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龍騰 2014 Book4L2 Handout 6 文法句型 (請於上課前完成 90%,每 總得分(互評區另計)

題目只有 1-2 分鐘,為小組討論與練習念的時間,其他為全班開放式討論、

各組互評或蝸牛區搶答時間)。最後 3 分鐘為教師歸納統整時間。 專注: 討論:
自己的名字: _______________ 組別(1~12)是 _______________
(自己統計) (老師統計) 提問: 解惑:
自學分數: __________________ 蝸牛搶分區分數: ___________
*** (待會兒報告互評時間)被抽到報告的組別,只要成功上台報告,直接拿 10 分到 30 分,老師追問的問題,若是其他組可以補答,在蝸牛區每次得 5 分。

Focal Point 2 S + make/find/consider + it + Adj (+ for sb.) + to VR.

(1) 複習句型:虛主詞 It is + Adj (+ for sb.) + to VR.
說明:主詞 It 為虛主詞,真正的主詞是 to VR。 所以翻譯的時候注意甚麼??? 蝸
• It is wise for you to look before you leap.
• It is dangerous for you to go swimming alone.
• It would be good for you to quit gambling.
• It is rewarding for them to go abroad on a study tour. 以上這四句哪句跟其他三句略有不同? 蝸
這四句,隨便挑一句來翻譯一下? 蝸

(2) 複習句型:不定詞片語作受詞補語
• The mother doesn’t allow her kids to waste food or other useful things.
• Parents shouldn’t allow children to play video games too much.
• We advised Jeff to have a healthy lifestyle, but he didn’t listen.
• We should encourage students to realize their dreams. 以上四句中,to V 的位置都在哪裡? 也因此這
些 to V 的動作其實主角都是誰? 蝸
這四句,隨便挑一句來翻譯一下? 蝸

(3) 課文句型:不定詞片語作真正受詞
• Cellphones make it easy for us to take pictures when we are taking a trip.
• I find it quite helpful to consult the dictionary as often as I can.
• I consider it good for children to go to bed early.
這三句,to V 的位置在哪裡? 這些 to V 的動作都是在講什麼? 其中形容詞 adj.的作用又是什麼? 蝸
這三句,隨便挑一句來翻譯一下? 蝸

(4) 課文相關句型:名詞作受詞補語
• I make it a rule to write in a diary before going to bed.
• Nathan found it a bad choice to join the dance club because it took too much of his time.
• I consider it a duty of parents to prevent their kids from being hurt.
這三句,to V 的位置在哪裡? 這三句跟上面的(3)最大的差別在哪? 蝸
這三句,隨便挑一句來翻譯一下? 蝸

(5) 補充句型:it 為虛受詞

• We take it for granted that people have the right to pursue happiness.
• It is taken for granted that the police must prevent people from being harmed.
• I take it for granted that teachers must set a good example for their students.
• It is taken for granted that the young should show respect for the elderly/old.
這四句,哪兩句是被動語態? 你怎麼看出來的? 蝸
這四句,每句的共同點是都有 that ~子句,為什麼他們都被放在最後面? 蝸
這四句,隨便挑一句來翻譯一下? 蝸

補充練習 (這個周末回家寫課本 L1~L2 的所有習題喔!)

A. 句子重組
1. I/unhealthy/think/it
→ to stay up late often.
2. makes/convenient/for/it/people/The MRT
→ to get to work.
3. make/us/possible/for/it/Cellphones
→ to contact our friends.
4. Julia/a rule/it/makes/to/exercise
→ in the early morning.
5. it/for/Children/take/granted/that
→ their parents should love them.

B. 翻譯填充
1. 我發現要跟 Sean 溝通是不可能的。
I                 communicate with Sean.
2. 我認為雙胞胎出現在同一班是很有趣的事。
I                 have twins in the same class.
3. 許多學生發現學好英文作文很困難。
Many students find     difficult         English writing.
4. 我認為女孩深夜留在外面是危險的。
I consider         for a girl         out late at night.
5. 老師認為學生努力求學是理所當然的。
Teachers         for     that students should make efforts in their studies.

1. I think it unhealthy 2. The MRT makes it convenient for people
3. Cellphones make it possible for us 4. Julia makes it a rule to exercise
5. Children take it for granted that

1. find; it; impossible; to 2. consider; it; interesting; to
3. it; to; learn 4. it; dangerous; to; stay
5. take; it; granted

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