities. The specific method is that
• 13C‐NMR: Characteristic features, functional groups, 2D‐methods for e.g. C‐H (long
recover alcohol from alcohol extracts and add dilute acid water and stir, place, filter,
range) couplings
after basifying solution, use an appropriate lipophilic organic solvent to extract,
• IR: Functional groups recover solvent and total alkaloids are obtained.

R. VERPOORTE. 1994 197 JI Yubin. 2014 198

Alkaloid extraction Alkaloid extraction
–Extraction with water or acidic water Stas‐Otto process
• Alkaline alkaloids is present in salt form in the plant
The Powdered plant material was acidified
• Using water or acidic water to extract
with tartaric acid and then extracted with
• Inorganic acidic extraction is used Ethanol (90-95%). The alcohol portion was
• 0.1% to 1% sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid or acetic acid, tartaric acid solution then distilled off under vacuum condition.
• Maceration or percolation method Later Petroleum ether was added to the

• The advantage: Increasing the solubility in with inorganic acidswater, and relatively aqueous residue to remove fatty components.
simple. Again the aqueous portion was filtered and

• The main drawback: Difficulty concentrating, and has more water‐soluble evaporated in Rotary evaporator

Dr. G. Madhumitha. 2015
JI Yubin. 2014 199 200
Alkaloid extraction
Alkaloid extraction
–Extraction with lipophilic organic solvent
– N: Non‐polar compounds • Most of the free alkaloid are lipophilic, so chloroform, benzene 
– B: Bases (toxic),  ether  and  methylene  chloride  (CH2Cl2)  can  be  used  to 
extract free alkaloid.
• Impregnated, reflux or continuous reflux extraction can be used 
to extract
• Using  a  small  amount  of  alkaline  water  wetting  medicine  and 
then extracting so that make the alkaloid free, also may increase 
the  solvent  penetrating  the  plant  cell,  then  extract  with 
Water lipophilic organic solvent (CHCl3, CH2Cl2…) 
• Strong  bases  (NaOH, KOH) can  be  used  for  tannate  alkaloid
(with tannin) (E.g. Cinchona bark, Pomegranate bark)
• The main advantage:  Less water soluble impurities
• Disadvantage: High price of the solvent, poor security
201 JI Yubin. 2014 202

Alkaloid separation Alkaloid separation
– Separation of
– Separation of different classes of alkaloids
different classes of

Alkaline layer

JI Yubin. 2014 203 JI Yubin. 2014 204

Alkaloid separation B Alkaloid separation
– Separation of – According to the difference of basicity of alkaloids
different classes of
• PH gradient extraction to separate
• Method 1: Total alkaloids dissolved in the lipophilic organic solvents, then with
different acid buffers to extract in descending order by PH, alkaloids according to its
alkaline from strong to weak formed salt and sequentially to be extracted.
• Method 2: total alkaloids dissolved in acidic water, gradually adding alkaline water
to make PH value from low to high, whenever adjusting PH value, must be
extracted with other organic solvents such as chloroform, each monomer alkaloids
according to its alkaline from strong to weak formed salt sequentially to be
extracted and then separated.

JI Yubin. 2014
JI Yubin. 2014 205 206

Alkaloid separation Alkaloid separation
– Method  1:  Total  alkaloids  dissolved  in  the  lipophilic 
– Method 1
organic solvents Atropin Hyoscyamin Hyoscin
(pKa 9.85) (pKa 9.65) (pKa 6.75)

hòa tan trong HCl loãng

Atropin.HCl Hyoscyamin.HCl Hyoscin.HCl

+ dd. NaHCO3 đến pH 7.5 Lắc phân bố với Et2O

Atropin.HCl Hyoscin base

Hyoscyamin.HCl (trong lớp Et2O)

JI Yubin. 2014 207 JI Yubin. 2014 208

Alkaloid separation Alkaloid separation
– Method 2: total alkaloids dissolved in acidic water – Method 2
1. Từ alkaloid muối/nước
Hòa cắn alk. base ∑ của rễ Ba gạc / HCl loãng.

- chỉnh về pH 6-7, dd. sẽ hơi đục, chiết (lần 1) = CHCl3

 yohimbin, rererpin, rescinamin (alk kiềm yếu nhất).

- chỉnh về pH 8-9, dd. nước lại đục, chiết (lần 2) = CHCl3

 ajmalin, ajmalicin (alkaloid kiềm mạnh hơn).

- chỉnh về pH 12-13, dd. nước lại đục, chiết (lần 3) = CHCl3

 serpentin, alstonin (alk. NIV, alkaloid kiềm mạnh 1’)
JI Yubin. 2014 209 210

Alkaloid separation Alkaloid separation
– According to the basic difference of  – According to the solubility difference of alkaloids or its salt
alkaloids to separate • Oxymatrine’s polar slightly stronger than matrine, and it is insoluble  Oxymatrine
• Fraction L: lipophilic compounds and  in ether and matrine is soluble in ether, alkaloids dissolved in 
non‐basic alkaloids
chloroform, add ether for more than 10 times, oxymatrine can 
• Fraction A: quaternary 
benzophenantridine alkaloids,  precipitate.
protopine alkaloids, tertiary bases  • Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine separated by oxalic acid, ephedrine 
soluble in ether H
oxalate precipitate crystals.
• Fraction B: citrates of quaternary  H H
• Brucine and strychnine separated by EtOH 20% or 50% N
protoberberine alkaloids O

• Fraction E: the rest of fraction A, non‐ O
polar compounds Strychnine

• Fraction I highly polar quaternary 
alkaloids (as iodides) JI Yubin. 2014
211 Lenka Grycova. 2007 212
Alkaloid separation Alkaloid separation
– According to alkaloids special functional group
– According to the solubility difference of alkaloids or its salt
• Phenolic alkaloids form a salt and soluble in water in alkaline conditions, morphine have phenolic 
• Strychnine and Brucine
hydroxyl and codeine having no phenolic hydroxyl, with sodium hydroxide solution treating opium 
 The mother liquor is concentrated in vacuo on a water bath until most of the alcohol has been alkaloids solution, morphine form salt and dissolve, codeine precipitate.
removed. The residue is acidified to pH 6 with dilute sulfuric acid and then concentrated to a volume
of 3 to 4 ml. After standing in a refrigerator overnight, the product is filtered and washed with cold • Lactone or lactam structure alkaloids can be saponified by heating in an alkaline aqueous solution 
water. Brucine sulfate is purified by dissolution in 4.5 volumes of hot distilled water and boiled with a to generate open‐loop and form carboxylic acid salt which is water‐soluble. E.g. Camptothecin.
little charcoal for 1 hr. It is filtered hot and left in a refrigerator for several days. Brucine is recovered
from the sulfate in a manner analogous to that outlined for strychnine; recrystallization from aqueous
acetone yields crystals of mp 178°C.
• Warning! Extreme caution should be exercised in carrying out this experiment. The hands must be
washed thoroughly because of the high toxicity of these alkaloids.

Raphael Ikan. 1991
213 JI Yubin. 2014 214

Alkaloid separation Alkaloid separation
– According to difference of polarity – Precipitation method
  LogPow: • Water‐soluble alkaloids mainly referring quarter ammonium separated by Reye
• Hexan: 3.13 ammonium salt (Reinecke’s ammonium salt) (NH4[Cr(NCS)4(NH3)2] ).
• CHCl3 = 0.84 • Quaternary ammonium base solution with dilute mineral acid solution to adjust
• Diethyl ether = 0.84 PH 2‐3, add freshly prepared alkaloids Reye salt saturated aqueous solution, the
độ phân cực tăng dần

• CH2Cl2 = 0.84 alkaloids Reye salt precipitate, filtration after complete precipitation, precipitation
• EtOAc = 0.28 was washed with a little water to the washing liquid is not red so far

Serban C.Moldoveanu. 2017
215 JI Yubin. 2014 216
JI Yubin. 2014
Alkaloid separation Alkaloid separation
– Crystallization:  – Isolation of polyhydroxy alkaloid
• Some  acids  such  as  hydrochloric,  hydrobromic,  perchloric,  picric,  and    oxalic  to  form  the 
• Monocyclic or bicyclic alkaloids of the pyrrolidine, piperidine, pyrrolizidine,
corresponding  salt  of  alkaloids.  Sulfate  acid  or  neutral  of  some  alkaloids  can  be  crystallized  in 
alcohol or water. indolizidine and tropane classes, bearing two or more hydroxyl groups.
• Hydrochloric or hydrobromic acid in methanol is recommended • Highly water soluble and frequently quite insoluble in non‐hydroxylic solvents
• MeOH used for free base of alkaloids
• Lack of a chromophore
• Solution of alkaloid in MeOH with HX ca be crystallized by adding ether, hot acetone or acetone with 
methanol. • Extraction and isolation:
 EtOH or MeOH admixed with 25–50% water. Dilute acid has also been added. EtOAc,
 Ion‐exchange chromatography: anionic or cationic forms, Dowex 50 or Amberlite

R. F.MANSKE. 1950 217 Russell J. Molyneux. 2002 218

Alkaloid separation Alkaloid separation
– Polyhydroxy alkaloid – Artifacts while separation
• Alkaloids are often rather unstable, e.g., N‐oxidation is quite common.
• Heat, light, solvent
• Chloroform  (strong  proton  donor):  Phosgene  (COCl2)  +  EtOH  ‐>  ethyl  chloroformate.  ethyl 
chloroformate + R‐NH‐R1 ‐> ethylcarbamates (C2H5‐OCO‐NH2). 
australine • EtOH in chloroform: O‐methyl pseudo strychnine ‐> pseudostrychnine
dihydroxymethyl-dihydroxypyrrolidine 1-deoxynojirimycin
• Ethers: peroxides ‐> N‐oxidations.
• Dichloromethane: quaternary N‐dichlorometho compounds
• Acetone and methylethylketone: e.g Berberine + Acetone
• Acetone + Ammonia ‐> Condensates ‐> Dragendorff (+) (chromatography)
• Ammonia + aldehydes (in plant) ‐> artifact alkaloids. e.g sweroside ‐> gentianine.
calystegine B • Generally, alkaloids are more stable in toluene, ethyl acetate, and alcoholic solutions.
swainsonine castanospermine
Russell J. Molyneux. 2002 219 R. VERPOORTE. 1994 220
Alkaloid separation Alkaloid separation
Extraction of volatile alkaloids Extraction of volatile alkaloids

• Conium maculatum alkaloids are volatile at 173‐174  0C ‐>  nhiệt kế và

N‐methyl coniine and coniine, separated by HBr [R. H. F.  bộ tiếp nước
Manske. 2014]
hơi nước sôi Alk base
• Pyridine  alkaloids  are  volatile  at  high  temperature.  ngưng tụ
Nicotine  (pyridine  skeleton)  is  easy  to  volatile,  other 
secondary  amine  alkaloids  (nornicotine,  anabasine, 
anatabine, myosmine) is hard to volatile.
• Tobacco  alkaloids  in  alkaline  solution  (NaOH)  were  dược liệu + kiềm (NaOH)
H2SO4 loãng
distilled and quantitative analysis by spectroscopy.  Myosmine

