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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

1. PROJECT SCHEDULE................................................................................................................1

2. PROJECT EXCUTION STRATEGY.............................................................................................2

3. PROJECT QA/QC PLAN...........................................................................................................17

4. PROJECT HSE PLAN................................................................................................................43

5. DETAIL EXECUTION PLAN FOR MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION.......................................84

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China


Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China


2.1 Project Management & Control

2.1.1 Objectives
TCC understands that timely completion of the project is very important to the
owner. In order to achieve this objective in a cost effective and efficient manner, the
TCC Project Management Team will implement international standard project
management and control procedures and systems as appropriate to the nature of
the project including:
 Rapid and planned Project Initiation
 Effective Communications Procedures
 Pro-active Schedule Control
 Control of Change
 Document Control
 Project Reporting
 Finance and Accounting
2.1.2 Project Initiation
Effective and efficient initiation of the project will be essential in order to enable the
overall project schedule objective to be achieved.
Key activities to be undertaken during the first two weeks include:
 Set up a project organization based on the organization chart shown in
 Preparation of the Project Execution Procedure, including:
 Project Description and Objectives
 Scope of Work and Division of Responsibilities
 Parties Concerned and Organization
 Execution Strategy
 Administration Procedures
 Reporting
 Cost Control / Change Control
 Planning and Progress Control
 Document Control
 Engineering
 Procurement and Sub-Contracts

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

 Health, Safety and Environmental

 Quality Assurance
 Construction, Pre-commissioning and Turnover
 Close-out
 Project Kick-off Meeting with Owner
 Review and Confirm Project Scope and Basis of Design
 Confirm overall project schedule

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

2.1.3 Project Organization Chart

P r o je c t M a n a g e r

C o s t C o n t r o l E n g in e e r S c h e d u le E n g in e e r

P r o je c t S e c r e t a r y Q A / Q C E n g in e e r

D e s ig n M a n a g e r P ro c u re m e n t M a n a g e r C o n s t r u c t io n M a n a g e r H SE M anager

P r o c e s s E n g in e e r F ir e f ig h t in g E n g in e e r P ro c u re m e n t S it e S a f e t y E n g in e e r
E n g in e e r S u p e r in t e n d e n t

P ip in g E n g in e e r E q u ip m e n t E n g in e e r E x p e d it in g C iv il E n g in e e r
E n g in e e r

M a c h in e r y & P u p m I n s t r u m e n t a t io n T r a n s p o r t a t io n W e ld in g
E n g in e e r E n g in e e r E n g in e e r E n g in e e r

E le c t r ic a l E n g in e e r T e l. c o m m u n ic a t io n M a t e r ia l C o n t r o l
E n g in e e r E n g in e e r

S t r u c t u r e E n g in e e r W a t e r s u p p ly &
s e w e r a g e E n g in e e r

A R c h it e c t u r e E n g in e e r P lo t P la n E n g in e e r

H V A C E n g in e e r

2.1.4 Communications Procedures

Communications between TCC and Owner may be in the following forms:
 Meetings All meetings between Owner and TCC will be attended by TCC
and Owner project managers.

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

 Letters / faxes Letters and faxes shall be addressed to / from the

Owner and TCC project managers and will be numbered sequentially by
the source organization. The secretary of the receiving organization will
confirm that a complete sequence of numbers has been received.
 E-mails In order to promote effective working relationships,
E-mails of a wholly administrative or technical clarification nature may be
sent by senior TCC project team personnel directly to the required
recipient. However, all such E-mails must be copied to the TCC and Owner
project managers.
 Transmittals All drawings, documents and specifications issued
from TCC must be sent under cover of a formal transmittal listing all the
documents, their status and the action to be taken by the recipient.
Transmittals will be numbered sequentially.
 Verbal Again in order to promote good working
relationships, telephone and face to face communications between TCC
and Owner personnel will be encouraged. However, any significant issues
arising out of these discussions must be confirmed in writing, since verbal
agreements will have no standing.
2.1.5 Project Schedule Control
(1) General
The key Milestones shall be identified and achieved by both parties.
TCC will use the P3 or Microsoft Project system as the planning and progress
control tool for the Project. This software provides the simulation and Critical Path
Method (CPM) features required for effective project control, and can be integrated
with the work management and cost control system.
Three levels of planning will be utilized for project:
 Level 1: Mile Stone Schedule
 Level 2: Project Master Schedule
 Level 3: Task / Activity Schedule
The level 1 Schedule will be utilized for overall project management reporting to
Owner and TCC management and will show the major milestones and rolled-up
summary activities for Engineering, Procurement and Construction activities.
The level 2 Project Master Schedule covers the overall project from detail, engineer
and procurement through to mechanical completion and acceptance. It details

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

major activities, grouped by discipline or account code within a defined area. It is

the basis for all other detailed schedules and is utilized project monitoring and
Level 3 Task / Activity Schedules include detailed planning and control schedules,
 Detailed bar charts for critical or complex activities
 sub-contract status reports
 Document registers
 Task lists
 Construction Progress charts
 Etc.
The Critical Path Method (CPM) will be used to control the project. TCC’s
Engineering, Procurement and Construction management teams will also use a
weekly “look ahead” scheduling system. This system tracks daily work activities
and feeds essential data into the master CPM schedule for periodic update.
Actual progress of all design procurement and construction activities will be plotted
against the project schedule so variances are promptly noted and corrective
measures can be implemented. Critical Path Methodology (CPM) will be employed
to track those items that have the greatest affect on project completion. By
focusing on critical activities the potential for delay interruption or ineffective
coordination between contractor workforces at the job-site is significantly reduced.
S-curves of planned, actual and forecast progress will be prepared for engineering,
procurement and construction activities and summarized for the overall project.
(2) Engineering
Based on the Overall Master Schedule the Detailed Engineering Schedule will be
developed by TCC’s Engineering Group. The detailed schedule will be in the form
of Deliverables Schedules indicating planned, forecast and actual issue dates for
engineering drawings, specifications and documentation. Each deliverable or
group of deliverables will be assigned a weighting based on the man hours
required to carry out the task, together with percentage progress milestones for
intermediate issues stages in order to allow engineering progress to be measured
and reported on an earned value basis. TCC will update the Deliverables
Schedules on a weekly basis to enable actual progress to be determined.
(3) Sub-Contracts

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

The procedure for progress measurement for sub-contracts is essentially the same
as for procurement in the pre-award phase.
(4) Construction
The Overall Master Schedule for Construction activities will be updated prior to
mobilization to site using the latest estimate, sub-contractor schedules, material
control chart, drawings and other available engineering data. It is reviewed and
approved by the Project Manager, the Construction Manager and Owner
representative prior to the start of field construction activities.
Following award of the sub-contract, the contractor will be required to prepare a
detailed schedule for their scope of work for review and approval by TCC. This will
include detailed bar charts, S-curves, manpower histograms, progress charts and
daily schedules.
 Progress Chart
A progress chart consisting of data tables and a progress graph, segregated by
summary level accounts will be developed as construction proceeds.
TCC will report progress achievement information on the summary progress
report. From this information, planned, forecast and actual progress is
calculated, tabulated on the progress data chart, and plotted on a progress
graph. This information will be available to Owner.
 Daily Scheduling
Since the master schedule usually is not in enough detail to provide a daily
work plan, a detailed construction schedule is prepared and updated in the
field, adopting the logic and order of precedence for construction activities from
the master schedule.
The detailed schedule is designed to interface with a variety of commercially
available scheduling programs. By downloading the construction activities from
the master schedule, any level of detail required for efficient project control can
be displayed such as drawing numbers, equipment item numbers, work area
locations, crew information, etc.
This system provides a stand-alone construction schedule, with subsequent
capability for the generation of daily or weekly look-ahead schedules. Since
logic connections are not required, the program allows input of start and finish
dates with comments directly from the Construction Manager’s work plan. The
program’s database structure is listed below.

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

 Activity ID
 Activity Description
 Code 1 (used for sorting and selecting)
 Code 2 (used for sorting and selecting)
 Planned Start Date
 Forecast Start Date
 Actual Start Date
 Planned Finish Date
 Forecast Finish Date
 Actual Finish Date
 Remarks / Comments
A look-ahead schedule is prepared on a periodic basis, usually weekly, always
projecting forward to the next upcoming time period.
Weekly field scheduling review meeting(s) are normally held at job-site. The
meetings can be held more frequently if project requirements dictate. Attendees
usually include representatives from engineering, purchasing and material control,
field supervision, and any subcontractor representatives.
At the meeting the current period’s schedule is discussed and the previous week’s
schedule reviewed. Comments and decisions made at the meeting are
incorporated into the schedule update for the period. The look-ahead schedule is
incorporated as part of the weekly report.
2.1.6 Change Control
Design change control procedure will be used as change control.
2.1.7 Document Control
Document control procedure is utilized for document control.
2.1.8 Project Reporting
Scheduling, Controlling and Reporting procedure will be executed in the project.
2.1.9 Finance and Accounting
The project controls system can provide commitment-based accounting. For
example, as soon as any purchase order is written for the project, the commitment
to spend is recorded tracked back to the relevant line item category in the project
construction plan. The commitment record is updated each week so that the status
of expenditures is always known and they can be tracked and compared

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

2.2 Engineering Design

2.2.1 Objectives
The detailed design objectives for the project may be summarized as follows:
 Implement the detail design based on the Basic Engineering Package,
which approved by Owner to ensure the completed plant meets Owner’s
business goals.
 Completion of the detail design in accordance with Owner’s standards,
specifications and expectations and international practice.
 Environmental, health and safety requirements are considered and
incorporated, both for the operation and maintenance of the completed
plant and during construction and commissioning.
 Completion of design deliverables in accordance with the required schedule
for procurement and construction.
2.2.2 Engineering Strategy
In order to deliver cost effective and high quality Engineering Design to the Project,
TCC has structural on integrates team to carry out the Engineering work.
Engineering Manager will be responsible for running the Engineering Design
execution and report to Project Manager. He will lead the Engineering Team
through out the Project. The Engineering Team contents of:
 Several Owner engineers who are very familiar with the project if
necessary. They are going to provide inputs to the Engineering Design, as
well as to review Engineering development to ensure Owner requirements
are incorporated;
 Enough TCC resources estimated to produce Engineering deliverables.
TCC Project Team fully understands that the project is schedule driven. In order
TO minimize interface between all parties involved, the Project Engineering Team
will be established in TCC office. The Engineering Teams will closely work together
to ensure the expected objectives to be achieved i.e.: Schedule, Quality and Cost.
The Engineering Design for the project includes
 Detail
ed Design Package (DDP)

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

 As
Built Package (AP)
TCC will provide project management and controls to ensure quality, cost and
schedule objectives are achieved. Owner will be responsible for providing design
information and constructability review. Detail Design will be finished by TCC as per
the Overall Master Schedule.
Reporting to the Project Manager, the TCC Engineering Manager will control the
design activities, co-ordinate the transfer of information and monitor progress and
quality of the design work. He will ensure that they are kept fully informed of the
project goals and priorities.
The TCC Engineering Manager will be supported by TCC Discipline Lead
Engineers,. The Discipline Lead Engineers will review the design to ensure that
the design intent is correctly implemented in the detailed design. They will also
ensure that the necessary quality standards are maintained and that the degree of
design detail is sufficient to support a fast and trouble free construction schedule.
In addition, these engineering reviews will address issues such as constructability,
construction safety and overall safety for the operating plant.
2.2.3 TCC Engineering Team Responsibilities
 Responsibilities of Engineering Personnel
A multi-discipline task force team will be organized and assembled in TCC
design office. The engineering team including an Engineering Manager,
discipline lead engineers and discipline engineers will be fully involved in the

Engineering Manager: Responsible for all projects design activities,

reporting to Project Manager.
Discipline Lead Engineers: Responsible for all detail design review and
internal cross checking and management of the
discipline engineers.
Discipline Engineers: Responsible for the preparation of all detail design
drawings and documents.
The TCC Engineering Team will be responsible for overall management,
coordination including:
 Provide qualified/experienced engineers and designers as required.

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

 Ensure sufficient design manpower is employed to achieve design

objective and schedule.
 Maintain effective communication with Owner for design reviews and
 Review actual progress against the schedule and agreed actions.
 Ensure all design changes to the scope of design are managed properly in
accordance with TCC and Owner change management procedures.
 Ensure vendor documents and data are reviewed in a timely manner to
avoid delays in the design, procurement and construction schedule.
 Set up and maintain design files in order in accordance with the Project
Document Control Procedure.
 Maintain a regular review meeting on weekly basis to ensure critical design
issues are solved in a timely manner.
 Manage all interfaces related to design execution.
 Ensure agreed software is applied in the project.
 Plan and organize design review meetings.
 Provide all necessary input to the project control and reporting system.
 Monitor and approve achieved progress.
2.2.4 Detail Design Review
Reviews will include checking that the design is in conformance with local codes
and standards and will aim to eliminate time consuming, costly or impractical
approaches that may result in problems during construction. Emphasis will be
placed on achieving a fast efficient construction while achieving a high quality
All documents submitted to Owner shall be covered by a formal document
transmittal listing the documents included, their status and the required action
(review/approval/information only). In view of the fast track schedule, Owner must
respond with any comments within 5 working days of receipt, otherwise the
documents will be deemed to be approved. Any changes, rework or delay resulting
from comments received after this time, except to correct errors, will then be the
subject of a Change Order.
2.2.5 Schedule
The project schedule will be the principle tool for monitoring and controlling
engineering progress. The schedule will be construction-driven so that the timing

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

of all deliverables is aligned with construction needs.

 Kick-off Meeting
A Kick-Off meeting will be held between Owner and TCC at the beginning of the
detail design. Technical details will be clarified and discussed at that meeting
until TCC have a full understanding of the Design Basis information and
detailed design requirements for the Project.
 Weekly Review Meeting
A weekly meeting, chaired by the Owner will be held with the TCC to review
progress, review changes status, set goals for the coming week and resolve
any technical concerns / issues.

2.3 Construction
2.3.1 Objectives
The objectives of the Construction Management team will be to:
 Establish a “Zero Tolerance” Environmental, Health and Safety program
with a target of zero accidents.
 Ensure construction quality consistently meets all applicable standards,
codes and Owner requirements.
 Plan, construct, mechanically complete and hand-over the facilities in
accordance with the project schedule.
 Ensure constructablity issues are considered and incorporated in the
design phase.
 Establish and maintain good relationships with Owner and Local
Government agencies.
2.3.2 Construction Strategy
The Construction Works for the project will be sub-contracted by TCC to
experienced and capable Construction organizations who are “Class One” certified
by Ministry of Construction.
TCC has worked with all of these organizations and is confident of their ability to
execute the construction works with the appropriate level of Construction
Management supervision.
The construction works will be let in the following main packages:
 Civil Works
 Erection and installation Works

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

This allows the construction packages to be awarded as the design work is

completed and provides flexibility in the award of each package depending on the
performance of the subcontractor(s) working on previous packages. Sub-
contracting of parts of the scope by the selected construction company will not be
allowed without prior approval by TCC.
The Project’s construction standards and procedures, including safety and quality
assurance requirements, will be established from the start and will be applied to all
project activities, subcontractors and vendors.
Our construction management team will participate in planning and design activities
starting upon contract award. Early involvement will ensure that ”Constructability”
issues are promptly addressed and that the overall execution plan is kept on
The pre-commissioning strategy for the project will be based on division of the plant
in systems that can be mechanically completed and pre-commissioned
independently. It is proposed that the final system punch-listing, pre-
commissioning safety checks, etc will be carried out by an integrated team
comprising TCC Construction Company, and Owner personnel, in order to provide
a seamless transfer to commissioning and start-up activities.
2.3.3 Construction Management Organization
TCC will be responsible for the management of the job site. A team will be
assigned under the management of a Construction Manager.
The Construction Manager will be responsible to the Project Manager for all
aspects of the control and administration of the construction site and the activities
of the construction subcontractors. The Construction Manager will also ensure that
a close working relationship is developed with Owner personnel.
TCC’s responsibility for installation management will continue until Owner’
acceptance of the plant following completion of pre-commissioning tests. At that
point the care custody and control of the site will pass to Owner.
2.3.4 Pre-mobilization Activities
The Environmental, Health and safety Plan and the Quality Plan will be included in
the subcontractor ITB packages to ensure the requirements are fully understood by
the bidders and can be implemented immediately upon mobilization to site.
Constructability Review
During the initial stages of the design, the construction manager will be involved in

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

the design office in order to review the design concept including layouts, materials
and methods of construction and installation sequence to ensure construction
issues are fully incorporated in the design.
2.3.5 Mobilization and Temporary Facilities
A Mobilization plan will be established as basis for the Construction Management
team’s mobilization as required,
2.3.6 Materials Management at Site
A Materials Controller will be appointed at site with responsibility for the following
 Receiving equipment/materials and arranging for off-loading.
 Arranging open box inspection of all equipment and materials when received.
 Inspection of materials and approving storage and handling procedures
The Mechanical Workshop Construction will be progress early to enable this
building to be used for storage of procured equipment and materials.
2.3.7 Sub-Contractor Supervision
The Construction Manager will closely monitor the schedule during performance
and adjust resources as required to meet milestones. Regular meetings and site
walk-through with the Owner’ representatives will be conducted to assure full
understanding of actual progress.
Quality Control
Quality Control requirements at the job-site will be the responsibility of a
functionally independent QA Manager. The QA Manager will establish and
implement construction inspection, testing and acceptance procedures that meet
Owner standards with full consideration of successful project experience. The
Quality Procedures will be implemented on a day to day basis by Construction
Supervisors and the sub-contractors with Audits being carried out by the QA
Manager to confirm compliance.
Health, Safety and Environmental
TCC is totally committed to health, safety and environmental protection on its
construction sites based on a policy of continuous improvement. An HSE Plan will
be prepared as part of the Construction Execution Plan.
TCC will develop and implement a policy to ensure that an orderly work site is
created and maintained:-
 Site Security The site will be adequately fenced off.

