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I think I am good at memorizing academic things, especially whenever I am enjoying the content.

Ever since
my early school days, I remember not having difficulties to retain information on my mind. In my opinion,
this is a big deal. I am also good at working in group on papers, even though I dislike it at all. I am not that
kind of person that takes the all responsibilities to yourself. I am just truly responsible with my duties,
always doing my part properly. My secret to not burn out with irresponsible people is to choose well my
group partners and, in the case of someone is not responsible, to take it out from the group or just to give in
that it will not help the group and divide its tasks with the rest of the group. Finishing, I am sure I am
excellent at complaining and being impatient, except for group papers, as I have just said it. In relation to
complaining, I often do that whenever whatever does not happen how ever I want to. I have been trying to
fix this my bad point as well as my impatience.
I think I am good at memorizing academic things, especially when I enjoy the content. Ever since my early
school days, I remember not having difficulties to retain information on my mind. In my opinion, this is a
big deal. I am also good at working in group on papers, even though I dislike it at all. I am not that kind of
person that takes the all responsibilities to myself.

[adverbs of frequency = simple present]

I am just truly responsible with my duties and I always do my part properly. My secret to not burn out with
irresponsible people is choosing well my group partners and if someone is not responsible, we take him/her
out from the group or we just give in that he/she will not help the group and divide his/her tasks with the rest
of the group.

Finishing, I am sure I am excellent at complaining and being impatient, except for group papers, as I have
just mentioned it. In relation to complaining, I often do that whenever something does not happen the way I
imagined. I have been trying to fix this weakness as well as my impatience.

As well as free universal education, free healthcare is a great accomplishment of the modern countries. This
breakthrough is about ensuring the human rights for all human beings and it should not be seen as a simple
concession. It is widely important that the healthcare system tenets are truly based in order to ensuring its
excellent functioning. In this way, this public system is safeguarding a properly healthcare delivery. Besides
that, it is also deeply fundamental that the healthcare model is based on health surveillance as the main way
to guarantee the health promotion, as well as a construction of a strong family medicine is the main and
easier getaway of the health cares. All of this is necessary in order to avoiding the private initiate from
taking over the healthcare delivery, which it should be just a complement device of the healthcare assistance.
In spite of the Brazilian model had been based incredibly well, our huge problem is the awful and
unqualified authorities which we unfortunately have in the government.
As well as free universal education, free healthcare is a great accomplishment of the modern countries. This
breakthrough is about ensuring the human rights for all human beings and it should not be seen as a simple
concession. It is widely important that the healthcare system tenets are truly based in order to ensure its
excellent functioning.

In this way, this public system is safeguarding a properly healthcare delivery. Besides that, it is also deeply
fundamental that the healthcare model is based on health surveillance as the main way to guarantee the
health promotion, as well as a construction of a strong family medicine is the main and easier getaway of the
health cares.

All of this is necessary in order to avoid the private initiate from taking over the healthcare delivery, which it
should be just a complement device of the healthcare assistance. In spite of having been based incredibly
well, the Brazilian model has as a huge problem the awful and unqualified authorities which we
unfortunately have in the government.

1- in spite of + verb -ing

2- despite + verb -ing

even being
even though + subject [it is.....]

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