Hans‐Ferdinand Linskens. 2012 221 222

Alkaloid separation 25 g Lá Cà 
Alkaloids extraction độc dược
EtOH – NH4OH ‐ ether (5 : 4 : 10)
• Alkaloids of cinchona and nux vomica are
removed, by microsublimation powdered crude
Bã Dịch
drug which has been treated with sodium
1. H2SO4 0,5 N (5mL) Bốc hơi gần hết ether
carbonate. The procedure can be carried out
2. H2O (2 x 5 mL) + 25 mL H2SO4 0.5 N  Dược liệu ≥ 0,12% alcaloid tính 
quantitatively. [J.A. Zapotocky. 1949] theo scopolamin (C17H21NO4) tính 
dịch Dịch
• Caffeine can be extracted by sublimation theo dược liệu khô kiệt.
Cloroform (10; 5; 5 mL) Bốc hơi hết ether
cloroform H2SO4
+ H2SO4 1 ml H2SO4 0,02 N   ̴ 6,068 mg 
C17H21NO4. (Scopolamine)
Na2SO4  Bốc hơi Định lượng = 
khan NaOH, CT 
+ NH4OH methyl da cam
Mohrig, Jerry R. 2010 + H2SO4 
thăng hoa 223 DĐVN V + CHCl3
Alkaloid isolation Alkaloid isolation
– Strychnine and Brucine – Caffeine extraction
Groundnuts (200 g) are mixed thoroughly with 200 ml suspension of 10% 20 g finely powdered tea leaves are placed in a 400 ml beaker, 5 g sodium carbonate and 100 ml 
calcium hydroxide in water and left overnight at room temperature. After H
water  is  added,  and  the  mixture  is  heated  by  a  Bunsen  burner  for  20  min.  Water  is  occasionally 
air drying, the slurry is extracted with chloroform in a Soxhlet extractor for 3 H
H H added  to  keep  the  volume  of  the  solution  constant.  The  hot  solution  is  then  filtered,  and  the 
hr. The chloroform solution is then extracted several times with 5% sulfuric N O filtrate  is  neutralized  cautiously,  with  stirring,  with  sulfuric  acid  10%  solution.  It  is  then  filtered 
acid solution, and subsequently basified with 10% aqueous sodium through  a  thin  layer  of  a  filter  aid  (Celite),  placed  on  a  Büchner  funnel  padded  with  a  wet  filter 
hydroxide. After cooling, the crystals are filtered, 1.5 volumes of 50% paper,  and  washed  with  20  ml  dichloromethane.  The  two‐phase  filtrate  is  then  placed  in  a 
Strychnine: R=H
ethanol are added, and the mixture is refluxed until most of the solid has Brucine: R=OCH3 separating funnel. The organic lower layer is separated, and the aqueous layer is extracted twice 
dissolved. After addition of a little activated charcoal, the solution is filtered with two 40‐ml portions of dichloromethane. The two organic (CH2Cl2) layers are then combined, 

hot and left overnight. The crystals of strychnine are filtered and washed and  the  solvent  is  evaporated.  Crude  caffeine  is  crystallized  from  a  very  small  quantity  of  hot 
with a little 50% ethanol. The mother liquor and washings are kept for the acetone or water. The pure crystalline silky needles of caffeine (0.5 g) melt at 235°C.
isolation of brucine.

Raphael Ikan. 1991 225 Raphael Ikan. 1991 226

Alkaloid isolation Alkaloid isolation

– Piperine extraction
• Ten g black pepper is ground to a fine powder and extracted with 150 ml 95%
ethanol in a Soxhlet extractor for 2 hr. The solution is filtered and concentrated in
vacuo on a water bath at 60°C. Alcoholic potassium hydroxide (ten ml 10%)(*) is
added to the filtrate residue and after a while decanted from the insoluble
residue. The alcoholic solution is left overnight, where upon yellow needles of
mp 125‐126°C are deposited; yield, 0.3 g.
(*) Dilute ethanol KOH solution is added to the concentrated extract to keep acidic
material in solution and/or as solid gummy material that is precipitated in the
Piperine is extremely low solubility in water. Outline of the traditional separation of the Cinchona alkaloids

Raphael Ikan. 1991 227 Przemysław J. Boratynski. 2019 228

Alkaloid isolation Alkaloid isolation Reversed‐phase  chromatography  (RPC)  is  a  particular 
form of bonded‐phase chromatography in which the 
– Chromatography – Chromatography mobile  phase  is  an  aqueous–organic  solvent  mixture 
and  the  stationary  phase  a  relatively  low‐polarity 

Colin F Poole. 2019 229 Colin F Poole. 2019 230

Alkaloid isolation Alkaloid isolation
– Chromatography
– Chromatography
stationary phase • Adsorption column chromatography
 Stationary  phase:  Al2O3,  Silica  gel  (Si‐OH (silanol)  và  Si‐O‐
Si (siloxane)),.
 Mobile phase: Chloroform, ethyl acetate or mixture of solvents.
• Reversed‐Phase Chromatography
 HPLC is commonly used
column  Stationary phase: C18, C8, phenyl
 Mobile  phase:  mixture  (H2O,  MeOH,  Acetonitrile,  THF 
Sample solvent (tetrahydrofuran))
(Mobile phase)

231 JI Yubin. 2014 232

Alkaloid isolation Alkaloid isolation
– Separation by HPLC
– Chromatography 
• Reversed‐Phase Chromatography

3 2 5
18 37 8 17 6 5

A Soliven. 2013 233 Ronald E Majors. 2018 234

Alkaloid isolation Alkaloid isolation
– Ion‐exchange (ionit):
– Separation by ion exchange chromatography
• B + HCl ‐> [BH]+ Cl‐
1. Strongly acidic: sulfonic
• Cationit
acid groups
 Cat‐H+ + [BH]+Cl‐ ‐> Cat‐[BH]+ + H+ + Cl‐ 2. Strongly basic:
 Elute by alkaline solution (NaOH, NH4OH…) quaternary amino groups
 Cat‐[BH]+ + NH4OH ‐> Cat‐H+ + B + H2O 3. Weakly acidic: carboxylic
acid groups
• Anionit
4. Weakly basic: primary,
 Ani+OH‐ + [BH]+ Cl‐ ‐> Ani+Cl‐ + B + H2O secondary, and/or
• Alkaloids change to free bases which do not dissolve in water and eluted by organic  tertiary amino groups


Phạm Thanh Kỳ . 2015 235 Pratima Bajpai. 2018

– Separation by preparative TLC – Colchicum  corms  or  seeds  are  exhaustively  extracted  with  ethanol.  Alcoholic 
• Up  to  100  mg  of  compound  is  deposited  in  a  extract is concentrated and dried to syrupy residue. The residue is dissolved in 
water to precipitate the insoluble fats and resins. The filtered aqueous extract  O
horizontal thin line at the bottom of the plate, and 
is then repeatedly extracted with chloroform or digested with lead carbonate.  O
the  plate  is  run  in  the  appropriate  solvent  system 
It  is  re‐filtered,  evaporated  to  a  small  volume  and  further  extracted  with 
as usual.
chloroform.  Colchicine  is  recovered  as  a  crystalline  complex  with  chloroform.  O
• The product is (ideally) located by UV visualization,  The chloroform is distilled off and the amorphous colchicine is recovered after 
and marked with a pencil. the  evaporations  of  the  residual  solvent.  Amorphous  colchicine  may  be  O HN
• A razor blade is used to scrape the silica containing  crystallized  from  ethyl  acetate  as  pale  yellow  needles.  Melting  point:  142– O
the product off the plate. 150°C
– Colchicine used in the management of gout, a condition associated with the 
• The  silica  is  placed  in  a  fritted  funnel  and  flushed 
painful  deposition  of  urate  crystals  in  the  joints. Other  than  its  use  in  gout, 
with a polar solvent (like EtOAc). The pure product 
colchicine  has  been  approved  for  managing  exacerbations  of  Familial 
can be isolated from the filtrate.
Mediterranean  Fever  (FMF),  a  hereditary  autoinflammatory  condition 
Phạm Thanh Kỳ . 2015 Rabel, Fred. 2017
237 [Biren Shah. 2010] 238

Isolation of emetine Isolation of emetine
– Emetine is the major active constituent of the rhizomes and roots  – The  powdered  ipecacuanha  is  extracted  with  about  70%  ethanol  or  methanol.  The  extract 
of  Cephaells  ipecacuanha  and  C.  acuminata;  family  Rubiaceae.  O obtained  is  concentrated  and  dissolved  in  water  and  the  solution  is  made  strongly  basic  with 
ammonia and extracted with di‐isopropyl ether. Di‐isopropyl ether extract is then treated with 
Emetine  was  first  isolated  in  a  crude  form  by  Pelletier  in  1817,  N
O 10–15% aqueous potassium hydroxide to remove cephaeline. The extract is further evaporated 
and recognized as an alkaloid in 1823. Ipecacuanha also consists  to yield emetine. It is purified via HBr or HI salt. These halide salts are converted to the HCl by 
of  some  other  related  isoqunoline  alkaloids  which  includes  H neutralizing the regenerated free base.
cephaeline, psychotrine and emetamine [Biren Shah. 2010] – In  another  process,  ipecac  powder  is  treated  with  ammonia  and  ether.  The  ether  extracts  is 
– Emetine  has  amoebicidal  components.  It  may  be  useful  for  subjected to dilute sulphuric acid treatment to yield alkaloids. Dilute acid extract is then nearly 
neutralized  and  washed  with  ether  and  then  made  strongly  alkaline  and  treated  with  ether. 
amoebic  abscesses  and  hepatitis.  Emetine  injected  O
Emetine  goes  into  ether  while  cephaeline  remains  in  the  aqueous  phase.  The  ether  extract  is 
intramuscularly  is  distributed  systemically.  Emetine  has  been  concentrated  and  redissolved  in  methanol  and  converted  to  emetine  hydrobromide  with  a 
used for more than a century to treat dysentery. [] methanolic solution of hydrobromic acid.
– Melting point: 70°C
[Biren Shah. 2010]
[Biren Shah. 2010] 239 240
– Ergometrine  or  ergonovine  is  a  naturally  occurring  indol  alkaloid  O N – In  the  laboratory  scale  isolation  technique,  ergot  powder  is  completely  defatted  with 
found  in  the  sclerotia  of  Claviceps  purpurea;  Clavicipitaceae  petroleum  ether  (60–80°)  in  Soxhlet  extractor.  The  petroleum  ether  extract  removes 
developed on plants of rye, Secale cereale; Gramineae. It is classified 
about 30% fat and colouring matter. 
as one of the water‐soluble, amine ergot alkaloids. It was discovered  N
almost simultaneously in 1935 by five independent research groups.  – The  residual  marc  dried  below  40°C  is  transferred  to  a  porcelain  dish,  made  to  semi‐
Ergot  also  contains  ergotamine  and  ergotoxine  groups  of  alkaloids  solid  mass  by  adding  sufficient  solvent  ether  and  dilute  ammonia  with  stirring.  The 
which are water‐insoluble groups [Biren Shah. 2010] material is stirred to dryness and then packed in a Soxhlet and extracted with solvent 
– Used  to  treat  postpartum  haemorrhage  and  post‐abortion  ether for about 5 h. The ether extract filtered and to it little acetone added and shaken 
haemorrhage  in  patients  with  uterine  atony.  Ergonovine 
in separating funnel with three volumes of 1% of tartaric acid. The total acidic extract is 
(ergometrine)  belongs  to  the  group  of  medicines  known  as  ergot 
alkaloids.  These  medicines  are  usually  given  to  stop  excessive  combined and dried under reduced pressure to yield total ergot alkaloid.
bleeding that sometimes occurs after abortion or a baby is delivered. 
They  work  by  causing  the  muscle  of  the  uterus  to  contract. 
241 242

