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A4: Reflection in students and

Parents Consultation in F2F

Marc Oliver C. Madera | BET6A-M | November 19, 2021
My Reflection Paper

In today’s Consultation about face-to-face classes in this coming

semester, is very important announcement for us students. It’s been 2 years
since we didn’t meet each other inside the classroom. But for me, this news
has a pros and cons. First, I want to about the pros of bringing back face to
face classes. Number one, there will be no issue regards into internet
connection of every student. This will help student to focus more on face-to-
face classes rather than facing our laptops and watch videos online. For the
cons, this is a big problem for student who is far away in the campus, it
means they cannot participate in face-to-face classes and will remain in the
new normal way of learning which is online class. Possibly they will still
experience the most common issue of having a hard time to understand the
lesson through online. In this meeting, the faculty explained to us how this
will be done. They discussed first the priority of each student before they
can access on face-to-face classes which is the vaccination. I myself, is a
fully vaccinated last September and I’m proud to participate in these face-to-
face classes because I am a traditional learner who can easily understand the
lesson if the prof/teacher is explaining the lesson in front of me. And
honestly, I’m having a hard time to catch up some of the lesson. That’s why
I’m very excited to participate in face-to-face classes. There are a lot to talk
about in this meet but the point of this is to give the student a preparation on
what to do and how these things will work. Because some of the subjects are
applied subject, meaning it should be done by hand and not by your mouse
or laptop. There are some regulations that should be followed and for me,
that is a good plan for TUP-MANILA to make this happen. I saw their plan

of making this possible, and I’m willingly accept and follow all of that
because its for my own safety also. Overall, this meeting is so informative,
and this will help the student to prepare in upcoming face-to-face classes.


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