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

 Site Induction All personnel will be required to attend a site

induction presentation prior to commencing work on site.
 Site Facilities Site facilities will be provided in designated areas
consisting of Site Offices, toilets, material lay down areas, stores etc.
 Site Rules Site Safety Rules and rules of acceptable behavior will be
established and implemented on site. Any breaches may result in
individuals being removed from the site.
 Good housekeeping Clean-up squads will be appointed to ensure that
construction waste and debris are cleared from the site on a daily basis.
 Access/Egress Clearly defined access and egress routes will be
provided and identified.
 Site Notices Notices will be displayed to ensure that everyone is aware
of site requirements.
 HSE Audits Audits will be carried out on a regular basis to ensure
compliance with the requirements of the HSE Plan.
2.3.8 Pre-commissioning and Turnover to Owner
As the project nears completion, turnover will be coordinated by TCC’s
engineering and construction team working with Owner operations personnel.
The point at which turnover to Owner will occur will be following completion of
pre-commissioning activities. TCC will:
 Assist in the preparation and resolution of final punch lists.
 Ensure all contractual and warranty obligations of the contractor have met.
 Schedule final inspections for facility acceptance by Owner.
 Undertake commissioning and start-up assistance as defined by Owner.
During the kick-off meeting and as necessary during project execution, TCC will
discuss and agree the detailed requirements for hand-over and commissioning
of the facility with Owner. Updates and changes will be matched with the
construction schedule to ensure that the facilities and handed over in a
sequence that matches the Owner’ commissioning program.
Early identification of the Systems Completion time scales and clearly defined
Systems boundaries are essential in order to allow the generation of
Construction Schedules that reflect Turnover/Commissioning requirements.
This focus on Systems will be carried through Engineering into the Construction
Phase of Project where the time scales and sequences established during the

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

Engineering phase will be incorporated within the various Construction sub-

contracts and reflected in their individual Construction Schedules.
During the Engineering Phase of the Contract, Construction Personnel within
the TCC Project Team will develop detailed completion and Turnover
Procedures for review and approval by Owner, in accordance with TCC
company procedures.
TCC will designate a Turnover Coordinator whose duties will be to drive the
various Systems to completion. His responsibilities will also include the co-
ordination of relevant inspection and testing records to provide Owner with the
documentary evidence necessary to confirm that the System or element of the
work is ready for Turnover. Typically these records will include Construction
Inspection Sheets for all elements of the work, Test Reports, Punch (“but”) Lists
etc. Use will be made of TCC’S Site Construction/Commissioning Database to
track the Systems Completion Status.
The system/area will be considered to have reached mechanical completion
and be ready for commissioning activities when the following has been carried
 The plant has been built in accordance with the drawings and
 Hydro-testing and flushing blowing completed.
 All inspections and NDT completed.
 Continuity checks completed (electrical)
 Punch-list items signed off with the exception of minor items which do not
affect safety or operability.
 A Certificate of Mechanical Completion for a system, unit or area of the
plant will then be raised, releasing it for pre-commissioning.
 Pre-commissioning will include all activities and tests necessary to
establish that the facilities are ready for the introduction of feedstock,
 Remove all rust preventatives and oils used to protect the equipment
during the construction period where the presence of such materials would
be detrimental to operation.
 Remove all temporary supports and foreign objects that were installed in

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

 Notification of Owner of the schedule for non-operational field pressure

tests in field-fabricated equipment.
 Provide inspection of the plant to verify that the erected facilities conform to
construction drawings, vendor prints and specifications. Note any
exceptions on punch lists.
 Check that internals and accessories have been installed.
 At completion of pre-commissioning, remove excess materials, temporary
facilities and scaffolding, clear away rubbish and debris from plant site.
 Manufacturer of Vendor assistance to be obtained when necessary.
 All spare parts will be handed over to Owner.
2.3.9 Demobilization
As construction nears completion, TCC will prepare and issue a Demobilization
Plan for the systematic removal and withdrawal of personnel.
The Personnel Resource Schedule will be carefully checked against the
requirements of the Construction and Pre-commissioning/Turnover Schedules to
establish the end dates for all office and field staff.
Arrangements will be made to advise all relevant local authorities and third parties
of the completion of the works, so that all necessary documentation can be
prepared in adequate time and issued as required.
Engineering documentation, drawings, specifications and dossiers etc. will be
finally collated and handed over to the Owner as specified in the project
procedures. All surplus materials and consumables will be removed and disposed
of safely, or, if required, transferred to the custody of the Owner on mutually agreed


3.1 QA Strategy
1) Quality policy
Quality first, making continuous improvements, and taking render of quality
work/product and complete follow-up service to client as the prime responsibility.
2) Quality objectives
Establishing a complete QA system, carefully implementing applicable national and
industrial codes and standards, ensuring complete compliance of construction

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

quality with applicable national and industrial quality requirements, eliminating major
quality accidents, and achieving the following quality indexes:
-- Rate of equipment, materials and fittings qualified: 100%;
-- 100%;Rate of unit work qualified: 100%;
-- Excellence rate of work: above 92%;
-- Rate of welds qualified at first time via NDE: above 96%.

3.2 QA system to be adopted by TCC

TCC will establish a project specific quality management system in accordance with
the requirements of ISO9001:2000, strictly implement quality standards during
construction, strengthen self management, self control and self inspection, carry out
effective control on various quality activities in accordance with applicable
procedures, and accept supervision, inspection and direction from the Contractor
and the Owner.
3.2.1 Quality management system organization chart

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

Project Manager

QA/QC Engineer

Administrative Quality Inspection

Office Team

Job Team Job Team

3.2.2 Responsibilities of main departments and key personnel

1) Project Manager
The Project Manager is the prime responsible individual who shall execute the
contract representing TCC. The Project Manager shall be responsible for
establishing the site quality management system, making decision on major quality
issues, organizing spot inspections on construction quality, and ensuring smooth
operation of the project quality plan.
2) QA/QC Engineer
The QA/QC Engineer shall be responsible for daily quality management and quality
control, and reporting directly to the Project Manager in construction quality. The
QA/QC Engineer shall mainly responsible for proper operation and management of
the quality system, coordination among functional departments within the quality
system, organizing preparation and implementation of the project quality plan and
optimization of statements of methodology, confirmation on overall work quality,
approval of corrective and preventive measures, and leading the quality control and
inspection and tests on the work.
3) Quality Inspection Team
The Quality Inspection Team shall be responsible for liaison with the Contractor and
related departments as the representative of the project management team, internal

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

quality management and quality control, supervision on the establishment and

operation of the quality system, and exercise of veto on work quality. The Quality
Inspection Team has right to reject any material which does not meet the contract
requirement or any nonconformity, and to stop the work. In addition, the Quality
Inspection Team shall be responsible for organizing inspection engineers of
different disciplines to carry out inspection, confirmation, release and joint
inspection with the Contractor and other related departments in accordance with the
inspection and test plan, controlling qualifications of welders and use of welding
consumables, submitting quality information and reports to the Project Manager,
TCC home office and the Contractor, and reporting directly to the QA/QC Engineer.
4) Administrative Office
-- The Administrative Office shall be responsible for transmit documents and information
on quality policies from the higher level and related departments.
-- The Administrative Office shall also be responsible for adoption of applicable
standards, information management, and reporting directly to the Project Manager.

3.3 Project Quality Management

3.3.1 General
1) TCC will establish a project quality management system in accordance with the
requirements of ISP9001:2000 quality system and the Contractor, closely cooperate
with the Contractor, carry out effective control on various quality activities in
accordance with applicable procedures, and ensure continuous, effective and actual
operation of the quality system and achievement of quality policy and objectives of
2) The project quality plan will be prepared as required by the site quality management
system. QA and QC control procedures will be developed to identify responsibilities
of various functional departments and responsible individuals. Material inspection
and construction quality control will be carried out according to applicable QC
procedures and quality control points to ensure timely and accurate inspections and
tests. Prior to implementation, the project quality plan shall be approved.
3.3.2 Management on operation of quality system
The Project Manager shall establish the project quality management system as
required by the operation of the quality system while the QA/QC Engineer shall
organize the management on the operation of the quality system. The Quality
Inspection Team shall assist the Project Manager and the QA/QC Engineer in
specific management works, which include quarterly internal audits on the quality
management system, monthly quality meetings, weekly discipline inspections and

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

periodical inspections based on the progress of the work.

1) Regular quality meetings
The project management team shall hold monthly quality meetings which are
presided by the QA/QC Engineer. The QA/QC Engineer shall be responsible for
organization and finalization of specific works. The main purpose of such meetings
is to solve issues on quality management, construction quality and work
procedures, timely handle comments from the Contractor and governmental quality
supervision organization, coordinate relationship among different functional
departments, finalize management responsibilities, make analysis on root cause of
problems, and develop and implement corrective and preventive measures. The
QA/QC Engineer shall be responsible for supervising and evaluating finalization of
resolutions reached on such meetings.
2) Weekly inspections
The QA/QC Engineer shall organize discipline inspectors to conduct weekly
discipline inspections which cover implementation of the project quality plan,
construction quality, construction records, inspection and measurement equipment
and tools, quality evaluations and solution of common quality issues. The inspection
results shall be recorded in the Project Quality Inspection Record. The Notification
on Quality Issues shall be issued for correction of existing problems within the
specified period. Problems to be corrected will be evaluated on the coordination
meeting or regular quality meeting, the correction responsibility finalized, and
evaluation and quality incentive and penalty system implemented.
3) Quality inspections by disciplines
a) During different phases of construction, normally civil, structural steel prefabrication
and erection, equipment erection, piping prefabrication and installation, and
electrical and instrumentation installation, the QA/QC Engineer shall organize
related functional departments like the Quality Inspection Team and Technical
Department to carry out discipline inspections on finalization of the quality
responsibility system, documentation, discipline quality (difficulties, key sequences
and hidden works), construction records (hand-over and as-built documentation,
inspection and test status records), self inspections, handling of common quality
issues, and confirmation on Class A/B control points. The focus is placed on
inspection of key sequences and hidden works.
b) The Quality Inspection Department in the home office of TCC will organize quality
inspections at different phases of the construction as appropriate, mainly on
implementation of the project quality plan, construction quality control,
synchronization of documentation with progress, key sequences and hidden works.
4) Review

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

a) During performance of the contract, QA/QC Engineer will responsible for

developing the internal quality system audit plan and submitting it to the PM for
approval. The audit mainly covers the following three aspects:
-- audit on quality system: evaluating the operation of the system;
-- audit on in-process quality: focusing on effective control of key processes, new
process and new technology and compliance of personnel qualification and
quality records with specified requirements;
-- audit on project quality: focusing on compliance of project quality with design
drawings, codes, specifications and the contract and objective judgment on
quality level.
b) The QA/QC Engineer will responsible for organizing the audit and developing the
audit implementation plan covering audit time, key elements, audit departments and
members of the audit team (Contractor’s personnel can be invited).
c) After internal quality system audit, the audit report shall be timely prepared and
submitted on the regular QA meeting held by the project management team for
overall evaluation on the operation of the quality system and finalization of
correction of nonconformities, cause analysis and preparation of corrective and
preventive measures.
d) Audit on quality system, in-process quality and project (product) quality organized
by the Contractor and the third party like certification agency and technical
supervision organization shall be carefully accepted and nonconformities timely
corrected to ensure compliance with the quality management system.
3.3.3 Project quality plan
Prior to start of the work, the project quality plan shall be prepared in accordance
with the relevant requirements in ITB documents, contract, design documents and
of the Contractor and be submitted to the Contractor for approval after signing the
contract. The project quality plan shall be strictly implemented, self management,
self control and self inspection strengthened, and supervision, inspection and
direction from the Contractor and governmental technical supervision department
1) Procedure for preparation of the project quality plan
a) The QA/QC Engineer shall prepare the project quality plan covering the quality
management system, in-process control and monitor and measurement on key
sequence, and submit it to the Contractor after authorized by PM.
b) The project quality plan is a controlled document.
c) For any modification to the project quality plan, the original preparation, review
and approval procedure shall apply.

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

2) Contents of the project quality plan

-- basis for preparation;
-- project overview;
-- quality policy and objectives;
-- management responsibilities;
-- organization;
-- description on coordination between quality control and management
-- necessary quality control means, construction processes, services and inspection
and test procedures;
-- determination on key sequences, special processes and work instructions;
-- requirements on inspection, test, measurement and verification applicable to
construction phases;
--procedures for modification and improvement of the quality plan.
3) Implementation of the project quality plan
a) The Project Manager shall be responsible for organizing complete implementation
of the project quality plan, making timely decision on major issues related with
quality management and construction quality, and coordinating management carried
out by different functional departments.
b) The QA/QC Engineer shall be responsible for assisting the Project Manager and in
leading the execution of the project quality plan, timely handling key issues related
with construction management, coordinating relationship among different jobs and
functional departments, and carrying out quality improvement.
c) Each functional department and job team shall organize respective managements
as specified in the project quality plan to ensure effective implementation of the
project quality plan.
4)Inspection and evaluation on the project quality plan
a) The QA/QC Engineer and Quality Inspection Team shall be responsible for
supervising and checking the implementation of the project quality plan, organizing
weekly and monthly evaluations, evaluating the inspection results on the regular
(monthly) quality meeting, timely solving all problems existing, finalizing and
perfecting improvement measures, and ensuring effective implementation of the
project quality plan.
b) After implementation of the project quality plan, the effect shall be evaluated by
discipline engineers from the TCC Quality Department..

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

3.3.4 Quality assurance

1) Site meetings
a) After the approval of the project quality plan and the inspection and test plan and
prior to the start of the work, TCC shall be responsible for holding together with the
Contractor a kickoff meeting to make all employees involved in the construction
aware of the quality requirements of the project.
The meeting mainly covers:
-- interfaces and contact means;
-- specifications and requirements;
-- related procedures/methods;
-- document control;
-- review of quality inspection and test plan (determination on A\B\C control points
and relevant format;
-- determination on content and format of quality records.
b) TCC shall be responsible for attending site meetings as notified by the Contractor
and timely carrying out all resolutions in the progress of construction.
2) HR management
a) The project management team shall be responsible for management on
qualification of workers. The Quality Inspection Team shall be responsible for
management on special trades, strict control on validity period of certificates for
special trades and scopes of operations to ensure implementation of process
b ) The Quality Inspection Team shall be responsible for developing construction
personnel induction plan covering quality features, rules and regulations of the
work. After training, the quality of the employees shall be improved to meet the
requirements on management, execution and verification. Welders must receive
trainings and qualifications. No welder shall be allowed to be mobilized on site for
construction unless qualified and verified by TCC.
c) Management on the following disciplines must bear relevant qualification
-- discipline supervisors;
-- discipline inspectors.
d) The following workers must bear relevant qualification certificates:
-- welders;
-- surveymen;

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

-- electrical test workers;

-- instrument calibration workers.
3) Equipment resource management
The Construction Department in the project management team shall prepare an
equipment management log to carry out effective control on mobile welding material
store and intactness of leased equipment used in the project. Site equipment
controllers must carry out and record completeness and functional inspection prior
to the use of equipment.
a) Equipment in use must meet the following criteria:
-- clean, properly lubricated and in good condition against corrosion;
-- complete in parts and attachments;
-- reasonable gap left between driving systems;
-- tight and firm connection between different parts.
b) Equipment in use on site shall bear obvious identification marks like “in good
conditions” and “to be repaired”.
c) For major construction machinery and equipment, special persons and jobs shall be
assigned for operation.
4) Design quality assurance
a) TCC shall be responsible for checking on work/product documents, drawings,
sketches, specifications and relevant information like descriptions and procedures
referred to in the contract provided by the design. Any error, omission and/or
nonconformity shall be immediately clarification to ensure effective editions are
used in different places where the quality system plays an important role. All
documents invalid or obsolete shall be correctly identified.
b) The QA/QC Engineer shall be responsible for organizing discipline engineers to
attend design briefing and review on construction drawings so as to check on the
completeness and rationality of the design, further optimize the statement of
methodology, improve scientificalness and applicability of the statement of
methodology, and lay a solid foundation for quality assurance.
c) Prior preparation shall be made for disciplines requiring detail design, which
includes site survey, learning and understanding intent of preliminary design,
strengthened drawing review and site design service.
5) Quality documents and records.
a) The document controller shall be responsible for strengthening control of quality
documents and management on preparation and collection of quality records like
hand-over documentation, as-built documentation and as-built drawings.