– The  total  alkaloid  is  further  dissolved  in  dilute  ammonia  and  extracted  with  four  volumes  of  ether.  The 
– Levodopa  or  L‐Dopa  is  a  dihydroxyphenyl  alanine  obtained  from 
combined total ether extract is washed thoroughly with five successive quantities of water. Water‐insoluble  2
the dried mature seeds of Mucuna pruriens; Fabaceae. Two types 
ergotamine and ergotoxine alkaloids stay with ether while the water‐soluble ergometrine tartrate remains 
of  seeds,  i.e.,  black  or  spotted  variety  are  generally  found  in  the 
with  aqueous  extract.  The  aqueous  extract  is  made  faintly  alkaline  with  dilute  ammonia  and  further 
market  which  consists  of  about  2.0%  of  L‐Dopa  content.  [Biren  Madopar® [Levodopa +
saturated with ether. Ergometrine free base is shifted to ethereal solution. It is again washed with water to  Benserazide]
Shah. 2010]
remove impurities of other alkaloinBds. The ether extract is again treated with three volumes of 1% w/w 
– Levodopa  on  its  own  is  formulated  as  an  oral  inhalation  powder  Duodopa® [Levodopa +
tartaric  acid  in  water.  The  combined  acid  extract  is  concentrated  under  reduced  pressure  to  yield  water  Carbidopa]
soluble alkaloid. It is further purified by the column chromatographic fractionation. indicated for intermittent treatment of off episodes in Parkinson's 
Dazonay® [Levodopa +
patients  who  are  already  being  treated  with  carbidopa  and  Entacapone, +
– Melting point: 162°C
levodopa  Levodopa  is  most  commonly  formulated  as  an  oral  Carbidopa]
– Thin Layer Chromatography of Ergometrine tablet with a peripheral dopa decarboxylase inhibitor indicated for 
• Dissolve  about  1  mg/ml  of  alkaloid  in  methanol  and  apply  on  silica  gel‐G  plates.  Solvent  system  treatment of Parkinson's disease, post‐encephalitic parkinsonism, 
toluene‐butanol  NH4Cl  (saturated)  (6:4)  and  spray  the  dried  TLC  plates  with  Dragendorff  ’s  and  symptomatic  parkinsonism  following  carbon  monoxide 
reagent. Ergometrine maleate shows the Rf 0.30. The elution of the silica gel‐G TLC plate in other  intoxication or manganese intoxication []
solvent system chloroform–ethanol– acetone (6:4:4), shows the Rf value 0.23.
Biren Shah. 2010.  243 244

– Coarsely powdered Mucuna seeds are extracted with demineralized water containing  – The powdered drug is extracted with boiling water and to the  N
1%  v/v  of  acetic  acid  at  50°C.  Acetic  acid  extract  is  filtered.  The  filtered  extract  is  aqueous phase, calcium chloride is added and concentrated  Morphine
concentrated by reverse osmosis and the liquid concentrate so obtained is kept at a  to get salts of morphine and codeine as crystals. It is treated  O

low temperature (6–8°C) for about 24 h for crystallization of L‐dopa. The crystals are  with chloroform. The soluble portion consists of codeine and 
filtered  through  a  centrifuge,  washed  with  cold  water  and  dried  under  vacuum  at  the insoluble portion consists of morphine
50°C. The filtrate and water washings still contain the compound of interest, i.e., L‐ HO
dopa.  It  is  mixed,  concentrated  and  processed  for  second  crop.  The  crystalline  O
product obtained in I and II crops combiningly yield about 2.0–2.5% of L‐dopa which 
still  consists  of  some  impurities  of  amino  acids.  It  is  further  purified  either  by  re‐
crystallization or by using liquid ion exchangers. N


[Biren Shah. 2010] 245 [Biren Shah. 2010] 246

– The  powered  drug  is  shaken  with  calcium  chloride  and  filtered.  To  the  filtrate  add  10%  of  sodium 
Piperine O
hydroxide solution. It is filtered. The marc consists of narcotine, papaverine, thebain and the filtrate 
consists  of  morphine,  codeine.  The  filtrate  is  extracted  with  chloroform.  The  chloroform  layer  is 
separated.  It  consists  of  codeine  while  the  aqueous  layer  consists  of  morphine  and  narceine.  The  – Piperine is isolated from unripe fruit (black pepper) and the kernel of the ripe fruit 
aqueous layer is first acidified and later on slightly alkalized with ammonia. Morphine is precipitated  (white  pepper)  of  Piper  nigrum,  from  the  fruit  of  aschanti  (Piper  clusii),  from  long 
on  the  addition  of  ammonia  and  the  aqueous  layer  consists  of  narceine.  The  marc  consisting  of  pepper (Piper longum), seeds of Cubeba censii, Piper fainechotti and Piper chaba. The 
narcotine,  papaverine  and  thebain  is  dissolved  in  alcohol  and  then  acidified  with  acetic  acid.  To  the  piperine content of black pepper varies from 6 to 9%.
acidified  solution,  add  three  volumes  of  boiling  water.  Precipitates  of  narcotine  and  papaverine  are 
formed and thebain still remains in the aqueous solution. Papaverine is separated from narcotine by  – Finely  powdered  20  g  of  black  pepper  is  extracted  with  300  ml  95%  ethanol  in  a 
the addition of 0.3% oxalic acid solution and allowed to cool. On cooling the papaverine crystals are  Soxhlet  extractor  for  2  h.  The  solution  is  filtered  and  concentrated  in  vacuum  on  a 
obtained.  The  aqueous  solution  is  made  alkaline  with  ammonia  for  the  precipitation  of  narcapine  water  bath  at  60°C.  20  ml  of  alcoholic  potassium  hydroxide  is  added  to  the  filtrate 
which is re‐crystalized using water. residue and after it while decanted from the insoluble residue. The alcoholic solution 
– Melting point: Morphine 254°C, Thebaine 193°C, Codeine 154–156°C is left overnight, whereupon yellow coloured needle shaped crystals are deposited. 
The yield of piperine is 0.3 g. Melting point: 125–126°C
[Biren Shah. 2010] 247 [Biren Shah. 2010] 248
N N – The powdered Chinchona bark is mixed with about 30%, of its weight of Ca(OH)2 or CaO and sufficient 
– Cinchona  is  the  dried  bark  of  the  stem  or  of  quantity of 5% sodium hydroxide solution. The moistened mass is then transferred into Soxhlet and 
the root of Cinchona calisaya Wedd, Cinchona  extracted with benzene. To the benzene extract, add 5% sulphuric acid. The benzene layer is separated 
from  that  of  the  aqueous  layer,  the  benzene  layer  is  discarded  and  to  the  aqueous  layer  sodium 
ledgeriana  Moens,  Cinchona  officinalis  Linn  O
hydroxide  is  added  to  adjust  the  pH  to  6.5.  Cool  and  on  cooling  precipitates  of  quinine  sulphate  is 
and  Cinchona  sucirubra  Pavon  or  hybrids  of  formed.  The  separated  precipitate  is  then  re‐crystalized  from  hot  water  to  free  the  salts  from 
N N cinchonine and cinchonidine. The colouring matter is removed by treating it with activated charcoal. 
any  of  the  first  two  species  with  any  of  the 
Quinine Cinchonine The mother liquor consisting of quinidine, cinchonine and cinchonidine are slightly made alkaline with 
last  two  species  (Rubiaceae).  Quinine  is  ammonia,  and  the  precipitate  formed  is  again  subjected  to  extraction  with  ether.  Two  portions  are 
N N obtained:  the  first  is  ether  insoluble  fraction  consisting  of  cinchonine  crystals  and  the  other  is  the 
laevorotatory  while  quinidine  is 
OH ether  extract  with  quinidine  and  cinchonidine.  The  ether  soluble  fraction  consisting  of  quinine  and 
dextrorotatory stereoisomer OH
cinchonidine is first stirred with dilute hydrochloric acid followed by the addition of 25% of solution of 
sodium potassium tartrate. Precipitates from resulting solution of cinchonidine tartrate is formed. The 
cinchonidine is re‐crystalized from alcohol. To the liquor obtained after the separation of cinchonidine 
tartrate  add  potassium  iodide  solution.  Addition  of  potassium  iodide  results  in  the  precipitation  of 
N N quinidine hydro‐iodide. This on treatment with an alkali (ammonia) liberates a base, which is dissolved 
Quinidine Cinchonidine in  acetic  acid.    The  quinidine  obtained  is  finally  re‐crystallized  from  alcohol.  Melting  point:  Quinine 
177°C, Quinidine 174–l75°C
[Biren Shah. 2010] 249 [Biren Shah. 2010] 250

– Reserpine is an indole alkaloid obtained from the roots of  – Rauwolfia root powder is exhaustively extracted with 90% alcohol by suitable method of 
Rauwolfia serpentina, family Apocyanaeae and also from  extraction  such  as  percolation.  The  alcoholic  extract  is  concentrated  and  dried  under 
reduced  pressure  below  60°C  to  yield  rauwolfia  dry  extract  containing  about  4%  of  total 
other  different  species  of  Rauwolfia,  such  as  R. 
alkaloids.  Rauwolfia  dry  extract  is  extracted  further  with  proportions  of  ether– 
micrantha,  R.  vomiforia  and  R.  tetraphylla.  The  material  chloroform–90% alcohol (20:8:2.5). To the extract obtained, add little dilute ammonia with 
obtained  from  natural  sources  may  contain  closely  intermittent shaking. Alkaloid is converted to water‐insoluble base. Add water and allow 
related  alkaloids,  which  includes  ajmaline,  ajmalicine,  the  drug  to  settle  after  few  vigorous  shakings.  Fitter  off  the  solution  and  extract  the 
ajmalinine,  rescinnamine,  reserpinine,  serpentine  and  residue with 4 volumes of 0.5 N H2SO4 in separating funnel. Combine the total acid extract 
which  contains  the  alkaloidal  salt.  The  extract  is  filtered,  made  alkaline  with  dilute 
yohimbine. In R. serpentina, reserpine and rescinnamine 
ammonia to liberate alkaloid. Finally, it is extracted with chloroform. The total chloroform 
both respond to the extraction procedures and extracted  extract is filtered; chloroform is removed by distillation and the total alkaloidal extract is 
as a mixture of both while in R. tetraphylla, reserpine and  dried under vacuum to yield total rauwolfia alkaloids. Total rauwolfia alkaloid consists of 
deserpidine are extracted together. the  mixture  of  over  30  different  components.  It  is  subjected  to  column  chromatographic 
fractionation for the seperation of reserpine. Melting point: 270°C
[Biren Shah. 2010] 251 [Biren Shah. 2010] 252
Isolation of solasodine Isolation of solasodine
– Solasodine is an aglycone of steroidal glycoalkaloid found in  – The  dried  berries  are  first  powdered  and  subjected  to  defat  with  petroleum  ether  to 
many  species  of  Solanaceae  family.  The  various  sources  yield  greenish  yellow  oil  which  is  rejected  as  it  is  devoid  of  the  glycoalkaloid  The 
commonly used for the preparation of solasodine include the  defatted material is extracted thrice with ethyl alcohol; the extracts are combined and 
berries  of  Solanum  incanum  (1.8–2%),  S.  khasianum  (1– concentrated to 1/10th of its volume. Concentrated hydrochloric acid is then added to 
1.75%)  and  S.  xanthocarpum.  Solasonine  is  a  steroidal  it until the final concentration reaches 5–6%. The whole mass is refluxed for about 6 h 
glycoalkaloid  which  yields  an  aglycone  solasodine  and  the  to  attain  complete  hydrolysis  of  glycoalkoloid.  The  reaction  mixture  is  then  basified 
sugar such as mannose, glucose and galactose on hydrolysis. HN with ammonia and again refluxed for 1 h. The cooled reaction mixture is filtered and 
the  residue  obtained  is  thoroughly  washed  with  water  till  neutral  pH  and  dried.  The 
H dried  material  is  then  dissolved  in  chloroform.  Solasodine  goes  into  chloroform.  The 
solution  is  filtered  and  the  solvent  is  evaporated  to  yield  the  residue  containing 
solasodine. It is further purified by crystallizing it from methanol or by sublimation in 
high vacuum.
[Biren Shah. 2010] 253 [Biren Shah. 2010] 254

