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Lesson 1: Speaking

ENGLISH 2. How much is your pocket money?

Consumerism and Financial Awareness
I receiveSpeaking
_______ per week from my
2.1.1 Ask about and give detailed information about themselves and others
Form 1
3.1.4 Use with some support familiar print and digital resources to check meaning
3. For what 1 kind of expense, you spend your pocket
1. What is money? I usually buy clothes and food.

How to define?
Money iselaborate
a currentan
medium 1. Relate to object and action related to the
How to idea? of exchange in the form of coins
1. banknotes
and Write all the
topoints related
purchase to
goods2. orUse not or do not
3. Similar meaning words
the topic given.
 ____________________
What is your achievement 4. The consumerist society we live in these
 ____________________ for today’s lesson?
days is characterised by the desire to buy
 ____________________ ever more things. We feel happy when we
 ____________________ A2 make purchases and material possessions
 ____________________ B1
can make our lives feel fulfilled. State your
 ____________________ opinion.
2. Build shorter sentences. C2
3. Ideas, words and phrases are
Modern life requires many

repeated. possessions to live secure life. We think

4. Use of transitions, signalling DO YOU KNOW?
The Romans were pursue physical possessions will make us
and summary statements. the first to stamp
5. Use personal pronouns the image of a happy and comfortable. Furthermore,
living person on a
6. Use of vocal variety and
coin. we are more susceptible to advertising
body language.
than we believe. Moreover, we are

hoping to impress other people by

display our possessions in order to gain

respect from them. And undoubtedly

because we seek to satisfy our

Possessions, secure life, pursue, susceptible, discontent with material things such as

display, gain respect, confidence, recover look for confidence or seek to recover

from loss or loneliness.

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