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

b) Quality records shall adopt sample forms. After the award of the contract, the
document controller shall submit the hand-over documentation preparation program
to the owner for approval.
c) Quality records shall be true, accurate and legible. When inspection by the owner is
requested, complete quality records shall be submitted for review and verification
on synchronization with the progress of the work.
d) Maintenance and delivery of quality records and quality documents shall be carried
out strictly in accordance with the requirements of the owner and the quality
management system. Quality records and documents shall be submitted to the
owner within the specified period and in required format.
3.3.5 Quality control
The Quality Inspection Team is an independent quality inspection group consisting
of discipline inspectors. The Quality Inspection Team has right to reject use of
unacceptable materials on the site and stop or allow no start of the work in case of
any quality issue.
1) Control of inspectors and equipment
a) Inspectors
During bidding for the work, the QA/QC Engineer shall determine the number and
disciplines of inspectors according to the general arrangement of the work. After
signing of the contract, an inspection and test schedule shall be prepared and
submitted to the Project Manager for approval.
b) Inspection and testing equipment
The Quality Inspection Team shall develop an inspection and test equipment
mobilization schedule, allocate inspection and test equipment and tools, verify the
conditions of inspection and test instruments and equipment, and ensure use of
advanced reliable and sufficient inspection and test equipment in specified precision
level for complete inspection items which can meet the construction demand. All
inspection and test instruments must be certified by a qualified inspection agency,
remain in validity period, and bear acceptable tags. After arriving on the site, all
inspection and test equipment shall be registered by the Quality Inspection Team.
2) Quality inspection and test plan
a) Prior to start of the work, the QA/QC engineer shall be responsible for developing a
quality inspection and test plan in accordance with the requirements of the owner or
based on selected discipline. The inspection and test plan shall be in consistent
with the approved construction schedule and QC requirements of the contract,
codes, drawing and related standards and regulations, and include inspection and
test on all construction activities.

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

b) The inspection and test plan shall identify times for quality audits and cover:
-- description of quality control points (including hold points, witness points and
classification of hold pints provided by the Contractor);
-- applicable standards;
-- acceptance criteria;
-- sample quality verification records.
c) QC methods include inspections and tests. Inspection covers visual inspection and
measurement of geometrical dimensions while test includes performance
d) TCC will carry out quality control based on the approved inspection and test plan.
Any modification to the inspection and test plan shall be carried out in accordance
with the original preparation and review procedure.
3) Quality inspection request procedure and joint inspection procedure
a) Procedure for quality inspection request and joint inspection

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

Identifying quality control points for various disciplines as specified by the Owner

Quality Inspection Team

Carrying out self inspection based on quality control points Organizing correction

Job team Job team

A\B\C quality control points

Confirming and requesting inspection based on control


Discipline supervisor

A/B quality control points

Carrying out specific inspection based on quality control

Quality Inspection Team

A/B joint inspection points
Requesting joint inspection and submitting

Quality Inspection Team

Class A joint inspection points

Owner, Contractor, Quality Inspection Team


Acceptable or not


Filling the description, content and results of joint inspection in the joint inspection report and
signing the report by inspection representatives

Maintaining records and establishing logs

Owner, Contractor, Quality Inspection Team

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

b) Work procedure and content

-- Identification of joint inspection points
The Quality Inspection Team shall make further break-down for units based on joint
inspection points, which shall be notified to functional departments and job teams
after confirmed by the owner.
-- Confirmation by joint inspection
During construction, every joint inspection point encountered shall be subject to self
inspection by the job team. After verification, the discipline supervisor shall request
inspection by the QA/QC engineer. The discipline inspector shall carry out
inspection according to construction drawing and acceptance code. Nonconformity
detected shall be handled according to the nonconformity control procedure. For
qualified points, the Joint Inspection Notification shall be issued in advance and
within the specified period to the owner for request of a joint inspection. For
qualified points, the discipline inspector shall be responsible for joint signing. For
points failed in the joint inspection, the discipline inspector shall organize handling
or correction within the period and according to the nonconformity procedure, and
then apply for another joint inspection.
-- Work procedure
Class A points: Class A points are quality control points which have impact on safe
operation and proper function of the work/product and must be jointly inspected by
the Owner, the Quality Inspection Team. No surpass is allowed.
Class B points: Class B points shall be first inspected by the job team which shall
then fill out the inspection request for inspection and confirmation on qualified points
by the Quality Inspection Team .
Class C points: Class C points are subject to self inspection by job team and spot
check by the Quality Inspection Team.
4) Identification for in-process control
a ) The Quality Inspection Team is responsible for application of inspection and test
identification marks while the project management team and job teams are
responsible for protection of site inspection and test status identifications.
b) Type of identification for main inspections and tests for in-process control
--record of inspection and test status (mandatory in all workplaces)
--Inspection and test identification stickers (adopted in work/product periodical
c)The Quality Inspection Team is responsible for identification of marks used in each
phase of construction as required for protection against misuse of any material not

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

inspected or nonconformity.
d) During construction, work/product inspection and test identification marks shall be
properly protected. No free alternation or damage is allowed. Any identification mark
to be covered shall be transferred to the external surface when required to keep.
5) Control of nonconformity
In order to avoid nonconformity or noncompliance with the requirements of
applicable code and the owner, TCC develops a nonconformity control procedure
for effective control of site construction and for timely identification and handling of
nonconformity detected.
a) Managerial responsibilities:
The Quality Inspection Team shall be responsible for management on
nonconformity, including judgment, identification, record and report of
nonconforming work/product detected. The Construction Department shall be
responsible for organizing segregation and handling of nonconformity. The QA/QC
Engineer shall be responsible for organizing evaluation on nonconformity by related
departments and developing relevant handling measures.
b)Management procedure:
Handling of nonconformity: judgment→ report → segregation → evaluation
→handling/disposition → re-inspection after handling. Detailed control procedure is
shown below:
-- Judgment: Any nonconforming sequence confirmed through inspection shall be
identified by discipline inspector and judged by the Manager of the Quality
Inspection Team .
-- Report: The inspector shall issue a nonconformity report to notify the project
management team and the QA/QC Engineer in written.
-- Segregation: Upon receiving the nonconformity report, the Construction Department
shall carry out segregation of nonconformity.
-- Evaluation: The QA/QC Engineer shall be responsible for organizing technical
professionals and inspectors to make evaluation and to determine the nature of
nonconformity, handling approach and need for preparation of handling measures.
-- Handling: The job team shall be responsible for allocating proper resources to
handle nonconformity as required by rework or repair notification issued by the
Construction Department and handling measures.
-- Re-inspection: After handling of nonconformity, the job team shall make inspection
request to the Quality Inspection Team for re-inspection by discipline inspector and
drawing of conclusion on re-inspection.

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

-- Others
Upon receiving any nonconformity report from the Contractor, the Quality Inspection
Team shall carry out the above-mentioned procedure. After handling, the Quality
Inspection Team shall fill out the handling comments for submission to the
6) Management on corrective and preventive measures
a) Determination of corrective and preventive measures
The QA/QC Engineer shall organize and analysis on the causes of the following
issues, to make recommendations on developing corrective and preventive
measures, and to designate a department for developing measures:
--external audit result;
-- problems existing in in-process and final inspection and test;
-- nonconformity cause analysis;
--comments and complaints from the Contractor;
--comments from quality supervision department, local government and competent
b) Development of corrective and preventive measures
Measures developed shall include:
--preparation basis;
--anticipated objectives;
--procedures and methods adopted;
--control sequences and points in the process;
-- resource demands;
--scope of implementation.
c) Implementation of corrective and preventive measures
The relevant unit must implement corrective and preventive measures strictly in
accordance with the following requirements, and supervise and check on
implementation of corrective and preventive measures:
-- Allocating qualified resources. The Quality Inspection Team shall be responsible
for recognition on quality and qualification of designated individuals while the
Construction Department shall be responsible for recognition on equipment
-- Assigning responsible individual to learn status of implementation of measures ;
-- Observing strictly process requirement, monitoring on key sequences and control

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

points, and confirming on implementation process and result.

d) Evaluation on corrective and preventive measures
The QA/QC engineer shall be responsible for organizing evaluation on
effectiveness of corrective and preventive measures based on the implementation
record and effect of corrective and preventive measures and for preparing the
Corrective and Preventive Measures Evaluation Record.

3.4 Material quality control measures

3.4.1 Planning and procurement procedure
1) Preparation and submittal of material plan
a) Materials supplied by owner: Material demand plan shall be prepared according to
construction schedule and main material delivery schedule. Supplementary plan
shall be prepared in case of any design change or adjustment to construction
b) Materials supplied by TCC: Material requisition plan shall be prepared one month in
advance according to construction drawing and construction schedule.
c) Plan approval: Prior to implementation, material demand plan and material
requisition plan shall be reviewed by the competent material engineer.
2) Material procurement procedure
For materials to be supplied by TCC, inquiry and comparison shall be made within
qualified suppliers. Supplier can be selected for order only after comprehensive
review on material quality ;

3.4.2 material inspection and test management

1) When material arrives on site, TCC will timely organize individuals from related
departments to carry out receiving inspection so as to confirm on compliance of
name, specification, model, quantity and appearance of material with material
specification and design document. Any unacceptable material detected during
inspection shall be immediately replaced.
2)Management on material inspection and test shall be carried out in accordance with
the requirements of material specification, purchase contract, design drawing,
applicable construction specification and relevant national and local regulation.
3) Material inspection procedure and content
a) The warehouse keeper shall check on the quantity of materials arriving at the
warehouse. In case of any discrepancy, the planner shall check again;

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

b) The inspector shall carry out appearance inspection and check on geometrical
c) The inspector shall make initial check on certificates while the competent material
engineer shall review.
d) A qualified inspection agency shall be used to carry out test on materials as
e) Inspection and test report issued by the inspection agency shall be reviewed.
f) Only materials qualified in the above-mentioned inspection and test can be used.
g) The inspector shall carefully fill out the Material Warehouse-in Receiving Inspection
Record which shall be signed by all individuals involved in the inspection for
confirmation after completion of the inspection;
h) Unqualified materials shall be segregated and identified so as to avoid confusion;
i) Qualified material shall be such identified physically and on its certificate.
4) Material test
a) In case of any omitted index or doubtful index exists in material certificate, test on
such omitted index or doubtful index shall be conducted according to material
b) Material shall be subject to inspection and test on items required by the Contract or
applicable construction specification.
5) Material identification management
Materials in warehouse shall be identified as required blow to ensure accuracy and
a) Materials stored in warehouse shall be attached with tags while materials stored in
laydown shall have signs posted.
b) Any material without clear identification on its body shall be color coded;
c) Transfer of original identification mark deems necessary during cutting of material
which may make the original identification mark incomplete;
3.4.3 Transportation management procedure
1) Loading, unloading, lifting and transportation shall be carried out as required and as
indicated on the package.
2) Proper vehicles, loading/unloading tools, lifting slings and tackles and vehicle
closing materials shall be selected according to the size, length and properties of
material to be handled.
3) Materials like pipe fittings, valves, flanges and electrodes shall be separated,
marked, seized, padded, isolated and boxed up for protection against confusion and

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

damage to materials during transportation. Separate vehicles shall be used for

transportation, if necessary.
4) Bulk or powdered materials liable to coming loose and flying shall be covered and
closed tightly during transportation.
5 ) Materials demanding protection against sunlight, rain or moisture shall be properly
covered during transportation.
6) During loading and unloading of materials, civilized operations are preferred. No
throwing of any material from any height is allowed for protection against damage.
7) When materials arrive at warehouse or on site, individuals responsible for
transportation and individuals responsible for receiving inspection shall respectively
hand over and take over materials in both quantity and quality. The later shall sign
on the bill of lading.
3.4.4 Material storage management
1) Material can be stored in the following areas: welding rod store, warehouse,
material shed or laydown area.
Warehouse is used for storage of materials like pipe fittings, flanges, valves, parts
and paints. Stored materials are not allowed direct contact with wall or ground.
Laydown area is used for equipment and materials which can not be stored in
2) Materials arriving at the warehouse shall be timely checked on package, quantity
and appearance, and properly recorded by the warehouse keeper. Inspectors shall
be notified for receiving inspection.
3) Materials not yet inspected shall be placed in “Area for Receiving Inspection” or
directly stored in place with “to be Inspected” tag attached. Any unacceptable
material detected during receiving inspection shall be placed in “Area for
Nonconformity” or attached with a “Nonconformity” tag.
4) Material storage and maintenance
a) The warehouse keeper shall timely establish account book against the Warehouse
Receipt issued by the Planner.
b) Materials stored in the warehouse shall be classified for separated storage and
attached with tags or signs.
c) Any material in stock shall have its log, material, tag, quality certificate and fund
consistent with each other.
d) General principle for material maintenance
During the whole construction period, relevant measures shall be taken as specified
by the supplier and the Contractor so as to ensure maintenance of materials subject

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

to storage and installation in good conditions.

5)Material issuance
a) TCC shall strictly control the quantity of materials to be issued based on the
construction schedule and construction drawings, and organize supply of material in
lots and phases. On the Material Requisition, the name, type, specification and
certificate number of the material and the name or number of the work shall be
clearly stated.
b) During issue of materials, the warehouse keeper shall carefully check against the
Material Requisition. No ex-warehouse shall be allowed for any material subject to:
-- incomplete and unclear formalities;
-- unclear counting of quantity;
-- no inspection;
-- unclear material, unacceptable quality or poor maintenance.
c) After issue of material, the warehouse keeper shall timely cancel issued items from
the account book and make inventory to achieve daily and monthly closing and
perpetual inventory.
6) Summary report management
Various summary reports shall be submitted regularly and as specified to the
Contractor and related departments.

3.5 Procurement and construction progress control within the scope of work of
3.5.1 Material control shall be carried out based on the principle of ensuring work quality
and progress, speeding up turnover, cutting down consumption, saving cost and
increasing economic benefit.
3.5.2 In-process material management and control shall be carried out strictly in
accordance with the requirements on material control and of the documented
quality system procedures.
1 ) The Procurement manager shall be responsible for establishing files of
subcontractors related with the work in supply, maintaining licenses and permits for
equipment and materials supplied by subcontractors, and qualifying quality of the
supply. Any subcontractor which fails in qualification shall be timely stopped from
2) TCC is responsible for providing the following information to the owner for review:
-- complete report on procurement at the end of each month;

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

-- related information about suppliers;

-- relevant product information like material origin certificates.
3) Equipment and material inspection and test management
a) Test on equipment and materials shall be carried out based on
-- equipment and material specifications and purchase orders;
-- design drawings and construction specifications;
-- applicable national and local regulations.
b) The Procurement manager shall prepare an inspection and test plan strictly in
accordance with material specification and purchase contract, carry out inspections
and tests in accordance with the inspection and test procedure of TCC, and
maintain inspection and test records. Inspection covers appearance inspection,
geometrical dimension inspection, review of original material certificates and
random inspection for verification. Materials purchased by TCC shall not be used in
the work unless such approved by the owner. Selection of test samples must be
attended by the owner’s Representative, TCC’s Representative and an independent
inspection agency. TCC is responsible for sending test samples.
4) Equipment and material maintenance and protection
a) Certified quality certificates shall be reviewed, maintained and issued by the
Procurement manager in accordance with the requirements of the quality
management system documents, which include applying review stamp, filling
certificate number, acceptance criteria and accepted quantity, stamping by inspector
and material responsible individual, making quality certificate log and filing.
b ) The Procurement manager shall separately store materials of different types,
specifications, materials and inspection and test statuses according to type,
maintenance requirement and turnover condition. Matting and stacking shall meet
relevant requirements and obvious identification marks shall be applied. In the
warehouse, area for acceptable materials and area for unacceptable materials shall
be established to avoid mixed storage.
c) The welding material store shall be closed and provided with dehumidifier, humidity
and temperature recorder and thermo-hygrometer. The indoor relative humidity
shall be controlled below 60% and the temperature above 5℃. The responsible
individual for material quality in the Supply Department shall carry out weekly
inspections on the welding material store, and review, signing and stamping on
drying, issue and temperature and humidity records for confirmation.