Test for alkaloid – specific reagent
Test for alkaloid
Alkaloid Reagent Reagent composition color
– Material  (50mg)  +  dilute  acid  (HCl,  H2SO4),  filter,  filtrate  +  precipitating  reagent  Purine murexide potassium chlorate (KClO3)+ HCl+NH4OH purple
(Dragendorff). False positive: purines, proteins, betaines, ammonium salts. Colchicine mineral acids mineral acids yellow

– Material  +  MeOH  (EtOH),  filtre    filtrate    residue  (solvent  removed);  Residue  +  Indole alkaloids Van Urk (Erlich) + p‐dimethylaminobenzaldehyde+ FeCl3+Sulphuric purple
Morphine Marquis Formaldehyde/H2SO4 Purple red ‐> purple
dilute acid; filter; filtrate + precipitating reagent. [1]
Fröhde Molybdate/sulfuric Violet ‐>purplish red ‐> brown
– Material + NH4OH + Organic solvent (CHCl3, DCM)  filtre; filtrate + dilute acid (HCl,  Mecke (Lafon) Selenious acid/sulfuric Green ‐>greenish blue ‐>blue ‐>bluish green
H2SO4), acid water + reagent. Tropane Vitali‐Morin HNO3+ KOH bright purple or reddish 
Schaer H2O2 + sulfuric acid green
– Precipitating reagent:
Ipecacuanha Fröhde Molybdate/sulfuric greenish
• Reagent:  Dragendorff  (KBiI4)(reddish‐brown),  Mayer  (K2HgI4)(cream),  Hager  (yellow),  Bouchardat 
Cinchona Thalleoquin bromine water + NH4OH Emerald (Lục tươi)
(Wagner)  (KI3);  Marmé  (cadmium  iodide  +  potassium  iodide  +  water),  Scheibler,  Reineckate,  Red (+sulfuric acid )
Bertrand (Silicotungstic). Erythroquinine Br2water + K ferrocyanide (K4[Fe(CN)6] + NH4OH Red
Nuxvomica  Mandelin NH4OH + ammonium vanadate violet blue ‐> Orange
Malaquin HCl+Znc+t0+sodium nitrate  red

[1]. PP NC DL Subhash Mandal. 2015 Sunil Kumar. 2014 W. C. Evans.2009 255 Subhash Mandal. 2015 256

Test for alkaloid TLC analysis for alkaloids
• Numerous reactions have been described for the detection of alkaloids 
in  aqueous  solutions.  The  most  common  are  precipitation  reactions  Tan k lid
such as Dragendorff’s reagent (bismuth iodide), Mayer’s reagent, picric  Rf = a/b
TLC tan k
acid, and Reinecke’s salt. All these reagents are more or less specific for 
protonated tertiary nitrogens (and quaternary nitrogens). Dragendorff’s  Sol ve n t fr o n t
TLC Plate Com p o u n d
reagent  is  also  used  for  the  detection  of  alkaloids  on  thin‐layer 
dista n ce fr o m
origi n (2. 8c m ) b dista n ce
from origi n a
(2. 3 cm )
chromatography (TLC) plates. It may cause false‐positive reactions with, 
Pen c i l line
for  example,  compounds  containing  conjugated  carbonyl  or  lactone  1-2 cm abo ve
botto m of
Sol ve n t level

TLC plate
functions. Extr ac t or mixt u r e spo tte d
as a sing l e spo t or line

Before developm ent After developm ent

A. Conqueiro. 2015
257 Satyajit D. Sarker (2012). 258

TLC analysis for alkaloids TLC analysis for alkaloids 259 260
TLC analysis for alkaloids TLC analysis for alkaloids
– Highly  nonpolar  compounds  ,  such  as  fatty  acids,  glycerides,  alkanes,  and  some  lower 
– Acidic  compounds  can  “tail”  and  “streak”  with  nonband  flow  on  silica  due  to  interactions 
(smaller)  terpenoids  such  as  monoand  sesquiterpenes  require  simple  nonpolar  solvents 
systems (e.g., cyclohexane, hexane, pentane, diethyl ether:hexane mixtures) and may be diffi 
between acidic groups (e.g., –COOH, –OH) and silanols. This may be reduced by the addition 
cult to detect by UV light (as they have no chromophore) or by spray detection (use charring 
of  a  small  amount of  acid  (e.g., 1% trifluroacetic  acid,  HCOOH  or  acetic  acid) to  the mobile  reagents, e.g., vanillin–sulfuric acid). 
– Highly  polar  metabolites  ,  such  as  sugars,  glycosides,  tannins,  polyphenolics,  and  certain 
phase and this will maintain any acidic groups in a nonionized form.  alkaloids  require  the  development  of  polar  mobile  phases  and  in  some  cases  such 
compounds  may  be  irreversibly  adsorbed  onto  the  silica.  Choice  of  mobile  phase  should 
– Basic compounds also may behave poorly on silica and the addition of weak bases (e.g., 1%  evolve through the use of a mono or binary system, i.e., 100% CHCl3 or hexane:EtOAc (1:1) as 
a starting point and if this does not give a good result then the addition of acids or bases to 
diethylamine;  NH4OH;  or  triethylamine)  should  also  eradicate  any  tailing  and  improve  improve  chromatography,  i.e.,  toluene:EtOAc:acetic  acid  (60:38:2)  should  be  tried  and  as  a 
last resort the use of tertiary or quaternary systems, e.g., butanol:acetic acid:water (4:1:5) or 
hexane:EtOAc:formic acid:water (4:4:1:1) should be employed.

Satyajit D. Sarker (2012).
261 Satyajit D. Sarker (2012). 262

TLC analysis for alkaloids TLC analysis for alkaloids
– Sample preparation (1‐2 g) – Stationary phase: Silica gel (for most alkaloids). Aluminium oxide‐pre coated 
• Extracted by MeOH TLC plates (for berberine; columbamine and jatrorrhizine)
• Sample + NH4OH + organic solvent (CHCl3) – Mobile  phase:  NH4OH,  diethylamin  (DEA),  triethylamine  (TEA)  added  into 
• Sample + H2SO4 0.1N  extract; extract + NH4OH + Organic solvent (CHCl3) mobile phase to improve separation
• Defatted by n‐hexane (Strychni semen, Colchici semen) before extracted by suitable  • Methanol – ammonium hydroxide (9 : 1): TLC analysis of strychnine and brucine
• Hexane‐chloroform‐diethylamine (50 : 30 : 7): Analysis of morphine alkaloids
• Extract concentrated and applied on TLC plate (ca. 50‐100 g of total alkaloids).
• Cyclohexane‐CHCl3‐Glacial acetic acid (45:45:10): Berberine and protoberberine
– Standard preparation (1% in alcohol (MeOH, EtOH))
– Applied volume: 10‐20 L

Harbone. 1996.  263 M. Muzquiz. 2000 Harbone. 1996.  264

TLC analysis for alkaloids TLC analysis for alkaloids
– Detection
• UV  254  nm:  Pronounced  quenching  of  some  alkaloid  types  such  as  indolcs,  quinolines, 
isoquinolines, purines; weak quenching of e.g. tropine alkaloids.
• UV  365  nm:  Blue,  blue‐green  or  violet  fluorescence  of  alkaloids,  e.g.  Rauvolfiae  radix,  Chinae 
cortex (Cinchonae cortex), Ipecacuanhae radix, Boldo folium. Yellow fluorescence, e.g. colchicine, 
sanguinarine, berberine
• Spray reagents
 Dragendorff:  Appear  as  brown  or  orange‐brown  (vis.)  zones  immediately  on  spraying.  The  colour  is 
fairly stable. Some types such as purines or ephedrine need special detection. The colour of alkaloid 
zones  can  be  intensified  or  stabilized  by  spraying  first  with  Dragendorff  reagent  and  then  with  10% 
sodium nitrite solution or 10% ethanolic sulphuric acid.
 Iodoplatinate:  Directly  after  spraying,  alkaloids  appear  as  brown,  blue  or  whitish  zones  (vis.)  on  the 
blue‐grey background of the TLC plate

Wagner. 2001
Verpoorte. 2000 265 M. Muzquiz. 2000 266

TLC analysis for alkaloids TLC analysis for alkaloids

– Special detection
• Iodine‐potassium iodide‐HCl reagent  purines
• Iodine CHCl3 reagent  emetine, cephaeline
• Marquis reagent  opium alkaloids
• Van Urk reagent  secale alkaloids
• Ninhydrine reagent  ephedrine
• 10% ethanolic H2SO4  chinae alkaloids (Cinchonae

Wagner. 2001
M. Muzquiz. 2000 267 Wagner. 2001 268
– Gravimetry
– Gravimetry • Apply for weak base alkaloids or non‐elucidated structure, or difference of molecular weight 
– Acid‐base titration  • Total alkaloids extracted, dried and weighed
• Low  amount  of  alkaloids:  precipitating  with  silicowolframic  acid,  phosphowolframic  acid,  picrolonic 
– Spectrophotometry acid. E.g.: Nicotine, caffeine với silicowolframic.
– HPLC – Acid – base titration
• Apply usually for alkaloid in Solanaceae
• Free base of alkaloids extracted, remove NH4OH by evaporation. 
– Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) • Decolor by liquid‐liquid extraction or adsorbed substances (charcoal)
• Back titration with an excess of acid.
• HCl, H2SO4 0.01‐0.1 N for titration. Indicator: red methyl (4.2‐6.3), orange methyl (4.0) or mixture of red 
methyl + blue methylene (Cinchona) to observe easily
• Non‐aquaeous titration: HClO4, Crystal violet (0.5 per cent in glacial acetic acid) as indicator
• Application: Datura alkaloids, Holarrhena alkaloids DĐVN V), Belladon (BP 2015).

