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Day & Time Learning Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of

Area Delivery

8:00 – 9:00 Music *Identification of different Personal
kinds of musical Notes and Rhythm: Notes and Rests submission
Rests. by the
You will learn rhythm as one of the elements of music. Rhythm is the regular flow of music through time. It is the life of music. parent leader
*Dotted Notes and Rests It is observed and felt in the movements of humans and animals, in the swaying of trees and in running vehicles. to the
teacher in
Music is made up of different kinds of notes and rests to represent duration of sounds and silence. They are used in making
compositions. Notes are symbols for sounds in music and rests are symbols for silence.

Rhythm is one important element that musicians of all types have to adapt with their passion for music.
Learning Task 1: Study and answer Chart number 1, 2, and 3 and answer the questions below. (Page 5 & 7)
Learning Task 2: Identify the notes and rests found in the following musical lines. (Page 8)

Day & Time Learning Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of

Area Delivery

Day & Time Learning Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of
Area Delivery

8:00 – 9:00 Music * Learning and singing the Singing Melodies in Major Scales Personal
Melodies in Major Scale submission
You will learn the notes in the different major scales, appreciate the melody of a song, sing or play instrument in solo or with by the
group, melodies/songs in C Major, G Major and F Major. parent leader
to the
teacher in
Learning Task 1: Using pitch or letter names of C major scale, answer the Musical Spelling on a sheet of paper. p.15 school
Learning Task 2: Sing the song “ Bahay Kubo” p.15
A. Learning Task 7: Practice singing “Santa Clara”. p20

Day & Time Learning Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of

Area Delivery

Day & Time Learning Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of
Area Delivery

8:00 – 9:00 Music * Creating Simple You learn the different major scales, appreciate the melody of a song and create simple melody and sing the so-fa syllables in Personal
Melody each scale. by the
Learning Task 1: Study the picture. Answer the questions that follow. Write your answers in your notebook. parent leader
to the
Learning Task 2: Do the following activities. Write your answer on your corresponding notebook. P23 teacher in
A. Construct C Major Scale on the given staff (Descending - pababa). school
B. B. Construct G Major Scale on the given staff (Ascending - pataas).
Learning Task 4: Analyze the direction of the notes on the staff. Tell whether the melody moves in steps, skips or stationary.
Write your answer on your notebook. Sing the notes.
Learning Task 5: Let’s play a word puzzle. Look for the musical terms that you can find in the puzzle. Write the words that you
find in the puzzle. There are 10 hidden words.gestures are based on the time signature, tempo, and rhythm of a song.

Day & Time Learning Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of

Area Delivery

8:00 – 9:00 Music * Self-Composed You will learn to identify the different major scales, appreciate the melody of a song and sing self-composed melodies. Personal
Melodies by the
Learning Task 3: Sing the sofa-syllables in ascending and descending order. parent leader
to the
Learning Task 4: Try to listen to at least 6 musical compositions or you may look back at the other pages of this module. Analyze teacher in
the song if it is in ascending (pataasng daloy ng melodiya) manner, descending (pababang daloy ng melodiya) manner or in school
repeated or stationary movement. Do this on your notebook.
Day & Time Learning Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of
Area Delivery

8:00 – 9:00 Music Personal
by the
parent leader
to the
teacher in

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