3.6 QC measures for key sequences

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

Based on characteristics of the work, quality control on the following key sequence
shall be strengthened in the progress of construction:
3.6.1 Compressor installation
1) Prior to installation of compressor, the Quality Inspection Team shall be responsible
for carrying out foundation acceptance inspection, going through interim handover
procedure and making proper foundation acceptance record.
2) During equipment alignment, size of shims, number of layers of shims and height of
shim sets as well as the levelness and coupling alignment stress after installation
shall meet the requirements of the applicable construction codes and specifications.
Discipline supervisor shall be responsible for check on elevation, orientation and
alignment of equipment.
3) Equipment grouting shall be subject to continuous monitoring by discipline
supervisor. Prior to grouting, check on foundation preparation shall be made. During
grouting, attention shall be paid to air release and compaction. After completion of
grouting, both foundation and body of equipment shall be cleaned and the
procedure for hidden work timely handled.
4) Prior to coupling alignment, check shall be made to prevent imposing of any stress
from piping on the inlet and outlet of equipment. Any remaining stress shall be
relieved through adjustment of piping. Otherwise, no alignment shall be allowed to
proceed. Reversed rim method or optical/laser method shall be adopted for
coupling alignment.
5) Prior to commissioning, various preparations shall be made according to the
commissioning plan and relevant provisions. Inspector shall request for confirmation
by the Owner’s Representative on conditions for commissioning. The site for
commissioning shall be barricaded with warning tapes and banned from entry by
any unauthorized personnel. The discipline inspector shall be responsible for
continuously monitoring on the commissioning process and supervising the
inspection on load, temperature, pressure, vibration and flow. After completion of
commissioning, both the site and equipment shall be cleaned out.
3.6.2 Process piping installation
1) Construction preparation: The QA/QC Engineer shall attend design
briefing/clarification and joint review on construction drawings, and coordinate
interface with other disciplines, especially control on connection of process pipeline
with equipment.
2) Material inspection: The Supply Department shall be responsible for controlling
strictly on quality of pipes, valves and their fittings in accordance with the
established material inspection procedure, verifying grades, lot Nos. and quality
certificates, and carrying out visual inspection, check on geometrical dimensions

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

and re-inspection with focus placed on appearance of low-temperature piping and

quality of assembly of alloy steel pipes, especially PMI and identification of alloy
steel pipe assembly. During storage, S.S. pipe assemblies shall be kept from
contact with carbon steel.
3) Edge preparation: For alloy steel pipes, mechanical means are preferred. In case of
thermal cutting, hardened layer at cut shall be ground and PT performed. After
preparation, appearance inspection shall be carried out. No defect like cracks or
delamination shall be allowed. For S.S. pipes, special grinding disc shall be adopted
for cutting or grinding.
4) Assembling control: During pipe assembling, grooves and their internal and external
surfaces must be cleaned in accordance with the relevant requirements in the
applicable GB standard. Especially, the area within 100mm from both ends of S.S.
groove shall be coated with chalk powder for protection against contamination of
the weldment by spatters.
5) Extent of pipe prefabrication shall be expanded. Discipline inspector shall be
appointed to stay in the prefabrication yard for control of prefabricated pipe spools
which shall not be released unless qualified by the inspector.
6) Stickers for identification shall be applied on the prefabricated spools. Two ends of
prefabrication spools and stubs with flanges shall be protected with wooden or
plastic cover.
7) Focus shall be placed on control of equipment piping. Construction shall be organized
strictly in accordance with the statement of methodology. Forced piping is
prohibited. Piping construction shall be started from the nozzle of equipment in
reversed direction. Supports and hangers shall be used to relieve stress. Prior to
pressure test, inspection and adjustment shall be made. Different trades shall well
coordinate to ensure piping free of stress.
8) Upon completion of installation of process pipeline according to design, strength
test and tightness test shall be performed after verification on correctness of the
system installed and qualification via joint inspection. Pipes and other assemblies in
pipeline like oxygen pipeline which allows no oil must be degreased prior to
pressure test on the system.
9) After pressure test and flushing, all blinds, temporary piping and supports shall be
removed and instruments formerly removed restored. Piping shall be drained of
accumulated water and purged with compressed air for protection against internal
corrosion or freezing.
3.6.3 Welding
1) Prior to start of welding, TCC shall submit welder’s qualification certificates and
WPSs to the Owner for approval. No welding shall proceed unless the approval is

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

2) The discipline supervisor shall organize weld identification, and make proper record
of welding work. During site welding, the discipline supervisor shall carry out
continuous monitor on welding quality. Daily weld inspection and report system is
adopted. The discipline inspector shall monitor on edge preparation and assembly
gap, carry out appearance inspection on welds based on requirements of quality
control points, attach inspection identification marks (code of inspector) on the
qualified welds, notify the NDE team the specified percentage of welds subject to
NDE, and enter the inspection results into the computer for use in construction
3) The identification marks of pipe welds shall be parallel to the axis of the pipe with
content and format as shown below:
Pipe diameter ≥φ89 φ57≤Pipe diameter<φ89

Pipeline No.

Weld Weld’s Inspector’s

No. Stamp No. Code

4) In case of welding on rainy days or days with wind speed, temperature or relative
humidity exceeding the specified limit, effective measures shall be taken for
protection as specified in the statement of methodology. Otherwise, no welding shall
be allowed. Discipline engineer shall study welding quality issues, find root causes,
and carry out quality improvement.
5) The Quality Inspection Team shall be responsible for establishing dossiers for
welders for timely and accurate record of performance of welders, periodical
summary and study on causes for deviations and adoption of corrective measures.
Any welder with the current monthly rate of welds qualified at first time lower than
90% shall be temporarily removed from job, provided with training and allowed to
return his job after qualified.
6) After completion of the work, the Quality Inspection Team shall be responsible for
submitting all original NDE reports and X-ray films to the Owner for review.
3.6.4 NDE control
1) Computer-aided management is adopted by TCC on pipeline welds and NDE. The
work procedure for inspection is shown below:

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

Design and review of isometric drawings

Technical Engineer.

Approving the statement of methodology and welding

Entering basic piping information into computer procedures

Technical engineer Owner

Piping welding

Job team

Daily request for inspection on pipe welds completed

Job team

Visual inspection on welds in daily request for Unacceptable

inspection Organizing repair according to welding procedure

Quality Inspection Team Job team

Entering of welds qualified in daily inspection
Technical Dept.
Quality Inspection Team

Extend percentage
Counting welds by welders and notifying NDE
of welds subject to
personnel NDE NDE results
Quality Inspection Team
Quality Inspection Team


Inspection agency


Entering NDE results

Inspection agency

Printing out NDE report and marking up isometric


Inspection agency

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

3.6.5 Other requirements

1) TCC’s inspector shall determine NDE locations according to design and code
requirements and based on daily reports of welds, enter these locations into the
computer (with site identification), and notify these locations to the inspection
agency before 16:00 each day.
2) The NDE personnel in the inspection agency shall identify welds subject to NDE in
the computer, prepare proper instruments, equipment, materials, tools and PPEs,
confirm on site NDE conditions and allocation of NDE personnel, go through RT
request procedure, and finalize site protective and warning measures before they
carry out any NDE work.
3) The evaluator in the NDE team shall enter daily NDE results into the computer, and
report relevant information to the inspector of TCC who shall summarize these
results and submit weekly reports to the owner.
4) Results of any inspection/test must be notified to the inspector within 12 hours after
completion of the inspection and test.

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China


4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 Scope
The Project HSE Plan: Site Management [this document] defines how TCC will
discharge its responsibilities with respect to a body of HSE requirements. These
include the Corporate procedures of the participating TCC Companies, the
requirements of the Owner.
This HSE Plan: Site Management [this document] applies to all site activities
associated with the implementation phase of the project, which includes the
 Site surveying
 Site preparation
 Construction
 Commissioning
4.1.2 Safety Performance Goals
The targets of this project are as followings:
 Fatality=0
 Fire/Explosion=0
 Property Damage (the costs of accident > 6 thousands USD )=0
 Total Recordable Incident Cases < 0.4 (per 200 K man-hours)
4.1.3 HSE Organization
The HSE team is shown in the following Figure:

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

TCC Project Manager

Owner’s HSE Manager TCC HSE Manager

HSE Engineer

Civil Team Installation Team


4.2 Definitions and Acronyms

ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable

TCC China Tianchen Chemical Engineering Corp.
EPC Engineering Procurement Construction
HAZID Hazard Identification
HAZOP Hazard and Operability Study
HEMP Hazards and Effects Management Process
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
ITB Invitation To Bid
MP Management Plan
MSDS Material Safety Datasheets
PRC Peoples Republic of China
SIL Safety Integrity Level
TBD To Be Determined

4.3 Leadership and Commitment

4.3.1 Commitment

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

TCC management (director, project, construction managers, department and

functional managers) are committed to engineering, purchasing, constructing and
commissioning the Project in a manner that is uncompromising on issues of health,
safety, the environment, and security. Senior management of TCC will personally
practice HSE leadership, demonstrate visible commitment to the project’s HSE
policy and strategic objectives, and provide resources to foster a project culture that
embraces and accepts nothing but optimal HSE behavior.
4.3.2 HSE Philosophy
The HSE programme is based on the following concepts:
 The proactive concept that prevention is better than cure.
 Each organization and Individual is responsible for its own HSE performance.
 All accidents are preventable. Systematic and structured effort will result in a
better HSE performance.
 Zero accidents/incidents is achievable through continuous improvement
practices, commitment and delegation.
 High visibility awareness of HSE is a requirement throughout the project, with a
particular focus on housekeeping.
 Protection of the environment and prevention of pollution contributes to a safe
and productive workplace.
 A safe site is a productive site.

4.3.3 Team Leader Objectives

The Team Leaders objectives to achieve the site philosophy include:
 Provide safe systems of work.
 Strive to eliminate all occupational injuries and illnesses;
 Promote HSE objectives as a constant value in designing, planning, training,
and executing work;
 Enhance employee awareness and involvement in our health, environmental,
and safety program implementation;
 Increase employees' consistent use of safe practices in their daily work

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

 Optimise the use of continuous improvement practices as the basis for Zero
Accident Performance initiatives;
 Prove to customers that TCC is dedicated to safety excellence; and
 Select subcontractors that are committed to "Zero Accidents Performance".

4.4 Policy and Objectives

The project policy, objectives and targets are described in the attachment “HSE
Policy Statement ”.

4.5 HSE Organization

The HSE team is shown in Figure 4.1.3 and is the central point of reference through
which the TCC PMC team will implement the project’s HSE management system. It
is responsible for all HSE planning and management project-wide. HSE is an
integrated responsibility crossing all department boundaries. The HSE team is
responsible for developing criteria that is implemented and cascaded down by line
management and through subcontract language. The HSE team is also responsible
for oversight and assessment of the success of this process.
The roles and responsibilities of the HSE team are described in as follows:

4.5.1 Project Manager

The Project Manager has overall responsibility for the HSE performance on the
project. He will provide resources necessary to manage the Project and to ensure
that there is sufficient supervision to accomplish the goal of zero accident, incidents
and injuries, with due regard to the implementation of the HSE programme.

4.5.2 HSE Managers.

The HSE Manager will ensure that safety management requirements are given
equal status with other managerial requirements, with responsibility for the
implementation, control and review of the safety management programme in
accordance with project requirements and HSE expectations.
The HSE Manager shall be responsible to the Project Manager for implementation of

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

the HSE programme. Details of progress, incidents, problem areas, future

requirements and other HSE points worthy of note shall be contained in a monthly
report to the Project Manager.
HSE will be an agenda item on fixed regular meetings with Owner and Sub-
The HSE Manager will chair the Monthly Safety Committee meeting and will have
the full backing of the Project manager on all matters regarding HSE policy
Responsible for all construction aspects within their areas of responsibility on the
construction site and to lead and execute the overall HSE programme on site. The
HSE Managers are also responsible to the Project manager to ensure that all
subcontractors are aware of, and comply with, the project HSE requirements.
HSE managers will conduct regular HSE inspections and audits, and are
responsible for follow-up actions on all HSE matters.
In the event of HSE incidents he will lead the investigations.
The HSE manager shall submit a monthly report including man-hours/statistics on
the cut off date for each month. He will develop training, monitoring and reporting
procedures, assist line supervision in practical implementation and shall liaise
closely with Owner Management Team.

4.5.3 Construction Manager

Will assist the HSE Manager in general supervision of the HSE programme by
providing the necessary guidance and advice to enable him to fulfill his obligation to
implement the HSE programme. He will monitor the implementation of the HSE
programme, make regular reviews and revise as required.

4.5.4 Safety Supervisors(Safety engineer)

Safety Supervisors will report directly to the HSE Manager on all matters relating to
the project HSE programme. Where necessary they shall liaise with and assist
construction, technical and engineering personnel in the implementation of the

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

They shall assist in, and coordinate the development, presentation and result
measurement of HSE awareness training modules for all site personnel and
participate in monitoring HSE activities including audits, sampling and inspections.
They shall liaise closely with Subcontractors, internal and external safety staff, and
other personnel who may influence the overall safety management performance.
Safety Supervisors shall also assist the HSE Manager in conducting impartial
investigations into any incident whether or not it results in injury, damage, ill health
or environmental impact.
They shall conduct weekly meetings with Subcontractors Safety Supervisors and a
Safety Supervisor will also be nominated as Secretary of the monthly HSE

4.5.5 Subcontractors
All Subcontractors on the project shall be capable of demonstrating the existence of
formal HSE management system within their companies. The minimum
demonstrable requirement shall be:
 Details in respect of historical HSE performance
 A structured safety policy document
 A HSE Plan specific to their operations
 Safe working procedures
 Subcontractor management and supervisors shall:
 Ensure compliance with the HSE programme
 Take responsibility for the HSE programme under their control
 Conduct daily inspections and remedy unsafe acts and conditions
 Participate in the site audit programme
 Train and monitor workers for safe work practices
 Conduct daily Toolbox meetings
 Attend monthly safety committee, weekly Safety Supervisor meeting, and
other meeting as deemed necessary by Contractor or Owner
All Subcontractors shall maintain a minimum ratio of HSE representatives to
employees of 1:100.

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

In addition, the HSE team is responsible for initiating or providing assistance to other
members of the project team in the following areas:
 Formulation and determination of suitability of HSE rules and procedures;
 Participation in planned audits and inspections together with line management;
 Unscheduled performance monitoring efforts; and
 Administration of HSE training that may be required beyond the foreseen
project-specific training.
The structure of the HSE organization, for the implementation phase, will change to
address evolving requirements as the project moves forward through detailed design
and on into construction. Recognizing this, the implementation phase should be
viewed in two stages:
 Detailed design and
 Mobilization/construction
In developing a plan for these distinctly different stages of activity, TCC will take
particular care to ensure that the HSE organization is consistent with regards to the
leadership and technical support needed to carry critical processes forward without
interruption and sustain progress toward achieving strategic HSE objectives.
In both stages of the implementation phase, TCC will place emphasis on retention of
key HSE staff that will transition forward into onsite positions, carrying job
knowledge and ownership of planning decisions forward into execution.
4.6 Standards and Specifications
The following laws, regulations, codes, standards and specifications will be applied
in order of priority in this Project:
 HSE related local community and municipal Regulations and Codes
 Owner’s HSE
 Owner Standards, Specifications, Plans, procedure and work practices
 HSE laws and Regulations of the local regulation
 TCC’s HSE, Plans and programs, procedures and work practices
 Subcontractor’s and Vendor’s method statements

4.7 Communications

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

4.7.1 Communication Mediums

TCC recognizes that its HSE objectives can only be achieved with effective
communication. TCC will utilize numerous mediums to educate, raise HSE
awareness, motivate and stimulate participation. These may include:
 Bulletins
 Meeting minutes
 Bulletin boards, posters or banners
 E-mail
 Web sites
 Reporting
 Campaigns
These will be detailed in the TCC HSE Communications procedure.

4.7.2 Meetings
A number of formal meetings and discussion forum will be used to deliver HSE
information. These will be detailed in the TCC HSE Communications procedure.
They include:
 Daily pre-start team meetings
 Weekly tailgate meetings lasting 15-20 minutes in duration will be conducted by
the supervisor
 Weekly supervisor meetings shall be conducted and the contractor’s
supervisors shall attend
 Special meetings to deal with any exceptional events, circumstances.
A number of formal meetings and discussion forum will be used to deliver HSE
information to subcontractors. These will be detailed in the TCC Sub-
contractor/Vendor Monitoring procedure. They include:
 Pre-bid HSE meetings for short listed contractors
 Kick off HSE meeting award of a contract
 All contractor safety representatives shall attend a daily contractor safety co-
ordination meeting

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

 Weekly HSE progress meeting with contractor’s management where necessary

 Monthly HSE review meetings
TCC recognizes the importance of hazard and effects communication and requires
STARRT meetings to be conducted at the start of each shift by Supervisors. The
STARRT procedure will be detailed in TCC HSE Safety Task Analysis Risk
Reduction Talk/Job Hazard Analysis procedure.

4.7.3 HSE Committee

Subcontractor and PM alignment is essential for the effective implementation of
HSE. A project HSE committee chaired by the project construction manager and
attended by the subcontractor Project managers will be conducted monthly. This will
be detailed in the TCC Project HSE Committee procedure.
4.7.4 Records and Reports
HSE communication is retained and transmitted in written records and reports.
A project HSE monthly report will be produced. The HSE report will address HSE
progress, incidents, issues requiring attention, look-ahead items, and status for the
period of agreed upon HSE performance measurements. Also to be provided are
details on the progress of engineering safety reviews and the close out of actions.
Details of HSE communications and reports will be described in the TCC HSE
Reports and Records procedure. Project historical and close-out reports will be
detailed in the TCC Project/Facility HSE Historical Report/Lessons Learned
The prompt and accurate reporting of loss or potential loss events followed by a
graduated analysis depending on loss potential is described in the HSE
Classification, Notification and Reporting of incidents procedure.
TCC policy strongly supports use of incident reporting as a feedback mechanism for
identifying variances and providing an early warning of potentially serious problem
A notification matrix will be developed specifying who will be contacted and how by
incident severity. Investigations of incident reports will always include root cause
analysis. Additionally, incident reports will be analyzed to identify trends that may

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

indicate a need for adjustments in controls, training, or procedures. Incident

reporting will follow Owner’s HSE manual procedures for severity value assignments
and follow up.
The timing and responsibility for HSE activities is to be provided in the HSE action
plan and associated HSE schedules to be stated monthly and updated as required.
Details are contained in TCC HSE Monthly Action Plan procedure.

