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Complete Full Stack JavaScript development workshop

Colegiul National „Costache Negruzzi” Iași

Clasa a 11a
0756 504 587

1. What’s your motivation for taking part in a web development


My motivation for participation in this workshop comes from the fact that I
want to learn new things about this field, as I have been passionate about it for a
long time. I have never had the chance of using the React framework and I would
also like to improve my skills in web development and in JavaScript, too, and that
is why this workshop seems the best opportunity. Besides, I consider it a very
useful and essential branch of computer science, a field which is worth being
familiar with nowadays.

2. Describe your experience (if any) with web development.

My experience in this field consists of solid knowledge of HTML and CSS

and beginner-level proficiency in JavaScript and PHP. At the same time, I would
like to underline the fact that I am working on the website of my school English
ezine which will be officially released soon.

3. Imagine you are working on an e-commerce application and the first

feedback from the users was that the product pages do not load on
mobile. Moreover, in the browser the pages are loading slowly. How
would you conduct the investigation and what do you think the issues
might be? (It is certain that the backend works properly)

First of all, I would conduct the investigation aiming to identify the problems.
Since the product pages do not load on the mobile, I would assume that the site is
not mobile responsive (it does not proportionally resize itself to different size
screens) or it is not optimised for mobile-first indexing.

Moreover, taking into account the fact that the pages are loading slowly in the
browser, it would make me think about the following 4 main problems: the images
are not properly optimised and this would take a lot of time to process them; it
contains too many design elements, flash animations and media files (or too much
JavaScript, CSS), which will lead to increased HTTP requests; the ping is too high
due to the server location; poor server performance due to the quality of the web

The solutions to these issues would be to look for any opportunity to reduce
(through compression for example) the image file sizes served (since it consumes
almost all of the download bandwidth for a webpage).
Furthermore, it would be a great idea to reduce the number of files that need to be
loaded on a web page and minimize the CSS and JavaScript files, which will also
reduce the number of files that a user will have to download when loading a web
On the other hand, it would be a good alternative not to load the images until you
reach (you scroll) the place where they should be seen. This would be great since I
am working on an e-commerce application with a lot of products picture and there
is no point in loading something that the user might not even see.

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