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International Festival of Innovation on Green Technology 2019, Malaysia 19 - 21 April 2019

for Internasional Science Project
Pribadi Bilingual Boarding School Bandung

Penelitian merupakan salah satu metode pembelajaran yang diterapkan di Indonesia

untuk mempermudah dalam penyampaian materi kepada siswa-siswa di sekolah
menengah. Penelitian dapat mencangkup bidang sains, sosial, dan teknologi. Seperti
fisika, kimia, biologi, matematika, lingkungan, dan rekayasa teknologi.

Penelitian terhadap lingkungan adalah salah satu bentuk penelitian terhadap

kualitas lingkungan sekitar. Tujuan dari penilitian dalam bidang lingkungan
adalah menganalisis permasalahan yang ada di lingkungan sekitar dan mencari
solusi untuk memecahkan permasalan lingkungan tersebut di dalam kehidupan
sehari-hari serta sebagai inovasi dalam green technology. Biasanya penelitian
dilakukan oleh siswa-siswi yang dibantu oleh pembimbing untuk menggembang
ide-ide dan melakukan penelitian.
1. Mengembangkan potensi siswa dalam meneliti dan berinovasi di
bidang sains, sosial, dan teknologi.
2. Mengembangkan wawasan tentang penelitian ilmiah di Indonesia.
3. Mengembangkan kompetisi dan kearifan lokal di kanca
4. Meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia.
5. Mewakili Indonesia dalam event internasional yang diadakan
oleh Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
What is i-FINOG ?
This Program International Festival of Innovation on Green Technology enables student to develop and hone
their creativity and innovation through competition, innovation and creativity in addition to cultivating a
culture of competitive and sustainable innovation among students. This program is one of the best platforms for
students especially to UMP sharing ideas and knowledge in engineering and an innovation to the higher
channels, namely to the University itself or directly to the global level through the opportunities we provide in
this program. The program is expected to serve as a trigger to thinking out of the box and find creative
solutions to each problem faced by the local community.

The aim of i-FINOG is :

To give an impact and benefits directly to the community as well as industry.

Objective :
Enable students to develop and hone their creativity and innovation through innovation and creativity.
Fostering a culture of competitive and sustainable innovation among students.
Impact and benefits directly to the community as well as industry.
Foster the ability to work in a team "Team Working" made up of participants who have various backgrounds.
• In addition, the program is also able to inculcate the ability to work in a team. "Team Work" that
made up of participants who have a variety of backgrounds, and also to cultivate attentive and”
inquisitiveness” students, students need in particular and problems around of the society, they
don’t miss to encourage students to venture into entrepreneurship so that career is in future more
competitive and resilient.
• This program is one of the best platforms for students especially to UMP sharing ideas and
knowledge in engineering and an innovation to the higher channels, namely to the University itself
or directly to the global level through the opportunities we provide in this program. Based on slot
machines that have been planned in the program, is expected to serve as a trigger to thinking out of
the box and find creative solutions to each problem faced by the local community.

INNOVATION, INVENTION,DESIGN, EXPOSITION (ideAs) basically is a viva-oriented

competition, which requires the participants to present their ideas on how to make a better world. The
successful team with the most captivating idea will then be granted with a certain amount of capital
to make their idea a reality.ideAs is a platform for talented young researchers to pitch their ideas on
transforming the community towards a better and sustainable future. Ideas are generated through a
contemporary research and innovation. Through ideAs, the “Power of Ideas” is greatly established
and this ensures the acknowledgement of its commercial value in providing a solution to current
global issues. ideAs as a new category introduced under the i-FINOG starting in 2019.
Candidate and Supervisor
Name : Bintang Cantika Ayuni
Grade : 11
School : Pribadi Bilingual Boarding School Bandung
Address : Jl. Cikutra Baru VII no 2, Bandung
No Contact : 087720367299

Name : Winary Fitria

Grade : 11
School : Pribadi Bilingual Boarding School Bandung
Address : Mustika Hegar Regency Cluster
Mandalawangi no. 1
No Contact : 087722607731

