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Cobra Kai

Chapter 10

The last chapter of this season was pretty amazing, was as if they return to the past. Jhonny and
Cobra Kai Kids were so excited about the tournament especially Miguel, because he wanted to be
made up the relationship with Sam since the last time he was drunk and kicked her accidentally.
One of my favorite moments was how Cobra Kai did his debut since the beginning they showed
power and how prepared they were and for sure, Jonny felt so exited about it. But something new
they never imagine is the decision of Robby to participate in the tournament even Daniel was mad
with him because he lied to him about his relationship with Jhonny. Even do the tournament
started and Kobra kai guys showed their abilities, and Robby did the same with the things Daniel
taught him. And as in the past, the final fight was with Miguel and Robby. Jhonny felt a lot of stress
about the situation, he wanted to win but as a father, he started to act worry because he wanted
to protect Robby because he got injured his arm in the last fight. Daniel decided to help his
student and it feels like the last time they fight. It was a great fight, they are so different in the way
they fight, Miguel started to become the winner and he didn’t want to show mercy to him. But
Jhonny was acting more as a father, than Miguel’s sensei. Miguel was wondering what to do
because he could win in a dirty way, but Jhonny didn’t allow him to do it. Finally, Miguel found the
way to win, and he did. Jhonny was saddest because he knew he is losing something more
important; Robby’s love especially now officially Daniel become his Sensei. And what happens with
Miguel and Sam? She left before the tournament finish, she was very disappointed about the way
Miguel is acting although he won, Sam didn’t want to know anything about him.

Season 2
Chapter 1-2
We got a surprise in the last chapter, Jhonny’s sensei came back. He affected a lot Jhonny, all the
situations he lived with him came back to his memory and they started a fight. In the end, he just
wanted to talk with Jhonny worked together in the dojo. He said he wanted to make up for all the
bad things he did in the past he wants Jhonny to forgive him. In the beginning, Johnny didn’t
believe it, he really hates him. But something for me important is how Jhonny acted even he hurt
him a lot, he gave him a second chance thinking all of us need a second chance.

With the last tournament, Daniel decides to open a dojo too, but the way they teach is so
different. Daniel taught him karate is just to defend themself, is step by step, they had to work as a
team always is a little bit hard to understand the methods and how it will work, always the results
are great. On the other hand, Kobra kai is the opposite - they hit first, don't show mercy, and the
fight finishes when they decided it finish.- Those are some ideas they get to show power.
Robby has become very close to Daniel's family but he didn’t know how his situation is. It's like he
lives alone, he is without food, electricity kind of hard life. He realized when Sam asked if he knows
something about Robby’s life and he knew the reality. He has Jhonny but now that he is with his
sensei, Daniel thought he is a bad example for him.

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