4.8 Risk Management

4.8.1 General Risk Identification and Evaluation

Knowledge gained through previous activities, resource studies, engineering
studies, and other relevant project evaluations will provide the basis for periodic
assessment of the potential magnitude and likelihood of the occurrence of identified
Hazard assessments will be conducted using the Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM) to
determine the level of risks, which can be summarized as:
 Intolerable
 Incorporate risk reduction measures
 Improve through HSE MS procedures
Using the RAM, the worst case consequences of each identified hazard will be
assessed and a rank assigned. Effects are characterized as representing high,
medium, or low risk or severity of consequences.

4.8.2 Hazard and Effects Management Process (HEMP)

HEMP is the primary tool used to identify hazards and classify their effects when
released. The risk classification is then used to prioritise resource allocation to
prevent the release of the hazard or mitigate its potential consequences. The HEMP
process may guide the development of JHAs, Procedures, Special Training or other
control measures.
This will be detailed in the TCC Site Risk Management procedure.

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

4.8.3 Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

JSA is a tool used to review specific work plans to identify HSE hazards, improve
safety and increase job familiarization, by involvement of the work force. The tool
identifies key job steps, tools, equipment, potential environmental, safety and health
hazards, hazard control practices, required personal protection equipment (PPE) for
larger, more complex and usually repetitive jobs.
It is prepared by a team normally consisting of a representative from the
environmental, safety, and health department; employee supervisors; and field
engineering representative. Typically, it will be reviewed during the pre-start safety
meeting or it maybe posted.
The JSA process will be detailed in the TCC Site Risk Management procedure.
4.8.4 HSE Activities for Pre-construction
Working at the site prior to establishment of on site facilities or staff presents unique
risks. This will be detailed in the TCC HSE Activities for Pre-construction procedure,
which will apply risk management processes to minimize these risks.

4.8.5 Permit To Work (PTW)

The PTW system is a critical core process programme. Any operation under the
general or hazardous work procedure category, when conducted under non-routine
or other jeopardizing conditions will be performed under PTW. All project and
subcontractor personnel will abide by the project PTW programme and its affiliate
procedures. PTW-covered activities will not commence unless an accurately
completed authorized work permit is in effect.
The PTW process will be detailed in a TCC Site Risk Management procedure.

4.9 Training / Education

4.9.1 HSE Training Plan

An HSE Site Orientation and Training plan will be developed for the project.
Manpower staffing curves and the project schedule shall be incorporated. This plan
will be revised and updated periodically to reflect and incorporate just in time safety

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

training that may arise from HEMP or work execution issues.

TCC recognizes the importance of providing clear and effective HSE training and
orientation to all new and reassigned employees reporting to the job-site, in addition
to on-going HSE training for existing employees
To ensure that all employees are property oriented to project HSE policy goals,
expectations, and procedures, TCC will develop an HSE orientation and training
module to be administered in conjunction with overall new employee orientation.
Ongoing HSE training will also be provided for existing employees. A TCC HSE Site
Orientation and Training procedure will be prepared for the implementation of the
HSE orientation and training.
4.9.2 HSE Orientation
All Project personnel must successfully complete the TCC HSE orientation prior to
obtaining site access credentials. This is described in the TCC HSE Site Orientation
and Training procedure.
This orientation will be administered by the HSE Manager, Training Coordinator, or
their designee.
TCC will develop the HSE Site Orientation and Training procedure to be
administered in conjunction with overall new employee orientation. The scope of the
HSE orientation module will include features for:
 Environmental awareness orientation
 Occupational health and safety orientation
 Other content as determined appropriate to the job-site and the hazards and
risks to be encountered
It is envisaged that the HSE orientation programme will be developed in two levels
to address the general work force and supervisors. Employees initially assigned to a
supervisory role, including general foremen through senior management levels, will
be assessed, on-the-job, for their leadership and supervising skills. Topics to be
covered for supervisors may include:
 Safety task analysis risk review team (STARRT) process and how to complete a
job hazard analysis
 Workshop for permit to work activities

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

 Work site inspection, hazard identification, and control and recovery processes
 Environmental compliance requirements
 Employee selection/work assignment and coaching
 Emergency response/contingency plans and procedures
The TCC orientation programme will be co-ordinated with similar orientation
initiatives undertaken by the construction contractors to ensure that the orientations
are consistent and complementary. Orientation records will be maintained to confirm
the status of all employees at the job-site.
The orientation programme will be developed during the detailed design phase and
for implementation at the time of mobilization. HSE functional co-coordinators in the
PMC directorate office will be responsible for developing their respective portions of
the overall HSE orientation module.

4.9.3 Ongoing HSE Training

All Project personnel will be given ongoing HSE training. This training will be
administered by the HSE Manager, Training Co-ordinator, or theirs designee. It will
 Behavior Based Safety Training - All TCC employees will be required to attend
behavior based safety training, which will be administered by the HSE Manager
 Other Specialized Training - In conjunction with HEMP special training
programmes will be developed
This will be described in the TCC HSE Site Orientation and Training procedure.

4.9.4 Certificates
In order to encourage active participation, certificates of attendance will be provided
to participants for successfully completing special training sessions.

4.9.5 Certificates
Visitors will be given appropriate orientation and training, prior to obtaining site
access credentials. This will be described in the TCC HSE Site Orientation and
Training procedure and will include:

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

 Details of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required on the Project

 Procedures for permit to work
 Reporting of injuries, incidents and property damage
 Location of the nearest medical facility, emergency and evacuation procedures
 Review all barricading, signage, applicable to the visit
 Explain No Smoking regulations and Project Procedures applying to the
 Environmental requirements
 Cultural and heritage issues

4.9.6 Rules
TCC will publish a set of project HSE work rules in booklet with pictograms
appropriate to the literacy level of the work force. This will be described in a TCC
General Safe Work Practices procedure.
Every project employee receives this booklet during HSE orientation. Each
employee will acknowledge receipt of the booklet and the orientation. A test will be
given to verify comprehension. These items will be retained in the HSE files.

4.10 Selection of Sub-Contractors

The guidelines for sub-contractor/vendor selection will be described in the TCC HSE
Sub-Contractor Selection procedure.
As part of the bid review, a detailed HSE profile shall be prepared for each Sub-
contractor. This profile will be based on their:
 Competency
 Consistency with Project’s HSE Management Plan based on TCC HSE Manual
 Risk ranking
These parameters will be monitored over the life of the contract.

4.11 Health
The primary goal is to provide a workplace that is, as far as reasonably practicable,
free from recognized workplace health hazards by:

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 Implementation of Health Hazard Evaluation (HHE) and Hazard Control.

Elimination or reduction of hazards by risk assessment
 Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) procedures
 Implementation of required standards of camp accommodation and site canteen
 Provision of adequate medical and emergency response equipment
 Maintaining First Aid and minor ailments records for assessment purposes.
 Implementation of a Drugs and Alcohol Policy

4.11.1 Occupational Health

In acknowledging the debilitating and chronic effects of occupational health hazards,
TCC shall operate an occupational health program. The following addresses the
major elements:
 Noise shall be limited to as low levels as are reasonably practicable, with
personal hearing protection being utilized only as a secondary option after
enclosure, segregation, modification, rotational assignments, etc. Prevention of
hearing loss will be described in the TCC HSE Hearing Conservation procedure
 Respiratory protection will be described in the TCC HSE Respiratory Protection
 Controlling alcohol, drug and substance abuse will be described in the TCC
HSE Drug and Alcohol procedure
 Preventing heat and cold stress related injuries and illnesses will be
described in the TCC HSE Heat & Cold Stress Prevention procedure
 Providing safe drinking water will be described in the TCC HSE Drinking Water
 Providing chemical decontamination will be described in the TCC HSE
Personnel Decontamination procedure
A list of the Implementation Phase procedures is given in Attachment

4.11.2 General Health

Providing and maintaining a healthy work environment is the responsibility of every

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

employee, visitor and contractor.

Sanitation: TCC and all subcontractors shall ensure the provision of adequate
sanitation including sufficient WC’s, urinals and washing facilities for all personnel,
and will maintain them on a daily basis. Urination or defecation in non designated
areas shall be cause for immediate dismissal.
Messing Facilities: TCC and all subcontractors shall provide and maintain adequate
messing facilities for their employees on site. Separate facilities will be provided for
smokers/non smokers.
Sanitation and hygiene: Emphasis throughout the Project shall be placed on proper
sanitation. Subcontractors shall be required to maintain all of their facilities in a clean
and hygienic condition. The risk of inhalation of hazardous substances shall be
minimized by the adoption of safe systems of work that include ventilation systems,
enclosure and isolation, exposure monitoring, respiratory equipment programmes
and substitution.
The dangers of sunburn and heat exhaustion are recognized as areas of risk for
which employees, particularly those of European origin, will be exposed. Training
programmes will be put in place and appropriate personal protection will be
In order to provide a healthy environment for employees who do not smoke,
smoking will only be permitted in designated locations.

4.11.3 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

TCC will issue a Safety Procedure “Control Of Substances hazardous To Health”
and will require strict compliance by Subcontractors.
Subcontractors will minimize the quantities of hazardous materials stored and
consumed on site. Contractor will obtain prior approval from Owner for hazardous
materials brought to site and submit to Owner Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
for each hazardous substance.
Materials arriving at site without MSDS shall be quarantined and not released until
the MSDS is received and approval received from Owner.
Contractor will ensure that each Subcontractor maintains an inventory of hazardous

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

material on site.
TCC will ensure that employees are trained in the recognition, proper handling and
use of hazardous substances. Contractor’s New Employee Orientation will include
introductory training on the topic of hazardous substances. However, Subcontractors
will provide specific hazardous material training for its Project employees whose
work involves the use of any hazardous material under its control. Such training will
be properly documented, filed and made available to Owner.
Subcontractors will properly label all hazardous substances and/or chemicals that
have been transferred from the manufacture’s container into another container.
Inspection will be made and documented by Contractor to ensure that adequate
labeling occurs.

4.12 Medical and Emergency Services & Evacuation

4.12.1 Emergency Response Plan

Contractor’s “Emergency Response Plan” will be issued. This Plan will be
compatible with Owner HSE Medical Services and Medical Support/Transport
Procedure and HSE Emergency Response/Emergency Evacuation Procedure.
Contractor and Subcontractors will provide sufficient trained personnel as
Emergency Response Team (ERT), emergency equipment and supplies to support
the work at each work location. The plan will address emergency evacuation,
medical emergencies, civil unrest, natural disasters, etc.
The plan will include emergency alarm system, assembly and evacuation points, an
employee head count process, and provisions for employee training before entering
the Jobsite and any specific worksite as a part of Contractor’s New Employee
Orientation. Drills will be conducted at minimum of once a year or for cause.
Contractor’s will also develop a procedure for adverse weather conditions, including
lightning, and specify other occasions when work will be suspended due to adverse
weather conditions.

4.12.2 Medical Services and Medical Treatment

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Contractor will provide a basic first aid with establishment. These facilities are for
use by the entire site personnel.
TCC will promote First Aid Training, and require contractors to have a ratio of trained
employees to work-force population trained in basic first aid and CPR. This is
described in the TCC HSE Site Orientation and Training procedure.

4.12.3 Emergency Response

Emergency response includes:
 Notification of emergency
 Evacuation routes and muster points
 Mobilization of the emergency response team, medical and ambulance support
 Communication with neighboring emergency facilities and government
 Rescue techniques (including from elevation, and from within confined spaces
This is described in the TCC Emergency Response/ Emergency Evacuation
The emergency response team shall be directed by the Emergency Co-ordinator.
The Emergency Co-ordinator shall perform training in relation to all aspects of the
emergency response plan, and shall also carry out exercises on a periodic basis.
Site wide exercises involving elements of the workforce shall also be conducted on a
periodic basis, to ensure familiarity with evacuation procedures and muster points.
All such procedures and exercises shall also cover accommodation facilities.

4.13 Safety

4.13.1 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Clothing

PPE will include eye protection, hardhat/welding hood combinations (for welders),
safety shoes, life jackets (for personnel exposed to a falling into water), chemical
resistant PPE (for certain operations), hardhats, long pants and a suitable shirts,
socks, hand protection and hearing protection in designated areas. This is described
in detail in the TCC HSE Personal Protective Equipment procedure.

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4.13.2 Fall prevention and protection

The TCC HSE Fall Prevention & Protection procedure will include details of:
 Minimizing the need for exposing personnel to work at height or minimize the
 Maximizing the use of primary fall protection systems, such as scaffolds, aerial
lifts, personnel hoists, etc.
 Use of secondary full-body harness with shock absorbent lanyards are required
 Use of lifeline systems

4.13.3 Scaffolding
The TCC HSE Scaffolding procedure will include details such as:
 Scaffold platforms shall be fully planked and all sides protected by standard
guard-rail system
 Capable of supporting 4 times the maximum intended load to be imposed upon
 All scaffolding shall be tagged and inspected
 Erection or modification of a scaffold may only be performed under the direction
of a trained, competent scaffold builder, and designed by an engineer for all
scaffolds over 20 meters in height
 Safe access/egress to all working levels of scaffolds shall be provided
 Special scaffolds (hanging scaffolds, 2 point suspension scaffolds, etc.) shall be
designed by a competent engineer and erected with all necessary personnel
safety equipment installed, such as rope grabs and lifelines
 All personnel accessing scaffolding shall receive scaffold user training

4.13.4 Barricading
The TCC HSE Barricades procedure will include details such as:
 Barricades shall be properly erected and in such a manner that they provide
adequate protection from the hazard and do not impede the work of other
subcontractors unless TCC approves such placement

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 Barricades and barriers shall have appropriate signs and tags

 Barricades left after dark on or in close proximity to roadways shall be properly
equipped with flashing amber lights
 A barrier device shall identify the nature of the job hazard involved

4.13.5 Floor & Wall Openings

The TCC HSE Barricades procedure will include details such as:
 Standard rail systems shall be erected as a primary means for preventing fall or
other injuries associated with floor and roof openings
 Standard railing systems shall be capable of restraining 100 kg of imposed
 All floor/roof openings not afforded standard rail system protection shall be
covered with substantial covers capable of supporting 500% of anticipated floor
loading and be properly labeled

4.13.6 Roofing Work

Refer to TCC HSE Roofing Work Procedure
Any work that results in openings being created where persons can fall through, or
removal of side walls/barriers where persons can fall from, will be effectively
protected to prevent injury.
Detailed process shall be described in a method statement when necessary.

4.13.7 Excavations & Trenching

The TCC HSE Excavation & Trenching procedure will include details such as:
 Excavation or trenching work is prohibited until all conditions are in compliance
with the TCC permit requirements
 Only competent person’s will classify all soils and perform daily inspections of all
 All underground services and/or utilities shall be identified on an engineered
drawing. Notifications shall be performed in accordance with the procedure prior
to commencing any excavation

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

 Spoil material shall be placed at least 1 meter (3 feet) away from the excavation
 Where trenches or excavations exceed 1.5 meters (4 feet) in depth, protective
systems must be used
 Warning signs and barricades shall be installed in a manner that prevents
accidental entry into the trenched or excavated area

4.13.8 Vessels and Confined Spaces

The TCC HSE Confined or Enclosed Spaces procedure will include details such as:
 All work to be performed in a confined or enclosed space requires a permit
which shall be conspicuously posted at the confined space and all entrants must
sign a log upon entering and exiting the confined space
 Air evaluation and monitoring is required in all confined spaces
 All supervisors and personnel controlling work in confined spaces shall be
competent and special training shall be provided
 All employees working in confined spaces shall have confined space training;
 All confined spaces shall be identified and marked
 All confined spaces shall be evaluated for possible heat stress
 All personnel responsible for safety watches (confined space attendants) are
easily identified, competent and aware of the duties associated with each
emergency situation that may occur within the confined space
 An emergency rescue team shall be available for all confined space entries and
that all employees know how to summon assistance

4.13.9 Lock out / Tag out Procedure (LOTO)

All employees shall receive instruction on the lockout/tagout procedures and
comprehension testing shall be conducted to verify knowledge and understanding of
the TCC HSE Lockout/Tagout procedure.

