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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Catbalogan City
Silanga, Catbalogan City
Summative Assessment in Mathematics 9
Directions: Read and answer the following question carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer in your answer
Module 1
1. A mathematical sentence of degree 2 that can be written in the form ax2 + bx + c = 0.
A. Linear Equation B. Quadratic Equation C. Exponential Equation D. Quadratic
2. Which of the following is a quadratic equation?
A. 2r2 + 4r + -1 B. 3t – 7 = 2 C. s2 + 5s - 4 = 0 D. 2x2 – 7x ≤ 3
3. The standard form of the quadratic equation (x + 4)(x – 5) = 0 is ?
A. x2 + 9x + 20 = 0 B. x2 - x - 20 = 0 C. x2 + x + 20 = 0 D. x2 - 9x - 20 = 0
4. In the equation x2 + 18x + 81 = 0, 18x is ?
A. Quadratic term B. Linear term C. Constant term D. Quadratic expression
5. In the equation x2 – 4x = - 4, the value of c is .
A. 1 B. – 4 C. 4 D. 0
6. How many solution(s) are there in the equation w 2 = - 576 ?
A. No solution B. 1 Solution C. 2 Solutions D. Many solutions
7. How many solution(s) are there in the equation x = k, where k is positive?
A. No solution B. 1 Solution C. 2 Solutions D. Many solutions
8. The roots of a quadratic equation are -5 and 3. Which of the following quadratic equations has these roots.
A. x2 – 8x + 15 = 0 B. x2 + 8x + 15 = 0 C. x2 – 2x - 15 = 0 D. x2 + 2x - 15 = 0
9. What number should be added to the expression x – 8x + to make it a perfect square trinomial?
A. 8 B–8 C. 16 D. – 1
10. What are the roots of the quadratic equation 2x + 3x = 27?
A. 3 and – 9/2 B. - 3 and – 9/2 C. - 3 and 9/2 D. 3 and – 9/2
Module 2
11. The nature of the roots of a quadratic equation can be easily describe using the .
A. Discriminant B. Coefficients C. Quadratic Formula D. Square Root Property
12. The expression b2 – 4ac is called .
A. Quadratic formula B. Discriminant C. Formula D. Sum and Product
13. Which expression can help you find the sum of the roots of the quadratic equation?
A. b2 – 4ac B. –b C. c D. x = - b ± √b2 – 4ac
a a 2a
14. Which expression can help you find the product of the roots of the quadratic equation?
A. b2 – 4ac B. –b C. c D. x = - b ± √b2 – 4ac
a a 2a
15. The sum of the roots of the quadratic equation x2 - 14x + 49 = 0 is .
A. 0 B. 14 C. 49 D. 1
16. Discriminant: 0 ; Nature of the roots: Rational, Equal. Discriminant: 4; Nature of the roots: .
A. Rational, equal B. Rational, unequal C. Irrational, unequal D. Not real, unequal
17. The product of the roots of x2 + 5x - 8 = 0 is .
A. – 2 B. 8/5 C. 5/2 D. – 8
18. Describe the nature roots of the quadratic equation y2 + 6y + 5 = 0.
A. Rational, equal B. Rational, unequal C. Irrational, unequal D. Not real, unequal
19. The quadratic equation that is equivalent to the equation 1 – x = 2 is .
x 6 3
A. x2 – 6 = 2/3 B. – x2 – 4x – 6 = 0 C. x2 + 4x – 6 = 0 D. 6 + x2 = 4x
20. It is a solution of an equation derived from an original equation.
A. Positive solution B. Extraneous solution C. Negative solution D. No solution
Module 3
21. The length of a garden in Imelda Park is 5 m longer than its width and the area is 14 m 2. How long is the garden?
A. 9 m B. 7 m C. 5 m D. 2 m
22. Write the quadratic equation in the form ax2 + bx + c = 0 given the root 5 and 9?
A. x2 - 14x + 45 = 0 B. x2 + 14x + 45 = 0 C. x2 - 14x - 45 = 0 D. x2 + 14x - 45 = 0
23. The area of the rectangular floor of Novotel is 234. Its length is 24 more than its width. Illustrate the problem using
an equation.
A. 234 = x(24 – x) B. x (x + 24) = 234 C. x + 234 = 0 D. x + 234 = 24
24. The product of two consecutive integers is 30. Give the mathematical sentence of the statement.
A. x(x + 1) = 30 B. x + 1 = 30 C. x = 30 D. x2 + 2 = 30
25. The following illustrates a quadratic equation EXCEPT for one.
A. The square of 4 is equal to the sum of 10 and 6.
B. The area of Juvies Resort’s swimming pool is 84 and the perimeter is 38.
C. The product of two consecutive integers is 30.
D. The area of the parking lot of Catbalogan Mang Inasal is 345 sq. m. Its length is 10 more than its width.
Module 4
26. A mathematical sentence that contains a polynomial of degree 2 and can be written in any of the following forms, ax 2
+ bx + c > 0, ax2 + bx + c < 0, ax2 + bx + c ≥ 0, ax2 + bx + c ≤ 0,where a, b, and c are real numbers a ≠0.
A. Linear Equation B. Quadratic Equation C. Quadratic Inequality D. Linear Expression
27. Which of the following mathematical sentences is a quadratic inequality?
A. 5t2 – t – 20 = 0 B. 9h + 18 > 0 C. 4y2 – 2y – 2 ≥ 0 D. m2 + 9m + 16 = 0
28. The length of the wall SNHS classroom is 12 m more than its width and the area of the wall is less than 50 m 2. Which
represents the statement?
A. w(w + 12) = 50 B. w(w + 12) > 50 C. w2 + 12w = - 50 D. w2 + 12w < 50
29. Which of the following coordinates of points belong to the solution set of the inequality y < 2x 2 + 5x – 1?
A. (-3, 2) B. (-2, 9) C. (1, 6) D. (3, 1)
30. Which of the following is NOT a quadratic inequality?
A. 2r2 – 3r – 5 = 0 B. 7h + 12 = 0 C. 3t2 + 7t – 2 ≥ 0 D. r – 3r < 0
Module 5
31. These are functions that can be describe by the equations of the form y = ax 2 + bx + c, where a, b, and c are
real numbers and a ≠ 0.
a. linear function b. quadratic function c. rational equation d. irrational expression
32. The graph of a quadratic function is a .
a. straight line b. parabola c. hyperbola d. arc
33. Which of the following equation illustrates the vertex form of a quadratic function?
a. y = ax2 + bx + c b. y = a(x-h)2 + k c. ax2 + bx + c = 0 d. y = ax + b
34. It is the turning point of a parabola.
a. domain b. range c. vertex d. axis of symmetry
35. In the graph of y = ax2 + bx + c, the larger the /a/ is, the is the graph.
a. wider b. larger c. narrower d. shorter
36. The value of x when y is equal to zero is called of the quadratic function.
a. maximum value b. minimum value c. domain d. zeros
37. The zeros of the function described by the graph below is .
a. 1, 3
b. -1, 3
c. 1, -3
d. -1, -3

38. Which of the following quadratic function models situations of free falling objects?
a. f(x) = ax2 + bx + c b. y = a(x-h)2 + k c. h(t) = -49t2+ V0t + h0 d. none of the above
39. Which of the following object/situation illustrate quadratic function?
a. parabolic bridge of San Juanico c. rolling of basketball forward
b. firing of bullet upward d. flying banog banog
40. Which of the following graphs represents quadratic function?
a. b. c. d.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Catbalogan City
Silanga, Catbalogan City

Summative Assessment in Mathematics 9: Module 3

Directions: Read and answer the following question carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

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