269 Phạm Thanh Kỳ. 2015 270

– Colorimetric and spectrophotometric determination – High  performance 
• Color reagent: 
 Ergot alk + p‐dinotroaminobenzaldehyde + H2SO4 + H2O2 (FeCl3).
 Cinchona bark + Renecke reagnet ‐> acetone
 Morphine ‐> Nitrosomorphine
 Physostigmine + alkaline solution ‐> Erosoline + methylamin. Methylamin. Methylamin + Ninhydrin ‐> 
màu. [Phạm Thanh Kỳ. 2015]
• Spectrophotometry 
 Sstrychnine in Stru=ychnos in max of 262 nm and 300 nm.
 Total alkaloid in Solanum by reaction with Bromothymol [DĐVN V. 2017]
• The sum of quinolizidine alkaloids in the seeds of lupine (Lupinus) has been determined using the 
method of extraction photometry, based upon the formation of complexes between alkaloids and 
picric acid and measured at 345 nm. [M. V. Gavrilin. 2006]‐performance‐
271 liquid‐chromatography‐hplc/ 272
• HPLC is a major tool for the analysis of alkaloids.
• Stationary phase: reversed‐phase (RP) materials (C8‐, C18‐ and phenyl‐bonded phases on silica).
• Mobile  phase:  alkylamines  (e.g.  hexylamine),  triethylamine  or  tetramethylammonium  in  low 
concentrations is added to the mobile phase to reduce the tailing
• The pH of the mobile phase must be strictly controlled.
• Detection: 
 UV is most widely used. Diode array detection
• Indole and isoquinoline alkaloids: strong and speciRc UV chromophores.
• Poor UV absorption properties, e.g. tropane, pyrrolizidine and steroidal alkaloids: 200‐220 nm.
 Mass spectrometry is a major tool in the identiRcation and structure elucidation of alkaloids

Verpoorte. 2000 273 Verpoorte. 2000 274

– HPLC GC (Gas chromatography) 250-3200C

Chromatogram of sample


SKĐ chuẩn berberine He
Chromatogram of berberine Ar FID, NPD, MSD
H2 40-3200C

15-60 m

NGUYỄN NGỌC KHÁNH VY. 2016. Unpublished data 275 276


Flame Ionization Detector (FID) Separation of an alkaloid extract from L. angustifolius (A) and L. mutabilis (B) bitter seeds by capillary GC Injector, 2400C; detector 3000C; oven
Nitrogen–phosphorus detector (NPD) Mass Selective Detector (MSD) 150‐2350C, 50C/ min1; carrier gas, helium; detection of alkaloids by nitrogen-specific detector (NPD) and massselective detector.
M. Muzquiz. 2000 277 278
M. Muzquiz. 2000

QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ALKALOIDS ‐Capillary Electrophoresis‐CE Ecological Role of Alkaloids
– Because  of  their  ionic  nature  alkaloids  can  be  analyzed  by  capillary  zone  – Alkaloids being toxic help the plants, herbivores, and insects to ward off their enemies 
– Low  pH‐buffers  can  be  used  for  the  analysis  of  alkaloids  (e.g.,  a  pH  2.5  phosphate  or competitors and facilitate their own survival in the ecosystem.
– Natural weedicide (herbicide)

R Verpoorte. 2005 279 Shaily Goyal. 2013 280

Uses of alkaaloids Uses of alkaaloids
No Type Alkaloid Activity
1 Poison Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (from  Conversion to DNA‐ and protein‐alkylating agent in the liver;  No Type Alkaloid Activity
Senecio, Heliotropium, Crotalaria) causing liver cirrhosis, mutations, cancer
5 Constriction of  Ergot alkaloids (Claviceps purpurea) Used in obstetrics
Ergot alkaloids (from Claviceps  Cause vasoconstrictions, hallucinogenic effects, gangrenous limps  blood vessels Ephedrine (Ephedra spec.) bronchial asthma, cold, sinusitis 
purpurea) (hoại tử chân tay); disease named ‘ergotism’ ( convulsive
and gangrenous symptoms). No specific antidote Scopolamine (Hyoscyamus, Atropa,  Inhibitor of smooth muscles, for example, dilatator in 
and Datura) vessels
2 Analgesics Aconitine (Aconitum),  Local anesthetic, general paralytic effect. 
Morphine (Papaver somniferum). Very effective pain killer (used since ancient times); with  6 Muscle relaxant Tubocurarine (Chondrodendron Block nicotinic acetylcholine  receptor.; used in surgery
addictive properties tomentosum)
Codeine (Papaver),  Pain and cough depression Hyoscyamine (atropine), Hyoscyamus,  Antispasmodic at smooth muscles (gastrointestinal 
Cocaine (Erythroxylum coca) Local anesthetic Atropa, and Datura) tract and bladder)
3 Cardiac  Quinidine (Cinchona spec.) Antiarrhythmic properties at the heart ventricle Papaverine (Papaver somniferum) Smooth‐muscle relaxant
stimulant Sparteine (Cytisus scoparius) Antiarrhythmic properties
7 Antiparasitic and  Berberine (Berberis, Mahonia, and  Intercalates DNA and inhibits parasites and 
Ajmalicine (Rauvolfia serpentina) Antiarrhythmic properties at the heart ventricle
antimicrobial Coptis) microorganisms (*)
4 Respiratory  Nicotine (Nicotina), cytisine  Stimulation of respiration is followed by respiratory depression,
Emetine (Psychotria ipecacuanha) Intestinal amebiasis, emetic drug (*)
stimulant (Laburnum) asphyxia, or even respiratory failure
Boldine (Peumus boldo) Anthelmintic activity (*)
Lobeline (Lobelia spec.) Stimulant; used to treat bronchial asthma
Quinine (Cinchona succirubra) Antimalarial
Coniine (Conium maculatum) Used as a potent poison in antiquity (Socrates)

Wink. 2016
281 (*): Not in Wink. 2016 282

Uses of alkaaloids Uses of alkaaloids
No Type Alkaloid Activity Alkaloid Natural source Therapeutic property
8 Anti‐inflammatory  Colchicine (Colchicum autumnale) Treatment of acute gout, recurrent gout Antipyretic and analgesic (limited application
Aconitum napellus
activity  Aconitine because of narrow therapeutic index) [Chan TY.
9 Anti‐Alzheimer’s  Physostigmine (Physostigma  Inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase. 2009)
disease venenosum) Used in atropine overdose and other anticholinergic drug  Catharanthus roseus
Ajmaline Antiarrhythmic agent (Phase 4)
overdoses. Apocynaceae
Galantamine (Galanthus nivalis) Inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase. For the treatment of poisoning by susceptible
Atropa belladonna
Atropine organophosphorous nerve agents having anti-
10 Eye treatments Pilocarpine (Pilocarpus jaborandi) Miotic used in the treatment of open‐angle glaucoma Solanaceae
cholinesterase activity or carbamate insecticides
11 Cancer  Taxol (Taxus brevifolia) Treatment of breast and ovary carcinoma; other  Berberis vulgaris
chemotherapy malignancies. Berberine Parasitic, fungal infections and antidiarrhea
Vinblastine, vincristine  Treatment of lymphomas and other tumors For management of fatigue, orthostatic
Coffea spp., Cola spp.
(Catharanthus roseus) Caffeine hypotension, and for the short term treatment of
Camptothecin (Camptotheca Cancer chemotherapy apnea of prematurity in infants.
acuminata) Cathine (d- Catha edulis Celastraceae
Used to decrease appetite.
norpseudoephedrine) (Khat, qat) Wink. 2016
283 Tadeusz A. 2015, 284
Uses of alkaaloids Uses of alkaaloids
Alkaloid Natural source Therapeutic property
For the introduction of local (topical) anesthesia of accessible mucous  Alkaloid Natural source Therapeutic property
Erythroxylum coca
Cocaine membranes of the oral, laryngeal and nasal cavities. (Inj. 40 mg/mL, 100 
Erythroxylaceae Claviceps purpurea postpartum haemorrhage and postabortion haemorrhage in patients 
mg/mL, Topical: 10%, 100mg) Ergometrine
Clavicipitaceae with uterine atony. IM, IV 0.25 mg/mL.
Papaver somniferum relief of mild to moderately severe pain. cough suppressant in adults aged 18 
Codeine For use as therapy to abort or prevent vascular headache, e.g., 
Papaveraceae and above Claviceps purpurea
prophylaxis and treatment of gout flares. Familial Mediterranean Fever Ergotamine migraine, migraine variants, or so called "histaminic cephalalgia". 
Colchicum autumnale Clavicipitaceae
Colchicine (hereditary inflammatory disorder) in children and adults of 4 years of age and  Ergotamine is a vasoconstrictor and alpha adrenoreceptor antagonist
older. For the treatment of glaucoma, and in the treatment of severe 
Camptotheca acuminata. Investigated for the treatment of cancer. Topoisomerase inhibitor Physostigma anticholinergic toxicity. Physostigmine is a parasympathomimetic, 
Camptothecin Physostigmine 
Nyssaceae Irinotecan topotecan, rubitecan (synthetic) [G. Samuelsson (2004)] venenosum ‐ specifically, a reversible cholinesterase inhibitor which effectively 
Fabaceae increases the concentration of acetylcholine at the sites of 
Cephaelis acuminata
Emetine (Carapichea ipecacuanha)  Anti‐amoebic (interfere with muscle contractions, leading to cardiac failure) cholinergic transmission. IV 1 mg/mL
Rubiaceae mild to moderate dementia of the Alzheimer's type. Has also been 
An alpha‐ and beta‐adrenergic agonist. treatment of asthma, heart failure,  investigated in patients with mild cognitive impairment who did not 
Galanthus nivale
Ephedra sinica rhinitis, and urinary incontinence, and for its central nervous system  Galanthamine meet the diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer's disease. Galantamine is a 
stimulatory effects in the treatment of narcolepsy and depression. IV 50  parasympathomimetic, specifically, a reversible cholinesterase 
mg/1mL. inhibitor. 4; 8; 12;16; 24 mg/tab. Reminyl® 
Tadeusz A. 2015, 285 Tadeusz A. 2015, 286

Uses of alkaaloids Uses of alkaaloids
Alkaloid Natural source Therapeutic property Alkaloid Natural source Therapeutic property
Hydrastis canadiensis Lycorine has been seen to have promising biological and 
Hydrastine Haemostatic drug during the 1910s [Römpp CD,, 2006]
Lycoris pharmacological activities such as antibacterial, antiviral, or anti‐
Duboisia, Datura, For the treatment of excessive salivation, colicky abdominal pain,  Lycorine
Hyoscine  Amaryllidaceae inflammatory effects and may have anticancer properties [Jahn, 
Hyoscyamus bradycardia, sialorrhoea, diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome 
(scopolamine) Sandra. 2012]
Solanaceae and motion sickness. muscarinic antagonist. Anticholinergic.
For treatment of bladder spasms, peptic ulcer disease,  Papaver chronic moderate‐to‐severe pain. Epidural; Intramuscular; 
Hyoscyamine diverticulitis, colic, irritable bowel syndrome, cystitis, and  Morphine somniferum Intrathecal; Intravenous 1; 4; 8; 10; 15; 20; 40 mg/mL. Capsule, 
Atropa belladonna Papaveraceae extended release: 15; 30; 45; 60; 90; 120 mg
(levo‐isomer to  pancreatitis. Also used to treat certain heart conditions, to control 
Solanaceae Mitragyna
atropine) the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and rhinitis. Oral; Sublingual,  Mitragynine is an indole‐based opioid‐receptor agonist [Jansen KL, 
0.125; 0.375 mg mg/tab. Mitragynine speciosa
Prast CJ (1988).]
An alkaloid that has actions similar to nicotine on nicotinic  Rubiaceae
cholinergic receptors but is less potent. It has been proposed for a  Papaver Papaverine is used to treat many conditions that cause spasm of 
Lobelia inflata Papaverine somniferum smooth muscle. This includes chest pain, circulation problems, heart 
Lobeline variety of therapeutic uses including in respiratory disorders, 
Campanulaceae Papaveraceae attack, or disorders of the stomach or gallbladder. IM, IV. 30 mg/mL
peripheral vascular disorders, insomnia, and smoking cessation. 
Investigational. Noscapine ((−)‐ P. Somniferum
Cough suppressant
narcotine) Papaveraceae