4.13.10 Portable Ladders - Control & Inspection

The TCC HSE Portable Ladders - Control & Inspection procedure will include details

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

such as:
 All ladders used on the Project shall be approved by TCC HSE prior to use
 The use of metal ladders will be limited and wood or fibre-glass (not metal) is
 All ladders shall have non-slip feet
 Wooden ladders shall be treated with preservative
 Ladder shall be inspected quarterly and demarcated to identify the inspection
 Ladders for egress and/or to conduct low level work of short duration is
acceptable, but ladders may not be used in lieu of scaffolds as a primary means
of conducting work of longer duration, or stairways

4.13.11 Cranes & Material Handling

The TCC HSE Cranes procedure will include details such as:
 Crane operators and mechanics shall be competent
 All cranes shall be inspected annually and daily
 Crane maintenance records etc., to be kept up to date at all times
 Tag lines shall be used on all lifts
 Written lifts plans will be required on certain lifts, established by the Owner
 A competent supervisor shall determine the methods and develop plans for all
rigging operations to ensure safe lifts
 Chain-falls, inertia reels, etc. shall have a documented annual inspection
(including load tests). All rigging equipment shall undergo a visual inspection
prior to each use and a documented inspection
 All rigging shall be stored properly (i.e. on racks or in protected areas);
 All crane operations shall be maintained at minimum safe distances from all
high voltage lines
 The counter weight and housing swing radius of all cranes shall be properly

4.13.12 Suspended Personnel Platforms

The TCC HSE Suspended Personnel Platforms procedure will include details such

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

 Use of the personnel platform is prohibited until all conditions are in compliance
with the TCC permit requirements
 Personnel platforms (baskets) shall be designed by a qualified engineer and
manufactured by competent personnel
 The crane/derrick used shall have an operational anti two block device and
locking devices on the hook
 A positive means of communication shall be provided between the crane
operator and employees in a crane suspended personnel platform
 Employees in the platform shall wear full body harnesses attached to a
designated anchor point

4.13.13 Articulating Boom Platforms

The TCC HSE Articulating Boom Platforms procedure will include details such as:
 Machines manufactured and used for elevated personnel platform work (JLG,
Hi-lift, etc.) shall be correctly operated and maintained
 All persons inside work platforms shall wear a full body harness attached to a
designated anchor point
 A fire extinguisher shall be provided on all such equipment. .
 Equipment and tools shall be limited and the lift shall not be used in lieu of
rigging devices or cranes
 Workers leaving the platform to access and elevated work area shall tie-off to an
approved anchor point on the structure and the lift shall remain immediately
accessible should descent be necessary

4.13.14 Compressed Gas Cylinders

The HSE Compressed Gas Cylinders procedure will include details such as:
 Cradles and/or cages shall be provided for lifting compressed gas cylinders;
 All cylinders shall be used on wheeled carts
 Compressed gas cylinders storage shall; be segregated by type, be labelled and
signed, protective isolation of fuel gasses from oxygen, provisions to keep

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

cylinder caps in place when provided by the supplier, positive upright securing
of bottles, and maintenance of safe distances from ignition sources

4.13.15 Electrical Equipment Inspection (ELCB or GFCI)

The TCC HSE Electrical Equipment Inspection/Assured Grounding/GFCI procedure
will include details such as:
 Only competent individuals shall inspect or service electrical tools, services or
 Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) or earth leakage protection is required
on all electrical services or applications
 All electrical tools shall be inspected and marked to identify the inspection
4.13.16 Exposing and Supporting Underground Electrical Installations
All employees engaged in the applicable work operations shall receive instruction on
exposing and supporting underground electrical installations procedures.
Comprehension testing shall be conducted to verify knowledge and understanding of
the HSE Exposing and Supporting Underground Electrical Installations procedure.

4.13.17 Vehicle Operations

The following contains some issues of particular concern:
 Frequent or significant hazards
 Regularly scheduled courier trips
 Transportation of large scale, critical or sensitive plant equipment as determined
or where required by the site manager
 Multiple vehicle/convoy operations
The TCC HSE Road Transport Safety - Management System procedure will include
details such as:
 All vehicles shall be; registered/licensed licensed per PRC regulations
maintained in a roadworthy condition, and operated in a safe manner in
accordance with manufacturer recommendations
 All persons operating vehicles shall; possess a valid PRC license; be healthy
and unimpaired, and observe established road regulations and/or Jobsite

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

 Seat belts shall be used when provided

4.13.18 Non-destructive Testing

The TCC HSE Construction Non-destructive Testing procedure will include details
such as:
 All non-destructive operating personnel shall be competent
 All contractors shall furnish TCC HSE manager with current licenses prior to
bringing any radioactive source material to the site

4.13.19 HSE (Safety, Fire and Confined Space) Watches

Employees shall receive instruction on the TCC HSE (Safety, Fire and Confined
space) Watches procedure (Attachment 21.3) and comprehension testing shall be
conducted to verify knowledge and understanding of this procedure.

4.13.20 Night Work

If night work is to be performed, Subcontractor will submit method statement and
JSA to Contractor for prior review and approval.

4.13.21 Permit To Work

The TCC HSE Hazardous Work Permit procedure will include HSE requirements for
hot work and other permit to work activities (accept confined spaces).
Key personnel participating in Permit to Work activities (Issuers, Acceptors, Gas
testers, Watchers etc) will receive appropriate training.
Permits to Work will be required for potentially hazardous activities such as, but not
limited to:
Confined space entry, Radiography, excavations deeper than 1.5 meter, Heavy,
critical or tandem lifts, pneumatic testing, work on live electrical systems, use of
manlift baskets, grit blasting, gratings removal, use of cartridge operated tools.

4.13.22 Tools and Equipment

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

Subcontractors will provide and ensure that all tools are used in accordance with the
manufacturers’ recommendations, have required guards in place, and are
maintained in good working order.
All job made tools shall be subject to inspection and approved by the TCC HSE
manager prior to use. Generally handmade tools shall be prohibited on the project.
All tools and equipment shall be used and maintained in accordance with
manufacturers’ recommendations. If expectation to this rule are needed (i.e.
spreader beams), they will be brought to PMC attention for review and acceptance
prior to use.

4.13.23 Mechanical Isolations

Requirement for mechanical isolations are contained in the TCC HSE Mechanical
Isolations procedure.

4.13.24 Office HSE

Requirements for providing and maintaining a safe and health office work
environment are contained in the TCC HSE Office Safety procedure.

4.14 Fire Prevention and Protection

The key risks associated with fire damage in construction areas (including
Construction Workers Temporary Camp and offices) are typically presented by hot
work operation (e.g. welding, cutting, etc.), compressed gas cylinders, fuel storage,
painting and insulation materials and general debris and rubbish.
The project-wide fire prevention/protection is described in the HSE Housekeeping,
Fire Prevention & Protection procedure and will be characterised by the following
general principles:
 Minimal bulk storage on site of flammable substances
 Isolation of flammables from sources of ignition
 Ongoing housekeeping programme
 Training in fire prevention and suppression techniques
 Permit to work control of all hot-work and electrical activity

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

 Containment of sparks and flames from hot work

 Escape route planning
 Restricted smoking areas

4.15 Environment

4.15.1 General Environmental Requirement

The Project shall be constructed and commissioned in accordance with the
 All applicable legal requirements, regulatory constraints and recommendations
for environmental protection (i.e. National Regulations, and local standards)
shall be complied with;
 All HSE standards generally accepted in the petrochemical industry. This shall
include specific PMC/Client requirements and relevant international standards
 The reduction of hazards and adverse environmental impacts to a level “As Low
As Reasonably Practicable” (ALARP)

4.15.2 Environmental Control

TCC will establish a programme to minimize the negative impacts to the
environment, this programme are described in the Construction Environmental
Control Plan.
This plans include:
 Environmental Management Systems
 Inspection prior to site preparation
 Dewatering
 Construction erosion and sediment control
 Construction waste management
 Air quality management
 Construction spill control and response
 Construction noise management
 Construction waste and effluent management

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

4.16 Monitoring Performance

4.16.1 Leadership Review

The TCC HSE Leadership Review procedure describes the evaluation of the
project’s HSE leaders.

4.16.2 Inspections
Identification and correction of substandard behavior, conditions or equipment is the
ongoing responsibility of all project personnel. Daily inspections will be conducted by
all supervisors. Supervisors who direct the work activities of employees are
responsible for assessing the work processes within their area for substandard
conditions, practices, and at-risk behavior.
The systematic and scheduled project inspections will be performed in accordance
with the HSE Inspection and Monitoring procedure and the Environmental
Monitoring and Inspection procedure.

4.16.3 Contractor Inspection

Periodic contractor inspections will be performed in accordance with the inspection
schedule. The Responsibility and time frames for corrective measures shall be
assigned and tracked to closure in accordance with the HSE Sub-contractor/Vendor
Monitoring procedure.

4.16.4 Behavior Based Safety

Employee behavior is recognized is one of the most fundamental aspects of incident
prevention. What an employee does, or does not do, or how it is done represents
over 95% of the immediate causes to all incidents. This will be described in the HSE
Behavior-based Safety procedure.

4.16.5 Subcontractor Consequence Management

By directly integrating HSE performance with commercial consequences, the ability

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

of achieving the desired performance objectives from subcontractors is significantly

enhanced. Details will be integrated into the subcontracts management procedure.

4.16.6 Shortfall and Remedial Action Plan

These are action plans developed by the HSE manager or the HSE team in
response to shortfalls, gaps, or deficiencies identified by audits or through other
means, including implementation feedback loops. The action plans are to prescribe
and, by means of incorporated close-out features, document implementation of
necessary corrective actions. Corrective actions may include issuance of an
addenda or revisions to the HSE management plan or specific project procedures.
The log of shortfall and remedial action plan items is to be maintained by the HSE
manager and project quality officer for possible future audits.
This is described in the HSE Shortfall procedure.

4.16.7 Performance Review

Contractor will undertake regular HSE reviews to gather information from monitoring,
inspection and auditing activities and to assess the effectiveness of HSE policies,
objectives and procedures on site. Management will make adjustments to the HSE
management system as necessary.
The key performance indicators are:
 Compliance with health, safety and environment performance indicators
 Achievement of specified safety and environment objectives
 Health and safety statistics and root cause and trend analysis of the statistics

4.17 Audits and Assessments

4.17.1 Audits and Assessment

TCC will establish an assessment programme for measuring compliance with
Project HSE Management System and will also include scheduled audits of all
subcontractors and their HSE Management Systems
HSE audits will be carried out on the Site to ensure that the required HSE policies,

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

procedures, and work practices are in place and are working effectively. All actions
as a result of audits will be followed up and closed out. The findings of the HSE
audits will be communicated to the TCC corporate HSE committee for review and,
where applicable to improve the HSE management system.
Audits and reviews will focus on management effectiveness. The applicable sections
of the HSE management plan and associated plans and procedures will be
assessed to determine compliance by the project and the effectiveness of the overall
programme. Individual leadership, commitment, and service will also be reviewed.
Management of change and process improvements will be continually and
aggressively pursued. The audits will be both internal (self-assessment) and
external, involving qualified off-project personnel.
TCC will use information delivered from its assessment process in Supervisor Safety
Meetings to enhance supervisor safety awareness and improve overall Contractor
safety performance.
This is described in the TCC HSE Assessments procedure.
4.17.2 Owner Inspections
Owner will perform periodic HSE assessment of the Project. Contractor will provide
Owner with timely, complete and open access to its safety process, files. Records,
etc., and will participate in this assessment as/if required by Owner.
PRC Government inspections

4.17.3 PRC Government Inspections

The management of PRC Governmental Agency HSE inspections and investigations
will be described in the PRC Governmental Agency HSE Inspections and
Investigations procedure.

4.18 Records and Reports

4.18.1 Classification, Notification and Reporting of Incidents

Refer to TCC Classification, Notification & Reporting of Incident Procedure .
Contractor will develop a “Reporting, Notification and Investigation Procedure”.

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

Contractor’s Safety Induction for new employees will include information about
employee responsibility for reporting all injuries, illnesses, property damage and
near miss incidents. Contractor HSE Manager will promptly report all such
occurrences to Owner and will take the lead in the investigation, documentation and
initiation of corrective action. Contractor will keep records of all incident/accident
investigations in a format acceptable to Owner and will provide Owner with a copy
within 24 hours of the occurrence.
The following safety performance indicators data will be recorded and reported in
this Project:
 Near-misses
 First Aid Case Injuries
 Medical Treatment Case Injuries
 Restricted Workday Case Injuries
 Lost Workday Case Injuries
 Partial Disability Case Injuries
 Permanent Disability Case Injuries
 Fatalities

4.18.2 Registers
The following registers will be retained on site:
 Inspection of Excavations
 Inspections of Lifting Gear
 Inspection of Electrical Powered hand tools
 Inspection of Pressure Vessels (e.g. air receivers)
 Scaffolding
 Inspection of Cranes and Lifting machines
 Explosive Powered Tools

4.19 Relevant Standard and Regulations

1) Health and Safety Standards and Regulations
 Safety & Health Inspection Requirement (1989) No.4

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 Regulation of Notification & Investigation of Accidents to Employees (1997) No.5

 Construction Site Fire Protection Regulation (1997) No.119
2) Construction Safety Technical Regulations
 Construction Site power Supply Safety Regulation (GB-50194-93)
 Construction Machinery Safety Regulation (JGJ33-86)
 Construction site Temporary Electricity Safety Technical Regulation (JGJ46-88)
 Hydraulic Pressure Slide Formwork Safety Technical Regulation (JGJ65-89)
 Construction Site Safety Inspection Standard (JGJ59-99)
 Construction Work At High Safety Technical Regulation (JGJ80-91)
 Potable Crane & Well Tower Safety Technical (JGJ88-92)
4.20 Attachment
HSE Organization & Procedure
4.20.1 Safety Organizations
Safety personnel are responsibility for safety, sanitary and guard.
Safety work shall be executed in accordance with safety procedures.

HSE Manager Main Gate Guard

Safety Engineer Night Inspector Other Guards

Watch Tower

Subcontractor’s Safety Engineer Patrol

Chart-1 Guard Organization Chart

HSE Manager

Safety & Sanitary Safety & Sanitary

Engineer Supervisor

Safety & Sanitary Inspector

Assistant Engineer

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Chart -2 Safety & Sanitary Organization Chart

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4.20.2 Safety Procedure

1) Accident Handle Procedure
Accident Handle Procedure as follows:

Accident Detection

Subcontractor’s Doctor Nurse

Safety Supervisor

TCC’s First Aid

HSE Manager

TCC’s Owner Local Authorities

Project Manager (if necessary)
Chart -3 Accident Procedure

 In case any accident happens, the HSE manager shall be firstly informed.
 HSE manager shall investigate, and try to avoid similar accident happen.
 SHE manager shall submit Accident Report (as per TCC’s forms) to PM, Owner,
relative local authorities.
 Subcontractor shall submit Accident Report, Injury and Death Accident Report,
Person Accident Record, Automobile Accident Record.

2) Fire Prevention Procedure

Keep notice on the following items:
 Power equipment, welding, cutting and grinding equipment,
 Electric equipment (including switch, control unit, rectifiers, fuses, breakers,
motors, transformers, magnetic coils, lights etc.)
 Flammable matter (including paint, chemicals, solvent, drier) should be kept in
good ventilation condition)

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 Containers for waste material

All subcontractors and vendors shall be under the CM’s direction, associating with
local fire-fighting organization to organize firefighting team.
Subcontractor’s General Supervisor and SE shall arrange firefighting practices
regularly. Owner, Subcontractor’s fireman, representative of Subcontractor and
Construction Supervisor shall be present at and watch the practice.
(1) Fire-fighting organization is shown as follows (Chart-4)

Owner’s Fire- TCC’s Construciton

fighting Organization Manager
TCC’s Safety manager

TCC’s Supervisor

TCC’s Fire-fighting Vendor’s Fire-fighting Subcontractor’s Fire-

Organization Organization fighting Organization

Chart -4 fire-fighting Organization

(2) Fire-fighting procedure is shown as table-5

Contractor shall try to extinguish small fire with the owner’s fire-fighting equipment.
Subcontractor shall try to extinguish small fire in his job area. When big fire
happens, Subcontractor shall ask for Owner’s and local fire-fighting team’s help.

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

Fire Detection TCC’s

Construction Manager

TCC and Subcontractor’s TCC’s

Fire-fighting Organization Safety Manager

Fire-fighting Organization

Local Owner’s
Fire-fighting Specialist


Fire Extinguishing
Chart -5 Fire Extinguishing Procedure

(3) Field fire-fighting equipments are shown as follows:

Material for extinguishing purpose Purpose

Water Wood, paper, rag cloth etc.
Chemicals Flammable liquid
Carbon dioxide Electric equipment

TCC and Subcontractors shall inspect all of the fire-fighting equipment monthly, to
ensure them in good condition.
(4) Fire prevention
Safety Engineer (SE) shall try his best to prevent injury and provide First Aid
treatment. SE is responsible for saving by every effort. Check and inspect
Subcontractor’s fire prevention possibility on the other time.
Post fire-fighting team’s telephone number and contact person’s name at the
Fire prevention include:

 Place foam extinguisher, powder extinguisher and extinguishing chemicals at

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

the suitable place.

 Place sand bucket and water barrel at the site. Paint red on bucket and barrel,
written “only use for extinguishing”.
 Set water extinguisher (10L) in building or warehouse every 500 square meters.
 Prepare asbestos fiber carpet for sparking caused by welding, cutting and
grinding equipment.
 Set hydrant at suitable place, take advantage of field water as possible.
 Design permanent fire-fighting piping.
 Ensure Exit and Entrance signs are not covered by any barriers.
 Designate smoking area, it is forbidden to smoke at non-smoking area.
(5) First aid treatment
First aid treatment organization
HSE Manager



Chart -6 First aid organization

Doctor shall clearly record signs or symptoms of injury or exposure. The serious shall

be sent to hospital, and inform it to CM immediately.

4.20.3 Safety Procedure

(1) Safety Guard
Issue a serial of active guard regulation in project management procedure.
 Subcontractors shall designate safety personnel.
 Site, dormitory and warehouse shall be separated.
 All employees shall show their ID Card when entering.
 Visitors shall apply for permitting, and shall register when enter Site.
 All employees need getting the General Supervisor’s permit when depart during
working time.

