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BS BHARM 1-F 8:30-9:30 TThS

In the preceding decades, we have witnessed tremendous transformations arisen

from interactions of people on a global scale. From my perspective, global is not a term
we should use to generalize the nature of how people around the world interact or
describe systems of globalization. Becoming global should have a continuous process
that takes time and requires constant consideration of perspectives. In this case, global
citizenship alludes to a lifestyle that sees complexities of the modern world arising from
interdependencies and connections. It fosters our curiosity and desire to learn from
people who see the world differently than us. It fosters our curiosity and desire to take

Around the world, countless people face daily inequalities — from the LGBT
community to children. Globalization does not explain these violent phenomena. The
increase in exchange and interpenetration of economical, social and cultural goods do
much of this to meet human aspiration everywhere. However, globalization undeniably
contributes to the loss of our identities. Paradoxically, those who start a war, contributes
imbalance to the economy, and ethnic-cleaners also seek for the perfect community.
And we are all part of this globalization.

Given that there is no world government to sustain global needs, the idea of
global citizenship demands the creation of rights and obligation. Global citizenship
means that every individual has civic responsibilities due to our membership in the
world. Moreover, fulfilling globalization and organizing solution to the problem of the
contemporary world does not lie only in a single entity, but rather on us, citizens.
Reflecting on our perspectives is challenging and at times uncomfortable as it involves
the admission of our understanding in a given issue were perhaps incomplete and
biased. However, in this topic, I have strongly concluded that awakening on global
issues must come from awareness and development of perspective. Being a global
citizen enables me to distinguish such threatening globalization consciousness arising
from our economy, politics, and beliefs. This also gives me opportunities to start
questioning the basic assumption that is underlining the root of many global issues
because this is the only way a new type of common sense can be accepted. A common
sense that will tell us that these problems are not outside of us.

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