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Marini Dondo (321419076)

Class D

Interview with Mrs. Karolin Tuwaidan regarding to the implementation of K-13 before
and during Covid-19 Pandemic

Marini : How’s the implementation of K13 learning activities at this school

before / after the Covid-19 pandemic ma’am?
Mrs. Karoline : Of course, the implementation of learning with the K-13
curriculum ran smoothly before the pandemic. But after the
implementation of online learning… of course we to adapted and
accepted the situation. So actually the implementation of K-13
during this pandemic is not as effective as before.

Marini : Is there any special ways that you do that could build students’
motivation to study harder in a pandemic like this ma’am?
Mrs. Karoline : For me actually.. I do give the students’ motivation everyday after
the classes. I try to.. emm... to encourage them. I am happy that we
always had so much fun even though just via Zoom meeting.. so
glad to see them still active during the online classes despite our
current situation

Marini : How do you respond to students who have problems with their
internet connection? Does school give dispensation to them?
Mrs. Karoline : Yes… we do give some dispensation to them. They are allowed to
not joining the classes for fourth times maximal… due to their bad

Marini : As a teacher, what’s the differences between offline and learning

activities ma’am?
Mrs. Karoline : Of course it’s totally different. This is the first time we do the
online learning right? So we have to be familiar with it. Things feel
like… emm we’re not free to do our activities like usual.

Marini : What are the most frequent complaints by the students about online
learning activity ma'am?
Mrs. Karoline : Emmm.. the most common complaints that I heard are.. emm first
is bad internet connection, internet quota, and… some of them still
don’t have their own phone, so… yes. I think that’s it

Marini : What obstacles do you face as an English teacher during this online
learning ma'am?
Mrs. Karoline : for me personally, I had some difficulties in using the apps like
zoom.. emm or Google meet. Because that was my first time and I
was confused at first. I also have to work and try harder.. also give
my best to teach, so that’s such challenging things for me

Marini : Does the implementation of online learning activity affect on the

K13 learning system ma'am?
Mrs. Karoline : Yes it does. We have a lot of activities at school regarding to K-13
curriculum. But as we know, since March we’ve been work at
home so… we had no choice but cancelling the activities and
started to work and studying from home…

Marini : As a teacher, How do you asses the students knowledge and skill
via online learning activity ma’am?
Mrs. Karoline : I created a google form about students’ interests and talents
and give them some assignments like make a video to show their

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