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DECLARATION FORM......................................................2
TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................3
INDIVIDUAL TASK 1..........................................................4

Based on the video which I have thoroughly analysed, I believe that there are
two theories which have being used by the teacher throughout the lesson. The
theories are Skinner’s and Glasser’s building the foundation theory and also Rudolf
Dreikurs Democratic teaching theory.

Skinner’s idea on this theory is that the behaviour of pupils can be shaped by
using positive and negative reinforcements. He believes that when a pupil performs a
desired action and received reward from the teacher, he/she will have the tendency
to repeat the act. The same goes to when the teacher punished the pupil for
misbehaviour, there will be a tendency of pupils avoiding to repeat the same mistake
again. Rudolf Dreikur view of classroom discipline is that learning occurs best in
democratic teaching. He believes that pupils should be allow to take part in the
teaching and learning activities along with the teacher throughout the whole teaching
and learning process. In Dreikur’s view, teacher has to engage pupils actively in
classroom activities.

In the beginning of the video, we can see that the pupils greeted the teacher
before the class start. This is where Skinner’s theory can be seen applied because
pupils have already being trained to stand and greet the teacher before the teacher
starts teaching the lesson. I believe that the teacher would have stated it in the
classroom rules where the pupils have to do such action every time before a lesson
starts. Such behaviour must be constantly drilled so that pupils will be able to get use
in performing the action.

Besides that, Skinner’s theory can also be seen applied when the teacher
used positive verbal comments such as ‘ Well done’ , ‘Very good’ , ‘Give yourself a
clap’ for praising pupils when they answered a question correctly or they followed the
instructions of the teacher well. This action done by the teacher was most probably to
encourage pupils to continue their good act and as a compliment to which they have
did well. By giving such positive comments to pupils, they will have a sense of
accomplishment which would encourage them to continue behaving well and also
listen to the teacher’s teaching.

However, in the video, I observed that the teacher gave more positive verbal
comments to pupils as a whole rather than an individual. For example, in the

beginning of the lesson, the teacher asked a few pupils to help paste the word cards
on the board. In my opinion, the teacher should have given praise to the pupils who
came up to paste the word cards as a compliment for their good effort. By giving
compliments to them, pupils will gain sense of satisfaction by listening to the
teacher’s compliments to them. Thus, it might also being able to influenced other
pupils in having the urge to be complimented by the teacher, hence, making them to
be more eager in participating in the lesson.

The second theory which I believe to have being applied in the teaching
process is Dreikur’s Democratic teaching theory. The teacher used democratic
approach throughout her lesson which can be seen when the teacher involves the
whole class in her activities, for example asking the whole class to read and spell the
words on the words cards rather than selecting only one pupil per time to read it. By
doing so, the teacher automatically creates a learning environment which makes
pupils feel belonged to. It is important for the teacher to create a positive classroom
environment to ensure that maximum output can be given and input can be gained
by the pupils.

In the video, Dreikur’s theory can also be seen applied when the teacher
involved the pupils in the singing part of the lesson. One of Dreikur’s view on the
theory was pupils have to demonstrate their learning in public setting and receive
public feedback. Just as what can be seen in the video, the pupils were able to
demonstrate their learning by singing the song along with actions which had being
taught by the teacher. Hence, after the pupils have sung the song, the teacher gave
immediate feedback on the performance of the pupils.

Last but not least, as I observed the whole video, I figured that there were a
few aspects which the teacher should pay attention to. The first will be the teacher
should use more variation of reinforcements to encourage pupils’ positive behaviour.
As we can see in the video, when the teacher asked for volunteers to come up and
paste the word cards on the board, there were only minority of the pupils who raised
the hands. Therefore, to encourage pupils to actively participate themselves, the
teacher should come up with different reinforcements such as preparing a reward
chart or using the token system. For example, the teacher can tell ‘whoever raises
their hands to answer teacher’s request will be rewarded’, by doing this, it can help to
stir up pupils eagerness of earning the reward or token, thus making them wanting to
raise their hands.

The second aspect is the way the teacher selects pupil to paste the word
cards on the board. In the video, we can see that there were a few pupils who raised
their hands but not all have the opportunity to be called to the front and paste the
word cards on the board. In my opinion, I think that the way the teacher selects pupil
in random to paste the word cards might not be very appropriate because there will
certainly be pupils who are not being chosen and they might feel left out or not being
given attention by the teacher. Therefore, the teacher should come up with ways to
choose pupil in a fairer way, for example using the game ‘musical box’ where the
pupils have to pass the box around while the music plays and when the music stop ,
the pupil who is holding the box will get the come up and paste the word cards. By
doing so, there would be less sense of unfairness.


Chapter 2: Building the Foundation . (n.d.). Retrieved from fscedu325:

Logical Consequences (Dreikurs) . (21 January, 2013). Retrieved from models of


Rudolf Dreikurs. (n.d.). Retrieved from ULMClassroomManagement:

Theoritical Perspectives. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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