Tadeusz A. 2015, 287 Tadeusz A. 2015, 288
Uses of alkaaloids Uses of alkaaloids
Alkaloid Natural source Therapeutic property Alkaloid Natural source Therapeutic property
For the treatment of radiation‐induced dry mouth (xerostomia) and  Alternative medicine for cancer; however, the U.S. FDA 
Sanguinaria canadiensis ‐ warns that products containing bloodroot, or other 
symptoms of dry mouth in patients with Sjögrens syndrome. For  Sanguinarine
Papaveraceae sanguinarine‐based plants, have no proven anti‐cancer 
miotic and in the treatment of glaucoma.
Pilocarpine Pilocarpus spp Cholinergic parasympathomimetic agent. It increase secretion by 
Cytisus scoparius antiarrhythmic agents. Sparteine is not currently FDA 
the exocrine glands, and produces contraction of the iris sphincter  Sparteine
Fabaceae approved for human use.
muscle and ciliary muscle by mainly stimulating muscarinic  Strychnos nux‐vomica highly toxic, used as a pesticide, particularly for killing mall 
receptors. Strychnine
Loganiaceae vertebrates such as birds and rodents [Sharma, R. K.2008]
For the treatment of ventricular pre‐excitation and cardiac  Taxol  Taxus brevifolia
Quinidine Cinchona spp Chemotherapeutic agent
dysrhythmias (Paclitaxel) Taxaceae
Treat hypertension. Rescinnamine inhibits angiotensin‐converting  Stephania tetrandra Anti‐inflammatory, immunologic and antiallergenic effects. 
Rescinnamine Rauvolfia spp Tetrandrine
enzyme. (ACE). Tsuruselpi S®. Menispermaceae [Zhang L 2009]. No medicine approved.
Antihypertensive and an antipsychotic as well as a research tool,  Theobroma cacao It was formerly used as a diuretic and in the treatment of 
Reserpine Rauvolfia spp Theobromine
but its adverse effects limit its clinical use Sterculaceae angina pectoris and hypertension.
Theobroma cacao
Theophylline Chronic asthma and other chronic lung diseases
Tadeusz A. 2015, 289 Tadeusz A. 2015, 290

Uses of alkaaloids Important alkaloid groups
Alkaloid Natural source Therapeutic property – Tropane alkaloids
Used as a diagnosis agent for myasthenia gravis, and also to 
– Cinchona Alkaloids
Chondodendron facilitate the intubation after induction of anesthesia in surgical 
Tubocurarine tomentosum procedure. IM 3mg/mL. It is now rarely used as an adjunct for  – Purine alkaloid
Menispermaceae clinical anesthesia because safer alternatives, such as  – Ergot alkaloid
cisatracurium and rocuronium, are available
Vinblastine,  Catharanthus roseus
Vincristine Apocynaceae
Vinca minor
Vincamine Cerebral vasodilator. Oxybral SR (vincamine 30 mg ) 20 capsules
Indicated as a sympatholytic and mydriatic. Impotence has been 
Rauvolfia spp successfully treated with yohimbine in male patients with 
Apocynaceae vascular or diabetic origins and psychogenic origins. Yohimbine 
blocks presynaptic alpha‐2 adrenergic receptors.

Tadeusz A. 2015, 291 292
Tropane alkaloid (TAs) Tropane alkaloid (TAs)
A. Scopolamine, Hyoscyamine and Anisodamine and Their Derived Drugs:
– TAs: • Anticholinergic drugs: central and peripheral nervous system as competitive, non‐selective
• 3‐tropanole (tropine) muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) antagonists.
• 3‐tropanole (pseudotropine) • Two acetylcholine: Muscarinic (M1–M5), and Nicotinic receptors [Kathrin Laura Kohnen. 2019]

– Solanaceae: hyoscyamine and scopolamine • Side effects: drowsiness or sedation, blurred vision, mydriasis, dizziness, urinary retention, confusion
or delirium, hallucinations, increased heart rate, dry mouth, constipation, reduced sweating and
– Erythoxylum coca: cocaine elevated body temperature, falls and risk for fracture. []
– Convolvulaceae, Solanaceae, Moraceae, Erythrocylaceae and Brassicaceae:
Calystegine (polyhydroxylated nortropane alkaloids)
– ~200 different TAs have been described

Kathrin Laura Kohnen. 2019 293 Kathrin Laura Kohnen. 2019 294

Tropane alkaloid (TAs) Tropane alkaloid (TAs)
A. Scopolamine, Hyoscyamine and Anisodamine and Their Derived Drugs: A. Scopolamine, Hyoscyamine and Anisodamine and Their Derived Drugs:
• Quaternary ammonium compounds are antimuscarinic compounds that are less lipid soluble than • Hyoscyamine, atropine: antidote against organothiophosphate (pesticide parathion) intoxication
atropine, and thus may be less likely to cross the blood‐brain barrier. They are less well absorbed • Physostigmine: Antidote against atropine, hyoscyamine, scopolamine intoxication.
than atropine. The central side effects are reduced with respect to atropine, but the peripheral
1. Scopolamine: motion sickness (Kimite, Ariel, Scopoderm TTS)
effects remain common at therapeutic doses. Quaternary ammonium compounds include:
2. L‐Hyoscyamine and () Atropine: for poisoning by susceptible organophosphorous nerve agents.
 Ipratropium bromide (Atrovent®)
3. Anisodamine: from Anisodus tanguticus (Tibet). For gastric disorders.
 Hyoscine butylbromide (Buscopan®)
 Mepenzolate bromide 4. Homatropine, Cyclopentolate and Tropicamide (synthetic): ophthalmology, for mydriatic
 Pipenzolate bromide 5. Trospium Chloride: (synthetic) (quaternary ammonium). Not able to cross blood‐brain barrier. For 
 Boldine methylsulphate
the  treatment  of  overactive  bladder  with  symptoms  of  urge  urinary  incontinence,  urgency,  and 
urinary frequency, detrusor instability and frequency of micturition. 
 Propantheline bromide Ipratropium bromide 
Hyoscine butylbromide
295 Kathrin Laura Kohnen. 2019 296
Tropane alkaloid (TAs) Tropane alkaloid (TAs)
A. Scopolamine, Hyoscyamine and Anisodamine and Their Derived Drugs: B. Cocaine Derived Drugs
• Tropisetron:  tropane  skeleton  ,  serotonin  receptor  antagonist,  antiemetic  in  chemotherapy,  and  • Cocaine  inhibits  the  reuptake  of  dopamine,  noradrenaline  and  serotonin,  thus  increasing  their 
additionally as analgesic in fibromyalgia concentration in the synaptic cleft of the limbic system.
• N‐butylscopolamine  (hyoscine  N‐butyl  bromide)  (Buscopan®):  cannot  longer  pass  the  blood‐brain  • The intake of cocaine has an influence on the brain which is detectible in an electroencephalogram 
barrier.  Treat  abdominal  pain  from  cramping,  renal  colic  and  bladder  spasms.  Tablet  and  (EEG). However, the effects are inconsistent and may appear as increased or lowered signals in EEGs
Suppository: with or without paracetamol. • Procaine
• Tiotropium  Bromide  (Spiriva®),  Ipratropium  Bromide  (Atrovent®)  and  Oxitropium  Bromide:  • Tetracaine: for minor face surgeries and in ophthalmology
inhalation. For treatment of asthma and COPD.
• Lidocaine
• Benzatropine (selective M1): treatment of early stages of Parkinson’s disease
• Oxybuprocaine
• Ropivacaine
C. Calystegine Derived Drugs: Until now, no drug products derived from calystegines

Kathrin Laura Kohnen. 2019 297 Kathrin Laura Kohnen. 2019 298

Cinchona Alkaloids Purine alkaloid
– Quinine:  antimalaria  and  leg  cramps.  200mg,  300  mg,  324  mg  (capsule  or  tablet). 
Quinine  was  frequently  prescribed  as  an off‐label treatment  for leg  cramps  at  night,  – These structures are based on xanthine or uric acid skeletons.
but this has become less common due to a FDA warning that this practice is associated  – purine alkaloids, including caffeine, had been detected in at least 80 species in 13 orders of 
with life‐threatening side effects. [FDA. 07‐08‐2010] plant kingdom O

– Qunidine:  For  the  treatment  of  ventricular  pre‐excitation  and  cardiac  dysrhythmias  N H
(80 mg/1mL, IV, 200 mg, 300 mg, Tab.) [] N




Przemysław J.Boratyński. 2019 299 Hiroshi Ashihara. 2013 300

Purine alkaloid Purine alkaloid
– Caffeine:  Central  nervous  system  stimulant,  increasing  alertness  and  producing  agitation.  It 
also relaxes smooth muscle, stimulates cardiac muscle, stimulates diuresis. For management of 
fatigue, orthostatic hypotension, and for the short‐term treatment of apnoea of prematurity in 
– Theophylline:  A  methylxanthine  derivative  from  tea  with  diuretic,  smooth  muscle  relaxant, 
bronchial dilation, cardiac and central nervous system stimulant activities. Stronger and shorter 
diuretic  than  caffeine.  For  the  treatment  of  the  symptoms  and  reversible  airflow  obstruction 
associated  with  chronic  asthma  and  other  chronic  lung  diseases,  such  as  emphysema  and 
chronic  bronchitis.  Tablet,  extended  release,  100,  200,  300,  400,  600mg.  Liquid:  80  mg/15ml. 
Intravenous: 0.8; 1.6; 4 mg.
– Theobromine  (3,7‐dimethylxanthine)  is  the  principle  alkaloid  in  Theobroma  cacao  (bean)  and 
other  plants.  Bronchodilator  and  vasodilator.  Strong  diuretic  than  caffeine.  It  has  a  weaker 
diuretic activity than theophylline and is also a less powerful stimulant of smooth muscle. It has 
practically no stimulant effect on the central nervous system. It was formerly used as a diuretic 
and in the treatment of angina pectoris and hypertension.
Cf, caffeine; Mu, methyluric acid; Px, paraxanthine; Tb, theobromine; Tp, theophylline
Hiroshi Ashihara. 2013
301 Kukula‐Koch. 2017 302

Purine alkaloid
Purine alkaloid: Synthetic xanthine derivatives
No Composition Indication
1 Caffeine citrate (IV) the short‐term treatment of apnea of prematurity in  – Aminophylline:  combination  of  theophylline  and  ethylenediamine  in  2:1  ratio,  is  a 
2 Caffeine Capsules and Tablets (200 mg) It is used to make you more alert bronchodilatating and antiasthmatic compound.
3 Acetaminophen and Caffeine (Exedrin®) pain
4 Aspirin and Caffeine Tablets Pain, arthritis
– Propentofylline: is a unique xanthine derivative which exhibits various biochemical and 
5 Ergotamine and Caffeine (1 mg +100 mg/Tab.),  migraine headaches. pharmacological  activities  due  to  its  neuroprotective,  antioxidant  and  anti‐
6 Aspirin/ caffeine/ propoxyphene mild to moderate pain
inflammatory  effects. 
7 Acetaminophen / caffeine / salicylamide pain, swelling (sưng), fever, arthritis Investigated for use/treatment in alzheimer's disease.
8 Butalbital, Aspirin, and Caffeine tension headaches – Pentoxifylline: For the treatment of patients with intermittent lameness or immobility 
9 Acetaminophen, Caffeine, and Dihydrocodeine Pain
10 Acetaminophen, Caffeine, and Pyrilamine (antihistamin) painful period (menstrual) cycles
arising from chronic occlusive arterial disease of the limbs. (Torental® 400 mg)
11 Orphenadrine (antihistamin), Aspirin, and Caffeine It is used to calm muscles
12 Acetaminophen/ caffeine/ magnesium salicylate/  mild to moderate aches, colds and flu, sinusitis, 
phenyltoloxamine toothache, and minor pain from arthritis. 
13 Acetaminophen / salicylamide /phenyltoloxamine  minor aches and pains, colds, arthritis, muscle spasm, 
(antihistamin)/ caffeine sinusitis 303 Nivedita Singh. 2018 304

