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I will develop my leadership in 

Professional Development

 GOAL:  Become a good mentor teacher for new

teachers coming into the field.
 RATIONALE: Dianne McKinley (Owner of
INcompassing Education), gives reasons on the
importance of mentors for new teachers as well as
tips on how to be a good mentor
 NBPTS: Proposition 5: Teachers are members of
learning communities.
 TLMD: Domain 3. Promoting Professional
Learning for Continuous Improvement.
 OBJECTIVE: Learn more about mentoring and
how to apply and get started. (short) Become a
mentor affiliated with CSUF or another school I
respect and begin helping a new teacher. (long)

I will develop my leadership in Curriculum

 GOAL: Promote the development of curriculum

that supports universally designed lessons and
utilizes strategies that build strong conceptual
 RATIONALE: James Burnett (founder of Origo
Education) believes that higher-order thinking and
problem-solving are the new in-demand skills
 NBPTS: Proposition 2: Teachers know the subjects
they teach and how to teach those subjects to
 TLMD: Domain 4. Facilitating Improvements in
Instruction and Student Learning.
 OBJECTIVE:  Speak more frequently in support of
conceptual understanding strategies as opposed to
memorization of procedures and rules. (short) Play
an active role in textbook and classroom material
selection (long)

I will develop my leadership in Collaborative Culture.

 GOAL:  Strengthen rapport and collaboration with

my colleagues both within and outside of the math
 RATIONALE: Schoology states the many potential
benefits to collaboration amongst teachers such as
increased academic effort and better understanding
of student data.
 NBPTS: Proposition 5: Teachers are Members of
Professional Communities
 TLMD: Domain 1: Fosters a Collaborative Culture
to Support Educators and Student Learning
 OBJECTIVE: Develop deeper rapport with my
fellow math teachers advocate for more time
dedicated towards collaborative work amongst
departments. (short) Continue efforts into other
departments and set up a consistent strategy with
colleagues such as a project that spans between
both classes or monthly meetings to
discuss/analyze student data. (long)

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