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Year and Section: BSED SOCIAL STUDIES 3-2

Watch the assigned videoclip and do the following activities below. The videoclip is posted in the canvas
and in the gclassroom. You may answer in Filipino or in English.

1. Based on the videoclip that you have watched kindly answer the SWOT analysis below in
connection to Philippine Educational situation. Specify 3 to 5 answers for each. (20 points)


-The educational setting that involves the -Some of the teachers are not technologically-
utilization of technology for learning has been inclined and prefer the traditional type of
started since pandemic. teaching hence, making them hard to learn the
technology faster.

-More and more schools in the country have

been offered the computer as a subject, which -Some areas, especially in rural areas, don’t have
helps the students to have technology literacy. an access to latest technology

-Most of the 21st century learners are -the internet connection in the country is slow
technologically-inclined hence, the learning and it affects the online learning process and
involving technology makes their learning much time.
easier as well as the access to information.



-Latest Technologies for Education 4.0 that will -if not utilized properly, instead of being useful,
introduce in the Philippines in the future is the technology for Education 4.0 in the future will
promising especially if bring more harm.
-Through Education 4.0, students will be able to -Classroom setup will not be compulsory
be globally competent and be technologically anymore hence, the physical collaboration and
literate since the retention level is higher. physical learning such as teacher-student
interaction in the future will not be possible.

-Through Education 4.0, it might produce the new

generation to be competent citizen and to help -If AIs will teach the student instead of teachers,
the development of our country the latter’s livelihood will be affected.

2. Identify 1 concrete situation that links education to other social institution. (10 points)

Education is linked with the foundation of the Nation-Family. Through Education, every younger
members of the Family have the right to access for basic education. Children, adolescents, and
other people (such as students enrolled in graduate class) will go to their respected institution for
learning depends on their respected schedule. Parents also have their chance to attend PTA to
determine how their children’s status in the school

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