Ergot alkaloid Ergot alkaloid
– Ergot or ergot fungi refers to a group of fungi of the genus Claviceps [Schardl CL. 2006]. 1. Metylergometrine (Methylergonovine, methergine)

– The genus Claviceps = approximately 36 species. These species are known to 2. Ergotamine

parasitize over 600 monocotyledonous plants of the families Poaceae, Juncaceae 3. Didydroergotamine
(Bấc) and Cyperaceae, including forage grasses, corn (Zea mays), wheat (Triticum), 4. Methysergide
barley (Hordeum), oats (Avena, Yến mạch), millet (Panicum miliaceum, Eleusine 5. Dihydro‐alpha‐ergocryptine
coracana, Setaria italica …), sorghum (Sorghum, cao lương), rice (Oryza), and rye 6. Nicergoline
(Secale cereal, lúa mạch đen). The most prominent member of this group is Claviceps 7. Cabergoline
purpurea ("rye ergot fungus") [Paul L. 2006] 8. Quinagolide
9. Metergoline
10. Bromocriptine
11. Lisuride
12. Lysergic acid diethylamide

305 306

Ergot alkaloid Ergot alkaloid


(Tamik®) (Parlodel®)
Paul L. 2006 307 Paul L. 2006 308
Ergot alkaloid Ergot alkaloid
– Metylergometrine (Methylergonovine, methergine): For the prevention and control of 
excessive bleeding following vaginal childbirth. Methylergometrine acts directly on the 
smooth muscle of the uterus and increases the tone, rate, and amplitude of rhythmic 
contractions through binding and the resultant antagonism of the dopamine D1 
receptor. Tablet 0.2 mg as maleate.
– Ergometrine (Ergobasine, Ergonovine): Used to treat postpartum haemorrhage and 
postabortion haemorrhage in patients with uterine atony. Ergonovine directly 
stimulates the uterine muscle to increase force and frequency of contractions. Tab.; IM, 
0.2 mg/1 as maleate.

Paul L. 2006 309; 310

Ergot alkaloid Ergot alkaloid
– Ergotamine: A vasoconstrictor. It is an alpha‐1 selective adrenergic agonist and is  – Methysergide: An ergot derivative that is a congener of lysergic acid diethylamide. It
commonly used in the treatment of migraine disorders. Tablet, orally disintegrating.  antagonizes the effects of serotonin in blood vessels and gastrointestinal smooth
2mg. Ergotamine tartrate (2 mg) + Caffeine (100 mg) (Cafergot® Supp.) muscle, but has few of the properties of other ergot alkaloids. Methysergide is used
– Didydroergotamine: For the acute treatment of migraine headaches with or without  prophylactically in migraine and other vascular headaches and to antagonize serotonin
aura (sợ sáng) and the acute treatment of cluster headache episodes.  in the carcinoid syndrome. Tab. 2mg as maeate.
Dihydroergotamine binds with high affinity to 5‐HT1Da and 5‐HT1Db receptors. Tamik®  – Dihydro‐alpha‐ergocryptine: studied for the early treatment of Parkinson disease as 
3mg. well as for its use in migraine prophylaxis; treatment of low blood pressure and 
peripheral vascular disorder.; 311; 312

Ergot alkaloid Ergot alkaloid
– Nicergoline:  For  the  treatment  of  senile  dementia,  migraines  of  vascular  origin,  – Quinagolide: Indicated for the treatment of hyperprolactinemia (idiopathic or
transient ischemia, platelet hyper‐aggregability, and macular degeneration (Thoái hóa  originating from a prolactin‐secreting pituitary microadenoma or macroadenoma).
hoàng điểm). Tab. 10mg. 30 mg (Sermion®). – Metergoline: Its use has been studied in various clinical settings such as a treatment for
– Cabergoline:  For  the  treatment  of  hyperprolactinemic  disorders,  either  idiopathic  or  seasonal affective disorder, prolactin hormone regulation due to its inhibitory effect on
due  to  prolactinoma  (prolactin‐secreting  adenomas).  May  also  be  used  to  manage  prolactin release, premenstrual dysphoric disorder in women and antianxiety
symptoms  of  Parkinsonian  Syndrome  as  monotherapy  during  initial  symptomatic  treatment.
management or as an adjunct to levodopa therapy during advanced stages of disease. 
Dostinex® (Pfizer) Tab. 0.5 mg; 313; 314

Ergot alkaloid Ergot alkaloid
– Bromocriptine  (semisynthetic):  For  the  treatment  of  galactorrhea  due  to  – Lisuride: For the management of Parkinson's Disease. Lisuride is an anti‐Parkinson drug
hyperprolactinemia, prolactin‐dependent menstrual disorders and infertility, prolactin‐ chemically related to the dopaminergic ergoline Parkinson's drugs. Lisuride binds to the
secreting  adenomas,  prolactin‐dependent  male  hypogonadism,  as  adjunct  therapy  to  5‐HT(1A) and 5‐HT(2A/2C) receptors. Dipergon®; Dopergin® (Bayer) tab. 0.2 mg.
surgery  or  radiotherapy  for  acromegaly  or  as  monotherapy  is  special  cases,  as  – Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) (synthetic): It's effects, often called a "trip" can be
monotherapy  in  early  Parksinsonian  Syndrome  or  as  an  adjunct  with  levodopa  in  stimulating, pleasurable, and mind‐altering or it can lead to n unpleasant, sometimes
advanced cases with motor complications. Bromocriptine has also been used off‐label  terrifying experience called a "bad trip.“. Effect: hallucinations; distorted visual
to treat restless legs syndrome (hội chứng chân không yên) and neuroleptic malignant  perception of shapes, colors; altered sounds; anxiety and depression; flashbacks (a
syndrome. Bromocriptine stimulates centrally‐located dopaminergic receptors resulting  return of the "trip" experience) days or months later; rapid heart rate, increased body
in a number of pharmacologic effects. Tab. 2.5 mg, 5mg. Parlodel® temperature and high blood pressure; dilated pupils; 315; 316

Hallucinogens Hallucinogens
1. Tryptamines 3. Others:
• Simple  tryptamines:  DMT  (N,N‐dimethyltryptamine),  5‐methoxy‐DMT  (5‐MeO‐DMT),  and  • NMDA = N‐methyl‐D‐aspartate.
psilocybin • COCAINE
• Ergolines: analogues including LSD and a few very closely related compounds • OPIATES and Opioid: morphine, codeine, dextromethorphan, …
• Ibogaine: Tabernanthe iboga Apocynaceae • DESIGNER STIMULANTS: phenylethylamine, benzylpiperazine, phenylpiperazine,
pyrrolidinophenone, and cathinone derivatives
2. Phenethylamines • BENZODIAZEPINES: diazepam
• Mescaline (peyote cactus Lophophora williamsii)
• Ketamine (synthetic): Anesthesia.
• Amphetamine
• Nitrous Oxide
• MDMA = 3,4‐methylenedioxy‐methamphetamine.
• Phencyclidine (Synthetic)
• MDA = 3,4‐methylenedioxyamphetamine.
• Salvia (Salvia divinorum): salvinorin A (non‐alkaloid)
• Cathinone (Khat or qat (Catha edulis) [Al‐Mugahed, Leen (2008)]
• Cannabinoids: CB1 = cannabinoid 1; THC = Δ9‐tetrahydrocannabinol.

Albert Garcia-Romeu. 2016 David E. Nichols. 2004 317 Albert Garcia-Romeu. 2016 David E. Nichols. 2004 Loralie J. L. 2019 318

Hallucinogens Hallucinogens

Tabernanthe iboga
Voacanga africana Cathinone
Bufotenin = 5-OH-DMT
Tabernaemontana undulata
DMT (N,N‐dimethyltryptamine)

319 320
Hallucinogens Alkaloid‐bearing plants
Non-heterocyclic alkaloid

Plants Part used Main compounds Uses

Treatment of common cold, asthma,

pseudoephedrine, ephedrine,
hay fever, bronchitis, edema, arthritis,
Sympathomimetics that either
1. Ma hoàng – fever, and hypotension urticaria. Treat
MDMA: methylenedioxy‐methamphetamine methylenedioxyamphetamine Herba directly or indirectly stimulate α-
Dextromethorphan Ephedra sinica bronchoconstriction for centuries,
Ephedrae and β-adrenergic receptors.
Ephedraceae because of its activity at β2-
Less extensively used with the
adrenergic receptors. [V.S. Vaidya.
advent of more selective

2. Tỏi độc –
Colchicum Semen Gout, Familial Mediterranean Fever
autumnale Colchici (FMF)

THC Ketamine
salvinorin A
321 Phạm Thanh Kỳ. 2015

Alkaloid‐bearing plants Alkaloid‐bearing plants
Non-heterocyclic alkaloid Pyridin, piperidine Alkaloid N N

Plants Part used Main compounds Uses Plants Part used Main compounds Uses
In 2018, Vietnam was the world's
treatment of gynecologic disorders such as
3. Ích mẫu – Herba largest producer and exporter of
menorrhagia, menostasia, and other irregular
Leonurus and Leonurine, black peppercorns, producing
menstruation. It is also used as a diuretic in the 1. Hồ tiêu – Piper nigrum
heterophyllus Fructus stachydrine Fructus Piperis Piperine, piperyline 262,658 tonnes or 36% of the
treatment of edema and acute nephritis. [Tang W., Piperaceae
Lamiaceae Leonuri world total (Wikipedia)
Eisenbrand G. (1992) ]
Toothaches, stomach ache,
Capsaicin is used internally for various diarrhea, common cold
conditions, including colic and for improving
4. Ớt – 2. Lựu – Punica granatum
peripheral circulation, and externally for unbroken Pelletierine,
Capsicum Fructus Capsaicin, Punicaceae Cortex Granati Expel tapeworms, toothache
chilblains. A cream for topical application has Isopelletierine
annuum Capsici capsicoside (pomme granate)
been used to relieve the pain of postherpetic
neuralgia and other pain syndromes.[J.K.
Aronson. 2016]

