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Introduction & Background of the Study

Lately, in our generation we are prone to technology. Most of the people

nowadays have their own cellular phone. It has a Facebook application that is invented,
where everyone is addicted. “Facebook was created on February 4, 2004 by Mark
Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University students” that
was according to Wikipedia. Facebook is the well-known social media sites it can be
used in without any charges or in other words Facebook is free. It made for
communication, educational, business benefits, etc.

Facebook is used to make them updated or sharing their information such as

photos, videos, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues
around the world, including the students. It will improve their knowledge about cultures
and other places, students can improve their speaking skills such as English by chatting
foreigner from other countries. Students can use Facebook for group study by creating
a group chat/ GC, students can also share any information’s regarding their homework,
assignments, exams, etc. in that group. But in other hand Facebook can be a distraction
regarding to students education. Students will be ignoring their valuable time to do
homework and review their lesson by spending more time in Facebook. And when they
are in class, they prefer to surf in Facebook or chat their friends and boyfriend/ girlfriend
about nonsense things. So, Facebook are like drugs that will make students get

Facebook: a globally that is a product of modern technology which invaded

billions of human raise worldwide especially students that is very alarming. Facebook do
have great impact for the students it could be a distraction or helps on their
performances at school. That’s why the researchers choose this topic for they would
have wanted to be a catalyst for a change on every student who is stuck on Facebook
for it might be a distraction or helpful for them.

Scope and Delimitation

The study will focus on the effect of using Facebook in their general average of
the Junior High School and Senior High School Student of Saint Michael College of
Hindan, Leyte Incorporated S.Y. 2017-2018. The researcher conducts only 100
students out of---- population of Saint Michael College respondents in every grade
section from Junior to Senior High School students. The researcher wants to know the
percentage of hours that selected students spend of using Facebook.

Grade & Section:



1. Do you have a cellphone?

2. Do you have a Facebook App on it?

3. Do you have an account on Facebook?


1. What age did you start using Facebook?

2. How many accounts do you have?

3. Can you rate the level of Facebook when you are using it?

5=Very Difficult 4=Difficult 3= Neither 2=Easy 1=Very Easy

4. How many times do you use Facebook during class? Rate yourself from 5-1;

5= 6 & above

4= 4-5 times

3= 3-4 times

2= 1-2 times

1= Never

5. How many hours did/can you consume by surfing your Facebook?

6. Would you rate yourself from 5-1 that using Facebook is not disturbance in
your study?

7. Do you still remember your previous general average last school year? Rate yourself
from 5-1;

Grading Scale Descriptors

5 90-100 Outstanding

4 85-89 Very Satisfactory

3 80-84 Satisfactory

2 75-79 Fairly Satisfactory

1 Below 75 Did Not Meet Expectations

8. In your opinion, how many percent of High School students in Saint Michael
College are using Facebook during classes?

9. In your opinion, how many High School Students in SMC has no Facebook?

10. How did I do today?

5 4 3 2 1

* Paying attention to the class

*Using Facebook while listening

* Talking to my seatmate

* Playing mobile games


*Not listening

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