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Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

 Automobile loaded material shall show safety personnel’s permit papers.

 (Time, date of entering and exiting. Description of load shall be written on
the permit paper clearly. The permit shall be submitted to Contractor and
Subcontractor’s Warehouse Director).
 Set watch tower at Site and keep watching 24 hours every day. Also patrol 24
hours every day. Make record of patrol and report it to Contractor’s SE.
 Keep strict discipline on safety guards.
(2) Safety and Sanitary
 Keep notice of safety for everybody. Keep train and practice. Keep tight contact
with local authority, Public Security Bureau, firefighting team, hospital and
 Patrol the site, searching for any unsafety factor to remove.
 Inspect and repair safety facilities, safety clothes, fire-fighting equipment and
other protection equipment. The inspect contents is as follows:
(3) House-keeping and cleaning, including:
 The cleanness and order of Site, the waste shall be dealt with in time.
 Roads and accesses are available, not blocked.
 No nails and waste be spread on the floor.
 The storage of flammable matter.
 The container with cover for waste.
 Enough sanitary equipment and their cleanness.
 Enough water supply.
(4) Person protection facilities
 Employees shall wear helmet, eye safety glasses, safety belt, safety shoes as
(5) First aid treatment
 Training for first aid treatment and extinguishing
 Communication net
 Inform employees how to identify the signs
(6) Accident
 Report the findings of accident, take first aid treatment , investigate and study

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

the reasons, to take necessary measurement.

(7) Field Safety
Perform Regulation for Site Safety is as follows:
 Non-employees are not permitted to Site and Dormitory.
 Lock the doors of dormitory when leaving, keep the keys at watch room.
Register when fetch keys.
 Take good care of public property. Don’t scratch and scrawl on walls. The
regulation breaker will be fined.
 Don’t move air-conditioner and electronics to avoid firing. Don't discard cigarette
ends, always put them in the ashes boxes. Don't smoke in bed.
 Keep the cleanness of public spot.
 Save water and electricity, turn off it when coming out.
(6) Fire safety
 Paint obvious signs on flammable and combustible liquid and gas containers.
 Prepare enough fire-fighting equipment.
 Train fire-fighting personnel.
(8) Ladder safety
 Ladder must be strong enough.
 Ladder must be free from defect and in good condition.
 The length of each step should not over 30 cm.
 There should be handrail on ladder.
(9) Scaffold safety
 No scaffolds should be erected except under the supervision of a competent
 The erector shall wear safety belt when erecting.
(11) Grill
 Pits shall be set danger pilot and be protected by grills.
(12) Warehouse
 Warehouse shall be kept clean and available for transporting. Shelter from firing
and raining.
(13) Hoist equipment and rigging

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

 Loading machine, crane etc. shall be lubricated on time.

 Operators shall be competent.
(14) Truck
 The components and types of truck shall be lubricated and checked on time.
 Operators shall be competent.
(15) Smash operation
 Operators shall check the equipment before operating.
(16) Sand blast
 Operators shall check if air hoist has been clipped before operating.
(17) Paint
 Avoid fire. Wear mask and safety belt when working.
(18) Weld and cut
 Keep notice on safety and fire prevention when operating. Keep good
grounding. Fix oxygen container.
(19) Tools
 Correctly use tools.
(20) Power tool
 Keep power cable and tool in good condition and ground correctly.
(21) Electrical Equipment Erection
 It shall be done by competent workers. The power cable shall over 3m of
elevation in height or over 0.8m deep in earth. Ensure it is damage free and in
good insulation and grounding. Perform suitable safety procedures.
(22) Concrete and brick structure building
 Keep correct erection and support procedures.
 Ensure applicable solidifying time and procedures.
 Ensure the transportation way for concrete is available.
 Protect workers from powder pollution.
 Keep the safety of scaffolds.
(23) Environmental safety
 Keep the cleanness and available of Site, office, bath-room.
(24) Alarm Signal

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

 Designate a unification alarm signal.

(25) Safety equipment
 All employees shall wear safety clothes, safety shoes, helmet, and safety belt
when work on some height.
 Wear protection clothes when working under radioactivity surroundings.
 X-ray area should be forbidden by ropes .
 And it is not permitted over 0.75 M in the forbidden area, not permitted over 100
M totally in seven days.
 Do not carry sharp matter, flammable matter, for example match.
 Don’t smoke at workshop when start-up.
 Do safety check for all equipment and tools before using.

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China


Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China


5.1.1 Construction process

1. preparation, → 2. open package inspection, → 3. foundation inspection and
acceptance, → 4. equipment foundation treatment, → 5. machine unit in position and
leveling, → 6. motor in position and pre-leveling → 7. shaft ends distance adjustment and
pre-alignment, → 8 machine unit anchor bolt grouting, → 9. double check of machine unit
shaft alignment, → 10. machine unit secondary grouting, → 11 cleaning and double check of
bearing clearance, → 12 machine unit final alignment, → 13. piping and machine unit
connection, → 14. oil system flushing, → 15. adjustment of speed, safety and interlock
system, → 16. motor sole test run, → 17. machine unit test run, → 18. linkage
5.1.2. Major construction method Preparation
1) The construction plan has been approved, the relative technical document and
specifications attached to the machine are available.
2) The construction plant, equipment, measuring devices and measures material, as
well as consumables are readily prepared.
3) Fabricated special support and special tools as per construction plan requirement. Open package inspection
1) Confirm the quantity, check the equipment, accessories, spare parts and special
tools, etc, with reference to the packing list;
2) Measure and record the actual size of the equipment anchor bolts. Machine unit breakdown inspection
1) The extent of machine unit breakdown inspection shall be as per the equipment
technical document and manufacturer’s comment. Check the joint clearance and
size of critical part as per technical document.
2) While breaking down the machine unit, make clear mark on the joint for the correct
3) While breaking down the machine unit, take proper measures to prevent bump of
the parts. Foundation inspection
1) Take foundation exterior inspection for avoidance defects of hollow, rebar exposal,
crack and honeycomb.
2) Inspect foundation for its position, various level elevation, exterior size, embedded
bolts or reserved anchor bolts holes.

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China Foundation treatment

1) 10mm 。 Root off the surface of the secondary grouted foundation, make the solid
concrete layer exposed by jack hammer drill; chisel spots with jack hammer drill on
the concrete for about 3-5 per square decimeter and 10 mm depth.
2) After foundation treatment, re-line off as per drawing and original marks. Make
permanent markings with paint for equipment major datumn and settlement
observation point. Machine unit installation
1) Determine and adjust the position of supporting plate beneath the screw. Apply bed
mortar method and embed the supporting plate.

screw adjustment


support plate

grouting depth
50 ~ 70mm

mortar mound height30 ~ 40mm

equipment basement

2) Put the motor into position, evenly place temporary adjustment shims near the
supporting plate with elevation 0-2mm lower than basement installation elevation.
Adjust the extension length of the basement jacking screw for relative error less
than 1mm.
4) Install the anchor bolts to the machine unit and place the positioning ring. The
anchor bolts shall be de-greasing treated by wiping the molybdenum disulfide
grease on the screwed part. Clearance of bolts in the reserved holes shall comply
with relative document. anchor bolt positioning ring

anchor bolt
Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

5) Put the gradienter on the manufacturer set datumn level of the combined basement,
accurately adjust with adjustment screw (assisted by mini jack) for longitudinal and
transversal leveling tolerance ≤0.10mm/m , elevation tolerance ≤3mm, and the
positioning tolerance ≤2mm. Machine unit shaft ends distance adjustment and pre-alignment
1) Duly adjust the shaft ends distance and overall machine unit pre-alignment after
unit positioning and primary alignment; take the shaft position and thermal
expansion value into consideration while adjusting the shaft ends distance.
2) Check the lateral clearance of the anchor bolt inside the reserved hole and the
machine unit level for compliance with requirement after the primary alignment.
3) Pre-install the coupler, check the coupler length compatible with shaft ends
distance. Machine unit anchor bolts grouting and curing
1) For the grouting of the reserved through-way anchor bolt hole of the machine unit,
the bottom template is required to tightly contacted with the foundation, the upper

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

positioning ring is required in central position.

2) The grouting is required to be performed in continuity by accompanying with
vibration. The vibration shall be performed with avoidance of knocking the anchor
bolts off position.
3) In the well of the anchor bolt hole, the bottom 150mm depth shall be filled with
mortar, the middle part shall be filled compactly with dry coarse sand, the top
150mm depth shall be filled with mortar for sealing. Double check of the machine unit shaft.
Prior to the machine unit secondary grouting, double check unit alignment status
and unit level. Machine unit secondary grouting
1) Prior to basement grouting, humidify and flush clean the foundation surface by
water with humidifying duration no less than 24h free of accumulated water.
2) Set the formwork with reference to the height between equipment basement and
foundation upper surface with formwork leveling up and tightly sealed joint; the
formwork must be soundly set. The formwork must be around 10mm higher than
the bottom of equipment foundation basement for assurance of compacted filling.
3) While grouting the equipment foundation, adjust the jacking screw by whipping with
grease or protection with sleeve; when the concrete reaches the required strength,
release the jacking screw.
4) The grouting shall be performed continuously along with vibration, the vibration
shall be done without hitting on the formwork and machine unit.
5) After concrete grouting, covering the surface with wet straw blanket and curing with
water 2h later. Keep continuous wet condition, the curing duration should be
determined by the concrete nature.
6) When the grouting strength reaches 75%, release the adjustment jacking screw,
fully fastening the anchor bolts and double check the level. The work should be
delivered to process discipline for pipe fitting after the level is accepted. Bearing clearance double checking
1) Remove the cover of the top bearing and take out the top bearing. Pay attention to
align the stamp and positioning pin.
2) Measure the fluctuation values like original shaft journal of rotator and Thrust Disc
with centigrade-meter, as well as the Shaft Clearance
3) Lightly carry up the rotator by chain block, measure the shaft uprising with meter,
take out the lower bearing, the seal teeth cannot be used for supporting the rotator.
4) Remove the rust prevention grease on the bearing and shaft, check the operation

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

surface condition of the shaft and bearing with magnifier. Check bearing alloy and
pad junction condition by kerosene dipping method.
5) Fix radial bearing on the shaft, measure the bearing clearance and bearing back
6) Install the stop bearing, measure stop clearance, take contrast with origin value.
7) Number the dismantled parts for correct restoration.
8) While restoration, wipe lube oil or greased as per requirement. Oil system flushing
1) Prior to oil flushing, carry out manual cleaning on oil tank, filer of oil tank, oil cooler
and valves on oil line for removing the rust and removing dust by flour ball
adhesion. Carry out pickling and passivation treatment to oil line, then blow it with
compressed air. If the installation cannot be performed at the time, seal the pipe
2) Dismantle the core of the oil filter for proper storage. Break the oil filling line of the
oil console in proper position and lead it to oil tank by hose for oil console system
self circulation. The position where the temporary hose entering the oil tank shall be
fixed with 120 mesh filter net and proper measures should be taken to prevent
network falling into oil tank.
3) After oil console self circulation, restore the broken line. Connect the inlet and outlet
line of bearings lube oil, sealing oil, and control oil with temporary over-cross line,
for short-circuit oil system circulation, which may prevent foreign matters entering
bearing and control oil line. Place 120 mesh steel filter net in position where oil
return trunk entering oil tank for oil filling 3 phases filtration. While circulation,
repeatedly heating and cooling the oil, beating the piping with wooden hammer,
lead the compressed air into oil circulation line for barbotage to accelerate the
circulation progress.
4) If the above steps are performed acceptable, restore the pipe line (the sealing oil
line remains connection with over-cross line), dismantle the upper bearing block,
place 180 mesh filter net on each inlets, the filter shall be filled with formal filtration
elements, perform the oil circulation as per normal procedure. Compressor train test run
1) The work shall only be performed after the motor sole test run is acceptable.
2) Double check the shaft alignment data, connect the coupler.
3) Carry out the test run as per the requirement of the approved test run plan, make
proper test run record during the operation.

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China


5.2.1 Construction process

1. inspection and acceptance of the arrived equipment and material, → 2.
foundation inspection and treatment, → 3. cold box lifting and alignment, → 4.
attachment installation, → 5. system blowing, → 6. system pressure test, → 7.
naked cool test, 8. pneumatic test, → 9. insulation material packing, → 10 hole
5.2.2 Inspection and acceptance of the arrived equipment and material
1) Carry out inspection for acceptance to equipment and valves prior to installation;
2) The arrived equipment and material shall be clearly marked and properly kept after
numbering and inspection.
5.2.3 Foundation inspection and treatment
1) Foundation shall be free from crack defect;
2) The foundation surface shall be clean without inclusion of flammable material like
wooden chip and tarp;
3) The foundation shall maintain surface plane 5/1000, levelness 5/1000 and full
length no more than 15mm;
4) When the foundation is acceptable, draw the equipment installation central line as
per equipment layout , mark up the nozzle orientation with allowable deviation of
5.2.4 Cold box installation
1) During lifting, take proper protection measures to prevent damage on cold box
surface, for instance, by wrapping the sling with rubber hose and bracing the slings
with support.
2) Carry out alignment with shims by spot welding the shims for avoidance of
3) After the installation, the inner surface of the cold box shall be free of grease,
otherwise, proper measures shall be taken to remove the grease.
5.2.5 Cooling system pipeline blowing
1) Principle: blow the system pipeline outside the cold box, the work shall be done line
by line.
2) The air should be supplied by air compressor. The blowing air pressure: 250-
400KPa maintained for medium pressure system, 40-50KPa maintained for low
pressure system.

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

3) While pipeline blowing, all valves connected with cold box shall be closed to prevent
dirt being blown into tower again.
4) While system blowing, the inlet and outlet of the turbine expander and the
circulation liquid oxygen pump shall be broken, remove the filter core on the inlet
pipeline and all the orifice plates for proper storage.
5) The blowing of each pipeline shall be performed repeatedly for no less than 4h.
6) The blowing shall be inspected as per relative regulations and stopped when it is
5.2.6 Pressure test
1) Carry out pressure test after the pipeline system blowing.
2) The system shall be tested with pressured and oil free dry air.
3) Prior to pressure test, all the safety valves, valve position hole of automatic valves
in switching type flow, throttle valves, the turbine expander inlet and outlet, air-
booster inlet and out let, as well as the flange connection where the main heat end
of heat exchanger exiting the cold box pipeline shall be blinded.
4) Pressurize to 20KPa, check welding joint, flanging and other dismountable
connection for obvious leakage, if leakage found, release pressure for reparation or
fastening the dismountable part; after the above process, increase the pressure to
50KPa for detail inspection, if leakage remains, release pressure for reparation, or
otherwise gradually increase pressure to testing level. Check the leakage with
grease free soap water.
5) When the pressure test is acceptable, take out the pressure test blind, install the
new gasket and tighten the bolt and nut.
6) After blind taking out, carry out another pneumatic test at working pressure.
5.2.7 Whole equipment body naked cool test
1) The equipment operator shall be familiar with the process of the packaged air
separation equipment.
2) Prior to test, full heat and cool the fractionation tower; the air compressor, expander,
switching valve, E/I control system and safety protection device shall be made
ready for working.
3) The test shall be performed as per equipment technical document requirement, cool
the main equipment like rectification tower, condensation evaporator to the
temperature as low as possible and hold 1-2h, then cool the whole fractionation
tower, when the outer surface of all the equipment and pipeline appear hoarfrost,
hold the condition 3-4h.
4) After equipment starting up, carefully monitor the variation of each aspect, check

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

the whole operation process for abnormal status, make relative record (pressure
and temp. etc) every 0.5h. In the cold condition, check each part of equipment for
deformation, judge the leakage upon frost status and mark up the leakage position.
5) After naked cool test and prior to frost melting, re-fasten the connection bolts of all
the flange and valves of the cold box.
6) When the fractionation tower temperature resumes to the normal status, check the
overall system fluency with working pressure, the leakage shall be immediately
rooted out.
7) After the whole body cold test, when welding reparation, sealing surface treatment
and partial renovation is required, the naked cool test shall be re-performed, as
5.2.8 Insulation material packing
1) The insulation material shall be packed only after acceptance of whole equipment
body naked cool test, the work shall be performed with fractionation tower and
foundation upper surface kept dry.
2) The insulation material shall be packed in compliance with the following
a) The insulation material shall not be mixed with flammable material;
b) The insulation material shall be kept with avoidance of humidity, which shall not be
packed in raining or snowing weather condition;
c) The work shall be done without damage to measuring instrument tube and cable;
d) The packing shall be maintained compacted without hollow;
e) Take safety protection measures.
3) When packing the insulation material, the equipment and pipeline inside the cold
box shall be filled with air of pressure 45 ~ 50kPa (gauge readings), slightly open
the valve of each measuring instrument tube for ventilation, meanwhile energize
each platinum resistance, check the measuring instrument tube and cable for any
4) The insulation material shall be packed to the top of the cold box without any
holiday. Set net at the packing inlet to prevent granule falling into the cold box.
5) After the packing, seal the inlet (by fixing manhole cover).