Phạm Thanh Kỳ. 2015 Phạm Thanh Kỳ. 2015

Alkaloid‐bearing plants Alkaloid‐bearing plants N

Tropane Alkaloids
Pyridin, piperidine alkaloids N N
H tropan
Plants Part used Uses
Plants Part used Main compounds Uses compounds
pain reliever, muscle relaxer, and
Taenifuge;; Intestinal worms; treat
L-hyoscyamine; anti-inflammatory, and to treat
diarrhoea, and dysentery; malaria 1. Belladon – Atropa Folium
Semen et d,l-atropine, menstrual problems, peptic ulcer
3. Cau – Areca catechu Arecoline, (Fresh nut; kernel). Pericarp is belladonna Solanaceae Belladonnae
Pericarpus cuscohygrine disease, histaminic reaction, and
Arecaceae arecaidine, guvacine effective in the treatment of
Arecae motion sickness
flatulence, oedema, dysuria and
hyperaemesis of pregnancy asthma, cough, convulsion and
Folium, flos, L-scopolamine insanity (mất trí)
entheogenic, emetic, and a 2. Cà độc dược – Datura
semen Daturae (hyoscine), Scopolamine: Prevent nausea and
4. Lobelia inflata Lobeliaceae Herba Lobeliae Lobeline, Lobenine dermatological and respiratory aid metel Solanaceae
metelis atropine vomiting caused by motion sickness
Smoking cessation aid (Lobeline) or medications used during surgery.
5. Thuốc lá – Nicotiana Folium nornicotine, Insecticide; hemostasis; synthesis 3. Loa kèn độc – Brugmansia
tabacum Solanaceae Nicotianae anabasine, of nicotinic acid aurea Solanaceae
nicotyrine 4. Cô ca – Erythroxylum Cocaine, hygrine,
Folium Anesthetic (cocaine)
coca Erythroxylaceae cuscohygrine

Phạm Thanh Kỳ. 2015 Phạm Thanh Kỳ. 2015

Alkaloid‐bearing plants N
Alkaloid‐bearing plants
Quinoline Isoquinoline Alkaloid
Quinolizidine Alkaloids
Plants Part used Main compounds Uses
Plants Part used Main compounds Uses
1. Ipeca (Cephaelis anti-protozoal and to induce
Radix Emetine
1. Sarothamnus scoparus ipecacuanha) Rubiaceae vomiting (Emetine)
Herba antiarrhythmic agent
(Cytisus scoparus) Sparteine Nhựa (opium)
Sarothamni (sparteine) Opium: treating dysentary,
Fabaceae Quả (fructus Morphinan: Morphine, codeine,
2. Thuốc phiện Papaver thebaine; Benzyl isoquinoline: diarrohea, spasms, pain.
Quinoline alkaloids somniferum Papaveraceae Papaverine, Laudnine, Seed: important food item and the
Hạt (semen) laudanosine source of poppyseed oil
Plants Part used Main compounds Uses Lá (folium)
1. Cinchona succirubra Fever, intestinal complaints, sleep
3. Bình vôi Stephania glabra Tuber
(Canh ki na đỏ); Rotundine, palmatine disturbances; asthma,
Menispermaceae Stephaniae
tuberculosis, dysentery
2. C. calisaya (Canh ki na
vàng); treat malaria and babesiosis gastrointestinal disorders;
4. Hoàng liên – Coptis Rhizoma Berberine, palmatine,
Cortex Quinine, quinidine, (quinine) chinensis Ranunculaceae Coptidis jatrorrhizine
antidiarrheal; antimicrobial,
3. Cinchona officinalis (Canh Chinconae cinchonine, cinchonidine antipyretic
ki na xám); antiarrhythmic (quinidine)
tonic, antiperiodic, diuretic,
4. Cinchona ledgeriana Radix and
5. Thổ Hoàng liên –Thalictrum Berberine, palmatine, febrifuge, purgative and stomachic
(Canh ki na lá thon) foliolosum Ranunculaceae jatrorrhizine and for the treatment of snakebite,
Rubiaceae jaundice, and rheumatism.
Phạm Thanh Kỳ. 2015 Phạm Thanh Kỳ. 2015
Alkaloid‐bearing plants Alkaloid‐bearing plants
Alkaloid isoquinoline Alkaloid isoquinoline
Main Main
Plants Part used Uses Plants Part used Uses
compounds compounds
fever, abdominal pain, 9. Hoàng đằng Fibraurea ophthalmia, furunculosis, prurigo,
6. Vàng đắng Coscinium Berberine, inflammation; malaria; diarrhoea, tinctorial; F. recisa Radix et rhizome Palmatine enteritis, gastritis, cystitis,
Caulis et Radix
fenestratum palmatine, bacillary dysentery, enteritis, Menispermaceae dysentery and fever.
Menispermaceae jatrorrhizine jaundice, pyrexia and dyspepsia; Erysopine,
ophthalmia 10. Vông nem Erythrina Folium et cortex erysonine,
insomnia and anxiety
diarrhoea, dysentery, orientalis Fabaceae Erythrinae erysodine,
7. Hoàng liên gai Berberis Radix et Caulis
Berberine ophthalmia;dyspepsia;headache, erysovine,
wallichiana Berberidaceae Berberidis
vertigo and photopsia Nuciferine, N-
neurasthenia, spermatorrhoea;
jaundice following cholecystitis, 11. Sen Nelumbo nucifera Folium, fructus, nornuciferine, O-
metrorrhoea, insomnia,
urinary duct inflammation, chyluria, Nelumbonaceae rhizome nornuciferine,
haemorrhage and haematemesis.
8. Hoàng bá Phellodendron Berberine, dysentery, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, roemerine
Cortex Phellodendri
amurense Rutaceae phellodendrine haemorrhoids, ophthalmia, otitis,
spermatorrhoea, leucorrhoea, fever
and night sweats

Phạm Thanh Kỳ. 2015
Phạm Thanh Kỳ. 2015

Alkaloid‐bearing plants Alkaloid‐bearing plants
Alkaloid nhân indole Alkaloid indole
Plants Part used Main compounds Uses
Plants Part used Main compounds Uses
1. Mã tiền Strychnos nux-vomica
3. Lá ngón Gelsemium elegans Gelsemine, gelsevirine, Succide (xem film “Ma
Strychnine, Gelsemiaceae sempervirine ngón”) (THNA)
rheumatism, pain in the extremities,
brucine, vomicine,
 Mã tiền cành vuông S. neuralgia, paralysis, myasthenia, Clavin: agroclavine powerful vasoconstrictor,
vanprukii Semen novacine,
enteric hypotonia, enuresis and 4. Nấm cựa gà Claviceps Lysergic: simple amine migraine headaches;
Strychni colubrine Fruiting body
 Đậu gió S. ignatia anaemia. purpurea Clavicipitaceae (ergometrine) and peptide treatment of uterine atonia,
 Mã tiền hoa nách S. axillaris (⾺錢⼦) (alkaloid >1.2% postpartum bleeding
an antidote to barbiturate (ergotamine)
 Mã tiền hoa tán S. umbellata tính theo
derivatives (strychnine) 5. Ba gạc Rauvolfia verticillata; treatment of hypertension
strychnine, pp UV)
 Mã tiền Cát hải S. cathayensis
R. serpentina, R. vomitoria Radix Yohimbine. Reserpine, and psychoses (reserpine),
treating rheumatism, ostealgia, (BG bốn lá); R. cambodiana; Rauvolfiae Serpentine, Ajmaline erectile dysfunction
Strychnine paralytic cramp of the extremities, R. indochinesis. Apocynaceae (Yohimbine)
(2.81%), brucine lumbago, sciatica, colic and treating oliguria,
2. Hoàng nàn Strychnos Lá: 0.37-1.15% alk. Rễ 0.8-
Cortex (2.37-2.43%) diarrhoea (hoàng nàn chế); treating 6. Dừa cạn Catharanthus roseus Folium et Radix haematuria, diabetes
wallichiana Loganiaceae 1.2%. Vinblastine,
scabies, leprosy and certain Apocynaceae Catharanthi mellitus and menstrual
Alkaloid > 5.23%, persistent dermatoses (external vincristine
disorders; leukaemia

Phạm Thanh Kỳ. 2015
Phạm Thanh Kỳ. 2015

Alkaloid‐bearing plants N
Alkaloid‐bearing plants N

Alkaloid indole N Alkaloid quinazoline N


H purine

Plants Part used Main compounds Uses

Plants Part used Main compounds Uses
species name “febrifuga” means
7. Lạc tiên Passiflora foetida Herba Harman, harmol, harmine, neurasthenia, insomnia, -Dichroine
“medicine used to reduce fever”
Passifloraceae Passifloraceae harmalol, harmaline nightmares and anxiety 1. Thường sơn Dichroa febrifuga (Febrifugine); -
Folium Pilocarpi and refers to the use of it to
Hydrangeaceae (họ Tú cầu) dichroine
treat high fever, particularly
8. Dạ cẩm Hydyotis capitellata capitellin, cyclocapitellin, (Isofebrigugine)
Herba et Radix gastrointestinal diseases related to malaria
Rbiaceae isocyclocapitellín,
Alkaloid Purine
Alkaloid Imidazole Plants Part used Main compounds Uses
Main Caffeine (2.5-4.5%); cancer prevention, to lower
Plants Part used Uses 1. Chè Camellia sinensis Folium et Theophylline (0.02- cholesterol. diuretic, an astringent and
Theaceae Bud 0.04%); Theobromine to improve heart's health. Caffeine
lower intraocular pressure in primary open- (0.05%) used to increase alertness
angle glaucoma; treat dry mouth caused by
1. Pilocarpus jaborandi; P. stimulant, nervine, and diuretic.
radiotherapy in people with head and neck
microphyllus; P. Folium Pilocarpine, Caffeine used to improve mental
cancer and to treat dry mouth in people with 0,3 - 2,5% caffein và có
pennatifolius; P. Pilocarpi pilosine 2. Café Coffea arabica (Chè); C. Semen et
ít theobromin, alertness, in combination with
Sjogren's syndrome (a condition that affects the exselsa (Mít); C. robusta (Vối) folium painkillers (aspirin and
racemus. Rutaceae theophylline
immune system and causes dryness of certain acetaminophen) and with ergotamine
parts of the body such as the eyes and mouth). for treating migraine headaches

Phạm Thanh Kỳ. 2015 DDVN V. 2017. Phạm Thanh Kỳ. 2015

Alkaloid‐bearing plants Alkaloid‐bearing plants
Alkaloid Steroid Alkaloid diterpene
Plants Part used Main compounds Uses
Plants Part used Main compounds Uses
0,22 - 4,2% alk (vỏ).
1. MỨC HOA TRẮNG Holarrhena against amoebiasis; anti-
Cortex et semen Conessin (>1,0 %. DDVN treating rheumatism,
antidysenterica Apocynaceae diarrheal 1. Ô đầu Aconitum fortunei; Ô củ mẹ: 0,36 - 0,80%, củ con:
V, PP acid-base) paresis, arthralgia,
đầu châu Âu A. napellus; Ô 0,78 - 1,17%.; aconitine,
Chemical structures of Radix luxation (sai khớp),
đầu TQ: A. carmichaeli - hypaconitine. DDVN V: alk
solamargine and solasonine are sprains (bong gân) and
Ranunculaceae. >0.6% aconitine (PP acid-base)
very similar to steroidal contusions(giập).
2. CÀ LÁ XẺ Solanum laciniatum Herba Solani hormones and used as an Other Alkaloid
solamargine; solasodine
Solanaceae laciniati important source for
(aglycone) Plants Part used Main compounds Uses
manufacture of contraceptives
and steroidal anti-inflammatory
Alkloid > 0,50 % (tính
drugs (progesterone; cortisone) 1. Bách bộ Stemona tuberosa Cough, ascariasis and
Radix theo tuberostemonin LG)
Alk > 0,1 % tính theo Stemonaceae. oxyuriasis.
3. Cà gai leo Solanum Herba Solani treatment of hepatitis, (DDVN V, PP Acid – base)
solasodine (DDVN V)
procumbens Solanaceae procumbensỉs cirrhosis; rheumatism, pain
(PP UV-Vis)


DDVN V. 2017. Phạm Thanh Kỳ. 2015

conessine HO
H solasodine
DDVN V. 2017. Phạm Thanh Kỳ. 2015
References References
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