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Hal 5

a) The topic of the text is about the Australian form of government.

b) Because Republicans see Australia as moving beyond its British roots and want change, not only
because it is practical, but also symbolic.

c) Because they argue that our parliamentary system and other large institutions, such as the law,
are based on the Brtist model, which has provided Australia with a stable system of government and
they fear that any change that might threaten this stability.

d) The purpose of text ia to present arguments and information from different view point about
Australian form of government.

e) Text Discussion.

f) Explain the text organisation in your own words.

 What is the content of an issue?

The content of an issue is Australians debate the possibility of becoming a republic. There are
arguments for and against Australia pursuing this course in the twenty-first century.

 What does the argument' for' say?

The argument' for' says Republicans see Australia as having moved beyond its British roots and
desire change, not only because it is practical, but also symbolic. Britain is now less important to
Australia economically as well as culturally, and that Australia should look at forming stronger links
with nations situated in the same region.

 What does the argument' against' say?

The argument' against' says that parlamentary system and other major institutions, such as the law,
are based on the British model, which has provided Australia with a stable system of government
and fear that any changes may threaten this stability.

 What does the conclusion say?

The conclusion says Australia should become a republic.

g) Present perfect continous

h) Write the connective words use in the text?

And, but, on the other hand, after.

i) Write the contrastive connectors used in the text!

On the other hand.

Hal 6

Fill in the blank with the words provided while listening to the dialogue

1. Your opinion

2. Condomn

3. Fond of

4. Encourage

5. Dilemma

6. On the other hand

7. On the other

Hal 7

Task 1

Pro with death penalthy

1. Nevertheless, those who are in favor of the death panalthy have many points to justify their

2. Most importantly, it punishment the criminal by doing to him what he did to others.

3. It acts as a form of revenge for the victim's family by letting them know that the criminal has felt
some of the pain he inflicted on another.

4. Furthermore, capital punishment could act as a deterrent to anyone who ever thought about
committing certain crimes because he would know that when he was found guilty, the death penalty
awaited him.

5. It can also save money because, instead of the criminal being kept in person for the rest of his life,
he is killed.

Contra With Death Panalty

1. one important argument agains the death penalty is that sometimes an innocent person is put to
death .
2. if capital punishment is used, the authorities must therefore have evidence beyond the shadow
of any doubt that they have accused the correct person.

3. Furthermore, capital punishment removes all possibilities for a person who has done something
seriously wrong to be able to change and to be rehabilitated.

4. Another strong point against capital punishment is that two wrongs do not make a right.

5. Killing a victim, for instance, and then being sentenced to death do not suddenly make everything
all right or make things better.

6. A poor, helpless victim's life has been stolen from him, but killing the murder will not bring the
victim back.

Hal 8

1. The purpose of the Vegetarian text:

To explore various perspectives about vegetarian before coming to an informed decision.

2. The structure of discussion text:

- Issue (paragraph 1)

- Argument pro (paragraph 2,3,4)

- Argument cons (paragraph 5,6,7)

- Conclusion/recomendation (paragraph 8)

3. The pro's ideas: [paragraph 2,3,4]

- Many proponents of vegetarianism say that eating meat harms health, wastes resources, causes
deforestation and creatures pollution..

- Humans evolved to be primarily vegetarians..

- It is unnecessary to take an animal's life when vegetarian options are available..

4. The contra ideas : On the other hand, many opponents of a vegetarian diet say that moderate
meat consumption is healthy, humane and that producing vegetables causes many of the same
environmental problems as producing meat.

5. In the text, the writer is neutral. The sentence as the proof is "In my opinion, meat eaters don't
need to feel guilty. Everything we consume, including vegetables or meat has environtmental,
ethnical, and health consequences.
Hal 9 Task 2

1. The purpose of discussion text is to present different opinions on a particular issue or topic
arguments for and against/positive and negative/good and bad.

2. Structure of discussion text

– Issue : stating the issue which is to discussed

– Argument pro : presenting the point in in supporting the presented issue

– Argument cons : presenting other points which disagree to the supporting point

– Conclusion / recommendation : stating the writer’ recommendation of the discourse

3. Discussion texts are usually written in the present tense

4. Expression pro and in Contra side

- It's true/obvious/evident that..