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China


5.3.1 Selection of lifting crane

Project equipment that make important affection to the lifting work are as follows:
Number Description Weight Dimensions (mm)
off (kg)
2 Main Air Compressor (TA20,000) 19,000 4,766 x 3,365x 3,410
2 Booster Air Compressor (TA 55) 7,700 5,080 x 2,845 x 2,232
2 Motor for Main Air Compressor 9,797 2,400 x 1,900 x 2,000
2 Motor for Booster Air Compressor 12,566 1,800 x 1,700 x 2,100
2 Pre-treatment skid 42,000 15,275 x 4,250 x 3,568
2 Cold box 84,000 33,555 x 5,175 x 3,550
2 Compander 9,000 2,500 x 1,200 x 1,000
2 Chilled Water Tower 5,800 Dia 1,600 x 11,600
3 Storage Tank 91,400 Dia 4,300 x 24,140

Among these equipment, the 3 sets of storage tanks with item numbers
T622A/B,T722, are of the most heavy ones in horizontal type. The 2 sets of cold
boxes are required installed vertically with unit weight of 84t, which are the most
difficult ones to be lifted and determine the selection of lifting crane. The 2 sets of
Pre-treatment skids with unit weight 42t are in horizontal type.
On basis of our construction experience and the analysis on the project equipment,
the cold boxes and storage tanks are all intended to be lifted by M250 and 272
crawler crane. The lifting of the cold box shall be tailed by LTM1100 auto crane that
can also be used as the main lifting device for Pre-treatment skid and Main Air
Compressor. Other equipment would be lifted by TG500E 50t capacity auto crane.
5.3.2 Lifting process Work organization
Although there are not many large scale equipment to be lifted in this project, the
entrance and exiting of the crawler crane is the most important point of the work.
Therefore, the above mentioned equipment (equipment to be lifted by 272t crane)
are preferred to be delivered to site centrally, for the large scale crane fulfill the
lifting at one time by entering site at one time.
Other equipment are preferred to be delivered to site centrally for convenient lifting
organization Process parameters:
Main Main crane parameters
Description Weight lifting
Boom Capacity
crane Capacity
length radius

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

Main Auxiliary
Main crane parameters
Description Weight lifting crane
Cold box 84 272t
crane 51.8 13 102.3 100t
Storage Tank 91.4 272t 51.8 13 102.3 ——
42 272t 51.8 18 51.7
Main Air
19 100t 27.8 10 27.2

5.3.3 Please refer to construction plot plan for lifting plot plan.

5.3.4 The crane allocation and application

Type of crane Max. capacity Shift Remarks
Equipments are considered to
M250 272t 12
be delivered centrally
LTM1100 100t 6

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China


5.4.1 Welding analysis

The major material of the pipeline in the air product company concerns carbon steel,
stainless steel and aluminium and magnesium alloy. The welding shall be performed
upon the nature of various materials for assurance of welding quality in compliance
with design requirement. The welding work of stainless steel and aluminium and
magnesium alloy is the critical point of this project, which deserves control as critical
5.4.2 Welding management PQR management

The PQR and WPS must be available prior to process pipeline welding, the welding
principal engineer is required to prepare the WPS suitable to this site construction
and submit by accompanying PQR to Owner/Contractor for confirmation on basis of
considering the material condition of the project and the company accumulated
mature PQR with combination of project condition. Welder management
1) All welder participating project welding work shall subject to examination. The
construction supervisor is responsible for filling in the Acceptable Welder List and
submit to Owner/Contractor relative department for confirmation.
2) During the course of construction, the quality inspector is responsible for taking
continuous tracing to welder performance, who has right to stop the work of the
welder that is not competent for site construction quality requirement and require
him to return the position after re-exam. Welding material management

The key point of welding material management is to: ensure the welding material
quality; ensure the application of correct type of welding material.

The dedicated welding material warehouse shall be set on site. The full time store
keeper is responsible for the management of welding material in-warehouse
registration, drying, issuing and reclaiming with detail requirement as follows:
1) Warehouse
a) The warehouse shall be equipped with dehumidifier and thermometer for
maintaining the house temperature 5-35℃ and humidity 60%.
b) All the in-warehouse welding material must be accompanied with principal material
engineer confirmed quality certificate. The in-warehouse welding material shall be

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

placed in categories and clearly marked up.

2) Material drying
a) The welding foreman shall, one day prior to welding performance, fill in the Welding
Material Requisition Card and give it to storekeeper for electrode drying.
b) The electrode drying shall be carried out separately upon various electrode
categories. The dried electrode shall be duly put into holding oven and labeled for
c) The storekeeper shall make clear electrode drying record.
3) Welding material issuance

The welding material shall be issued upon the requisition car. The welder who
requisite the electrode shall put the electrode into the quiver at the moment the
electrode is in hand. The welder is only allowed to ask for less than 3kg electrode
each time and consume them within 4h. The outstanding ones beyond 4h shall be
re-dried prior to next using. The storekeeper is required to make duly electrode
issuance record.
5.4.3 Welding of stainless steel material Welding process
1. drawing review, → 2. measures preparation, → 3. tech. brief, → 4. bevel
preparation, → 5. fitting up, → 6. tack welding, → 7. welding, → 8. exterior
inspection, → 9. NDT, → 10. recording, → 11. reparation The major problems to be tackled for stainless steel material welding is the joint
corrosion resistance( intergranular corrosion and stress corrosion) and the hot crack
sensitivity, the major measures are as follows:
1) Select compatible welding material.
2) Apply less linear energy, multi-run and multi-layer, speed up joint cooling.
3) Select reasonable assembling sequence, minimize residual stress.
4) Completely root out the grease and other adhesion on welding wire and bevel.
a) The welding method: material DN≤2″ shall be welded by full argon arc welding;
material DN>2″ shall be welded by argon arc welding backing, filled and covered
with SMAW. Prior to application, grease and other matters on the surface of the
welding wire shall be get rid of. The electrode shall be dried as per regulation.
b) The fitting up shall be performed for assurance of neat inner wall joint with max.
miss-match tolerance less than 0.55mm.
c) The tack welding shall be of over-cross type, TIG. The tack welding shall be ground
off prior to formal welding performance. The tack welding should be of 10-20mm

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

long and 2-4mm high.

d) The backing shall be initiated from the middle of the tack welding joint by slight
weaving for assurance of good fusion of the both sides, maintain the back formation
height 1-2mm.
e) The fillet and covering runs is of multi-run type with slight weaving operation, fully
clean the layer, the inter layer connections shall be staggered. During the course of
welding, the layer temperature shall be maintained less than 150℃. Duly clean up
the welding joint surface after welding performance and mark up the joint No. and
welder stamp near the joint.
f) Argon gas should be filled into pipe for the first fillet welding of the backing welding.
g) While performing SMAW filling and covering, the area more than 100mm on both
sides of joint shall be wrapped with asbestos clothe for protection the base metal
from spatter damage.
h) The site welding must be performed as per WPS.
i) The butt welding joint must be subject to NDT as per design requirement, the fillet
joint that is not suitable for NDT shall subject to dying penetration examination.
5.4.4 Aluminium pipe welding
1) The welding area shall maintain cleaning and be equipped with weather proof in
relative humidity no more than 80%, environment temperature no less than 5℃.
2) Set stainless steel backing mat on the back of the weld according to the structure
form, welding position and construction condition.
3) The welding work piece and welding wire shall be treated with acetone prior to
welding to ensure the free of contamination. The welder’s glove shall be made of
white cotton fiber or flax..
4) The miss-matching tolerance of pipeline fitting up shall comply with specification.
5) The welding shall be performed by TIG in AC power supply (i.e. specific aluminium
and magnesium alloy welding machine)
6) In order to minimize the deformation, reasonable welding method or sequence shall
be adopted or stiffening fixing shall be applied with prior consideration of shrinkage.
On basis of complete penetration and fusion, apply large electric current and rapid
welding performance within the WPS allowance as practical as possible. The wire
weaving extent shall be not beyond 3 times the diameter and kept in strict control.
7) During the course of welding, the root of wire shall be isolated from the argon
shielding area, the angle of wire feeding and welding joint surface shall maintain
around 15°. The angle between welding torch and joint surface shall maintain
around 80°~90°.

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

8) During the course of welding, the layer oxidation film, the over height overlap and
other deficiency must be duly removed. The roof of double side welding or backing
welding joint must be gouged by mechanical method.
9) When the nozzle is attached with spatter that affect the air flow, the spatter must be
removed or the nozzle must be replaced. The tungsten electrode shall be repaired
or replaced when the tip of it is polluted or in abnormal shape.

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China


The oil avoidance pipeline such as oxygen pipeline and its other components must
be subject to degreasing prior to system test.
5.5.1 Requirement to cleaning agent
Determine the type of cleaning agent according to integrated condition of plant
process characteristics, cleaning volume, type of cleaning, pipe diameter, pipe
fitting process, etc. The principle is as follows:
1) For scrubbing method: Carbon tetrachloride or PCE
2) For soaking method: Carbon tetrachloride or PCE
3) For circulation cleaning: Carbon tetrachloride
5.5.2 Construction procedure
In principle, carry out the chemical cleaning upon process system (except for large
diameter pipe that is subject to scrubbing cleaning along with the prefabrication), in
the following procedure:
1. preparation of technology, machinery and chemicals, → 2. pipeline interim hand
over after erection, → 3. dismantling parts to be cleaned, → 4. cleaning
classification, → 5. scrubbing cleaning of large diameter pipe spool or vessel, → 6.
equipment attachment, E/I parts soaking, → 7. mini diameter pipeline circulation
cleaning, → 8. nitrogen purging of the cleaning parts, → 9. cleaning part ultraviolet
inspection , → 10. wrapping cleaning parts by plastic sheet for installation, → 11.
reinstalling the dismantled parts, → 12. system pneumatic test
5.5.3 Cleaning classification and key points
1) The prefabricated pipe spool more than DN100 shall be manually scrubbed.
a) The prefabricated and erected pipe spool shall be dismantled for cleaning. The
equipment shall be scrubbed after installation. The instrument shall be scrubbed
prior to installation.
b) Contain the cleaning chemicals in plastic basin or barrel, scrub the internal surface
of pipeline, equipment and instrument with brush, grease free clothe or silk clothe,
long pipe spool may be scrubbed by come-and-go pulling the rag bound with clean
wire (galvanized wire)
c) The cleaned parts shall be placed in clean area and exposed to natural air drying.
d) The cleaned parts shall be subject to degreasing quality inspection with black light
lamp. The acceptable one shall be sealed on the opening with clean plastic sheet.
After cleaning, all the nozzles of equipment must be sealed with plastic sheet for

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

2) The valves and accessories shall be cleaned by soaking method.

a) The valve shall be broken down for degreasing cleaning.
b) The above parts shall be primarily degreasing cleaned by 55℃~80℃ mixture of
metal detergent and water, and flushed to clean by clear water, then blown by
purging air for further cleaning.
c) Put certain dosage of solvent into the plastic basin, place the valve parts into the
solvent for soaking for 30 minutes, turn over the soaked parts at any time for good
degreasing effect.
d) The un-broken down instrument parts or mini equipment shall be filled with mixture
of water and metal detergent for cleaning prior to solvent cleaning, flush them to
clean with clear water and blown with purging air, then, fill in the cleaning solvent.
e) For the filling-in soaking, maintain 30 minutes soaking duration and blow parts to
dry by purging air after spilling out the solvent and subject parts to quality inspection
with black light lamp.
f) The acceptable cleaned parts shall be wrapped with plastic sheet and try to re-
assemble the broken down parts as practical as possible.
3) Mini type pipeline cleaning procedure
a) The process pipeline smaller than DN15 could be degreased by air compression
circulating method on site.
b) This type of pipeline is better cleaned as material prior to prefabrication and
erection, or, the erected pipeline can be cleaned in such way that, connecting the
pipeline to solvent tank through hose connected to both ends of the pipe for site
cleaning. Manufacture the solvent pressure tank with surplus DN150~300 stainless
steel, connect the hose with the site air compressor or plant existing instrument air,
fill cleaning solvent to the tank to its 2/3 voltage. Degrease the pipe by pressurizing
the tank by air with 0.3~0.5MPa to have the solvent spraying inside the pipe through
the hose. The other end of the cleaned pipe is connected to the solvent barrel (or
basin) for recovery.
c) After cleaning the pipe end shall be sealed with plastic sheet for erection.
5.5.4 Quality standard Cleaning quality inspection standard
1) Irradiate the degreased part surface with wave length 3200~3800 Å ultraviolet(black
light) and observe with eyes, the result free of fluorescent indication is regarded
2) When ultraviolet inspection is not suitable, scrub the cleaned part surface with clean
white filter paper, free of grease and dirt is acceptable.

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

3) When the above mentioned methods are not practical, sample the solvent having
been subjected to parts cleaning for grease analysis, the result that grease content
in the sample is less than 350mg/l is acceptable. Pipeline restoration after cleaning:
1) While pipeline restoration, ensure the on line valve, special part and medium in
same flow direction, the valve operation position shall comply with design
2) The pipe supports and hangers, instrument temperature and pressure detecting
elements, fasteners, and sealing elements shall be completely restored in required
system tightness condition without any omit.
5.5.5 Finished product protection
1) No matter what type of cleaning method adopted, performance of pipeline
dismantling or connecting temporary circulation cleaning hose shall not change the
original shape of the pipeline.
2) Temperature and pressure detecting elements, instrument and instrument control
valve on the pipeline must be dismantled and restored by instrument workers.
3) The dismantled parts of the pipeline, no matter to be cleaned or not, shall be in
proper custody for avoidance of damage, loss or contamination.
4) After pipeline cleaning, the pipeline parts shall be duly and cleanly restored; the
parts or openings that are not to be restored on that day must be wrapped or sealed
with clean plastic sheet.
5) Scaffolding used during cleaning course or the dismantling of them shall not knock
on or damage any of the pipeline parts.

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China


Origin or Year of
Equipment Type Capacity Quantity
similar manufacture
Civil Equipment

pile driver D1250 Shanghai 1992 2

Excavtor PC200 0.8m Japan 1993 2

Loader ZL40B 3 m3 Guangzhou 1994 1

Self-unloading dumper CBH320 8t Changchun 1998 4

Bull-dozer TB-140 59kW Luoyang 1996 1

Roller PY180 118 kW Tianjin 1997 1

Vibration roller YZ16 8t/10t Xuzhou 1998 1

Mortar agitator JS-500 200L Shandong 1993 1

Bar-cutter GJ40 6-40mm Chongqing 1994 1

Bar-bender GJB 6-40mm Hefei 1996 1

Bar-straightener 4-14m/m Tianjin 1990 1

Bar welding machine UNI-100 100A Shanghai 1994 1

Concrete cutter HQL12-D 6kW Wenzhou 1996 2

Slab-type vibrator ZW10 3kW Zhejiang 2000 2

Insert-type vibrator ZN50 1.5kW Zhejiang 1996 4

Electric air compressor VY-9/7 9 m3/ min Liuzhou 1997 1

Rammer TV60NK Japan 1999 2

Lifting equipment

Crawler 250t America 1994 1
Truck crane LTM1100 100t Germany 1986 1

Truck crane TG-500E 50t Japan 1985 1

Truck crane NK-160E 16t Japan 1989 1

Dongfeng Motor car EQ144 8t 8t Tianjin 1990 1

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

Origin or Year of
Equipment Type Capacity Quantity
similar manufacture
Double-raw car CA10462 1.5t Changchun 1996 1

Fork car CPC3-K 3t Tianjin 1996 1

Welding and NDE

ZX7-500 400A Chengdu 1993
welding machine 7
Potable welding machine 300A Wenzhou 1994 1

Plasma cutter LGK-100/160 Tianjin 1997 1

Electrode thermostate 101A-4 300℃ Shanghai 1998 1

FIR electrode oven YHD-100 500℃ Jiangshu 1995 1

Electrode drying 202B-3 1

Dehumidifier KQF-5A 2kW Shanghai 1994 1

X Ray machine 300EG- Danding 1997 4

S2 , 250EG-
Ultrasonic detector CTS-26 America 1994 1

Flexiscope Germany 1994 1

Bridge crane L=15 5t 5t Tianjin 1995 1

Magnetic drilling machine 2

Bench drill YWG Φ16 Zhejiang 1998 1

Electric & hydraulic tube YMG 3" Jiangshu 1993 1

Tube bender Z3T-75 3″ Jiangshu 1993 1

Beveling machine DGPJ/80 ~ 2kW Jiangshu 1996 1

Speed cutter Φ400 Jiangshu 1999 4

Erection tools

Toque wrench 11/2" 2

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China

Origin or Year of
Equipment Type Capacity Quantity
similar manufacture
Pneumatic wrench 11/2" 2

Pressure test equipment

Pressure test pump SY350 3kW Shanxi 1993 2

Air compressor 3W-08/10 0.8 m3/ Tianjin 1996 2


Plate shearing machine Q11-3*1500 3kW Dalian 1993 1

Rolling machine 1.4M 3kW Tianjin 1994 1

Edge bender 0.4/0.8 3kW Tianjin 1992 1

Inserting machine CK-1 2kW Shanxi 1992 1

Multi-function seaming BJ-DN 3kW Shanxi 1998 1

Sand blaster SB-1A 5.5kW Hunan 1995 1

Electric air compressor V0.67/7-B 5.5 kW Tianjin 1992 1

Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China


Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA
Address: No. 521, Jingjin Road, Tianjin, China


Proposal for Engineering Design and Construction Service of AHG ASU Project in YANBU, KSA

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