Name : Siti Maisaroh

Occupation : Biology teacher
School : Pribadi Bilingual
v Boarding School Bandung
Address : Victory land block A5, Cilengkrang,
Cijambe - Bandung
No Contact : 085316312385
Project Judul : Brown Algae Alginate Hydrogel (Hormophysa sp) as
Phytoremediation Agent for Textile Industrial Waste
The progress of the industry in the era of globalization that is all-powerful has a negative impact on the environment. An
example is an industry that disposes of waste containing heavy metals without going through filter first because it does not
have a good waste filter tool. The heavy metal waste filtration equipment that is already available is quite expensive, a
large size, and a long installation time. As a solution to deal with this, namely phytoremediation process. Brown algae is
one of the phytoremediation agents because it contains alginate compounds. Alginate contained in brown Algae
(Hormophysa sp) is able to absorb Cu heavy metals with the help of guluronic acid (Manuronate) contained in it, hydrogel
has a role as an absorber in extracting brown algae alginate. Heavy metal liquid waste from the textile industry is filtered
with a filter containing alginate hydrogels, activated charcoal, coral and fiber measuring 30cm x 10cm x 50cm. The filtered
waste was added HNO3 (nitric acid) to test the Cu content in the waste solution, pH measurements were carried out, and
applied to living things to see the effectiveness of the alginate hydrogel filter results. The first stage test results, namely
alginate hydrogel can be a phytoremediation agent because it can reduce Cu metal content in waste. The second stage of
the test results is the amount of Cu content in the waste decreases after filtering. The third stage of the test results, the pH
of the filtration waste decreased from 11 to 8. The results of the fourth phase is Daphnia sp can survive for more than 9
hours in the filtration waste. Making waste filters by utilizing alginate in brown algae and hydrogels can increase the use
value of brown algae and hydrogels. In addition, filter waste by hydrogels alginate can be an innovation in environmentally
friendly waste filter tools at affordable prices for communities and small industries.

Keywords: Alginate Hydrogel, Brown Algae (Hormophysa sp), Waste Filter, Daphnia sp
Berkenaan dengan besarnya jumlah dana diperlukan untuk keberangkatan ke
International Festival of Innovation on Green Technology, maka kami bermaksud
untuk mengajukan permohonan bantuan sponsorship kepada Instansi/ Bapak/ Ibu
agar kami dapat melaksanakan kegiatan tersebut.

Adapun jumlah dana yang dibutuhan adalah sebesar

Rp. 22.000.000 (rincian terlampir)

Apabila instansi Bapak/Ibu berkenan untuk memberikan sponsorship dapat

menghubungi kami di kontak person berikut, serta dapat mentransfer ke rekening :

BNI a.n. Siti Maisaroh : 0458995595

Mandiri a.n Siti Maisaroh : 1300012181296
Mandiri a.n Bintang Cantika Ayuni : 9000034164328

Contact person :
Siti Maisaroh 085316312385
Bintang Cantika 087720367299
Winary Fitria 087722607731
Estimate Cost of i-FINOG 2019
Universitas Malaysia Pahang

Jenis Pengeluaran Biaya Jumlah Total
Biaya kompetisi i-FINOG 6.000.000 1 tim 6.000.000

Tiket pesawat Bandung-Kuala Lumpur Rp. 4.000.000 3 orang Rp. 12.000.000

Akomodasi Rp. 1.000.000 4 malam Rp. 4.000.000

Total Biaya Rp. 22.000.000

Demikian proposal ini kami susun. Besar harapan kami agar mendapat
bantuan sponsor dari segala pihak untuk mendukung kami dalam mengikuti
kompetisi International Festival of Innovation on Green Technology di
Universitas Malaysia Pahang. Kami akan berusaha keras untuk dapat
mengharumkan dan membawa nama baik Bangsa Indonesia dan dapat ikut
serta dalam proses meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan Indonesia. Semoga
Allah SWT senantiasa meridhai semua gerak langkah kita dan mencatatnya
sebagai amal ibadah kepada-NYA, Amin.

Mengetahui Kepala Sekolah Pembimbing


Rahmat Hidayat, S.Sos Siti Maisaroh, S.Pd

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