- However, ...

- While you might say that ..., it's important to remember that ...

- I agree with you that ...

- On the other hand, ...

- Although/even though it is true that... I believe that...

- I agree/admit/concede that... , but we must remember that...

- I can understand that...

- Nevertheless, ...
Examination be Held or Not?

Sumber foto :

National Examination of any year to be a frightening specter for all people, not just student, but
parents, brothers, family. Although fact is not something that should be feared, but should be the
concern of any clutter maintenance national examination year. Did not the first time Indonesia
implement national examination, but only upon the chaos of any year. Whether it's a technical issue or
related pros and cons of national examination. When the government arrested the strong need for the
establishment of the exam, there are actually a lot of things that should be assessed as to whether
national examination should exist or not.

For people who agree, national examination is necessary for students as a requirement to graduate
from a school. People who support the national examination explain that the quality of the Indonesia
education will drop without national examination, so they try to defend the current system. They also
think that national examination can motivate students to study harder.

However there are people who disagree with the opinion. Those who against this national
examination kept in school education say that it doesn't need the national examination because the
quality of education does not just depend on the national examination. Further, the national
examination only measure a small portion of students' competence in specific subjects, and does not
measure students' competence throughout the semester. There is also opinion that the national
examination will make the students depressed and stress. Moreover the quality of education in
Indonesia is causing uneven result national examination inequality between urban areas with
advanced education than rural areas with limited education facilities. On the other hand society is too
focused on national examination, if a child gets bad grades when national examination does not pass,
then the students would be abused and would deprive the students' confidence. In addition to the
events that occur every year when it will be implemented nationwide exam is still chaotic distribution
of matter and not timely.

In conclusion, national examination can still be useful as an instrument of evaluate or detect the level
of students' cognitive competence in several subjects, on a national scale. However, is not fair if only
national examination score that judge whether students pass or not. Government should make a
regulation that national examination is not the only requirement for students to graduate. There should
be other requirements added such as students' daily score, behavior, and achievement.

Answer :

1. What is the text about?

The text is about the national examination should be held or not.
2. What is the issue?
The issue of the text is pros and cons of nasional examination.
3. What is the argument ‘pro’ say?
 National examination is necessary for students as a requirement to graduate
from a school.
• National examination explain that the quality of the Indonesia education will
drop without national examination.
• National examination can motivate students to study harder.
4. What is the argument ‘ con’ say?
• The quality of education does not just depend on the national examination.
• National examination only measure a small portion of students’
competence in specific subjects.
• National examination will make the students depressed and stress.
• If the students does not pass then it would be abused by the local
communities and will eliminate the students’ confidence.
5. What is the purpose of the text?
To discuss an issue “Should National Examination be held or not?”
6. What is the writer’s recommendation or stance for?
• Government should make a regulation that national examination is not the only
requirement for students to graduate.
• There should be other requirements added such as students’ daily score, behavior,
and achievement.
7. What is the generic structure of the text?
• Issue : paragraph 1
• Arguments pros : paragraph 2
• Argument cons : paragraph 3
• Conclusion : paragraph 4
8. Are there any contrastive connectives? Mention that!
It uses contrastive connectives :
 Although
"Although fact is not something that should be feared".
 However
" However there are people who disagree with the opinion".
 On the other hand
" On the other hand society is too focused on national examination".
9. Are any modalities in the text?
It often uses modality :
 Should
“But should be the concern of any clutter maintenance national examination
 Will
“There is also opinion that the national examination will make the students
depressed and stress”.
 Can
“National examination can still be useful as an instrument of evaluate or
detect the level of students’ cognitive competence in several subjects, on a
national scale”.
 Would
“Then the child would be abused and would deprive the child’s confidence”.
10. What is the tense used in the text. Mention at least two sentences.
It uses present tense :
 “Although fact is not something that should be feared”.
 “National Exam is necessary for students as a requirement to graduate from
a school”.

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